#wwx deserved better
I think im done
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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Advanced Interrogation Technique: Dog
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seineko · 1 year
the fact that lan wangji was probably the first and the only person to ever put wei wuxian above all and everything else never fails to make me cry.
wei ying never deserved what all he went through, but he sure deserves all the love lan zhan showered on him and more.
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soph-skies · 4 months
i just think it’s kinda fucked up (/pos) to kill the main character 13 mins into an episode then immediately move on and time skip 16 years like nothing happened for the next half hour @ the untamed writers
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Where’s the au with Mo Xuanyu’s spirit sticking around after summoning Wei Wuxian and them having to share a body for an undetermined amount of time as they speed run every found family cliche and bond as the brothers they both deserve??
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gentlegentian · 7 months
I feel like the true cruelty of the lan sect is a really overlooked topic in the mdzs fandom, because when you think about it...
they practically forced madam lan into marriage so she wouldn't be executed because she killed one of her teachers, but gave her no trial or chance to explain why, and once she was married they simply locked her away and that was that. qingheng-jun then locked himself into seclusion once he had a kid and that was that, had no business with the rest of the sect and left xichen and wangji to grow up alone.
not to mention the fact that wangji even being born is suspicious... xichens conception makes sense, as they would've needed a sect heir, but wangji? how would he have been concieved, if madame lan was trapped away and qingheng-jun was in seclusion. either this is a plot hole im looking way too deep into or theres something darker happening there
in any case, the twin jades most likely did not have a good childhood. like at all. their father was completely absent, and once their mother died they were practically parentless. sure lan qiren raised them, but he was also acting as the lan sect leader whilst qingheng-jun was away, so i doubt he held much involvement in their raising other than making sure they stuck to the rules and were fed etc
SPEAKING OF THE RULES. the punishments the kids in the lan sect had to deal with?????? the fact that nhs, wwx and jc were beaten for rule breaking whilst they were staying at the lan sect as pupils just makes me wonder how badly they treat their own lan disciples if thats how they treat special guests from other clans. they were fifteen when that happened, FIFTEEN, so clearly the lan sect has no problem with LITERALLY BEATING children to teach a lesson.
its basically just abuse to keep a system in place, and it makes me wonder just how many times the twin jades suffered like that as kids to be as 'perfect' as they are as adults
the lan are so corrupt in their ways and i hate how we dont fully see that in the story until wangji is whipped for protecting wei ying. the whole situation is so fucking cruel and unnecessary it makes my blood boil whenever i reread/rewatch that part, because yes wangji did wrong by injuring the elders but the only reason he did so was because they were refusing to listen to him and quite literally trying to murder his lover.
i get he committed treason or whatever by fighting the elders but 33 whip lashes all in one go with NO breaks or healing time?? with a magical cultivated punishment whip as well, its genuinely like they were trying to kill him. even if he didnt die from the lashings themselves he could've gotten an infection, or had severe blood loss, or hell they coulve broken his spine with the force of it. it took so long for him to heal from that, and it left him with so many scars both physical and mental. that level of injury would've likely left him with some form of chronic pain or illness as well, and it was just so cruel for a situation that didn't ever need to come to this.
they forced him into seclusion, just like his father, and punished him for defending himself, just like they did his mother. xichen ended up similarly as well, with his seclusion after the events with jgy. the lan elders had seen the horrific end qingheng-jun and madame lan had, and yet did nothing to stop their children from facing the same trauma, even making theirs worse.
the lans praise themselves as a sect that sticks to righteousness and principles, when realistically its just full of hypocrites holding onto power by means of fear and punishment. they say that lwj broke the rules by fighting to save wwx, and yet somehow torturing him was completely within the rules of the clan.
