artbyifer · 1 year
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Sollux Bloodlines
For the Goldblood edition of the Bloodlines zine. 
I had a fun/frustrating time making the gamegrub titles for troll Don't Starve, troll Minecraft, and troll Stardew Valley. Troll Skyrim was much simpler since the text and font itself is nothing special and the logo image didn't need to be changed.
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galaxicalshoist · 25 days
III: Sollux Captor
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[Flag is composed of nine stripes. The first and last three stripes are each of equal width, with the first and last stripes being black, the second and eighth stripes being darker yellow with lighter hexagonal designs along them (resembling honeycombs), and the third and seventh stripes being dark gold with a metallic sheen. In the center of the flag is the Homestuck symbol for Gemini, through which the center stripe passes. Said center stripe is the widest, and is black on the left side of the Gemini symbol, grey in the middle, and white on the right. The stripes just above and below the center stripe are the thinnest; the top one is red on the left side of the Gemini symbol and blue on the right, and the bottom one is blue on the left side of the Gemini symbol and red on the right.]
An identity, gender-related or otherwise, associated with Gemini (the western zodiac), beekeeping, binary code, computers, duality, gold, honeybees, the humming of both bees and machinery, the machine-like inner workings of a beehive, and/or the track Gold Mage.
Term coined and flag designed by me (free to use)
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pointless-discourse · 6 months
homestuck characters as related to trans stuff
head canon
closeted repping tgirl who will likely not realize she's trans until after 16
avoids mirrors, unhappy with appearance but tries to avoid looking at it
gets dressed in the dark
once she comes out she's gonna dress like the most hideous anime girl for the first few months
like goes HAM
her fav nerd shirts paired with a weird fucking skirt but eventually it looks really good just because of how much time she spends on it now that she likes how she looks
cool cis guy that will respect the pronouns
will treat people the same regardless of transness
goes down the transfem nonbinary any pronouns route in mid 20s
unfathomably chill
divisive subject. either cool nerdy tgirl or closeted trans guy
tgirl jade puts a lot of effort into dressing for the sake of mirrors
doesn't necessarily look GOOD (ultranerd furry island social recluse) but she looks intresting
however tgirl jade doesn't voicetrain and not only is her voice kinda clocky but also very hoarse from lack of use
closeted transguy/transmasc nonbinary jade is very online and performative feminine stuff until he realizes in his late teens he's trans
does not learn what trans is until late teens, very in sheltered parts of the internet despite being very online
was out online years before he came out irl
third option: chill cis girl who, during
no hate to rose she is one of my top three characters in all of homestuck but she is very terf vibes
she spends a lot of time "debating" with trans people online (harassment) and frequents a lot of terf forums
i think that after a few years of earth c and maybe meteorstuck she grows past it and eventually to her it's not a fight she's proud to be the lead general of but a phase she's really embarassed of, much like her other silly 13 year old traits
i also really like tgirl rose, not for character basis but i think its cool and i (obviously) love trans headcanons
i am very divided between ftm and cis guy.
cis guy karkat is cool, he's very much just some guy who's comfortable in his "girly" hobbies and, while isn't really tied into his physical appearance, isn't dysphoric and is just a little insecure
however: humanstuck karkat will always be trans in my mind, just for the persecution bit, although i would also buy ethnically-middle-eastern adopted into a white american family karkat
he'd be a truscum or just kinda shitty to nonpassing trans people i think, we've seen how many alternian empire boots he licks so conforming to the status quo as a pick-me minority is not above him
again i think he would grow out of it in his later teen years/early 20s (like in the comic) but i don't ever see humanstuck karkat escaping the eternal shame that kind comes with being trans
ily weird unnerving tgirl aradia she is like so that to me. she reminds me of the boymoder NEET memes i see chronically online trans girls on reddit posting
but also i do equally enjoy weird girlboss cis girl aradia
either way she is far too etheral to be bothered with gender stuff
like you could come out to her with sixteen hard to pronounce xenos, pass so badly you unearth masculinity/feminity so prominent it burns to the touch, and she would not give a single fuck. and she would never mess up with pronouns and shit
i see her as a hardcore deep deep in the closet repper tgirl as like a core part of my interpretations and yet i can never imagine her coming out
like i just see her boymoding forever
not really? like i think it would happen eventually i just can't visualize it
hypothetically i could see her being one of those cool goth girls named lilith but it seems very removed from the original starting point
repping tgirl or amab nonbinary or just plain cis
either way still horrifically greasy and that will never change
there is no self reflection that will even vaguely incentivize sollux to maintain his hygeine
cis girl
maybe comes out as ftm in 20s? if trans, i could also see nepeta repping till death
like just a weird cis girl who is like "oh, you're trans? just like in my warrior cats rp discord server!"
