#woudl you kick him
luc1d4 · 5 months
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original drawing by CoffeeTheFox_ on twt
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honeybeefae · 1 year
Hi lovely,
Congrats on 2K, so happy for you!!!! I really loved the Eris starfall prompt you did a while back, woudl you consider writing another Eris starfall piece (not picky about what's in it, go wild <3)?
(p.s. this is health issues anon, I've fully recovered thanks to bedrest and the magical medicine of Dr. Ben and Jerry, and thank you for giving me the fanfiction to rebinge ever since I joined the ACOTAR fandom you were one of my first favourites and it's stayed)
(This was so cute to write and I literally was kicking my feet and giggling the entire time. I hope you enjoy it and I am SO happy to hear you are recovered fully and I'm kicking my feet again about me being one of your favorites thank you sm that means so much <3 <3)
Starfall Wishes (Eris Vanserra x Reader)
WARNINGS: None, pure fluff :) 
“Stop moving, I’m almost done!” You chastise the little girl in front of you as she wiggles from side to side. She’s practically vibrating with excitement as you pin the last emeralds into her hair, making sure everything was in its place before you turned her around to face the mirror.
“Wow…” She gasped, standing up on the chair to admire the way her dress shimmered and shined. “I look just like you, mama!”
“I think you are far more beautiful, Scarlett.” You smile lovingly, helping her off the chair. “I think your daddy will think so too.”
“I can’t wait to see him! He promised me a dance!” She said gleefully, bounding out of the bedroom and towards the door. “I can’t believe I finally get to come with you! And I get to see Nyx and Valerie!”
“It’s going to be a big night.” You nod along as she continued raving about the party, barely stopping to take a breath. “Are you sure you can handle staying up this late? Our ride was long this morning.”
“I’m fine, I’m not a baby,” Scarlett said with a huff, crossing her arms and pouting. “Can we go now? I don’t want to be late!”
“You need to learn patience, my love. We are a few feet from the party so I doubt we can be late.” You point out while fixing your lipstick, sighing when she starts tugging on your skirts.
“I can hear Nyx and Valerie playing already!” She whined, already on the verge of a meltdown as you rolled your eyes and slid on your heels. The sun had already dipped past the horizon and you realized that Eris was still nowhere to be seen.
“Do you know where your father is?” You asked her, rubbing your temple when she shrugged her shoulders and opened the door. “I suppose he will be late once more.”
The trip to the balcony was short and you barely had enough time to open the door before Scarlett ran past you and into the arms of her two friends. Nyx was growing up as handsome as his father with the kindness of his mother, his little smile making you wanna pinch his cheek as he gave you a wave. 
Valerie was a spitfire all on her own. She had Cassian’s wings but the rest of her, save for the curly dark hair, was pure Nesta. She was the ringleader of the three musketeers as you called them. You gave her a nod as she passed you by, offering you the same as the trio immediately went to the food.
“I think they have the right idea.” Feyre chuckled as she wrapped you in a tight hug, your large belly bumping against her own. It had been quite a shock for both of you to find out you were pregnant again so soon, especially simultaneously, but it seemed to have brought you closer.
“Right? I swear I’m carrying twin boys with the way I’ve been eating.” You grinned, smiling at Rhys as he came up behind Feyre and pulled her into his body. “I see your belly hasn’t gotten in the way of you two.”
“It could never,” Rhys smirked, kissing her ear and making her giggle. “I see your mate is not around. Is the High Lord going to skip out on you once again?”
You frowned and looked towards the door. “He wouldn’t miss Scarlett’s first Starfall. It’s all she’s been talking about for months.” 
“Of course, of course.” He assured, though you could hear the tension in his voice. “I’m glad they all have each other to grow up with. Nyx adores Scarlett.”
“Scarlett feels the same.” You say while turning your attention back to your daughter. “She’s recently asked if he and Valerie can come on a hunting trip with us.”
“I don’t know if I trust the lot of them with weapons just yet,” Cassian said, coming out of nowhere with Nesta by his side. “Valerie has been eyeing our blades for a while and I cannot lie, I’m slightly afraid of that.”
“I seem to recall you having the same reaction when I train with you, though I think it’s because you get knocked on your ass every time.” Nesta snickered, her eyes warm as Cassian rolled his eyes at her dig.
“Like mother like daughter.” He replied with a smile, red siphons glowing as the sky grew darker. “Is Eris not coming?”
“He is.” You said a little too quickly, placing a hand atop your bump as you tried not to stress. “He must have gotten caught up with something.”
“Do you want us to go look for him?” Rhysand asked, noting your anxious stance. “I’m sure he’s fine but we can find him with ease.”
Your mouth twists upwards in contemplation, looking around the party once more before shaking your head. “I don’t want you to miss it. He knows where he is supposed to be.”
“Right by your side, as always.” Eris’s smooth voice purrs into your ear, making you jump in surprise. You turn to face him and lightly slap him on his arm, your eyebrows furrowed in frustration.
“You are late, sir.” You say through your teeth, nodding towards Scarlett. “You almost missed her first Starfall. She even picked out a dress to match mine.”
Scarlett turned when she heard him, her face lightening up in happiness as she abandoned whatever game they were playing to leap into her father's arms.
“Daddy, daddy!” She squealed as he swung her around once, hugging his neck as tight as she could. “Look at my dress! It’s just like Mama’s!”
“You look beautiful, my little fireheart.” Eris cooed, kissing her cheek and setting her down. “As beautiful as Mama.”
A blush crept onto your cheeks as he pulled you to his side, Scarlett running back to Nyx and Valerie. You closed your eyes as he kissed you softly, his hand on the small of your back. 
“I’m sorry I’m late. I had to stop and get a gift for you.” He smirked, dodging another playful slap. 
“We said no gifts, Eris!” You huffed. “I didn’t get you anything because I thought we were in agreement.”
“You’ve gotten me two of the best gifts I could ever want, besides you of course.” He replied while rubbing your belly, his gaze turning tender as he went from the baby in your stomach to Scarlett. “You’ve gifted me something I can never repay.”
A brief flash of light had a hush falling over the crowd, everyone turning to look out into the sky. You reached out your hand to Scarlett and she happily took it, giggling when Eris lifted her onto his shoulders so she could get a better view. 
The flash was soon followed by more until the entire sky was raining stars. It never got old as you stared in wonder, one of Eris’s arms wrapping around you so he could kiss your temple.
“This is amazing,” Scarlett whispered above the two of you, her amber eyes wide with disbelief. “Daddy, could you get one for me?”
“Anything for my girl.” He immediately replied, patting her knee as he winked at you. If someone had told you years ago when you had first met Eris, that he would be a fun-loving, smiling father you would’ve laughed in their face. 
His life had shaped him into someone who was hard to understand, someone who rarely showed affection outside of you, but starting this family with him had completely changed him in the best way possible.
“Could you get me one too?” You smiled, gazing up at him in utter devotion and love.
Eris looked down at you, taking in the curve of your lips and the color of your eyes. Your beauty constantly took his breath away and tonight was no different. He never thought he could have this, have a family with you. 
“Anything for my girl.” He repeated, resting his chin on your forehead as you wrapped your arms around his stomach and laid your head on his chest as the stars danced around your little family. 
