#y'all i'm aliveeee
snudartchaikovsky · 3 months
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yourneighborhoodporg · 5 months
The Guardian
Chapter 11: Alone (Part 1)
Obi-Wan Kenobi x Reader
Warnings: Angst, description of night terror, descriptions of person and animal injury :/, violence, fluff, canon character death, and description of near-death experience.
Summary: Soon after losing yourself within your own mind, you are deployed to the distant planet Lanos to aid Obi-Wan Kenobi in his secondary mission of delivering supplies to a Republic supply port amidst his coordination of the primary fleet rendevous. But as you begin to dip your toes into the responsibilities that accompany becoming a General in The Clone Wars, you are quick to discover that lightyears of travel will do nothing to shield you from the consequences of being The Guardian.
Song Inspo: Widow's Peak — Neil Finn
Words: 8.2K
A/n: I'M ALIVEEEE. Haha, sorry for the long hiatus, but I'm back with Chapter 1 of Part II (of many). We begin with events running tangentially to Rising Malevolence. Also, I have to thank each and every one of you for your continued support. I can't put into words how much it means to me to receive your Kudoses and read your comments. It's what has really driven me to make this story as entertaining for y'all as possible. So thank you ❤️ So excited to be back! Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on this one in the comments below :)
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Three may keep a secret, if two of them are dead — Benjamin Franklin
Squinting against the icy gale as loose flakes snagged your eyelashes, you steadied into a stiff crouch atop the snowy plain. One that stretched out for endless miles across the hostile planet’s pallid surface, but still allowed for enough idle traction with the dig of your determined heels into its niveous layers.
It wasn’t the easiest feat, considering your small body of just five years felt like loose parchment against the billowing gusts that howled past your ears and ruffled the furs of your Wampan cloak. But, no matter, you still did well for your age, relying on the Force’s converging stability to focus your body and mind on the far more interesting sight that lay ahead.
Sharp claws scurrying and scraping into the chipping frost below, the long, floppy-eared Ice Scrabbler continued its desperate search for the day’s meal. Your eyes graced its soft, brown coat, taking note of the progressive ruggedness that characterized the ends of its tail, and tight curls which twisted its cheeks into a perpetual frown.
What tugged at the muscles cornering your lips, however, was neither of those benign features. It was, instead, that pointed beak— a quite bulbous thing that greatly contrasted against the equally confused set of tiny button eyes dotting either oblivious side of the animal’s head as it remained affixed toward the ground.
You giggled.
Floppy ears spun like propellers, slapping against the small creature’s pointed mouth while those same, searching eyes locked cautiously onto your figure.
Sucking in the winter’s teeth-rotting chill, you held your breath, hoping not to upset the being any more than you obviously already had. Instead, you took comfort, simply by watching the miniature thing while your shoulders relaxed into the imperceptible numbing sensation the weather cast onto your grinning lips.
But the Galaxy had other plans, as the Scrabbler seemed to derive permission from your stilled expression to commence a slow approach. In which, placing one carefully lowered paw in front of the other, it rigidly prowled toward your figure crouched only a few feet away.
Still, you watched on quite happily, permitting the critter to carry out its nature during one of those rare trips you and your friend took across the planet’s surface.
Until the Scrabbler’s suddenly coiled spine launched like a flash of light toward your arm, levying a hefty scratch with sharp claws that plunged your knees into the sleet.
You cried out, thrusting a reactive fist toward the defensive, four-legged animal as the Force carried out your whim, sending its surprised limbs tumbling into the unfeeling embrace of a nearby, blackened rock that jutted ruggedly from the ice.
“Are you alright?” Qui-Gon asked calmly while swiftly approaching your squatting figure, having left behind his light scavenging efforts some meters away in favor of the sudden commotion.
You wiped a loose, crystal tear from your cheek as the wise-eyed man kneeled before you, gently grasping your small arm to assess the damage prior to loosening a travel pack off his back and down his shoulder so to leisurely rummage through its varied contents.
“That dumb thing attacked me!” You spit, eyes narrowed on the Scrabbler’s semi-distant form that softly limped beyond its disturbed landing spot, silent whimpers trailing paw prints which denting the snow.
That’s when the old Jedi’s gaze locked with yours. And without sharing a hint of anything but lifted features of neutrality and acceptance, your Master blindly grasped onto whatever he was looking for from his pack.
Soon, he revealed the mystery by raising a white bandage roll from its rear compartment before, once more, motioning for your arm, all of which began the gradual process of wrapping its red-streaked, mangled body that stung from the dissolving mess of descending flakes.
“Do you think they were unwise in attacking you?” The man questioned, circling the itchy white ribbon firmly around the inking, crimson wound.
You stared at him straight. “Yeah!”
“Even if they saw you as a threat?”
“But I wasn’t doing anything!” You complained, scrunching your nose in annoyance. “I was just… watching it.”
After tightly sealing your arm from any risk of leakage, the Master Jedi tied off the bandage. Embracing the seconds following that last, knotted loop to face you with his whole self, completely, before he settled to speak.
“Sometimes, we can do nothing at all, and everything right, yet still face the consequences.”
He rose to his feet, offering you a warm hand to firmly grab as you lugged yourself upwards, catching your sprightly feet to stand beside his articulate incarnation.
“But it is our responsibility as Jedi to face such circumstances without fear.”
Your eyes raised toward the warm, hue-scattered horizon, scanning the icy expanse for the animal before that same, conflicted stare grounded on a small brown ball of fur, quivering a few meters beyond the rock like a fleck upon a pearly white blanket.
“I wasn’t scared,” you defended meekly, a subtle pull tugging at your chest. “I was just… upset.”
But no matter how much you tried to hide it, Qui-Gon seemed to take clear notice of your gaze as his own subtly curious expression traced it to the nearby cramped creature struggling through a noticeable limp.
“It is fear that leads us to become upset. Fear that guides us to take it out on others.”
With deliberate leisure, the Master Jedi approached the trembling, small Scrabbler, leading you to follow in step as you steadily trailed along through suffocating snow banks. Their spilling bodies gliding like hands with tightening fingers as if ready to clasp your ankles before yanking you down into their underground world.
He hummed lowly, taking careful measure not to panic the tiny animal with intimidating noises. “But we must act compassionately to all. Even those who frighten us.”
