#would explain more because it's obviously more complex but. no. just take glow
hershelwidget · 2 years
I have an Osmosis Jones/Ozzy & Drix AU
My long and horrible to read explanation about it, however, can be shortened to PLEASE LOOK AT THIS CUTE LITTLE GUYYYYYY
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You’re getting the explanation though but it can finally be shortened due to the existence of the above image :)
Basically, Pills (and other man-made medicines) have souls in this AU
Introducing the species Pillbrail, the little guys who are the actual minds of manufactured medicine!
And this one that is the mind of Drix is named Glow and I love him with all my heart <3
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that-ari-blogger · 6 months
Persephone Is Stray Gods' Thesis Statement
I mentioned this when I wrote my post on Pan (check it out, I'm rather proud of that), but Persephone is also a weird choice to include. When you think of the Olympians, Persephone is there, but its "Hades and Persephone" or "That time Hades kidnapped Persephone" or "Persephone, wife of Hades." There is a duality to her pop culture appearance, but here, Hades is absent, and Persephone takes a central role. Why?
Let me explain.
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Let's start simple. Who is Persephone? The answer to that is complicated, and thats the point. In the modern understanding, Persephone is the wife of Hades, and that's pretty much it. She's the goddess of spring (although not really). She exists in relationship to her husband and nothing else.
But mythologically, Persephone is terrifying. Her name predates Hades' in terms of archaeological evidence, and she has been equated with the name Kore, meaning "maiden" which, yes, is why that name gets referenced in stray gods. Essentially, Persephone is old, but she had a nickname that people used instead of her actual name.
My theory of this is because you don't want to say the name of a death goddess or she'll notice you, but that is mostly because OSP proposed that idea in their video, and I liked it. Check it out for more detail on Persephone.
The point that I'm going for here is that Persephone is multi faceted in nature but has been whittled down to a 2D archetype in general knowledge. And that's how she is introduced in Stray Gods, she's mean and unpleasant and fits into the "so obviously the killer that she's probably a red herring" archetype. But she gets more complex as a character the closer you look.
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Anyway, let's examine this song.
The visuals are phenomenal. Take this shot, for example. Persephone stands raised above everyone else, with her symbol glowing behind her, symbolising how her influence is enormous and that this challenge will be tough. It's also colouring the rest of the room, all of the nameless NPCs are entirely lit in purple, a colour associated very clearly with Persephone. She is in control of this scene. It's also worth noting how small and indistinguishable grace is here, she fades in where Persephone stands out. Grace is weaker here. Thats some cool visual storytelling right there.
Also, The Underworld is a dope as all hell name for a club. (She's queen of the club called the underworld. So, she's queen of the underworld).
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Similarly, this is cool. Its a bridge, symbolising connection, or a crossing. As Grace argues and fights with Persephone, she crosses into Persephone's world and starts to understand her more.
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This shot is just cool, not much else to it. It's confronting Persephone with herself and her emotions about Calliope, cast in the colours of a sunrise as she forces Persephone to mage a choice about what to do in the future.
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"If she had something to say, would you turn her away?" "Please don't do this."
This neatly shows that at this point in the song, Grace has "won". She has succeeded in the challenge, but neither combatant looks particularly happy. The reason for the victory dominates the camera, the connection has been formed because of Calliope.
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"You hear that? Silence"
I am a sucker for the simple things. A blank stage with a single image on it is all you need to win my heart. This shot is my favourite in the song. It's the moment when you finally get through to Persephone, if you do that. (I'm not telling you how to get here, work that out yourself). What do you see when you finally get through all of Persephone's walls and defences? What do you hear?
Persephone stands before you in an enormous ribcage, where the heart should be. It's overgrown, and empty, and the rest of the body has disappeared. There is just enough there to know that there is a hole, a void.
Phantom Pains sets up a metaphor of anatomy. Specifically, anatomy that has been removed or lost. And here that metaphor is again, showing the wounds at the heart of Persephone. This is a character who knows loss and trauma and betrayal, who is trapped by the memory (I wonder who else is like that).
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In one ending, this area is where you get the explanation of Hades' absence. Persephone killed him.
Stray Gods is a story about family, about how, when it goes well, it can be amazing, but when it goes badly, things get dark. Of course, Persephone would be included in that story, she is part of the archetypal dysfunctional family in Greek mythology. But like the myth, this character is more complex than that. Stray Gods is also about moving past trauma, overcoming it, being more than it, and Persephone's characterisation in the entire musical embodies that philosophy.
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vigilskeep · 1 year
Thoughts on Anders going from being very outgoing and flirty fun in the dlc to being a bit more introverted and careful in da2? Is it bc he and Justice has merged, his mental health degrading, or his new "freedom" turned into a new kind of prison?or anything else? Or all of them? God I love the anders meta
lots of thoughts! most prominently, i think anders has literally become a whole other separate person as well as himself, on account of being possessed. i do very much consider anders to also be justice throughout da2, not just when he starts glowing. imo that shows in, like, all their dialogue. i mean, let’s reverse the question: why is anders-justice’s dialogue in da2 so outgoing and flirty when justice is so serious and literal in awakening? because now anders is also there. so why is anders-justice more serious and literal than awakening anders? because justice is also there. here’s some quick comparisons of location comments from justice to anders-justice:
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that’s justice, right? he’s in there! i’m not saying anders isn’t there, too, it sounds a lot more like anders in tone because it’s coming through anders, but these are just the ones i picked as being obviously justice-y when you make the comparison. you can see it in a lot of the companion banters, too. for example, justice finds it very difficult to agree to disagree or laugh off a challenge in the way anders used to be able to, which i think comes through most obviously with fenris and merrill, but a lot of the others, too. awakening justice often has several connected banters in succession; once he gets a thought into his head, once something distresses him abt one of his companions, he can’t let it go or leave it alone, because he’s still figuring out how to navigate the fact that people are complex and incongruous and so is the world they live in. he thinks everything is black and white and if he just explains enough then everyone can understand. which is far more like da2 anders-justice than something like this:
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in da2 making these kinds of comparisons between others and himself is still his go-to method of trying to convince people, it’s a very anders move, but the way he backs off here is not something justice or anders-justice is capable of. awakening anders tries to let everything glance off him. having justice kind of cripples his ability to use that defence mechanism. i mean, that’s half the point of the whole possession. letting justice possess him was about taking the injustices done to the mages seriously and doing something about it. but it also makes him incapable of playing it off as a joke like he used to, he has to take everything personally
another example of justice in da2 anders-justice dialogue is the way he believes in atonement and retribution, that actions must have consequences even if he’s not always certain how it should actually happen in the real world and he struggles to understand real world context. justice has related conversations with nathaniel and sigrun about their criminal pasts, but for quick comparison’s sake, here’s banters with velanna and isabela:
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a lot to say here but my point is not to make judgements, mainly just to compile evidence that justice is always a part of him? and the personality change really makes complete sense when you look at it from that angle. how would that not change how you act. anders-justice saying things that awakening anders would never have said is no less surprising imo than anders-justice saying things justice would never have said (and anders-justice does sound like awakening anders way more than people give him credit for)
otherwise, the mental health Situation is definitely also part of it. he’s not doing well. lirene says she’s never seen him smile. but i also think it’s a mistake to think awakening anders is even comparatively a paragon of mental health because, oh boy! he’s manic he’s so so angry right under the surface he’s fresh out of a year in solitary confinement. he NEEDS you to like him and to not take him seriously because people thinking he’s charming and harmless is literally the only reason he’s alive but also it would kill him to purposefully be what an authority figure who controls whether he lives or dies wants out of him so he’s settled for being funny with increasing desperation. you could make a whole other post out of this. my point is i just think it’s a misread of anders to be like “oh he was completely fine and normal in awakening and then it really went downhill between that and da2 and that’s why he’s not as funny now”. if that makes sense? the funnymanning was the symptoms all along i am afraid
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whypolar · 9 months
Gundam Unicorn OVA 3: The Ghost of Laplace
Some of the most stunning visuals from these OVAs yet. What a beautiful piece of animation.
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Choosing which screenshots to use for this post hurt me. If I had my way, I would include multiple shots of every sequence where something explodes. Many, many things explode.
I'm glad I don't have problems with flashing lights. The lasers in this one get pretty intense.
This post is very long. There's a lot of novel stuff I want to talk about. Let's get into it!
(Previous posts: Day of the Unicorn, The Second Coming of Char)
I won't lie, they got further into the plot than I thought they were going to. I was expecting more time in Palau and then Riddhe and Mineva arriving and doing stuff on Earth, with the confrontation in the ruins of Laplace being saved for the next one. If I'd paid attention to the title I could have realized they were going to go to the coordinates, but I obviously did not. It caught me pretty off guard!
I definitely feel like this one benefits from multiple watches. They all do, for sure, but this one had a lot of little moments that were much stronger the second time through. A lot happens very quickly! Taking the time to pay attention is rewarding, especially in terms of emotional stakes. It was easy on a first watch to just get caught up in the spectacle and not fully process everything that's happening-- and that's for me, who already knew the background context and plot beats going in.
The Obligatory Music Section
Some of these tracks were probably also in the last two, but I didn't link them so it doesn't count. Here are the standouts I'm highlighting this time:
Bring on a War -- I love the strings on this track. Guitar? The instrumentation for this entire soundtrack is so fun and complex. The intense drums! The woodwinds! The weird ghostly vocals! That repeated noise that sounds like a gunshot and breaking glass! So good.
Capture -- Equal parts jaunty and menacing. I like the bells at the start.
Merry-go-round -- The credits song. Pop music with lyrics about the inescapable repetition of history: it's a proud Gundam movie tradition.
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You guys remember places?
We're spending time in and around a large colony again, so the sweeping establishing shots are back. The space port is so beautiful, and so alien in how you're expected to traverse it.
I definitely will be looking up the staff once I'm done watching these. For many reasons, really, but I'm very curious about who was doing the environmental art and design.
And while we're talking about environments--
Operation Billiard
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The most important reveal: the glowing orb pillars in the purple palm tree lounge are low-gravity hologram pool tables.
It turns out that the vaporwave room was a billiards hall this whole time! I assume this is a nod to how the attack plan on Palau was named "Operation Billiard" in the novels.
We get a quick explanation of the plan in the OVA (separate the asteroids that make up Palau, seal the military port, rescue Banagher during the confusion) but they don't bother to explain the mechanics in detail. Why would they need to? When you see a bunch of explosions and a giant fuckoff laser, it is immediately obvious why that might be a problem for Neo Zeon.
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Fuck that one Eye-Zack in particular
If you're curious about why it's "Operation Billiard": Palau is made up of four asteroids. They planned to use the force of the Mega Particle Cannon to knock them all into each other. This would obstruct the exits for the military port in the centre of the asteroid cluster, trapping the Zeon forces inside.
The manoeuvre worked as intended, but Frontal knew the attack was coming, so he was able to move all his forces off Palau ahead of time.
(A small number of other random Zeon-aligned soldiers were deliberately left out of the loop to act as bait, because the Sleeves didn't care about them. The way the guys that try to escape through the cracks get picked off one by one is kind of horrific. They might as well be marching single file into a mech-destroying meat grinder.)
I do think the attack on Palau is more harrowing in the novel. In terms of the combat, I'm not sure if that could be avoided. It feels inherently easier for me to remember that every mobile suit is a person while reading textual description than when there's a beautiful laser light show going off before my eyes.
That said, in some places the framing is just different:
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I really love this scene, for the record.
In the novel, Nashiri is a perspective character during the battle. We are reading from his viewpoint inside the cockpit with his crew while they pick off Zeon soldiers one by one-- and then the Sinanju swoops into view, and they immediately know the plan is compromised and that they're going to die. They are burned and vaporized to dust, and then we switch to Angelo's perspective.
What I find memorable about the novel scene is the loss of life: how methodically they had been killing, and how quickly the Sinanju does the same to them. How they saw it coming but could do nothing. How living, breathing human beings could be reduced to literally nothing in an instant.
The OVA positions the camera outside, with the Sinanju. We see Frontal slowly and deliberately carving out the Loto's entire chest to make sure he got all of them. We do not see or hear any of the Loto's pilots. We see inside Frontal's cockpit, for a shot of him looking cooly down at his handiwork before moving on. What I find memorable about this scene is that Frontal is scary.
(Imagine me here getting stabbed with a beam weapon, saying "Wow! Cool Antagonist!")
It's not like death isn't thematically important in the OVA-- they absolutely remind you with dialogue that every mobile suit blowing up is a person dying. We see a shot of this same Loto and its partner after the battle as burned out wrecks, and it's clear Daguza and the other ECOAS guys are thinking about their dead comrades. Riddhe and Banagher both deliberately attempt to spare enemy pilots. The level of destruction is immense! The robots are simply too cool. It can't be helped.
This is one of the benefits of multiple watches. When you've already seen the cool robots once before, you can focus in more closely on what they're doing, and what that means.
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There's another reason the battle loses some emotional charge: focus is drawn away from noncombatants almost entirely. We see very little of the regular people who live on Palau.
For all Riddhe assures Mineva that they have no intention of attacking the areas where civilians live, it is unavoidable that slamming the asteroids they live on together will have consequences.
The novel describes intense earthquakes. Two residential blocks collapse. Residents are rolling and tumbling around. Windows of the houses that stay standing shatter. You get a real sense of fear on the civilian level.
The OVA gives us a quick scene with Tikva. There's some dust and some shaking, but he stays standing easily enough. We don't see anything collapse on screen. We hear people screaming in confusion and terror, but none of them are visible. Likewise, the streets are totally empty of people and identical to their first appearance when Banagher is making his way to the space port. Civilians are basically not relevant.
The novel spends a lot more time on Palau even before the attack. We spend time with Gilboa's family. Banagher genuinely befriends these people! He plays with Gilboa's kids and fixes a machine they use to make a living. It's a bit sad to lose all that, but I get it.
There's also scene in the novel where a truck driver in one of the connecting tunnels gets blown back fifty feet by the force of ECOAS' bombs going off, slams into a wall, and passes out. He wakes up when he's discovered several hours later, after the attack is over. It's more funny than anything, because he's just like, fine, lmao. I was so sure he was done. Fifty feet just intuitively sounds like too much to be survivable, until you remember there's no gravity.
Anyway, you wanna know something that was appropriately menacing during the Palau attack? The Unicorn. The Unicorn was perfect.
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The joy of a hunter.
Marida vs. Banagher
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Oh... this sequence is so visually striking.
I was shocked by how quickly it all happened. This isn't a criticism. I guess I was expecting it to linger more, like the scenes with Amuro and Lalah in '79. The amount of concrete "information" conveyed here is so much more than that, and yet it covers it all in less than two minutes. You certainly get a sense for how instantaneously Marida and Banagher are communicating, and how overwhelming it must be for both of them.
I will likely revisit Marida's backstory in future posts, in relation to other scenes that happen later. For now, I'll just say I was surprised and impressed.
I'm admittedly very curious how this scene reads for people who don't already know the backstory going in. Hell, how does it read for people who aren't familiar with Gundam ZZ?
(I put on the dub for my second watch. This is the first time I heard how "Ple" is pronounced in English. Fucked up.)
I wish I'd taken notes on specifics, but I think they shifted some dialogue around between combat, the Newtype link, and the scene in the hospital room. It's not really important, but I think it's interesting how scenes with similar dialogue or themes can be folded into each other in an adaptation.
Some stuff cut from the hospital scene:
There's a CT scan of Banagher on the wall in novel. "You checked whether I was a Cyber-Newtype too, didn't you?" When I read the English translation, I thought they dodged telling the audience what the result of the test actually was. I thought that was a really interesting choice. Unfortunately, I don't think it's actually the case, having checked the Japanese. I can't be 100% sure, but I think the meaning of the line is that as far as the doctor could tell with the equipment they had available, he detected no evidence of Banagher being a Cyber-Newtype. 😔
When Banagher and the doctor discuss Newtype theory, they cut a line where the doctor suggests that a world where everyone knows what everyone else is thinking without obfuscation or deception might not be the magic bullet to end war, and could even be more violent. He's also a little more direct in the novel about implying that the emergence of Newtypes could create a divide between them and "Oldtypes."
The doctor points out that Newtypes are theorized to evolve in space, and how this would be a problem for Earth-Space relations. Banagher says that they should just make everyone evolve all at once. The Japanese line seems a bit vague, but the English translation interprets this as him suggesting they pull a Char / Mafty and send everyone into space. I think that's a fun way to take it, particularly because Banagher thinks it's a childish idea even as he says it. It's cute to me.
Full Frontal
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In the novel, we see Frontal arranging his battle plan before the attack begins-- we see that he knows the attack coming, we see him move his troops off Palau, and we see him give orders to leave the Unicorn where Banagher will find it. In the OVA, we learn most of this in retrospect. I don't think the framing changes much, except insofar as it means less screen time for him and Angelo.
The big scene we lose is the one where they speak to one of their major sponsors in Neo Zeon, the guy who owns Palau. He tries to goad Frontal into officially admitting to being Char and taking off the mask, implicitly threatening to rescind his support if he doesn't. Frontal responds to this with "That's okay. I actually came by today to tell you we're leaving! How convenient. Bye."
Frontal speaks very differently to this guy than he did to Banagher, even beyond refusing to remove his mask. It's a fascinating contrast, and I like it a lot. Frontal is very good at being threateningly passive-aggressive in multiple registers.
A good and telling bit of dialogue from Frontal that we lose by cutting this scene: "Char Aznable is a man who lost."
I still don't understand what they're doing with Riddhe, and I'm getting increasingly concerned about it.
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I cannot believe how many Riddhe opinions I apparently have had this whole time, just waiting to be revealed.
OVA Riddhe does not feel like much of anything to me so far, which is bizarre when his novel counterpart has so much going on. His blandness is even more noticeable when he's spending so much time with Mineva, who is a very strong-willed character with defined beliefs.
I would say his characterization has been made subordinate to hers, except she doesn't even gain anything from it? Cutting his screen time also cuts hers as well. He's the character that she's interacting with most for this entire section of the story, so making him less interesting just means she has a less interesting conversation partner!
Riddhe is a major character, and there are events later that hinge on the audience giving a shit about him. He needs to have substance, because the story is going to treat him like he has it. If he doesn't have it, it will fall flat.
Here are the key points I want to go over:
Novel Riddhe's values and beliefs are made very clear, while OVA Riddhe feels more ambiguous and flimsy.
Novel Riddhe's relationship to his family is far more complicated and compelling than anything we've been told about OVA Riddhe so far.
Novel Riddhe is shown to have strong emotional ties to the crew of the Nahel Argama.
Novel Riddhe has many clearly established reasons not to do what he does-- personally, professionally, and legally-- and chooses to do it anyway.
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This scene was funnier in the novel, because it tells you they have a telephone for each member of the family, but they're all in the same room where they get answered by the same butler.
Novel Riddhe is thoroughly established as a person with opinions and a strong moral compass. He does more to help others, at greater difficulty than anything OVA Riddhe has been faced with thus far, and the negative consequences he knowingly takes on are made more explicit.
In the novel, there's a whole extra step before taking Mineva to earth. Mineva has been moved off the Nahel Argama to another ship, the Alaska, which was going to bring her to a be held at a base on the moon. Getting her out of there is a lot more convoluted than knocking out a single guard and then sneaking down some hallways when no one is looking.
Riddhe sets off a bunch of smoke canisters all over the ship to cause confusion, knocks out some guys, flees the Alaska in a shuttle, shakes the mobile suits tailing them by flying through a debris field, lies about his reason for returning so they let him back on the Argama, and ultimately sneaks Mineva back onto the ship and into his mobile suit. Since the battle has started at this point, it's impossible for the Argama to contact the Alaska or vice-versa.
It makes sense to cut this for time. It's an extraneous trip just to return to the status quo of them needing to sneak off the Argama again anyway. There are other ways to show Riddhe's determination without giving him a dramatic heroic sequence.
But here's the problem with removing it: Riddhe doesn't just rescue Mineva. Takuya and Micott are also on the Alaska. It is strongly implied that they're going to be disappeared.
(There are people from the Intelligence Department on the 'Alaska', so leave the prisoner to them. Don't ask any further.) "Then what about the civilians? They..." (Will be treated as those who violated confidentiality and dealt with as appropriate. You have no need to be involved with them.)
That's significant! Mineva is a person with obvious political importance, and Riddhe became emotionally attached to her before he even knew that. It is entirely possible to interpret rescuing Mineva through a lens of selfish motivations, especially in an adaptation where we aren't privy to his inner thoughts.
Riddhe has no special attachment to Takuya and Micott. He saves them because he has an obligation to do so, because leaving them behind would be wrong.
Are you wondering why the Alaska came to pick them up in the first place? It happened because Riddhe contacted his father at the request of Captain Otto, even though he really didn't want to, in the hopes that he could prevent more deaths by requesting additional support for the Argama.
But Riddhe's father didn't send the support Riddhe requested-- he sent a ship to pick up Riddhe and the prisoners. Why send military support when he can just remove his son from the battlefield that he never wanted him to be on anyway, right? He doesn't even respond himself, some random military guy does it for him.
... this admiral might not have even thought of him as a person. He was just looking at the shadow behind his back-- the authority of Senator Ronan Marcenas. Riddhe felt the emptiness of talking to a wall as he yelled, "WHY ONLY ME...!"
To me, novel Riddhe's frustration with his family is the single most important character trait he has. It informs every single one of his decisions. And so far, in the anime, it has not come up even once.