their rules and image are merely a cover up for the downright abuse and silencing of their disciples, and its just so fucked up. i could rant about this for so much longer, but also wanna see what other people think before i delve into some of the other topics i have in mind that relate
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waitineedaname · 2 months
Jin Guangyao, Xue Yang, and Wei Wuxian all parallel each other in their origins, criticisms of society, use of unconventional cultivation, etc. But what's the one thing jgy and xy have that wwx doesn't? That's right, a disastrous toxic polycule. I think we need to inflict one of those on Wei Wuxian
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justalilhime · 2 years
Cw: (fictional) physical and emotional abuse
I find it so amusing that a lot of people when discussing YZY'a abuse of WWX either claim that it wasn't that bad (in fact, it was that bad, and it's even clearer in the lotus pod extra), that it was acceptable in that society's culture/is historically correct (ignoring the fact that the author is a modern person with modern values telling you through the text how fucked up that was and how in the text no one else exhibited the same behavior as her despite it being supposedly their right to; they had better morals and ethics than her) or that WWX was supposed to be singled out and endure the punishment because he was the Head Disciple and this is the point that really gets to me because... Why do people think YZY has any right to punish any disciple?
She forced her way into marrying JFM, then made it her personal mission to make everyone's lives hell with her entitlement and abuse (a side note: I do think most of JFM's passiveness and apathetic nature is actually a result of said abuse, a self-preservation mechanism of sorts, but that's both personal and topic for another post). YZY married into the clan and gave birth to two children, one of them the heir, but that's literally the only thing she does for YMJ. She rarely spends time at Lotus Pier, what little she spends there are unpleasant to everyone involved. Her vitriol poisoned JC against the values of his own clan, the one he's supposed to inherit, and made it impossible for JFM to even try to teach him (and I honestly commend him for still trying anyway, as seen post-Xuanwu incident). She disrespects the dead and drags their names as though they're trash — one of them being WCZ, who used to be a part of YMJ and (possibly) made good contributions to the clan, as he was let go peacefully. And, the most important of them, she rejects the title of Jiang-furen. She always goes by Yu-furen (a title that belongs to her older sister, not her; at best, by logic, if she was still in Meishan Yu, she'd be third madam Yu, instead of simply Yu-furen). While some may argue it's her way to fight patriarchy and show love for her natal clan, it's still downright insulting to the Jiang clan and her husband.
She chooses not to associate herself with them by name and behavior. She doesn't even share the same servants and lives in completely different quarters. But of course, despite all this, she still enjoys the power of being the madam of the Jiang clan. All because no one dares go against her, lest they become the next target of her hatred. That, too, is another form of her abuse. But she doesn't have the right to when she chooses to reject everything the Jiangs stand for.
So yeah, what she did to WWX was fucked up beyond imagination, because 1) he was a child, 2) it was abuse, and 3) she was using an authority and power she shouldn't have the right to after everything.
If you read this and come saying any "buts" I will block you, btw 😂 Unless you're a mutual, which we shall agree to disagree, but I won't discuss further if your opinion differs. I have no patience and no will to hear/read abuse apologism of any kind (again, for personal reasons). I just wanted to type out some thoughts. Thanks for reading I guess 😂
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wangxianficrecs · 2 years
❤️Gentians in bloom by teawater
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❤️Gentians in bloom
by teawater
M, 251k, wangxian
Summary: Lan Wanji was never told the details of his parents' story. Now that he has discovered his own desires, his life's goal is to keep Wei Wuxian from finding out. But life is cruel and truths get revealed at the worst possible times. Since I suck at summaries, here are some key features: - it's Wangxian mainly - plus some development of the prev generation Lans - plus going to war with the Wens - plus Wen Qing being totally badass - plus Jin family craziness - plus just about every character ever mentioned on the show and some assumed ones getting screentime and storylines And if you're still wondering, here's a taste: ------------------------------ “Ah, but there are other Wens here though,” Jin Guangshan gave an appraising look to Wen Ning and Wen Qing. “Who could say where they were last night.” “Where do you think I was,” Wen Qing retorted quickly, “on my wedding night?” [...] “What about him then?” a Jin pointed at Wen Ning. “He was with me,” Nie Mingjue said flatly. “All night?” Nie Huaisang peeked over his fan to stare at his brother. “What were you doing?” “Talking,” Nie Mingjue said in a threatening tone. The fan went back up.
