#wwii america
cyanide-sippy-cup · 5 months
Hamas attacks in retaliation, Israel is made out to be the victim. Israel attacks Sudan, Yemen, and we either don't talk about it or claim it was Hamas. Now Israel fires weapons into Iran and when they fire back, it's considered an aggressive and violent attack against the Israeli people.
Biden is dragging his citizens headlong into a war we should have no part in to support a country who does not care about collateral. He promised debt relief, gender care, pay increases, and we have seen NO positives on any of those fronts all while he desperately pours resources into supplying the murder of innocent Arabs.
You who support this war hate the Arab people, you're all just too much of pussies to admit it. So you hide behind these excuses. "Oh, Israel's just defending itself. Oh, that was someone else". You wish for the death of all the Arabs without any of the social repercussions of actually admitting that, so you claim anyone who wishes for the killing to stop is actually antisemitic and "wants to kill all the Jews".
Palestine will be free and the Israeli government will face punishment for the crimes they have perpetrated.
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age-of-moonknight · 1 year
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“Systemic Approach (Part Two),” Avengers Unlimited (Vol. 1/2022), Infinity Comic, #64.
Writer: Mat Groom; Penciler and Inker: Caio Majado; Colorist: Pete Pantazis; Letterer: Joe Sabino
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browsethestacks · 7 months
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Cap And Buck
Art by Ron Garney
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todaysdocument · 1 year
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Some handy tips from the War Department’s “You’re Going to Employ Women” pamphlet, April 1, 1943. 
Unfortunately, this is not a joke. 
Record Group 407: Records of the Adjutant General's Office
Series: Central Decimal Correspondence Files
File Unit: 291.9 Status of Women 1-1-42 THRU 12-31-45
(a pamphlet with single staple on left side, off-white paper)
You're Going to Employ Women
(In pencil along right side)  WGCS  17, 291.9,  (4-1-43)
[page 2]
(left page black and white photo)  woman filing a piece of metal
(right facing page)  
(title)  When Training Women
ORIENT her more thoroughly than a man on health and safety rules, plant layout and production, company policies, job techniques.
Give her a preliminary training course to get the feel of work.
Relate her job training to past experience, usually domestic--interpret machinery operation in terms of household and kitchen appliances.
Arrange for continuous upgrading and train her for higher grade jobs.
Use community training facilities when necessary--trade schools, vocational classes in colleges and universities.
[page 3]
(Left side same woman)
_____________and conscientious...
(Right side)
(title)  When Working Woman
LIMIT her hours to 8 a day and 48 a week.
Schedule short morning and afternoon rest intervals on arduous jobs.
Have diet-balanced luncheons available--and  extra food on exhausting jobs.
Provide ample clean toilets and rest rooms--good plant ventilation free of dust, fumes and drafts--work seats and benches at proper height--clean orderly surroundings--safety devices on machinery.
Insist on proper work clothing, safe shoes.
Promote adequate local housing and transportation.
[page 4]
(Left side of page)
Use a Trained Personnel Woman
She can counsel with management on training, job simplification and all general employment policies.
She understands women-worker needs.
She can give sympathetic attention to home problems.
She can be told personal difficulties that would not be confided to a man.
She can arrange for child care.
(right facing page)
-Women are pliant--adaptable.
-Women are dexterous--finger nimble.
-Women are accurate--precision workers.
-Women are good at repetitive tasks.
-Women are fine color and material observants.
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taraross-1787 · 4 months
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This Day in History: Memphis Belle
On this day in 1943, a B-17 Flying Fortress completes its 25th combat mission without losing a member of its crew. Memphis Belle would return to the United States, embark on a war bond tour, and become one of the most famous bombers to emerge from World War II.
She was nearly sold for scrap metal after the war, but Memphis mayor Walter Chandler saved her for $350. Today, she’s been refurbished and sits at the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force in Dayton, Ohio.
Memphis Belle’s survival was no small feat.
