#wow it's been a whole year since i published
antdays · 2 years
Following the death of a neighbour, twelve-year-old Izuku makes a friend in a graveyard boy named Katsuki, who is smart and kind and perfect in a way no one else has ever been.
But Katsuki is strange, too. His face and name aren't his own. He switches moods at the drop of a hat. He knows things he shouldn't and every conversation makes Izuku's head spin.
Katsuki is strange.
And he's hiding something.
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camellia-thea · 4 months
finally clearing my works off google docs and onto my ancient version of word and i keep going "oh wow i forgot i wrote that"
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 5 months
The Good Omens Musical Masterpost🎵❤
How it started :)
Some time before 2013: Vicki Larnach, the australian composer and lyricist, read the Good Omens book, imagined figures dancing on stage with brilliant music and thought, ‘Ah, I’m gonna ask Terry Pratchet and Neil Gaiman if I can turn it into a musical.’ and sent an email to the publishers. The next day she got an email saying, ‘We don’t want a musical but Terry’s coming to Australia, so come and say hello and tell us what you got.’
Rob Wilkins came down to meet Vicki and Jim Hare - Vicki's husband and writer - and took them to meet Terry. They spent an hour and a half with them where Terry asked ‘piercing questions’, had tea with them and they showed Terry a song that Vicki wrote (about the Chattering Nuns). Terry said to Rob, ‘Rob, write and email to Neil, “Dear Neil, this is Terry. I’m sitting in front of two hippies from Sydney and they want to make a musical out of Good Omens and I’m tempted to let them do it.”’ which was the best email they ever heard and then Terry said, ‘Okay, you have me curious.’ - it was because of the Nuns song which sounded like the book. ‘I’m gonna give you six months, come back with a first draft libretto and five songs.’
They then sent it to Terry who sent it to Neil. Terry said, ‘I really like it, you’re moving story, you’re doing all the right things, but where’s showstopper, where’s the toe-tapper, you know I need people to go to intermission just snapping their fingers with the song they just can’t get out of their head, and I haven’t heard that.’ - and they realized that they were so busy serving the story they forgot to do the wow-factor, but found it very encouraging from Terry that he wanted to make it better.
They went through the whole book again to find a centrepiece - and they found it  when Warlock is growing up and Aziraphale and Crowley are with him, and spent months working just on that one thing and called ‘All Living Things’ [the song at the start of this post :)] which is a line from the book.*’ Terry gave that song to a person he knew and asked him to play it to his wife with no context and when the next day the person said that his wife woke up still singing the song Terry said to Vicki and Jim: ‘Well, that’s what I asked you to do.’ 
* [“This here’s Brother Slug,” the gardener would tell him, “and this tiny little critter is Sister Potato Weevil. Remember, Warlock, as you walk your way through the highways and byways of life’s rich and fulsome path, to have love and reverence for all living things.” “Nanny says that wivving fings is fit onwy to be gwound under my heels, Mr. Fwancis,” said little Warlock, stroking Brother Slug, and then wiping his hand conscientiously on his Kermit the Frog overall.]
Vicki and Jim got the permission to being adapting it as a musical in 2013.
Vicki and Jim on it a couple of years ‘fumbling about’, took it as far as they could and decided to bring another person into it: Jay-James Moody
In 2015, Jay James-Moody joined the collaboration initially as a dramaturge and directorial eye, eventually evolving into co-book writer. Vicki, James and Jay have continued to evolve through countless more revisions and a number of private development readings with the support, time and talent of numerous wonderful Australian performers testing the material.
In November 2017, the musical was presented in its then-current form and entirety for the first time before an audience of over 500 eager attendees. The cast included Luke Joslin, Lachlan O’Brien, Nancye Hayes, Barry Quin, Brett O’Neill, Lauren McKenna, Nicholas Craddock, Paul Capsis, Rob Johnson, Amy Lehpamer, Debora Krizak, Blake Erickson, Nat Jobe, Ana Maria Belo, Jordan Hare, Bella Thomas, Anthony Abrakmanov and Samson Hyland.
Following a rapturous response to this reading it continued to be refined and developed.
In 2019, ten days before the show came out they did their last presentation, since then they’ve been to London and shown a videotape of that workshop to Neil and Rob which was ‘a pretty heartstopping experience’ but both Neil and Rob were ‘so lovely and very generous with their time’ and they were showing it to them and in the intermission Neil said ‘I wish Terry could have seen this.’ (see here :))
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Differences between the musical and the book
The ending of the musical is a bit different, they were worried about it but Neil said, ‘I totally understand, the ending of the TV series is different, because I had something that was book-shaped and I needed to make it TV-shaped. And you had something that was book-shaped and you needed to make it stage-shaped.’
It opens with the burning of Agnes Nutter and Aziraphale and Crowley are introduced there. 
Act One ends with them ‘essentially breaking up’ because of a huge argument and they dissolve their friendship, Act Two starts with the first time they meet.
The Future?
What is the future for the musical: in 2021 they said that they need to work on some things and then they hope to do another run, initially in Australia.
There will be a CD of the soundtrack available when the show is produced in it’s full version.
Vicki, Jim and Jay talking 46min about the musical (this video was shown at the Ineffable Con 3 in 2021 :))
Sizzle Reel 6min
Anathema singing The Perfect Place
Crowley calling Dagon to check on the hellhound
Shadwell and Newt
Aziraphale vanishing Hastur 👀
Instagram - a lot of more bts videos and pics :)
How to support?
Subsribe to the instagram page and like and comment that you want the musical on posts :)❤. If you want to be a sponsor or donor, there is contact on their webpage.
