#writing is fun and has always been fun but there's also a factor of improvement that works for me too yknow
shidouryusm · 6 months
Welcome to sami having her writer imposter syndrome 338242 times a day and questioning years of writing that she did ever since she was 14 🤡
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legendofmorons · 5 months
hiya! i really like your writing! can i request reactions [from whomever you want] with a reader [platonic or romantic idc lol] who is like spiderman! like, has the sense and webs, and the workload of "who knows how they manage shit". i just think its a fun idea, cause they'd also be a "hero"
Of course you can! This is such a cool Idea! (Is there a hyrule where a spider person is the hero of courage? Maybe.)
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Take a nap
No, really, he tries to get you to sleep as often as possible
He'll try to enhance any weapons you may have
IF you have mechanical web shooters he will be very interested
If you have biological web shooters in your wrist from the mutation he's still curious
Can amd will try to improve your suit so you are safer
Is HORRIFIED by your workload
Don't you know about burn out??
Do you just not care?
Overall he's curious and a little overbearing
But he also understands that you're a hero, and as a hero, sometimes it doesn't matter if you're exhausted.
He'll insist you let him make you metal braces, so some of the work your joints face isn't so bad. (ESPECIALLY if your joints already hurt)
He is excited to learn about it!
He's also not like other people. He just has healing magic, you're a spider person
Assuming you have the boosted healing factor that lost spider people seem to have he's relieved
He will always heal you, but it's nice that you don't need it as often
Also very worried about your work load
Always trying to get you to drink more water
If he were aware of more modern culture he'd yell 'hydrate or die-drate!'
Die-drate is not an option as far as he's concerned
Asks about the ability to stick to things. He's very interested in this
It depends on when he finds out.
He's definitely concerned no matter when you tell them though
If he's not warmed up to you yet he's kind of standoffish about it. If you share he listens bit he won't ask
If you Are close to him though he has SO many questions
How does it work?
What happened to give you these powers?
How much weight can you handle?
Have you always been so flexible?
No matter what your relationship is, if you tell him about the Spiderman upside down kiss thing, he goes RED
He also asks if you catch and eat bugs.
(What? He just knows that's what spiders do!)
He encourages ypu to take some things off your plate.
Probably the least phased?
He's curious of course
But his life has been so weird. He's met plant penguins, gopher people, and his best friend was a goddess
Asks if you're descended from a spider god
Also asks if you can turn into a spider
He also encourages you to take breaks and indulge in things that make you happy
He's happy to make anything that might help you, but with his skills, mostly in whittling, he's not sure it's that helpful.
He is excited to see you swing around, it's the closest most anyone can get to flying (aside from Sky and Wild)
Immediately concerned
Insane workload?
He gets it, mostly
Not entirely his life isn't like your's but he understands the weight power and workload hold
He is curious about your powers
Also very interested in the way your webs are made. Dosen’t matter if it's mechanical or biological
Will have you take to the tree tops when you guys ambush monsters
If you make a hamock/swing out of webs he'll be happy to keep you company
He's not sure how to feel actually
He's curious about how you became a spider person
If he feels close to you he'll ask about it
He's glad you have enhanced healing though. He feels a little less worried
He's still worried you guys are hunting down a shadow
Will be easy to convince to race, you with your webs and him on Epona
He is very sympathetic to your workload
He offers tips to help woth burnout
He helps you strategies to battle plans off your abilities
Wars is willing to spar with you so you can improve too
Please let him help with the self care of after the battle.
Probably asks about the effectiveness of webs as emergency bandages
He's not that phased either. He's met a semi-vengeful horse god
At least you aren't only worried about the safety of the horses
(Don't worry he takes excellent care of Epona and his own horses)
He'll ask about your adventures
He would be excited to have someone else capable of climbing!
He'll happily climb up steep cliffs with you (it can be a race he likes a challenge)
He also has a million questions
He wants to see what you can do!
He's happy to watch you swing around but he wants to come with!
Swing around with him and he's just thrilled!
He asks about ypur webs and if they could capture a monster if you strung them up like a real spider web
He also probably asks for stories about your adventures.
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fruitybashir · 1 month
it's been 3 minutes since i read the last chapter and i just wanna ask how are our boys doing right now? will they eventually tell kris' parents that they were fake-dating but are together now? was the first officially-in-a-relationship sex good? how long has bojan been in love with kris? did he realize it during their whole friends-with-benefits thing or earlier?
okay okay okay lets get into it
1. how are they doing right now? well timeline wise, currently they are suffering. but right after the end of the fic? doing fantastic. im imagining since its a friday, kris takes another sick day and bojan skips his classes just bc fuck that, and they just went through a lot and finally have each other again and theyre both not willing to let the other out of their sight again for even just a second. kiki has probably noticed kris has not been doing so well lately, so he gladly covers kris' shift. they're gonna just lie in bed a little bit, answer texts from the other guys making sure the others know theyre doing fine, and then they take jans advice and fuck like rabbits.
on saturday they go to band practice together again and maybe just bc kris is a little shit hes gonna go "yeah the song was nice but the guitar could use some improvement" and maybe thats when they start working a third guitar into songs instead of just kris taking over bojans parts? who knows?
2. will they tell kris' parents that theyre fake-dating but together now? i think kris would want to keep that one a secret, mainly bc he knows theyre never gonna let him live it down and maks definitely wont, but he (very begrudgingly) does tell them. and they have a good laugh about it. for all eternity. bc i think miha and chantal are the kind of people who would find that shit hilaaaaaarious and bring it up all the time, they think its very very funny
and they also obv love bojan and are very glad to have him properly in their family now <3
3. was the first in-relarionship sex good? it was the fucking best. they didnt have to hold back anymore and enough "i love you"s were said to fill a book with it and then some. it was incredible.
4. how long has bojan been in love with kris? god i wish i knew. i just write the guy, i dont know what the fuck is going on inside his head. i think hes had a mild crush on kris for a while, over the last few years, not very deep or meaningful, mostly when kris picked up jan or smthn bojan would go "damn hes handsome" but that was the extent of it - also bc he was still struggling with his sexuality then.
i think over the holidate timeline .. hm. i imagine that crush skyrocketed when kris just slammed him against the wall that one night and then proceeded to give him the best head hes ever had lol. and i think he definitely acknowledged it as a crush then and it slowly developed into more. i think he maybe realised he was in love shortly after kris stayed with him when he was sick? the major factors there being that kris didnt just take care of him, but actually cared for him. he didnt just drop off some meds and left, he actually took the time to stay with bojan, took a sick day just to be with him, cooked for him, made sure he ate and drank enough, kept him company, everything. thats already an admission of love if you ask me. (both platonically or romantically) but that really did a number on bojan.
i even think bojan let himself admit that it was love pretty early on, but always had the safety layer of "we're just doing this for fun, so its okay if im in love with him bc the "only" consequence is having my own heart broken lol" but then when kris wrote him dopamin and bojan realised this could all be real, suddenly there were more potential consequences to deal with and well you read the last chapter lol
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electricshoebox · 14 hours
Unsolicited Lore Dump
That is such a fun title for a meme.
Thanks to @bardic-inspo for the tag!
Do you make your bed? Nope. It's just extra time I'd have to budget for in the day and I'll just undo it again after a whole day of not getting to appreciate that it looks nice, so... nah. I'll make it if company's coming.
Favorite number? Always liked 4. No idea why.
What's your job? I've been a phlebotomist with a plasma donation company for many years, and also did a lot related to training and managing training requirements. Around 3 years ago, my company created a position I was the first to step into where I travel between ~10 different locations across 4 states and help improve their training departments, keep them compliant with standards and regulatory (government/legal) requirements, and develop their training supervisors. I also lead a core group that trains supervisors using a class I got to create. It's a big mix of things I love: traveling, helping people build confidence in their skills, and creating.
If you could go back to school would you? I just don't think I could, mentally. Not to get personal, but I drove myself to a bad mental breakdown in college. There were a lot more factors than just school itself, but still. There are things I wish I could get a degree in, but I don't think I should try, at least right now. Maybe some day!
Can you parallel park? I'm not great at it, but I have to do it more often where I live now, so I'm getting better. I have a backup cam now and that helps a lot.
