#wow that's a lot of words ahah
somerandomdudelmao · 1 year
Hello :D! I was wondering, does Raph have anything different about his vision, like how in the movie we see that Casey's mask does everything that Don's goggles can do (scan, search through data, etc.,)
or is it closer to his regular vision - nothing fancy, he just... sees? Does he see with his robotic eyes, or is it like his eyes cameras that give video feed to a screen? In the latest part he said it was like a video game, and you sort of watch yourself play video games, you aren't actually in them (like a VR headset.) I assume Donnie gave him eyelids to sleep, but does he blink because of his mind's memory of blinking?
You're my favorite Tumblr user dude, thank you for this amazing series!
(if I can ask another question... can he feel? like if not temperature or pain, can he feel vibrations like being touched or hit? or is it just numb everywhere)
I think VR is the closest analogy. After he lost one eye, though, his perception of depth and volume almost disappeared, so now it's not a "VR headset", but more of a "phone screen brought very close to his face.
He has no additional visual interface in his vision, because that made him feel uncomfortable. And Donnie made it possible for the robot to blink just to make it psychologically easier and more familiar for Raph. Well..as much as possible.
Raph closes his eyes purely for the sake of expression. He doesn't need it, and it doesn't give him the same sense of rest for his eyes as if he had a biological body.
He can feel pressure, vibrations, and temperatures, but these sensations are severely muted and become increasingly indistinguishable over time.
He cannot feel pain. He cannot feel tired or energetic. He cannot growl, make his "baby voice," or make any sounds that are too unusual. He cannot feel water. If you pour a bucket of water on him, he will probably know it by the sound. He can't be sleepy in the morning or hungry.
He wants to, though. He wants to be able to feel all these things, even though they may be unpleasant. He wants to, because he sometimes begins to forget exactly how they felt and it depresses him.
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gojo-mochi · 1 year
Content: Fem!Reader Virgin!Reader. Escort!Zoro. Blood Play, Biting (Lots of Biting), Zoro being cat-like, Virgin deflowering, Dacryphilia, P/V, Oral (Fem Receiving) ,Creampie, Bruising and Marking.
A/N: Cough,,,,, Anyway… Ahah First part of the event!! Woo!! *dodging Tomatoes* IM SORRY IT TOOK THIS LONG. I PROMMY ILL TRY TO BE BETTER
Word Count:10k
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"There's no off switch on a Tiger…"
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You nervously paced around the room as you dialed the number on your phone. You just went with your gut instinct and chose the guy at the top of the list. It's not like you didn’t skim through the whole booklet; this ‘Zoro’ guy just looked the most appealing to you. The light green hair and the scowl etched on his handsome face were something that you couldn’t get out of your head. His description doesn’t seem that bad either… I mean, they did say that he has a “Soft heart on the inside,” so surely that means he’s not a bad guy, right?
You look at your phone and heave out a shaky sigh as you press the call button, holding it up to your ear as it rings. 
“...Hello? What ya want?” 
A tired and gruff-sounding voice spoke through the other line. He gave out a yawn when you paused in your reply with another; “Hello? You there?” Your face was already heating up from embarrassment, “Ye-yes, I’m here! Sorry, it seems like I woke you up…” You paced faster around the room, trying to calm down the shakiness in your voice. He lets out another yawn, grumbling out a “Tis fine… so what did ya want?” 
You almost tripped on your feet as you trip over your words on the phone, “Well, I-uh-saw your ads in this booklet, Zoro, right? Anyway, I wanted to see if you were free tonight to….um..”
“To fuck you, yeah? That's the ad you saw, right?” He finished your sentence for you, with the sound of rustling in the background, indicating that he had gotten up from wherever he was sleeping. “Yeah, I’m free. Which hotel are you at? Oh, and give me the room number too.” Your heart was beating rapidly now, it was all happening so fast, the guy was just so casually saying yes to sleeping with you without any details.
“Wa-wait, I have something to say first-” You sucked in a breath, “I-I’m still a virgin so-it would be nice if you were gentle with me..?” You trail off at the end, unsure of what else to say or add, the voice on the other line went quiet for a bit, you thought that the call got disconnected and went to check when you heard a soft snort and a cough. Like the man was trying to hide the fact that he was laughing. You huff out in displeasure, “Sorry, sorry, tis just was you were really cute with the way you were asking me.” 
You chewed on your bottom lips as your chest started to pound again, but this time for a different reason. The man sounded a lot nicer than before, with the sleepiness waving away from his voice. “I’m staying at the Thousand Sunny Hotel and room 257, also is there anything else I need to do to…prepare at all?” You heard a silent pause again with the same snort as before,but this time the man did not care to hide that he was outright chuckling at your question. “Wow… you really are a virgin, huh? Thought you were fooling me, to be honest.” 
You gasped, shocked that he would think you were lying about this. “Don’t worry, girlie, I’ll take care of you.” You had no reply to that, not with the way your stomach was tying itself in knots as his voice seemed to go down an octave deeper and the nickname sent pangs of heat near your core as well. “I’ll be there in about 20 minutes. Be a good girl and wait for me, yeah?” You nod at his question before remembering that you’re on the phone and he can’t see you. “Yea-yeah! I’ll be good!” You cringe internally at how you replied so obediently back. He ends the call with another chuckle, softer this time, you flopped down on the bed. Staring at your phone screen, replaying what just happened in your head over and over again. 
‘Holy shit, I’m actually doing this, I’m going to have sex with someone I don’t even know.” You were a mixture of nerves and excitement, rolling on the bed, giggling like a schoolgirl over how hot the guy sounded over the line. There was his picture on the booklet, but attaching it to his voice too? Oh, man, it just made him instantly ten times hotter in your mind. You look at the clock, ticking down the time until your escort comes. You were too excited to just lay in bed until he arrived. Though you did stop in your tracks when his voice rang in your head, “Be a good girl…”
You weren’t even sure what that meant… how do you be a ‘good girl’ for him? Stay and wait on the bed until he comes? Try to doll up somehow? Your mind starts to wander downward into more raunchy ideas. The idea of him walking in on you preparing yourself open with your fingers made your legs start to shake. You jumped back down on the bed and screamed into the pillow, emotions too high and foreign for you to fully express. You push your face into the pillow for a while, waiting for your racing heartbeat to fully calm down, only to shoot up again once you see that 15 minutes have passed on the clock sitting right on the nightstand. 
Your breath hitches in your throat, you grabbed the pillow you were face planting in and clutched it close to your chest. Eagerly looking at the door with wide eyes, you squeezed the pillow to your thumping chest as you imagined the sound of a ticking clock in your head. Slowly counting down until your man comes knocking on your door. Time seems to crawl slowly toward you, moving at a snail’s pace. 
Ok, you were too scared to look at the clock before, but you felt like a lot of time had passed and there was still no sign of Zoro. You finally decide to check your phone in case you somehow missed any notifications, you scroll through your messages only to find some messages from the friend that recommended this service. 
Bestie: Heyyyyy, how's it going? You get dicked down yet? 👀
You: No, he told me he was coming over like 30 minutes ago I think…
Bestie: Oh?  Maybe he’s just stuck in traffic or something.
You: I hope so…
You chewed on your bottom lips as you checked the time again, sighing out, you went to scroll on various apps, hoping to keep your mind occupied. You got lost in the void that is social media apps for quite a while, only barely snapping out of it once you scrolled past the 40th cat video on tiktok. You took another look at the time, now it has been close to an hour passing since your call with Zoro.
Hot tears began to drip down on your face from the embarrassment you started feeling. ‘He must think this is so funny…’ You even started to doubt if this whole escort service was even real in the first place, did your friend set you up? You wipe away your tears with a small sniffle, sensing anger slowly boiling up in the pits of your stomach, replacing the embarrassment and sadness. You dial the number once again to give Zoro a piece of your mind. 
The dial tone only rings once before Zoro's gruff voice once again enters your ear. “Hey-” “What the fuck is wrong with you!” You screamed into the phone, cutting him off before he could spew any bullshit excuse to you. You tried hard not to make your voice wobble, forcing it to be steady with all the tears still streaming down your face. “Oy-What’s the hell your problem, woman?” Zoro sounded annoyed, which made you even more angry. “What's your problem?! Did you think it was funny to do this kind of shit?” Your voice cracked at the end, you barely heard Zoro’s reply as you broke into sniffles and choked sobs. “Wh-what the hell are you on about?” He growled out, only to mutter a soft “Shit..” when you whimpered at the harsh tone.
“Listen, just tell me what’s wrong alright? I can’t help ya, if all you do is cry. Shit, I'd rather just have you yelling at me again.” His voice takes on a more soothing tone to try to calm you down. You hated how it was instantly working on you. You wipe away at the snot and tears on your face, wincing at the smeared makeup on your sleeves now. “Just drop the act already. It's been over an hour and you’re not coming, I know that-” “It's been over an hour?! Fuck, if they didn’t change the stupid street names, I would had been there by now.” Zoro grumbled some more obscenities into the phone as you heard his pace quicken. 
The gears in your mind grinded to a halt for a moment, listening to Zoro curse out once more; “Damn it, how many streets are named after this Roger guy anyway?” He was still walking around on Gol D Roger’s Street? You stayed silent to listen some more and quickly gathered that this guy was really bad at directions, considering he somehow ended at the same street sign again for the fifth time. You giggled, causing Zoro’s attention to turn on you. “You’re laughing now? God, women are so weird sometimes... So, is everything ok now?” 
You giggled some more and snorted at his last comment. “Yeah, I think I know what happened now, you’re lost aren’t you?” The pregnant pause on the other end was the only answer you needed to start laughing out right. “It's not my fault that the stupid construction workers keep changing where they post the damn street sign!” You heard the sound of a metal pang and another growl. Zoro was probably kicking the poor street sign. You stopped your laughing fit to help the poor street sign from getting even more abused.
“I thought you ghosted me or something to be honest…” You whispered, emotions still stirring inside your stomach. Your honesty stunlocked Zoro for a bit, you were on the verge of apologizing when his voice came out in a whisper too. “Don’t apologize, I should have called you and told you I was coming late, I can admit that was my fault at least.” “Why didn’t you?” You hugged your knees close to your chest, rocking on your heels as you strained to hear Zoro’s voice now that he was speaking quietly. “...I didn’t think of it until now, shit, listen I understand if you want to pick someone else now so-” “No!” 
Your cheeks heated up at how fast you said that, clearing your throat you spoke again; “I-I mean, it would be a waste for both of us, since you've been walking around for an hour, I don’t mind still spending the night with you.” Now it was Zoro’s turn to chuckle; “Alright, since you want me that badly.” You almost regret sticking with him now, almost. “I just need to find out where the hotel is from here and I promise this time, I’ll be there soon, ok girlie?” You couldn't help but smile at the nickname he gave you.
“How about I try to lead you to the hotel, so you won’t get lost again?” You ignored his words stating that he wasn’t lost. “I know that Roger’s Street isn’t that far from the hotel, I think I know the way to get here from there.” Zoro lets out an affirmative grunt waiting for your directions. You spent the next 20 minutes trying to lead this dense meat head to the hotel. When you told him to take a right and he said that the right takes him to a wall, you argued that he took a left not a right like you said. 
This happened for quite a while until he finally saw the bright neon Lion Head that the hotel had on top of its sign. You wanted to stay in the call to make extra sure that he wouldn’t get lost on the way up to your room to be honest but Zoro argued back that he was fine now. You weren’t quite sure you believed that after the ordeal you went through. The phone call ends and your phone screen fades to black, giving you the first look at yourself in a while. 
Your makeup was smeared all over your face, lipstick half gone, mascara running black streaks down your face, not to mention your red nose and puffy eyes completing this whole messy look.  You rolled off the bed cursing to yourself. Zoro was coming up to your room soon and you looked like a fucking wreck. You silently prayed that he would somehow get lost on his way up to your floor somehow as you entered the bathroom, splashing your face with cold water and rubbing harshly at your skin. 
