#wouldn't that be wholesome? :')
psychedslash · 7 months
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Whoever is responsible for creating a panel that seems tailor made for easy edits of Cass and Steph smooching, I see you and I appreciate you.
I also lack the editing skills though, oh no...
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doomedlemur · 9 months
Does Crowley actually destroy the "bad" plants?
I think not!
Neil Gaiman notably suggested once that he makes the shredder noise to frighten the plants, then sneaks the plant with leaf spots out and gives it to the old lady downstairs.
However, this was just in response to a question asking what could be told to a child who was upset by the scene, and so could not be considered canon. It does seem in character, but trying to be mindful of not headcanonning Crowley into too much of a meow-meow, I was prepared to believe either possibility.
But then, I was reading the book. And though much of the scene in the show was taken line for line, in the book it doesn't say he shreds the plants, or that the sound of a shredder is heard, or anything like that. It says he leaves the flat with the offending plant, and returns an hour or so later with an empty pot.
About the right amount of time to pop downstairs, have a chat and a cup of tea, and re-pot a plant, wouldn't you say? Hmmmmmmm.
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gyroshrike · 10 months
I want a fic where Sidon and Link are king and king consort, but Sidon still has a political marriage to Yona (they're all very good friends!) and they plan to sire the next heir/generation to the throne
And I want all the weird fish breeding that comes with it and Link to be there to watch (maybe help??). External fertilization? Coaxing eggs out of Yona? (Link massaging Yona's belly to help? ;w;) Bringing Sidon to climax so he can fertilize the eggs?
Picking a quiet, calm pool for the spawning. Maybe the Zoras have designated hatching/nursery pools? Is it a bit off from the domain/tucked away for privacy/secrecy?? Maybe the eggs have to initially be laid in the ocean so the babies can be exposed and adaptable to salt water??? Tide pool nursery??? An oceanside cave????
Maybe the eggs can be fertilized while inside Yona, but then need to be laid in a pool after? (Ovi people, go wild)
The mix of platonic reproduction, poly relationship dynamics, Link being included/invited to the spawning even though physically he technically doesn't need to be there, but that's his partner ;0; also the cool concept of a species/society comfortable with semi-public mating in a way humans aren't really used to. Maybe there are nursery aids/guards tending to the pools?
Link being soft with Yona after she's super exhausted from the egg laying. Or maybe Sidon and Yona show their gratitude to Link for his help, patience, and understanding with a little extra attention for him >:3 either there and then or a few days later, after they've rested
Link becoming fiercely protective of the clutch and falling in love with them instantly. ToT He volunteers for guard duty at the nursery or he just spends his time sitting by the edge of the pool watching over the eggs. Are the eggs translucent? Can he see the embryos inside? Or are they opaque?
Since it seems common for only one or two Zoras to be born at a time, maybe it's common for not all of them to get fertilized? Or for some/most to die? How does Link deal with that? What if they forget to tell him until one egg does die? (Tbf, maybe only like 3-5 eggs get laid at a time, although Lulu laid like 7 in Majora's Mask lmao maybe sea Zoras are just built different)
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caterpillz · 4 months
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(Hoping to god this gets formatted right)
Little thingie I can up with after thinking about how Molly (Angel Dust's sister) canonically is in heaven and what would happen if Angel Dust gets redeemed
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les-pompiers118 · 4 months
Season 5
Bobby: What we need to do is recreate this casino heist! Athena (not convinced): I'll get dressed up.
Season 6
Bobby: Look at this dog we rescued on a call! Athena (allergic to dogs): You already seem pretty attached, so...
Season 7
Bobby: Ready for our belated honeymoon cruise??? Athena (apparently "terrified" of the idea): Yes! Finally!