again, gives more of a fuck about gender than aradia but it is close
she just cares if you will listen to her talk about her ships and art
nepeta is the type of person where it might take her a while get the new name and stuff right
but she would be your staunch defender
eh? nothing strong here, i don't really have a hc for her
but there is a lot of mtf symbolism in the comic and i do enjoy that
like a socially awkward youngshit who's not out to many people because she can't really bring herself to correct people in public but still has a really passing voice even after first coming out
bad facial dysphoria
do like her as intersex. feels right
no genders, all the genders, new genders, old primal genders, everything
both simultaneously afab and amab but not intersex?
the living embodiment of androgyny
probably has a very long list of neos/xenos but is any pronouns
you cannot misgender her. hes too cool.
transgirl transgirl transgril
literally not even a headcanon at this point vriska is a trans girl and that is that!!!!!!!!
if you disagree im kickng your ass so hard it comes out of your mouth. your days are numbered and that number is 0. (not 8 :( )
option one: cis gymbro chaser.
he sleeps with trans men to steal their t shots
in the streets he'll occasionally say the weird shit but i know he'd be crankin his hog to futa/cuntboy shit by night
option two: trans girl
never comes out because of insecurity but indulges in long hair and the occasional skirt in private and then feels really bad about it
option three: insane roided trans man
t gave him big muscles and big sex drive
option three poiont 5.
racist sexist homophobic nonbinary
like drops the most despicable shit in conversation and finsihes it off with "my pronouns are actually they/them), like one of those nazi femboys
does not gaf
cis (? idk) guy who is fine with any pronouns and crossdresses for fun
i guess not technically cis? but still identifies as a man when it comes down to it. like barely guy
cis girl who is a little infantilizing
if you're transfem she will give you makeup tips
but still a little hugboxy
"oh no you totally pass even though you're 8'100 and have a full beard! women come in all shapes and sizes!" (not shitting on the made up trans girl here, passing is fucking hard and it has no bearing on personal worth)
jane is a repping/closeted trans man and you can pry this from my cold dead hands
the mustache? the projection onto only male figures?
