#ya girl has no clue how to finish this
lithiumrev · 7 months
“Bastian, look out!” Raya yelled as she saw a Worm Cultist sneak up on him.
But it was too late.
The next thing she saw was him on the ground. Instinctively running over to him to see if he was alright.
Darien noticed the commotion and rushed over to where they were shielding them both. However, when Raya noticed the mages wounds, all of her anger manifested as something. ((placeholder cant figure out a good way to describe the arcanist ultimate.))
“Rye? Is that you?” Bastian asked “Did we die?”
“No, you are not dead, and neither is my daughter. Thanks to the Sunburst’s child.” Azura responded
Bastian blinked “…. Who are you?”
“I am Azura, queen of dawn and dusk. I do not have much time. I need you to promise me something, Son of Akatosh.”
Bastian blinked “well that confirms some really specific dreams Raya has been having.” he mused internally
“I need you to protect Raya from herself. I know what is going to happen, do not let her destroy herself because of the Sunfiire.”
Bastian blinked, then nodded, “Are you talking about Darien? Or Meridia?”
Azura sighed “I am talking about both. Meridia and Molag Bal have made the three of you pawns in their war. I have not seen such offenses since the false gods of the Tribunal killed my son, and tried to kill my daughter when she was still a babe. The three of you need to stay together, and look out for one another.”
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mae-gi-writes · 5 months
Finders Keepers | Gally [TMR] - Part 3
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In which Gally gets soft for one of the boys in the Glade, only…is it a boy? alternatively; In which Mai disguises herself into a boy to fit in the Glade, only to be suspected by the keen eyes of the Builder's Keeper.
taglist: @edynmeyer1 @ss28
Also available on Wattpad.
A/N: I'm sorry but can we take a moment to look at this fine-ass man? Thank you very much.
The first thing that Mai thinks of the moment her eyes spring open is Gally.
Him, and the fact that she's literally made a deal with him. Why? All for a lie.
A lie upon a lie.
Great, Mai wonders what he would make of her if he knew she was a girl. Probably never let her hear the end of it, surely.
It takes a lot for her to drag herself out of bed when she catches sight of Frypan to her left, getting a hold of his shoes and trudging to the kitchen. Mai sighs, running a hand through her short strands before slipping on her own boots to follow the dark-skinned boy.
It's still early and the Maze walls aren't open yet, giving the duo enough time to prepare all ingredients before the Runners start twitching in their hammocks. Frypan gives her the toasting of bread and the cutting of vegetables while he takes charge of the eggs, his good mood boosting the atmosphere and making her feel at ease in his presence. He's a nice guy, Mai decides as she watches him with a small smile, dancing about and humming tunes to himself, tunes probably from his past memory.
"How ya holdin' up, Mai?" Frypan asks as he overlooks his eggs, "you doing okay?"
"Fine," Mai replies, realizing that she'll have to either restrain herself from talking or talk in a deeper voice so that they won't get suspicious of her. Though, with the baggy clothes she's inherited from the storage room, it will take a while. They're all so large they practically dwarf her skinny frame.
It's finally breakfast time and the Runners are up first, getting their load of eggs, toast and bacon before they settle at their usual table. Minho's here too, grinning at her while she loads up his plate, "enjoying your new job, Greenie?"
"My name is Mai." she throws him a scowl, but he just laughs, "yeah yeah, sorry. The name suits you. Anyway, Mai," he makes a good point of dragging the word out, "hope your cooking's as good as Fry's."
"If not better," she answers with a roll of her eyes before moving on to the next Runner.
"Don't forget to pack their lunches!"
"For shuck sake," Mai mutters as she quickly moves on to the lunches.
Minho settles himself down at the countertop, not really caring whether she looks like she's in a panic, "Ever wanted to go out into the Maze, Greenie?" he asks, watching her quickly build up the sandwiches with amusement.
"No," Mai responds as she finishes wrapping up a sandwich, "aren't you scared of going out there everyday?"
The asian boy shrugs, "it's our job. That's what we do as Runners, we try to find a way out of this place."
"And have you?"
"Not yet," he presses his lips together, face drawn and serious, "but we hope we will soon. We've got a clue that might lead us the right way."
"Right," Mai finishes up his sandwich and hands it out to him, "you'll need all of that energy then."
"Thanks," he tucks it into his satchel, then without warning reaches over to ruffle her hair as Mai protests, "I'll see you tonight."
She barely has time to tell him off about touching her hair with the same hands that touched his food before he's setting off towards the Maze doors. Embarrassed and flustered, Mai pats her hair down in hopes of getting her heartbeat back to normal when a voice causes her to jump.
"You look pathetic."
"Jesus Gally!" Mai holds a hand to her chest, throwing him a glare as she does so, "can't you say hello like any shuck human?"
Gally shrugs, leaning over the counter where Minho had been a few seconds ago, "why you looking at him like that, huh?"
"I don't know what you're talking about," Mai starts assembling his plate, putting two toasted bread slices before going to the eggs.
"Your face says otherwise."
She scoops up some extra eggs and bacon onto his plate before shoving it into his hand, "just go eat Gally, and leave me alone."
"Sure thing Greenie," he smirks, which causes Mai to scowl even deeper, "you're holding up the line."
Thankfully he doesn't fight her, merely picks up his utensils before trudging off to find a seat.
Mai blows out air from her mouth. Today's going to be a long day.
"Newt, right?"
The elfin-faces boy looks up from his gardening spot, frown dissipating into confusion when he finds Mai looking up at him with an expression similar to a deer in the headlight's.
"Hey Mai, everything okay?"
That's probably the first person to address her with her name and she will certainly not forget that.
"Yes everything is fine. Uhm— Frypan needs more tomatoes for the stir-fry tonight," Mai tries not to fidget under Newt's intense stare, "so..."
"Yeah," Newt looks over to another boy not too far from him, "Oi Zart," he calls out, "think we got some tomatoes to spare them?"
"Should have," the boy called Zart replies, "just need to cut 'em."
While Mai lingers around for Zart's tomatoes, she decides to keep Newt company as he toils through the soil.
"I thought you were second-in-command," Mai's eyes linger over the way Newt seems to drag his leg. It's a small limp, barely noticeable and yet, it seems like it hurts him, "why are you out here in the gardens?"
"Ey well, I like planting," he throws a small smile her way, "but I also tend to walk around and oversee stuff when Alby's not around."
"Where is Alby anyway?"
"He's been up all night, the poor shank," Newt shakes his head as he pulls out a few weeds, "the Runner seem to have made some progress. He's probably busy with that." Only then does he glance at her small frame, "you doing okay with Frypan in the kitchen?"
"He's great," Mai nods, "I like him."
Newt chuckles, "everyone does."
She finds that he's easy to talk to, this blonde boy who barely looks over sixteen yet speaks with the experience of an adult that's lived here for ages. Mai realizes she feels comfortable in his presence and before she knows it, has spent the entire afternoon by his side as he goes through his tasks.
Only at Frypan's call does she clamber back to the kitchen with an apologetic wave in Newt's direction and her basket full of ripe tomatoes.
She's halfway to the Homestead when she collides against a hard wall. No, not a hard wall. Someone. And that someone's angry.
"Hey watch it!" An angry Gally comes out from the other side, causing Mai to yelp out, "I'm so sorry Gally, I—" her eyes are wide as she sways, basket threatening to fall in her hold, "I'm sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going—"
"What're you doing carrying that klunk around by yourself?" He interrupts, glowering at her.
Mai winces, hating the intensity of his eyes because god he can be scary when he wants to be, "I--Frypan needs more veggies for dinner so I--"
"Oh slim it, Greenie." And before she knows it, he's hoisted her basket out of her hold and is already striding towards the kitchen, leaving Mai to run after him in hopes of catching up to his giant strides, "you don't have to help--"
"Too late for that," he grunts out. He reaches the counter and hoists the basket onto its surface, throwing her a glare that makes her want to shrivel up and die in a corner, "watch where you're going next time. You have eyes, don't you?"
"Yes," her mumble barely makes it out of her mouth as her eyes glue themselves to the ground.
"So use them," he turns to go but Frypan's voice echoes through the air, "hey Gally! What brings you over?"
"Nothing," his eyes narrow towards Mai, "just this shank being useless."
"What happened?" Frypan looks over at the smaller Glader, concern swimming in his voice as he asks, "did you get hurt?"
"Of course not," Gally growls out, "but you might want to stick him into the kitchen instead of making him run around to get your stuff. He's weak as shuck."
"Gally," Frypan tuts, though there's a grin on the Cook's face. He turns to Mai, "don't worry about him. He's always this grumpy during the day. I think it's because he hasn't eaten yet."
The said grumpy Glader is already walking away at this point, leaving an amused Frypan and a traumatized Mai in his wake. The brown-skinned boy throws Mai a smile, as if to comfort her, "Don't worry about him, Mai. He's a bit rough around the edges, but his heart's in the right place."
"Not too sure about that," Mai mutters, though it reaches Frypan's ears and causes him to chortle in laughter, "come on," he motions towards the uncut veggies, "we got a lot of shanks to feed."
Night falls and as usual, Mai waits in her hammock, curled up and tucked in to try and look as if she's already asleep as the rest of the Gladers shuffle to their own spaces. The chatter slowly dies down one by one and soon, even Newt, who's done his round around the Glade, settles in and murmurs a soft goodnight to her before turning his light out.
Mai waits, breathing as softly and as steadily as she can.
And then, when silence stretches out before her like a blank canvas, she decides to take the chance.
Slowly letting herself down from her hammock, she pads out of the Homestead as gently as she can, hurrying past the group of Huts where the rest of the Keepers are currently asleep. She hears a soft snore coming from Minho's hut and a small giggle escapes her lips. She can imagine him now, mouth parted and legs akimbo, probably dead tired from this morning's run.
Mai almost makes it to the showers when sudden footsteps echo behind her.
She swirls around, eyes wide and alert, only for her eyes to land on a familiar face.
"Gally?" she whispers hoarsely.
He lets out the most exasperated sigh she's ever heard from him yet, "You again?" He rubs a hand over his face, it's clear that he's tired too and half-asleep, "what're you doing out here?"
"I..." her voice trails off unsurely. What should she say? Should she just make up an excuse about wanting the loo?
Gally lets out another sigh before he regards her with a look, crossing his arms over his chest, "showers again?" he prompts when silence is her only answer.
He gets confirmation at her nod and after a few beats of more silence, the Builder shakes his head before motioning towards the shower, brushing past her in the process, "come on then, you crazy shank." he mumbles.
Maybe his words are a bit vicious, but it's probably the darkness that softens his tone and causes a small smile to quirk at the corner of Mai's lips as she follows him.
Contrary to his grumbling and his groaning, Gally stands outside the shower stalls -- after having been pushed out by the Greenie when he'd walked in and turned away -- a bit confused as to why Mai was so adamant on keeping her privacy. It just doesn't make sense, considering that they're all built the same. Right?
Unless there's something that the Greenie is hiding.
Gally's foot taps impatiently out of pure habit, something he's picked up while deep in thought. What is it that Mai doesn't want to show other Gladers? He can't seem to think of one possibility apart from the very literal one that would've been so obvious that--
Wait wait wait.
Wait a shuck minute.
That's not possible.
The entirety of Gally's body freezes up like stone. For a moment, he thinks he forgets to breathe.
No. It can't be. Mai's a guy just like all the other Greenies that came up before. And he looks like one, there's no way he isn't one unless this is some sort of sick joke to the Creators. And if he was -- hypothetically speaking -- a girl, then why the need to hide?
Gally wants to laugh at himself for being so stupid. Of course not. He would've seen it since the very beginning. Girls had...well, different assets than guys, so he wouldn't have been able to keep it a secret for so long.
Yes, Gally was certain there was nothing else there. Mai just wants some privacy, as simple as that, because Mai fancies guys.
His body unfreezes at the sound of the Greenie's voice. He steps away from the door and turns to see the younger boy, at the way his newly washed hair falls into his face and how he's practically swimming in his clothes. With his hair down like this, Gally can almost picture Mai being a girl, all soft features and small mouth and wide eyes that look like he's constantly surprised.
He's a guy, Gally repeats to himself. He is a guy.
But what if there is the possibility that Mai is a girl? Then what?
Doesn't that mean something to the Glade? Doesn't that threaten their supposed peace? Is it a sign?
And if so, is he supposed to tell Alby and Newt about it?
"Gally, you okay?" Mai asks, causing the said Builder to snap back to reality. He clears his throat, "yeah m'fine. Let's go."
He walks a little too fast for Mai's liking back to Homestead, but he realizes that he doesn't care. His mind is spinning too much and there are so many thoughts crowding his brain that he just wants to sleep and forget everything about that new stupid Greenie.
Tomorrow, everything will go back to normal and Gally can go on with his life just like he'd done for the past three years.
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tainted-red · 1 year
Lingering - Patrick Hockstetter
Summary: Rumours that Patrick is stalking Y/n. Are they true?
TWS: Vouyerism, Masterbation, Stalking.