You let out a squeaked and jumped when you heard banging at the door. ‘Maybe it's room service or the hotel staff…?’ You hoped it was, grabbing a towel and wiping away whatever makeup you can on it, the poor towel could only do so much though. You tentatively walked over to the door and looked through the peephole to find a burly green-haired man on the other side, his arms were crossed and you didn’t know if he was intentionally flexing or not because the veins in his forearms and biceps looked delicious.
You sucked in a nervous breath as you unlocked the door, opening it just a bit to peek at Zoro, saying a quiet “Hello…” you stepped back as he approached the doorway, hiding half of your face in the towel. Zoro was very tall and very very buff, only wearing a white tank top that was straining to keep his pecs covered and black joggers which you can faintly see his dick outline in. He fully stepped inside the room and the door behind him shut closed with a click. He locked the door himself, before turning away to stare down at you with a lopsided grin. 
You bunch up the towel more, hiding your face in the fluffy stained cotton. Zoro took one step towards you, making you almost bump into his chest. “I come all this way and you won’t even show me your cute face, girlie? I feel wounded.” He emphasizes the last word by clutching a fist over his heart with a mocking hurt expression. The tips of your ears go red at his teasing, you try to push him away with a hand but he didn’t even budge when you tried a second push with all of strength. 
Your hand pressed firmly on his left pec, you grunt seeing how he doesn’t even feel your weak attempt at shoving. You, however, felt a lot, hand squeezing lightly on Zoro’s pec, since he wasn’t actively flexing, it was not quite squishy but not firm either. You start to knead on it like a curious kitten for an unknown amount of time only broken out of your spell when Zoro grabbed both of your wrists. You didn’t even realize that your second hand also joined in the fun some time ago.
“Is this what you really gonna pay me for all night?” Zoro tilts his head at you with a bigger smirk plastered on his handsome face this time. You just now noticed that he really does have a scar going over his left eye. Zoro continues on as your voice is stuck in your throat. “Thought you were gonna have me take your virginity tonight, girlie? Hmm? Gonna let me be your first fuck and spread that cunt of yours with my cock right?” His crude words made you gape like a fish out of water.
He pulls your wrist up to his neckline. “Hold on to me, ok sweetheart?” Your mind was already melting from touching him and now he changed nicknames on you too. You nod and wrap your arms around his neck. “Good girl, good listener. I like that.” He purred leaning in near your ear as his arms hoisted up your legs, instantly wrapping around his waist on instinct. He goes to hold your ass with one hand, giving it a good slap making you squeak out his name, while his other arm holds your back. 
He lifted you with such ease, swiftly carrying you to the edge of the bed where he gives your ass one last squeeze then gently sets you down. Your towel had fallen off when he picked you up so you tried to hide your face with your hands this time but Zoro was quick enough to react by pinning your wrists above your head. “Aht Aht, I want to see your pretty face, hide from me again and I’ll be forced to do something about it.” He lets go of your wrist to part your thighs apart, kneading at the plump skin the exact same way you were kneading on him earlier. 
You were scared to ask what he meant by “Do something about it” but all thoughts went out the window when Zoro started to pull down your shorts, his fingers easily dipping into the waistband and sliding down your thigh all in one swoop. Your shorts were already gone past your knees by the time you realized what was happening. “Zo-zoro!” You squealed, hands clambering to stop him but it was too late. Your shorts were pulled off one leg with ease and then discarded behind Zoro as he got it off the other. 
You didn’t know what kind of undies to wear to a night like this, deciding between lacey or a thong or something else for hours in the morning. In the end, you just went with plain white cotton panties, afraid of being mocked for wearing something frilly or too sexy. Despite Zoro only having one eye left, his intense stare sent chills down your spine. Eyeing up your panties like it was his prey, he was even licking his lips as well. 
You whimpered, shrinking down on yourself as you tried to close your thighs and hide away from Zoro. Zoro’s clicked his teeth at you, making your cheeks heat up in further shame, he let you close your thighs but his rough and calloused hands went back to groping them, he rested his chin on the edge of your knees. Looking up at you with the same intense fire, you gulped nervously, wanting to just go and hide under the covers. 
But you can’t run away now, not when you were this far and especially not when a handsome man is on his knees for you like this. The silence felt like forever between you two, Zoro was testing you, seeing if you break and give in all on your own, but you held firm, whether it was due to fear or your own stubbornness you don’t know. You jumped when his chuckle broke stillness in the room; “Stubborn girlie, huh? While I do like that, I can’t exactly continue my job here if you keep your legs closed forever.” He pats your thighs twice with a smirk. 
Your struggle to come up with a retort of some kind but only another whimper left your lips as Zoro’s fingers digs a little deeper in your thigh as he hoists himself back up face you. One hand traveling up right after to gently lift your chin up, fingers tracing the outline of your jaw. “Just give me the word, girlie, and I’ll give you the world.” His words came out more gentle than you thought it would but with an underlying tone that he meant what he promised.  Zoro looked like a tiger in waiting, calm and collected but ready to pounce at a moment’s notice on any innocent prey that fell into its path. 
And you were that prey, trapped in his sights, caged in by one strong arm on your stomach, his other hand still on your chin, making sure you can’t look away. Though yes, you were trapped, Zoro did not make another move, the hand on your stomach lightly tracing small circles on your skin. He was still waiting for your answer, you knew that you could just stop now and he would let you leave without a fight but you wanted more, more of him, more of the man you barely know, an escort who’s job it was to fuck to you until you were satisfed.
So why were you still hesitating? You signed up for this, you made all the preparations beforehand and now here you are, right where you wanted to be. Zoro tilts his head to the side a bit just like a curious cat, his gold earrings dangle together as he does. You steel your resolve once more, ready to give your answer to Zoro, in the form of an action not words. You press your lips hungrily against Zoro’s, tongue coming out to swipe at his bottom lip. Tasting mint on your tongue at the first swipe, you groan quietly, tugging onto Zoro’s tight tank top as a silent plea for more. 
You felt Zoro lips quirk up into a smirk at your actions, making your cheeks burn a bit but all thoughts of quitting went out the window when his tongue invaded your mouth. The wet muscle took over your mouth quite easily, leaving you gasping in the small moment when he let you have air. Your body jolts and moans when Zoro’s bulky hand squeezes at your chest. Massaging the soft mounds gingerly, letting your body fall apart into his hands. 
You were like putty being shaped and molded into whatever shape Zoro wanted you to be, so needy and pliant. He parts away from your lips for a few moments, causing you to let you a high pitch whine at the loss of contact. “Tch, already so needy, girlie? Bet your pussy already soaked down there, where did the cute and shy virgin act go, huh?” He squeezed at your chest a bit harder as he uttered those words. 
You sucked in your bottom lip, feeling shame at his words, though your body betrayed you by pressing in closer to Zoro's body, hands clawing unabashedly at his chest. A low growl came from Zoro and then you were laying flat on your back with Zoro sucking harshly on your neck. You quickly grasped onto his shoulders to anchor yourself. “I knew you were secretly a slut, hahh, so fucking needy, looking at me with those eyes, can’t even keep your hands off of me can you?” He grunts out, licking a long strip down to your collarbone as you arch your back off the bed, accidentally grinding against Zoro’s bulge. He backs away just enough to get rid of his tank top, offering you a full view of his glistening abs. 
“Fuck girlie, I bet you want me to stick my cock in you right now, huh? Breed you like the slut you are. Fuck that virgin cunt of yours until you’re begging me to stop. Mmm, maybe you won’t even ask me to stop and I’ll just have to fuck you all night and day.” He nibbled on your collarbone, leaving a path of purple splotches and bite marks, getting annoyed at how your shirt was stopping him from going further, letting out another louder growl. “Arms up.” He commanded, his own hand already pulling the hem of your shirt halfway up your stomach from impatience. You followed blindly, mind spinning from the harsh words he was spewing but you can’t say he was exactly wrong about it. 
He took your shirt off in a frenzy, pulling the garment up and over your head arms and throwing it to the side. Hand palming at your sides, his lone eye staring down at you, lips parting to show off his fangs. “You've been keeping this all to yourself for this long?” Hands expertly unclasping your bra and feeling your bra from your skin, uselessly thrown to the side as well.  He grasped on to your chest, the callous pads on this thumb coming to rub harshly on your nubs. He doesn’t leave time for you to answer this question, as he dips his head to latch on the other side.
The tongue that was just moments ago mapping out the inside of your mouth was now, flicking so deliciously on your nipple. Your nails dig into his shoulders, trying to ground yourself back to reality but Zoro’s seem keen on making you go dumb on his tongue already. His free hand was pinching and pulling on your other nipple, the quick pain switched with the white hot pleasure of his tongue and mouth slurping on you. His other hand was roaming on your skin, gripping on your waist with enough force to leave bruises in the morning. 
The amount of drool Zoro left on your chest was already seeping down your side and now to the bed. Not that the both of you cared about it. You took a small glance down and the image you saw almost made you cum. Zoro's eyes were closed shut, small beads of sweat on his forehead, making his mossy hair stick to his skin, he was intensely focused on working his tongue on you. It was a vulgar sight, watching his tongue flick in and out of his mouth in such quick successions. He must have felt you staring at him, because he opened his one eye and took one look at your face and smirked. 
“Enjoying the view, sweetheart?” 
You gulped down the spit that you didn't know was pooling in your mouth as you were watching him. Giving a shy nod in return, too afraid to use your voice. He chuckled deeply, pressing kisses down your stomach, hands giving you one last tight squeeze. You let out a small laugh, as you continued watching Zoro, he was giving small kisses and licks on your bare skin. He really was like a big tiger, the way his rough tongue felt on your skin. His eye flickered on you when you snorted at the image of Zoro with cat ears on, eyebrow raising up in question. 
You smiled at him, finally feeling your anxiety and embarrassment wash away bit by bit. Feeling brave enough to run your hand through his hair, it was a bit coarse and sweaty but nicer than you imagined it to be. You swear you could feel and hear Zoro purring at your touch, a low rumble coming from the back of his throat as you gently tug on his hair and scrape your nails against his scalp. He closed his eyes again, enjoying the sensation for a moment, nuzzling his face on your stomach causing you to giggle once again.
Zoro let out a content sigh on your skin, arms dragging down your side slowly, to dip his fingers in your panties. He nips at your skin to get your attention, “Yur’ ok with going further right?” his voice coming out a bit hoarse. You nod but Zoro shakes his head; “I need to hear your cute voice, girlie, tell me what you want me to do to you.” He nipped at you once again, making you whimper at the sharp pain from his fangs. “I want…” You own tongue felt heavy on your cheek as you tried to say what you truly wanted. “I want your cock in me, please Zoro, I need you in me so badly.” 
Zoro growled heavily, “Fuck girlie… yur’ makin’ me lose my mind here.” He pulls down your panties, letting out a groan seeing a sting of your arousal being connected to the base of your panties. “I can’t just shove my cock in you just yet, even though yur’ already this wet, gotta prep you first.” He slaps your pussy, making you sit up straight with a yell. “Zoro!” Now he was snorting out a laugh, you close your thighs and scoot away from him but his grip on your thighs was tight. “Sorry, sorry..” 
He didn't really sound apologetic but you decided you didn't care anymore once his rough tongue was on your pussy. He was also a messy eater on your pussy as well, spitting on it and watching his spit mix in with your juices before diving right back in. One hand secretly going down to pull down his gym shorts and boxer. Kicking it off of him with a lack of grace. More focus on having his tongue gulping down your juices. 