Do you think aliens are real? I think it's highly probable, but not in the mainstream, Hollywood, little green men way. I think statistically the universe is so vast, there has to be life somewhere. But I think it's likely so far beyond anything we could comprehend, and so deeply different from the entirety of human experience, that we'd be highly unlikely to be able to make contact or meaningfully communicate. Doesn't mean I don't enjoy a good alien story/game/movie!
Can you drive a manual car? Nope. I barely understand cars as it is, I'll stick with automatic.
What's your guilty pleasure? I try really hard not to feel guilty about my pleasures, but I guess I have to echo Megh a bit and say fanfiction, just because it's still something I'm not comfortable being open about unless I know the person understands fandom or shares an interest. But honestly, college kinda destroyed my love of reading, and fanfiction is really what brought it back. It's such a joy to see the stories others come up with, and it's so fun to explore worlds I love through writing.
Tattoos? I don't have any but I want them very badly! I know at least 3 I want for sure. One is handwriting from my mom and my two best friends using song lyrics that are important to me and connected to each for me. Two, a shared tattoo with one of my best friends/roommate to do with our cat. Three, a Watership Down tattoo that incorporates "All the world will be your enemy... but first they must catch you."
Favorite color? Purple, and slate blue. Very fond of teals and deep pinks as well.
Favorite types of music? I've started to joke that music is my love language. I love so many genres. I always come back to alternative, though. Very fond of indie rock as well, and folk. But you can still get me with a good pop song.
Do you like puzzles? LOVE puzzles. I don't have a lot of room to do them where I currently live, and I also go through them too fast to make buying them often worth it, but I could do them for hours.
Any phobias? I have unfortunately discovered I am very afraid of roaches. I can typically handle bugs okay, but those absolutely terrify me. I'm also pretty uncomfortable with heights. Not so bad I can't look out a window a few floors up, but definitely can't look over the edge if I'm on a rooftop or super high balcony or something.
Favorite childhood sport? I'm not sure if this is asking my favorite childhood sport to play or just sports I enjoyed as a kid. For the former, I was not a player of sports, but I did love to swim, and I loved playground games. For the latter, I grew up going to baseball games with my dad and I do have a lot of fond memories of that.
Do you talk to yourself? Oh for sure. I do it the most when I'm trying to work out a conversation in a scene I'm writing (so I just have it with myself out loud and see where it goes) or if I have a scene idea I want to try feeling out in conversation. But I'm not above having little therapy talks with myself when I'm alone, if I need to. Oh, and I'm also a big conversation practicer if something I need to talk to someone about is making me anxious.
What movies do you adore? Oh man, how much time do you have? Definitely the Mummy (Brendan Fraser version), and the Matrix (just the first one, but that one was incredibly formative). The LotR trilogy is always going to be very important to me. Song of the Sea and the Secret of Kells are both deeply beloved for me. And then the Lion in Winter (Katharine Hepburn version). Probably the most influential dialogue-writing inspiration movie for me of all time.
Coffee or tea? Iced tea. Unsweetened. I basically have to have one every morning or I will die. (Okay fine I won't die but I'll get a migraine and be very unhappy about it.)
First thing you wanted to be growing up? I genuinely can't remember what was first because I wanted to do like 7,000 things. I wanted to be an author very early on, but also a singer and a figure skater and a gymnast and an artist and I could go on. Writing has probably been the most consistent thing, though.
Tagging (no pressure): @amanita-jack, @lioness-calanthe, @galaxy-starheart, @mercurymiscellany, and @molliehaswords
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Please write the reader is dating Steve, she is getting bullied by tommy h and carol because they don’t approve of her and Steve finds out and steps in to stop it
Mess with you [S. H]
Steve Harrington x reader
Word count: 3.2k
A/N: I admit that I hate Steve this season for being so impulsive and dumb, but come on, he's a good guy deep down.
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You opened your locker to take out a couple of books while enduring the lump in your throat from what had just happened.
Tommy and Carol were best friends with your boyfriend, Steve, so you were practically forced to talk to them every time there was a meeting. But the rest of the time you did your best to avoid them. Your boyfriend was popular: basketball team, rich family, pretty face. And of course they were too, but… it felt like they were opposites. Steve liked to joke around and could be annoying at times, but the hideous couple were evil for fun.
And you were one of their favorite targets.
“Y/N!” Carol said, with a hypocritical smile, as she reached out to put her arms around you.
“Huh, hello…”
"How's our favorite bookworm?" Tommy scoffed, as he snatched away the notebook you'd been trying to shield against your chest. “Wow, chemistry. I just need a couple of notes on that subject to improve my grade” she said with that same annoyed tone. It wasn't the first time they'd done this to you and now that you were Steve's girlfriend it was more common for them to steal most of your homework and projects.
"Are you going to the party tonight, dear?" she asked, playing with your hair and noisily chewing the cherry gum in her mouth.
"I can't, I have to study for my algebra test"
“Oww, did you hear, Tommy? She has to study,” she scoffed, hearing her boyfriend chuckle. Then she turned her attention to you, with that cruel smile she had most of the time. "If you keep leaving our Steve alone at every party, he'll soon be looking for another sapling to party with, you know?" Carol exclaimed. It was also not the first time that she brought up the subject, cementing insecurity towards your relationship.
You weren't much of a party girl, especially when there were so many homework assignments and exams on the way. In addition, your parents were a bit (too) protective, so adding these two factors it was almost impossible for you to leave your house. Of course your boyfriend and his friends weren't the least bit interested in grades and their parents weren't even paying attention to them, so every time someone organized a meeting they were there. Steve had tried to drag you into most of them, but at some point he just gave up and stopped pushing. But the next day Carol and Tommy always commented on how many girls had made advances to the boy and also remarked how beautiful they were. That was driving you crazy.
"Steve wouldn't do that"
“You can believe that if he gives you comfort” was all she said as she shrugged and patted you on the cheek.
Teasing was something you were used to, but on that particular day it seemed to affect you more than usual. The words didn’t stop echoing in your head and the doubt had been implanted in you. Did Steve really love you enough to deal with all your limitations? Hell, you guys hadn't even done… that. Maybe they were right and your boyfriend would end up getting bored having the love of a virgin know-it-all.
“Hey” you heard behind you, making you jump and when you turned around you noticed that it was Steve, who was smiling sweetly at you.
“Hi” you answered, feeling strange all of a sudden. You had never dared to tell him about the mistreatment you received from his friends, maybe because you were too scared that he would judge you crazy and decide to break up with you.
"How are you? Besides pretty, of course” he complimented, making you smile that didn't quite touch your eyes.
"I'm fine" you lied, moving closer to hug him and kiss him on the lips. The contact felt sincere and warm and comforting.
“I want to ask you if you would mind lending me your chemistry notebook, love. The other day the teacher erased the formulas too quickly and I couldn't copy them. I promise not to steal anything” he said, showing you both outstretched palms as a show of sincerity. You swallowed hard, not knowing what excuse you could come up with, and Steve seemed to notice your discomfort.
“I forgot my notebook at home” you lied.
“But you never forget anything. Also today we have chemistry” he replied. It was true, your lie was very poor and you knew it perfectly. You could have at least pretended to look for it, but it didn't occur to you until after you said it.
"I know, but today I woke up a little more distracted than usual" you continued. Steve wasn't satisfied with the answer but he still let it slide.
“Is it okay if I pick you up after school? You know, to take you home. And on the way we can get to buy an ice cream or whatever you want” he murmured. Those things were what made you fall in love. At least with you he was very accommodating, in every way. And sure, you two were a couple of hormonal teenagers, but that didn't stop you from having these little moments of romance.
"I'd love to Steve"
"Great," he murmured, grinning at you and then leaning in to steal another kiss. That was another quality of Steve, he kissed you at any time in any place "See you later, yes?"
“See ya,” you replied, watching him walk down the hall to join Tommy and Carol in the distance, who gave you a dirty look. You sighed and swallowed your pride as you closed your locker, starting to walk into your next class.
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Steve kept his promise and took you home after school, but the feeling that something was wrong with you lingered throughout the day. He didn't know the reason, but he could notice that there were fewer and fewer smiles you gave him and it seemed that you were trying hard to keep silent. He wanted to know if he was doing something wrong and was even contemplating the possibility that you wanted to break up with him.