Riddhe is not just a bit distant from his family. He is repeatedly described as having run away from home. We are told he has not spoken to his father or his sister in some time. He literally refers to his 'family' in scare quotes while thinking about them.
Riddhe too felt repulsed by the fact he had to rely on the 'family' that he had been hiding from at this point, but there was no other way.
There’s no other choice. Riddhe returned back to his room and ended up spending 2 hours writing a mail to his father. He had never sent a phone call for the past few years, let alone a message. His body did not have a function to communicate with his father, and he felt a chill when he started off with ‘Dear Father’.
"Since I entered the army with the family's objection, I never intended to come back, but just this once, I have to do this."
The car ride with his father when they first meet and head back to the house is incredibly miserable. They casually drop that Riddhe's mom is in a nursing home, and then they sit in total silence.
Riddhe was looking in front silently, not looking at the greenery passing by outside the window. He was about as silent as the time when he piloted the “Delta Plus” into the atmosphere—no, he might be a lot more tense here. Sitting diagonally in front of him was Ronan, who had his mouth shut, not intending to look away from the notebook terminal. As for what they actually talked about on the limousine, there were only two lines, “Mom?” “She’s in a Nursing Home in Switzerland.” What was left was the heavy and unbearable silence passing between them.
Eventually, Riddhe starts speaking to Mineva while she's looking at the scenery, very obviously as a way of needling his dad. It's an insanely loaded conversation. He basically says "hey Mineva, have you ever read Gone with the Wind? Did you know it takes place here, in Georgia? Just thinking about wealthy white farmers enriching themselves by exploiting Black slaves as we drive to my rich politician dad's house, for no reason."
The dig is not subtle. His dad sarcastically responds to it by pointing out the comparison, as if pretending he isn't extremely aware that's why Riddhe brought it up in the first place, and then they go back to totally ignoring each other.
This is something I think is important: in the novel, Ricardo Marcenas-- Riddhe's great-grandfather and first Prime Minister of the Earth Federation-- is not white. He is stated to be mixed race both during his political speech, when he talks about his heritage, and later when Mineva sees his portrait.
It is an unbelievably pointed choice to have Riddhe and his father be white-passing and from the southern US while the dead great-grandfather with lofty ideals who was implicitly assassinated by his own government was visibly (and proudly) multiracial.
Between the family's politics and Riddhe's sister being in an arranged marriage for political and business reasons, you can guess that this is more than just a coincidence of genetics. Ricardo's descendants wanted to hold onto power, and power was disproportionately held by white people, so that's who they married. Fukui is hitting me with a big cartoon mallet labeled "racism and its consequences persist in the politics of the Earth Federation."
And this... just doesn't exist in the OVA, I guess. They cut the lines about Ricardo's heritage from his speech, and he looks like any other white guy.
The anime as a whole so far has a general trend of cutting anything that directly mentions real-world racial identity or politics, without exception (see also: Syam and Banagher). They've also been erring on the side of lighter skin tones across the board, even in cases where novel description says otherwise.
The doctor on the Argama is described as Arab, with light tan skin. They coloured him half a shade darker than Banagher, who is half a shade darker than Mihiro.
Gilboa is Black. He's still Black here, but they gave him the absolute lightest possible skin tone that still reads as brown. He's way more ambiguous than his wife and kids, and they also have light brown skin. He's described as dark-skinned in the novel!
Yeah, people can have these skin tones with those backgrounds. Obviously. But they've chosen to convey information that is clear in the original text ambiguously, and they've done it to multiple characters.
I'm going on a bit of a tangent here, but this felt like the most appropriate place to bring it up. IT BOTHERS ME.
Anyway. Do you know who is the first character in the novel to bring up the rumours that Ricardo Marcenas was assassinated by the Federation? Because it isn't Daguza in the cockpit with Banagher-- that's later. It's Riddhe.
Riddhe is the one who suggests conservative elements within the Federation might have wanted to a eliminate a more liberal and idealistic Prime Minister while also providing an excuse to root out separatists on the basis of anti-terrorism. Riddhe is the one who gives a scathing account of what his family did in the aftermath of the assassination, where Ricardo's son took advantage of the situation to gain power with the support of the same conservatives who killed his father.
Riddhe says all that directly in front of his dad, who yells at him for spreading nonsense conspiracy theories, tells him he doesn't know anything about politics, and says that he abandoned his family. Wrow.
Riddhe is ultimately ashamed of himself for provoking his father just because he's angry. He thinks it's selfish and childish for him to risk jeopardizing the relationship when he's relying on his father's power to accomplish his goals and protect Mineva.
Calm down, he's a Senate Council member who can deal with the army that will suck up to him. I have to put aside all personal feelings and tell him.
Riddhe took Mineva's line about her responsibility as a member of the Zabi family very seriously. He comes back to it repeatedly. He doesn't want to have anything to do with his family, but he knows there are things that only he can do to help, precisely because of his family-- and he has an obligation to try.
There's a very interesting tension, where Riddhe is only even able to survive and successfully enact his plan because of the otherwise unwanted privilege conferred by his father. It's made clear that even that might not have saved him if he hadn't gotten extremely lucky! It comes up again and again, at every step of the plan.
No matter whether the "Nahel Argama" survives or not, Ensign Riddhe's military career will be at an end.
"I'm risking my life here as well. I might even end up facing the firing squad if I mess up here, you know?"
If the situation had happened during a Parliamentary Session, the contact would definitely bounce around amongst the secrataries, and the "Delta Plus" would most likely be shot down without any confirmation of its identity.
Even after they manage to land safely by using the name of his family as a shield, the guards surrounding them when they disembark are hostile and keep rifles trained on them the whole way.
I feel like this element of luck is part of why they swapped his model airplanes for a good luck charm, but it's still so weird to me. His luck is important because of the risks he's taking, and they're not really playing that up as much as they could be. They could tell us in retrospect, but Riddhe knew the risks going in, and that's important.
One thing he knows he's going to lose, unavoidably, is all of his established social relationships in the military.
Survivor's guilt and having lost friends is something that comes up a lot in Riddhe's internal dialogue after the destruction of Industrial 7. I talked about it a bit in the last post. His crewmates are people he cares about, not only in an abstract sense of duty and obligation, but as people.
He's clearly deeply hurt by lying to the crew about his real intentions during the attack on Palau, especially as some of them are glad to see him back and praising his bravery as a soldier.
Does OVA Riddhe have strong relationships to anyone on the Argama? Maybe. He gets some advice from a superior officer. He banters with one of the other pilots for three lines or so. The doctor certainly believes that Mihiro is on edge specifically because of Riddhe's "death", but there are no particularly significant interactions between them to confirm it.
Riddhe's romantic interest in Mihiro is established very early in the novels, when he asks her out to a movie before launching for the first battle. He says he needs something to look forward to so he'll come back alive.
This comes back again when he's heading out for the Palau mission, when she specifically privately contacts him:
(Good luck, Ensign Riddhe. I haven't forgotten the promise to watch a movie.)
And he just has to agree, knowing that he's not coming back and she's going to be mourning him, thinking he's dead. Man.
When it becomes clear the battle isn't going to go as planned, Mineva can sense Riddhe's hesitation. She tells him to stay and fight, because otherwise he'll regret it for the rest of his life. While this works as a character moment for Mineva in the anime, I don't feel like it's a convincing one for Riddhe. What made it work in the novels was that we already knew this was an accurate assessment of his feelings. In the anime, rather than her resolving the conflict for him, it almost feels like he hadn't even fully realized he was having one until she told him.
Maybe I'm being uncharitable and nitpicky, and this all comes across just fine to people without my preconceptions. I just can't shake the feeling that too much scaffolding for his character has been removed, so now even big character moments are failing to stand up on their own.
Riddhe's latent newtype connection to Banagher and their Man's Promise is plot important, but on an emotional level it is nothing to me. I don't care about Riddhe's masculine pride. I care about him having a fraught relationship with his shitty rich dad who he has deliberately avoided for years. I care about social bonds. I care about sacrifice.
Banagher's trust in Riddhe in the novel is meaningful because the audience has reason to believe that Riddhe deserves that trust.
I really hope they can integrate at least some of this stuff going forward, but I also worry it might be too late. I can imagine it failing so easily-- like if they give me Riddhe yelling at his dad, but without all the established context it just comes off like he's a brat throwing a tantrum.
I'm pretty sure his crush on Mineva is going to start becoming relevant now, too, so I need them to give me something to work with as soon as fucking possible if they don't want me to become a relentless little hater. Please.
I want to believe they can still flesh him out enough to work for me, even if it's not perfect.
Micott's arc is altered by changes to Riddhe's arc.
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This isn't a super dramatic change, since she's not a load-bearing part of the narrative like Riddhe. I do think how they shifted things around is interesting and worth talking about, though.
In my post on OVA 2, I mentioned that Micott is the one who snitches on Mineva in the novel. This was removed in the anime, where instead Daguza just recognizes her face himself. Now the reason becomes clear-- they moved it here, instead.
In the novel, the second part of the conversation they have in this scene happens on the shuttle back from the Alaska. Since the Alaska was cut, they obviously couldn't do that, but having the betrayal without including the resolution would defeat the purpose. Their solution was to combine the betrayal and reconciliation into a single scene, by having Micott consider reporting Mineva's escape but ultimately back down. I think that's a very clever way to handle it.
Micott is more emotional in the novel version. The circumstances are completely different, so the difference in tone makes sense.
"I know this isn't something I should be saying. But sorry, I have no intention of apologizing to you. Your army was the one that decimated our colony." ... "But, I want to apologize to Banagher. If I don't, I..." The rest of her words were vague due to her crying.
She apologizes to Banagher in the novel equivalent to the hologram billiards scene, when Takuya deliberately leaves them alone for a bit so they can talk. Banagher is puzzled by her apology, and they just kind of cyclically apologize to each other for a bit. It's cute.
The novel version of the conversation is very unsubtle about implying that Banagher implicitly believes Riddhe is trustworthy because they have a psychic connection. Micott's line in the anime, where she just comments on Banagher behaving differently than usual, is more vague.
Micott also sticks up for Mineva to Banagher, which I thought was sweet.
"But since you helped her out once, you have to bear responsibility and help her out until the end. That girl's feeling rather down inside despite making a strong look."
The Vist Foundation: Martha, Alberto, and Gael
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God, I love Martha. I've been waiting for her desperately. I loooove her anime design. She looks so good. My evil wife.
The Vist Foundation is much less present in the narrative than expected, so far. I'm not entirely sure what to think, but unlike Riddhe's changes, it doesn't raise any alarm bells for me (yet). The Foundation itself is central to the conflict, what with 『The Box』, but all the individual people in it are minor characters.
Do you remember Gael, Cardeas' bodyguard? At this point in the novel, Gael is on the Garencieres. His interactions with Zinnerman and the rest of the crew are very tense and uneasy, but he's a key player in the plan to rescue Marida. He talks to Banagher briefly during the battle as well, just like Gilboa.
Gael wants to capture Alberto and force him to publicly reveal information about Martha, thus ruining her reputation. This allows him to have his revenge for Cardeas without killing her (since Syam objected to him doing so).
For Marida's escape-- rather than being blown out into space, the guys transporting her are gunned down by Gael, and that's when she takes the opportunity to slip out of her bonds.
Gael confronts Alberto about killing Cardeas, and Alberto has some interesting dialogue:
"Aunt [Martha] was very kind ... She was willing to recognize and accept me. Dad doesn't know about such things."
I could imagine Alberto having a conversation like this with Marida instead, since it's related to her reason for saving him in the novel-- she recognized his connection to Banagher. When Marida saw Banagher's mind, she saw the burden placed on him by Cardeas, and she sees the same thing in Alberto. She mentions that they both have the same sadness in their eyes.
(We still haven't seen Martha tell Alberto that Banagher is his half-brother, by the way. Is Marida going to tell him instead? Does he know? I need to know if he knows!)
Anyway. Alberto shoots Gael and more crew from the Nahel Argama arrive, having heard the commotion. Gael flees.
The scene keeps going, but I'm stopping here, since we might be getting into stuff for the next one.
Daguza has a lot of backstory that doesn't make it in.
Man, this guy is carrying around so much baggage. Banagher has no idea. Content warning for child death for this part. Scroll down to the screenshots if at any point you decide you don't want to read it.
After the conversation with Banagher in the tea room, we get a much longer conversation between Daguza and the other ECOAS guy. We learn about "The Sweetwater Operation", during which ECOAS murdered a bunch of children as collateral while trying to take out a group of terrorists. Yes.
Sweetwater was a refugee colony. The living conditions were terrible, basically a slum, and it eventually became a hub for anti-Federation activity. During Char's Counterattack, it was a working base for Neo Zeon. After the conflict ended, it became "a breeding ground for terrorist planning."
"Those terrorists ignored human rights and laws, so their crimes that went beyond the law should be punished by means beyond the law" -- gee, where have I heard that before? What could Fukui possibly be referencing here?
To summarize: intelligence failed to report the presence of a school bus, ECOAS blew up a bunch of kids along with the terrorists, 33 of them died, and the four who survived were disabled for the rest of their lives. Investigators covered up the incident and it was reported as an accident, but rumours still spread within the Federation special forces. ECOAS was nicknamed "The Manhunters."
Honestly, I think it's a kind of contrived scenario compared to the much more cruelly mundane way that kids and other innocent civilians get murdered during anti-terrorist raids and drone strikes in real life, but I see what Fukui was going for.
From that point on, ECOAS continued to be given dirty missions due to their reputation. I would bet those 33 kids are not the only children they've killed during their career.
They do a lot of justifying it to themselves during the conversation. "It was the intelligence branch's fault, we couldn't do anything." "Well, we were facing a group a group of people who would drop colonies and asteroids on the Earth. If we didn't take them down all at once, there might have been more children killed." "Yes, we have to allow a little sacrifice for the sake of the many." Again, all very familiar.
Despite his words, it's very obvious that Daguza feels guilty. His discussion of himself as a cog is a lot more charged when you know exactly what kind of violence he enacted as part of the machine.
Let me ask honestly, what is this order we have to protect even if it means killing children? [...] Despite understanding that, I still continue to kill myself off, telling myself consistently that it can’t be helped. Won’t I become a real cog gradually? I swallowed reality and sold out myself bit by bit. In this sense, I’m a foolish creature who’s sealed in this shell called an adult.
While they do talk about how Banagher is a child during this conversation, we don't get the line from the OVA here about never having had children and Daguza's implicit fatherly feelings toward Banagher.
The idea does come up later, with Daguza expressing that no matter what the box is, it's not worth exchanging for the future of a child like Banagher. It's pretty clear that this is the reason he's so ready to go to his death.
And what a death it was.
He wanted to hand his life to a child, a child who would think about the future. Of course, he did not think that he could wash away all his guilt after all the atrocity he did, but he felt surprisingly happy that he could do this. He, who only knew how to act on priorities to fulfil his duties, was leaving everything to a young life that had no blood relations or bonds with him ...
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Holy shit.
I love the Sinanju with its busted face. Such a look.
Anyway, this death is one that I think is more disturbing than it was in the original text. The decision to let his rocket launcher float just far enough from the beam to survive and then splatter against the emblem is downright nasty. It allows for a person whose body has been totally vaporized to still look like they're leaving behind remains. It feels like a full body gore splatter, even if closely watching the sequence makes it clear it's not. That rules.
And that's when we get our second Destroy Mode activation.
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A Gundam is a monster. A Gundam is a devil.
Do you ever think about how Frontal is tactically the single most important person on the battlefield for his side, but he puts himself at risk of burning to death to stop the Unicorn from killing Angelo? Because I do. I think about it a lot.
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RIP Gilboa. It really hit me while watching that Banagher has multiple potential surrogate father figures who explode directly in front of him, much like his real dad did. So far, Otto is the only adult man to survive giving Banagher friendly paternal advice.
If you've read all this, thanks for indulging me. I hope it was interesting.
I'm really looking forward to watching the next one. I've heard good things, and that arc of the novel, uh... well, it's a lot. I'll have to think about how much I even want to get into it.
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Day 298,
Continuing to put off further text comparison until we can get second/third opinions of Lin and/or Vernon.  When Cass asked me when I’m going to get around to doing that, I told her that I’d talk to them when I see them again market day evening when I do another public telling at the inn.  
That was when I realized I’d not told her about that until now.  She was, predictably, not thrilled about having been left out like that and insisted that she was going to be coming along this time.  Her right/duty as my apprentice and all that.  I apologized, explaining that I hadn’t mentioned it earlier because I’d been thinking of market day as sort of being her day off during the rainy season.
And then I made the mistake of pointing out that it’s weird for a teenager (had to stop myself from saying “kid” and I think she noticed) to be hanging out with a bunch of adults twice her age or more, and asking if she had any friends her own age to hang out with.  Turns out this was a more sensitive subject for her than I realized.  She didn’t outright state it, but the answer appears to be “no” and inquiring as to why met with irate question dodging.  She left not too long after.  I think I might have made things worse trying to be helpful about it.
I feel bad about the whole exchange.  And a little worried about her.
I wound up taking another walk to the tower, where I’m once again writing this from.  Another thing I didn’t tell Cass about.  I feel less guilty about this one though.  There’s a special sort of peace to being in a place that only you know about.  A meditative solitude that’s distinct from the private comfort of home.  I think  the feeling is a sort of cousin to the sensation of stopping in a spot that most people pass through without noticing and wondering if anyone else has ever truly seen the view that you’re now focusing on.  It’s not about feeling special for being the only one to see a thing.  It’s about acknowledging the inherent complexity of the world that allows for such unseen nooks and crannies to exist in the first place, even in plain sight.  To stop and stare at the texture of a cobblestone beneath the surface of a puddle in a back alley is to recognize that that exact view exists nowhere else in the world and the same is true in an infinite number of cases on an infinite scale and that the very mundanity of it all is itself is beautiful.
And that’s why I found myself lying on the floor staring up at the ceiling for a solid ten minutes or so.  Definitely because I was extrapolating the beauty of the universe from the patterns of the wood grains and the sound of rain on the windows, and not because I had just failed at opening the trapdoor after dragging the desk over to climb on for a higher point to reach from.
It’s this most philosophical of vantage points to which I owe my newest discovery in this room.  Beneath the bed, amongst the dust and shadows was a tiny orange light.  Naturally, I flipped myself over and crawled on my belly, squeezing underneath the bed to investigate.  It was a shiny - or perhaps shining - glass marble slightly smaller around than the circle made by touching thumb to forefinger.  Its surface is a swirl of shades of orange, and it gives off a faint light, far weaker than any crystal and barely illuminating the palm of my hand.  Yet it’s remarkable in its own way in that any crystal would have long since gone dun by now.  I can feel something when I hold it, some stirring of emotion and the lightest of touches against my mind, but I can’t yet pin down exactly what the feeling is.  It’s on the tip of my tongue, but I’m failing to find the proper word for it.
Anyway, this marble is obviously an artifact of some sort, even if I have no idea what it actually does besides glow.  I’ll be taking it with me.  While the thought of removing the dagger feels like disturbing (stealing even) something that was left intentionally, I get the impression that the marble was left behind on accident and forgotten.  A trinket knocked off the desk or fallen out of the pocket that rolled away under the bed.  Did it belong to Devi?  Or one of the people that cleared out the room?  Was it even an artifact when it was lost?  Perhaps it was a keepsake of hers that by being in her old room for so long absorbed some part of her memory, whatever presence of hers that could once be felt here.
Unlikely, but it’s a comforting flight of fancy.  The idea that some part of her lives on.  A connection from one outsider to another across the years.  I suppose it’s natural to want to feel a kinship to these people I’ve never met.  However different we might all have been from one another, there’s one thing that we all have in common.  A status and set of experiences shared by no one but us.  
Was Devi lonely I wonder?  She had companions willing to follow her into Cloud Tower, but did she share that same underlying dread, lurking in the background of even her happiest moments, that she’ll never truly be one of them and belong?  Maybe that’s what drives us outsiders to seek answers unto oblivion.  To ascend Cloud Tower.  To walk off the edge of the world.  To journey into the dark and seek out the Endless Abyss.
But what of the old archivist?  He didn’t do any of those things.  Did he not feel this way?  Or did he manage to overcome it and find peace and truly connect with the people around him?
No way to know.  I’ll need to find my own answer.  Everyone does, I suppose.
But for now, I should head back to the archive.  Clean the dust off my clothes and try to stop coughing and sneezing from it.  
I wonder if anyone noticed the lantern I brought with me shining through these high windows now that the sun’s gone down.
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letarasstuff · 3 years
One kind of intern
(A/N): This was requested by @greenslifestuff :) It took me a week or two because I had to interact with my friends in order to get the inspiration I needed 😅 Summary: The team gets to work with a gen z teenager. Let’s see how that goes.
Warnings: Swearing and gen z humour
Wordcount: 2k
“Team, this is (Y/N) (L/N). She will be interning for the upcoming three months alongside this team. (Y/N), these are Agents Emily Prentiss, Jennifer Jareau, David Rossi, Derek Morgan and Doctor Spencer Reid and our Technical Analyst Penelope Garcia”, Hotch introduces a teenage girl to his team like this happens every day.
“Wait Hotch, we don’t get interns. What is she going to do, no offense, but getting us coffee or what?” Morgan eyes her suspiciously. She looks like any teenager grabbed from the street. A band t-shirt, a torn pair of jeans and a cup from starbucks in her hands. Nothing you would expect to even enter a federal building.
