#yachi madoka mentioned
selznick-writes-stuff · 6 months
Unconditional Love
haikyuu fanfic
My interpretation of the song told through a ftm trans Yachi coming to terms with his gender.
Inspired by Unconditional Love by Against Me!
Everyone had their secrets. Small ones like not having brushed your teeth last night or not knowing how to tie shoes until you were 14. Small ones that don't really matter in the grand scheme of things but would be embrassing if people knew. Or bigger ones that only those you trust can know. Bigger ones like mental illnesses that make you feel vunerable or your sexuality people would hate you for. Some people have even bigger secrets that no one but themself knows. Yachi had one of those secrets.
Yachi hated how she looked, which wasn't the secret - it was a secret, sure. Just, well, that's common, not liking how you look. Sometimes Yachi cut herself on purpose but that also wasn't the secret. Again, it was a secret but lots of people self-harm (and it's not like she's suicidal so does it really count?) No, those weren't Yachi's biggest secret. Her biggest secret was that she's trans. Well, maybe.
They didn't really know. She didn't want her hair short like a boy's but she'd tried it. They had put gum in their hair by the top so it had to be cut short. It was a bowl-cut and looked kind of awkward but it made them happy. Even happier when someone mistook them for a boy (on account of her wearing trousers, having short hair and her tits not having grown that noticeably at the time). They felt so happy. But having short hair isn't that fun when you can't braid it and mess with it so they'd decided to grow it out again. She didn't want short hair like a boy but she equally didn't want long hair like a girl. A purgatory of cutting and growing out her hair because it never felt right didn't make her happy either.
She didn't want her tits either. She had always been unhappy with them though never really knowing why. She had once thought she wanted bigger tits, that she was upset because they were small but her tits grew from AA cups to A cups to B cups and they still were unhappy with them. No one had mistaken them for a boy in a while and it was definitely her tits that were the culprit. It wasn't like she hated tits in general because they had seen tits on other girls and didn't hate them (she loved them, she was gay, God blame her) so it wasn't tits that was the problem. It was tits on her own body that was the problem. So they didn't want tits.
Her hips and legs were wrong too. Wide and fluffy with fat while the rest of her body was skinny. It made them want to puke sometimes. How she looked and how she walked was because she was a girl. They didn't like it. Didn't like that skirts showed her legs or that trousers outlined her hips. She didn't know if her butt was big but sometimes it felt like it was and sometimes she hated it and sometimes she remembered girls tend to have larger legs and hips and bums. It's where the body stores extra fat that might be needed in pregnancy. They remembered that from biology class.
She hated her body hair as well. But that was for a different reason than the others. Not because she had it but because she couldn't have it. Women shave (or wax) their legs and armpits and pussy. Any hair on your face was a no and it made her feel so self-conscious. She had to shave - couldn't not shave! She was be wrong then. Not normal. Weird. So she would ignore how happy she felt with leg hair and shave. Maybe she shaved less than other girls, spaced it out more, but she shaved her legs. She didn't shave their cunt though, no one would see so they could have this. She couldn't have chest or face or back hair for a different reason entirely - they just didn't have any. It didn't grow. At least she didn't need to worry about shaving it. Just long to have any instead.
So maybe they'd imagined being a boy sometimes. Wondered what having a dick would be like. Longed for a flat chest and a beard. It didn't mean anything.
She didn't want short hair like a boy. So it couldn't mean anything.
That was before she became a manager for the Karasuno Volleyball Club. Asahi had terrified them - even with long hair. And it's not like she didn't know men can have long hair and still be masculine. It had just never struck that close to them before. And he had fuzz on his chin! Dachi had thicc thighs too. Muscular, not fat like Yachi's though. Tanaka also had no hair on his chest (she knew from how much he whipped his shirt off), although he did have muscles to make up for it that Yachi didn't.
The thing with sports clubs is that they get close. Form strong bonds. Karasuno Volleyball Club even more so than others. Everyone was friends with everyone else - even Asahi didn't scare them anymore! She didn't really realise how much they trusted each other until Kinoshita had to sit out at one practice. Narita asked her to get a hot waterbottle for him while Kinoshita swallowed some tablets.
"Usually I'd ask Kiyoko but she's talking to the coach about him sitting out, I hope it's not a bother," Narita scratched the back of his head. "Not a bother - it's what I'm here for!" Yachi squeaked before scurrying off to the office. She had a hot waterbottle in her bag that would be nicer than anything the school had but they wanted to use a kettle the heat the water rather than waiting for whatever came out of the sinks to turn warmish. After that was sorted, she scurried back and handed it to Kintoshita.
"Uggrh, thanks," he groaned, "Narita lied before though, Kiyoko had her period last week and had to leave that day. You remember when she wasn't at practice last Wednesday, right? Yeah, thought the school would be a bit more helpful if it was you that asked then."
It took Yachi maybe longer than it should to realise exactly why Kinoshita needed the hot waterbottle. He was having period cramps like they do sometimes. And, god, it made her stop and consider what they actually felt. Because maybe it wasn't just self-conscious self-hatred that inspired self-harm. Maybe they were... No. He could be though...
The reflection that stared back in their bedroom wasn't right. It never was. Never had been. How he hadn't noticed they didn't know. The scars on their arms and legs had never fully faded from the last time she had cut (even if it had been months ago) but he ignored them. The only thing they wanted to hurt were the tits. Those godforsaken tits. No one had mistaken him for a boy since those tits had grown. ...grown.
So blood drew.
It felt better than they had expected. Something felt right in the anger that cut into her. He just wanted the tits gone. ...gone.
But still it was his biggest secret.
They didn't know why. It wasn't logical to keep it secret - the club wouldn't care. They'd accept him, help him and still care about him. Their mother would be accepting - she'd accepted his cousin being non-binary and that Yachi was a lesbian. So why couldn't she tell them she wasn't a lesbian but a trans straight man. He didn't know. His mother could help him to start transitioning. Would probably push Yachi to talk for himself more but would help. He could get rid of those tits, grow long hair and a beard, have all the body hair in the world and no one would care because he was a man, not a girl. And everyone that he cared about would accept and help him. He knew that. So why couldn't he just. Say Something.
Even though their love is unconditional it's still his biggest secret.
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shanscript · 3 years
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who: madoka x v!reader
what: adult characters, loose workplace relationship, age difference, gay panic, praise kink, a few alcohol mentions, brief bar bathroom encounter, pussy eating, lots of kissing, reader referred to as princess & good girl, breast worship, mommy kink, fingering, overstimulation, getting the thick strap from the back
wc: 4586
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cross posted to the ao3
tip me on ko-fi 💘
to the beautiful & talented @saetyrn9!! istg, mommy madoka was already simmering on the back burner of my brain. but then the second i saw you post something about her, i saw it as a perfect opportunity to FINALLY write you something. you work so hard, accomplish so much, inspire me lots, and i’d die to dom you one day you honestly deserve the very best 💖 look, i even tried extra hard on the intro, since i know you like that kinda thing. uwu hope you liiiiike~!
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You struggled to catch your breath. The nape of your neck curled over the front edge of the grand wooden desk as your ass hung off the back. Madoka suspended your legs in a sinful V, holding up your ankles in either of her perfectly manicured hands. Her skin felt so soft wrapped around yours, yet her grip was commandingly firm. Every thud of her thighs against the wood panels plunged her unwieldy strap-on deeper inside you.
Your peripherals blurred as your back lifted from the desk. The room surrounding you fell away, out of sight and mind. It felt like you were floating there, as the seductive snap of Madoka’s hips sent you into mindless ecstasy. You wanted to cry out, sing her wordless thanks. But you couldn’t. Your hands raced to climb your thighs, in search of her hands. You needed to hold onto her before you lost yourself completely…
“Hello?” a voice distorted by telephone wires yanked you unceremoniously from your vivid daydream.
You were suddenly aware of the light sheen of sweat creeping up the back of your neck.
“You there?” the voice prodded with obvious annoyance. You patted your headset with your fingertips, just to make sure that was real.
“Ah— hmm hello, yes!” you blurted out. You choked on the spit that had pooled beneath your tongue. The tips of your ears couldn’t be burning any hotter. How long was I out?
“That’s twice now this call cut out,” the customer grumbled, voice raising with irritation.
“My sincerest apologies,” you took a quick look around your cubicle, “we’ve been experiencing some.. service... outages today…?”
“Right,” they sounded anything but convinced, “I’ll have to ask your supervisor about that.”
“Wh—“ your body stiffened, “you don’t have to do th…”
The call ended curtly with a treble beep.
Your shoulders slumped as your lips released the deep breath you’d been holding. With a little shuffle of the soles of your shoes, you scooted your chair closer to your desk. You reached for your computer mouse and began scrolling idly through your email. Can reply all just… not?
“Knock knock,” your regrettably enthusiastic coworker prevented you from sinking into your usual workflow. You could feel her bright eyes drilling into the back of your head.
You turned just enough to side-eye her. “What now?”
“Ms. Yachi wants to see youuu,” she sang, with a waggle of her pointer finger.
Fuck. You nearly sprayed a gulp of lukewarm coffee all over your monitor. “She’s here?!”
“Not sure how the boss swung that,” your coworker rambled on. The force of you jumping up sent your computer chair spinning. “Heard something about her running our next ad campaign.”
You straightened out your business casual the best you could, whole-heartedly regretting not trying a little harder getting ready this morning. Today of all days.
“Finally getting promoted?” There’s that painful optimism again.
“Probably the opposite,” you croaked with a defeated tone, “How do I look?”
“Hmmm,” your coworker gave you a considerate once-over with a sideways tilt to her head, “Human.”
You groaned dramatically, fending off her bubbly laughter with an elbow to her side. You pushed past her with a giggle. “Wish me luck,” you called over your shoulder, failing to ask where to even find Madoka. Halfway across the broad, open-plan office you realized your mistake. God, the thought of her made you so nervous you almost forgot how to walk too. You raced towards your manager’s office with an anxious pep to your step. Surely he would save you.
“Hey do you--” you started talking before you even shouldered the door open, “oooo…”
Your eyes blew wide at the sight of none other than Madoka Yachi sitting pretty in place of your manager. Stiletto heels crossed atop the desk, arms folded tightly over the breast of her chic suit jacket. Her sheer lack of wearing anything underneath made it increasingly hard for you to breathe. You forced yourself to look her in the eye.
“Ah,” her voice was even smoother than you remembered, “Just who I wanted to see.”
You watched her slowly withdraw her slender legs from the desktop. The simple act of standing up never looked this sexy. She felt timeless, like you knew she was older than you but could never tell by how much. Your heart shuddered in your chest, she even had your heartbeat tripping over itself.
She leaned elegantly against the front of the desk, gesturing to the chair before her. “Sit.”
“Yes ma’am,” you nodded quickly. Your body obeyed instantly, weak knees brushing past each other as you crossed the room. The sleek leather squeaked as you settled into it. But nothing could break your eyes away from hers. This was easily the closest you’ve ever been to her, and you could feel your pussy yearning to get even closer when you crossed your legs.
“That last client you had...” Madoka hardly finished her sentence before your heart plummeted to your stomach. You could feel your first impression with her already going up in smoke. “Gerald, wasn’t it? God, we go way back.”
You suppressed an internal scream. You could just die right now. You’ve lived a good life, right?
“He’s such a bastard, isn’t he?” Madoka chuckled.
You blinked rapidly. “Ma’am?”
She grinned down at you. “The cold shoulder works wonders with him,” she sighed, “That poor excuse for a man won’t budge on a sale unless you emasculate him. Just a little.”
You were speechless. This was nowhere close to how you imagined this ominous meeting playing out. Before your jaw could drop, Madoka caught it with her fingertip. Your heart slammed against your ribcage as she tilted your chin up towards her. When did she get so close?
“You played him like a sap. Had him running to me with his tail between his legs,” her voice softened slightly. Her long eyelashes fluttered as she considered the subtle curves of your lips, “Such a good girl.”
Your pussy pulsed, lapping up her words. You never took yourself as someone who had a praise kink. But coming from her…
“Th-thank you ma’am,” you managed. Your voice sounded so small and alien.
Madoka shot you a satisfied smile, beautiful face withdrawing from yours as she leaned back against the desk. The fabric of her jacket shifted as she refolded her arms, her exposed skin leaving so little to your eager imagination.
“Your annoying friend invited me out for a drink later,” her velvety voice drew on. If you weren’t still so starstruck, maybe you would’ve enjoyed that commiseration regarding your most-avoided coworker. “And you’re coming too.”
It wasn’t a question, but a command. You could do nothing but nod.
“Very well,” Madoka tipped her head towards the door, gesturing with her eyes. “Off you go then.”
You forced your trembling legs to stand. “Ma’am.” You idiot, don’t bow. Without knowing what else to say, you hurried towards the door.
