#wouldnt be opposed to offers!
alien-queen-arts · 7 months
Been itching for some new SR one on one rp with my oc, Zinchi. Wanting to put him in new scenarios n such 👀
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bylertruther · 1 year
smth abt eddie telling dustin to look after the little sheep -> s5 is going to return to s1 form -> dustin tells mike in s1 that his obliviousness blows his mind -> the whole painting & confession & obvious general fiasco that is willelmike -> dustin's going to have to put on his bob the builder / "the world is full of obvious things which nobody by any chance ever observes" sherlock holmes hat and get involved
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daily-mizuki-water · 2 months
i saw the yuri posts and then i thought "mizumizu yuri" why am i like this
narcissus was able to fall in love with his reflection in the water. you thought that because you are very funny and correct
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chrismcshell · 1 year
im being soooo brave right now (finally sent a message to my boss asking when we can meet to discuss The Future Of My Employment) (because this project is basically over but i am one of the few people who wasn't laid off but also im moving away in 2 weeks) (i should have sent this message a week ago. whatever)
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i-cant-sing · 6 months
so they offer that noritoshi (who is secretly in love with teen!fushiguro reader) marry her, the zenin and the kamo have made this type of alliance for years, it is totally normal for them
but definitely the kamo did not wait for naoya to come to his house shouting that no kamo spawn is going to sully his sweet daughter---- NIECE
when the others hear the news, toji, gojo, nanami, megumi, mai and maki arrive, ALSO SUKUNA WHO TOOK POSSESSION OF YUJI'S BODY
poor noritoshi
AHahaha yesss, I mean the elders just wanted to form an alliance, and neither clan really knew just how strong Fushiguro reader was as a toddler, so it was right to arrange a marriage for you.
As a child, Noritoshi didnt really care much for you, especially since he had battles of his own- being born to a mistress, being the heir of the clan because the head wife couldnt bear sons so, he has to deal with that.
But youre adorable and you grow on anyone, even the Zenin clan, so when toddler Fushiguro reader meets 9 year old Noritoshi, the latter only thinks of you as a spoiled brat at first. And why wouldnt he? Youre running around barefoot in the garden, dressed in sparkly pink hello kitty pjs with servants chasing after you, with Naoya screaming from the shed that he'll lock you up if he catches you grabbing his million dollar koi fish.
Noritoshi's disgust is quite understandable when you come upto him, hair disheveled, face sweaty, and you stick your muddy hand to his face.
"Hi! Im Y/n Fushiguro!" "ZENIN! Y/N ZENIN!" Naoya yells before dragging you away for training (Naoya didnt want you to meet your future husband).
As time goes on, Noritoshi would be sent to the Zenin estate on different errands (by this point, the Kamo clan has heard rumors of your powers and now want Noritoshi to go and woo you, which is a huge task since Noritoshi isnt someone who is able to express emotions, much less romantic ones). But even though he might not be able to express his emotions, doesnt mean his heart hasnt turned soft for you. Youre pollar opposite to him, loud, energetic, carefree- and yet Noritoshi cant help but feel that you... sort of complete him. Youre everything hes not and he likes that. Like 2 puzzle pieces that fit together, he completes you too. Hes quiet, calm, realistic- he brings peace to you, especially when youre mind gets overstimulated by- well, you.
How many times has it been that Noritoshi has stopped your panic attacks when you realised that your father Toji, wasnt coming back? How many times has Noristoshi had to pull you into his robes when your cursed energy started to lose control, risking himself just to calm you down and help you control it as his soft monotonous voice guided you through it?
And how many times has it been that Noritoshi would have his terrible day turned around with just you calling him "Nori!"? Or the times he'd be questioning his worth in the clan and all he needed was you to lean your head against his shoulder to feel like a million bucks? Noritoshi would be the type of man who people would think doesnt really care about love and marriage, when in reality, he just spent the entire night listening to you yap about your day, about Hello Kitty, about uncle Naoya, pausing in between to say "hmm, okay its getting late, we should sleep" only to suddenly remember a new topic to ramble on about. And youd think Noritoshi wanst listenting to you with the way hes staring at your face in awe, but really- he remembers every single word. You could quiz him. Its funny listening to man like him talk about Hello Kitty.
When the time comes for you two to actually get married, Naoya throws a fit, and surprisingly, the Zenin clan also doesnt want to marry you off to Kamo clan (or anyone). People opposing the marriage from your side would be the Zenin clan, the twins (who start telling you all the reasons why marriage is a trap and youd be dead in 2 days.), Gojo (he just chuckles and tells you not to worry because he wont let you be forced into marriage), Nanami (my man wholeheartedly believes youre being a victim of child marriage, BUT NOT ON HIS WATCH! GONNA KILL ANYONE WHO EVEN THINKS OF U LIKE THAT- just sit in his condo and eat the sandwhich he made for you. And dont argue.), Megumi (who doenst get why he wasnt ever informed that you, his baby sister, was in an arranged marriage, and why the hell didnt Noritoshi try to get his blessings/permission considering THAT HES YOUR CLOSEST FAMILY MEMBER??? Also, no- youre not marrying Kamo) and then... theres Sukuna (if you thought Naoya threw a fit, youre in for A WORLD OF TANTRUMS AS SUKUNA SCREAMS AND MOST LIKELY KILLS WHOEVER IS IN A MILE VICINITY, just to let off some steam and calm down before he talks to you and REMINDS YOU THAT YOU PROMISED TO MARRY HIM! HAVE YOU BEEN PROPOSING TO EVERY GUY YOU MET?)
People supporting this union would be all from Noritishi's side, including- the Kamo clan, Choso Kamo (cause ofc, youre just a precious baby like Yuji, and with you being part of the clan means he can protect u better), and surprise surprise Kenjaku (because youd be strong addition to the clan and then you and Nori will have babies with SUPER STRONG CURSED ENERGY AND HE'LL ACCOMPLISH HIS PLAN FOR WORLD DOMINATION).
Anyways, its a sticky situation and it all comes down to you really. Do you want to marry Noritoshi or not?
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kaphzzz · 3 months
so i saw a couple posts about how arthur is sexist and racist and i'm not defending him because ive got a filter on but i do think some things are debatable. a few things got blown out of proportion and overanalysed i think.
first off i agree by today's standards hes definitely got some views to correct such as gender roles and not resorting to telling a woman to go to the kitchen as an insult, but at that time hes about as feminist as you get from a man. he says he doesnt think women and men are all that different, and he doesnt show any doubt at all regarding the capabilities of the women in the gang. many times hes expressed his belief that the women such as tilly or mary beth are skilled and capable of fending for themselves. he frequently shows his vulnerable side to the women in camp. when sadie made it firm that she wanted to be a fighter he allowed her to do it, barely even hesitated. i think he only mocked her because hes irritated at the commotion she and pearson caused in the middle of the camp, and also when isnt he sarcastic?
about the womens suffrage march: yeah he goes only because he's getting paid but he doesnt mock them for their cause and isnt afraid to be seen among them or to be perceived as an ally to their cause. considering the amount of angry men gathered at the protest who would have died of shame if anyone thought they were allies to feminism i think the contrast is clear enough.
