#worst shit ive ever seen core
lttm · 1 year
ok how do i change this. 2 for size
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amber-angel · 7 months
Insane insane I am. I saw Kyle Adams perform and he was the guy who sang Drink With Me but angry (revolutionary btw). And maybe it's just been too long since I saw it but if that post is true holy fuck this man is so good at his job and that is exactly what I would do if I could play Grantaire. He got the role and understood the assignment and executed it PERFECTLY. King shit
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corvidcall · 2 years
ive been a halfhearted dnd defender for a minute, bc i was really involved in indie ttrpg twitter for a while and I Am Not Anymore because frankly. it just got too hostile and crab bucket-y. a lot of people acting like critical role or dimension 20 were opposing them by playing a game that had widespread brand recognition (and also getting mad whenever critrole played something OTHER than dnd. i haven't forgotten how hostile everyone i knew in that scene was when critrole played monster hearts. like what do you want??) or like people who play dnd are popular jocks and people who play indie games are bullied nerds. when actually we're all nerds. nobody is cool here.
and i would especially get frustrated when people would recommend games to play instead of dnd that are not at all a comparable experience, or didnt have the same things people liked in dnd. sure, you could play Masks if you want to play a superhero game instead of just reskinning DnD, but Masks is about teens, and the fact that you're playing as teens is core to the mechanics, so it's not a good suggestion for someone who wants to play as adult superheroes. sure you can suggest someone play Blades in the Dark if they want to play a heist team, but BitD is incredibly punishing! every time ive played it, it felt almost impossible to get a full success at anything. that can be fun, if that's the kind of game you want, but if i want to play a game where i feel cool and like im good at things, then BitD is not a good replacement! I cant tell you how many times I've seen people say that you don't need to just reskin dnd when there are games that are more specifically tailored to the experience you want, and then in the same breath act like the games they're suggesting ARENT specific actually and can be used to craft any kind of experience you want. Is the genre baked into the mechanics, or isnt it? because it cant be both!
and thats not even getting into when people would suggest replacements that aren't even close. a lot of "dnd sucks nobody should ever play dnd. instead of dnd, why don't you play MY game, where youre a couple thats getting married in 2 months and you're still planning your wedding?" like... why would i play that instead of dnd, if i want to play dnd? those have nothing in common, beyond the fact that theyre both tabletop games. it's like saying "Instead of watching Star Wars, you should watch Get Out!" sure, they're both MOVIES, and Get Out is GOOD, but i think to suggest that someone who wants to watch Star Wars would have an equal if not better experience watching Get Out instead devalues both. They're not interchangeable because they're trying to do entirely different things
So I would get incredibly frustrated when people acted like people who were choosing to play DnD were just making a mistake, and that they couldn't possibly be getting anything out of playing that game specifically
ALL THAT BEING SAID wizards of the coast sucks ass and they can clean my balls. they should get put in the stocks and i should get to pelt them with tomatoes. i like playing in the sword and sorcery fantasy setting, and dnd was always my go-to game for that because Dungeon World is the worst game I've ever played (i can think of one or two other games in the same sort of setting, but i haven't tried them or met anyone willing to run them) but ah well. WotC can eat shit for this copyright bullshit
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lixxen · 4 months
hello beloved mutual lixxen. im curious of about danny phantom! ive seen your reblogs of it, and i was wondering if you could explain the premise of it? bc my memory of it was a kids show from nickelodeon, but it seems super popular. is it still running??
anyways it seems kind of fun, im thinking of starting it
Welcome back to Lixx explaining hyperfixations!!
Danny Phantom is a children's cartoon from 2004 that has three seasons and a graphic novel (that came out last year) (the show has been done for twenty years)
It focuses on Daniel Fenton, who is a 14 year old who lives in a small town somewhere in the northern Midwest of the US (near Wisconsin but not in it). His parents are scientists/inventors who are obsessed with ghosts. They create a portal that should bring them to the Ghost Zone, a special realm that ghosts come from, but it doesn't work. Danny does inside of it and turns it on, which turns him into a Halfa. A Halfa is a half ghost, half human. He canonically dies twice in the show. I will not elaborate on how this kid just dies a few times.
The show follows Danny and his friends (and various classmates and reoccurring cast) as he learns how to use his powers and fight off ghosts along the way!
The cast includes:
His older sister Jazz, who is actually a really good big sister who cares a lot even if she's overbearing
Sam, his main love interest who is a Jewish goth girl and doesn't eat meat
His best friend Tucker, who is a techno nerd who loves meat
The A-Listers, who are the popular kids
Valerie, who is a love interest and enemy at certain points
His parents Maddie and Jack, who are overbearing and can be kinda crazy at times
Vlad, his not uncle who is fucking insane and a main bad guy. In love with Maddie
Plus various others!!
The fandom is very active and old. There are regular Tumblr/AO3 events that happen every year with a schedule and there is a steady fanon that has been built around the show that is basically canon (or supported by the canon). The creator, Butch Hartman, is a bigoted asshole who everyone hates.
The show is very fun and it is bingeable. It has a specific formula and is predictable at times. But also, it's very grim because you slowly realize that this 14 year old kid is literally carrying the weight of a realm on his shoulders and is living a double life where his parents basically want him dead and gone while loving his alive self
The fandom loves gore/whump.
I'm not kidding.
I have written a handful of gore fics for this show and tbh they're not even the worst things ever. If you've ever want to see some of the most jaw dropping whump and gore, this fandom has it.
We have fics that are literally the best written alternate universes and have nothing to do with the original show besides characters and death. Like. There's bound books of that specific fic. I haven't read it but it's long and it will make you sob
Some things that are lore building/fanon shit that everyone knows:
Ghost obsessions (you'll know it when you see it)
Ghost cores having specific effects on ghosts (it's canon but not really talked about in canon for more than two seconds)
Danny having allergic reactions to blood blossoms outside of his ghost form
Ghost speak being a ghost language all ghosts speak
Wes Weston and Kyle Weston being unnamed background characters that the fans took and made into full characters. It's actually cool as fuck. They're fully functioning characters and I love them
Death echoes/death days
I will warn that whatever feelings you have regarding to ships needs to be kicked to the side. All things go for ships here. Don't like the ship/don't condone it, don't interact with ir. You will waste your breath trying to play police over ship
Ships also have names. Platonic AND romantic ships. Here's some I can name off the top of my head:
Pitch pearl: Danny/Phantom (Danny gets split into a ghost and human form at one point)
Amethyst ocean: Danny/Sam
Savant Par: Danny/Tucker
Everlasting trio: Danny/Tucker/Sam
Badger cereal: Danny & Vlad (I think????)
Swagger Bishie/Golden Twinkie: dash/Danny
Pink astronaut: Danny/Paulina
Gray Ghost: Danny/Valerie
So yeah lol
This is my most read fic I think. I am gonna start writing again for DP soon. I love reading them
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(here's my AO3 fic tags from my bookmarks for DP)
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knightbugs · 9 months
-- DISCLAIMER: this liveblog fucking sucks and to understand my thought process you need to either read it while watching the bad batch or you need to have every episodes events completely memorised -- the droids are silly
this caleb guy looks about 12 whys his voice so deep
holy shit is that the bad batch from bad batch theyre here in bad batcj
omg crosshair is there
wrecker is just heavy tf2 ?? <- guy who has never played tf2
NEEEEERD (affectionate) (directed at tech obviously)
i like this woman i like how she talks she sounds like kanaya from homestuck ? like how ive seen her portrayed. the way she says 'do what they do' as if shes saying it in quotation marks i like tgat
hunter (i think ?) did a little slide in the snow that was cool
crosshair why are you shooting this kid
crosshair is stereotypical-queercoded-villain-core listen to him talking
why os it raining is this pathetic fallacy
longass alien lady hi
the guys aer arguing
'you WANT to sit with us? that's never happened before' they're just like me fr
echo is fucking died
gonna go to the hairdressers and ask for the hunter bad batcg cut
this fellas got goofy pants hes observing them in the lasertag arena
this is like ultrakill thats like the drones from ultrakill
THEY FUCKING KILED WRECJER NOO someon get him a bandaid STAT
i like the sparks frkm the guns
is there a guide somewhere to interpreting these hand signals i wanna do that
i like how Sharp goofy pants mans design is
omega: let mecome with youuuuu hunter: you are literally 12 fuck off
how is omegas head thingy attached how does that work
Creature Noises ?!
tech shut UP about his programming
there's guys ???????? like a little village
i like how you can see techs eyes it makes him look less hostile which makes sense because hes a NEEEEEEEERD
crosshair is monarchist scum sorry ✌️
bad batch ipad theyer like bts to her /j
i hope this doesn't make me start talking in an australian accent oh god
Oh there's a guy there Oh theres many guys
oh they're naked (NO armour)
omwgas in JAIL
crosshair stop being all edgy you little bitch. 'good soldiers follow orders' youve been propaganda'd so hard boy. you are not immune to propaganda garfield image
'youre angry' NO SHIT OMEGA ok he basically just said that
is omega their tgerapist now
bruuuuh they took crosshai
homeboys being Analysed
don't intensify his programming !!!!! bitchass
this is so unethical all of it
theres so much good textures on this sjow
soery i will nevr shut up about boobies
'try it again. a little harder.' THATS WHAT SHE SAIIIIID
oh my god its 2am. fucking hell i need to get to snoozin
ok i will finish the remaining 10 minutes tomorrow morning. (i did not do that, i stayed up to finish it)
they done poked around in his brain !!
oh my god the textures on this. im going insane
ah hell no he sjot wrecker in the boob
did they just like. abandon crosshair. i mean fair enough ig itd be pretty dangerous to try to un-fuckup his brain or what ever
omega was forced to eat cement when she was 6
oh they know a guy
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crqelsummer · 1 year
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another Thought ive finally had —
kimiko is, at her core, someone who completely disregards reality bc shes never been forced to face it before.
like shes so heavily disconnected from her classmates as a person just because izuku and shouto have done everything and more to keep her from having to experience the worst the world has to offer. theyve seen their shit, theyve been through their shit. they adore kimiko more than anything and if that means sheltering her from every opinion and scenario that might hurt her, then so be it. in turn, shes pretty unaware of most things. shes happy go lucky, easily pushed to tears (though this is more likely a midoriya trait), and toxically positive because ‘you can power through anything as long as you put your mind to it!’
but what happens whens shes living away from home, at the mercy of her classmates who jeer at her for being a legacy student? how about when she has to face the reality of being behind everyone else by years? what about when she has to learn not everything is so black and white, and that the society that shes grown to uphold is nothing more than a hastily rebuilt house of cards held together by duct tape and prayers?
what about when she finds the heroes cant save everyone? what about when she finds that heroes were never infallible? what about when she finds out not everything can be fixed with a smile and some elbow grease?
because people can hurt her. and they will. emotionally, verbally, physically. and this has never happened before. the world feels so cold as it bears down on the youngest midoriya, and she doesnt know if she can make it out with her head intact — or her heart.
this is to say i dont think kimiko ever really becomes jaded like izuku does. no, i think kimiko is just so stupidly happy-go-lucky and positive that she just drives right over the jaded bit, smiling until the very end and then she breaks down into tears. because it is her fault. somethings will be her fault and they arent things she can fix. and shes trying and failing miserably to roll with the punches because shes incapable of making decisions for herself and trying to work herself out of the people pleaser role. makoto jumpstarts her awareness on who she is without mako — no one, effectively bc so much of her personality is tied up with hers and its scary to admit she sees herself as more of a tool than a person with more complex feelings than happy and sad.
like makoto and katsuki, i dont think this was the goal for izuku and shouto. the former being bullied to an inch of his life and the latter being abused within an inch of his, who wouldnt want to spoil a child with a better life than yours was by a mile? except then they take it too far and kimiko has no coping mechanisms -- because shes very simply never had to cope.