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cheesecakethots · 9 months
i can just imagine a very lonely and sad reader scrolling through internet forums and random group chats trying to find some companionship. even at its more superficial level and with that “friendship” barely lasting a few conversations before it’s back to ghosting, yet you’re desperate to cover up this emptiness that you’re willing to take whatever you can have.
then this is where chrollo comes into the picture. can’t really get into the logistics of it, but at some point you’re in some deep dark part of the internet. somewhere you’re not supposed to be in, but you’re feeling daring that day and an extra level of misery. suddenly you stumble upon a listing of an obscure book published a long time ago, somewhere on the black market that’s going for an absurd amount of money. you feel confident enough to comment something like, “a million for this shit? a freshly harvested liver isn’t even worth this. lower the price.” you’re itching for a fight. then in just a few hours, you didn’t expect to debate about books and other eye rolling shit over the internet with some dude who thinks he’s better than you.
he, chrollo but you don’t know him yet, is so pretentious you want to gouge your eyes out. but out of spite you are not backing down. he’s debating you on proust or whatever his name is. you don’t read a whole lot anyway, so you’re pulling out of your ass. he finds you funny, witty, and endearing in your own weirdly charismatic way. and you find him irritating because he never shuts up. it’s this weird dynamic of back and forth banter that has no apparent end. should you be glad that in the years you’ve been searching for a friend, this one has managed to stuck with you this far along? how long has it been since you two have started talking? a few weeks at least, and the argument is still fresh and it’s about philosophy now, which is even more mind-numbing. but this guy knows how to keep a conversation going at least. you feel more annoyed that this asshole is the only person willing to talk to you, instead of any other rando with manners and actual substance to their personality. but you can’t really complain, at least you have one friend.
it’s mostly him who hits you up, not you. and it’s mostly at unusual times. he has a pattern of texting you around midnight to early in the morning, even if you tell him not to disturb you a billion times, so you don’t respond right away. but when you do, he’s sent a myriad of long paragraphs of some shit you can’t really bother to comprehend. you respond with and eye rolling emoji and this headache responds instantaneously. it’s no brainer that sooner or later, he’ll be interested enough to track you down and find every piece of information about you.
anon go write a fic NOW
i love this sm like becoming kinda frenemies with chrollo online, seeing him as this dude who is really annoying but also charming in a way? you’re constantly drawn back to conversations with him because they’re just so enriching, especially compared to the boring chats you’ve had with the very few ‘friends’ you have.
soon enough he starts debating over things you like. huh, he also reads that really obscure manga that has a total of 100 reads? cool! oh wow, he’s played that one game you’ve played so much you can practically quote it word for word? nice!
it gets weirder the more you talk, but you don’t really notice all that much, and if you do you choose to ignore it. he’s one of the first real friends you’ve had in a long time.
you’ll come back from work into your lonely and quite shabby apartment, making sure to place locks on your door. it’s a bad neighbourhood. huh, it’s a bit chilly. you could’ve sworn you shut the window? well… nothing looks to be stolen. weird.
you’ll sit down, and ready up your old and dying laptop, grinning a little despite the tiredness in your bones and bags under your eyes. the friend you speak to online, chrollo, is usually on around this time. it’s always nice to have a chat with him after you get in. you seemingly haven’t managed to rile him up, but you swear you’re getting close.
just got back from work. what you were saying about that passage in chapter 27 is totally wrong, btw. you should maybeeee get ur facts straight before trying to debate with me about it >:)
you miss the sound of a soft chime behind you after you send the message, opening up a streaming service so you can watch an episode of something before bed.
a message pops up on your screen.
how about a debate in person, [name]?
your eyebrows crinkle together. what a weirdo.
as you put on an episode, your monitor goes black for just a moment, but that’s all you need to see the reflection of a figure looming behind you.
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royalsunshinehotel · 3 months
hi hi hi hi!!!! love your work! love your fics!!!!!! amazing and wonderful and lovely and wow💗💗 is it too much to request a gawain imagine??? he's had a long day and is annoyed at everything but he comes home to his wife and melts into her because she makes everything better. slow, loving smut in the end?? love your copperfield smut too⭐️ david and gawain are dreamy asfffffff
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Crawl Home (David Copperfield x wife!reader, 18+)
thirty six days until monkey man!!
A/N: The first half of this fic is based on lore I've heard about Charles Dickens being regarded as "the man who invented Christmas." Could be filthier, but I digress.
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It was the dead of winter, about to be Christmas in London, and it was supposed to be a good, cheerful time of year, but a calm holiday never seemed to be what laid in store for David Copperfield. It was bordering on ridiculous. The whole day, something hot, sharp, and painful had been stabbing him behind the eyes, and he couldn't get it to stop.
He'd been out of the house since the sun rose that morning, doing everything he could to get it together for the holiday. The two of you were actually going to leave the city, back to his Aunt's home, but the energy in the air told him that the trip was all but doomed.
You heard him coming back, stuck in his head, chatting to himself, more annoyed than he usually would have been.
He struggled with the key, and you don't even look up from your book. Usually when he's this heated, it's best to let him wear himself out.
"I just don't understand the need for everyone to go to the shops at once!!" He blew through the front door, slamming it behind him, stomping his boots clean of snow.
"Really? why would they do that?" You asked, knowing your words really weren't of consequence at that moment.
"It's like there was an announcement that everyone steps out at 11am, I could barely get out the front door of the publishers! Ridiculous! Any shopping? Why do we have to get people gifts!"
"David, it's Christmas, give the people a break." You tried, closing your book and putting it to the side.
"They would do the same! People don't want to show a shred of mercy for the less fortunate!" His hands were tight at his sides, his feelings simmering, almost at a boil.
"What do you mean?" You questioned, your husband ran a hand over his face, his curly hair fluffing up as he pulled off his hat.
"I nearly brought home two children that were 'available to work' on the corner near Darby St. Some rich toff was chatting to the Dad, god knows where they'll end up!" David and his big heart.