Steve had a reputation as a heartthrob, but the truth was that when he was with someone he became the most faithful, sweet, and protective person. Yes, he was quite a flirt, but he always flirted with single girls when he was single. He had loyalty to your relationship and maybe it was too soon to conclude, but he was dead serious with you. He could see himself a couple of years later helping you find colleges to get into and cheering you on as you studied. That was something that didn't bother him at all, your passion for school and your dedication to being the best in the class. It was something he admired about you and even (for just one crazy second) he thought about how smart his children would be if you were their mother. That's why the matter kept going around in his head, because he was thinking of a way to talk to you to clarify what was happening to you.
“Steve!” a girl called him, which she left in the armchair in which he was. He had gone to the party, but he wasn't enjoying himself at all; he had just sat in a corner to lose himself in her thoughts of him.
"Hello, Tiffany," she replied. She was a pretty girl, with messy hair and bright eyes.
“You look so sad, pretty,” she murmured, slurring her words. It was obvious that she was drunk. "I could fix that…" she laughed, leaning cheekily to try and kiss him. But Steve quickly moved out of the way.
"What the hell? You know I have a girlfriend” he complained, while he held the teenager by the shoulders to stop any further movement.
"I thought you were done with that prude already" she explained to him, without a hint of shame for having thought of going so quickly to him and not for having called you that way.
“Y/N and I are still dating,” he answered, still with a firm voice.
"But she doesn't have to find out," insisted the girl, with a flirtatious smile. Steve began to notice several things: a girl was trying to convince him to cheat on you, the music was too loud, and the combined smell of alcohol, sweat, and weed was completely off-putting. But the most important thing was that he should not be there, but be with you.
Without answering anything, he got up from his place, leaving the girl alone and confused, to start walking in the direction of the exit.
"Hey man!" Tommy called out to him, from a distance, as if he had been watching him previously. "Are you leaving so soon?"
“I have something to do” was all he said, gathering up his coat and throwing it over his back to head out the front door. Tommy didn't care (perhaps because he was already too drunk) so Steve was able to get in his car and drive calmly. It was already late, but everything in him told him that he needed to see you. He could sneak in through the window, he'd done it before, and maybe see you for a couple of minutes or ask you to kiss him. He hadn't drunk that much, but enough to make him dizzy when he pulled up on the street in front of your house. He didn't want to wake up your parents, they would kill you if they found out and they would kill him along the way, so as quietly as possible he managed to get up to your window.
Just as he was about to touch the glass, he saw you sitting up in bed with lots of tissues scattered on the mattress and your purple phone to your ear.
"It's just that I can't, Nance" he managed to hear, while he hid by the window to find out what was happening "I'm getting sick of all this, I can't even sleep peacefully anymore" you sobbed. Steve could bet all the drunkenness had left his body. There was silence and then you spoke again "Today they took my chemistry notes and that bitch insists on making me see that I'm little to him" your voice sounded low, so Steve had to get a little closer "Every day they make fun of me, they call me horrible names and I can't say anything because they're Steve's best friends and I know he's going to prefer them over me. It's simple logic” the boy's brain clicked when he heard you: Tommy and Carol “Always… they always tell me that Steve can get someone better than me whenever he wants. And I think they're right, I'm so insignificant that I'll never be able to date someone just like him, but he can date dozens just like me" you said, with tears leaking between your words "I'm afraid he'll get bored of me and left me… I couldn't stand it”
That was enough information for him. Maybe he wasn't the smartest, but he knew how to tie up loose ends, and right now he had come to a conclusion: you were this weird because of Carol's harassment, who had put ideas into your head to make you feel miserable in the relationship. Tommy had probably been the one to say that you and he weren't together anymore and that's why he'd noticed when he got up ignoring Tiffany. They had hurt you, and when he had that revelation his whole body was filled with rage.
Wasting no time, he got down from where he was and walked with firm steps back to his car, to drive through the same streets he had just walked a moment ago. All the way he was gripping the steering wheel until his knuckles turned white and his jaw was clenched, feeling betrayed and annoyed. You had been hurt and he wasn't going to take that.
"Dude!" He was greeted by one of the guys, who were already drunk, but Steve completely ignored him to go straight to Tommy, who was near the pool.
“Steve?” he asked, grinning as he saw that his friend of his had returned. But that same smile was erased by Steve's fist smashing hard against his cheek "What the fuck?!"
"Do you think you can make fun of my girlfriend?" Steve asked. He had never won a fight, but the rage coursing through him might be incentive enough to win this one. Also, Tommy was drunk and that was a big plus. "Do you think you can rough her up and I won't do anything?" he said, unleashing another punch and knocking the boy to the ground.
"What the hell are you doing Steve?" Carol yelled hysterically.
“And you shut up! Be thankful that he would never hit a woman or you would be like him too” he threatened, pointing a finger at her. Everyone present was stunned by the scene and Steve didn't realize that Tommy had gotten up from the floor to lunge at his friend. The fight between the two boys broke out, causing them to roll on the wet floor and collide with a couple of chairs while dealing blows to each other.
The fight was close, but most feared stepping in and getting hit as well so the two of them grappled for a long time. It wasn't until Tommy ran out of steam that the fight stopped. But Steve, even though he parried the blows, held the boy tightly through his shirt.
"Stay away from him!" Carol yelled again, trying to get closer to stop the man. But Steve seized this opportunity and took her arm firmly.
"Listen to me well you two," he said, breathing hard "My girlfriend is crying right now because of the stupid ideas that were put into her head so I'm only going to say it once: if you come near her or me again …”
"What will you do to us, Harrington?" Tommy laughed from his place. "Kill us?"
“No, but I remind you that my father is a very influential man and he is also your father's boss. Would you like your family to be left without money thanks to the dismissal of your father?” he asked. It was a meaningless threat and he knew it because his father would never do that for him. But apparently it was enough to scare Tommy away “What about you, Carol? Do you want your mother to know that you buy cocaine and that you fuck in every corner you find?”
"Okay, that's enough!" she sobbed, pushing Steve away from her boyfriend. The boy decided that it was the most reasonable thing to do and got up so that she could hold the young man's beaten body "Go away with that bitch, we don't need her or you"
"I hope not," Steve said, his voice angry "Because you're a total asshole for school and you're insane if you think I'll let you lay a finger on him again to steal some school work" he continued, seeing her because apparently, she still didn’t think that she had lost those benefits. Everyone was silent, fearful of having seen the boy so violent, so Steve simply walked without saying anything to his car, closing the door with force.
While blood was dripping from his eyebrow he drove his way home, just hoping that tomorrow he wouldn't realize that he had done a completely stupid thing.
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The next day you woke up very sore, barely able to move to get out of bed. You had hardly slept at all and somehow managed to look decent and catch the bus, not really wanting to bother Steve to ask him to pick you up. He probably wouldn't even go to school because of a hangover or lack of sleep.
"Did you know that Steve hit Tommy?" a girl whispered when you first entered school, unaware of your presence. The bell rang and you had to go to your first class, but during this, the whispers, rumors, and gossip referring to the same thing did not stop being heard.
Had Steve had too many drinks and gotten aggressive? It was the only thing you needed. Still a little scared and confused you left at lunchtime, going straight to your locker to put your things away and then leaving to find Steve. But you didn't need to search long, because as soon as you closed the metal door you saw that he was there. He had a broken lip and the same skin on his eyebrow.
"My God, Steve, what happened to you?"
"Hello," he smiled, ignoring your worried face "What are you talking about?"
“Is it true that you fought with Tommy? The whole school is talking about it” you said and you couldn't help but sound annoyed. You wanted that kid to take a beating, but it didn't have to be Steve who was involved.
“Can we get out of here? I don't want to discuss it in the halls,” he begged you, feeling uncomfortable from everyone's stares. You didn't put up much of a fight and let him lead you to a secluded address, near the track where Steve used to run for training.
"And so?" you asked, now hearing you more concerned than annoyed. Steve was hesitating to tell you the truth, you could see it on his face.
"I'll explain, but promise not to get mad, okay?" he said, leaning down so he could look you in the eye. And even though you were sure that you couldn't keep that promise, you nodded. “Last night, after the party, I missed you so much and thought I'd go visit you” he started to say. From that point, it was off to a bad start “so I was planning to climb out the window and sleep for a bit, but then I found you…” he trailed off, searching for something to say. But you knew it was what he had seen, you had only done one thing that night.