Part 1 of Gentians garden
My comments: Really fascinating and entertaining, epic fix-it with depth and twists and just, wild and uninhibited creativity along the lines of Magical Marriage Ribbons and Fallen. In which wangxian get together (after awkward adolescent stumbling) as students - a relationship that begins to solidify as they study together and debate cultivation theory and invention. (Wwx is already a prolific inventor, and lwj is reluctantly fascinated.) When the Wens attack CR (and WQ turns coat to warn the Lans that it's going to happen) it is, of course, wangxian who save the day with an insane off-the-cuff invention through which they fool the wens into thinking they burned the sect and then quite literally bag them.
There are so many departures from canon! For example, wwx figures out how to call the other Yin pieces to them; wangxian learn to combine their qi and make a single big, extremely powerful entity out of their two selves; wwx never loses his core and while he uses demonic energy, it's not in the same way it is in canon, so he's not universally reviled. And, of course, he and lwj are paired up since their student days. There is heavy focus on his talismans and inventions (yay!) They save the Wens; and stumble over child mo xuanyu (whose sass blossoms once he understands he's safe with wangxian).
Story is loaded with plot and action and character interactions and transitions seamlessly between all of them so that when your teeth ache from fluff there's angst to cleanse your palate, and the same with action and relationships. Wwx's self-worth issues are ENORMOUS and don't seem much settled by the fact that every single other sect wants him and his genius, and there's digging into his past and why he's so fucked up, which gives room for lovely emotional h/c.
And I'm not even going to go into the possessed baby xuanwus (from eggs collected by young mxy), all the illegitimate Jin brothers, the whole province given to wwx by GusuLan as thanks for winning the war (he's SO unprepared to be the Lord of a city), lwj's foul-mouthed secret uncle, the meteor and the volcano. Just. It's epic, trust me.
In the sequel (nearly another 100k) you get wwx trying to face his fears via puppy therapy, a grand cultivation tournament (featuring a newly young adult mxy and his crush), a woman with a strange history, an incredibly awkward jc, wwx hiding a secret he doesn't feel is his to tell and lwj drinking vinegar. It's delicious.
part one: canon divergence, students at cloud recesses, gay panic lan wangji, crushes, teasing, genius wei wuxian, magic theory, cultivation theory, telepathy spell, getting to know each other, accidental bonding, fix-it, pov alternating, talismans, inventor wei wuxian, attack on cloud recesses that is successfully rebuffed, political marriage, emotional hurt/comfort, angst, madam yu's a+ parenting, blending qi, sharing a body, jiang cheng & jin zixuan prickly friends, brotherly feels, wei wuxian cannot feel pain, xuanwu babies, demonic cultivation, wei wuxian keeps his golden core, jealous jiang cheng, oblivious jiang cheng, dysfunctional family dynamics, the jiangs are so fucked up, self-worth issues, self-esteem issues, mo xuanyu is utterly charming, he speaks for all of us, mo xuanyu deserves better, bamf wei wuxian, bamf lan wangji, epic, sharing a brain, lan qiren is good-ish, jin zixuan is pretty cool, jiang cheng has a good character arc and improves himself eventually, madam yu is only mostly terrible, the political marriage couple is a secret, implied/referenced suicide, implied/referenced child abuse
part two: cynophobia, puppy therapy, cultivation tournament, mo xuanwu, reincarnation, misunderstandings, lack of communication, jealous lan wangji, drinking vinegar, happy ending
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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I am a peaceful person but if i see one more person calling wwx a villain for the yiling laozu era of his 1st life, i will transmigrate into mdzs myself and bring lan jingyi here to roast all of you
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 8 months
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Gearing up for the stat boosts
MDZS Disco Elysium AU Part 3 (Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 4)
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add1ctedt0you · 9 months
Still funny how to teach wwx a lesson you must:
Tie him up
Give him the lesson
Die for him
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roseofcards90 · 2 years
Shout out to Wen Qing for being the character ever
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Does anyone else want a fix it fic where Yiling Wei becomes a major sect?
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llycaons · 1 year
in fact I think cql/mdzs presents extremes of sacrifice as ultimately harmful to yourself and those you were trying to protect without passing judgement on the characters for making those choices
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mxtxfanatic · 2 years
Ah, I see tumblr is back to recommending me jc stan blog metas, and again I ask: what about my blog suggests I want to see meta by people who think stanning and shipping is media analysis?
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