God, you needed to get some air.
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You later found yourself perched on a barstool, graciously seated at the end of a long line of office happy hour shenanigans. You passively watched your coworkers shamelessly down shots of tequila, while you daydreamed about giving them all a heartfelt Irish goodbye. Sneaking home to crawl into a bed of freshly washed sheets.
Why am I even here? you wondered as your lips closed around the rim of the same drink you’d been nursing since you first arrived.
A gentle touch to your knee promptly answered your unspoken question. Your shoulders hiked up a couple inches as a familiar voice filled your ear.
“Sorry I’m late,” Madoka leaned in dangerously close, “What did I miss…”
As you turned towards her, you sucked down a generous gulp from your glass. As if that would save you from saying anything stupid. It was only now that you noticed how she left two middle nails of her long, sharp acrylic set… short and rounded. If this wasn’t another daydream, she’d surely be the death of you.
“...besides you?” she added with a sly grin. Madoka left you alone to choke on her words while she ordered a bourbon, neat. She even gave your “trashy” drink a try while she waited. If you weren’t in such close proximity to your raucous coworkers, this might have almost felt like a date. But how could someone like her possibly be into someone like you? You drowned your thoughts in another long pull of alcohol. You needed at least a little buzz to survive tonight.
Madoka mimicked your movement, but made finishing her drink look so easy. “Be right back,” her cheek touched yours as she murmured directly into your ear. She punctuated her exit by slamming her empty glass on the polished bartop. Your eyes trained on her collarbones as she slipped past you, so close you nearly kissed. You watched her swagger off towards the restroom.
You slowly spun back around to the bar. “Damn,” you muttered to yourself, breathing a sigh of relief. Something about being around her made you tense muscles you didn’t even know you had.
A whole second drink later... and still no Madoka. Maybe you were drinking faster to cool your nerves, but you were beyond tired of getting teased about “gettin’ stood up” by your sloppy coworkers. You brought your empty glass down on the bar with a decisive thud, and slid off your seat.
You leaned through the surprisingly unlocked bathroom door, but your knees didn’t give out a little until you were met with what lay beyond. Madoka stood by the toilet with one long leg propped up, her elegant heel resting on the grimy seat. Her fitted pencil skirt was hiked up high on her toned thighs.
“Finally,” she laughed, “Come darling, can you give me a hand?”
“Um sure,” you answered. You were realizing too late that you’d quite literally do anything for this woman.
“Can’t get the damn thing closed,” Madoka feigned innocence, pointing to the loose clasp at her ankle. Why anyone would take off their shoes in a place like this, you’d never ask. But you descended to the sticky floor nonetheless, steady buzz of booze in your veins dissolving your inhibitions. It wasn’t until you started fumbling with the little leather strap that you realized the compromising position you were kneeling in. You swallowed, forcing your eyes to stay focused on her heel.
“So obedient,” you heard Madoka point out. Right as you finished sliding the strap through the tiny buckle, a slender hand stopped you. “Don’t be shy,” her tone deepened, “I know you want to…”
“Want… to…?” you played dumb as best you could.
“Look.” It was less of her completing her sentence, and moreso a command.
You gnawed on your lower lip a moment, drawing a shaky breath. The last full one you’d get for a while, you were sure. Your gaze flickered quickly up her skirt, then promptly back to her calf. You tried to recall that blink you caught of her. But your chest was already heaving in short bursts. Was she wearing… nothing under there? Your curiosity swiftly got the best of you.
Madoka hummed a mischievous giggle as you stole a second glance. She even rolled her skirt up to her lean hips, begging you to never look away. Your grip on her ankle tightened as your lips parted. This had to be the prettiest pussy you’ve ever seen. Delicate, yet powerful. The edges of her soft, blonde pubes perfectly groomed. Framed by the tight creases of her flexing thighs, her firm little labia looked so inviting. Once you inhaled her subtle musk through your nostrils, your mind went blank.
Next thing you knew, you were dragging your open mouth through her pussy lips like a feral animal. Your breaths were ragged, carried on low moans. Madoka whined in happy surprise, her fingers already yanking on your hair. Pulling you even closer. God she tasted like nothing you’ve ever had before. Bittersweet like a pomegranate, meaty and full like a feast fit for a queen. Every breath you drew, every slow drag of your tongue, was all her. She felt better than you ever could have daydreamed on your slowest days at work.
Your fingers dug into her soft thighs, like you needed to hold onto this moment as long as you could. You felt her hips curl into you, letting your tongue delve a little deeper. You licked wildly in every direction, flicking her clit and teasing her lips. Dipping the tip into her delicious entrance. You had no idea what she even liked, but you were dying to find out.
Just, not yet. Madoka pulled you away with a tug on your hair. She smiled proudly down at you, just like she did earlier in her office. She wiped some of her juices off your cheeks with her thumbs. “Let’s go get filthy… somewhere less filthy.”
As the two of you fled the bar, she insisted on her place, laughing off your audacity of offering yours. A car awaited you at the curb, like this was all part of her plan to get you in bed. The second you pulled the door closed behind you, Madoka pinned you to it. Kissing you fiercely, leading with her tongue. You gasped and moaned as your lips slotted together in a sloppy rhythm. Luckily the driver offered nothing in the form of polite conversation as the car sped you two to your destination.
You were close on Madoka’s tail as she leapt from the eventually idled car. You both giggled carelessly, trying to get the front door of her building open while vigorously swapping spit. Maybe you were tipsy at the bar, but she made you feel drunk. The operator at the desk was left completely ignored as the two of you clamored into the elevator. She shoved you against the cab wall with surprising strength. Your lips collided again, this time your tongue getting a little zealous. The burning desire deep in your core was becoming unbearable.
Madoka rushed you to her door, letting you suck and bite her bare collarbones as she fished for her keys. The lock clicked open, and you were eagerly pulled across the threshold. Deft fingers raced to uncover whatever you were hiding under all those damn layers of clothes. You swatted blindly for a lightswitch as you kissed down Madoka’s neck. Her earthy yet floral fragrance was intoxicating. Your fingertips found purchase, and suddenly you were showered in warm light from above. Your eyes fluttered open as Madoka nipped marks down your neck. From the corner of your vision you spotted an uncharacteristically... cute backpack, hanging on a peg by the door.
Your mind chased after the implications. You were suddenly hyper-aware of waking her child. No, maybe even... children? The realization perverted something about the lust pumping through your veins. You quickly halted everything, taking a moment to clear your gravelly throat. Madoka’s brow scrunched into a disappointed scowl. Her head whipped around to find out what was so damn exciting, what could possibly take your attention away from her. Her features eased into relief as she laughed through her nose.
“Oh. That.”
She turned back towards you, “Don’t worry, the kid’s off to college.” She breathed a sigh that felt a little wistful, “Much unlike her mother, she’s a little scatterbrained.”
That assurance felt a little back-handed, but who were you to judge? Especially as you watched Madoka finally shed her suit jacket. Your dilating pupils roamed down her chest, taking in every inch of her perfect tits. You extended your reach to her waist, dragging your fingertips up to cradle the soft curves beneath. Fuck her skin was unimaginably soft. You felt her hum blissfully as your thumbs brushed across her nipples. But right as you leaned down to take one into your mouth, she pivoted coyly.
Leaving a trail of your remaining clothes, Madoka led you to her elegant bedroom. She climbed onto the raised mattress first, holding out a hand for you to join her. Your exposed skin felt ablaze, buzzing nerves sensitive to the heavy air around you. The bed dipped beneath your knees as you crawled towards her with anticipation. She sat up, back supported by a mound of pillows. She patted a spot on her thigh.
“Come,” her commands were becoming addictive, “Lay in my lap a while.”
You obeyed instantly, rolling onto your back and leaning your head back across her firm thighs. You drew your knees up, idly rubbing them together. Your eyes wandered around the gentle curves of her tits. You felt your walls flutter.
Madoka leaned forward, dangling her ample tits just above your face. “Be a good girl for me… and suck.”
Your back arched off the bed as she smothered your face in her tits. Your mouth dropped open as you felt their full weight envelope you. You groaned happily as you sucked her perky nipple into your mouth. You flicked the little nub with the tip of your tongue before flattening your tastebuds against it. Madoka cradled your head in one hand, lovingly stroking your hair as you suckled to your heart’s content. Her other hand danced down over your stomach and hip, fingertips lightly tracing along your inner thigh.
Your eyes rolled back into your skull as you buried your face in her plush flesh. You raised your hands to her chest, just to squish her lush tits together and massage them against your face. You pulled and played with whichever nipple you weren’t sucking and biting, fully enjoying every inch of her you could fit in your mouth and fingers.
“Mm such a hungry little thing,” Madoka cooed soft praises, gazing down at you through heavy eyelids. “You look so pretty when you’re desperate.” Her fingertips rubbed gentle circles into your skin as they ascended between your thighs, and became awfully hard to ignore. Your hips twitched and your pussy clenched. You felt just how wet she’s made you. Your knees dropped open, guiding her touch where you needed it most. But her teasing was relentless, every pass her fingers made at your pantyline ended with a wide sweep in the opposite direction.
Your patience was rapidly replaced by your need for her inside you. Your hips bucked and twisted, trying to catch her fingers in your glistening lips.
Madoka giggled softly. “Cute,” she drawled. The fingers in your hair started scratching at your scalp.
You pulled your mouth off her nipple with a gasp. “Fuck--” you begged in a wavering whine, “Fucking... touch me.”
“Touch you…?” Madoka smirked, even her fingers waited for you to ask properly.
You couldn’t quite hold her gaze. “Please…” you whimpered, “please touch me, mmm.. Mommy.”
Madoka’s eyebrow jumped briefly at the title. Unexpected, but certainly not unwelcomed. And it sounded even better coming from you. Her fingers traced the crease between your thigh and vulva. “Again,” she commanded firmly. She needed to really hear it.
You managed to look up at her, your brows tugged into a pout. You paused a second to pinch your lip between your teeth. You tried again, “Mommy… please.”
“Hmmm, fine,” Madoka blinked slowly as a mischievous smile creased her cheeks. “I’ll take good care of you,” she assured you before pushing your face back between her tits. Her softness stifled your explosive moans as two fingers plunged into your pussy. The heel of her palm spread your lips, unhooding your tender clit for a jarring squeeze. Your spongy walls quaked and tightened around her fingers. Your hips wiggled beneath the push and pull of her hand.
Wisened fingers found that spot inside you that made you squeak breathlessly, and exploited it. You dragged your teeth and tongue across and between her smothering tits. Your thoughts dissipated into a horny haze as Madoka’s rhythm inside you built to an alarming rate. Your head tipped back, barely a breath or sound escaped your gaping mouth as your vision blurred. Your thighs clapped shut around her wrist as you gushed over her knuckles. You thought for a moment that you’ve never felt so good in your entire life.
Your shoulders slumped and heels slid out from beneath you, all tension in your body replaced by radiating warmth. Madoka curled her fingers in small circles inside you until your flushed walls released her. After slipping out, she gently petted your lips in long strokes.
“God you’re perfect,” Madoka whispered. “I’m making you do that again.”
As relaxed and spent as you felt, your pussy tingled at her words. You offered only a wordless whimper as she gingerly rolled you onto your tummy. Her luxe comforter felt incredibly soft on your cheek and chest. You breathed a long, content hum into the unfathomable thread count.
“Knees up, darling,” Madoka ordered against your ear, “Good girl.”
Your back curved deep into the mattress, leaving your ass perfectly poised in the air. Madoka lay beside you, tits spilling over your shoulder as she ran one hand down your spine. Her touch gave you violent chills, raising goosebumps wherever she went. You squeaked a broken moan when she spanked you without warning. Her palm landed at the tender juncture between your thigh and asscheek. She laughed at your pathetic little sound when she repeated the motion with additional force, but made sure to smooth over the raw spot with a soft squeeze.
“You feel so good in my hands,” Madoka cooed, running her fingers down between your cheeks. You whined into the satin fabric as she played with your sensitive lips. She gripped your pussy like it belonged to her, wedging her middle finger between your labia just to make you messier. You screwed your eyes shut as her fingernail contacted your clit. Your hips rocked forward, as if you could escape her grasp.
Madoka clicked her tongue with a hint of condescension. “Aw, too much?”
You balled your fists in the comforter, the overstimulation making you dizzy. And yet you needed more. You could barely make out the form of her face through the veil of your tangled hair. “I…” you began with a shaky breath, “I can take it.”
When your hips tipped back to where they belonged, Madoka’s glossy lips twisted into a sinful grin. “Mmm,” her grip on your pussy tightened, “Such a good fucking girl.”
With that, Madoka pushed up onto her knees and sidled up behind you. The mattress bobbed as she adjusted something on herself, well beyond your field of vision. You gasped as her touch returned to you, in the form of her nails dragging down your back. She promised to reward you, for being so good for her. Your hips drifted side to side with a dreamy flourish, toes curling with anticipation. You felt one hand wrap around your hip as the other drifted back to your sloppy slit.