'arthur as a lover would force gender roles' i genuinely dont think he would. the girls in the gang do chores because ms grimshaw is in charge of them and arthur has nothing to do with it, hes in fact more assured of their mission success when the girls are involved. he trusts sadie in a fight with his life. he meets charlotte and offers to teach her, without her asking him, to handle a gun to hunt and be independent, not once does he tell her to go back to her cozy life in the city or find another man to rely on beyond offering to get her somewhere she can get food. he goes out of his way to help mary, even when he realises he has nothing to gain from it. these are his views on what a woman should or shouldnt do and it wont change just because said woman is his partner. and i dont even ship him and sadie but i totally get it, i think he'd love a woman who can handle herself both in life and in a fight. this is also why so many people thought he had insane chemistry with black belle and there are even fanworks out there of the two. he doesnt get to meet too many but he's nothing but impressed and respectful when he meets a strong woman. and sure, if his partner is and just wants to be a wife in a traditional wife role, arthur'd be totally fine with it, he'd probably love to have someone stay in their home caring for it and waiting for him. but i also think he wouldnt be opposed to someone who can accompany him when hes out and about and who he can entrust his life to either.
'he lost his temper at mary' okay why wouldnt anyone? thats an understandable reaction for anyone in the circumstances. he's gone to meet who is probably the only person he has ever loved romantically and still loves, and all she does is criticise him for his outlaw lifestyle while at the same time expecting him to help her using the skills he gained from that life. im not going to say shes using him or being manipulative but it comes close, which is a whole other debate and i dont want to get into it but mary isn't in the right either. they talk to each other as equals too, their argument and the way they talk to each othet just supports that. when he got angry he realises his mistake and tries to calm himself down immediately when mary tells him to be kind to her. any truly sexist man who believes in a man's role in a relationship wouldnt even have listened. there were and are enough men in relationships who dont listen to their female partners or accept criticism from them or would even escalate the situation but arthur is not one of them.
about him being racist - this is a no brainer honestly he wasnt racist in 1899 and not racist now. sure you can say hes ignorant and uneducated on racism issues but thats not the same as being racist or accusing him of racism. the only thing i see people have to support the racism argument is that he referred to javier as a 'greaser' during the boat heist, but thats i think the only time he says a slur and thats only because he's got a role to play and hes simply saying whatever the manager expected from his act. he thinks of javier as family and all of the non white people in the gang too, quite obviously.
and lastly yes i agree hes a flawed person, charles calls him out on not wanting to help the germans or the tribe of his own will, lenny calls him out on not realising that the south is dangerous for him and tilly and charles to be in, in fact many people put him in his place by telling him exactly where hes wrong. he is often offending people whether he means to or not, and in certain situations quick to lose his temper or resort to violence, but he is also a kind and caring and sensitive person. i dont think we need to be squinting so hard between the lines to know that hes a good person when he doesnt have to be the violent brute dutch shaped him into for the gang.
so anyway i totally agree hes not some pure pookie wookie cinammon roll capable of no wrong and definitely has a lot of flaws besides the crimes, but i dont think racism or sexism are among them.
everyone has their own understanding of a character, i dont normally want to get involved in debate but if anyone does want to discuss then do but keep it civil
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ganondoodle · 4 months
Will Zelda abolish the monarchy in your TotK rewrite?
she will not turn to the camera and say "i am abolishing monarchy" (since that needs to be said these days ..) but in a way its kinda meant to be like .. the opposite of the canon totk messaging?
like, fictional monarchy in itself isnt like the root of all evil, its the ideology that goes with it? i like fictional monarchy stuff and other races got them too so i wouldnt say its a clear -this is bad- thing
i do want to turn the whole idea of "hyrules royalty and its ruling is always good and just and anyone against it is automatically labeled as evil" upside down .. or more like, let it go further, rauru in the rewrite is .. similar to the canon one, thats kinda the point, hes the good and just king that wants to unite all nations in peace and wants to get rid of any "evil" be it monsters or someone threatening his 'peace'
but then you think about it, his idea of 'peace' is very specific, not everyone might want to be under his control, not everyone might have joined willingly and just bc theres someone opposing him does not have to mean they are some evil demon, all this talk might have been deliberate manipulation of history, he says hes invited a nation to join under his rule? he makes it sound like it was a nice offering like bringing a piece of cake to a neighbour, but it could be anything, he has those magical nuclear power pebbles, multiple, even just having them has an effect on others, he can say he would only use them for good, but that can be a lie, and more importantly, you dont know what his idea of 'good' is he can say he would never use it to hurt people, but what if he declares others to not BE people in his eyes he wants to bring about a world of light with no shadow to be found, rebuild a glorious kingdom of the past, there will be no shadow to hide in, there will be no place he is not, as he is the light, the king of light, and he knows whats best for all in his eternal, holy kingdom of light
.. most of this isnt even non-canon, it just gets presented as he says it, a one note fact, and you are supposed to agree- so really im just rewriting that part to be more overtly how it felt like to ME, and turnign the second half into opposing that bc hey, this might not be cool actually
im really jsut cranking raurus actions and ideals up just a tiny bit, and show more directly that its the behavoir of an imperialist king of all
so really its more like .. teaching her the lesson of how easy it is to fall into that line of thinking, how you need to consider .. maybe blindly following old traditions isnt always good, consider other perspectives, be careful bc she could have gone into that direction too (like she literally does in the canon totk end ..) and in a way she already has, but afterwards (in the rewrite) she can work against that, she could be rauru and has to decide and work against it
i know that isnt a clear answer, this whole idea is a little hmm to me bc TO ME canon totk already reads like that, and i want to work against it, bc in canon it goes unchallenged, and alot of people ... alot of people..., just go along with it seemingly not even beign able to see how its all suspicious-
in the end, i want it to be a careful but hopeful vibe of, zelda as a scientist, a historian, interested in alot of fields, being able to change something, a shift in perspective, like lady eboshi in princess monokoe saying at the end that they will start anew, now building good town- its not garanteed, zelda is still in a position of power, but she doesnt have to rebuild it like it was, people might still refer to her as princess and have high respect for her, but after being so deceived by rauru, being on the opposing side to almost the exact idea they once had, it has humbled them and can pave the way for a better future
ganondorfs spirit at the end moving on after finally being able to take out rauru, even if it meant to help out those hed see as being in the prime spot to become jsut like rauru, over the course of the second half all of them learning of each other, now more confident these younglings of a world thats long changed and not his anymore being able to build something better, and years after the ordeal theres news of a male gerudo having been born
(i know that idea goes agaisnt what made up his character for alot of the other games (though rewrite totk gan is still a different one from the old games), like his eternal problem of not being able to move on and refusing to die, and im sure theres lots of not the bestest thigns in my writing of it all too, but so far, its what i have been imagining, and unfortnately i am a sucker for those types of cliché endings-
it doesnt have to mean the next games would be going up against the gods or soemthing, though i do like that, but i felt like its a nice end for botws world, and much less uncomfortable than the canon totk end, theres no refounding of the kingdom, no swears of fealty, just young people working to rebuild the world into something better after it was almost wiped out, the kingdom already fell in botw, and the world kept on turning, i see no reason why it shouldnt be able to keep doing it)
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dapperrokyuu · 10 months
Alright now that I’ve seen the end Slay the Princess, who’s your favorite princess?
