#y’all just admit when you do something and stop acting like there’s not a pattern here
two-sides-samecoin · 1 year
‘vickie doesn’t get villianized by ronancers/ believing that ronancers villianze vickie is so laughable because they don’t’
babe i’ve legit gone into the robin/vickie tag on ao3 and see fics of vickie being abusive to robin and sexually assaulting robin just so that ronance can happen
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autumnscribbles · 1 year
betrayal | brad simpson
summary: brad confronts y/n on something she’s been hiding
word count: 1.1k
warnings: cheating, swearing, ANGST
a/n: i loved getting back into writing with some goooood angst!!! i appreciate y’all still being here, my requests are always open 😌
You smoothed out your hair in your rear view mirror in your driveway, wiping under your eyes to make sure your mascara looked intact. Your phone lit up, two texts; one from Brad and one from Jack.
One asking when you were coming home, the other saying he had an amazing night with you.
You sighed, shoving your phone in your purse before getting out of the car and walking to the front door. You let yourself in, the slight squeak of the door making you cringe as you stepped through.
You jumped slightly when you saw Brad’s silhouette lit up by the kitchen light, a glass of water in his hand.
“Hey baby!” you exclaimed brightly, walking over to give him a kiss on the cheek.
Brad felt stiff as you touched him, distant. Your heart sped up, but you brushed it off. There’s no way he could know. You were so careful.
“It’s late,” he said dryly, his gaze fixed on the wall behind you.
“Yeah, I know!” you laughed it off. “The girls and I totally lost track of time. So typical.”
He stared at you silently, and that’s when you knew he knew. It looked like he was just waiting for you to admit it, for you to come clean. You couldn’t. How could you admit something so terrible?
You would have preferred if he accused you immediately, screaming at you. His silence and the pain in his eyes hit you like a semi truck. It was worse. You knew it was wrong, but seeing him made regret course through your veins.
The first time you cheated was a few months ago. Brad was on tour, constantly missing your calls. When he did answer, they were quick conversations that you felt were forced on his end.
When you met Jack at a bar with your friends, it felt good. To have that attention, to be complimented in a way Brad hadn’t complimented you in months. Add a little alcohol to the mix, and you went home with him.
The shame you had felt the next day was tangible in the air around you, so you decided not to tell anyone and pretend it never happened. That was until you kept running into Jack, and kept falling into the same pattern as that first night. You couldn’t stop the impulses, the craving to feel desirable, wanted. Jack and you didn’t feel romantically towards each other, which is why you never wanted to leave Brad for him. You wanted to have these moments of passion with Brad, but they never came. Now here you were, standing face to face with the massive mistake you made.
“The girls, yeah?” he asked, venom seeping through his words.
“Yeah, I told you I was gonna be with them tonight,” you reminded him, still trying to play the lie.
“Y/N cut the bullshit, just tell me the fucking truth because I already know,” he snapped.
You stared at him silently, unable to defend yourself anymore. Your mind raced with possibilities of how he found out, of why you did this in the first place.
“I know you’re cheating on me, Y/N, so you can stop with the acting skills whenever you’re ready.”
You still stood frozen, his eyes still not meeting yours until finally, he looked at you.
“How long?” he whispered, his eyes glazed over.
“…a few months,” you choked out, your voice barely audible.
He let out a sigh, walking off to the kitchen. He put his glass down, leaning his hands on the counter as he took a deep breath, his eyes closed.
“How could you do this to me?” he asked, his voice cracking.
“You were never around,” you began. “I missed you and I felt like you didn’t care about me anymore. It wasn’t supposed to continue I just…it felt good to be wanted.”
“Oh so this is my fault?” he asked as he took a step forward, his voice raising slightly. “You knew what you were getting into when we got together, Y/N. You knew about touring, recording, interviews. Don’t even try to blame me for your stupid fucking decisions.”
“You didn’t even call!” you screamed. “I’d barely hear from you for weeks, how was I supposed to feel?”
“How were you supposed to feel?” he asked. “I think out of all the possibly answers, sleeping with some wanker wasn’t one of them!”
You felt the need to defend yourself, but there was no point. You knew you were in the wrong. You knew no matter what Brad did or made you feel, he didn’t deserve this.
“I can’t even look at you,” he seethed. “I loved you SO much, Y/N. I don’t even know who you are anymore.”
“I don’t either,” you admitted.
“You should go,” he said calmly. “Maybe you could stay with Jack from now on.”
Your body recoiled at the mention of Jack’s name. That meant Brad probably knew more details than you thought.
“Brad I-“ you started, but he didn’t let you finish.
“Honestly I don’t really care what you have to say. We were perfect together, and you chose to throw that away. I don’t know if you ever really loved me at all.”
“I still love you, Brad. I was insecure and missed you, I-“
“You don’t love me. How could you do this to someone you love?” he asked rhetorically. “You can go get your stuff, and go.”
You sighed in defeat, looking at your feet before making your way up the stairs to yours and Brads room. You packed just enough to get you through a few days, then you’d come back for the rest.
Your eyes lingered on the framed photo of the both of you from James’ wedding, your smiles so bright and pure. Your eyes stung with tears as you forced yourself to look away and go downstairs, and out the door.
Brad shut the door softly as you left, leaning against it and immediately bursting into tears. He sank to the floor, his sobs silent as he replayed what just happened. When Connor had told him about you and Jack, he didn’t want to believe it. Not her, she would never. Once he had proof, his heart immediately shattered. He tried to think of what he did wrong, how he could have stopped this. He was so angry and wanted to hate you, but the love he felt couldn’t disappear.
He wiped his tears and stood up, walking to his room in a silent house. He stared at the photo on his bedside table for a few moments before putting it face down.
What they had was magical, and she threw that all away. Brad’s tears continued to trickle down his face as he fell asleep, only dreaming of you and wishing he would wake up and it would all be a nightmare.
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writing-in-april · 3 years
April Fools
Spencer Reid x Female Reader
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Summary: Spencer needs to one up Reader just as he’s about to loose a prank war
A/N: I’m kicking things off for my 30 fics in 30 days for April with this fic inspired by April Fools day- lol this is a much better version compared to what I have experienced in the past with this holiday 😂 @90spumkin there’s a few specific lines in here that are totally inspired by your cowboy Spencer fic lol 😂 I’d like to hear all y’all’s thoughts so far or just drop me any type of anon here- ask me anything -my requests are also open!! Hope y’all enjoy reading ☺️
Warnings: 18+, Dom Spencer (not as harsh as in other fics of mine), Fingering, Edging, Public Sex, Sex with a hidden motive (there are some real feelings there 😉 plus reader acknowledges and knows the hidden motives)
Main Masterlist Word count: 2.4K
When you walked into the bullpen it was dead silent. If you dropped a pin you’d be able to hear it, even with the carpeted floors. You crept as quietly as you could, afraid that someone might jump out to scare you. It was not as if you had gotten in late today, you were actually cutting it rather close this morning.
Your fear of being submitted to a jump scare so early in the morning wasn’t as irrational. Today was the day that everything was going to come to an either a glorious defeat or a momentous victory. A two week long bet was tipping heavily in your favor at the final hours, you had to be careful to not let your hold over Spencer weaken in these last moments.
Today was April 1st- a day like any other to most people, but not to you and not to Spencer. It had all started when you both had begun trying to do little pranks on each other in the months leading up to the bet. If you asked anyone on the team they’d say it started when you replaced his normal standard deck of playing cards with a new set that had awkward pictures of Spencer you had accumulated over the years taped on them to represent each of the numbers and faces. Your personal favorite was the photos you had chosen for the Queens- one of Spencer looking rather regal, eyes cast downwards and with his hands crossed and a big lip pout while sitting at his desk obviously disproving of whatever Derek had said (who was also in the picture)
The team would’ve definitely said it had started there, but that was the first one that they had seen. The first one had actually been when Spencer had switched around the contacts in your phone while you weren’t looking while you had been hanging out with him. To be fair it had been in retaliation to you playfully teasing him about being a technophobe, all’s fair in love and war you had to admit.
And, whether you admitted to him or not, you did love him. This little bet that you set a few weeks ago had only strengthened your feelings. It involved setting a prank for each other, alternating every other day for two weeks until April Fools day, then the team would judge and figure out who one. You can definitely thank Morgan for that brilliant idea as he had spontaneously suggested it after your card prank on Spencer, though you bet he had been thinking about it for a while. Over the course of two weeks you had to delve into the mind of Spencer, really getting to know what would get under his skin, what would be the perfect prank for him.
“I hope you know what you got yourself into Spencer.” He had smirked back at me when you said that right after confirming your bet. You had delved into researching stuff, trying to figure out pranks that would be more personalized to Spencer rather than the ones everyone would see passed around. Eventually you landed on an idea for your last prank that was simple, yet the perfect way to get under Spencer’s skin. It was so easy you kicked yourself a little for not figuring it out before.
Apparently replacing the sugar Spencer specifically brought in for himself with salt was a step too far according to him. The glare that he had fixed on you after he had spit out his coffee onto his cardigan made you shiver, you knew you were going to be in for something big today.
Plus today was the aforementioned holiday that inspired the bet in the first place, you kind of wished you had gotten the chance to have the last laugh. You were still crossing your fingers and toes in hopes that it wouldn’t compare to your coffee prank.
Your eyes locked on the lone figure standing in the maze of desks, Spencer. It felt as if you were both ready at high noon for a duel to see who drew their gun fastest. Though, comparatively there was a distinct lack of cowboy hats and the sun was down to low for a proper duel. That didn’t stop your mind from wandering to thinking about him in a cowboy hat, he’d definitely look good. you’d have to get him one some day or maybe put a snake in a cowboy boot if another prank war was to ever crop up.
“Where is everybody?” You asked, though you knew that Spencer had probably sent them off elsewhere, you had done the same thing earlier when you needed to convince him that he had come in on his day off.
“I may have bribed them a bit to be elsewhere right now.” He spoke with a smirk that would have seemed foreign to you until you guys had started this. Now it was a staple for him whenever you saw him, going right along with his cardigan and tie to complete his look. There was no complaint from you, Spencer acting slightly cocky just before you were about to get pranked on oddly made you get hot and bothered easier than you’d like to admit.
Pushing those thoughts aside, you crossed your arms in front of you, probably a vain attempt to protect yourself from whatever was coming. Your voice came out a little shaky, “What for?”
“Just wanted to talk to you- privately…” He skated around your question, not really giving you any definitive answer. Though, you hadn’t really expected him to lay out his whole plan, that would just be counterproductive. There was a slight pause in conversation, you were about to break it with your own response when he added,“You know I’ve always found you desirable, Y/N…”
The simple teasing conversation that you had been having with him suddenly pivoted. The air in the room felt like it had been sucked out, leaving you gasping. Even if some part of this led to a prank, you knew Spencer wouldn’t play with your feelings like that. What was most likely happening is that he was using this confession to also pull a fast one on you. His deep brown eyes piercing into your own told you that he was telling the truth in that regard, plus if earlier in the bet was any indication, he wasn’t that good of a liar.
“This wasn’t what I thought you’d be talking to me in private about but- I’ve always found you desirable too...” You admitted with a gulp, pressing your weight into the edge of your desk almost sitting on it.
Your full weight pushed to sit fully on top of your desk, undoubtedly crinkling some important papers underneath when he stepped forward to close the large gap between the two of you. The tension was thick around you now with only two sentences spoken, both full of truth.
“Do you want me as much as I want you?” His lips were now so close to yours his breath was projected onto your lips.
“Yes.” You confirmed, with no hesitation. Honestly, you wouldn’t care if there was some sort of prank he was going to play on you soon, you knew that what he had said didn’t just apply to now. That was the part that mattered to you.
His lips surged forward to meet yours, letting all the tension that had been rising boil over. It was everything you had imagined and more, his lips just as soft and pillowy as they had been in your dreams.
When he pulled your skirt up roughly to expose your bottom half to him you came up off of the edge of the desk slightly, then being pushed back down once you were partially exposed before him. You squeaked into his mouth in shock of how fast this was escalating, but didn’t protest any further, wanting to see where he was going with this. You were so glad that he had gotten the team to leave the bullpen for a while, this would be a hard situation to explain. Being out in the open didn’t make you more nervous though, it excited you to know that someone could be around the corner with only the desk dividers hiding your exposed bottom half.
He didn’t even bother to push your panties down to your knees or ankles. He just pulled them aside to gain access to your now positively dripping hole. You hadn’t even thought to question how this tied into his prank, like it inevitably did, yet. You just wanted more of him, in any way you could get him.
His eyes were fixated on your dripping entrance, seemingly mesmerized by finally being able to see it. The awe in his eyes certainly did make you feel adored by him, but your desire made you feel impatient, “Spencer, do something or I’ll take care of it myself.”
A growl was all you were going to get in response to your desperate snarky comment. He then brought his hand up to suck on two of his fingers, his pointer and his middle. But, instead of then putting them to good use to help you reach a peak he stalled some more by bringing them up to your own mouth.
“I want you to suck too.” A little whine was all you could give in response before letting his fingers inside your mouth. You sucked diligently, making sure to get them wet enough for you.
Once he was finally satisfied with your efforts he removed them, a slight popping noise escaping. Bringing his hand down slowly was just another attempt to tease some more, but you knew that he’d reach there eventually. No matter how hard it was to be patient, you did so, though with a bit of squirming.
Your hips bucked up immediately in response to his fingers coming into content with your clit, Spencer’s other hand came down to press your hips back down again. He spent his sweet time playing with patterns, circling your clit a few times slowly before switching to a faster figure 8 pattern, seemingly just to get you more desperate.
“Spencer- again if you don’t do more I’ll take care of it myself!” You snapped harder with more venom this time, patience wearing dangerously thin. You thought you heard a small whisper of the word brat underneath his breath, but you decided to table it when he finally did oblige you.
You had to bite down on your lip hard when he stopped circling your entrance to plunge two of his fingers inside of you. The pressure on your lip was most certainly almost enough to break the skin while he began thrusting his fingers inside you in a steady rhythm, crooking them perfectly to make you see stars. You had to bite your lip so hard to combat the raging moans that wanted to escape from you due to the pressure he was putting on your gspot.
He brought his thumb up to circle your clit again once he saw that you were getting close, helping push you closer towards the edge. Your lungs were heaving in gasping breaths mixed with desperate moans as he continued to add stimulation to your most sensitive spots, hitting them perfectly with each crook of his fingers and circling of your clit.
Just as your orgasm was about to wash over you, all of his movements stopped abruptly. The euphoric stimulation you had been feeling was ripped away from you, his thumb on your clit halted, the curling of his fingers ceased, and his mouth that had been pressing kisses and hidden hickies to my collarbone had concluded its actions.
“April fools.” He then removed his fingers from me and promptly sauntered off to his own desk with no other words for you. Your legs were still shaking, more now from being edged to the point that you fully had to sit down onto your desk to try and regain your composure. Your jaw also was hanging slack in shock in contrast to how hard you had been biting your lips earlier while his fingers had been inside you.
A little glance from Spencer was thrown your way that was probably to gage your reaction,
you spotted even in your disheveled and distraught state. You had to admit, it was not what you were expecting and he had got you good. Your plan paled in comparison by far considering you were just going to have the entire office call him Stanley all day- and of course steal the coffee grounds to see if you could provoke an even bigger reaction out of him.
A deep sigh came from you, an non verbal admission of your glorious defeat. He had well and truly got you, it wasn’t as if you could exactly defend yourself and your pranks to the team during judging. Not that you really wanted to defend them, there was no reason to, he had well and truly beaten you. You could accept when you had been beaten, you’d accept defeat with grace. Though you definitely still feared the idea Spencer would come up with as a consolation prize for his win.
Reaching down with your hands to a stack of files on your desk you absentmindedly straightened them, then sitting down in your desk chair. You wriggled around a bit, feeling the dampness in your parties, already regretting sitting down. With another sigh you nodded towards Spencer, an acknowledgement of his momentous victory before getting up again to go clean yourself up in the bathroom to clean up- and maybe splash some cold water on your face. Though by the smirk on his face, there was no way this wasn’t going to happen again. And, maybe with him actually letting you finish or not, the thrill was sometimes in the chase of one. You’d also have to think of your own way of retaliation in the future of course, just because you accepted defeat just now doesn’t mean there wasn't a longer war to be won. Plus perhaps you will admit your deeper feelings for him that you could now see lying beneath his eyes as well, feelings much deeper than desire.
Safe to say you just told the team that you lost fair and square, not divulging why no matter how much Penelope pried. It was without a doubt, a glorious defeat.
Tag list (message me if you want to be added):
All works: @shotarosleftpinky @90spumkin @kyra-morningstar @s1utformgg @takeyourleap-of-faith
All MGG characters: @muffin-cup @willowrose99
Spencer Reid/CM: @calm-and-doctor @destiny-tsukino @safertokiss @slutforthegubes @onlyhereforthefanfics
Dom Spencer: @rainsong01 @evlfknb
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skelswritingcorner · 3 years
Savanaclaw + Autistic!MC
The actual content of this is directly copied and pasted from the Wattpad post; the author’s note and content warnings are paraphrased but still keep the general message.
A/N: This involves some stuff like having an autistic sibling, and some other things that weren’t mentioned in the first part.
Content Warnings: Menstruation, injury that happens in the canonical story.
Leona Kingscholar (this dude’s so hard to write ;-;)
The first time he met her was when she stepped on his tail. He was surprised at how much she apologised and insisting on checking his tail for any bruises or broken bones. Who does this herbivore think she is? He often thinks to himself, denying his appreciation of her concern because of his pride.
Unlike the women of the Afterglow Savanna, Leona noticed that MC was rather timid in comparison. Is this normal for herbivores? He felt like something was wrong, but it was simply an afterthought that nagged at him sometimes at night.
Sometimes, after taking a nap, he occasionally sees her nearby minding her own business. When asked, she replied that she found his silence calming. He found this strange but okay. Eventually, sometimes he’d notice a strange change in scent on her end but was too prideful to bring it up.
Before the Magift tournament, he noticed how she was somewhat irritated in general. When he asked her about it, she told him about her brother who often wouldn’t shut up about sports if given the chance. “I’m not even a sporty person,” she grumbled, “please don’t take it personally. I just can’t stand my brother since he’s super loud and an ass.” Well, Leona can’t relate to her struggle exactly but they both mutually hate their older brothers, that’s adequate enough for him.
During his overblot, MC again shows no fear (y’all sense the pattern here). This time it’s his tail and ears that she wants to pet. Ruggie and Jack panic, but it’s simply deja vu for Heartslabyul.
After getting knocked out by Grim during the exhibition match, Jack noticed the changed smell, but accompanied by the smell of blood and told the nurses along with Leona and Ruggie. After being brought to the infirmary, the nurses deduced that she started her period. He grumbled that she should’ve told them and proceeded to prepare for the official game to begin.
When Cheka came to visit them, his loudness scared MC half to death so Leona had to tell Cheka to stop shouting. Did Leona ever find out MC’s autistic? He found out through Ace. Did he change much, if at all? Definitely not, why does that matter anyways to him?
Ruggie Bucchi (also hard to write as well) He paid for his mischief and tomfoolery with an irritated lassie (this is the most powerful sentence I’ve ever written tbh). He stole Riddle and Cater’s magic pens and proceeded to be chased first by an enraged girl acting on sheer impulse and revenge followed by two other first years and a demon cat.
Okay, now this dude’s pretty laid back so he’s going to be tolerant, but after she chases him to an inch of his life he’s going to be terrified. He’s going to be confused when MC doesn’t get his jokes or her fury at the pranks he pulls at first, but when explained by Deuce that she usually doesn’t understand jokes (he gon get smacked) unless she herself makes them and tells him don’t pull these pranks again (everyone’s traumatized, -1000/10 won’t want to experience again). When Ruggie told her that she’s terrifying, she simply replied with, “You say that but my mom’s scarier.”
Poor dude’s gonna think her mom’s this super tall buff woman that can knock someone out with little to no effort but he’s thinking completely wrong. When he asks her how she is terrifying she replies with, “Well...mom fought the school board where I’m from because my brother was bullied heavily in middle school. He’s so traumatized that he won’t go near the campus. I hated that school anyways, too loud for my liking.”
He likely doesn’t realise the hormonal changes until Leona mentions it. “I thought she was quite docile,” he says, “maybe she’s just having an off day.” Ruggie usually doesn’t take anything seriously, but this was getting into weird territory and can’t take it lightly.
When Leona overblotted, Ruggie and Jack were terrified at the fact that she seemingly didn’t register that, y’know, this is a dangerous situation and you really shouldn’t be petting his ears. “She did something similar when Riddle overblotted,” Deuce tells them, “it’s just deja vu for us.” And then she kicked him in the balls and scurried off...nobody expected that.
