#writblr comunity
bwritesbooks · 8 months
Author Introduction
About Me
I'm Bethany (she/her)
I'm 22
I live in the U.S.
I recently graduated college with a degree in English and I am hoping to be a professional writer one day.
I love sharing my writing and reading other people's writing so feel free to share your stuff with me if you want to!
I write mainly fantasy and sci-fi, but I have been trying to get into horror.
I write both short fiction and longer works. Occasionally I will write poetry.
I am one of those people who have a lot of ideas and half-written things in my Google Docs.
My main project is, at the moment, called Realm of the Wishmakers. I have written the first draft of it and am currently working on my second draft.
Realm of the Wishmakers stars Taka, a half-orc woman with a dark past; Isolda, a halfling princess with a tragic secret; Raphael (Raffi), a human bard with a demon eating his soul; and Dalir, a dwarven man on a mission to save his family from his mistakes. They have all visited the Wishgranter, a deity who is dedicated to assisting their followers with achieving their greatest desires or, in many cases, realizing that what they truly needed was not what they thought it was.
I take inspiration from authors and creators such as: Jonny Sims, J.R.R. Tolkien, Rick Riordan, Everina Maxwell, V.E. Schwab, Erin Morgenstern, and Mathew Mercer.
My favorite book is The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern.
My favorite movies are: Nimona, Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse, Spiderman: Across the Spiderverse, the Lord of the Rings films, and Treasure Planet.
I also love DC and Marvel Comics.
My favorite podcasts are Critical role and The Magnus Archives.
I will try to post things about my writing regularly and I look forward to interacting with you guys. Feel free to send me character questions, writing commentary, critiques, or anything else you might want to talk to me about!
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coqueliccot · 2 years
Little cuts, you're just another projection of my anguish. Hard to attribute to a single cause. Just another hurt to sustain my tears. I fear I wept so long that my sadness is now trivial.
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I just realized my wip first chapter is FUCKING 80% DIALOGUE????
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honeybeehappysworld · 2 years
I think I’m going to write a short story every week based of a story starter I find online.
So I guess come back for some mediocre stories.
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cataclysmic-writer · 5 years
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WIP Aesthetic: Cremation
"It's our delusions that keep us going."
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Writeblr Introduction??
I’m @yoharudragneel Wrietblr blog, but you can call me Carmen or Yoharu. I wanted to join the Writblr Comunity but I never had the guts to do it (mostly because I’m terrified of the idea of other people reading my stories), until now!
I love to read and write sci-fi, fantasy and YA, and even if I don’t have a single WIP finished (because....Procrastination, I guess??), I want to try and join!
Right now I’m working on some fantasy...thing (I don’t want to call it story because it’s only two chapters and a half) which doesn’t even have a name...So, you can see I’m an amateur😅😅. 
Spanish is my mother tongue, so almost everything I’ve written so far is in Spanish, but I really want to write in English too!
So yeah! I’m so sorry for the ones that read this because I’m awkward and not very good at presentations, but that’s it! 
With my main blog, I’ve been following some other amazing Writeblrs, like @pens-swords-stuff, @quill-of-doom, @inky-duchess, and @h-brook-writes, who have all been a huge inspiration!
To sum up, I’m Carmen or Yoharu, this is my Writeblr and I really want to see how can I improve and help others (? I’m not the best at giving advice, but I really want to help and motivate if I can??)!!
Nice to meet you all!!!😊😊
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kirsten-is-writing · 4 years
i know i shouldn’t complain, but the writing project i’ve been working on for the past five or six years still hasn’t gotten far because 1) i accidentally deleted the first rough draft of it from when i won NaNoWriMo back in 2016 because it was connected to an old Google account that i never really used and 2) the fucking first chapter and the setting keeps changing every other week 
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bwritesbooks · 5 months
A piece of writing advice; always have your characters sit down for at least one talk with each other about something that does not have to do with the main plot. Whether it's about their family or some funny anecdote from their past, it doesn't matter. I call it the campfire talk. It allows the audience to learn more about your characters, allows your characters to learn more about each other, and allows your characters to bond. Plus, it can be fun to take a break from the plot every so often.
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bwritesbooks · 6 months
So, I'm officially going to be participating in Camp NaNoWriMo this April. Come follow along if you want: https://nanowrimo.org/participants/bwritesbooks/projects/realm-of-the-wishmakers/badges!
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bwritesbooks · 7 months
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A map of Dia, the planet that my novel takes place on. I'll be going into more detail about some of the main locations later on, but if you have any questions about it please feel free to ask. I love being given an excuse to talk about world-building. The interactive version of this map can be found here: https://inkarnate.com/m/dd6rVv-dia/.