Ill do you even better and give you my top 5/the ones Id love to get if I played the game, just to see their sequences in the end and how itd reflect on that version of the player (literally made a list for fun just before you sent this ask, hehe).
Admittedly, a lot of this is informed by aesthetic and then enjoyment of their routes because I came into (watching Manlybadasshero play) the game after some fandom osmosis–thus, understanding I wouldnt have all my thoughts together within one playthrough. So I cant say Ive devoted my satisfactory amount of attention to speak on the princesses’ narrative presence... But I did rewatch their routes and “Thoughts on this vessel?” sections a bit to formulate a stronger opinion. Here we go...! (Buckle in, fellas, haha ha h a…)
1. Adversary/Eye of the Needle
The Adversary and the Eye of the Needle are very hand in hand imo, and I love the progression into a dragon-like appearance for the latter, especially in combination with the cabin becoming akin to a dragon’s den. This (combination of) routes stands out the most to me (as far as Manly has played) because I personally feel its the one where the princess is the most active and engaged. Whether its being beaten to death or running for one’s life, the route was very exciting for me! And it was intriguing how the princess and player felt the most on equal ground because they are both intent on pursuing some objective. Its just that in this case–and this is how this princess exceeds and is an overwhelming presence compared to the player–the princess is set on a choice they dont care to deny and the player is a creature of the habit called “deliberation,” as narrator aside, in-universe reasons aside, the very structure of Slay the Princess has taught you to constantly pause and consider your choices.
It contributes to the tone of the routes so well! Even if you can sit forever in the Outside World, the game progresses like a split second decision and/or that any time given to you is at the princess’s turbulent discretion. In a game where your choices tend to matter most (which, frankly, they do, its kind of the whole point, but you may not know that your choices are what caused this situation yet, lol), the princess seeming to supercede you and the narrative and the concept of death is!!! Powerful and quite something, lol. And poignant, considering *gestures vaguely but particularly at the Narrator*.
Otherwise, I love how theres apparently many more and amusing divergences in this route (that Manly did not showcase) and the ending is pretty cathartic. And to keep this a bit short, yadda yadda, dragon dens is where they store and protect their treasure and in this case, the treasure is fighting you, yadda yadda, as the vessel of growth, the princess’s embracing of the cycle of violence between you two is her latching onto the only avenue of growth she can perceive (as opposed to escaping–since you didnt offer that option prior–and dying since thats tend to be the stop to the concept of growth), yadda yadda- 
2. Spectre
This princess’s voicework is probably my favorite! The whispering under the regular voice acting is just really neat, doing a great job setting a tone of something delicate, chilling, and unnerving. The princess’s design shifts between cute and scary very well too! Her personality is probably my fave overall; while her “thoughts on this vessel?” section highlights her embodying kindness and understanding, they only exist to an extent that is fair. Which is, well. Fair. And I think it extra emphasizes the understanding aspect, with how the princess is aware of her circumstances and the injustices that have occurred yet is willing to let bygones be bygones. Shes coy, sincere, and pragmatically deadly, which is a full spectrum of delight for me!
The moment that really gets me regarding her character is when you say youre gonna leave her. Other decisions lead you to working together or demonstrating you have no intention to with some form of violence–both resulting in the Spectre just responding fairly. But the “leave” option truly shows that the Spectre doesnt/never intends to act out in malice, since Spectre responds out of desperation to avoid perpetual loneliness, pain, and emptiness. Theres an aspect of “fairness” here too (youre abandoning and hurting her more after having murdered her), but the choice comes after a breakdown and deliberation as opposed to an immediate retaliation. Even then, Spectre laments that she didnt want things to be this way but youve made her worse. Other stand out moments are when Spectre goes, “Youre funny when youre confused. But I didnt give you permission to touch me,” and the player’s moment of patheticness, lol. 
This route really hints onto the meta aspects of Slay the Princess too, which is neat! The whole “want to end the world” convo, Spectre just wanting to go home, reality being what is in front of us vs. static truth/objectivity, whether destruction being one thing leading into another vs. the same thing reborn, glass on the floor, and the narrator being like Spectre as a memory of a person…I dont have much to say here currently–still need to ponder, itd be a whole other conversation, Im a bit tired, lol–but its tons of food for thought that I enjoy! Yay, Spectre!
3. Prisoner
Fun fact: this is a rewriting of the extreme word vomit that was me lamenting over how I was kind of confused about the Prisoner but chose her for the sake of a 5th (note the placing change) and then discovering the absolute genius she is!!! Basically, my only exposure to the Prisoner I had was Manly’s recent playthrough, which contained (what Ill call) the Chained Together variation and didnt even have her “thoughts on this vessel?” section due to the game going into the final sequence immediately after. The Prisoner’s section in that final sequence befuddled me because I couldnt connect much other than a theme of “inevitable change,” and even when I dug up the Prisoner’s “thoughts on this vessel?” elsewhere, I couldnt put it all together…until I watched (what Ill call) the Head Trophy variation in the middle of my initial writeup.
Regarding what I enjoyed prior to recognizing genius, I really enjoyed how the Prisoner conducted herself–her curtness and resignation was very unique. Her form was created as a result of the player cutting off her arm, instilling a matter of fact-ness to her that allows her to slit the player’s throat later (got this from the Wiki, Manly didnt show this part). Upon waking up once again chained and chained even more, I interpreted the cleverness aspect from the Prisoner’s “thoughts on this vessel?” section as being able to come to terms with her situation, play along, and bid her time in hopes that her patience (that she emphasizes) would eventually reward her. After all, the Prisoner was willing to pretend she and the player met for the first time until the player prompts otherwise, even saying they dropped “playing the game”--very meta of her! Thus, I interpreted the Prisoner as the princess completely embodying/accepting her role in the game; she couldnt leave when she defied her role last time, so she was fine continuing to wait this time. As a character who realized they were a character and systematically changed their behavior to attempt a new avenue of escape, I thought that was the extent of the Prisoner’s cleverness and was satisfied…enough.
