#xmen preference
clockwork-stars · 2 months
"Which level of insanity have you reached ?"
I just opened Canva and made a divorce certificate for Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr...
I believe that @fancychaostraveller cherik propaganda is working a little too well. I am now stuck in a brainrot.
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Look at that thing, it's magnificent. Also yeah, Erik signed nothing, @fancychaostraveller said it better than me :
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smallblueandloud · 1 year
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karmaphone · 5 months
question for the X-men comic nerds (affectionate) is collosus' metal form cold? like if he was in his human state and flipped his skin to steel would it be skin temperature still or would it be cool?
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wanderingmind867 · 2 months
Stan Lee may have been the only person who understood the X-Men. Because I legitimately think no one else understood them but him. Stan Lee's X-Men hid their powers when in their civilian identities (at least initially), which makes sense! If they're meant to be so actively hated and feared, this makes sense! Nowadays, they seem to have mostly ditched this. Which is a shame.
Also, I wouldn't say the X-Men work great as a metaphor for race. You want to do stories about racism, ableism, whatever, make more characters of colour or characters with disabilities. Here's a quote from a person who wrote an online post critical of the X-Men. I won't speak to how good his whole article is. But I do want to share this quote: "The most appropriate metaphor for the original Stan Lee comics is probably invisible dimensions of power such as LGBT issues or religion." I think they're right on that one note, and so I wanted to share this quote.
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wolvertooth · 5 months
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(X-Men: the Animated Series, s3 ep19)
my silly wiiiiiifeeeee🥰🥰🥰🥰
he was only out of costume one other time, for like a short scene at the end of s5 ep6, and they changed the model to be more similar to the recent basement arc comics
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ninawolv3rina · 11 months
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Finally, a new Spidersona!
Name: Cassidy “Cass” Carver, Spider-Man, X-Spider (she/her)
A Spider-Man from a universe where Spider-Man is a mutant rather than being bit! as part of the X-Men, Cass doesn’t do much solo work, and when the spider-verse comes knocking she prefers to continue sporting the X-Men yellow and blue. More about her under the cut!
Despite being a mutant, much of Cass’ life still follows the classic Spider-Man canon, including her own versions of Gwen Stacy and Flash Thompson. Cass and Gwen dated briefly, but when Cass found out she was a mutant, she joined the xmen under the cover of ‘going to a fancy boarding school’ at Xavier’s. Little does she know, Gwen is also a mutant who’s now going through all the same changes and fears on her own. Eventually, the two face off, ending in Gwen’s death.
Cass loves being part of the X-Men, opting to wear a mask for most of her early time on the team. After Gwen’s death, her parents find out she’s a mutant and disown her, and she no longer needs to wear a mask but still prefers to a lot of the time.
Friends amongst the X-Men include Beast, Gambit, Nightcrawler, and Wolverine, though she also spends a lot of time with Kitty and Ice-Man since she’s closer to their age.
She doesn’t get along as well with Cyclops (problems with authority), Colossus, and Storm. She was beginning to get close to Storm, but Kitty got jealous and Cass backed off to preserve her friendship with Kitty. She thinks Colossus is stiff but will tolerate him bcuz of Kitty.
In Spider-society, Cass connected most heavily with Gwen, but gets along pretty well with everyone. Miguel is neutral-positive on her since she has experience working with a team, though her authority issues shine through in their relationship once again.
She very briefly joined Magneto’s side for a bit, but went back to the xmen shortly after. She still harbors some sympathy and agrees with some of their methods, but missed her specific found family and felt a lot of guilt for ‘betraying them’, as Xavier put it.
I’m definitely going to be drawing more of her soon!
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knightotoc · 11 months
For me, the best case scenario would be to be a demigod with a cool parent so they can help you out, and the worst case scenario would be to be a demigod with a shitty parent cuz that would be scary, and being a mutant would be in the middle. I voted demigod though bc at least then you KNOW what's up with these powers.
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themasterusersblog · 2 months
so the xmen posts in marvels instagram
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the titles seem interesting.