After the fight, Ruggie and Jack noticed that she was slightly fatigued (they didn’t smell the blood yet). When Crowley told her to sit on the sidelines she just shrugged, telling him that she’s been getting some cramps anyways and is likely in no shape to play anyways.
Grim chucks disc at MC, Jack notices the smell of blood, brings her to infirmary and finds out she started her period right after the overblot fight, yadda yadda (it’s 5 AM and I only got three hours of sleep please bear with me).
Eventually, he finds out after asking Deuce that she’s autistic. Nothing really changes, he just makes sure to watch his mouth and try not to pull pranks on her (he’s permanently traumatized y’all).
Jack Howl (he’s a very good boy...a tsundere one but still) He first met MC when she and the Heartslabyul boys (excluding Trey because…y’know) were scoping out who was most likely to be the next victim of the strange injuries. She insisted on doing it herself (bad idea when your period starts soon and there’s a bunch of humanoid students who can smell the pheromones).
She ended up getting hit on by some of the upperclassmen, she didn’t say she was uncomfortable due to self advocacy issues. Luckily Jack is a very good boy with a sense of justice so he drove them off and made sure she was okay.
After thanking him and explaining what was happening, he told MC that he didn’t need any protection. He muttered that he likely wouldn’t be targeted under his breath under the assumption it was too quiet for her to hear. He was oh so wrong.
She asked if she heard him correctly, that he would likely not be targeted. He realised at this point that he shouldn’t have underestimated her. He gave in and whispered into her ear that he had an idea of who was behind it, but couldn’t tell her yet. He wasn’t expecting to get ear scritches and a reminder to be safe just in case. Did he like it? He didn’t like to admit it, but he did. Did he expect it? Definitely not.
When he turned into his beast form before Leona overblotted, he didn’t realise that MC’s pupils widened. She wanted to pet him and squish his toe beans, okay? He was too angry at Leona to notice though.
When Leona did overblot, he panicked when she casually approached him and started petting his ears. He was trying his best not to lunge forward to grab her and take her somewhere far away, but she kicked Leona in the groin before scurrying off far enough to not be attacked. After the fight, he noticed that she smelled like she was bleeding but didn’t bring it up.
Skipping to the exhibition match after Grim knocked her unconscious with the disc, Jack rushed to her side to check for any injuries. Luckily she didn’t get too severe of brain damage, but the smell of blood and pheromones was overly strong, especially near her pelvis. He told this to the nurses before they brought her to the infirmary, and also told this to Leona and Ruggie.
After being told by Ace and Deuce that MC’s autistic, he’s gonna try his best to research it (dude’s intelligent, I admire that). He’s also going to research menstruation so he’ll be better prepared the next time it happens.
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givemethatgold · 3 years
Fix’er Upper - Part Twelve
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Pairing: Frankie Morales x F!Reader Warnings: Mentions of sex, swearing, mentions of drug use, fluff, smidge of angst? Length: 1.7k Notes: Managed to whip up this bad boy during a quiet moment today and should probably make y’all wait for it but I don’t really do posting schedules (as you’ve noticed) so enjoy. Not beta’d, not proof read, I’ll die on this messy hill.
Series Masterlist
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Surprisingly, life didn't change too much after that night. Frankie continued to run his acreage and oversee the making of this year's cider. With some encouragement and support from you, he was starting to expand the business and already had a few pubs in the closest city clamouring to have his product on tap.
Meanwhile, the improvements on the house were nearing an end, for the indoors list anyways. The first thing Frankie had helped you do was to install your new soaker tub, immediately followed by christening it by making soft, slow love to you inside of it.
There hadn't even been any water, your impatience to be close to each other wouldn't allow for that. You had just stripped out of your coveralls, convenient work-wear for people who fucked like rabbits you had to admit, and sat in his lap with your arms and legs wrapped around him. His hands guiding your hips in a slow rocking motion, breathing each other's air as your open mouths hovered in a not-quite kiss, only breaking eye contact when you threw your head back as you came.
Autumn passed quickly and Winter had gripped Vermont, cloaking the countryside in a heavy blanket of white. Christmas was a cozy affair, you and Frankie had been asked to join Jacquie and Mark in their family's merriment. It had stirred something inside of you, watching a functional family laugh, sing, argue, eat, and love with such abandon. 
It was everything you'd dreamt, initially, for your future with Brad. Now? Now you were starting to picture that future with Frankie's face as the patriarch, you just haven't built up the nerve to broach the subject yet. 
You'd started working at the bakery, enjoying the early mornings surrounded by rising dough and sculling back coffees with the adorable older ladies who ran the place. You'd also begun doing the books for Morales Acres and Catfish Brewery. Frankie was a veritable genius but he claimed he had no patience for keeping receipts and tracking numbers.
You had a sneaking suspicion he was playing dumb in an effort to give you more time together but you really didn't mind. Your break-of-dawn mornings at the bakery had you tired, but after a full day of renovating or bookkeeping, you were downright exhausted and ready for bed by eight pm. This, mixed with Frankie monitoring the brewing, bottling, and distribution of his cider and networking at bars and pubs throughout the state meant the two of you rarely saw each other.
All of your hard work in your own house had made you a popular friend to call when someone needed decorating advice, or a helping hand once they realized they couldn't tile their kitchen backsplash solo. You never charged for your time, although payment had initially been offered until work had got around that you preferred a good meal and conversation over money. I mean, sure, you could use the cash but it just didn't seem right. And you loved helping people and making deeper connections with the town you now truly felt you belonged in.
Tuesday evenings had become an unofficial date night for the two of you. The bakery was closed on Wednesdays and bar owners tended to be less interested in business halfway through the week, something to do with the rush of the previous weekend having worn off and the worry of setting up for another one starting to grow.
This meant you could stay up late, enjoy a proper homemade dinner, maybe even watch a movie or share a bottle of wine while soaking in your big ass tub. It usually ended as a sleepover, your house being the preferred location; Frankie's loft was perfectly fine but it did lack a certain homey appeal.
This pattern, this life, that you'd created for yourself was making you happier than you'd ever been in your entire life. You weren't one hundred percent content, not yet anyway, but the path to getting there was on a direct trajectory. You still wanted to finish your college degree, maybe switch it over to horticulture. Building a greenhouse and selling flowers was still a pipe dream but something your heart truly longed for, something that Frankie was constantly encouraging you to do.
"Look, hun," he had called out to you a few weeks ago while supposedly researching the new line of bottles. "There's an auction next county over and they have all this confiscated stuff from a grow op that got busted!"
"What?" You'd made a face and laughed at the absurdity of it all. "What on earth would you use from a pot farm?"
He just gave you a salacious wink as an answer.
Frankie had been open about his past drug abuse and while some recovering addicts may want all mention of it banned from a conversation, Frankie found levity in treating the topic like any other person would.
It had taken you a couple of hours to realize why he'd brought up the auction. It had hit you with a jolt, knowing that he’d remembered your rambling from on top of the Ferris wheel. You didn't realize he'd been listening when you'd told him about your idea of taking over the flower stand at the market once the current couple retired.
Your heart had swelled and there was a concerted effort to prevent the sudden onset of tears from running down your face. God, you loved this man, maybe one of these days you should tell him...
This particular routine was working well for the two of you. It gave each of you your own space to relax, destress, enjoy the shitty tv shows you were too embarrassed to watch in front of another living person. It also forced the two of you to take your relationship slowly, communication being a constant learning curve. You were both really good and telling each other when you needed time alone, when you were feeling stressed or sad. You each had learned the tells for when the other was angry or just hungry, if it was hormones or if there was something that was actually pissing you off.
The thing you each seemed to struggle with was expressing the softer side of the relationship. Neither of you appeared to have the Words of Affirmation love language skill, yet you both craved to hear it. You showed how much you cared for Frankie with your acts of service; helping him with the boring side of the business, baking, deep cleaning the loft, even scrubbing out the massive fermenter in the Catfish Cider warehouse.
Frankie, on the other hand, showed his love through physical touch. At first, you had assumed it was a staking-his-claim kind of thing but then you noticed how he'd do it all the time. A hand on your lower back while walking, caressing your hand with his thumb when driving in the truck, carding his fingers through your hair while you watched tv.
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This week's date night found you at his place, relaxing in the loft after a busy workday. You were making dinner while he 'helped' by sneaking bites of the prepped ingredients, arm slung around you with a hand in your back pocket.
"What're you looking for?" He asked, taking advantage of your distracted searching through his cupboards to sneak a few more pinches of grated cheese.
"A can opener!" You replied, exasperation raising your voice an octave. "I could have sworn I saw a white one around here somewhere..."
“No, pretty sure that one's yours. I don't think I have one?"
"Frankie," you deadpanned "how did you survive as a bachelor without canned food?"
"I ate a lot of take-out?" He looked indignant at your laughter, "Yeah, yeah, laugh it up. Can you stop judging me long enough to eat some burritos?"
Smoothing his playful scowl with a kiss, you sat down at the counter and enjoyed your first meal together of the week.
An idea was formulating in the back of your mind, though, and you barely tasted anything. As the evening progressed, the idea grew and you were liking it more and more. The final straw was you not having a toothbrush in his bathroom anymore, having forgotten that it had fallen off the counter and into the trashcan the last time you'd spent the night.
Using his, with a strange mixture of distaste and nonchalance, before making your way over to the bed, you began to plan how the conversation could go:
Hey Frankie, so you know how I have a big house all to myself? Yeah... And it had everything we need in it? Yeah... And there's more than enough room for two adults to store all of their things? Yeah... And I wouldn't have to use your toothbrush ever again? Yea- wait what? I think you should move in with me.
It wasn't very romantic but it was the most likely, considering your dynamic. Just as you were crawling into bed and snuggling under the arm he'd raised to allow you to get closer, his cell phone rang.
"Hello? - This is he. - Yeah, biological. - Oh god, when?"
The immediate change in his tone from questioning to horrified caught your attention, sitting up to face him you grabbed his free hand, silently letting him know you were there for support.
His eyes were out of focus and a panicked expression was slowly morphing his face as the conversation went on, but he gave your hand a squeeze back in acknowledgement.
"Yes, in Vermont. Do you have my address? - Okay, good, good...okay - When? - I'll have something ready. Umm... does she... does she remember me? - Oh. Okay, thank you."
Slowly lowering the phone from his ear, Frankie sat staring into nothingness for what felt like hours. His side of the conversation and the way he was reacting had you rattled. You could guess as to what was happening but weren't sure if now was the right time to pry.
"Babe? Is, is everything okay?"
Gripping his hand tighter and rubbing his back you sat with him for a few more minutes before trying again. You didn’t want to push him but your heart was constricting in your chest from nervousness and concern for him.
"Can I get you anything? What do you need?"
His hand was now completely dead in yours; eventually, he turned his head towards you, eyes never fully focusing, and shook his head.
"I- she- fuck... I think you should go.”
Part Thirteen
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winterscaptain · 4 years
immovable object.
Aaron Hotchner x Fem!Reader a joyful future fic
a/n: happy birthday aaron hotchner!! here’s a little something i cooked up, just for y’all who wanted to see something from aaron’s point of view. i figured a birthday would be as good a time as any to share a little bit of aaron’s head, even if it’s not his (actual) age this year. as always, i love to hear what you think! takes place au!november 2018
words: 2.3k warnings: language, implication of sex, light drinking/alcohol use
summary: “the years between fifty and seventy are the hardest. you are always being asked to do things, and yet you are not decrepit enough to turn them down.” - t.s. elliot
masterlist | a joyful future masterlist | ajf faq | requests closed!
Aaron wasn’t sure where he’d be by fifty. He’d only had loose examples over the course of his life, as his father kicked it before he got to that point. But then again…
His father never appreciated what he had. Two sons, different to the point of extremity, a wife who loved him even through all his (many) shortcomings, and a big house in northern Virginia that he could afford with his very plush salary working on The Hill as a prosecutor. Nevertheless, he drank himself to death at forty-seven. 
Where am I at fifty? 
He looks down into his lap, finding Caroline tucked into the crook of his elbow with a hand in her mouth while they sit in his armchair. She’s teething now, but she isn’t half as unbearable about it as Isaac. 
Aaron scans the room, finding his son with Spencer and Hank at the formal dining room table. Spence has them both in his lap and reads aloud from whatever Russian novel he’s flying through. As Aaron listens closer, he realizes Spencer is translating as he goes, reading the book in English. 
Tolstoy should be fine for toddlers...right?
Another scan sends him to you, sitting on the floor with a bottle and a spit-up rag, Sophia snarfing down her afternoon snack like it’s her job. 
You find his eyes, double-taking a little. What?
Nothing. Aaron’s mouth presses into an amused little line. 
With a fond roll of your eyes, you turn back into the conversation with Sean and Derek. 
And that’s another thing. 
Aaron never expected to really have his brother in his life as an adult. To his surprise, it's a rather pleasant change of circumstance. Once he moved out of New York and back to Virginia, Sean really got his act together. The arrival of his second nephew didn’t hurt. At your behest, Aaron called him in Isaac’s first weeks, inviting him over to meet the new addition. He feels silly now, for starting a spat with you about it in the moment. It’s not easy, but it’s good. 
He’s the first one to admit that you did most of the heavy lifting, leveraging your similar age and propensity to draw flocks of the struggling and confused. 
Your Honor, I’d like to present Exhibit A in regard to struggling and confused - Aaron Benjamin Hotchner - before the court. 
He laughs down his nose at his own train of thought. Caroline fusses, but once she’s sitting up in his lap, one of his hands across the entirety of her chest and little belly, she’s happy. 
Will she continue to insist on seeing everything? Will she always be so quiet? 
There’s something about Caroline’s eyes, even as they continue to settle into their permanent color, that is inherently wise. He knows, logically, that Caroline and Sophia are near-identical, but neither of you have ever had any trouble telling them apart. 
If someone asked, he wouldn’t be able to articulate the differences. He just knows. 
Aaron almost startles when you appear at his side, Sophia freshly burped and smooshed against your shoulder. 
“You look pensive.” It’s a gentle accusation. 
Aaron snorts. “It’s my birthday. I’m allowed to be pensive.” He holds Caroline up for a minute and you accept the invitation, planting yourself in his lap. Sophia’s still in your arms, so it’s a bit crowded, but nevertheless, you swing your legs over the arm of the chair and melt against Aaron’s chest. 
The girls, of course, are delighted to see each other and make a happy, babbling pair sitting on your abdomen and thighs, watching all the action in the living room. 
Aaron presses a kiss to your head and just for another second wonders how he got so lucky. 
“Hey. Quit.”
He looks down, meeting your eyes. “What?”
You look at him, soft and affectionate. “You’ll never stop, will you?” 
“Probably not.” He adjusts again so he can cradle you in his arm while he keeps the girls stable with his free hand. “But that’s why I’ve got you.” 
“Unstoppable force meets immovable object?”
Aaron squints, making play at thinking. “Wasn’t that on our wedding announcements?” 
You huff a laugh and pat his chest twice. “Maybe it should have been.” 
Realistically, he knows he should be out socializing with everyone there to celebrate him and the fifty years he’s lived (only a couple of them in dog years), but he can’t bring himself to care. His cheek rests against your head, his fingers tracing patterns on your arm. Caroline has the other one of his hands, playing with his fingers (and putting those in her mouth, too) while Sophia sits back against him, threatening sleep. 
But really, nobody minds. They’re all having too much fun off the clock, with children of their own. Derek and Savannah lounge in the rec room, watching Tara, Sean, Will, Jack, and Henry play Mario Kart. Not far off is Kristy, wiping illicit frosting off her oldest son’s cheek before he rejoins the boys on the makeshift tournament arena. 
Matt, Dave, and Emily are gathered around the kitchen island, their wine glasses never far from their hands. JJ flits between the groups, her puttering instincts inescapable even outside of her domain. 
Luke and Penelope pretend they aren’t following each other from room to room, activity to activity. They are horrible actors, and Aaron wonders if the kid will ever pluck up the guts to do something about it. 
You didn’t. 
That doesn’t count. 
Yes, it does. 
JJ finally comes to rest beside Emily, propping herself up by her elbows as she sits backward on one of the barstools. “I’d never thought I’d see Hotch so happy.” 
Emily looks over her shoulder. What does she see?
She sees a man she’s known her entire career at the bureau, a man who hand-picked her to replace him when it was time for him to leave his post as unit chief, a man who lost almost everything and somehow found it again. 
She watches as Aaron says something to you, a wicked kind of humorous glint in his eye. She watches as you let out a loud laugh, accidentally startling your daughters in your lap. She watches as the girls process and pick up on their mother’s joy and start to shriek and clap. 
She watches Aaron live. 
“I dunno,” Emily says, finally. “I always thought those two might make it if they faced themselves.”
JJ humphs in the irony of it. “That’s a lot to ask.” 
“And yet -”
“- Somehow, they’ve managed.” JJ looks to her own family just in time to see Will taking advantage of the high ceiling, throwing Michael into the air and catching him. “It’s kind of funny, how things work out.” 
“I can’t believe he’s fifty.” Emily’s non-sequitur drops into JJ’s thoughts, which were rapidly devolving into the abstract. “It doesn’t seem right.” 
Dave taps Emily on the shoulder, reminding her he’s been there the whole time. “You’re in your late forties, I might remind you.” 
A kind of dissatisfied noise leaves her throat. “Thanks.” She turns, looking at him with a glare that could cut glass, but all in play. “Thanks for that.” 
“Just doing my civic duty.” 
Emily rolls her eyes and stands, wandering farther into the kitchen to pilfer a bag of animal crackers from the snack drawer. 
“Alright!” Penelope calls from the kitchen archway. “It’s time for cake!” 
That gets the attention of all the children in the vicinity who have experienced the unadulterated joy of Aunt Penelope’s buttercream frosting. 
Aaron tolerates the attention as you and the girls get shuffled (or in your case, shuffle yourself) off his lap. Emily takes Caroline while Savannah has Sophia. A quick glance finds Isaac on Dave's hip. With a little bit of a start, he realizes just how big his family is. They’re all here. 
For each other. 
For him. 
Soon enough, Penelope brings the cake - candles all lit (and no, there are not fifty of them - that was a hard no from the birthday boy) and places it in front of Aaron at the head of the dining room table. 
You kiss him on the cheek, distracting him while you put a ridiculous party hat on his head. You can almost feel his eye roll and you hear a few phone cameras click. Of course, shortly after, everyone starts singing at him - horrifically out of pace and key, but it’s perfect. 
He’s confronted with the back of a few more phones as parents and friends snap pictures out of habit. He reaches out to snag you around the waist and you end up half-sitting on the arm of his chair. 
You loop your arms around his neck, leaning into his side. “Make a wish.”
After one slow blink and a deep breath, he blows out the candles to whoops and hollers and baby shrieks. 
Your eyes snap up out of instinct, finding Isaac covering his ears and looking more and more alarmed by the minute. You toss another kiss onto Aaron’s forehead and quickly take Isaac from Dave, traveling down the hall with practiced haste. 
If he’s honest, Aaron forgot. He should have grabbed Isaac’s headphones from your office, but he didn’t. He should have warned his son about the loud noises and all the people before they overwhelmed him, but he didn’t. He should have remembered that his son needed more thought and attention than the others, but he didn’t. 
He hides his self-directed frustration well, but it doesn’t take long for him to make a quick and subtle escape. He knows the girls are just fine. Emily has Caro well in-hand and Savannah is always looking for an excuse to practice with the girls. She’s due in February, looking radiant and lovely. 
In a near-whisper, he calls for you and Isaac as he tracks down the hall on light feet. He hears you murmur, then Isaac’s voice: “Here, Dad,” guides him into your office, where you’re stationed on the floor under your desk. 
Isaac’s playing with the soft carpet chosen especially for him, his little fingers getting lost in the plush fabric. Aaron kneels down and rests his forearms on the ground, searching for Isaac’s eyes. 
“Hey, little man.” 
He hums. 
That’s a good thing. 
Aaron puts his hand on the carpet, about three inches away from Isaac’s. He can see it, but it’s not touching him, communicating his presence without sensation. 
You meet Aaron’s eyes over Isaac’s head. Not your fault. 
He shoots you a withering look. 
I’m serious, Aaron. You raise your eyebrows and shake your head. Not your fault. We’re okay. Your eyes flicker to Isaac before returning to Aaron. He’s okay. 
Aaron watches as you arc your body around him, getting close but not too close, running your fingers through the carpet on either side of him. Aaron wiggles his own fingers, sinking deeper into the blue shag. To his surprise, it calms him a little. 