The slurping noises that echoed in the hotel room made your head spin wildly. Zoro’s nose bumping into your clit, as his tongue works its way between your folds and inside your hole. He never stayed in one spot for too long, always moving his head up and down or side to side. The juices cover the entire half of his face as he does so. Your thighs were shaking so much in his tight grip as you never felt this kind of pleasure before. “Nnaghh, fu-fuck me-I-Zorooooo-Mmmahhh!”  You just kept on babbling, hands white knuckled on the hotel sheets, back arching everytime Zoro gave your throbbing clit some attention. It wasn't enough though, the small amount of attention from his nose or swipes from his tongue wasn't enough to push you over the edge.
You were going delirious at this point and Zoro wasn’t even trying to tease you. He was just simply lost in your arousal, enjoying himself too much. You knew this by the way he was rutting himself on the bed, making the frame shake slightly with each thrust. You weakly yank at his hair, whimpering out a small “Zoroooo…” in hopes that he would get your desperation. It took a couple of tries until he understood what you wanted, letting go of your thigh, with one hand coming under his chin to slip a finger in.
He groaned seeing how easily his finger slides in your sloppy cunt, adding in a second just as easily. The stretch of his fingers still burned a bit at first but once Zoro’s lips found your clit again, you found yourself arching off the bed with Zoro’s free hand pushing on your stomach to hold you down. You gush all over Zoro’s face and chin which ended up in him making more obscene noises as he slurps up every drop he could. Fingers still scissoring themselves inside of your walls, adding a third finger once you calmed down from your orgasm. 
“Still here with me, girlie?” Zoro’s voice rasped out, looking up at you from between your thighs, face slick and shiny. 
You could swear that his pupils turned into cat-like slits for a second there. You swallow some dry spit down to speak, knowing that Zoro wanted another vocal answer from you. “M’ goo-good. Do-don’t stop.” He growled at you; “Never said I was gonna stop, girlie. Not after seeing how much this slutty cunt is taking in my fingers so well. You think you were going to leave without my cock stuffed in her first?” You whimpered out when he started biting down on your hips and inner thighs. Marking his place on your skin with vigor, speeding up his fingers, angling his wrist just right so he could hit you in the sweet spot. 
He knew you were close again when your eyes began fluttering close and that cute little mouth of yours turned into a ‘o’. If this wasn’t a job, he would have stopped his fingers as soon as you were close enough, and made you beg him to make you cum. But he prided himself on being a good escort, at least enough to compete with a curly blonde, so instead he planned to make you cum as much as possible tonight. His tongue slipped its way in your sloppy hole as well, slurping up all the cream that was still pouring out. 
He was fighting really hard not to get drunk off of your pussy and focus on your pleasure right now, but with your moans and whimpers and the way your body kept cutely twitching off the bed, he might break soon. This time his free arm was well prepared to soothe you as you reached your second orgasm of the night, bucking your hips into Zoro’s awaiting mouth, as his fingers slipped out to rub at your throbbing clit. 
“Mmahh! Zo-fuuuuuck-Zoro!”
“Let it all go, girlie, hahhh, doin’ so good, like the cute slut you are.”
Tears pricked at the corner of your eyes, chest heaving heavily, your mind buzzed so loudly in rhythm with your racing heartbeat. You scarcely register your ankles being hoisted up over Zoro’s shoulder and the weight of his fat cock slapping against your cunt. His hand goes to tightly grip around your neck, leaving you gasping for air. “Look at me, can’t be fucked that dumb yet, your pussy still crying out for me. Can’t you hear her?” He emphasizes this by shoving his fingers back in, making your cunt squelch lewdly with each thrust. 
Sqelch “Ngghhh” Shlick Shlick “Fw-ahhh!”
“Zo-Zoroooo.” You pathetically whine out, your hands pushing at his bicep to get away from your sensitive core. He lets you push him away, slipping his fingers out easily to only then shove them at your lips, growling out the command “Open.” You eagerly obeyed, parting your lips and licking at his digits with vigor you didn't know you had. Tasting your own slick on his fingers, eyes fluttering close as you automatically sucked his fingers clean of yourself. “So good f’r me aren’t cha?” His low timber voice purrs out. 
“So obedient, girlie, hmm? You like being told what to do?” 
You turn your face away, trying to hide it away from his staring and teasing words. Zoro was having none of that though, wrenching your face back to meet with his by seizing hold of your chin and forcing you to turn back. “I want you to either look at me or look at when my cock finally sinks in you, understood?” He didn’t wait for an answer from you, forcing your head up and down into a nod with his own hand. “Good girl~” His tone verges between mocking and praiseful.
Ending his praise with another deep kiss, his teeth nipping at your bottom lip, making you mewl out in slight pain,  parting your lips enough for his tongue to slip in. His hand slips up to tug at your hair, as he utterly devours your lips and mouth. Leaving you no room or control to do as you please, your body surrendering itself to his whims. He leans back to observe your reaction, licking his lips at the sight with another strange growl emitting from his throat.
Your face flushed, eyes glossed over with desire, and lips still parted to let out small puffs of breaths. His grip still on the back of your head, stopped you from cowering away from his gaze, the feeling of a carnal desire coming off from Zoro. He presses his mouth to your neck hard, biting his canines in enough to the point of pain, soothing it with hot kisses afterwards. Gently petting your hair as you cried out and squirmed underneath him. “Hahhh.. fuck…I forgot the damn condom.” 
He gets off of you and looks around for his discarded shorts and rummage around the pockets to find a roll of condoms. Tearing one off and opening with his mouth, pulling out the rubber and aligning himself between your thighs once again, rolling the condom on his cock, hissing softly as it covers his sensitive tip. At this point, you caught your breath again, looking up at Zoro, hand motioning him to come closer. “Tch, so needy.” He rolled his eyes but his tone and demeanor was sort of gentle as he grabbed your hand and kissed it. Hovering his body right over yours, finally prepared, interlacing your fingers together as he goes to kiss your hand again. 
You look into his eye, in the man that you chose to take your virginity tonight. Tracing the outline of his pecs with your other hands as you squeezed the one that was interlaced with him. “I’m ready.” Your voice was wavering a little but maintained eye contact with Zoro all the way. He gives you what seems to be a genuine smile in return, kissing your hand one last time and bending down to engulf your lips in a passionate kiss. 
Pushing his hips forward as his thick cock tries to push itself past your folds. The tip barely made it inside, already making you gasp out and dig your nails in his shoulder and squeezed his hand holding yours tightly. “Shh, Shh, you’re doing so good… relax..” Zoro’s voice rasps out, sweat forming on his forehead as he tries to control himself from slamming all the way into you. Waiting for you to give a signal to go again, his lone eye watching every single movement from you. Looking for any sign of pain or discomfort.
You continue to squeeze his hand tightly, blinking away some tears as you steady yourself, feeling ready for more, you murmured a soft “Deeper, please…” Zoro groans out this time, his heart beating faster at how cute and needy you sounded, his cock twitching to go all the way in but he was a good escort. Taking his sweet time to make sure you were all stretched out and snug on his cock before he could ruin you. 
Inching deeper in your tight pussy bit by bit until he bottomed out. You felt like it reached all the way to your throat with all long and thick it was, catching your breath as you breathed out a shaky sigh. Grasping tightly to Zoro’s hand; “Deep breaths girlie, thats it, you’re doing so good, haaaah, fuck you’re so tight, clenching on me so hard already.” He uses his free hand to caress your cheek gently as lewd praises spill out from his lips. “Was your pussy always this slutty? Hmm, or do you like my cock that much? Heh, It’s going to be hard to fuck other guys when you can only think of me huh?”
“Just sh-shut up and fuck me already.” You faintly hiss out, getting a bit annoyed. “You talk too much, I paid you to use that mouth for something other than just talking, you know.” Zoro lets out a hearty laugh at that, showing off all his teeth once again, a dark gleam in his eye. His hand goes down to squeeze harshly at your chest then down further to press on below your navel right above where his cock was buried. Slowly pulling his cock out till only the tip was still inside; “Sorry could you repeat that? Didn’t quite hear you?”
“Zoro-aa-hah-AH!” You eyes flew wide open, arching your back off the bed as Zoro slams his whole length into you once more. Keeping the rhythm going, plunging in and out at a painfully slow pace, but it was enough to make you roll your eyes. Your hand lost its strength and was gradually slipping from Zoro’s but he grabbed you by the wrist and plop one of your fingers in his mouth, sensually rolling his tongue around the digit making you lose more sense until he abruptly bit down on it.   
Enough to draw blood and make your whole body jolt from the pain only to be hit with a wave of pleasure as his cock found its way to your sweet spot. Zoro sucking on your wounded finger, tongue roughly licking at the bite mark, lapping at the blood and indents. It felt weird, a painful kind of sting with each lap of his tongue that made you crave for more each time it was gone. Or maybe you were losing your mind with how his cock was still ramming it way into your cervix.
 “Ngaah-Hahh-Zorooo-fuck!” Moans and whimpers spill from your lips as your body surrenders itself to Zoro fully, his fangs making various bite marks on your arm now, his cock stretching you out fully, his hand pressing down on your stomach each time his cock reaches that area. You wanted so desperately to say that you wanted Zoro to go faster, however only drool and nonsensical babble came out of your mouth.  Your babbles mixed in with the sounds of Zoro’s grunts and growls as he started licking away at all the bloodied bite marks he made on your arm. 
His cat-like tongue sweeping and swirling on the bruises, small beads of blood dripping out of the wound quickly whisked away by the wet muscle. The corners of his lips and teeth were now stained red, not that Zoro cared heck he might have even loved the fact that he looked like a carnivore right now. Eating away at his prey bit by bit, devouring every aspect of your body, every whimper or moan from your lips, every twitch and shiver of your body, all caused by him. 
When Zoro gets down to your shoulder, you tilt your head to the side to meet his gaze. Pleading with your teary eyes for him to go harder, faster, anything from the agonizing sluggish pace he kept at currently. Zoro growls softly at your weeping face, wiping away your tears with his fingers, smudging some blood on your cheek in the process. “What's wrong, girlie?” he sounded genuine but with the way his lips were quirked up in a smirk he probably wasn't all that sincere. Especially how his hips  suddenly sputter to a complete stop halfway in. His cock twitching slightly inside of you, as you cried out some more tears. 
Clawing your nails into his biceps, lips out in a full pout as you barely manage blubber out some words; “Mo-more” “Zorooo” and “Please”. Your pitiful attempts at pleading were enough to make Zoro waver a little, actually being genuine this time when he leaned down to capture your lips in a passionate kiss. You taste the copper tang from your own blood on your tongue as Zoro tilts your chin up to gain more access to your mouth. His other hand roaming to give some attention to your throbbing clit some much needed attention. 
You attempt to buck your hips up but with Zoro’s weight still pressing down on you it is a near impossible task. You only managed to make yourself seem more pitiful, as pitiful whines bubbled up from your throat, your thighs shaking and tensing around Zoro’s waist. “Seems like I got carried about with the biting again…” He murmured out quietly, after parting from your lips. You sent him a weak glare, slapping his bicep making him chuckle out in return. You slap him again. He returns the slap by giving you one on your clit. 
Pressing his tongue inside your mouth when you yelp at the sting of it, taking this moment to push his cock all the way in again. His thumb rubbing at your clit in small circles as Zoro starts to increase his pace. Along with increasing the force of his thrust, the slapping sound when your skin colliding with each other echoed so loudly in the hotel room, making your ear burn with embarrassment. Your cries and pleads were back to being swallowed up by Zoro’s tongue. He would let out occasional growls or heavy pants in between the small instances when he allowed you to breathe in air again. You felt your core tightening with white-hot pleasure, black spots appearing in your vision as you squeezed your eyes shut. 