"Did you hear my conversation with Nancy?"
"It wasn't my intention" he justified himself "But why didn't you ever tell me?"
"That doesn't matter Steve," you said, feeling the tears start to sting your eyes "What did you do?"
“I went to beat the crap out of that bastard, what else was he going to do? Carol is a bitch and I can't do too much but at least they get the message now."
"Which message?"
“That they don't have to mess with you,” he said, seriously. Suddenly the atmosphere was tense, and without knowing what to say. You didn't want him to go that far, but you also felt good that he (somehow) figured out what was going on “And I don't know what bullshit they told you, but none of that shit about I'll find someone better is true” he murmured, reaching out to cup your chin and force you to look at him. “You're my girlfriend and I love you. You know that, right? nothing would change that” he said with determination. He didn't wait for a response from you, he just pulled you a little with his hand and leaned in to kiss you. One kiss turned into another and then another until the seeming problem dwindled into insignificance. Steve knew how you felt and he had beaten you to the punch. And for you, that was the greatest proof of his love. 
TAG LIST: @sweetdayme4427 @smol-book-nerd
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fatalflawsy · 1 year
Pantheon au: Characters! Part 1
Welcome to my new au that I will just give facts about since I can't write a story for life now how it came to existence well it was an ask in @annonniiiiieeeee's ask blog and it ended up being a full fledged thing I wanted to do for fun so here's the summary and basic information and I'll go along from there no plot spoilers will be given just some hints of it but that's about it.
What is the au called? I like to call it the Pantheon au (I will probably change the names later)
Premise? What if the (rottmnt) turtles were gods and yes this is a somewhat Leosagi centered au because my biggest inspirations for this au is a Leosagi fic by the person I mentioned at the start of this post. Of course it will have some interactions with the brothers and I will also flesh out their interactions with one another as well as the other characters because I want to get them all the attention they deserve.
NOTE: not all of these facts are set in stone there are some that we still have to talk about and what to remove or add because some are my own thoughts so I will still have to run it through my co-creators @annonniiiiieeeee @furiousjellifish and @thenerdywitchofthenorth when this is posted to see if there are things we need to change or add to it. Open to suggestions as well
On with the characters!
Lets start off with the Hamatos
The head of the Pantheon and Forgotten God of Fame and Fortune
Due to the accident he had to hide away with his boys to keep them safe.
Due to the lack of followers because of his disappearance his power becomes weaker so he used the remaining energy to make a home hidden away and seal his boys abilities until a certain age.
The reason he sealed those abilities away was because he wants to raise them in a healthy environment and he can't have that with the mortals causing trouble and possible evil that will come for them so he raised them alone and away from the mortals
Used to be in a relationship with Big Mama a fellow god/celestial being who manipulated him to battle in her Battle Nexus located in the Hidden City another factor on why he his his boys away (could be changed)
In the start he was struggling to raise the turtles while missing his glory days and it gets harder because of the dwindling numbers of his followers for each year that passes by.
He slowly grows to become the father the turtles need after the Shredder incident that destroyed their first home.
The God of Protection, Strength, Warriors and Rage
Rules over no domain unlike his brothers and merely protects their domains
He watches over those that worship him and makes sure to visit the villages/cities that choose to become his worshippers
He often joins in with mortals in battle fighting for the good people and protecting those who cannot protect themselves.
Those that threaten what his family protects whether it be their domains, worshippers or those that wish to harm them Raph will do whatever it takes to protect it leading to his rage being taken out on them (The savage Raph episodes) or to put it simply mess with his family's domains be prepared to face Raph
Goddess of Truth and Families
Has been down to the mortal realm more times that the turtles and Splinter
Mayhem is her messenger and companion and has two forms when in disguise which is either a cat or a dog and follows April when she's in disguise and down in the human world
April looks the most human of them all so she doesn't have to hide her her image as much as they do.
Will always be the first to call them all out on their bs.
Whenever the turtles sneak out she accompanies them and when busy Mayhem does it for her
In her statues she and Mayhem are always together either on her shoulder or in her arms
The God of Knowledge and Innovation
Because of his unethical experiments at times he is also occasionally called the God of Madness
The smartest of his brothers and often invents new ways to improve their security especially after the Shredder destroyed their first home
Those that come to him for knowledge must share their own knowledge with them as well as a valid reason on why they want the knowledge they ask for and if he deems it fit he will grant you the knowledge you seek if not... Well he'll show you why he's occasionally called the God of Madness
If not found in his domain you can find him in his room/personal study tinkering with Sheldon a spirit that took the form of one of automatons and became Donnie's son.
The God of Strategy, Travel, Medicine and Romantic Love
Some of the strategies kings, lords, generals or other battles strategists think of are actually Leo's own strategies that he whispered in their ears using the wind.
He never got any thanks before because the mortals take the credit for it but Leo doesn't mind that much since at that time he was an unknown god but when he became known many mortals pray for his strategies to tackle the many challenges of daily life which Leo is happy provide.
Only dabbles in medicine before meeting Usagi but then spent his energy on medicine to help Usagi with his curse by healing his loved ones should they fall victim to his curse
Became associated with romantic love because of Usagi telling potential worshippers about Leo and hearing the genuine love from him from then on associated him with romantic love.
Leo has an inferiority complex like in the canon show and in true Leo fashion cracks his one liners and makes fun of serious situations but knows when to be serious when the situation calls for it
he self sacrifices like a boss (someone stop me)
God of Food, Harvest and Flame
When appeased the harvests are blessed and good meanwhile if he's mad or upset he will burn the land in which he stands
Mikey is the artist of the family and the cook so his domain is often colorful and full of delicious foods.
Could possibly be the most powerful one in the family. (If canon Mikey can throw a whole boat, an entire building, and open a gateway back in time as well as to the prison dimension then imagine what this god can do)
Even so Raph is protective of him and therefore Raph visits his domain the most for that reason. Much to the dismay of Mikey
Mikey interacts with his worshippers a lot whenever he visits the villages/cities under his domain
Listens to the problems of the people and acts either harsh (Dr. Delicate Touch) or kind and understanding (Dr. Feelings) depending on the situation that calls for it.
Mikey is still naive so at times he can be taken advantage of by some people which adds to his brothers' reasoning to visiting him constantly to check in
Sometimes people forget he's the God of Flames until they remember that he can burn their crops down.
The Goddess of War and Violence
Cassandra is as intense as she is in the show however in her time in the pantheon with the Hamatos she learned to calm down more but she is still intense and is as always waiting for the next battle
A mortal that used to work for the foot clan but when the clan fell apart she spent her time with the Hamatos and slowly being part of their family and going through her own trial to earn her title as a god
When Casey was going through his trial she wasn't allowed to interfere so she left her son in the hands of the turtles
She is the most active in the battlefield
At times Cassandra would challenge the victor of the battle to a match to satiate her need for battle though she is still in disguise of course.
Casey Jr
The God of Peace, Victory and Roads
Casey started off as a demigod before earning his godhood to join the pantheon
Once he became a god Leo let him keep dominion over the roads
Is one of the first (if not is the first) to be supportive of Usagi and Leo's relationship and even gave Usagi a blessed trinket to show his support to his endeavor to reconcile with Leo
Doesn't have a domain of his own since he usually travels around with his mom.
When his mom is off challenging random mortals to battle he would be in the corner supporting the mortals so they actually stand a chance of surviving her attacks... It works 50% of the time.
The God of Alchemy, Magic and Plants
Caused the accident that caused Splinter to hide from the world with the baby turtles tots
A primordial god that's saw the existence of everything and even created the Yokais and living among them for a period of time before being banished by the Council Of Heads (that's what I call those guys Mayhem works for in canon show)
His resentment for humans started when they attacked his creations and not even half the population survived resulting in his many unethical experiments on attempting to wipe them out
When he was reformed he is keeping an open mind on humans however when their acts result in one of his family members getting upset... Well you should not expect much mercy.
He can easily take on those that want to hunt him down in the Hidden City however he does not want to dwindle the numbers of the Yokais even further so he ran.