AND I WAS WRONG. DELIGHTFULLY WRONG. I assumed the Prisoner was completely fine with her potentially only means of escape becoming not one, since she didnt seem upset or disappointed. Which was frankly incorrect, as her rude curtness is a result of her being miffed with you. Why? Because her cleverness actually alludes to the fact she had a plan for escape the entire time, and you utterly fucked it up! Which, tbf, she shouldve shown more reaction than curiosity to dissuade the player, but I digress- During the Head Trophy variation, you realize that the Prisoner had a plan this entire time to deceive the Narrator and she succeeds so well because she also got me and got the player. How often do I get got? It was amazing! From the stare as the Prisoner takes the knife away from the player, to the smile before That All Happens, to the wink as it occurs and after, it may speak to an underestimation thats set up due to the Prisoner’s appearance and behavior, but reflecting on all the signs that She Planned This dismantles that perception and reaffirms that the Prisoner is a person with depth beyond what you expect from her and those in her role. As I viewed the Prisoner as a caricature of the princess’s role in the first place (the whole point is that the Prisoner is exactly like the princess in appearance except the chained/locked up aspect is exaggerated), this route is so striking for me with its interrogation of victimhood, how victims are treated/viewed, and how that may be unintentionally stripped of their personhood and reduced (into a caricature of solely “a victim”). The Prisoner puts it quite nicely when the player attacks and she “suddenly” has a ton of fight in her, stating, “Im not a damsel to be helplessly murdered!” …Im not sure if I put it into words the best, but I hope this is understandable. To top off the topic of Prisoner’s cleverness, its a neat detail (I dont know if this is intentional) that the Prisoner does the opposite of what her prior princess form did: the player cut her arm to free her last time, she cut herself out this time and the player “died” the last time, she “died” this time. Beyond recognizing there was a Narrator beyond them she should fool, the Prisoner also reasoned that since having the player kill her is likely not favorable, dying by her own hand might just be fine! The Head Trophy variation is just more poignant when you note that her “thoughts on this vessel?” section talks about how the Prisoner protected herself when others could not but for her plan to work, she has to put complete faith in another.
As 1000% better the Head Trophy variation is in the Prisoner’s route, I do have a soft spot for the Chained Together variation since, from both the Prisoner and the Narrator’s perspective, it must be a hilarious emotional rollercoaster. The Prisoner’s plan failed and shes now stuck with the loser who made it so…for potentially forever! The Narrator probably oscillates between an uneasy concession that while both gods are not dead, they are locked up forever and an utter dread that things may fall apart at any time and thus, the world is practically doomed with no way to change that. The Prisoner doesnt have to decapitate herself, which makes her freedom extra cathartic in the relief she likely felt and didnt expect…and also extra sad in how she found it was nothing but cold and is quickly taken away. Theres also something to be said about how the player joins the princess in her perspective by chaining himself up and that they both inform each other’s perspective, leading to their escape together: (1) since the princess isnt starving to death, the player also doesnt, which is a surprise to the Voices and (2) the player showing up again signaled that change is indeed possible to the princess, perhaps causing the ability for the world to erode around them. Maybe the latter is the Voices informing the player, causing the change…? But I like to think its the initial thought since the cabin could and shouldve have eroded prior to the player’s arrival, assuming the Prisoner understands the concept of erosion…which, I assume she does- Anyways, the route is as emotional as it is kind of wacky, which is up my alley!
4. Witch
This princess is the one I enjoy the most aesthetically. Im a sucker for both witches and cats, what can I say? The allusion to the fable The Scorpion and the Frog really tickles me, and ultimately, whatever decisions made in this chapter are some form of hilarious. Whether we’re both dying on the floor with broken backs or handing a blade to someone who immediately stabs you, its great. I do enjoy the progression into the Thorn chapter, especially with the immediate regret from the Witch and the following reconciliation in Thorn’s chapter, but Thorn is not as funny and aesthetically pleasing as Witch princess for me, which is why she is not here, haha.
Her “Thoughts on this vessel?” section adds a lot of depth to her, since the way the Witch presents herself is very superficial and guarded. Particularly the statement about the Witch making for a “righteous” heart, in combination with her ability to just slip out of her chains. She couldve freed herself at any time, but chose to stay and confront you. Which I feel speaks to the bitterness aspect, as the Witch feels its only “right” to pursue an answer to her pain–whether it be the player’s penance or punishment. The game’s thoughts on bitterness are made even more poignant when you realize the Witch’s ends are either death (hers and/or yours) or a transformation into another state.
5. Tower
This route is just incredibly cool in how she takes over the narrator and the little divergences of the narration’s phrasing to be in her perspective in the voiceover. The progression into that route was amusing for me to think about because I think the shift of perspective that transforms the princess boils down to either “the princess had the might of a god to have defeated you,” “your sudden stop during the fight was a blessing from god to the princess,” and/or “your sudden stop was because your recognized the value of the princess’s life as larger than your own (‘larger than life,’ referring to her bigger form as the Tower and godhood itself).” The Tower calling you disappointing is funny, but what also sticks out is how she said she wanted company before turning into the Tower. Even as the Tower with the ability to just free herself, she chose to wait for you because thats what she wanted, and I think that plays on the relational idea of “What is a god without a believer?” since she’s willing to have the player as a priest or pet, lol.
How this route differs from the Adversary route is interesting, as the Tower is indeed also an overwhelming presence whose decisions matter more than yours not because her single minded relentless pursuit of it but because of the power to overwrite yours. Its a twist on the player’s and princess’s roles until now, but instead of making them equal like in the Adversary, the roles were reversed on who decides and who is forcefully changed as a result of that decision. Of course, you cant take the ability to choose from us, as a player completely, but its about the best you can do, I imagine. And not to mention the “defiling” aspect when you slay the Tower, dragging her down from godhood to an equal (humanity?) or perhaps her original state of someone who responds to your decision as usual… I think this route connects deeply to the meta aspect of Slay the Princess, since this state is where the princess is closest to the “concept of change” and the concept of their true self as a god. It makes the “thoughts on this vessel?” section very poignant because change in itself is indeed a constantly dominant, terrifying, and arguably divine force in its inevitability.
Honorable Mention to...the Damsel!
I really like the deconstruction of her concept, but that also means I feel that liking her is completely counterintuitive to that very deconstruction, lol. Her route is very straightforward in what it does, but it kind of has to be. Meaning it does what it set out to do very well.
This took a bit and is so much more than you asked for, so thank you for your patience and acceptance. Im just bonkers and bananas, so if I have it partially done, I might as well go all the way instead of going in depth on only one, lol. It was a fun exercise in pondering deeper about the princesses and dipping my toes in the ~meta~, but I will also readily say that Im not at all nearly deep enough into Slay the Princess as a whole to be confident on my takes, so this may have just been a session of Talking Out Of My Booty. Nonetheless, I hope this was enjoyable and thank you for prompting me to think about it! The order of the princesses changed throughout this answer, and it may be fun to guess what order they were written in, lol. Id love to hear about your fave/faves if youre interested in sharing as well~! And please, have a lovely day too!!! c:
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Ranma 1/2 inspired musing from the recent posts, but I never got the "Nabiki is the only evil character/Nabiki is the worst" thing. Either from the author or fanbase.