Legs trembling and your pussy clenching down on Zoro’s length, making him increase his pace on both his thrusts and his thumb ministrations. “C’mon cum for me girlie, mmmf-fuck, cum for me.” he grunted out, slamming his hip in a particularly  mean thrust. That combined with his thick-voiced command was the final straw that pushed you over. Your eyes rolling to the back of your head, as your body spasms and thrash around the searing and burning amount of pleasure that you never felt before was almost too much for you to handle. 
Luckily Zoro wasn’t that mean, combing his hair through your hair as he ease you into it, softly speaking praises into the shell of your ear as his other arm placed itself on your back. Pushing you forward into a half bear hug, your body colliding with Zoro’s tightly, his arm pressing your chest against his, mixing your heart beats together. When your breathing lowers down to low pants and your body settles to small twitches here and there, only then does Zoro bring his arm back and slowly pull out. 
His own breathing low and heavy, his chest slowly rising and falling with each parted sigh. Sweat dripped from his forehead and glistened on his chest. He removes the condom with a groan, wrapping his hand around the base, looking down at you with a cloudy gaze. You wearily blink your eyes back open to ogle at the sight before his voice rings out to you. You strained your ears to listen to his request. “--you don’t mind if I cum on you right?” he was already stroking his cock as he was asking you for permission. Who were you to say no to this hunking beast of a man?
Still catching your breath, you nod at him, parting your legs out more and leaning your head back to watch Zoro jerk himself off right above you. The thick veins on his hand almost matched the ones on his pulsing cock. Your hole was clenching around nothing as you kept on leering at this sight, the smell of sweat and sin in the air, Zoro’s eye half-lidded staring down at you, his lips wet and smeared with your blood still. Low and rugged pants coming up from his throat as he squeezed your chest with his other hand, increasing the pressure on both hands as he soon reached his own climax. Spattering his cum across your chest in short spurts, a loud mix of a growl and a grunt escaped his lips as well. 
After a short pause, he wipes off some sweat from his face, a wide smirk plastered on his face. “Well? How was that for your first time, eh girlie? I think I deserve a 5-star rating.” He moved around until he was sitting by your side now, gently caressing your face with the hand he used to just jerk off with. You felt the sticky residue he was leaving your cheek. “Ugh! Zoro, don't use that hand to touch my face right now!” You smack his hand away with a grimace, propping yourself on your elbows. Hissing out in pain when the bite that Zoro left on there starts to bleed out a bit again. You send a glare Zoro’s way, he rubs the back of neck as he looks away from your glare, muttering out a “Whoops..” You smack him on the arm again; “I think you deserve a 1-star rating instead.” Zoro flinched at the smack but you knew that was mostly because of your words and not because your attack did any damage to him. You ran your fingers over the indentations of Zoro’s fangs in your skin, the small sting that came with each run thru sent shivers down your spine. You then hear and feel the bed creaking from beside you as Zoro sags his head down on your shoulder.
His arm loosely wrapping around your waist, his cheek nuzzling delicately against yours. This must be Zoro’s way of apologizing you thought silently, holding back a grin. You took some pity on the man and patted his head a bit just like a cat. He makes a small noise, akin to a real purr, your mind must be playing tricks on you or something. He plants mushy kisses on your cheek, descending down to your shoulder. Licking at any bruises or marks he left there as well, then going even further down to your arm. Stopping at every wound and kissing and licking at it.
Running his bristly tongue over the indents, it wasn’t soothing as you thought it would be, the prickle of pain with each lap of his tongue followed by a gentle kiss made your mind roll though. Maybe you liked feeling a bit of pain with pleasure? This was something new to you, as Zoro continues his apology, already halfway down your arm which was now covered in spit along with the bite marks and blood spots. Another shiver went down your spine as Zoro’s tongue pressed deeply into a particularly deep wound. The jolt of pain that came from it made you moan out a bit. 
Causing Zoro to stop mid-lick and look up at you with a curious glint in his eye. His lips curled up at the side; “Oh? What was that a moan, hmm, sweetheart?” “N-no…” You looked away from him, about to tug your arm away when his tongue came out again on the same spot. Pressing much harsher this time on the bite mark. You couldn’t hold back the throaty moan, closing your eyes instead and feeling the heat of shame light up your cheeks and ears. Zoro chuckles; “You should have told me that you liked this sort of thing, I would have marked you up much more.” Your cheeks burn a bit more at the comment, desire stirring up once again in your chest. 
“I didn’t really know I was into this sort of thing, alright? It’s all new to me… Anyway, are-are you going to leave now that we’re done?” Your voice cracked a bit at the end, as your mood instantly dampened the thought of Zoro leaving you. He raised up an eyebrow at you; “Leaving? You want to kick me out that badly?” His tone is light as he flicks your forehead with a finger. Kissing it right after to ease the small sting of pain. “And we’re not done yet. It seems like you want more, don’t cha?” He hums out, kissing the shell of your ear, his hand meeting in the middle of your thighs. 
Your body parting them open easily so his finger could slip in your pussy, plunging in out with the slick and wetness making lewd noises come out. You just started to grind your hips up when Zoro pulled his finger out and licked away the slick. Moving to the edge of the bed and beckoning you forward, patting his thigh with both hands. “Cm’ere.’ His cock was sitting up prettily between his muscular thighs, your heartbeat felt like it was skyrocketing as you slowly made your way over to him. His hands came to grab onto your waist as you threw your legs over the side of his thighs. 
His fingers digging in your soft flesh when he realizes something. “Shit…forget about the condoms again. Hold-” “Ah! Zoro, wait-” Your bend forward, throwing your arms around his neck, stopping him from getting up. “Can we skip the condom this time.. Please?” Your heart was pounding at this request but you really wanted to feel Zoro fully this time. “Shit, girlie. I’m not opposed to fucking raw but are you really sure about this?” He looks at you with his steel eye searching for any sign that you weren’t 100% sure about it, making you gulp nervously at the intensity of it. But you didn’t back down; not shying away from his gaze you answered back. “I am sure, I…I want to feel everything this time. I can handle it.” 
He stares at you for a couple more moments, a wide toothy smile taking over his face. His fangs seem sharper now for some reason as well. “Already getting addicted to my cock huh? I knew that you wouldn’t just be satisfied after one round. Mmm..you better be prepared, cause I’m not holding back this time..” He ends his statement by immediately biting down hard on your shoulder, puncturing his fangs in and drawing blood. His hands anchored itself on your waist, making sure you can’t squirm away. A choked whine leaves your lips, the searing pain of the bite makes your pussy quiver with need.
Zoro releases his fang from your shoulder, switching to sucking and lapping up the blood spilling out, his hands loosening its hold on you to swipe at you needy cunt. His fingers quickly drenched in your arousal, plunging in and scissoring his fingers. The feeling was nice but it wasn't enough for you. Tugging at Zoro’s hair with a whimper, blinking down at him thru your teary lashes. The sight made his cock jump up even more. He gulped down some of your blood and held it in his mouth so when he went in for the kiss, you could have a taste also.
Now, regardless if you actually wanted to drink down some of your blood was irrelevant as Zoro also took this time to spear you with his length. Bullying it up all the up to your cervix, done easily as your slick was still plentiful, nasty ‘plaps’ echoed loudly each time your hips slapped against each other. The unexpected thrusting made you moan, opening your mouth to let in the metallic liquid and Zoro’s saccharine tongue to wash over your taste buds. Almost choking on your own blood from how rough Zoro was bouncing you on his lap. 
‘Plaps’ ‘Plaps’ ‘Plaps’  “Zo-Zoro-Slow-Mmhh! Nggh!!”  ‘Plaps’ ‘Plaps’  
Your pleads were taken away when Zoro bit down on your bottom lips cruelly. Drawing more blood out and licking and sucking at it sweetly the next moment. His muscular thighs spread apart as he kept on bouncing you up and down on his cock. His hands kneaded at the soft flesh of your ass, sometimes gripping so hard that his handprints were about to be imprinted on the skin. A quick slap on your ass, made you cry out, tilting your head back as tears fell down your cheek beautifully. 
A pitiful sniffle and whimper is all you could muster when Zoro grabs you by the chin to pull you back in. His fingers pressing on your tear-ridden cheeks to open your mouth for his greedy tongue. “Tongue out.” He growls, giving you another smack on the ass. You loll out your tongue quite obscenely, eyes half-lid and wet with tears. Zoro rewards your quick obedience by sucking on your tongue, his hand withdrawing from both sets of cheeks, going to wrap around your waist and under you. Planting his feet firmly on the ground so he could stand up with you still on his cock with ease. 
His muscle only twitches slightly as he picks you up, his mouth never once leaving yours. Your tongue being abused by his lips and teeth, going as far as to bite down on it. His own rough tongue coming to trail over the wound, going deeper in your throat later on as his cock was also still buried deep in your core. The bounce with each step he took, jostled his cock even more inside of you. Your legs wrapped around his waist to keep steady, even with his iron grip on your skin you were scared of slipping off. Not that Zoro would ever let you fall off, moving forward with you until your back reached the wall. 
Right where he wanted you, trapped between the hotel wall and a muscular wall of abs. With one last flick of his tongue on yours, he parts from your mouth, a nasty strand of salvia connected you two for a small moment. You suck in much needed air into your lungs, your chest heaving up and down and your thighs clenching together the moment Zoro bucks his hips up into you. A loud moan ripped itself from your throat. “Zorooooooo!” You whined out, more moans coming out from you. Your back hitting the wall with each thrust upwards of his hips, the pictures on the wall bouncing along with you. Almost falling off with how hard Zoro was fucking you. 
“O-Oh-hnggg-Zoro! Fu-Fuck!”
“You better quiet down or do you want the room next door to hear how much of a slut you are right now?” 
Zoro’s tutted at you but with the smirk on his face and how he kept thrusting into you without a care. The thumping on the wall grows louder in tandem with your moans and pants. A photo frame came crashing down on the ground but neither of you noticed it. Zoro grunts out near your ear, his tan skin flushed a delicious pink, he leans his head down a bit to bite down on your neck. Your nails stab into his shoulders, knuckles whites, your eyes and stomach squeezing as hot pleasure washes over you. Zoro gives you more bites, on your neck, collarbone, and shoulder. Never once losing the harsh pace he was giving you. 
‘Plaps’ ‘Thrust’ ‘Thrust’ “Hahhhhhh” ‘Plaps’ ‘Plaps’
“Fuck….. I think I'm the one getting addicted to this pussy of yours, girlie.” Zoro sighs out, the flush on his face getting pinker. His mind was getting hazy as his cock drags itself along your walls, without the condom you both felt everything so much more. His thick throbbing veins rubbing against your walls with each push and pull, his fat tip hitting your spot so sweetly. The way you were clenching down on him, your juices spilling out so much, almost making his cock slip out if he wasn’t careful. “Ha-ahhhhhh, sweetheart… fu-fuck.” His hands press in a bit on your hips, pressing his forehead against your. “L-let me cum in you? Nghhhh.. Please let me mark you on the inside as well.” 
You didn't expect Zoro to plead for it, his eye glazed over with lust, licking his teeth clean of your blood while staring at you. His hot breath coming out in short and husky pants, you turn this man into a mess and you loved it. “I-I’m close too.. Let’s cum together.. Please.” You press your legs closer around his back, pulling him closer to you as you clenched down on his cock. Zoro pushes you against the wall even more, one arm grabbing the back of your head as he crashes his lips into yours. A growl emitting from his throat as his abs starts to tense up from the build up of his own release. 
HIs hips going at a extra hard pace now, you could swear that the entire hotel room was shaking from how hard he was fucking you. “C’mon sweetheart, Ha-ahh, give it to me..” Another growl came out of Zoro as he nipped at your bloodied and swollen lips. His hand tugging at your locks, hot puffs of air coming out from both of you. Your body shakes and clenches down even harder than your last orgasm. Grinding your whole body against Zoro’s as your back arch off the wall and collide with his chest. Zoro releasing his own thick rope of cum into you soon after, the sensation of his cream spilling itself hotly inside you, mixing in with your own juices, made you see stars in your vision. 