A familiar ache pulsed through you, "I'm so sorry lovey."
He just roamed the streets of London, seeing and feeling everything!
"I scared their father, I'm sure I can find them tomorrow though." You knew your husband. Tenacious was a word for it, but you should really start preparing to have two more on your Christmas vacation. Later, you thought.
"I worry for you, and your big heart."
"You won't be saying so when we've got two children to feed for Christmas." When, he said, he was thinking about it too.
"Hm, since we're adopting street urchins now, I should take advantage of our privacy." It was an inappropriate thing to say, but you knew if you didn't fuck him into a more temperate mood, there's no way the children would agree to come with him, even if he did find them again. He would, you knew he would but still.
"You are sitting in my lap." You had your chest in his face as well, however you gave him another moment to notice that.
"Back down to earth, are we?" You teased lightly, David's hands cold against your skin.
"...Have you been in your nightgown this whole conversation...?" You shivered as he pushed the gown off one shoulder.
"Yes. I think, since it's the holiday, you might take time off." Your words seemed muffled, heat pooling in your belly as David put his mouth to work on your breast, cold hands kneading the flesh casually, because he'd been doing it for years.
"You've been working so hard on your serials, I miss you." You all but moaned as David's freezing fingers teased your hardened peaks,
"How much?" He flashed a smile up at you, as you adjusted your legs.
"You should feel!" You prompted, and a cold hand wandered down to your dampening heat. You moaned loudly at the contrast of temperature, pitiful and absolutely perfect.
David whined, in the way you like.
Now normally, the two of you would tease more, enjoy each other with hands and mouths. Its a favorite past time for you like to hold his member in your hands and watch it twitch and grow...another day perhaps.
For now, you're not rushing, but you're not going to wait. You warm your hand a moment before pulling David free of his trousers. He sat perfectly still, like a good boy. He deserved a treat after the day he had.
Helping you, he took a large hand and bunched your nightdress to your hips, and he supported you, other hand on your ass as you mounted him.
He was simply so lucky to have you.
With a wet, filthy sound, you took your husband in deep. It was supposed to be a treat for him, and here you were, barely a thought in your pretty little head.
It was his fault, his cock was too lovely!
He paused, to let you catch your breath, but with a squeeze to your rear, you begin to move, to ride.
"You always feel so good inside me," your breathy little whine prompted a nip to your collarbone. The soft velvet of the chair only heightened how your hair stood on end.
You'd wanted to take control, you'd wanted to come after him like an avenging fertility goddess, taking what you want.
And yet, like most things, you were doing it together.
"I'll always crawl home to you." He murmured, trying everything he could to stay calm. Not too calm, but calm enough.
"You'd better keep your big heart wide, I know sometimes it hurts." You crooned into his ear as he tightened his grip on you, just as greedy as he needed to be.
"It's all worth it for this comfort I receive from you, dear wife." He groaned, humming against your skin. You smirked, bringing your hot breath up to his ears.
Cold. Not for long!
You tugged his earlobes between your teeth, pulling ever so gently, as David melted under you.
A few more rolls of your hips, and you clench down around him, muscles keeping him hostage in you as you milk him for all he's worth. You get to keep him safe, when he's inside you like this.
"What was that, worrying about gifts for the family?" You grabbed his chin, pointing his face towards you.
He smirked, before giving you a sweet, chaste peck, "Once again dearest, you are all that I need."
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thedeliverygod · 5 months
The Final Chapter of Noragami
I'll start off by saying no matter what, this is my favorite manga/anime series. It'll always be near and dear to my heart. And thank you again to @fast-moon who has put so much time in effort into this series so that we would be able to read it in English ASAP.
But here are my honest thoughts, below the cut
There are far too many open ends. As a writer and a fan, I get that it's good to leave things pretty open ended and give fans a chance to explore possibilities. But there was too much here.
Something that struck me during my read of the translation (as I read the raws about an hour beforehand) was the absence of Nana. Arahabaki and Shiho are at the hanami, why not her? Especially since she's got a bond with Bishamon as well.
Is Nora just a free agent, doing whatever she wants? We see that Yukine still has his Hagusa name, so clearly she would still have Mizuchi. And we know Yato can't re-name her. Does she spend time with Yato and Yukine at Kofuku's house? Is she Yato's secret agent in watching over Hiyori? lol
Kazuma is the only one (aside from Nana) who survived the God's Greatest Secret without being named with the koto no ha. How is he dealing with it? Is he also having nightmares like Yukine?
Yato being 'saved' by going viral is a bit dumb especially because the posts are like "wow this guy is doing like a 10 year old meme lame" etc so it didn't seem like it should have blown up much anyway? and he also says no one actually remembers 'him'/uses his name just Teke-Teke so how does that... actually help Yato? Granted he didn't die and he has a smartphone now but I feel like he would... actually have to really be acknowledged to get money and have a shrine other than Hiyori's shrine (which btw what happened to THE DAMN SHRINE??? its on the cover but the chapter??? absent)
"I'll give you all of me" and dramatic crying/kiss but then Yato just seems so... detached. granted I KNOW it's because of the near shore/far shore and he doesn't want to endanger her again and just looks over her and it's a trope that's been in a million fanfics including mine but it just feels so off and bluh to NOT GET ANY RESOLUTION OTHER THAN HIYORI JUST RECOGNIZING HIM and then a line in the journal about how he tried to play it off.
I can't even think of everything tbh there's just a lot I want answered that wasn't...