Madoka wasted no time sliding three fingers between your plump lips. You sharply exhaled a ragged moan, open mouth spilling your drool onto the comforter. You choked back another cry as she freely twisted and scissored her fingers, stretching you open like you’ve never been before. The spread of her knuckles at your entrance, the prodding of her fingertips against your slick walls, plunged you deeper into mindless bliss. Streams of your juices ran from your entrance with every clench of your cunt. Your spine rolled gently as you pushed your hips back into her generous hand.
But that delicious stretch wasn’t enough to prepare you for what came next. After a broad swirl of her fingers, Madoka pulled your hole upwards with a deliberate shake. In what little room was left under her knuckles, she started to press the tip of her strap-on inside. You whipped your head around, trying to watch as she forced all of that into your tight little hole. You slumped back into the mattress as she pressed forward, barely able to breathe. Now you were really getting split open.
“Relax princess,” Madoka called to you, tugging you open just a little wider.
In one fluid motion, she withdrew her fingers and slammed the ribbed toy in to the hilt. What little breath you had left in your chest was knocked clear from you. The impact shot stars across your lidded vision, your pupils wildly darting back and forth. Madoka slid her hands under each of your asscheeks, pulling them apart so she could push a little deeper into you. Your calves flexed and shoulders shrugged up to your cheeks. Fuck.
“Mmmmmommy,” was all you could manage through parched lips.
Madoka leaned back, her bottom lip caught between her teeth. She listened to your desperate whines as she dragged her full length back out again. Your pussy clenched cutely around nothing, like she could take it all again, promising little resistance. Something about you just made Madoka want to spoil you more, to make a mess of you like no one else could.
And so she did. First securing her soft, firm grip around your hips, she snapped hers forward. Your fingers clawed at the blankets, for something to hold onto as you were railed into oblivion. Madoka rode you with a fierce determination. Every impact of her lean hips against your plush ass sent waves of fire down your thighs and up your spine. Her thick cock reached deeper upon every thrust. You felt every bump and ridge as it was dragged rapidly through your little entrance. Your cheek rested in a puddle of your own drool. You feared your eyes might be stuck rolled back like this forever.
Your pussy strained to flutter and clench around the girth Madoka impaled you on. You were so fucked out by now that you lost track of what were your orgasms, and what were just your spasming muscles and numbing nerves. She leaned forward, sliding her hands over your shoulders for support. She kept up her searing pace as she flattened your chest into the mattress. Flecks of your cum were splayed across her defined groin.
When your numb knees couldn’t hold you up any longer, Madoka decided you’ve had enough. One hand massaged the small of your back as she slowly pulled out. You winced at the erratic tingling in your abused cunt. Your hips tipped over and you flopped fully onto the bed. You were lightheaded, lovedrunk, and decided you were content to never move again. This was nothing like any of the dreams you’ve had. No, this was so much better.
You heard Madoka discard her strap, it thudded heavily to the floor. The mattress bowed under her knees as she crawled back to bed with you. She scooted in close before you, slinging one thigh over your hip and pulling your head to her chest. She breathed a long, satisfied sigh. Her fingers started gently brushing out your tangled hair, pausing every so often to just scratch your scalp. Your cheeks slotted perfectly between her warm, supple tits. After she milked every ounce of lust from your body, this just felt like a simple comfort.
“Honestly,” Madoka whispered sweetly, “I’ve been dying to do that since the first time we met.”
You snorted a laugh, snaking an arm around her side to pull her closer. You knew this had to be her customary pillow talk. What she told everyone. Even still, you couldn’t help a small smile.
“Yeah… same.”
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taglist: @nepenthendline @kou-taro @toonpai @devilgirlcrybabiey​
403 notes · View notes
karikarasuno · 3 years
The Sun Doesn’t Shine in Tokyo, Part I
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Pairing: Tanaka Ryunosuke x Fem!Reader
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Angst, Character Death(s), Violence, Graphic Descriptions of Injuries, Mentions of Blood, Smut, Oral Sex (fem receiving), Choking, Vague Understanding of Computer Engineering (bear with me, y’all)
Summary: The year is 2065. Corporations have taken over the world, technology rules over everyday life, and the wealth gap is wider than it has ever been. The Elite Class has plans to destroy all of Tokyo to fulfill their twisted desires, but will this ragtag group of rebels be able to stop their plan before it comes to fruition?
Part I | Part II
Word Count: 10.4k
A/N: Here is my collab piece for the Smut Pile Apocalypse AU Collab. I am so excited to be a part of this and I hope you enjoy. Come along with me and binge the masterlist, which is my one and only plan for this weekend. 
I want to say thank you to the lovely @dymphnasprose​ for reading this for me and hyping me up so sweetly. I also want to thank @mindninjax​ and @lady-lunaaa​ for reading through my outline and motivating me to push through. 
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The hallway leading to the basement of the lab was dark, the only light to illuminate your path crept through windows cut into the doors, casting a gentle blue glow that bounced off the linoleum. The sound of your footsteps echoed around as large hands tickled the sides of your waist, a giddy giggle resonating against the lonely space. “Shhh, you gotta be quiet or else we’ll get caught,” Oikawa whispers in your ear, lips grazing the sensitive skin behind it. “Then don’t tickle me, you moron,” little conviction behind your words as he begins to kiss down your neck, small pecks littering your skin. He plants his hands on your stomach, pulling you into his firm chest and toying with the hem of your top. You sigh into his embrace, the familiarity of his presence swimming you into relaxation. You move to wrap an arm around his head, your fingers playing with strands of his hair.
“I’ll do as I please, thank you very much,” the words are mouthed into your skin, a soft smile gracing your features as he continues to trail his mouth down the column of your neck, a slight shiver caressing your spine. One of his hands slips beneath the thin fabric of your shirt, his fingertips uncharacteristically cold causing you to laugh again and flinch away from him. He allows you to pull away before he spins you in his arms, pressing you against the concrete wall behind you. His hair hanging loosely over his eyes as he cups the side of your neck, ghosting his lips over yours. “Now, princess, what did I just say?” His question is left unanswered when you close the small distance between you, lips meeting his plush ones as you kiss him tenderly. You stay like that for many moments, time escaping you while you lose yourself in him.
You don’t hear the footsteps beating against the floor until you hear hushed, hurried voices sounding around the corner. The sounds startling you from the kiss while Oikawa grabs your wrist to push you into the nearest room. “Wait, what if they come in here?” Worry bleeds into your voice, afraid of the consequences that would come with the two of you being discovered down here. “It’ll be fine. Daddy owns the company, remember?” He sends you a teasing wink to reassure your nerves, still unsure of how capable he would be to get you out of this mess if they found you.
“Madoka, I am no longer requesting to see the President, I am demanding it,” a man’s voice is heard from right outside the door, your hands flying to grip the material of Oikawa’s shirt, your fear spiking at the proximity of them.
“I understand that, General, but Mr. Oikawa is a busy man and he will meet with you at his soonest opportunity. Now we must go back up stairs, you are not authorized to be down here,” you recognize this voice, the realization hitting you almost immediately. “Oh my god, that’s Yachi’s mom,” you tug on his shirt, your palms now sticky with sweat. Oikawa gives you a pointed glare, eyes screaming at you to be quiet.
“Like hell I’m unauthorized. I have been waiting around for weeks to meet with him. This tech has been developed for months now and not once have I been called to monitor it. If you intend on including the government in your plans, maybe run them by the general of the fucking military,” he spits the words at her, volume rising with his anger.
“Sir, like I said, he will meet with you as soon as he can. Please just lower your voice and we can discuss this upstairs in my office,” her tone is steady, clearly not intimidated by the man before her. You hear some shuffling and you can only imagine how the scene is unfolding from the other side of the door. You hear an exasperated sigh before Madoka speaks again. “The volunteers have yet to be finalized. We have some minor adjustments to make before they can be presented to you, but in short, they have been partially successful. Some of the people have reacted exceptionally to the implants, while others, not so much. They are the final piece that needs to be perfected before the extinction to ensure complete control.”
There’s an apprehensive grunt in response, “But what about the other shit? Is that done?”
“Yes, that was completed months ago as you were made aware of. My daughter developed the software herself, so it is stable. The control center is in this basement and on the scheduled date the controller of the volunteers will activate it. Once that happens, every product we have ever created will connect to one another. That means buildings, motor vehicles, computers, everything. The connection will need one final command, which is an algorithm that my daughter has already generated, that will simultaneously detonate all of it. The force of the explosion should be enough to wipe out all lower ranking citizens, leaving just us and our volunteers.”
You were shaking where you stood. The information erratically registering in your brain, the scope of it making the knowledge nearly incomprehensible. You could feel your heart pounding through your body, your blood chilling in your veins. “Now we need to go back upstairs and I’ll see what I can do about speeding up your meeting.”
You heard the General clear his throat as heavy footfalls made their way back down the hall. “Tooru,” your voice comes out as an anxious whisper, “what hell is going on?”
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June 16, 2065
“You’re thinking about him again, aren’t you?” Yachi’s voice interrupts your train of thought as you remember the night that changed everything, the last semblance of normalcy you had from your old life.
“I can’t help it. I’m about to see him again for the first time in months and, I don’t know. I’m just nervous, I guess,” you reply, voice barely above a whisper. You hadn’t been back to the estate since the night you snuck off with Yachi and Yamaguchi. Once the plan was revealed it was as if your entire world was flipped upside down. Everything you had ever worked for, had ever lived to preserve was corrupted and exploited for the benefits of someone else.
“I would be too, especially if I was meeting with my mom. But you’re the only one who can do this,” she leans her elbows against the railing of the balcony in the apartment you had been hiding out in, head thrown slightly back while her eyes fixated on the starless sky above her. “I miss watching the sunsets and gazing at the stars,” she reaches one of her hands up, fingers twirling through the heavy smog that constantly layered over the city, a permanent fixture that served as a reminder for the new world you helped create.
“I can’t even remember what any of it looked like if I’m being honest,” you lean your body off the side of the railing, head falling forward as you watch some of the rebels unpack the new weapons from the metal encased vans downstairs. Your eyes began to unfocus as you search through your memories, seeing if just an afterglow was left behind. “We should get going. Your meeting is in 30 minutes,” Yachi sighs, hands now fiddling with the watch around her wrist, a hologram of the time illuminating her face as she jerks away from the unexpected light.
“I guess we should,” you chuckle, hands moving to lift you upright to turn into the small square room the two of you shared, your stomach in nauseating knots at the idea of having to revisit a life that seemed so parallel to what it was now. You felt Yachi’s hand intertwine with yours as you stepped into the hallway, a reassuring squeeze soon accompanying it.
“Tanaka’s still on his mission, right?” The tension in your gut winding tighter at the idea of running into him at this moment, a thousand excuses dying in your throat as they all failed to hide the truth about tonight’s meeting. “The boys shouldn’t be back for another two hours,” her tone gentle, smoothing against the wires sparking your nerves.
All you can do is nod as you walk into the elevator, back leaning against the mesh of metal, head thudding back dully. Sugawara had made you promise to leave Tanaka out of the plan, worried he would react adversely to the idea of you meeting with your ex-boyfriend, which wasn’t necessarily an incorrect assumption. But it still left a sour taste in your mouth that rubbed against the back of your tongue, the discomfort a warning to stay focused and if it all goes well he might never have to know.
The elevator rattles once it lands on the first floor, the pipes squeaking obnoxiously as the doors slide open. Sugawara and Yamaguchi are waiting for you in the wide common area. The walls are lined with floor to ceiling screens, a switchboard in the center of the room that also serves as a rectangular table for officer strategy meetings. Yamaguchi sits in one of the aluminum chairs, tugging at the necklace dangling over his chest as Sugawara outlines the path through the tunnels that leads straight to the basement of the main property where you were set to meet Oikawa.
“Suga, I know. I’ve usd them hundreds of times,” he whines, still obviously apprehensive about this plan since he opposed it from the beginning. “Don’t remind me. I don’t think I’ll ever get the image of you and Terushima f-”
“That’s enough!” Yamaguchi’s voice rises an octave, face flushing with embarrassment, while a knowing smirk graces Sugawara’s features. Yachi shifts awkwardly beside you, clearing her throat to get their attention. “Ah, finally. We need to get you geared up before you head out, y’know, in case anything goes sideways.”
“It won’t,” Yamaguchi promises, “Tanaka would kill me if it did.”
You could’ve done without the reminder, a pang of guilt stabbing your temple as you made your way towards Suga, his arms gathering the various straps and weapons that needed to be attached to your body.