Zoro begins backing away from the wall, arms still wrapped around you as your body twitches as you calm down from your orgasm. Your head flopping down on Zoro's shoulder, your breath stuttering out, your body completely spent and tired. With no energy to even continue wrapping your legs around his waist, your legs dangle on the side now, but Zoro held you tight. Pacing his way over to the bed, you heard some shuffling and felt your body being moved about all over the place but soon you succumbed to sleep. Your eyes flutter closed as the last thing you see and hear is Zoro above you, murmuring out. “Sleep well, girlie…”
The morning lights filter through the curtains, landing directly on your face. You groan out, shifting your body the other way to get away from the light. The sound of quiet grunting can be heard once you settle back in again. You laid there for a short while, straining your ears to try to figure out what the noises could be and where it was coming from. Eventually your curiosity got the better of you and you decided to sit up fully and blink open your eyes to look around. Rubbing sleep from them with a yawn as your vision clears. 
What you found was Zoro on the ground doing one-handed push ups. Only wearing a pair of boxers as sweat trickles down his broad back. He soon stops as he notices you staring at him, giving him what you think was a wink as he stands up and stretches his arms backwards. “Mornin’ sweetheart. Took you long enough to wake up.” He steps over to the edge of the bed, looming over you. A hand coming down to pat you on the head twice, fluffing up your bed-head even more. “I still expect to get that 5-stars review, you know?” He chuckles out, seeing you try to pat down some hair that was sticking up. 
You only noticed now when Zoro went to the bathroom, that you got clothes on, the simple t-shirt and shorts that you packed before you came here. Zoro must have put them on you while you passed out after last night’s… activities. Speaking of that... You start to flush a rosy pink, as the memories of last night came flooding back. The bite marks on your skin pulsing with a mild ache, your thighs move with a new kind of soreness you never felt before. You flop back on the bed, grabbing a pillow to hug to your chest with a grumble. 
Zoro walked out of the bathroom back in his normal clothes, snorting softly at the sight before him. Bending down to your level and giving you a quick peck on the forehead as he brushes your hair back. “Don’t be mad at me alright? You asked for it last night, heh, practically begged for it.” He teases out, making you grumble and pout cutely, still leaning into the warmth of his hand. His hand goes down to cup your cheek, giving you a sweeter kiss on your lips that lasts for a while. But when he parts away from you, it felt like it wasn’t enough, making your heart ache a bit. 
“It’s a bit past noon.” He sighs out, his tone low. “I have places to be.” You swallowed back a lump in your throat. You knew that this was only a one night thing, he was an escort after all not your lover or anything like that. Still you couldn’t shake the feeling of sorrow in your heart watching Zoro get up to leave. Only giving him a small nod as you bury yourself back into the bed, clutching the pillow even tighter to your chest to try dull the ache there. You heard another sigh from Zoro and some rustling of paper. You peek over to find Zoro scribbling something down on the hotel notepad. Ripping the page off and giving it to you. “This is my personal phone number, since I know no other guy will be able to satisfy you like I did. Call me whenever you need me again or whatever.” He mumbled out the last part almost shyly. His head turned away from you but you can see the tips of his ears were pink. 
You take the paper, your heart leaping up to your throat in joy. Zoro doesn’t turn back to you as he walks away, too embarrassed to show you his blushing face so he just waves a goodbye and gives you a small; “Later, Y/N”. The door shuts behind him and now you’re left alone in the room once more. Your first thought was, ‘I wonder if Zoro is gonna get lost on his way to his next appointment again.’ and your second was, ‘Is it too soon if I call him again tomorrow…?’ 
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Taglist: @baka-tsuki @malxoxo @saenora
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arminsumi · 1 year
Hi love🫶🏻🫶🏻 Can you write prompt n°5 of sweet Nsfw? I'm really curious about his reaction. By the way have any amazing day sweetheart, you're very talented🤍🤍
Aw thank youuu!! 🙈💕mwa
˗ˏˋ꒰ 🍒 ꒱TOO PRETTY
░ 🐬 Armin x AFAB!gn!reader
⚠️Cws; spicy fluff, nudity
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░ 🍒 When you peel off your top and expose your chest to him, his head goes completely empty. He can't form a single thought for a hard few seconds, it's like his brain glitched out.
░ 🍒 He's so pink in the face it's adorable, you just want to squeeze him. Even his ears are tingling with heat.
░ 🍒 He becomes a stuttering mess, unable to formulate a proper sentence – it almost makes you laugh, since Armin's usually a good speaker and a bit of a chatterbox.
░ 🍒 "Uh – wow – god damn... sorry! I don't mean to gawk, but you're just so... wow." he gulped. "I'm just so 'wow'?" you teased him.
░ 🍒 "Sorry... I just meant that you're – uh..." he nearly choked. "...you're too pretty for me." he said quietly after giving your figure a long and analytical look-over. Your body was a map he wanted to memorize.
░ 🍒 His palms are sweaty, an he's subtly shaking when your panties come off. Though he tries to hide it, his pants are really tight. "Min, are you okay?" you ask him. "Mhm!" he nods quickly, trying to breathe.
░ 🍒 "Well, what're you thinking?" you ask him, and he tells you; "I'm thinking about a lot... uh, but I don't know how to use my words, ahah."
░ 🍒 "You don't have to use your words to tell me what you think of my body." you tease him. "Huh!" his eyes light up at you when you say that.
░ 🍒 You've got to encourage him a bit, but eventually his nervous hands are smoothing over your figure. His eyes are hungrily tasting the sight of you naked in front of him while his hands tentatively feel up and down.
░ 🍒 He feels like the luckiest boy in the world. Actually, he almost feels like he doesn't deserve to see you naked, but he never admits that.
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gb-patch · 1 year
so, GB! would you say that baxters DLC is longer or about the same lengths as Derek's? i see your daily updates over on twitter and i think "...wow. thats a lot of words."
It's longer, ahah. But both of them are very long compared to the other DLCs, Baxter's just happens to be the longest of them all.
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destinymanticor · 2 years
Tag 9 People You Want to get to Know Better
(^・ω・^ ) Thank you for tag me 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚
@avomorg @bumblebeeenby
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Currently reading:
Well, according to fics, only on AO3 26 pages of subscriptions... ლ(╹◡╹ლ)
But I can mention from AO3 "Fractures"
From Ficbook (!rus), I can only note "Truth is a cave" by chiwich
Oh, if I’m rereading book with infernal detectives (1991) (!rus), which fell into my hands back in 2012-13
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I don't really remember the events where I got it from. I just remember that I picked it up on street, for some reason a "garbage bin" pops up in my head, but it definitely doesn't seem to be from it, right (⓿_⓿)???
Favorite color:
if roughly specified, they will be dark green, silver, ~terracotta, and purple
Its hard for me to describe in words, so I'll attach ~approximate pic for colors
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i like all colors
except for bright red shades, especially when there is a lot of it or if it is an accent color..... like
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that's why I usually not use bright red in the arts, even when draw Kai -- I dim red a bit
oh what is there? ah eah
Last song
well I'm hooked now on (╯▽╰ )
"Dear Wormwood" -- this is pretty related to the end arc for one of my OC now ahah
"You're the Only Thing in Your Way" -- this one for one of those AUs "that I probably donno how write"
"Lemon Demon - Modify" -- its just fun music + funny animation 🔪🔪🔪
Last movie:
Does the Lego Ninjago Movie count? when I watched it for screenshots? I just don't remember the last time I sat down and watched it just for the sake of a movie.
"Ирония судьбы, или С лёгким паром!" in new year i don't count
I really like sweet, milk chocolate, jelly and various caramels. I also really like sweet and sour things, especially if they cause a reaction like in cartoons, but in reality. But there are few of them, so lemons and kiwis will help me (○` 3′○)
I love spicy, of course, jalapeno, chili, and other spicy peppers
not against wasabi and horseradish (although for me they mostly differ in the burn duration and resting speed)
savory doesn’t evoke special feelings, like okay, not insipid and okay ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Currently working on:
A small animation like "into the game". I have the first part sketch-animatic, but it seems to me that with the second part I put too much information for timing
some pictures for 14 february
and a small picture with butterfly 🍋
(ʘ ͜ʖ ʘ) wow how many txt
!!! (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ @sunnylighter @sebilini @quiznak-ofgrayskull @howuart @peachyninjago @pixanefan @emisnt2 @tokaywineandcheese @kdragon107
sorry if you had something like that, I have a worse memory than a goldfish, and the attentiveness like stone ༼ ◕_◕ ༽
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yujinniw · 1 year
MIDNIGHT RAIN — KTR | 03-perfect image
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2:11 am, it was cold and rainy surprisingly in the summer. I felt everything crushing down on me. If it was work, family, scandals? It was just too much, I and lots of others are not machines, we cannot do everything perfectly like they want us to. But the only thing I can do is smile and act as if nothing has ever happened, Even if I try there will be so many shits that I don't want other's to handle because of me.
So here I am, finding it amusing how such a big tourist attraction could feel so empty for once. But damn FOR ONCE MAN thank you rain! It was nice taking all that fresh air in, feeling the warm breeze hitting my skin was not too fun but hey it is the summer, unless you live in the UK or something.
I was just minding my own business until, I saw this dude coming closer to where I was. His hair was messy, kinda looked like he just got up from a nightmare, Yikes. But I couldn't see his face, he was wearing a mask. '....masks of course, the people with the hottest hair always wear a mask.' I thought to myself 'How am I supposed to know if you're really hot or not..'
'Should I go talk to him?' 'No chae miyeon, privacy.' I slapped myself to reality. But I think it was kinda too loud considering how he suddenly turned his head my direction. 'great. JUST GREAT.' All those thoughts were gone as soon as I heard a tired voice saying; "Are you okay?" I tilted my head up to looked at him 'SHIT. what am I supposed to reply with. Yea yea I'm fine, no you looked like you fell down from heaven itself. okay.... why was that even an option.'
"Yea, just thought there was a mosquito." WOW such a great answer congratulations. He just nodded before sitting down beside me 'FUCK HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO ACT MORE NORMAL NOW YOU'RE NEXT TO ME.' hold up. act I can act FOR FUCK SAKES.
"Why are you awake and up here so late." He asked me before I could... "Just needed some fresh air. what about you?" "Needed to clear my mind." same bitch, same. "If you don't mind me asking, what's your name?" He asked, which caught me off guard "Oh I do mind." WHAT THE HECK! NO NO THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT!! "Oh... sorry then" he responded while scratching the nape of his neck. Miyeon Chae, This is the result of your action take responsibility
"Depends on what you're going to do with them," "Keep it to yourself? Sell it on the black market. I don't know." I retorted back. Should I tell him my real name? should I lie? Decision making should not be anywhere near me.. BUT back to reality, He chuckled at my words and responded with "Yes... I will sell it on the black market. Now give me your name." "Woww such a creep..." OMG WHAT IF HE IS A CREEP.
"No actually, do you mind if I get your name?" Right... my name... "Miyeon, Chae Miyeon" I said holding my hand out to his "As in the Actor? Or a normal person" Hah.. this bitch. " Don't know whatever you think I guess." He laugh while shaking my hand. "Kim Taerae."
If I'm being honest, His hand was huge. Would probably have me flying from one slap with that hand. But then I looked back to what he said was his name, Kim Taerae. I looked up to meet his covered face. Gorgeous eyes babes. But the hair, face shaped and hand. did match the description of the ZB1 Kim Taerae.
Eyes widened when I come back to my senses that this gorgeous looking dude right here, who still has my hand in his. Could actually be Kim Taerae Zerobaseone.. I took my hand away " I should probably get going..." "It was nice meeting you." I said quickly before running to my car. yes I drove here...
