#worth the climb
acommonloon · 8 months
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This town
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flannelepicurean · 2 years
Okay, if I can just get back on my Stardew bullshit for one more minute here...
SEBASTIAN. Okay. For real, tho. Okay. I love that li'l emo twink so much.
But I feel like there's at least one AU where he's got like...an Adam Driver bod. And people kinda-sorta get that maybe he's a bit tall or whatever, but it's all fun and games and cigarettes and goth records till the hoodie comes off and errybody jaw hits the fuckin' floor 'cause he's built like a goddamn fridge. People start seein' random numbers and triangles and math floatin' by, tryna figure out what kinda TARDIS material that fuckin' hoodie's made out of.
Farmer finds out he's worth the climb, though, boy-eeee. And he may look like an immovable object, but if a mofo can go jettin' around the valley with a backpack full of rocks and iridium all day, it's a pretty safe bet they could probably sweep him right off his feet. ;)
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sidetongue · 1 year
When you’re bored because everyone is quiet and relaxed, so you clamber over your brother and annoy the heck out of your sister to get SOME kind of attention
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theuniversessoul · 3 months
Life is like a wall that you have to climb.
Some people are born with helicopters.
Other people have to climb from the bottom themselves.
Some people don't even have rock climbing equipment.
You can spend your time looking up at the people in airplanes and helicopters, envying them.
But you won't move any where.
They have their own problems. They crash into each other.
Or you can destroy the wall. Take it down and everyone else around you.
You're still at the bottom.
Or you can focus on where you are.
On where you want to go, and start climbing.
Maybe you'll collect some gear on the way. You'll see some nice views too.
If you rush, you're just gonna fall.
Take your time. Be in the moment. Be kind. Do your own thing. And live.
Love to all 🫶
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runawaymun · 2 days
just ascended Baizhu to the 4th tier and I'm ...... ;-;
"My energy is on the rise... I suppose it is due to the recent improvements in my condition. I don't feel so weary, even after a full day of seeing patients. This is all thanks to your efforts."
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celestesinsight · 6 months
January 2, 2024!
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For someone like me, who isn't living a very active lifestyle for last few years and almost spend all her time reading in bed, the thought of climbing is very off-putting.
But I always wanted to see Khandadhar Waterfalls. So, I pushed myself to climb these steps (more than 500) to reach the base of the waterfall.
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The view when you reached the base is enchanting. I am glad I didn't skip it, fearing the exertion, otherwise I would have regretted it later.
Khandadhar Waterfalls is located at Nandapani, distance of few kilometres from Bonaigarh, a subdivision of Sundargarh District of Odisha. It is said to be highest waterfall in Odisha and 12th highest in India.
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bugmistake · 2 months
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sweet little plants i've spotted recently :~)
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graveyardrabbit · 5 months
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Point Reyes Lighthouse
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skyloftian-nutcase · 1 year
Move over, Breath of the Wild, MY HYRULE IS BETTER
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vettelcore · 4 months
people with outdoor cats be like: yes my cat came back home half dead, caught hiv, is full of parasites and sometimes has gone missing for weeks but i don't care bc at least the cat is free and not locked inside like selfish people do!!!