also i think its fun with jane's ties to the girls-only fuchsiablood club that he ends up a dude
also st4t janeroxy my beloved
gonna be honest here no strong leanings
i am a firm believer that estrogen would save her but i dont really think of dirk as anywhere on the gender spectrum
maybe just cis dirk? i could buy cis dirk
one one hand i would like the transmasc rep being not restricted to hairless twinks and i would enjoy ftm jake that way
transmasc nonbinary jake is an insane concept to me but i do find myself intrested
a little iffy on the trans headcanons (especially transmasc) because a big part of the concept of jake english is that he's a big strong man who takes on the literary role of an objectified girl character and having him be
ex twinkhon femboy now BDD gigapassoid
literally one of the most gorgeous trans women you will ever meet
creating e substitutes in her laboratory since age 12
again not even those most immersed in trans culture and the ways of clocking would be able to tell thats how good she is
her speaking patterns hail solely from those cutesy minecraft/unboxing youtubers she religiously watched as a small child
however she is fully convinced that she doesn't pass for shit so she believes that every genuine complement and people treating her like a woman is just them being nice
she'll attempt to boymode and go "stealth" in scenarios where she doesn't want to be visibly trans but it fucking backfires because everyone assumes she's ftm
trans man with literally no basis because my dirk-themed friend is also a trans man
4channer transman robotics nerd dirk my beloved
transfem ig? or cis woman
very girl adjacent
idk i dont think about the dancestors much
cis man
MAYBE trans man
i am also cool with that
cis man
MAYBE transfem nonbinary
trans man because very few cis men were tumblr "SJW"s
and he reminds me of of some chronically online trans guys i used to hang around
also hes very fuckign petite and girls and feminend and twinky dinky and im just projecting my dysphoria onto him sorrie kankri fans
cis fujo girl
when she discovered trans men she was like 'YAAAAAS MPREG'
will respect your pronouns and shit but is VERY HORNY
lowkey chaser that will also date cis people
two choices: cool goth transbian or lesbian terf
cool goth transbian is the nice one. first off, she looks a lot like some transfem transition goals ive seen online.
second, cool feminist could also be trans rights and trans people are kinda forced into being political
third, being flat as a board could also be interpreted as her just not having tits (tho she does seem like the type to DIY HRT)
TERF porrim (correct): first, a lot of "feminists" turn out to be bitchy to trans people
second, her activism for groups she's a part of and groups she likes is good, but she really infantilizes kankri, and considering that's the beforan equivalent of hemoracism, if trans people didn't fit her motto she would not hesitate to shit on them
cis girl. maybe she/they
trans girl serkets trans girl serkets
would also buy cis girl that makes you wonder if she's actually a repressed ftm because some of her actions are a littttttttle suspicious
cis man who ends up hanging out with a lot of trans women anyway due to shared intrests in hyperpop and furry stuff
again very respectful, very small chance that he's chaser-y
i honestly do not know and this isnt because i dont really care about his character, it just evades me
transcends gender
could be cis woman, fuck if i know. i'd buy that
all and neither a gender above our human comprehension
trans man that proves tboys are real men because they can be just as creepy and awful as cis men
thinks him being trans means he's immune to all types of discrimination
uses it a pity point/to get out of stuff
maybe tgirl? idk
may just be cis
possibly transmasc nonbinary
tho i lean mostly towards cis woman whos gnc and actually cool with trans peopel (be aware she will still groom them tho)
equal opportunity grooming
technically transfem anyway because her body isn't sexed so shes kinda intersex
but even if she wasnt a cherub she would still be transfem anyway
chronically online transgirl who spends most of her time in internet spaces with cis girls of her same age
warrior cats fan
humanstuck calliope hung around the warrior cats girls since elementary and never left
evil trans man
transmasc for same reasons as calliope
humanstuck caliborn avoided all female socialization because he didn't socialize and instead spent his formative years on 4chan
the nature of the /lgbt/ board probably gave him some shame about being ftm
DAD EGBERT and crocker as well, very similar people
cis man who is a staunch ally
cis ally
she's trying? can't say anything more
will occasionally and unintentionally say some out of pocket shit about trans people she knows when drunk
will mess up the pronouns a lot because very scatterbrained
cis man who lowkey fetishizes trans people
straight but fucks non-passing transmen because he doesn't see them as men
trans women are some exotic fetish
if jade came out he would repair his ways tho
not even a terf because she has beef with feminists
but again if john or jane came out she would badger them at first but her love would win out and she would change her views
personally i see him as a cis man but i think trans man bro strider is cool and also an icon
cis bisexual man who is cool with trans people
cis woman who is in a fucked up evil messy situationship with a transgirl
will trans rights
either a. elder trans woman
or b. cis woman (a little nonbinary) who is accepting
does not know the terminology
"oh so you want to live as a woman now? alright, i suppose. i had a friend like that back in college"
evil elder trans woman who has an illegal diy hrt empire
will sell out the trans community if it benefits her
i dont know it s scary
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xeno-stuck · 1 year
hey, homestuck fans. do YOU like when homestuck characters are drawn as freaky aliens? well, do i have news for you!