Before long, the two of you reached the whining Scrabbler. And, with each successive movement that Qui-Gon made, from kneeling down to even extending a sedated, innocuous arm toward its wet snout, the being could only shrink in place at what they perceived as coming doom. With its left, front leg dreadfully abraded and slowly bleeding into reddening fur at the bend, that was all it could feasibly do.
Until the back of Qui-Gon’s hand graced those drooping ears, the gentle, kneading strokes progressively plucking out the Scrabbler’s surreptitiously affectionate nature. Most evident when the smoothly tranquilizing critter leaned into the Master Jedi’s palm with pleasurably squinting eyes, as if his rough skin held the only warmth found for miles.
Which was probably true.
Still, as was his timeless essence, Qui-Gon sourced the infinite prowess to calm the creature a significant degree. Enough, apparently, for your dear friend to feel comfortable gradually transferring that same roll of bandaging tape into your pocket-size palms. Tiny fingers which impulsively clutched onto the ruggedly thin material as your confounded gaze communicated every baffling, skeptical thought that flitted through your mind.
But all that only compelled the Master Jedi to respond with was a subtle, lighthearted beckon of the brows toward the faintly preoccupied, wild animal.
So, with equal prudence, and a healthy bout of watchful nerves, you gently wrapped your tiny fingers around the creature's leg.
Yet as those chilled digits graced bloodied fur bordering the Scrabbler’s wound, you were quick to earn a flick of its bulbous skull toward your now stiffened form, followed by a quiet, meaningful growl that seemed to sting your freshly wrapped wound the most.
This time, however, you didn’t react so rashly.
With Qui-Gon’s silent encouragement acting in tandem with his subsisted, distracting ear scratches, you carefully began wrapping the abrasion.
“To be their friend?” You questioned, eyes locked into the twirling, pearly fabric.
Qui-Gon lifted his hand from the Scrabbler while he considered your words, allowing the latter to curiously observe your actions with a regularly tilting head and clicking beak as the Jedi Master’s eyes graced the blue sky’s boundless existence.
“A Jedi is a friend to all who are imbued with the living Force.”
Your brows furrowed at the old man whose gaze had traveled elsewhere, though your hands remained steady. “But that’s… everything.”
His serene stare skipped back toward your patient expression.
“You are correct,” he smiled softly.
With a securing knot at the upper leg, you finished bandaging the creature, leaving enough room for them to bend their knee during the next few weeks of healing until the fabric dissolved.
The Scrabbler, too, seemed to approve of your quick handiwork, as they swiftly leaned over to swipe their beak past your cheek, offering a sloppy, wet lick of appreciation. All the while their sandpaper-like tongue roped a feeble giggle to fall past your lips.
And it was enough, too, to reel you back into the reality of your actions, like an air bubble shooting to the surface of any deep ocean.
“I feel bad,” you faintly admitted, averting your gaze from the only honorable man you’d ever known.
Instead, you focused your guilt by repaying the presently comfortable creature with a few scratches on their unfairly soft, browned back.
“There is no need,” he declared nonchalantly. “You have made your amends and were forgiven.”
A gentle, thrumming purr oozed from the Scrabbler’s belly— a sound so foreign yet entirely relaxing that it drowned out the echoing howls of swelling gusts that whipped your hair and numbed your cheekbones.
Still, nothing could ever stifle the way Qui-Gon’s subtle wisdoms stimulated your inner thoughts. Whether it was hours or days prior, once the gravity of his words set in, it was like rushing water to the crops of your mind.
You couldn’t help but drink it in.
“So… when I’m The Guardian, I’ll have to protect everyone else too? Why can’t I just help The Chosen One to keep balance in the Force?”
A sudden warmth enveloping your shoulder drew your gaze, along with your once stooped body, upwards. Empowering you to wonder up at the soft-eyed Jedi whose comforting grasp always reminded you that as long as he was around, you’d always be safe.
“Because all life is sacred, Young One. It is as meaningful as it is fleeting. It is when we accept this truth that we may find peace in the Galaxy.”
You grinned.
Until the wisp of glazed disorientation consuming Qui-Gon’s once bright, blue eyes drew it to falter.
“Qui-Gon?” You questioned nervously with wrinkled brows.
His jaw plunged open, orbs swirling gray as a sharp, red glow reflecting off their gloss caught your attention against the world’s white sheen.
You snapped your heed down toward a new heat, settled in the form of a blaring, red saber that burned your watering eyes. Sucking the life from your breath once your gaze traced its body from the hilt lying neatly in your palm all the way into Qui-Gon’s marred gut.
“Qui-Gon!” You cried. “I didn’t mean to!”
A maniacal hiss from just behind fluttered past your tingling ear, catching your heart in your throat as two fierce hands with sharpened nails dug ruthlessly into your arms to wheel you around.
A blood face lined by black streaks, craggy horns threatening to scratch out your skin, and eyes as yellow as the darkest side of the most rotten star.
He grabbed your throa—
“General, sir.”
Shimmering silver eyes shot open, subdued shock heaving your once-lying chest upwards like a pebble stuck to the end of a string as you disjointedly adjusted to the warped, muggy cavern’s dimmed surroundings. That very instant in which your shoulders graced a higher altitude, you unconsciously scooted, palms scrambling your back to touch the rear, cold rock face while your mind caught up to the blood rushing in from your tingling extremities.
It was a brief existence of disorientation as disorderly thoughts gradually adjusted for the contrasting present. Allowing your senses to hone in on the fact that you were still within that happenstance cave on Lanos. One that you, Obi-Wan, and his Ghost Company of the 212nd decided to take short respite in, you quickly recalled.
Through that brisk remembrance, you found the blurriness of odd shapes soon cleared like melting ice into the curved lines and sharper cuts of clone troopers’ white and black uniforms, which graciously dotted your surroundings.
Some, like you, were resting against the cavern’s walls in various states of lying, sitting, and leaning, across or beside scattered Republic-marked cargo containers. A couple for shut-eye, and one group for, what looked like, a quick game of Card Commander, which you’d heard a bit about these last few days.
Others moved through the makeshift corridor manufactured by sporadically lounging bodies. Either in straight dialogues with one another or to strictly coordinate the transport of supply-riddled repulsersleds back out into the valley that formed this cave at least a millennia ago.