Like, the Nerima Wrecking Crew has that name for a reason XD
Even the like, five nicest people are all kind of either dicks or so extreme that you wouldnt want to hazard being around them. That's where the comedy comes from, its tons of super powered teens but there's no villains to fight so its all just petty feuds and schemes with their parents somehow all being worse but equally petty and mundane.
Honor is less about conduct than it is about ego and not looking stupid. Cheating is basically what you make of it. & doing something solely for selfish reasons is a major motive for much of the cast, again this is what makes it funny XD It'd be like if the Miraculous got distributed but there was no villain to fight so everyone just griefs each other or causes random trouble for shits and giggles.
For reference the five nicest are:
Kasumi, who despite being the only adult with agency still threw Akane under the bus into the arranged marriage and inadvertently gave her little sister a complex about her own femininity. But is also hypocritically quick to rely on Akane's skill in violence when there's a suspicious noise, even arming her to be more deadly.
Konatsu is loyal to a fault and will basically take any kindness as the best thing ever. But even ignoring that, that's a response to having basically been Cinderella. Konatsu is still surprisingly willing to jump to murder and if more loyal to say, Ukyo than Ranma, well sorry bud, but Konatsu is willing to sabotage your wedding with knives & more.
Ukyo, generally quite affable but can have a violent temper like most of the cast, and definitely not above a sneaky scheme to engineer a break up. & also very willing to take advantage of a bad situation, even if she can also end up being helpful too. Plus again, down for murder XD
Ranma, while generally willing to help people in trouble, Ranma is also totally willing to sabotage those same people for her own gain. She tends to fight fair (Mostly) because its too big of a wound to her ego to win via underhanded methods as opposed to a moral issue. Her ego is also so immense it can lead to very selfish or destructive behaviors (Both to others & herself) & to being smug & antagonistic.
Akane, much like Ranma she has a huge ego and does not take well to stuff like her cooking causing literal food poisoning. IE, she's decided she his or has to be good/right about this so she is or will be and if she bulldozes people in the process... Well she won't notice. She can also be intensely quick to judge to he or others detriment and as with the others, can have an explosive temper.
None of this makes them evil, or even unlikable, I love all these characters and the Amazon, Rygoa and more. Whether I want to read tons of complex depth into their head-spaces or just take them as surface level teens who have a lot of power and temperamental about it.
I just don't find Nabiki's to be notably different than to anyone else. Especially, if we compare to the Amazons who are fine with memory erasure and hostage taking, Kuno being the one to buy the pictures, Kodachi and her school friend both being up for kidnapping, ETC.
Again, this is all absurdist comedy so its not meant to be taken too seriously, and given the sheer scale of murder, kidnaping and unhinged romantic efforts going on, Nabiki is not that stand out.
Honestly it's been. A while. Since I've read through all of Ranma and I don't really remember Nabiki being.... that bad?
Like she's. She's far from the nicest person. But everyone in this series is kind of a dick? And yeah she's far from the worst the series has to offer.
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min3nc · 6 months
Shippy drabbles;
59 Lovebirds🛐
67 Lovebirds 🛐
(Soulmates, soulmates- )
Jaiden never expected herself to have a soulmate. She didn't mind not having one - She liked it that way... Not being bound to someone because destiny said you had to be. It had been a long time since she stopped caring about whether she'd have one, or she wouldnt.
And then Baghera appeared, and all the signs were there.
It did not take long for Jaiden to realize that there was a big chance that they were that - Soulmates.
At first she shrugged the idea off, but then when she came to know Baghera more and more, she realized that she wasn't all that opposed to it.
It wasn't an instant connection like some say it is - It was something constant. Baghera would appear by her house just to say hi, bringing those blue flowers she knew she liked. Always carrying extra food on her even when it was practically impossible for Jaiden to not have food on her because of her backpack. Simply checking in on her because she knew Jaiden's habit to disappear from time to time.
Whenever people were loud, Jaiden would walk away, needing to take a breathe from people. And Baghera never failed to follow, even if just to check in on her, to let her know that she will always have Jaiden's best interest in her mind.
"Water?" Baghera offered, looking at the drink in her hand, before squinting. "Wait, I think this is juice, not water... Uh... I'll go get another one..."
Jaiden snorts, and before Baghera can retreat her hand she meets her and grabs the cup from her. "Thanks." Taking a sip, she confirms that it is indeed juice. "You should go back, I think Charlie should be looking for you, plus, I'm just boring lil' old me."
Baghera stays, shrugging. "I think you're fine." Looking behind to where everyone else was, she smiles. "You're fun to be around, I like hanging out with you."
"...More than karaoke with Charlie and Cellbit?"
"Absolutely," She responds, not even taking a second to consider it. "I was thinking you might want to go soon. I don't want to spend time apart from you."
Jaiden brings the cup to her lips, not drinking, but hiding the small smile that had appeared on her face.
"Very honest, Baghera." She pokes at her, raising an eyebrow while still hiding her smile.
Baghera smiles back, a faint blush on her face as realization of what she says finally hits.
"I mean... Yeah, I like spending time with you."
Abandoning the cup somewhere, she walks to Baghera, hugging her.
A yelp of surprise escapes Baghera, but she doesn't move, and Jaiden can practically see the gears moving inside her head.
"I like spending time with you too, Baghera."
Baghera remains silent, and once it clicks, she stiffens.
"...Ohh?" She asks, unable to form words.
"Oh." Jaiden confirms.
Baghera wraps her arms around Jaiden, slightly less confused. "Oh!"
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koifishanonymous · 1 year
i've seen a bunch of posts like this going around, so i assume we all agree but i've also seen people very upset with the direction the show has taken so i want to reiterate.
as they are standing right now, both aziraphale and crowley are wrong, and if you think about it this is as nina and maggie pointed out, because they dont fucking talk to each other
aziraphale is too idealistic in his approach towards ''fixing'' heaven and crowley is too idealistic in thinking they could be alright ignoring both heaven and hell. like, the events of s2 is an exact demonstration of what happens if you try to distance yourself from both.
it's important to notice that aziraphale doesnt necessarily know that the issue with heaven and hell is functionally institutionalised and that him being the archangel is just the marionette the metatron needed to carry out the war against hell, while simultaneously getting rid of the aziracrow problem (since they were the ones that stopped the war both times, mostly because of their fondness for each other, but also for their love of earth, which is why it's not as simple as offering them to run away to space like with ineffable bureucracy (sidenote their relationship hit me in the face like a ton of bricks i was NOT expecting it but love wins??? it also loses though lmao)
anyways all that to say it's obvious that when aziraphale gets in the elevator he's emotionally WRECKED because to him he just got offered a ticket to get all he ever wanted, the power too keep earth safe and to get the crowley he first fell for back (even if he doesnt realise yet that that's not crowley wants because crowley knows how deep the issue goes) but he's quite literally and angel, he will see good first and foremost, and be blinded to any sort of ulterior motive anyone could have, especially angels. because he is such a kind and (mostly) truthful angel so why would anyone else do anything else?
crowley on the other hand is so disillusioned with the idea that if he could get aziraphale to run away with him, they'd be perfectly fine. as if he isnt as devoted to earth and humanity as aziraphale and that if they ran away, trouble wouldnt follow. he is unrealistic in thinking that they are not even slightly responsible to oversee the change they sparked in heaven and hell, and i think season 3 will be mostly crowley focused as opposed to this season being very aziraphale-centric in my opinion, and i'd love to get flashbacks to their relationship through the ages from crowley pov and aaaAAAAAA
anyways thanks for reading my word vomit, stream s2 to get it renewed and support writers and actor throughout the strike!