Little Man might be onto something here. 
Eventually, Isaac leans back into you, and you slowly bring your hands to his hair, massaging his scalp with the tips of your fingers. You look at Aaron and nod once. 
He takes his cue. As always, he’s in awe of your command over Isaac’s needs. With a breath, and very quietly, he asks. “Are you feeling better, little man?”
His eyes still on the carpet, he nods. “Just loud.” 
“Yeah. It was pretty loud.” He looks up to the bookshelf, spotting his headphones on their charger. “Do you want to go back to the living room, maybe with your ears on? Or do you want to stay in here?”
The boy stills, thinking. In the two years he’s known his son, the turning of gears in Isaac’s little head enamors and amazes him. He can almost see their spokes behind his eyes. After a minute or so - 
“Living room, but only for a little while.” 
You kiss him lightly on the top of his head, where the band of the headphones rests. “Do you want your ears?”
He nods and Aaron rises, bringing the headphones back down. Isaac puts them on and wiggles a little where he sits. Aaron likes to imagine it’s his way of settling back into his body. 
Much to the surprise of everyone present, Isaac reaches out to Aaron. With soft eyes, he takes his son in his arms, letting him wrap like a koala around his neck and chest. 
The three of you return, finding everyone still milling about, eating cake, and sharing space together. Jack, catching sight of you, jogs over. “Is Isaac okay?”
You nod, brushing the hair off Jack’s forehead. “Yeah, bud. It just got a little overwhelming for a minute.”
It’s been eleven years of you and Jack, but it never gets old for Aaron. The way you are with each other - somehow balancing a parent-child relationship with a steadfast best-friendship - constantly surprises and warms him. 
Jack nods, circling around so he can get into Isaac’s eye line. He waves a little, and Isaac waves back, lifting his hand briefly from Aaron’s collar. Jack offers a fist, and Isaac reaches out to tap it with three of his fingers. 
Aaron closes his eyes, taking it in. 
“So,” you say, tucking into bed beside him. “Fifty.” 
“So,” He doesn’t pull his eyes from his book. “Thirty-six.” He throws you a side-eye, immediately noticing the playful glint in your eye. “Don’t start.” 
You raise your eyebrows, the picture of innocence. “Start what? I’m just appreciating my loving and handsome and thoughtful and distinguished husband on his birthday.” You scoot and shift, straddling him. “Are you gonna let me?”
That gets his attention. Keeping his eyes on you, he markes his place and sets the book on his bedside table. “I might.” 
You lean down, pressing your lips to his, speaking quietly against his mouth, like a secret. “Happy Birthday, my love.” 
If anyone asked, Aaron loved his present. 
tagging: @arganfics @quillvine @stxrryspencer @agenthotchner @wandaswitxh @hurricanejjareau @ughitsbaby @rousethemouse @criminalsmarts @shrimpyblog @genevievedarcygranger @ssaic-jareau @good-heavens-chris-evans @angelsbabey @writefasttalkevenfaster @venusbarnes @hotchsflower @ogmilkis @marvels-agents100 @hotchslatte @risenfox @mrs-dr-reid @captain-christopher-pike @dwellingsofrosie @pan-pride-12 @sunshine-em @jdougl-love @sageellsworth05 @dreila03 @forgottenword @aaronhotchnerr @ssa-morgan @buckybau @tegggeeee @abschaffer2 @ssacandice-ray @ellyhotchner @lotties-journey-abroad @mrs-joel-pimentel-23-25 @laneygthememequeen @violentvulgarvolatile @mooneylupinblack @ssareidbby @violet-amxthyst @zizzlekwum @lcvischmitt @qvid-pro-qvo @mandylove1000 @simsiddy @jeor @synonymforlame @roses-and-grasses @bwbatta @capricorngf @missdowntonabbey @averyhotchner @cevanswhre @joanofarkansass @infinity1321 @popped-weasels @evee87 @nuvoleincielo @spencerelds @ssahotchnerr @this-broken-band-girl @winqhster @reidtomestyles @hotch-meeeeeuppppp @the-falling-in-the-danger @nattylite49 @crazyshannonigans @softbibxtch @iconicc @mangoberry43 @andreasworlsboring101
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omniswords · 4 years
Chronicles of a Parisian Dumbass 15
new year, new chapter c: it's been a while since i've worked on Chronicles—December Mood dips are Not Delicious, plus i started streaming regularly, which has been fun! ((i’m omnistruck on Twitch if you want to check it out 🥰) but rest assured i intend to see it through to the end. i hope you've been well <3 take care, and enjoy!
From: itsdjbubbles
My dude, if your stage presence is anything like this flyer, y’all are absolutely gonna kill it at La Tortue.
Well. Luka doesn’t know about that.
It’s not like Kitty Section is totally obscure. They’ve had a stage in Paris’s annual pop-up music festival or more than one occasion. And sometimes Juleka’s tagged along to street corners with him so they could duet in hopes of more than just pocket change. And, of course, there was that whole music contest with Bob Ross and XY, but that had only ended in fiasco: their music was stolen, Rose’s vocals ripped right off the track. Luka argued up and down over the phone until he was red in the face, nearly biked down to the studio and let them have it, but he could hardly prove it. And he cared too much about it jeopardizing Juleka’s happiness to follow through.
Total corporate bullshit. He didn’t know how Jagged Stone did it. When he said so at dinner the night he gave up, his Ma only tousled his hair and said, “You’re my boy, aren’t you?”
Sometimes he thinks that’s the strongest, bravest, he’s ever been. That all his audacity peaked years ago, and he’s only gotten worse since then.
Bubbles isn’t corporate bullshit. Luka feels like he’d be able to figure out something like that from conversation alone. But their talks have been friendly—and more than that, supportive. He’s even shown a few messages to the band, just to check that he wasn’t losing his mind. And he saw how their faces softened in approval, or lit up with excitement. Even Juleka’s.
Besides, Bubbles makes music. And when he samples something, he actually credits it. He knows how to play the game. And it feels like they’re on the same side of the board.
Bubbles has that stage presence; the fact that he only needs that one shadowy picture on his profile is more than enough of an indicator. And Bubbles has a reputation that precedes him. So even if they’re on the same side of the board, it feels like Bubbles is always just a couple of steps ahead.
At least his bandmates are on the same side, and at the same step. All it took was a casual mention, during a late-night band practice, of “the bakery he keeps getting their snacks from” being all in on getting them even more exposure. They didn’t exactly do a good job of hiding their excitement, but he wouldn’t have wanted them to, anyway. Even Juleka, after practice ended, had to admit, “You did good.” And then, with perhaps a bit more snark, “Maybe she’s the one trying to impress you. “
“Stop,” Luka said with a roll of his eyes, but he couldn’t help thinking about it once the partition between their beds was up. There was no way Marinette Dupain-Cheng was trying to impress him.
…Was there?
By now, nearly a day later, Luka’s still asking himself that. Still hemming and hawing like they have more than just two weeks to get their act together. Pacing below deck with his phone in his hand, thinking about pear tarts and pretty faces instead of going to see them in person, and staring at Marinette’s phone numbers until he thinks he’s accidentally memorized both of them.
He doesn’t recognize the pattern or the area code of one of them, so he can only assume that it's an American number. But he still hasn’t mucked up the courage to text or even save the French one in his phone. Why does he need to be scared in the first place? It’s a phone number, and this is strictly business, and everything between them has been strictly business.
Well. Nearly everything. Nearly strictly.
He thinks.
Okay. Okay. All he has to do is say… what? Hi? Who just starts texting someone for the first time with “Hi?” But he can’t go writing a whole essay either, even though at least now he has the power to edit his words instead of just saying them and hoping for the best.
This is harder than it needs to be. And yeah, maybe he’s just making it harder than it needs to be, but it’s not like his brain and the shake in his hands are giving him much of a choice in the matter.
Luka switches back over to his message thread with Bubbles and shoots off a quick reply—flatterer—because maybe answering something easy will make the hard stuff more tolerable. He finds himself looking toward his guitar as though it might lend him strength… well, what the hell. It couldn’t hurt. He plays a doodle or two, idle notes, and catches himself before his fingers can drift toward the beginning of the ocean-blue song. At this point, it’s neither perfect nor good, and he can’t tell if it’s personal dissatisfaction or the numbers that the latest draft has been doing online.
Both. It’s probably both.
Messaging Marinette ends up being just as hard after his attempts at centering as it was before—because as it turns out, the whole music-giving-him-unbridled-confidence thing really only works while he’s playing it. So now he’s left still staring at the blank NEW MESSAGE screen, the cursor blinking almost tauntingly at him because of course it is. Because somehow, he can write a note telling a girl her eyes are pretty and survive long enough to see her smile about it, but he can’t send that same girl a text. It’s not like he can even see her reaction this time, anyway; that just gives him even more of an advantage.
Okay. Okay. He can actually do this. Maybe. He thinks—no, no, he has to.
With a deep breath that he holds longer than he releases, Luka opens a new message.
To: Marinette hey. it’s luka.
And like an idiot, he hits SEND before he’s even put the rest of his message together. So now he has to make a mad dash to come up with something so he doesn’t seem like a total creep for messaging her out of the blue.
For fuck’s sake. This is exactly why he writes his messages in the notes first.
To: Marinette sorry, hit send before i could finish. anyway, just wanted to tell you the band is cool with the postcard idea. i can pay you next time i come to the bakery, if that’s cool.
To: Marinette anyway, it’s really cool of you to offer your help like this. sorry if i didn’t say so yesterday, it’s kind of been... a wild time.
Luka locks his phone before he can agonize too much over what he’s sent, stuffs it away and starts pacing again. It’s not a frantic, shaky thing; no, he’s learned to keep the shakes on the inside until no one’s around to see them. He jumps when his back pocket vibrates, and he nearly drops his phone trying to fish it out. It’s only Bubbles, and he can’t tell whether he’s relieved or disappointed until his phone buzzes again. Twice. And this time, it actually is from Marinette.
From: itsdjbubbles Sorry, I was getting some stuff ready for my next project. Listen, I’m just saying. Don’t sell yourself short as this stuff. Paris is gonna hear you up there, and it’s gonna lose its collective fucking mind.
From: Marinette hi luka ☺️ no worries, i do that too sometimes. here’s the mockup for the postcard. let me know what your band thinks, i’ll do some tweaks and send it to print. sound good?
Luka balks, both at the tone of the message and at the picture she sent. It looks almost exactly like the flyer, same color scheme and everything. The only difference seems to be in the composition, which makes sense; she’s got more of the eye for this stuff, even for someone who only “dabbles.”
To: Marinette wow, this is... thank you? that was fast. and this is really well put-together. i think they’re gonna love it.
you really weren’t kidding, huh.
Luka finds himself sinking onto his bed and staring at the message thread instead of actually doing something productive. And strangely, he’s fine with that. The more time passes, the less scary it is to see her typing back, again and again and again.
From: Marinette course i wasn’t kidding. “help” is practically my middle name to the people who matter.
and i mean, there’s only a little bit of time until your show, right? so, gotta get movin.
anyway, i gotta run. my friend needs help for his summer class and i promised i’d go visit today.
Keep me posted about your band!
There is far too much in that message for Luka to need to process. “People who matter?” “Keep me posted?” The literal heart emoji at the end? He reads their messages over and over, mostly to confirm that this really, actually just happened, but he’s not going to push his luck. Maybe she just talks to everyone like that, and more importantly, the two of them haven’t been much more than a series of transactions anyway.
A... lot of transactions.
That she’s been doing a lot of giving for.
Luka tries and at least sort of succeeds at shaking the thought from his mind; he can’t read hers, and he shouldn’t try to. He sends her one last text—cool, have a good one—and switches back to Bubbles before he can worry if his words were too casual.
To: itsdjbubbles Thanks for the vote of confidence. I guess you’re not the only one? the bakery I go to, they’re offering to help too.
or, I mean, CBG is offering to help.
Bubbles’s reply doesn’t come until a few hours later. It’s presumably after that project work he mentioned, and definitely after Luka’s had some time to play out the rest of the shakes before he goes busking. His phone buzzes with the notification just as he’s about to leave, and what Bubbles has to say makes his stomach churn and his blood run both hot and cold.
From: itsdjbubbles wait. wait wait wait. hold on i just scrolled your posts.
CBG is *Marinette Dupain-Cheng?*
ohhhhhhh my dude you are in for it now.
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mydisasteracademia · 3 years
SFW Alphabet: Izuku Midoriya
Aaaaand here’s everyone’s favorite green bean! Look at my baby, all grown up and ready to destroy people. (wipes away tear)
(Both of y’all are around 16 here. Don’t worry, nothing horrible here! Just two dorks in love.)
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
He’s incredibly affectionate to you. He’s definitely more of a verbal affirmation kind of guy (and if you identify as female he’s gonna be horribly flustered if you try to hug him). He always talks to you and encourages you, and his smile is just adorable.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Your friendship likely started when he was on a trip into town and he noticed you needed some help carrying a couple of boxes. The two of you hit it off right away (especially due to the fact that you were wearing an All Might shirt). As your best friend, he’s incredibly chatty and smiley. He loves hanging out with you and just talking about things. When you first showed him your Quirk, he was so starstruck that you both spent an entire lunch just talking about it. He’s so sweet it’s hard not to get along with him.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
He’s so shy with physical affection it’s hard to cuddle with him without him fainting. Usually he only cuddles with you when he’s half-asleep and unaware of what he’s doing, and only then he pulls you to his side and all but curls himself around you.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
He can cook a little bit, and he can clean fairly well. At the moment, he doesn’t want to settle down. He wants to become a pro hero first. Judging by his commitment to the grind, the day he gets married and has a family may never come.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
It would kill him, but he’d set you down and gently explain why you can’t be together anymore. He would keep any and all tears at bay until he’s alone, and then he spends a night training and crying, trying to get your hurt expression out of his mind.
F = Fiancé(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
He’s very reluctant to commit. He’s still just a teenager, after all, and he’s got a whole career as a hero ahead of him. He doesn’t want to get married because he doesn’t want his loved ones in danger; he already keeps his mom fairly out of the loop just because he doesn’t want Shigaraki going after her.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
He’s definitely a little more gentle with you in both ways. He really cares for you and doesn’t want to hurt you, especially while you’re a civilian. This can be a bit of a double-edged sword at times, but he more than makes up for it.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Having grown up with a really affectionate mom, Izuku likes hugs. He can’t help but get horribly flustered every time you hug him, but he does love them. He’s not going to initiate it, but he hugs back tight enough so that you can’t be separated. Sometimes when he’s sleepy he’ll wander around and hug you, hiding his face in your neck as he mumbles something about his mother. It’s really cute.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
It would take a lot for him to realize he caught feelings for you. Like, a lot. This boy is so oblivious it’s likely he’d never actually say it. It would take you telling him for him to start thinking about it, and even then it would be a while before he admits it back.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
He can get fairly jealous, but depending on who it is he’s not going to act on it. Usually it comes about that he gets insecure about your relationship and is worried that you’ll find someone better than him. If he gets a seriously bad vibe about the person you’re with, he'll go up to you and try to walk you away.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
If you kiss him right on the mouth, he’s going to pass out. If you kiss him on the cheek, he gets red as a tomato and starts stuttering. It can be irritating sometimes. He does like it, though; he’s just so shy he doesn’t initiate. Sometimes he’ll kiss your forehead absentmindedly.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
He’s pretty good around little kids. He’s got a way about him that gets their attention. It’s so adorable seeing him interact with kids like Kota and Eri due to how obviously starstruck they are.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Whoa now, both of you are still first-years. I don’t imagine ever sleeping at the same place (unless he needs a place to crash at in the future). Going ahead a few years, when he’s already a pro, it’s likely he’d get up way before you, cook breakfast for you, eat, and leave -- leaving a note saying that he thanks you for your hospitality and he’s sorry to impose. What a gentleman.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Again, going into the future when he’s a pro, the only way he’s staying the night at your place is if something happens and he needs to stay. He’s incredibly apologetic as he thanks you for letting him stay. He retires to the guest bed when you retire to your room, and he’s out like a light.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
He doesn’t reveal anything about OFA, of course, but sometimes he’ll give you tidbits about his life. He tends to be a bit more hesitant about his past, but he has lots of stories about the present that he likes to share.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
He can be very patient, especially when it comes to his friends. It takes a fair bit to set him off. Usually it’s when he sees an injustice that his friendly smile drops and he gets serious. Or when Bakugo is being horribly rude again, though that’s more of a rarity these days.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He documents everything he can about you. Sometimes this accidentally creeps into stalking territory, but he’s usually good about realizing that and backing off. He tries to remember everything you tell him about yourself because of how close you are.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
His favorite moment? He has a lot that he considers his ‘favorites’. Picking just one, though, he fondly remembers the first time you told him you loved him -- he was in the hospital after a bad run-in with a villain, and you visited him with flowers and tears, demanding that he not be so reckless because you loved him. It really got him thinking about your relationship and kicked off his realization that he loved you back.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
He’s incredibly protective of those he cares about, and you are definitely not an exception. He’s so protective he would rather pull a Nana Shimura than let you get hurt because of him, so you’ll have to do a lot of scolding to get him to stay put.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He puts his all into stuff between you two. Gifts for every date, he remembers every anniversary (and gives you presents for that too), occasionally brings you your favorite snack whenever he sees you -- there’s a reason he jotted down everything he knows about you.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Like I said before, he’s so self-sacrificing that he would pull a Nana before ever letting you get targeted. It can be infuriating when he avoids you for a while due to this, and while he is incredibly apologetic it’s the first thing his mind goes to. His mumbling can be a bit irritating if you don’t have the patience for it. He can be a bit of a stalker towards certain people until they realize and tell him to quit. He’s so dedicated to being a hero that it’s often all he thinks about.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He can be concerned, but only when he looks at his scars. Sometimes he can be fairly self-conscious about how scarred his body is, especially when he gets depressed and anxious.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Honestly? At first, but he would push it down in time. He loves you so much that he would rather you not have to associate with him if it meant you were safe, and no matter how much that hurts, he would do it. It doesn’t mean he wouldn’t keep an eye on you from afar, but eventually he would be able to push the pain down and go about his duties.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Gets incredibly clingy when he’s half-awake. So much so that Bakugo is the only one who’s used to it the first time it happens in the dorms (and surprisingly doesn’t make a fuss). Whenever there’s a major exam, there’s at least one night where Izuku passes out on someone and will not stop clinging to them. Usually it’s Uraraka or Iida, much to the former’s excitement/embarrassment.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Nothing villainous. Nobody rude, or abusive, or manipulative. He’s had enough abuse from his peers, and now that he’s got a healthy friend group, he’s not going to tolerate that from even a s/o. Especially not anyone who’s against the hero world. As much as he has his doubts, he’s not going to go out with a villain.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Fairly regular sleeping pattern, given that he’s only a student. He goes to bed kinda late, but wakes up early to work out.
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kill-the-feels · 5 years
Only if For a Night
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a/n: hey y’all! while the next part Rex/Mechanic!reader is fighting me, enjoy this little piece for Captain Keeli as a late late valentine’s gift! the poor captain deserved better, and i haven’t stopped thinking about giving him a lil’ attention since i watched the episode in which he saves ryloth and lives meets his end.
word count: 1.4k
warnings: angst, suggestive content, and enough fluff to rot your teeth
Wartime romances have a way of cutting through all the bantha fodder. And yet, you still don’t know what to call this... thing... you have with the clone captain standing across from you.
Captain Keeli.
It’s distracting, though, whatever this thinks is, and you sort of hate the fact that he’s always on the bridge.
And why wouldn’t he be?
Keeli leads his men into battle along side the Jedi General, so obviously he has to know the plans.
It would just help if he weren’t watching you.
(Never mind the fact that he is watching you do your, you know, job. You’re one of the strategists and you’re good.)
You finish outlining the plan, then glance around to see if anyone has any questions.
Keeli is looking pointedly away from you, watching Master Di instead. When no one speaks up, you thank them for their time, then turn back to your datapad, marking down some ideas you thought of while speaking.
It’s your job to analyze the enemy and predict their fight patterns, and your job to come up with a plan of attack that best benefits everyone. It’s stressful at points, but you enjoy it, especially with the additional challenge of coordinating protection for civilians.
It’s how you and Keeli met.
This isn’t your first rodeo, and you two met in the midst of another battle, while you were trying to evacuate a planet and keep clones alive.
It was...memorable, to say the least.
Your job requires a level head, so getting in people’s faces and yelling isn’t in the typical way you do your job.
But no one was listening to you, and you yelled and it all turned out to be for nothing.