I would say the best part of this chapter was the stuff about Fujisaki. It finally answered that he was 'born' with Father present inside of him and they kind of switched back and forth. Although again that leaves the question of how much was Fujisaki and how much was Father in terms of hitting on Hiyori/how much did Fujisaki know about Father's antics. I also love that Yato still hates him anyway even without Father LOL
lastly father was this giant cataclysmic force in Yato's life for literally over a thousand years and he's finally free. and we really get no reaction in regards to that. And that is especially disappointing when it's a major theme of the manga as a whole, you know?
idk that's my piece for now. I'm sure I'll have more to say in the coming days/weeks/months/etc but I hope and pray there's maybe any sort of small addition to the tankobon release.
it did mention "please look forward to adachitoka's next work" but I think that was just like a publishing nicety. I think noragami's ending was rushed due to their ongoing health problem and/or pressure from the publishers and I honestly don't see them coming out with a new series any time soon.
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softrozene · 1 year
Hurt Little Bird
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Anonymous requested: Im thirsty af for charles and i dont find nearly enough charles × femreader content anywhere. Could i get a scenario or hcs for charles rescuing a s/o and maybe tending to her wounds? I am in need of fluff! Also i love your work darling! Keep it up❤😘 
rdr2 masterlist
DSFALJ I was about to say whatchu mean you don’t see any Charles content? Then I realized- Wow, there really is a shit ton of Arthur and John content outweighing the king over here aldfjalkfjdsa ANYWAY, ENOY THIS YEAR’S FIRST REQUEST I HOPE YOU LIKE IT AND THANK YOU!
Instead of going the dramatic way where Reader gets hurt by other people, I thought for the most effective fluff to go a funny route
Originally published on January 5, 2021
Charles Smith x Female Reader
Warnings: Fluff - Pure fluff, AU where Dutch has not completely lost it, so they are in some woodsy area having a blast or sum- (I am tired flsdfa)
Words: ~800
Mhm… It has been a while. Too long in Charles’ opinion but… Maybe he is overreacting?
He may be a tad overprotective of you… Okay, maybe a lot but- You are his partner after all. He would sooner much die than live without you. You are his whole world and one of the only people in this gang that keeps him sane.
If it were not for Arthur and the few others who know Dutch is just a ticking time bomb- He would have taken you long ago to start a family somewhere low-profile. To keep you safe and out of harm’s way. Out of any bad people’s reach…
Okay, yeah- He is not overreacting. You have been gone for too long. He stands up, catching the attention of Arthur. He is quick to come over to Charles before Charles can get to Taima.
“You know she can handle herself- She hasn’t been gone too long,” Arthur says trying to ease Charles’ mind.
It does not work. Charles shakes his head. He can’t take any risks and he gladly says this. “No- It feels like something is off. I would rather listen to my gut and overreact than ignore it and have her be hurt. I will be back shortly.”
Arthur nods- Understanding the need to protect a loved one. To follow that gut feeling so he lets Charles leave and hopefully he will come back with you if his gut feeling is acting up. Charles wastes no time to follow the tracks of the horse you use.
It is not necessarily your horse as you are only borrowing it during your stay here since you were the next effective hunter after Charles and Arthur. Usually, you ride with Charles and it has to be one of his favorite moments with you.
He wishes he could feel your arms wrapped around him right now- Comforting him since he is getting beyond worried for you now.
As always, the tracks are somewhat easy for Charles to pin down. It leads him a bit away from camp to another woodsy area. He is confused since he notices a rabbit trap laid down, but it was not finished- Then his heart stops upon seeing specks of red nearby.
Were you hurt? How bad is it? Is it from an animal or a person? Charles’ mind begins to race as he tries desperately to keep a cool head. He follows the little snippets of blood, trying to keep his heart from racing too when he spots your satchel.
No doubt- An animal has been through it.
So, an animal attack? You were setting up a trap only to be blindsided by an animal? It just does not sound like you either. You are as cautious as he is- He did teach you a lot. The blood trail finally ends but you are nowhere in sight. He glances around until he feels something drop on him.
His head shoots straight up and his eyes widen- You are in a tree, but you do not seem to be looking so hot. You are leaning against the main part of the tree- Hugging it.
“(Name)!” Charles shouts.
Your head pops up and you look down at him- Surprise is on your face before it melts to happiness.
“What are you doing up there?” He asks putting his arms up as if to motion you to jump.
You are hesitant but you edge yourself off the tree before falling and landing right in his arms. You wince as you answer. “Sorry, Love. I injured myself. I think I twisted my ankle.”
“…What about the blood?” He asks.
You meekly show him the palm of your hand.
“When I hurt my ankle, I fell on the knife I was using. I thought the scent of blood attracted a bear because I heard a noise and you always told me to be careful so I climbed a tree the best I could, but I couldn’t get back down… Turns out the bear was just a deer who smelled the berries in my satchel,” You murmur.
You sound so embarrassed but… Charles is relieved. Out of anything that could have harmed you he is glad you turned out to be your clumsiness. That you are fine despite your minor injuries. He would much prefer this over any other situation.
You hear him let out a sigh of relief before he hugs you close to his chest. You realize that he came out here, looking for you, because of his worry and love for you. You instantly feel bad but… You love him. You are happy to know he went out of his way for you.
You do not need to verbally address his worry.
Instead, you place a kiss on his cheek, and he chuckles as he takes you to his horse. Whistling for the other one to follow.
“Let’s get home so I can patch you up my hurt little bird,” He whispers before placing his own kiss on your forehead.
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fridayyy-13th · 9 months
so i’m relistening to TMA and i just finished MAG 045 - Blood Bag, and i feel a little bit stupid bc i completely misremembered how long Tim worked in publishing. as it turns out, he worked there for five years, not ten. damn.
okay so then doing some math (in my head so excuse and feel free to correct any mistakes, though i am looking at the wiki’s timeline as a reference), Tim joined the institute in 2013 after five years at that publishing house. and assuming he didn’t take any other jobs before that since Jon didn’t mention any in his supplemental, he’d have graduated around age 22 and gone straight into publishing, making him 27 when he joined the institute and 29 when the archives transfer happened (whereas Jon and Martin were both about 28 at the same time, for reference).
man i have been operating under the assumption that tim was in his early/mid-30s like, the whole time! wow. i’d assume that would put Sasha at around the same age too, though alas we have next to no info on her and i can’t confirm. all i know is she worked in artifact storage for three months before transferring to research, though i have no idea whether she did so before or after Jon joined in 2011.