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angstysebfan · 3 years
The Past Can Break You - 2
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
AU: Avengers
Summary: You and Bucky have been dating for aa few years. As far as you’re concerned he is the one. But what happens when a blast from the actual past shows up?
A/N: Ive seen a lot stories of Bucky getting his first love from the 40′s back. And I’ve always wondered... what would happen if he was dating someone already? Reader is from this time. Not proofread.
Warning: Smut 18+ only please
When Bucky made it up to your shared room he slowly and silently opened the door. You were sitting on your bed, your back facing the door, but he could tell you were crying by the shaking of your shoulders. It broke his heart to see you so upset.
He closed the door behind him and walked over to sit next to you. He wrapped his metal arm around your waist and pulled you into his embrace. You then openly sobbed into his chest. Bucky caressed your back and kissed you on the head, allowing you to cry.
When you started to calm down you sighed deeply, sniffed, and said, “Are you going to break up with me now?”
Bucky’s heart completely broke. He put his finger under your chin, forcing you to look at him. “No, baby. Of course not. I love you. I love you so much! Why would you think that?” He asks.
“Because before we started dating you told me about Dot and how much she meant to you. You were going to propose when you got home from the war. Well here is your chance to live the life you wanted with the girl you wanted,” you say as tears again start to leak from your eyes.
“Baby, I’m not the same man I was then. Yes, I still have love for Dot, but I’m so madly in love with you. I promise,” he said, kissing your forehead, nose, and then lips.
“I’m going to help Dot become acclimated to the world now, and help her settle. But I promise I will always be here for you, ok?” He asks.
You nod, feeling slightly better. “I love you,” you say.
“I love you too. I’ve gotta get down to the lab. I promised Dot I would be down there with her. But I won’t be long,” he says before kissing you again and then leaving.
You sit and wait for him, hoping it wouldn’t take too long. But after 4 hours you give up on him and go to sleep. You hope that he will keep his word on still loving you. You don’t want to lose him. You love him too much.
- -
1 month later
Over the last several weeks, you’ve only seen Bucky’s about a handful of times. He’s always off with Dot, helping her learn the ways of today, and helping her deal with her “trauma”. Every time he tries to give you a little time she always calls for him saying how upset she is or that she’s about to have a panic attack. You try and be understanding but at the same time it’s really starting to annoy you.
One of the worst things is that he barely even sleeps with you anymore. This morning you woke up to an empty bed, yet again, and head downstairs for breakfast. When you got down to the common room you heard the sound of Dot’s giggles and saw her sitting on the couch with Bucky, her feet on his lap. At that point you lost your appetite, so you went up to the roof instead.
After an hour you hear the door to the roof open as you’re staring off into the distance. You feel arms wrapped around your waist as a stubble chin rest on your shoulder. You decide to ignore him and continue staring off into the distance and several thoughts past of your mind.
“Was looking for you,” Bucky said as he kissed your shoulder. “Why you up here all alone?”
You sigh, “well I’m used to being alone a lot these days. And I guess I didn’t feel like sitting there watching you and Dot flirt in the common room,“ you say annoyed.
You hear him sigh behind you as he puts his forehead on your shoulder. “I know, and I’m so sorry that I haven’t been around much. I’m just trying to do my best to help her,” He said.
“I promise I’ll try and do better at managing my time so that I can spend more time with my girl,“ he says as he kisses the back of your head and trails kisses all the way down to your neck.
He turns you around in his arms and rests his forehead on yours. Before you know it you are both swaying to no music, until Bucky starts singing your song. You wrap your arms around his neck as you both slow dance to your song as Bucky sings. When he finishes you kiss him passionately.
“Tonight we will have date night. No Dot, no interruptions, just you, me, and that new lingerie you bought a few weeks ago,” he says as he continues to sway you.
You smile widely at the thought of spending a night alone with your boyfriend. “Oh Bucky, that sounds amazing! I’ve missed you so much, and I get what your doing, but it’s hard,” you say.
“I know. I’ve been neglecting you and it ends now. You are my priority, not Dot. And I’m sorry. Let me make it up to you. Tonight,” he says.
You kiss him in reply.
- -
Later that night, after dinner and another bout of dancing, you come out of the bathroom with your new lingerie set. You stand in the doorway staring at your half naked boyfriend. Bucky’s eyes darken with lust as he starts to stalk towards you like a lion about to pounce.
“You look good enough to eat, baby,” he says huskily. He then pulls you into his arms with a searing kiss.
He leads you to the bed and throws you on it, before jumping on top, connecting your lips again. His hand travels down to your core and he moves your panties to the side, putting pressure on your clit. He starts rubbing at an intensely fast pace, making you lose your breath. Very quickly he pulls your first orgasm from you.
Before you come back to earth you feel your new panties being ripped from you, as well as the bra. Bucky loved to rip your underwear all the time. He kissed his way down your stomach to your wet core and dove in. Your back arched off the bed.
“Oh my god, Bucky!” You moaned as your hand pulled his hair.
He then stuck two metal fingers into you and started pumping. You knew it wouldn’t be long now. You couldn’t stand the amazing sensation of his fingers and tongue. You started to feel the build up of pressure in your belly.
“Bucky! I’m going to cum,” you cry as you again orgasm on his face.
After a moment Bucky kisses his way back up your lips. You taste yourself on his tongue, which makes you wetter, if that’s possible. “You are the best thing I have ever tasted, Doll. Truly exquisite,” he says.
He then pulls off his pants and boxers before lining up with you. He slowly starts to push in, which feels amazing. After a moment he completely bottoms out in you. He kissed you, and just as he is about to thrust, you are both interrupted by FRIDAY.
“Sergeant Barnes, Ms. Jones is requesting to see you sir,” she says.
Bucky groans into your neck, “Tell her I’m busy and we’ll talk in the morning,” he says.
“I’m sorry sir, but she appears to be having a panic attack and having trouble breathing,” FRIDAY says.
“Shit,” Bucky says as he pulls out of you and grabs his sweats. He looks at you guiltily, “I’m sorry. I’ll be back in 10 minutes tops, and then we can finish what we started,” he says before running out the door.
You stare at the door as it closes in shock. He just left you in the middle of sex for his ex. What the hell! You lay there and wait, but after 2 hours you decide to get dressed in sweats and a t-shirt. You take your ruined lingerie and throw it out. You lay back on your bed thinking about how you will have a stern discussion when he comes back.
Before you know it, another 2 hours go by and it’s the middle of the night. You’re more than angry, now you are hurt. You grab your pillow and your blanket and leave your shared room with Bucky, and head to your old room. After locking the door, you inform FRIDAY not to let anyone, especially Bucky in. You climb into bed and allow a few tears before falling asleep.
- -
Bucky woke up the next morning disoriented. When he realized he was still in Dot’s room he panicked. After he finally got Dot to calm down last night he went to leave but Dot begged him to stay until she fell asleep. He must have dozed off too. He quickly got out of the bed and quietly exited the room.
Steve was coming down the hall and saw Bucky’s coming out of Dot’s room. “ why are you in Dot‘s room?” Steve asked.
“She had a panic attack last night and I came to calm her down and fell asleep. Y/N is going to be so pissed at me,” Bucky said.
“Wasn’t last night date night?” Steve asked.
Bucky nodded, “Yea and Dot interrupted right in the middle of sex. I left Y/N there naked on the bed like a jackass,” Bucky said angrily.
“You left her in the middle of sex to deal for your ex!? Why didn’t you ask me to deal with it?” Steve yelled.
“I don’t know. Dot says she only feel comfortable with me. I’m just trying to help her. But I’m going to lose my girl in the process. I’ll talk to Dot later about it, but things have to change. I can’t keep ignoring my girl,” Bucky said.
Steve nodded, “Yeah, we’ll good luck with talking to her after last night,” he said before slapping Bucky’s shoulder and leaving.
Bucky sighed and went to your shared room, only to see that you weren’t there. He checked the kitchen, common room, roof, gym, and lab but couldn’t find you. The last place he went was to your old bedroom. He found the door locked, which told him he found you.
“FRIDAY, can you please open the door?” He asked the AI.
“I’m sorry Sergeant Barnes. But I was requested by Agent Y/L/N to not let anyone, especially you in,” FRIDAY said.
Bucky’s heart dropped. He really messed up.
- -
Chapter 1 / Chapter 3
A lot happening in this chapter. Bucky being stupid, but at least he is aware. Now can he fix it? will the reader let him? And what else will Dot do? Feedback is appreciated!
Permanent Taglist:  @hailmary-yramliah @tuiccim @comedictragedy @cap-n-stuff @thefridgeismybestie @swiftmind @aleaisntcreative @lookiamtrying @pinknerdpanda @morganclaire4 @iamvalentinaconstanza @verygraphicink @im-squished @joannie95 @peace-love-hobbitness @connie326 @amandamdiehl @harrysthiccthighss @its-izzys @roserose26 @rebekahdawkins @elegantobservationstudentsblog @broco8 @shinykoalacat @white-wolf1940 @jessyballet
Story Taglist: @afuckingshituniverse @wintrfld 
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shortnotsweet · 3 years
Bakudeku: A Non-Comprehensive Dissection of the Exploitation of Working Bodies, the Murder of Annoying Children, and a Rivals-to-Lovers Complex
I. Bakudeku in Canon, And Why Anti’s Need to Calm the Fuck Down
II. Power is Power: the Brain-Melting Process of Normalization and Toxic Masculinity
III. How to Kill Middle Schoolers, and Why We Should
IV. Parallels in Abuse, EnemiesRivals-to-Lovers, and the Necessity of Redemption ft. ATLA’s Zuko
V. Give it to Me Straight. It’s Homophobic.
VI. Love in Perspective, from the East v. West
VII. Stuck in the Sludge, the Past, and Season One
It needs to be said that there is definitely a place for disagreement, discourse, debate, and analysis: that is a sign of an active fandom that’s heavily invested, and not inherently a bad thing at all. Considering the amount of source material we do have (from the manga, to the anime, to the movies, to the light novels, to the official art), there are going to be warring interpretations, and that’s inevitable.