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capcavan · 11 months
Raven Seth au
Instead of overdose Seth is served blackmail letter, he has a choice (not really) He can come to Edgar Allan or his siblings will be in danger
The decision was easy, his siblings worth too much and foxes not trusted enough
Seth became raven 16 there was no way he woudl ever make it to perfect court numbers 1-9 reserved only for that numbers 10-19 for players who get to play in matches and 20-+ for glorified training aids Seth is paired with 17, and if he won't clean up his game they both will get degraded to 26 and 27
Seth in EA is different person than what he could allow himself to be at Palmetto, any mistake he makes here can end up as harm to his family, there is no arguing no shouting no attitude, there is Yes Captain and quiet acceptance of physical abuse
Riko is focused on him much more than he ever been on any other 2 digit pet project, Seth is forced to train and chase to try and match ravens bottom line till his muscles tear
Riko does not know how to deal with Seth, for years he was used to forcing other to obey and respect him by force. After every order he gives he expect resistance and with every order he is ready to strike, looks forward to it. But there is no need to hit Seth because Seth listen to him, Seth takes sleeping pills when told to, shuts up when looked at and repeats drills 10 more times even when shaking with exhaustion
Riko is confused
Riko is under stimulated and out of rhythm around Seth
Seth is his private antipsychotic
Truthfully Seth is not afraid of Riko, only of what Riko can cause to his family, Riko is barely 5'5 and not the first person to kick his shin- just one that kicks the hardest
Over time Riko realises that Seth is not interested in protecting himself just his family- things shift, because now Riko pushes him even harder but in different ways, not to break his body but to force him to improve, because this man has family he cares for and little brothers he wants to provide for and for that he needs to learn to play better, he needs to keep up in the position 16 on raven team- a guarantee of successful career after finishing his contract.
Riko wants to bask in the affection Seth feels for his siblings
Seth notices all the little broken things about Riko, the way he he never speaks up when the master is in the room or the frequency with which bruises bloom on his body They get close navigating awkwardly this sm relationship forged on nothing but issues
Seth is the only person who never lashed out at Riko slowly making him more trustful and seeing him as the only one Riko can confide in by the time summer is over Seth can not care to look back at palmetto, playing with ravens will give him better advantage in future considering he has only 1 year left to make mark the foxes still bond over Seth leaving them believing he did so selfishly for own gain, if there were any doubts they dissapeared when they saw Seth at Rikos side. Kevin and Seth get in fight upon meeting - Kevin and Riko never broke up my views on their relationship Kevin comments on how mediocre player by his and Rikos standards Gordon is ( how can you even let him touch he can't score for shit) Riki: because I genuinely like him Riki: wait
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HIII MAC! i don’t listen to tma (podcasts r hard :[ still working my way thru nightvale) but whatever an avatar of the extinction is sounds very intriguing 👀 giggling kicking my legs twirling my hair. would u like 2 perhaps. explain what that is and how it relates 2 knives perhaps??? i am holding out a microphone 2 u the floor is yours
ok in basic terms. The Extinction rules over. obviously the fear of going extinct. (alt names for it are. The Terrible Change, The Future Without Us, and The World Is Always Ending. which. hello. slaps.) it deals with catastrophies, large forces of change, the human race dying out and being replaced with something else. you know that feeling when you think about how the sun is going to expand and swallow the earth in millions of years and theres no way the planet or anything on it will survive that, but time will keep passing anyway without us? yeah. that.
there werent ever any actual extinction avatars within the show, so its given more as a vague concept instead of given human form (which i think is very fitting) but if it was given a form i think that would be TEXTBOOK knives. thats his Whole Deal.
the extinction IS however manifested physically in different ways in the show, mostly in the form of different technology. and sometimes it gives visions of what humanity could potentially become or be replsced by.
ALL THAT TO SAY. holy shit. extinction avatar knives. he is distinctly Not Human, but appears human. he's actively working toward the destruction of all humanity, planning to replace it with plants. plants are vaguely humanoid in shape, but also distinctly Not Human. horrifying and eldritch and scary. the first time any of the humans see what a plant actually looks like its often met with disgust and horror. now imagine seeing those and being told "one day all of humanity will die and be forgetten about, and youll be replaced with these. nobody will be left to miss you." knivescore.
this post is getting sooo long but i have so much more to say. namely regarding not only knives' need for the destruction of humanity but ALSO his destruction of everyone he used to love. the people on the ship. rem. vash. etc.
BUT. i woudl also like to talk about desolation vash :]
The Desolation is the fear of losing things dear to you. losing everything you own in a house fire. family members and close friends dying unexpectedly and out of your control. everything you love being cruelly ripped away from you in an act of senseless and unstoppable violence. natural disasters. etc. you see what im talking about here.
Desolation is often represented by fire and melting wax but thats really only because the only canon representation we get is very fire-heavy. personal hc is that it can manifest in ways other than that.
normally i would call vash a victim of the desolation (victims are people whose lives are ruined or are killed by the fears, but avatars are people who either embody or serve the entity. instead of being afraid (or sometimes in spite of being afraid) they are also drawn to their fear and have a sick fascination with it) BUT. even though he has VERY much been a victim. vash has also CAUSED desolation. its not always his fault and its never intentional, but it still Happens. he doesnt want it to. and thats why hes unwilling, he would never choose to torture people in that way, but it still happens and because of his actions the entity is still being fed. look at the people who want revenge on him because of july. look at augusta and the fifth moon. it might not be his fault, but hes still the catalyst.
look at vash standing in the ruins of july and tell me that isnt desolation incarnate.
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MATTY PICKING YOU UP FROM A PARTY or what abt you sneaking into one of the band's parties (that george has forbode you from going to)
ok so maybe its late and you're calling george but he isn't answering and you're like shit :/ because your friends are gone and you thought you could hang a little more than you actually could. so your next best option? uber!matty. (im kidding actually) when you call him you can hear his smirk through the phone asking if you're thinking about him and when you just roll your eyes and ask him if he's busy and you sound a little weepy because you walked a little too far from the party and now you're sure you're lost (not lost, just drunk) and he's like "dw im omw baby" and he's driving you back towards your place but you're like "no, they're all out for the night, don't want to be home alone :(" and how can he say no so he's driving you back to his and sneaking you in the apartment this time and he gets an overnight guest and another close call with george in the morning because you've overslept your alarm and now george is awake and you're stuck having to climb through the fire escape and go to the front door and act like you just magically arrived!
SNEAKING INTO A PARTY. ok this au they're not like a big big band, they're mildly famous (think like drive like i do era, where people locally know them and they've garnered a repuation around town for themselves). george doesn't really like you hanging around the band at parties (one because you're still a baby in his eyes (for the most part) and two because they get up to some stuff at parties that he woudl rather you not be around for actually, you've heard vague stories about the time they found ross asleep like twenty minutes from the apartment in a field with no shoes on, but you think they might have left out a few parts) but :D you show up anyway. none of the boys knew you were coming and you waited a good bit to sneak in so that way if george realized you were there he would be too drunk to kick you out and maybe you catch matty's eye and he's like ... well fuck. because you look delectable and he's got another girl on his hip but he's shrugging her off and making his way to you and after some coersion and shots, he's taking you into the bathroom and begging to eat you out on the counter or something.. but before you get too far, he's actually just about to pull your pants down, george is banging on the door in a very maddy from euphoria fashion, telling whoever's behind the door that they have to hurry up because there's a line of people waiting to take a piss.
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spiritgenie · 1 year
I can answer your question about 2B.
From what I've gathered about the production story, they found out about the cut around the time they were writing Eda's Requiem.
According to the storyboards that have surfaced online, Philip originally searched for a spell called the Song of the Stars instead of the Collector in Elsewhere and Elsewhen.
Amity didn't originally give up the key in Eclipse Lake somehow, as she still has it in storyboards for Clouds on the Horizon.
You can tell when the upped pace kicked in as of Follies at the Coven Day Parade when Belos suddenly announces the DOU is a month away.
Hollow Mind has all the evidence of an intended season finale - a close encounter with Belos, the revelations about helping him find the Collector and him being a witch hunter and Hunter being a grimwalker, Hunter running away on a cliffhanger.
It's been speculated by myself and others that Hollow Mind was supposed to be the s2 finale and the DOU was either the midpoint for s3 or the s3 finale and the show ends there.
The kids don't get trapped in the human realm because the Collector wasn't originally there to cause havoc.
so we could have had more lumity......or no trapperd in human realm, or collector....woudl we have even gotten more info on vee and camila.....
honestly a part of me likes the story we got better, not the shortened season, i will NEVER like that....but i feel like...