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bwritesbooks · 23 days
Emerging from my cage to give you a snippet from my novel. For context, Taka is a half-orc with black hair, violet eyes, and grey skin. Isolda is a halfling with tan skin, shaved black hair, and black eyes. They have recently been at a party thrown by a group of elven nomads. Before this, they were on a quest. They had to pause for spoiler reasons.
As the night wore on Isolda and Taka spun and swayed. Drank and talked. Neither of them had ever cared less about the time that was passing or what the people around them were doing. Though they had known each other for two weeks they both felt as though they were meeting eachother for the first time. Taka discovered that Isolda loved animals and that she was fascinated by all of the new ones she had seen since leaving her family’s boat. Isolda learned that Taka had a fondness for pastries and was determined to learn to cook them even though most of her attempts had ended in failure. In those hours, the world narrowed to a single point that only the two of them lived within. Eventually, giddy with drink and freedom from care, Isolda took Taka’s hand and led her off towards the woods.
“Wait, where are we going?” Taka asked, less because she actually cared and more because it felt like something she should say. 
“You’ll see,” Isolda replied, laughing lightly and tugging Taka’s hand to make her go faster.
It felt like it had been years since she had been this happy. It almost felt inappropriate in the face of everything that had happened and all that was yet to come, but, for once, Isolda did not care. She did not feel the pressures of duty creeping up behind her nor does she fear what her parents will say when she returns to them. Right now, nothing matters, but Taka’s hand in hers. She leads Taka to a grove filled with glowing flowers. Once it was a pet project of the previous clan leader’s, but since his passing it has taken on a new life as a sanctuary to the scant few people who still know it is there. By day it looks like nothing more than a particularly lush piece of the woods. Beautiful, but unassuming. By night, it is like a different world. 
Taka spun around in a slow circle, taking it all in. Her mouth was open in wonder and Isolda’s heart soared knowing that she was the one who put that smile on her face. 
“This is beautiful,” Taka exclaimed. “How did you find this?”
“I couldn’t sleep a few nights ago and I decided to take a walk. I honestly did not want to leave,” she said with a laugh. 
“I don’t blame you,” Taka replied. “I would not want to leave either.”
Isolda smiled.
“It is beautiful isn’t it?” she said, but she was not looking at the flowers.
Instead, she stared at Taka’s smile. That smile is such a rare and beautiful thing, she thought to herself. I would give all my gold to keep that smile on her face. A blush rose to Isolda’s cheeks at the thought. The logical part of her brain knew this was a bad idea. She was not to pursue anyone her parents had not already approved and Taka had definitely not been approved. It would only cause trouble if she went against them even more than she already had. Isolda’s heart did not care and it pushed her forward. 
“Taka?” she asked. 
Taka turned and the light from the flowers caught in her hair like a crown. She directed her smile at Isolda and Isolda felt nervous for perhaps the first time in her life. She stepped closer and took Taka’s hands in hers.
“May I kiss you?” She asked.
Taka’s eyes went wide. If you had asked her two seconds ago what her answer to this question would be she would have said yes, absolutely. Perhaps she would not have answered and simply kissed Isolda as an answer. But now, faced with the chance to actually follow through, all Taka feels is afraid. 
“Uh…I…um..” she stuttered her brain short circeting and freezing any answer she could give.
To Isolda, who was already afraid that this was a bad idea, it is as good as a no. Her mind latches onto the hesitation and immediately tells her to back off. This was a bad idea. It was too fast. For the gods’ sake, she and Taka were hardly even friends yesterday. Suddenly all of the peace and joy she had been feeling was replaced with anger. Anger at herself for even trying this. Anger at Taka for being so pretty. Anger at the world for not being fair. 
“I..I’m sorry,” she said. “I’m going too fast. I shouldn’t have…”
Isolda looked uo to see that Taka was already gone. So overwhelmed that she had fled the woods like a monster was on her tail. 
“Taka wait!” Isolda shoughted at her retreating back. 
But Taka was already gone.
“Minska!” Isolda cursed.
Then she slid down with her back to a tree and began to cry.
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bwritesbooks · 6 months
I cannot think of anything to post so I'm posting a discussion of what kind of coffee my characters would drink.
Taka: Taka has actually never had coffee. The people of Clan Wolfrunner only drank water and alcohol; mainly alcohol. Hana, on the other hand, runs on caffeinated tea. She has no problem with coffee, she just doesn't like it and, therefore, she never kept it in the house. As a result, Taka also grew up drinking multiple cups of tea per day. She also has a deep knowledge of the medicinal properties of tea and is one of those people who suggests tea as a solution to every problem. I think if she ever tried coffee she would get addicted to it immediately. She would also be obsessed with the different ways you can flavor it.