He kneels before you so that you can step into the nylon straps circled in front of your feet. The straps are clipped in various places, the dull clicking between your shoulder blades, around the dip of your waist, and finally behind the backs of each thigh. Each sound solidifying the plan, your nervous system shot because you didn’t know what to expect from this meeting. The dagger sheathed to the side of your thigh casting an ominous glow over this whole thing, while Suga adjusts and pulls on the straps so tightly that the material begins to dig into your skin.
He then moves to strap the gun holster to your hip, but you jerk away, causing him to look up at you curiously. “Oh, um- I’m fine with just the dagger actually,” you explain, one hand moving to pull on a chunk of hair that was hanging out of your ponytail.
“But that only works with close range combat, you’re gonna need this too in case-,”
“It’s fine, Suga, I have a gun with me and I’ll stay close enough to her to use it, y’know just in case,” Yamaguchi interrupts, easily covering for you. You still weren’t comfortable handling one, the steel weighing heavy in your hands, the line between life and death too blurred in your palms.
With reluctance, Suga turns to place the gun back on the shelf beside you. His fingers skimming over the rest of the weapons laid out before he turns to double check the gear as he clips a bullet proof pouch over your chest. The dense weight pulling you forward slightly. The look on his face has you fidgeting, you can read it all over him that he’s wary of the amount of protection you have, but it was important that you look as non-threatening as possible. You couldn’t step into the meeting ready for war, even though that was to come soon enough.
He does one more once over of you and Yamaguchi before he steps back. “You look good,” he says firmly, arms crossed over his chest. His eyes meet Yamaguchi’s, a silent pact agreed between them. He lifts himself up from his chair after he wipes his hands on his knees, you can tell that he’s collecting sweat in his palms, a sign that he’s actively hiding his nerves.
“Alright, uh, let’s head out,” his hand rests on your shoulder, his fingers gently massaging the tense muscle as he leads you out of the room to wrench open the heavy door that leads down to the building’s basement. A loud creaking ringing in your ears as you wait for Yamaguchi to step down the stairs first.
The chill of the damp air seeps beneath your clothes into your skin. You shiver in the darkness as you close the door behind you. The weight echoing in the narrow cavern around you. You’d never traveled through the tunnels before, preferring to avoid endless night and roughing it out in the polluted air above.
Yamaguchi’s steps falter as he meets the end of the stairwell, the only thing preventing you from running straight into him is his outstretched hand. Your fingers find his as you step onto the concrete floor. The sounds of water splashing trickles into the hollow space around you. “Floor’s wet so we need to be careful,” Yamaguchi helps you maneuver through the darkness before he reaches into the many pockets of his black cargo pants to turn on a flashlight.
“We move as silently as we can from here on out. I don’t know if they’ve discovered these yet, or how much they may have explored. So it’s better not to risk anything this early on,” his voice holds firm as he guides you further in.
You round the corners with careful precision, hand clutching the loose strap dangling from Yamaguchi’s gear. You walk for what feels like miles until the tunnel opens up. The stark white of the tiled floor nearly blinding as the sounds of your footsteps turn from dull thumping to a sharp smack against the pristine floors.
The walls round out to form a circle that cups either side of another staircase on the wall opposite you. Your grip on the strap loosens as you're reminded of the last night you were in the estate, a poignant fear racing through your veins.
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You can hear the rush of the air conditioner turn on before you feel it. The sound of your heartbeat still pounding in your ears as you sprint through the living quarters of the estate. Yachi’s door is in sight as you feel the gust of cold air hit the center of your back, your hairs standing on your skin but you’re unable to decipher if it’s from the AC or the chill still present in your blood.
You raise your fist to knock on the door, the hurried sounds forcing you to flinch back, too cautious of getting caught after what you just learned. The door whips open revealing a frightened Yachi, the cardigan she wore to work today pulled tight over her chest. She stares at you wide eyed before she registers that it’s just you, her stance beginning to relax until she fully takes you in. Your breathing is ragged, the breaths escaping in harsh gasps.
“Woah, what’s going on?” Yachi reaches out to grab your wrist and tugs you into the room. The gentle click of the door shutting releases some of the tension in your shoulders. Your eyes scan the room for anyone else, specifically her mom who happened to randomly drop by in the evenings, but all you’re faced with is a worried Yamaguchi and a wave of relief floods your system.
“Hey, are you alright?”
“No,” you suck in a deep breath to help reconstruct your thoughts in the hopes of making this somewhat coherent. “They are trying to get rid of the underground. The higher ups plan to kill them all for some twisted, fucked up utopia and I don’t know what to do. We have to warn them, right? But who? And how? And whe-”
“We know.” Yamaguchi interrupts you, the weight of his statement not yet settling. You stare blankly at him, the gears in your mind slowly piecing things together. “You knew and you didn’t think to tell me?” The hurt in your tone cracks through the tension between you, your shock only multiplying.
“We didn’t know if we could trust you yet,” Yachi adds quietly. “Not that we didn’t want to tell you, it’s just we found out on our own and I told Yams because he’s from there, a-and I wanted him to warn his family, his friends,” her shoulders are raised to her ears, a deep blush sinking onto her cheeks as she refuses to make eye contact with you.
“I found out a couple weeks ago. This probably won’t come as a surprise but I’ve been part of the rebel faction for years now. I’ve been working as, well, almost like a spy,” his voice pitches up at the end as if he’s asking you the question.
“I don’t understand why you wouldn’t tell me though. We’re best friends, or was that an act too?” You didn’t mean to accuse him, but your feelings of confusion and fear were bubbling over into anger.
“No, it wasn’t an act, I swear. You’re the President’s son’s girlfriend, I didn’t know how deep that loyalty ran and I couldn’t have the plan fail for any reason at all,” he rushes to explain, understanding trying to break through your anger. You hadn’t realized your hands were balled into fists, or that your body was itching with heat as you stared at him until you forced your shoulders back, your fingers uncurling themselves one at a time. You bring a hand up to rub down your face, a troubled sigh falling from your lips.
“So what now? I want to help and I know you can’t trust me, but I want you to,” tears begin to prick at the corners of your eyes, “I’m not with Tooru anymore. He doesn’t really know that, but he’s in on the plan and I can’t stomach the idea of killing thousands of innocent people.”
You feel the frustration start to fray at the edges again, “I tried to tell him that this was wrong, and he had the nerve to laugh,” a cynical chuckle accompanies your words as you recall the conversation. “I lied and told him I would help. I don’t know if he believed me or not, but I don’t care right now. All I know is we need to get out of here.”
“I can’t,” Yachi finally speaks up again. “I can’t go because I’m the one who created the software, maybe if I work from the inside like Yams did I can reverse the algorithm without anyone catching on.”
“That won’t work. Tooru isn’t dumb, he probably knows I ran here right away to tell you. Why wouldn’t he?” You watch her fidget with the edge of her sleeve, pulling the fabric down her palm over and over. “Listen, it’s not safe for you here. It’s not safe for any of us. I think we should leave tonight, we should just pack what we need and run. After we are off the property we can start brainstorming and putting together a plan. Maybe you can reverse it from the outside.”
You can see the cogs connecting in her head as she sifts through the different outcomes, her brain working overtime as she fights through the anxiety. “Where would we go?”
Yamaguchi raises his hand shyly, “I may know a place. If you’re okay with that?”
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You blink up at him from the bottom of the stairs while he wears the same worried expression he had that night. “We don’t have to do this,” reassurance evident in his tone as he starts to step down from his place in the middle of the staircase.
“It’s our best shot at getting more information,” you say on an exhale, stepping up on to the first step to halt his descent. “I know we don’t have to, but I said I would, so I will.” The edge in your tone affirms your consent. You can do this, it will be fine. You continue your climb up to the aluminum door, Yamaguchi side stepping to allow you to go first. The door handle is cold beneath your hand, the same blue glow illuminating your skin as you turn it slowly, praying that it doesn’t creak and echo into the empty space. You take one final breath to confirm that you can still breathe under these circumstances, confident that you and Yamaguchi will make it out alive.
The door pushes in and you cross the threshold into your past.
You feel a tremorous hand graze the small of your back, appreciative of Yamaguchi’s familiar presence as you walk further into the basement, searching for the room that you had last occupied with Oikawa. You find the door and step inside grateful that you’re there before he is, boxes and cobwebs littering the room as you maneuver around them.
“I’m going to hide back here,” Yamaguchi points behind a tall metal fridge that’s stationed in a corner and you nod in confirmation. The dust particles floating in the air, barely noticeable if not for the sliver of light let in from the small window in the door.
You wonder how long ago the higher ups abandoned the building. The once spotless lab had layers of dust covering every surface, small bugs and spiders scuttling across the floor. The analog clock still ticked on the wall near one of the storage closets, and you tried to align your heartbeat with the rhythmic ticking to steady your nerves. Your fingers tapping lightly against the leather that encases your dagger. It was then that you remember the small tracking device Kenma gave you in the hopes that you could sneak it onto Oikawa during this reunion.
The tiny device blinks red to signal that it was on. You’re impressed by the craftsmanship, surprised that it was barely the size of your fingernail. After admiring it, you placed the tracker in your pants pocket, glancing quickly at the door and then the clock hung on the wall. A sigh leaving your lips as you noticed he was late, unsurprisingly so.
“Well, well, well,” his taunting voice slices through the silence. “If it isn’t my darling, traitorous girlfriend.”
“I’m not your girlfriend,” you spit through gritted teeth, your fingers tightening around the hilt of the dagger.
“Awww,” he pouts, shoulder leaning against the open door frame, bottom lip jutting out childishly. “But you never actually broke up with me. You just left in the middle of the night without even saying goodbye. I was heartbroken.”
Your lip curls in disgust, his mockery stabbing you in the chest, making you question how you could ever feel anything but repulsed by him. “Fine then, consider this me breaking up with you, but just know I’m not here to help mend your broken heart.”
He finally steps into the room, a smug grin plastered across his features, “It seems like you aren’t very excited to see me, princess.” His face leaning into yours as you snap your head to the side, his lips ghosting your cheek, a cringe shuddering through you.
“I’m surprised you even noticed, with your head shoved so far up your ass,” you put as much venom in your voice as possible. The grooves of the dagger molding into your palms at the feeling of his breath fanning your face. He laughs sardonically at you, straightening his back so that you have to look up at him.
“Hm,” his eyes narrow, intimidation secreting from all of his pores. “Well I wonder who put a stick up yours.”
You actively resist the urge to smack him, your fingers twitching at your side as you keep your emotions at bay. You don’t indulge him with a witty retort, trying hard to keep the anger from clouding your senses.
“Why invite me here if not to reunite with an old flame?” At this you meet his eyes, startled to find there’s no taunting glint or malice edge. “You do miss me, don’t you?”
The answer is complicated. The answer is both yes and absolutely not, and now you’re afraid that the hesitancy in your stance has given that away. “No,” you conclude.
“I don’t miss you because you’re no longer the you I remember,” you straighten as your gaze on him hardens, gentle confidence simmering within you. “You know why I’m here and it’s not to have some morbid heart to heart about what could’ve been.”
He scoffs, playful demeanor evaporating into something much more sinister. “Alrighty then, I guess it’s straight to business,” he drags his finger across the flat metal surface of one of the lab tables, collecting the dust and rubbing it against his thumb. “What would you like to know, sweetheart?”
You try not to outwardly react to the pet name, but instead lean against the boxes behind you. “For one, what’s really been on my mind is what you guys plan on doing with these ‘volunteers’?” You lift your hands to sign the quotation marks with your fingers.
“Ah yes, the volunteers,” he hums. “Our secret weapon,” he smirks, purposefully drawing out his answer.
“You see, the volunteers are a group of lowly citizens that decided to be a part of our little plan for certain… privileges.” You wait for him to continue, frustration surging through you with every passing moment.
“Privileges?” You question, prompting him to hopefully go on.
“We told them that if they would sign up for some physical experiments they would be recruited into the Elite Class. The promise of comfort and luxury,” he chuckles darkly.
“Which isn’t necessarily a lie, just probably not what they were expecting when they signed away their lives.” His fingers continue to draw figures in the dust, elbows now resting on the cool surface.
“They’re really just the foot soldiers to fight against your pathetic army of rebels, so that we don’t have to get our own hands dirty,” he stands up fully again and wipes off the excess dust he was playing with from his hands.
“And whichever ones survive come to live on the new property. Not that they have any real control anymore, so they’d be used for menial tasks that we wouldn’t bother doing,” he shrugs.
“And it’s quite poetic actually. These people fighting their own to stop a group they have no chance in defeating, only to subject themselves to more of the same.”
Your blood is boiling, an anger that you can no longer contain pulsing from you in violent flames. “How fucking dare you?” Your tone is steady and low. “What gives any of you the fucking right, huh?” Your voice is increasing in volume.
