#xf looks
freckleslikestars · 8 months
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Dana Katherine Scully being ethereal in Founder's Mutation
THE X FILES | 10.02
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bakedbakermom · 7 months
txf + text posts (10/?)
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anders-hawke · 2 years
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mindibindi · 1 year
⭐(Re)Visit a Classic XF Fic [7/7]⭐
So, as part of The X files 30th anniversary celebrations, I took it upon myself to highlight some of the AMAZING authors I first read in this fandom. They were a HUGE part of my experience of watching the show during it's original run. For shippers, the original run was a marathon in faith, frustration and endurance. We were judged, dismissed, ridiculed and gaslit throughout. But in fandom, we found solidarity, and in fanfic, we found solace. (AND we won in the end, so THERE).
As a retired author, I also have a vested interest in pleading the case of older writers. Fanfic archives are libraries, not social media sites. Don't just read whatever comes up most recently in your feed. Search. Discover. Explore. Experiment. Yes, there are some differences in older fanfic culture that are evident in these seven recs. Characters may be understood differently in their original context, narrative style may also differ (more 1st/2nd person address that even addresses the reader directly), there may also be less clear trigger warnings and fewer opportunities for feedback/community. I know we all love AO3 and are grateful for its good works. But don't forget that there are other avenues through which to explore fanfiction.
For this final rec, I want to return to the first author I rec-ed. I urge you to check out her other works. The characters are sometimes a little overwrought or OOC but even when they are, her stuff is tremendously messy, sexy and fun. Here Mulder and Scully are perfectly in character in a rather rauchy scenario. (If you're a babyphile and you don't know the politics at play then ask an auntyphile to fill you in). I will post links below for all the classic authors I have rec-ed, along with a few archives you may want to check out.
Rec #7:
MSR, obligatory stakeout fic
Prompted by current events, Mulder and Scully discuss oral sex
Some knowledge of the Bill Clinton/Monica Lewinsky scandal required
Rachel Anton (inc lots of Krycek content)
Suzanne Schramm
Narida Law
The search engine is not great but Gossamer IS still up and running:
X-Libris is a current archive that is doing a great job of recovering older works. You can suggest fics to be added to the site or even ask for a long lost fic to be tracked down!!
Smaller archives but also still up and running is Whispers of X and XFSM, both of which are good for different pairings, threesomes and a bit of kink, if that's your jam.
In particular, if you're into BDSM then you may want to check out Kristel St Johns "Aphrodisia" which does a beautiful job of putting Mulder and Scully in a v different, intense kind of physical relationship . The novel is unfinished but definitely still worth a read.
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scullysflannel · 1 year
to be very clear the inconsistency of the x-files revival is technically one of the most x-files things about it. but THE x-files has an all-consuming mood (direction, cinematography, wardrobe) that makes its inconsistency feel at best like the point and at worst like an invitation to take and discard your own meaning from the shadows. and the revival lacks that mood and therefore expects me to take it at face value, which is an entirely different experience. I mean iwtb (2008) is the worst movie ever made and even that has a gritty big-coat softness to it when you ignore the plot. I’d take the revival over that, but that doesn’t mean the vibes aren’t off in a way that goes beyond toto it’s not the ‘90s anymore
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stephy-gold · 5 months
Do anyone has middle aged MSR fics??? Hehehe 😅😅😅 I can’t take the recent pictures of GA and DD of my mind because they look so good
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singeart · 1 year
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- Angie Sijun Lou, Jessica gives me a chill pill
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randomfoggytiger · 1 day
Why do you do this?! Why do you leave some good thoughts that make me question even more! My brain burns. You are gooood!
Now, I want to explore more about HOW Mulder grew and changed since Diana left and exactly how he credits Scully for the best version of himself if he can truly see it. Why couldn't we have a conversation between Mulder and Diana where he tells her that he's not the same anymore and how he has learned to live and love for someone else?!!! It could have been a 1 minute scene even when he was in his dream state of living a life with her. I want to see Diana's jaw hit the ground and realize that she is not his "one in 5 billion".
Would Mulder have risked his life for Diana the way he did for Scully?
To answer your last question first: yes, I do believe he would. Scully believes it, too-- she tells Diana, to her face, that they both know Mulder would do anything he could to save the Fowl One's life. Because that's who Mulder is-- he'll risk his life or limb to save anyone. He can't let others suffer like he has, etc. etc.