(You still remember how shocked you felt when he found you after the fact, letting you cry and assuring you it wasn’t your fault, that you’d tried your best. That it was what clones were meant to do. Die.
And he still remembers the conviction on your face when you swore vehemently and hissed not. on. my. watch.)
Your relationship spiraled from there, and now you consider him a good friend that also sometimes finds his way to your bed.
(Ok, finds his way there most nights.)
But at the same time, clones aren’t meant for love and officer relationships are forbidden so it’s all been on the down low.
Which is (you hope) the reason he’s avoiding your gaze.
Sure enough, when you finally manage to make it out of the briefing - everyone wants to talk contingencies - and back to your quarters, he’s casually waiting outside.
“You’re very distracting,” you remark, punching in the code to your door. He huffs out a laugh, hands coming to rest on your hips. It’s almost instinctual at this point, and it should scare you how well you’ve come know each other’s bodies.
“You thought that was distracting?” He teases, voice muffled by his helmet. The door opens and you slip inside, half tempted to close it in his face to mess with him.
“I don’t get a convenient little helmet to hide my face,” you say. There’s a blush creeping onto your cheeks. His thumbs are rubbing distracting circles that you can just barely feel through the heavy fabric of your clothes.
You let him in.
“You’d look nice in my helmet,” Keeli says, tugging it off.
“Liar.” You waste no time; practically flying into his arms. He holds you tight against him, and you relish in the feeling.
“You think I’m distracting?” Keeli murmurs, repeating just early question. “You oughta see yourself up there in front of everyone. Cheeks flushed, determination in your eyes. Better be glad I have the helmet and amor on.”
His words send a pleasantly warm tingle all through your body, and then you’re leaning in.
You kiss, and Keeli bites your lip, coaxing a moan out of you that he’s quick to meet with his tongue. His hand fists in your hair, tugging your head back, and breaking away to peppers soft bites and kisses down your neck and the top of your chest.
Keeli backs the two of you up until your legs hit the small cot you call a bed.
“You staying?” You pant, kissing his jaw and tugging at the straps on his armor.
“Do you have to ask?” Keeli returns, lifting up your own shirt.
When the two of you have settled back down, a comfortable silence fills the room. Neither of you are quick to break it. Instead, you lay your head on his chest, listening to his heart beat as he traces absent patterns on your bare shoulder.
It’s too soon to say anything that even comes close to a declaration of feelings, but being here, like this, with him, always leaves you feeling melancholy.
You have to keep reigning in your mind, because it’s wont to run rampant with the idea of settling down. With the idea of...love. Ideally, the war won’t last forever. Ideally, you’ll be able to act on these feelings one day.
But also, you’re not naive. You know Keeli is, above all, a soldier.
“Whatcha thinkin’ about?” He asks, fingers drifting down to your sides. You look up at him, cheeks slightly pink in the aftermath.
“Nothing important,” you answer. He watches you for a beat, eyes unreadable. In the distance, you hear the sounds of the ever-busy cruiser. In a matter of moments, you’ll have to separate.
But for now, you’re here, content with being held.
“Liar,” he murmurs, shifting until he can bury his nose in your hair.
“Do you ever think about what life after all this will be like?” It slips out, before you can stop it. Keeli pauses. From this position, you can’t see his face, but you feel his muscles tense.
It’s a tactless question, because, no, of course he doesn’t think about after the war. He’s meant to die in the war.
“Sometimes,” he answers finally. It’s strained, like it hurts him to admit it. You push yourself back some to look in his eyes.
“Keeli, forget I said anything,” you say. You’re eager to move past the awkward moment. “It was a stupid question. No one thinks about that stuff these days. We don’t have to talk.” He tucks an arm behind his head, expression turning thoughtful.
“You’re saying you’ve never thought about it?” His question takes you by surprise.
“You have?” you manage to stammer out.
His other arm tightens around your shoulders, fingers playing lazily with your hair.
“Maybe a little. Not in depth, really, but a little. What it would be like to settle down, have a family. Leave the war behind.” His voice is far away, and it brings an unexpected lump to your throat. You close your eyes, head coming back to a rest over his heart.
“Could you? Leave the war behind, I mean.” It’s something you’ve asked yourself a hundred times since the incident that left you crying on him.
Your job depends on war and making order of the chaos that comes from of it, but sometimes, it wears on your very soul.
And yet, it’s also your passion.
Keeli’s passion.
“I don’t know,” he admits finally. Wearily. “I don’t know.”
You drift off to sleep, waking only to the alarm you’ve set to tell you to prepare to send off the forces. Keeli is already awake, strapping on armor.
You help him with the chest piece, then pull him in for a long, lingering kiss before he slips on his helmet.
“I’ll be on the bridge monitoring things,” you say, hugging him tight. You don’t say anything else. You can’t.
It’s too final.
“We’ll talk when Ryloth is secure. When I come back. Plan for the future and all that,” he whispers, cradling you in his arms. His voice is tender, and it comes close to breaking your heart.
“I’ll be waiting.”
He does not come back.
The war continues on.
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bxoken-heartss · 4 years
PAIN: Cedric Diggory (C.D)
Pairings: Lyra Lestrange (oc) x Cedric Diggory.
Genre: It's a surprise. Trust me I won't disappoint you.
Warnings: None.
Word count: 4.3K+
Prompts used: 2) ‘will you shut up?” 29) ‘Shut up and kiss me’ (Did a bit of changes in the prompts, I hope you don’t mind it. Prompts used in BOLD)
A/N: Hey guys! This is my entry for @wandsandwheezes​ ‘s writing challenge! Congratulations on the 300 FOLLOWERS lovely! Your works are absolutely amazing! So this is my first ever Harry Potter work. So I understand if the work is a little rusty. I don’t really have much to say. I really hope y’all like it and don’t forget to leave this work a heart, a comment or a reblog if you enjoyed it! I have a few works related to my OC, so if you want to know about her, I’ll be more than happy to post more about her! Constructive criticism are always welcome and just tell me your honest opinions on it!!
Here’s a small CyRa (Cedric x Lyra) based moodboard:
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Lyra laid back on the mat beneath her, feeling absolutely peaceful. A soft smile decorates her lips as her eyes fixated on to the night sky which was littered with infinite stars, beside her boyfriend Cedric Diggory who seemingly looked preoccupied with his racing thoughts.
"The stars always have this..unexplained feeling of..calmness...just some kind of mesmerizing charm to it..don't you think so Ced?" Lyra asks, her eyes brimming up with a sense of calmness, her gaze still fixated onto the stars.
"Yeah of course..they're beautiful..they're absolutely spectacular." Cedric pauses uneasily, his gaze nervously shifting between the night sky and Lyra
"Are you alright Ced? You've been awfully quiet the entire time..Are you sick or something?" Lyra asks as she looks at him, her chin resting on her arm.
"NO!" Cedric shouts a bit too loud "I mean no!! Nothing's wrong!! I'm fine! Completely okay!!" Cedric answers a bit too quickly
"Are you sure? You sound extremely nervous..like really nervous..Are you absolutely sure you're okay?" Lyra asks again, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she looks at him.
"I'm fine Lyrie..I'm all fine. I'm just..Maybe I'll let you know after sometime? " Cedric asks, his tone nervous as Lyra nods reluctantly but seemingly understood.
"Okay..yeah I understand. Just talk to me when you're ready..or only if you do want to talk about it. You don't have to talk to me about it if you don't want to." Lyra replies as she squeezes his arm in reassurance.
"Well actually maybe on second thought..can we just go there?" Cedric asks as he points at a spot on the other side of where the two of them sat.
"The moonlight looks absolutely pretty and perfect there..and..it's getting stuffy just sitting here..maybe we should take a small stroll?" Cedric finishes as he lets go of her hand, further confusing the dark haired witch.
"Well of course..if you say so.." Lyra replies, slightly confused and annoyed at his rather odd behavior.
/ / /
The both of them begin walking towards the spot Cedric had suggested. Cedric had been awfully quiet throughout the entire stroll. Cedric kept trailing behind her slowly and practically refused to look at her..
which had unexpectedly infuriated her for some reason. What did she do that he had to completely ignore her and act absolutely abnormal?
She knew he had his personal issues and would come around when he was comfortable. But he was constantly distracted and inattentive the entire day. What was it..that was so huge that bothered him? She wanted to help..but she..didn't know to.
She walks ahead a bit quickly and finally stops in front of a small lake, the moon's reflection beaming onto the lake. She stared at it, her arms crossed not bothering to wait for Cedric to join her. Maybe he just needed some time alone..and maybe after he was done sorting his problems as such. So she just did what she had to do..give him the space and time he needed to clear his thoughts. Lyra sighs as her gaze fixates on to the lake that laid in front of her.
"Lyra..Lyra..?" Cedric calls out from behind her
"You can come to me when you're ready to talk. I don't want to have a one sided conversation without any actual response as such. If you were having a bad day then we could have easily cancelled this and stayed home. You came up with this idea yourself Ced. I would have understood if you told me you weren't feeling great. I wouldn't have complained." Lyra replies, crossing her arms, her gaze still firmly fixated on to the lake.
"Just listen. I know this is going to sound absolutely weird but how many last names do you actually have Lyra?" He asks as Lyra rolls her eyes
"It's..Lyra Cassiopeia Black Lestrange.. So that's two last names..and one mid- -" Lyra pauses for a split second "Wait..why ar- " Lyra begins again,her tone laced with frustration only to be interrupted by Cedric once again.
"Do you perhaps..have the space to fit just one more?" Cedric asks, his tone clearly nervous.
"What in Salazar's na- -" Lyra begins as she turns behind freezing instantly in shock as her gaze fixates onto Cedric, her mouth slightly agape.
He stood on his one knee, a small box in his hand as he awkwardly looked at her. He quickly passes her a small awkward smile with all the leftover courage he could muster up.
"Cedric Diggory..what in Salazar's name are you-- -" Lyra begins halfway, her tone uneasy and nervous
"I'm extremely nervous..please don't question me any further Lyra.." Cedric interrupts her
"Let me just go on with this..Just don't talk. Just listen and nod..okay?" Cedric pleads.
"Don't tell me you're - " Lyra begins again
"Just please..don't interrupt..just let me down with this?" Cedric pleads as Lyra nods awkwardly.
"Well..first things first, I'm not going to go straight to it..but I don't want to drag on with it for too long..there are some things I want to say..but I'm not sure what or where to start with. So just let me finish it and then you can do or say whatever you wish to.
Lyra..the first time I had met you which I don't remember when exactly was it..I mean, I had seen you hanging around with Malfoy, who still can't stand my presence even now. What's his issue with me? I mean sure I'm dating his cousin sister but does he forget the fact that the feelings are mutual? I wonder if he'll ever warm up to me...sounds highly unlikely but I can still hope.
Okay so like I was saying, yeah I thought you were like a part of Malfoy's posse or something..and Malfoy had less than attractive traits…well I admit..maybe at the first glance..I might have perhaps over generalized..but when we actually interacted..it was less of an actual conversation...all I did was help you with your books...but you didn't see it as a kind act..and just rolled your eyes at my actions..when I had asked you if being helpful was a crime, instead of shoving me off your way or..you know, being snarky and walking away without a reply..You stood there and calmly responded to all my sarcastic comments with even more sarcastically snarkier ones...To say, I was awestruck and amazed would be a downright understatement. After that incident as such, I decided to put behind my judgement..and wanted to see the real you..the you behind all that sarcastic gestures, the fake smiles and the hard exterior.
Witty banters with you have always been entertaining because you challenge me in so many ways...and I've enjoyed them thoroughly. I realized that the more you tried to contradict me..the more drawn I was to you.
Well, I remember helping you with your flying lessons..and through that we sort of turned into good friends..or at least acquaintances the bare minimum. Though you learnt flying the hard way..I'm still very SORRY for that sprain! It still bothers me till date.But looking at the bright side..you turned out an excellent flyer and a phenomenal chaser! So you're welcome.
We eventually grew closer..well not really, I used to come and bother you in the library…we'd meet each other in the hallway..I'd wave at you at the Great Hall..we'd engage in small talks here and there..and yet all you did was resist me? How could you do it Lyra? I was..well still am the most appealing person ever..Okay don't glare at me Lyra..I was just stating facts.
Well..you see..You just have such a beautiful personality..like this magnetic aura that automatically gets everyone around you to feel almost instantly safe..and comfortable. You're just mesmerizing. Anyone you know..if they ever felt an ounce of uncertainty about themselves and just feel that maybe no one cares, you shower them with all the love and affection you've had on to them. You make them feel..worthy and deserved.
You're smart, independent, brave, warm hearted, spectacular, amazing and for the plus point..you're super cute and pretty at the same time. I mean..I just want to squeeze your cheeks whenever you're mad...cause it's so evident...when you're annoyed or pissed with someone..but again you're adorable when you're mad..but again, it's fun to get you all agitated and then further fuel that energy to something stea- - Okay I'll stop. Would you stop disintegrating me with your glares? I'm just a baby." Cedric pauses as he catches his breathe.
"No..wait! I'm not done yet!" Cedric counters as Lyra closes her mouth and nods slowly.
"Yeah..so again, like I was saying..after all that effort, you managed to acknowledge my presence and decided to be friends with me! And slowly..we had finally got close..We spent our free afternoon with small picnics filled with the most random sets of goodies, stargazing..I clearly remember the times when you'd point at weird patterns..what were they- -oh yeah constellations! Yeah so you'd show me the stars and explain about their origins as such..and I'd have no clue about it but you always seemed so..interested and enthusiastic about it that I let you ramble on. Your rants about things you were highly informed about as such were really fun.. especially when I didn't know about what in Merlin's name were you even talking about..it was just fun to see you get all excited and geeky about it.
And what else? Oh of course! My extremely spectacular and creative love letters..and how you'd just roll your eyes at them..I'd put my entire heart and EFFORTS on to them…and yet you'd be the only girl who'd SHRUG away my letters...but I'm sure you internally appreciated it. Okay most of them were amazing pick up lines and small weird poems I came up with during the classes but..it was pretty sweet..you're so lucky that I wro- -Lyrieee!! Okay okay..but you have to admit they were good..at least MOST of them..half of them?! Oh come on Ly!! Stop hurting my poor pride." Cedric rants, a playful pout on his lips
"As time went on, I started to feel… something weird around you. Your presence felt necessary and I found a solace in your company...I wanted to be around you, not like in a creepy obsessed way but an aching feeling to just be around you whenever I could..Suddenly your smile seemed more precious, your presence a bit more necessary, your actions..a bit more meaningful.
I started to notice little features of yours I barely never did...like the serious look you have when you read a book with utmost concentration, the way you furrow your eyebrows together when you're thinking hard, the smug look you have throughout the entire Quidditch matches you play, the way your eyes gleam with a brightness when you talk about things you like, the way your gaze shifts quickly whenever you want to ask someone a favor because you hated asking anyone for any types of favors because it made you feel helpless and dependent, the way you roll your eyes whenever people mildly try to prove you wrong especially when you know you're right and they aren't and just that infamous smirk would get my heart fluttering like it had some wings as such. I know that's not really possible..but that's how it felt.
The thing is that I didn't realize that I was slowly starting to fall in love with you..fully and thoroughly. Maybe it was always there..a part of me always fancied the idea and the concept of being with you..but I had no idea it would escalate into such strong feelings..like it has turned into what it is till date.
You made me feel loved, deserved, happy and somehow whole in a way. You showed me that every problem had solutions…and you helped me find the solutions to mine. You corrected me whenever I was wrong, stood beside me,supported me before anyone else did and when no one else would.
Everything started to make sense around you..and that's when I finally realized..oh no! I'm in love with my..best friend! The thought terrified me..The thought that I could potentially call you mine forever or lose everything we've ever had.
I obviously didn't want to admit it to myself and you..because then it would be entirely awkward. I needed you in my life..and if I did tell you that I loved you more than a friend and if you thought our relationship was purely platonic, then it would evidently ruin things between us no matter what. I didn't want my petty feelings as such to come in the way and tear the bond we shared.
But my love for you was..just absolutely evident...it was just the truth and it just wasn't platonic in any sense whatsoever no matter how hard I tried to convince myself. I tried really hard but I couldn't hide it for long.
So after a lot of thinking..by lot I mean a lot. I decided to write a letter to you after the numerous failed attempts to tell you in person how I felt about you because I always chickened out..and that's why I'd talk about the most random things especially when you'd ask me basic things like..how my day went...or how my classes were and I'd awkwardly talk about the weather...and you'd give me a confused look and shrug it off without much questions.
So I finally set up my mind and decided to confess my feelings by writing you a letter.. and then all that drama related to that letter followed by. But when you decided to be the mature one and by that I mean when you very practically yelled out that you had feelings for me..I was..just so flustered,happy and excited and everything! I mean.. I expected a cute speech, roses and chocolates of some sort whilst a confession..but yelling them out too wasn't a bad idea..It was a very.. natural way of confession. So again thank you for that. I don't ever want to think what would have happened if you didn't drag me and force me into that conversation.
So even though there was the brief period of unnecessary- unspoken argument which could have been avoided if I wasn't so afraid to tell you how I truly felt about you! But it was all..at the end of the day for the good…not really. It was terrible not being able to talk to you about everything and anything...but things turned out for the best. It made me realize that..without your presence in my life, there was an evident part of me that was missing.
It was either all I could have ever wanted..or it would be my biggest regret. So back then..my reasons in a way..was understandable.
After we began dating, there was this sort of awkward phase..where we didn't really know how to act with one another. But slowly and carefully..we did get used to it. It was fun..exciting and amazing. Picnic dates, honest love letters and just the love and affection that came out of our relationship, to think all of it was real and not platonic anymore..it was a dream come true. Of course, we've had our ups and downs..but at the end of the day, we had each others' backs and loved each other thoroughly.
And then I graduated off but we stayed in touch through letters and surprise presents. I've grown to love and cherish all of them with all my entire heart! We made up for the distance by meeting up at the holidays and despite the distance, we still could make up time for one another. Thank you for tolerating all my amazing pick up lines, all the flowers I've gotten you, all the very silly things I've done for you…for the record you liked them..well at least most of them at least.
Lyra, you push me off my comfort zones.. speaking of which, I also remember that one time you quite literally pushed me off those stairs. I know it was a mere accident..but considering the fact that you hadn't left my side until my minor sprain had healed..it was kind of like a win- win situation for me.
You bring out the best in me, stayed beside me even after seeing the worst in me...not a lot of people do that. They're quick to leave when things go downhill.. and quick to stay when you're at your best.You stayed even when there were millions of reasons to leave.
We've had a fair share of arguments and disagreements. A lot of them weren't our greatest memories but at the end of the day, we solved them together and sorted out our differences and misunderstandings. We came out stronger than before.
It's just that..Lyra when I'm with you or around you, nothing else really matters to me. I feel so free and comfortable around you and I just..you just mean so much to me! I can do all the most imaginable cliché things but somehow it doesn't feel all awkward and weird...when it's with you.
You aren't just my girlfriend..you're my best friend..it's like finding my soulmate in the form of my best friend..You mean, a lot to me. I don't think I can ever elaborate on how much your presence and your love makes me feel. You bring in the best version of myself and I'm always happy when I'm around you. You complete me..make me feel like maybe I deserve it..
You add meaning and color to my life..and despite your flaws and how much ever you emphasize on it..All I see is a beautiful mess. Well..ten times beautiful inside out and...a tad bit of mess. Just a small bit..your sweet smile makes up for those irrelevant little flaws. So just beauty and perfection with a lot of sass and sarcasm.
I just love you so very much. I want to wake up beside you every single day of my entire life..just spending all my good years and bad ones beside you..maybe have a child or two? Only if you want to..I mean maybe later! I want us to grow old together..and spend our lives together.. forever and ever! And the point is that I can never picture any of this happening with anyone else apart from YOU!
So what I'm trying to say is that, Lyra Cassiopeia Black Lestrange..will you make me the happiest wizard in the ENTIRE wizarding world by getting married to me? Wait..we marry each other..I sounded narcissistic for a split second. Do you want to marry me? Will you marry me? Dear Merlin- -what am I even saying?" Cedric rants out as he breathes heavily.
"Uhm..Lyra? Lyrie….Ly?! Why aren't you replying? Was it that terrible? Is this perhaps not the right time? Why are you tearing up?! Love, are you alright?! Oh dear Merlin! I shouldn't hav- " Cedric begins nervously
"Oh would you do me a favor and shut up for a split second Diggory?" Lyra asks as Cedric stops his incoherent nervous ramble halfway
"You get to ramble out an entire speech, give me less than a minute to comprehend all of it and just continue rambling on and making illogical assumptions?" Lyra asks rhetorically as she quickly wipes a few careless tears that fell on her cheeks.as Cedric remains silent.