this is a blog catered towards those of us in the fandom that enjoy everything xenobiology and xenosociology in relation to homestuck!
as is implied by the premise, this blog is focused on the alien species of homestuck-- trolls, carapacians, leprechauns, cherubs, et cetera. there's no ban on other types of requests, such as ones involving humans and the ever-so-popular gender/sexuality headcanon requests, but the focus is intended to be on everything alien in nature, so keep that in mind. this is also not limited to just homestuck: i am more than willing to do hiveswap requests!
requests will not always be open, as this isn't just a request blog. when they are, though, you can format them like this:
a xeno!troll nepeta with a long, catlike torso
a clubs deuce with antennae and a second, smaller pair of eyes
aradia presenting as a alternian-specific highblood boy
feferi and sollux shoosh-pap
you may also go more in depth with your descriptions you may provide images if you'd like! in addition, if no biology headcanons are specified, i'll go with my own idea of how the species look :)
this blog is run by @fictofaggot and is inspired by blogs like @dyke-stuck, @pocstuckzz, & @midnight-stuck as well as the wonderful headcanons of @dddeerbo & @artbyifer
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ddeeric · 5 years
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2 pics i was working on before the flood but will likely never finish
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hs-honeycomb · 3 years
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Hi there! <33
This is my introduction for this blog!
It’ll be put in sections to save time!
Pronouns: He/They/It/Deer
Sexuality: Bisexual
Birthday + Star Sign: Oct. 17 + Libra
Age: Seven Sweeps (14 Earth Years)
Personality Type: INFP
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Aspect: Void
Kins: Feferi, Terezi, Nepeta, Tavros, Equius
Favorite Character(s): Dirk, Gamzee, Equius
Comfort Characters: Sollux, Dirk, Dave, Terezi
- - - - - - - - - -
Custom Icons
Sprite Edits (Simple)
Mood Boards
Custom Pride Flags
Self-Care Kit
Fashion Boards
Short/Small Custom Kin Playlist
Snack Boards
Coin Flips
Dice Rolls
Kin Flag
Character Palette
Anon Headcanons
Panel Edits
Character Neo/Xenopronouns
Validations From Characters
Headcanon Sprite Edit
Kin Assignment
Canon Call
Pronoun Validation
- - - - - - - - - -
Pick your request/content
( Different Options )
Pick an aesthetic
Pick a style
Pick a genre
Pick a character
Pick a theme
Pick items
Pick clothing items
Pick colors
Pick a pride flag
Pick a sprite
(Please be as specific as you’d like!)
- - - - - - - - - -
This account will be safe for the following!
People Struggling With/That Have Mental Health Issues
Neopronoun and Xenopronoun Users
Other Kin
(!SFW!) Littles & Pet Regressors
People With Kins
People Who Are New to The Fandom
People Who Have Been in The Fandom
(!SFW!) Roleplay Accounts
IRL Characters
People With Delusional Attachments
- - - - - - - - - -
This blog/user does not tolerate or want the following to interact!
(!NSFW!) Littles & Pet Regressors
18+ Accounts
Users That Are Over 19
Toxic Shippers
MLM/WLW Fetishizers
People Against Xeno/Neopronouns
Pro A** Blogs
People Who Are Against The Homestuck Fandom
(!NSFW!) Roleplay Accounts
Gore Blogs (Including SH)
Anything Generally DNI Content
- - - - - - - - - -
Thanks For Reading!
Thank you for reading my intro! If you have any request, don’t be shy to send them in! I don’t mind if they’re anon or not! Have a wonderful day/night/afternoon! <3
- HS Honeycomb
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kenofos · 4 years
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Nueva imagen de referencia para Keno + un ligero rediseño. Más información debajo del corte.