"I'm done for."
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sypnosis : One of the many famous actress was spotted at a park holding hands with their boyfriend, which was rumored to be Chae Miyeon, and Kim Taerae of Zerobaseone.
a/n: Really feeling like writing today woke up at 4 am and decided yk what I'm going to write the whole of chapter 3😖 ANYWAYSSS THEY MET or did they ykyk😶
donate to the poor | masterlist | ahah..
tag-list: @sparklingsjy, @xinxinyy,@wtfhyuck
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whataboutsimple · 1 day
Hey man!!! it’s MY turn to break into ur ask box >:D
I can’t stop thinking about oceanlove…. If it’s alright, Do you have any headcanons you could possibly share with me? I’ve absolutely fallen for the propaganda and I wanna hear more abt them …. 👉👈
Sorry if this is weird I just like them a lot i think!!😭
You can punch my ask box like for infinity and I'm gonna be happy abt it!
Okay, since size of letters is finally normal, I can do more propaganda on them!
First of all I beg for my dear life listen tp Heart Shaped Box - Neovaii! This song is so about them, but mostly about how heartbroken Gabriel is!
"She eyes me like a Pisces when I am weak" - bassicaly Gabriels feels how carefully Fred treats him, trying to hide the whole conflict situations about Romeo, too afraid of hurting Gabriel even though he can handle it.
"I've been locked inside your heart-shaped box for weeks" - he feels a bit overwhelemed with all the care and protection Fred gives him, but won't recieve the same back.
"I've been drawn into your magnetar pit trap" - Gabriel knows he should do something about it, but Fred's words are so sweet, so reassuring that he can't help but believe him.
"I wish I could eat your cancer when you turn black" - he straight up hates himself for letting this all happen, for letting the sweetness fool him, for letting his partner die, basically wishes he'v done anything to prevent Fred from dying.
You can count chorus as for his nightmares, where he calls for Fred, but his lapis slowly dissapearce in the blackness and he can't do anything.
"Meat-eating orchids forgive no one just yet" - the orchids here are them (blue orchids specifically), meat-eating means they cared about each other too much it made none of them happy in the end, and forgive no one is how they both blame themselfes for all that happend.
"Cut myself on angel hair and baby's breath" - how he tries to move on, even when he doesn't know for sure if Fred is dead, he tries to convince himself it's over and "Cut myself on angel hair" meanwhile Fred is dying for him "and baby's breath".
"Broken hymen of your Highness, I'm left back" - now, when Fred is dead, he's all alone yet again, no friends, no family, just him and his sorrow.
"Throw down your umbilical noose so I can climb right back" - even thought he "accepted" Fred's death, he still wishes he would let him in, let him help, let him climb back to the point where their realtionship was clear.
I think that's all for the song?? The meaning in the original ofc not like that, but I decided to interpret it like that!
Okay, let's move on for some sweet hc after all this angst, shall we?
Gabriel usually teasingly calls Fred "Your highness/majesty" since Fred is bassicaly a God and it's kind of can be interpreted like monarchy role of king/queen? Fred always smiles shyly since he, unlike Romeo, doesn't think of himself that much, and blushes madly.
Gabriel has a doggy named "Lucky" meanwhile Fred has a chicken named "Waffles" and just like their owners, those two loves to cuddle with each other till sleep.
Gabriel is usually the "calm-guy" person, but when he's around Fred, he feels safe enough to throw away his act and be exactly like a damn puppy, who runs around and shows his owner (Fred) everything he think is interesting enough! ("Honeypie, loot at this foxes! They're cute just like you!" "Oh, oh, look here! Those stones looks funny to me only?" "Wow, these coralls are something..")
Fred in return always listens to Gabriel's rambling and adds very.. flirty comments ("Corrals might be beautifull, but they are nothing compared to you, darling." "O-okay- ahah.. ah- well.. the start are unussually bright!" "The celestial bodies in the firmament appear faint in comparison to the radiance emanating from the constellation of my embrace." "..What?" "You're the brightest star in my arms.")
Fred knows how much of a luck Gabriel has when it comes to finding diamonds and how much his diamond hates it, so sometimes he secretly spectates and removes most of them from his lover's path.
Gabriel loves singing and playing his guitar, there are more than 30 songs about his perfect lapis!
Argumentes between them are something very rare and never like "fighting and screaming", but they still shortly after make it up to each other in the best way possible.
Gabriel loves doing Fred's bun for him, meanwhile Fred always enjoys putting flowers in Gabriel's curly hair!
Fred bakes! A lot, actually ("Sorry, Waffles, I need those eggs.") and he's good at it, meanwhile Gabriel is a masterchef in normal cooking, so their table is always full with meal they made for each other!
Fred could've built their house using his Admins powers, but instead they did it all together with their hands starting from blueprints! You can say it just by little details appearing here and there (for example: blue handprints on the walls in Fred's office. It started when Gabriel put a little "bip" on Fred's nose when his hands were in paint. They've been covered in it after that.)
I could've write more, but a really don't want to keep yoy waiting so here they are - our silly lovers. Hope you like it, Coins! Say Hi to Captian from me:)
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msookyspooky · 3 months
OMFG?? I don’t even know what to say spooky?? The latest chapter was literal perfection, so fucking worth the wait! Don’t think I can be normal until the next chapter, that ending will be on my mind every waking minute (honestly every sleeping minute too lmoa) cuz oml WOW!! Your mind and absolute talent just never seizes to amazing me, I’m truly speechless. This is definitely in my top 3 chapters of the whole set up series. I’m simply so blown away at your writing and the way you just know these characters like your own hand. I’m so excited and cannot wait until the next chapter because wow, the drama that is about to unfold wow (Don’t wanna spoil anyone).
Getting the notification for every chapter you post always lights up my day, always wait until the afternoon so I can give it my full attention. And i’m always left sitting more intrigued and so stunned by your sheer talent. I don’t even think I can find a word to describe it well enough, I’m truly obsessed ahah. Hope you have the most fantastic day ever, you definitely deserve it<333
But I actually thought 'Oh this chapter is so boring ppl will think it's a filler' just to be pleasantly shocked so thank you 😅💝
For someone whose Scream hyperfixation died months ago and I feel like idk the theme anymore the second I start...STU out of all of them is second nature which is so freaking bizarre because he's the opposite of my personality. Followed by Billy. Then YN trying not to make her a mary sue bc her words and choices aren't mine but she's gotta be self insert worthy, ya know?
I hope I won't take a whole month this time but thank you sm for this it means a lot that you enjoy my writing and really really really urges me to get these chapters out faster!! 🥲🥰❤
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yttsimp · 2 years
Heeello =} good morning to you!! I hope your day has been going alright so far ahah. I not all too sure if making requests now is the best outcome for you, but do definitely make sure to take your time with everything or perhaps even a small break if you're busy<33
Thoo, is perhaps a Ranger x motherly reader who ends up getting sick during the garbo game okay? Like, they are normally the one who genuinely want to care for him instead and make sure he's being treated well, them getting sick would be kind of a how the tables have turned moment. Buuut, because of the sickness they're having (maybe just a seizure in a high stage?) they're in a state of confusion most of the time and often end up sharing information that definitely WASN'T supposed to just come out of them out of the blue (Basically 🧠👉🏻🗑️)
Them still being in the state where they have zero clue what they're even saying just end up confirming that they like him as a romantic interest😭 despite him 100% teasing them for getting sick beforehand, I can't help but be really curious about his response to that confession in particular.
Genuinely adore your mannerisms for your writing, wish you good days hon💞
I am so sorry for the wait!! This one is really crappy I'm sorry ;-;
Rio Ranger x Motherly!Sick!Reader
Flavor: Rio Ranger x gn reader
Headcanons under the cut v
Ranger is certain he hates you
He's certain he hates how doting you are on him, like he's some sort of kid
He's certain he wants to deck you so bad, and that if it weren't for the rules of the game he'd do it
He's definitely sure he hates how you look out for him
You're supposed to be afraid of him! Even just being intimidated would be better than you caring for him like you do!
He's not on your side, he's completely against you! He wants all of you to die!
So why are you being so nice to him?
He doesn't understand at all. He's so put off by your caring nature towards him.
Then you mysteriously fall ill one day.
At first he's a huge tease.
"How the hell did you even get sick in here?? You must have the immune system of a hundred year old."
He teases you like that for a while, but it isn't long before he begins to notice how...confused you seem to be.
Why are your words suddenly so sweet? I mean, you've always been sweet to him but you seem to be getting a lot more direct with your words.
He figures your illness is just making you more sickeningly sweet than usual.
Still...something irks him. He isn't sure what he's feeling.
Why is he wondering when you'll get better?
No, it's definitely because he's already sick of your saccharine crap.
As he enters the medical room you're resting in while Safalin treats your illness, you look at him with a dazed expression.
"What are you looking at?"
"You're pretty."
He straight up bluescreens for a moment, trying to process what you just said to him.
Him? Pretty?? What is wrong with you today?
"Wow, I already thought you were stupid before, but you seem to be even more braindead today."
"I like you a lot."
He's gone again for a few seconds. When he comes back to earth he's certain he's pissed off. Why else would he feel like he's about to explode?
He wants to yell at you so bad, but he doesn't seem to know what he wants to say.
Why won't his words come out?
Finally, he speaks.
"You really are even more of an idiot today."
That's all he can really say before he forces a laugh and leaves the room, tired of looking at your stupid red face.
But for some reason, he can't seem to get your confession out of his head.
Why is he so bothered by it?? It's just some stupid words coming out of a stupid person's mouth.
He doesn't know it yet, but he isn't as angry about your confession as he thinks he is. In fact, he's somehow...relieved.
Maybe he'll admit that to himself one day, but for now, he'll just keep thinking he's mad at you.
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esmiara · 1 year
I'm just terribly shy so I never send asks but. This also got incredibly long and rambling whoops. I first discovered your art through that atsulucy post where you said you draw other things than ygo. Which fate sealed right there fellow bsd and ygo fan. And also gosh your art is just gorgeous, every time you post I have to pull out my pen and paper, it's just too inspiring. And and I love the texture you put in your sketches wow, I'm in a state of awe always, all the cross hatching and varying line weights is so lovely. One of my favs is the at the café drawings, god. The way Dazai looks up at Chuuya is just perfect, with all the lines criss-crossing over, it makes it feel so alive. And and and, the posts with multiple drawings in them I love clicking on the pictures individually to just see them one at a time, such great stuff. And of course your coloring too!! That first pic in the aforementioned atsulucy post, that looks like an official art of some kind like wow, I couldn't not want to see more. So I hope you have a great day/night!
Ps I'm also wholeheartedly in support of seeing the bsd ocs wooo.
I- I don't have words anymore at this point. Everyone just continuously sent me wholesome support all day and now i'm crying man. Thank you so much?? I'm so happy to know I inspire you that much and thank you for telling me despite being very shy!! You can't realize how much I appreciate your ask, it means a lot to me. I'm repeating myself ahah but hearts and hugs to you! (and to everyone telling me wholesome things in reblog tags and such, I see and love absolutely everything <3)
Have a great day/night too!
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nei-ning · 1 year
Blasphemous 1 and 2
This post will be about my own opinions about Blasphemous 1 and 2. I will put B2 under the cut since I don't want to spoil anyone - just in case. NOTE: This post has mentions of blood, gore, horror etc!
I don't have Nintendo Switch, PS5 or PC to play the said game but my sister has Nintendo Switch so I was able to play Blasphemous 1 with her because of this and, boy, wasn't that game AMAZINGLY INSANE!
Like WOW! From the very first minutes I was consumed by horrible feelings! I was disturbed, feeling anxious, depressed, horrified, sick, disgusted etc. and I LOVED every single feeling! That game was doing it's job, ahah! No any other game EVER has deliver me such feelings so that says A LOT!