Most noticeable, however, was the clone trooper stood just in front of your once dormant figure. Presenting a silent disposition which dedicated his helmed stare to an existence of patient observation. All while you attempted to conceal somewhat erratic breaths emerging from that strange dream’s persisting sensation of bottomless emptiness as it settled within your chest like a voracious parasite.
Because it all just felt a little too real.
Nevertheless, you rammed that feeling down.
“Apologies for waking you, sir, but General Kenobi requested I inform you that we will begin moving again in the next ten minutes.”
You nodded, adjusting your spine against the rather uncomfortable, bumpy crag before glancing up at the bulkily masked trooper. One of the many soldiers in this Company tasked with acting as a defensive escort to a ground supply convo headed for the Republic’s Lanos supply port that still stood a few clicks out.
You recalled how the atmospheric electrical storm dancing beyond the skies forced the three cargo shuttles to land at least five clicks out from the compound in order to ensure a safe landing. Which, of course, left a quick trek as the only guarantee of a punctual supply delivery. All in hopes that this secondary mission would be completed in time for Kenobi to return the Negotiator.
He did have to coordinate an entire fleet rendezvous to protect the main supply convoys, after all. So, haste prevailed as the most important factor; no matter if Obi-Wan’s primary mission remained in the same system.
Speed, yes. A constant rush. That would explain why you felt so jostled when awoken. Particularly if you’d only been out for a few minutes.
Well, that among other factors.
“Thank you,” you croaked, throat dry from sleeplessness until you cleared it with a gruff cough. “And your name?”
“Designation CT-7212, General,” he straightened. “But the boys call me Boil.”
“Boil,” you hummed, tasting the vowels. “I like that. But call me Silvey.”
You climbed to your feet, reaching for your knees to pat off the dirt that had accumulated in your unconscious state.
“Sir?” He asked perplexed.
You glanced up at the man, and, were it not for the helmet, you would’ve seen a sharp, bundle of nerves stitch together his brows right about now.
“Close, but you’re missing a couple letters,” you teased, throwing a light smile toward the speechless soldier undoubtedly drenched in discomfort, until you adopted a more practical, commanding tone.
“No General, no sir. Just Silvey.”
Boil offered a curt nod. “Understood sir—uh—Silvey.”
You opened your mouth, loosened tongue primed to inquire about the approximate arrival time to the Republic port, when a vivid, repeating flash erupted from your wrist. Followed by a high-pitched beep and vibrating buzz that, in equal intervals, tingled like tiny Endorian ants up and down your non-dominant arm.
Your new wrist comm seemed to be aptly functioning, you thought while glancing down at the device. It was one of the few upgrades the Republic Army supplied for your wears. Much like the other handful of Jedi you’d seen dressed for battle, you bore forearm-length granite gray gauntlets and shin guards that blended well with your long-sleeved charcoal tunic and trousers. Even the sage shoulder guard did an excellent job extending into your similarly tinted robe’s design.
Though, in hindsight, it wasn’t the most appropriate clothing for such a humid cavern, considering how the cloth stuck to your skin and pulled droplets from your forehead like a desert heat.
All in all, you couldn’t wait to step outside into unfettered air.
“I’ll be out in a moment,” you informed Boil, who simply nodded before retreating down the passageway while you comfortably folded your legs to answer the comm.
Only to hear a familiar groan of annoyance as Anakin seemed to, once again, request that Ahsoka leave from whichever room he was currently occupying on a ship lightyears away. From what you could make out, he was suggesting to his Padawan that she inform the Admiral of their split approach tactic. Still, you couldn’t gather much else from the exchange as it was swiftly followed by the clear whoosh of a sealing door that prompted you to speak.
“Glad to hear that you’re enjoying yourself.”
“Sorry,” he huffed into the comm, a tin film separating the essence of his voice from you. “My Padawan has yet to learn how to talk with the Council.”
“Struggling with tact? Sounds like someone else I know.”
And the brief silence that followed suggested all you needed to adequately imagine the thin, unimpressed line characterizing the Chosen One’s frustrated lips.
Which was certainly enough to yank a healthy chuckle out of you.
Until a concerned edge cut you off.
“Obi-Wan dodged my question when I asked how you were a few minutes ago.”
Your jaw subconsciously tightened.
This is exactly what you were hoping to avoid.
Anakin worrying about you when he had much more on his mind to deal with.
You knew particularly well what it was like to lose someone you were close to. Including the dangers of tying another string to one more rattling tree so soon after a mother’s death. Which is why you didn’t want to complicate his potential endeavors of relying on the Force to forge ahead with your own, peeling branches.
Nevertheless, while you were sure Obi-Wan did his best in redirecting Anakin’s questioning, you were now close enough with The Chosen One to know that he was quite capable of catching someone, especially his former Master, in a subtle act of deception.
Although there was perhaps still a way to salvage this, you considered.
So, you feigned ignorance.
“Are you okay?” He questioned without a lick of hesitation.
“I’m fine, Ana—“
“I know something is going on. That it has been for a while. But no one is tellin—“
“Anakin, drop it,” you stated tersely.
A perpetual silence seemed to cloud the comm line, interrupted by only the occasional pop of static that merely acted as proof of life.
Still, it supplied enough of a buffer for you to hopefully steer the conversation to something more… productive? Harmonious?
No matter the uncomfortable sheen that draped across your figure, that needed to happen.
He couldn’t have any distractions.
“Um,” you breathed deeply before releasing a noisy exhale. “If you heard from Obi-Wan, I assume it was during the Council meeting on that new Separatist weapon I’ve been hearing so much about,” you inquired somewhat smoothly. “Any news on your end?”
Another beat of complicated stillness crossed the communique before Anakin’s firm, business-oriented tone echoed through the line.
“Master Plo Koon’s fleet was in the Abregado System when we lost contact. Sensors say that this weapon may be why. But the Council ordered we redirect to protect the supply convoys.”
“Sounds like I’ll be seeing you soon,” you commented while your chest distended at the loss of life. “Who’s been tasked with rescuing the survivors?”
“Technically, no one,” he straightly remarked. “But… you also probably won’t be seeing me as soon as you thought.”
Well, that certainly tugged at the corner of your mouth.
“Bring support,” you advised.