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New reference image for Keno + a little redesign. More info under the cut.
Tumblr - DeviantArt - Twitter - Youtube ArtStation - Toyhou.se - Discord Server
(español) Nombre completo: Keno Nokoribi Apodo(s): Ken, chico 3D, Sollux, Star, Geno Edad: 19 Especie: Humano Género: No binario Altura: 170cm / 5′5′‘ Sexualidad: Demisexual Estado civil: Soltero Cumpleaños: 22 de noviembre Signo: Sagitario Color de alma: Púrpura Color favorito: Amarillo Alineación: Chaotic good/neutral Ocupación: Agente, estudiante Arma: Lanza, espada, armas de corto alcance Habilidades: Ergokinesis, la habilidad de materializar energía Estado: Activo Relaciones: • Mejores amigos - Crow, Gecko, Cyan, Luzi, Tokachi • Aliados - Cualquiera que esté en buenos términos con él • Neutral - Otros, Xeno • Enemigos - Personas malas, cualquiera que traicione su confianza Voz: Kris S. (a.k.a. yo) Tema: Voidlight
Trivia y notas: • Sus ojos cambian dependiendo de su estado de ánimo y de cuál personalidad tome el control. •• Azules siendo Keno, el principal. La parte “buena”. •• Rojos siendo “Xeno”, la parte “mala” y la manifestación de las emociones reprimidas de Keno. •• Azul y rojo cuando ambos están presentes. Muchas veces discuten y pelean por quién toma el control. •• Azul/rojo degradado. Sucede cuando Keno se siente “vacío” de emociones. •• Púrpuras. Sucede cuando ambos se “fusionan” para formar una entidad completa. • La marca de sus ojos cambian de azules a negros cuando Xeno está presente.
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(english) Full name: Keno Nokoribi Nickname(s): Ken, 3D boy, Sollux, Star, Geno Age: 19 Species: Human Gender: Non-binary Height: 170cm / 5'5'' Sexuality: Demisexual Relationship status: Single DOB: November 22 Zodiac sign: Sagittarius Soul colour: Purple Favorite colour: Yellow Alignment: Chaotic good/neutral Occupation: Agent, student Weapon: Spear, sword, meelee weapons Abilities: Ergokinesis, the ability to weaponize energy Status: Active Relationships: • Best friends - Crow, Gecko, Cyan, Luzi, Tokachi • Allies - Anyone who's in good terms with them • Neutral - Everyone else, Xeno • Enemies - Evil people, anyone who betrays their trust HC: Kris S. (a.k.a. me) Theme: Voidlight
Trivia and notes: • Their eyes change colour depending on their mood and which personality is taking control at that moment. •• Blue being Keno, the main personality. The “good” side. •• Red being Xeno, the “bad” side and Keno’s deepest emotions. •• Blue and red when they’re both there. They argue a lot and fight over the control. •• Blue/red gradient. This happens when Keno feels numb and “empty” of emotions. •• Purple. This happens when both personalities “fuse” to complete one being. • The markings under their eyes change from blue to black when Xeno is there.
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artbyifer · 3 years
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Sollux for 2/22/2022 2:22PM EST
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hortiicultured · 4 years
xeno-heat replied to your post “Hot Cocoa - Three things you love about yourself?”
Bad Sollux! Try <&
plea2e don’t. not riight now.
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Sollux Captor, eight sweeps old and extravagantly quadranted, attends a party, observes a shocking breach of etiquette, and retires to indulge in activities of a personal nature with his concupiscent partners. Contains three fantrolls, one ashen clusterfuck, and an unquantifiable degree of sloppy makeouts.