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"Y/n" A short boy shouted at the older girl, Y/n froze in her tracks and turned to face the prepubescent boy. "I heard Hockstetter is stalking you! Be careful?" Eddie told the girl. She chuckled and responded with "Why is everyone so scared of him? I'll call the cops if it's ever concerning- plus I told you not to listen to rumours anymore Eddie" Y/n disclosed.
"I know-" Eddie tried to reason with Y/n. He wanted to warn her how dangerous Patrick could be. That one time he allegedly "took" Liah Carmen's dog for not letting him play under her skirt.
"Then let it go Eddie" Y/n cut off Eddie.
Eddie was about to speak again but his friend whom Y/n didn't like too much came around. "Hey, Bunny" Richie exclaimed, standing beside Eddie. Checking Y/n out.
"Hey Sweet-cheeks" Y/n teased.
Y/n and Eddie had no clue how they became close friends. Maybe it was because Eddie gave Y/n his sweater after Greta had slapped a jam sandwich on her shirt.
"Heard Cocksucker is stalking you... every night" Richie appealed,  Y/n groaned "Seriously? Have you heard that shit as well? How did that dumb rumour even start?" Y/n questioned.
"Well Linda told her mother she saw Patrick lurking around your house, So Linda's mother told your mom, your mom told the neighbours so maybe one of your neighbours has a big mouth" Eddie rambled, Playing with the hem of his shorts.
Y/n rolled her eyes "I don't think he even knows who I am. Anyways kids I got to go. See ya later" Y/n dismissed. Walking off, with an uncomfortable feeling lingering on her.
Were the rumours true or was just another one of Greta's friends being a shit-talker?
Y/n arrived home very late, Walking a couple of miles wasn't worth it. Just so she wouldn't get a couple of skepticalal looks.
She definitely felt a bit strange to hear people talking about Patrick like that. Creeping around her house. Apparently having a gun or something like that. It gave Y/n the chills. She thought she was an absolute nobody in this small town, now she plays a big role in a rumour.
Y/n decided a hot shower would relieve her from all this pressure and panic.
Stripping her clothes off her sticky and sweaty body that felt like it was overheating. Once she got her clothes all of she felt like she was freezing.
She grabbed a towel and placed it on her toilet. She then turned on the water for the shower.
Patrick was in-fact stalking Y/n, it was what he was doing right now.
Standing outside of her bedroom window. He was lucky she lived in a one-story house that wasn't very tall.
Every day she would take a shower, Walk into her room with only a towel on. Find an outfit then go back to the washroom to change. Patrick felt like it was the universe teasing him, waiting for him to make a move.
Y/n finished getting changed and walked into her room with only panties and a baggy shirt that covered most of her bottom.
Patrick felt his heart pound faster. The way the shirt would show off one of her soft-looking shoulders. She jumped into her bed, She never used the covers. but today she did.
Patrick could see her throw her underwear across the room, It was very dark in her room but Patrick could see her blanket faintly move around. Y/n gripped onto her sheets as she (Patrick assuming) played with herself.
Her mouth fell open. Patrick loved that. Her plump lips have moans and whimpers escape her mouth.
The blanket's movements now fastened. Patrick felt the blood go straight down to his dick. Unbuttoning his pants and pulling them down slightly, pulling his dick out of his pants.
Slowly pumping it, Seeing Y/n bite her bottom lip in pleasure. He stroked faster. He wanted them to climax at the same time. Although Y/n had a head start.
"Fuck Y/n" Patrick groaned, one hand on his shaft and the other attempting to pull his pants lower so it would be easier and quicker.
Y/n was clearly about to climax. One hand was now on her boob, squeezing it for more pleasure than she needed. Gosh Patrick wanted to be in both of her hands right now.
Patrick could picture Y/n underneath of him. Moaning and begging for more, His dick would fit perfectly.
Patrick saw Y/n's legs now shaking the blanket slightly, it was obvious she was about to finish. Patrick gripped onto his dick harder and stroked even faster than before.
The only time he ever felt this amount of excitement is when he was at his fridge in the middle of the woods. With a lifeless animal in his hand. Or when he "innocently" killed his little bother, Avery.
If Y/n could make him feel this excited could she really exist and not be a figment of his imagination?
Patrick felt his balls tighten, His legs and arms shiver and go numb as he came. Directly on Y/n's house, outside of her room.
If this wasn't a giveaway, Patrick didn't know what was.
He felt his crotch and spine tingle then go slightly numb. He loved whenever that happened just from a little bit of release.
Y/n was now sitting up, putting back on the underwear and wandering off to the washroom. She probably to go clean herself up
Patrick smirked. With all the rumours and gossip about Patrick stalking her, wouldn't she at least close the blinds? Yet she still left them wide open.
Even when she decided to have a fun time.
Patrick pulled up his pants and wiped his hand on his thigh. Buttoning his pants and smiling when he saw Y/n come back with a glass of water.
Sweat shimmered on her body. She looks beautiful.
Y/n sipped on the water and placed it on her bed stand. Getting back into bed with a smile. Patrick swore she looked directly at him, but maybe he was just wishing she did.
Patrick decided today he was going to ask Y/n out. He built up enough courage and confidence from seeing Y/n do something so secretive.
Patrick saw Y/n exit school and go to her younger friends. They seemed to be the only ones that didn't care that Patrick was stalking her. Patrick hated those fucking kids. But put on a nice act.
Approaching the group like a creep, "Hey Eddie. It's been a while, huh?" Patrick taunted, wrapping an arm around the squirming boy.
"Y-yeah" Was all Eddie let out. The biggest hypochondriac being touched by a guy who was speculated to have more diseases than hairs on his head.
Patrick let go of Eddie and turned his attention to Y/n "Hey Y/n. Heard the rumours." Patrick joked, letting out a deep chuckle.
Y/n blushed and started fidgeting with the hem of her skirt "Yeah, I- I have" Y/n stuttered. Patrick usually had that effect on people. intimidating them so much that the person he was talking to stuttered.
He adored it when Y/n did. Her voice was so soft and airy. She had the voice of a kitten, an angel didn't even speak but if it did it would sound like Y/n.
"Sucks. Hope that didn't scare you away" Patrick asked theoretically. Leaning down on his knees so he could be face-to-face with her.
"N-no of course not"  Y/n giggled. Patrick felt the blood rush down to his dick. He's gonna have to ask quickly or else someone will notice and ruin his chance.
"Good. I was wondering if you wanted to watch a movie or maybe go for a drive with me and my friends" Patrick wondered. Anticipating for a response.
Y/n's eyes opened wide, quickly looking away from Patrick's stare. She felt like she was about to explode in embarrassment for no reason.
"Yeah, sure. A ride sounds fun- not like that- I meant with your friends as well... Like in a car," Y/n stammered on her words, trying to save herself from her dirty-sounding remark.
It got worse each time she added more words to her sentence. Patrick chuckled at this, and so did Richie.
"Great. Sounds like a date? I'll pick you up tonight" Patrick preached, standing back up straight "Do you need my address or my phone number?" Y/n asked softly. Doe eyes batting at him.
He tugged on his bottom lip with his teeth "I think I can manage" Patrick said slyly with a light chuckle.
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alice-after-dark · 3 months
Deer Wife AU - Mimzy
Inspired by @hiemaldesirae's deer sinner Vox designs (1 | 2 | 3 | 4) and his Attic-Wife Vox AU
Vox meets Mimzy!
(Woke up early and brain went buzz and finished this instead of going back to sleep lol)
Unlike Rosie, Mimzy's visit is not planned.
Instead, the small woman appears at the door, proclaims she'd heard from Rosie about Alastor's new "squeeze," and demands to meet him.
"Well ain't you cute!" she exclaims, holiding his face in her hands. "Alastor, how'd you get your hands on such a cutie? He's way outta your league!"
Vox blushes and fidgets with his skirt. If anything, the opposite was true...
Alastor gently taps her arm with his cane. "Personal space, Mimzy dear. Vox is a nervous creature."
The singer gives him a sour look but nevertheless releases Vox, allowing him to straighten up as she circles him. "You really got yourself a little sheik, huh?"
A what now?
"Mimzy dear."
"Oh come on! Ya gotta let a girl know the details! How's the barney mugging?"
The what?
"That is hardly appropriate!"
They begin to bicker, their tone light and playful. Vox, on the other hand, hasn't the slightest clue as to what they are even talking about. Sheik? Barney mugging? He decides to ask Alastor later.
Somehow, Mimzy has managed to get Alastor into the kitchen, citing something about being a good host and fixing up some snacks and drinks. It's startling. Vox has never seen anyone push Alastor around the way this woman does.
"Now," Mimzy ushers him to sit on the couch and hops up beside him. "Don't you let him get away with nuthin', got it?" she says, oddly serious. "And if he ain't treatin' you right, you let me know and I'll straighten him out. Okie dokie, sweetheart?"
Vox blinks, surprised by the sudden shift. "I...yeah, okay...but I promise, he's been nothing but good to me."
"Good." The small woman crosses her arms and nods. "I expect nuthin' less from him." And then the seriousness is gone and she waggles her eyebrows at him as a sly grin slides across her face. "He better be treatin' you right in other ways too."
Vox's face goes bright red. "I-! No-I mean-! We're not-! We haven't-!"
Mimzy looks practically scandalized. "Are you serious?! Alastor!" Vox wails and hides in his hands as Alastor appears with a tray of snacks and drinks. Mimzy gestures wildly at Vox. "What's the big idea not sexin' up this cutie? Do you know how many mooks he could have eatin' outta his hand right now and you're leavin' him hangin'!"
Alastor sputters.
The sound is so alarming that it makes Vox look up. Alastor's face is bright red and his ears are back flat against his skull. His shadow is snickering behind him as Mimzy continues to lecture him.he is very pointed not looking at Vox. Vox feels his heart skip. Wait...does Alastor...want to...?
Alastor changes the subject. To what, Vox doesn't remember, but it successfully distracts Mimzy while Vox continues to have an existential crisis. Alastor wants to have sex with him. Alastor...wants to have sex...with him. Vox can barely string together any coherent thoughts for the rest of the afternoon.
"I do hope you'll forgive the dear woman," Alastor says as he does the dishs later. "She can be...excitable."
Vox sits at the table as he drinks the tea Alastor made him to calm his over socialized nerves. Alastor's shadow hovers around him like a mother hen.
"You're awfully quiet," Alastor says, still not facing him. "I suspect I know what you're thinking about." He sighs. "Mimzy can be a rather...forward individual. If she made you uncomfortable..."
"No!" Vox says quickly. Embarrassed by his own abruptness, he tries again. "I mean...no, what she said didn't...bother me. I just...do you? Want to do...that, I mean." Vox's ears are back and he knows his face must be bright red. He feels like a child, unable to even say the damn words properly. He's a grown man, dammit!
"Yes, I do." Vox nearly chokes on his tea. "However, I have no intention of taking advantage of you in the regard. I understand many Overlords and soul-owners would, but I will not force you to satisfy me in that way."
Vox swallows hard. "And...if I want to?"
Now Alastor turns to face him, eyes dark and searching. Vox holds his gaze. He fights the urge to look away like he normally would, flustered as he is. Alastor is looking for reassurance, affirmation that Vox is not saying this to just please him, but because he truly wants this. And Vox wants this. He has for a long time, he realizes. For how sweet and docile he has been for the past several months, Vox is a greedy thing. He knows this about himself and he wants every part of Alastor he can get his hands on. Literally and figuratively.
Alastor clears his throat. "I see." He dries his hands and moves closer. He takes Vox's chin in his hand and Vox's heart skips. Alastor rarely touches him beyond his hands or perhaps his shoulders. This touch forces Vox to keep his eyes on Alastor. The red deer grins down at him wickedly. "Have you ever had intercourse with a man?"
Vox shakes his head.
"Words, darling."
Vox's breath catches in his throat at the commanding tone. "N-no."
Alastor hums. "Well, we can address that later. If I'm going to have you, my dear, I intend to do it properly. You're not a two-cent whore. I've been...delicate with you since your arrival here, but I won't deny that there are many things I wish to do to you. My desires are not conventional, darling. If you are to accept a courtship from me, I need you to understand that."
Vox's mind goes blank. Courtship. Alastor wants to court him. The Radio Demon's hand moves from his chin to stroke the side of his face and Vox leans into the touch as his answer. Alastor kisses him then, slow and so deep that Vox swears he means to consume him.
Vox decides he's alright with that.
1920's Slang:
Sheik - A young sexy man
Barney mugging - Sex
Mook - An ineffectual, foolish, or contemptible person
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uravitypng · 1 year
Hello So I have a dirty Kinktober request so it's okay if you decide not to write it…
Your Haikyuu character of choice is in a new relationship, okay? A really healthy and full of love. He is sure that Y/N is the woman of his life.
Things change when he and his friends (other characters of your choice) meet to have a few drinks and play video games. Then, his friends show him some videos they recorded some time ago, before Y/N was his girlfriend. A curious videos to say the least...
The videos were sextapes of them with her (individually and other threesomes, foursomes, etc).
He knows he should be horrified, but for some reason he tells his friends to keep showing him more videos…He was never so horny and hard in his entire life.