He helped rebuild their second home after the Shredder incident and made sure none were hurt during that incident in place of the turtles and yes even the humans even if he was still trying to be open minded
Closest to Mikey because of the many times they spent together during his reform
He was okay (at best) with Leo and Usagi's relationship but should the rabbit bring him any sort of pain that curse isn't the only problem he will have
Is probably the one to heal Usagi's curse with some assistance with Leo
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greyborn2 · 10 months
Five Random Things I Enjoy
Tagged in by both @skyrim-forever aaaand @thana-topsy - also massive heckin curses upon it being you two to tag me because otherwise I'd've probably tagged you in with this but ah well. Tagging in @kookaburra1701
Table Top RPGs. My GOSH my brain goes absolutely feral for them. Reading the rulebooks for them, running them, playing them, writing them... all of it. Just... gosh. Big happy chemical releaser. Not to mention how much it helps me socially. Like, I struggle a lot in IRL social situations and they generally just end up awful for me but having a game to focus on? Being able to vibe and do social stuff with a task AND I get to do fun improv? Fuck yes.
The SNOW!! Ohmygosh the SNOW. I've only seen snow twice in my entire life (only way to see it down on earth's butt here in australia is the mountains and they're a pain to get to for me as a city-folk person) but I ADORE it. Snow and mountains are just... like... perfection to me as an aesthetic. Snowy icy places are always my favourite places in games, even. Honestly probably one of the reasons I had such a bitter reaction to Skyrim (and still am not a huge fan of it tbh) is just how much they un-snowed it - the way it had been described in Morrowind and Oblivion... well... it had set my mind whirling with the sorts of mystical snowy landscapes I could get and there's only really two and a half snow covered holds outta nine. Ah well. Always mods~
Ovaltine/Malt!! So, like, I used to be a huge hot chocolate drinker. Loved that stuff. But found as I got older I was just adding more and more maple syrup (the sweetening factor I add to all my drinks rather than honey or sugar) to make it taste palatable and then... then I found ovaltine and ho-lee-fuck. Takes like half the amount of maple and creates what, to me, just tastes like the perfect hot chocolate. Only hot chocolate that can compare are those almost melted chocolate spanish style ones that are just... Mmmmmfffff. Perfection.
Lore!! My ex at one point referred to me as a 'lore gremlin' and honestly that is so fucking true and has worked its way into my day to day vernacular and self image so much. When I get into a new setting I DEVOUR lore. I am RAVENOUS for it. I eat up settings like I'm STARVING. There are some bits of media I've never even read/watched but I still know huge chunks of the lore for just because of my appetite for finding fan wikis and CONSUMING. Reading about worlds, and worldbuilding, is honestly just a favourite thing of mine.
My snake!! I don't talk about them much here/post about them but I own a Stimson's Python and they are my precious prince of light!! I adore them so fucking much. Got them last year and just... best decision. Best decision. Their name is Potato andddd they're the banner and icon I use here!
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tackytigerfic · 2 years
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Happy happy birthday to @sweet-s0rr0w!
L and I met when I fell in love with such ridiculously good microfics as the seductive, atmospheric Dangerous, and Westbury, which is still one of the most skillful evocations of place and mood I've ever read. I had to go and chat to her, we discovered how wildly similar we are in terms of the things we love (mostly... except for cheese), and the rest was history.
L has both superb taste and a great eye for detail, so it makes sense that her rec lists, such as the brilliantly comprehensive Drarry Round the World series, or her Romance list, are always chock-full of excellent reads. She's also hugely supportive of other creators, both through her sterling alpha work and tiptop Britpicking, and through her Five Favourite Fics series (which is why I'm making her one of her very own today!) Not to mention the fact that she is also sickeningly skillful with her hands, and creates the most gorgeous papercut art.
But I'm really here to talk about her writing - and it's not just me, read this fabulous rec by @sitp-recs, bask in the magnificence of the ficbinding by @a-gay-old-time, and behold the wonder of this art by @ihopeyoubothstaysafefromharm, among many other recs. Her fics are superb - sharply written, hugely emotional, with all the joy of the breathtaking rush where you know you're hooked right from the start and there's nothing to do but settle in and let yourself get lost in them. I'm going to share my five favourites here, but special mention to Dreaming Skies (Draco x Ron, 20k) which i'm not reccing because we co-wrote it but which was one of the most fun and special fandom experiences I've ever had.
L, thank you for your friendship, for the late nights and early mornings, for the support and the non-screaming, the fics and the photos, the cheese debates, and everything in between. Tell out my soul, the glories of her words!
Read sweet_s0rr0w's fics here on AO3
✨Thameslink, the 07:29 from Luton - G, 1k, Draco in the Muggle world, commuting hell, the coolest premise ever, vibes on max, heartkick factor off the charts, the perfect microfic
Summary: He gets on at Harpenden, you think, although it might have been earlier.
✨National Trust - T, 1k, delicious established relationship with tender Muggle sightseeing.
Summary: Draco and Harry visit the Manor. Things have changed.
✨When the Party's Over - E, 5k, accidental bond, 5 +1, falling in love, a sex scene that makes me get teary-eyed with the tenderness, yes there is a teddy bear (not in the sex though that might not be quite so tender)
Summary: Parties aren't quite so much fun when you're accidentally bonded to your sworn enemy. At least, that's what Harry thinks at first…
✨The One You Feed - T, 10k, werewolves falling in love, getting together, competent Draco like HELLO
Summary: Draco's been a werewolf for almost twenty years now, and he's an expert in helping new werewolves adapt to the change. He's seen it all before - or so he thinks, until his newest client, a recently turned Harry Potter, arrives on his doorstep.
✨Nor All That Glisters - E, 110k, addiction, hurt/comfort, angst with a happy ending, aka the 110k fic that i simply could not put down and that has one of the best OCs I've ever come across in all my years of reading fic.
Summary: Lonely and frustrated on house arrest, with no prospects for the future, Draco begins brewing Felix Felicis in an attempt to improve his lot. Just in the short term, of course. He isn’t a total idiot. But before long he finds himself with a thriving business, a nice flat, some actual (albeit irritatingly Gryffindor) friends, and a very satisfying sex life. What’s more, no-one is hexing him in the street. And Harry Potter is single, and gorgeous, and giving Draco decidedly interested looks. Stop taking the Felix? You must be joking…
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auspicious-voice · 11 months
Plans for AUSPICIOUS VOICE Going Forward
EDIT @ 07/10/2023: More explanation on what I will do with my social media accounts at the end of this post
Hey guys!
I'm writing this post to highlight some key changes for this project and its future, especially when I want to move on to other bigger things I'd like to focus on. Of course that doesn't mean I'm abandoning this project, but I just want to scale down on the social aspects of the UTAU hobby significantly for the most part.
If you're interested on what this means for the project, then feel free to read on.
Cover Uploads
Since January 2023, I have been uploading new cover to my YouTube and BiliBili channels on a weekly basis. This was mostly because I had a huge backlog of finished covers I've kept in my hard drive for a long time. But since I've cleared my cover backlog and that I've run into a bit of a burnout AND cover block, I figured that doing weekly uploads isn't really a fun thing to do anymore.
It's hard to find inspiration for songs I want to cover nowadays since I'm all burnt out right now, and I want to upload covers whenever I want to. I won't stop uploading covers but the amount of covers I will upload will decrease over time. I also want to make more time and space for other things I am working on instead of constantly working on covers every week.
Maybe I should build a playlist of songs I want to cover in the future, and when the inspiration really hits, I could revisit the playlist and select the one I like the most...
Voicebank Development and Releases
It never really occured to me that I wanted to stop developing voicebanks up until recently. I will say that I will be stopping voicebank development for Fuwa Maria and Fuwa Mario indefinitely.
Now the reason why I am saying this is because of multiple factors. One is that I don't have the time and energy to devote to developing new voicebanks for my UTAUs these days, and I'm at that point where I look at my current voicebanks and I'm like, "Yeah I don't think I'll record a voicebank as good as that." I'm perfectly fine with the quality of my current voicebanks, and I don't intend to record new versions of them anytime soon. That doesn't mean that I'll stop giving them miniscule QoL updates though.
Producing voicebanks takes a long time, from months to even a year, and it really exhausts me every time I do a voicebank release. So that being said, don't expect new voicebanks to be released anytime soon. This decision isn't permanent, but it will probably remain that way for a long time from now.