I started watching and reading MHA pretty recently, and just got into the fandom. I was weary for a reason, and honestly, based on what I’ve seen, I’m still weary now. I’ve seen a lot of anti posts, and these are basically my thoughts. This entire thing is in no way comprehensive, and it’s my own opinion, so take it with a grain of salt. If I wanted to be thorough about this, I would’ve included manga panels, excerpts from the light novel, shots from the anime, links to other posts/essays/metas that have inspired this, etc. but I’m tired and not about that life right now, so, this is what it is. This is poorly organized, but maybe I’ll return to fix it.
Let’s begin.
Bakudeku in Canon, And Why Anti’s Need to Calm the Fuck Down
There are a lot of different reasons, that can be trivial as you like, to ship or not to ship two (or more) characters. It could be based purely off of character design, proximity, aversion to another ship, or hypotheticals. And I do think that it’s totally valid if someone dislikes the ship or can’t get on board with his character because to them, it does come across as abuse, and the implications make them uncomfortable or, or it just feels unhealthy. If that is your takeaway, and you are going to stick to your guns, the more power to you.
But Bakudeku’s relationship has canonically progressed to the point where it’s not the emotionally (or physically) abusive clusterfuck some people portray it to be, and it’s cheap to assume that it would be, based off of their characterizations as middle schoolers. Izuku intentionally opens the story as a naive little kid who views the lens of the Hero society through rose colored glasses and arguably wants nothing more than assimilation into that society; Bakugou is a privileged little snot who embodies the worst and most hypocritical beliefs of this system. Both of them are intentionally proven wrong. Both are brainwashed, as many little children are, by the propaganda and societal norms that they are exposed to. Both of their arcs include unlearning crucial aspects of the Hero ideology in order to become true heroes.
I will personally never simp for Bakugou because for the longest time, I couldn't help but think of him as a little kid on the playground screaming at the top of his lungs because someone else is on the swingset. He’s red in the face, there are probably veins popping out of his neck, he’s losing it. It’s easy to see why people would prefer Tododeku to Bakudeku.
Even now, seeing him differently, I still personally wouldn’t date Bakugou, especially if I had other options. Why? I probably wouldn’t want to date any of the guys who bullied me, especially because I think that schoolyard bullying, even in middle school, affected me largely in a negative way and created a lot of complexes I’m still trying to work through. I haven’t built a better relationship with them, and I’m not obligated to. Still, I associate them with the kind of soft trauma that they inflicted upon me, and while to them it was probably impersonal, to me, it was an intimate sort of attack that still affects me. That being said, that is me. Those are my personal experiences, and while they could undoubtedly influence how I interpret relationships, I do not want to project and hinder my own interpretation of Deku.
The reality is that Deku himself has an innate understanding of Bakugou that no one else does; I mention later that he seems to understand his language, implicitly, and I do stand by that. He understands what it is he’s actually trying to say, often why he’s saying it, and while others may see him as wimpy or unable to stand up for himself, that’s simply not true. Part of Deku’s characterization is that he is uncommonly observant and empathetic; I’m not denying that Bakugou caused harm or inflicted damage, but infantilizing Deku and preaching about trauma that’s not backed by canon and then assuming random people online excuse abuse is just...the leap of leaps, and an actual toxic thing to do. I’ve read fan works where Bakugou is a bully, and that’s all, and has caused an intimate degree of emotional, mental, and physical insecurity from their middle school years that prevents their relationship from changing, and that’s for the better. I’m not going to argue and say that it’s not an interesting take, or not valid, or has no basis, because it does. Its basis is the character that Bakugou was in middle school, and the person he was when he entered UA.
Not only is Bakugou — the current Bakugou, the one who has accumulated memories and experiences and development — not the same person he was at the beginning of the story, but Deku is not the same person, either. Maybe who they are fundamentally, at their core, stays the same, but at the beginning and end of any story, or even their arcs within the story, the point is that characters will undergo change, and that the reader will gain perspective.
“You wanna be a hero so bad? I’ve got a time-saving idea for you. If you think you’ll have a quirk in your next life...go take a swan dive off the roof!”
Yes. That is a horrible thing to tell someone, even if you are a child, even if you don’t understand the implications, even if you don’t mean what it is you are saying. Had someone told me that in middle school, especially given our history and the context of our interactions, I don’t know if I would ever have forgiven them.
Here’s the thing: I’m not Deku. Neither is anyone reading this. Deku is a fictional character, and everyone we know about him is extrapolated from source material, and his response to this event follows:
“Idiot! If I really jumped, you’d be charged with bullying me into suicide! Think before you speak!”
I think it’s unfair to apply our own projections as a universal rather than an interpersonal interpretation; that’s not to say that the interpretation of Bakudeku being abusive or having unbalanced power dynamics isn’t valid, or unfounded, but rather it’s not a universal interpretation, and it’s not canon. Deku is much more of a verbal thinker; in comparison, Bakugou is a visual one, at least in the format of the manga, and as such, we get various panels demonstrating his guilt, and how deep it runs. His dialogue and rapport with Deku has undeniably shifted, and it’s very clear that the way they treat each other has changed from when they were younger. Part of Bakugou’s growth is him gaining self awareness, and eventually, the strength to wield that. He knows what a fucked up little kid he was, and he carries the weight of that.
“At that moment, there were no thoughts in my head. My body just moved on its own.”
There’s a part of me that really, really disliked Bakugou going into it, partially because of what I’d seen and what I’d heard from a limited, outside perspective. I felt like Bakugou embodied the toxic masculinity (and to an extent, I still believe that) and if he won in some way, that felt like the patriarchy winning, so I couldn't help but want to muzzle and leash him before releasing him into the wild.
The reality, however, of his character in canon is that it isn’t very accurate to assume that he would be an abusive partner in the future, or that Midoryia has not forgiven him to some extent already, that the two do not care about each other or are singularly important, that they respect each other, or that the narrative has forgotten any of this.
Don’t mistake me for a Bakugou simp or apologist. I’m not, but while I definitely could also see Tododeku (and I have a soft spot for them, too, their dynamic is totally different and unique, and Todoroki is arguably treated as the tritagonist) and I’m ambivalent about Izuocha (which is written as cannoncially romantic) I do believe that canonically, Bakugou and Deku are framed as soulmates/character foils, Sasuke + Naruto, Kageyama + Hinata style. Their relationship is arguably the focus of the series. That’s not to undermine the importance or impact of Deku’s relationships with other characters, and theirs with him, but in terms of which one takes priority, and which one this all hinges on?
The manga is about a lot of things, yes, but if it were to be distilled into one relationship, buckle up, because it’s the Bakudeku show.
Power is Power: the Brain-Melting Process of Normalization and Toxic Masculinity
One of the ways in which the biopolitical prioritization of Quirks is exemplified within Hero society is through Quirk marriages. Endeavor partially rationalizes the abuse of his family through the creation of a child with the perfect quirk, a child who can be molded into the perfect Hero. People with powerful, or useful abilities, are ranked high on the hierarchy of power and privilege, and with a powerful ability, the more opportunities and avenues for success are available to them.
For the most part, Bakugou is a super spoiled, privileged little rich kid who is born talented but is enabled for his aggressive behavior and, as a child, cannot move past his many internalized complexes, treats his peers like shit, and gets away with it because the hero society he lives in either has this “boys will be boys” mentality, or it’s an example of the way that power, or Power, is systematically prioritized in this society. The hero system enables and fosters abusers, people who want power and publicity, and people who are genetically predisposed to have advantages over others. There are plenty of good people who believe in and participate in this system, who want to be good, and who do good, but that doesn’t change the way that the hero society is structured, the ethical ambiguity of the Hero Commission, and the way that Heroes are but pawns, idols with machine guns, used to sell merch to the public, to install faith in the government, or the current status quo, and reinforce capitalist propaganda. Even All Might, the epitome of everything a Hero should be, is drained over the years, and exists as a concept or idea, when in reality he is a hollow shell with an entire person inside, struggling to survive. Hero society is functionally dependent on illusion.
In Marxist terms: There is no truth, there is only power.
Although Bakugou does change, and I think that while he regrets his actions, what is long overdue is him verbally expressing his remorse, both to himself and Deku. One might argue that he’s tried to do it in ways that are compatible with his limited emotional range of expression, and Deku seems to understand this language implicitly.
I am of the opinion that the narrative is building up to a verbal acknowledgement, confrontation, and subsequent apology that only speaks what has gone unspoken.
That being said, Bakugou is a great example of the way that figures of authority (parents, teachers, adults) and institutions both in the real world and this fictional universe reward violent behavior while also leaving mental and emotional health — both his own and of the people Bakugou hurts — unchecked, and part of the way he lashes out at others is because he was never taught otherwise.
And by that, I’m referring to the ways that are to me, genuinely disturbing. For example, yelling at his friends is chill. But telling someone to kill themselves, even casually and without intent and then misinterpreting everything they do as a ploy to make you feel weak because you're projecting? And having no teachers stop and intervene, either because they are afraid of you or because they value the weight that your Quirk can benefit society over the safety of children? That, to me, is both real and disturbing.
Not only that, but his parents (at least, Mitsuki), respond to his outbursts with more outbursts, and while this is likely the culture of their home and I hesitate to call it abusive, I do think that it contributed to the way that he approaches things. Bakugou as a character is very complex, but I think that he is primarily an example of the way that the Hero System fails people.
I don’t think we can write off the things he’s done, especially using the line of reasoning that “He didn’t mean it that way”, because in real life, children who hurt others rarely mean it like that either, but that doesn’t change the effect it has on the people who are victimized, but to be absolutely fair, I don’t think that the majority of Bakudeku shippers, at least now, do use that line of reasoning. Most of them seem to have a handle on exactly how fucked up the Hero society is, and exactly why it fucks up the people embedded within that society.
The characters are positioned in this way for a reason, and the discoveries made and the development that these characters undergo are meant to reveal more about the fictional world — and, perhaps, our world — as the narrative progresses.
The world of the Hero society is dependent, to some degree, on biopolitics. I don’t think we have enough evidence to suggest that people with Quirks or Quirkless people place enough identity or placement within society to become equivalent to marginalized groups, exactly, but we can draw parallels to the way that Deku and by extent Quirkless people are viewed as weak, a deviation, or disabled in some way. Deviants, or non-productive bodies, are shunned for their inability to perform ideal labor. While it is suggested to Deku that he could become a police officer or pursue some other occupation to help people, he believes that he can do the most positive good as a Hero. In order to be a Hero, however, in the sense of a career, one needs to have Power.
Deviation from the norm will be punished or policed unless it is exploitable; in order to become integrated into society, a deviant must undergo a process of normalization and become a working, exploitable body. It is only through gaining power from All Might that Deku is allowed to assimilate from the margins and into the upper ranks of society; the manga and the anime give the reader enough perspective, context, and examples to allow us to critique and deconstruct the society that is solely reliant on power.
Through his societal privileges, interpersonal biases, internalized complexes, and his subsequent unlearning of these ideologies, Bakugou provides examples of the way that the system simultaneously fails and indoctrinates those who are targeted, neglected, enabled by, believe in, and participate within the system.