You could write little drabbles representing each video or whatever you want!
atsumu is really happy, more than happy, he's ecstatic, he's in love. for the first time in his entire life he is in love and in a wonderful, beautiful, perfect relationship. his whole life has been a string of flings and one night stands, he thought that was what he wanted, he didn't think he'd ever settle down. until he met you. you're his soulmate, he knows you're the one.
it's off season currently so everyone is out for a couple of drinks. everyone's close together around a table so they can hear each other over the music. that night, just that one night changed how atsumu saw his perfect girlfriend forever. " 'm just saying shoyo ya don't seem ter type to be into freaky." atsumu shrugged his shoulders in dismissal, he honestly has no idea how they got in this conversation but everyone has already left apart from him, hinata and bokuto and they're talking about their sex life as bokuto's been complaining that he hasn't gotten laid in months.
"don't be so sure tsum tsum, last year with shoyo here was amazing," bokuto's replies.
"wait, what? you two?" atsumu was completely clueless, having no clue that they ever were together.
"not just us, we had a girl with us." hinata elaborates.
"yeah you wanna see?" bokuto asks making atsumu furrow his eyebrows in confusion momentarily. "do you still have the videos sho?" hinata reaches into his back pocket, pulling out his phone and moving closer to atsumu so he can properly view the screen. he goes through his phone a bit trying to find the right videos while atsumu is still processing this situation thinking this is going to be such a weird thing to say to you if you ask what he's been up to with the guys tonight.
"found it!" hinata says before tapping onto a video and bokuto also moves closer. as soon as atsumu sees the thumbnail his eyes widen and he covers hinata's phone with his hand. you've never told him about this but there's no way that isn't you, even from one frame he knows what his girlfriend looks like. "what are you doing atsumu?" hinata asks, looking around him to see if there's any reason for him to be covering up his phone.
"that's- that's m' girlfriend." atsumu says, close to shouting. everyone stays silent for a second.
"the one that's..."
atsumu finishing the sentence for shoyo, "yea, love of m' life."
more silence, just the music and the chatter of everyone around them but they don't say a word. atsumu is in complete shock, he never expected anything like that from you. he's not saying you're vanilla but he didn't think you ever had a threesome. "it was before you even met her atsumu." he knows it's a serious thing when bokuto chooses to call him by his given name.
atsumu's mouth is dry as he tries his best to think clearly on the situation, he's only had a couple of drinks but it's overwhelming to be sitting next to two people who have slept with his girlfriend. "you don't know it's her for sure. we could just check?" hinata tells them both.
he knows it's you, he knows, but he needs to see. he doesn't know why he needs to see but he does. he agrees and hinata presses play. he watches you moan around bokuto's dick as the camera pans down to where your body connects with hinata's, repeatedly, hard and fast. atsumu hates to think it but it's turning him on incredibly, it's better than any porn he's ever seen and he knows it's wrong and should feel conflicted but watching you get destroyed by two of his closest friends is making him harder than he's been before in his life. he watches with rapt attention. "do ya want'a come back to mine tonight?"
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this might not be exactly what you wanted but i hope it's alright! people may be a little ooc in this but i'm not sure, i still think it's good <3
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starysky1289 · 9 months
Toxic!Sorority!Vanessa X Reader. Father.
Shout out to @707bot1 for giving me the sudden inspiration to finish this <3
You left your English philosophy classroom in a rush, Vanessa had told you to meet her by the fountain before 2, so you could both go out and get something for lunch. You where to busy on moving that you didn’t see the man in front of you, bumping into him face first.
“ Oh my, I’m so sorry, I didn’t see you. “
“ oh, not a problem kid, I shouldn’t be standing in the middle of the path anyways. “
You looked up at the man, he had wrinkled features, but still looked pretty young, had to be just above middle aged. He wore an old pair of thin metal framed glasses, and his hair was brown, combed over slightly. The lower part of his face was a stubble grey goatee that went up to his ears.
“ are you lost? Looking for someone? “
You politely asked, you’d still have time to meet Vanessa and help this kind stranger.
“ nah. Just looking at my building. Names on the plaque Yaknow. “
Your heart skipped a beat at his words, you looked up quickly at the plaque above the big doors.
The ‘ William Afton ‘ English Hall.
You practically shook with excitement, turning back him.
“ your Mr.Afton?! Oh this is amazing! I’m such a big fan sir, I’m studying to be an English major, an English philosopher to be exact! Oh but also author, I’m sorry I’m just so excited to meet you! “
“ Haha, oh no worries, why don’t I walk ya to where your going, so your not late. I’ll answer any questions you have too, love meeting a fan. What’s your name? “
“ Y/N! Y/N L/N. Oh my girlfriend won’t believe this, I’m meeting her now. Thank you for taking this time to do this. “
William smiled, offering his arm for you to hold. You graciously took it, wrapping your arm around it as you both walked. You’d ask him questions on his career, and he’d respond in big stories.
“ so, your a mechanic by trade, but you also Drabble in poetry? Those two can mix quite well if you know what to write! I once had to write a whole poem about a car. I had no clue how to make a ford F150 into a stanza. “
“ Ha! Yes, in my earlier years I worked in animatronic technology that was used to make performing robots much more interactive with children. But poetry has always been natural to me, I’d never forget it. “
“ amazing! That technology is surely something. Oh, there she is. Vanessa! Look who I found! “
You waved vigorously to the blonde sitting on the fountains edge. She glanced up at you, before staring at him. You let go of William’s arm and trotted up to her, taking her hand.
“ Vanessa, this is- “
“ well, if it isn’t my little rabbit. How had my girl been. “
Vanessa stayed silent, gripping your hand tighter as she stared at William.
“ Y/N, has Vanessa never told you? This..blonde law major is my daughter. I figured you’d realize from her last name. “
“ my name is Vanessa Shelly. Y/N let’s go. “
Your heart fluttered, you dated the daughter of the man whom you had looked up too for years.
“ why didn’t you tell me Nessa! Oh he should come get lunch with us! “
“ No Y/N. He’s not. Now let’s go. “
William chuckled again, rubbing his head.
“ ah, don’t worry about it. I can see Vanessa’s doing just well. Spending my black card on those outfits and god knows what else for your little house. Maybe I should stop by and meet everyone- “
“ NO DAD. Stay the fuck away from my sorority, stay the fuck away from this campus, and stay the FUCK AWAY FROM MY GIRL. Now let’s go Y/N. “
Vanessa dragged you with her as she stormed off. You tried to wave bye to William as you left, but Vanessa just grabbed your hand. You made your way down to the parking lot. You sat in the usual passenger seat of Vanessa’s car, as she quickly started to drive off.
“ I don’t want you to ever. And I fucking mean EVER talk to my father again, do you understand me. “
“ why? You know I look up to him- “
“ He’s a horrible, horrible human. Now you fucking promise me you won’t talk to him again, let alone hold his arm like that. “
“ Ok! Ok fine, I won’t talk to him again. “
You both remained quiet on the rest of the car ride, starring out your window as she drove. When you both arrived at the small cafe, Vanessa pulled your face towards her by your chin, kissing you gently.
“ I just don’t want you getting hurt, ok baby? “
“ alright…I’m sorry..”
She kissed you once more, and smiled.
“ mm, good. I love you~ “
“ I love you too nessy…”
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aweskeetskeet · 1 year
Everyone’s talking about mafia boss bakugou or handy man bakugou or piercer bakugou, what about bartender bakugou. Jesus that would be so hot so here ya go- a gift from me to you.
CW: smut, porn with TONS of plot
(I will be turning this into a series)
:read more:
after a 10 hour shift at work burdened with nothing but exhaustion and frustration with your pain in the ass boss, the second you got home you decide that you needed a drink so you ubered to the closest bar you could find knowing that you were going to get drunk. You walked up to the bar, head hanging low, not wanting anyone to even try to talk to you and sat down in one of the bar stools with a huff.
“Damn, you look like you had a rough day” You heard the bartender say as you looked up to see him smirking down at you. “Thanks” you say sarcastically. “What can I getcha” he said with a cocky grin drying a cup. “I don’t know, you choose” you say brushing your hair out of your face. “Alright then, one screw driver coming up” “thanks” you respond tiredly. You watched closely as he poured the liquor and mixed the drink. He was wearing a button up that looked like it was gonna rip open if he flexed his muscles even once. You imagined how he would look shirtless and you shook your head blushing and forcing yourself to look away. ‘This guy probably fucks every girl that walks into this bar and I’m not even going to think about being the next one’ you think to yourself “Here ya go” he said passing the drink to you cutting off your thoughts. You half ass smiled and chugged it all in one go.
Screw drivers aren’t meant to be chugged and you knew that but you did it anyways just trying to clear your head as quickly as possible.
He stared at you with a grin. “Damn, maybe I should’ve given you a couple shots instead. so what happened to you today princess?” You couldn’t help but chuckle at the nickname. “My boss is a dick, if it’s not her way it’s the wrong way whether it works or not. She has the worst god complex I’ve seen in my entire life. She enrolls kids that we don’t have space for and she truly believes she’s doing nothing wrong. I’m just glad it’s Friday so I won’t have to see her for the next two days.” “Teacher huh? You don’t look like a teacher” “yeah I’m a preschool teacher and what’s that supposed to mean” you say this time being the one smirking looking up at him as he towered over you. this guy has got to be at least 6’5 and I mean at LEAST. “No clue, I’ve just never seen a teacher with that many piercings and tattoos.” “Valid” you say as he passes you 2 tequila shots and you down those with no problem at all. You could feel myself starting to get tipsy. “Ya know princess, you’re gonna get pretty drunk pretty soon if you keep that up” there were about 10 other people sitting at the bar and one other bartender. This guy should be helping out with the other customers but seems to be focused on just you. “Yeah that’s the plan. I need to take my mind off of today” you retort quickly. “What’s stopping you from quitting?” “Bills” you say letting out a groan tossing your head back. “Gotta pay rent some how, plus I love the kids it’s just my boss that makes it tough” You say with your head still thrown back against the chair and you laugh. He passes you two more tequila shots and you swallow those ones with ease and start to slur your words. You didn’t even notice how close the bar was to empty. “FINISH UP KATSUKI, BAR CLOSES IN 20!!” A man yells from the back. “Sorry princess, gotta cut you off” the man you now know as bakugo says as he collects your empty glasses. “Katsuki huh?” “Yep, katsuki bakugo at your service.” He said tipping an imaginary hat. You let out a little giggle. “Cute” he said smirking and passing you a glass of water and a bowl of pretzels. “Try and get a little sobered up, princess” “cute huh? I bet you say that to every girl that walks in here” you say as you pop a pretzel in your mouth. “Tch’ no way, all the girls here are either annoying as hell or just not my type” You start to laugh. “So which am I? Your type? Or not annoying? Since you called me cute.” You say eating more pretzels feeling yourself go from straight up drunk to just tipsy. “Both” he says smirking. “What makes me different?” “Hmmmm let’s see, for starters, you didn’t hit on me the second you walked up” he said chuckling. “Ah, and what makes me your type?” “Hah, that’s an easy one, the piercings, the dyed hair, your sarcasm, not to mention you’re pretty funny, oh and can’t forget the fact that you’re cute as hell, and definitely submissive judging by the fact that you blushed every time I called you princess” you could feel the heat in your cheeks rising. “Well you’re not too bad looking yourself” you say resting your chin on your hand. “10 MINUTES KATSUKI” the man in the back shouted again. “SHUT UP OLD MAN, I KNOW” katsuki quickly shouts back. “Wow, you talk to your boss like that?” You say laughing and eating the last of the pretzels and drinking the rest of your water. “Eh, he’s my uncle” “oooohhhhhhh” you say rolling your eyes. As katsuki quickly wipes the counter down. “Mind if I drive you home? It’s nearly 2am” he asked nervously. “Mmm I don’t know, is it smart to get in a strangers car? I can just take an Uber” he rolled his eyes. “Okay so an Uber driver is more of a stranger than I am, we’ve been talking for the last 2 hours and you’d rather go with someone you’ve never even spoken to?” I sigh “I was just teasing, I’m not that dumb” you say laughing as you pull out your wallet to pay for the drinks. “On the house princess” you pull your card out anyways passing it to him. “I don’t take handouts” he smirked “crazy woman” he pushed your card back to you and walked over to the register swiping his own.