“Don’t worry,” Anakin relayed, a slight unsettlement underlying his tone. “The Master Insubordinate herself is tagging along. Ahsoka was the one who wanted to go in the first place.”
“Like Master, like Padawan,” you remarked lightheartedly, hoping to relieve the Jedi’s mood.
“At least she’s learning something, I guess.”
Though, despite the levity of his words, you could still hear the steady unease buffering his voice like a decaying foundation, fracturing all the way up to its highest spires.
A nervous trill swirled in your gut.
He seemed to be in better spirits before. So then…
Was this your doing?
Did your earlier deflection infect him with this gradual rot of apprehension?
“I won’t tell Obi-Wan,” you revealed, hoping to seize some sense that perhaps his tense articulations were primarily rooted in that particular worry. “But please update him when he starts coordinating the rendezvous. Otherwise, he’s gonna turn gray because of us. Well, if he doesn’t figure it out by then.”
Silence spoke for your groundless optimism instead.
And, against every warring cell of your being that despairingly endeavored to justify the past month’s clandestine behavior, it suddenly forced you to consider:
Were you making things worse?
No. No.
The alternative of sharing these strange afflictions was sure to confuse your role as his protector. His Guardian.
Not the other way around.
… but
Hiding it? When he already knew something was going on?
And it was that very justification that seemed to lift some invisible veil from your radiantly, silver eyes.
You’d driven this secret to its farthest bounds, when scooping at its crumbling remains proved to just pour sand into unwanted places.
And the result?
Keeping such a lid sealed only allowed for the pressure to rise.
And if there was any hope of ensuring that Anakin would be able to focus on his mission, on himself, without undeniable questions regarding your being bouncing about his brain, it meant that it was time to crack it a sliver.
Lest it explode into a million, tiny shards.
You exhaled, quite desultorily.
He believed in you. At least, somewhat.
And you him.
Though you still couldn’t help but shake your head at yourself as this decision haphazardly knitted its way across your synapses.
It was time to rely on that trusting notion.
And although, given the tightly wrapped string already knotted around your branches, there was little other choice, you could only hope that this was, in fact, the right one.
No matter how compromising it felt to share.
“I don’t know what it was,” you lowly breathed with mindless abandon.
Another beat.
“Huh?” His tired voice crackled through.
“What happened to me,” you angled your head to watch a handful of clones secure the last two, red and white cargo containers lining the cavern’s walls on a large, gray repulsorsled for travel. “I don’t know what it was.”
Anakin could’ve yelled until his throat turned raw and it still would’ve sounded like a distant squeak in comparison to the rumble of his quickening heart. A beat you could sense from his uncontrollably stilled breath thousands of planets away.
“What happened, Silvey?”
“I’m not sure how much Obi-Wan has told you—“
“Nothing,” he tightly reminded.
“He’s not to blame, Anakin,” you assured, eyes lifting to the cave’s rugged ceiling. “I asked him to keep this private.”
You sighed, closing your eyes momentarily as you gathered your thoughts surrounding the peculiarity of recent events while the Jedi on the other side of the Galaxy lingered in quiet anticipation.
“Pretty soon after arriving on Coruscant, I started having these strange headaches. They weren’t great, but manageable. Until it got worse. One of those times being in the fighter cockpit, if you recall. Eventually, I found some kind of solution. Well, a few. It’s hard to put into words. But, that’s not important. I—“
You swallowed thickly.
“There was an… incident. I was meditating and then, I don’t know, the headaches came back and my mind went… somewhere else? A different land, I suppose. A deadly one.”
You exhaled through your nostrils, taking Anakin’s perpetual silence as permission to continue.
“Obi-Wan was nearby so he helped bring me back before… before it was too late. But whatever happened in there… it changed something. I don’t know. I just don’t feel like myself, I suppose.”
You shrugged, forgetting temporarily that this was, in fact, not a holocomm call.
“From what I was told by Master Windu, I passed out. Spent the rest of the day in the Infirmary before being declared fit for duty and shipping out the next morning. Nothing has happened since then so hopefully it’s all in the past.”
“What do you mean another land?” Anakin questioned, crossed brows and tensed teeth traveling as clearly as his voice through the gravely comm.
“Just that,” you admitted honestly. “Another land. Lots of black rocks, rough waters...”
You bit your lip.
“Well, Obi-Wan did say he sensed a darkness there.”
“Not in you?” Anakin nearly pleaded.
“No, no,” you confirmed quickly, shaking your head for no one in particular. “Just in this ‘place.’” Uneasily, you rubbed your moist forehead with the back of your chilled hand. “I don’t know. It’s complicated.”
“No kidding,” Anakin huffed, before his voice softened into a realm that nearly made you question whether he believed someone was eavesdropping from the other end of that far-off door.
“But, you’re okay?”
You smiled gently to yourself, chin dipping into your chest as you sensed a waxing alleviation flood his side of the comm before you even had the chance to respond.
“I’m alright,” you verbalized, releasing that last bit of trouble pervading your mind.
Well, other than that strange imagery your brain concocted earlier.
That was no dream, you soon surmised once you allowed such thoughts to finally coalesce into a more, credulous form since awakening.
It was something else.
A corrupted memory, perhaps.
You recalled that particular scouting day on Hoth. How the Scrabbler mistook you for a credible threat. And how Qui-Gon, as always, used the experience for a teaching moment.
But that red lightsaber... laid in your hands…
Piercing your Master’s life force.
A trickle of guilt crawled down your spine.
That devil face…
You shuddered.
This was something entirely new.
And, still, nothing with enough substance to be quite concerned about just yet.
Nothing worth sharing.
“You better get going,” you counseled, focusing your mind on the present. “People need you, Anakin.”
“That they do,” he chuckled, leading you to subconsciously shake your head at his oddly charming ego.
Until he abated to relay one last item.
“Thanks, Silvey.”
You cocked your head curiously at his sudden warmth. “For what?”
Another crackle of the comm.
“For trusting me.”
Your shoulders relaxed.
“I’ve always trusted you Anakin,” you breathed. “Just needed a little reminder.”
“Then keep a calendar, yeah?”
You rolled your eyes.
“Shut it, Smarty.”
And, somehow, you knew that even hundreds of parsecs away, The Chosen One and his Guardian were, in equal measure, smiling at their respective comms with an expression only either would recognize.