You pinch the bridge of your nose, a shaky exhale releasing from your lungs. “They are people, Tooru, more human than you will ever be.” You raise your eyes immediately meeting his, your stomach churning at his expression. He looks absolutely delighted, a devious grin stretching into his cheeks.
“You’re disgusting,” you spit at him.
“Ouch,” he clutches his chest in faux pain, nose scrunching into his eyebrows. “Don’t be so mean,” he pouts again as he walks around the table, the only barrier separating the two of you no longer there.
His confident strides stopping mere inches from you. You turn your face away from him until he roughly grabs your chin, fingers digging painfully into your skin, so that you’re looking straight into his eyes. “You really gotta stop breaking my heart, princess.”
You unsheathe your dagger, quickly pressing the tip into the dip between his ribs. “I suggest you get your hands off of me unless you want a punctured lung to accompany that broken heart of yours.” The words are a strained staccato pushed through the small gap between your teeth. He glares at you before you’re shoved into the boxes behind you. The one sitting precariously at the top toppling over, narrowly missing your head.
“You used to be such a good girl, y/n,” he’s a few feet away from you now, left hand rubbing at the place your dagger used to be. “Seriously, what’s gotten into you? I was gonna give you another chance, but then you go and ruin it,” his eyes are wild as they dart around the room. He walks back around the table, bending down to reach for something. Every fiber in your body is screaming for you to run, pleading for you to get as far away as possible. You begin to inch towards the fridge Yamaguchi is still hiding behind, fully prepared to grab him and bolt back to the tunnels.
“I really don’t wanna do this, but you’re not leaving me with another option,” the something he was reaching for catches the light, the dark metal of the gun reflecting off the table. Fear and adrenaline blending together, your brain’s alarm system blaring loudly in your skull.
“I wanted to save you! Can’t you see that?” Oddly enough there’s tears welling in his eyes. “Now you’re gonna die here, you’re never gonna see your stupid friends again. This naive dream you had about saving everyone will die here with you,” he’s waving the gun around carelessly, completely unhinged.
“Lucky for you, you won’t be alone for long. Your friends are gonna join you soon enough,” this catches your attention, your eyes not once leaving his frame as you continue your crawl to the fridge.
“What do you mean?” You force the question out, aware that if you make it out alive this information will be the most important.
“What do I mean?” He laughs hysterically. “I mean they only have one more day left. Exactly 24 hours from now I’ll explode everything. I’ll watch this whole city burn knowing that it was all thanks to you and silly, pathetic Yachi.”
This was good. Now you have a time limit, a lot shorter than you were expecting, but good nonetheless. You slide your hand across the fridge’s surface, fingers curling around the edge.
“I was hoping you’d wanna watch it with me, like all those times we used to watch the sunset together,” the memory strikes you powerfully, a warm evening spent beneath the shade of a cherry blossom tree, a childhood so deep into the past you could’ve never surfaced it on your own. You feel yourself leaning into that moment, slipping away drowsily until you feel smooth fingers slide between yours. The contact pulling you from its depths.
Once you come to, all that’s in your line of sight is Oikawa and the barrel of a gun. “Goodbye, princess,” you shut your eyes as you heard the gunshot comet through the air, prepared for the bullet to pierce your skin, but it never came. Instead you hear someone else cry out in pain, a hand pinching your shoulder as you open your eyes. Yamaguchi is behind you, right arm extended over your shoulder, his gun clutched in his hand.
“Run!” He yells as he drags you towards the door by your elbow, his body slamming into it to throw it open. The hallway seems longer now, your feet slapping harshly against the linoleum, the sound of the gun shot still ringing in your ears. “Oh, darling, you really think I would come here without my own reinforcements too,” Oikawa’s cackle bounces off of the walls in your direction. Your head turns his way, blood seeping and spreading beneath his white t-shirt, his arm hanging limply at his side from the wound in his shoulder. You recoil at the smile on his face, his eyes saucers devoid of any remorse as he moves to chase after you.
You cut the corner sharply, Yamaguchi’s hand still gripping your elbow, the basement door down one more hall. “We just have to make it to the tunnels then we can lose him,” Yamaguchi says over his shoulder, low enough for only you to catch.
You smell him before you see him, the putrid smell of iron and burning flesh is inhaled into the back of your throat. You cover your mouth, suppressing a gag. “Holy shit,” Yamaguchi’s voice is what causes you to look up. Straight ahead there’s a hulking figure, limbs slightly disfigured with thin lines of silver slithering down their neck and arms. This is the source of that horrid smell, the thick skin of his arms trying in vain to heal over the wires. “Iwaizumi?”
Bile begins to claw up your throat at the realization. The realization that you know him and that this is Oikawa’s best friend stops you in your tracks. The tunnels are so close but you’re blocked in, the door is behind Iwaizumi’s large frame and at the other end of the hall is a deranged Oikawa, his face twisted in glee, the predator successfully trapping it’s prey in their clutches. You refuse to die here. You shake your head, swiftly running through various scenarios, each outcome worse than the last, but death the ultimate destination.
You want to kick and scream in agony, anxiety beginning to creep into your thoughts preventing you from thinking rationally. You cannot die here. You never said goodbye to Tanaka, goddamnit, you refuse for your last conversation with him to be a lie. Because you lied to him and death is too easy an end for you. Your naive dream of saving everyone pushing to the forefront of your mind.
Your dagger is still in your hand, Yamaguchi’s gun pointed at Iwaizumi. “Iwa, what took you so long? I brought you some new toys.” Oikawa’s giddy with satisfaction, teetering excitedly on the balls of his feet. “You do wanna play, don’t you?” He twirls his gun around his forefinger before it’s focused on you again.
“He’s a volunteer, Yams,” you’re breathless with astonishment, never once imagining that they would be human/cyborg hybrids, a collection of flesh and metal, a weapon easily controlled but with the freedom of individual movement. “That’s not Iwaizumi anymore, so you can’t hesitate.”
“Of course that’s Iwa, y/n. He even remembers you, so don’t go hurting his feelings too,” Oikawa huffs out petulantly. His brattiness is really starting to grind harshly on your nerves, his incessant back and forth between whining and delight motivating you to get out of here even more. “Yams, you have a plan yet?’ Wishful thinking is beginning to take over.
He gives you a small nod, “it’s risky, but it might work. Problem is we don’t know what he’s capable of,” he points in Iwaizumi’s direction, his body still frozen at the end of the corridor. You think back to that conversation you overheard all those months ago, you remember them mentioning a controller or something. Your brain struggles to connect the dots until you roll your eyes at your own ignorance.
“It’s fucking Oikawa. He controls them,” the connection so obvious. “Once we hear his command that’s when we can act. Whatever you’re planning needs to be fast, we won’t have any room for mistakes.”
“Just trust me. I’ll get us out of this,” the velcro on his pants ripping in response as you watch his fingers grasp something round. “Yo, Oikawa?” Yamaguchi calls out, his stare still trained on the creation before him. “You gonna kill us or what? You’ve clearly backed us into a corner, so what are you gonna do about it?”
The tremor in his voice hardly distinguishable as he attempts to bait him. “I like to play with my food first, Tadashi,” the use of his first name makes him go rigid. “How could you forget?” He winks at you as he skips closer.
“Isn’t that right, Iwa? Why don’t we play our game? But this time you’re the hunter, okay?” He slows his tone, tongue lilting dumbly over each syllable. “Now come catch your prey.” You tug hard on Yamaguchi’s sleeve, the command activating Iwaizumi’s functions. Your spun in his direction as Yamaguchi switches your positions, another gunshot crowding the narrow space while your feet spring into action, running full speed at Iwaizumi.
His wide hand reaches to envelope your face, but before he can touch you your dagger meets the skin of his forearm, steel slashing through muscle and grating against silver. The sound vibrating in your teeth, throbbing in your gums. You duck beneath his bicep, swiping your leg to cross your ankle with his forcing him to lose balance as you plunge the blade into the soft tissue between his collarbone and shoulder, the warmth of his blood sticking to your hands. He drops to his knees, a gargled noise bubbling from his throat.
Oikawa is on the floor cradling his knee, Yamaguchi’s gun shaking slightly in his hand. “Let’s go!” He yells as he pirouettes gracefully in your direction, his flashy movements rebooting your system, your flight senses kicking into overdrive. He throws the object that was previously in his pocket at Oikawa, a grenade ready to destroy the corridor. You’re nearly at the door, Yamaguchi on your heels, when you hear another command.
“Throw it back!” His voice is cracking with derangement, a screech of insanity before the impact blasts you through the now open door. A slab of concrete slams into your side, an instance of pain shooting through you as you skid across the floor, halfway unconscious. Despite his injuries, Yamaguchi grabs you by your armpits to the entrance of the tunnels. The walls of the cavern cracking and folding in. You see Iwaizumi trip over the top steps before the ceiling comes crashing down. Yamaguchi’s body shielding yours from the debris, small shards still slicing your cheek.
The dust starts to settle and you can no longer see the staircase to the estate’s basement. Your breath stuck in your lungs, waiting for someone to burst through the concrete and pipes, but for a moment everything is still.
“What a psychotic bastard,” Yamaguchi says above you, his arms still cradling your head to his chest. “We need to hurry and get out of here. Either of them could’ve survived that blast and I’m not taking any chances.”
He helps you stand, the both of you swatting at your clothes to remove the chunks of plaster and dust sticking to you. You both then turn to jog through the tunnels, the pain in your side throbbing with every step.
“We’ll go above ground this time to make sure they can’t track our movements to headquarters.” You nod even though he can’t see you, your mental and physical fatigue making it difficult for you to speak. The rest of the journey is quiet besides the soft padding of your boots on the pavement.
“The exit is coming up,” he warns as his steps slow down. You appreciate the change of pace, your hand coming up to hold your ribs, your shirt wet with proof that you’re bleeding. “Shit,” you hiss, your fingers tinted red under the dull glow of the flashlight.
Yamaguchi pulls you against his side, arm looping around your waist while he drapes yours over his neck. The pressure of your own weight lifting relieves some of the tension on your side as you rest against him. “C’mon, let’s get you back,” he pushes the door open with his shoulder, the bright lights of the city forcing you to squint your eyes. The only thing on your mind is the first time you stepped outside of the estate. The pretenses are different, but the dread is all the same.
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This was the first time you had stepped into the city in years. The air was thick with pollution forcing you to swallow harshly to prevent you from choking on it. Through the whispered fog you could see blurs of neon lights, blues and pinks flickering out providing some light to pierce through. You gripped the sleeve of Yamaguchi’s shirt as he led you down a narrow alleyway, Yachi trembling beside you and squeezing your hand tightly. The distant sounds of whirring and buzzing were the only things to accompany the eerie silence, a heavy sense of disillusionment burdening your chest, settling into the chambers of your heart.
As you stepped out of the alley into the open you were awestruck by the tall buildings framing the streets, their surfaces flashing with ads and promotions. The distraction of the blinding lights overwhelming you until your foot slipped on something wet and slimy, breaking the spell you were under. Yamaguchi’s hand jerked out to help steady you while a shrill squeak slipped from Yachi’s lips.
“Be careful and stay alert. The city isn’t the… cleanest,” his mouth carefully formed the words to soothe the anxiety shaking the both of you. 
The rebel faction’s hideout was located deep in the underground. Since night had fallen some time ago, the city seemed even more daunting with very little human life roaming the streets. 
“W-where i-is everyone?” Yachi voiced the only question on your mind as your eyes darted around every corner, paranoid by any minor movement in your peripherals, which was only exacerbated by the intense fog looming around you. 
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June 17, 2065
The two of you stumble through the doorway of headquarters. Air finally rushing to your lungs, the dizzying feeling of blood loss and adrenaline subsiding. The pain in your side was merely a dull ache now, but there was a large red stain in your shirt, stickiness clinging to your obliques making the wound appear worse than it felt. 
The building lacked movement and sound, the stillness slightly disturbing given how many people live here. Yamaguchi let out a labored breath beside you and you just noticed how exhausted he looks. His hair was damp from sweat, his bangs sticking flat on his forehead as other brown tresses fell from his hair tie. He had nicks and scratches scattered along his face and arms, a small limp present in his right leg. If he looked like that, you couldn’t begin to imagine the state you were in.
“Where the fuck did everyone go?” His voice strains as he takes a deep breath through his nose. “Of all the times to disappear now is probably the worst,” humor finds its way into his tone, a breathy chuckle slipping from your lips.
As you near the conference room a flurry of panicked whispers are barely audible down the hall, the door left ajar. You glance at Yamaguchi to find he’s already looking at you, his eyebrows raised in confusion and you attempt a shrug, only to wince instead. 
“They’ll be here,” Suga’s stern voice is loud above the others. The door bumping against your foot as you reach it, the impact floating it open to reveal the crowded room. All movement and conversation stop aside from Yachi’s pacing at one end of the switchboard.