Bakudeku are two sides of the same coin. We are shown visually that the crucial turning point and fracture in their relationship is when Bakugou refuses to take Deku’s outstretched hand; the idea of Deku offering him help messes with his adolescent perspective in that Power creates a hierarchy that must be obeyed, and to be helped is to be weak is to be made a loser.
Largely, their character flaws in terms of understanding the hero society are defined and entangled within the concept of power. Bakugou has power, or privilege, but does not have the moral character to use it as a hero, and believes that Power, or winning, is the only way in which to view life. Izuku has a much better grasp on the way in which heroes wield power (their ideologies can, at first, be differentiated as winning vs. saving), and is a worthy successor because of this understanding, and of circumstance. However, in order to become a Hero, our hero must first gain the Power that he lacks, and learn to wield it.
As the characters change, they bridge the gaps of their character deficiencies, and are brought closer together through character parallelism.
Two sides of the same coin, an outstretched hand.
They are better together.
How to Kill Middle Schoolers, and Why We Should
I think it’s fitting that in the manga, a critical part of Bakugou’s arc explicitly alludes to killing the middle school version of himself in order to progress into a young adult. In the alternative covers Horikoshi released, one of them was a close up of Bakugou in his middle school uniform, being stabbed/impaled, with blood rolling out of his mouth. Clearly this references the scene in which he sacrifices himself to save Deku, on a near-instinctual level.
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To me, this only cements Horikoshi’s intent that middle school Bakugou must be debunked, killed, discarded, or destroyed in order for Bakugou the hero to emerge, which is why people who do actually excuse his actions or believe that those actions define him into young adulthood don’t really understand the necessity for change, because they seem to imply that he doesn’t need/cannot reach further growth, and there doesn’t need to be a separation between the Bakugou who is, at heart, volatile and repressed the angry, and the Bakugou who sacrifices himself, a hero who saves people.
Plot twist: there does need to be a difference. Further plot twist: there is a difference.
In sacrificing himself for Deku, Bakugou himself doesn't die, but the injury is fatal in the sense that it could've killed him physically and yet symbolizes the selfish, childish part of him that refused to accept Deku, himself, and the inevitability of change. In killing those selfish remnants, he could actually become the kind of hero that we the reader understand to be the true kind.
That’s why I think that a lot of the people who stress his actions as a child without acknowledging the ways he has changed, grown, and tried to fix what he has broken don’t really get it, because it was always part of his character arc to change and purposely become something different and better. If the effects of his worst and his most childish self stick with you more, and linger despite that, that’s okay. But distilling his character down to the wrong elements doesn’t get you the bare essentials; what it gets you is a skewed and shallow version of a person. If you’re okay with that version, that is also fine.
But you can’t condemn others who aren’t fine with that incomplete version, and to become enraged that others do not see him as you do is childish.
Bakugou’s change and the emphasis on that change is canon.
Parallels in Abuse, EnemiesRivals-to-Lovers, and the Necessity of Redemption ft. ATLA’s Zuko
In real life, the idea that “oh, he must bully you because he likes you” is often used as a way to brush aside or to excuse the action of bullying itself, as if a ‘secret crush’ somehow negates the effects of bullying on the victim or the inability of the bully to properly process and manifest their emotions in certain ways. It doesn’t. It often enables young boys to hurt others, and provides figures of authority to overlook the real source of schoolyard bullying or peer review. The “secret crush”, in real life, is used to undermine abuse, justify toxic masculinity, and is essentially used as a non-solution solution.
A common accusation is that Bakudeku shippers jump on the pairing because they romanticize pairing a bully and a victim together, or believe that the only way for Bakugou to atone for his past would be to date Midoryia in the future. This may be true for some people, in which case, that’s their own preference, but based on my experience and what I’ve witnessed, that’s not the case for most.
The difference being is that as these are characters, we as readers or viewers are meant to analyze them. Not to justify them, or to excuse their actions, but we are given the advantage of the outsider perspective to piece their characters together in context, understand why they are how they are, and witness them change; maybe I just haven’t been exposed to enough of the fandom, but no one (I’ve witnessed) treats the idea that “maybe Bakugou has feelings he can’t process or understand and so they manifest in aggressive and unchecked ways'' as a solution to his inability to communicate or process in a healthy way, rather it is just part of the explanation of his character, something is needs to — and is — working through. The solution to his middle school self is not the revelation of a “teehee, secret crush”, but self-reflection, remorse, and actively working to better oneself, which I do believe is canonically reflected, especially as of recently.
In canon, they are written to be partners, better together than apart, and I genuinely believe that one can like the Bakudeku dynamic not by route of romanticization but by observation.
I do think we are meant to see parallels between him and Endeavor; Endeavor is a high profile abuser who embodies the flaws and hypocrisy of the hero system. Bakugou is a schoolyard bully who emulates and internalizes the flaws of this system as a child, likely due to the structure of the society and the way that children will absorb the propaganda they are exposed to; the idea that Quirks, or power, define the inherent value of the individual, their ability to contribute to society, and subsequently their fundamental human worth. The difference between them is the fact that Endeavor is the literal adult who is fully and knowingly active within a toxic, corrupt system who forces his family to undergo a terrifying amount of trauma and abuse while facing little to no consequences because he knows that his status and the values of their society will protect him from those consequences. In other words, Endeavor is the threat of what Bakugou could have, and would have, become without intervention or genuine change.
Comparisons between characters, as parallels or foils, are tricky in that they imply but cannot confirm sameness. Having parallels with someone does not make them the same, by the way, but can serve to illustrate contrasts, or warnings. Harry Potter, for example, is meant to have obvious parallels with Tom Riddle, with similar abilities, and tragic upbringings. That doesn’t mean Harry grows up to become Lord Voldemort, but rather he helps lead a cross-generational movement to overthrow the facist regime. Harry is offered love, compassion, and friends, and does not embrace the darkness within or around him. As far as moldy old snake men are concerned, they do not deserve a redemption arc because they do not wish for one, and the truest of change only occurs when you actively try to change.
To be frank, either way, Bakugou was probably going to become a good Hero, in the sense that Endeavor is a ‘good’ Hero. Hero capitalized, as in a pro Hero, in the sense that it is a career, an occupation, and a status. Because of his strong Quirk, determination, skill, and work ethic, Bakugou would have made a good Hero. Due to his lack of character, however, he was not on the path to become a hero; defender of the weak, someone who saves people to save people, who is willing to make sacrifices detrimental to themselves, who saves people out of love.
It is necessary for him to undergo both a redemption arc and a symbolic death and rebirth in order for him to follow the path of a hero, having been inspired and prompted by Deku.
I personally don’t really like Endeavor’s little redemption arc, not because I don’t believe that people can change or that they shouldn't at least try to atone for the atrocities they have committed, but because within any narrative, a good redemption arc is important if it matters; what also matters is the context of that arc, and whether or not it was needed. For example, in ATLA, Zuko’s redemption arc is widely regarded as one of the best arcs in television history, something incredible. And it is. That shit fucks. In a good way.
It was confirmed that Azula was also going to get a redemption arc, had Volume 4 gone on as planned, and it was tentatively approached in the comics, which are considered canon. She is an undeniably bad person (who is willing to kill, threaten, exploit, and colonize), but she is also a child, and as viewers, we witness and recognize the factors that contributed to her (debatable) sociopathy, and the way that the system she was raised in failed her. Her family failed her; even Uncle Iroh, the wise mentor who helps guide Zuko to see the light, is willing to give up on her immediately, saying that she’s “crazy” and needs to be “put down”. Yes, it’s comedic, and yes, it’s pragmatic, but Azula is fourteen years old. Her mother is banished, her father is a psychopath, and her older brother, from her perspective, betrayed and abandoned her. She doesn’t have the emotional support that Zuko does; she exploits and controls her friends because it’s all she’s been taught to do; she says herself, her “own mother thought [she] was a monster; she was right, of course, but it still [hurts]”. A parent who does not believe in you, or a parent that uses you and will hurt you, is a genuine indicator of trauma.
The writers understood that both Zuko and Azula deserved redemption arcs. One was arguably further gone than the other, but that doesn’t change the fact that they are both children, products of their environment, who have the time, motive, and reason to change.
In contrast, you know who wouldn’t have deserved a redemption arc? Ozai. That simply would not have been interesting, wouldn’t have served the narrative well, and honestly, is not needed, thematically or otherwise. Am I comparing Ozai to Endeavor? Basically, yes. Fuck those guys. I don’t see a point in Endeavor’s little “I want to be a good dad now” arc, and I think that we don’t need to sympathize with characters in order to understand them or be interested in them. I want Touya/Dabi to expose his abuse, for his career to crumble, and then for him to die.
If they are not challenging the system that we the viewer are meant to question, and there is no thematic relevance to their redemption, is it even needed?
On that note, am I saying that Bakugou is the equivalent to Zuko? No, lmao. Definitely not. They are different characters with different progressions and different pressures. What I am saying is that good redemption arcs shouldn’t be handed out like candy to babies; it is the quality, rather than the quantity, that makes a redemption arc good. In terms of the commentary of the narrative, who needs a redemption arc, who is deserving, and who does it make sense to give one to?
In this case, Bakugou checks those boxes. It was always in the cards for him to change, and he has. In fact, he’s still changing.
Give it to Me Straight. It’s Homophobic.
There does seem to be an urge to obsessively gender either Bakugou or Deku, in making Deku the ultra-feminine, stereotypically hyper-sexualized “woman” of the relationship, with Bakugou becoming similarly sexualized but depicted as the hyper-masculine bodice ripper. On some level, that feels vaguely homophobic if not straight up misogynistic, in that in a gay relationship there’s an urge to compel them to conform under heteronormative stereotypes in order to be interpreted as real or functional. On one hand, I will say that in a lot of cases it feels like more of an expression of a kink, or fetishization and subsequent expression of internalized misogyny, at least, rather than a genuine exploration of the complexity and power imbalances of gender dynamics, expression, and boundaries.
That being said, I don’t think that that problematic aspect of shipping is unique to Bakudeku, or even to the fandom in general. We’ve all read fan work or see fanart of most gay ships in a similiar manner, and I think it’s a broader issue to be addressed than blaming it on a singular ship and calling it a day.
One interpretation of Bakugou’s character is his repression and the way his character functions under toxic masculinity, in a society’s egregious disregard for mental and emotional health (much like in the real world), the horrifying ways in which rage is rationalized or excused due to the concept of masculinity, and the way that characteristics that are associated with femininity — intellect, empathy, anxiety, kindness, hesitation, softness — are seen as stereotypically “weak”, and in men, traditionally emasculating. In terms of the way that the fictional universe is largely about societal priority and power dynamics between individuals and the way that extends to institutions, it’s not a total stretch to guess that gender as a construct is a relevant topic to expand on or at least keep in mind for comparison.