“Bring as many of those boys home as you can, Anakin. You hear me? I’ve heard countless stories about Master Plo over the years. And no Separatist ploy can cut him down.”
“I’ll be sure to share your praises when I find him.”
You could taste his grin as your teeth parted.
“You better.”
If Master Kenobi appreciated anything during this secondary mission, it was Lanos’s proclivity for far-reaching, grassy plains and vivaciously deep gales. An environment that, in some ways, reflected Naboo’s natural monuments, which the bearded Jedi had opportune time to take note of during its battle ten years ago. Though, while Lanos carried less staggering plateaus, its rolling hills had the power to eclipse the sight of any mortal being, effortlessly putting Theed to shame.
Still, his enjoyment of these notable planetary characteristics stretched far beyond aesthetic pleasures. They acted as a strategic advantage for the task at hand: delivering necessary cargo while remaining hidden from the visual sensors of Separatist ships dedicated to broad-band sector scans only parsecs away.
It was why the General chose this pathway in particular. A profound valley whose towering, dense rock walls and thick vegetation would do wonders in concealing about 36 armed clones, 27 repulsorsleds of cargo, and two Jedi from periodic sweeps. Especially during an electrical storm.
Maybe it was that self-assured sense of security, that peace of mind imbued by the presence of a large Republic fleet in the sector above, that beckoned Kenobi’s mind to wander beyond those scattered, nine clusters of steadily marching clones and hovering supplies.
He was instead drawn toward the far more compelling presence trekking about ten meters ahead. Locked in friendly conversation with a convo-guarding solider who carried a green, circular mark on his helm’s rear.
You. You. You. That’s all that consumed the General’s mind.
And, for quite a logical reason, of course.
It had only been a few days prior when the two of you narrowly escaped the brink of death at the hands of your own mind. An experience that flooded the Jedi’s thoughts with seemingly unanswerable questions and unsettling speculations. All rooted in one, unmistakable conclusion.
Obi-Wan sensed a great darkness there.
Never before the incident, not since after, and, frankly, never within you.
Never a part of you.
Just, there.
It was such a nebulous, unfamiliar sensation that no Basic words existed to support its nature— a conception which bloomed childlike echoes of uncertainty within Obi-Wan’s very being.
But even that wasn’t a fair assessment. Kenobi felt immeasurably more well-versed while a young Padawan in the intricacies of the Force and their purport than he had in the previous days.
Much like your headaches, those murky energies were there for as long as your mind was trapped. Until freeing you compelled them to disappear, preferably for good.
But what occurred in order for you to rediscover your connection to the light, so to escape that nightmarish realm, he did not know. All he knew was that in some peculiar way, he felt it affect him as well.
In a process that compelled him to momentarily misplace his being within the Force while he rushed to find it again.
Though it was nothing compared to what Obi-Wan experienced when he nearly lost you too.
Your spirit-paled face. Those cold fingers that rivaled even the temperatures of your home planet.
Your once vibrantly silver eyes faded into a distant, stiff gray.
Thank the Maker he hadn’t waited for the Healer.
Against the stony judgment of Windu’s agitated brows and thinned lips, Obi-Wan decided that he couldn’t just kneel there. He couldn’t simply linger. Doing nothing to aid you besides propping up your slacked spine before it slammed against the rigid balcony amidst that sudden fall.
The Galaxy, the Order, and Anakin needed The Guardian. And the Master Jedi was going to carry out his Council-given duty to ensure that exigency was fulfilled.
So, with a firm verbal commitment to his fellow Master that Kenobi would be getting help, he scooped up your nearly lifeless body into contrastingly scorching arms before taking off sprinting.
He zigzagged around corners, down winding staircases, and through twisting hallways. Dashing all the way, and ignoring every inquisitive glance and curiously dragging foot until he reached the Temple Infirmary.
“Just in time too, Master Kenobi. I believe we would have lost them had you arrived a moment later.”
Master Nema’s words reverberated against his inner skull like the ticking of a bomb. One he’d only nearly prevented from shattering everything in its path. It rang the loudest amidst those timeless seconds in which the uneasy Jedi, powerlessly staring from a distant corner, followed the platoon of medical droids swirling around your body that drifted in and out of critical condition.
It was not until the Master Healer deemed you well on the way to recovery that Obi-Wan found greater ease in dulling those eery tolls. Chiming bells signaling a now distant reaper of peace and light that trailed him all the way to Master Yoda and Windu’s emergency meeting called to be held on one of the high spire’s windy private balconies after the fact.
“Darkness in them or not. There is no gray."
A concept every Jedi was taught from a very young age, the bearded man knew. So he certainly didn’t need a reminder from the Grand Master himself. Especially when the fact of Obi-Wan’s analysis still held true:
“Yet, I sense it no longer.”
“Still, that argument remains immaterial, Master Kenobi. As you may recall, I have engaged with Silvey in deep meditation to access her mind for the past month and have had little success. Perhaps, in their momentary weakness, you were able to sense what was present all along.”
“Coincidence, it is not, their headaches and loss of mind. More, there is to this story. But in the light, Young Silvey resides.”
And Obi-Wan wholeheartedly agreed.
Not just because he was now beginning to understand the Jedi you were, but also due to another salient development that sprouted with a subtlety akin to the budding petals of a Jade rose.
That, while uncomfortably idling in the doorway of your infirmary cubicle for news, only a few hours after the droids recorded a steadily strengthening heartbeat, did Kenobi discover with boggled irises the faintest sensation of your mind’s presence for the very first time.
A distinct vicissitude that only he himself seemed to perceive.
The auburn-haired man thought he’d have a moment to explore this development too. He needed time to understand, to discover, what it was that could’ve possibly initiated this change. Maybe meditation during the temporary separation from your being, which was bound to occur with your recovery taking place amidst Kenobi’s next-day deployment, would provide some answers.
Yet, come the following morning, as the General ambled down the Temple’s outer hall, he instead sensed a familiarizing presence. It wasn’t until he turned into the hangar bay to greet one of his platoons did he come to realize why the impression felt so novel, as he clocked a fully mended Silvey chatting amongst the clones.
Undeniably, he had an obligation to pull you aside.
“You should be recovering.”