“No fair!” You shout as he laughs. You watch him walk to the back and clock out laughing. He walked back out and over to you smirking “let’s go princess” you stand up shaking your head in sarcastic disappointment as you followed behind him. He led the two of you to a black dodge challenger and you paused. ‘HOW THE HELL CAN HE AFFORD SOMETHING LIKE THIS AS A BARTENDER?!?!’ You scream internally as he unlocks the car and holds the passenger side door open. He starts to drive “What’s your favorite movie, if I have it then you have to come to my place and watch it with me, deal?” He said “hmmmmmm fine, as embarrassing as it is… 50 shades of grey” You watch as a smirk grows on his face. “Have it” he quickly responded and your eyes went wide “well shit” you said he said with a cocky look on his face. He makes a u-turn and you start heading in the opposite direction. After about 10 minutes you both arrive at his house and you look up in awe at the size. It’s a gorgeous house. It’s a huge house. He smiles seeing your reaction. “Let’s go” he hops out and opens your door for you before you get the chance. You step out and he leads you to his front door. He walks you over and shows you where the couch is and pulls out the box set. He pops the first one in the dvd player and sits next to you. You both watch silently but as soon as it started getting ‘heated’ you could feel the slick gathering between your thighs. “Why the hell did I tell the truth, this movies always makes me horny” you thought while blushing. You subconsciously rub your thighs together a little bit and he looks at you. He admired your flushed face and visibly needy body and decided to tease you. “You alright there y/n?” You nod your head biting your lip. “Mhm” You mumble. You try to keep your eyes on the movie so that he hopefully wouldn’t notice the state you’re in but it just makes it worse. You feel his hand placed gently on your thigh, you were wearing shorts and could feel the cold of his metal rings against your flesh and jolt at the touch. “You sure you’re alright princess?” He said smirking and you can tell he knows what going on. “You seem a little on edge, anything I can do to help?” “I- mhm I’ll be fine” you say reminding yourself of earlier when you told yourself you weren’t gonna fuck him. You curse yourself for making that decision. Katsuki gave your thigh a squeeze and you let out a slight whimper. You look over and notice a bulge in his jeans. “I- fuck.. I told myself I wouldn’t fuck you-“ “told, or promised?” He said chuckling moving his thigh closer to your heat. He has a point. You didn’t promise. “Told” you say shakily. “By the looks of it, you seem like you need me to fuck you, do you want me to make you feel better princess?” He said as he trailed his hand further up tugging slightly at your shorts. “Mhm” you wimper. “Need conformation princess” “fuck- yes katsuki just fuck me” you say embarrassed. “Gonna need a safe word too, I go pretty rough” you groan in annoyance. “Angel shot” you say breathing heavy as he starts to suck on your neck. “Ironic, isn’t it?” he said chuckling. “Shut up katsuki” You say tilting your head back. He quickly stands up and scoops you up like you’re lighter than a feather and Caries you to his bed. He places you down and leans over you kissing your roughly and you can feel him unbuttoning your pants. With one swift motion he pulls both your shorts and your underwear off of you. “Hm, you need me more than I thought princes.” He said dragging two fingers along your folds scooping up some of your slick and tasting it. “Tastes good too” he said as he got on his knees and pushed your legs apart. You havnt had sex in months and know this is going to be a wild ride. “How about i taste a little more” he said lowering his head down and gliding his tongue slowly against your folds flicking it right as the tip of his tongue reached your clit. You jolt at the sudden sensation. ”my princess is so sensitive, how long did you think you would be able to hold on watching this movie”
You squeeze your eyes shut as he starting sucking on your clit waiting for your answer “Ngk- I forgot- fuck~ what is does to me” you whimper as he continues to devour your pussy. “Gonna make you cum with just my mouth before I do anything else princess” he slipped his tongue inside of Of you and you through your head back. He took his tongue out and roughly sucked and licked your clit. You could already feel the knot in your stomach building. As he continued abusing your pussy with his tongue. “You’re- Mm you’re good” You say with unsteady breaths. He blew on your clit sending a shiver through your body and pushing your right over the edge. It took one last flick of the tongue and you were coming undone whining and whimpering as he licked up every bit of your release like a dog who hasn’t had water in days. He pulls away and smirks at your flushed still mostly clothed body. He scoops you up and carry’s you to his room and places you in the bed. He pulls your shirt off and stared at your breasts smiling before unclasping your strapless bra watching it fall off. He groans at the sight of your tits before cupping one and massaging one while leaning down and sucking on your other. “Fuck” you whisper gripping the sheets. He let go and started sucking on your neck leaving hickeys. “How am I supposed to cover these up for work katsuki?” You say chuckling a bit. “It’s winter, wear a turtle neck” he says before continuing and you laugh. “Okay” you say smiling and tilting your head back with a slight moan as he finds your sweet spot. His hand dips down and starts playing with your already sensitive clit before dipping two fingers in and you gasp. “Gotta stretch you out princess or it won’t fit” he says giving you a devious grin. You didn’t really think about that part, you figured it would be big but you didn’t think about how big it might actually be. You arch your back slightly as his fingers curl inside you every time he moves his fingers in and out hitting your g-spot perfectly. He entered a third finger and you gasped and winced at the stretch. You’ve done three fingers on yourself before but his fingers were much bigger than yours. He gave you a second to adjust to the size before moving them in and out once more. The sensation of the size and the curling made you cry out “F-FUCK KATS-“ you shouted as you came again. “Awe, look at that, you’ve came twice already and it hasn’t even been that long since we started, and I havnt even used my dick yet” he pulled his fingers out and you whined at the sudden loss of sensation. You propped yourself up a bit and lifted his shirt off of him and gazed at his prominent abs and muscles. Your eyes slowly traveled down to his v-line and you saw how clearly defined it was. “Eyes are up here princess” you looked up at the devious grin on his face. “It’s been a while since I’ve fucked someone, this is going to be fun” you flashed back to him telling you that he never sleeps with anyone from work. You looked up at him with a smile on your face. “Fuck me katsuki” Just those three words had him practically pouncing on you. Within seconds his pants and boxers were across the room and starting pushing himself into you before you could even see how big it was. The stretch was painful. He was big. “Ah-fuck lemme AH- adjust!” You tried to get out as he just kept pushing into you. He finally bottomed out and you were writing in pain. As you adjusted you looked down to see a slight bulge in your stomach. You still hadn’t even seen how big his dick was it was already inside you before you could register. He looked at you and waited for the full go ahead and you nodded. The second he got your conformation he started pounding into you. You watched the bulge in your stomach rise and fall as he pushed himself in and out. You were in nothing hit pure pleasure. Your knees practically touching your ears as he put you into a mating press. You felt every bit of him. You felt the veins of his cock. You felt the heat of his member pulsing inside you. You felt his balls smacking against you.
The pace he was going was brutal. There were no breaks. “Fuck princess, so tight” You were laying there eyes rolled back with drool dripping down your chin in an insanely lewd position. “FU- AH- KATS- AHH” you were screaming out in pleasure not capable of even finishing each word that you tried to get out then all do a sudden you shouted “DADDY” and he froze. You whimpered at the lack of motion. He smirked. “Say jt again” trying to catch your breath you look up at him. “Please Fuck me more daddy” you say with a whimper and tears running down your cheeks. He pulls all the way at then in one quick motion slammed all the way back in and was going faster than before. He pressed a hand down on your lower stomach right where the bulge was causing you to feel it even more and you came on the spot. “You didn’t even ask daddy if you could cum, that’s too bad I guess we are gonna try that again” he went back to slamming into you. You were shaking and crying in overstimulation feeling your orgasm building for the 4th time. “G-GONNA CUM” bakugo grunted “Not yet princess” You tried to hold back as he kept going until he started rubbing your clit whilst still slamming into you “NEED TO CUM PLEASE DADDY” “not yet princess this is punishment” he rubbed your clit faster with his other hand pressing down in the bulge in your stomach. “PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE LET ME CUM PLEASE” you begged and pleaded as he mercilessly fucked you. “So needy, all for me” You couldn’t even speak, you could tell, you couldn’t even get any moans out. Your jaw was hanging open as you were fighting back your orgasm. “So fucked out you can’t even beg anymore. You can cum princess, let it out” you finally let go of the knot that had been on the brink of exploding and gushed all over him. You squirted on bakugos cock and he came inside of you. He rested his head on your shoulder and laughed. “Such a mess you made” you looked up at him unable to get any actual words out and smiled at him softly. He blushed as he pulled out and lifted you up to carry you to the bathroom. He ran a bath with salts in it and gently placed you inside. “You did so good princess” you smiled. “Thank you katsuki” You managed to get out a small sentence trying not to fall asleep in the tub as he cleaned you up. He dried you off and gave you a pair of his draw string sweatpants that you had to tie fairly tight and one of his tshirts that went down to your mid thighs. He laid you down on the fresh sheets he put on the bed while you changed and tucked you in. He laid down next You in a similar pair of sweatpants but no shirt. You snuggled up next to him and passed out already knowing or rather hoping that this wasn’t going to be a one night stand.
Prt 2
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joeys-babe · 11 months
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Someday We’ll Be Together
Chapter 14: October 1st
(y/n's pov)
Joe stayed at the house long enough to eat breakfast with my parents and me before he had to leave to set up for our date.
there were so many kisses shared that morning, it seemed neither of us could get enough of the other. my parents didn't seem to mind at all either, in fact, they thought the opposite. they could tell Joe made me so happy and that's all they wanted, to see me happy.
my parents, plus pretty much everyone around us could tell that Joe and I's connection went deeper than "best friends", that being said.. when they found out that Joe confessed and that we were more than friends they were so happy that it finally happened. it felt like a game to them, waiting to see who'd confess first since it seemed inevitable.
even though we had confessed to being "in love" with each other, "I love you" hadn't been said yet. That was going to be a separate occasion.
Joe and I had decided to not reveal our non-official relationship to his parents yet. We'd be doing that tomorrow night in a funny, quirky, very Joe Burrow-style way.
I had just told Joe bye when I walked away from the front door and towards the stairs, my mom was in the kitchen with a smirk on her face as she looked at me.
"He makes you happy, huh?" - your mom
"Extremely happy. My cheeks hurt since I've been smiling for the past 10 hours straight." - you
"That's the best type of pain, honey." - your mom
"I'm starting to understand that." - you
"Do you have any clue what the date entails? Or even where it is?" - your mom
"Uhm.. nope! I'm sure Joe has something nice planned though." - you
"Okay.. you better start getting ready, did Joe tell you what to wear?" - your mom
"You're starting to make me realize that I know nothing about this date." - you
"Then text him!" - your mom laughed
I felt like a teenage girl as I ran up the stairs giggling, and simultaneously pulling my phone out of my pocket.
Instead of texting Joe, I thought it would be easier if I called him so I quickly found his contact. Since last night it has been changed to "Joey💕". Crazy how the day before yesterday I had him blocked, and now there's a heart by his name.
Joe answered in less than two rings, his deep beautiful voice ringing through the phone causing a blush on my cheeks.
"Miss me already, baby?" - Joe
His cheerful tone of voice made it easy to picture the expression that was probably on his face right now. A war-ending grin on those perfect lips that I loved.
"That too. But, I was calling because I need to know some details about our date." - you
"Ask away." - Joe
"What do I need to wear? Where is it? What time-" - you
"y/n, sweetheart chill out. You can wear whatever, I'm wearing sweats. I'm picking you up so don't worry about a place and I'll prob be over at your house at 6." - Joe
"Okay sounds good. I can't wait." - you
"Me neither. I've been thinking about this night for probably a decade." - Joe
"Me too, I'll see you in a couple of hours?" - you
"Yup, I'll see you then. Bye, beautiful." - Joe
"See ya later, Joey." - you giggled
When the tone sounded through my phone speaker letting me know that Joe had hung up, I fell back onto my bed. Butterflies swarmed through my stomach as my cheeks heated up; feeling more loved than ever before.
*time skip*
"do I look okay??" - you
It was currently 5:55, just five minutes before Joe would be picking me up for our date and I was standing by the front door as my mom helped with any finishing touches.
For my outfit, I opted for a pair of baggy jeans and an oversized graphic sweatshirt. It was comfy but cute and chic at the same time.
"You look great sweetie. You need to stop worrying though, it's just Joe." - your mom
"Sure it might just be Joe. But I still want to impress him! I've waited so long for this night, Mom. I want everything to be perfect." - you
"Everything will be perfect if you stop stressing!" - your mom
I went to open my mouth to utter a rebuttal but the ringing of the doorbell beat me to it.
My mom gave me an encouraging smile as I reached for the doorbell but hesitated to open it.
"You got this." - your mom
I nodded and quickly opened the door, Joe's gaze lifted from his shoes to my face. As he did so, the large smile that I adored made its way onto his face.
Joe was wearing sweatpants and a sweatshirt; a simple combo that made him look so complexly handsome.
We just stood staring at each other for a few seconds, we didn't know what to do.
"Oh! Yeah these are for you!" - Joe
Joe moved his hand from behind his back revealing a bouquet of white roses. He handed them off to me as a blush of crimson flushed his cheeks.
"Aww. Joe, I love them. They're so pretty!" - you
"I'm glad you like them. Wanna get going?" - Joe
I nodded and my mom took the flowers from my hand.
"I'll put these in a vase then put them in your room. You two have fun!" - your mom
My mom practically shoved me out of the house before shutting the door behind me, Joe took my hand and led me to his car.
Before I could even reach for the handle, Joe opened my door and once he knew I was comfortably sitting he shut it back.
When Joe started driving a comfortable silence fell over us, our hands intertwined on the center console while music played through the speakers.
"So... where are you taking me??" - you
"It's a surprise. We've been here together before though." - Joe
"Oh really?" - you
"Yup, as kids. Don't look in the backseat by the way it'll give away everything that I have planned." - Joe
I nodded but when we were at a red light I couldn't help but peak. Joe immediately noticed and let go of my hand, he grabbed my chin gently and moved my gaze to him.