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inkyquince · 1 year
inky is having their chai and thinking:
i think people give dark romance SUCH a bad rep, especially these days. i dont care about dark romance having toxic couples at all (please look around here, why would i care) but it legitmately depends on how the story is marketed.
The reason why i hated the toxicity of the boring ass couple in the notebook is because its marketed as... Yknow. A wholesome love story with sap. That's why i hate Noah and what's her face. Man legit threatens suicide if she doesn't go out with him. But its marketed as this whirlwind, somewhat heavy but all together feel good love story. Cause of that, I hate The Notebook. I watched it at 13 and my god, until years later, i didnt really realise that SOMEONE THREATENING TO KILL THEMSELF IF YOU DIDNT GO OUT WITH THEM WOUDL BE TERRIFING IRL. also if that happens to you, legit just call them out on their bluff by telling them you're phoning them an ambulance, save the messages from the conversation and call emergency services. reality check to the extreme.
Anyway, i hate that book for real, but the reason i kinda love the toxic relationships in like.. .Bridgerton novels (not the rape scene between daphne and simon, that was just... deeply uncomfortable AND i still hate miscommunication as a plot device), but ITS NOT MARKETTED... AS A WHOLESOME LOVE STORY. its messy period drama with romance, its a period piece of gossip girl (the old one. not the trash fire reboot, im glad its cancelled). I love mess. I love awful people. "Their relationship is toxic" AND THATS THE POINT. One of the later books has her husband/suitor tie her up in the bathroom and leave her there. It's not marketed as these stories of love. Like Pride and Prejudice is a satire but yknow, they only get together after Elizabeth has kicked him in the knee for insulting her family and he grows. That's cute as hell man.
But so many dark romance books dont market themselves as wholesome love stories, they're nasty, and as someone who watched Anna Karenina WAY WAY WAY too young and adored everything about it to the point I READ THE BOOK... AT LIKE 12... (dont read old russian literature unless you're willing to really stick by it and also cry), I love the mess that comes from a relationship that isn't perfect and is played up to be fucking nasty.
But why do people put dark romance... and nicholas sparks puke inducing cheese romance on the same level of responsibility?
Twilight and The Notebook and Sleepless in Seattle were marketed as these true love stories, where the conflicts are mostly external... Instead of Edward being a weirdo creep asshole, Noah threatening suicide if whats-her-face didnt go on a date and manhandling her and MEG RYAN BEING A PRIVACY BREAKING WEIRDO STALKER BITCH WITH WEIRD PARASOCIAL OBSESSION WITH MISTER HANDS (i forgot their character names) and they should all get flak for marketing themselves as such. I love conflict in a romance, but sometimes that conflict is.... illegal and gross and worthy of a thousand break ups and car keying.
But dark romance makes sure to market itself as... Dark romance.
Why are stupid people on tiktok surprised that its not wholesome.
btw colleen hoover should get run over jesus christ
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fandom-imagination-ss · 10 months
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Request Imagine: Being Jeskier's half-sister and a Half-Elf, being thick as thieves, and joining him and Geralt on adventures till Geralt yells at Jeskier so you follow him to try and make him Apologize. On the way you arrive at Cintra When it's being taken, you find Ciri so you both end up on Adventures together to Find Geralt. Eventually go to To Kaer Morhen where you meet Geralt's Brother, Eskel, and fall in love.
You Loved your brother, even those being Only half Siblings. the moment you were born your mother Dropped you off at your fathers and wished him luck. So Jeskier was by your side from the start you use to follow him everywhere growing up and when he started to travel to sing his Songs you joined until your father would Pull you back home to be a proper young lady until He got distracted by a pretty new lady he was courting So you sneaked off to see your brother and ended up on an Adventures with Him and Geralt the Lone Wolf. a witcher. It was Going Great Until- the two idiots one being your brother and the other Geralt started Bickering. you saw the Fight Coming they were both on edge all week. making One-handed remarks. then Jeskier Bregged that he was traveling with the witcher. causing unwanted attention which cause A Drunk fool to stroll over to your table.. at first he went to boost how he could take down the Great "lone Wolf" but then he saw you. and saw your pointed ears and the man lunged at you. before you coudl grab your blade to defend yourself Geralt slammed the man onto the table and a huge Brawl started. it ended with the three of you being kicked out of the Pub/ your hotel. you were suppose to spend the first night in weeks in a proper bed. and have a bath. but that was ruined.
the Two Fought and bickered.. truthfully you were on Geralt's side of the fight, If Jeskier kept his mouth shut, and didn't bring attention to you Nor Geralt you woudl be in a nice warm bed right now. Instead of walking down a dark road in the pitch black chassing after your brother. who was as brave as a mouse. you found him begging him to just apoglize and that a nice warm meal and good sleep will solve everyone's problems but Jaskier decided he would rather keep traveling and singing away from Geralt and you. he wanted "Me time' which you laughed Saying that was non sense but he left either way.. you searched for Geralt but in his fit of rage he stormed off Leaving you alone.
you ended up traveling by yourself exploring the world you decided to Go to Cintra mainly because you never been and the other resort was to return home, and finally do what your father wished and that was to Marry, settle downa nd give him grandbabies.. Not many choices for a lady. but you arrived at Cinetra Right during battle as you fought protecting a Old man who had One leg. and was on the ground crying. when you noticed. Ciri. escaping Cinetra you both went on a long search to Find Geralt.
Ending up in the Witcher's birthplace was Not what you expected but you entered the castle with Geralt, and Ciri as you were in amazement. the castle was Cold and drafty when Geralt said to pick any room.. you weren't sure what to expect but having rooms with holes in them gave little protection to the elements Vs rooms that were warm. being filled with Rats.. it wasn't a great option.. espicalyl since Rats terrified you.
Fighting monsters, Climbing up high mountains, Or blood scared you. little scared you. you coudl rationalize anything. But Rats! UGH! with those Eyes, and those Tails and the Feet! Oh! you weren't entirely sure Why Rodents scared you but. you have thrown Jaskier, and Literally Children infront of you using them as shields. Ciri had No problem with the Rats which stunned you. she was a princess. you found a Room that had Only One Hole in the wall.. looking at the room it had a corner where Snow wasc coming in but it was cold.. and the Rodents would choose the warmer rooms. you had worst.- well you told yourself you had the worst.. to make yourself feel better.
I used a blanket to plug up the hole as you went to anoher room stealing more blankets. it was late that night while all the witchers were Roasting and celebrating Geralt's return and bringing two beauitful ladies did you meet his brother. Eskel walked in and dritectly to Geralt giving him a Hug as they talked to themselves. he was handsome you thought as he completely ingored the two strangers in he's family home.
"where's your room?"
Ciri asked as you looked over at her. you like Ciri, she was thirsty for knowledge and wanted revenge. but at heart.. she was still a girl. scared but forcing herself to be brave. you saw a weird amount of Geralt in her. had to be the "child by surprise" thing. you spoke, "you know when you go up the stairs. to the corridors to the left?"
She nodded her head, "the second room on the right."
Ciri was stunned, 'there's no heat there.. theres holes in all of them. "Aye. but Not one Rat... I'll rather Freeze to death."
"they are harmless."
"Mark my words Ciri! one day those Suckers are going to whipe out a Entire Civiliation!" she rolled her eyes as Geralt walked over as he spoke, "Ciri, Y/N this is my brother Eskel'
he bowed looking at you btoh as he caught your eye. for a second before he moved them away as he said, "It's been a long Journey I think i'll retire for the evening."
he walked off as Geralt sat down as you spoke, "he semes.. tall."