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neechees · 1 year
“civilization” means actually fucking nothing, lol, and so “anti-civ” is a basically meaningless position right. like what do you guys actually oppose? what system do you want to go away? is it cities? farming??
I was just going to say that, like they're largely going off a racist definition of what "civilized" & "civilization" means, because otherwise, that definition will change depending on the place and culture, including within Indigenous ones.
To Crees, traditionally, directly speaking to your father in law is uncivilized, making eye contact with people (especially warriors) when speaking is uncivilized, letting children be orphaned us uncivilized, referring to your family members by their given name instead of kinship terms (like Nohkom / "my grandmother", or Nimis / "my older sister") is extremely rude & uncivilized, taking more than you need from nature is uncivilized, not offering tobacco to dead animals is uncivilized.
So if they're anticiv & claim to care so much about Native people, & used OUR definition of what "civilized" means, would that mean us doing those things (like offering tobacco, & not being greedy) & doing things traditionally & in accordance with our culture, would that now be considered "bad" because those things to us are civilized, & theyre anticiv? This is a rhetorical question, because despite the fetishization, anticivs don't actually care about the Indigenous perspectives or really Indigenous peoples, and wouldnt take our views into account, and don't consider that they're using a racist definition (with a history of racism & colonialism) as the backbone of their ideology.
The ideology seperates humans from nature, & presumes that humans are bad for nature. It prescribes to the idea of "untouched wilderness" that has to be protected from humans. I recently saw an anticiv blog propose the idea of specified & segregated areas where no humans were allowed to go for "preserving" that area from "civilization", in a similar way to National Parks. & even when the creation of National Parks came into being, the whole premise was specifically to kick Native people off our own land under the guise of "protecting" nature. Humans are just as a part of nature as animals are, and to think or act otherwise is stupid.
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attemptsonherlifepdf · 6 months
in the sci-fi essay, do you think that the use of the character switch to as closely as possible resemble a trans person and denying the name mr anderson so openly could have positively altered people's view of trans people and the lgbt community as a whole when it was a time of tension, or do you think that people who opposed those communities at the time wouldnt have picked up on the subtext even though it was conveyed as explicitly as possible? and do you think that agent smith saying ‘one of these lives has a future, and one of them does not’ could have made the oppression clearer to those people and show that the same person can lack a future due to their identity, and show them more clearly the difficulties that trans people face?
hi, thanks for the question! i think that lots of the audience at the time didn’t pick up on the trans allegory used in the movie, particularly as the wachowski sisters were not out as trans at the time of release. it was only years after it’s release when both directors came out that they themselves admitted that the trans allegory in the movie was present. at the time of release they did not have the creative freedom to have an explicitly trans character. in modern interpretations of the matrix, people tend to understand the allegory but the movie was first and foremost anti-capitalist which is the most clear messaging the movie offers, which is generally accepted and understood by audiences. the movie is definitely a vehicle for promoting understanding and acceptance of trans identities but it is more implicit and has only recently in the last decade become clearer to audiences. the plight of trans people in a cisgender majority society is an undercurrent running through the movie and is for sure a significant aspect of the movie’s messaging. i hope this answers your question!! <3
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thetwistedcryptid · 1 year
I honestly had no faith that you would answer me or see the message I left, but don't worry, I don't feel comfortable with yanderes either. So how about suitor headcannons? How would this guy try to woo you or show that he likes you?
(Although I'm happy with any of this guy's content, I was thinking of asking for something NSFW but although you didn't clarify it in your previous message, you also didn't confirm if you were okay with something like that and I prefer to refrain from requesting something like that without first being sure and keep those thoughts to myself)
(I have a great weakness for your creation and I totally blame her curls)
(P.D: english is not my native language so this could be messy)
ooooo suitor headcanons! i could definitely do those! (and dont worry, your english is great :D) i wouldnt mind doing nsfw stuff, for my ocs or canon characters, as long as those characters are legal adults. to which Bowie is. i don't have much experience with writing lewd stuff, but i wouldn't be opposed :)
Suitor Headcanons - Bowie Eustace
🐂- oh this man.. where do i start? I feel like he'd probably be oblivious to his feelings at first. probably mistaking his feelings for friendly care. carrying your things for you, helping you with homework/projects, helping you escape your friends' antics when you're too tired to deal with them, having lunch together with desserts he made just for you that he wouldn't let his dormmates touch... all friendly things in his mind! but when it does hit him, it hits him like a train!
🐂- when he figured out his feelings, he was probably on a call with his mother, telling her all about the fun things you've done together and how nice you are. how he thinks your laugh is akin to music, and how he admires your will to keep pushing forwards even when things are against you from every angle.. she'd call him out on it, and explain what he's feeling (probably squealing to herself about how cute it all was). and that's when it all clicked! The boy looked like a deer in headlights, and promptly asked for advice. And thus, would try to woo you the way his mother said his dad had woo’d her - with his own spin on things of course. he'd make sure to do research to find our your favorite things, and what kinds of woo'ing are typically most effective for humans.
🐂- first things first, he would certainly try to woo you through showing off his strength and reliability, two things which were highly valued back in the shaftlands. such as doing extra work during gym class while checking to make sure you're watching. like doing tricks on his broom or lifting up four classmates at once or showing off how shiny his arm muscles look after he's sweated so much under the sun (maybe even, very casually and seemingly innocently, offering to let you feel his muscles... Please praise him, he will become putty in your hands). he'd also try to make sure he was as well groomed as possible, to show he wasn't sloppy and could be presentable when needed. such as borrowing products from pomefiore to make his hair softer, or his horns shiner (he’d let you touch them if you ask nicely), and maybe some cologne so he would smell like your favorite flower!
🐂- infinite piggyback rides!! He’ll let you ride on his shoulders to lunch, a late night snack run to sam’s store, back and forth between classes, etc. He’ll even princess-carry you if you prefer, or let you sit on one of his biceps and hold you with one arm. He’ll carry you anyway you want, whenever you want, to wherever you want.