“No offence taken, Agent Morgan. I know having an ugly pickly bitch working with professionals seems weird. It’s just I have summer break and I thought it would be a good thing on my resumé if I already interned in the FBI, because I just graduated and I wanted to go to the academy this fall. But if you wanna do a vibe check with me first, that’s fine by me. Whatever floats your boat.”
The room falls silent. Then out of all sudden everyone turns to Garcia, who puts her arms up in defense. “I don’t even know half the things she said, ask her yourself.”
That’s how the BAU gets their first contact with Gen Z culture and let me tell you it is a wild ride, so buckle up your seats, drink your tea up because we aren’t going to make any stops.
“(Y/N), I need you to come with me. We are going to the M.E. getting the latest reports from our last case”, Morgan tells her while passing her desk. In the blink of an eye the teenager is ready, putting her denim jacket with various pins and bits of patches on.
“Derek, can we get starbucks on the way back? The pumpkin spiced latte is back on their menu and I am on withdrawal. Pleaaaaaasseeee”, she looks at him with a pouty face. Morgan smiles. “Ok, under one condition: We both get one, take awesome pictures and send them to the group chat and then we act like we didn’t get them anything, but we actually buy them their usual.” He got the hang of it pretty fast. “Deal, Sis.”
While they are in the car on their way to the M.E. the agent groans. “Ugh, road work ahead.” “Uh yeah, I sure hope it does!” Morgan eyes her from the side. His whole demeanor says ‘old and confused’.
“What was that, kid?” But (Y/N) begins to laugh. “Don’t you know vines? Short dumb and funny clips people made?” It’s safe to say that this afternoon he learns to speak in vines, getting on Rossi’s nerves because nothing makes sense anymore.
“Ok, I heard you wanted to become a profiler. So I thought I would show you some old cases and then you try to figure out the profile. I’ll present them to you like I do to the team, alright?” JJ and (Y/N) sit in her office, safe from curious eyes. “As right as the law, Ma’am.” 
“Good, this is a case from several years ago. It happened here in D.C. Three men were murdered execution style in the middle of the night in an alleyway. They were all from different backgrounds. The only connection between them was that they were evicted for some form of sexual harassment or assault. The UnSub also had a signature: A shot into their groin while the men were alive.”
Unfaced by the presented facts (Y/N) pops a piece of gum into her mouth. “It do be like that.”
“What?” “I mean, it’s obviously a woman. She experienced any harassment or assault herself. She also has excess to the files, I assume she works as a paralegal, since most of them are women. Female serial killers are extremely rare, but they are better organized. The only thing left to say is good for her getting revenge.” The blonde looks at the teenager with wide eyes.
“I-I guess but you know you can’t say anything like that to Hotch, do you?” She asks concerned. “JJ, I’m dead inside, not dumb. I know this.” But the agent shrugs. “Good. Though I really want to see his face.” “Mood.”
Penelope Garcia is the closest one to relate to Gen Z culture, since a great part of her time is spent on the internet. She happily learns about all the phrases and their meanings as well as the newest trends and hypes.
“Purp is sus, I tell you”, is heard from the lair into the hallway. Spencer and Derek look at each other with concern on their faces. “Do you think they are alright or do we have to-” “IT’S A SELF REPORT I SWEAR PENNY! YOU WORK WITH PROFILERS IN GANDALF’S NAME!” Spencer’s question is answered by that.
“Baby girl, crazy girl, are you doing good? Do you need help or something?” The older one asks warily. But it’s drowned in another screaming match. “I TOLD YOU PURP WAS THE IMPOSTER BUT YOU HAVE TO TELL THEM I VENTED WHEN I DIDN’T! I WANT ALL TIKTOKS I SENT YOU BACK!” “YOU DON’T DARE TO REVOKE MY TIKTOK PRIVILEGES!” “WATCH ME GARCIA!”
“Whoa girls, what about taking a break?” Morgan tries to diffuse the situation. “Yes, I think JJ got new pictures of Henry and Emily brought cookies this morning”, Spencer adds.
The girls, who mere seconds ago were ready to jump each other's throats, look at the other one. “You get the cookies and I go to JJ, deal?” (Y/N) asks. “Deal!” Without sparing the boys another glance they run out of the lair. Their devices are still lit up. A red figure shines into their faces. ‘AMONG US’ is written underneath it. “I think we get too old for this stuff, don’t we Reid?”
Spencer always thought he was young. Of course, his mind is older, but physically he is not that old. But the intern proves him wrong. And boy is he wrong.
“Spencer, is there anything interesting to know today?” (Y/N) takes a seat on his desk, distracting the genius from his paperwork. It is a common occurrence for her to go to him to ask for a fun fact.
“Do you wanna learn something about sloths?” His knowledge (or the writer’s) on this subject is astonishingly big.
“Spill the tea, sis.” “Did you kn- What? But I don’t have tea to spill. And I don’t wanna spill anything, I-” Reid rambles in confusion.
“It’s just a saying, Spencer. There is no deeper meaning to it then ‘Tell me everything about it’. You know, it’s mostly used for gossiping, but I don’t really like to gossip. That’s why I use it in a different context. You got it?” (Y/N) explains it to him in a soft manner, knowing her generation can be complex.
“Yeah, I think I do. Thank you for telling me. I really like the phrase. It has a nice ring. What about you spill the tea about all the phrases you know and I tell you some things from my knowledge?” “I think you got yourself a teacher, genius. But now tell me about the sloths, I love them.”
A few days later Rossi catches her doing some weird moves. “Are you having a seizure or what is your problem, youngster?” Even though he tries not to show it, David took a great liking to (Y/N), thinking of her like a granddaughter. Still, most of her actions confuse the hell out of him.
“I’m practising a dance for tiktok. My friends and I worked on a choreo we wanted to film later. Come here, I can show you.” And that’s what she does in the conference room. The teenager walks him through every move of the choreo, explaining the meaning to it and how it correlates with the song.
“And then you move your arm like that. Exactly like that! You did a great job, David! Are you sure you don’t want to come with me later? We can make you your own account and name it ‘Grandpa-on-tiktok’. You can promote your books over there and it’s a way to float with the trend!”
Seeing her this excited Rossi can’t do anything but agree to the idea. Also, he secretly liked doing the dance thing. It made him feel young again.
“(Y/N), you said you graduated this summer. But your file said you are 16?” Emily asks her one boring day filled with paperwork and countless cups of coffee. “It is what it is”, she mindlessly answers, too focused on filling out the work in front of her.
“I mean yes but how?”
“Emily, smart people exist. I know, coming from me hits different, but here we are.” Finally (Y/N) puts her pen away looking at the raven haired woman.
“What are you talking about? I can’t really follow you.” The more the intern says the more confused gets Emily.
She sighs. “I don’t want to leave you on read here. I kind of am smart somehow. Apparently I was smart enough to skip a grade or two. But it’s no biggie. Many peeps do this, so I don’t sweat it.”
“Even though I feel like you are selling yourself short here, I know you are an incredibly intelligent person. Someday you will be an awesome profiler and any team will be lucky to have you. I really hope we will be the lucky team. But I’m still not sure if this is what I should say in this context.”
“Emily, you are goals. This fam is squad goals. I really hope to be a part of this someday”, (Y/N) admits. “I’m sure Hotch will do his best to get you on the team, you became a great part of it. I can’t imagine a future without you.”
Sadly Prentiss has to get used to a time without the team’s beloved intern. On her last day (Y/N) knocks at Hotch’s door.
“Hey, I wanted to say thank you. The time with you and all the others was amazing and I learned so many useful things for not only the academy but also for my daily life. I really had a glow-up here”, she says after coming in.
Hotch motions towards the chairs in front of his desk. “Take a seat, (Y/N). I got something for you. See it as a compensation for not getting paid for your internship. You really did great work and a better job than some agents, who are doing theirs for many years already but don’t know half the stuff you do. You are a valuable member to the team.”
“Wait, you speak in presence tense. I leave you all this afternoon, you know that, do you?” But the Unit Chief only gestures to a white envelope on his desk. Quickly the teenager takes it and reads it.
“Are you serious Hotchner? Because I will cry you a river if you joke”, she threatens him.
“I’m dead serious, (Y/N). Even though half of your talks are difficult to understand, the other half is twice as useful and important. Additionally to that, you are like a fresh breath of air that the team needed. That’s why a place here will be available for you as soon as you graduate from the academy. I trust you that you will pass with flying colors, I had to promise that to Strauss.”
“Of course, Hotch. I swear on my Animal Crossing Island that I will do my best and more. Thank you so much”, she leaps into his arms.
The others watch the interaction from the bullpen, pretending to not get teary eyed. Their favorite Gen Z Kid will come back to them after all.
Spencer Reid
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ceilingfan5 · 3 years
Out of This World
congratulations to my 500 followers giveaway winner @terezis, who asked for “alien taako accidentally kidnaps kravitz”
and thanks to everyone who participated!!! 
“Where the hell are you going at this hour?” Kravitz’s roommate Sloane asks, looking up from the egregious snuggling she’s got going on with her girlfriend. On Kravitz’s couch, no less. 
“Didn’t you see that light? I have to go investigate! It could be- It could be any number of things! A meteor, a spatial anomaly, maybe even a-”
“Helicopter?” Sloane’s voice is dryer than the toast he had for dinner. Kravitz doesn’t let it dampen his mood. 
“It could be something truly mysterious, and I can’t abide letting well enough alone.”
“You never can,” she sighs. “Well, be safe out there. Don’t forget your keys.”
“Mhm,” Kravitz says, jamming his feet into mismatched shoes. “Don’t wait up for me.”
“Super won’t, so don’t die or get kidnapped or whatever.”
“I’ll be perfectly fine!” 
And Kravitz, who has no sense of predilection or self-preservation, thunders down the stairs and out into the streets with his fifty dollar flashlight and a passionately misplaced sense of adventure. 
He startles a few street cats, coos at a racoon, trips over trash, and just past the apartment complex, he spots it again. That powerful blue glow. It’s in the wrong direction for some kind of event or party--it’s closer to the farms at the edge of town than it is anything that ought to be blue in the middle of the night. And then, as Kravitz gets closer, he hears a hum, a soft, thrumming, nearly musical hum, and he sees it, he fucking sees it-
A spaceship. 
He cackles in unbridled validated glee and then slaps his hands over his mouth, dropping his fancy flashlight with all the lumens money can buy, reflecting on its way to the ground in three pairs of glowing gold eyes and a mouthful of sharp, sharp teeth. 
Something like a cross between static electricity and cement-hard water from doing a belly flop hits him, and he doesn’t see it anymore. 
  He wakes up in a space so white that it’s blue, searing his eyes with the brightness. His whole body is sore, but in a heavy way that almost feels nice. He blinks slowly, his eyelids sticking like windshield wipers on an old car during the first snow of the season, and something--someone? humanoid appears in his hazy vision. They have four arms and a long, golden brown tail, gilded with a smattering of freckles that reflect in the light like the bottom of a river untouched for centuries, and then, those six frightening, beautiful eyes, staring right into Kravitz’s soul, blinking asymmetrically, and twice. A nictitating membrane. Bafflingly cool. Kravitz tries to sit up and his head protests dramatically, and the figure swears--in English. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, what am I going to- how am I going to explain this- shit, shit, shit- Don’t do that, lay down, stupid adorable creature...” Two of those four hands gently press on his chest and he lays back down, mouth hanging open. 
“Who are you?” he asks, even though he could have opened with any number of questions, perhaps namely what do you want with me? 
“Oh, fuck, is my translator working? That’s a bonus. Oh, ancient skies, what a fucking mess...I can’t believe I- I’m going to be in so much trouble-”
“Because I saw you?”
“Well- yes, and also because I stunned you, and brought you aboard, which, believe it or not, has exacerbated- that’s a weird word, why is your language like this?--It’s made shit so much worse, because I’m dumb as hell and twice as fired. If not executed.” 
“Can I look around?”
“Babe, your listening comprehension isn’t great, is it? I’m gonna be in so much trouble for you even catching a glimpse of this- motherfucker, I should have stuck to cows, cows are classic, can’t go wrong with cows-” The alien, because, that’s- this person has to be an alien, there’s no other way, the set is too expensive and complete, the technology glittering at the edge of his vision is too complex, the makeup team would have to be intense?? The alien wrings two of their hands, and then the other two, fidgeting nervously. They pick grass off of Kravitz in a way that’s almost affectionate, and Kravitz has a hard time compiling all the facts, here.
“What’s your name?”  
“Taako,” Taako says, absolutely miserable. “But you shouldn’t know that. I should put you back--or kill you--but I don’t know if I can, I mean, look at you! Four little limbs and two little eyes! And you’re so curious and...cute.”
“You’re not so bad yourself.” Kravitz can’t help it. He’s always wanted to kiss an alien, and, presented with the road to that opportunity, he finds himself taking it with no hesitation. “What can I do to get you to not kill me today?”
“I could wipe your memory, I guess...”
"Not ideal."
"Not ideal, no, it does sort of tangle all your business up there a little." Taako frowns, which is a very strange thing to see a person with six eyes do. His lips are purple and they look...incredibly kissable, even drawn up in a frustrated little bow. Kravitz had probably better focused on not getting lobotomized, but he's as gay as he is a nerd, so he always would have been fucked in a situation like this. 
"Maybe, uh, maybe," he says, casting about for a solution, any solution. "Um, what, why are you here? What's going on with the, the cows?" 
"Well, we're studying your planet, obviously?" Taako walks away from Kravitz, pacing anxiously, and Kravitz takes the chance to sit up. It makes his mouth go dry and his head even more cottony, but he blinks blearily at Taako and smiles a little. "We're trying to learn how things work, how your society works, you know, see if you guys can handle the real shit, see if- You've got these incredible bonds, and I mean, my home sort of has those, but it's not the same, and- it would be real powerful if we could bring that kind of thing home."
"Guess you're not finding those bonds in cows, huh?" Kravitz has his out, and it's a good one. He can't stop grinning. He hopes Taako doesn't think it's a threat display. "Well, if I promise not to tell anyone about you, and you promise not to tell anyone about me, I could tell you some hot Earth facts, anything you want to know?" 
Taako bites his lip, folding both pairs of arms and pausing his pacing, and he looks at Kravitz, incredibly tempted.
"Anything. And if I don't know it, I'll look it up." Kravitz holds up his phone, and the reflection of it glints in Taako’s huge, hungry eyes. He grabs it and turns it on. 
"Oh this is good, this is very, very good. But-" 
"But you wanted to know about bonds, right?" 
"Right. And I promise I'm not trying to pry, but you keep thinking about kissing? And I want to know what that is." 
Kravitz swallow hard, knocked on his ass twofold. Taako can read his thoughts? Taako wants to kiss him???
"I can show you how, if you want," Kravitz says, embarrassed but also thrilled beyond all recognition. "Unless you think you're, you know, poisonous to me, or something-"
"It's probably fine?"
"It's probably fine!!" 
Taako walks over to him, tail flicking anxiously behind him. He's beautiful. Kravitz has finally met an alien, and he's beautiful. 
"We just- with our mouths?" 
"Exactly, just. Do what feels right." 
"Okay, I can, I can do that. And nobody is going to know, nobody will find out, it's fine-" 
Kravitz kisses him and Taako kisses back, sloppy and awkward and wonderful and Kravitz grabs the lapels of his uniform and pulls him closer and Taako makes a happy little trill and all six of his eyes flutter closed. 
They pull back to breathe, Taako panting a little, and he looks at Kravitz and nods. 
"I'm not going to kill you. Or. Scramble you, or whatever." 
"Nice," Kravitz says, grinning like an absolute idiot. "Can I tell you all the cool things I know about Earth?" 
"Maybe one more kiss. Or five. Can I have ten? Ten seems like a good number. Fuck, this is way better than cows!"
"I should hope so!" Kravitz laughs. 
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beybladefanfictions · 3 years
Beyblade One-Shot: Constellations
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(Author’s Note: Yeah, this is really random. I got this idea of Ryuga and Kenta looking at constellations together and thought it would make a cute one-shot. This takes place in my fanfiction’s continuity after what is currently the newest Ryuga x King chapter: A Departing Battle, but this was written recently while those chapters are a month old now. This isn’t needed to understand anything going on there but I thought it was cute so I’m publishing it on its own. Anyways, enjoy!)
Ryuga’s POV
The night sky glistened through the treetops above Ryuga as he made his way through the familiar forest. A cool night breeze blew his white jacket back and forth. A peaceful aura surrounded him. The only sound was the slight ruffling of the leaves and Ryuga’s footsteps.
Ryuga suddenly stopped. Around him, the trees parted, allowing him to see the stars in all their glory. Without those irksome city lights, the stars glowed much brighter, like specks of gemstones, and more colours glowed around them. Ryuga had a contempt for big cities. They were generally loud and packed and their light tainted this beautiful night sky.
A new sound suddenly filled the air. Footsteps.
“Hm?” Ryuga looked over his shoulder. Kenta was walking toward him, holding out a flashlight.
“I figured you’d be here,” Kenta replied, lowering the flashlight as he went to stand beside him. “What are you doing out after dark?”
“Getting fresh air…” Before Kenta could reply, Ryuga added, “Calm down, your parents know where I am.”
“You told them?”
“Mhm.” Ryuga nodded.
“Okay…” Kenta muttered to himself. “Good…” As Kenta texted his parents, Ryuga looked back up at the sky.
“Are you… looking at the stars?”
Ryuga looked away. “…maybe.”
He’d never told anyone about this appreciation of his. It probably seemed strange for someone like him to appreciate something like this.
Kenta smiled. “Do you know any of the constellations?”
“Just Draco,” Ryuga replied, with a shrug.
He had to admit he didn’t really see the point in assigning shapes to stars that were in reality, billions of kilometres away from each other. Why not just appreciate their beauty for what it was? There was no point in assigning silly stories to all of them. Still, Ryuga obviously knew about Draco, the constellation his bey, L-Drago, was based on. He could even see it now. The head was a small triangle and the body was the long twisting line of stars behind it, as if it were twisting its body around the way an Asian dragon would.
“Not even Sagittarius?” Kenta asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Sagittarius?” Ryuga froze. That’s right: Sagittarius was a summer constellation as well. He scanned the sky. However, he didn’t even have a basic idea of what the constellation was supposed to look like.
Kenta chuckled. “It’s right there.” He pointed at the night sky, forming some complex shape with his finger as if tracing the stars.
Ryuga tilted his head to the side. “Can you be more specific?”
“Here…” Kenta sat down on the ground. Ryuga sat next to him without a second thought. “Right there.” He pointed again. “That open triangle part is the legs.” He moved his finger up. “That long line is the body. Then that part is the arm and the part that goes out in the three directions is the bow.” Kenta held his hands out like he was holding a bow.
“Looks like a bunch of dots to me,” Ryuga grunted, his eyes narrowed.
Kenta shrugged. “Madoka showed me that one in Koma Village,” he informed, gazing at him with a smile. “Since then, I’ve been really interested in constellations. During the World Tournament, when I was left at home…” There was a pang of sadness in his voice at those words. “I started studying them since I had so much time. I can name most of the major ones.”
“How do you remember all that?” Ryuga asked, admittedly a little stunned. 
“Well almost all of them have Beyblades based on them,” Kenta explained, looking back at the sky. “So I remember that way. Like right there…” He pointed at a cluster of stars that formed a triangle. “That’s Aquila, like Tsubasa’s Earth Eagle. I remember that because the corners of the triangle look a bit like wings and that one can be the head.”
Ryuga gazed at his friend silently. *Is this where these constellations came from? The mind of a child?*
“Seems like a stretch,” Ryuga replied with a shrug.
“Oh, come on, Ryuga,” Kenta nudged Ryuga’s shoulder. “You have no imagination.”
Ryuga rolled his eyes. “What are the rest of these?” he asked, laying down in the grass.
Kenta laid down as well. “Well…” He searched the sky for a few moments. “There’s part of Aquarius. It’s a little harder to see in July but you can see the tail part.” Kenta trailed his finger over the stars as if he were drawing a line on top of them to connect them.
Ryuga looked away. Aquarius… it was the constellation of the bey, Aquario. The one blader Ryuga knew with an Aquario bey was Hikaru. Guilt pricked his heart.
“Ooh!” Kenta perked up. “There’s Cygnus! The swan constellation.” Kenta gazed at Ryuga with a smile. “Fun story about that one, Yuki and Gingka told me how that constellation helped them find one of the Legendary Bladers by pointing the way into a temple.”
Ryuga raised an eyebrow. “A constellation did that?”
Kenta nodded. “Yeah, there were these rock pillars in front of it, right? And to open the door to the temple, Yuki had to fire his bey through the pillars with holes, forming the shape of the Cygnus constellation.” Kenta sighed, lying back down. “I wish I could’ve been there to see that.”
Ryuga’s jaw clenched. “No, you don’t.”
“Huh?” Kenta sat up again, tilting his head to the side.
Ryuga looked away, surprised at the jealousy that had suddenly pricked him like a needle.
“If you’d stayed with them, you never would have been friends with me,” Ryuga grunted, his fingers digging into the dirt.
Although Ryuga still somewhat resented how soft Kenta had made him, the idea of them never being friends made him feel sick.
“Right…” Kenta put his arms around Ryuga in a small hug. “Sorry, that’s not what I meant. I’m glad I followed you, and I’m glad we’re friends. I wouldn’t trade that for anything.”