"rough Hunt- Did you find a room?"
you nodded your head, "you all needs alot of Cats." he chuckled as he spoke, 'you could just simply kill them if they bother you that much."
you shook your head Geralt knew how terrified ou were of the rodents. you have shoved him in front of you more then Jaskier has Sang "toss a coin to your witcher"
"god- and touch them? Fuckno!"
the next day you were watching the witchers train as you joined in. you were always pretty good at fighting. probably because of your mother. you were always just a bit faster than everyone, stronger, and flexible. so you got the hang of fighting pretty easily. then that night arrived as they invited the local Whores from the village to come up to the party. you escorted Ciri to her room. she May have had to grow up faster then most. but you could still shield her innocent eyes from that! you opened the door to her room to see Rats scurry across the floor as you screamed loudly jumping away from the door and backwards as you paced away as Ciri chuckled just to hear a sword being uncovered and hurried boots. you turned to see Eskel as he was holding his sword out ready to Fight to protect yuo both as you spoke, "it's fine- it's Nothing im sorry.."
"What a great protector you are Y/N"
"Oh stuff it Ciri! they are-" Ciri dissapeared into the room as you knew excatly what she was doign as you Ran down the hall towards Eskel getting behind him as Ciri came out holding a rat. as you screamed, "DROP IT! MY GOD CIRI YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW DISGUSTING THAT IS! MY GOD YOUR SUPPOSE TO BE A PRINCESS!" Ciri laughed as she spoke, 'how the hell you get that far so fast?"
you were not only behind Eskel but down the hall far away as Eskel turned seeing you as you held your hips, tightly, "Ciri your Lucky Geralt would Kill me ffor killing you!"
Ciri just laughed loudly saying goodnight. she closed her door leaving you alone with the quiet Witcher. you held your arms fast as he turned to you" scared of Rats?"
"I"m scared of monsters- Im terrified of Rats.."
he grinned weakly, "Bad place to be. This place is full of them."
You nodded your head, "I fully agree- why aren't you downstairs- with the guests."
He chuckled softly as he spoke, "Well I was heading down till I heard a Lady in distress."
Your face burned red as you laughed it off. trying to have a clear thought as he spoke, "Have a good night Y/n"
"Night." he walked passed you as you went into your room. in the morning you got out of your room to see a Cat sleeping in a basket You smiled bent down and rubbed its head as he leaped out of the basket and it rubbed itself over you as it walked inside jumped onto the bed and went to sleep.
While Geralt was busy, Ciri was put under the wings of the other witchers to learn to fight. you were always paired up with Eksel. you were always with him he was kind and sweet. and quiet but the quiet wasn't awkward or cruel it was nice and comforting just being in his company. It wasn't Crash. it wasn't a Sudden Zing that made you realize you were in love with him. it crept up on you, it was a subtle he would always wait to eat until you arrive downstairs,a nd would always have a compliment and would help you wrap up your injuries from training.
then one day Geralt announced you all were leaving to go help Ciri to find a teacher ot teach her how to control her magic. which the idea of leaving Made your stomach turn as you sat outside in the garden you were supposed to leave tomorrow.
you were staring at a dead tree- till you heard the deep voice of Eskel Lifting your head he stepped over to you and sat down beside you, "I hear you leaving tomorrow."
Nodding your head weakly, you rubbed your arms softly. it was chilly out, and Eskel sat holding his arms over himself. as he stared at the tree.
"You have to leave with them?"
You felt your heart squeeze as you stole a look at him. he looked pail and nervous as you rolled your shoulders "I doubt you witchers want me to stick around-."
"Well- I'm leaving tomorrow also."
"Oh, where to?"
"Been called off to the north- Would you consider coming with me?"
It wasn't a Fast burning Romance. it was Slow- which only made sense. they were trained to suppress all emotion. so it wasn't abnormal. it happened months after traveling together you were sitting in a pub unamused as a bar wrench was trying to Sit on Eskel Lap. he had to shove her away and say he was taken as he grabbed your hand tightly as he pulled you up onto his lap. the lady disappeared as eskel held you tightly to him as he nestled his head on your shoulder as he spoke low, "this is nice."
he wrapped his arms around you as you held his arms as you leaned into him, 'it is.. we should do this more often." he chuckled as he spoke, "how about the rest of our lives?' you chuckled softly.
"Rest of our lives? sounding dangerously close to a marriage posposal." he chuckled as he pressed his forehead to your shoulder, "so what if it was?"
you turned to him stunned as you spoke, "No I love you first? just Straight to marriage? that is fast."
"well- why waste time."
"oh your the romantic one."
he chuckled softly as he held you tightly, 'I know im not excatly romantic... but I do love you."
you smiled at that as you turned your head giving him a quick kiss on the forehead, "I love you too."
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poltergeist-coffee · 7 months
I somehow survived this week:D(<-it's only Tuesday, but let's ignore that)
I still not over Richas and Pepito having a sleep over
They are my children and if anything happens to them I will kill everyone and then myself
One of the most random things was when I opened Cellbit's stream on the movie night
I expected anything but not him, Quackity and Roier on the same room
Oh, yeah, and a photo with Roier inside a barrel
Richarlyson now has a mom, I still so unwell about it
You can bet that I smiled in a very random when he called Bagi mom
He's so cute, they are so cute together
Little robber she is, she stole my heart<3
Ngl I don't know much about Sunny, but I love her anyway
Precious little boi
To this day, I still have the Juana Flippa song in my head
In random moments my mind will just go "Quackity, Philza and my bitch wife too" or a lot of "flippa"
Slime didn't have to go so hard with that song(and with jorts)
And I watched the first episode of that vampire campaign Slime is doing:D
It was really good
I didn't get all the names of them, but I want to mention that the person who played Shilo was just- like, you could imagine his mannerism so well and the voice acting was just so good
I don't know what's a twink, but I heard he's a twink
I hope nothing happens to Soda (or Grefgore, he's just guy trying his best)
Soda, my beloved
- 🍽
RICHAS AND PEPITO HAVING A SLEEPOVER WAS SO CUTE :”)) THE BABIES richas loves pepito so much he’s like this is my little brother and i love pepito and we will have so much fun together. it makes me think of richas and bobby TT richas taking pepito on adventures like he use to go on with bobby…
quackity, roier and cellbit irls streams were so much fun <- was not there to watch a single one because of schoolwork
You can tell me about empanada and i’ll tell you about sunny because she’s my little princess and i’m obsessed with her. i love her she’s got tubbo wrapped around her little fingers and gets whatever she wants and shes wonderful and-
YAA I LOVE ALL THE EGGS LITTLE CHRISTMAS COSTUMES :”)) i’m excited to see everyone get theirs and i hope they all take a photo together in costume i think it woudl be adorable,,,
🎵flippa flippa flippaflippaflaippa~🎵
GIGGLING AND KICKING MY FEET AAAAH IM GLAD YOU LOKE THE FIRST EPISODE AND ARE LISTENIGN TO IT :DDDD OH THTS SO FUN!!!!! yes yes yes shilo is such a silly prince he wants a pheasant and knows nothing about the outside world but he’s going to learn one way or another!!
i love soda :”)) soda is a precious boy i love him and emizel i think they’re so cute together,,,,theyre best friends,,,, soda is just a silly guy who likes his soda if anythign bad happens to him i’ll cry
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livingecho-arch · 3 years
@telesthisia​ raised their hand in class ! / s. c 
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teaching someone to control their magic was always more fun then books -- at least for the student. vis von hellbert could spend hours in the large libraries of the castle  &  and just read . soaking up all they had to offer like a sponge. he was always hungry for more -- but magic was fine too . if anything it was more . . . interconnected. yes , that was the word. magic ran through all of hyrule like water runs through every blade of grass. 
he was allowed to come to the castle to help the princess study , but found something much more interesting . . . princess zelda was very special . 
she had some sort of connection , deeper then any other had ever know . was it the goddesses blessing her ? was it the triforce giving her it’s life from beyond ? ah , he would never know . all he knew was that she held so much potential for greater spells. though clairvoyance she could speak to him . but where were the limits ? limits needed to be found to break them . 