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omentranslates · 2 months
Owari no Seraph volume 32 author's afterword english fan translation
Howdy, the long awaited afterword is here. I say as if my volume didn't arrive literally 2 hrs ago. Anyways, thanks for working with me.
Also I included the volume comments this time XP and I translated the back promotional page too just bc I haven't seen anyone else post it yet?? But I don't pay super close attention to the teasers usually so don't come for me if it's just the same text as the last few.
Wow, this is it, the climax! Writing it gets as lonely as it is fun, and it's as fun as it gets lonely, among other things! To everyone who's followed along this long, I'm truly grateful.
From here on out, I'm going to have a new editor. Owari no Seraph has thus far been blessed with nothing but the best and brightest in editors, all full of motivation. From Hosono-san (the sharpest blade in Shueisha) to Kosuge-san (the industry's top Nice Guy) to Kasai-san (who played it straight but turned out to be a total weirdo). And now, exploding onto the scene to take the baton from those three absolute characters, and his name issssss.......Okuyama-saaaaaannnn!!!!!
Now, this new guy in charge is truly amazing, he's got enough motivation to take me aback! He goes, "Kagami-san! We could have the whole world!! Nono, the whole universe!!! From now on just leave it all to meeeeee!!!! There's no doubt we'll do great things together, so just leave it all to me okayyyyyy!!!!" He's been yelling like that since we first met. He brought so much of that heat to the venue we were going to have our first meeting over dinner at and we ended up getting chased out and banned from coming back! It ended up being a whole incident, we really started off with a bang.....is what I'd like to put here, but I'm actually working on this afterword before that aforementioned meeting so I decided to just write my heart. The truth is that we actually haven't met yet! (Say what?)
Everyone, look forward to the next volume, where I tell you all how our introductions went! The one I'm writing now will actually probably pass through my new editor Okuyama-san's hands before we do meet, so I'm kinda scared about how that's gonna go, I'm like shaking (lol). But I'll definitely have a story to tell for next afterword! So on that note, I hope to see you all here again next volume, for those who just wanted to be done reading before it gets deep, I'll say goodbye to you here. I'll see you all next volume!!!!!
So, then, about myself recently. I put to rest some things that have been bothering me as a creator for sooo many years. Yayyyyy!! Wondering how I'm going to live and who I should become. As I'm facing up my works, and also my experiences as a person, as I'm experiencing the lives and deaths of those precious to me, what does it make of me? My characters grow up, am I working hard enough to keep up with them? I suddenly feel like I'm approaching my answers. And wow, what a ride it's been. What a ride being a creator is.
There was a time I was writing so many projects, but I've been rather spending my days studying since encountering those worrisome thoughts. But I've finished my studies and at long last arrived at just being thankful. It took a lot out of me to get here. And having Owari no Seraph publishing monthly, I think it was something that really managed to keep me as a creative grounded through it all. Writing is what I love most of all, I've been able to realize that it's who I am. For that, I am truly grateful to everyone. Yamamoto-san, Furuya-san, every one of my readers, to those in charge here and my editorial staff and everyone else who associates with me and every member of my family, I'm deeply thankful for the one of a kind, precious ties that bring us together in this world.
Which is all to say, I've returned to my extremely prolific writing habits, so I'll be glad if you all read what I've got to say!!!
Huh, I guess that wasn't too heavy afterall. Anyways, everyone, I'll see you next volume! Oh, and the finale of "Densetsu no Yuusha no Densetsu" is also happening after six long years. If any of you have ever read it, I hope you enjoy that too!
So then, see you in volume 33!!!!
Kagami Takaya"
Kagami Sensei's volume comment: "I'm writing so much! Back to the drafts!"
Yamamoto Sensei's volume comment: "We've reached volume 32. Yuuichirou and Mikaela, the Shinoa Squad, Ferid and Crowley, a lot of different stories have really taken off. I hope you're all excited!"
Promo page in the back (text only):
"On the move to make their own dreams come true...
All of these different stories speeding up towards the final battle!?"
The next volume is planned for October 2024
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wangxianficrecs · 1 year
❤️💙Hear a song this deeply by so_shhy
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❤️💙 Hear a song this deeply
by so_shhy
T, 87k, Wangxian
Summary: “I’m not here to help you with your work,” said Lan Zhan, injecting frost into his voice to deter any further attempts at charm. “I’ll be focusing on my research.” Wei Ying cocked his head. “Research?” he said. “Mm. I’m a cultivation researcher, not a department employee. I’m reconstructing the ancient musical cultivation techniques of the Lan clan.” ___ Lan Zhan’s new liaison at the Caiyi Municipal Cultivation Department is an enigma – ridiculously talented, yet somehow content with mopping up spiritual pests for barely above minimum wage. Wei Ying is slapdash and irresponsible, and Lan Zhan doesn’t like him at all… but then he meets A-Yuan, who loves music and longs for a piano his father can’t afford. Forced into cautious friendship by a four-year-old's music lessons, Lan Zhan soon realises Wei Ying is more than he seems. The single father is a man of many secrets – including, perhaps, the key to Lan Zhan's life's work. And in the meantime, the background resentment in Caiyi Town is rising to dangerous levels…
Mojo's comments: Well, this was just a good time, through and through and I read the whole thing in one gluttonous go. This story was recced to me by a Nonny over on Tumblr, and their rec was so good I'll just re-use it here: "On ao3, user so_shyy has just written and published a masterpiece! Cant believe I’m forgetting the name, but it’s 16 chapters, modern au with cultivation. Lan zhan has left the lan sect to dedicate himself to uncovering the ancient lan musical cultivation techniques, which have been lost to time. In his work, he meets the equivalent of a cultivation “street sweeper”, who happens to live in his building and have a young son, but who also happens to have a strangely high cultivation level for a poorly paid municipal cultivator. Beyond that little mystery, there’s an excellent underlying problem that leads to a big revelation. "More perks: Renowned sect leader and the darling of the cultivation world lan xichen overuses emojis! It’s a kidfic! And wow, it is so well written. What more could you want? I have honestly been looking for a fic like this since I joined the fandom over a year ago. Cannot recommend enough, 💖/10"
Kay's comments: Ah, this story is just absolutely my jam! Modern AU with magic, single father Wei Wuxian with a mysterious past, Lan Wangji who has a complicated relationship with the Lan Sect due to what happened to his mother, Wangxian get-together and cool cultivation mysteries to be solved! Absolutely delightful!