Ryuga relaxed a bit. Kenta let go of him after a few moments, looking back at the sky.
“Um…” He gazed at the sky for a few moments in silence, as if searching for something to talk about. “There’s Pegasus…” He pointed to it.
“Pegasus? In Summer?” Ryuga was stunned. He was sure Pegasus was an Autumn constellation. Wasn’t that the reason Gingka was picked as a Legendary Blader?
“Yeah, you can see it as early as July,” Kenta answered with a nod. “That square is the body, those two lines are the legs, and that curved one is the neck and head.”
“Where are the wings?” Ryuga grunted, annoyance slipping into his tone. “That’s the whole point of Pegasus.”
Kenta shrugged. “Maybe this Pegasus doesn’t need wings to fly, like your L-Drago.”
“Pegasus means winged horse.”
Kenta smirked. “And dragon means winged lizard.”
“No, it doesn’t!” Ryuga blazed with indignation. How dare someone call his L-Drago a mere lizard?!
Kenta giggled into his hand. “According to America, it does.”
“Well, we’re not in America.”
*Thankfully,* Ryuga bit back the word as he remembered King, who had recently returned to America. He looked away, his heart aching.
“Anyways…” Kenta looked back up, pointing at the sky. “And there’s…” He suddenly froze, his eyes going wide.
Concern swept over Ryuga. “What? What is it?”
“S-Serpent…” Ryuga’s heart skipped a beat. “Er- Serpens. The… the snake constellation.” Kenta was suddenly shivering. He turned away, rolling over onto his side.
“Kenta?” Ryuga scooted closer.
His friend wasn’t meeting his gaze. Ryuga knew exactly what Kenta was remembering and that same memory made Ryuga’s blood boil. He opened his mouth to speak.
“I…” Kenta’s voice was weak. “I know I defeated Reiji and everything but…” He wrapped his arms around himself. “He still freaks me out. So many bad memories…”
Ryuga put his arms around Kenta, pulling him into a hug.
“I know,” Ryuga’s voice was soft. “It scared me too.”
Kenta looked up at him. “But you said yourself he can’t do a thing to you.”
“It wasn’t myself I was worried about,” Ryuga replied, pulling Kenta into his chest. “It was you being hurt.”
Kenta returned the hug, letting out a small sob. After a few long breaths, Kenta let go, shuffling away to gaze at the ground. Ryuga froze for a moment. He needed to get Kenta’s mind off that battle…
“What’s that one?” Ryuga nodded in the direction of a zigzag formation of stars.
Kenta glanced at it. “Oh… that’s Cassiopeia… I… don’t really know anyone with a bey like that.”
“Cassiopeia…” Ryuga dipped his head. “The queen from Greek mythology.”
“You know Greek Mythology?” Kenta asked, turning to him.
Ryuga shrugged. “A little. Cassiopeia boasted about… something so Poseidon turned her into a sea monster.”
Kenta raised an eyebrow. “Well, that seems like an overreaction.”
“Everything in Greek mythology was an overreaction to something. Zeus sees anyone? Has… kids with them. Poseidon loses a duel? Curses the city into a drought. Hades sees a pretty girl? Kidnaps her. Athena sees a woman in her sacred temple? Curses her to be a Gorgon. It’s ridiculous.”
“What’s a Gorgon?”
“It’s what Medusa was.”
Kenta flinched. “Wait, Medusa was cursed to be like that?” Ryuga nodded. “Oh…” He looked away. “That makes me feel a little bad for her.”
Ryuga nodded in agreement. He and Kenta looked back at the sky.
“You can’t see all of it but there’s Libra.” Kenta pointed at another cluster of stars, near the edge of the glade. “It kinda looks like a diamond during this time actually.”
Ryuga could see that. He stayed silent as Kenta pointed out more constellations.
“There’s Capricornus, it looks a bit like a goat’s head. And Scorpius…” He moved his finger back and forth in a line. “You can see the stinger. Oh! And of course Hercules, the hero from the Greek myths.” Kenta glanced at him. “Know anything about him?”
Ryuga shrugged. “Just that Hera hated his guts.”
“I don’t know. The Gods were all jerks. Besides Artemis. She was unproblematic.” *And awesome,* Ryuga thought to himself. 
Kenta raised an eyebrow. “Didn’t she hate men or something?”
Ryuga nodded slowly. “Completely unproblematic.” He couldn’t stop himself from cracking a smile at that.
“Ryuga… you’re-you’re a boy…”
Ryuga chuckled. “Boys are the worst.”
“Ryuga, you’re gay.”
Ryuga glanced at his friend with a smile. “Then surely I know better than anyone?”
“You’re ridiculous.”
Ryuga and Kenta both chuckled.
Then Kenta let out a yawn. “We should start heading home,” he replied, standing up. “It’s getting late.”
Ryuga nodded, standing up as well. The two of them walked back to the house in silence.
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moonflower-31 · 3 years
I Won’t Forget You - Spencer x Reader
Part 25 
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader 
A/N: So, if you haven’t noticed, I’m gonna do one every other day with this so I don’t get burned out again. Hope that’s constant enough for you! Sorry about my little hiatus but I should be good now! 
Warnings: Talk of murder, PTSD Flashbacks, the usual stuff.  
Also, Feedback is really appreciated :)
Tags: @dra-reid, @eevee0722, @ceeellewrites, @anotherr-fine-mess, @ssahoodrathotchner, @egg-boy03, @helena-way07, @l0ve-0f-my-life, @serendipity-imagines, @kaelyn-lobrutto24, @thatsonezesty13 
Words have no power to impress the mind without the exquisite horror of reality - Edgar Allen Poe 
Unfortunately for you, serial killers didn't know how to wait. So not two days after Spencer had finally been able to be home with you were they called on a case. Their first one without you since you were hired. 
It left you with a slight dull feeling in your heart as you sat curled up on the couch reading the same page over and over as you kept losing focus. Morgan had stayed, as Spencer had promised. But he was currently asleep in Spencer's bed. Something about it being softer than his own with Savannah. Whatever that meant. 
You grumbled and closed the book after your fifth attempt at distracting yourself from how lonely you felt. And how the nagging feeling of thinking you're being watched didn't go away, even with Morgan’s less than helpful presence.  
You sighed and put the book down on the coffee table and picked up the remote instead. You flipped through a few channels until you find the news channel was having a 'Breaking News' segment. When the title appeared on the screen you almost screamed. 
19 year old Arthur Grant goes missing from his family's estate, reward not yet posted. 
You widen your eyes, your hands beginning to shake. Why? Why you? Why must you be overloaded with so much grief and trauma? Did some bereavement mailman decide to ditch his route and dump all of the bad stuff on your doorstep? 
You didn't even have tears that came to be shed. You'd cried so much the past week that you had run the banks dry and squeezed more than at least 5 headaches out of you. And each of them having lasted at least 4-5 hours. Sometimes more. 
Instead of your normal first step of denial, or depression in the stages of grief you unfortunately knew too well, you found anger boiling up through your feet, making your toes curl and your fists clench. You were pissed. Everyone around you was suffering because of Peter's self-absorbed, narcissistic, and sociopathic God-Complex. And you were sick of it. 
You didn't care who heard, who came running to see if you were okay. You just couldn't hold back your frustration anymore: you screamed. 
You threw the remote against the couch, still having half the mind to keep from destroying it. It was still Spencer's property. You didn't exactly have the 20-40 bucks to give to replace it. So, precautionary aggression was the best course of action. 
Your hands found your hair and gripped tightly, letting out a frustrated and loud grumble. You could still see his cocky smirk, his evil eyes as they stared at you like you were nothing but a good fuck to him. You could hear his sickening laughter in your ear, and you could hear the rumble of the gravel underneath the tires of his stupid truck. You were almost there, same feelings, same feeling of paranoid, survival instinct came rushing into your decision making controls and overrided them.
You were engulfed in the flashback, seeing him, feeling the cold metal of the cuffs around your wrists as they dug into your skin, the shiver of having your clothes ripped off of you like you were some prize he had won, it was too much. 
You were panting and holding your head, trying to make sense of everything and trying to get a grip on your own reality. You ended up backing up into the dining table and sending things to the floor. This only amped up your paranoid reaction, causing you to be on guard, but thankfully the flashback was able to end. 
Then, some poor soul decided to knock on the door. Your eyes snapped towards the mahogany door and you let out an instinctive growl. You then began stalking towards the door, sneering and baring your teeth. 
As you made your way towards the door, a pair of protective arms wrapped around you, preventing you from opening the door or causing anymore ruckus from your rampage. 
"Woah there feisty, what was all that for? I thought you were seriously in trouble." 
Morgan’s calm but worried voice was like a fire extinguisher to your anger and your guard, calming you down in a matter of minutes. The fire quelled inside of you, being replaced with a lake of sadness and pain. And unfortunately, that meant that instead of anger, well, you had to deal with tears. Which you had recently come to find were annoying as hell. 
"Morgan…" you breathed, letting yourself become almost limp in his arms. You felt the tears building, almost climbing inside your eyes. You couldn't do this. You couldn't face him again. Face these memories. But you were fucking stuck with them. You had no way of forgetting them. Ever. Thanks to your stupid memory. You didn't want it. You wished you had a normal memory, or at the very least an eidetic memory like Spencer's. At least then you could forget some things. But you? No. No the only things you couldn't remember were whether or not your parents ever really nursed you or even held you when you were an infant. Even the things you did remember weren't pleasant. No warm glow, no blanket colors. Just the cold, monotone voice of your father introducing you to your 'future staff'. 
Morgan held you, not asking you any questions. He just let you begin to cry and let out your frustration on him. Your balled up fist gently hit his chest a few times as you wailed and inaudibly tried to explain what you thought had happened. He didn't stop you, just tried to sooth you as the knocking sounded again. 
You froze in Derek's arms, the knocking now being persistent and fear-inducing now that you had your overly cautious mind back. 
"D-derek…" you whispered. Derek shook his head. 
"I'll get it, alright? You stay right here." He says, gesturing for you to stay. He didn't have to tell you twice, you were still hiccuping from your sobs. 
Derek slowly approached the door, looking through the peephole before opening it slowly. "Hey… you should've called first. We might've been able to answer quicker." 
All of your fears and concerns and panic all ceased at the sight of the man, well more of a boy, that stood in the doorway. 
You stood there in disbelief as you called to him, hoping you weren't seeing things. 
Spencer sighed as he was put in charge of the geographical profile yet again. He had a newfound routine in having you help him with it so much so that he found it harder to do his job. 
Not to mention his mind was filled with worry about how you were at home. How your well-being was, if Morgan would be enough company for you when you had the nightmares he knew you had after everything. He'd been the one to comfort you after each and every one in the hospital. He just hoped that Morgan could still comfort you while he was away. 
Not only that, but a certain Real Estate Broker had his mind doing flips and his eyes seeing red whenever he thought of him and what vile thing he could be planning next. Spencer hated being away from you. Especially when everyone knew by now that Peter was a snake and was easily able to slither away. And to sneakily find you as he had done before. Spencer was thankful now that he had asked you to stay with him in his apartment rather than your own. If you were staying in yours, the chances of Peter finding you were 90-100%. And he hated those odds. 
So safe to say, Spencer's mind was at odds with itself. And to top it all off all he could think about was what it would be like to squeeze the trigger and kill Peter himself. For you. That's all he wanted was revenge for you. He'd have to make sure he didn't instigate anything, so that it would be seen as self defense. But he would love to feel the backlash of gunfire if it meant that Peter would be dead. And you would be safe. 
"Hey, any progress on that profile yet?" 
Spencer looked up and saw JJ standing in front of where he stood next to the map, having found himself lost in thought with his fist clenched around the little box of pins in his hand. 
 "Oh, uh… no, not yet. I was just… distracted is all." He admitted, pulling out the box from his hand and pinning the last two locations for the dump sites. 
"From what I can see just from first glance is that the dump sites seem to be within 6 or 7 miles between each other, give-or-take." Spencer expressed, trying to flip on his work brain to no avail. He soon found himself thinking of you before he finished his statement. 
JJ looked at him with a sad smile. "You're worried about her, huh?" 
Spencer was caught off guard by JJ's question, causing him to turn towards her a few seconds later. "Huh? Who?" He asked. 
JJ gave him a slightly teasing look. "You know who. Garcia told us and the rest of the team about your little crush on her. Apparently she overheard you talking to your mom a few weeks ago. Said you loved her." JJ reveals, a gentle and motherly smile on her face. 
Spencer felt a warmth rise to his cheeks, suddenly feeling much warmer in his cardigan than usual. "S-she did?' 
JJ nodded. "Mhm. It's okay, Spence. Besides, I kind of figured after how you carried her back to the ambulance. She was snuggled up on you. And you refused to let her go until you knew for certain that the lead medic had an actual medical license." JJ teased gently. 
Spencer sighed and rubbed his neck, closing the box of pins so as to not spill them all over the carpet. "Is… is it that obvious?" 
JJ nodded again, a slight giggle on her lips. "Am I or am I not a liaison for the BAU?" She asked, obviously giving him a half hard time. "But seriously, I know you're worried about her. We all are. But she's gonna be alright. Morgan’s with her. Even with a busted knee he can wrestle any man to the ground." 
Spencer sighed. JJ was right. The only reason Morgan had been taken by Peter was because he caught him off guard and was shot before he could shoot first. He was more than capable of protecting you. So why did he feel so badly? 
Spencer rubbed his face and put the box down on the map's marker holder. "I know, JJ. I just… I can't help but worry about her. What if she has a nightmare and I'm not able to be there to comfort her? Wh-what if she has a panic attack and I can't get to her cause I'm all the way out here in South Dakota?" He asked, his worries getting the best of him. 
JJ lifted her non-full hand and laid it on Spencer’s shoulder, no matter how much taller he was than her. "Spence. She's going to be okay. We have people watching over your apartment building on Strauss's orders. They're doing it on their overtime. I think she's safe. Even then, you're just a phone call away, right?"
Spencer sighed again, now noticing that JJ carried with her a coffee in her hand that wasn't on his shoulder. JJ laughed. "I'd be wary of the day you don't smell coffee when it's available. You're lucky it's for you." JJ teased, handing the warm cup to him. 
Spencer took it and took a quick sip of the liquid. "Thank you, JJ. Really. I… I really needed this." He says. JJ nods. 
"I figured you did. Now I gotta go address the press. They're gathering like vultures out there. So I gotta be their food source." She jokes. Spencer laughed and nodded. 
"Yeah… actually, most vultures tend to go for larger prey than the usual roadkill, as that is more sustenance for them-" Spencer began to ramble. JJ laughs as he caught himself. 
"Yeah, just like every animal it seems." She answers before he leaves the room, opening the door wider as Garcia bursts into the room with her laptop. 
"Reid! Reid I think I might've gotten word about Peter!" 
Your brother chuckles slightly and rubs the back of his neck. "Surprise? Please don't tell me you've watched the news. You know how dramatic mother is. I told her I was going to come visit you and-" 
He didn't get to finish his sentence  as you very quickly engulfed him in a hug. You felt short, as he had grown much taller than you. But you didn't care. He was still your little brother. And you loved him. 
"Y-you're okay… you...you've grown so much…" you begin, looking up at him as you pull away. Arthur's arms had very quickly reciprocated your hug, enjoying the first bit of contact he has had with you since you left. 
"Yeah, apparently somewhere in my genes there's supposed to be another inch or two. But I think I'm done." He laughs, laying a hand on your head. You smile at him, your panic completely gone at this point. 
Derek raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms from where he stood. "(Y/N), you wanna tell me who this is?" He asks. 
You look over at Morgan and laugh softly, Arthur having given Morgan his most awkward expression. He really hadn't changed much. 
"Derek, this is my younger brother, Arthur Grant." You introduced. Then you turned to Arthur. "Artie, this is SSA Derek Morgan. He… He was the agent P-Peter captured alongside me." 
Arthur widened his eyes and held out his hand to Derek as he gulped. "N-nice to meet you. T-thank you for protecting her. She's really all I've got." He says, rubbing his neck. 
Derek smiled and gave Arthur a firm handshake in return. "It was my honor, Arthur. I'm glad she's got some real family left. Not that her work family isn't good." He jokes, nudging your arm. You rolled your eyes and smiled to yourself. 
"Hey, as a wise man on Supernatural once said, 'Family don't end in blood'. And I think that qualifies here." You giggle softly, happy to have found even a small bit of happiness and willingness to be able to express it freely. 
Arthur shook Morgan’s hand gladly and smiled his signature smile, looking back towards you. "Hey, uh… sis? Can we… can we talk? I haven't seen you for… what is it… five years now? I just wanna catch up." He expresses, his eyebrows turning up genuinely. 
You sigh, but nod. "Morgan, can you go into the other room while we talk? Just for a half hour?" You ask. Morgan shrugs and nods. 
"'Course kid. He's the only member of your damn family I'll trust. Just don't be gossiping without me." He teases as he leaves the room. You giggle softly as you watch him leave. 
"So… how have you been? O-other than-" Arthur began, his awkwardness taking over. You sigh and hold up a hand and look at him sadly. 
"Artie… please, let's just… not talk about that. I'm dealing with it. That's all that you need to know right now. You might be taller than me, but that doesn't mean that you're gonna know all of my secrets like an older brother." You tease, guiding Arthur towards the couch. 
Arthur playfully rolled his eyes and followed you, mocking offense. "Oh come on, height has to factor in there somewhere Sis." 
You shake your head and take a seat beside him on Spencer’s couch, sighing gently. "Nope, sorry little bro." You insist. 
Arthur smiles at you and leans back on the couch, sighing as he looks at you. "(Y/N/N)... you… You have no idea how much I've missed you. I pushed myself to graduate with all honors because of you. I got a scholarship too. In business. Because you always pushed me to do better. To do my best. I… I want to do something for you in return. Please. Name it. I can start making it up to you." 
You give Arthur a joking look and shook your head. "No need, Arthur. Besides, that was all you. You just needed the extra push. I'm so proud of you." You say, laying a hand on Arthur's arm. He smiled at you and took a sigh, signaling to you that the conversation was about to take a turn. 
Arthur's hands intertwined with each other and he leaned over for a moment, his elbows digging into his thighs. "(Y/N)... Look I… I know you said you were okay but…" he sighed again. "Mom she… she forbade me from seeing you in the hospital, I promise that's the only reason I wasn't there. After I promised to testify against her for you she banned me from leaving home." 
You widen your eyes, your mouth gaping a bit. "Arthur… y-you're testifying?" 
He looked up at you and nodded. "Yeah. She assaulted you at work and literally sold you, sis. If I can put her away, along with him, I'm gonna do it. For you. I want you to be safe. I may not be your older brother, but I want you safe too. I'm gonna try and protect you like a brother should. I couldn't do much as a scrawny 13 year old you know." He chuckled. You laughed briefly, a smile teasing at your lips. 
"Yeah… not really." You giggled. He shook his head and laughed back. 
"Ha ha. Very funny. But really… it's good to see you sis. I… I'm sorry I didn't do enough for you back then." He exhaled, his expression solemn and regretful. You take his hands in yours and give him a reassuring look. 
"Hey, just as you said. You were a scrawny 13 year old. What much could you do?" You point out. Arthur sighed. 
"I could've protected you. At least told Peter to scram at least once." He grumbled. You shake your head and smile at him. 
"I think I did that enough for the both of us." 
Arthur smiled softly and looked down, showing you his vulnerability when it came to you. You squeezed his hands gently, assuring him it was okay. 
And you both sat there in each other's company for a few more moments of silence. It wasn't an awkward one, so there were no awkward feelings.  
Arthur spoke up a few minutes later, having come up with an idea. "Can… can I at least pay for your therapy? I can pay for it with the money dad gives me. You… you need to see someone. I saw someone, you pushed me to go see Dr. Francesca and now I see her every two weeks. Please… let me do this for you." 
You sighed as Arthur began to try and persuade you. Damn him and his puppy eyes. He still had the gift. 
"Tell you what, how about we call Derek back in here and we watch some procedural cop show that we can all laugh at and I'll tell you what I decide later?" You narrowly avoid. Arthur thankfully notices this and drops the question. 
"Only if the show is dumb enough for a citizen like me to laugh at it." He settles. 
You giggle and nod. "Deal!"
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fernsplaysthings · 3 years
Here’s about 2.7k words about Birds.
There’ll be more. Eventually.
Be nice to Spider. Be nice to Spider. Be nice to Spider.
“He must know we could just kill him? I’ve killed Gods. He’s just an overstuffed Ether pinata.”
Be nice to Spider. Be nice to Spider. Be nice to Spider.
Roost’s shell shivers like the wings of an agitated insect and he turns his single eye towards his Guardian, squinting across at them in judgement. The ornament, a tiny replica of a Vex Harpy, does make the whole spectacle a little sillier than he wants but the impact, he hopes, will be the same. Nestled in the seat of their jumpship Kestral swings their vision away from their descent into the tattered islands of the Reef to take in the scolding Ghost.
“I’m not going to kill him,” they almost whine defensively, “He just needs to know I could if I wanted to. Especially if he tries anything shitty with you. ”
The impression of a sigh sounds from the little light, “Nothing’s going to happen to me, Kes. I know we’ve seen a lot of loss and pain. Sundance, Sagira, Glint. I know some ghosts - the other kind - are showing their faces and it’s...it’s hard for you to put your feelings together. But…” Roost presses into the crook of Kestral’s neck with some force, finding rest in the collar of fur that covers their shoulders, “...You’ll always have me. We’ll have each other.”