The story continues here: https://www.taraross.com/post/tdih-memphis-belle
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theworldatwar · 5 months
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A US paratrooper makes a practice jump during training - Highstown, New Jersey, USA 1941
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dronescapesvideos · 2 months
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An inspector with North American Aviation checks a Mustang Mk I fighter destined for the British Royal Air Force. 1942. ➤AVIATION VIDEOS: https://dronescapes.video/aviation
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Okay, so, if I had to give a reason for liking ocean liners, the answer is probably that I'm a mega-autist. However, it started in the 5th grade. Like everyone else, Titanic was my gateway drug. That eventually expanded into other ocean liners.
If I had to recommend one to learn more about, it would easily be the SS America.
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She had a long and storied 55-year-long career. I highly recommend the documentary by Oceanliner Designs on YouTube. However, I will give an abridged version of her story beneath the cut. It's a thrilling story, so if you're interested, don't read this; go watch his video. Its better:
Designed by the famous naval architect William Francis Gibbs, she was launched on August 31st, 1939. The day before World War II began. She was actually part of FDRs new deal program, meant to help the United States recover from the great depression. Her construction employed thousands of people, and nearly every state contributed to her in some way. She was built to a 3 compartment standard, meaning with 3 of her 14 watertight compartments flooded, shed stay afloat. This is actually better than most modern cruise ships, I might add. She was completed on April 16th, 1940, but given all the U-Boats everywhere, she couldn't exactly serve as a transatlantic liner. So the maiden voyage of this ocean liner was actually a Mediterranean cruise. United States Lines actually painted two giant American flags on each side of her hull, with the text “AMERICA UNITED STATES LINES” in big, bold letters, just in case they somehow did encounter a U-Boat.
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America was a neutral country at the time, so that kind of thing was important to advertise. Eventually, the US got pulled into the war, and the SS America was requisitioned as a troopship and renamed the USS West Point. I don't know if this is confirmed, but I suspect that it's because if she were lost in the war, announcing that a ship bearing the name of our country had been lost to enemy action would be a huge blow to morale. When her running mate, the SS United States, was constructed, the US government tried to pressure William Francis Gibbs into giving her a different name for this exact reason. It didn't work. I love him. Anyway, here's a picture of her during her service.
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The SS America carries the honor of being one of the few ships to never have a single death occur on board during the war. She might have actually been the only one. Anyway, in 1946, she was returned to United States Lines and renamed back to SS America. This time, when they repainted her back to her civilian colors, they ditched the name and flags on the sides of her hull. (Thank god.) Her career with USL was successful, if uneventful. In 1952, the SS United States was introduced. The Big U was about 267 feet longer, twice the size, and twice the speed. Given that the SS United States is still, to this day, the fastest passenger ship of all time, America had a little bit of trouble keeping up. America's passenger numbers fell after this, but she still had many loyal passengers who preferred her. The SS United States’ interior design was a tad lackluster compared to the SS America.
With rising operating costs and competition from air travel, she was deemed an unnecessary part of the USL fleet. In 1964, they put America up for sale. She was bought by Chandrice Line, which serviced the postwar emigrant run from Europe to Australia and New Zealand.
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America was renamed Australis and served them until 1977, when, faced with ever-increasing fuel costs, could no longer compete with air travel. She is remembered to this day by many of the emigrants as being a very happy ship, but Chandrice didn't exactly maintain her very well. On one voyage, part of her hull opened up, and a compartment partially flooded. The crew was unable to fix it, and for the rest of the 3 week voyage, she had an awful list over to one side.
Now comes the most shameful part of her career. In 1978, she was bought by Venture Cruise Lines for 5 million dollars. Seeking to capitalize on nostalgia, they offered 5 day cruises to nowhere. To prepare her for this new role, they repainted her in what was definitely her second-ugliest configuration, and they gave her her old name back.
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And then they kinda… stopped. They made no effort to modernize her (a ship constructed in the 1930s), and her interiors were, for lack of a better word, a dump. The swimming pool was full of garbage bags, toilets were overflowing, and there were rats and bugs everywhere. It was a nightmare. Truly, a predecessor to the poop cruise from hell. The passengers on her first cruise actually mutinied, and the ship barely made it past the Statue of Liberty before the captain turned her around. The health inspection board was called in, and they examined the ship. They gave her a score of 6.
Out of a possible 100.