Xeno, Bloodplay
Part 3 of Hemostuck
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prolix-principality · 5 years
Homestuck: Eridan Ampora, Karkar Vantas, Sollux Captor Single chapter; 8,494 words. ~ Karkat decides it’s time to help Eridan and Sollux get a grip on their hate life; because they are clearly having some issues listening to each other. It starts out pretty worrisome but it gets progressively sweeter as they figure things out together. ~ Warning: xeno/aliens, violent sex, consent issues/noncon scare, caste and slave mentions (dirty talk), wounds, powers, swearing
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absul · 7 years
weaselmutual replied to your photoset: karkat captor and sollux vantas Masterpost™ aka...
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAA THANK U SM XENO💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
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paragonrobits · 7 years
i’ve been kicking around an idea for the Homestuck trolls as Transformers so what if they were a wandering collective of descendants of the Autobot/Decepticon war, disassociated from either size and not raised into the conflict, but born in places where both sides fought and were forced to leave, unaware that their abandoned colonies bore Sparks that lit up too late to be found
they’ve since been traveling the stars in search of a home and some cultural conext; they’re vaguely aware of the war but they don’t really get it, though some of them have caught onto the galactic respect for the Autobot cause, and the terror the Decepticons have left.
For unknown reasons, they are omnicombinational, but some groupings work better than others, based on their current dynamics.
here’s some of my previous ideas, minus possible Transform-y sounding names:
Karkat is a mini-con, about human sized; his default form is somewhat crab-like in shape, and his alternate form is a cassete which can power-link with any of his friends to boost them, making him invaluable in a fight but he has a lot of issues over being the smallest and apparently most useless one; everyone has to protect him, what good is he (or so he thinks).  he is actually a medic, his small size allowing him to perform delicate surgical work the others cannot do. Due to his small size, he is also able to pull off being a Pretender among human-sized aliens, and his duty in this has developed a fascination with alien cultures and xeno linguistics.
Aradia is a fairly large ‘bot, about the size of the truck-type bots, who is a combiner similar to Chopshop from RID2015; she can disassemble herself into a large group of smaller robots, each capable of becoming an even smaller bot, down to Mini-Con size (thus one or two tend to go with Karkat for safety on excursions). She can only assume her alt mode with all her components available, it’s basically a cool alien excavation truck or mining equipment. Her robot mode has a strong ram-type look to it, complete with large ramming horns that makes her look like a Buffaloid variant.
Tavros actually is a buffaloid; he’s one of the biggest ones, somewhere between Prime-size and Dinobot-size. typically walking on all fours due to his body’s proportions and the massive size of his robot mode’s horns. In his vehicle mode. he becomes a massive RV-style vehicle that he smaller bots can ride in. He’s quite delicate with the smaller robots and any aliens, and is very nervous about accidentally hurting someone.
Sollux; a fairly stout car-sized bot who transforms into a bee-type Insecticon. He has a latent connection with everyone around him that borders on a hive-mind connection and he gets easily stressed completely on his own, but this makes him invaluable for combining; its far easier to drift with each other if Sollux is there to guide the way.
Nepeta: A large beastformer, about Bulkhead’s size, who has a animalistic robot mode and some mild Predacon traits; she resembles a large predatory feline (similar to some of the robots from RID2015) and can transform into a speedy vehicle that’s good at ramming things or doing scout duties.
Kanaya: A heavily-built, weird hybrid of a jet and a tank with some traits of... who knows? A quasi-demonic bat/dragon thing. She’s not quite a beastformer and is hard to classify. Is she a very heavily built jet, a tank that flies? She’d give the functionalists frustrations. She’s also a terrorcon despite never encountering dark energon, implying that the potential exists in her lineage. she’s mostly on top of it but when she’s stressed, she can revert to her basic instincts, causing her alt mode to become more bestial 
Terezi: goddamn DRAGON PREDACON, EVERYBODY. One the largest of all of them under ordinary circumstances, Terezi transforms into a massive dragon that is easily as fierce as Predaking. Sometimes acting as the leader, she’s a boisterous and fierce ‘bot that constantly worries for her friends and puts on a proud front to hide the stress she is constantly under. She idolizes the Autobots as paragons of justice and wants to join their numbers. (May or may not actually worship the Primes, who knows?)