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“ answer me -- but not with your voice. now , tell me your favorite poem. ” he sat, crossing his legs with a smile upon his lips. how clear would her voice be in his head ? would he hear anything along side her words ? ah -- this was quite exciting !
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jalnandanz · 2 years
CHAPTER 15 (finale) — ur cute 🤔🤔
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You stepped into the room, with Dayoung, Eri and Chaeri trailing behind. Before you went inside you manager's office, they had agreed to let you speak, unless you needed them to provide any sort of evidence or simply cheer you on. 
Dayoung had already informed your manager that you had something serious to tell him, so he wasn't surprised to see you peep into his office, the slightest hint of fear evident on your face. 
You greeted him, and with some prompting, you began the story. You talked about your "ex", then the hate account, then how your old classmate informed you that your ex wasn't the one contacting you this whole time. The manager's face hardened with each sentence you told him, frowning heavily at the end of your recount. When he caught sight of your scared appearance, his face softened a bit. "(name), i’m sorry that you had to experience this,” he started, “do you have any idea or clue as to who was the one posing as you ex, or the owner of the hate account?”
You shook your head, looking down at the floor. “This is going to be a hard case without any clues, (name).” 
“It’s fine, you don’t have to do anything about it, i’ll just try to be more careful and -”
“I have something to say. I know who the hate account and ex is.”
You spun your head around, startled to hear Chaeri’s voice. “You know who? How? Did someone contact you or-”
“It was me,” Chaeri said.
For a moment, you were confused. Did you hear her correctly or were you not in your right mind because of what was happening now or did you-
“It was me,” Chaeri repeated. “I was the owner of the hate account, and I was the one posing as your ex.” 
You stared blankly at her, your mouth falling open and shutting close.Dayoung and Eri seemed equally as shocked as you. “What do you mean? You were sending those messages? And you were the one posting those comments?” you asked, unable to process what she had just said.
“Yeah.” Chaeri said, no hint of regret or remorse evident. “I did that. And you were stupid enough to regard me as you friend the whole time! You, Dayoung, and Eri, all fucking idiots.” she announced proudly, an evil cackle reverberating throughout the shut room. “I know what you’re all thinking, including the manager. Why the fuck woudl she just expose herself? And I have your answer. I have nothing left to lose. This will be revealed one day, why not make that day now? At least I get to escape this shitty industry as fast as possible! I never wanted to be an idol, I only joined because of-” she stopped abruptly, taking a deep breath, “- Heeseung.”
“Hee… seung?
“Yeah, Heeseung! You heard me correctly, all of you. Lee-fucking-Heeseung from Enhypen. The guy that you-” she pointed a finger right in your face, “- stole from me. You take everything away from me, (name). I can never have anything because of you! It’s always you. Dayoung and Eri nevercared for me, they always listened to you and you stupid problems.”
“What the fuck do you mean, Chaeri? Of course we cared for you. You just never told us anything, what could we even listen to?” Eri said, her face suddenly red with rage.
“All of you, keep quiet. I’ve heard enough. Chaeri, stay behind. The rest of you, please leave the office.” the manager said.
The 3 of you immediately left, Eri causing an outburst in the dorm. “That woman.. I knew she was plotting something. I can’t believe I was correct! She did all of that just for Heeseung? She is insane!” eri said, throwing Chaeri’s pillow on the floor and stomping all over it.
“Alright, that’s enough, Eri. We’ll just have to wait for an update.
1 day later.
“Manager just called me, Chaeri will be kicked out of the group and company. That’s all he said, but at least she will be gone, and we will promote as 3 unless they find someone else to replace her.” Dayoung announced. 
Eri cheered, bouncing on the couch. Your phone rang, and it turned out to be Chaeri. “Hey, (name). Ill keep this short. I just wanted to apologize for everything. I won’t bother you anymore. Hope the group does well. Goodbye.” she hung up, before you got to say anything.
For now, everything would be fine. You would stay close friends with your two groupmates, continue doing what you liked, perform for your fans and stay happy.
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Maybe everything would be fine after all.
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a/n: and that's a wrap!! thank u to those that stayed, i know this was a horrible smau in terms of Everything but thank you for the support T_T i will miss silly heeyn ,,, i hope u liked the smau even though it was shit but anyways 😁😁 love u !!!! my current jake smau can be found here <3
summary: lee heeseung still remembers the fancall he had a few months ago, specifically you. but before he got a chance to ask for your number, the staff had rudely snatched the phone away from him ?! a few months later, he finds out that you are part of a newly debuted group... the same group that had beaten his by a point from a music show win. from there, an unexpected friendship blossoms, with heeseung trying to hide his crush on you, not knowing you were starting to warm up to him.
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arcane-ish · 3 years
Mel in Act 3 headcanon
Thinking about Mel in Act 3, my headcanon is this: 
Mel is is this very controlled, poised person who is very smart but keeps her feelings close to her vest. Which makes a lot of sense, if you keep in mind the bloody environment she grew up in where emotions was considered weakness. 
At the same time Mel doesn’t want to be that, she has issues with her family. I was gonna say she rebelled against them, but it sounds like she was different and was kicked out for it? (btw in regards to keeping feelings at arm’s length, really consider Mel’s mom essentially saying she sent Mel away because Mel around woudl be a weakness to her mom) 
So that attitude is within her, but she actually doesn’t want to be like that, she looks down on that and disagrees with that. Like she makes an effort to approach Jayce and be more open with him. See her suprised face when he puts his head in her lap and is just naturally comfortable and open and emotionally intimate with her (because of course Jayce actually has a loving and supportive mother who hugs him a lot). That scene gave me “Oh, he shared something with me, now I should share something with him too, that’s what normal people in relationships do, right?”. 
(sidenote: I think her sympathy for Viktor and telling Jayce to go see the sick Viktor also hits differently now that we know that she grew up in an envirnment that looks down on weakness and that likely might have looked down on somebody sick and Mel is the one who went against that mindset and advocated kindness and mercy for the weak and beaten)
Anyway, we see her also being thrown into confusion and turmoil with her mom being around, but in the end we see her embracing Piltover and standing up for the Piltover way of thinking. 
My head canon is that again Mel is naturally somebody predisposed to keeping her feelings close to the vest (though she doesn’t want to be that), but she started liking him and imo Act 3 Mel is really in love with him and that’s why she is a bit scattershot with her emotions, should we defend outselves? Should we negotiate? Should we stand up for the undercity, do they deserve rights? 
I actually think Mel supporting Zaun in the vote is quite interesting with her Noxian background. Like, I kind of doubt that Arcane is that deep in th extended lore, but an interesting wrinkle they recently added is that Noxus is actually darkly egalitarian: 
“We don’t care what family you are born into, everybody can rise in our society as long as they prove themselves (oh and btw proving yourself means becoming a bloody slaughterbot)” 
IMO that’s an interesting head canon, that Mel loves Piltover and what it stands for, but maybe that’s one bit where she thinks Piltover is kind of dumb/that’s one thing about Noxus she thinks actually makes sense and that is something she was raised in to believe, that everybody can rise if they prove themselves and she thinks that that would actually work for Piltover. 
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yandere-mha-blog · 3 years
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Chapter 11: New home
Words: 2166
“Man, this mask is not cute at all.” The girl said as you looked at her 
“I think it looks fine, all that matters is that it works.” you said
“Oh look, some new friends.” She said looking at a girl with long green hair, adn girl with short brown hair, and before you knew it she was out of your line of sight and sliced the brown haired one arm, before you even knew that happened, she was fast. She grabbed the slash mask and her friend placed an arm in front of her
“Is your arm okay?” she asked “what type of person just comes swinging out to cut someone with a knife.”
“Asui and Okacho.” you said as you were still in a tree, good thing hawks taught you how to use your quirk for blimbing and packing
“Who said that?” Asui said
“How do you know our names?” Okacho said looking around
“The sports festival.” Asui said
“Correct.” you said as you looked at Toga
“To shallow not enough blood.” She said as you were kept on look out and out of sight “usually with a  good wound I can just suck out the blood, but with this it makes it so much easier, so i'm going to stab you now.”