Anything else?
For the sake of my social battery and mental health, I won't be directly interacting with the UTAU community (and the greater vocal synth community) from now on. Too much happens on those online spaces to the point where it stresses me out by a ton, and I'm glad that there are people leaving the community to do better things or to improve themselves for the reasons mentioned above. I won't lie that without the UTAU community, I wouldn't have gotten to where I am today, but I think it's time to move on, like a graduation of sorts or something.
That doesn't mean that I won't stop all communications with the UTAU community, but I will be around to check if anything new has been made with Maria and Mario through tags and search results occasionally. I may leave a comment or two at that! I also opened up a new e-mail for inquiries about the voicebanks and characters, so that's my primary form of contact now.
As for the program itself, I have always treated UTAU as a hobby, and I will continue to do so - as something that I like to do for myself in my free time. I will cover the songs I like with my UTAUs (and other voicebanks if I feel like it), and upload them for myself and others to see if they like. And if someone else enjoys it, then that's great! I just love sharing the things I enjoy doing.
Moving forward, this is my way of saying that I will be dialling down on UTAU-related activities significantly in terms of the program itself (maybe a little bit) and the community related to it. I have been valuing my own health recently, which has been bogged down for way too long. And I will be uploading covers sporadically, and I just want to focus on using the new voicebanks I released for years to come. Quite frankly, hobbies and interests are best enjoyed with close friends and probably not with bigger circles, and that alone has done wonders to me.
I will say that if I were to post covers, they might be posted back-to-back on some days. I will post my UTAU work through this site and my YouTube and BiliBili channels from now on, and I have an RSS feed set up in case you guys use them!
See you, HIRA
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rahleeyah · 2 years
Clearly you have a natural talent for writing (I mean even the SVU fandom troll sees your skill), but do you think there is anything in particular that helped improve your skill? How did Leah the amazing writer come to be???
lmao you're very sweet anon 😘 i do love a good process question.
i love to write. it is fun for me. i am a storyteller, i always have been. and because i have always been telling stories, i have also always been consuming stories. the best way we learn is practice, and study. i get more confident in my writing all the time, bc i'm still practicing; i am still making mistakes - all the time! - and i am learning to recognize them, to understand why they were mistakes, and how to avoid them in the future.
i read a lot. not so much at the moment bc i'm very short on time, but in general i have always been a reader. and one of the things that helped me the most, honestly, was years ago i found a fanfic author whose work i loved. she killed it, every time. the emotion, the layers, the structure of her stories, the tone of them, i loved them. i was gnawing on my own liver bc i wanted to do that. i wanted to tell a story like that. and so as i read her work i asked myself well what is it about this style that makes it so good? what does she do that makes it so compelling? it wasn't about trying to copy her style, but about understanding why her style resonated with me so much, and trying to see what lessons i could learn from it. and not just her; everything i read broadens my understanding of how a story can be told, and how i want to do it.
being an avid reader and consumer of media in general helped shape the kind of writer i wanted to be, but honest to god, being on tumblr has been huge for me. meta analysis about why characters do what they do, thinkpieces on language and the structure of stories, quick and dirty "do this not that" guides that i either incorporated or thought about and decided they were garbage. engaging in a constant discourse about the elements of storytelling has helped me understand how to tell a story, while reading has given me the words to do it.
there are so many factors that go into how i tell a story. there's stuff i learned about writing five paragraph essays in school, and there's stuff i learned about verbiage from tumblr discussions, and there's stuff i learned from reading both fic and traditional works, and there's stuff i learned from conversations with friends. it's this constant evolving mass of inspiration, really.
so how did i become the writer i am now? i wrote, and read, and wrote some more. i fucked some stuff up, and decided not to do that again. i'm still learning, and still improving, and i am not ever going to stop evolving, bc there is always room to do better.
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kiddstark03 · 1 month
Hair Removal - Choose From Nine Methods
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View More: topquangngaiaz.com - Top Quang Ngai AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Quang Ngai AZ: Bùi Trúc Hạ - Bui Truc Ha It can be distressing with regard to woman, most famously because it is so misunderstood frequently fails to elicit sympathy from those closest to her. Hair loss in women is not often so severe as hair loss in men. Now, don't get mad a start making accusations about all the shallow individuals. While it may be true that some people place substantially emphasis on physical appearances, the bottom line is it does make an improvement when two people are meeting and making initial evaluations of their interest in each other. And, it's yet another trust aspect. It is always going to considerably easier to have interaction with a face than with a blank box. Have you ever tried Activity Groups? They're a great to be able to meet together with common interests in a safe, fun group setting. You can join a group that's already been created, or create private personal and invite all your friends to join . and also friends is. and their friends . a person receive the problem. Tweezers are perfect for isolated hairs and some facial floors. It is an inexpensive method of hair removal although top quality tweezers are needed. Results: From 3 to 8 weeks. Quang Ngai Viet Nam If using hot water to warm the paste container, don't allow water into the paste. Sugar paste is water soluble and will be going to spoiled if the container isn't sealed properly and water gets in. As scalp are removed in this method the skin can feel quite smooth afterwards. The head of hair waxing action does cause the skin to sting and many find a soothing skin healing cream regarding helpful after that. Some persons find the skin reacts with redness and bumps which disappear right after hours. Canada has what may think that call a national florida sales tax or a worth added tax (VAT). This Goods and Services Tax (G.S.T.) of 5 percent (as at January 1, 2008) is applicable to many Canadian offers. In conclusion: Shaving is probably of the most common associated with hair removal the around the world. Top Quảng Ngãi AZ 24h It is inexpensive, quick, and conveniently done at homes. The negative factors are that it has to be done frequently and the skin can suffer unless precautions are taken.
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minhance · 10 months
5 Benefits of Art Therapy for children
“Art speaks where words are unable to explain.”– Pam Holland (Artist)
Have you seen or observed yourself, when in deepest thoughts and worries, given a pen and paper, unconsciously you start scribbling random patterns? After scribbling you always feel a sense of relief.
Art is a powerful tool that helps to express one’s thoughts and feelings which are too painful to communicate in words. So what is Art Therapy?
What is Art Therapy?
In the field of counselling, there are various forms of therapies and Art therapy is one among them. As the name suggests, it refers to using Art as a medium to explore one’s emotions and diagnose behavioural issues. Colours and creative activities are used to help people especially children to express emotions and feelings, de-stress, resolve conflicts, bring self-awareness and enhance the overall well-being of children.
Art Therapy for Children
“My child does not finish assignments”. “My child does not talk much to me and I do not know what is happening…”
Dear Parents Do these phrases ring a bell ?
Children, as they grow from childhood to adolescence, go through various challenges – personality changes, changes in their physiology, peer pressure, digital addiction, sibling pressure, parents' tantrums identity issues and much more. They find it hard to express their emotions and feelings as they feel overwhelmed by external factors. Sometimes they themselves are not even aware what is going on with them.
This is where we apply Art therapy. Art therapy, without intimidating, helps children in a fun and artistic way to express their emotions and understand themselves better.
Art circumvents the limitations of languages and provides an alternative for children to express their thoughts and emotions.
Art may involve doodling, painting, writing a story or poems, collage, clay art, sculpture, etc.
Art therapy is used by counsellors to address various childhood concerns, such as anxiety, low self-esteem, addictions, PTSD, depression, eating disorders and much more.
According to AATA, “Art therapy is used to improve cognitive and sensorimotor functions, foster self-esteem and self-awareness, cultivate emotional resilience, promote insight, enhance social skills, reduce and resolve conflicts and distress, and advance societal and ecological change.”
Here are 5 benefits of Art Therapy for the holistic development of children.
Improves focus, attention and concentration:
Creating an artwork involves active planning, preparing, deciding on various materials and colours, etc. While creating the artwork, one forgets everything and is in the moment focusing only on the art. It is like being in the zone. It makes one forget all the unwanted negative thoughts and worries and makes one happy. This triggers the release of Dopamine in the Prefrontal cortex which plays a significant role in mediating executive functions of the brain such as working memory, focus, organising, management of emotions, cognitive flexibility and self-control.