“Hey?” You break the awkward silence catching Yachi’s attention as she bolts towards the both of you, your arms still holding on to each other for support.
“Oh, thank god,” a stuttered breath in your direction, her hands on your face, your arms, then ultimately your sides. Her fingers pulling away when you hiss in response, her fingertips tinged in the translucent red of your blood. “Don’t freak out,” you squeak as you reach for her hand. “It’s really not that bad,” you add, trying to calm her down.
“We’re okay,” Yamaguchi tries too as you witness the increasing panic behind her eyes while she glances between the two of you and her bloodied hand. After a moment exchanging anxious looks there’s a rush of movement. Yachi has traded places with Yamaguchi, and Terushima is holding his boyfriend delicately in his hands. You’re both led to the chairs circling the table, a soft grunt sounds from you as you’re seated. Trembling fingers untuck the material of your shirt as Yachi grazes the gash beneath your rib cage.
“Where the hell have you been?!” His voice is explosive in the tense quiet that weighs heavily on everyone. 
“Ryu, I can explain,” the guilt is hitting you full force, exhaustion turning your limbs to lead. You move to stand up again, but Yachi halts your movements, her hand squeezing your knee so she can start dressing your wound. 
He notices the blood on her hands first, eyes following her movements to the open wound on your side. There’s a flash of rolling anger in his glare which is quickly replaced by softened worry. “What the fuck happened while I was gone?” The question comes out louder than he intended, his sturdy frame wobbling a bit when he kneels beside you. 
You hesitate before you answer him, Yachi grabbing a roll of gauze to wrap your waist in to stop the bleeding, his hands helping her unravel the stretchy material. 
You swallow dryly before you continue. “I went to the estate to meet with Oikawa,” the words fell out in rapid succession hoping to just rip the bandage straight off.
“Alone?!” The hardened gaze returns as his hands stop brushing against your side. “No, Yamaguchi was there,” it seems like he is just now realizing Yamaguchi’s light whimpers of pain as Terushima tends to him. His eyes drift to him, locking on his motionlessly. You can see the thoughts running rampant in his mind, struggling to choose which one to voice aloud. But before he decides Yamaguchi gives him a small smile that turns into a grimace and a shy wave, forcing an awkwardly stifled laugh from Suga. 
Tanaka takes in his injuries, the conflicting feelings of concern and irritation screwing his features into a near snarl. “You mean to tell me you went to see your little shit of an ex with just Yamaguchi,” you know he doesn’t intend to say his name with a hair of patronization. This is confirmed when he turns to face him, his palms extended in front of him. “No offense, buddy.”
A humorless laugh is his response. “No, that’s fair,” he shakes his head and points to the cuts littering his skin, gaze cast downward. 
“This isn’t Yams’ fault,” you say as he takes a step away from you. 
“No. No, I never said it was, but when I leave for a couple hours and come back to you looking like this how do you expect me to react?” His emotions are beginning to stack, the height overwhelming him. 
“And then I find out it’s because you went to go see him and didn’t think to even mention it, huh?” He scoffs.
“For what? What information could we possibly have needed to send you in there?” His cheeks are flushing a brilliant red with the rise of his blood pressure. “Unless you’re gonna say you missed him or some fucking bullshit like that,” his chest is heaving, his arms swinging around in increasing agitation. The last thing he said sent a pang of affliction to your heart. If you were being rational you would’ve noticed his insecurity, but your eyes narrow in on him instead. Your wariness eroding away into a fury of your own. 
“Woah, chill out man,” Nishinoya cuts in, reaching to grab his arm only for it to be batted away. 
“Chill out?! Am I not chill enough for you?” He sneers. “Because you’re all looking at me like I’m fucking insane, but I’m not really sure how this is supposed to play out.” There’s a sharp inhale and a twitch of his eye during this brief pause. 
“I come back here and my girlfriend is sitting here injured after a secret meeting with Oikawa fucking Tooru, that you neglected to tell me about,” his anger is redirected at you again. 
“If I told you you would’ve never let me go!” Your heart is racing with adrenaline again as you sit up abruptly, the gauze in Yachi’s hand jumping from her grasp and rolling away. “And guess what? Maybe if you let me explain I would be more than happy to tell you about the important information we got.” 
“But at what cost?! You’re practically bleeding out from your side, Yamaguchi won’t stop whimpering from who knows what!” He’s shaking, his barely contained aggravation is being held in his balled fists, the veins in his forearms prominent with the strain in his muscles. 
“And you expect for me to just stand here and listen to you talk about a situation neither of you needed to be in. A situation that could’ve clearly prevented this,” his hand is waving to your body, gesturing to the obvious pain you’re in. 
“Is that what you want?” 
“Tanaka,” Daichi’s voice is deep and steady, in complete odds with Tanaka’s uneven syllables. His tone stilling him into quiet rage. “That’s enough.”
“No, let him keep going,” you say spitefully. “Since he can figure everything out on his own, maybe he can answer his own questions too.” Your body is facing him now, one of your hands tightly wound around the back of your chair. 
“Oh, really,” he huffs out, his simmering anger ready to boil over, but the rage swirling in your gaze stops him from speaking. Instead he turns to leave, his body accidentally shoving Nishinoya out of the way. His retreating frame only multiplies your frustration and for the second time that night you want to kick and scream. 
You allow your head to fall into your open palms and let out a muffled, disgruntled groan before you stand up, fully intent on chasing him. The sudden movement has Yachi scrambling for the gauze she had just finished re-wrapping. The scene was almost comical if you weren’t as pissed as you were. 
“Oh, hold on. Wa-,” Yachi stutters out while she tries to roll it up once again.
“It’s fine.” Your response is curt and you feel a little bad when she looks up at you with wide doe eyes, but you still reach for one of the switchblades on the table and tear the gauze in one, easy swipe. You don’t wait to watch the strip flutter to the ground where she kneels before you’re taking off in Tanaka’s direction. 
Your pace quickens as he comes into view despite the pain you’re in, and you can see he’s rapidly jamming the elevator button with his thumb as if that would make it arrive any sooner. 
“Hey!” You call out from behind him, his muscles tensing in response but he makes no move to face you. “I was talking to you!”
He lets out a sarcastic scoff, thumb now holding the button down. “Well I’m sure you can figure out that I don’t feel like listening all on your own.” 
Your previous words are spit back at you and this time it’s harder to ignore the insecurity riddling his tone. The doors finally rattle open and he gets in. You’re expecting him to force the doors closed or block you from entering, but he just cramps himself in the far corner and refuses to look at you. You take the olive branch and follow him inside, leaving a few feet of space between you. All those excuses you tried to draw up earlier in this exact spot were still as useless as they were then. So you let the silence stretch and pull until the doors shake open to the floor he stays on. He motions for you to exit first when you make eye contact, his hard facade crumbling.
The quiet you’re becoming accustomed to is leaving you worn out and tired. You’re sick of listening to the echoes of boots thump against the ground, the dreary soundtrack to your new life. 
The door to his studio apartment is open so you walk straight in, Tanaka not far behind. He shuts the door and steps around you to start stripping off his gear. You fidget in place wondering what he could possibly be thinking, none of his movements giving it away as you follow them. It’s all becoming incredibly unbearable as he continues to tug at each strap aggressively without saying anything.
“Ryu?” His name is heavy on your tongue. “I needed to do this. I needed to go because I couldn’t keep sitting around here feeling useless. I’ve been wandering this building for months, wasting space, while everyone else is out there actually doing something! And it’s been eating me alive,” you’re frail, your voice weak with helplessness. 
The dresser he’s clutching creaks and splinters in his hands. “You wanna know what I need? I need for you to be safe. I need for you to talk to me!” The muscles in his shoulders ripple beneath his shirt as he rolls them back before his body is finally turned towards you. 
“Why didn’t you just tell me? It’s not that I wouldn’t have let you go because I can’t stop you from doing shit even though I sure as hell would try. But I could’ve gone with you! I could’ve protected you!” His breath catches in his throat, voice thickening with emotion. 
“I don’t need for you to protect me, Ryu! I can protect myself!” You’re like a caged animal, fear is clawing at your throat, suffocating you. Tears start to build but you swallow them back down. 
Tanaka is in front of you in two long strides, his hands now gripping your shoulders. “I know you don’t need me to protect you! But why can’t you just let me?!” 
A tear slips down his cheek from obvious frustration and you bunch the fabric of his shirt in your fists to pull him down to your level. “Because I would never forgive you if you threw your life away because you were too busy trying to save mine.” 
His lips are flush with yours in an instant, pressing hard with desperation. One of his hands moves to grip the back of your neck, long fingers stretching around the column of your throat as he forces you still. Your lips part in surprise, his tongue immediately entering to lick inside your mouth. The taste of iron and salt explode on your tongue as his kiss becomes feverish, the thought that you had split your lip leaving faster than it arrived as he bites down on it, a needy moan spilling past them. He growls at the sound, his hands making quick work of the straps closed around your body, the nylon dropping to the floor in a dull thud. 
You slip your hands beneath the fabric of his shirt, skimming over the defined muscles of his torso when he moves to lick a stripe down your neck. His lips meet the juncture between your neck and shoulder as he bites down again, a shudder and breathy gasp waves through you while you dig and drag your nails down the skin of his waist. The motion stopping once you meet the buckle of his pants, your deft fingers undoing them effortlessly. He groans at your ease, his hands trailing to the hem of where your shirt had been lifted to rip the fabric over your head. The swift motion makes you wince into his chest as your cut widens with the rise of your arms. 
“Shit, are you okay?” He asks, pulling away from you. You nod, already missing the warmth of his body on yours. “Yes, just,” your fingers curl around the waistband of his cargos to tug them down. “Just touch me.” 
He doesn’t hesitate to unclasp your bra at your words. His hands come back around to palm and massage your breasts as your back arches into his touch. His mouth going back to suck and nibble at your neck as your hand reaches past the elastic band of his underwear, your fingers grasping his hardening cock, pumping it rhythmically. “Fuck,” his forehead drops to your shoulder, his hands now pinching your hips as he grinds into your palm. 
He fumbles with the button of your pants as he hastily unzips them. Bodies pressed together in desire, searching for friction to relieve the ache settling at your core. In frenzied movements, he removes your hand from his stiff cock, your palm glistening with precum, and you're tossed onto his bed, the springs squeaking under your weight. Your boots are untied and flung over his shoulder, the smack of the thick sole on the concrete hardly audible over the blood racing through your veins, pulsing restlessly in your ear drums. 
Your pants are next. The thick material yanked off your legs, the new exposure sending goosebumps to dance across your skin. He’s already knelt between your thighs, face level with your dripping cunt as you wiggle away from his grasp to drag him back up your body. He refuses you, his grip tightening around the meat of your thighs instead as he jerks your body towards him, the heat of his mouth enveloping your own wet heat below. Your eyes squeeze shut at the sudden contact, his lips and tongue sucking and licking with a ferocity you hadn’t been ready for. 
He encourages the closing of your thighs around his head, his fingers kneading the fat in his hands as he buries himself between them. His groans vibrate over your clit, your own mewls colliding with his in a raucous symphony. You’re teetering on the edge of your orgasm, close enough to see the small bursts of pleasure behind your eyelids when he pulls away. A complaint is on the tip of your tongue when you open your eyes to look at him, his face shiny with your slick, eyes a dangerous black once his pupils dilated enough to overcome his stormy grey irises. 
He wipes his face with the back of his hand before he grabs you again, dragging your pliant body over the edge of his mattress and flipping you on your stomach, your cheek meeting the scratchy material of his top sheet. He ghosts his fingers over the loose gauze at your midsection, the tenderness in his fingertips contrasting the hardened cock rubbing over the groove of your ass. 
“Ryu,” you whine, shifting so that his erection slips between your open legs. You grind down on it, your thighs closing so that he slides between your drenched folds. He soon takes over, all traces of tenderness gone as he pulls back, his dripping head finding your entrance easily. He doesn’t take his time like he usually does, his bruising grip on your hips numbing all feeling in your legs as he lifts you slightly, your upper body pressing further into the mattress. 
There is one last moment of stillness before he’s plunging inside, sheathing himself in one full thrust. The burning stretch sends flickers of fire flitting over every inch of your body from within. You muffle the unexpected scream into the bed as his pace quickens, his grip pushing and pulling your limp body over the girth of his cock. Your eyes are beginning to water and for the first time today it’s from unbridled pleasure. Adrenaline lining your system, not from fear but a passion long forgotten. 
Your mind has succumbed to the force of his desire, shutting down completely. Your body is now his to do with whatever he wants. Your nails are digging into the heel of your palm through the thin sheet. The noises you’re making drowned out by the obscenity of skin slapping skin.
“I need you,” his thrusts are losing their rhythm, your mind barely able to process his words. “To stay, shit- alive.”