“I’m as healthy as I’m gonna be, Obi-Wan. I’m cleared for duty, and Master Windu said that I’ve been assigned to your deployment. So you’re stuck with me.”
And he certainly was.
He was stuck with you, and he was stuck with these new perceptions that, even just a few hours ago, drove his mind into backflips after summersaults as he endeavored to decipher them.
It was a strange sensation. He barely felt it. A blip from your presence during the Company’s brief recess at one of the valley’s cave entrances a click back.
A weight. A brief pressure leaning on his chest.
But, just as quickly as it came, it was gone.
And what all that meant was that Obi-Wan Kenobi was also stuck with himself. Throughout this supply port journey, while he paced those same ten meters behind your conversational figure, the bearded man felt trapped within that gnawing, clawing realization that he was simply following in the footsteps of that same dreadful mistake he’d committed during the prior month.
Leaving you to your own when he knew that something was wrong. Observing from afar when he had the power to say something. All ignored in favor of his omnipresent trepidation that was primarily fueled by your history of swift withdrawals whenever faced with internal inklings of distress.
Well, no longer.
Master Kenobi nodded to the black-and-white helmeted clone sergeant leading the gradually hovering group of repulsorsleds beside him, signaling that there was no need to follow before picking up his stride through the caravan’s strict formation.
A Jedi learned from the past.
And this particular Jedi was quickly inferring that if he wished to certify that you were, in fact, ‘as healthy as you were gonna be,’ he had to personally confirm it:
At least, that’s what he told himself while he promptly neared your ambling figure still enraptured by deep conversation with a Corporal.
There was no more polite waiting until the last minute.
The Master Jedi recalled the impression of holding your icy, limp body. How it felt like a shutter from a sudden coil of wind chill.
And he didn’t like it at all.
“Silvey,” Obi-Wan projected, causing you to pause mid-discussion in favor of angling your neck back toward him with expectant brows.
The bearded Jedi continued. “A moment?”
Offering a faint smile toward his resolved gaze, Kenobi observed as you briefly turned back to the clone.
“Nice talking with you, Getter. Let’s catch up later.”
And with that, you eased your heels back to walk beside the older Jedi. An action additionally facilitated by a sudden gust that tugged equally at both your fluttering robes like a raised sail.
“Getter?” Kenobi questioned light-heartedly as a faint smile graced his lips. “I believe he’s a new addition to the Company, so I’ve yet to learn the root of that moniker.”
Obi-Wan watched your knowing eyes pass onto him an aura of sweet appreciation that sprawled out to every inch of your body before leaving glowing remnants atop the receding grass.
“Your new recruit was labeled as quite the ‘go-getter’ during his Kamino days,” you expressed, nodding your chin toward the named clone marching ahead as your gaze focused in the same direction. “Which equals having an olive painted on your helmet. Green means go,” you chuckled.
Kenobi hummed appreciatively, allowing another whistle of wind to whip by your bodies as it challenged both strides with equal resistance.
Until it calmed enough, dissipating into a gentle blow, for his facial muscles to relax into the real reason he called you back.
“How are you feeling?”
“You know,” you began with a teasing lilt. “That’s the second time I’ve been asked that today.”
Obi-Wan cocked his head with interest, brows slightly furrowing with hands trailing to meet each other behind his back while he hung for you to resume.
“A friendly warning,” you smirked. “Anakin can read you better than you think.”
And then it clicked.
“Anakin had inquired following this morning’s holocomm meeting,” Obi-Wan soberly relayed, eyes glued to the verdant blades of grass traveling past his strolling brown boots. “But I assure you, Silvey, I hadn’t revealed anything about your condition.”
“It’s okay, Obi-Wan,” you calmed, moderately bobbing your head side to side in thought as you considered your words. “I’m choosing to look at it as a blessing in disguise. I think I made a mistake it not telling him earlier.”
Kenobi silently nodded before peering up at you inquisitively. “So, he knows?”
You offered him a distinct look.
“He knows,” you acknowledged, the General noticing as your silver eyes snagged onto some pointed sight beyond his other flank that brightened their gleam. “And he seems to be taking it well.”
Collarbone following your gaze, Obi-Wan glanced to his right when a whipping movement among the bordering foliage centered his own vision.
Streaks of fiery orange lined the back of some fox-like creature that darted from one bush to another. Its fur blending into a pale yellow, soft underbelly and hind legs that flared brightly below Lanos’s equally glaring sun.
It continued its frantic trek of sprightly bounds while skittering into thickets of obscurity. Though soon, the animal’s narrowed skull and gold-ringed irises found rationale to peak out from the opposite end of a latent bush, snout drawing a pure line of curiosity toward both your figures five meters away.
“And regarding my inquiry?” Kenobi gently pressed with a nonchalant regard centered on the timid creature as you and the bearded Jedi naturally reigned your steps into a brief pause.
Though, instead of distantly observing, the General felt through the Force’s most sensitive intricacies the subtle brush of your arm floating past his as you carefully approached the furry onlooker.
With one airy foot after another, all while ignoring the rear battalion’s continual trudge onwards, you reached a free hand to your robe’s pocket. Meticulous fingers searching for some loose item as you quietly spoke,
“Master Kenobi,” you hummed factitiously, digits grasping onto some cylindrical, crackling object that you swiftly tugged from its enclosure to reveal as a pearly white ration bar. “I admit, the preceding, mind-altering incident was not ideal.”
Smoothly, you snapped off a piece of the food item, the resulting crack catching the doe-eyed fox’s twitching nose. Drawing its creeping figure a step or two out from the concealing foliage as your voice evenly lowered in response.
“But I’ve had my fair share of fainting spells from exhaustive circumstances before. And I’ve recovered all the same.”
Obi-Wan’s brows furrowed perplexedly.
“Fainting spells?” He questioned under his breath, looking onwards with now crossed arms as your final paces and kneeling figure landed you before the creature's nervously narrowing eyes and prying spine.
Is that why you were acting so careless about this incident? Did you not know how close to death you nearly came? The Healer on duty or your Master would’ve fully explained what truly occurred, Kenobi assured himself. Yet, you appeared unaware. Oblivious to Obi-Wan’s efforts to save your life that oh so nearly fell short.
If so, he had a responsibility to inform you.