"No peaking!" - Joe
I laughed at Joe's pouty expression and before I knew it he was pulling me by my chin to connect our lips.
It was such a sweet kiss, Joe's lips were soft on mine with a hint of possessiveness. A silent promise that I was his.
The only thing that made us pull away from each other was the light turning green.
"I don't think I could ever get tired of kissing you." - Joe
"Good, because I could never get tired of kissing you either." - you
Ten minutes later Joe was pulling onto a dirt road that felt familiar but not significant.
"Backroads? Are gonna kill me?" - you laughed
"No ma'am. Not after I just got you all to myself. Maybe in a couple of months." - Joe joked
"Oh shut up!" - you
"I'm just playing, baby." - Joe
"I know you are Joey." - you
When Joe parked up in the grass and helped me out of the car, the sight my eyes landed on took my breath away.
"I hope you like it..." - Joe
There was a red checkered blanket laid out on this grassy hill that had a beautiful field view. A white sheet was hung between two trees and a mini projector was on this upside-down wicker basket. On the blanket was another folded blanket, two pillows, with candles scattered around the perimeter.
"It isn't the most romantic first date ever but I did try to make it something you wouldn't forget." - Joe
I felt tears well up in my eyes, happy tears of course. This was the sweetest thing a guy, or anyone really, had ever done for me.
When I turned to face Joe I watched panic fall over his face when he saw my teary eyes.
"Joe. It's perfect. I love it." - you
"Really?" - Joe smiled
"Yes, it's so sweet and so romantic." - you
Joe laced his fingers with mine and led me over to the blanket, my heart filled with so much love as we got closer to it.
"You can go ahead and get comfortable, I'm gonna grab the food from my car." - Joe
"Okay!" - you plopped down on the blanket
Joe had to chuckle, you looked so cute and he was oh so in love with you and everything about you. Being in your presence alone had him melting.
He returned shortly with the picnic basket of snacks, the pizza, and the cooler of drinks.
Joe spread everything out before sitting down beside me.
"Okay, so I tried to think about all your favorite things. Everything I thought of, I bought. We can eat the picnic snacks first then eat pizza." - Joe
"Sounds perfect!" - you
Joe grabbed the picnic and started getting things out. When he pulled out red grapes I decided to play a little prank on him.
"Uh Joe, I like green grapes." - you
His neck snapped so fast in my direction as a worried look appeared on his face.
"What? Since when? I was sure it was the red ones you liked-" - Joe
"I'm kidding Joey!" - you placed a hand on his shoulder as you laughed
"Oh. I was worried I messed something up already." - Joe
"I assure you that you won't mess anything up, we've been here five minutes and I've already cried." - you laughed
"Those were happy tears right?" - Joe
"Major happy tears." - you
Joe smiled as I leaned forward and pecked his perfect lips. When we pulled away he kissed my cheek and continued sitting everything out on the blanket.
"Hey, what's the projector for?" - you
"I planned to watch the sunset, but I was worried that the sunset might be underwhelming. So if it is, we've got a movie to watch instead." - Joe
"Woah, Joe you've thought about everything haven't you?" - you
"I've run every possible situation through my head and adapted. There is no way this is getting messed up." - Joe
"That's sweet of you." - you grinned
"I try." - joe smiled
"C'mere, lay with me. You should start the movie and we can eat our snacks." - you
Joe scooted over on the blanket carefully to not bunch it up and laid down next to me.
"What movie you wanna watch?" - Joe
"It's October so how about a Halloween movie? Not a horror movie of course since you are scared of them." - you
"I'm not scared of them, y/n! I just don't like them!" - Joe
"Sure, Joe." - you laughed
"I didn't come here to get made fun of." - Joe
I laughed as I laid my head on his shoulder and threw an arm over him.
"Sorry, babe." - you
"You know, I love when you call me that and baby." - Joe
"Well, I love calling you them." - you
Joe leaned down and pressed a kiss onto my lips before sitting up to open a box.
"Chocolate-covered strawberry?" - Joe
"Ooh! Yes, please!" - you
He leaned down on his elbow to where he was hovering over me and led the strawberry to my mouth. My hand found its way onto his chest, just wanting to remain in contact with him.
"Good?" - Joe
"Mhm, they're really good. Hand me one, it's your turn." - you
Joe handed me a chocolate-covered strawberry and I leaned up a little bit to guide it towards his perfect lips.
"Mmm, those are good!" - Joe
"What else do you have? I'm feeling something savory." - you
"We can have the pizza." - Joe suggested
"Oh yeah!" - you
Joe grabbed the two plates he brought and handed me one, along with a few napkins.
He was hesitantly reaching for the pizza box and for a second I wondered why he was seemingly nervous all of a sudden, he seemed fine up till now.
I watched Joe place the box between us before he slowly opened it. When he did his eyes immediately traced off to mine, and that's when I realized why he was nervous.
Written in pepperoni said, "Be My GF?" 
Joe was silently freaking out, scared he asked too soon, worried about what you're answer would be, or if it was a lame way to ask such a big thing.
You on the other hand felt like you were on cloud nine. This was such a Joe way of asking you to be his girlfriend and you found it sweet and so endearing. It was perfect and quirky, just like Joe.
While you were swooning over the proposal, answering the question seemed to have slipped your mind. When you're eyes finally met Joe’s and he seemed frantic you realized you hadn't answered his question yet.
"Of course, I'll be your girlfriend!" - you
Joe’s once-nervous expression turned lit up with excitement as he leaned forward to crash his lips onto mine.
My hand cupped Joe’s cheek as I held him as close as I could get him, his lips rough on mine.
When Joe and I pulled away from each other huge smiles were plastered on our faces.
“So, I'm your boyfriend…” - Joe
“I’m your girlfriend…” - you
We looked at each other for a second before erupting into nervous giggles. It was almost as if our teenage selves came back for a second.
A few minutes later we had calmed down and got comfortable on the blanket. Joe got Hocus Pocus playing and we were cuddled up eating our pizza, stealing kisses after bites, and feeding each other snacks now and then.
The sunset didn't disappoint and neither did the view of it.
It seemed as if life couldn't get any better than it was at that moment. I was watching one of my favorite Halloween movies, and eating my favorite snacks, all while cuddling up to my boyfriend.
“Joey?” - you
Still lying on his shoulder, I rubbed his chest to get his attention.
“Yup?” - Joe
“Thank you for all of this. This was the best first date ever and I've loved every second of it. I'm so happy to finally call myself yours.” - you
“You’re so welcome, baby. I'm glad you've enjoyed it because I have as well.” - Joe
Sadly once the sun had set and the movie ended shortly after, it was time for us to leave.
Joe told me to head back to the car while he gathered everything up saying he didn't want me to get cold without the blankets.
Even while I was alone and Joe was putting stuff in the backseat, I couldn't stop smiling.
Today had been so perfect; waking up next to Joe, having breakfast with him, and then having the best date possible to end the night.
I wasn't without Joe for very long and when he got in the car he slipped his hand onto my leg as he turned onto the main road.
“My girl.” - Joe squeezed your leg
You had smiled at the gesture just thinking he was reminding you of his presence but in all honesty he just wanted to say it out loud to see if it would feel any more real to him. He couldn't believe it, the girl he'd had a crush on since high school was his girlfriend. She felt the same way about him that he felt about her and it was so surreal to him.
It was silent in the car, not an awkward silence but a little too quiet for Joe’s liking so he went to shuffle his usual playlist.
“Aye! We listened to your music the last time we were in the car. It's my turn.” - you
“Whatever you want, babe.” - Joe laughed
I connected my phone and shuffled my everyday playlist, a content smile on my face when “we fell in love in october” was the first song that played.
It hit me that it was October 1st. This song felt a little personal now that Joe and I started dating in October.
“This is kinda our song now…” - you
“Well. We started dating in October, I don't remember what month it was when I fell in love with you a few years ago.” - Joe smiled
Authors note: this chapter has me feeling REALLLLLLLL single.
Hope you enjoyed! ❤️
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veerbles · 2 months
thoughts about dream thieves (and some predictions!)
After probably almost a decade of thinking to myself, I’m an adult who’d like to read more and also enjoys YA, I should finally pick up TRC, I finally picked up TRC. I finished Raven Boys and immediately started Dream Thieves, so I didn’t pause to gather my thoughts on the first one, but here I am now. Ready to unleash several K’s of words by using my limited information to analyze characters and make some predictions that may or may not come true.
• I really enjoy the whole magical-realism, bordering-on-alternate-dimensions theme, but I’m SO SORRY Cabeswater gives me the creeps. I can read context clues and infer from the fact that Blue and Gansey both love it that it’s not meant to be sinister? Probably? But like, talking forests and time loops and magical possessions have, in the history of literature, revealed ulterior motives. I’m mostly side-eyeing the way Adam’s sacrifice to Cabeswater immediately derailed his life and mental stability. It might just be an Adam thing. It’s probably an Adam thing. But like, if I were these kids I’d be a biiiit more wary of the scary time-defying magical land I stumbled upon.
• The sudden emphasis on how time is circular kind of came out of nowhere. There was definitely a point made in the first book about how time doesn’t flow the same way inside Cabeswater, but mid-second book the nonlinearity of time was suddenly a huge thing and all the Sargent seers made a point of how every prophecy is something that both happened already and hasn’t happened yet. I’m totally down with some time-fuckery, but I would’ve liked some more build-up. Also, is this meant to play into Blue’s prophecy? Adam’s visions? Gansey’s fate? Glendower’s fate?
• I was preparing myself for a long, drawn-out love triangle B-plot, and I’m glad it didn’t happen. I couldn’t tell if I missed some subtext and Blue’s intense attraction to Adam faded before their fight at his room, or if it was a direct result of it, but I like that their thing (he called her his girlfriend and I was kind of like… is she? Who established that?) was short and not too well-developed. I think it mostly served as a lesson that Blue can influence her fate, but she can’t run from it (“Why couldn’t it be Adam?”). 
• Also, I think the marketing of the first book did it a HUGE disservice. I have nothing against romance as a main plot and maybe I would have enjoyed that as well, but adventure and the found family trope have a much stronger pull. Was really glad the romantic relationships aren’t really the main focus (at least yet?).
• On the same note, these books are so far really good with show not tell. The numerous unspoken hints about the Blue/Gansey attraction did such a good job making me root for them. The slow progression from Gansey caring an inordinate amount about how Blue views him, to Blue dedicating large chunks of her time analyzing him and trying to figure out all of his layers, to Gansey definitely growing aware of his feelings but not doing anything explicit because of Adam… The boat scene with Orla was pure comedy, lmao. Tell me you’re 16/17 years old without telling me you’re 16/17 years old.
• The Blue/Adam “break up” scene was so good because it evoked true emotions in me. I think a reasonable percentage of teenage girls were once The One Girl in a group of guys, and Blue’s feelings of being treated differently because she’s a girl really hit right where it hurt. I think Adam’s inability to understand that she wants to be his friend first and a love interest later was so real. I also do think that this scene brought up multiple points and maybe Blue’s character would have benefitted from addressing each of them separately, even just in her own head. She feels left out because she’s a girl, and she feels he only views her as a Girl and not as a friend; she’s wary of his anger issues and feels she doesn’t know him; she has feelings for Gansey; she has an ominous prophecy hanging over her head. Ultimately, her saying he’s not “the one” is what hurt him most, because she hit him directly in the insecurities, but it wasn’t really the most interesting or impactful point. Who is Blue Sargent and what does she really want in a relationship (or in general?)
• I have a hot take, but don’t kill me for this. …Adam gives off real Peter Pettigrew vibes. I’M SO SORRY. I really hope he gets more character development later on, because right now he’s straight on the path to evil villain. Or, okay, maybe he veered off that path after his talk with Persephone and their quest to fix the ley line, but for a minute there I was like… My guy, I get where you’re coming from, but you’re slowly gnawing on the leg that you used to stand on. It’s okay to be mad at the world because you were handed a worse hand of cards, and it’s okay to want to climb your way up to prove your own worth. But a minute ago your whole point was that you HAD worth, and now you’re acting out because you feel worthless? Adam’s getting eaten away by his insecurities and thinking/saying/doing really uncool things to his friends, and it’s just Not It. At this point of time, I personally would not have made him Secret-Keeper of the house I’m hiding in.
• Direct follow up: Honestly? Gansey should punch someone. As a treat. Gansey certainly has flaws, but he’s also certainly the most self-aware of the whole bunch. He is continuously harder on himself than anyone else is hard on him, and trying to make things right, and he’s kind of getting stepped on by his best friends. Adam stole his most prized possession and sneaked away to do exactly what Gansey didn’t want to do on GANSEY’S search quest, and then took the offer of networking but spit it back in Gansey’s face, and admitted he’s going to fight Gansey for Glendower’s favor because he thinks he deserves it more. Ronan ALSO stole his most prized possession after letting Gansey clean up his messes, and didn’t even really apologize? Like, it’s somehow okay because after he stole it he wrecked it and then dreamed it back? Nah dude. It wasn’t okay you took it to begin with! Now, I definitely think it’s not a black-and-white situation; Adam brings up plenty of good points in his arguments, and Ronan, to the best of my recollection, never asked to be cleaned up after. They’re both super traumatized and Gansey chose to stick by their sides through that. But everybody else gets to lash out and make stupid decisions and I, personally, think Richard C. Gansey III should pull a teenage boy move and punch one of his best friends. Which one is up to him. The punch can be metaphorical.