"Why?" Lyra asks clearing her throat breaking the short lived silence
"Why as in?" Cedric asks, a bit confused
"Why..do you want to marry me?" Lyra asks barely above a whisper
"YOU'RE asking ME why do I want to marry you?! I prepared an entire written speech and practiced it in front of the mirror...more times than I can count only to forget half of it..but the point is that my speech covered up all the reasons I love you and I just..Lyra..You just matter so much to me and I just thought that it'd be the right time to bring this up...but I guess it wasn't..." Cedric replies as he looks down, a disappointed sigh escapes his lips.
"I- -I-- I'm sorry for making this awkward.. let's just go home.." Cedric replies as he runs his hand through his hair
Lyra walks up to Cedric as she crouches down. She softly lifts his chin with her hand as her gaze fixates onto Cedric.
"Hey it's fine..you don't need to- -" Cedric begins his tone upset, his eyes gleam with a tint of pain.
Lyra rolls her eyes as she presses her lips against his..cupping his cheeks, Cedric's face heating up in the process. Lyra pulls away as she presses her forehead softly against his.
"What..are- -" Cedric whispers, his heart pacing quickly
"Can I at least talk now?" Lyra whispers as he nods softly
"I..well..this..your speech..I'm moved. It's just..I'm not used to this..Okay? Well you see, I'm- -I'm..I'm just awestruck with how much effort you put into it..and all of it.. just for me? No one has done so..much for me." Lyra says as she clears her throat
"Why wouldn't I? You mean so much to me!" Cedric replies.
"Are you absolutely sure you want to marry..me?" Lyra asks softly, her face brimming with a mixture of both doubt and confusion
"Of course I am..I always have and always will love you and ONLY you Lyra. I've never been more sure about anything else." Cedric replies, his eyes brimming with sincerity "I understand if you aren't ready for it.." Cedric adds as he presses her hand in assurance.
"Yes.." Lyra replies a bit too quickly
"It's completely alri- -wait..what?" Cedric asks, his tone laced with confusion.
"I do want to marry you...but only if you're sure..and only if you're ready to tolerate me.."
"More like you tolerating me..but whatever you say love.." Cedric replies chuckling lightly
"But are you like..sure sure? Maybe you don't really want to marry me? Maybe I'm a bit too much for you? Maybe- " Cedric begins again nervously as Lyra shuts him up again with a kiss, a small smile on his nervous face
"Lyra I don't want to force you into getting married as such. It's completely your de---" Cedric begins again as Lyra interrupts him again with a kiss
"Lyra would you - -" Cedric begins again as Lyra presses a kiss onto his lips shutting him up for a brief second
"Don't you get it? Why do you have second thoughts about my answer? I said yes..and when I say yes..I mean it. So the more you try to let in your doubts consume you and ask me if I'm absolutely sure with my decision, I'll keep interrupting you until you decide to finally shut up and accept my answer!" Lyra states as she gives him a firm look.
"Lyra..I love - -" Cedric begins as Lyra presses a kiss onto his lips again, earning a cheeky smirk from Cedric
"Okay...that was impulsive. I'm sorry for that. You can be such a manipulative jerk sometimes you know?" Lyra replies, her cheeks tinted with a bit of pink
"Don't apologize..it was intentional. And again..I'm a manipulative handsome jerk Lyrie.." Cedric replies as he smiles.
Cedric sits down, Lyra following the same as he opens the small black velvet box, a diamond ring inside it. Cedric takes it out as he takes a hold of Lyra's hand softly.
"So I'm guessing you can make space for another last name too?" Cedric asks, his eyes gleaming with joy.
"Well..I don't mind it." Lyra replies as a small shy pout rests on her face, as Cedric's face beams with a bright smile, as she lets out an unconscious smile.
Cedric lets out a shaky breathe as he looks at Lyra one more time, his grip uneasy on her hand.
"You're sure right? Once I- -" Cedric begins as Lyra presses his hand in reassurance.
Cedric nods softly as he slides in the ring onto her finger as Lyra lets out a smile as she stares at the ring. Cedric stands up as he helps her up.
"This..is beautiful. And to think I was annoyed at you for this. I'm sorry I snapped at you..I just didn't know.." Lyra replies looking down
"It wasn't your fault..I was just insensitive. I didn't mean to..I was just really nervous. Really really nervous..But you weren't supposed to..know too. So it's all good." Cedric says as he smiles at her
"It was..good. Really good. I appreciate it. So well I guess..you're stuck with me forever.." Lyra replies
"Well..You're stuck with me too so I guess we're even..I love you."
"I love you too Badger.."
"I love you more Stargirl.."
"I love you the most pretty boy."
"Damn you're absolutely right about the pretty part!" Cedric replies cheekily
"I said petty.."
"No you didn't.."
"Well..whatever. But seriously how many times did you have to rehearse that speech?" Lyra asks curiously
"Oh..let's not go to that now..Literally spent a solid week or two trying to rehearse it in front of the mirror..The confidence I possessed there was..immense. But the moment I had to..say all that in front of you..I lost all of my confidence but somehow I made it through. Pure luck and a bit of practice perhaps." He replies
"It was a rather..unique proposal." Lyra comments
"Oh..well I tried." Cedric admits as he rubs his neck awkwardly
"And also..for the record, I practically love you more" Cedric replies
"You wish you did! I'll hex you right here, right now..and prove you wrong you - -" Lyra begins as Cedric leans down a bit and interrupts her with a kiss.
He pulls away for a split second as his gaze fixes on to Lyra.
"You were saying?" Cedric teases as he looks at now flustered Lyra.
"Shut up and kiss me.." Lyra mumbles as she looks away.
"Gladly.." Cedric cups her face with both his hands as he presses his lips against hers.
A/N: I’ll be a very evil person and tell you that the reason for the title. Well, in accordance to my Harry Potter Fanfic, it follows the same plot line as such (but the only difference is that, this is set in a post Hogwarts time line. So, Cedric does die in the Triwizard but this is kind of like an AU sorta thing which would have happened if Lyra and Cedric had a bit more time together. The original ship in the fanfic is Harry Potter x Lyra. So..I’m sorry?
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prideful-sins · 4 years
Cynbel X Lucifer: Confessions of two sinners (OC X Lucifer)
Cynbel is my Obey Me! OC (here’s his info). Esmeralda/ Ezzy is my best friend’s OC/ MC (and our OC’s are besties) and Smeowg is his cat, they share a pact and with that pact they can feel eachothers energies and both become drained if the other uses a large amount, both my friend and I wanted to write out our OC’s confessing to their SO’s, no one will be interested but this is more for me than y’all
Word Count: 4.1k
Masterlist | Buy Me A Coffee?
Cynbel sat down on the edge of Lucifer’s bed, a dim light shining in through the window and illuminating his sleeping lovers face. Another night of ‘meaningless’ sex, used and abandoned, sneaking out to his own house smelling like sweat and despair. While it sounds like Cynbel hates these nights he, in fact, loves them. The arousal, the gripping, the clawing, biting, licking, hair pulling, all ecstasy, or so he would have said many years ago, but now? He just liked the time with Lucifer, being around him, listening to his stresses of his day, stresses made by either his workload or his brothers.
Cyn stood up and got fully dressed before turning to Lucifer, sleeping soundlessly on the bed. It couldn’t have been past 2 am and Lucifer was sleeping deeply, his breaths slow and heavy, chest rising and falling in a hypnotising pattern. His hair falling ever so slightly into his eyes, other strands stuck to his forehead, a remnant of their time together last night. Cyn took a step forward and pushed the hair from Lucifer’s eyes, he always hated it when it got into his eyes, his fingers lingering for just a moment too long upon the sleeping demon’s cheek before taking a sharp breath in and stepping away.
The door closed silently, he had been doing this for years now he was practically an expert at sneaking out of The House of Lamentation, not that he needed to, the Brothers knew what was going on, they had for years now, and it had gotten past the point of asking. Cynbel’s steps were silent and cautious down the halls, careful not to wake any of the sleeping demons. As he walked down the corridor the portraits stared in disgust at Cyn, or ,at least, he felt like they were.
“Fuck off” he hissed at a particularly depressing portrait of some random woman he’d never ever know. All was silent within the halls, but a snack was needed, so the route was changed for a slight stop in the kitchen. Cynbel made his way downstairs, all had been silent but not for long as the distant sounds of munching and wrapper unfurling was particularly disruptive.
“Beel? You in here?” Cyn turned the corner to a starry eyed Beelzebub.
“Hm?” Beel swallowed all that was in his mouth, “Oh Cynbel it’s you, hey”
“Hey, got anything I can have? I’m starving, Lucifer sure as hell tired me out”
“There’s not a lot left in here, but I can give you a slice Banoffee Pie, it’s Satan’s”
“I’ll take it” Cyn looked solemnly at the slice as he reached out to grab it from Beelzebub
“Are you okay?” Beel had already shoved something else into his mouth so his words were barely audible.
“Yeah I’m fine, why wouldn’t I be?” Cynbel did his best at playing coy, putting on a fake smirk and shrugging his shoulders.
“You look really sad, that’s all”
“Huh” Cyn looked down at his slice of pie, “I’ll uh- I’ll be leaving now, thanks Beel ‘preciate it” Cyn walked off and waved the slice of pie as a goodbye.
Beelzebub wasn’t wrong, for the last few months Cynbel felt horrible after sneaking out like this, just one time he’d like to wake up next to Lucifer as an equal, as his public lover, but he was a coward, too scared to admit his feelings, feelings he didn’t even know he had until Ezzy decided to point them out to him. Cynbel was perfectly fine living it out as he was until his, supposed, best friend pointed them out to him. She was his best friend of course but damn if these feelings weren’t annoying, and to top it off? They both had to admit their feelings to their respective men. Another problem? That was tonight.
The streets were always quiet around this time, demons have places to be I suppose, naught more than a nightclub, throwing out the late night riff raff, was open. Streets lined with drunk demons enjoying their sins. They’re not going to have any food left for the morning, Cyn thought before taking his D.D.D. out of his pocket and dialing a local produce supplier. The only thing that answered the phone was an answering machine.
“Hey, it’s Cynb- uhh War, sorry to call so late, I’m leaving this message for this morning. Can you send The House of Lamentation 2 of their food delivery orders? Just send the bill to me and I’ll sort out the rest, thanks” Cyn hung up the phone and placed it back into his pocket, his house now coming into sight, thank fuck.
The door creaked open and Smeowg came running right up to his master, chittering away and telling Cynbel about his day.
“Smeowg! Man did I miss you, how are you doing buddy?” Cyn picked up his cat and wasted no time in smothering him in kisses and headpats, returned with headbutts and licking. “You’re such a good kitty yes you are, come on we’re gonna go wake up Ezzy, I don’t wanna sleep alone tonight, she won’t mind” Cynbel walked through the house, cradling Smeowg in his arms toward their private portal, with a cat flap for his feline of course, the door swung open and he was within Ezzy’s own private cottage, the familiar smells of her herbs immediately making him feel at home. He weaved his way through the furniture and the remnants of her spell work through to her bedroom, where nary a sound was being made.
He turned the handle and opened the door as quietly as he could, Smeowg jumped from his arms and made a beeline for the bed, hopping up without a problem. Cyn closed the door behind him and walked toward his sleeping best friend.
“Hey Ezzy?” He whispered, placing a hand on her shoulder and shaking softly, “Ezzy”
Esmeralda moaned in response, her eyes opening and brows furrowing, “huh?”
“Can I sleep with you? I don’t wanna be alone right now”
Ezzy responded with a hoarse voice, “don’t even have to ask, just climb in” Cyn smiled and climbed over her, a little rougher than he should have but Ezzy didn’t mind. He snuck himself under the covers and became her little spoon, a rare treat for them both, her arms were protectively covering his side and neck and his back was fully against her body, an act of pure love on both counts.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Ezzy’s voice was soft amongst the pale moonlight within the room.
“No, just the usual” Cyn was quiet, unnaturally so, his voice wavering just a little.
“Okay, I’ll be here when you wake up”
“I know, thanks babe” with that he drifted off to sleep.
Sunlight, after all this time knowing Ezzy, and being at her house, Cyn had yet to get used to waking up and seeing sunlight in the morning, or maybe it was the afternoon. His eyes groggily opened, a slight headache ringing in his ears from his late night rambling home, the fresh air clearing his lungs from last night’s thoughts. God, why did he feel so drained today? Cynbel sat up on the bed and reached for his D.D.D. 
[10:22 A.M] 
“Fuck, that’s early” He murmured as he tossed the covers to the side. Cyn always liked the smell of Ezzy’s room, smelt like home to him, not many places ever had. He walked over to the drawers and opened the one that had some of his clothes in, a quick change and Cyn was in clean, non Lucifer or sex smelling, clothes. He opened the door and walked down the hall, into the living room where Ezzy was nowhere to be seen. “Damn, she must have gone somewhere, I’ll catch her in a bit” he said as he walked over to his door, stealing a pastry from the countertop in the kitchen, on the way.
He opened the door, pastry firmly in his mouth, and walked through, the smell of his own house filling his nostrils. As he walked through a loud, thundering knock came at the door, making Cynbel stop in his tracks, brows furrowed, and head pounding. “Son of a taint” mumbled through the dough as he walked over to his door. It swung open and he was faced with Barbatos, “Hello?” or a sound like it from his pastry-filled mouth greeted his fellow demon.
“Hello Cynbel, Diavolo is requesting you at The Palace, he has news he wishes to discuss with you and Lucifer” Barbatos gave a small bow and stood aside, his hand out and pointed towards a car to escort them. Cynbel took the danish from his mouth and swallowed the contents remaining.
“They can’t just send a text? Damn I just woke up” He rolled his eyes as he walked through and past Barbatos.
“My Lord knows you like a personal invitation Cynbel” Barbatos gave a small chuckle as he walked behind Cyn. No more words were said as they both entered the car and proceeded to the castle.
Cynbel couldn’t remember why he was there, he had felt so drained all day that nothing was being taken in by his brain, and the final straw was when he just fell asleep right in the middle of Lucifer talking about….something....
“Cynbel? Cynbel!” He heard Lucifer’s voice but just couldn’t respond, muscles barely even responding to the fact he was awake, until a very sharp stinging sensation on his face.
“Ah!” Cynbel shot up awake, his whole body reacting with fight in this fight or flight situation, his hand raised in a fist before seeing Lucifer’s seething face before him. “Oh hey, what’s up?” Cynbel had a shit-eating grin on his, now rested, face along with a mischievous energy radiating from him.
“What is ‘up’ is the fact you’re asleep during one of our meetings” Lucifer glared down at Cynbel, Diavolo chuckling in the background.
“Oh let him, I’m not even sure why he had to be here in the first place Lucifer, only one item actually regarded War in the human world and it could have waited for his next meeting” The prince hopped to Cynbel’s rescue, a thankful look on his face.
“I wanted to see him to make sure he knew of our dinner reservations later on this evening, and to also thank him for the food he ordered for The House of Lamentation this morning”
Cynbel raised his eyebrow at Lucifer, “Aww you just wanted to see me, of course I remember our reservations” he shrugged and stood up, “I would invite you Dia but it’s strictly Lucifer and I, and you’re welcome”
“Ahaha, I understand” Diavolo chuckled, gave a knowing wink toward the two demons, and crossed his arms over his chest.
“Look, if I’m not needed I’m gonna go, I have some things I need to do before dinner tonight” Cynbel high-fived Diavolo, something he insisted on to make the Prince feel a little less ‘scared of’, and gave Lucifer a pat on the back before leaving. “Thanks for the nap guys!” Cynbel gave one last wave before leaving the room. He could practically hear Lucifer’s frown boreing into the back of Cyn’s head.
Walking back from The Palace was always a treat, cobblestone paths leading him down towards the antique shops, War memorabilia collected from demonic and human wars hung within windows, old portraits looking and staring from within the shop’s glass. As he walked by a quill within an ink set caught his eye, a lovely peacock feather quill complete with an embellished inkpot and scorpion venom ink.
“Lucifer’d love that” Cyn whispered to himself as he looked upon the quill with awe, not a second later he was walking in, paying 12 thousand Grimm, and walking back out with a gift wrapped box. A smile spread on Cynbel’s lips as he looked down at the box “he’s really going to love this”
The rest of the walk was quiet, minor fans bugging him for autographs or photo’s, no flirting, just him walking along with his gift toward his house. He opened the door and the room felt a little warmer than it did earlier, Ezzy must have used his oven for baking because hot damn did his house smell amazing right now, speaking of his best friend Cyn had to go and see her and see how she was getting on with her book, after all, both of them were confessing today. He placed his gift on the kitchen counter and proceeded to the portal to Ezzy’s.
Cyn walked through her door and found Ezzy fast asleep on her sofa, mouth wide open as she breathed in and out, Smeowg curled up between the crook of one of her legs, she must have been asleep for a few hours now, ah the book, that’s why Cynbel felt so drained today. He stood over her and tickled her chin ever so slightly, a wide grin on his face as she began to wake up, her eyes groggily opening before she yelped out in surprise, a howling laugh from Cyn as Ezzy shot up from her sleeping position, Smeowg jumping and bolting from his slumber.
“Don’t scare me like that, you ass!” Ezzy shouted as she got up from the sofa. Cyn only laughed, holding his hands up in surrender. “Sorry, babes, couldn’t resist,” he laughed. “I see you’ve been busy today” he looked around at the spell on the floor, book humming with distant, but strong, energy. Ezzy dipped down and retrieved the book from its position on the floor.
“Yeah, sorry about the energy drain. I know you felt it.” Her voice was soft, remembering how gentle he had been last night, and how bad she felt about the energy drain.
“No worries, dear. Just gave me an excuse to have a nap through Lucifer’s boring meeting,” the fondness in the demon’s eyes betrayed the mischievous smile, he raised an eyebrow “Is it done?”
“Yep, it’s all done,” her voice was excited and definitely anxious, he could feel her heart racing from nearly a metre away “When should I give it to him?” Ezzy’s eyes were wide, her eyebrows raised up high as she pondered her own predicament.
“Well, we had a deal that you would confess if I did. I’d say as soon as possible,” Cyn shrugged and flopped onto the couch. Smeowg happily jumped onto his owner for pets. “We all know he has feelings for you, so just give it to him right now. He should be home, anyway.” Cyn’s words fell on deaf ears as he watched her bite her reddening lip, “Ezzy. Ezzy. Ezzy! Dammit will you stop biting your lip?” He finally broke her out of her thoughts as she whispered a ‘huh?’ finally listening to him. “If you don’t get your ass moving and quit biting your lip, I’ll throw the book at him myself. Now, go girl! I’ll hold down the fort here, won’t I Mr. Smeowg? Yes, I will! Aw, you’re such a baby!” Cynbel didn’t focus on Ezzy leaving to admit her feelings to Satan, he fell into the trap of cooing upon his pet, rubbing it’s stomach with hellish intent and basking in the victory purring.
He heard Ezzy walk away with the book, a pang of worry through his chest as he thought of the worst possible scenario. “I only have a couple of hours until I have to meet Lucifer at The Fall, am I ready buddy? Do you think he loves me back?” Smeowg merely looked at his master and gave a slight ‘mew’ “Tell me about it, I should go and get ready, shower, shave and get dressed, let’s go buddy”
Once he was clean, shaved, and dressed Cyn admired himself in the mirror, parting his hair different ways and making funny faces in the mirror before heading off downstairs, picking up his gift and walking through the door, a small, but worried, spring in his step as he made his way to the car waiting to take him to his doom.
The drive had been silent so far but Cyn has other ideas, “hey Isaac, you ever just shit yourself about emotions?”his voice was playful but there was a tone of worry hidden below.
“Uhh?” The driver looked at him, his eyebrow raised in confusion, his name was definitely not Isaac.
“Eh drop it” Cyn’s failed attempt at some humour was thrown out of the window as the bumps threw his body around. The rest of the drive was silent and foreboding, Lucifer’s gift heavy within Cynbel’s hands as he played around with the ribbons adorning the neat gold and black paper. The car pulled up in front of The Fall and Cynbel stepped out, some paparazzi hung around the entrance trying to get pictures and questions, Cynbel merely waved at the cameras and gave his best smile, questions being shouted about if ‘he was meeting anyone there?’, ‘why was he holding a gift’, ‘is he proposing to someone?’ it was relentless, but easy to ignore as Cyn walked by the bodyguard, Mammon’s doing from previous, unwanted, entries on his part.
The atmosphere was happy and light-hearted, music coming from the nearby live band, a soft concerto piece featuring strings hovering above polite conversations. The waiters and waitresses bustled around to pour drinks, serve food, and deal with diners accordingly. The host smiled at Cynbel and gave a small nod.