Perhaps it was this sudden conviction which dragged his once stilled feet to stroll toward your bowed figure. To approach the same generous being that fed each broken ration bar piece to a greedily licking fox whose snout relaxed into your warm, outstretched palm.
“We only have a finite count of those,” Kenobi expressed as he reached your side, eyeing the raised, gingered fur of a creature equal parts absorbed and oblivious. “It was intended to last you the day.”
You angled your outspoken head and raised brows back toward him. “I think we can both agree that he’s enjoying it way more than I ever could’ve,” you grinned glowingly, nose crinkling with each lick that clearly tickled your fingertips as the animal lapped up every last crumb of ‘flavor.’
A sight that caused a soreness to shoot by Obi-Wan’s sternum, disappearing just as quickly as it arrived.
The loss of innocence in this new world, he surmised. From this war, and the years preceding it. Seeing an act as simple and kind as this certainly did numbers to remind him of the peace that marked most of his Padawan days.
And he disfavored that he’d have to slice into it like a saber through bark.
“Silvey, do you know what happened after we exited your mind?”
Again, you twisted toward Obi-Wan, sharing an equally amused yet questioning expression that lifted you from your squat to shake off foreign slobber with a sliding clap or two.
“Um, yeah,” you shrugged your shoulders, pivoting to face the battalion’s forward movement before leaning into another hiking pace that led Obi-Wan’s white shin-guarded legs to traipse in tandem. “Master Windu said I passed out. Nothing a day’s rest in the infirmary couldn’t heal.”
Kenobi paused.
In fact, your words stopped him in his tracks altogether, the weight of which yanked down his leading foot like Coruscant’s gravitational pull on an incoming shuttle.
Obi-Wan’s probing eyes raked over your expression in search of any inkling of understatement. A fixed scan that would prod every image you reflected onto him until it satiated his urge with absolute satisfaction. A burning desire to learn of what truly happened when you left his carrying arms that day in the infirmary. And an aspiration that radiated from his orbs so fiercely, it snatched your noticing figure to halt alongside his as a concerned glow etched across your countenance.
“You were nearly killed, Silvey,” Obi-Wan hushed, hoping to keep his promise of discretion by ensuring that any nearby clone was out of earshot. “I felt your Life Force weaken in my arms. Master Nema said as much.”
Obi-Wan watched while your parted teeth tensed to chew the inside of your lip. Uneasy cheeks shifting as you raked a backhand across your lowered head in thought, wiping away a few, loose strands of sticking hair.
“I had no idea…” you uttered mindlessly.
Until your flitting eyes shot up to meet his. All while antsy feet, budged by rote, drew you both to lean into another march forward, toward the faraway Republic supply port.
“Why wouldn’t Master Windu tell me this?” You expressed, lips parted in thought as your eyes raked the traveling blades of grass for answers. “He’s known of my concerns for weeks.“
Another swiping ripple unfurled through the Force, driving Kenobi’s focus to tilt toward a familiar, fury blob dashing from verdant cover-to-cover as those recognizable golden eyes kept watch in its perpetual, ensuing creep. One whose curiosity apparently devolved into desire for another tasty treat.
Although not by any other Jedi’s standards.
“It appears you’ve acquired a new friend,” Kenobi commented, casually motioning toward the unceasing orange fox with a few fingers.
His words drew your lifted brows toward the endearing sight, with the critter’s smart golden eyes and sharp, conniving ears appearing to play a titular role in poking a restrained smile through once-drained features.
“During a time in which friends are most sought after,” you breathed before offering him a thin lip tug.
Another beat sprinkled by the resounding crunch of grass.
You roughly exhaled through your nose, eyes sheepishly drifting toward the carefully observing man before you stiffly articulated churning thoughts.
“I’m really starting to realize I owe Anakin a big apology.”
“Coincidence, it is not.”
Yoda’s eerily judicious words echoed against Obi-Wan’s skull like the instant that follows a visceral nightmare as his feet continued their steady tread across lusciously viridescent turf.
He couldn’t deny the Grand Master’s infallible logic. So much so, that his eyes pierced through your frame, passing by any deeper meaning of your long-forgotten words as his thoughts tumbled through logic spells.
This incident’s severity proved it to be no fluke.
It was something to do with your mind. And while Kenobi couldn’t grasp an ounce of clarity from the Force on the matter, he knew from recent history that any indications of what this was or where it was headed could be discerned from those peculiar, cerebral manifestations.
A thought that grew all the more concerning when a Jedi like Mace Windu failed to address it seriously.
A Jedi like him, as he blindly assumed that stress was the rationale behind your initial symptoms, despite your vehement dissent.
But, this time, Obi-Wan refused to let you keep it all inside. He wouldn’t disregard your perceptions again.
Luckily, on the former, it appeared that you were starting to agree.
“Silvey, in the nature of commensurate openness, I must ask, have you experienced any more symptoms since the incident? Specifically, in relation to your mind?”
Another gust of winding valley breeze swiped Kenobi’s robe against his legs, tugging his senses to canvas the vale. The perpetual brigade and whirring repulsorsleds’s even procession and the sunned fox agilely and stealthily weaving through shrubs not far behind streamed prominently around his perception. Even the gentle sway of a distant leaf tied to its maker, or the churning hiss of waterways that streamed through the surrounding mountains flowed with even impressions throughout the Force.
All before his mind circled back to the being at the forefront of his mind.
One whose uncertain, downcast gaze and gently parted lips had yet to answer.
And that was always an unfortunate sign.
Kenobi stalled his gate almost instantly, swiveling neck facing Lieutenant Waxer as his spine lengthened into the military-grade armor encapsulating his limbs while you correspondingly braked beside him.
“Apologies for the interruption, Sir,” Waxer elucidated toward the bearded Jedi. “The electrical storm has mostly cleared for communications. The Council is requesting your presence on The Negotiator for final rendezvous preparations.”
Kenobi nodded. “Thank you, Lieutenant.”
Though he spoke with a hint of indecision.
“Go,” you clearly adjured, swirling Obi-Wan’s attention back toward your brilliantly silver eyes that easily caught onto his hesitant tone. “I can finish this delivery on my own. I’ll have Boil work with me on leading the rest of the clones temporarily in Waxer’s place while you two are off-world.”
Your first mission alone. Or partial mission, he supposed.
But you would be leading. And with limited training in the area of wartime feats. Something which certainly pulsated his unease.