• This book focused mainly on Ronan and Adam’s journeys, and I have to say I loved the night terrors as a symbol of self-loathing. But I remain unsure about Ronan himself. Unlike Adam I don’t think he’s doing villain-y things, but he’s definitely doing very normal teenaged self-destructive things. And that’s fine. It's expected. But it’s also not really productive to self-acceptance? Which he somehow reached at least partially by the end of this book anyway? My point being, Ronan kind of lost it when Gansey was gone and went on a weird dreamer-bender and took all kinds of suspicious drugs and made all kinds of bad decisions, and I expected that to have ramifications. He didn’t really face any of his self-hatred or made efforts to be a better friend. He did kind of face (literally) his grief over his father, which is obviously huge, but I would have liked him to take down some of those walls, be vulnerable, apologize? Face some of his obvious inner homophobia? Anything before that wholesome ending. I guess I just stay hopeful that it’d happen in the next two books.
• On that note, the whole goddamn Lynch family needs therapy. What the fuck. Hated Declan significantly less than the last book, but all three of them should get some professional help for their asses. Their mother is a dream? Ronan’s new friend’s mother is dating his father’s murderer?? Ronan’s dad kicked him out of his home on the heels of his tragic death to teach him some lesson about… dreaming??? So much shit happened in this book. However: loved the idea of Ronan having an actual parent and functioning sibling relationship now. Hopefully, that would do some good for everybody involved.
• Very happy at the subtle queer themes and foreshadowing that led up to Ronan’s very understated sexuality revelation. I could smell it coming from a mile away without it being spelled out for me, which is good: it means it was written into his character really well. I was both thrilled and kind of confused by some of the Adam/Ronan hints in this book, though. Ronan… slept on the floor by Adam’s bed…? ("Surely he would wake up soon and find himself [...] lying on the floor beside Adam’s bed at St. Agnes.") This was literally mentioned in one line and then never again. And he doesn’t spend too much time thinking of Adam, but somehow the epilogue still explicitly states that his secret is Adam and not his sexuality as a whole. I’m rooting for them, but I’ll need more convincing in later books that this apparent crush didn’t spring out of nowhere. 
• On the subject of themes I didn’t see coming, the redemption arc for The Gray Man with the gray morality surprised me. It’s not that I’ve never read or enjoyed books where this subject was explored, I just didn’t expect it to happen in this book series. It seems to me like so far every character we’re supposed to root for is very clearly that, and evil characters give off hints in advance. Gray Man definitely did some dubious things in this book, even if you disregard the killing itself, so I expected his ending to line up with that. I guess it still might? Truthfully I find the subject of responses to trauma and how it affects your moral compass very interesting, and I’m definitely into characters’ redemption arcs, but I just don’t know if romantic entanglement with a known dissociative killer is a smart thing for a mother of a sixteen-year-old. If the Gray Man drove away at the end and started a new, less-violent life, I’d be far less conflicted. But he very clearly stated his attachment to Henrietta, which just… leaves me mostly confused. 
• Speaking of, I love how a major theme of this odd little magical book is how different people handle childhood trauma (Adam, Ronan, Gray Man). No further notes, just love it.
• I also really like that adults are directly involved in this story, instead of being intentionally kept out of the loop like in most YA stories. In the majority of the YA books I’ve read I really felt like 70% of the problems could be solved by a whole ass grown up swooping in instead of letting a bunch of kids handle real life-endangering shit all by themselves. The 300 Fox Way women are certainly a specific breed of adults, but they are adults, and they do intervene when needed and are kept mostly informed. It’s a nice change of pace. 
• Going to quickly mention my only real point of criticism and then move on. The dialogue in this book isn’t very realistic, and the clear preference for dramatic chapter endings is a little excessive. I can forgive the dialogue issue, because it does help create the atmosphere that this isn’t a real place in the real world but a magical and intriguing town in some mystery land, but I don’t know if this is what the author actually intended. In every other way, the kids are all pretty well fleshed-out and realistic depictions of teenagers. But every time they open their mouths I think: this is not how a natural conversation sounds. And the dramatic chapter cliffhangers isn’t terrible, because it does keep my interest, but I think it’s fine to have a few chapters not ending with a dramatic one-liner, lol.
Gansey is a reincarnation of Glendower’s. This is not a certain one, but if it’s not true I feel like it’s a missed opportunity. Gansey is constantly described as “both very old and very young”. He died, but mysteriously didn’t die. He has this connection to Glendower and for some reason connects his sense of self to him. It would tie in to the theme of nonlinear time. I think it could be a good ending for this journey, a la “the thing you were looking for was in yourself all along”.
Gansey answering with “That’s all there is” will have more meaning later on. It could be that dialogue thing again, but I found it to be a weird response in the context of that scene. Since I am of the firm belief that this is all heading to a Blue/Gansey kiss, Gansey dying and then undying, and Blue somehow walking him back down that corpse road, I feel like that quote could maybe tie in to that future scene.
Is Adam’s vision really “gone”? In the scene where Adam makes peace with his powers and returns to Cabeswater he remembers the vision from the dreaming tree and thinks: "That wasn’t going to happen now. He’d changed his future. He’d chosen a different way." And I simply can't help but think that that's just... too easy. Why mention the vision so many times if it's not going to happen now? On the one hand, it would be far more interesting if it did happen, but it had a whole different connotation to it than Adam can currently imagine (he specifically says Gansey is dying, not dead.) On the other hand, it does seem like that vision fits in the reality where Gansey dies back in the first book on Neeve's pentagon, if Adam hadn't rushed in and made the sacrifice. I just feel like it's going to make a comeback.
Noah should not be a ghost. There was not once a good explanation for why this happened. Because he died on the ley line? Presumably, if the ley line runs through the US, many people die on the ley line. Gansey’s backstory is that he came back to life from those hornet stings because someone else who should not have died has died. But Noah is like. Not exactly dead? I’m assuming this will need to be addressed later on and serve as some sort of plot resolution.
Persephone has a connection to Cabeswater. She essentially told Adam that she was in his place once (“They won’t understand,” Persephone said. “They didn’t when I came back.”). That lady has something weird going on with her and this tell me it will have some sort of connection to Cabeswater. She kind of gives off the vibes of someone who will get forever lost in a magical forest. Also I feel like maybe one of the psychics won’t make it out alive, and I dread it’d be her or Maura.
Artemus is definitely a Cabeswater creature. I think this was almost explicitly stated? He appeared suddenly and disappeared suddenly? Almost like the surges and outages the ley line causes? Also, I don't remember the specifics from the first book but I think Maura needed Neeve's help to find him because he was in that "place where they can't see", or something like that - presumably Cabeswater. Also, his story does not give human.
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I’m you do Quinn but would you do Santana? If not you can also use this idea for Quinn:
(they’re both popular Cheerios maybe co-captains)
R and Quinn/Santana are on a date at breadsticks and some jocks from school slide next to each one and start to flirt w them.
They both smirk at each other and flirt back to get free food, then after the guys pay for their very large meals they see the karaoke stage just finished being set up and they get out the booth and tell the guys they’re gonna put on a show😏
They sing take a hint from victorious and kiss at the end.
The next day they walk the halls hand in hand as usual surprised people didn’t know about their relationship in the first place, so they used this opportunity to confirm the rumours that are being whispered around the halls as they go to their lockers and they start making out in front of their lockers while everyone is just shocked then Mercedes and Kurt come over and tell them to stop playing tonsil tennis which San/Q put their finger up like ‘hold on a minute’ and finish by pulling away saying an ‘I love you’ to each other before turning to their friends saying ‘hi’ before turning and opening their lockers which are right next to each other ✨
I'll do San for this one cuz she suits the request a bit more than Quinn does.
Santana x Reader
Ah Breadstix. Lima's to-go date spot. It was the best and quite possibly the only place with the proper dating atmosphere. It's where you find yourself right now, actually. Across from the most beautiful girl you've ever seen. Santana Lopez.
It started out as a fling. You and her would go out to sleep together and experiment as you do as teens. Then it became a friends with benefits situation. At least until Santana caught feelings, to your surprise. You had harbored feelings for her as well, but you were better at hiding it. You took what you could get for as long as you could. Apparently, it was for longer than you thought.
But here you are, feeding each other breadsticks when two of McKinley's beefy meatheads slide into your booth, trapping you in.
"Hey ladies."
"What's two pretty girlies like you doing at a place like this alone?"
Santana rolls her eyes while you facepalm. Resting your head on your hand, you look at the boys.
"We're not alone? We're here... Together." You point between you and Santana. This was always the double edge sword, being on a sapphic date. You could pretend to be just a couple of friends hanging out. But people also don't believe it when you're out together.
These guys just didn't have a clue.
"Nah. You're alone cuz you ain't got guys like us with ya." He flexes, almost knocking over your drink. "C'mon. We'll show you a good time."
When your gaze turns to Santana, a wicked grin is on her face. It takes a second, but you catch onto what she's thinking. It's time to play these boys. Suddenly, you're ordering steaks and salmon. Breadsticks and assorted sides pile onto the table and the boys are none the wiser as you keep flirting. When the bill arrives, both boys wince, but pay regardless. It was going to be worth it, right?
Now for the escape plan.
"Hey, how 'bout we sing something for you boys?" You mention. The Latina picks up the baton you passed.
"Yeah. Breadstix has a stage. And we're the best singers in school." You disagree, but you don't voice that. Santana gets in enough of a pissing match with Rachel and Mercedes as is.
The boys readily agree to be serenaded and let you slip out of the booth. After talking to the karaoke machine operator, you set up and the music begins.
Why am I always hit on
By the guys I never like?
I can always see 'em coming
From the left and from the right.
Everyone in the restaurant is rocking out along with the song. Even the jocks, not having a clue about the meaning of the song. It takes two thirds of the song for it to sink in and for them to realize that they weren't taking you two home.
At the end of the song, you're back on stage and belting out the last note. As soon as you stop, applause erupts from the other patrons and you and Santana share a kiss before racing out of the restaurant.
The next day, whispers in the school hall can be heard echoing. It seems to travel alongside you and Santana as you make your way to your lockers, hands locked together and swinging between your bodies.
"Wait, are they a thing?"
"I mean... That's hot."
"You owe me $20."
The whispers start to get annoying so Santana pushes you into the lockers and latches into your lips, trapping you in bliss. The whispers stop as your schoolmates stare. It goes on for long enough that they start to feel awkward and walk away.
To you and Santana though? You were in your own world. The space between you two was non-existent. The Latina had a knee dangerously close to where you desperately wanted it. Your hands held her head in place as your tongues swept over each other. Her hands kept your hips still as she presses closer. Then, like a knife, a familiar voice cuts through.
"Oh God. Please stop playing tonsil tennis." Kurt gripes from behind Santana. "We don't need to see that here." Mercedes chimes in next to him.
"Lord knows we see it enough during Glee Club..."
Santana just raises a hand, her index finger pointed up to tell them to 'hold on a damn minute.' A sigh escapes from both of them as they wait, Kurt tapping his foot with impatience.
When you finally part, you feel teeth pull at your lower lip and you let out a soft whimper. She presses her forehead against yours as you collect yourselves. Finally you don't have to hide it anymore.
"I love you."
"Love you too..."
With a deep breath, you two finally separate and greet your friends as if you weren't just macking on each other right in front of them. Just another normal to get used to.
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wisteriaiswriting · 10 months
𝕆𝕟𝕔𝕖 𝕚𝕟 𝕒 𝕤𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕠𝕟
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Prompt: 3
Words: 1195
Growing up, with and without his radiant powers he wasn’t a fan of the cold. Snow included. But now he wished he tried to play in it at least once, but he was a stubborn child. Never agreeing to his parents' terms, always inside while his friends made snowmen and had snowball fights.
Even now. As the majority of the protocol spent the day outside doing a range of activities, from building snowmen to full on snowball fights. Watching as Jett and Raze managed to destroy Gekko and Chamber. Ironic since the girls betrayed Gekko and Chamber wasn’t even participating.
The others were either watching, doing other things or hiding in the warmth of the base. And you could say you were doing the same. The warmth wasn’t from the fireplace, although it was heating the room. But mainly from the man himself, Phoenix.
While he was looking out the window at everyone else you sat on the floor, against the couch. The same one a certain shadow was lounging on while knitting. You were comfortable, being thrown a few cushions and a blanket. You were focused on your project, which sat on your lap while you added the finishing touches.
If someone else looked at it most likely they wouldn’t have a clue what it was. But a few people knew, 2 people to be specific. Throughout the building process you had KAY/O at your side, as he helped with the main aspect of it, being the only one with that expertise. And Raze.
The project was fine on its own but something was missing. And who better than Raze, who quickly found the problem.
 “It doesn’t look good…Not that it’s bad, just doesn’t scream Phoenix. Ya know?”