And with that toga charged and Asui flung ocacho out of the way and right towards the tree you were in, you grabbed her by the suspenders and flung her back down before she could run down to the camp and alert the others, you had to make sure to avoid her hands otherwise you could be sent to the atmosphere and never returned
“Tsuya, I found the other one.” She said
“Aww tsuya is such a cute name, i'm going to call you that too.” Toga said pulling her mask down to give a smile
“No only my friends can call me that.” Asui said as she tried to run but toga flung a needle at her it got caught in her hair and she was pinned to a tree, ocacho made eye contact with you as you patted the sides of your belt, aka telling hawks you needed to go up, which he did, a system of touches to indicate, left, right, up or down
“Tsuya she can fly, must be her quirk.” Ockacko said as she ran to help her friend who toga was about to drain, and to your surprise she was able to take toga down, the two were having a chat, before toga stabbed her in the leg and drained her, you patted your belt and feel down and kicked Ockacko off, and getting toga back up.
“Thanks bestie.” She said as a group of guys came into view, time for you to leave
“(name) there are too many here and I don't feel like dying.” TOga said and you nodded and grabbed her and patted your belt to go up “bye bye besties- oh who is that.”
“Who is who?” you asked as you were on your way out.”
“The green haired one covered in blood and mangled.” Toga said
“Oh izuku midoriya, he destroyed himself during the sports festival, he is really strong but his quirk has a habit of destroying his body.” you said as you set her down and got the notice that The guy you had been sent to capture was good as got, you looked over at Mr, compress who had been the one to get him, then you saw hawks land in a tree and stare the kids down, he put his hand out and Mr, compress set something in his hands as the kids were yelling for their classmate back, you patted your belt and hawks sent you flying to him
“Huh where did she come from?” izuku said “hey give him back.”
“What bakugou does not belong to anyone you egotist.” Mr compress said handing you a marble
“Now which one of us has the Bakugou? That is the question.” He said and booked it, you gave hawks a look and he sent you flying in the other direction, and hawks in another one, the kids split up
“The nighthawks have to have him.” Todoroki said “he is the fastest so he is trying to get away, 
“I got a plan.” izuku said as you are sent on your way, hawks had entrusted you with tokoyami, once you were far enough you patted the belt and he let you down, you look into the marble he was passed out and asleep, you didn't feel right about this, this isn't right. You broke open the marble and The bird you saw at the sports festival was laying on the ground unconscious
“Are you going to kill me?” he muttered out
“No.” you said and patted the belt and flew off, hawks on the other hand was laughing at the kids attempt to catch up to him, he thought he would throw them a bone and slowed down, right before he crushed the marble and a giant boulder came out and the kids ran into it as they fell, hawks used his feather to stop the bolder from crushing him
“YOu are fast, but not fast enough, and you really think they would interest a free bird like me with a big stakes mission.” 
“GIVE HIM BACK.” Izuku said, hawks gave a half smile
“He is that way, hope you are fast enough this time.” Hawks said and flew off to regroup with you, you landed on his back
“We tricked em, this is all over, the portal is going to open up soon.” Hawks said “between the fire, toxic gas, a tank of a man being demolished by a teenager, lets go.” Hawks said
“What did you do?” you asked
“Eh nothing much.” Hawks said remembering how he sent Muscular over the side of a cliff after The finger destroying kid broke all his arms, before looking over to you and placing you on his back “Lets go...oh you have gotta be kidding me.”
“What happen?” You asked
“They are leaving without us...screw them, I'll find our own way home.” Hawks said before turning himself around and getting out of the training camp, you briefly heard the blood curdling scream of a student yelling for his friend.
Hawks was a master of stealth however when word caught wind that Nighthawk and “talons” as they dubbed you, what a dumb and mediocre nickname, how original. Still Hawks isn't talking much on the way back, maybe he was mad that his so-called “companion ditched him to get caught with the others that were defeated. The two of you landed on top of a building and you slid off of hawks back and looked over the skyrise.
“Alright hand him over.” Hawks said sticking out his gloved hand
“Hand who over?” you asked, you knew playing dumb wouldn't work but maybe it woudl of been better if you told hawks about your slight change in plans.
“The student, Tokoyami, the one I handed over to you for safe keeping.” Hawks said “did you lose him?”
“Of course I didn't.” you said
“Great, then hand him over.” Hawks said
“...i didn't lose him, but i did.” you gulped “I Didn't take him with us.” “Oh.” hawks said “You did what now.”
“...look It didn't feel right okay.” you said “i don't care about what this “League” is doing, but i don't want to be put under kidnappers.”
He looked upset, he looked a bit angry, then he let out a sigh of relief, putting a hand to his chest as he exhaled. 
“Ah i knew i could trust you.” he said then patted your head “
“Excuse me?” you said
“It was a test chickadee, look I didn't want to help those people, and they knew that, but if they knew i wanted to get on of the U.A kids then they would let me off the hook with all that suspension.” he said waving his hand “But they had there eyes on me, not you that much since you aren't well known, i didn't want them getting their paws on anyone but...well devil's advocate i guess.”
“So you aren't angry that-”
“Nope stop being a worry wart, but still I can tell this is going to set off something big...so how about we get out of Kamino and hang out in the countryside for a bit.
“What do you mean something big is about to happen?” you asked
“My third secondary covert is puffing up, which means something bad is going to happen, and I don't want us to be around when it does.”
“You are a very weird man, but I'll trust your gut...or feathers.” you said as he used one to tickle under your nose as you swatted it away
“Stop that.” you said
“Nah.” he said as he kept tickling under your nose till you sneezed
“Ew you got your snot on my feather.” he said, shaking it off before reattaching it.
“So where are we going?” you asked
“You will see once we get there.” Hawks said with a smile “now hope on i've had my rest hope back on.”
“Are you sure you don't want to rest for the night, you look a bit tired.” you suggested
“(name) im fine now let's get going, I don't want to travel in the morning.” Hawks said, you internally signed and hoped on his back again and the two of you were off, you wondered where he was taking you exactly.
So standing outside an old shack that looked like it was on it's last leg was a bit of surprise
“Welcome home.” He said
“What type of dumb is this.” you said
“Hey, that's no way to talk about a man's childhood home.” Hawks said moving a piece of plywood
“Childhood house?” you said as you say hawks open the door only for the door to home off the hinges, the wood was so old the screws just slipped out.
“That is easily fixed.” Hawks said “And yes this rusty old shack is where i would sleep, eat and shit as a kid.”
“Was it always this ummm run down?”
“Your harsh words wound me.” Hawks said as he used his wings to get the cobwebs dusted out, well it was Hawks you trusted him so you walked in, only for the floor bored to crash under you Hawks caught you and lifted you up and placed the piece of plywood that was covering the door on the floor
“Sorry should of warn you about that boobytrap.” Hawks said, ``We remove this plywood when we go out, or when we sleep, so if someone tries to come in, stitch to the bottom.” Hawks said
“Okay then.” you said “Any other bobbytraps I should know about?” you asked
“Hmmm there is this one bean that if you lean against will make the one above it swing.” Hawks said pointing to the beam with the “X do not touch.”
You gave him a side look and kept walking around, you saw an old tv that was covered in a thick layer of dust, you dusted that off with your hand, this palace was littered with cans, trash, dust and whatever that green stuff was.
“You really lived here as a kid?” you asked
“Well I did till my dad got caught by the authorities, then me and my mom had to skedaddle.” Hawks said
“...Where is your mom?” you asked
“Doesn't matter, I don't know, like I said she thought I wasn't worth the trouble of having around so she abandoned me on the street because the HPSC was after me.” Hawks said “Wonder how different things could've been if the HPSC did get a hold of me.”