Your knees are now on the bed, his palm enclosing around your neck, fingers squeezing your pulse points as you’re hoisted upright. Your bareback to his chest, his momentum never faltering as he pushes in deeper, the angle rubbing deliciously against the sensitive spongy tissue. Your head falls to rest on his shoulder, his breath fanning your ear. 
“I can’t lose you,” there’s a desperation in his voice you haven’t heard before, a pleading whimper so out of character from his usual self. “Because I, fuck, I love you.” 
You gasp not entirely sure if it’s from his declaration of love or his wandering hand landing on your clit. The pressure in your abdomen curling with every swift swipe across your nerves. “I-I’m close, Ryu,” you whine, your arm raising to fold around his neck, nails scratching his scalp through his short hair. 
He moves impossibly faster at this, his fingers working you with reckless abandon. The wires of pleasure pulled taut, the stretch snapping so suddenly your body bows against him, mind blanking while static obscures your vision. His fingers are shoved past your lips, the moan tearing your vocal chords stifled by the tips reaching the back of your throat. 
“That’s it, baby, just like that,” the fingers on your clit only stopped when you grip his wrist to push him away from the sensitivity. He lets your body fall to the bed in a hurry, the fluttering of your walls surging him to his own release. He pulls out and you feel the heat of his cum on your back, warm spurts mixing with the sweat on your skin, pooling on your spine. 
The white noise in your ears has cleared, your vision returning to normal as you begin to see the warm yellows and deep browns of his room. Your body is still quivering from the intensity of your orgasm.
“I think you need new gauze,” he says on a gentle chuckle. You can’t stop your own laugh from sparking through you as you allow your body to fall flat on the bed. 
“You think?” 
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kaiinyourarea · 4 years
Fix Me Not (4)
Sugawara Koushi X Reader (previous chapters can be found on my masterlist)
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                        4. I just want to know you better
I grabbed my backpack before speeding off to where my cousin was. I felt giddy and electrified all of a sudden. Maybe it's because I'm finally starting to admit it to myself.
I'm falling.
I don't know if it's the way he talks to me like I'm a fragile antique. I don't know if it's because of the many times he has succored me. Is it because of his looks? He's just so... admirable. Judging from the things I've mentioned, those are probably the exact reasons why I'm looking so enthralled.
"He talked to me again, Ya-chan," I beamed.
"Of course, you're in the same room as him"
"You look sad. Is it because you're still clueless?”
"Oh, come on. Won't you please tell me who it is?" Hitoka, my cousin, asked me for the hundredth time today.
"Ya-chan, no. I'm not even sure myself--"
"You're blushing!" she teased with a timid chuckle.
My gosh. I don't know how she can be so shy in front of others but so blunt in front of me. I guess this is where the cousin part comes in. The blonde looked up at me with her sparkling doe eyes and clasped fingers, begging me to finally spill something.
"This is just an infatuation. I don't even know him that much," I sighed.
We both started walking out of school to go home. I skipped like a person high on sugar while she walked calmly beside me.
"But still, it's been so long since you're like this. You always pull me aside when we meet at the school hallways and start talking about a certain guy. I just want to know who made my cousin so smitten."
I laughed because she's right. I've been eyeing a certain someone in our class for the past couple of weeks. I don't why I revealed my admiration for him to Yachi without planning to reveal his identity. Maybe because I really needed to let off steam for a bit and Yachi always pops out in front of me at school at the right time. Unfortunately, she now keeps on bugging me about it.
"Yachi, I trust you but I don't trust myself. If a word gets out from my mouth, I'm screwed. My feelings will just keep on growing so I think it's better to keep it all to myself... for now."
We kept on talking about random things as we continued to head home. A lot of random topics keep on popping out while we conversed but most of the time, she just kept on asking about who I like. We reached home safely and did our own things while still talking. We're idiots.
"I bet he one-upped your last, (yn). You always tend to find someone better than the last in hopes of finally getting your happy ending--ow!"
"We don't speak of that in this household! Our parents might hear. You know they don't want me to have crushes because they think of it as a distraction," I cut her off, smacking her left arm in the process.
I'm 2 years older than Yachi but we grew up together and became really close to the point that we don't even remember the age gap. We're like siblings already and she's my secret keeper. Anyway, one of the reasons why I don't want to admit anything is because for some reason, when you voice out something especially if it's the name of some you like, the feelings you have for them get worse! It makes you fall even more. Is there a science for that?
If I fall harder, I'd be damned.
"Sorry but what if the guy you like right now is your end game? No offense to all the other guys you had a secret thing with but I just... f-feel something."
She made me laugh again. She's so cute! She's talking like she's by my side 24/7. I kind of wish that I had her mom, Madoka Yachi. She might not be the best mom because she's rarely by Ya-chan's side but she secretly encourages her to be better and she lets Hitoka do her thing. Tough love.
"Are you sure you're not the one who's in love with my crush? You're like a psychic!" I teased.
"I-I don't like anyone!"
"We'll see, Ya-chan. You speak too early," I mumbled.
I'd probably tease the heck out of her when she finally starts to like somebody. I'd pester her every day just like how she does it to me.
I'm really scared of liking someone again. I had a few mutual understandings before but they were all a secret from my parents. I'm a risk-taker. If I like someone, I get carried away sometimes and that's not a good thing. I'm putting the trust of my family at risk but in the end, those boys act like I played with them even if they knew about my situation already. In short, my sacrifices are wasted on worthless people. I wasn't playing anybody. My feelings were real. Not sure about them though. Those boys were so unfair. They expected me to stay until the end but they didn't even fight for me when I'm leaving them. How can they ask me to stay when they're not even doing anything that's worth staying for? I just want someone who will stay. I don't want to be the chaser anymore. I'm tired of being desperate.
I'm not allowed to have a boyfriend yet. That's why I have to keep things low-key. My parents are only protecting me and making sure I don't get distracted while studying.
But there's this guy I used to like back in middle school. We weren't in the same school but I've met him on some occasions before. We both confessed to each other but nothing happened. We didn't flirt-- I mean, he's naturally flirty, but we acted like friends. Nothing more, nothing less. It was fun. I didn't feel the need to be secretive again and act like I'm involved in some crime. I wonder where he is now?
I sighed.
"Daichi Sawamura."
"Who's that? What did you say?"
"I mentioned someone's name--"
"Is he the one you like? Say it again, please. I wasn't listening."
I pursed my lips to prevent myself from smiling at Ya-chan's cute form. She suddenly turned into a light bulb. So bright and still. Lol. I know I'm going to regret what's going to happen next but I really can't hide this anymore.
"Calm down. You need to promise me something--"
"I won't tell anybody. I just need to know who he is, (yn). Tell me the whole story as well," she smiled and I followed.
Yachi Hitoka, you're in for a long-ass storytime.
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jusdegroseille · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Haikyuu!! Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio/Yachi Hitoka, Hinata Shouyou & Kageyama Tobio & Yachi Hitoka Characters: Hinata Shouyou, Hinata Shouyou's Mother, Hinata Natsu, Kageyama Tobio, Kageyama Tobio's Mother, Yachi Hitoka, Yachi Madoka, Tanaka Ryuunosuke, Nishinoya Yuu, Takeda Ittetsu, Shimizu Kiyoko Additional Tags: Domestic Fluff, OT3, Polyamory, Time Skips, Third Year Hinata Shouyou and Kageyama Tobio, first year to third year, Getting Together, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Fluff and Humor, Light Angst, Teenage Drama, autistic!kageyama, it's just implied tho I didn't have the time, battle of the best mother, my favouriste is Hinata's tell me yours, Teen Romance, Light mention of sex, a lot of sweet kisses, & cuddling, Le Collectif NoName, Le Collectif NoName Challenge mars 2020, champ de bataille Summary:
Ils étaient comme deux aimants, parfois s'attirant indéniablement, ne faisant qu'un ; parfois se repoussant le plus loin possible, l'espace entre eux étant électrostatique et tendu. Ils n'avaient pas encore compris qu'ils leur manquaient un élément neutre, s'ils ne voulaient pas laisser sur leur passage un champ miné. [Challenge de Mars 2020 – Collectif NONAME.]
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ao3feed-haikyuu · 4 years
World’s Best Brother
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Htcyfv
by jadehqknb
Hitoka has always wanted a brother. Luckily for her, Sawamura Daichi is just the man for the job.
Words: 1112, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Haikyuu!!
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Yachi Hitoka, Sawamura Daichi
Relationships: Sawamura Daichi & Yachi Hitoka
Additional Tags: Mention of Kyoutani Kentarou - Freeform, featuring Yachi Madoka, Platonic Love, daichi love fest, Found Family, Friends as Family, daichi is a good big brother, Fluff, good feelings
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Htcyfv
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pack-the-pack · 7 years
My favorite ABO femslash pairings in anime
Alpha!Kyouko x Beta!Sayaka (Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica)
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Beta!Akko x Beta!Diana (Little Wtich Academia)
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Alpha!Nana x Omega!Hachiko (Nana)
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Omega!Homura x Omega!Madoka (Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica)
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Alpha!Satsuki x Alpha!Ryuuko (Kill la Kill)
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And even tho I know I already mentioned the next two before I’ll include them anyway Beta!Kyoko x Omega!Yachi (Haikyuu!!)
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Alpha!Mikasa x Alpha!Annie (Shingeki no Kyoujin)
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Feel free to add on your own favourite Omegaverse best gals .
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skittidyne · 7 years
I noticed in BBAC that for the most part (except for Sakusa, who I'm not sure about) familiars are the opposite sex of their witches. Is there any special meaning behind it?
but yeah, there’s not much special meaning? the concept behind familiars is ���intelligent, magically-adapted animals who complete their witch”. they’re meant to be like a set. i’m not saying female + male = complete set, but just that they’re different genders; there aren’t any nonbinary witches in bbac that i’m aware of, and it’s strange to have nb animals, but they would still end up with a different gender of their own. kenma and taketora are trans and they ended up with female familiars, too, so. 
i don’t know. there’s not a huge meaning behind it other than it happens. here’s a list of the familiars just because!
michimiya yui = male black maine coon cat (sunshine; he was yellow when he was a kitten)
kozume kenma = female mitted seal point ragdoll cat (midna; best princess) 
kageyama tobio = female crow (probably a rook because that makes me laugh) (kasa; yes it’s after mikasa) 
yamamoto taketora = female gila monster (rosalina; he likes pretty names)
yamamoto akane = male bearded dragon (???) 
sakusa kiyoomi = severed female musk deer (fusa; archaic & means helpful woman) 
kinoshita hisashi = female magpie (???)
daishou suguru = female green mamba (kimi; because it’s cute and he likes cute names) 
yachi madoka = male albino rabbit (???; it’s a play on kyuubey though bc her name is madoka get it) 
ushijima wakatoshi = female harpy eagle (athena; goddess of war and wisdom) 
there are other witches who’ve been mentioned who haven’t been mentioned with their familiars, and there are a couple more who will get mentioned, too. 
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ao3feed-hqrarepairs · 7 years
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2jV7bfH
by tendous_satoris
If she was being completely honest, Hitoka still wasn’t over the fact that Kiyoko had proposed to her, even as she was in the wedding dress shop with her mother, trying on dresses.
Kiyoko and Yachi get married!
Words: 3100, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 7 of The Adventures of the Nekoma Film Company Actors
Fandoms: Haikyuu!!
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, M/M
Characters: Shimizu Kiyoko, Yachi Hitoka, Tendou Satori, Kuroo Tetsurou, Yamaguchi Tadashi, Daishou Suguru, Tsukishima Kei, Hinata Shouyou, Semi Eita, Bokuto Koutarou, Akaashi Keiji, Matsukawa Issei, Ennoshita Chikara, Futakuchi Kenji, Yachi Madoka, Kawanishi Taichi, Yamagata Hayato, Kaori shows up for like 0.2 seconds, Haiba Lev, Sugawara Koushi, mention of Haiba Alisa, So many people - Character
Relationships: Shimizu Kiyoko/Yachi Hitoka, SO MANY SIDE SHIPS HOLY SHIT, Hinata Shouyou/Yamaguchi Tadashi, Akaashi Keiji/Bokuto Koutarou/Kuroo Tetsurou/Tsukishima Kei, Semi Eita/Tendou Satori, Ennoshita Chikara/Futakuchi Kenji, Kawanishi Taichi/Yamagata Hayato, I don't see a point in tagging TeruShou since Yuuji doesn't really show up, Shimizu Kiyoko & Kuroo Tetsurou & Tendou Satori & Daishou Suguru, Shimizu Kiyoko & Tendou Satori, Yachi Hitoka & Hinata Shouyou, Yachi Hitoka & Hinata Shouyou & Kozume Kenma, Yachi Hitoka & Yachi Madoka, Yachi Hitoka & Haiba Lev, Sugawara Koushi & Shimizu Kiyoko, bc that friendship is fuckin underrated yo, lil bit of - Relationship, Tsukishima Kei & Yamaguchi Tadashi
Additional Tags: THIS FEELS SO WESTERNIZED IM SO SORRY, Return of Mattsun the Minister, Shiratorizawa is a wedding shop bc reasons, there's silliness, and bc I'm me, they sing, Hamilton to be specific, Alternate Universe - Actors, tho it doesn't really come into play in this, Actor!Kiyoko, Actor!Yamaguchi, Actor!Kuroo, Actor!Tsukishima, Actor!Tendou, Actor!Daishou, Doctor!Hinata, Nurse!Yachi, Surgeon!Semi, Nurse!Lev, Veterinarian!Alisa, KIYOYACHI MARRIAGE, yay
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2jV7bfH
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ao3feed-tensemi · 7 years
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2jV7bfH
by tendous_satoris
If she was being completely honest, Hitoka still wasn’t over the fact that Kiyoko had proposed to her, even as she was in the wedding dress shop with her mother, trying on dresses.