Blood, gore, violence, heavy theme through the whole game, a word "miracle" is NOT the same for me anymore either :'D It's ruined, ahah! Not to mention this monster boss, Ten Piedad (Have Mercy) and his theme! GOOD GOD! I loved him SO much but at the same time he freaked me out so much that I was scared to go outside during the dark, on this small forest road to leave food for wild hares and rabbits, ahaha! Again, this game and the Blasphemous team did their job! :D
I honestly loved everything in Blasphemous 1! There was NOTHING what I wouldn't had loved! But for here we get on Blasphemous 2.
It was HUGE disappointment after first 15 minutes or so. No, I haven't played it. I watched 10h long video on Youtube. I was around 3h and I was so done already, frustrated that I had 7h more to go :'D
But let me tell you why I was disappointed. Cut scene animations. Not done in pixel style but rather like anime. No. Those didn't fit in the game. They broke game's own flow so to say. Many people have complain about this. Lack of enemies. So MANY of the enemies were the same, used over and over again on different states, maybe changed some color or their element. This also leads on lack of executions. Just few different ones and that's it! Most enemies, as well as bosses, were too human like. No monsters like Ten Piedad in B1. People have complain about this too and I perfectly understand it.
No any of those horrible feelings what B1 delivered. Absolutely none. Music wasn't as good either (which made me sad). In B1 I loved almost all musics. I think there was only 1 which I didn't like. In Blasphemous 2: I only liked 6 songs. The areas / backgrounds also weren't as creepy, sickening or depressing as they were in B1.
I have been going through videos on Youtube about B2, reading peoples comments and many agree with me: B2 was disappointing. Some say that B2 was more like Castlevania and I agree on that. Of course there's those who also loved B2 and I get it too.
When Blasphemous team decided to put their resources on creating 3 different weapons, it ate a lot of resources which could had been used on enemies, executions, cutscene animations etc. and therefor the game suffers from it as I have listed above. I am not against having many different weapons as long as it won't make the game suffer otherwise. Sadly it did in this case.
Also the lack of gore, heavy theme and all that what B1 had... It was like Blasphemous' whole core, whole being. It was gone in B2. The game felt empty and boring. Some people agree with this.
I am happy there are people who also love B2 since, heck, we definitely want and need Blasphemous 3! I sent email to Blasphemous team, telling them my observation, feelings, comparing B1 and B2 etc. They kindly replied they will take my feedback seriously so I hope they would get back on B1 styled game and feeling with B3! But only time will tell ~
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tuliptic · 2 years
♥️ Hello there! how have you been? I hope you've been well <333!
I'd like to participate in your "How will your Valentine's Day be like?" game, tysm for this lovely opportunity :3.
♥️ password : 🌷
♥️ my initials : C.C
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♥️ The 2 PAC's that you created that completely tugged my heart (like no other boy has 😀...lol jk *I think*) :
"what sort of gift you are to people around you?"
for this PAC, I chose pile 2, and I resonated so SOO much to this reading that the beautiful words written in this reading (along the photos taken) became entirely unforgettable- like there would be times where I would just search around for PAC's to read (for both entertainment purposes and just b/c it's uplifting in ways I think others can relate to) and I would think back to "that one PAC" which would be this PAC b/c of how heard I felt. This reading really, and specifically, described who I was as a person and the kinds of genuine and compassionate intentions I intend to express/show. I felt heard since there would be times where I'd fear that my intentions or my actions are misinterpreted by others, so I stress and emphasize the acts of kindness (possibly to a fault), and knowing that I'm doing enough that it's seen by others, makes me happy. so thank you <3.
" 'you keep me awake at night,' they said but why? how?"
for this PAC, I also chose pile 2! ... okay so UH LOL, I'm a sucker for the PAC's that centers romance/FS (and I try not to rely my hopes for romance in the future on the FS pac's no worries!), but it also roots from the very fact that I'm a hopeless romantic as a whole, so yeah! when you posted this PAC, although I'm a single pringle, I just asked my guides this PAC's question regarding my FS ahah. I liked this reading the most because the illustrations you drew comforted me in a way- like it felt nostalgic (since as a child I drew the simple flowers and the such with vibrant colors, so I felt like it would be wrong to bypass this post that brought me a sense of peace and comfort), so I went towards this post and voila the reading I read made me smile. It made me smile the way I would have whenever I got boba tea LMAO. The reading for pile 2 felt like this calming and oh-so-loving message that felt like it was meant to be read. I love knowing what it would be like between me and my FS, and I've realized a funny pattern whenever I chose a pile from PAC's centering FS, and one of those patterns was in this reading, so it kind of was like a "ding ding 🛎️ confirmation perhapsssss?" YEP MHM :3 (I totally am not rereading this PAC or anything AHAH..*I am*)
I unfortunately don't have insta anymore so I can't follow you on instagram, but I sure hope and wish for any passerby to take interest in following your page, b/c I'm certain it's as lovely as your Tumblr page!!!
(wow this is spooky but I went on my love-playlist on Spotify and the song "Valentine" by Laufey just came on ERM? 😳 LIKE IM NOT EVEN KIDDING)
Also, I'm aware of the instructions I've followed, but I hope it's alright for me to add onto something of my own! I felt called to do this, so don't worry, I don't have any malice or suspicious intentions if that's what you could be wary about (I'm adding onto this heads up because I'm scared myself that my actions could be misinterpreted or some sort :'D). I just feel like I should input some songs that remind me of you (vibe/energy-wise) :
Love Affair by UMI
Irene by Jimmy Brown
Love Talk by WayV
Fukashigi No Carte
Comedy (Spy x Family)
I chose these songs because the majority of them is melodic, cheery/cutesy, and has a lot of depth and meaning in the lyrics. BUT although that's kind of the "majority" of it, the song that contradicts the cutesy parts of the songs would be "Love Talk" by WayV, because well if you listen to it and the meaning/implication of the lyrics- THEN WELL YEAH LMAO. Basically I'm trying to say that that's how your energy/overall vibe feels to me. It's like a duality of this soft/calming aura (which I felt strongly from your page's format/design) that is contradicted and mixed with this straightforward/direct and slightly impulsive aspect of yours (but it's like a very welcoming energy! which led to me following you tbh).
ANYWAYSSS have a wonderful day/evening/night wherever you are! Thank you so much for your time and energy, and I hope you take care too <3333, happy Chinese Valentine's Day as well!!
Thank you for your feedback! I enjoy reading them to the point idk how to put them into words, and thank you for the songs! I'll prolly drop by later to let you know what I think about them but I listened to them when I do your reading so... Yeah it's fun! Also I get what you mean with the duality. I wanted to have a soft aesthetic but me? Nothing soft about me I’m just a chaotic ball of fun and light hehet!
How will Xiexieera's Valentine's be?
You: Temperance
This card legit flipped. Like it slid out from my hands, flipped flopped and dropped itself perfectly on the part/place I wanted it to be. It’s my first time seeing a card drop itself so prettily and gracefully. And that talks about your energy, about you during your Valentine’s Day. There’s this balance and grace that you have, where you’re very conscious about what you can do, what effects you have on your person, how you want to proceed with the relationship. There’s actually another Temperance card in your spread and hence, the theme of balance and moderation is very significant in your relationship. I’m seeing more of a balance with yourself instead of a balanced give-and-take with your person.
I have a feeling that you are excited for the date with your person (I’m seeing day time instead of night so maybe you have the day off or it’s on a weekend?). You probably haven’t met them in a long while and things may have been stagnant? Which is why the excitement. I’m seeing that you dress up really, really nice, like a princess, but deep in you, you’re an empress. So it’s like… Lemme reconstruct my words. You may dress slightly younger than your age, which you definitely can pull off. But there’s this matured and gentle energy that you have below the excitement. I’m feeling a warm and gentle energy here. This would probably be you during then. You’ve been through a lot and this relationship helped you to find your personal alignment, allowed you to heal, and you’ve been content with this relationship you’re in. Satisfied, comfortable, being in your skin have never felt this good to you. For some reason, god knows why, I’m seeing a bowling date. I don’t know why. But it explains a bit, where you may wear something sporty and makes you look younger than your actual age.
Them: The Sun
They’ve been wanting to spend some alone time with you from the crowd at school/work. Things have been rough on their side as well and also within themselves, where it’s like they’re also fixing whatever issues they’re facing. There’s some sort of personal alignment here, although they’re pretty much in their head. But there’s also a Lover’s card here which definitely talks about the relationship as a destined relationship (there’s a Destiny card here too). I’m seeing that this person is pretty young at heart but still has a grounded energy to them, tho the fiery energy stands out more lmAO. They can be pretty proud at times so you gotta make sure to not feed their ego too much. Even with all these, your person loves you and has always been there for you. They’ve been waiting for you and they’re basically over the moon when you’ve agreed to date them, and they really have worked hard to earn your approval. 
I think you’re the one who suggested the bowling date cuz you noticed how they’ve been stressed up and you just want them to relax. You sometimes take up the caretaker role and make sure that they’re taking care of themselves. I don’t know why but I’m seeing that this person may be younger than you hELP.
Overall: The Devil
I don’t see any spicy energy from this card. Most probably one of you has Capricorn placements. That’s all I can capture from this. But then, I do have extra messages. This date will bring you much bliss and limitless joy, and most of all, it will make you both review the purpose of this relationship you both share. You’ve been there for each other with willing hearts and hands, and that you’ve focused on the wholeness of the relationship. But, have you focused on each other and yourself individually? This is something to think about. But your person, oh my, aren’t they romantic. “Hug me, hold me, love me like your life depends on it.” Imagine you hugging them tightly, they’ll prolly end up in tears from how you hugged them.
You’ve prolly been worried and having some fears due to them being younger but whatever they do just assures you that they love you a lot. They’ve been wanting to ask you out quite some time ago before you date, even during the dating phase as well, worried that you’ll be too busy to entertain them, which explains why they may end up in tears from you hugging them hshshshs. You probably know them from a shared community so there’s something to watch for. And they prolly like sending you cheesy messages. Very air kinda energy. I’m basically picking up random messages instead of Valentine’s only right now.
Love Message : I love you. I’m always here for you.
Thank you for reading until the end! Hope you enjoyed the reading and please leave feedbacks for this OvO You can leave them in my inbox so I can tag them accordingly
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surrealsunday · 2 years
helloo! wow it’s been a little while ngl! but when when chap10 was posted i was like “do i read it now or wait till the epilogue is posted? 🤔” and i ended up waiting for the epilogue, idk in my head it’s as logic sjsbdb. meanwhile i decided to rewatch stranger things + skamfr kinda at the same time bc it’s been way too long (for the latter). then the epilogue was posted and haven’t found the time or energy to settle and read the last two chapters (we love uni for that). till tonight!! so here’s my not so little review of the chap10 + the epilogue 😅
-> chap10
woaaah im at loss for words for how cute and beautiful that chapter was omg! the vulnerable moment right after the intensity of their love scene hit me right in the feels, lucas’ “please don’t hurt me (again)” and then eliott hugging him tight saying “i promise” 🥺MY HEART🥺
also these little acts had me giggling and kicking my feet
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gosh i’m just so giddy when it comes to them like- THEY. ARE. IN. LOVE. 🥹
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OH YEAH the moment when idriss came back home and said “I swear, if you fucked in the kitchen, Eliott -" made me think of that one scene in tempo (i think) when he discovers they did it on the counter and there was like evidences or sth and i just burst out laughing 😭 like i imagined him being so done already with them (/affectionate of course)
-> epilogue
MY HEEAART!! i know i’ve said it like a million times already but i’m so soft for theeem 🥺
i really loved how eliott reassured lucas during the moving, how they once more opened a little to one another. then lucas asking him to say something true abt himself, eliott’s little story was very cute despite starting kinda sad :(( but that little parallel to the minute par minute scene but this time it’s eliott calming lucas down ☹️
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but goosh i’m in love with their love, in every universe istg 🥰 like i smiled SO BIG here!