“...well, you weren’t, why is your dad arrested anyways?” You asked as you found an old tattered blanket
“Petty thief, murder, jaywalking.” Hawks said “oh hey look at my blanket you found it i forgot about this tattered thing.”
“Oh I was going to use it as a dust rag.” you said handing it over, and Hawks tossed it to the side
“Look I know the palace sucks, but we gotta lay low for a bit okay.” Hawks said, as you patted his head
“I know.” you said “we just grew up in very different conditions yet we are in the same spot.”
“Well when you put it that way you make it seem like there is no hope.” Hawks said “I wonder if the water still works. I got to clean my wings.”
“Okay i'll try to make a bed.” you said as he left and you smacked a couch cushion against the floor trying to remove the dust before you heard hawks scream from the bathroom
“WATER WORKS BUT IT'S FREAKING COLD!” He yelled out, you gave out a tiny laugh before getting back to work.
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dailyzzy · 3 years
What If- and just hear me out for a second- redbone bojack horseman au.
Deku is Sarah Lynn (his job and giving up on his dreams really fucked him up, he mostly uses drugs as a way to cope with everything happening around him. Bakugou was the one that introduced him to alcohol for the first time when they were kids, bragging to his "friends" about drinking his mothers vodka once and calling Deku a cry baby for not wanting to try, Izuku drank, mostly out of anxiety and ended up getting drunk. Bakugou and his friend dragged him home and said that they found Izuku like that (inko lectured him a lot about It but Izuku couldnt bring himself to snitch) which was the start of his addiction.)
The story could pass through Bakugous pov mostly, still being a murder mistery, but with oh so much more angst. Kirishima gives me Todd vibes, so unfortunely for him Bakugou also isnt that good to him. He always assumes kirishima os an extra and didnt bother learning about his life until It was of interest to him. I think that the betrayal that happened in bojack horseman on the first season wouldve happened back in UA, Kirishima told bakugou about his insecurities (mostly with his quirk) and about this wonderful internship opportunity, Bakugou got scared of kiri leaving him once he made a name for himself and made him fail/miss the Interview (idk If he would Just make fake accounts and Bully kiri online so his anxiety was so high he wouldnt be able to do good or If he would just mix up kiris papers in order for him to miss the Interview).
Aizawa is a mixture of princess Carolyn and basicallly every single person on the show who noticed patterns and behaviors, but didnt do antything, hes an enabler. I woudl say later, when he realizes just how bad his ignorance affected those around him he would probably regret It, but for now him caring for Eri and the fact his students are already adults is the excuse he uses to not confront people. Thats not to say he isnt a good father, just like princess Carolyn he had a hard time adjusting parenting with work (he secretly has always wanted a child of his own, but never thought he would get the chance to have one) and pretends to give his child the childhood he never had.
Bakugou isnt the only 'villain' tho, i think It would be unfair to base the whole au around him or anyone in particular (many actions of bojack and character arcs will be displayed in different characters) Bakugou is a mixture of herb kazzaz and a side of bojack horseman. Shinsou was a dear friend to him (Hitoshi noticed the way he treated people, but never really cared) back in the first year of UA, they were rival-friends sort of deal. Shinsou introduced him to drugs, and a similar situation that happened with kid deku happened with teenage Bakugou, katsuki got caught and basically begged Shinsou to give out his dealers contact, otherwise Bakugou would be assumed to have been dealing and selling the drugs himself (seeing the large amount found back at his dorm room) hitoshi said he would do it, but Aizawa put quite a pression on him to deny anything, and thats exactly what he did. Bakugou was almost expelled and got a big red mark on his curriculum. He did save Kota on the Summer camp, and give quite some good advice.
The Bojack drug would probably be called Dynamight.
Shinsou is basicallly another side of bojack and Diane together (severely depressed, basically) , he has addiction problems (many times pushed people to get involved too) and has a deep self hatred, but still tries his best to be a better person. The problem is, hes still selfish and cynical, mainly the person at fault for Todoroki having had to go through rehab on his early 20's and many times inviting Izuku to do drugs together even though he knows just how bad dekus addiction is. He loves and cares for Eri like a little sister, and genuely tries to help Todoroki, but unfortunely good intentions dont mean good actions. Not to say he doesn't do anything selfless or good, he never pressioned Todoroki after rehab (neither Izuku after he became sober (Bakugou would be the one to lead him to his death)) and gives pretty good advice when hes sober. His biggest dream is to do sonething with his life, to make the world a little bit better. Hes quite intellegent and informed in todays affairs (him and Izuku have plenty of good convos and Todoroki isnt an ignorant fool mainly because of him). He worked on a case that investigated the hero comission and risked his entire career to try to expose a bit of Injustice, even If he wasnt sucefull he was still willing to risk It all for his morals.
Holyhock's arc could go through Todorokis eyes, he never quite forgave his mom and she was much more cruel than in canon, Rei would start showing signs of dementia very early in her life. Endeavor cheated quite a lot and had a illegitamet (idk how to spell) child with a side kick. He became sober ever since rehab and lived quite a good life, even with some shitty actions and shitty people around him. Things started to go down after his mom showed up and only worsened once she had to live with him.
(im kinda tired now so ill write more later.)
Wow, you really thought this through 😳 I'm impressed
And although Redbone characters are not as deep as Bojack's (or maybe not as realistic as Bojack's), some behavioral patterns can be found between these two anyway.
You have good ideas, if you ever write a fic or smth, hmu 👀
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tamariasykes-art · 2 years
Ranking how likely my Elden Ring OCs woudl become Elden Lord:
Rhistel: 10/10
I wouldn’t say that Rhistel is per say Elden Lord in Rannis ending, but he does fullfill a similar position as her consort. He also never planned for any of this to happen. He just met Ranni and fell in love with her, leading him to support her until the very end. Honestly, the very thought of being Ranni’s consort and her replacing Marika as a God makes him incredibly nervous, but he trusts her and is to compassionate as to not try to make it work.
Besides the Ranni ending, I can honestly only see him become Elden Lord on pure accident. Rhistel is a kind person who’s hand was forced into action by the world around him and he wants nothing more than to end suffering and make sure his friends who are still alive are taken care off. He would be very confused to meet Marika inside the Erdtree and even more confused when he has to literally sit on the throne. He still make it work however because he a compssionate and patient person and works hard to create a better world.
The Sorcerer: 07/10
They would have no interest in becoming Elden Lord. Their devotion lies with Godrick and their only goals is to nurse him back to health and take care of him and his failing body. Once his health beings to worsen, they seek out every possible option to help him. Becoming Elden Lord would be last option they would seek out. Because they do not want to become a ruler and because they fear they would be oblidged to stay Marikas consort, when all they want is to stay with Godrick. The only way they could be pushed to do actual pursue this path is when Godrick is dying of has either been killed. Their rule as Elden Lord would not be perfect, but still stable.
Otherwise, I can not see the Sorcerer take part in any ending. They don’t like Marika. in their words they would love to hold and shake her (lovingly) while asking; “What. where. you. thinking.”
Rikimerr: 03/10
Yeah no. Elden Lord? That is not going to happen. While they might be in possession of a Great Rune(s) the only way I can see them getting close to becoming Elden Lord is by stumbling into the capital on accident. Rikimerr ends up in another scuffle with the tall tree spirit guy (Morgott) until said tree spirits dad (Godfrey) arrives and beats them up.
Only for Rikimerr to get up again and challenge him again. Godfrey finally gets them to stop kicking and scratching by picking them up. The lack of earth under their feet makes their brain shut off and Godfrey then dumps Rikimerr by Morgott before he leaves to go hug his wife. The Elden family then ends up with a small gremlin they need to take care off and baby sitting duties get shoved to Morgott most of the time. aka. for some reason Marika thought it would be funny to keep this little skrunkly alive and now Rikimerr is making it her problem.