“Do you have a reservation Sir?” 
“Yes, it’s under War” Cynbel hated using his ‘official’ name for things but he was bound to it, for the most part, email subscriptions were usually just Cynbel. The host nodded and looked down at his documents, checking that Cyn wasn't some random demon who had wandered in from the street, they guy knew he wasn’t, Lucifer and Cynbel were here 2 times a week at least, and knew half of the staff by name, but he still had to do his job.
“Of course mister War, you’re second party is here already” the host walked out to escort Cynbel to Lucifer, of course he was here early, no time for Cyn to suck up his gut and swallow the heart beating a samba within his throat. They passed other demons eating happily, enjoying their food and the conversations they were engulfed within, the clinking of cutlery on plates and wine glasses set down on tables amongst the slight chitter of gossip and distant thrumming of laughter. The pair came to the stairs they lead to the second story of the hall, private booths for couples and business partners to discuss their secrets.
Cynbel thanked The Host for the escort and ascended the stairs by himself, breath barely there as his heart pounded within his head. ‘You can do this’ Cyn repeated in his head trying to give himself some courage, ‘Ezzy believes in you’ warmth radiated within his chest, originating from the pact mark on his back. As he walked up Cyn’s eyes darted around trying to find Lucifer, scanning over the people within the booths not taking in anyone else he may have known. 
There he was. The butterflies within Cynbel’s stomach flew around even more so after looking upon Lucifer’s face, the ambient lighting making his features stand out, the curve of his cheek, the way his hair fell over his face, just perfect. Cyn walked up and Lucifer looked over at him, that smile appearing as he stood to greet his partner.
“Lucifer” Cyn’s voice wavered, excitement washing over him as he greeted the man he loved.
“Cynbel, good to see you again” Lucifer smiled, stood up, and reached out a hand to shake, nimble fingers entwining within Cyn’s.
“You too” Cynbel cleared his throat as he placed the gift on the table before tucking the chair underneath Lucifer. He walked around and sat himself down, looking more nervous by the minute, was he sweating?
“You look nervous, Cynbel, is something wrong?” A waiter came up and handed the pair a wine list for them to browse through, Lucifer was poised gracefully, his eyes staring into Cyn’s with nary a blink of nerve. Cynbel, on the other hand, was damn near panting, out of breath and smiling nervously.
“Wrong? No, of course not. I’ll have a Chenin Blanc” the waiter nodded and asked for Lucifer’s order, he responded with a nod, signalling he’d have the same, the waiter took their menus and left.
The night went on for the two, Cynbel creating lighthearted conversation and Lucifer chuckling along, hands touched between courses, feet played against each other throughout them chewing, rubbing along ankles in a playful manner. Lucifer talked of work, vented about his brothers’ doings of the day, letting his guard fall more and more as they conversed. The dessert course came, ones of Lucifers favourites, hot, poisoned apple pie with a custard ice cream.
As Lucifer admired his plate Cynbel cleared his throat once more, “Lucifer?” the alert of his name caused the other demon to look up at Cyn once more, a light ‘hmm?’ in response. “We’ve been staring at this all night, so here” Cyn pushed the box over to Lucifer, his face reddening at his feelings laid bare.
“It’s not my birthday Cyn, you needn’t have gotten me a gift” Lucifer’s sentence didn’t compliment the smile on his face, a slight excitement in his eye as he looked upon the gift.
“I know, but I saw it and thought of you” Cyn looked fondly at the other demon as he started opening the gift, fingers dancing along ribbon and edges of paper. “I actually had something to talk to you about, to ask you, that is”
“What is it?”
“I wanted to confess to you. Something that’s been eating away at me for months now. When we began this… this” Cyn waved his hand between the two of them in a telling way, they both knew what he meant, “we never wanted feelings to come into it, it’s been, what, decades now?” Lucifer nodded in agreement, “Well thanks to Ezzy, that dear friend of mine, I’ve come to realise that...well I don’t want to sneak out in the morning’s anymore, I want to wake up next to you and look upon your sleeping face before kissing you awake, I want to spend the bad days with you and help you through work and your brothers doings-” Cyn was interrupted by Lucifer’s gasp, his eyes on the present, Cyn smiling at his reaction.
“Cynbel this is, my goodness, it’s beautiful” Lucifer smiled at Cyn, this final act giving him the courage to continue.
“I love you, Lucifer, body and soul, I have for years but I never wanted to admit it to myself, but now that I know… I can’t just ignore it, I can’t continue with this by keeping my feelings locked away” For once Lucifer was silent, his mouth slightly open and brows raised in disbelief. The silence was deafening, and too long for Cyn’s liking “Lucifer, please say something”
“I- “ he began to reply before taking a deep breath, “I feel the same way” Lucifer gave a small chuckle, “foolishly, I assumed you had no feelings for me so I kept it to myself, afraid to ruin what little time we were spending together. Making love to you only to wake up and smell the covers of where you once were was torture, I would have hardly been able to endure it much longer”
“You’re shitting me?” Cynbel was astonished, his mouth hanging agape at Lucifer’s confession.
“I ‘shit’ you not, I love you too, Cynbel” Lucifer placed his hand on the table, open and waiting for Cyn to reciprocate, which he did, immediately. Hands closed around each other as they giggled and smiled, “What a night”
“Yeah you don’t say, honestly? I didn’t think you’d actually feel the same” Cyn leaned over the table, Lucifer mirroring him and leaning in closer, both of their hands clasping each other’s, smirks and half lidded eyes leading them into their first, proper, loving, kiss.
The world stood still in that one moment, knowing Lucifer felt the same way he did was amazing and this kiss was like none they had shared before that. Passion entwined within their bodies, electricity thrumming between them, smiles parting the kiss as their foreheads touch, Cyn’s hand raised to Lucifer’s cheek cupping it and running his thumb along his lovers cheekbone.
“Thank you for the gift, I’ll take that as an apology for your napping during the meeting earlier” Lucifer pulled away from Cyn, a snide smirk on his face.
“Oh? I was hoping to apologise later on tonight, unless you’d rather I didn’t? Cynbel played coy, innocently smiling and raising his eyebrows, causing Lucifer to smirk.
“Oh no, I’ll take that apology, too”
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popsunner · 4 years
Moonlit Champion: Part Two, Air
@cubedleo it’s been three weeks but like... tada
A/N: AO3 Link!! Jsjdbvjv bet y’all thought I forgot
Summary: Sokka sighs and crosses his arms as he stands again, walking with his hands tucked under his armpits. “Travel with the Avatar, they said. You’ll have a good time, they said.”
Aang hasn’t let go of Sokka since he woke up, soaking wet under a pile of his crying friends.
To be fair, Toph and Katara have been more clingy lately too, but it’s nothing compared to Aang.
Maybe because he was the one who almost (did?) died back in Ba Sing Se. He wasn’t there when they were all struggling to stay hopeful, to stick together. In simple terms, this isn’t Katara or Toph’s first rodeo.
(Which makes Sokka’s heart ache, when he recognizes Toph’s forced teasing and Katara’s sad smiles.)
“Aang, I kind of need my arm to start this fire,” Sokka says, and he tries not to sound annoyed, because he remembers how hard it was to leave Aang’s bedside after Ba Sing Se, to sleep or eat, let alone make an invasion plan.
“Oh.” Aang untangles his arms from Sokka’s, scooting away to give him room. He doesn’t scoot very far. “Sorry.”
Sokka gives him a small smile, and he watches as Aang’s eyes travel slowly up to stare at his hair.
Yeah, that’s hard to get used to.
“How far do we need to fly tomorrow, Sokka?” Katara asks for the fourth time.
It’s her own way of attaching herself to him, asking him questions like she’s reminding herself he’s there every two seconds. He doesn’t miss the way she watches him start the fire warily, a hand ready by her water pouch.
“Not far, we’ll probably have some down time. Maybe stop at a nearby town?”
“No thanks,” Aang says quietly. Katara gives him a worried look.
Sokka presses his mouth into a tight line. “I’m going to go check on Toph.”
Aang jumps up, “I’ll go with you!”
Sharing a look with his sister, Sokka nods. “Alright air-head, let’s go.”
“Ha! Air-head! Good one,” Katara says, laughing louder than she needs to.
Sokka thinks he might scream.
Aang grabs onto his arm again as soon as they start walking, and Sokka lets him. “Feeling okay, buddy?”
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” Aang squints at him, “Are you okay?”
Sokka wants to say he’ll be better as soon as everyone stops treating him like a child, but instead he just nods. “Just sad about my hair.”
“I think it looks cool!” Aang jumps up with a gust of air, hanging on Sokka’s shoulders so he can see his hair up close. “You and Appa match.”
“Wow, everything I’ve always wanted.” Aang jumps back down, twirling three tiny woven ropes in his hands. Sokka raises an eyebrow. “You’ve been messing with those all week. What are they?”
Aang goes red, and he shrugs. “The Monks always made them whenever one of us got our tattoos. The bands are supposed to symbolize achievement and growth.”
“Huh. Is it for mastering earthbending?”
If possible, Aang goes even redder. “I still have a lot to learn from Toph, there’s no way I’ve mastered earth. They’re… actually for you.”
Sokka looks down at the kid, who’s got his tongue sticking out of the corner of his mouth as he tries to tie a knot, and tries to think of something meaningful to say, to thank him. “Oh.”
Aang holds the bands out, and Sokka examines them as he takes them. They’re braided in a way Sokka hasn’t seen before, but the strands bend and curve awkwardly in places Aang made a mistake in the pattern. “Is this orange from your shirt?”
“The blue is from yours!”
Sokka might think that was weird if Aang didn’t look so excited. “Where do I put it?”
“Anywhere you want!” Aang drops onto his back with a huff, sticking his leg in the air. “Mine is on my ankle!”
Sokka laughs. “How about on my wolf tail?” he holds the band out to Aang, “Help me out?”
Aang jumps up to his feet and then to Sokka’s shoulders so fast it makes him dizzy, and Sokka starts walking again, hands wrapped around Aang's ankles to keep him steady as he ties the band through Sokka’s hair.
Toph is sitting next to Appa, throwing berries at random and cackling when Momo dives after them.
At least someone is acting normal. “Hey, Toph.”
“Who’s there?” Jumping to her feet, Toph holds out her arms in a defensive position. After a few seconds, she drops them. “Oh, Sokka, it’s just you.”
“Did I just startle you? With those feet?”
“Hey, back off. It’s hard to get used to that.” Toph points in Sokka’s direction with a huff.
Sokka wrinkles his eyebrows. “Me?”
“Yeah, you’re different now.”
“But you can’t see his hair,” Aang points out, climbing down Sokka’s arm to get to the ground.
Toph rolls her eyes and steps closer to point at Sokka’s chest. “Not his hair, that.”
“You can’t see my scar either.”
“You’re both idiots.” Toph pokes his chest roughly. “Your heart, obviously. Ever since you got back, it’s different.”
Aang’s eyes widen and he turns to press his ear into Sokka’s chest. “Different how? Different bad?”
Toph drops her arm. “Just different. I’m used to your individual heartbeats, and yours sounds… unfamiliar lately.”
“Oh goody.”
“Maybe Katara can heal it?”
“I said different, not broken!”
Sokka pats Aang’s head, then pushes it away from him. “Come on, food time.”
“You’re really telling me you can’t hear the difference?” Toph continues, leaning into Aang’s face.
Aang puts his hands up in surrender. “Should I be able to?”
“Yes! That’s the center of my earthbending! That, by the way, feather brain, I taught you!”
Sokka leans against a tree, watching and trying to decide if he’s annoyed or amused as they argue back and forth. In a few minutes, Toph will tire herself out and they can go eat.
His shoulder slipping from the tree, Sokka stumbles, spinning to try and find the direction of the voice. “Did you guys hear that?”
Aang frowns and looks around. “Hear what?”
“Someone calling for help.”
Toph stretches her hand out towards him, tilting her head to listen as Aang circles to his other side. “No.”
“Help me!”
Sokka spins, startling both his friends. “There it was again!”
“I didn’t hear anything,” Aang says slowly. He points towards the direction of the fire. “Maybe we should go get Katara?”
Toph nods. “I would hear it if someone was there.”
“No! I swear-” When Sokka turns his head, he’s met with two worried looks. Two scared looks. He forces himself to take a breath. “You know, I think we’ve all been on edge lately. Must’ve been a bird.”
That seems to be good enough for Aang, who grabs his arm and Toph’s, pulling them back towards the fire. “Come on, Katara’s waiting.”
Toph glares at Sokka’s shoulder, but doesn’t say anything.
Sokka adjusts the map spread across his thighs awkwardly, trying not to wake up Aang, who’d passed out leaning against his legs an hour ago. Sokka’s calf is starting to cramp up painfully, but at least the kid’s asleep.
Toph is snoring no more than two feet away, both feet planted firmly on the ground and a hand reaching out, just barely brushing Aang’s with her knuckles.
“They look so tiny,” Katara says. Sokka looks up and watches her poke at the dying fire.
“They are tiny.”
“Yeah, I guess so.” Katara’s eyebrows furrow, and she keeps her eyes trained on the embers. “Do you ever worry?”
Sokka snorts, “You’re going to have to be more specific.”
“About them.” Katara huffs and begrudgingly adds, “About us.”
“Only every second of every day.”
“I worry too, you know.”
There’s something like indignation in her tone, and Sokka smiles. “I know you do, you don’t exactly hide it.”
“Hey! You’re one to talk about subtlety, Mr. Sneak Attack.”
She has a point. Sokka sticks his tongue out at her.
“Aang said he gave you the band he’s been making,” Katara says, her voice soft again.
Sokka nods and points at his hair. “I think it looks cool. Like dad’s beads.”
“Yeah. The mark of a warrior.”
Sokka smiles at that, Katara doesn’t.
Aang stirs, and his head flops to the side so fast Sokka barely has time to reach out and catch it, adjusting it gently to lay against his knee.
Katara watches him, and says nothing.
The last of the fire goes out as a breeze carries itself through their camp, and the world seems to still around their tired little group.
“Someone please help me!”
Sokka wakes up without the warmth of his friends at his side.
He shivers and stands, looking down at Katara, curled up with Toph and snorts. There’s no way either of them will admit they’d been cuddling in the morning. Aang is snoring, his arms thrown over Sokka’s sleeping form.
Sokka stumbles back and trips.
His sleeping what.
“Alright, Sokka. You’re dreaming.” Sokka stands, brushing himself off. “This is some wacky dream that’s just… weirdly realistic, and you’re going to wake up any second-”
The voice is louder here, and it cuts through Sokka’s skull. Something inside him makes him take off after it without stopping to think.
Low hanging branches and twigs from bushes snap against his arms, and he feels nothing. The ground under his feet is soft, and his breath comes out in puffs of frozen white, like it always did back home. The air is warm.
Everything contradicts itself, and Sokka is having a harder time convincing himself this isn’t real. He reaches up to his head, running his fingers along the band Aang gave him. He debates going back to their camp to try and wake up the group. Animals are supposed to sense things people can’t, right?
Maybe he can go get Momo.
Sokka turns, intent on heading back, and runs smack into a tree he swears wasn’t there before.
Did he get his hands on cactus juice again? Sokka looks down at his hands, clenching and unclenching his fists. “Alright. What would Aang do?”
After a few seconds, Sokka plops down into a sitting position and rests his hands on his knees. He closes his eyes and draws in a slow breath, letting it out again as slowly as his lungs will let him.
Impatient, Sokka opens one eye, scanning the area. No Aang.
“This is probably something about you, right?” Sokka sighs and crosses his arms as he stands again, walking with his hands tucked under his armpits. “Travel with the Avatar, they said. You’ll have a good time, they said.”
No one actually said that and Sokka knows it. He scowls. “Why do I always have to get carried off into weird, spooky places?”
Weird, spookily familiar places.
Sokka’s eyes widen and he stops, resting his hand on a tree trunk. He’s been here before. The air that feels like it’s not there until he tries to breathe, the ground that seems to pulse like a heartbeat under his feet. The changing landscape.
He spent a night here, what feels like years ago. Sokka looks up, spinning in a circle, trying to catch a glimpse of the moon.
There she is, high in the sky and bigger than she ever is in his world.
“What’s going on?” He asks her, gesturing around him. “Why am I back here? How come I don’t have my body this time?”
“She doesn’t usually answer.”
Sokka shrieks and pulls his arms in front of his face, sticking a leg out in front of him, poised to kick. After a few seconds, he lowers his arms, staring at the… spirit? In front of him. “Hi?”
The spirit waves. They look like some sort of cross between a mushroom and a ten year old. Roots run like veins through their arms, sprouting clovers and fungi that shimmer when the moonlight hits them. “I’m glad you came.”
Sokka gasps, dropping his foot back to the ground, “It’s you! You were calling for help!”
“No.” The spirits face darkens. “My twin was.”
“Are you here to help them, Champion?”
Sokka rubs the back of his neck. “Champ who now?”
The spirit squints at him. “You were chosen as the Moon Spirit’s protector, weren’t you?”
“If I say no, are you going to eat me?”
“You have her touch,” The spirit says, reaching out to tug gently on a strand of his hair. “You are her chosen. Therefore you are the Champion of all the spirits under her.”
Sokka just wants to wake up. “That’s… nice.”
“So you will help my twin?”
Sokka opens his mouth to say no, to tell them that they should really just go get the Avatar, since he’s the bridge to the spirit world and all. Before he can say anything, a wave of calm washes over him, and he looks up at the moon. She seems to glare back. “Really?”
The moon, obviously, doesn’t answer, but Sokka sighs and nods at the spirit. “Yeah, I’ll help you.”
The spirit smiles and takes his hand, tugging him forward. “We have to hurry, the sun has infected them.”
“Your twin has a sunburn?” Sokka frowns. “Then we should really get my sister, she’s-”
“Not a sunburn, they’ve been infected.” the spirit yanks harder on his hand. “Moonwalkers don’t belong in sunlight. I told them, and they wouldn’t listen. They never listen to me.”
Sokka snorts. “I know the feeling. What’s your name anyway?”
“You can call me Pan.”
“And your twin?”
“Okay, Pan. How worried should I be about seeing this Puck?”
Pan glances back at him, their gray-green hair falls over their face. “If the sun rises again and they are not saved, I’ll lose them forever.”
“Oh.” Sokka looks up to glare at the moon again. He loves her, he really does, but come on .
“Save me!” the voice from before screams. Pan’s hand changes grip, almost like they’re switching from leading him to hanging on for dear life.
They push past a few more trees and into a clearing and Sokka stops, staring in shock at the sight he’s met with. “You said we have until sunrise?”
Sokka gapes at the yellow dragon in front of him. “Awesome.”
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blasphemie · 4 years
you know, @bumkeyz​, i think it’s very nasty for you to say i have some kind of privilege in all of this. we don’t get to pick and choose who was affected by addy and her actions. just because you see the shit that we posted on tumblr, does not mean you have the full story. and i’m gonna be honest... fuck you and the anon in my inbox for making me feel like i MUST talk about my own trauma because if i didn’t, i was staying silent for her.
when i say my brain couldn’t handle this, it’s because of outside factors that i won’t get into and the fact i had the stark realization that i was in fact manipulated by addy. it’s been hard to come to terms with and all i wanted to do with that ask was highlight that i did not stand by her. but fine, you want the long post of it all, so here ya go.
here’s my story. my side of things. read if you want, or don’t.
tw : manipulation , guilt tripping .
i’m not going to pretend like i remember when addy and i met. all i remember is something was happening in the rpc and i was involved in some discourse and she came into my ims offering support. i was very leery of her at this point, as she had just come back from her stay with rpslayed. tumblr won’t let me reopen those ims now she’s deleted that old blog, but i know that i did reply. it went from that discourse, to the one she was having with B, someone that took advantage of her. and again, i have morals to uphold, so of course i went off about it. through all of this, i started to believe she had changed - which was a large lapse in my own judgement at the time, but we became friends. i wish i hadn’t NOW, but that’s not something i can change now.
i have a terrible memory as i’ve stated, so again, i’m not going to be able to give dates on this one either, but you know how there was an asterisked name in certain posts of her’s? yeah that was my name right up until her current boyfriend. me and addy had this... thing going. more of like a back and forth, will they won’t they. i wish it was as poetic as some wattpad fic because that’s where i begin to realize i was manipulated. the biggest thing i can remember is the whole situation concerning my best friend, who is also my ex-boyfriend. something that was truly one sided occurred between them and soon it was such a big thing that me and him were friends. one time, she did not even talk to me for days and would only add like an emphasis or thumbs down to my imessage texts ( idk what they’re called but you get me ) . i was constantly made to feel bad that my ex was my best friend, i remember once she found out we wanted to make a rp together and was all “im going back to bed”. i once made a post that said “you know it’s real if i send you tiktoks” and tagged him in it and that again, led to her ghosting me because she didn’t feel important enough to me or whatever.