I think The End's "I've done alright without you" was Mulder's way of saying everything you wrote above. For all his chattering and theorizing, Mulder's a man of few words when it comes to his internal thoughts and feelings. Same with Scully; which is why both understand (and have patience with) each other (Irresistible for her, Paper Hearts for him. But that doesn't mean they let each other get away with bad behavior, either.) And I think Diana knew that, too; hence why she grabbed at his hand-- literally grabbing his attention-- and did her best to separate his interests from Scully's in The Beginning and One Son.
I have some disconnected meta and observational pieces, but none of them directly link back to Diana (another meta I have to write in future, I suppose. XDD) The links below explore Mulder's emotional growth through the series, if ya wanna read. ;))
How Scully Taught Mulder to Hug
An Evolution of Mulder and Scully's Forehead Kisses
Updated! X-Files Mulder Trauma Responses: Fight, Flight, Freeze, or Fawn?
Mulder and Scully's Love Story: Season 1
The X-Files: Mulder and Vulnerability
The Mulder Family In-Depth: All Parts
The X-Files: the Madonna-Whore Complex
Mulder's Heart: Alluring Temptations, Denial, and the Slow Burn
Mulder's Necessary Emotional Growth in One Breath
One Breath Walked So Firewalker (and Episodes Proceeding It) Could Run
The List: Setting the Stage for Scully's Loneliness and Mulder's Panic
One Son: An Intense, One-Shot Analysis of "You're Making This Personal"
X-Files Attachment Styles: An Avoidance Shared by Two
This is, perhaps, the best and most defining moment in the series for Scully and Mulder.
"My Touchstone": the Turning Point
Mulder and Scully really broke each others' patterns
a Jersey Devil a vampire and a chimera
Mulder Didn't Use Scully's Apartment Key Until He “Belonged”
And if you're extra curious, I have a post discussing Mulder's Jungian Type:
(For those who are curious, Anon is referring to this meta I wrote earlier~.)
Hope that helped! :DDDDDD
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hyxsn · 3 months
vein fanart ill never finish :(
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dykergang · 8 months
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[slams sketches down on the table]
royai msr au swap
Agent Roy Mustang, secluded to the FBI's basement, uncovers an alien conspiracy amongst the higher ups (in which Bradley takes part in the human colony program and Selim is an alien hybrid or smth). Agent Riza Hawkeye has been assigned to keep tabs on him, however grows sympathetic to his cause and goals to reach the top and change the system.
Flame Alchemist Fox Mulder is determined to discover the truth behind these rumors of immortal semi-humans seen throughout Central and beyond, and what they have to do with the disappearance of his sister Samantha. Lieutenant Dana Scully, who he met during the war as a field doctor, is his right hand and, on occassion, only brain cell.
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freckleslikestars · 3 months
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I owe you everything, Scully, and you owe me nothing.
Acrylic on canvas, A3
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baronessblixen · 2 years
Mulder says yes when asked if he's the husband in order to stay with scully....go
Together with this prompt: Scully wakes up in Empedocles to see Mulder laying his head on her bed holding her hand. She asks how he managed to get in her room. He replies, “Well we might be married now.” Set in "Empedocles", obviously.
Fictober Day 11 | Tagging @today-in-fic @xffictober2022 | Wc: 1,224
Everything Will Be Just Fine
“Who are you? The husband?” Mulder makes his decision in a split second, looking at the ER nurse, seeing Scully being wheeled away from him. Out of the corner of his eye, he sees Agent Doggett rush toward them. What is that guy even doing here? It doesn’t matter. What matters is Scully and that one question. Who is he, really?
“Yes,” he says, hoping she won’t have time to check Scully’s paperwork. “I’m her husband. I’m the- the-” How easy it is to lie about being married to Scully, and how difficult it is to spell out the true words. Who he is. To her, to the child she’s carrying. Who might be in danger.
It’s enough; the nurse pushes him through the double doors and into a whole new world before Doggett can speak to him.
Mulder’s only job in the ER is to hold Scully’s hand while they work on her. He picks up a few things here and there, not understanding much. Scully is the medical doctor, and she’s just lying there, with her eyes closed.
“You’re going to be okay,” Mulder mumbles, half to himself.
“You’re here,” she says weakly, trying to turn her head to look at him, but then another nurse steps in between them, making him let go of her hand.
“Sir, you better wait over there.” She points to the corner. “We need to make sure your wife and baby are okay.”