I think that the way in which characters are gendered and the extent to which that is a result of invasive heteronormativity and fetishization is a really important conversation to have, but using it as a case-by-case evolution of a ship used to condemn people isn’t conductive, and at that point, it’s treated as less of a real concern but an issue narrowly weaponised.
Love in Perspective, from the East v. West
Another thing I think could be elaborated on and written about in great detail is the way that the Eastern part of the fandom and the Western part of the fandom have such different perspectives on Bakudeku in particular. I am not going to go in depth with this, and there are many other people who could go into specifics, but just as an overview:
The manga and the anime are created for and targeted at a certain audience; our take on it will differ based on cultural norms, decisions in translation, understanding of the genre, and our own region-specific socialization. This includes the way in which we interpret certain relationships, the way they resonate with us, and what we do and do not find to be acceptable. Of course, this is not a case-by-case basis, and I’m sure there are plenty of people who hold differing beliefs within one area, but speaking generally, there is a reason that Bakudeku is not regarded as nearly as problematic in the East.
Had this been written by a Western creator, marketed primarily to and within the West (for reference, while I am Chinese, but I have lived in the USA for most of my life, so my own perspective is undoubtedly westernized), I would’ve immediately jumped to make comparisons between the Hero System and the American police system, in that a corrupt, or bastardized system is made no less corrupt for the people who do legitimately want to do good and help people, when that system disproportionately values and targets others while relying on propaganda that society must be reliant on that system in order to create safe communities when in reality it perpetuates just as many issues as it appears to solve, not to mention the way it attracts and rewards violent and power-hungry people who are enabled to abuse their power. I think comparisons can still be made, but in terms of analysis, it should be kept in mind that the police system in other parts of the world do not have the same history, place, and context as it does in America, and the police system in Japan, for example, probably wasn’t the basis for the Hero System.
As much as I do believe in the Death of the Author in most cases, the intent of the author does matter when it comes to content like this, if merely on the basis that it provides context that we may be missing as foreign viewers.
As far as the intent of the author goes, Bakugou is on a route of redemption.
He deserves it. It is unavoidable. That, of course, may depend on where you’re reading this.
Stuck in the Sludge, the Past, and Season One
If there’s one thing, to me, that epitomizes middle school Bakugou, it’s him being trapped in a sludge monster, rescued by his Quirkless childhood friend, and unable to believe his eyes. He clings to the ideology he always has, that Quirkless means weak, that there’s no way that Deku could have grown to be strong, or had the capacity to be strong all along. Bakugou is wrong about this, and continuously proven wrong. It is only when he accepts that he is wrong, and that Deku is someone to follow, that he starts his real path to heroics.
If Bakudeku’s relationship does not appeal to someone for whatever reason, there’s nothing wrong with that. They can write all they want about why they don’t ship it, or why it bothers them, or why they think it’s problematic. If it is legitimately triggering to you, then by all means, avoid it, point it out, etc. but do not undermine the reality of abuse simply to point fingers, just because you don’t like a ship. People who intentionally use the anti tag knowing it’ll show up in the main tag, go after people who are literally minding their own business, and accuse people of supporting abuse are the ones looking for a fight, and they’re annoying as hell because they don’t bring anything to the table. No evidence, no analysis, just repeated projection.
To clarify, I’m referring to a specific kind of shipper, not someone who just doesn’t like a ship, but who is so aggressive about it for absolutely no reason. There are plenty of very lovely people in this fandom, who mind their own business, multipship, or just don’t care.
Calling shippers dumb or braindead or toxic (to clarify, this isn’t targeting any one person I’ve seen, but a collective) based on projections and generalizations that come entirely from your own impression of the ship rather than observation is...really biased to me, and comes across as uneducated and trigger happy, rather than constructive or helpful in any way.
I’m not saying someone has to ship anything, or like it, in order to be a ‘good’ participant. But inserting derogatory material into a main tag, and dropping buzzwords with the same tired backing behind it without seeming to understand the implications of those words or acknowledging the development, pacing, and intentional change to the characters within the plot is just...I don’t know, it comes across as redundant, to me at least, and very childish. Aggressive. Toxic. Problematic. Maybe the real toxic shippers were the ones who bitched and moaned along the way. They’re like little kids, stuck in the past, unable to visualize or recognize change, and I think that’s a real shame because it’s preventing them from appreciating the story or its characters as it is, in canon.
But that’s okay, really. To each their own. Interpretations will vary, preferences differ, perspectives are not uniform. There is no one truth. There are five seasons of the show, a feature film, and like, thirty volumes as of this year.
All I’m saying is that if you want to stay stuck in the first season of each character, then that’s what you’re going to get. That’s up to you.
This may be edited or revised.
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veeranger · 3 years
so far halo infinite pvp experience has ranged from “this is the most fun i’ve ever had with halo” to “this is one of the worst play experiences i’ve ever had”. the former is because this game has rock solid foundations and incredible game feel and the latter is because what they’ve build on those foundations is both frustratingly limited and just. just bad.
i know it’ll get better over time but right now its so frustrating. custom games is a shell of what it should be. a fucking joke. even the most basic shit you could do all the way back in halo 3, fourteen fucking years ago, is impossible in this game right now. on the pvp side theres no gametype selection and i swear to god if i get stockpile or strongholds one more time im going to throw up. the UXUI functions like ass i seriously thought the shit we saw in the flights was placeholders but this is really what it looks like. theres literally zero organization in gametype selection for custom games and overall navigation is so bloated and unintuitive i still cant navigate the menus right.
and obviously theres the battle pass. universally hated so extremely that they had to change it on day two of the game being out and its still ass after the fix. the complete and total lack of a progression system, no rewards for good gameplay, pitiful rewards for outlandishly difficult tasks, the fact that it takes 2000 games to finish the battle pass if you only use per match xp. they’ve promised to fix it and they fucking better cuz this is deadass unacceptable. i have no fucking idea what microsoft was thinking implementing such a horrible system. literally anyone on earth could have told them its complete ass. theyve seriously managed to enter the battle pass model years after their competitors and come out with the worst possible version anyone has ever seen.
but despite all of this halo infinite is a fucking fantastic game at its core. the movement is snappy and responsive and feels so good. weapons feel powerful and usable with a few exceptions, combat feels well balanced and could easily be perfected down the line. the maps are amazing and varied. almost everything feels so fucking good and like a true evolution of the core fundamentals of halo. over the last week ive felt the full range of the halo experience from goofing around with friends to hardcore sweaty gameplay and to be finally experiencing a brand new halo for the first time in over a decade for me is literally what ive been dreaming about for over a year now. i can easily see myself sinking hundreds of hours into this game and i fully plan to. which why its glaring shortcomings are all the more irritating. i know 343 has been very forward and vocal in their responses to criticism and feedback and and i have faith they will fix most if not all of this to a standard where most will be happy with it, but right now i just cant help but get mad seeing a game that could be soaring get its wings clipped by what im assuming is executive meddling via forcing a deadline and forcing the implementation of bullshit like the battle pass system.
halo infinite is a really fun game that i feel is actively trying to prevent me from having fun with it.
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inqorporeal · 4 years
Future Tense
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It was rare, Theron mused, that things were so quiet that they had a moment to relax like this. The cantina was bustling, and all of the advisors and primary staff had been able to justify taking the evening off. Theron got a lot of shit for being a workaholic, and even now he could feel the niggling itch of a puzzle left unsolved. But it could wait. For the moment, there were more important things to worry about.
Sitting in the booth beside him, the Commander cradled their drink between their hands and leaned a little more into Theron's space, seeking permission.
It was a… weird dynamic between them. The Commander was Imperial, Theron was a Republic spy. Feelings should never have developed between them; but what had begun as an uneasy alliance had blossomed into a mutual respect and even admiration. By the time Theron ran into them on their way to rescue him from the Revanites, well….
You couldn't fake that look of relief in a person's eyes. They had stood up for him, defended him, and hadn't agreed with Lana about her willful negligence which had led to Theron's capture. Seven years later and he was still awed that anyone had successfully extracted an apology, however reluctant, from a Sith Lord on his behalf. 
When they'd first begun their association chasing rumours of Revanites, Theron had been worried that the two Imperials might try to extract Republic secrets from him; neither had asked more than he was willing to offer, and even though he'd felt incredibly lonely during that time, he had also felt at ease. Nobody was leaning over his shoulder for once Marcus, nor prying into his downtime activities Jonas, and the people he had to work with had encouraged him to put the datapad down in the evenings to share a drink or two and talk shit about members of the Dark Council. Theron had felt free enough to dump some of his (non-classified) dirt on certain Senators, to the amused delight of his partners in conspiracy-routing.
So when the Commander had asked about Satele, Theron may have spilled a bit of long-held bitterness. It wasn't really fair of him -- Satele wouldn't have wanted to let Darth Marr know Theron might be leverage on her (he would be; her distance in his youth aside, Satele did care). But… he'd been tired. The painkillers had been wearing off. Maintaining a semblance of professional decorum during that meeting had consumed his remaining energy, and his patience had largely taken a leave of absence.
The Commander -- his ally, swiftly sliding into territory that could have tentatively been friendship -- had expressed concern, support, bantered lightly and teased him, drawing his mind away from the pressing issues for a precious moment. When they'd kissed him, it had felt real, like Theron was appreciated and cared for, like they had seen the worst sides of him and found the whole package worth the risk.
They had been risking everything, stealing private moments when and where they could on Yavin IV, surrounded by military detachments from both sides who clearly didn't trust each other. If anyone who had cared had caught them together, Theron would have lost his job and possibly been brought up for an official inquiry; who knew what the Commander had risked. Knowing the Sith, probably interrogation and/or death.
Just for him, Theron, a Jedi washout, an intelligence analyst with no life outside his work and a long list of past relationships that had never survived his career for more than a couple of months. The knowledge had shaken him to his core then, and it still did now: that someone had looked at Theron and found him worth risking death for.
Of course it could have been a ruse, but the looks Lana had been giving them said otherwise. She pretended not to see anything and didn't utter even one word of teasing. If Marr and Satele found out about them, it wouldn't be from her.
Saying goodbye had been unexpectedly painful. In truth, Theron had allowed things to continue because he hadn't believed they would live long enough to see the end of it. So, it seemed, had the Commander. Who needs words? they'd whispered, and kissed him, soft and tender, gloved fingers weaving into his hair and pulling him close. Theron had started to speak, to say how sorry he was, and they'd pressed a fingertip to his lips, with a smile so gentle and sorrowful it damn near broke his heart. Message received: don't apologise for the inevitable.
Theron had spent a year denying that it still ate at him, denying that he thought of them every day, denying that the reason he'd stopped joining Jonas for nights out that ended with casual hook-ups had less to do with working hard to re-prove his loyalty and more to do with the fact that a certain Imperial loyalist had claimed Theron's heart and he didn't want a replacement. Hearing about what had happened to Marr's fleet, though, had blasted that denial right out of the sky. Theron had got back in touch with Lana, asking what happened; maybe she'd actually liked him, or maybe she'd just been in shock, but she gave him straight answers instead of telling him where to get off, and then wrapped it up with, They're not dead, Theron. I can feel them, still. I'll be in touch.