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Earth is a Death World, “Ice Climbing.”
ope you guys like another themed story :) 
Wind whipped at the outside of his containment unit. It came in great frosty gusts and billows which made it difficult to see four people trudging through the snow in front of them. 
As the wind continued to pick up, great swathes of snow were blown off the ridge in massive undulating sheets. The little specks of ice clattered against the glass of the container even as he watched.
The five humans struggled through the snow, which reached almost up to mid thigh in certain places, though their thick layers certainly didn’t help their movement all that much either. They were slow and shambling , like great beasts milling about through the arctic expanse.
It was sometimes hard to remember  that they were even on a habitable planet, and that the humans din’’t require space suits because all around him he saw only an alien landscape covered in ice and bathed in the disseminated gray light of a blizzard.
Out of the snow he could now see a straight cliff-face rising up into the white. He might not have seen it if he wasn’t looking, though the occasional jutting rock was more than helpful, black against the white of the snow.
The humans hurried forward the snow growing shallower the closer they got to the cliff face.
Eventually they reached their destination, ducking into a small crevice in the rock where the wind wasn’t so bad.
Krill was set to the side against one of the walls trying not to look up at the towering cliff face as the humans adjusted themselves.
Five faces peered out from fuzzy winder coats, the hoods lined in animal fur clung to by flakes of ice and snow. Their faces were covered as well, their eyes only visible behind clear orange goggles, and their faces swathed by fabric to cover the exposed nose and mouth.
To his side, Adam Pulled up his goggles and down on his face protection. His light skin was red with the cold, but he didn’t seem to notice or care, “You picked a great day to come up here sis.”
Across the circle, one of the figures pulled off their goggles and ask as well. 
Maya Vir, Adam’s older sister looked out from the depths of her hood, “If I had known ou were going to be this much of a chicken, maybe I would have picked another day.”
Adam’s brothers hooted from behind their mass and goggles.
Adam rolled his eyes, “hilarious guys, just hilarious.” Maya grinned, “Anyway, I know a place. Husband and I mapped it out a few weeks ago, and it's a very good climb up, relatively easy, no jumps or anything like that.”
Krill looked out at them baleful from inside his test tube, “I thought we were done.”
The humans turned to look at him, though the expressions on their faces were mostly concealed he received wicked grins from the other two.
“What makes you say that?” Adam wondered, as the group began adjusting themselves, “We did say we were going Ice climbing.”
Krill nodded and crossed his arms, “yes, and there was plenty of ice and plenty of climbing.”
It was only when the humans began uncoiling rope did Krill know something bad was about to happen.
Even worse when he saw the humans….. Strapping knives to their feet?
What was this nonsense.
Up ahead of them, Maya pulled two pick axes? Or miniature hooked versions of the from her gear.
Krill stared.
“What are you doing with those.” he wondered, watching as everyone else began pulling the same equipment from their bags.
Adam pulled his face protection back over his nose and mouth, “Well how else are we supposed to get up the cliff.”
Krill stared at him, “I’m sorry, you, What!.”
Adam dropped his axes to the side for a moment, pulling Krill back onto his back, “That’s what Ice climbing means, Krill. We are going to use the ice to make it to the top of the cliff. In the summer there is a little waterfall here, but in the winter it gives us some great ice climbing.”
“Define ice climbing for me again, because this surely can’t be as stupid as I think it is.”
“You’ll see in a minute.”
Krill glowered out from his container, “Which one of your insane family members picked THIS pass time, why couldn’t you guys play cards, or have a picnic. I like those things.”
Adam snorted as they trudged their way over to the bottom of the cliff face.
Krill looked up at the great snow covered ice expanse, though evidence of the blue tinted ice was underneath coming down like a rock formation might form in a cave over a million years.
“You only like playing cards because you can count them, and picnics because you're a plan, and besides it’s my sister’s birthday tomorrow, and for her birthday she wanted to take us ice climbing.”
“Why is no one in your family normal?”
“What about dad, you get along with him just fine.”
Krill huffed, “I did, and then I learned he rides giant four legged beasts for work.”
The human rolled his eyes again.
Maya turned, “Alright, split up into one group of two and one group of three.
“Jeremy will be the lead on one, and I will be the lead on the other, “Adam, you can come with me.”
Krill very much didn’t like where this was going, watching as the humans tied themselves together with rope.
“There are guide points placed on the stone and the ice, so the lead will attach the rope as we go up.” She was saying, and krill watched as she drove back her arm and slammed the head of the axe into the ice. He could hear it crunch and shatter under the head of the axe and then lodge there as she kicked into the ice with the blade on her foot. Eventually she was suspended by nothing but the blades .
Adam looked up, watching and waiting as she slowly made her way, ten feet up the ice face where she found one of the hidden markers and connected dtheir rope. Adam let her get up at least twenty feet before following behind hooking himself to her rope  and following up after.
The other three were doing the same some meters away.
The higher they went, the worse the wind grew, until snow ad ice was buffeting them lightly from one side to the other. 
Krill was right next to full panic as they dragged themselves further and further from the comfort of the ground below. Water droplets trickled and froze on the face of the cliff as they clambered upward, the sound of the axes just barely audible over the howling wind. 
At one point he made the mistake of looking down but saw nothing but a white wall of snow as it blew past. The ground no longer visible.
He covered his eyes hating every moment that they were hauled into the air.
Why why why could he not be with a normal human, one that liked to sit in front fo the TV and eat chips.
Why couldn’t he be with someone sedentary, and the only thing he had to worry about was them dying from blood clots.
The human drove his hand back, ramming the blade into the open ice face. Small chips of blue cascaded down onto his arm and then fell into the white expanse.
Krill couldn't watch.
But the humans continued to pull themselves up using incredible and unbelievable strength to haul their own mass up the face of the ice wall, using blades and axes to get there, for no other reason than the fact that they could do it.
Why why why were humans so stupid 
Why couldn’t they just be content to sit back and survive like every other species.
And why, even when they insisted on having hobbies did it have to be something that involved, extreme weather, heights, and --arguably-- deadly weapons.
His angry contemplation didn’t last long as a distant voice cut through the blizzard, “ADAM LOOK OUT!”
Krill’s head snapped up, as did Adam, just in time to see the blue chunk of ice pelting down right towards him.
He didn't have time to move and Krill felt the violent jolt as Adam was knocked hard in the right arm.
The ice fractured one piece slamming again’st Krill’s tube.
Adam’s grip was broken on his axe twisting him to the left. The loop of paracord around his wrist, connecting to his axe caused the pick to be yanked from the ice face and flung around as adam flailed nearly hitting him in the back of the right leg.
As his body contorted, the ice around the picks on his feet shattered and gave way and his legs were flung out to the side as well.
Krill squealed, watching as the world careened past them.
He expected to fall but was surprised when they didn’t.
Adam grunted with exertion, and Krill looked up to find the humans still gripping hold with one singular ice pick. He looked down again into the white void, feeling as the human gained enough power to swing himself back to face front driving one of his feet into the ice for more leverage, and then the other foot.
From there he managed to swing the second pick up into his hand climbing back upwards to follow his family members who were frozen not twenty feet up the face looking down and waiting for him.
They seemed relieved when he appeared and climbed the last ten feet to safety.
Krill and Adam were hauled up onto the ledge, where, pressed back against the rock, the wind had died down again.
“Adam are you ok!” Maya said looking him over for injury, “I’m so sorry, I saw it dislodge above me, but I couldn’t stop it.”
He waved a hand, “It's ok, just a little bruised is all.” He flexed his hand 
Krill had had enough.
“OK! Ok! We nearly died. Why do you humans insist on going out in adverse death world weather where the visibility is almost zero,just to climb up an unstable ice structure using fancy knives and some rope thinking that will be enough. Why, why, why do you always have to do stupid things that involve almost falling to your deaths.”
His rnt continued on for a few minutes 
So its not like anyone had time to tell him that, even if they had fallen, the rope woudl have caught them
Just let him think what he needed to think
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