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i remember there was this time we didn’t talk for a certain amount of time, so i blocked her thinking we weren’t friends. and then i get this over cashapp.
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i won’t lie. addy has given me money. she gave me money when i really needed it and i think that’s why i didn’t want to speak against her. because i didn’t want her to think i had just been using her for money because i know at one point that is what she thought of me. but anyway, at this point, i’m like oh so we ARE friends ? and i’ve just been thrown back and forth so much with her that it was normal to me at this point. so we reconnected. i think the guilt over accepting money from someone kept me by her side and kept me standing up for her.
people who know me know i’m not an active replier sometimes. i sometimes disappear for days at a time and come back. that’s just who i am. addy didn’t like this. i remember once she was mad at me because i posted a screenshot of something my friend said and again, i was ghosted. this is how even part of that went.
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the entire thing is that i respect people’s boundaries. but this stemmed from a place of pettiness. this was the aftermath of that btw once i was softblocked.
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things like this also occurred.
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it felt like i was being PUNISHED for not replying. when i don’t reply, it’s not because i want to make someone not feel as if they’re not important to me, which is something she tried to say me posting a screenshot of someone else was me saying.
on the subject of the sexual jokes / allegations from other people : i had NO idea then that they were being made to everyone, especially minors. i thought it was something that was exclusive to people she liked. it became clear to me that she did make those jokes to everyone, but never, EVER to minors. please do not say i stand with someone whose said that shit to kids, because i would never. i’ve been at the receiving end of those and some were consensual, but not all, but i do digress.
ya know, i was always was to be blame for a failed almost relationship because don’t get me wrong, i did like addy. but i’ll also be the first to admit i am a VERY closed off person, but i still flirt with people a lot. but it was always pointed out to me that it was very clearly my fault, no matter if i apologized. it was always my fault. i always hurt her feelings ( to the point she would delete my number and contact entirely ) . it was just always, ALWAYS salt’s fault, she never let me forget that. i remember indirects were made about me such as this.
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btw this right here, was made BEFORE the “who gonna tell me” post, which she ended up deleting and then posting those.
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i remember even when i would TRY with her by saying hmu if you want to watch a movie, she would reply with “go ask [ex bf]” or when i reconnected with an flame she would say “whatever go flirt with [name]”. go do this, go do that. 
but the kicker? she would always come back and act like nothing happened. and i would always be in such a state of whiplash with this. she would flirt with me again and i would flirt back because that’s what i was used to.
when she got in her newest relationship, it all kind of came to a close, except if i made a joke about it all, she would say i hurt her feelings and lash out about it all. i was STILL made to feel bad about it even when she was in a relationship.
i think at the end of the day, i should and WILL take full accountability for even becoming friends with her in the first place due to her past. i could’ve easily stopped all of this happening to me if i had not made that ONE decision. at the end of the day, i was still manipulated, i was still made to feel like trash over a failed relationship, and i let it happen because i had feelings for her AND she had helped me out when i most needed it. but i’ll be dammed if i let someone say i had a PRIVILEGE in this situation when i felt like i had to stay friends with her because of the money or because she would say some shit about me if i tried to not be friends with her. and while there is so much more i could pull up and show y’all, i do not feel like going through all of that. just know this pattern is what i experienced for upwards of a year or so.
you can believe what you want or feel how you want about me. it doesn’t change a damn thing that happened to me and i’m so, SO tired of being silent.
- salt.
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ddaenggtan · 5 years
666 birthday candles | m
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a few of your friends help to make your birthday extra special. 
pairing | seokjin x reader x yoongi ft surprise at the end :)
wc | like 4kish? | also on ao3
warnings | HOOO BOY ALL THE WARNINGS, threesomes, unprotected sex, PWP, oral: male, oral: female, lots of oral, multiple orgasms, overtimulation, throatfucking, deepthroating in general, throat bulge, degradation, praise, Sir kink, voyeurism, exhibitionism, cum eating, dom!bts, part of the 666verse so Fae Jin and Werewolf Yoongi and Vamp Reader
a/n | this is absolute total complete filth, 100% written for @peekaboongi’s birthday, even though it’s late bc i suck but uWU i hope that you like it and also that y’all like it in general. this is part of 666verse, so features the same MC as the others, but this - like the others - can be read as a standalone
Walking into your apartment, it was immediately obvious that someone else was there that you didn't expect. You stop in the doorway, eyeing the shadows of your furniture and taking in whatever scents and sounds you can. There's a faint breathing echoing through the air, and a single waft of the air tells you who it is. Still, as you head toward the kitchen to check for any notes about your pet, something sits ever so slightly off about things.
"Should I hand you the bottle directly, or would you like me to fetch you a bowl?" You ask the air. There's a muffled laugh, which surprises you, and then a slightly annoyed huff as Yoongi catches the bottle you toss him. He's leaned against the wall of the kitchen, hidden from view of the door, and you wonder just how he got in.
"Ha. Ha." Yoongi's voice is dry as can be, a clear indicator that he's still not a fan of your dog jokes.
"So, what earns me the pleasure of your company tonight? Did you forget to take your medicine again?" The grin you give him is nothing less than shit-eating, a single brow cocked so he knows exactly what you mean. You try not to take too much pleasure in the way his cheeks turn slightly pink.
"It's nothing like that," He says, pouting ever so slightly as he fiddles with the cap of the water bottle. He hasn't opened it, which doesn't surprise you; it's mostly there as something that he can fiddle with while you two talk. "It's just...y'know. Thought you might like company tonight. Considering."
It takes you a full minute to realize what he's talking about, and when you do, your eyes narrow.
"Didn't realize that you still had a key." You raise your voice just enough to make it clear that though you haven't looked away from Yoongi, you aren't talking to him anymore.
"Didn't realize that you never changed the locks," A voice says from your living room. It's dark and shadowed, which is why you would have missed him altogether had he not laughed at your earlier joke. You just hadn't realized who, exactly, was standing there.
"Not much need for it when I don't have to worry about intruders." You cross your arms over your chest, ignoring the warmth already growing in your chest at the sight of him.
Seokjin always looks good, and now is no exception. The human world suits him, even moreso the bespoke suits he likes to flaunt around in these days. You almost miss the old days, with the crushed velvet and silk of his finery, but you have to admit that these modern clothes highlight his shoulders and waist in a way that the old ones never did. Your eyes never leave him as he turns from where he's inspecting the art on the walls. He looks at you just like he did that first night you met, in that ballroom in Italy.
"Happy birthday," He says eventually, a small smile gracing his lips. Yoongi hums in agreement, and you almost wish you could forget he was there. The memory of what happened in that alley is there whenever you close your eyes, though, and what happened after....well, it wasn't as forgettable as some might think from a werewolf on the smaller side.
"You didn't even bring me a present," You whine playfully, pouting your lips just enough to draw Seokjin's attention. His tongue darts out to wet his own and you bite back a smile. It's always nice to know that you can still affect him.
"We are your present." You turn at Yoongi's words, cocking a brow at him once more. "From a...mutual friend, I suppose. Although, I think that present might be more your type-" Seokjin quiets him with only a look, and the curiosity in you is piqued.
"Which mutual friend?" You ask. "We have several." Yoongi just ducks his head and grins, his slightly sharper than usual canines becoming more pronounced when the shadows hit them. A realization hits you all at once, and your eyes dart back to Seokjin.
"Yes," He says with a smile. "That mutual friend." You stay quiet, unwilling to let on just how excited you are about this turn of events. You'd had a private little celebration earlier, of course; a nice little dinner of Italian, with a Frenchman for dessert, before stopping by the club for a while. Namjoon's gift was particularly nice, though you'd left it in your office for those nights where you're too busy to come home.
"Where's my pet?" You ask suddenly, looking around for him.
"Taken care of for the night," Yoongi says. "Didn't want him getting in the way. Or whining at the door to be let in." He laughs a little, no doubt picturing just what that would be like, but you turn to Seokjin.
"We'd never hurt him," The fae prince tells you. "He's with Namjoon, and you know how they adore each other." You can't help but nod; they do adore each other, for many good reasons, and you know Joon will take care of him while you're otherwise occupied.
"Well then," You say, breezing through the room to stand at the entrance of the hallway. "Should I get things started on my own, or will you both be good little boys and come play?"
In an instant you're pressed against the wall, Yoongi's weight heavy against your back as he presses a surprisingly gentle kiss to the spot behind your ear.
"You sure are acting cocky tonight," He whispers. You can hear Seokjin moving around, distantly, but your focus is solely on Yoongi and the hard length you can feel pressed against your ass. "I haven't forgotten what it was like to see you bent over and begging for my cock in you, sweetheart. Should I give you a reminder?" His fingertips play at the hem of your dress, dancing along your upper thigh while his other hand is tortuously slow at pulling the zipper down your back.
You know Yoongi, you remember that night in the alley, and you are distinctly aware that while his control is impeccable, you can take more than the average human can. Which is why you're not afraid to poke the beast a little.
"I don't know," You tell him, a smirk growing across your lips as you do, "Do you really think you're up for something like that? You're so small, don't you need your rut to make you good at it?"
He growls into your ear and the sound shoots straight down to your heat. You think you might hear a chuckle from someone nearby, but you can't be sure because Yoongi's got your dress around your feet and flips you around so your back hits the wall. Before you can even breathe, he's got one hand on your hip to hold you in place, one hand teasing circles around your nipple, and his mouth pressed against yours in a kiss so hot you're surprised the sprinklers don't start. You've never been more glad that you decided to go bare underneath your dress.
"You," He groans into the kiss, pinching lightly at the hardened bud between his fingers, "Need to be taught some manners."
You whine when he pulls away, missing the heat of his body as the cool air of your apartment makes your nipples pebble. He doesn't give in, though; instead he simply pulls on you until you're both at the open door to your bedroom.
Seokjin looks up as you enter, and he looks entirely too at home lounging on your bed. His suit is gone, in a wrinkled pile at the foot of the bed, and the boxer briefs he has on leave little to the imagination. You can hear Yoongi stripping out of his usual flannel behind you, the metallic shink of his pants zipper following not long after, but your attention is focused on the golden skin and wide planes of the fae's body.
It takes milliseconds for you to settle in his lap and pull his lips to yours. It's been too long since you've tasted him, in any way, and the craving that burns underneath your skin is too strong to ignore.
"Patience, my sweet," Seokjin whispers, laughing slightly under his breath as he does. First we have to tell you how this is going to go." You frown, confused, until Yoongi settles in behind you, warm skin against yours and his voice low in your ear. It's almost hard to concentrate; his breath fans across your neck, leaving goosebumps in its wake, and you suppress a shiver.
"Do you understand, sweetheart?" Yoongi asks when he's finished. "Does that sound like fun to you?"
You glance at the nearby mirror, antique and treasured. You can't see yourself, just the way Seokjin's hands rest casually on your hips as he waits for your response, and how Yoongi hovers behind you, sitting back on his calves with one hand tracing patterns on your thigh. Even in the reflection you can see the messy desk behind you all, the way the chair's pulled out from where you'd been sitting there before your errands; heat pools in your stomach, wetness slips down your thighs, ideas swirl in your head of what could come after this, and you nod.
"That sounds perfect, sir," You tell Seokjin as you grind yourself back into Yoongi's length. It's impossible to tell who moves first; the three of you are a blur of hands and lips within moments. You think it might be Yoongi sucking bruises into your neck as best he can and Seokjin circling your clit with his long fingers, but then, it could also be Seokjin's hands kneading your breasts and pinching at your hardened nipples while Yoongi moans softly at the feel of you against him.
"Please sir," You whimper lightly, fixing half-lidded eyes on Seokjin. "Please, I want to taste you. Can I?" The fae prince smiles and pulls his hands away, sliding himself out from under you and Yoongi.
"Lay on your back," the werewolf behind you says. "Let him use that pretty little throat of yours."
You do as you're told, more than willing to give up control for tonight if it means they'll have their way with you. You get comfortable, letting your head hang slightly off the side of the mattress while Yoongi settles between your thighs, just running his hands along your soft skin.
Seokjin looks even taller from this angle, impossibly more broad shouldered, and it only turns you on more. He slides his dick out, situating the band of his underwear just beneath his balls, and your mouth waters at the sight. You'd almost forgotten how big he is; length and girth both, and you have enough experience with him to remember that he absolutely knows how to use it.
You rub your thighs together - just enough enough to relieve that pressure building between them - and Yoongi laughs.
"Look at this," He says. "We haven't even touched you and you're already wet. You're such a good little slut for us, aren't you?" You nod and your tongue darts out to lick your lips. Seokjin doesn't miss the action; his eyes are trained on your face, watching for any sign that you've changed your mind.
"Open your mouth for me, my sweet." You don't even hesitate to obey him, letting your drop open enough that he can slide the tip between your lips. Yoongi groans at the sight, no doubt remembering how it felt to be in that very same position, and his grip on your thighs tightens ever so slightly.
"Fuck, it's just as good as I remember," Seokjin breathes. You tease at his slit ever so slightly with the tip of your tongue, letting it ghost along as he sinks deeper into your mouth before pulling out almost entirely. The weight of him is absolutely superb and you want more.
"Thought you were going to use my throat?" You prod with a coy smile. "Or is it just Namjoon that does that?"
Something hardens in the fae's eyes, and you can barely prepare yourself as he sinks into your mouth once more, hitting the back of your throat with ease and yet still leaving a couple inches left. Your hand wraps around it before you can think, squeezing lightly as you moan around him. He lets out a soft curse, eyes fluttering closed as he pulls back out and then sinks in again.
"You really ought to behave," Seokjin warns. He looks up, away from where his cock disappears into your throat. Seconds later, your thighs are pushed up to your chest, baring your heat and ass to Yoongi. Pain explodes over the skin there, and your cry is muffled against the length in your mouth.
"That's the first of your birthday spankings, princess," Yoongi warns. His hand massages the area lightly, coaxing the pain away while Seokjin continues to use your mouth. "Remind me how old you are? Should we see if you can make it to that?" Another slap hits your ass, in a different spot, and Yoongi massages the pain away there as well. He doesn't stop with just two; he keeps going, until your back is arching up off the bed and Seokjin's dick is slipping all the way down your throat, buried to the hilt in your wet warmth. You can feel the fae shudder, no doubt holding back, and you drop your hand to squeeze lightly at his balls.
It draws his attention enough for you to lift an eyebrow at him; it's enough for him to get the message, hopefully, since your mouth is full of cock. You can feel pre-cum leaking down your throat, your ass is still smarting from the last spank Yoongi gave you, and you're so unbearably wet that you're humping the air.
"God, do you know what you smell like right now?" Yoongi asks you as Seokjin drills into your mouth. "It's like absolute heaven. You're so wet and ready for us, you're fucking dripping, and why? Because you've got a cock in your mouth? Because I spanked your ass until it's this beautiful pink, and you're choking on some fae dick? Is that how much of a slut you are, that all it takes is a little bit of cock and a few smacks for you to soak your sheets?"
"Fuck, is she really?" Seokjin asks, panting slightly. "I bet you taste so good right now, my sweet."
Something wet and warm makes its way up your folds and you hear Yoongi growl. "She fucking does." It's all you can do not to come on the spot as he pulls your thighs apart and attacks your pussy with his mouth.
His tongue is everywhere, all at once; dipping into your entrance, teasing your clit, licking broad stripes up and down before tensing so he can fuck you with it. You couldn't stop your moans if you tried, vibrations echoing around Seokjin's dick. One hand moves to wrap itself lightly around your throat, and you can feel how his dick meets his palm with every thrust.
His hips stutter ever so slightly, and you think you might hear him curse again - quietly - as he comes down your throat. It must have been the sight of Yoongi's face buried between your legs that tipped him over the edge, and that thought paired with the way Yoongi's conducting a symphony of your moans just with his tongue pushes you over the edge as well.
The werewolf doesn't let a single drop escape him; he laps it up as if it were the sweetest thing he's ever tasted, and keeps going. You ride the waves of your orgasm on his tongue, and before you even know it, he's drawing a second out of you as well. Seokjin pulls out of your throat as Yoongi dutifully cleans your cum and teases your clit once more. His grip on your hips is like iron, and actual bruises are starting to form where his fingers dig into your flesh.
Your hand tangles in his hair and you pull him up to look at you. The sight is incredibly erotic; his messy black hair gripped in one of your hands, your own wetness coating his lips and chin as his eyes glow that unnatural red and he growls lightly. Yoongi could eat you out for hours - you know from experience - but you've got something better in mind.
"Will you please fuck me, sir?"
The red in his eyes brightens even as its overtaken by his lust-blown pupils and his grip on you shifts so that he can pull you down the bed until your hips meet his. He doesn't even hesitate as he sinks his cock inside you, both of you moaning at the feeling. He pulls out and slams in again, and again, and again, driving you further across the bed each time. You're all too aware of your audience, even as your shoulder hits Seokjin's thigh, and when you look at him, he's got one hand fisted around his cock, pumping himself in time with Yoongi's thrusts.
You cum again, but the werewolf doesn't slow. No, instead he sinks as deep as he can and stays there, grinding his hips instead of thrusting them so that he brushes up perfectly against that spot inside of you. Electricity sparks in every nerve ending across your body, your orgasm doubling in force and making you clench so tightly around Yoongi that he's forced to stop moving entirely. It's that that truly does him in, and before you can stop him, he's pulling out entirely and letting his cum coat your thighs and pussy.
Seokjin comes not seconds later, warmth spurting across your chest and chin. Yoongi slides a finger through the mess he's made between your legs, gathering your cum as well as his before he leans up to gather some of Seokjin's as well. You watch as his fingers disappear between his lips, and his eyes flutter closed in ecstasy at the taste.
Still, you can tell that he's spent, and Seokjin's recovery period isn't quite what it used to be, so you're content to let them rest. They both settle at the head of the king-sized bed, leaning against the oversized headboard.
A hand encircles your ankle, tugging you to the edge of the bed. You shiver in anticipation and a finger presses hard against your clit. The overstimulation after so many orgasms is on just the right side of painful, and you have no doubt that you're growing even wetter.
"Did you like that, baby girl?" He purrs, slipping a mixture of Yoongi and Seokjin's cum into his mouth. You can just barely see the edges of his fangs, pressing softly against his bottom lip as his tongue flicks up his finger to gather every drop he can.
You nod, not trusting yourself to speak.
"Would you like me to fill that pretty slut pussy of yours with cum, then?"
You nod again. The dark hair is tousled and gorgeous, only slightly damp with sweat. That and the bulge of his suit pants are the only sign that watching the three of you had any effect on him.
"Use your words for me, please. Would you like me to fuck you full of my cum?"
"Yes, please, Sir," You whimper. He smirks, a wry and somewhat crooked expression as his head tilts ever so slightly to the side and he bites his lip, highlight the fang as it presses into the flesh there.
"Good girl," He tells you. The light twinkles off Jungkook's suit jacket as he peels it off, and you think that this might just be the best birthday you've had in years.
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calpalirwin · 4 years
Love in a Coffee Shop
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Summary: Finn starts dating again.
A/N: Y’all ever get curious what Finn gets up to during all of this? Or are we all so far up Ashton’s ass that we kinda forget Finn exists? Be honest! Well, I love Finn, so we’re gonna check up on him if that’s cool.
Word Count: 2.4k
And away, and away we go!
“You need to go out on a date,” Vanessa said with an eye roll.
If I had a dollar… “What do you think I do?” I asked.
“Work, take care of the kids, brood, visit you mom, brood some more.” She ticked each thing off on her fingers with a playful smile,
“I do not brood,” I defended while Ashton snickered into his hand. “And for the record, I have gone on dates. They just end horribly.”
“Aw,” Vanessa pouted. “Single, hot dad thing doesn’t work?”
“Oh, it works…” I shuddered. “Too well, that’s the problem.”
“Oh, boohoo, I’m Finn, and have lots of sex. Poor thing…”
I threw one of my fries at her while Ashton coughed to cover up a louder laugh. “Again, that’s not the problem, Ness.”
“Well, what is the problem then, Mr. Therapist?” she asked me in exasperation.
“Well first it was them running for the hills when I mentioned that my ex was pregnant with my second kid. That, uh.. Didn’t really sit well with women funnily enough.”
“That makes sense. But what’s the problem now?”
“The problem now is that they start planning these futures where we have kids too and…” I shuddered again. “I love my kids. I do. But one of each is enough for me. I don’t need exactly a bajillion like you do.”