Isolda: Isolda drinks black coffee, but only in public. Her whole image is based in being serious and intimidating and, in her mind, nothing is more intimidating than downing piping hot, bitter liquid. Secretly though, she hates the way black coffee tastes. When her attendant brings her coffee, it is always more milk than coffee. I think if she had access to Starbucks her go-to would be a white chocolate mocha. Still fairly simple, but a lot sweeter.
Raphael: If hot chocolate existed in Dia that would be Raphael's drink of choice. He would add cinnamon, whipped cream, marshmallows; anything to make it fancier and sweeter. He tried getting into coffee once to try and stave off his chronic fatigue, but he ended up feeling just as physically tired as he always did while his brain moved at about a million miles an hour. It was unpleasant, to say the least. Now, he will only drink coffee if he is trying to charm someone else who likes it or if he is having a particularly bad day.
Dalir: Like Taka, Dalir is a tea person. Unlike Taka, however, Dalir is extremely picky about tea. The water has to be the correct temperature, the leaves have to be high quality, and they have to be measured correctly. He insists that he be the only person to make tea for the group because he is the only one who can make it correctly. The only person he thinks can outdo him is his wife Tirima. According to him, she could take the worst quality tea leaves and make them taste like a drink fit for the gods. The others though he was exaggerating until they visited his home and tried Tirima's tea for the first time. They all agree that he was not giving her enough credit.
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bwritesbooks · 7 months
A basic guide to the gods, goddesses, and deities of Dia (Part 2)
Xan'ne is the deity of childhood, innocence, and peace. They always appear as a child and their gender and race vary depending on their preference or whatever makes the child they are with the most comfortable. They are fiercely protective and will mercilessly deal with anyone who harms a child. They also serve as many children's imaginary friends.
Joa is the god of childbirth, home, and parenthood. He is Xan'ne's father though they are not related by blood. Many a frustrated parent has muttered his name and it is common for people to offer a prayer to him when a child is being born. He is known for being patient and kind. He is also the only god that has any interest in food.
Via is the goddess of war, strength, and honor. Though she can be quick to draw her sword, she also excels in verbal debate. Many courtrooms have a statue of her in them and it is rumored that she will join courts that are judging crimes that she finds particularly distasteful.
Cre and Bre are the twin goddesses of creativity, art, and self-expression. Cre focuses mainly on physical art such as dance, fashion, and painting while Bre focuses music and storytelling. Both twins are in charge of history and mythology. It is said that if the twins ever performed together the entire universe would stop to watch, but they have yet to show themselves to humans.
Trisk is the deity of love. They have two forms, the cruel, sinister deity of lost and broken love and the kind, beautiful deity of true love. Some couples evoke Trisk at weddings hoping that they will bless their union. Other couples believe that evoking Trisk's name at a wedding is unlucky and causes marriages to fail.
Zaven is the entity of darkness, cruelty, and death. She is not a deity but is instead regarded as a demon. If Niki is seen as a peaceful guide to the afterlife, Zaven is a life cut short and watches over painful death. She is mainly worshipped by cults and is known to strike dark deals with those she favors.
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bwritesbooks · 7 months
A basic guide to the gods, goddesses, and dieties of Dia (Part 1)
Centara is the goddess of the ocean, sea creatures, and sailors. She is mainly worshiped by the Frandenians, but it is not uncommon for sailors to offer up a prayer or a sacrifice of pearls or seashells to her before setting off on a journey.
Florina is the goddess of nature, animals, and the harvest. She is worshipped universally, but the elves are her most loyal followers. The elves divide the stages of their lives into seasons with very children representing summer, teenagers and young adults representing spring, middle aged people representing autumn, and elderly people representing winter. At the end of each season they celebrate people who are transitioning from one age to the next in a ceramony dedicated to Florina.
Jinai is the god weather, natural disasters, and travelers. He can be a powerful ally if pleased, but he is quick to take offense and slow to forgive.
Uriel, also known as The Wishgranter, is the deity of wishes, humanity, and dreams. No one quite knows where Uriel came from, not even Uriel themself. They do not have any temples or worshippers, but there are few people who do not know who they are and what they offer to those desperate enough to reach out.
Niki is the goddess of night, the moon, and death. She is worshipped mainly by priests and those who preside over funeral ceremonies. She is not, however, seen as a goddess to be feared. Instead, she is seen as merciful and gentle.