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now real thing: i cant believe it’s over now :/ i’m gonna miss them so much, these version of elu is definitely one of my favorite! i wanna thank you for writing this fic that, i’m sure, helped a lot of people (including me) escape their boring ass work/uni life ahah. every time it truly has been an amazing time, even when pain was dominent sometimes. but as always i’d say sjsbsb
wishing you a wonderful friday and weekend, i’m gonna spend mine mourning elu!10things and thinking of how much their love is incredible in every universe 😭💞
gosh i just realized i forgot about to say some more things in my previous message 😭 in my defense it’s 1am so- anyways
i’m also very thankful you listened to the little voice in your brain and wrote that little epilogue, the quote of kat is one of my favorite and it’s really well included! would have been such a waste not having lucas saying this tbh.
also the last pic of chap10, eliott’s post with the shadows…wow i literally stared at it for 10 good minutes it was so well done! especially lucas’ wild hair sbsjsb (also i see you have been generous for some parts 👀)
finally, i thanked you for the fic but i also wanna be grateful to your friend julie for pressing you making this fic alive ahah, bc yeah your elu fic are really one of the most emotionally amazing and still being able to read elu content in, now, 2023 is truly incredible ♥️
Oh my gosh I somehow completely missed the notification for these messages in my inbox. I'm so sorry! I was not ignoring you, I just am a useless human 😂
As always I absolutely love hearing your thoughts. I'm so glad you liked chapter 10 🥹. It was interesting pairing smexy times with some super raw emotional nakedness. I liked it tho. It felt right and natural in the moment.
Your memes btw aldfkjalsdfkja. They kill me 😂😂😂
I thought about Idriss in Tempo too at that moment! I truly don't know why I keep doing these things to poor Idriss lmao. But I make it up to him with Manon. So I don't feel too bad 😌.
Ok, so I very much got minute-by-minute vibes in that moment of the epilogue too, but it wasn't pre-planned that way. I kinda love that you had the same reaction. It just sort of happened and as I was writing it occurred to me that it very subtly nodded to that classic Skam moment. It seems they're determined to be that way in every universe.
Ahhhh the shadow pic! It's one of my faves! I get obsessive about most things (this is not news lmao) so it wasn't surprising that I obsessed over getting those shadows right, but in the end when it did look like them I was sooooo satisfied. And yes, satisfied with the very lovely booty on Lucas too 😌. It makes me so happy you liked it too!
Really it was my absolute pleasure to share this fic, most especially because I seriously do have the best readers in the world, and you all are so generous in leaving me your thoughts and feelings about the story (there is really nothing better than that as a writer). It's a big part of me coming back to Elu over and over, I think. I love reconnecting with all of you. And of course I'm more than happy to provide distraction from real life!
P.S. I told Julie what you said and lemme tell you... the way she got all proud and puffed up on herself 😂😂😂. I told her to take it down a notch but she's already kicking into high gear on harassing me for new stories lol.
Anyways, all the love to you. Thank you again so much for sending me your thoughts as you read the story. 💖💗💞💝
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polarisbibliotheque · 2 years
Hi! I stumbled upon your blog yesterday and want to say just OMG YOU ARE SO AMAZING! 🥹🥹I had the best evening in months yesterday just reading your works! We kinda have a war ongoing in my country, so it was the perfect night of escapism and I was just entranced by your works! Especially the way you write Vergil omg! It’s not cheesy, very beautifully done and I so love the inclusion of poetry in most of imagines. I cried and laughed a lot while reading 🙃 Thank you for posting and thank you for being so talented and honing your talent to this extent! Ahah wow a lot of exclamation marks in there, but it’s me being excited sorry 😬😬 I definitely built like two separate AUs with two OCs in my mind and all the imagines just kinda merged into a cohesive story.
As for the suggestion, I would really like to read something from you about Vergil + very talkative and bubbly S/O in any type of situation just to feel a bit more connected to that type of character ahah but I understand that it’s not everyone’s cup of tea.
Anyway! I wanted to say thank you once again! I love you for everything you’ve written and I hope you fight your illnesses and face only brightest and happiest moments in the future 💖💖
Hello, dear!! I'm so, so, so happy with your message!! Thank you for spending time here, reading what I had to say. It warms my heart to know you decided to visit and stay at my little bibliothéque for a while ^^
I hate to hear about the war going on. You are so strong to go through it, and it makes me even happier to know my words were able to give you the solace you were needing in these trying times. Do know you'll always be welcome here and I hope to see you around - the bibliothéque will always be a safe and nice place to stay for those who need it <3
Hahaha and no worries about exclamations! I have this mannerism of ending ALL my sentences with exclamation marks because of a friend from school - she would ALWAYS put exclamation marks at the end of her sentences on messages and it's something that bled into me and now all my e-mails look like the craziest and most fun party ever. It's something we share!
Also, I do have kinda of a big storyline of Vergil and Dante with their s/o's - it makes it easier when it comes to writing their scenarios. Gives them a sort of baggage and makes it more realistic, I think! I'm glad to know you kinda picked that up and made up your own! That's great to hear!
I noted your suggestion on my main DMC working file - I'll get to it because, honestly, it's such a cute idea! I'm more like Vergil in real life - and that friend I mentioned, the one with the exclamation marks, is SO bubbly and talkative. She's one of my best friends and I know it can result in some pretty interesting and funny interactions xD
Again, thank YOU so much for spending time here!! I don't expect anything from what I write, I just hope it finds the people who need it at the moment. I'm so glad it found you! Thank you so very much for your wishes - I do hope you remain strong and with the brilliant soul you already showed me you have. May your days be filled with brightness and beautiful moments as well - because the sun always shines again ^^
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nicks-fairy-lights · 2 years
notes i took while rewatching heartstopper (it's a lot)
ep 1. meet
british boys playing rugby
oh this mf is all secretive (yr flashbacks, wille, why???)
no ben is kinda crunchy tho
ew why ben
nick is kinda. yeah
oh wow prince charming move there buddy
"thank you x" nice one, charlie spring
ep 2. crush
charlie spring is kinda sad tho
nick nelson: message delete count x2
charlie's lock screen :sob:
heart emoji
oh nick is blushing now
haha "i know he's straight" lol no u dont my guy
i love this art teacher :O
nellie <3
i love how elle walks in and girl in red cues
oh wow tori big brain moment right there
mario kart
"youre a proper little nerd"
nick nelson's turquoise hoodie
observant mother
nick has hardcore straight friends D:
charlie emergency
charlie helping nick play the drums gasp
nick just became charlie's lock screen
"you look so cuddly like that"
yep, tori, got to side with you on that one
i wish i had charlie's friend group
"am i gay?" yeah def take that buzzfeed quiz
ep 3. kiss
imogen likes him :/
ayo nick invited him
oh no film night is cancelled
why does everyone live in like mansions
tara jones needs to stop being the center of every convo in the straight club
tao is my favourite boy
tara my girl :D
charlie spring has disappeared
wow nick's straight friends suck so much its indescribable
ew ben is back
imogen is coming on pretty thick, like chill dude
tara and her gf kissed awwwhh my heart
charlie spring is found
mysterious mr. nelson
no why is the house so big.
"are they not a girl?"
"would you go out with someone thats not a girl?"
"would you kiss someone that wasnt a girl"
oh the little fireworks and the flowers
"would you kiss me?"
no nick go back >:(
nick nelson, the loo is not charlie spring
okay nick nelson went back
ep 4. secret
charlie and his curls and the mirror
yeah no way to shut out self deprication by kissing
they do say sorry a lot
"did i forget something?" yeah, charlie springs lips
tara jones and her girl !!!
oh em gee this art teacher 😭
harry is an idiot
"its hard to be confident when they see me as a stereotypical gay boy who can't do sports"
why are they so muddy
okay so isaac knows now
imogen. girl. why.
ep 5. friend
tao is going to crush them verbally
ooh birthday party
awwh poor doggo
"nothing" okay go away
they want to eat at nANDO's
so is nick coming or
imogen D:
yeahh you tell them nick
yeahh you too tao
okay nvm
"yeah, well, her dog died."
"the right girl will come along, just you wait"
no tao dont be sad
"murder's fine too"
awwh no that gift is so cute :(
ep 6. girls
okay so maybe nick nelson is bi
what but "girls" by girl in red played.
okay maybe elle is bi too??
tao is so overprotective but i love it
ooh the special room
…please god
anti-homophobia cheese
yeah they do say sorry a lot
oop- her name is darcy. i know that now
tori my beloved
insta bestie
imagine homework
literally the most awkward way to ask someone out
no they suck at asking each other out
and i love it
tao is lowkey oblivious
the other girls are so mean >:(
tara and darcy have disappeario
ahah they got locked in
thank you for good lesbian dynamic
ep 7. bully
tori :') ily so much
charlie spring and his hair again
crunchy ben >:(
charlie has an epic dad
golden retriever has entered the chat
"well you kind of are a gay nerd."
"shut up rugby lad."
ben u son of a
char :O
"i like it. it's cute."
oh no horror night flashbacks
literally piss off harry
oH oops i forGOT mAH raiNBOW
why harry gotta be like that thp
is ben jealous or something
oh my god shut up
there are no words
hearing songs i actually listen to in the soundtrack
tao ahh
harry really sucks
camera be goin' all shaky
awwh protective much <3
no charlie spring, stop self-deprecating
the 's' word :/
tao whyre you oblivious
no friendship drama is so bad
ahah deleting messages again charlie spring
tao's mum :D
tao and elle have such an adorable dynamic
ew harry
why is everyone beating up everyone. but its like
ep 8. boyfriend
yes charlie, drum out the feels
tori has my whole heart by now
like she knows so much D:
(ben is a piece of crap)
charlie spring is so sad
ofc pizza would help
issac reading "gender explorers"
ew sports day
tao rage writing
charlie looked like he was on the verge of tears right there :(
tao on his protective arc
no this is nice tho, theyre bonding
"secret guy you kiss sometime on the down-low"
heart emoji <3
no not this "typing.." again
elle looks pretty with yellow and blue
ahh gal pals :D
charlie spring just ran away from nick
why does it look like half of the school bunked
mr. ajayi's room is so cool
charlie said the 's' word D:
ben is so full of himself
yessss theyre not mad at each other anymore
oho elle and tao get some alone time
tao painted his friends :)))
ah yes finally
picking dandelions off in the corner
no he isn't fine. charlie spring hasn't been sighted
what is charlie standing on? a child?
charlie is spotted :O
holding hands <3
mr ajayi
ah em gee this is so cute i'm dying
they're so wholesome :sob:
"i like charlie spring!"
"in a romantic way, not just a friend way!"
you could see how scared charlie was for a second there
nick's smile just there :D
oh crap he's coming out
thank you alice oseman
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aajjks · 5 months
prisoner jungkook
lesbian? she likes women? why the hell do they have you marrying a lesbian? wow this is all fucked up.. if i haven’t have wanted to try one more time by coming here.. you would be a married man right now.. i wish you would have called me.. maybe then i would have had a house for us to move into ahah.. i forgive you.. don’t ever do that to me ever again! i love you so much. so.. where do we go from here?
“ because she’s fucking rich that’s why my dad is a greedy asshole and wanted me to get her pregnant-can you imagine that? Oh my goodness wrong wording, but seriously… she doesn’t even like men it would’ve been torture for her and me.. please let’s just go to eunwoo’s house for abit you know he’s rich.. I love you so much I don’t want to lose you and I know that you love me a lot and I’m so sorry.”
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