Venture went bust, and America was put up for sale again.
Shockingly, the ones who bought her were Chandrice Line again, for 1 million dollars. Meaning they profited 4 million dollars while also getting their ship back in the process. She was renamed AGAIN to Italis, and her forward funnel was so corroded that it had to be cut off, giving her an extremely ugly and unbalanced profile. Even to the lay person, most can tell at this point that she looked very sad.
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Her final years with Chandrice were short and uneventful, only lasting 2 years. Chandrice wanted to completely modernize her and have her serve as a modern cruise ship, but this never happened. She then bounced around from owner to owner. First, she was the Noga, intended to become a prison ship. Then she was the Alferdoss, but only the port bow was the Alferdoss, because they only put the name on one side of the hull. So the starboard bow and the stern were still the Noga. She was nearly sold for scrap, but after they scrapped the lifeboats, they defaulted on their payment and pulled out. Then, she was bought by a Thai investment firm, which intended to completely restore her and convert her into a 5-star hotel, much like the Queen Mary had in the 1970s. After a short period of drydocking, it was found that, despite the neglect, her hull was in remarkably good condition. The trip from New Zealand to Phuket, Thailand, was a long and dangerous one. Approximately 100 days. A Ukrainian tug won the contract, and in 1994, they set off…
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only to immediately turn around due to the weather. They tried again, and again the weather turned against them. The tow line snapped, and they sent crew aboard to try to reattach it, but it was no use. They were airlifted off by helicopter, and the SS America, now named SS American Star, was set adrift. There was no one aboard, and the ship had no power. Seemingly tired of the years of neglect and mistreatment, the SS America decided to go out on her own terms. She went aground at Playa de Garcey, off the west coast of Fuerteventura in the Canary Islands. Within 48 hours, the pounding waves broke her in two.
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She was declared a total loss and promptly abandoned. The waves quickly ate through the stern, causing it to deteriorate very quickly. The bow, however, remained standing, up until about 2008, when it began collapsing into the sea.
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It's difficult to imagine that at one point, this was the grand old lady of the seas.
By 2013, nothing of her was left standing above the surface.
Along with her eye-achingly beautiful appearance, she had an extremely long and storied career. So that's why she's my favorite liner of all time. Most liners only last 25 to 35 years. Hell, the SS United States was only in service for 17 years. The SS America had a 55-year-long career. 74 if you count the time she spent wrecked, as she frequently got visitors. She was a truly outstanding ship, and I'm devastated that she couldn't be preserved. If it's any consolation, Phuket was struck by a major typhoon in 2004, so America was probably doomed regardless. If I could pick one liner from history to undo the fate of and magically preserve, it would EASILY be her.
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primaryalcohol · 2 years
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always wanted to do a portrait of wwii era steve… i’ve been painting this for so long that it’s starting to drive me crazy. so i have to post this and get it out of the way.
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Trump’s anti-Ukraine view dates to the 1930s. America rejected it then. Will we now?