- more wolverine as always
- looking to see x-force and x-factor lineup
- new york xmen? street level xmen? i will see
- storm solo book!!!!
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this one is making me lose my mind.
- uncanny xmen has the classic vibes of an xmen team and i really liked the lineup
- IDIE!!!!! IT'S IDIE!!!!! IDIE OKONKWO!!!!! also MAGNETO AND CYCLOPS ON THE SAME TEAM. this has potential, i see it
- God i really hope the girl in black & blue in kate pryde because othewise i'm really mistaking her for someone else. but hey, a team with her and emma
as for the trailer: really looks nice, the phrases were full of phoenix references and i think the M 🤘 sign is something new and is a cool addition
i am looking forward to these new stories and i hope they are good. do i have a very big chance of gettinh disappointed? yes, but this is normal day in life of someone who reads comics
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cthulhubrain · 3 months
I always prefer it when the colour of Scott Summers' eye-beams are given a pink-ish hue.
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drewsaturday · 1 year
i think a big reason x-men tas was so good is like, they're all adults! jubilee is probs a teen but within a few episodes you just get all this angsty adult drama about logan running off bc unrequited jean feels or the lifelong tumultuous homoerotic relationship of xavier and magneto etc instead of having to pretend you care about a bunch of teenagers dealing with awkward first kiss bullshit
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miutonium · 8 months
Just showed to my sister a picture of Man in Yellow Hat and she immediately said "He kinda looks like Professor X" (she never say his name correctly) and internally I am:
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smallblueandloud · 9 months
we watched "war crimes" tonight and the cliff calley storyline was so heartbreaking that i thought "ooh, the only thing that would make this better would be sense8 au schenanigans" and so now i have a draft about that??
it's technically complete, but it needs severe editing for the pacing. which is interesting to me, because recently i haven't been feeling like my fics need pacing editing? whereas in the past, pacing was the MAJOR thing i had to edit. so i was excited about potentially having Figured Out Pacing!
i think the secret is that i've been writing an extremely stripped-back narration style recently. my issues with pacing have always been with pov introspection -- i tend to write too much, or put it in the wrong place. so the stripped-back style feels much better and snappier to me. it's also just plain easier, since i have fewer tools that i can use to mess with the pacing (basically just dialogue tags and physical action). it's harder to mess up.
but writing josh's pov had me instinctively go back into the introspection -- and i don't think that's bad! i prefer introspection for something like this. the stripped-back lets me imply stuff, but sometimes a character is just someone who says things outright to themself, or maybe i think it's more effective to just say something outright. so i'm happy to get the chance to cultivate the skill again, it's just interesting, being faced with how much easier i find the newer style.
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starlooove · 1 year
X-men is SO separate from the rest of marvel in my mind it’s insane
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wanderingmind867 · 2 months
Why did they Jean the Phoenix? I literally don't get it. Did they think she was underpowered? She was not! Jean can move things with her mind! She can read minds too! She's one of the most powerful of the original X-Men! She didn't need the Phoenix, especially since they then killed her for it! Sloppy writing, my god...
And maybe it wasn't sloppy writing. Maybe I am looking at it out of context. But I am biased against Chris Claremont's X-Men. The best X-Men era was the original 5 X-Men in the 60s. And while I like most of Chris Claremont's characters for the X-Men (although technically he didn't create Colossus, Storm or Nightcrawler, I don't think), I hate his writing and storylines. So I have a bias, it's true.
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“Oh by the way, the women are always saving the men around here.” - Raven
uhhhhh excuse me, my boy Quicksilver has been saving more people then you girl in ALL THREE of the movies. And more than Jean too. So what Jean blew away Apocalypse because apparently she was borne with the phoenix power when in reality she gets that power boost from the rocket but Fox seems determined to make Jean OP as possible for some reason.
Quicksilver is ALWAYs saving people okay so X-Men is fitting.
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broken-endings · 2 months
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My X-Men Fancast Imagine it’s 2011 and X-Men: First Class is about to come out so you decide to make your own fancast So everyone is 13 years younger and everyone is still an active actor
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