And surprisingly, she was right. It was bland and while it does it’s job, painting it looked alot better. So she started, covering the device in bright orange flames all around with a white background. She made it look good while still being useful, as she was careful with the small brush to not cover anything that wasn’t meant to be covered.
Before you knew it hours had passed. Everyone who was outside had slowly trickled back inside, many heading back to their rooms for a warm shower. Once the majority had finished and returned to the living area, this was happening just as Raze leaned back from the project.
The otherwise silent room was then filled with her back cracking from being hunched over for hours. Swiftly placing everything back into their designated places before doing one final check over, soon deciding it was good. She handed it over before using the same hand to slap your shoulder.
“Go get him!”
As she was speaking she started pushing you through the door, locking it when you were outside. Well, guess it’s time. You wandered down the hall for a while before reaching the living area, surprisingly not a lot of people were inside. With a few more cleaning up in the kitchen, Sage noticing you quickly.
“Y/N, you missed dinner, but I did leave some in the fridge.”
“Thanks Sage, but do you know where Phoenix is?”
“Last time I saw him was at dinner he grabbed a plate then left.”
At her words you left, heading towards one of the few places he would be. Either training, in a meeting or in his room. Luckily you found him on your first try, in his room. The lights were off, with the only light source was a salt lamp on his desk, one gifted by Chamber from a mission.
The lamp showed how Phoenix was sitting on his bed, using his fork to slowly push around his food. The sauce has made everything else soggy, showing he hasn’t eaten much, if any.
He didn’t even look up at you, instead dropping his fork.
“If you want I can leave?”
You were giving him a chance to be alone, watching as he thought about it. Soon enough he waved you over, letting you sit on the bed, although on the end. But hey, you’re still here. You both sat in silence for a few minutes before he threw the plate onto his bedside table, leaning forward.
“Why are ya’ here?”
“I had something to give you, but I’m not sure if you want it now.”
“Don’t you leave, not after that!”
Teasing Phoenix with a gift is a sure fire way to get him to talk, and luckily you had the gift now. So instead of saying anything you pulled it from one of your pockets, laying it on the sheets in front of him. Letting him grab and inspect the bracelet.
“You made this?”
“You say it like you don’t believe me?”
“After what I’ve seen you do? Nah.”
“Mind you I did! And had some help…”
During your time arguing you didn’t get to see him putting it on. The band cooled down his body, starting from the same wrist before slowly fading down to his feet. Which was a first, and openly welcomed after years of being warm.
“Like you did–”
Your response was cut short. Seeing his smile slowly grow to cover his face, eyes were becoming teary. Before you could do anything he had crossed the room to drag you into a hug, dropped just as quick.
“Y/N, mate! I gotta go test this!”
Jamie was quick to leave the room, hearing him getting further from you. Leaving you with no choice but to follow, able to catch his shoe around the corner. Luckily it was easy enough to figure out where he was going, also the fact he left the door wide open.
He was so distracted by the snow, being able to walk in it and finally feel its coldness instead of the evaporated version. Watching the snow instead of you, who has grabbed a handful of snow and compacting it. He was not prepared for what you had planned, beat him in a snowball fight.
Before he knew it you let go of the snowball, letting it fly towards him. Quickly hitting the back of his head.
He tried to flick off any remaining snow while facing you.
“You mind luv’?”
Instead of responding you reached down to grab even more snow. Looking up to see him already backing away, turning into a sprint when you followed.
“Come back here Jamie!”
“No way, you gotta stay away! ”
The next few minutes were spent with you chasing Jamie and him running away. Ending with him successfully hiding for a few minutes, luckily that's all he needed. Sneaking around the best he can, trying to find you before you find him.
Seems like luck is on his side, finding you kneeling in the snow. Watching as you kept making the ball bigger, although you’ll never get to throw it, at least not tonight. As he managed to sneak up on you, and while you were busy stuff snow into your shirt.
Your only response was him laughing while running back inside. You rushed to grab your own handful and run after him.
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joeyschick · 9 months
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Chapter 1- Joe Cool 😎
I danced a little gig as I walked into my penthouse apartment carrying a case of beer.
As most of you probably know, I am Joe Burrow, rookie quarterback for the Cincinnati Bengals.
Who Dey!🧡🖤
Anyway, if you have kept up with me at all you probably know that this season has been rough for me starting out.
I mean, today we got our FIRST freakin’ win of the season against the Jacksonville Jaguars.
And it is week 4. 🤦🏻‍♂️
Folks ,as you know , I had an undefeated season and a natty Championship win during my last year at LSU,
So, needless to say, losing is not in my vocabulary and most definitely something I am not used to
But what can I say? It was bound to happen because I had been warned that during my rookie NFL season I would probably take my fair share of lumps.
Just call me Mr.Lumpy. 😂🤦🏻‍♂️
Anywho, moving on.
I have other issues at the current moment.
I rubbed my swollen jaw.
Yes I said swollen jaw.
Yes, I got sacked a few times during the game but that has nothing to do with the swelling of my jaw.
I was interviewed by the lovely,vivacious Linsie Wellington after the game.
Ah,miss Linzie.
The most respected sports announcer in Florida.
And the hottest.🔥❤😜😎
I mean,dayum. Boys, the woman is smoking.
I'm so damn sorry but when a woman looks like that I just gotta say something.
Okay, so normally Miss Hottie(I mean,Linzie ) is an announcer but tonight she did an interview.
An interview with yours truly. (Pops collar)
So.....anyway......when she was finished asking me all those beloved things an interviewer asks.....I just couldn't stand it anymore. I just had to say something.
And this is what I said.
I gave that black haired bombshell my million dollar sultry smile and said this little piece right here.
"Give me your car keys so I can drive you crazy." 😉
Yeah, yeah, crazy pick up line,I know.
But hey it works.
A lot.😎
And boy would I like to drive this woman crazy. 😍
I think miss Linzie liked it just a little.
Ah,hell who am I kidding? I KNOW she liked it.
I saw her blushing.😎
However, there was someone who didn't like it.
That someone was her boyfriend. 🥴😎
Damn, that man can swing a fist.
Hell,I didn't know she had a boyfriend.
Or did I?
So there you have it,folks. The story of my freakin bruised jaw.
What can I say?
I'm a hot mess.😎
I sighed as I dragged myself to my fridge and pulled out a beer.
Ahhhhh....smooth as hell. Already made me forget about my damn messed up jaw.
I know I shouldn't be drinking but hell, we freakin' won today!
A man's gotta celebrate.
Anyway........twelve to fifteen beers later, I'm pretty sure I was on the verge of passing out.
Just as I leaned back on my huge designer couch and shut my eyes,my doorbell rang
Awww hell no!
I groaned and I stood up with my head absolutely swimming,and trudged over to the door.
How I made it without falling on my ass i will never know.
Anyway.....when I opened the door....there stood a girl with bleach blonde hair and a skirt on up to her rear end.
Mmmmm......mama mia😍
And no, I don't have a damn clue what her name is .
She's a chick I met at the bar the other night.
I'm pretty sure I've already had at least one round of wild and crazy sex with her.
Or was that her sister?😎
Hell, who am I kidding? I probably had em both.
"Hey stud.....good game today." The woman said,batting her eyelashes at me.
"Thanks" I said,smirking and winking.
"I think we should...ya know.....have a little fun ."She said,with a wink.
"Hell yeah" I said,smirking.
The next thing I knew we were in the floor,heavily making out.
I am a worn out ol boy but I am NEVER too tired for some poontang.😎
So....with that being said.....scram...ya filthy animals! 😎
However,please do visit tomorrow.
I'm sure I shall have a ton of things to talk about if ya know what I mean.😎
Song of the chapter -Just A Gigolo by David Lee Roth
Hey guys! I know this is definitely a different Joe than we are used to seeing but hey, I find this side of Joey B rather hot 🥵 myself.
As I’ve said, this is my story from Wattpad but I will be changing it slightly.
Thanks so much for reading!
Will update soon!
Much love,
Leslie ❤️
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catawonkus · 2 years
Got a goal for this year to read a book a month. Here’s my current progress-
January - The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue -DNF
Couldn’t do it. Everyone spoke so highly of it, but my goodness, I was halfway through the book before she thought to introduce me to the love interests! Something couldn’t just happen to Addie. It had to happen, then happen again, then happen again, before the author thought the point had gotten across sufficiently! I had to DNF.
February - Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy - fun!
I only read the first one, but it was good! It didn’t rock my world, but it was funny, and the satire landed well.
March - Scarlet (The Lunar Chronicles). - SO MUCH FUN.
Years ago I read Cinder, but it was time to try the next one in the series! Don’t get me wrong, parts of this were hokey. It was trope filled, it didn’t shock me - but it was so enjoyable. This is what I want from my fairy tale retellings. And from my leading men - I am not immune to feral boys with a tortured backstory.
April - Cress (TLC) - Fun!
Now that I’ve gotten back to the series I need to finish! Not as much fun as Scarlet, because it’s less of a woman falling in love with a man named wolf and pretending not to know it’s a bad idea. But it remained delightfully predictable to a degree while also making me laugh out loud in places.
May - Winter (TLC) - had me on the edge of my seat
Honestly my only critique is that with so many characters, sometimes things had to be glossed over that I thought could have more emotional impact. Or sometimes the parts that were necessary to tie in the fairy tale felt unnecessary next to the plot, more than the other books, in a way that the others didn’t. Maybe if there was 5 books - this one had been Snow White, and then the last one had tied everything together and had the rebellion and all the characters sharing focus equally. Then we’d have more bonding time for everyone. Other than that, action packed thrill ride that managed to keep up that fun fairy tale vibe - the last showdown scene was both thrilling and, out of context, amusing, because you have all these fairy tale characters attacking each other. I’d actually really recommend this series for fairy tale and sci fi fans like me.
June - no book this month, sadly. I just didn’t have time :( maybe I can do 2 in July?
July - The Innocent by David Baldacci - fine
No, im not falling behind on my goals; how dare you say so.
It was fine. I’ve never read this genre before but I love a good procedural style thriller show or movie. But spending twelve hours on a story where the ending is a bit obvious and there’s not much character growth… Is a lot. But I did enjoy it! Don’t know if I’d read more in this genre though.
August - A Murder is Announced by Agatha Christie - good!
She got me as usual! I did not guess the killer, though I did pick up on quite a few of the clues! Always enjoyable to read a good murder mystery - it’s a very “autumn” feeling even if it’s still hot outside — highly recommend!
September - Twilight - dare I say iconic
I read this book when I was around 13, maybe? But haven’t since, so I decided to reread it now since this month I was in Forks, WA. The thing about Twilight is, the book isn’t as cringe-funny as the movie — it’s just a normal YA romance with a paranormal twist. There’s an interesting story there about a boy struggling with self control and a girl with a neglectful mom who has learned to prioritize others over herself, learning to ask for what she wants. There’s tropes that are pretty popular. Love at first sight, the dangerous bad boy. It’s a fine book even if it’s not the kind I usually go for. I enjoyed it!
As if you could outrun me! As if you could fight me off! 🧛‍♂️🧛‍♂️
(Also I skimmed through a book called Ben and Beatriz. It was terrible.)
October - Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? By Philip K Dick - a bummer in places, good sci fi
A sci fi classic that definitely left me debating with my friend as to the themes and meanings behind it. I’d recommend it — though it is a bit of a downer bc of the dystopian world.
Second book in October… The Goblin Emperor by Katherine Addison - my favorite this year
Extremely good, if a slog to get through at first. The impossible number of names nearly threw me off, but I’m glad I pushed through to get to the fun part. It’s always nice to read a main character who is honestly flawed but relatable and intelligent. Also, I didn’t even try with the names. I keep calling Beshelar “Balthazar”. I’ve only had him, Cala, and Csevet for a day and a half, but if anything happened to them…
November - Guards! Guards! by Terry Pratchett - a great read
You ever read a book and halfway through you say “this author has got to be British. Hold up let me look it up”? Very funny and also fun to read but with a big, if cynical, heart. The writing was shockingly similar to Hitchhiker’s Guide and I’m glad to have finally dipped my toe into into Discworld. My favorite character was the Patrician. What a weird and off-putting dude!
Second book in November - All Systems Red by Martha Wells - really exciting, tight adventure
What if your iPhone could quiet quit? What if your roomba vacuumed but was like, annoyed about it and wanted to steal your wallet? That’s basically this book. Really good even if the ending was a bit abrupt.
December - Artificial Condition by Martha Wells
The roomba is on the loose and wants answers, but it’ll settle for murder. Better than the last one, very enjoyable!! It’s honestly taking on a action-thriller vibe (like the Innocent, I read that in July), but snappier and with a genderless main character who has trauma. Can’t wait to read the next.
Second Book in December - Rogue Protocol by Martha Wells
These are short, btw, and I’m trying to read them quickly so my roommate can talk about them. This one was also good. The character development was way more distinct in this one (Murderbot is a bit of a pouter), but the plot was less engaging. They really do feel more like tv episodes than books, so it’s hard to judge them independently.