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(Illustration: Brian Stauffer for The Washington Post)
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This opinion column by Robert Kagan reminds us that history appears to be repeating itself. Trump's America First movement is an echo of the 1930s/1940s isolationist, neo-fascist America First movement that tried to keep the U.S. out of WWII. This is a gift🎁link, so you can read the entire article, even if you don't subscribe to The Washington Post. Below are some excerpts:
Many Americans seem shocked that Republicans would oppose helping Ukraine at this critical juncture in history....Clearly, people have not been taking Donald Trump’s resurrection of America First seriously. It’s time they did. The original America First Committee was founded in September 1940. Consider the global circumstances at the time. Two years earlier, Hitler had annexed Austria and invaded and occupied Czechoslovakia. One year earlier, he had invaded and conquered Poland. In the first months of 1940, he invaded and occupied Norway, Denmark, Belgium and the Netherlands. In early June 1940, British troops evacuated from Dunkirk, and France was overrun by the Nazi blitzkrieg. In September, the very month of the committee’s formation, German troops were in Paris and Edward R. Murrow was reporting from London under bombardment by the Luftwaffe. That was the moment the America First movement launched itself into the battle to block aid to Britain. [...] This “realism” meshed well with anti-interventionism. Americans had to respect “the right of an able and virile nation [i.e. Nazi Germany] to expand,” aviator Charles Lindbergh argued. [...] Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) has called for the immediate reduction of U.S. force levels in Europe and the abrogation of America’s common-defense Article 5 commitments. He wants the United States to declare publicly that in the event of a “direct conflict” between Russia and a NATO ally, America will “withhold forces.” The Europeans need to know they can no longer “count on us like they used to.”  [...] Can Republicans really be returning to a 1930s worldview in our 21st-century world? The answer is yes. Trump’s Republican Party wants to take the United States back to the triad of interwar conservatism: high tariffs, anti-immigrant xenophobia, isolationism. According to Russ Vought, who is often touted as Trump’s likely chief of staff in a second term, it is precisely this “older definition of conservatism,” the conservatism of the interwar years, that they hope to impose on the nation when Trump regains power. [...] Like those of their 1930s forbears, today’s Republicans’ views of foreign policy are heavily shaped by what they consider the more important domestic battle against liberalism. Foreign policy issues are primarily weapons to be wielded against domestic enemies. [...] The GOP devotion to America First is merely the flip side of Trump’s “poison the blood” campaign. It is about the ascendancy of White Christian America and the various un-American ethnic and racial groups allegedly conspiring against it. [emphasis added]  
Use the gift link above to read the entire article. It is worth reading.
____________ Illustration: The above illustration by Brian Stauffer originally drew me to this article. It does a great job of succinctly illustrating the Trump GOP's rightward march towards isolationism (and Putin-style dictatorship). [edited]
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damnyoucully · 3 months
From twitter:
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Some WWII detail for the culture 😊
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viejospellejos · 2 years
NOTICIA: Dos aviones chocan durante una exhibición aérea en Dallas
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todaysdocument · 3 months
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Lt. Almonzo M. Frazier and Personnel of 370th Infantry Regiment
Record Group 336: Records of the Office of the Chief of TransportationSeries: Photographic Albums of Prints of Hampton Roads Port of Embarkation
Original caption: "Lt. Alonzo M. Frazier, 0-1301126, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Platoon Leader, Company C, 370th Infantry Regiment, 92nd Division (Shipment 2262-A), leaves the Railhead platform with his unit for Area 8, Camp Patrick Henry, Virginia. Company C later embarked on USAT Mariposa (HR-407), 15 July 1944. Official photograph U.S. Army Signal Corps, Hampton Roads Port of Embarkation, Newport News, Virginia."
This black and white photograph shows two columns of African American soldiers in WWII era fatigues and helmets.  Each carries a rifle over his right shoulder.  They are marching down a ramp in a rail yard.  Two white soldiers stand on the side looking on.
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browsethestacks · 1 year
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Defunct Teams
The Official Handbook Of The Marvel Universe #013 (1984)
Art by Alan Kupperberg, Mike Zeck, Alan Kupperberg, Kyle Baker, Paul Becton, Kim DeMulder And Joe Rubinstein
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waywardsou2 · 16 days
If I wrote a full on fic about Bucky, Steve and Logan and all their adventures in world war 2 would you guys read it? Every fic I've tried to put a lot of effort into has never been over 6 chapters long before it was abandoned but since the hyperfix is going strong for now I'm tempted to try. Or at the very least do a series of one shots that can be read as a full thing or individually
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taraross-1787 · 2 months
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This Day in History: Battle of Guam
On this day in 1944, the Battle of Guam nears its end. By August 11, the island would finally be back in American hands. 
The Japanese had been occupying Guam for nearly three years.
They’d first taken possession of the island in December 1941. Mere hours after the unexpected attack on Pearl Harbor, the Japanese had launched an attack on Guam, too. The island then contained a Marine Barracks and a Navy Yard, but fewer than 500 Marines and sailors were on the island to act in its defense.  Even with the help of the minesweeper USS Penguin, Guam wasn’t very well defended.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, then, the island was taken without too much trouble. On December 10, Guam surrendered to the Japanese.
The story continues here: https://www.taraross.com/post/tdih-battle-guam
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