🐂- he’s quite a touchy person.. But not in a sexual way (unless you want–). Physical contact is one of his few love languages (others being acts of service and words of affirmation). He’s all for pda - holding hands, linking pinkies, or just having his tail wrapped around your waist. If you're not okay with pda, he will respect that! But be prepared for cuddles of all kinds once you're not in public anymore. Man will let you lay or sleep on his chest, and rub circles on your back with his knuckles while humming a sweet tune in order to help you fall asleep if you struggle with that <3
🐂- if you have a sweet tooth, then you’ve found the right bull. Because so does he! He’ll bake any treats you want, all for free of course :) donuts, cakes, pastries, cookies.. The works. He’ll teach you all about the discount days at sam’s shop, and what stores at the center of the island have the best ingredients for different meals. He might even give you some personal baking lessons! Though he will rant your ear off about different recipes and ingredients like the nerd he is, if you're into that. He will also have his hands on top of yours while teaching you to thread bread. He probably has a frilly apron his mom gave him with ‘kiss the cook’ written on it, and if its a warmer day - while he's at your dorm and there isn’t anyone else around, he won't wear a shirt under the apron :))
🐂- his bull tail would definitely give away his emotions rather easily, in any situation. But he is always a very open and earnest person, so you never have to worry about him lying to you - and nor would he willingly want to if he could help it. he would do anything to keep a promise or secret for you. This also means it’s easy to tell when he is trying to keep something from you, like a surprise party… or his own feelings. His tail wags like a dogs’ whenever you look at him, droops whenever he’s sad or tired, thumps when he’s impatient or mad, etc.
🐂- he has probably written many songs for and about you, that he hasn’t shared to anyone. He would most likely try to add onto his wooing with different ballads… but they're all instrumental, as he thinks a song doesn’t need words as long as the message is able to be easily understood through tone (though has written ones with lyrics before - he’s just a bit embarrassed about them due to how forward the words are.. Plus he’s not the best at lyrics). He usually uses a harmonica, but also knows how to play the banjo. He is very good at both, and is able to make some quite somber and heartful tunes with them, despite them being mostly considered ‘happy’ and ‘upbeat’ instruments. When he is ready, though, he will show you his magnum opus ! a truly captivating, and maybe a bit goofy, song about his love and admiration for you. (you can even ask for music lessons, which he will happily give - might even try to get you to join the music club, so you can spend even more time together while partaking in something he’s passionate about! But he will respect it if you decline, and will always give you space when you need/ask it.
🐂- despite his typical soft and non-confrontational self, he would instantly square up with anyone who insults you or picks on you, for any reason. If you tell him to stop he will, but will give that person death glares. and oh.. What's this? Their reputation has tanked practically overnight, and they're no longer picking on you! Or anyone, for that matter. They randomly beg for forgiveness from you one day, and then avoid you like the plague for the rest of time. If you ask Bowie about it, he will say he ‘had a talk’ with ‘some friends’ (you assume his dormmates) and they ‘helped’ him make that bully ‘see the error of their ways’, but does not elaborate. he just smiles like he always does, and he reassures you that they won’t cause trouble again, while offering you a cookie from his bag. :) tumbleranch students sure are… cooperative, in their own way. But, at least no one got hurt, or worse.
🐂- overall, he is a sweet and fiercely loyal boy who will be your personal food & music, while being your personal bodyguard, and will stop at nothing to make sure your always happy and comfortable, and would lay down his life for yours in a heartbeat <3 while he's crushing and while your dating, he is so whipped for you... you have him wrapped around your finger! the whole time he'd probably mess up a lot, and misunderstand some things since he's new to this stuff, which will make him anxious/sad... but it's all genuine and cute and funny, so just let him know he's doing great and he'll bounce back better then before.
Hope you enjoyed these! I had lots of fun writing them :)
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sinkableruby · 1 year
if you were going to see each Monogatari character paired with another character in a story which dynamics do you think would be most compelling?
trying to catch up on asks
idk if this is for just any character or other monogatari characters but i will think on both. im also assuming this is like for dynamics we havent really seen yet as opposed to just what my favorite dynamics are
im gonna say full anime spoilers for monogatari, and spoilers for other series too occasionally? nothing TOO huge but yea
koyomi: he talks to everyone so idk how i would do this. but for outside monogatari... i want him to talk to a boy he doesnt talk to boys enough. i think he should talk to jotaro from jjba part 3 purely because i think he'd be really intimidated and it'd be funny. either that or dirk strider because (homestuck spoilers) i think they could bond over creating splinter versions of themselves and almost killing said selves as well as their mutual self hatred
senjougahara: senjougahara has the tendency to dominate the dynamic of whoever she's with and doesnt take shit from anybody so i kinda wanna see her talk to gaen izuko. bc gaen is also someone who dominates the dynamic of whoever she's with (makes sense) but i feel like senjougahara would be extremely unwilling to put up with her and very distrustful. so thered be a lot of push back on gaens scheming that i think could be interesting. as for outside monogatari, i drew a blank on this so id say maybe sakurajima mai because... not only is that series just monogatari but for a wider audience, but mai is also senjougahara but a little bit to the left. i think since they both had mysterious supernatural starts to their relationships with their respective boyfriends they would start competing over whose start was like cooler or w/e for like basically no reason. i think it'd be funny. it'd probably start a little contentious and then just become them gushing about their boyfriends. how sweet
kanbaru: i think if she talked to sodachi she could be a very positive influence in sodachi's social life that she really needs. and i think she'd also do well in cutting down sodachi's pathological self deprecation if they got close. sodachi would try to like look cool in front of her junior and kanbaru would just be like woah youre taking breaks from college thats not good are you ok... and try to offer her help in staying motivated and healthy and all that. kanbaru's inner doctor can really shine lol. outside of mono first person that comes to mind is homura from madoka and they can talk about what absolute disaster gays they are (although homura is significantly more disaster). second person that comes to mind is serinuma kae from kiss him not me because i think they could have a blast going insane about bl together
hanekawa: id like to see her talk to gaen tooe (if it were possible) because tooes ideology challenges hanekawas and i think it could further hanekawas thinking if they managed to talk. its tough for hanekawa cause shes got her whole journey shes on so shes probably super focused on that and less on bonding w ppl or w/e. i think outside of the series itd be fun if she talked to oribe yasuna just bc yasuna is so bouncy energetic and childishly playful but also so annoying that hanekawa would be a little stumped and caught off balance. she'd end up having to go along with yasunas games and be kind of annoyed about it lol.
nadeko: kinda like koyomi nadeko has talked with too many people for me to feel like i can name a new person for a dynamic. outside of the series tho... shes very reserved so she'd have to talk to someone outgoing for anything interesting to happen... she should talk to baka from the wasteful days of high school girls. baka is so rude and would probably tease nadeko for her shyness but is also so genuinely dumb that nadeko wouldnt be offended by it for very long. baka would rope her along into her usual dumb shit which means nadeko would feel put upon but also get to have fun new experiences so cool.