Silence. The Ghost’s eye swivels upwards towards his Guardian’s face after waiting a moment to see if the prolonged quiet pulled a reply from them. Their face was blank and stoney and it took a moment for them to realise they were being watched intently.
Be nice to Spider. Be nice to Spider. Be nice to Spider.
“Stop trying to make me cry while I’m concentrating, you fuck.”
“Alright Kestral. The line’s secure. It’s just you, me and Roost.”
The Young Wolf sighs heavily, “Glint is it really a good idea for me to keep coming back here?”
They’d been jumping back and forth to the Shore for a short while now, meeting up with Crow for a run down on the Wrathborn situation and where they were in the general scheme of things. It’d be fine. Once the Celebrant was dead they could part ways and the Young Wolf could go back to their normal day to day activities. And their own normal thoughts. Because holy shit debating the morality of what they were doing and juggling the complex feeling of seeing the former Prince of the Reef’s face regularly, with the fact that the New Light had nothing to do with…
It was stressful. And not ‘God slaying’ stressful. Not even embracing the Darkness stressful. Wading into the depths and heights of the fabled Deep Stone Crypt, although unique in it’s inflicted trauma - poor Artemis - hadn’t put them in the same situation. Killing came with it’s own special kind of low. Grieving was a totally different monster.
“I understand why you’re worried but he remembers nothing. Plus, he looks up to you,” the little Light sounds concerned, his synthesised voice with a pleading edge. He obviously and proudly loved his Guardian, “You’re the first kind face he’s seen and I - we would appreciate it. A lot, Kestral.”
Another heavier sigh and the Hunter kneaded at their temples, bracing themselves to see that face again. Reliving the moment - moments? - over again in their mind. Cayde’s final rattling words. Uldren’s futile attempts to reason his way out from the sights of Petra’s gun. The new confounding idea that they now felt something aside from pity for the man that had been laid out on the floor unready to die.
“We’ll be in the lair in a few minutes. Let Spider know we’re on our way.”
“Will do, Guardian. We’re looking forward to seeing you!”
Coming face to face with the man that inhabited the body of Uldren Sov was a little less jarring these days and, although still entirely uncomfortable and a little like walking on eggshells at all times, they did kind of look forward to the quick wit - without the underlying loathing he’d always had before - and how damn earnest he was. A real Guardian, determined with all his heart to help people around him.
It was endearing. Unfortunately.
Mostly because it reminded them a little of their early Guardian days. Way back when things were somehow both simpler and more difficult. When they’d known that they wanted to help wherever they saw pain and danger but unsure of who they were and what cause they were fighting for aside from the driving urge to protect...
Even when they’d end up carrying the resulting hurt with them when they left.
Long before the ‘Young Wolf’ was an icon amongst Guardians, Kestral had been sweet and earnest themself. Driven but alone. Aside from Roost, of course. And despite the fact that the face and voice of their newest member of the flock had haunted their nightmares for months they still didn’t want ‘Guardian-hood’ to break him down too. For him to succumb to the slow process of losing himself to the need to help, whatever the cost.
Shared burdens and all that.
Plus Kestral liked to think that they had a good bit of experience under their belt to pass on to him so perhaps he’d find himself happily surrounded in the Guardian ‘culture’ one day soon.
“With Savek defeated and a good number of Wrathborn taken care of I think our next target is somewhere near the mines to the north.”
Crow stands over his cluttered desk, a map somewhat resembling the Tangled Shore spread beneath his hands and marked with crosses in seemingly random locations. One of them they recognised, Sjursrest, where the Wrathborn Eliksni Savek had been called. She hadn’t been the worst enemy to fight and Spider had left them alone for a while afterwards. Apparently he was mildly generous after they’d achieved a small goal.
Naturally the generosity only lasted until another of his shipments suddenly vanished and then it was straight back to work for his poor underling.
“You think the smaller Wrathborn might lead us straight to them again?”
He turns his attention to the Hunter at his side, a head shorter than himself - if you didn’t include the nest of hair in their high ponytail - and catches their gaze. They really wanted to hate that glowing yellow stare but...it was softer than Uldren’s had ever been when looking at them. Held less contempt for what they were.
It didn’t feel like he was sizing them up for a coffin.
Realising he’d been looking a little too long, perhaps uncomfortable with the Hunter’s unnervingly steady returned look, Crow cleared his throat, “If you try the lure at the Cryptolith again we can see where it leads.”
“Sounds good to me,” they reply, stepping back from the map and holding out a palm for Roost to transmat into, “I’ll keep in touch. Unless you’ll be joining me this time?”
The slightly clunky sound of Glint’s shell as he twisted in alarm snapped Kestral away from Roost and they arched an eyebrow.
“Crow, I know you want to help but you have to stay out of sight.”
His shoulders visibly slouch and Kestral hated how defeated he looked when, knowing the ache of feeling useless, they understood how much he wanted to be out there. It made sense to keep him secreted away though, just in case a single Guardian out on the Shore recognised his face and matched him to his former life. Just in case they felt the need to let him know that they knew what he’d done. If Kestral hadn’t been sure that Uldren deserved death even at the end of their hunt, this man, completely unconnected in everything but appearance, definitely didn’t deserve the abuse he’d suffered at the hands of other Lightbearers like them.
Why did Glint have to mention them being the first friendly Guardian he’d seen?
Crow straightened up, his momentary lapse in drive apparently a small hiccough and shot a grin over to his Ghost, “I see, you want to keep me all to yourself. I can’t blame you.”
With that Kestral decided they’d seen enough wholesome Light interactions for the day and threw up a lax salute before turning on their heel and heading for the exit.
“Glint has our feed, if you find anything new let us know.”
The following week happened to be the beginning of the Tower’s Dawning celebration. Having taken down yet another of the big Wrathborn, a heavy shank that decided to be the biggest pain in their ass, Kestral assumed that Spider could give the newest addition to his collection a small break to enjoy a mini version of the festivities. Since Glint had explained that their last Dawning had been ‘difficult’ - Kestrel preferred the term ‘emotionally scarring’ - they’d taken it upon themself, with a little prodding from Roost, to see to it that Crow at least received some traditional cookies from at least one Guardian.
Sadly, letting the rest of the fireteam know that the body of Uldren Sov walked again and that of all people Kestral, bringer of his demise, was taking him cookies…
Yeah they didn’t have time to unpack that.
So one tin of cookies (varied flavours), a string of tiny lights shaped like engrams, two servings of powdered hot chocolate (marshmallows stored separately) and a small gift wrapped delicately in a bow made their way aboard the jumpship storage before they travelled to the Tangled Shore.
A mote of panic made its way into their mind as they landed and gathered the items; what if he didn’t like any of this? They could just leave the goods on the ship and not have to worry about being mocked...or making him feel patronised by their silly traditions. Roost’s slitted glare forced them to continue though. He completely believed Crow and Glint would appreciate the gestures and Kestral hoped that he’d been speaking with the new Lightbearer’s Ghost to confirm as much. Either that or Roost had far too much faith in his goofy Guardian’s ideas on ‘welcoming’ and ‘festivities’.
Of course all that was immediately followed by the slap in the face that was ‘realising they wanted Crow to be happy’ and decided to focus on fitting everything in their arms instead.
Naturally the easiest way to get everything to the lair would have been to transmat it all at the same time, but something had to be said for riding up with a stack of goodies. Plus Spider hated it when they rolled in on their sparrow and ditched it in the corridor for a while before sending it away. He’d not been impressed on seeing that his (least) favourite Guardian seemed to have something other than work on their mind but he said little about it. Kestrel strode by quickly regardless because any conversation with Spider that could be avoided, should be.
Glint heard them before they’d rounded the corner, floating just out of view of the entrance, little eye lighting up brighter when he realised who’d turned up. And that they had stuff.
“You didn’t warn us!”
Kestrel struck an awkward pose, upper body ladened with their bounty, “Surprise?”
Crow’s head peeked around into the corridor soon after they’d spoken, a small tilt of the head and raised eyebrow as he glanced towards Glint questioningly. The Ghost simply rounded on Kestral and Roost, nudging them into the room before spinning excitedly.
“What is all this?”
Although trying not to meet his confused face - for fear, embarrassment or shame - the Hunter realised they’d need some extra arms to sort things out. Especially since Crow’s work surfaces seemed to be partially covered in machinery and scrap, with the other parts covered in grease and...Hive gunk? No matter what it was, it was no place for cookies. Placing the small stack in his arms Kestral quickly slung the lights over...something...and powered them up.
The small ‘oh’ could’ve come from either Glint or Crow, they weren’t sure.
“Do you have somewhere sort of clean to sit?”
Glancing over to a seat fashioned from assorted stuff Crow made a pained grimace, “Not going to lie I’m not exactly used to having guests.”
No matter. An ‘only slightly ruined dust sheet’ thrown over it and Kestral was satisfied that it would do for something to sit on for a bit. They took the mini festive haul back from Crow and gestured for him to perch as they held out the tin of cookies.
“I wasn’t sure what flavour you like so…” their smile was awkward, “Yeah. I made a bunch.”
“A bunch of what?”
The Ghosts’ simultaneous outbursts made both Lightbearers startle a little and when Glint settled into a very gentle description of Dawning cookie traditions Kestral took their seat beside him, swinging their legs up to hug their knees.
“Dig in. I bought hot drinks too.”
During the time taken for Kestral to find a comfortable position and for Roost to nestle into his favourite resting spot - Kestrel’s fluffy shoulders - Crow had taken bites of, what looked like, one of each cookie flavour and Glint was telling him which flavours they probably were. Once again Kestral found themself forgetting some of the weird past involving the body beside them, and investing themself in how engrossed in trying cookies he was. How much fun Glint was having talking about festivals now that they’d both finally been able to experience a bit. How much more there was to come and-
“Sorry, do you want some?”
The Hunter blinked up at him, “They’re all yours. I don’t want to help myself to your gift.”
“Glint sa-” the little Ghost tapped a point of his shell against Crow’s face and the New Light stuttered, “Thank you, Kestral. Roost.”
A saccharine warmth filled their chest for a moment, Roost’s shell fluttering again at the shared happiness and pride. They wanted to hate it so much. ‘Past Kestral’ screamed internally about grief and pain and weariness. ‘Present Kestral’ was tired of that and kind of liked the soft smile on their companion’s face - just because they knew they’d helped, nothing else of course - and the way his little Light seemed to buzz with the sheer affection at seeing his Guardian content.
“One more thing,” they press the small gift into his hands, “Don’t get too excited.”
The Awoken’s slightly blank stare prompted Glint into another explanation about how ‘the paper’s actually meant to be removed’ and so on, Kestral mesmerised - oh no - watching him deftly undo the bow they’d worked quite hard to form, reel the ribbon into a roll and then carefully unwrap the paper, Glint all the while egging him on to tear it open since ‘gifts are supposed to be exciting’.
It wasn’t an exciting gift but they did what they could.
On the Crow’s lap lay a folded pile of thick wool and fleece, edges neatly stitched into tidy seams. The deep red of the main body of fabric seemed to be the ideal colour based on what he wore but...well, Roost had said it was a good idea. He’d unfolded it with care, running his hands over the plush underside of the item, that same soft smile on his face.
“Aha, a cosy blanket.”
“I’m sorry if it’s not much I-”
“No! No, it’s...nice. Spider doesn’t supply much in the way of luxury, and…” his voice was a kind laugh as he gestured down to his lap where Glint had already made himself a nest in the folds of the blanket, “...I think it’ll be well used.”
Kestral hadn’t intended to spend almost a full day on the Shore chattering with Crow but somewhere along the way, later into the evening, they’d dug out a camping stove, filled a pan with water and made up two hot chocolates by the colourful glow of the string lights. The pair had settled down, opposite ends of the makeshift bench, feet messily thrown somewhere on the ‘seat’ between them, warm cups in hand. And at some point while immersed in talk of other festivals celebrated at the tower, the blanket had made its way from just covering Crow’s knees to being shared across them both.
Underneath the lively Guardians’ conversation the pair of Lights quietly decided that this might become a little more complicated than they’d anticipated.
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lost-in-sokovia · 4 years
toxic - chapter 10
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hi guys sorry it’s been a minute. things have been a little crazy lately and my mental health kinda shut down for a little while and lost focus and motivation so i had to get that back up. i hope you enjoy this chapter :) (may contain spoilers to Knives Out)
“Oh the hell he did not!”
Claire had her arms wrapped around you as you laid your head on her shoulder and cried. You came home from the airport yesterday and were spending the day at your best friend’s house, catching her up on everything she missed. The two of you sat on Claire’s bed in sweatpants and t-shirts, binging on ice cream and Netflix.
“I-I felt like an absolute piece of c-crap, and spent the last night at H-Harlan’s since he is obviously the n-nicest one in that family,” you sobbed. Claire rubbed your shoulder and shook her head. Anger brewed in her brown eyes.
“(Y/N) you did the right thing, I’m sorry it didn’t work out for you sweetie. This is all my fault,” she muttered. You looked up at her and rubbed your wet eyes.
“No no! Claire n-none of this is your fault. Y-You only wanted the best for me, y-you didn’t know Ransom was going to be s-such an asshole,” you replied earnestly, your eyes not breaking from hers. Claire sighed and nodded.
“I promise we’re gonna find your Prince Charming, alright?” Claire said. You rolled your eyes and smiled.
“Alright slow down there, matchmaker.”
“No but we are! I mean how could I have been so stupid? Obviously you wouldn’t fall in love with a jerk who hasn’t changed!” She exclaimed. You felt a twinge in your stomach when she said that. You shook it off because you had completely convinced yourself you were NOT in love with Ransom Drysdale... Yeah, that’s right.
“Claire I think I’ll stick with being single for a while,” you chuckled. Claire shook her head.
“Nope, will not allow it. I want to be maid of honor at my best friend’s gorgeous wedding, and I’m getting antsy!” She whined. You laughed and the two of you laid back onto the pillows. You glanced out the window. The moon was glowing brightly and the night lights of the city were alive. You could hear cars driving and horns honking.
“It’s getting late...” You muttered. Claire turned and looked at you.
“Let’s have a sleepover. Come on, stay the night,” she suggested excitedly. You scrunched your nose, debating the concept.
“No seriously! It will be fun. How often do we get to do this anymore?” She asked. You glared at her as she flashed you her “(Y/N)-I-want-to-do-it-please” face and wide eyes. You groaned in defeat.
“I don’t have a toothbrush or extra clothes or any other crap.”
“Oh come on girl you know I keep extra for you here.”
You smiled and shook your head.
Ransom was looking through any possible place he could find your information.
He was rich, it shouldn’t be this hard.
Twitter? Nothing. Instagram? Nice apartment pictures, no address. Tumblr? What the hell is that app and what was he reading? He couldn’t even find your Snapchat. He groaned loudly and threw his head back against his pillows. He was laying in that comfortable bed of his, next to the spot where you once were. The pillows and sheets still vaguely smelled of you, which drove Ransom crazy.
He ran a hand through his brown hair angrily, and tried Wikipedia again. You weren’t famous or anything, so that barely did shit. It took him forever to sort through half of the content The New York Times provided, so he gave up there long ago.
What was he going to do? He could only be so creepy about it, right? He shook his head and kicked his sheets off. He stood up and threw on some clothes, deciding maybe he could go interrogate Harlan.
He stormed downstairs and out the door, revving up the BMW and taking off with a roar of the engine.
He drove through the empty highway and made it to his grandfather’s, pulling up and slamming on the breaks. He jumped out of the car and stormed up to the door, walking straight in. He startled Marta, who was just grabbing her coat. Ransom walked up to her and stared at her with angry blue eyes.
“Where the hell is (Y/N)? Do you know where she lives?” He spat. Marta’s brown eyes stared in horror and she shook her head.
“I don’t know,” she responded shakily. He stepped away and exhaled forcefully, clenching his fists and making his way to Harlan’s office. Marta slipped on her coat and quickly ran out the door, making her way to a bush to throw up.
She knew where you lived, you gave her your address. But you were too good of a friend and Marta wasn’t about to betray you for a jerk. She quickly pulled herself back together and drove home, getting ready to call and warn you.
“Grandfather!” Ransom yelled and stomped into Harlan’s office. Harlan looked up at him calmly as his grandson slammed his hands on the desk.
“My my, it sure is late Ransom-“
“Cut the bullshit, where is she?” Ransom said flatly. Harlan raised an eyebrow and looked at him for a moment. Harlan knee Ransom meant business, but he wasn’t going to allow him to take it too far. He needed to know Ransom was going to handle things calmly. He needed to know Ransom could act like an adult.
“I only know so much, my boy.” Harlan leaned back and crossed his arms. Ransom’s eyes narrowed more and he put more pressure onto the desk. He was breathing harshly and Harlan shrugged. “What are your intentions?” He asked simply. Ransom’s expression softened slightly.
“I want to go apologize for screwing up so horribly. I know I was an idiot, I know,” Ransom explained bitterly. He was now pacing slowly, one arm crossed and the other under his chin. “I think she was just about the best thing to ever happen to me, and I messed up big time...”
Harlan watched his grandson pace. He felt bad for him, seeing him truly sorry and attached to you like this. Yet he also knew Ransom would have to take the consequences for this. Ransom glanced at him with sad blue eyes.
“What was it you told me on Thanksgiving? You thought (Y/N) and I reunited for a reason?” Ransom walked back up to Harlan. “What was that reason?”
Harlan stared back at his grandson and sighed. Ransom’s face read pain and Harlan knew he was reluctantly going to have to sell you out.
“What are you willing to do to get her back?”
Ransom bit his lip. “Anything.”
You woke up the next morning on Claire’s bed. You rubbed your groggy eyes and looked over at Claire who was on the wrong end of the bed. Her black hair was a mess and her mouth was slightly parted open.
You chuckled quietly and pushed your hair out of your face. You heaved yourself up and looked on the floor.
Half-eaten bowls of popcorn, reminants of melted ice cream, tissues, and an open box of chocolates laid on the floor. The TV asked if you were “still watching The Office (U.S.)?” and sunlight creeped through the curtains.
“Claire!” You whispered. Claire grunted and shifted onto her stomach. “Claire, time to get up.” You glanced at your phone and the time read 10:15 AM. Your best friend showed no sign of response.
You stood up, grabbed one of her arms, and yanked her off the bed. She fell with a solid thud and looked back up at you.
“Girl, I let you spend the night at my home and this is how you thank me?” She scolded playfully. You giggled and helped her up.
“Well, I’m hungry and we both look like hot messes, so I thought we should get fixed up,” you explained. Claire shrugged.
“Need a shower?”
“Nah, I stole your bathroom after you fell asleep and took one,” you confessed with a smile. Claire slapped your shoulder playfully and you laughed.
“Well I’m taking one.” Claire yawned. She made her way to her bathroom and paused. “And I better not find no positive pregnancy test in the trash can,” she bit sarcastically. Your stomach twinged and you laughed.
How were you supposed to get over Ransom with Claire mentioning him left and right?
Ransom found himself on a plane to New York later that evening.
Harlan finally decided that Ransom wasn’t going to go psycho on you and gave him your information. But, as a punishment, Ransom would have to take public airline instead of the private jet.
Ransom looked around at the boring people around him and bounced in his seat impatiently. Dear god, could this plane go any faster?
He stared out the window and sighed, knowing he was making his way to you. He stared up at the moon and knew it was the same one you were looking at right now.
He was anxious to find you, but knew that it would be over the top to try and find you that night. He booked a hotel relatively close to your apartment complex, just incase something miraculous happened.
He hoped he could make things right with you again. How was he going to pass up his feelings like this? He’d secretly liked you since the two of you were teenagers! He was still surprised at himself for finding “the one” for him.
Anxious and jumpy, Ransom leaned his head back and closed his eyes. He couldn’t stand another minute awake that he wasn’t spending with you.
hiiiii everyone, i’m back! thank you so much for waiting patiently and i hope you enjoyed this chapter! we got to see a softer and more vulnerable side of ransom here, and i think that’ll be happening more often! anyway, thanks for staying supportive and chapter 11 is in the works!🤍
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antariies · 3 years
Your Presence is the Gift
Summary: Two friends exchange early Wintersday gifts.
Characters: Prunéan Echeverie, Sieran
Notes: Prun’s POV (2nd person); fluff; 1.6k words; this was a secret santa gift for @dreamersterrace back in 2019! 
You’re almost finished with the buttercream frosting when you hear someone running in the corridor, straight towards the kitchen, their feet slapping crazily against the flagstones.
You glance at the clock on the wall.
Three in the morning.
Huffing in amusement, you set down your bowl and wooden spoon. There’s really only one person that could be; the harder part is guessing what new wonder must have piqued her curiosity this time.
Without any doors to slam open, Sieran skids into the Priory kitchen with a breathless laugh, nearly running into one of the tables. Steadying herself, she looks around, eyes lighting up when she spots you.
“Aha!” she crows, pointing a triumphant finger in your direction, “I knew I would find you here!”
“You knew?” you ask, wiping your hands on your apron.
“Yes- well, not for certain- but this was my second guess. You weren’t in the dorm, so!”
As she hurries over, your eyes lock onto the small box in her hands. It looks harmless enough, but looks have fooled you before and underestimating a powerful artifact is a mistake you’d rather not repeat.