Kiyoko and Yachi get married!
Words: 3100, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 7 of The Adventures of the Nekoma Film Company Actors
Fandoms: Haikyuu!!
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, M/M
Characters: Shimizu Kiyoko, Yachi Hitoka, Tendou Satori, Kuroo Tetsurou, Yamaguchi Tadashi, Daishou Suguru, Tsukishima Kei, Hinata Shouyou, Semi Eita, Bokuto Koutarou, Akaashi Keiji, Matsukawa Issei, Ennoshita Chikara, Futakuchi Kenji, Yachi Madoka, Kawanishi Taichi, Yamagata Hayato, Kaori shows up for like 0.2 seconds, Haiba Lev, Sugawara Koushi, mention of Haiba Alisa, So many people - Character
Relationships: Shimizu Kiyoko/Yachi Hitoka, SO MANY SIDE SHIPS HOLY SHIT, Hinata Shouyou/Yamaguchi Tadashi, Akaashi Keiji/Bokuto Koutarou/Kuroo Tetsurou/Tsukishima Kei, Semi Eita/Tendou Satori, Ennoshita Chikara/Futakuchi Kenji, Kawanishi Taichi/Yamagata Hayato, I don't see a point in tagging TeruShou since Yuuji doesn't really show up, Shimizu Kiyoko & Kuroo Tetsurou & Tendou Satori & Daishou Suguru, Shimizu Kiyoko & Tendou Satori, Yachi Hitoka & Hinata Shouyou, Yachi Hitoka & Hinata Shouyou & Kozume Kenma, Yachi Hitoka & Yachi Madoka, Yachi Hitoka & Haiba Lev, Sugawara Koushi & Shimizu Kiyoko, bc that friendship is fuckin underrated yo, lil bit of - Relationship, Tsukishima Kei & Yamaguchi Tadashi
Additional Tags: THIS FEELS SO WESTERNIZED IM SO SORRY, Return of Mattsun the Minister, Shiratorizawa is a wedding shop bc reasons, there's silliness, and bc I'm me, they sing, Hamilton to be specific, Alternate Universe - Actors, tho it doesn't really come into play in this, Actor!Kiyoko, Actor!Yamaguchi, Actor!Kuroo, Actor!Tsukishima, Actor!Tendou, Actor!Daishou, Doctor!Hinata, Nurse!Yachi, Surgeon!Semi, Nurse!Lev, Veterinarian!Alisa, KIYOYACHI MARRIAGE, yay
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2jV7bfH
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ao3feed-kiyoyachi · 4 years
by Falling_Rhayne
Yachi Hitoka always found girls pretty.
Middle school was full of pretty girls. There were pretty girls in her freshman class, all bright eyed and bubbly and awkward in the way only teenage girls could be. Hitoka could only watch as they moved around her, talking about boys and magazines and trends.
Boys, on the other hand…
She didn't like boys the same way they did. That was one thing nobody could change about her.
  Yachi Hitoka always found girls pretty.
Words: 1259, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Haikyuu!!
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, Other
Characters: Yachi Hitoka, Yachi Madoka, Shimizu Kiyoko, Yamaguchi Tadashi, Hinata Shouyou, Kageyama Tobio, Tsukishima Kei, Kuribayashi Runa, Karasuno Boys Volleyball Club (mentioned), Johzenji Volleyball club (mentioned), Original Female Character(s)
Relationships: Shimizu Kiyoko/Yachi Hitoka, Yachi Hitoka/Original Female Character(s), Kuribayashi Runa/Yachi Hitoka, Hinata Shouyou & Kageyama Tobio & Tsukishima Kei & Yachi Hitoka & Yamaguchi Tadashi
Additional Tags: Fluff, Mild Angst, Angst Lite, Self-Discovery, Character Study, Spoilers, spoilers for anime watchers, GOES BEYOND NATIONALS BUT BEFORE TIMESKIP, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Yachi is a lesbian surrounded by a bunch of emotional support himbos, this is very sapphic i'm so sorry
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hqrarepairs-ao3feed · 5 years
by Louie_writes
Yachi witch au because I always hated those and my brain wrote its own when i wasn't paying attention.
“I‘m sorry, but what are familiars?“
Nanna Yachi looked at her granddaughter in astonishment. “Well, only a witch's best friend.“ Hitoka was even more confused. “You should really know this, it runs in the family after all.“
Words: 6778, Chapters: 3/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Haikyuu!!
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Yachi Hitoka, Yachi Madoka, yachi's grandma, Shimizu Kiyoko, Sugawara Koushi, Sawamura Daichi, Azumane Asahi, Hinata Shouyou, Kageyama Tobio, Tsukishima Kei, Yamaguchi Tadashi, Ennoshita Chikara, Tanaka Ryuunosuke, Nishinoya Yuu, Narita Kazuhito, Kinoshita Hisashi
Relationships: Shimizu Kiyoko/Yachi Hitoka
Additional Tags: Witch/Familiar AU, i usually hate them bc they are not my thing so obviously i had tto write my own, significantly less gay then i intended it to be because plots keeps happening, RIP me, eh, nothing much happens yet but enjoy either way, Mentions of alcohol, alcohol drinking, more ships and characters to tag as i update
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ao3feed-haikyuu · 7 years
Someone special
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2tcYcKG
by KoushiKoutarouKuroko
It's easy to miss what's right in front of you.
Words: 320, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Haikyuu!!
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: Yachi Hitoka, Yachi Madoka, mentions of the whole team
Relationships: Shimizu Kiyoko/Yachi Hitoka
Additional Tags: Crushes, Realization
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2tcYcKG
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ao3feed-haikyuu · 7 years
not as planned
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2s25ZL3
by homosexualhitoka
Hitoka had never really liked boys. For a long time, she didn't know what that meant.
Words: 4089, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Haikyuu!!
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: Yachi Hitoka, Shimizu Kiyoko, Yachi Madoka(mentioned), Hinata Shouyou, Yamaguchi Tadashi, Tsukishima Kei, Kageyama Tobio, Sugawara Koushi, Sawamura Daichi, Azumane Asahi, Nishinoya Yuu, Tanaka Ryuunosuke, Ennoshita Chikara, Kinoshita Hisashi, Narita Kazuhito, Random Unnamed Ocs
Relationships: Shimizu Kiyoko/Yachi Hitoka
Additional Tags: Fluff, self discovery, bisexual shimizu, not sure yachi, pansexual yamaguchi, LGBT Themes, Snippets, Romance, Crushes, ooc
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2s25ZL3
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ao3feed-hqrarepairs · 7 years
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2jV7bfH
by tendous_satoris
If she was being completely honest, Hitoka still wasn’t over the fact that Kiyoko had proposed to her, even as she was in the wedding dress shop with her mother, trying on dresses.
Kiyoko and Yachi get married!
Words: 3100, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 7 of The Adventures of the Nekoma Film Company Actors
Fandoms: Haikyuu!!
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, M/M
Characters: Shimizu Kiyoko, Yachi Hitoka, Tendou Satori, Kuroo Tetsurou, Yamaguchi Tadashi, Daishou Suguru, Tsukishima Kei, Hinata Shouyou, Semi Eita, Bokuto Koutarou, Akaashi Keiji, Matsukawa Issei, Ennoshita Chikara, Futakuchi Kenji, Yachi Madoka, Kawanishi Taichi, Yamagata Hayato, Kaori shows up for like 0.2 seconds, Haiba Lev, Sugawara Koushi, mention of Haiba Alisa, So many people - Character
Relationships: Shimizu Kiyoko/Yachi Hitoka, SO MANY SIDE SHIPS HOLY SHIT, Hinata Shouyou/Yamaguchi Tadashi, Akaashi Keiji/Bokuto Koutarou/Kuroo Tetsurou/Tsukishima Kei, Semi Eita/Tendou Satori, Ennoshita Chikara/Futakuchi Kenji, Kawanishi Taichi/Yamagata Hayato, I don't see a point in tagging TeruShou since Yuuji doesn't really show up, Shimizu Kiyoko & Kuroo Tetsurou & Tendou Satori & Daishou Suguru, Shimizu Kiyoko & Tendou Satori, Yachi Hitoka & Hinata Shouyou, Yachi Hitoka & Hinata Shouyou & Kozume Kenma, Yachi Hitoka & Yachi Madoka, Yachi Hitoka & Haiba Lev, Sugawara Koushi & Shimizu Kiyoko, bc that friendship is fuckin underrated yo, lil bit of - Relationship, Tsukishima Kei & Yamaguchi Tadashi
Additional Tags: THIS FEELS SO WESTERNIZED IM SO SORRY, Return of Mattsun the Minister, Shiratorizawa is a wedding shop bc reasons, there's silliness, and bc I'm me, they sing, Hamilton to be specific, Alternate Universe - Actors, tho it doesn't really come into play in this, Actor!Kiyoko, Actor!Yamaguchi, Actor!Kuroo, Actor!Tsukishima, Actor!Tendou, Actor!Daishou, Doctor!Hinata, Nurse!Yachi, Surgeon!Semi, Nurse!Lev, Veterinarian!Alisa, KIYOYACHI MARRIAGE, yay
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2jV7bfH
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ao3feed-hqrarepairs · 7 years
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2jV7bfH
by tendous_satoris
If she was being completely honest, Hitoka still wasn’t over the fact that Kiyoko had proposed to her, even as she was in the wedding dress shop with her mother, trying on dresses.
Kiyoko and Yachi get married!
Words: 3100, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 7 of The Adventures of the Nekoma Film Company Actors
Fandoms: Haikyuu!!
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, M/M
Characters: Shimizu Kiyoko, Yachi Hitoka, Tendou Satori, Kuroo Tetsurou, Yamaguchi Tadashi, Daishou Suguru, Tsukishima Kei, Hinata Shouyou, Semi Eita, Bokuto Koutarou, Akaashi Keiji, Matsukawa Issei, Ennoshita Chikara, Futakuchi Kenji, Yachi Madoka, Kawanishi Taichi, Yamagata Hayato, Kaori shows up for like 0.2 seconds, Haiba Lev, Sugawara Koushi, mention of Haiba Alisa, So many people - Character
Relationships: Shimizu Kiyoko/Yachi Hitoka, SO MANY SIDE SHIPS HOLY SHIT, Hinata Shouyou/Yamaguchi Tadashi, Akaashi Keiji/Bokuto Koutarou/Kuroo Tetsurou/Tsukishima Kei, Semi Eita/Tendou Satori, Ennoshita Chikara/Futakuchi Kenji, Kawanishi Taichi/Yamagata Hayato, I don't see a point in tagging TeruShou since Yuuji doesn't really show up, Shimizu Kiyoko & Kuroo Tetsurou & Tendou Satori & Daishou Suguru, Shimizu Kiyoko & Tendou Satori, Yachi Hitoka & Hinata Shouyou, Yachi Hitoka & Hinata Shouyou & Kozume Kenma, Yachi Hitoka & Yachi Madoka, Yachi Hitoka & Haiba Lev, Sugawara Koushi & Shimizu Kiyoko, bc that friendship is fuckin underrated yo, lil bit of - Relationship, Tsukishima Kei & Yamaguchi Tadashi
Additional Tags: THIS FEELS SO WESTERNIZED IM SO SORRY, Return of Mattsun the Minister, Shiratorizawa is a wedding shop bc reasons, there's silliness, and bc I'm me, they sing, Hamilton to be specific, Alternate Universe - Actors, tho it doesn't really come into play in this, Actor!Kiyoko, Actor!Yamaguchi, Actor!Kuroo, Actor!Tsukishima, Actor!Tendou, Actor!Daishou, Doctor!Hinata, Nurse!Yachi, Surgeon!Semi, Nurse!Lev, Veterinarian!Alisa, KIYOYACHI MARRIAGE, yay
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2jV7bfH
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