hachikuji: im drawing a blank. maybe numachi, just because numachi is so negative and dark and hachikuji is so encouraging and positive. i dont think theres anyone hachikuji would like get along badly with but i think hachikuji and numachi might have some disagreements that would be an interesting dynamic. hachikuji should talk to phos from hnk because they could have a fun snappy dynamic with each other and their mutual silliness. and also because phos really needs someone like hachikuji in their life 😭. other than that maybe clara valac? theyre both chaotic i think they'd have fun together :)
tsukihi: should talk to kaiki because kaiki would be totally defeated by her. tsukihi brings misfortune to everyone and he knows this so he'd be really annoyed by having to talk to her. the worst part is she would probably critique his lifestyle and philosophy and not even be wrong about it and hed have no choice but to deal with it. in exchange for not bringing it up he would have to pay her off with snacks and cute clothes. shed prolly also be genuinely pissed at him for messing with karen so he'd have to lose a Lot of money and she'd make him lose a lot on purpose, not as much because she wants the stuff but more because she knows he wants the money. she should talk to suzumiya haruhi theyre both forces of nature theyd have a wonderful time unknowingly making the lives of everyone around them 1000x more annoying. they'd like feed off each other it'd be great. they've got like equally low attention spans so theyd go pursuing a new really ambitious project like every week and have a fun time with it. theyre mutually very bored i think they'd get along.
karen: karen should talk to kagenui and do a training montage with her. they'd do a training montage that's what they'd do. karen would adopt kagenui as her mentor after like 3 seconds. im not sure who to have her talk to from outside mono. maybe someone she can mentor instead of her being the mentee. actually i think itd be hilarious if she tried to mentor bocchi. like specifically in like martial arts and physical fitness. and bocchi would be like yes i can get stronger and then all the girls will love me so shes up for it but karen would be just so bad at teaching that it wouldnt amount to anything. but she wouldnt know how bad she is at it and would just keep trying to push through... bless her heart
yotsugi: should talk to senjougahara bc they are both monotone and acerbic it'd be a monotone-and-acerbic-off. who will win. (senjougahara would bring up yotsugi's old catchphrase and win bc yotsugi would die of cringe). i'd like her to talk to iruma because iruma is so sweet and yotsugi would probably be a little rude but also a little nice to him. and then she would make him do stuff for her every now and then bc he cant say no lol. she'd probably use him to pamper herself tbh
sodachi: itd be interesting if she ever talked to shinobu bc she'd be like wow you attached yourself eternally to THAT guy? lame and then she'd like openly mock her. shinobu would probably haughty about it like who cares about the words of a mere human (she does). i think itd be cute if she talked to anya for similar reasons that i think kanbaru should talk to her, only amplified bc anya can literally mind read all her self deprecation and try to cheer her up without letting her know she can read her mind in the way anya tends to. itd be very cute. sodachi would have a lot of fun spoiling her and being like a cool big sister figure. very sweet 😌
shinobu: shes not really interested in talking to people outside of koyomi so im not sure for this one. oops
ougi: i want ougi to talk to meme. the uncle dynamic would be amazing. all the better since ougi seems to dislike being compared to him. theyre both slippery vague people who tend to talk in confusing ways and i think they would have philosophical discussions that would go NOWHERE because neither of them gets to the point. i think ougi would try to critique his ideology and meme would just rebuff the criticism. and then he could bust out the uncley affection (but only in a slightly ironic/indirect way bc hes a tsundere) and itd be very cute (although i think ougi would absolutely hate it lmao). as for outside of the series i have many thoughts about these. like how i think araragi should talk to dirk i think ougi should talk to hal. they would understand each other and also them being together for any period of time upwards of 1 minute would make everyone in the vicinity have an instant migraine. and they could definitely talk philosophy together too! i also think ougi could talk to oreki houtarou from hyouka bc hes got that whole detective mystery solving thing going on and ougi would absolutely love to ask him to solve some mystery and be his watson. and of course theyd also try to lead him around into some dark path which he'd be wary of but might still fall for despite what happened with irisu. another fool for ougi to mess with. but that might be a dynamic too similar to araragis so i also also think ougi could talk to chitanda. ougi could probably pull out some kinda repression from chitanda but chitanda is just so genuine that she would handle it very well and it wouldnt turn into any kind of disaster as ougi would hope it to. really i think they could just bond over their love of mysteries. ougi needs a fellow mystery lover to talk to. (although oreki might also be a fan of mysteries too, partly in novels and stuff and partly irl, i think chitandas bright and loud enthusiasm about it could let her and ougi geek out together and itd be fun 😄)
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mccnstruck · 1 year
archon, venti, vision, freedom, delusion, adventurers guild, guizhong, rex lapis, barbara, sakura blooms, lantern rite, ganyu and dainsleaf <3
hi alyssa !!!!
archon, venti, freedom, guizhong is answered here <3
vision: if you were visionless, how would you compensate for the lack elemental boost? pure skill and wit or would you invest in some premium fatui-made delusions…
OOO ok i would say pure skill and wit. but im very easily tempted to give up, and if someone offered a delusion, i wouldnt be opposed.. 🤫
delusion: what are your genshin unpopular opinions?
not necessarily a opinion but im 85 percent sure childe is going to be killed..listen he has so many death flags and IT WOULD BE SO- (gets booed)
adventurer’s guild: which genshin group would you align yourself with?
i think i would fit with xinyan, hu tao, chongyun, xingqiu and xiangling !! i love their friendship, its so nice to get content with them
rex lapis: what’s your favorite cultural aspect of each of the released nations?
i love the culture of sumeru (mainly cuz its closest to me) but i also love the culture in Liyue. i cant say too much about the cultures cuz idk how to explain, but i love Liyue and Sumeru a lot for this.
barbara: you’re a tourist traveling teyvat, which locations in the game would you want to visit in person?
hmmmm. either sumeru or liyue becuase of the culture (as said previously). the views are beautiful and high up, theres so much to learn about the history of both of them, and i feel like the architecture of both of them are really nice.
sakura blooms: what is/are your favorite world quest(s) you’ve done?
not necessarily a world quest (cuz currently i cant remember any) but a commission i remember very much is A Boy's Letter, where Draff sends a letter for Timmie to Grace, but can't face Timmie. Turns out, Draff and Timmie's dad used to be best friends, until Timmie's dad was killed in a hunting accident. And when you meet Timmie, he asks you to send his letter to Draff to give to his dad. Ever sice then, I've been a little more kinder to Timmie and not scare his pigeons.
ganyu: which character’s rerun are you waiting for desperately?
AYAKKKAAAAA. ive been saving (with exception of indulging for wanderer) since kazuhas rerun. she needs to come home.
dainslef: what theory do you have about the lore and the archon’s involvement with the destruction of khaenri'ah
idk too much abt khaenriah lore but i want to think that the archons are somehow more sinister... and that the celestia is somehow trying to stop them. this is not even based by evidence but honestly it would be cool if the archons went to chaos.
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