Danai is Niki's twin and is the god of day, sunlight, and life. He is often invoked after a birth and many people across Dia celebrate the arrival of a child by holding a ceremony honoring Danai and thanking him for blessing the child with life.
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bwritesbooks · 7 months
Character Introduction: Dalir
The Basics
Project: Realm of the Wishmakers
Name: Dalir Franklin Orebreaker (he/him)
Race: Dwarf
Age: 150
Hair: Red, short. He also has a long red beard that he braids beads into.
Eyes: Green
Skin: Dark brown
Build: Strong and compact
Height: 4' 6"
Occupation: Miner (currently), Lord (formerly)
Dnd class: Champian Fighter
Weapon of Choice: sword and shield
Background and Personality
Dalir was born the only child of Lord Percival and Lady Mya Orebreaker. He had a very pampered childhood and was given anything he could wish for. When Rat Fever swept through the city his entire family fell ill. Dalir survived. His parents didn't. As soon as he recovered, Dalir took over his father's job even though he had very little training and had never done any work in his life. At first, he struggled mightily, but through pure stubbornness and determination to make his deceased family proud he managed to turn himself around. Over the course of two years, he turned himself from a pampered lord to a strong and capable businessman. When he was 100 he married Tirima, the daughter of another wealthy merchant family. Fifty years later, he was approached by an old friend named Canto who begged him for his help. Canto claimed that he was being hunted for a crime he did not commit and asked Dalir to give him sanctuary. Against his better judgment, Dalir complied. A week later, Dalir discovered that Canto's crime was murder. Horrified, Dalir turned him in. He thought that the guards would grant him a pardon for harboring Canto since he turned him in, but Dalir was wrong. The Magistrate stripped him and his family of their title and banished them from the city. Dalir picked up a job as a miner and Tirima began work as a seamstress. They are settled in now and his family seems happy, but Dalir is not satisfied.
Likes: Spending time with his family, surface food, forests, and dogs.
Dislikes: Staying up all night, cats, seeing other people suffer, and loud music.
Extra information: Dalir has three daughters; Cassandra (45), Marika (30), and Kenna (20).
Loves Never Lost by Sean McCourt
Thus Always to Tyrants by The Oh Hellos
Stand by You by Rachel Platten
The Hand That Feeds by The Crane Wives
Hits and Mrs. by Frank Turner
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Image created using Baldur's Gate Three's character creator.
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bwritesbooks · 8 months
Character Introduction: Raphael
The Basics
Project: Realm of the Wishmakers
Name: Raphael Augustus Valentina (he/him)
Nickname: Raffi
Race: Human
Age: 19
Hair: Blonde. Long and wavy.
Eyes: Blue
Skin: Pale ivory
Build: Slender
Height: 5' 9"
Occupation: Bard
DnD class: College of Eloquence Bard
Weapon of choice: Whits and Charm
Background and Personality
Raphael and his twin sister Alessandra were left on the steps of the Pandora orphanage when they were only a few weeks old. They lived there until they were three years old. Lady Victoria and Lady Elizabeth were originally planning on adopting just Alessandra but decided to adopt Raffi as well when they learned that he was Allie's twin. The twins were then raised and educated in Vanlintina manor alongside their siblings. When Raffi was seventeen he was kidnapped by Reginald Bastian, a wizard who had been driven mad by his own experiments. He saw kidnapping Raffi as a way to get revenge on his mothers because they had refused to fund his experiments. Raffi's parents sent guards to rescue him, but he was returned before twenty-four hours had passed. He was unconscious when he was found on the steps of the manor so they immediately called a healer. The healer said that something was wrong, but it was beyond her ability to tell what. They then called a priest who told them that a demon was feeding off of Raffi's soul. He did not know what could be done and informed them that Raffi's health would deteriorate before he died. How long that took depended on his strength. They called on several different priests who all said the same thing. Raffi finally asked them to stop trying as he felt he was wasting the time he had left. Not long after this, he began traveling as a bard in order to distract himself from his fate.
Likes: Music, parties, hanging out with his siblings, animals, and pastries.
Dislikes: Sleeping outside, cold weather, people who are unkind for no reason, and vegetables.
Extra Information: Raphael's sister is a mage and spent most of her childhood at the mages' college in Keta. For this reason, they did not see each other very much when they were younger. Despite this, they are very close and are protective of each other.
Stories by Lilli Furfaro
The Bard's Song by Blind Guardian
My Own Two Hands by Jack Johnson
Drinking Song by Housephone
Ashes by the Longest Johns
Love's Never Lost from A Man of No Importance (this one is more something he would perform than something that represents him).
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Image created using BG3's character creator
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