Manage emotions and improve communication skills:
Art therapy helps oneself to identify emotions and also acts as a safe outlet to relieve one’s emotions. Cathy Malchiodi, the Expressive Art therapist, states, “Drawing has been undeniably recognized as one of the most important ways that children express themselves and has been repeatedly linked to the expression of personality and emotions.” When they express their emotions through art, they feel at ease and relieved.
De-stress and reduce anxiety:
Stress arises when a child is unable to cope with numerous work demands and goes beyond their capacity to handle them.According to research studies, art therapy has been proven to help significantly lower the stress hormone -Cortisol. Further, children may not even be aware of what is going on with them. Art therapy makes it easier for them to express themselves which helps them relieve stress and address anxiety issues.
Address behavioural issues:
Refusal in obeying parents, attention deficit hyperactive disorder, lack of empathy, anger issues, etc. Art therapy, through positive behaviour reinforcement helps children to regulate their emotions and behaviour and provides techniques empowering them to be in control of themselves.
Self-Esteem and Self-Awareness:
The development of self-esteem in children is largely influenced by the external factors and environment they are exposed to. Art therapy provides an opportunity for children and adolescents to create something original on their own which equips them with the confidence to try new things.The satisfaction of self creation allows them to reframe their mental perspective of self-esteem. It enables self- exploration which provides insights to understand themselves better and work on themselves.
Overall, the goal of art therapy is to reduce symptoms, empower children to better manage themselves, provide coping strategies, identify triggers, increase the ability to problem- solving, manage emotions and behaviour and improve communication skills. Art therapy approaches children at their level and makes it easier to deal with various issues.
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bestmelbourneblog · 1 year
Tips for choosing a tanning salon and pottery classes
For thousands of years, pottery has been a healing art. Making something with your own hands makes you happy. Ceramics is a new way of personal care! If you don't like meditation or gym, then a pottery class is the best option. These activities help you in your daily life. Here are some other benefits of ceramics:
Create art
You can smell the mud when you go to a pottery class. It can be lacquered clay or terracotta. Regardless of age, children can make ceramics based on their developmental stage, and the safe and stimulating environment of a ceramics class promotes healthy, intelligent, creative, and literate young learners.
Improve self-esteem
Once you realize you can have so much fun with your hands, you'll quickly be in control of amazing, unique little projects that turn into stylish results. Children grow up needing to express themselves through coloring, writing, and making things with their own hands. Ceramics helps you thrive creatively with the confidence to follow the ideas in your head. You can learn and solve problems safely without pressure and parental intervention.
Stress relief
For thousands of years, pottery has been a healing art. Making something with your own hands makes you happy. From their creative side, pottery classes in melbourne do their best to create perfect works of art that make people's lives more comfortable, paying attention to the details of your clay.
Work, studies, or even exams can be too much. Making ceramics allows you to forget about stress and problems quickly. That's because when you focus on art, your mind relaxes and loses itself in the fleeting lines of the fragile and beautiful clay.
Tips for choosing a tanning bed that suits you
With so many tanning beds out there, deciding which one to choose can be difficult. However, some will probably be better than others, and selecting the cheapest tanning bed is not always the best decision. To save your money, you should pay attention to the following tips.
First, a tanning salon needs good customer service. You can rate the customer service of a particular tanning salon without committing to future appointments. All you have to do is go to the tanning salon and sign up for a trip to the tanning salon. This allows us to assess hygiene, staff, and facilities and ensure all regulations are followed when providing required and standard goggles.
Additional factors can be considered when choosing a tanning bed that can meet your requirements. You can consider the following aspects for a suitable indoor tanning system. Start by getting recommendations from your friends, family, healthcare providers, or dermatologists.
You should also consider what additional services a tanning salon can provide. For example, a good tanning salon will offer high-quality goggles to protect your eyes, various health checks, and high-quality indoor sunscreen. Tanning salon near me in Melbourne provides a customized program to help you maintain your tan. You will need to find a tanning salon that can provide this.
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pepperf · 1 year
7, 9, 10, 14, 15, 37 pweeeaaase!
7: Share a snippet from one of your favorite pieces of prose you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
The opening to fight like a titleholder, stand like a champion:
Diego learned how to punch before he could walk. The cool gaze of the man he will learn to call ‘Dad’ peering down at him. The firm fingers that reach into the curled bud of his hand and tug the thumb free, and then press on his pudgy knuckles, encouraging them to tighten. “Better.” (Praise is always relative; never ‘good’, just ‘better’. A mild improvement on whatever shoddy state had come before.) “Now try again.” Number Two’s improved fist lashes out, aimless and uncoordinated, and, by pure luck, manages to land on the nose of one of the other babies on the mat. She starts to cry from surprise, rather than pain. Dad smiles thinly down at them, and then frowns when Number Seven’s wails set off Number Two, and then Numbers Four…One…Three… “Hmm.” Diego doesn’t remember any of this, of course, but maybe it’s a factor.
I'm really pleased with how it covers quite a lot in a pretty short time: Reggie's parenting philosophy, and how that backfires on him; the kind of effect it has on innocent little Diego and his siblings; and the effects that they have on one another as a result; a nifty bit with the backhandedness of 'better'; and just the sheer, dark humour of teaching literal babies how to fistfight.
tbh, I'm proud of the writing in that whole fic, I wish I could channel that succinct, grimy vibe a lot more, and also the technique of having the dialogue and the actions in conflict, so you get a sense of what they're trying to show vs what's really coming across.
9: Which fic has been the hardest to write?
The long ones! Meet Me In The Morning was probably the one I struggled with the most, which is ironic given that I started with the premise for that one, and then decided it needed another fic FIRST, and then when I finally got to writing that one, I hit a massive wall—but I wanted to do it justice. I rewrote it several times, and went back and forth on so many, many parts of it…well, you remember, you were there, cheering me on/bullying me into completing it! XD It was a total nightmare at times, and I was only half-convinced I would ever finish it.
10: Which fic has been the easiest to write?
I think all the ones that are mainly dialogue are the ones that flow the fastest for me, because there's more of a natural lead-on for each line—someone says something, and the next person replies to that, and it's just quick and fun, so long as my head is in the right space for it. So like – Sheesh, Diego (idk if anyone got the 'Shish Kebab' pun there?), or Nothing Good Starts In A Getaway Car.
Or the ones where it's Diego POV and he's being a massive idiot, bc then I don't have to do any research (aside from, apparently, the climate in Iceland in the late 20th century). Box of Rocks
14: What’s the worst writing advice you’ve ever come across?
Lol! I mean, I think all that stuff needs to be taken with a pinch of salt, if all writing was the same it would be deathly dull. But I think the one that's worst because it stuck with me was something about…someone (I forget who) said that you should consider every line you write, and decide whether you would be happy for it to be carved on your tombstone. And like…jesus fuck, talk about pressure, it took me a long time to break free of that kind of thinking. I mean, yes, absolutely, it's good to craft your writing and make it good—but 'carved on a tombstone' good, for every single line?! Nonsense.
15: If you could choose one of your fics to be filmed, which would you choose?
Oh my goodness…I'm gonna resist the urge to say one of the smutfics, bc I would actually just die of embarrassment…I think the Walmart Batman AU, all three parts, because it has it all: fight scenes, romantic rooftop canoodling, dramatic escapes, shirtless and roughed-up Diego hanging by his wrists with a spotlight on him, unnecessarily complicated lingerie…actually, come to think of it, that one also has smut at the end, but I think it's particularly funny and characterful smut, so I'd live with it.
37: Talk about your current wips.
Talk about WHAT, though?
Okay, I have officially* 4 WIPs: the politician/bodyguard AU that was going SO well and then ground suddenly to a halt, and I need to figure out why; the Las Vegas fic that, well, ditto; my half-finished Whumptober fic from last year that I love the premise for, but don't really know what happens next; and my sequel to Skin that I'm currently working on and which is damn close to completion.
I think the three that have stalled are for different reasons: because I reached the relationship dénouement and didn't really have impetus on the rest of the story, because I got tangled in reworking where it went and the tone is all uneven; and because, just, simply don't have a concept of where it's going. Mostly, what they need is for me to sit down and focus on one of them. But hey, only four WIPs is pretty good, for me!
(*I also have a number of fics that I've marked as abandoned, and which I'm not gonna worry about unless further inspiration hits.)
Okay, I'll stop there! Thank you!
Questions here.