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daggos · 6 months
The True Virgin Tiger Moth
Part 2
Sorry this took so long
Life happened :/
When you get there at last, you are certain that you have the wrong place. This place did look like a hotel, but it also looks like it had been abandoned for YEARS. And the poster looked brand new!
You decide to knock on the door regardless. Might as well make sure, they did say they were just starting out (though you didn't know it was THIS bad).
Before you can get a second knock, the door flies upon.
"WELCOME TO THE Ha-..." *door slam*
Well, that was rude. You hadn't even said anything, and the door was slammed in your face.
Well, your chest, you were too tall to just be looking into the hotel. But still!
When the door opened again not long after, it was the same blonde haired girl looking out with a much less pleased look. During the second you had to move before the door opened, you were now leaned down to look into the hotel, on set of hands on your hips, the other in your knees to steady yourself.
Before you got the chance to get too much of a look, the door was yet again slammed in your face.
'These people do not seem as welcoming as they try to make themselves out to be.' You stood straight back up and watched the door for when the girl would, hopefully, open it again.
The next time the door was opened, the same girl was there, but this time accompanied by another. This one seemed much more hostile, wielding a spear that was almost immediately pointed at your throat.
"What are YOU doing here?!" The gray one was already off to a bad start in your book. So rude >:(
You, for some reason, do not feel fear for the sharp object uncomfortably close to a vital part of you. You only felt slight annoyance and much disappointment.
You held up the poster that they had supposedly put out everywhere (apparently too quickly if them jumping back was anything to go by). Pointing to certain parts of the flier, you nudged away the spear like it was nothing (it was pointed more into your fluff anyway).
"YOU are the ones that put this flier out, no?! It says "Help Wanted and Guests Welcomed," and at the moment I do not feel wanted NOR welcomed!"
With your short rant finished, you promptly did a sharp turnaround and walked forward before ploping down on the stairs that led up to the place. You sat there for a moment with a pout while a single tear rolled down before you heard what you assumed to be their attempt at a quiet chat.
"THIS is Valentino? I thought you said he was more... violent? Lewd?"
You turn quickly with a harsh, offended gasp.
"Violent? LEWD?! I have no clue who this "Valentino" man is, but I'll have you know I am no such thing!"
At this point, you were highly offended and genuinely concerned about how they expect to get any guests with how they treat someone they just met, confusing them with someone else before quickly judging/threatening them.
It was the blonde that stepped up first nervously.
"Ah, I'm so, so sorry for that. There seems to have been a misunderstanding." Ya think?! "What did you say your name was again?"
You give your name only because it is the polite thing to do and you refuse to be as rude as they were.
"And yours?" You were ready to turn and actually leave by this point, but might as well see who you need to avoid from now on.
She beams at this before quickly stating, "My name is Charlie," she pulled the other girl who dropped her spear in surprise. "And this is Vaggie!"
You nod along, acting as if you were still interested. You did need a place to stay after all, you had only just showed up, too. You had no real place to reside in.
'Do I really want to stay with these people? They were rather mean..'
The next few minutes were just apology after apology from "Charlie" for the mix-up.
"I swear that doesn't normally happen with our guests!"
You look around for a moment confused.
"What guests?"
You just catch Charlie shrink back at the mention. Vaggie sent you daggers, which you cared nothing for sense she already sent you a spear.
"I'll tell you what, you let me stay here, and all is forgiven and forgotten. Well, most of it, at least." You mumble the last part to yourself. If you do end up staying here, you will not let the gray one live the spear incident down.
"Yes! Yes, of course! Please do stay! We'd love to have you here, you're our first guest." Charlie looked away at the last part.
You give a deep sigh and respond with a tired "alright."
You trail in behind them, heading over to the little counter with the room keys and watching Charlie grab one for a room on the third floor. Why the third floor? You had no clue.
You took the key with a smile and a small "Thank you" before walking off.
Your room was very simple. White walls to match the white, queen size bed. It didn't look bad, just SO plain that it hurt your eyes.
Thankfully, you noticed some parts of the room seemingly suddenly begin to transform into your preferred setting.
You walked over and practically ploped onto your bed, watching your sheets bleed into a mix of the white and (favorite color).
You rolled over and stared at the ceiling for a long while. This was going to be a strange experience. And you were ready with open arms.
You sat up with a thought. 'Perhaps I can open my old bakery down here. That would be nice.'
You began to plan, wondering where you could start investing in a large supply of poison for those who wanted to do anything to your future little shop like you had seen done to others on your walk to the hotel.
Your face split into a large grin at the thought.
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hollow-prior · 4 months
I haven't seen any love for this book anywhere SO here's my rave review of I Hope You're Listening by Tom Ryan while I wait for my shift to start.
I Hope You're Listening (Tom Ryan)
Spoiler-Free Review
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[Image Description: A cover of I Hope You're Listening by Tom Ryan. The cover shows dark woods with a purple coloring to them, making it look like night time. One girl points a flashlight towards the title, illuminating a small part of the forest as well. In her other hand, she has a phone to her ear. She is little more than a silhouette. In the background, four other people search the forest with flash lights. End ID.]
I originally picked this book up at Glad Day Books in Toronto, which is a store that focuses on promoting queer books, either by queer authors or with queer characters or both. The cover and the description on the back immediately caught my interest and though I was a bit worried reading a WLW story written by a man (I've been burned before, readers.), I decided to take a chance on it and OH BOY was I glad I did.
My favourite part of this book is probably the characters. Dee, the main character, is so well developed and shown to be flawed while still likeable, which is something that I rarely find in most YA novels. She is a teenage girl who has gone through something very traumatic and her decisions reflect that -- they aren't always rational and they don't always work out. She's also very stubborn and pushes people away throughout the book, which is something she has to overcome. The side characters in the book (Burke and Sarah) are also well developed and have their own stories to them, which I appreciated.
The relationship between Dee and Sarah is one of the biggest highlights of the book. Their getting together was very natural and thougu the speed at which they progressed was a bit quick, it's understandable given the circumstances around their relationship. Another thing I really liked about their relationship is that it didn't overshadow the main plot. The romance was a subplot to the main mystery.
The mystery itself was well written and by the time I was halfway through the book, I couldn't put it down. Everything wrapped up nicely without seeming too perfect and by the time I was finished, I found myself seeing the rest of the book in a new light. Certain details took on a new meaning and I'm sure that if I reread it later on, I'll find plenty of hints and clues that I missed the first time around.
The inclusion of the podcast and the format of it was a big plus for me. It added a new element to the book and gave it a different perspective. I also liked how it was dealt with in the resolution (Though I won't go into too much detail~) and the part it played in solving the case. I also really appreciated how they used the podcast to touch on the topic of MMIWG (Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls) and how the disappearances of many minorities are over under investigated.
In general, I just really loved this book and if you want to read an excellent mystery with a lesbian relationship that handles trauma and PTSD in a great way, I strongly suggest checking it out.
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onlyjaeyun · 8 months
DADDDYYYSSSS HOMEEEE 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️ greetings my beloved angel zadie <3 🤲 i have returned ☝️ as i had been spending my time the past few days attempting to collect my thoughts and opinions on CH in order to serve a full complete rant 🙏🏼😁 anywho so i might not be able to cover all the events for the past 3 or so chapters but hello 😀 hoon fist fuck event🧍‍♀️. see now i’m all about obsessive men and all that but what the actual FUCK. wdym jakyung begged him to be vocal but he couldn’t and bro was whimpering moaning AND panting her (yn) name while he was masturbating HELLOOOOOOOOOO 🏃‍♀️ the GRIP i had on my phone while reading that chapter what the hell help me ya allah what the HELLLLLL🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️ im still losing my mind over it cuz not only is hoon hitting them beyoncè notes in the room when he thinks about yn bro ALSO can’t cum WITHOUT the thought of her😀 pussy so good left his dick non-functional 🤕 (i’m losing my sanity btw cuz now i know when hoon finally gets to hit it again 1) bros gonna be cumming the MOMENT he bottoms out and 2) bros gonna turn INTO beyoncè HERSELF.)
there’s just smth about the way that u wrote hoon being so pathetic and desperate for yn it’s just OOOOOO like it HITS THE SPOT MA’AM 🙏🏼 IT DO IT REALLY DO 🙏🏼 💯that whole chapter had me gripping my sheets. and the moment i finished it i started to literally feel earth’s rotation on heeseung i started seeing frequencies on niki i started hearing shapes like that shit altered my brain’s chemistry i’m telling u bro fr fr wallahi 🙏🏼 ANYWHO going back to the hoon fist fuck event (not really just pathetic hoon himself) i know his ass is gonna be dramatically sliding down the wall while gripping his hair and listening to needy by ariana grande when the gc brings up yn’s hook up with fuma 😭 like i know damn well bros gonna film 3 different sad music videos istg. looking at the camera all sad and shit. “you & i” by one direction but make it park sunghoon version. (also yn posting a very revealing sexy bad bitch hot girl summer ahh story with needed me by rihanna after she knows hoon is down bad diabolically expeditious for her When.) (i NEED sunghoon to rip his hair out at that like it’s not a want it’s a need i need him to lose his mind as payback for him being a sassy mf 😒) (u rlly think u the shit bitch. U NAWT EVEN THE FART 🥱) (i literally have no clue why i have beef with sunghoon rn don’t ask 😭) sunghoon u really fumbled the bag dawg 🤣🫵 pathetic ahh. look where your “snowflakes” and “ur parents never loved yous” got you sunghoon. IN MISERY FOR GOOD PUSSY 🤣🤣🤣🤣🫵🫵🫵 (ik he’s gonna win the bag again soon but let me have my moment) anyways sPEAKING OF FUMA 🙈 now when i tell u… that was so embarrassing. fuma why r u like this like r u not embarrassed. r u not ashamed of urself. do u have no dignity. what’s ur phone number. what’s ur address. what’s ur fav type of flower baby? white chocolate or milk chocolate angel boy? (do they make men like fuma anymore 💔) i’m so so so glad yn has a man like fuma in her life. (he did the bare minimum but he better be the fucking standard especially after that aftercare i’m LOOKING AT YOU BITCHASS SUNGHOON 🫵WITH YOUR BIGASS EGO DAMN😟) i can’t wait to see more fuma & yn (and sunghoon’s desperate jealous ass) like im so seated for all the upcoming events with fuma 🫶🏼🫶🏼 anyways so now let me ask u a serious question haha … 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂how do i become tsuki pls i need heeseung so bad this is not a joke😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂like bro i totally wasn’t punching air at all the tsuki & hee references😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂ion even like hee like that it’s coo😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂(typing this shit with tears in my eyes while looking at my heeseung lockscreen💔) idk what i was expecting when i became a heeseung stan hes a PLAYAAAA🗣️ always whoring around ☹️#Hee4DaStreets ❗️ANYWAYS let’s move on i can always reread poison (masterpiece sent from above) anytime which i will be doing very soon bcs i miss my man 🤕🤕
alright now that that’s out of the way idk what to say other than i love the triplets (the older ones) with yn sm 💔 especially jaeyun bcs him & yn r like this 🤞 fr. and hEESEUNG GOT HIS DICK BITTEN 🤣🤣🫵🫵🫵🫵 that’s what your ass gets for whoring around😒😒😒😒(i’m jk don’t jump me) but anywho jaeyun is just like me. idk how to act around hot Women 🙏🏼 (can’t spell women without W!!) he’s so real he represents me in the story so well. anyways thoughts & prayers for jongseong’s nonexistent dry ahh sex life🙏🏼 (side note: jay baby i’m always just a call away🫶🏼) (and to think that i was calling hee a whore i’m sorry *looks away* 😕)
anywho sending u so so so much love babyyyy !! thank u sm for the consistent updates (and i’m really happy u like my asks as much as i like taking over ur inbox with my yapping 😔🫶🏼) sending u so many hugs & kisses take care of urself angel !!! <333
1.) hoon's fist fuck event was a rollercoaster for us all and i love how i can tell you went from oh... to oh?? to WHAT THE FUCK?? bc that represents most of us very well im aftaid 🤕 and yk i gotta ghallenge that cocky fucker by twking away his ability to last long bc he's gonna cum the SECOND he gets another taste, we're talking face buried in her cunt hands free just humping the air and shit 🥰🥰
2.) AAAH PLS I LOVE HOW YOU NEVER NOT CLOWN CH!HOONIE BC HE DESERVES IT AND YOU ALWAYS EAT 🤥🤥 not the mvs and pathetic crying i love you sm ngl i was a little worried when i got to the fuma part bc i was like wHAT DID I WRITE ??? but then i realised youre just as down bad as we are 🤕 AND IM SORRY FOR GIVING TSUKI A GF THIS TIME I HAD TO MAKE HIM TAKE ONE FOR THE TEAM AND YOU STAN A FLIRTY LIBRA WHORE SO THIS ISNT MY FAULT AT ALL 🤕🤕🤕
3.) i am SO relieved you guys sre enjoying their dynamics and actually know how close jaeyun and y/n are because their bond will be super important for future chaps!!!!
thank you so so so much for this baby, i hope you're taking good care of yourself and know how much i love and appreciate you 🥺🥺🥺 youre the best, my idol and role model ilysm 🤍💓💗💕💞
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