#i cannot fucking stress this enough PLEASE do not let your cats roam outside freely if you care about them#if they're used to going outside leash them!!!!#the amount of cats we get at the clinic who come almost dead/with horrible wounds bc they're allowed to be outside is insane#not to mention how many run over cats i see where i live#they could get attacked by other animals too#like its just not worth it#we had to put down a cat today after the owners found her almost dead with an INSANE infection bc she had ruptured her intestines#her hip was shattered too#looked like probably some asshole kicked her#and the owners were like oh we had just buried one of our other cats the other day after she got attacked by another animal#and im just standing there like ?????? and that's normal to you??????#oh but at least the cats can climb trees though 🤪#remember the dude i talked about a while ago who brought his cat in honestly the worst condition I've ever seen?#covered in poop vomit piss and fuck knows what else?#that had a colony of cats all infected with FelV bc he refuses to vax them?#yeah this woman was a family member btw#thank FUCK he didn't come today because that would've been a shitshow#all things considered at least this woman seems to be... not absolutely fucking insane? i guess?#but anyway she kept saying how it was sudden! and how the cat was perfectly fine last night!#oh my gOD that cat had maggots eating her from the inside that doesn't happen overnight#cats are tough and will hide a lot of pain but can't you just tell the truth???#you either didn't care enough to bring this poor baby earlier or you just noticed now what had happened to her
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itsbebebe · 9 months
Petition for the federation to put more parkour in their buildings to add difficulty that wont lag out the server like a fuckton of mobs normally do
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ereh-emanresu-tresni · 3 months
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carrion--comfort · 25 days
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The Appalachians
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imflyingfish · 3 months
mm I just tried Genshin impact for the first time and like. I think its fine its just not really for me tbh. I didnt know anything about it before hand. like the thing that i liked most about Genshin was running around collecting food and shit... but other than that I just found it kind of boring and like I was being talked down on. I was going to play it on stream (and maybe one day I still will) but i'm not fully sure if its the game that I want to play.
Like the characters I found... mostly uninteresting, ive never been too into elemental gameplay systems and I think that the majority of combat is... really dull and repetative. theres no sneak button either! I was really looking forwards to the cooking mechanic (for.. some reason. I think i just like gathering the materials for it) But the actual crafting mechanic is also really boring with zero surprise in what you might make.
While and after playing I felt like everything around me was overly smooth and baby-like. I got the urge to watch a thriller movie just to find some stakes in whatever after. (I don't usually watch those ever). I felt like my own actions had no imapct on anything, I wasnt really 'discovering' anything like new weapons or recipes since when you open the cooking menu, everythings already there with the masterials you have, and the "minigame" is useless and just a 1 click timing. It didnt really feel like anything I did had any consequence on anything (Although this may have just been a tutorial stage thing) The characters were like. fine. Theyre pretty but that also makes them dull. It feels like the game is trying to force me to love them and get more and more and I just. dont care tbh
Anyway, none of these are actual drags on the game itself. I still think its like a fine game and its certainly very pretty, so it could work as a de-stressor or whatever for me. I just think I own other games that I enjoy a bit more
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sameteeth · 6 months
something that i think is really interesting about billy's view of flint in s3 is that he thinks flint's death (if it's in a self-sacrificial way) will not absolve him of his sins in life but that it will make up for the hurt he's caused. or at least that billy wants it to. he pushes flint to take the maroon queen hostage so that flint will die, but flint will die for the crew. billy says in s3e6 "with all the shit that he's done, the things he's gotten away with, [flint dying to free them from the maroons] would have been fair. that would have been right" and that he wants to see "the moment the world finally catches up to [flint]" if/when he dies dueling teach. billy has a very simple idea of justice - he wants flint to die for the death and destruction he has caused, no matter how. that will make the world right, that the narrative will be balanced again.
but what billy doesn't know, and what makes me INSANE about this show is that the full quote from billy is is "I think part of the reason I've been able to stand by his [flint's] side is that I wanted to make sure I've got a good view of the moment the world finally catches up to him... and this story starts to make sense again." but to flint, what he has done is in service of his own justice. justice for the deaths of thomas and miranda and james mcgraw, for the theft of his home in london and again his home in nassau. but to billy, HIS narrative identifies flint as the villain. as the monster. for billy to get justice, flint must die. but it's SUCH a good line, because it also prompts the viewer to think - in OUR narrative, which follows flint and silver mostly, flint must succeed. we want him to beat teach and take the fleet back and overthrow the british empire. flint is shown to be a murderer but he is also shown to be deeply deeply human and we are set up to sympathize him. but it makes you consider what other voices we aren't hearing. who else has been hurt by flint's actions? what narratives have flint as the villain ? none of the characters in black sails are the heroes in every story - but to who are they the villains?
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feartheoldblog · 26 days
tried a white claw for the first time and i now know what a suggestion of a flavour is in a drink
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