“Sieran,” you start, a warning edge creeping into your tone, “is that-”
“Relax, Prun! It’s not from the archives or anything, it’s not even the Priory’s!” she holds the box out to you, grinning. “But it is magical! And a gift.”
“Oh, that’s nice. Who’s it for?”
Sieran blinks in disbelief. “For you, of course! I know I didn’t wrap it up all nice, but I couldn’t wait a second longer. Happy Wintersday!” Without waiting for an answer, she deposits the box right into your startled hands and makes a beeline for the bowl of frosting.
It takes a moment for her words to register. It takes two for them to actually sink in. You stare down at the box in your hands, unsure of what to make of it. You really shouldn’t be surprised that she got you a gift, considering the holiday, but it still catches you off guard.
“Well?” Sieran asks, appearing by your side. She hums in approval as she licks the last of the buttercream off her fingers. “Aren’t you going to open it? This is delicious, by the way, what are you making?”
“Mm, cake,” you mumble distractedly, lifting the lid with care. Your mind is racing, but you keep coming up with blanks. What could she have gotten you? Something small, obviously. And she said it was magical. Did she mean that literally or figuratively? Both? You tilt the box towards the fireplace, trying to get a better look inside. It’s…
“A mask?” You pick it up, leaving the box on the table as you turn the mask around to inspect it. 
It’s designed to cover only the top half of your face, two thin leather cords to fasten it dangling from either end. The material is dark blue and sturdy enough to hold its shape, but still manages to be soft to the touch. For the most part, it’s a very simple mask, seemingly crafted with function in mind rather than fashion. You absentmindedly file away all these details. It’s the embroidery that catches your eye.
Even without the sleepy hum of magic emanating from the threads, you can already tell this is advanced runework. The threads themselves are metallic and glint in the firelight, but you swear they almost seem to be glowing ever so faintly on their own, too.
“What are these runes? What do they do?” you ask, tracing them with a careful finger.
At this, Sieran inhales deeply.
“I’m glad you asked!” she starts, clapping once, “I know your head is pretty mean to you, so I got together with a bunch of arcanists and mesmers and arcanist mesmers and we came up with this idea for a mask that would help it be nicer! Here, I’ll go through all the runes with you…”
One by one, Sieran explains the function and reasoning behind every single rune on the mask, tapping each one as she gets to it. 
Runes to soothe, for when your breath comes faster than normal and the dread weighs heavy on your mind.
Runes to muffle, for when the cacophony of people talking and weapons clashing starts ringing in your ears. 
Runes to ground you, for when you stare off into the distance because you’re floating out of your body and can’t feel your hands so you pick at your thorns until you bleed.
Runes to help. And they’re all for you.
“...and that’s the last of it!” Sieran finishes, “This is actually a prototype, but if it works, we can fine-tune it in the future! And make it prettier! Oh, won’t that be fun? What do you think? Are you going to try it on?”
“I-” you pause, trying to swallow the lump in your throat, “Sieran, This is… it’s amazing, but I can’t- I don’t know how I can repay you.”
“Nonsense!” she scoffs, “It’s a gift! You don’t pay for gifts. Unless- well, unless you’re buying a gift to give to someone, but- oh, never mind that. It’s for you, Prun. No strings attached. Except the actual strings to tie the mask with.”
It’s… strange, the way you feel right now. It’s the same feeling as when you’re attuned to air, but instead of sparking at your fingertips, the lightning dances around in your chest. Strange… but good, you think. You’d like to feel this way more often.
“Prun? Are you alright?” Sieran asks, snapping you out of your thoughts.
“Yes,” you shake your head a little to clear it, “just thinking… uh, Sieran…?”
In theory, you know how to ask for a hug. In practice, not so much. Sieran always initiated them so you never really needed to, but… you’d like to start. You finally feel ready.
And it surprises you, how easy it is to smile at her. The awkwardness comes when you sort of half-hold your arms out and she tilts her head in confusion and you think you’ve made a mistake, you should drop your arms and abort, quickly, before you make it worse, but then recognition dawns on her face and-
Sieran crashes into your chest like a wave, squeezing away whatever wind she hadn’t already knocked out of you. Given how much taller you are, you have to lean over her to wrap your arms around her back, hyper aware of where all your thorns are so you don’t prick her by accident.
You stay like that for a while, only pulling back after about half a minute. When you look down, Sieran is beaming up at you, her eyes watery. You give her another smile, softer this time, and her grin gets impossibly brighter.
“Thank you,” you say, because it occurs to you that you haven’t said it yet.
She nods wordlessly, making discreet swipes at her eyes. You turn away to give her some privacy and spot the mask again, sitting on the counter.
That reminds you, there’s another matter you’ve been meaning to ask about. She might have pulled a few favors, but materials are expensive and a custom-made mask like this, embroidered with powerful, complex runes… 
“Sieran, how much did this cost to make?” you ask, turning back to her.
“Oh, that’s a secret!” she says, putting a finger to her lips and winking.
You glance down at the box, spotting a folded slip of paper tucked into the side. Sieran notices it at the same time and makes a sound somewhere between a squeak and a squawk as she lunges for it faster than your eyes can follow. The moment she gets her fingers around the paper, she slaps it in between her palms, soaking it with water in a burst of elemental magic and flash-freezing it with another. With a flex of her hand, the paper shatters into tiny, unreadable scraps, drifting to the floor like fresh snow.
Sieran dusts her hands off and turns back to you, smiling innocently. You can’t help the tiny huff of laughter that escapes.
“Was that a receipt?” you ask, raising a knowing eyebrow.
She suddenly can’t meet your eyes for some reason, but to her credit, her smile doesn’t waver at all. “…That’s also a secret,” she says again, glowing bright enough to bathe the room sunflower yellow.
You just stare. She refuses to look at you, but you don’t stop, keeping your gaze locked.
She fidgets in place.
You turn back to the bowl of frosting you left on the counter and snicker inwardly when you hear a sigh of relief behind you.
“There’s two cakes in the oven that should be done in a few minutes. Do you want to help me?” you ask over your shoulder.
“Ooh, of course!” Sieran squats in front of the oven, sliding on two ridiculously large oven mitts. “They’re looking really good. Smell even better. Are you stress-baking?”
“Mm, for once, no. This one’s a gift.”
“For who?”
You snort at the role reversal. “Well, it was supposed to be a surprise, but… Happy Wintersday, Sieran.”
Her eyes widen and she lights up, glancing between the bowl in your hands and the cakes in the oven. “Two cakes? Or one big cake?”
“One big cake,” you confirm, “Vanilla and… filling.”
You point your wooden spoon towards a lidded pot resting on the counter. Sieran hops up from her squat and struggles to open it with the oven mitts still on her hands for a full minute. When she finally manages to crack the lid open, the smell is unmistakable.
A delighted gasp.
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RWBY Grimm Guardians Arc 4: Re-Bonding In Mistral Ch 6 (Part I)
Welcome back to Re-Bonding In Mistral! This is chapter 6, which is the same as  chapter 5, only in the RWY, SQ, and JNPR + O POV. Raven’s POV is also featured.
For those of you wondering, this chapter takes place during Volume 5’s episodes 7-9 and the beginning of episode 11.
Like the last chapter, this is semi-original.
As such, this’ll be long. Also, due to shit going on, this might be a weak addition, so I’m sorry if it’s not that good.
As usual, please give constructive criticism and enjoy!
Disclaimer: Still own nothing.
(In a forest in Mistral...)
The tribe leader perked up from her thoughts, turning to face Vernal peeking through the curtains. “We have guests… Salem’s...” The young woman said. The Spring Maiden sighed, rubbing her eyes. This was NOT what she was hoping...but now the two had to play their part. “If they ask for a maiden, you know what to do.” The red clad woman said, placing Summer’s cloak on the bed and putting on her helmet. “We planned for this after all.”
Vernal nodded as the tribe leader walked outside, noticing Cinder, Mercury, Emerald, and Watts. She also noticed the bandits surrounding them. “I don't recall inviting so many guests into our home.” Raven started with a smirk. “Either I'm losing my memory…” She then growled, raising her voice in anger, “Or you've all lost your DAMN spines!” Chuckling darkly, Cinder raised her human hand, “Don’t be too upset with them, Raven. They merely recognized the power of a Maiden.”
After a few moments of silence, the tribe leader ordered, “Leave us and pack your things. We’re moving.” The bandits, excluding Vernal, nodded and split up. Raven then looked at Salem’s followers, “I don’t believe we’ve met. Even though I know about your ‘godly’ master.” Mercury went to open his mouth, only to be silenced by the tribe leader as she said, “And I doubt anyone would fear you… Especially given your cowardly stunt at the tournament and Beacon.”
“Why you old fuc-!” The gray clad follower almost shouted, only to shut up again as Cinder’s eye glowed. “Knock. It. Off.” She growled at him. “Or do you WANT to get CHARRED?”
Mercury froze, before backing up, his face pale and in fright. “That’s what I thought. Good child.” Raven said, grinning as she saw the terrified look in the gray haired brat’s eyes. “Now, your names?”
“Cinder Fall.” The Fall Maiden said. “My associate, Arthur Watts and my disciples, Emerald and Mercury.” The tribe leader nodded, “Two children you've tricked into following you, a disgraced Atlesian scientist…” She then looked at Cinder in the eye, “And a Fall Maiden with a surname so appropriate, she probably picked it herself. You certainly seem to have a case of egomania, is that about right?”
“I was also a doctor, to be fair.” Watts said, before nodding. “Though everything else was on point.” Raven hummed with amusement, “You flatter me. Though…I’m sure you’re after the Spring Maiden. Correct?” Cinder nodded with a grin, before the tribe leader looked to Vernal. The young woman nodded, before playing her part. While Raven used her Maiden powers, Vernal choreographed movements, successfully making the four believe that the young woman was the Spring Maiden.
“Now then…” Raven said. “Now that you got your proof, what is it you’re REALLY after?”
As Cinder grinned, Raven knew damn well that whatever these brats were planning in Salem’s will, she’d have to follow along for the time being.
For her family’s sake. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Meanwhile...)
“Okay, so...what else do we need to be filled in on?” Yang asked. Weiss and Willow nodded, with the heiress saying, “We’d like to know too. Even though we talked virtually, there...seems to be something more complex going on.”
The group had gone back to Mistral, planning on warning Haven about Salem’s threat. They were hoping they could, at least, PREVENT further harm and loss of life. However, Summer, Evergreen, Qrow, Willow, and Ember KNEW that was a very heavy gamble...and were prepared for the possible oncoming battle. Ruby, Yang, and Weiss could tell that going to Haven could dictate a LOT of dangerous possibilities...and would have to look to the former STRQ leader, Qrow, and Evergreen for guidance.
Even though it was just vague, Summer had made it clear that she knew of Salem’s capabilities.
Speaking of the former STRQ leader, ever since returning from her night with Raven, she...hadn’t been in the happiest of moods. It was clear that the tallest of the group was trying to force herself to seem happy...or indifferent at the very least.
But every now and then, cracks in her behavior began to show.
No one dared to comment on them, thankfully. Qrow and Evergreen obviously knew the pain she was going through, as did Ember. Yang and Ruby knew as well...and were pretty certain the rest of the group had begun putting the pieces together too.
Though questions about that, if anyone dared had any, could wait. There was a bigger matter to discuss.
At the moment, only Qrow was absent from the room, as he was attempting to notify the academy about their arrival.
Ruby sighed, “It’s...a lot.” “To summarize what’s new, we need to stop Salem, the typical evil witch, from causing more harm.” She said. “Yes, magic exists...or still does. She wants the Maidens for her plan.” Willow nodded, “Sounds simple enough.” “Agreed, but one question. You mean to tell us that that fairytale is real?” Yang asked.
The group nodded, before Summer said, “Look at me, Yang.” Said blonde did so...only to meet her stepmom’s emotionless and tired expression. Yang’s eyes went wide, before sighing, “Mom’s one...isn’t she?” The former STRQ leader nodded, “The Spring one...and not by choice.”
“Cinder’s the Fall Maiden...which she stole.” Pyrrha explained. “Another reason why she attacked Beacon.” Yang clenched her fists, before growling, “That bitch...” Everyone nodded in agreement, with Pyrrha saying, “I feel like it’s my fault. I was given the choice to be the next Maiden…” “But I turned it down…” The red head explained, her expression saddening.
Jaune and Evergreen looked at her, shocked, with the JNPR leader saying, “Pyrrha, we had NO idea that this would happen.” Ruby nodded in agreement, “Even though Mom and I knew of Cinder’s criminal activities, there were too many unknowns…” “Not to mention it was extremely difficult to question or stop her anyway.” Summer added. She then turned to Evergreen, “I’m sure you or someone you know may have some info that could be useful?”
The silver haired man sighed, “Me, no. But I do know someone.” “Would you like to speak up, Ozma?” The former headmaster asked, looking at Oscar. “The kids need answers, even the one you’re currently occupying.” Everyone froze, before turning to the youngest of the group in shock and confusion.
Willow and Ember noticed that Summer remained expressionless…
They assumed that she had known for a bit of time...and figured Qrow knew as well.
Oscar sighed, raising a finger, before flicking his head. “Be kind and introduce yourself…” He said. “Please.” A few moments passed, before a new voice emerged from the boy’s lips, “Greetings…” The new voice did not seem happy about being revealed. Everyone turned to the former headmaster, who said, “This is Ozma. A….former acquaintance of Salem’s.” “Former?” Summer raised an eyebrow. After a few moments, her jaw nearly dropped, “Do NOT fucking tell me…”
Ozma raised Oscar’s hand, using the boy’s face to show his embarrassment and hesitance. “I’m her….ex...or widow, technically.” The immortal said. “That story will have to wait, though. Now, your questions?” “Firstly, how are you even alive…!?” Yang asked. Ozma sighed, tapping Oscar’s forehead, “I’m...cursed, by the God of Light, with immortality. Much like Salem is…”
“So, you got magic too? Like a wizard or mage of some sort?” Ruby asked. Ozma nodded, “Indeed. However, it is dwindling…” “What…?” Evergreen asked. “How…!?” The immortal sighed, “I do not know, currently…” “Maybe because I shared some of it…” He guessed. “I shared a large amount of it with four young women who would eventually become the first Maidens.” Willow tilted her head, “And the Branwen twins? You shared with them too?”
The immortal nodded, “Yes, but only a small fraction. Qrow will tell you that they made their choice, but…” He then trailed off, going silent for a few moments, before saying, “I don’t know if that’s true…” The immortal then looked at Oscar’s arms, before sighing, “This is probably stupid to ask you…” “Will you help me stop Salem from taking more lives? From taking more families?” He asked. “If you don’t, I understand. Really, I do. You...all deserve much better than this life....”
“Why?” Summer asked, drawing attention towards her. “Why are you giving us a choice?” Her tone was frighteningly serious, enhanced further by the glare she gave the immortal. Ozma lowered Oscar’s head, before Evergreen said, “It’s because of Oscar… Isn’t it?” The immortal sighed, “He’s a CHILD…as are all of YOU. I’d be destroying another family...again.”
“Just like I unintentionally did all those millennia ago.” He mumbled. “I...think I might be just as bad as Salem…”
After a few moments of tense silence, Summer looked at Jaune, Ren, Nora, and Pyrrha, before shifting to Weiss, Willow, and Ember, and then finally at her own daughters. Closing her eyes, she forced a sigh, before saying, “Fine. We’ll do it.” “But if you keep more secrets...or if those I love dearly nearly die...I’m calling it quits.” She said. “Clear?”
Ozma nodded Oscar’s head, “Yes, ma’am.” The former STRQ leader then looked at Evergreen, before sighing, “Good. In that case, I’ll let Qrow know.”
With that, she left the room, before Oscar was given back control. After noticing everyone’s shocked expressions, he asked, “Did...something happen?” The group sighed with relief that the youngest of the group was back with them, before Evergreen said, “I’ll...fill you in about it later.” “It’s a bit much…” He explained. The farm boy nodded, noticeably feeling a little awkward.
Weiss, noticeably a little frightened by Summer’s threat, whispered to Yang and Ruby, “What...the fuck was that…?” The red cloaked leader cleared her throat, before rubbing the back of her neck, “Let’s just...say that she’s VERY protective over who and what she cares about...and leave it at that.” “She’ll open up and share the full story when she remembers and feels comfortable.” Yang added. “Besides, I’m sure any person who loves their family that much would do the same…”
Weiss slowly nodded, dropping the topic, since she KNEW Yang was right. More importantly though...after how awkward that conversation was...it would be WISE to avoid that kind of topic in the future.
Please continue to Part 2 here:
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georgemackayhey · 4 years
Worth Fighting For (Part: Two)
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summary: You’re entirely certain George is the one. So he hasn’t got to put up much of a fight… but in a way, that’s all he knows to do.
a/n: Now is a good time to mention that I know nothing about boxing. My only refreance is a movie about mma and one nights worth of basic research. But all that matters is I'm having buckets of fun writing this! The angst starts to creep in this chapter. Let me know what yall think!
w/c: 4k
Part 1
───※ ·❆· ※───
It was the end of an exceptionally long weekend. You'd managed to throw together last minute choreography for the kids school play, taught a wedding party how to waltz, and helped a friend nail her audition for a foreign dance company.
It was easy as ever, with a broken hand. But everything else was increasingly difficult. You were still getting used to using your one, lame hand to do laundry and cook dinner. But at least you could still dance.
There was nothing better than pumping the  music and moving until it ached. Until all you had to worry about was locking up and racing home to shower, and all the things you'd been anxious about all week had long fled to the very back of your mind.
But the weekend was over, and you didn't have an excuse to stay in the studio now that all the kids who came to learn were long gone. But you had a perfectly sound reason for taking longer to do you post class stretches. As you took your sweet time sliding into your jacket and switching out the lights, you kept your eye on the window to the hallway. You tried not to look too obvious, but there was a silly, desperate hope inside of you; to see George.
The gym door remained shut, raucous music thumbing from somewhere deep inside, as you dragged your feet out in the hall. You tried not to look like you were casting glances over your shoulder, or seem too disappointed when you found no one there. When the door to your studio was locked and your adrenalin from class dwindled away, you went on your way.
And while you tried not to think about the funny feeling you got in your chest at the thought of George, you shoved open the door to the parking lot. The sky was a bleak grey and a chill crept past your layers of brightly colored clothes.
"Took you long enough." A voice crept close over your shoulder, causing you to spin around with a gasp.
George was leaning against the stone of the building, the hood of his pale jacket up over his head, strong arms crossed over his broad chest.
"How's your hand?" He asked, like he really cared to know.
"Oh, I'm managing." You decided with a smile, happening to glance at George's. "How's yours?" You asked, noticing bruises on his knuckles that weren't there the weekend before.
George seemed confused, for a beat, before glimpsing down at his fingers.
"Oh, this is nothing." He said. And before you could choose one the dozens of questions you had, you decidedly moved on.
"What are you waiting on?" You asked in a nervous giggle, glancing to his car a few parking spaces away.
"You, obviously." George rose a brow and reached for his bulky canvas bag that rested near his feet. You watched his lean figure shift as he carried the weight over one shoulder and stepped closer.
"Come on, It's my turn to treat you to DeAngelo's." He explained, walking past you to his sleek vintage car. The familiar screech of the city bus caught your ear, and you looked over to notice it stall to a stop, before you followed George's lead.
The ride was quiet. You spent most of the time pretending to be distracted by your chipping nail polish. Even in his silence George was captivating. You couldn't be sure if he'd noticed you stealing glances at him as he drove; but every time you did, you wouldn't let yourself look long.
You couldn't be sure why stepping foot into the diner to get felt different. Maybe it was because you weren't alone. You were mixed among dozens of other dinner parties and the combined white noise of everyone's collective chatter set you at ease. You weren't as shy to let your gaze linger on George as he studied you across the same booth as before.
And much like then, your conversations started mildly. He asked what you were going to order, and you tried not to feel too embarrassed for listing off the same meal. But he grinned and said he was going to do the same. And right as your conversation opened up to grow ever deeper, you were interrupted.
"Miss y/n!" An excited, drawn out greeting rang from a small boy who was busy bouncing your way. You didn't need to turn to know it was little Louis. He was one of your most loyal students. And though you'd never say it to anyone, the small kid was your favorite budding ballerina. Perhaps because he cared so unabashedly for you, too.
All four feet and fifty pounds of the curly headed boy crashed into your side of the booth, his little arms reaching to wrap you in a hug. You let out a surprised gasp and turned to try and greet the boy as soon as you realized he'd appeared.
"Today was lot's of fun. Can we do more big jumps next week?" The boy broke away from you to peer up, big brown eyes full of hope. You chuckled a little and assured the boy you'd planned on it. That's about the time his mother shuffled over, apologizing for her eight years old interrupting your dinner.
"It's alright." You assured, sheepishly glancing over to George who was sat back watching on with a coy grin. The kind of smile that- if you were younger and less confident, might have made you insecure. But knowing the little you did about George, you read no mocking in his expression. Only something more vulnerable you couldn't quite make out yet. You wondered all of a sudden just how exactly to get him to open up, and wondered hopelessly if you'd ever get the chance.
"I'm always glad to see you, Louis." You grinned at the boy, still glancing up to you in the sweetest way. "He's never missed a class in two years." You bragged to George now, who let his grin stretch a little wider.