“Go,” you assured, adorning a knowing smile that relaxed Obi-Wan’s shoulders.
But only after a few more seconds of analytical consideration did the Jedi Master finally raise a plain brow, tilting his beard as he left you with one final reminder:
“I’m a comm ring away.”
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your-local-k-pop-stan · 4 months
I'm aliveeee
N e ways while classes were kicking my butt we got a few new K-pop things
- Lucas debut
Y'all when I say I’m so proud- 😭 he's my lil man (even if he's a little older than me)
- Sunghan/Riize drama
Saw someone said he's possiblely coming back on the 22nd so we shall see
There was more but I don't remember all of it😭 so heres some Sion and Jaehyun bc stan NCT
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softline-stickers · 3 months
thank you so much guys for not forgetting im so sorry i left y'all starving ;;
maybe tmi under the cut but in case y'all interested on how I been lmao
So basically I been busy with my uni and job and kinda didn't have time to work on silly boys,,, and then so much time passed without me doing silly boys i became really selfconcious and was afraid of opening tumblr cus i felt like i was failing--
....and then i realized it's just silly boys and it's not that deep!! They are genuinely my special interest and i put way too much effort and energy into them (each pack takes me from like 5 to 10+ hours) but seeing so many people like them and be interested in them keeps me going and makes it worth it!!
Before I died i left the class B boys and a lonely boy package fulled translated so I'm just working on some old yumekawa i didn't finish + a new Yume pack and May Sickness Boy! I am aiming to post 3 pack at the same time please stay tuned and cheer me on!!
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mistachesme · 2 years
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boeingboingboing · 10 months
*sound of the something breaking*
IM ALIVEEEE AND BACKKK. And I'm gonna be back! No false promise this time. I'm literally back and i even might spam like some of mutuals so hehe watch out :'D
Also I ended up letting my interest in buses get the best of me and there's a chance I'm gonna draw some buses in WoC version and dump them for y'all to see. Did you know Piston peak has tour buses too and they're even mentioned in meet the planes
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vainvenus · 10 months
Guess who's aliveeee
Yeah sorry I've been gone for so long y'all know the drill by now, school blah blah blah, extracurricular activities blah blah, finals coming up blah blah, blah blah blah
Truly sorry tho but you guys are sorta used to this at this point
But I'm back at least for a little bit now and like literally everybody else on this app I've gotten back into the Hunger Games so send any requests from it as well as any of the other fandoms listed below
If you send a request specify the gender or I'll make it gender neutral, give me some sort of theme like angst, fluff, etc or any specific plot you want
Across The Spiderverse
All Of Us Are Dead
American Psycho
Barbie (2023)
Bones and All
Cobra Kai
Diary Of A Wimpy Kid
Disney Movies/Shows
Ever After High
Fear Street
Five Nights At Freddy's ( 2023 )
Ghostbusters: Afterlife
Harry Potter Series
It ( 2017 )
Monster High
Nickelodeon Movies/Shows
No Exit
Scott Pilgrim Vs The World
Scream ( Any of the movies )
Stranger Things
Teen Titans
The Black Phone
The Goldfinch
The Hunger Games
The Karate Kid
The Turning
The Outsiders
Total Drama Island
Wonka ( 2023 )
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butmakeitgayblog · 2 years
ADC is aliveeee and she looks so fcking done 👀
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The absolute crumbs we are served in this fandom 😩 this is exactly what I mean when I say y'all have got to stop giving her credit for any increased posting 😅 we never would've known she went out in that cute ass little polka dot dress except she got caught huggin the sideline while Laura did her thing because the girl posts nothing unless held dead at gunpoint I'm convinced. I swear, the pain of being a fan of someone who truly has zero interest in being famous. God really does gives his hardest battles to his hottest soldiers I guess😔
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evenstarfalls · 2 years
Vengeful Vengeful Vengeful Vengeful Vengeful part 2: revelation
Of course she's a business major (derogatory)
Never sell yourself cheap wtf
Yes babygirl find him and fuck him up
Taking back my joke last post about playing Marcella in an adaptation
DOMINIC <3<3<3
4:30 am alarm god i could never
Motorcycle omg what if they formed a biker gang I'd like to see victor on a motorcycle that would be funny
into the belly of the beast
The hunting dog and the Hunter aww🥰
my poor poor boy i hate haverty so much
cutting out his heart...this part is just terrible. i think vengeful may be an unadaptable book tbh. so much of it is in their brains. then again i thought a wrinkle in time was unadaptable but disney tried! twice! and...i was right smh. they should've asked me
FUCK pastor john cardale. gave eli so much trauma
fuck haverty
fuck john cardale
thanks stell
"and so the angel trades hell for purgatory" bit melodramatic
i forgot his name is eliot again
"you killed thirty-nine people" the truer number was closer to fifty BITCH DON'T MAKE ME LAUGH
RIP Patrick and Lisa I barely knew y'all but i loved y'all
manipulative bastard <3
imaginary victor :))
so many! unanswered! questions! so is victorious coming out next september or when? i'd guess september 2023, just over a decade after vicious. THAT'S SO LONG THOUGH THIS WAIT IS HURTING ME MORE THAN VICTOR EVER COULD
"electrokinetic teen" is that someone from ExtraOrdinary or am i making stuff up. i need to get my hands on it but someone checked it out from the library I COULD STRANGLE THEM FOR KEEPING IT FROM ME and i'm gonna be gone from like the 29th to early august they'd better return it tO THE LIBRARY SOON I
omg evervale meet cute!! people don't say meet cute anymore do they idt they do
"Family is best in small doses" felt
angieee baby i missed you so much
awww victor is such a cutie pie 🥺
I Need Victorious
Two in the morning, classes starting the next day, but sleep still eluded him felt.
getting into pseudoscience 🤩 eli is such a Christian
AND HE WANTS VICTOR'S DEATH TO BE HIS i really think i'm funny don't i. i am.
fuck dr haverty
fuck dr haverty
look it's probably not good or normal that i am like this abt fictional evil people!! but like, they're not real. it's not like it's bad. it's just a red flag, which i'm fine with tbh. god i love this book. i missed victor he was barely in this part but still. got to spend some quality time with eliot cardale i CAN'T CALL HIM THAT SERIOUSLY
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