modern setting, modern with magic, music, kid fic, single father wei wuxian, action/adventure, background xiyao, slow burn, fluff and angst, happy ending, lan wangji & wei wuxian get a happy ending, bamf wei wuxian, getting to know each other, family drama, pov lan wangji, cultivation theory, happy ending, pining, @soshhy
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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Hi!!! Can you do a Jess Mariano fic where they are a couple and she’s a Gilmore. Maybe she show Lorelei why she’s in live with Jess?? Thanks for your fics:)))
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Lorelai’s head snapped up when you mentioned Jess and boyfriend in the same sentence, forgetting about the take out styrofoam before her.
‘’Wow wow, let’s rewind, missy. Jess as in Jess Mariano, Luke’s nephew?’’
You hummed, chewing your bite of pasta.
You had been dreading telling your mom about Jess and your’s new relationship status, knowing she would immediately disapprove. She’s always had a low opinion of him and you doubted she would ever change her mind — even if you told her you loved him.
‘’I visited him in Philadelphia with Rory last month for his book release,’’ you explained, an absentminded smile curling on your lips at the thought of Jess. ‘’We spent the whole afternoon talking and it was like we never lost contact. We caught up on life, and one thing led to another. I ended up driving to Philadelphia again the following weekend.’’
You spared her the moment he chased after you down the street because he thought it would be his last time seeing you and kissed you on the sidewalk. The rom-com moment will forever be engraved in your mind.
‘’No,’’ Lorelai interrupted. ‘’I’m not letting this happen.’’
‘’Letting what happen? Me and Jess?’’
‘’Sorry to break it to you, Mom, but you don’t really have a say. Maybe you could control my life when I was sixteen, but I’m an adult now and I get to choose who I date, who I give my heart to.’’
‘’He’s not right for you,’’ she said, recycling her speech from years ago. ‘’He wasn’t when he got shipped here three years ago and I doubt he had a 360 personality change. End of conversation. The food is gonna get cold.’’
It felt wrong to stand up to your mother, you hated fighting with her, but you wouldn’t let her dictate what was right or not for you. You felt like the protagonist of a romance novel — having to fight for your love. Perhaps you should see it as a compliment, all the great love stories had to fight to be together.
You put your fork down a little harder than intended. ‘’Conversation not over! He’s changed, Mom. He got his life together. He got his GAD and co-owns a publishing company—’’
''Hourra for him.’’ Her sarcasm was rude and childish. She was really hurting your feelings, yet she couldn’t see past her hatred.
Now you understood the way she felt when her parents didn’t want her to date Christopher. You were hoping wouldn’t act the same with you, that she would be on your side since she knew how it feels, but she disappointedly proved you wrong.
‘’You’re so hung up on his past and how he reminds you of Dad that you refuse to see that he’s actually a good person. Jess is not like Dad, Mom. They both wear leather jackets and have troublemaker tendencies, but they're very different.’’
‘’He’s gonna ruin your life, Y/N. That’s all guys like him do.’’
‘’He’s not! Jess wants the best for me.’’ Before Lorelai could place a word, you beat her. ‘’I bet you didn’t know that he’s the one who told Rory to go back to Yale? He exploded at her after a terrible dinner with her and Logan, calling her out on dropping out of Yale, hanging out with rich guys in fancy cars and practically turning into our grandmother. If it hadn’t been for him, she would still be living in grandma’s bungalow.’’
The look of disbelief on Lorelai’s face was one to remember. You wish you could have taken a picture to put on the fridge.
‘’If you would just stop picking on the things that give you an itch and give him a real chance, you would see how great of a person he really is.’’
‘’But he hurt my baby…’’
‘’He did,’’ you agreed, flashes of all the tears you’ve cried because of Jess when he left town. Your first heartbreak. ‘’I appreciate that you trashed him to me when I was sad of him being gone, but the heartbreak is over and Jess and I are back together. I love you, Mom, and I don’t want my relationship to put a strain between us, but I’m also not going to leave Jess to make you happy.’’
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epinebleue · 9 months
what's the opposite of a farewell?
People have known me by several names: I started as cloudynakamoto before switching to epinebleue, then closed my blog under the name of cherjsuh.
It's been a year and a half, if I remember correctly, since I deleted my blog, but I've never forgotten about the friends I made thanks to it, friends that are still there for me.
A few days ago, a person recognized my personal blog's name and contacted me, asking if I was that epinebleue. I was shocked, flabbergasted, because wow, someone remembered!
One of the reasons why I left was that I thought people didn't care. The experience of writing felt more like me and the void instead of me and a community. However, now that I think about it, maybe I was upset because I wasn't getting the recognition I thought I deserved (which is horrible and childish, I know).
I've never stopped writing and I wish I'd never stopped publishing. I can't bring back my old blog, but I can re-do it.