Then you got the good sense to introduce the guy across from you. You gave his name away, and mentioned that he taught at the gym at Fit For All. Louis mother seemed to light up at the mention.
"Oh, you're Geogre? You know my oldest son, Danny. He talks about you all the time." The woman whose dark roots were nearly longer than the dyed blonde bits of her hair gleamed, and Geogre seemed to glow, too.
"Oh, yes. He's always at the gym, it seems." George sat up a little, peering to the woman Louis belonged to. The mother explained that her eldest wanted nothing more than to grow up to become a boxer. But a shoulder injury at the tail end of highschool ruined his chances. So Danny traded boxing for running, and had completed several marathons since.
George said the guy was great at encouraging the kids who frequented Fit For All, no matter which lesson they showed up for. It was your turn to smile and watch as George and his friends mother gushed over the guy who wasn't even around.
When Louis was coaxed from your side back to his mothers he gave you one final hug and raced her to a table across the room. A silence fell between you and George once more, but it was more familiar than ever. George was the first to break it.
"He was sweet." George smiled, reaching for his drink.
"Must run in the family." You pointed out. "I didn't realize Louis even had a brother."
"Danny is a good guy. He always knows just what to say. Not only to the kids, but to me too, some days." George let out a little laugh. A nervous, slightly bittered chuckle. And while it made you realize a little something more about him, it added to the complexity of George all the while. This guy was going to drive you nuts in no time. You'd let him.
And that's how it started. Every Friday, around the same time, you'd pile into George's ride and one of you would cover the bill for DeAngelo's.
Sometimes you got held up, trying to help a girl learn her steps for the schools annual talent show. You'd find Geogre had lingered in and made himself at home on the folded up mats near the door. You caught his gaze in the wall length mirror and tried to hide your blush while you danced on.
Other times, he'd be running behind. You shuffled outside to find George in the middle of what seemed to be a serious conversation with a familiar guy around your age. It was Danny, and you were introduced for the first time like you'd been friends forever. You found the rumors about the guy were true, even in the first few minutes of meeting. Danny mentioned his little brother mentioning you nonstop, and said how he'd been waiting to put your face to your name. George ended the small talk by reaching over and nudging you toward his car.
The slight touch of his arm against yours made you feel different than the only other time he'd touched you before. The last was when he'd rushed in to monitor your injured hand. And you couldn't feel much of anything. But now, when George leaned into you, pushing you away all the while, your nerves seemed to dance on end. But Danny's pleasant goodbye tore your thoughts away, and you waved your working hand to the guy and hoped out loud to see more of him.
Then George drove you to DeAngelos for another week in a row.
You hadn't really realized how much time had passed until snow started to fall. Granted the weather seemed to change much earlier than it ever had years prior. But it changed all the same, and it seemed to draw attention to the tradition you'd made of going to dinner with George.
You sat in the same spot almost everytime. And you talked about the same sorts of things. There were always complaints shared, about the growing cold, and the things that held up your week. There was always some kind of exciting news to share, about a new movie coming to town, or the things you'd accomplished during work. You even spoke about things you hadn't been keen on discussing with most other people. Like your relationship with your family and the scariest parts of highschool. Because George asked. He asked you more about yourself than he ever dared to mention his own stories.
"When are you gonna let me come watch you teach kids how to throw a punch, huh?" You teased. George had lingered in the doorway to catch the tail end of a handful of your lessons, by now. And he was always done for the night, when yours ended early.
As you ate your usual dinner, he kept his demure smile and rolled his dazzling blue eyes your way, before changing the subject. And you wanted nothing more than to listen to him talk, so you let your question go unanswered.
"We've been coming here a lot." He pointed out, plain and simply. But the comment made your heart feel like it had grown a layer of steel , sinking ever so slightly.
"Would you rather us go someplace else?" You wondered in a light manner, trying not to seem let down at the possibility of ending your tradition.
"Course not. I'm saying I like coming here." George smiled, then added, "With you."
You bit back your grin from spreading too widely and let the familiar bout of quiet follow.
But the next weekend was different and it was all your fault. Your water heater broke on Tuesday. And your landlord called back Wednesday night to say he couldn't help you fix it till he came back to town next week. You had to postpone Friday's class when you realized you were in too deep trying to fix the issue yourself. And while you fiddled with the matter with your non broken hand, a deep regret flooded your system when you realized George would miss you and you had no way of letting him know.
You worried all evening at the thought of standing him up. You crossed your working fingers that he'd still be keen to see you the next weekend; and tried to accept the fact that since your tradition had been broken, the thin connection you shared with George might now forever be lost, too.
By the end of your next week, your landlord was still off on holiday, and had taken to ignoring your texts asking for help. How hard was it for him to call a local mechanic to send your way before he left to go tanning for the day, or whatever?
And as you bared another cold shower and grumpily hurried to head to the studio, your power went out.
"No, no no!" You whined, flipping a light switch a dozen times in a row and wishing and hoping and praying everything would come back to life. You took a deep breath, rushed to the closet where the panel that held your home's power was, and were disappointed to find flipping a few switches there did absolutely nothing. You didn't have time to worry. You couldn't let your kids down again.
Some of them were already lingering outside of the studio when you rushed in, stomping away snow. Little Louis actually cheered and dashed your way for a hug, like he did. You smiled, set at ease by the child's sweet nature.
Then you taught him and a dozen others to dance, and let your worries fade away for an hour and a half. George hadn't slipped into the studio when the clock ticked past your usual meeting time. You tried not to let yourself feel disappointed when your kids shuffled home. You only wrapped up for the day and started to worry over your situation all over again.
But as you locked the doors to the studio, Danny was making his way out into the hall, and George was trailing close behind.
"Hey kid!" Danny glowed, turning to greet you in the dim hall. You shot him a pleasant smile, despite everything, trying not to catch George's gaze. Because his expression was so familiar, now. And he was looking right at you in a way you realized he so often did. And you'd let him down last week, and you had to do it again, now.
He shouldered past Danny as the bulky fellow seemed to decide to go home. He gave you both a quick goodnight before making his way toward the heavy doors. Then you were left alone with the guy you hadn't stopped thinking of since the time he held an ice pack to your knuckles.
"Where've you been?" He asked, like he was much more concerned than disappointed. And while that was nice, it wasn't enough to stop you from wanting to cry a little. God you hoped you didn't look the way you felt.
"I'm so sorry I missed last weekend." You started, shifting in place, under George's study on you. "My water heater broke. Then my power went out. So, now I've got to go home and figure out what to do. I hate to miss another one of our dinners but-"
"What do you need?" His question interrupted your rambles to a halt. You held your breath and looked to the guy for a curious beat before explaining yourself.
"Well I'm just going to grab some things and find a place to stay. Probably just that Motel on Second Street. My landlord is such a-"
"The Second Street Motel?" George grimaced, like he had memories of the place he wasn't over yet. "That place is a dump. And they'll over charge you. Why don't... if you'd like... well you could stay with me." George's confident speech dwindled into something meek as he spoke on. It made you chuckle a little, the way he'd surprised you when you least expected it. And when a moment of quiet passed as you searched his stunning blues eyes, George spoke up more assuredly.
"Only if you want."
"Only if you're sure." Your smile fell away as  dozen of nerves rose to your throat as you responded.
"Come on." He nodded, turning to the door in the same fashion he'd always do when you were headed to the one of the only other places you'd gone together. His ride to the urgent care was courteous. His company at DeAngelos was kind. And his offer for you to spend the night was an all new layer of generosity that made you feel the way you did when he touched you a few weeks ago.
He waited in his car while you used the flashlight on your phone to throw a few things in a bag. Between your toothbrush, your night clothes, and some things for the morning, you forced yourself not to think about what was happening. You just urged your feet to move and tried not to seem too excited to settle back into George's car.
He drove to his place in a silence that felt different than all the other times before. And when you stole a glance over to him, you could have sworn he'd just turned away from looking over to you. The thought danced through your mind till his vintage ride pulled to a stop outside a row of townhouses. They were just a few roads away from your own, in a quiet, bleak part of town.
George held open his front door as you stepped in from the cold, a baby blue backpack full of essentials in your clutch. And all of your expectations for what Geogre's home might have looked like were not only unmet, but left you with more questions about the guy than ever.
The home was neatly decorated in pale colors. Plants and picture frames decorated every shelf and corner, and the dish towel in his kitchen matched the tea kettle on the stove. It was reminiscent of a much older person's space, with a vibrant charm of someone much more spry. You padded to the cozy living room as Geogre disappeared around a corner, leaving you to think up a dozen more questions about the fellow you were determined to get to the bottom of.
As you eased onto the navy sofa and abandoned your bag, a light came on in the hall and an old orange cat came prancing toward your feet. You glanced down to the pet as it meowed up to you, and stretched to balance against your knees. You cooed, reaching to pet it, before the animal jumped into your lap.
"That's Sadie." George spoke, stepping into the room, slowly making his way toward the sofa. "I was going to apologize for her disregard for personal space but you don't seem to mind." He chuckled.
"Not at all, she's lovely." You grinned, cradling the cat like a baby as purs rattled her delicate frame. George seemed to watch on as you admired the pretty animal in your arms. And when you dared to look back up to him, he sat up a little, from where he was perched on the edge of the couch.
George said something about ordering take away from a place nearby, and you agreed with the condition that you got to pay for it, too make up for his kindness in letting you stay in his lovely home. And much to your surprise, when you realized it anyhow, you felt perfectly content waiting around with George, for the pizza to be delivered. He stuck to his end of the sofa, while you settled into yours, holding fast to Sadie all the while. You talked about usual things, and even laughed over some others, until there was a knock at the door.
George went to answer, as you trailed toward the kitchen, stopping in the hall to admire some of the photos on the wall. There were plenty of his family, or maybe just friends. And even some of George, dressed in boxing gloves, at who must have been his father's side. The older man who looked so much like George held up an award as his son stood by with a shy smile and messy hair.
George found you gawking at his frames on his mission to set the box of pizza on the table.
"This photo is sweet. Did you win this garish award?" You teased, turning to find George wearing a grin reminecent of the one he sported in the photo.
"I did." He said.
"But you don't really do this sort of thing anymore..." You spoke, halfway asking why in the gentlest way you knew that might pry open his closed off manner.
"No I haven't for a while." George said. He poured you both a strong drink, the kind DeAngelos didn't serve.
"Why is that?" You wondered, easing to one of the wooden paint chipped seats at George's kitchen table. You watched him take a sip of the dark liquid in his glass, as you reached for your own.
"It got to be too much." He said, easier than anytime before. Like he actually wanted to tell you. And you kept a quiet eye on him, hoping if you waited long enough, he'd keep talking.
And much to your patient delight, he did.
"I started going to Fit after school, when I had nothing better to do. I'd stay till close, because I didn't want to go home." George explained. You took small bites of pizza and listened on, eyes softly glued to George's every word. And as he ate, he told you that he didn't have a very easy time growing up. How his father was sick, and his mother was never around. How George never thought of his future because he was busy worrying about each day at a time. You could tell he didn't talk about it. Any of it. So you just kept sipping your drink and offering gentle encouragement for him to keep going. Because you wanted to know. You desperately cared to know.
George told you that on one of Bareny's regular stops in, the gym owner took notice of George. How he'd listen to the distant encouragement some coaches gave to students in the ring. How he didn't have the money to take those lessons and stuck to practicing on the mats in the corner. How Bareny noticed, and asked George if he'd like to be trained. How he took up the owners generous offer, free of charge.
And when you nudged him to keep talking by asking all the right questions, George explained that Barney helped him enter into matches that he won like an old pro. How exhilarating it was at first. But those nights would end and George would go home and he would hate it. You knew better than to ask why, as he moved on. You just hoped this was the beginning of him letting you in bit by bit. The first of many stories.  You downed the last of your drink while George finished his pizza.
"Well you might not box anymore but I'd still love to watch you teach kids how." You laughed, watching George crack a smile across the table from you. He thanked you for covering dinner and you thanked him for letting you stay over. Then you launched into a sudden ramble about how stressed out you were about what to do, how it might be better to move than to keep combating your landlord. But how you didn't have the funds to put toward either of those options.
"God sorry I sound like a cry baby." You laughed, resting your glass in George's sink as he stored the left over pizza away.
"No you don't. You sound worried, and I'm sorry to hear it. Letting you stay over is the least I could do, really." George shrugged, shifting to face you. He stood a step away, keeping his intimidating gaze on yours. The kind of glare that might have made you feel small if you didn't know George. But you saw past the way he stood so tall and stoically. You saw more of him tonight than you ever had before. And that's what made you unsure of what to say next.
"I think I'll go get cleaned up now." You spoke with a gentle nod, heading to collect your bag. George showed you to the bathroom at the end of the hall before turning away and saying something about changing, himself.
You were left to bask at your reflection in the harsh golden light as the bathroom fan buzzed overhead. You dug through your backpack to find the nightclothes you'd brought along and thought of George as you stepped into the shower. The water was hot, pelting your shoulder blades with a warmth you hadn't had the luxury of experiencing all week. But you hurried along, mindful not to use up all the hot water.
When you changed and took a deep breath and peered back to the mirror, it was covered in steam. So you zipped up your backpack and made your way back out into George's home. Sadie was waiting patiently outside of the door. She wove between your feet as you took care not to step in her path before she settled to walk at your side. Was this some kind of dream, you wondered? Some kind of idyllic alternate universe, where nothing was the matter and the space you occupied was warm and safe and shared by the boy you hadn't stopped thinking of for months in a row?
At the end of the hall, George's bedroom door was open. A soft amber light shone from the bedside lamp you could see. George appeared into view as you were drawn to the space like a moth to a flame. He wore a tattered t-shirt and a pair of cotton joggers you'd never seen him wear before. His yellow hair appeared slightly damp and he looked happy, somewhere in the depths of his usually guarded expression. He looked at home.
Sadie brushed past your ankle, out of the hall and into the living room, leaving you and George the most alone you'd ever been.
He stalled in the doorway as you halted your floating closer. His eyes were softer than you'd ever seen them, sleepier; maybe.
"Right, well goodnight I suppose." You smiled, trying not to let your eyes rake over his figure. You could practically feel how close he was.
"Right." George seemed to decide, letting his eyes search yours for a beat before his glance drifted over your shoulder.
"I'll find you some blankets." He said, slowly stepping past you. But before he could drift down the hall you stopped him. Somehow, you spoke without even thinking, without even knowing you were brave enough.
All you said was his name, like a question. And that was all it took. George turned on a dime and kissed you. He crashed his lips against yours and tangled his long fingers in your hair as he cradled your head. His grip was the only thing holding you in place as you melted into a puddle, against him. When you started kissing George back, he moved one hand down the length of your side as he made one swift move to pin you against the wall. You couldn't help but let out a surprised breath, a sigh, a laugh of some kind.
George responded by kissing you harder, until you could hardly breath. And when you stopped kissing him back to do just that, you felt George's gentle grip against the exposed skin of your hip; tighten ever so slightly.
"Do I still have to sleep on your sofa?" You asked what felt like one dozen questions in one. Your fear of ruining the one in a million moment disguised by a lithe smile. George responded by letting out a laugh, his eyes nearly closing as he did. And when he was finished, he said;
"Come on."
You followed George to his bed, not daring to hide your excitement. He pulled you in with a smile, perhaps the broadest of smirks you'd seen him sport. There was still so much you longed to know about George. So many questions you were eager to ask, so many things you longed to hear him talk about. But spending the night sharing his pillow was a good place to start, you figured. You hadn't expected it of course. You never knew what was next with George. You'd only, simply, hoped for a next time. And with the way he looked at you now, and held on, you rekonned maybe he didn't want you to stray too far, either.
───※ ·❆· ※─── taglist: @haileymorelikestupid​  @maria-josefin​​ @imaginesandyeah​​ @queen-bunnyears @okaymackay​
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fatesdeepdive · 3 years
Entry 4: Corrin Doesn’t Know What Birds Look Like
Chapter 3: Journey Begins
Elise and Corrin head to the throne room to apologize to King Garon. As they’re standing outside, they hear Garon laughing menacingly. Oddly, the throne room is empty save for the king when the princesses enter. Garon tells Corrin that he normally would have killed her for disobeying him, but is giving a little leeway because she’s his daughter. Instead, Garon gives Corrin a mission and says he’ll pardon her if she’s successful. Corrin’s mission is to inspect an old fort on the border of Hoshido.
Corrin speaks with her siblings afterwards and Leo points out that it's weird for Garon to be so forgiving. Elise slaps him. Camila suggests accompanying Corrin to make sure she’s safe and is told that Corrin must do this on her own by a new character, Iago, Garon’s tactician and advisor. Iago has long, messy black hair and wears a golden mask that covers half of his face.
Instead, Garon sends along a bald barbarian-looking general named Hans. Remember that guy from the prologue who called his own men cannon fodder? That guy. Xander secretly warns Corrin that Hans is a convicted murderer that he arrested years ago. First off, since when is Xander a cop? Secondly, Garon employs axe murderers into his military. How unsurprising.
The fort is located on a ledge within the bottomless canyon separating Nohr and Hoshido. Said canyon is called the Bottomless Canyon. Corrin questions if the Bottomless Canyon is actually bottomless and Gunter tells her that people who fall into it never return. And I mean, that could mean it’s bottomless, but it probably just means that people die when they fall into a really deep canyon.
Gunter points out the constant darkness and lightning storms above the canyon and states that it's cursed. Corrin says that she doesn’t mind being in the spooky hell canyon because, hey, at least she’s outside. You know, I’m kinda starting to dig bubbly dumbass Corrin.
Unfortunately, the fort is filled with Hoshidan soldiers. The soldiers point out that the fort is on their side of the canyon and that going there would be a violation of the treaty between the two nations. Corrin decides to turn back, but that asshole Hans decides to charge in and kill Hoshidan soldiers. Asshole.
At the start of the battle, Gunter tells us about battle formations. In Awakening, there was a mechanic called Pair Up, where two units acted as a single unit, boosting the main unit’s stats and giving the second unit the ability to occasionally block attacks and attack on the main unit’s turn. I liked Pair Up, Awakening was designed around it, but I will admit that it was a bit broken. Fates splits it into two different mechanics; when units stand next to each other, they can attack on each other’s turns. When they pair up, they can only block. Also, instead of being random, blocking charges up each time the unit is hit, making it predictable. This is a good change that helps balance the game. Also, this chapter introduces paired-up enemies, which didn’t appear in Awakening. This too is a good change.
Hans is defeated almost immediately, thank god. The level encourages us to use Dragon Veins to create bridges and attack enemies from behind. I paired up Gunter and Corrin, had Jakob get in ranged potshots and healing, and had our princess demolish every enemy, first going for the north group then taking out the boss and reinforcements in the south. I liked this map, the small number of units and big area to work with made it very strategic. Also, it's a capture map instead of a boss kill or route map. This isn’t a big change for gameplay, but it does show that the more complex maps are returning, after Awakening simplified win conditions.
As he dies, the enemy tells Corrin that this assault is an act of war that will have consequences. Obviously. Garon sent Hans to start a war because he’s evil, and Corrin is too dumb to piece that together.
After seizing the fort, Corrin is attacked by a ninja named Saizo. Xander comes out of nowhere to protect us and the other siblings show up. Camila destroys Saizo’s men and another ninja, this one named Kagero, shows up to tell him that Ryoma will arrive soon with reinforcements. Hearing this, Corrin retreats with Gunter. As they’re crossing the bridge out of the Bottomless Canyon, Hans comes back, knocks Gunter to his death, and tries to kill Corrin. I’m guessing that Garon wanted Hans to kill Corrin so he could A: get rid of her without pissing of Xander, and B: frame the Hoshidans so he could start a war.
Corrin’s arm turns into a weird spear thing and Hans screams that she’s a freak. Corrin kicks his ass; as she fights, she grows antlers, turns her hand into a giant dragon mouth that shoots bursts of energy, and creates a bunch of water and wind. Basically, she does her Smash Bros. combo.
Hans tells Corrin that he was just following Garon’s orders, and Corrin shouts that he must be lying, because Corrin is not very smart. Ganglari starts glowing and drags Corrin off a cliff. As she falls, Lilith shows up out of nowhere flying after us. She transforms into a weird...fish...squirrel...thing and flies Corrin back up to the bridge.
Lilith explains that she is a dragon and that the bird Corrin saved years ago was actually her. Apparently, Corrin doesn’t know what birds are, because Lilith is very clearly not a bird. Lilith explains that she turned into a human to repay Corrin and that, now that she has returned to dragon thingy, she can never go back.
Lilith is struck by lightning and Corrin tells Lilith to drop her and save herself. Lilith opens a portal to the Astral Plane, a cool parallel dimension with a neat Japanese castle. Lilith also mentions that her powers were granted by the First Dragons, which seem to be godlike entities. Lilith uses a Dragon Vein to create a treehouse and says that time and space don’t work normally in the Astral Plane.
Lilith says that the Astral Plane is empty, implying that her loved ones are all dead, but says it’s fine because Corrin is in her life. Corrin, in a rare moment of lucidity, tries to ask about the Astral Plane and Lilith tells her that she’ll explain it later. I have a feeling that she won’t.
Lilith explains that, when Corrin exits the Astral Plane, she’ll be back at the bridge and should be prepared for enemy soldiers. Corrin says she’s ready. When Corrin returns, everyone is gone. Then Rinkah sneaks up on Corrin and bashes her in the head. I guess she wasn’t ready.