Now he knew why the Commander had been pissed enough to force Lana to apologise to him a year earlier. The thought of the Commander imprisoned somewhere while everyone assumed they were dead nearly destroyed Theron. He'd thrown out all the alcohol in his Coruscant apartment so he wouldn't give into the temptation, and the feeling of time being wasted on the comparative minutiae of his actual job scratched and scraped at the back of his brain. Jonas, perceptive bastard that he is, had noticed; he'd suggested burning off Theron's restlessness with a night out and got snapped at for his trouble.
Theron had -- eventually -- apologised for that, but not before Lana had commed him on the secret, massively encrypted frequency he'd devised. Theron had sent his apology to Jonas taped to the only bottle of booze he'd kept, the unopened bottle of Corellian brandy Jonas had given him to celebrate Theron's most recent promotion.
He had no illusions that he'd effectively sunk his fifteen-year career in the SIS when he'd packed up his essentials and bought a shuttle ticket to Nar Shaddaa under a pseudonym, using credits from one of his other pseudonymic accounts. It wasn't like his work mattered anymore, anyway. In the last few months since Zakuul's Eternal Fleet had come out of nowhere and effectively annexed the Republic, their department heads had played at pretending everything was fine and normal, while all signs pointed to the contrary. According to Lana, the Empire was in much the same state.
Theron had long since grown tired of sitting on his hands instead of actually doing something. He never had dealt with periods of inactivity well.
And now… now he sat in a cantina surrounded by people he by rights should never have become friends with, with his arm openly around the shoulders of a certain ex-Imperial whose faith and loyalty had been well and truly shattered. They'd looked terrible when Theron had first seen them upon his arrival at Odessen: too thin, too exhausted, moving like everything hurt.
It hadn't prevented them from hugging him tightly -- right there in front of everyone -- and murmuring, "You're a sight for sore eyes," the same greeting they had offered on Ziost six years earlier. The feelings were still there, stronger than ever, and Theron had accepted the knowledge that this was his life now. Their lives, now.
The Commander was doing better since Valkorion had taken a cryptic leave of absence; better appetite, less prone to waking up in the middle of the night cursing out someone Theron couldn't throw out of the room, able to focus on work without drifting off to glare at the corner of the room every few minutes. Force only knew how much hassle the creepy Sith ghost had been giving them. It was a relief to Theron, as well -- both of them had been uneasy about the idea of the Sith Emperor watching them in the privacy of their quarters.
"What do you plan to do?" Theron found himself asking. "When this is all over and things go back to normal, I mean," he added when everyone at the table looked at him.
The Commander frowned into their drink. "I'm not sure 'normal' is ever going to happen," they answered. “Too much has changed in the galaxy. Everyone has been forced to adjust and adapt."
Theron gestured to the cheerful crowd beyond the relative privacy of their table. "I mean… the Alliance. Are we all going to have to just… go home?"
The Commander looked thoughtful, then glanced at Lana. "In your professional estimation--"
"Hah," Lana snorted, but she was smiling.
"Shush, you. In your estimation, how many friendships and romantic entanglements have occurred since the Alliance established itself?"
"On Odessen?"
"Everywhere we have operations."
The Sith frowned for a moment. "Hundreds. Thousands."
"Mmhmm, and in your estimation, how many of those would be considered cross-faction?"
Theron could see where this was going but he remained quiet -- his specialty was external intelligence; Lana's was internal.
"Roughly two-thirds, if we're considering smugglers, pirates, and bounty hunters their own faction."
The Commander looked back out at the bar. "Infrastructure is nothing without the people who make it tick, and those little alliances mean something. Say we win. Say we beat Valkorion at his own game. Do you really think people will happily give up everything they've built over the last few years and go back to what we were doing before? No. The defection rate would be tremendous. We're all here because the people we wanted to trust in sat back and did nothing, chose to use the opportunity to enrich themselves politically rather than combining their strength and fighting back." They turned their glass on the table, watching the water ring smear. "I'm not going back. I can't. I can't believe in that anymore. And if there are others who also don't want to go back…? Then we'll figure something out together."
Theron looked over at Lana, who met his eyes and shook her head. She couldn't go back, either. "Then maybe we should start thinking about future organisation," she ventured. "I know you don't want to remain in control forever--"
The Commander scoffed and leaned further into Theron's side. "I'm only the Commander because you pushed for it. Our Zakuul allies want me to sit on the Eternal Throne. I can guess why -- they think I'm Valkorion's next incarnation -- and I don't want that. Zakuul can figure its own shit out. But if we settle anywhere else, either the Republic, the Empire, or both will try to annex us. They already dislike the concept of a third power existing in the galaxy, and let's be real: Odessen isn't as secret as we wish it was. We should already be looking for a backup base; we might as well look for something that can be more permanent. I’m not just giving this up. Not again."
They hesitated, and glanced at Theron, something guilty in their eyes. Before they could apologise for making a choice without talking to him first, Theron pressed his temple against theirs. "Wherever we go, you can count on me to be there too."
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erizee · 3 years
im still rewatching gotham bc its a great distraction from studying and if 17 year-old me was right about anything its that its Fun
but also. what the Fuck were the writers thinking sometimes lmaooo im not even going to list it all because thats too much work, these r just some Thoughts
please dont ask why im watching it if this bothers me this much, i dont have a good explanation. its just Fun to watch fucked up people do fucked up shit i guess. nothing makes sense ever and theres soo much shit to dissect & so many characters to follow. yea that probably explains it
also this embarassing. i do not want to have these many thoughts about this show again.
1. police brutality as a ~quirky feature of this whacky city~. im Pretty sure that never really stops but im only halfway through s1 rn and its a Very big thing there. im not even going to talk about this much more because im not nearly close to being an expert on it & i dont have as much of a clear analysis of it, its just fucked up tbh how they treat such a major issue in real life like a fictional thing that makes their fake city more ~spicy~
2. the way they talk about/use mental health & neurodivergency
Fuck lmao this bothers me so much more now than 4 years ago. in general its a whole mess & a lot of it is probably based on comic stuff eg arkham, but they really portray anyone in there as a child huh. its So disrespectful and gross
at some point they basically only have villains from arkham, which i know is also at least somewhat comic-based but that doesnt rly make it better? great villainization of neurodivergent people guys (& why tf did they send oswald to arkham??? theres literally no reason for that one)
dont even let me get started on ed. LITERALLY Thee worst portrayal of neurodivergency/mental illness ive EVER seen lmaoo. in s1 hes soo autistic coded its almost funny if it wasnt 90% based on bad stereotypes, he literally checks All the boxes. and then he randomly gets the fake fictional shock value version of DID?? i feel like that was the only thing the writers could think of that made sense why he'd ever kill people lol and its a) So lazy and b) Extremely bad for how DID is seen by people. i dont know how DID works exactly so i cant say anything abt if the way it started/his switching was at least somewhat accurate, but its just this typical "evil dangerous neurodivergent dude cant control himself/is just evil to his core because his ~mind is fucked up~" and its so frustrating. Yes hes one of my favourite characters still. Yes i still relate to him way too much. Yes the way hes written is Extremely harmful. those things can all be true
3. queerbaiting. only developed a ship because it was popular with the fans, then make them fight each other for the rest of the show, then have them be ~brothers~ at the end when ratings drop. typical And annoying.
4. this is less of a Real World Issue and more bad storytelling but plot & character consistency are practically nonexistant in this show lmao. this has been run to the ground years ago but its still so weird. the main thing is again ed for me since he was my favourite, but they really changed his entire personality whenever it was practical for the "plot". i could barely recognise him in s3 until i got used to it lmao he was sooo different. u Could make an argument for the riddler vs the ed personality but again thats bad rehashing of harmful stereotypes & Also doesnt fix anything tbh. the only thing that was actually consistent (if im not forgetting sth) was oswald's character i think? he became less gross over time but that was all as far as i can remember. sneaky, manipulative, too emotional, loses everything because of either his mom or ed aka what he loves. he became less smart somehow after s1 which is weird but i guess s1 him would have taken over the country if they hadnt nerfed him. i honestly cant remember anyone else because last time after ca the middle of s2 i stopped paying attention to anything that wasnt ed or oswald but yea it was a whole mess
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faiyx · 5 years
ooo what why do you think it's a terrible musical? legit curious, I've never seen someone say it like that
ok guess im gonna go feral on go off on a little rant here so ‘i dont like the score at all. none of the songs are distinct and most of the time the instrumentals and how theyre written actually work against the very talented actors esp in the very first album. im talking songs being to high/low for actors which makes them sound worse than usually. it just sounds like every other teen musical out there and the electronic sounds makes it sound cheaper than better.i dont like any of the characters they are all one note and such an insult to actual struggles teenagers face. they are all so obviously written to represent struggles like anxiety, depression, bullying, panic attacks etc. but none of them hit the core and make these struggles feel like stupid quirky shit instead of actual serious problems. its so disrespectful to actual kids with these problems in my opinion. it literally feels like the “40 year old dude tries to relate to the kids” thing. ive heard the book actually shows some dimentions to the characters and gives them flaws and shows that some behaviour is actually gross and shouldnt be done but the musical is so fucking busy turning them all into uwu beans that they fail to make clear whats moral or not. What makes me especially uncomfortable about the show is how it handles certain topics. i am absolutely not opposed to offensive humour but i think context is very important in this. if  a show like TBOM is offensive it makes sense because it fits the tone of the play being a dark satire with adult comedy. trey and matt know their target audience and know how much they have to contextualize satire to make it clear for an adult audience. But BMC tries very hard to be this relatable musical that relates to teenage angst and represents teenage angst and then says the worst shit to its target audience without differenciating at all. the overall tone of the show doesnt feel like a satire to me, it feels like it wants to be taken kinda serious and then expresses harmful shit like that.  Like how gay is always used as a slur and as smth you dont want to be, the main character is obsessed with avoiding to get called gay. i get the intention was maybe the message of “being called smth you are not is bad and hurts ppl” but arent we like...over gay jokes like that by now? arent we over protagonists that try to forcefully not do things they like bc they might get called gay as if its the worst thing ever. im gonna bring up context again bc TBOM has a similar character arc but you understand that its an over the top caricature of religious indoctrination. in BMC its just an asshole teen who thinks being gay is a bad thing but it never gets contextualised as harmful thinking, The literal worst part is mental health representation. Christines line in play rehearsal where she goes “not depressed depressed here check my arm” or whatever is literally so disgusting and harmful to the teenage mindset bc it implies that 1. theres a way of how to be depressed and if youre not self harming youre not depressed and 2. implies she thinks ppl who do actually self harm are inferior. Putting smth as serious as self harm with indications like that in a throw away one liner is so tasteless and disrespectful to anyone who ever struggled with self harming it makes me sick. I listened to this show when i was still a teen, i didnt feel representated at all i felt made fun of bc my struggles were displayed as uwu quirky character traits instead of actual struggles that could destroy your life. its allright if you like bmc but there are better teen musicals and better musicals about mental illness than this. teens deserve better rep and deserve that theyre problems are taken seriously. if you disagree with all of this thats fine as well just be civil. 