Vriska: An Arachnicon, in the same theme as TFP’s Airarachnid, except that she’s actually a triple changer and extraordinarily smug about it. Her robot mode can transform her lower mass into a spider-like abdomen, and further transform into a beast mode that incorporates aspects of spiders and scorptions, and finally a helicopter vehicle mode. Approximately the size of a Prime-class bot, she acts like the leader and has some sympathies for the Decepticons that she doesn’t like talking about, and is for a rude awakening about their beliefs largely centering around ‘kill all the organics so we can take their stuff’, but in the mean time she and Terezi have diametrically opposing beliefs that bring them into conflict.
Equius: The very model and image of what denotes a perfect robot in the eyes of the old Functionalist order, Equius is a tall and imposing robot who transforms into a jet that is so heavily built and powerful, it resembles a tank. Of all of them he has the most keen interest in their people’s origins, and the one most devastated to discover the loss of their homeworld. He harbors an irrational hatred of the Decepticons for leading to the loss of Cybertron, dispite having little to do with them.
Gamzee: Somewhere between the sizes of a car and a truck, but amazingly massive because he moves in the same way as a gorilla due to how he’s shaped, not unlike Tavros but he has an extra set of limbs that act as arms or legs depending on his mood. His alternate form is a carrier vehicle, unusually lrge relative to his robot mode, capable of carrying the others in land or sea. His processor is glitched, and an infusion of dark energon imbedded in it allows potential sabotage of his body without his awareness.
Eridan: A Sharkticon like Hammerstrike from RID2015, though his rear fluke looks more like a sea-horse’s. Able to assume a submarine form that is capable of flight (even in outer space) he’s pretty smug about being their finest flier despite the apparent clumsiness of his form. His bright purple coloration invites assumptions of Decepticon allegiance, though he has little interest in them. He does have a marked distaste for organics, and he could go either way.
Feferi: She appears to be a Dinobot-sized beastformer that assumes a kraken-like form, and is about as large as Terezi, but the Feferi most people speak with is actually a remote-controlled drone Feferi operates through. She is actually a metrotitan, her true body comprising the ship the group travels in, and in truth she rarely acts directly owing to both massive energon needs and lack of practice actually moving her true body. Due to this enforced passivity, Feferi has a bit of a lazy mentality, at least when acting her drone-body. She is ferociously protective of her group, and like Karkat has developed a keen fascination with alien societies.
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by Royalrastafariannaynays
As part of her latest fling with conquering unnecessary galaxies, Her Imperial Condescension set her sights on a little blue planet.
Its inhabitants called it Earth.
Karkat Vantas, an up-and-coming Threshecutioner, thought the name at first glance was stupid. The inhabitants were weak, soft, scared, and perfectly kill-able, just like himself before molt. Humans. Another stupid name. He was assigned for invasion, and was all too ready to get out of his current station and to a place where he could be more invisible to the higher-ups.
And then, half a sweep into his new position, he met a Human with magnetic fingertips and a soul you just can’t put down.
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Characters: Rose Lalonde, Sollux Captor, Dirk’s Bro | Alpha Dave Strider, Karkat Vantas
Relationships: Dave Strider/Karkat Vantas
Additional Tags: Threshecutioner Karkat, alpha dave strider is a revolutionary, Apocalypse, or rather, Alien Invasion, Xeno, Trolls on Earth, Dom/sub, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, POV Second Person, Explicit Sexual Content, Enthusiastic Consent, Tragic Romance, Secret Relationship, Everyone Is An Adult
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artbyifer · 2 years
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Gamer Troll
For 22/22/2022 From the gamer girl meme
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hortiicultured · 4 years
xeno-heat replied to your post “Let Motherfucker2 Have Theiir Faiith IIndeed.”
Sollux, such language!
II Can And Wiill Exercii2e My Grub-Giiven Riight To 2ay Fuck Toniight, 2o Help Me.
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