So, I'll be editing my old works and publishing them again; and who knows, maybe I'll work on new stuff, too!
Either way, it's good to be back.
Special shoutout to @rainverry for sending me the message that triggered this whole thing 🥹 I'll be forever grateful.
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thefrogdalorian · 5 months
It's New Year's Eve and I just wanted to share some mushy thoughts about life and Mando and Din and how this year has been overall for me!!
If you don't want to read below the cut I just wanted to wish you a Happy New Year!! I hope you have a wonderful time, whatever you do to celebrate. I'm currently on a trip so I may not be terribly active, but if you're struggling and the emotions of the day are a little too much, please do message me. I've been there plenty of times. You're not alone. NYE should really be about looking to the future rather than dwelling on the past, but I know how easy it is to get caught up in that depressive loop of thinking.
But if you do want to keep reading, then strap in for some Oversharing Online and gushing about how much Mando means to me:
I first started watching Mando during the pandemic in 2020, I think the first episode released like 2 days after the UK went into lockdown or something. 2020 was an awful year for me, as I'm sure it was for so many of you. A lot of things happened to me that I'm still trying to process but I hope to start therapy in the new year and go some way to addressing it.
Anyway, The Mandalorian came to me at a time I dearly needed it. It was welcome relief from The Horrors I was experiencing. I was hooked pretty much straight away, who was this mysterious man? What were his intentions? Was he good or bad? OH WOW THAT WALK. THAT VOICE!!! I loved it, but it wasn't until The Believer that everything changed for me. It went from enjoyment to full-blown obsession. I couldn't wait until Season 3 aired, and I think the expectations I had built up in my head could never have lived up to the reality of what I felt upon watching it for the first time. I was pretty disappointed most weeks, but I feel so differently now.
This year has been pretty strange for me. I had some amazing highs (like being able to go to Star Wars Celebration where I got to see so many amazing Din and Mandalorian cosplays which was an INSANE experience and I still kind of haven't properly processed yet??) and also some difficult lows.
In June I finally got my autism diagnosis, something I'd been essentially waiting for for EIGHT YEARS. It was a huge shock but also not shocking at all. As in, I knew I was autistic since being a teenager but I was absolutely not expecting to be told right there and then at my assessment. So when the psychologist looked me in the eye and told me that I was autistic it was somewhat of a gut punch. Processing it was extremely difficult but during that time I found myself drawn back to Mando and particularly to season 3. I rewatched it again and again fell in love with a season that I'd probably felt on the whole underwhelmed with at the time, until the last two episodes, which I loved instantly.
When rewatching it, I noticed things that I'd missed before, which led me to become kind of obsessed with the idea of Din and Bo together. I know not everyone enjoys that but that truly is what I love about media, that we can all watch a similar thing and interpret it differently! I don't think I'm any more correct about the way I view certain interactions than anyone else. Shipping should just be a little fun, not ruin your mental health or dictate how you treat strangers on the internet. And it especially should not lead to any real world harassment of creators and actors.
So in September an idea formed and between then and November a 182,000 word fic landed in my lap. That's the best way I can describe writing it for me, I was so fixated on finishing it and the plot just kept coming the more I wrote. It is by FAR the longest thing I've ever written and probably ever will write, but the routine of writing it and publishing it helped claw me out of a spiral I was in after my diagnosis.
And it was publishing it on AO3 that gave me the confidence to rejoin a fandom space again. It was a big step for me to put myself out there but I'm so glad that I did because that's what led me here, to discover this wonderful community who adore Din and The Mandalorian just as much as I do. I'm so happy that I finally found my way here. It was way less intimidating than I ever thought it would be!
I know that I haven't been here for the longest time, I wish I just got over my nervousness and made a tumblr earlier in the year so I could have joined in with the hype before season 3. But also considering how poorly received the season was overall, maybe it was for the best that I wasn't here.
Despite my relative newness here, I just wanted to say how welcomed I've felt and that is a truly lovely feeling. Thank you so much to everyone who has interacted with any of my posts and especially my writing in any way, big or small. It means a lot to me! I cannot wait to be around for all the buildup to Season 4, honestly. I know it seems so far but after midnight we can say it's (probably) only NEXT YEAR!
I have no idea what 2024 has in store for me. That doesn't scare me, in fact I'm quite excited about not knowing what will happen. I
Of course, I have some goals I'd like to achieve for myself but whatever happens, I know that Mando will be there to endlessly rewatch and whatever comes my way, I'll always have Din Djarin. He's the only man to ever exist! That gorgeous tin can who instantly soothes me every time I get to watch his silly little exploits with his silly little son. Where would we be without him, eh?
Anyway, whatever you're doing tonight to celebrate and even if you aren't, I wish you all the best. Stay safe, enjoy yourself and I'm sending you lots of love and light for the year. May 2024 be a healthy, happy prosperous year for you and your loved ones.
See you in 2024!
Spud 🥔🐸
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morning-sun-brah · 5 months
Okay so I've just GOTTA know... how the hell do you write the way you do?? I haven't been able to get sucked into any written work since high school, trauma brain and all. I used to live in books so it's been hell, but your writing got me back into reading, and makes it so I can get lost into that little world again, which I've craved but been able to have for like... so long. Writing is something I've always been into, but I let my fear of failure and need for perfection stop me. Just... do you have any advice for beginners?? It would mean the world to me, but I understand if it's an annoying ask! Thanks for reading no matter what!
Well I am just a mess reading this (in the best way possible).
First of all, thank you so much omfg. And of COURSE it isn't annoying! This is so flattering I'm about to cry my dude.
As far as tips on writing, I feel like I am not the person to ask because I'm just this little weirdo on the internet who likes turtles lol. But!! In an attempt to try and give real advice here is my response... and it got a little wordy so it's all under the break lmaoooo.