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lollytea · 4 years
What are your opinions about Jungle cubs? I loved that show as a kid!
hi hello!! thank u for humoring me!! i love getting asks about the stuff im currently obsessed with that nobody really cares about, it makes me feel valid! also i dont have well constructed opinions, i just have a very messy, manic head so i just babble all my thoughts. for that i am sorry 
im not gonna say jungle cubs is the best damn cartoon to hit the tv and maybe its just my own biased love speaking when i call it a good show but it means a lot to me personally. it brought me comfort as a little kid, i came back to it as a teen when i was feeling very alone and came back to it again as an adult just cuz of my recent love of baloo and talespin and needing something to keep me upbeat during the quarantine. 
and ive watched quite a few cartoons i loved as a kid that i dont really vibe with anymore. i tried rewatching gummi bears. its not my thing. but jungle cubs is?? really good?? its just so charming to watch. i love the expressive animation, i love the smooth flowing dialogue, i love the playful and naive tone it has of just a bunch of kids being kids, i love the depiction of these characters, i love the performance of the voice actors, i love the layers it adds to the original film. layers that were never intended to be in there in the first place but isnt that just the beauty of interpretation and ones own imagination. 
its such a formulaic concept isnt it. to take a classic show/movie and make its protagonists babies for a spinoff. but i dunno, i always got the feeling that whoever was the backbone of this story actually cared about the characters they were writing and took a sincere approach to it. 
they thought in-depth about how to devolve them from their current personalities in a realistic way and what aspects of themselves are so core to their being that they would have been ingrained since childhood. the cubs feel pretty three-dimensional and considering theyre cash grab spinoff babies, that is an amazing feat.
but also, i love it for the very very very simple reason of its really adorable. bagheera especially. to see such a stoic and levelheaded character in his earliest stage as a child just Hits for me. cub bagheera is clever, hes cautious, hes a little stuck-up, all traits he has in the movie. hes also not the best hunter, doesnt know how to roar yet, is a little cowardly, sorta awkward at times and is often trying to prove that hes the best even though hes aware that he is nowhere near the best.
like its easy to believe the kind of person he grows up to be but at the same time, its really interesting to see the more childish aspects of himself that he eventually matured past. and hes adorable dude! baby bagheera voiced by EG Daily is the sweetest goddamn thing, i love him so much 
also shere khan who is a fuckin doozy. hes very interesting in this too. everything about his attitude is reminiscent of a preteen who says mean things to you on voice chat while playing overwatch but if you tell him you’re gonna call the police on him, he starts panicking. thats shere khan’s vibe, a real edgy little tiger who thinks hes hot shit cuz he probably caught something bigger than a mouse like one time and its gone to his head. 
hes constantly stalking around, subtly bragging about what a natural predator he is. but at the same time, he’s still around?? hes still hanging around with the other cubs cuz hes ALSO a cub and likes to play around with other kids his age. and he fucking loves his friends. the amount of times he’s scared off bigger animals who were about to harm them. and its really sweet cuz they like him too. while his attitude is definitely annoying sometimes, they still consider him their friend and enjoy his company. its just wholesome. 
plus hes also pretty vulnerable as hes a cub. he doesnt stand a chance when they come across a grown animal as a threat. he gets scared just like the rest of them, hes just so arrogant that he never admits it. 
in fact the appeal of the show in general to me, is the vulnerabilities of all the characters that comes with being in their most immature state. they dont know any better when it comes to stuff. this show is real dumbass hours 
EVERYTHING about baloo is just great. he does not change even slightly. he is exactly the same except hes little and his voice hasnt broke yet. his child voice is amazingly fitting also.
i mean i guess one thing that differentiates him is adult baloo had some semblance of a philosophy. he was wise....in a way. baby baloo does not know shit about shit. he does not think. he just vibes, okay?? i love him mwah
i dont have much to say about the others but i DO like this interpretation of them more than their adult selves. it also just feels bittersweet that they grew up to be such dicks. Haithi is lovely, i love that hes just out here TRYING to be a colonel but he lacks the authority that comes with being a grown elephant and he doesnt have the self confidence to command anybody yet. he is simply babey.
 louie is a very cute little dude, i love him and baloo as just an idiot squad. he also has a very good voice
kaa.....i dont trust. on one hand, hes very sweet as a child but on the OTHER HAND he grows up to be the creepiest fucking creation disney has ever put in a movie so that snake will always rub me the wrong way even when im trying to like him. 
also ONE THING thats driving me crazy about this show is like. it has the best depiction of pre-adolescent boys that i have ever seen in a cartoon ever. just the way they behave. theyre sweethearts one minute, extremely mean the next minute, going from building eachother up to lightly bullying eachother, lots of unprovoked play fighting, laughing over dumb shit, rude to strangers for no goddamn reason, theres just a lot. 
it fuckin knocked me back like 15 years cuz it reminded me so much of kids i used to play with. and these arent even human children whose brain development is documented, these are animals, this show had no business being this spot-on.
i dont like season 2. it has a few gems here and there that i get a kick out of. but as a whole, its really disappointing. since the show swapped production companies, they seemed to uproot it completely and start from scratch. and its kinda sad cuz i think they were TRYING to do something poignant when it came to a future narrative but it just didnt land. firstly there was a huge animation downgrade and looking at the two season in comparison is kinda depressing. 
also they redesigned the characters, some looked worse than others. baloo looked fine but i still preferred his og look. bagheera....was the worst. rip bagheera. 
they all underwent a huge personality change. and not in the way that showed subtle maturity, i mean a vapid exaggeration of their original personality. the only characters who were left relatively alone in this regard were baloo and kaa. and i dont mind gradually changing a character since there IS an adult version of them that they should be growing into. but the season 2 depictions are literally the furthest things from their adult selves that its unbelievable.
 another pet peeve is they changed a few of the voice actors and.....i love these season 2 voice actors in other work theyve done. dee bradley baker and cree summer specifically who are both very talented people. but they did not fit these roles in the slightest. (not to mention having cree summer play an APE and suddenly having her do a LOT of monkey noises that the previous va never had to do. im not gonna get into all that BUT hmm.) and if youre gonna recast the characters to make them sound “older” as least make them sound somewhat similar to the jungle book actors, so you can picture them eventually growing into those voices. 
also the tone shifted so much between seasons. the way they tried to make this jungle more of a “society” with shit like talent shows and sports games and celebrities and like fuckin. STOP. theyre animals. just let them be animals. along with that the writing just feels really off and its just. not fun. i dont like it 
and as i mentioned, they WERE trying to do something here. the fact that the cubs didnt hang out with eachother as much and were starting to drift apart is kinda sad and wouldve liked it see it handled a little better. but instead i got season 2, which was stupid. and im 21 and im petty. 
anyway i am very sorry that ended so negatively and im very sorry that rant was completely all over the place i have no sense of proper organization i just wanted to gush about what i love. but on a positive note i love jungle cubs!! its very dear to my heart and makes me very happy and i wish it had gotten more episodes
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langdvnshepherd · 5 years
So I have a thought, it’s a little angsty, but happy at the end. What if you were planning to tell Jim you’re pregnant but he OD’s before you get the chance. You’re waiting, hoping, and when he wakes up, you’re so emotional that you accidentally let it slip that you’re pregnant. Jim just stares at you, shocked to the core. That’s the day he vows he’s going to make a change for real. For you, and for his growing tribe.
I bumped up the timeline and changed it a little so Jim is older in this one bc I didn’t feel comfortable writing about teen pregnancy hope that’s understandable!
The constant beeping from the EKG that measured Jim’s heartbeat was the only thing keeping you sane for the last three days. It was the only reminder you had that he was breathing, that he was alive.
Things were going well, so fucking well. He’d been thriving ever since he left Palos Verdes. The bags under his eyes more or less dissipated, and he’d slept more than you’d ever thought he would in his life. You’d gotten a place together, held him while he shook like a wet kitten through his detox, helped him get into university. You thought you’d made it out of PV scot-free, but then again, you should have seen it coming. Kept a closer eye on him.
Medina begged Jim to come home for Christmas. You fought against it, told both of them that it was a bad idea and that Medina could just come to your place, but you lost that battle in the end. And like fate, your worst fear came true. Your nightly walk on the beach took a turn for the worse when the three of you ran into the guys in Jim’s old circle. The guys that got him hooked on the shit that ruined his life in the first place. They looked miserable, like shells of people that were once so filled with life, now hollow and empty. Muffled words turned into shouting and shouting turned into shoving. You escaped unscathed, but the altercation, unbeknownst to you, shook Jim to his core. Right under your nose, he’d spiraled once again, and he was better at hiding it this time around. In fact, he was so good that you hadn’t noticed until it was too late.
The plan was bulletproof. You were going to take him out for his birthday, celebrate yet another trip around the sun and another year clean from the drugs. He’d mentioned having kids once or twice in passing, so you knew there was no way he’d be uneasy about the news. The way his eyes twinkled and cheeks got all rosy when he saw your neighbor’s newborn, how he was always offering to watch them when their mother went to the store or hold them when she hauled groceries into her apartment let you know that he’d be more than overjoyed to have one of his own. He was just too apprehensive to bring that conversation to you.
You sat in the scratchy, purple vinyl chair provided in each hospital room. It did absolutely nothing for your already poor posture, but you’d refused to leave Jim’s side while he recovered. Every nurse that made their rounds after relinquishing the previous reassured you time and time again that he’d wake up eventually, that he’d be fine apart from having to go through rehab for the third time in his already brief life. You needed him to wake up because it was more than just your own life that depended on it. 
Subconsciously, you began speaking aloud to Jim. You’d done most of your speeches to yourself after learning it was only a matter of Jim waking up to know that he’d be okay, however you couldn’t help yourself from crying out to him. His calloused fingers were still slightly frigid and cold from being found after his OD, but you held them close to your heart regardless. You’d said something along the lines of how you needed him, how you both needed him to get better. That was when Jim came to and heard the last few words of your monologue.
“We?” Jim spoke up, his eyes resembling tiny slits as he adjusted to the harsh, fluorescent lights hanging above him.
“Jim,” you breathlessly exclaimed, clutching even harder to his large, tanned hands.
He responded with a weak smile as the guilt immediately set in at why he was here to begin with. He tried to sit up properly in the bed, but the wires connected to his arms and chest prevented him from doing so. You would have pressed him back down to rest anyway.
“What were you saying?” he asked, brushing his frail fingers along your knuckles for the first time in days.
“What do you mean?”
“You said, ‘We need you.’ Who’s ‘We?’”
Your eyes zeroed in on the blue of his eyes, they looked so much duller than you’d remembered. He wasn’t supposed to find out this way. It was supposed to be perfect and emotion and romantic, not in the ICU of a hospital three days after a fucking overdose. But things never had a way of working out for you anyhow.