With one last look at Scully, who’s anxiously staring at the monitor, Mulder does what he’s told. He stuffs his hands into his coat pockets, feeling useless. He watches the doctors take care of Scully, talking to her. He sees her nod. Was that a smile on her face? He wants to know what’s going on, too. Later, he’ll ask her and she’ll explain it to him. Once they know the baby is fine.
The baby.
He’s seen it before. There were several sonograms pinned to Scully’s fridge. He observed every single one of them. Then, one night, he found one in his own bedroom. He stared at it for a long while, his finger tracing the tiny shadows again and again until tears fell from his eyes.
But today is the first time he’s really seeing it. Over there on the monitor is the baby – their baby – and its heart is beating. One beat after another, never stopping. Their baby is tough. Mulder finds himself drawn to it, wanting closer. Needing to make sure this is real.
“Your baby is okay, Mr. Scully,” a nurse says and he needs a moment to understand that she’s talking to him. Mr. Scully – that’s him. He’ll change his name, be anyone, if he gets to be here.
“My- my wife?” The word should feel wrong from his lips, but it doesn’t. Not even a little bit. It comes easily to him, like the most normal thing in the world.
“We’ll put her up in a room now. Everything is going to be okay,” the nurse says with a smile, and Mulder is so overwhelmed with relief that he almost hugs her.
He doesn’t know what they gave Scully to sleep, but it must have been the good drugs. What is it about them and hospitals? They’ve spent half a lifetime between bad cafeteria coffee and uncomfortable hospital chairs. His heart hasn’t quite caught up yet.
They’re going to be fine.
The doctor confirmed it again when Mulder walked into Scully’s room, now set up more comfortably. She was fast asleep, her head rolled to the side, just the way she’s been sleeping lately. The sight of her filled him with love. Lately, she’s falling asleep everywhere, her head falling against his shoulder more often than he’s used to. He wants to get used to it. Mulder wants to hold her hand through all of it, the good and the bad.
That’s why he’s still here, hours later. Scully hasn’t woken up once. Skinner has called him a few times and he’s told him in no uncertain terms that he won’t go anywhere until Scully wakes up. Exhausted himself, he rests his head on her bed, right next to her arm. Just for a moment. He closes his eyes, and listens to her even breathing. It’s always been his favorite lullaby.
“Mulder? Is that you?” Fingers run gently but uncoordinated through his hair.
“Hm? Scully? Hey, you’re awake.” He lifts his head to look into her droopy face. He’s never been more in love with her. “How are you feeling? Do you remember anything?”
“A little bit… the baby,” she says, putting a hand on her stomach.
“The baby is fine,” Mulder assures her, putting his own hand next to hers. “The doctor said you had a partial abruption. You’ll know better what that means.”
She nods and says, “I do. I guess they’ll monitor me for a while but we’ll be… we’ll be fine.” She poses it as a statement, but he sees the question in her eyes, the hint of uncertainty. He takes her hand into his, entwines their fingers, and kisses her knuckles.
“You’re going to be just fine. The both of you. Trust me, I pestered every nurse and doctor.” They smile at each other.
“Do I want to know how you convinced them to let you stay with me?”
“Well,” he says, clearing his throat. “We might be married now.”
“What?” Scully asks, smiling in disbelief. How he missed that smile. He doesn’t want to spend another moment without seeing it.
“It’s family only,” he explains. “The nurse asked if I was the husband and I-”
“You said yes.”
“I did. You’re not mad, are you?”
“I’m too tired and too drugged to be mad. But no, Mulder, of course, I’m not mad. I’m happy you’re here.” She squeezes his hand. From the looks of it, he won’t have much time with her before she falls back asleep. Any questions he might have wanted to ask will have to wait. There will be a right time for all of it.
“I saw our baby,” he says, awe-struck. “I saw its heartbeat.”
“Hmm,” Scully hums sleepily, her eyes closing, but her lips are curled upwards in a soft smile. “Maybe,” she trails off, her voice slow. He watches her, blinking slowly, fully prepared to not hear the end of her sentence. Then she surprises him, his Scully. “Maybe you can come to my next appointment. Husband or not,” she says without opening her eyes.
“I’d love that.”
“But first,” she says with a sigh. “First I want to have a pizza.”
He laughs, his eyes filling with tears. His Scully. Their baby. They’ll all be just fine.
“I think we can arrange that.”
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demon-fetal-harvest · 2 years
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anders-hawke · 2 years
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“Emily” | The X-Files — 5.07
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minniedeer · 2 years
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찍고 올게요!
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