~Gin's rambling attempt to give writing advice~
Practice! Literally the only reason I can string coherent words together is because I've been doing this as a hobby for like two whole decades.
Also!! Read! Consuming other fics and books really helps. Sometimes you find a way of saying something that sticks with you. Sometimes you sit and think "I would have done it this way/said it this way." Sometimes you come out on the other end and go "Wow I am a hack that was amazing." Sometimes you finish something and go "Wow that was fucking terrible I'm amazing." Sometimes you read something and it fires off your brain, and you are left itching to write your own story. But however you feel, it's all GOOD FOR WRITING. It helps you grow! It literally helps you find your voice!
Other little things; When I write, I truly immerse myself. I am playing out in cinema format what is happening in the "scene." How is this person reacting? How do they look- down to facial expressions. How are they feeling? Is this something they would say? (would they fucking say that??? is something I think to myself every time I open a doc) And when I write it all down, I try my very best to convey that "scene" that played out in my head. I try to capture that character's voice, their mannerisms, their habits.
Does this even make sense? I sure hope so.
Also, flow. Make sure we're moving right along. Keep track of where hands, legs, and torsos are. If they were sitting when the scene started, and you need them standing to kiss or fight or do a thumb war, at some point you need to make sure you say they stood up. If a hand was on a cheek, it can't suddenly be on an ankle without telling the reader what happened.
I also just think adding little details helps with immersion. When we talk to people, we don't just stand around. We fidget. We pick our nails or scratch our arms or shuffle our feet. All those little details can add to that immersion (or I think so, I'm no expert). "He blushed and rubbed the back of his neck before saying..." - Wow, what an awkward little shit. "They scrunched their nose and gave a near-violent eye-roll" - Oh ok they are annoyed! "She shifted her feet and replied"- cool she's being a person, I shift my feet too, neato.
Anyway, nothing I wrote 20 years ago is as good as it is now. I'm highly convinced that I'll think the same thing in another 10 years, about anything I've published recently. But it is getting better, and it's because I keep at it. Having friends in the fandom and beta readers really helps. Make sure you find someone who you know will be positive but honest. And remember, YOU are always going to be your own worst critic.
God why did anyone ever let me have access to a computer. Why the FUCK is this so long? Does it even make sense? Jfc, I'm going to post it and eat a fucking cookie.
I believe in you anon. Also, I love you and thank you so much for making my whole week. I'm going to be so obnoxious about this shit, everyone expect to hear from my ass an annoying amount (kidding, but seriously I'm so fucking flattered thank you so much. This kind of shit makes me wonder what the fuck you're all reading because I swear I am just a silly gal with seasonal depression who needs a haircut).
((Also, anon, I wish you nothing but the best. Take care of yourself, be kind to yourself, and know that I am sending you like a million hugs))
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paisholotus · 2 years
Is this all do you do? Fucking complain about blacks not getting enough of recognition and representation. Don't you people have enough?
A broke college student that writes "stories" on a fuck ass app. You not a real author! Lol
🥱 WHEW! Chile Hollon!
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Wow, you seem irritated. But first, let's unpack a few things.
1) For one thing, it's "black people", not "blacks." Lets show some respect, you Neanderthal!  Black people are deserving of all the Love, Recognition, and Representation that we are denied on a daily basis!
so I'll keep praising Black Women and Black Men because we DESERVE THAT SHIT!
"Don't you people have enough?" LOL Lawd.
2) According to many Black Professionals attempting to build and sustain a career in film and TV, the industry has been a relatively hostile workplace. While some progress has been made in recent years with on-screen talent, and while several entertainment companies are beginning to make strides toward diversity, inequity persists and is deeply entrenched across the film and TV ecosystem.
Furthermore 67% of Americans across political ideologies and ethnicities believe there is a greater need for on-screen representation of, Black men, Black Women, Black teenagers, Black gay women, Black gay men, Black transgender women and men, and Black non-binary or genderqueer individuals, and finally Black men and Women with disabilities.
Any Black person working in ANY FIELD. It don't got to be just the flim industry. It's Black doctors, Lawyers, Teachers, Musicians, and Entertainers, etc etc. Any recognition given to Black People is the BARE FUCKING MINIMUM!
So that's why I "complain" and "moan" and "bitch" about something BLACK PEOPLE SHOULD HAVE ALWAYS FUCKING GOTTEN, BUT INSTEAD WE GET THE MEASLY "here you go here's your flowers since you keep complaining." BY ENTITLED WHITE SALT SETTLERS.
AND FINALLY 😂😂😂 "a broke college student who writes 'stories' on a fuck ass app. Not a real author."
3) I am currently pursuing my Bachelor's degree while attending college on a 10k scholarship in order to become a certified English Teacher. As well learning to become a published Author. This Tumblr and wattpad shit is just a hobby, okay? It isn't apart of my every day life. It's something I do to escape and communicate with people.
I was Valedictorian of my whole grade, maintaining a 4.5 GPA which got me my scholarship. AND THAT'S ON WHAT? MUTHERFUCKING BLACK EXCELLENCE 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 BITCH DON'T YOU EVER PLAY WITH ME!
but it's my pleasure to read you people to FILTH! Because I'm on winter break, I GOT TIME!
And to my Boos that follow me how your day been? Hope it was great!
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mitziholder · 5 months
wow, it’s almost 2024. in several months it will have been 2 whole years since the Women’s Day Incident. among various personal and career goals which are irrelevant to anyone following this blog, I do have a few things I’d like to get done in the next 12 months which include
finishing the fucking scripts
getting a site running so I don’t have to worry about tumblr smiting me out of nowhere
cleaning up and refining the font/template/workspace I use for comic production
publishing the first chapter (please god)
or, alternatively:
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haha can you imagine.
Happy New Year :)
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