#ww2 history blog
mucktracher · 7 months
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more stylization, less realism
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splinteredsoul · 3 months
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Oppenheimer (2023)
dir. Christopher Nolan
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aeyriabird · 12 days
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finally, an ad relevant to my interests!
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boudoirmood · 5 months
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girlballs · 1 year
can you guys stop putting captain-price-officially on my dash please that fucker is intensely weird
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disappointedart · 1 year
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I think it's time for you to meet the main character of my (kind of fantasy and still in the planning phase) comic! Not only Lewis W. Walker is an absolutely spiffing chap, but also the walking (eheh) answer to the question "which English roundhead accidentally gained the gift of immortality without permission?"
Slooowly, in the next days, I'm going to post about the other characters. For now, enjoy this!
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pyreshe · 1 year
I have said it before and I will say it again: you CANNOT "be neutral" or claim "I'm not taking sides" or "both sides are bad" or w/e WHEN IT COMES TO FASCISM.
fascists are going to hear your silence as enablement and support and your friends who belong to marginalized communities will see and understand that you consider not rocking the boat or hurting bad people's feelings as more important than their ACTUAL LIVES.
you saying you're not taking a side isn't just a pathetic cop-out, it IS taking a side
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penny-green · 2 months
Please check out:
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ary4nprincess · 24 days
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as it says, this is reichblr and tcc related blahblah. my name is ERICH or just ERIC. i am 18 years old and a transmale though i just refer to myself as cis on other social medias to avoid meeting transphobes LOL im jewish, russian and german i use he/any pronouns but i really like he/him i sometimes can make (accidentally) racist jokes and often joke about things most people would get upset at (war specifically) things i enjoy include: world war 2, h1tler youth, SOME anime, honkai star rail (only because my girlfriend likes it and im supportive), columbine, tcc, kmfdm and rammstein a list of basically what i am: eric harris wannabe, erich hartmanns biggest fan i will allow minors to interact with my page but i probably wont interact back
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averagegrades · 2 months
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12th April 2024
Because of holidays I will be taking it easy and slowly finish my history chapters because I have been ignoring them for a long while.
Chapter 7 World War 2 : (part 7.1)
Basic reading and highlighting has been done.
A work in progress timeline.
Questions and answers is to be marked and noted down.
Chapter summary referencing to the textbook : Aggressive policies taken by Germany,Italy and Japan before WW2 was officially declared. Appeasement meaning and reason for it by Britain and France.
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mucktracher · 7 months
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but I didn’t want to draw in detail
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istherewifiinhell · 2 years
I like that kim is only 43 years old.. it's like. He's old man shaking his fist at children by choice...
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willshistorystuff · 7 months
Welcome to the blog! I'm Will, and this blog will be about modern history! Mostly about WW2, Weimar-era Germany, but more stuff will come up, mostly Europe-related.
Unfortunately I do have to emphasize that neo nazis/fascists and their sympathizers will be IMMEDIATELY blocked without hesitation. I'm an antifascist after all, please do not mistake me for any of the above.
I don't believe in censorship. History should be taught the way it is, without sugar-coating. And I'll try to provide that.
main blog: @willtheweirdrat
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> A girl picks up an odd, temporally displaced device.
(OOC: alright guys! roleplay blog time! mostly a text adventure because i can't draw! so i'll just explain things by writing instead)
Despite the fact you cannot see her with your own eyes, somehow, you manage to envision the youthful 16 year old as she handles the odd device. You understand that this is some type of electronic; maybe not an exact phone like you have, but the brown-haired British girl does not.
Somehow, she talks - not writes, but talks - and the words, somehow, appear for you as well. Its as if you've suddenly become psychically connected to her when she holds the odd looking phone.
"Hm... what, what is this? Hello?"
She tilted her head a bit, rather like a cat. This type of odd, glowing metal was highly unnatural to her, after all, but curiosity and a little voice in the back of her head told her to hold on to it.
Tips: Say hi back! She'll hear you. somehow, as if you were punching in a > Command in a webcomic that won't exist for more than 60 years.
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tears-that-heal · 18 days
Red Flag Symbols for Christians #7
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Finally a new post towards my blog series. Lol The symbol we’ll be focusing on is actually an oldie cause it connected the “hippie” and etc. during the 1960s through 1970s. It’s the modern Peace Sign. ☮️
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Looking back the origins of this peace symbol, both the baby boomers and gen x generation would be most familiar with….
“It was originated in Britain, where it had long been known for nuclear disarmament before the rest of the world claimed the circular logo with three straight lines as an easily recognized symbol for peace.’
‘Original sketches created in 1958 by Gerald Holtom, an artist and WWII conscientious objector, showed a symbol that stood for “the death of man and the unborn child” and was designed from the naval code of semaphore using the letters for N and D (nuclear disarmament). N is two flags, arms down-stretched at a 45 degree angle, and D is two flags, one arm straight up and one straight down.”
(resource link below - “History of the Peace Sign”)
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I personally didn’t know the full facts of peace strong connection toward the anti-use of the “nuclear bomb” in WWII until after doing research for this specific blog post. I believe I fall within the generational perimeters of the millennial, so I had the general perception of the peace sign just connected to hippie fashion.
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(image below: Jewish & Christian symbol for peace. *white dove w/ olive tree branch in beak* Shalom = PEACE in Hebrew)
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Being raised in the church, I did hear about the peace sign possibly being used as anti-christian as well. It’s believed the peace sign is also a broken up-side down cross to be directed toward Satanic beliefs. So I choose looked further into it….
“The Direct Action Committee Against Nuclear War employed the symbol on buttons and banners in its 1958 Easter weekend march from London to Aldermaston, where nuclear weapons were manufactured.
Later, Holtam said he wanted to use a cross in a circle, but clergy had discouraged him from doing so. Holtam said he used the inverted V to represent despair about nuclear weaponry, but later said he wished he would have turned it around and faced it up to represent the joy brought by peace. He never mentioned knowledge of the prior uses or symbolism of the sign (see below). He asked for a peace sign with an upward V on his tomb, but his request was not granted.”
(resource link below - “How did the peace sign originate?”)
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It’s super fascinating what you learn after doing just a bit of research and of course, knowing what type of websites that are trustworthy. (.org, .edu and .gov) So I hope this post brought you some further knowledge, awareness or understanding to what the peace sign/symbol stands for. Maybe it stirred up some curiosity in you to do your own research. 😊 Just be cautious and wise to what you come across on the internet. The web can easily ensnare any into its hidden traps. God Bless, and I prayer the Holy Spirit will always protect and guide you in your journey while on the earth!!! 💖
Info Resources:
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hesbuckcompton-baby · 2 months
pls i'm just a girl (taking a whole day off writing to get hyped about the improved French hoods in the new Wolf Hall because I do not in fact have a life)
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