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ilovebigmayo · 11 months
2037 prediction
happy good times please
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thetruemek · 2 years
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Scrumptious looking 'ssants
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blitzydoodles · 1 year
I’m getting paid tomorrow!!! 🥺🥺🥺🥺
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irecordmywordle · 1 year
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sysmedsaresexist · 6 days
There is no more pro or anti endo
Syscourse is now divided between those who know plural is pro endo and those who don't
There's only a before and an after the TikTok invasion...
There's people who know, and then there's...
The new guys
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lazybakerart · 11 months
I too have now started Gemstones because of you.
You're really spreading the gospel 😁
askdjfhdsfg!!! that makes me so happy!!
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moonteases · 2 years
unironically blocking people for hating taylor swift is soooooo
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umberandmochaagate · 6 months
When you get called conceited for wanting art/gifts for yourself
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fanfictionroxs · 5 days
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shortpplfedup · 10 months
Only Friends Character Rankings Episode 3
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Man Jojo, Ninew, Ninepinta and Vivienne know exactly how to build a mess because this was OUTSTANDING. Here's how the pimps and hoes are stacking up this week.
🔺1. Boston (3)
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Damn! Tilly Birds should write a song about you.
THIS NASTY SHITBAG MOTHERFUCKER YAAASSSSSS KWEEEEN! Boston spent the entire episode mansplaining, manipulating and manwhoring and considering that is what this whole show is even about he fucking wins the week! Stringing Nick along, spewing poison into Top's and Ray's ears, fucking Top nasty in a classic automobile...I don't care what any of you say, he's the winner.
🔻2. Ray (1)
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Don’t define it. Just enjoy your life. You said you could differentiate between love and lust.
This dizzy bitch. This messy mess-ass hoe. Playing with everybody's feelings because he can never face up to his own and just fucking deal with his shit. Everybody is correctly fed up of his bullshit, including Sand and Sand LITERALLY JUST MET HIM. Sand telling him to save his money for a shrink was the best advice any character has ever given any other character on any show anywhere.
🔺3. Nick (5)
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Can friends with benefits turn into lovers?
Well the boy is dumb but he's not dumb if you know what I mean. Boston is screwing with his head and he knows it, but he just can't help himself cuz dick2bomb. They say you should never actually get your crush, and this is why. Nick being a sneaky surveillance spy bitch is the main reason Boston should've never messed with him, because now he's gonna go NSA on his ass. He wants that man and he will have him, whatever it takes.
🔹4. Sand (4)
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If you want a boyfriend, get yourself a boyfriend. Don't mess with me.
SAND YOU KNOW BETTER! YOU KNOW THIS MAN IS A MESS! AND YET YOU ARE STILL FALLING FOR HIS CHARM. Sand giggling and twirling his hair with Ray in the car was...it was embarrassing. I'm embarrassed for you sir. Sack the fuck up. Like when you threw Top the middle finger, more of that. Also, what the fuck happened between those two TELL ME JOJO!
⭐5. Yo
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Sweet as sugar, hard as ice. Hurt me once, I'll kill you twice. Haven’t you heard?
We have our first sighting of Yo in the rankings! Homegirl clearly has all her shit together: a thriving business, a hot and devoted younger man, and a house full of kids who stay drinking her dranks and eating her food because they can't get their shit together. And she looks like a bag of money THE ENTIRE TIME, just FLAWLESS. More of her please.
🔺6. Top (7)
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♪ I’m a villain, no matter how much I love you, I must die eventually ♪
So he totally planted that guy at the silent disco right? Seemed like a weird play to push Mew along. Because at 3 months, the game's probably gotten a bit boring, especially if Mew's not even giving him the occasional sniff at it to keep him on the hook. Top likes a challenge and he sorta likes Mew, but if Mew really did screw Ray, maybe he's not so interested anymore. To be clear: I absolutely do not think Top is jealous, more like the shine wears off Mew for him if Mew has succumbed before. I still don't trust a thing coming out of this man's mouth, but the way he worked Boston OUT in that car is worth at least a one-rank jump.
🔻7. Mew (2)
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-Are you drunk and taking advantage of me? -Don’t you like it though?
Mew is this week's biggest loser, falling the furthest from last week as his shtick starts wearing thin. Mew's overplayed his hand a bit here: his testing of Top has gone on too long. He doesn't even dispute Top calling him his boyfriend even as he insists they're not dating yet. He was totally about to give it up after the party because I think he realised he had gone from a challenge to a bore, but he waited too late, Boston had a chance to get into everybody's head and now it's all fucked. When he finally sleeps with Top next week it's not a victory for him, it's a capitulation. Also, WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED WITH HIM AND RAY I NEED TO KNOW LIKE RIGHT NOW I CAN'T WAIT A WHOLE WEEK!
🔻8. Cheum/April (6)
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Guys, I think I’m gonna throw a pool party.
Poor Cheum, the only person to remember they are in fact trying to run a fucking business and actually working at the pool party rather than causing and/or engaging in drama, and April right by her side just helping her woman out because her so-called friends are a dumpster fire. As usual, the lesbians gotta be the ones getting shit done.
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destinyc1020 · 5 months
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Yaaassssss..... 🙌🏾🙌🏾
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photozoi · 8 months
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Mr Mung, all alone, waiting for something....
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"Hey Mung! Wanna play chase?!"
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Mung and Fava Bean, Silken Windhounds, 4 months
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🖤: if anything bad happened to you i would kill everyone.
🩵: you are amazing and i love you /p
🩷: lets go kill someone together <3
Sishsujsidhduh that makes me really happy but no killing ppl without me hehe
I looooove you tooo! /p
Yaaassssss , let's BTK someone!<33333
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newjaxxcity · 3 months
Yaaassssss Scrapdaddy! You betta be out here managering generally!
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