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huttons · 4 years
Never Really Was Enough, Pt. I
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word count: 4.3k
summary:  When Eva moves to Raleigh, it wasn't a happy occasion. She needed to get away from her family and moving across the country was the quickest way for her to accomplish that. As she finds her place in Raleigh, she finds a new family with people she never expected to (especially with a certain red-headed hockey player).
warnings: talk of past dealings with homophobia, off-screen character death
author’s note: this was written as part of @fandomtrumpshate​ 2020! I was lucky enough to write this for @antoineroussel​ <3 
ao3 link
~ ~ ~
“How do we forgive ourselves for all the things we did not become?”
The day Eva packs up and moves to Raleigh isn’t a happy one. Despite having the chance to start an amazing new job, and the chance to start over, she’s bitter about having to do it. The thought of having to make a new start without a support network is terrifying. But if it means that Eva can have a fresh new start, then so be it.
As Eva puts the last box into the U-Haul, she sighs. Moving across the country isn’t exactly how she had planned on getting away from her family, but she also didn’t think that she would be leaving so soon, either. It was a stroke of luck that she had been hired in North Carolina, and it was even better that she had found an apartment she could afford to live in.
Once she starts the long drive, there’s no heartfelt good-byes, and nobody to send her off. Eva has to remind herself that Lucas is long gone now and there’s nothing holding her back anymore. So, she begins what will likely turn into a week-long trip to Raleigh. It’s mostly a mindless drive, with only a few wrong turns. The days blur into each other, and she only stops for gas, food, and the chance to sleep.
By the time she pulls up to her new apartment complex, she feels exhausted and groans at the thought of having to unpack everything by herself. She drags herself to the front office to get checked in. It’s a smooth process, and once she gets the keys, Eva is hoping it doesn’t take all night to get everything moved up to her apartment.
“Hey, are you new here?” someone asks.
Eva turns and there’s a woman, about her age and blonde hair that glows in the sunlight walking over to the U-Haul.
“Yeah, just got in obviously,” Eva answers with a tired smile. “I’m Eva.”
“Samantha, but everyone calls me Sammy,” she introduces. “Are you here by yourself?”
“Yep, it’s just me,” Eva replies. “I couldn’t afford to hire any help, and my family couldn’t make it out, so it’s just me.”
“Ah, so you moved from far away?”
“Across the country,” Eva answers. “I came from Portland. The one in Oregon.”
“Damn, that’s a long-ass drive,” Sammy jokes. “But I think you’ll like it here. The neighbors are good, for the most part.”
“That’s good to hear.”
“I’m guessing this will take you a while, so I should be able to help you once I pick up my boyfriend from the auto shop.”
“Oh, you don’t have to help.”
Sammy snorts. “Please, you’re going to be here for ages. It’ll be no big deal at all. There aren’t a lot of people our age here, so it won’t be too much of a hassle to help out.”
“Well, if it’s not a big deal, then sure, I’d appreciate the help,” Eva replies with a soft smile. “I live in 417 if I’m not down by the truck.”
“See you then, Eva.”
Once Sammy leaves, Eva looks back to everything she has to unpack. She’s thankful that she doesn’t have a bed or couch to worry about, but Eva isn’t happy about having to sleep on the floor until the bed she ordered comes in. Without the help from her family, though, there was no way she was going to be able to get a bed or a couch into the moving vehicle.
Eva loses track of time, and by the time Sammy and her boyfriend, Patrick, come by to help, it’s late afternoon. They don’t talk much, but the silence is easy, which Eva is unfamiliar with. It’s been a long time since she felt comfortable not feeling like she had to fill the quietness. By the time dinner time rolls around, they finally have everything in Eva’s apartment.
“Are you going to want help unpacking things?” Sammy asks.
“Nah, this was already so much help. I probably would have spent the rest of the night bringing things up here,” Eva answers. “But thank you again, I really appreciate this.”
“We couldn’t not help someone moving in by themselves,” Patrick says. “It’s a big step, what you did. I don’t think I could ever move across the country by myself.”
Eva shrugs. “If you have to do it, then you manage.”
Both Sammy and Patrick don’t ask for more details, which Eva is grateful for. She’s not really sure if she feels comfortable talking about how she ended up here quite yet.
“So, are you really going to be fine sleeping on the floor?” Patrick asks, a little bit of worry in his voice. “I’m sure we could find something more comfortable for you.”
“Yeah, it’s only for a couple of nights until the delivery comes in,” Eva replies. “I just wasn’t sure when I would be getting here, so I guess I’ll just have to suffer for getting here early.”
Sammy snorts. “Alright, well, if you ever need company, we’re just one floor up. And you know what, give me your number so I can text you good places for takeout. I’m sure that you won’t want to be cooking for the next few days.”
“Oh, thank you, that would be nice,” Eva replies, who was planning on just living off of pizza for the next day or two. “I honestly don’t even know what there’s to do here since I just moved out here for work, so honestly, I’ll take any recommendations you have.”
Once Sammy and Patrick leave, Eva has a new contact in her phone and a list of places to check out around Raleigh. It’s a comfort knowing that she already has people willing to help her out here. She isn’t sure how well she’ll click with people at work and the thought of randomly introducing herself to her other neighbors isn’t an appealing idea.
The following week is a hectic one, with Eva trying to get her apartment to feel like a home and making sure that she’s ready to start work. She meets up with Sammy and Patrick again for dinner one night at their apartment to take a break from unpacking all of her boxes. It wasn’t until she moved that she realized how much stuff she accumulated.
“So, what do you two do for work?” Eva inquires.
“I work in the front office for the Canes,” Sammy answers. “And Patrick here is a kindergarten teacher, which is why you see glitter everywhere.”
“That was one time,” Patrick protests. “It’s not my fault it never disappears.”
Sammy snorts. “Yeah, it was a mistake he’s thankfully only made once.”
“Uh, not to sound dumb, but am I supposed to know who the Canes are?” Eva asks, a little nervous. “Are they like…a big company or something?”
“Oh, they’re the NHL team here,” Sammy replies. “I keep forgetting not everyone keeps up with hockey.”
“Well…I guess I’m going to have to start watching it if I’m going to be friends with the two of you,” Eva says. “I’ve only watched one game and that was because it was on at a sports bar my brother and I were at.”
“It’s really not that big of a deal,” Sammy says. “Hockey is fun, but it can be kind of messy sometimes. And I hardly understand it despite working there for a couple years now.”
Eva smiles softly. “Well, in that case, I feel a bit better about not knowing anything.”
“So, what brought you all the way across the country? I don’t think we ever asked,” Patrick inquires. “You don’t have to share if you don’t want to, though.”
“I found a good computer engineering job out this way for a small tech company. My other job just wasn’t cutting it,” Eva explains. “And it was time to get away from the family. Things were…not great, to put things lightly. Turns out they weren’t okay with me being bi.”
“We’re glad to have you here then,” Sammy says decisively. “Family can be shit sometimes, and I’m glad that you’ve been able to get away from them.”
Eva smiles sadly. “Thank you. I don’t think it’s really settled in yet, but I’m proud of myself.”
“You deserve to be proud,” Sammy says. “Now, let’s talk about happier things.”
The rest of the night passes easily and Eva can tell that she’s going to really like Sammy and Patrick. They’re good people and take her coming out with ease. She forgot that plenty of people don’t care about her sexuality, but with a minimal support system back home, it was easy to not remember that. By the time Eva leaves that night, her heart feels fuller and happier than it has in a long time.
When Eva gets back to her apartment, she sighs and makes a list of what needs to be accomplished tomorrow. There’s not much left to do, especially since the bed she ordered had come in a few days ago and she had found a decent couch off of craigslist. Her new job starts on the following Monday, which is only four days away now.
To distract herself, Eva decides to finish all the unpacking the following day, then goes shopping for things to decorate with. She sold most of those things before the cross-country drive, not wanting to hold onto any bad memories. Now she has the chance for a fresh start and it makes her feel light.
By the time Monday morning rolls around, she’s extremely nervous. Despite emails saying that people dress casually, Eva decides to go for a more business casual look, wanting to make a good first impression. She does her best to look like she didn’t stay up all night, then makes the drive out to the office.
“You must be Eva!” someone greets cheerily, once Eva walks in the front door.
“Uh, yes, that’s me,” Eva replies, taken aback by their cheery disposition.
“I’m James, and I’ll be helping you settle into the office,” James explains. “I know this is a lot to take in on a Monday, but today and tomorrow will mostly be orientation and HR stuff.”
“I can handle that,” Eva replies.
James proceeds to show Eva where her desk is and let’s her get settled. He gives her login information for her computer, and then lets her work on settling into her space, along with setting things up with HR. The morning passes quickly, then James is treating Eva to lunch, where they end up visiting a local diner.
“They’re open 24/7 and don’t mind if we stay for hours on end in the middle of the night when we’re trying to meet a project deadline,” James explains, when Eva seems a bit confused.
“Sounds like that’s a common experience,” she snorts.
“Don’t want to scare you off, but you wouldn’t be wrong,” James laughs. “How’s it been so far? I know it’s not that exciting, yet.”
Eva shrugs. “Could be worse. It seems like a good place and like there’s good people here. So, I think I can deal with a couple days of boring paperwork.”
“That’s the spirit!” James says happily. “And I promise that this is an amazing place to work. It’s not all that glamourous, especially since we aren’t a big company or anything, but the culture is what makes people stay.”
“Well, that’s good, glad I took a chance on coming out here then.”
The rest of lunch passes easily and Eva proceeds to spend the rest of the day filling out paperwork. Despite the easiness of the day, she feels exhausted by the time she gets back to her apartment. She reheats leftovers, then goes to pass out on her mildly uncomfortable bed.
The summer passes by quicker than Eva can even process. There’s so much to take in and she doesn’t have time to hurt about her family not asking about how she’s doing. It’s mid-August when she’s hanging out with Sammy, while Patrick preps for school to start up again.
“So, how would you feel coming to a company party with me?” Sammy asks, out of the blue. “It’s in a couple of weeks and I want you to come with me. It’d be fun.”
“Shouldn’t you be going with Patrick?” Eva retorts. “The two of you are dating.”
“Yeah, but I always bring him. Besides, I think you would have fun and would get along with everyone,” Sammy explains. “And honestly, Patrick is a bit all over the place this time of year, so I don’t think he’s too keen on going anyways.”
“What’s the vibe like? Is it a stuffy company party where everyone secretly gets drunk to get through the night or one where people actually like each other?”
“People actually enjoy each other there. And it’ll be a barbecue at one of the player’s houses, so it’s a totally chill thing.”
“Oh, well, it’ll be good to meet your coworkers then. I can finally put some names to faces, but I can’t guarantee that I’ll remember anything.”
“Alright, I’ll make sure that you’re on the guest list. Some of the players will be there with their partners, so you’ll have the chance to meet them if you want to.”
“I honestly could not tell you who’s who still, so I probably won’t even know that I met any of them.”
Sammy laughs. “That’ll provide some good chirping material for them.”
“Glad I could be of service,” Eva jokes.
“You’ll fit right in; I promise.”
~ ~ ~
Finally, the day of the barbecue rolls around. It’s still sticky hot, so Eva keeps her outfit simple with a tank top and a pair of shorts. Sammy insisted that the dress code was casual and there’s no need to dress nice. The whole thing is just a chance for everyone to mingle and meet the new people joining the Canes.
Despite still not really knowing any of the players, Sammy tells Eva about a new player that’s coming to the barbecue today. She seems excited to meet whoever the guy is, so Eva tries to remember his name, but forgets it the closer they get to the house where the get-together is being hosted.
Sammy has to park a little bit away, so when the two of them walk up to the house, Eva lets out a small gasp. The house is huge and the backyard looks gigantic. She supposes it has to be, to host an office party. However, it’s still a reminder how lucrative being an athlete and sports management can be.
“It’s fucking ridiculous, isn’t it?” Sammy snorts. “Not that I’m complaining, since it always means good food and alcohol, but still. I’m still honestly not completely used to it and I’ve been coming to these things ever since I started working here.”
“This is…a lot,” Eva comments. “But I’m excited to look around.”
Once they get into the house, Sammy drags Eva out to the backyard and introduces her to a bunch of people. Eva immediately forgets all of their names, but just smiles and nods along. After a little bit however, she decides to split off from the group to go get some food. She lets Sammy know and walks off to the other side of the yard. Once she gets her food, someone walks up to her and introduces himself.
“I don’t think we’ve met yet,” he says. “I’m Dougie.”
“Oh, it’s good to meet you, I’m Eva,” she replies. “I don’t actually work here, I’m with Sammy. I guess that makes you coworkers, right?”
“Um, I think? Technically?” he replies, unsure.
“Do you work in management then? Didn’t take you for the type, but I guess I shouldn’t judge.”
“Um, I mean-” Dougie starts to say.
“Dougie, get over here, we need to show you something!” someone else shouts.
He looks apologetically over at Eva before heading over to the group. Eva obviously wants to know what he was going to say, but shrugs it off and walks over to Sammy. She’s still animatedly talking to the same people as before, but smiles over at Eva when she joins the group again. After a few minutes, they head off to grab food as well.
“So, meet anyone exciting yet?” Sammy asks. “There’s a few players and they’ll introduce themselves to anyone new.”
“I might have met your boss? Or management?” Eva answers, still unsure of what Dougie’s role is.
“Oh, isn’t she amazing?” Sam gushes.
“She? Well, I guess I shouldn’t have assumed her gender,” Eva replies, immediately feeling bad.
Sammy looks confused. “Um…I don’t think we’re talking about the same person. My boss is over there.”
She points to a petite woman, with ebony skin. So, definitely not Dougie then.
“Well…that is definitely not who I met,” Eva whispers. “His name was Dougie.”
“You met Dougie? That’s the new player I was talking about!” Sammy exclaims. “We literally talked about this before we got here.”
“I was nervous! I don’t remember things when I get nervous.”
“Did you say anything embarrassing to him?”
“I mean, I basically told him that he didn’t seem like the management type? Because he said he was only technically a coworker of yours.”
Sammy snorts. “Oh my god, I can’t believe you told him that to his face.”
“How was I supposed to know?” Eva exclaims. “And I wasn’t wrong, was I? He isn’t the management type.”
“God, I can’t wait to tell everyone about this,” Sammy says, laughing.
“I’m making such a bad first impression,” Eva groans.
“No, I promise this will only make everyone love you more.”
“Whatever you say,” Eva replies skeptically.
Fortunately, the day passes in a much less embarrassing fashion for Eva. She manages to avoid Dougie the rest of the time she’s there, not wanting to address how badly she made a fool of herself. Normally, Eva likes to think she’s more put together than this, but something about it just makes her feel awkward.
“So, what did you think?” Sammy asks as they head out.
“It was fun,” Eva answers. “Still can’t believe I made a fool of myself in front of Dougie, though.”
“Honestly, I don’t think it’s really going to be that big of a deal. I don’t think he’s the type of player to get mad about someone not recognizing him.”
“Oh, well, that’s good at least,” Eva jokes. “But then again, I doubt I’ll be seeing him again, so I guess I shouldn’t be too worried.”
“Bold of you to assume I’m not dragging you to another event soon.”
“Seriously? Why would you take me to another one of these?”
Sammy shrugs. “Patrick has never been too much of a fan of going and I don’t like going by myself. So, I’ll keep taking you until you get sick of it.”
Eva snorts. “Well, at least you’re being honest. It was fun today besides me being an actual idiot, so I guess I can tag along again. When’s the next thing?”
“We usually have something else when the preseason ends, so probably the end of September at some point. It’s much more relaxed since the players are usually off the walls with the energy to finally start the season again.”
“I won’t ever turn down the chance for decent free food, so count me in.”
“What do you need free food for? You earn just as much as Patrick and I combined in one year.”
“You’re not wrong, but it’s also a hold over from the college days. Some things just don’t change.”
Sammy just rolls her eyes in response. Once they get back to the apartment complex, Sammy drags Eva up to her apartment to tell Patrick about meeting Dougie. Eva is blushing out of pure embarrassment the whole time. She has a feeling that she’s not going to ever live it down, but she guesses there’s worse things to be teased about.
“For someone who’s so smart, I can’t believe you did that,” Patrick says, laughing.
“Oh my god, it’s not my fault half of these guys look exactly the same!” Eva exclaims. “And it’s not like it’s my job to know which one is which.”
“Well, you’re going to have to learn if you’re coming with me to more company events,” Sammy points out.
“Ugh, don’t remind me,” Eva groans. “I take back my standing offer of going with you, you don’t deserve it anymore.”
“Sure, whatever you say,” Sammy says. “Besides, what happened to wanting free food?”
“No longer worth it,” Eva replies.
Patrick and Sammy laugh in reply. Eva just rolls her eyes.
“As much fun as I had today, I should probably head out. We have a huge project coming up at work and I know I’m going to be pulling more all-nighters than I want to admit,” Eva says.
“Alright, try to get some rest at least,” Patrick says.
“I’ll do my best,” Eva replies, as she heads out of the apartment.
The weeks pass by in a blur, especially since Eva gets swept up in project deadlines. Before she knows it, it’s the end of September and Sammy is dragging her to the season kickoff party. This time, it’s at a different player’s house, but the place is still as extravagant as the last one. Eva also had made sure to try and memorize a couple of players’ names and faces.
“Hey, it’s…Eva, right?” Dougie says, coming up to her and Sammy.
“Oh yes, that’s right,” Eva replies awkwardly. “And Dougie? Who doesn’t happen to work in management, but is instead a player?”
He snorts. “Yeah, that would be me. The guys still haven’t let me live that one down.”
“Glad I could provide some quality material,” Eva jokes.
“Don’t worry, I’ve made sure that she’s gotten some shit for it as well,” Sammy interjects. “Wanted to make sure the chirping was solid on both sides of it.”
Dougie laughs, and Eva feels herself warming a little at the sound. It’s a good laugh, and she feels a bit odd at admitting the fact. She shoves any thoughts of associating Dougie with being good or cute, not wanting to even go down that road.
“It seems like you’re settling in well,” Sammy says. “Is Raleigh everything you ever dreamed?”
“Ah yes, definitely living out all of my dreams here,” Dougie jokes, good-naturedly. “I do enjoy it here, though. I feel like it’ll be good.”
“Then it seems you and Eva are in the same boat,” Sammy replies. “She’s fairly new in town as well.”
“Oh? What brings you out here?” Dougie inquires.
“If y’all are going to bond over being the newbies, I’m going to go and get some food,” Sammy says, heading off.
Once she’s gone, Eva answers, “I moved out here for work, actually. Moved from Portland, Oregon, so it’s definitely a lot to get used to.”
“You really moved across the country for work?” Dougie says, a bit surprised.
“Yeah, I just…needed a scenery change and Raleigh was the first place that offered a decent job in a place I wasn’t completely opposed to moving to,” Eva explains. “I mean, it wasn’t hard to find computer engineering jobs, so I guess I was able to be a bit picky.”
“Computer engineering? I didn’t take you for the type,” Dougie teases.
“Oh my god, you’re not going to live me that down, are you?”
“The opportunity presented itself, and I didn’t want to pass it up. But seriously, that’s cool, even if I don’t understand what that even means.”
“It’s not much, we just help develop computer hardware and software. Most of the training is in electrical engineering anyways, so it’s not hard to adapt skills across the board.”
Dougie snorts. “It’s not much, she says. That’s still pretty impressive, Eva.”
“Well, thanks, I guess.”
“But I still can’t imagine why you chose Raleigh of all places. Why not New York or Seattle, or whatever? I feel like those places are more known for their tech industries.”
“Seattle was a little close to home for me, and I was also just tired of living in a big city, so moving to an even bigger city was out of the question.”
“That’s understandable, I guess.”
“So, I know you’re a new player here because Sammy mentioned it. But did you sign here or…I honestly have no idea how this works.”
“Nah, I was traded from Calgary.”
“…Is that in Canada?”
“Yeah, that’s in Canada,” Dougie replies, laughing.
“You’re going to chirp me about that too, aren’t you?” Eva groans.
“It’s only fair.”
“Did I miss Eva doing something dumb?” Sammy asks, coming back with a plate of food for herself and Eva.
“Yes, she didn’t know where Calgary is,” Dougie answers.
“Well, I can’t blame her for not knowing. It’s really not that remarkable,” Sammy retorts.
Dougie laughs again, and Eva feels herself blushing a little. He seems like a good person and definitely isn’t hard to look at. She tries to push those thoughts out of her head, knowing that if she manages to develop a crush on him, that it’ll go nowhere. The chances of anything happening between the two of them is slim at best.
“I’ll let the two of you continue enjoying the party, I’m going to go see how everyone else is doing,” Dougie says. “Hopefully I’ll see you later?”
“Oh, you definitely will,” Sammy says, rather ominously.
Dougie smiles, then heads off to where the food is located. Sammy immediately turns to Eva and raises an eyebrow.
“What?” Eva asks. “Do I have something on my face?”
“No, it just seems like the two of you were getting along pretty well.”
“I was just being polite,” Eva says indignantly.
“Uh huh, I’m sure that’s what was going on.”
“Oh my god, you’re the worst.”
“Look, if the two of you become friends, or maybe you know…exclusive, I’m taking all the credit.”
“Nothing is going to happen because we’ll only see each other at these events if I decide to keep coming.”
“Not if I have anything to do with it,” Sammy says, smiling brightly.
“I don’t like where this is going.”
“You’ll be thanking me later, Eva, I promise.”
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