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idealnewsbd24 · 1 year
7 Tips for Efficient Self-Learning: How to Find Time and Motivation
Learning is a continuous process and you will always need to keep up with the latest trends. It’s not always easy to find time for learning and sometimes you don’t even have enough motivation, but there are several ways that might help you make your self-learning more effective. Idealnewsbd24 is a daily education blogger website. For more article-related information visit the website or check “Self-Learning”.However, let’s jump into our main topic. Here are some tips for efficient self-learning:
Set up a routine
The first step to self-learning is creating a routine of studying. A routine is a set of actions that you repeat regularly and can be written down in a planner, an app on your phone or computer, or even in a notebook.
If you want to make sure you actually follow through with this habit, consider using some sort of timer to hold yourself accountable for sticking to the time limits you set for yourself (which will vary from person to person).
Make a to-do list
Make a to-do list and prioritize your tasks
Write down what you want to accomplish and the order in which you will do them. This is helpful when there are multiple tasks that need to be done at once, or if one task takes longer than expected. This way, you can see which task needs more attention or if there are any items on your list that can be combined for efficiency.
Try the Pomodoro technique
The Pomodoro technique is a time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s based on the idea that frequent breaks can improve mental agility and productivity levels. It involves working with focused attention for 25 minutes followed by a five-minute break before beginning again for another 25 minutes, repeating until reaching four hours of work (or whatever time goal has been set).
Study the toughest task first
The third tip for efficient self-learning is to study the toughest task first. This will help you get it out of the way and prevent procrastination. Once a task is complete, you can focus on other tasks that are easier or more fun to do.
Find someone who can inspire you and learn together with him/her
Find someone who can inspire you and learn together with him/her
If you are a beginner, it is important to find someone who has already achieved what you want to achieve in your learning process. A mentor could be an ideal choice if they have similar skills as yours and a passion for teaching newbies like yourself. It is vital that the mentor knows how to help others learn efficiently as well as enjoy teaching.
Delegate your daily tasks
Delegate tasks that you have time for, but don't want to do. For instance, I've delegated the task of updating my LinkedIn profile to one of my sisters because she loves doing those kinds of things.
Delegate tasks that someone else is better at than you are. For example, I had a friend who was really good at writing so I asked him if he would mind writing down his thoughts on a topic and sending them back to me so that I could add them to my article (this happens frequently).
Delegate tasks based on location or type of work (e.g., social media management). There are many tools out there now where you can pay someone to complete specific jobs from anywhere in the world.
Delegate tasks when it comes time for meetings/presentations/conference calls—anything where people will be talking about your business or startup idea!
Certify your knowledge and skills
Obtaining certifications is a great way to show your knowledge and skills, which can be a good way to get a new job or even learn more about a topic. Many people don't know that you can get paid for certifying in many fields from programming to project management.
Certifications are also a really good way to make money! You may have noticed that there are some expensive training courses out there, but it's possible to become certified without having paid thousands of dollars out of pocket.
Motivate yourself
Motivation is a key factor in learning as it keeps you going when the going gets tough. It's important to find ways of motivating yourself, as there are many things that can stop you from being productive at home or in the office.
For example, if you work full-time and have other commitments, finding time for self-development can be difficult. In this situation, it's worth considering what your priorities are and how much time you can realistically commit each week. Then set goals based on these factors rather than ambitious targets that are too hard to achieve or will take longer than necessary. You should also make sure your goals are SMART: specific, measurable, actionable (you know exactly what needs doing), relevant (they're linked back to why they're important), and time-bound (you know when they'll be finished).
Set up a routine, make a to-do list, and find someone to motivate you
Setting up a routine, making a to-do list, and finding someone to motivate you are essential in order to create the time and motivation you need for self-learning.
Set up a routine. Schedule learning sessions as if they were meetings with your colleagues or boss. You will be more likely to do it if you give it some importance in your calendar and make sure that it is not interrupted by any other activity, especially social media distractions like Facebook or Twitter.
Make a to-do list: Break down what needs to be done into small steps so as not to overwhelm yourself with too much work at once, but also so that each step can be completed successfully before moving on to the next one! It's important that this list allows space for reflection because otherwise, we won't really know whether we have achieved our goal or not (and this may lead us to procrastination). For example "Learn how algorithms work by doing research" might be written down in bullet points but then questions like "What should I read?" could follow - which would allow me some time off from writing down these steps again! However, after finishing reading everything relevant to algorithms I might reflect back on how I feel now versus three weeks ago when I started doing this project.
That’s it! We hope that our tips will help you make the most of your learning time and stay motivated. The main thing is to keep trying new things; there are so many ways to learn, and you should explore them all. For example, if you don’t have time for a full course right now but still want to learn something new on your own time—try reading some books or articles instead of watching videos on YouTube (or vice versa).
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pyro-doll · 3 years
Circus AU! Genshin x Reader
Summary: bulleted headcannons of where I think genshin boys would fit in a circus/aerial AU!
Characters: Diluc, Zhongli, Kaeya, Dottore, Childe
Reader Pronouns: None mentioned!
Content/Warnings: Use of show makeup, mention of flirting, fluff!
A/N: I've just been really missing my aerial studio and decided to take my brainrot up with some quick headcannons. They're not up to standard with my usual writing but they're fun to think about.
(Content below the cut! 🎀💫)
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I can definitely see him on some steel apparatus. Mayhaps Chinese pole? But out of your basic aerial apparatus I lean towards dance trapeze.
He was just build to tolerate the rope burn.
into more risky and strength based moves in poses for awe factor when it comes to his style of flow.
Hes quiet but he can be your go to around the circus when you're new! He may not offer at first but will gladly help you with anything you need.
During doubles he is constantly concerned about making sure he's holding you right and not hurting you, that sometimes he'll slip from whatever wrap or hold is keeping you in place.
One day he tried to learn some more on aerial silks and you had to unwrap him from a move that went awry and he got stuck, much to his embarrassment.
After that he stopped being as embarassed around you and starts asking you for help which is how you get closer
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I can just picture him sitting in the aerial hoop super elegant like. The hoop is this perfect mix
One time he was asked to fill in for.chikde teaching kids circus basics and you were trying to laugh at how awkwardly he was helping them. He was very concerned they might get hurt.
Loves doing doubles with you, it always feels very romantic and he always has a steady grip on you. Very constructive and supportive partner.
Amazing performer, he has a way with captivating the audience with only his presence then followed by his choreography.
Rambles back stage while you do makeup to get your mind off of performing and to calm your nerves. Resident studio dad.
Brings you flowers for after your performance
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Silks for sure! He's super dramatic and graceful.
He's a show off when you're both rehearsing, if he sees you trying to learn a new trick you got unsolicited advice or him doing it himself for fun
A fun doubles experience. He'll make you laugh when you mess up, and flirt when you make eye contact or are really close to each other in the silks.
Speaking of flirting- when you get closer and you have him help stretch you expect more of that. Practice is never boring when he's around.
Takes you to dinner after performances in full makeup for the full experience. Expect lots of random selfies during performance days.
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This is really hard for me I wanted to say flow props, like I can see him doing led Hoops or something.
Even thought he specializes in Aerial silk for the performance if you come in early you'll see him practicing hula hoop flow.
He's always been very focused and he loves the big picture of a circus, with everyone doing their part.
Definitely like tricks that show off his flexibility or border contortionism. He's always pushing his limits in that regard.
He's a very nit picky doubles partner when it comes to form but he's very gentle when he's actually explaining things you can do to improve.
Always has all of the makeup needs and he only lets you borrow them. He's not keen on loosing any of his things.
Has a sense of pride seeing you succeed and is the type to do something for you as a reward for making an achievement. (Dinner, box of chocolates etc)
Likes to show you new moves that he's made up himself, and is always very excited to do so.
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Hand balancer. I can see it now.
He has, such strong arms and shoulders hhkokjhehbsbs. Always vying to show off his strength.
He's the best partner you could hope for with hand balancing because he is just so strong and also so much fun.
Chalk hoarder. Every time he needs it he is dousing his hands in chalk, it should be illegal at this point to be honest.
Likes to help out the younger performers, he's a really good teacher.
If you make eye contact with him while performing and he's in the audience or behind a curtain expect the brightest smile and a super encouraging thumbs up. Your biggest fan.
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