Vanessa scoffed at me in offense, crossing her arms over her chest. “Wow… how did I ever let you go?” she sighed dreamily at me with a sarcastic smirk on her lips.
Ashton’s high-pitched giggle escaped despite his best efforts which set off both the couple in the booth behind us, and Mason and Bailey. “Stop!” Ashton wheezed. “Can’t breath! Couple behind us can hear!”
I was pretty sure the couple behind us was laughing far more about the grown ass man with the boyish giggle mixing with the gleeful laughter of small children than mine and Vanessa’s actual discussion. Especially when Ashton’s plea for us to drop the conversation resulted in the couple laughing even harder.
“Well,” Vanessa pressed on. “Mason starts preschool on Monday. Maybe you’ll find a cute single mom.”
“I don’t want more kids, Ness…”
“She probably won’t either! It’ll be great!”
“Yeah, minus the combined kids we have together from our exes? Pfft, perfect! What am I thinking?”
“Well what are you gonna do? Find a woman that doesn’t want kids? Women don’t admit that. You really think they’re gonna admit that to a dude with kids? Fuck no! Women get the stigma that if they don’t want kids it automatically means they hate them.”
“Okay, well I don’t think that.”
“Yeah, but they don’t know that.”
I groaned. “Ugh, I’m just gonna get a vasectomy and call it a day. Oh, you want kids? That’s cool, I can’t. Whoops…”
“That’s not a bad idea. Considering how easy it is for men to control their own reproductive rights…”
“Yeah, yeah, this country’s fuckin’ backwards. But move with my kids to Australia and… actually…”
Vanessa snorted. “I am not moving to Australia. No offense, love,” she said, patting Ashton’s hand.
“None taken.”
“Alright, Mase, I’ll pick you up in a few hours and take you to Nana’s,” I told Mason before straightening back up to my feet. I checked my watch. Perfect. Bailey was already with my mom, Mason had been dropped off at school, and I still had a half hour to make it in to work.
“Hi, I’m Mia,” a soft voice introduced and I lifted my gaze to find a woman in a knee-length patterned dress standing in front of me with her hand extended. Soft brown hair was piled on top of her head in a perfectly messy bun, escaped strands framing a set of equally soft brown eyes hidden behind black framed glasses.
“Finn,” I replied, shaking her hand.
“Finn… I don’t recall seeing you last week.” Her pink lips frowned in concern, and rightfully so. A strange man in a room full of preschoolers was mad creepy.
“Oh, yeah, my ex brought him last week. We have split custody of uh…” I looked around trying to spot Mason in a small sea of three and four year olds. “Well, he’s here somewhere… quiet one, bout this high.” I held my hand out measuring Mason’s height against my leg.
“Mmm” she hummed in response, her frown turning into a soft smile. “Well it’s nice to meet you, Finn.”
“Nice to meet you, too, Mia.” I returned her smile. Please be the teacher, and not a mom. Please be the teacher, and not a mom.
“Well, I’ll see you later for pick up then,” she nodded.
“Yeah, I’ll be here,” I answered, watching her move towards a chair in front of where all the rugrats sat cluttered on a rug decorated with the alphabet and numbers. Yes!
“So…?” Vanessa nudged my arm from across the table.
“So, what?” I asked, feigning innocence.
She rolled her eyes. “C’mon, Finn…”
“I had the kids, Ness. Didn’t exactly go on any dates.”
“Yeah, but did you see anyone you might be interested in when you dropped Mase off at school?”
“Yeah, actually.”
“Oh, my god, who?!” Vanessa pestered, her eyes lit up with excitement. “Was it Gwen’s mom, Lydia? I think she just has the one, so that wouldn’t be too bad. And she’s so cute.”
“You act like I’m picking out a puppy… and no. Not Lydia. Mia.”
“The teacher?!” Vanessa oooed, lifting her hair up off her neck and fanning herself. “The scandal!”
“Yeah… so I’m not really sure. She’s cute. She’s great with kids. But she’s his teacher for fuck’s sake.”
“Yeah, but what if she’s one of those teachers who’s a teacher because she doesn’t want her own kids?”
“What if she’s the teacher who’s a teacher because she wants kids?” I countered.
“For a therapist, you're pretty pessimistic there, Finn,” she tsked.
I rolled my eyes. “Alright. Say you’re right.”
“I usually am.”
I rolled my eyes again. “Say you’re right,” I repeated. “She’s one of those ‘I get my fulfillment by teaching other people’s children rather than having them myself’ types. Still doesn’t change the fact that she’s Mase’s teacher. That’s not like… scandalous?” I asked, stealing her word for it and waggling my fingers ominously.
She shrugged. “Maybe. But isn’t that your guys’ business to decide that for yourselves?”
I let out my next breath in a huff, running my hands through my hair. “Maybe. But I dunno if this is a risk I can take, Ness. If I ask her out and she says no, then there’s the awkwardness of having to see her twice a day. If I ask her out and things end badly, it’s the same as if she rejects me outright, but worse because we already tried something.”
“Has it been awkward between us since we broke up?”
“What? No…”
“So there ya go. It’ll only be awkward if you make it awkward. And if things potentially being awkward is what stops you from trying in the first place… well, that’s the weakest excuse I’ve ever heard.”
I pinched the bridge of my nose. “I’ll think about it, alright?”
“Good enough for me!” she chirped.
I groaned as my phone rang, telling me it was Vanessa. Why was she calling me on a Sunday morning? I checked the time and groaned again. And why so early? “Yeah?” I answered with a yawn.
“Coffee shop on the corner of Fifth. Now!”
“Mia! She’s here at the coffee shop.” By her hushed tone, I could imagine she was whispering into her phone so Mia must have been close.
“Jesus Christ, woman…”
“Are you coming or not?”
“I don’t even like coffee.”
“Then order a fuckin’ bagel for all I care. Just get down here!”
“Alright, alright…” I grumbled, pushing myself out of bed.
Ten minutes later I pushed my way into the little shop, spotting Ashton, Vanessa, and the kids chatting quietly with Mia at a table. Vanessa caught my eye, and said something that was probably “Oh, it’s Finn!” based on the way her mouth moved before waving me over.
“Hey guys,” I said once I got closer to them.
“Oh, hi!” Mia greeted with a smile. “Your little one with their mom?” she asked offhandedly, bringing attention to the fact that I hadn’t brought the kids with me.
I tilted my head to the side in confusion. Did she not know Mason was mine? “Uh, yeah. He is,” I said, reaching out to ruffle Mason’s hair whose primary focus was on his croissant and chocolate milk.
He swatted at my hand angrily before he lifted his eyes up. “Daddy!” he beamed.
Mia’s eyes went wide. “Oh! Mason’s yours! I thought…” Her gaze fluttered over to Ashton. “Oh, my, that’s embarrassing…”
I laughed, brushing it off. “Honest mistake. But yeah, he’s mine.”
Her gaze flickered over to Bailey. “Both of them?”
I nodded. “Yep.”
“Oh, now I’m really embarrassed. I can’t believe I didn’t pay attention to the fact that I’ve seen Mason all week, but not Ashton and Vanessa here. Oh, wow…” Her glasses slid down her nose as she ducked her head down, her cheeks bright pink. 
“Again, honest mistake,” I told her. “Don’t even worry about it.”
She shook her head, still wrapped up in the small mishap. “I’m, uh… gonna go get my coffee now. It was good running into you guys. Finn,” she nodded politely and excused herself to go wait in line, her arms brushing against mine as she squeezed past me. 
“Well…” Vanessa prompted.
“Well, what?”
“She didn’t say my name when she said goodbye.”
“Or mine,” Ashton added.
“Just yours. Funny.”
They were right. Why had Mia just said my name? And had she brushed into my arm as she moved past me or had I made that up?
“Finn? Finn?”
“Go order your bagel.”
“Yeah, bagel,” I nodded, hurrying to go stand in line behind Mia. It took her stepping forward to place her order for me to figure out what I was doing. “And a cinnamon raisin bagel, please,” I added, stepping forward and pulling out my wallet.
“Oh, no…” Mia stammered, shaking her head at the now thoroughly confused barista. “Just the coffee, thanks,” she reiterated, flashing her card.
“Nope. Bagel too,” I spoke again, blocking the card reader from her while I handed the poor barista some cash. “Sorry for the confusion.”
Mia’s eyes narrowed at me as the cash register clanged open and I got my change, dumping it into the tip jar. “Thank you, but that was completely unnecessary,” she told me as we stepped off to the side.
“You’re right. Probably should’ve asked first. Can I buy you a coffee sometime?”
Heat rose in her still slightly tinged cheeks. “No.”
I nodded, feeling the muscles in my jaw twitch. “Alright. No worries.”
“Because you already bought me one, so the next coffee should be on me.”
“Oh? Well, uh, I don’t actually drink coffee…”
Her lips pursed together in thought as a different barista put our items on the pick up counter. She dug around her purse, pulling out a pen and scribbling something down on the bag my bagel was in “Well dinner, then,” she amended, handing me the bag with a phone number written on it in a loopy scrawl. “Or do you only eat bagels?”
“I’m really glad you agreed to this,” I said, admiring the way the candle flickering on the table between us cast her in a soft glow. “I, uh… wasn’t sure if I was crossing a line, or something.”
“Oh, this isn’t a date. This is just me returning the favor for that coffee the other day.” Her words didn’t match up to the teasing tone and playful smile.
“Mmm, right. Maybe I’ll just have to buy you more coffees then.”
“Or pluck up the courage to ask me on a real date. Whichever is easier.”
“Would you say yes if I asked.”
“Ask me and find out.”
“Two Fridays from now. Say seven?”
“Seven,” she laughed. “Two Fridays from now? Little presumptuous of you, no?”
“Or optimistic. Whichever is easier.”
She laughed more, then sighed. “That sounds lovely…”
“I sense a ‘but’ coming…”
“However,” she said with a knowing look, and I was already in love with the way she played with words. “There’s something I should probably tell you first.”
“Oh?” I asked, trying not to let my mind take me down the rabbit hole of wildly outrageous deal breakers.
“I can’t have kids…”
“Oh?” I said again, stupidly.
She nodded slowly. “Yeah… just so you’re aware. I try to get that part done and out of the way as soon as possible. Makes it a little easier to deal with the rejection that usually follows.”
“That’s um…” I faltered and I reached for her hand. “I’m sorry to hear that.”
“Oh, it doesn’t bother me. I didn’t want kids even before I learned I couldn’t have them. I mean, I love children. I love my job. But having children of my own wasn’t ever something I felt I needed.”
“Fucked up?” she chuckled nervously.
“Great,” I corrected.
“Oh, yeah,” I nodded, with a grin. “But, I have two. That’s not a concern for you?”
“Oh, no, not at all. I’m fine with that. It’s… complicated, I guess? I don’t mind dating parents and playing a role in their children’s lives. I just biologically don’t want to be a parent.”
“That’s not complicated at all, actually. That’s…”
“Great?” she offered.
“More than great.”
“C’mon… pick up the phone, Ness,” I muttered to myself as I bounced on the balls of my feet.
“Finn?” she asked as she answered.
“SHE CAN’T HAVE KIDS!” I clapped a hand to my mouth after the outburst. I probably could have phrased that better, but I couldn’t help myself. I was fuckin’ smitten. Mia was beautiful, and smart. She was good with kids. She didn’t care that I had kids. And she couldn’t and didn’t want kids of her own! Fuck, I felt like I had hit the jackpot and I needed someone to be just as excited with me.
“And you just blurted it out to me like that?” I could imagine her eyebrows raised in question. “Finn… do better…”
“Sorry! Yep. Probably could have phrased that better. Or not told you at all… but fuck, Ness! I’m so happy! We’re going on another date in a few weeks. And just… fuck, I haven’t been this excited in a long time.”
“That’s great, Finn. I’m really happy for you.”
“Oh! You have to swear to me you won’t mention to her that I told you. She didn’t make it seem like it was a secret, but… ya know?”
“My lips are sealed. And hey, Finn?”
“I fuckin’ told ya so.”
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mercieshana · 5 years
Viagra Prank (Jungkook x Reader)
Writer’s Note: Hey y’all! What’s happening? It’s been over a year, since I posted my last blog. It’s due to the fact that a lot of tough stuff happened last year and also this year and it just took me a lot of time to recover from it. During that time I didn’t feel inspired to write anything at all! Recently, I have have found my light again (or at least I think so) and I just felt the urge to write something down real quick. I hope it isn’t absolute trash, cause I didn’t really proof read it or ish. I didn’t have the time. Y’all enjoy it fam and lemme know what y’all think or just hit up my inbox if y’all have requests or just want to say something. Yaya! Have a blessed day!
Update: find part two to this story on my blog 😁
Word count: ca. 1800 words
About: It’s time for you to do a revenge prank on your friend, but the results of this prank go way beyond your expectation! (smut, dirty talk)
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Revenge? Oh, it was most definitely sweet. You smiled triumphantly as you watched your best friend chug the last few sips of his smoothie on this hot summer day. Your plan was working out perfectly. You had carefully mixed some viagra into his cold smoothly and you were glad to see your plan was playing out as smoothly as it was. You chuckled to yourself. This was the perfect revenge. He had played a prank on you about a week ago and now it was time to get him back.
You casually took a seat next to him on the couch and waited for the viagra to take effect. Jungkook was busy playing Fortnite when suddenly he began to get hot.
“Is it hot in here or is it just me?” he asked, fanning a bit of air towards his sweating body.
“Mmm, it’s just you,” you smiled deviously - it was starting.
“Hm okay,” he replied, directing his attention back at the tv screen.
A few moments later you realized he was starting to sneak glances at you and when you caught him he’d quickly avert his eyes and focus back on the tv. Did you have something on your face? You jumped up and decided to take a look at your reflection in the mirror. You turned from side to side to make sure there was nothing weird on you, but there was nothing strange to be found. Confused, you made your way back to the couch in your friend’s living room. The moment you set foot in the room you felt a heavy gaze on you. You glanced up to see Jungkook’s piercing eyes directed at you, eyeing you like a hungry predator looks at its innocent and helpless prey.
“Ummmmm is something wrong?” you questioned, walking over to take a seat right next to him.
“Mmm you smell good,” he replied, taking a whiff of your peach body wash that you had bathed in a few hours ago, his stare not moving from you.
“Jungkook, are you alright?” you started to get worried. You thought all viagra would do was give him a boner and you’d be like “haha gotcha” and all would be well, but he was acting very strange.
“No, (Y/N). I’m so hot and I’m sweaty. I feel so....,” Jungkook was looking for the right words to explain his current state, his eyes traveling the ceiling of the room.
“Horny?” you added with your brows raised. Jungkook’s head snapped towards yours and you couldn’t help but chuckle.
“How’d you know!?” he shouted, his brows furrowed.
“Cause maybe I had something to do with it....,” you admitted, your eyes straying away from his and finding comfort in the simple patterns of the carpet.
He jumped up angrily, trying his best to cover the very visible bulge in his pants with his large hands. You couldnt help, but snicker at the sight of Jungkook like this. Nothing had ever really riled him up or made him this uneasy before.
“Oh so you think this is funny, huh?” his voice suddenly changed and you looked up to see a dark and mysterious expression on his face.
“You caused this,” he moved the hand that was doing a poor job of hiding his dick that was literally about to burst out of his basketball shorts and your jaw nearly dropped. You didn’t know how to react, but you definitely couldn’t look away.
“So fix it,” he stated and you gave him a wide eyed look.
“Wh-hat did you just say?” you were in awe.
“I said fix it, (Y/N),” he repeated and you folded your arms over your chest and rolled your eyes.
“Why should I? This is payback for the other time,” you said firmly and Jungkook knew exactly what you were referring to, but he wasn’t having any of it.
“Fix it or I swear I’ll beat your ass, until it’s a bright red color,” he threatened you and suddenly your body began to grow hot. Jungkook was unbelievable sexy, but seeing him frustrated and running his hands through his dark hair while ordering you to fix the problem you created was making your panties damp.
“Make me,” you retorted and got up to simply walk away to leave him even more frustrated and angry. This was most definitely funny to you.
“(Y/N), don’t make me do this...,” you heard his voice echo from behind you.
“(Y/N), don’t make me do this,” you repeated in a joking manner and added “You’re not going to do anything anyway. Your the sweet and kind Kookie remember? Your threats don’t intimidate me.”
Not even a second after you had finished that sentence you were pushed up against the wall. The side of your face was roughly being pressed against the cold wall and held in place there by Jungkook’s hand, while his other hand had crept below your skirt and into your panties.
“Ah, so you’re getting off on this, huh, (Y/N)?” you could literally hear the smirk in his voice when he realized your panties were soaked.
“N-no!” you denied and tried your best to free yourself from his grip, but it was useless, he had you right where he wanted you.
“Oh so if you’re not enjoying this then why are your panties wet?” he began to run one of his fingers up and down your slit and you couldn’t help but let out a moan.
“Ah we are moaning now? Are you sure you’re not enjoying this” he taunted you. You were most definitely enjoying it. You were growing wetter by the second and it was starting to get harder and harder to keep your self control in tact and your moans at bay.
“I’m gonna make you just as horny as I am, so you can see how it feels,” Jungkook announced and began to press one of his fingers into your core. You bit back a squirm when he inserted yet another one, your body growing hotter and wetter by the second.
“You’re so tight, (Y/N),” he whispered into the shell of your ear, his erection pressing into your backside. Minutes went by and Jungkook would do nothing, but tease your entrance, dip one or two of his fingers into you and then pull out, only to tease your entrance yet again. It was so frustrating and by now your wetness was running down your thighs. He knew just what he was doing to you and you really didn’t want to give in to him and let him have the power. What had happened to the cute and adorable Kookie you knew an who was this sexy and dominant male that was making you quiver under his touch?
“Jungkook, please.. I can’t take it anymore,” his teasing was beginning to become unbearable and you started to push back, hoping that one of his fingers would slip into you and stop the ache you were experiencing. Jungkook instantly removed his and and you let out a string of complaints and protests.
“So now you know how it feels to be super horny, huh?” he had a knowing smirk on his face and you wanted to smack him.
“Come back here and finish what you started!” you demanded and a strong hand wrapped around your throat, pushing your back into the wall.
“If anyone makes commands here - that’ll be me,” he asserted his dominance over you and not a word came out of your mouth to question that. You glanced up at him with big eyes and he released you from his grip.
“Now get on your knees and suck my dick,” he began to undo his pants and let them drop down and pool at his ankles. His tone was turning you on even more and you didn’t know how to feel about it.
“Do it or so help me, (Y/N)-,” before he could finish his sentence you dropped to your knees and earned a “-ah, good girl,” in return.
You felt his eyes peering down at you as you slowly hooked your fingers in his boxers and began to pull them down, his erection springing free from its confides. Your mouth was agape! It was a lot bigger than you thought and you didn’t know how to fit that in your mouth. Jungkook took care of that for you, using your moment of shock to put his cock in your open mouth and grab a fist full of your hair. Tears started to form in the outer corners of your eyes as he -almost violently- shoved his length down your throat. You instantly started to choke and gag on him, but he didn’t let up. All you earned from him were little grunts of pleasure as he abused your small throat relentlessly.
“Relax baby and breathe though your nose,” he said in a calming voice, wiping the tears from your face and then continuing his assault. Jungkook looked amazing. His hair was damp, his brows were furrowed and he had the darkest brown orbs you had ever seen. They almost appeared to be black and his appearance now was most definitely intimidating.
“Ah fuck!” you heard him exclaim a few moments later, his thrusts now becoming erratic - he was close. The idea of him making himself come by using you turned you on so much, you couldn’t help but touch yourself while he was abusing your little throat.
“Fuck, babygirl, I’m close! You better swallow all of this,” and with that you saw and felt his thighs - actually his whole body - tighten up, as he pulled you even further on to his cock and shot his hot seed down your throat. You didn’t protest or fight it, you took all of it, until he pulled his monster of a cock out of your mouth. Jungkook needed a moment to regain his breath after hitting such an euphoric high. You took the time to straighten out your clothes and calm down your hair that Jungkook had completely ruined.
“Where are you going?” Jungkook asked, his eyes trailing you.
“Home,” you swiftly, spinning around on your heel to head towards the door. You couldn’t believe that you had just done this with your best friend and what was most unbelievable for you was that you let him make you this horny! You couldn’t let him have anymore of an effect on you than he already did, so you decided it was best for you to retreat in this situation, but Jungkook had other plans. He gripped your wrist and trapped you back against the wall.
“We aren’t done with you yet,” he had a lusty expression on his face and you realized he was still hard. Fuck!
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