I'm seeing a pattern here, and the pattern is that Athena just can't say no to this man. 😂
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saltpepperbeard · 5 months
doing my routine Shark Swim™ around max's youtube, and just wanted to share this lovely interaction i stumbled across with y'all :')
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drbtinglecannon · 2 years
Thanks to my other post & @poppyseedspshelpmesleep I was hit with this meme idea
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"Part of the reason Darius wears a cloak is specifically for Eber to perch on his shoulder" is my new favorite headcanon
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asterouslyaesthetic · 6 months
In my head, Ogerpon is an RPG protagonist with:
a "fantasy-forbidding" single mother who was the hero of her own story, during which Ogerpon was adopted, and refuses to let Ogerpon on the battlefield,
older siblings who nudge her towards her dreams, even if it means disobeying their mother, and younger siblings who offer battle experience via actual battles,
an absent father she's only ever met like three times, but whose presence is felt in how her mother's treatment of her is informed by his absence, who left mostly because he got mind-controlled by the big bad, and
a nemesis who was responsible for the death of her first family and the separation of her second family, whom she ends up fighting with the power of love and family and The Cudgel
And this is what keeps Toxic Chain Kieran on the table for me
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thenecropolix · 3 months
Y'all I'm surprised no one has considered this other than the occasional age swap au but
Imagine a far into the future au with an elderly Raz where he's at his Nona's age alongside his friends
He would be the most chaotic peepaw ever
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midnighthornymusings · 6 months
Your werewolf partner knots you face to face before rolling over and holding you close. You can still breathe just fine, but they're hugging you hard, one huge paw on your lower back, the other holding your head to their chest, drowning you in their thick, soft fur. You feel their heart thumping, the rumbles of their breathing as their muscular, fluffy chest rises and falls under you. You feel them twitch inside you every here and there as their knot slowly shrinks, their semi-flaccid cock still lazily sitting inside you.
They want to love you so hard, with every inch of themselves, every powerful muscle in their lupine form, but they love being gentle with you even more. They love to feel you relax under their gigantic paws, pressed into their coat like the beloved, fragile little thing you are to them. They love to feel you sigh and turn to warm putty as they squeeze just a little bit. They love all those cute noises, even the faintest ones a human would never hear, that come out of you as they make love with you, slowly and tenderly.
Their flaccid member drops free from you with a quiet *shlick* as they readjust their hips. You don't even consider moving, but with a paw sliding under your butt, the tips of their carefully trimmed claws caressing the backs of your thighs, they push you up their chest. Your head now resting further up, they crane their neck forward, planting a light kiss on the top of your head before taking a deep sniff of your hair. They sigh deeply at your scent, like one might after smelling flowers, before once again settling back, breathing slowly, on the edge of sleep.
It's a cold night, and you're technically both naked, but they've got their fur, and you've got them. It's like sleeping on a fluffy radiator, enough heat pouring off of them that you can't even feel the night air against your exposed back.
You fall asleep to the sound of their wild heart, beating softly, just for you.
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meganechan05 · 8 months
Also. I do have birthday doodles
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First one I finished about 20 minutes ago. The other 2 I did at separate times while thinking of how Rita's birthday would be handled should there be an episode. (Also the 2 that is currently getting more likes on the bird app bc I posted it at ~midnight JST lol)
Yes, I do headcanon Rita using Absolute Neutrality to not celebrate their birthday. Yes, it does mean that if anyone tries to approach them to celebrate, they run and parkour all over Chikyuu to avoid any kind of celebration. Himeno won't have it so she kidnaps Rita just to show them that they're loved (because when Rita does celebrate, it's usually by themself with Moffun)
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itsamenickname · 1 year
My dudes, I have a weird, yet possibly intriguing, proposition for you:
Tiny Luigi with a normal-sized Bowser.
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I wonder how I would have felt had I watched The Public School Arc anime without any knowledge of the manga... Would I have enjoyed it more (as a first time experience) had I not read the manga before already (& without getting spoiled)? (One thing I know is that I still wouldn't have liked how slow the motions/animations r compared to the previous seasons where the movements felt so natural, I still would have hated the opening)
I'm still really surprised that how black and white drawings made me feel so excited and happy and sad (whatever Yana want the readers to feel like) yet anime, the one with colorful, animation, voice, sound and everything can't really make me feel as much delighted as the motionless, colorless, soundless manga... And this is coming from someone who hates to read books (but mangas r an exception! Thanks to wonderful authors like Yana♥️).
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diorcities · 7 days
i have an obsession with decorating interiors in minecraft, there are never enough addons for me, it's so fun. like minecraft's pinterest is a rabbit hole, i can't stop saving pins to recreate 😮‍💨
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waspsinyouryard · 3 months
Whenever I see people call Stardew Valley a "wholesome" game I wonder if we're even playing the same thing
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