With a shaky exhale, you blurted it out.
“I’m pregnant, Jimmy. I was planning on telling you before all of… this,” you gestured to the bleak beige walls that surrounded you.
It quickly clicked with Jim. You stopped drinking wine at dinner weeks ago. You started sleeping in his t-shirts at night instead of topless like you always did. You looked at Jim differently each time he trotted into your apartment with the neighbor’s baby in tow. The emergency pregnancy test you kept under the sink had vanished. He’d never thought to ask you about it, as he’d been too caught up in his own addiction to notice what was right in front of him.
Jim looked like he was going to weep. The one thing he’d always wanted was here, and he’d almost thrown it all away for the sake of a shitty high. 
“C’mere,” he beckoned, shifting over in the twin-sized mattress to make room for you.
You crawled in carefully, avoiding the IV and wires taped up his arms. You melted into him, your bodies becoming one like they always have. He caressed your spine with the tips of his fingers as if you and the idea of a family of his own would crumble if he held you too tight.  
“I’m so sorry,” he muffled into your hair, tears falling freely now.
You shushed him as you raked his hair between your own fingers, something that always soothed him when his emotions got the best of him.
“It’s okay,” you reinforced him, “We’re gonna be okay.”
And you hoped to god you were right.
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roloko-karlstein · 5 years
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Final Fantasy IV and Final Fantasy IV: The After Years - my favorite games in the FF franchise it had a pretty damn good story and the characters were really memorable to me. Also its home to two of the few best OST that has Uematsu has composed Red Wings and The Four Fiends. On top of that I really loved how the sequel adds another layer of strategy with its lunar system. I know people hate the sequel cause of how it was spit into multiple episodes you had to buy, but as a person playing the PSP version where the all the stories were all bundled into one price it was actually pretty fun to see how and what the characters has been up to all this time and some fresh faces in forms of either children or comrades of the old IV cast.
Final Fantasy VI: I love this game its my second favorite FF title. I think my favorite thing about it was at different times you controlled different party members it wasn’t just Terra the whole time. Also the fact anybody can learn magic so in a pinch you could use your offensive characters to heal. Who can forget the opera scene and the Dancing Mad song? Instant classic songs
Final Fantasy Type 0: My third favorite game in the franchise. I know that is an unpopular opinion, but I just love the setting and how you can control any character cause its their story and not like a specific character (Ace). Every character has their own weapons and way of fighting I really love using Cinque,Jack, and Trey. I know people hate using her cause she is slow, but I feel like its all about timing she is super strong honestly. I never finished it nor a new game plus where I think it ends differently than the first playthrough. I love the battle system overworld battles play more like Tales of while the missions play out like XV’s battle system, but I think better honestly.
Final Fantasy X: My fourth favorite FF title and if I remember my very first. Touching story and I love the characters. The only real flack I have is unskippable cutscenes even in the remaster. It really makes it annoying when facing two certain bosses.
Final Fantasy IX: My fifth favorite FF title. It had quite a few memorable characters and fun games on the side. I really liked its story too. The final boss really came out of no where I still think it should’ve ended at Kuja, but whatevs.
Final Fantasy VII: This one is a classic which is why it made A rank. I’m fairly certain the remake will be S or S+ tier with how they are expanding on characters and the story (I will cry over Biggs,Wedge, and Jessie I can feel it you know its coming, but I bet Square will pull out all the stops to get us to like them)
Final Fantasy Rhythm games: My other favorite genre after JRPGs which is rhythm games. I love the little chibi characters!
Crisis Core: Its a nice prequel and the ending was really good I remember first playing it I cried even though I knew it was coming. I really like the song “Why” that plays during the credits
Final Fantasy V: Only reason it is below A rank is cause I never really got far in it. And both times I played it I only made it to the part where we find out about Faris and Lenna’s relationship. Job system was pretty cool and was an upgrade from III.
Final Fantasy Record Keeper: For a mobile game its pretty good and the gatcha was I think for weapons and not for characters.
Final Fantasy VIII: I actually like the junction and drawing system it was new. The final boss fight would leave me on the edge of my seat cause the final boss I think draws all of a certain type of magic from you every other turn so it was basically a battle against time. This series had more of a modern day/futuristic vibe to it. The only reason its a B cause I didn’t really care too much for the story.
Final Fantasy II: Its an easy game after hitting yourself for two hours straight. No really. After I got past the first part of the game I find that ya know it isn’t THAT bad of a game kinda tedious at the start to get your stats up there, but after that it really is smooth sailing the rest of the game.
Final Fantasy: It is only at B rank cause this is where everything began even if the game play is simple and the characters have no name and there really isn’t much of a story
Final Fantasy X-2: I think its nice that we get to see a more light hearted story for the most part, but I don’t think this was really necessary. Has one of the best battle systems in the franchise though I have fun playing it and it does have some really challenging fights. 
Final Fantasy XIII: I don’t think its bad as what people make it out to be its honestly an average game and the story is alright. 
Final Fantasy Brave Exvius: I used to play this game and the event stories that would come out were really good, but if you do not have 6 Star characters with super strong equipment you would never able to finish the story. Also from what I’ve heard its not even harder to obtain lapis to draw for characters. Gatcha has been going downhill and the events harder which is why I eventually quit.
Final Fantasy III: I haven’t gotten far, but I don’t really care too much for how you can only have so many spells for each level. I think I like V and X-2 more since you can actually learn all the magics by using that class in battle.
World of Final Fantasy: Meh...thats all I gotta say I want to kill that animal thing “THE this” “THE that” if I want to hear shit like that I would go watch Teen Titans Go
Final Fantasy All The Bravest: Again not as bad as the fandom says it is and I breezed through it in a week. I guess I can see why people are ticked though. $1 for a character and it might not even show up in your party. 
Final Fantasy XII: I’m thinking about giving this another chance honestly. I wasn’t a fan of the gameplay or license board.
Final Fantasy XV: Probably one of the biggest disappointments since me playing XII. I payed full price for both AND bought the strategy guides which was not cheap. While XV is better with its gameplay the story felt really rushed and had some of the worst romantic subplot I have ever seen compared to any previous Final Fantasy. Noct had more development with his fellow chocobruhs than he ever did with Luna.
The Dissidia games: I’m not a fan of fighting games I think what I liked most about these were different heroes/villains interacting with each other.
Dirge of Cerberus: Terrible game play, Terrible story, I got motion sickness extremely easy, all around bad game.
Final Fantasy XV mobile game: I never played it, but I have seen ads for it and I’m like really? REALLY?
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divainity-a3 · 5 years
annnndddd onnnnnn this episode of:  r.iverdale is fucking stupid and disrespectful of every character trait reggie has and makes raven wanna pull out their fucking hair:     this fugly scene!  
                                             ( TW: ABUSE, ABUSE MENTION, PARENTAL ABUSE )
you might think: wow maybe raven likes this! it seems accurate to their headcanons about richard’s abuse n how reggie feels about it and they’ve often written threads where reggie does have a black eye because of his father!. maybe. but the way it’s presented and the way reggie’s communicating it? the fact that he IS communicating it period? nah. 
1st of all, archie is the LAST PERSON REGGIE WOULD EVER CONFIDE IN ABOUT SHIT LIKE THIS. he even SAYS it in the fucking scene: you had everything i didn’t. why the fUCK would reggie cry to archie when archie is a constant reminder of the loving family he never had and never will have. why would he be openly vulnerable about that shit with the person who made him cynical and hateful of his parents in the first place? and WHY, please god tell me WHY would he take the time to answer the question calmly and not lash out in anyway. 
second of all can you PLEASE tell me why ch.arles fucking m.elton, the UGLIEST man i have ever seen, is SMILING ??? WHILE HE SAYS THIS SHIT???? HUH??? im sorry is abuse FUNNY to the riverdale writers? if reggie were to even talk about it period he’d be closed off, upset, and extremely distant. im sorry but i said what i said: charl.es me.lton is the worst actor ive had the DISPLEASURE of seeing on any screen. 
                          let’s go line by line so you can really understand where this is coming from:
“what do you want me to say? that my dad hits me? that he beats the crap out of me over the stupidest things?”
everyone knows im not team richard but richard has extremely valid reasons to be upset w/reggie. not to beat him, but be upset with him. why do i know this? because reggie goes OUT OF HIS WAY to infuriate his parents, not so they can beat him, but so he can have some kind of power in the dynamic. in the household. richard doesn’t escalate to hitting reggie unless he has a pretty good reason, which reggie is usually there to give, is what im trying to say. there is no ‘random outburst’ from richard, it happens and it’s wrong that it happens period. 
“that he’s been doing it for as long as i can remember?”
just a horrible piece of written dialogue period but this just isn’t something he’d say. for the most part richard isn’t even around most of the time to do this and yes while it has gone on very long, it has never escalated to this level of visible and long-lasting injury until reggie grew up and “became a man,” a pivotal moment where richard decided he COULD hit reggie harder simply because he was older. which must mean he can take it, right? wrong so the ‘black eye’ shit wasn’t happening for ‘as long as he could remember’ because it wasn’t always this bad. it’s just gotten worse over the years. 
“i was always jealous of the relationship you had with your dad.” 
he wouldn’t openly admit that, he’s too prideful. why would he ever tell archie that he has something he wants because he runs on the fact that he wants NOTHING that archie has and is therefore superior. this wouldn’t happen. instead he’d call archie out on his privilege for not being able to fathom that his father hit him because his life is so picture perfect. also there’s something to be said about poc families beating their kids and white families babying them but that’s a whole other thing—
“no matter what you wanted to do, he always stood by you. i don’t know what that feels like.”
the core issue with reg and richard is that richard literally just hates reggie. period. richard talks SHIT with his coworkers about his deadbeat son. how much of a pest he is and how much he wishes he could have another son that wasn’t so disappointing and awful. furthermore, it’s not that reggie wants to do things that richard doesn’t like, it’s that he doesn’t want to do ANYTHING with his life and perpetually acts like a teenager as if he’ll be one forever. the IMMATURITY is the issue not what reggie “””wants to do””” because reggie doesn’t WANT to do anything.
“and when your dad died, all i could think was ‘what if it had been my old man instead?’”
i’ve said this before and i’ll say it again: reggie wouldnt give a fuck if his dad dropped dead. he’d be GRATEFUL, jesus christ— you really think reggies around here moping like ‘uGh i kNoW my dAd liTerally bEAts tHe sHit ouT Of mE but wHat iF He DiEd i’D bE sO saD i’d RaThEr hAvE hiM aLiVe aNd aBuSiVe tHaN DeAd— NO.  reg! has wished! his dad! would just die! since he was old enough to understand what that meant. abuse made him cold and bitter and you can’t! blame him! fuck outta here with that ‘aW bUT i StIlL lOvE hiM hE’S mY dAd— if anyone understands what it means to say that ‘just because you’re related doesn’t mean you love each other’ it is REGGIE MANTLE  in this ESSAY I WILL—
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