#yall even remember the chicken. do the children remember the chicken. am i even remembering the chicken
isaacathom · 2 years
i miss when the 'get this post to x notes' stuff was about like. buying a chicken
0 notes
oceanbaby888 · 2 years
Courage the Cowardly Dog: A Short Delineation 😫🫣🙃✨
This is the work of TarotLadyTalks LLC. Please do not steal or repost my work without credit!
-Hey yall!
-It's been a while since I did this, but since it's almost Halloween and I've had this idea on my mind for a while, I wanted to do a short delineation on one of the most terrifying, but popular cartoon shows from Cartoon Network in the late 1990s: Courage the Cowardly Dog! I don't know about yall, but I've always wondered how in the hell this show was suitable for children, but looking at the chart of the premiere, I see why! So let's look at it! You may vividly remember this show, Pluto in Sagittarius people, as this show ran from Nov. 1999-Nov. 2002.
-Note: I may add onto this interpretation later. These are just my thoughts, as I am not a professional astrologer. I am welcome to respectful commentary on this post of your thoughts!
-So here's the chart I referenced. I located the premiere happening of course at Cartoon Network Studios in 1999, but I set the time to 5pm as the time it premiere for me (from what I remember) was usually 7pm CST. And CST is two hours ahead of PST. Anyway, here's the casted chart.
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Here is what I have noted from this chart!
- The ruler of the AC(Venus) lies in the 5H, which makes sense as to why this was a show directed towards children. We also see it was directed to children as the ruler of the 5H (Mercury) lies in rx on the DC (other people) in the sign of Scorpio in the 7H. I do think personally with the ruler of the 5H being in rx on the DC, Cartoon Network definitely gave it more thought before letting it air as a children's show. As I read, there was a short (prototype if you will) that aired in February 1996 titled "The Chicken from Outer Space", but the actual show didn't premiere its first episode until November 1999.
-Even the MC (reputation) is in close trine to the AC ruler! How interesting is that! Meaning it definitely was going to be popular due to how out the box it was in comparison to other shows at the time! Also, with the 4H North Node in Leo trine the 7H Pluto in Sagittarius, speaks to the show being a household name due to the disturbing (Pluto) direction it went towards. Especially since the 4H talks about our subconscious, how in the fuck that show accessed  our deepest fears among the audience is beyond me. 😬🙃😟
-Back to the aforementioned point, I think with the ruler of the AC being in domicile in the 5H and in close trine to the MC, it says to me that while this show was scary as hell, Cartoon Network thought of it to still be okay enough to air on TV…?  Once again, with Mercury being in rx, there had to be a lot of revising for this to happen I think. 🤔
- I do feel like the Sun-AC opposition is the reason behind there was so many mixed reactions to this show. The Scorpio Sun definitely speaks to the fact this show may have become popular due to the horror elements the show had, but in opposition to the AC highlights the horror element in a children's show on a children's network threw people for a loop (especially as the Sun was in square to the 10H Uranus in Aquarius). Yet, since it we are talking about oppositions, the producers made it work to not only it stayed on the network, but it's one of the most popular cartoons of the 1990s. I'm still even confused by that til this day. Shoutout to John Dilworth for making such a unique cartoon!
-I feel this mixed reaction yet fortifying popularity for years to come (in our generation) is reinforced by the Uranus in the 10H in Aquarius in square to the Scorpio Sun conjunct the DC & sextile to Pluto in Sagittarius in 7H. A lot of outer planet action going on (outer planets usually represent a generational effect). This show was definitely odd and different from other cartoons that were out during the time (like the Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy, Ed Edd n Eddy, etc). Moreover, the Uranus sextile to the 7H Pluto gave a terrifying shock factor to the people (7H) (mainly the Pluto in Sagittarius generation) who were watching it. Despite the main audience being younger at the time, I remember after watching Courage the Cowardly Dog I would say to myself "What the entire fuck is going on in this show?" And would go to bed pretty disturbed some nights. So I did avoid watching this show at night lol. 😬
- Yet, I did feel like this shock, horror, and strange characters/plots could have also added to its popularity (Sun). Scorpio Sun energy gains popularity from mystery and fear that we can not look away from. 🫣
- Moreover, the Uranus' (ruler of the MC) square to the 12H Saturn in Taurus can also add to why Courage the Cowardly Dog is so popular after years to come. I've noticed that squares to Saturn can indicate a bonding effect, meaning something will become long term. Courage the Cowardly Dog, despite how terrifying/weird it was to us, was still airing even up until now with Cartoon Network's 30 year anniversary on the Cartoon Network Channel! 
- With the moon in Capricorn in the 9H in exact trine to Saturn in Taurus in the 12H, this show, compared to the other cartoons, did seem to give off a more dark, heavy energy. It did not feel as lighthearted compared to Billy and Mandy or Dexter's Laboratory. It's not the show that made you laugh that much (at least to me). We really just watched it for the horror and the life scars. 😔🙃
That's all! Happy Full Moon in Aries! And oh before I forget, return the slab or suffer my curse! 😂😂😂😟
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-Claude 😂
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julemmaes · 4 years
One of the kids and their first crush.
First Crush
A/N: Set in the same universe as this and this (I’m gonna make a masterlist soon I swear), Cal (18) finds himself in a weird situation and doesn’t know how to handle things. I introduced Elucien babies in this one, everyone else will come by later on and very slowly I’m gonna introduce every other child.
If you’re new, this is a next gen collection of one shots, for now only about Nessian kids specifically. In this one, Ezra is 22, Cal is 18 and even tho they don’t appear, Nora is 13, Celia is 12 and Andra is 10. Nate and Theo are 17.
Send prompts about whoever you’d like to read more about and also very slowly I’m gonna give yall every single one of those:)
Word count: 3,432
Cal brought his hands to his hair, "Oh my god, what's wrong with me?"
Theo, leaning against the car next to him, chuckled, "In my opinion the correct question would be what isn't wrong with me- Ouch." the boy turned to his twin, "Why did you hit me?"
"Because you're being a dick," Nate replied, glaring at him, "Stop talking shit."
"Why did I agree to this?" asked Cal shocked, looking up from the road and shifting his gaze from one cousin to the other. Two pairs of brown eyes locked onto him and then, in a synchronized motion that never failed to make Cal cringe, the twins shrugged.
Theodore and Nathaniel Vanserra were two of the most handsome boys in all of VHS. They both had the natural grace of the Archeron sisters that all cousins in the family shared, but their father's beauty that they had acquired over the years was one that made it easy to hate them with just one look. It was humanly impossible that such beautiful people could exist.
"Because you like her and want to date her, maybe?" asked Nate sarcastically.
Theo threw him a look, "Who's being an asshole now?"
Nate huffed then turned back to Cal, "Listen to me," he took him by the shoulders, getting so close to his face that for a second he was afraid he was going to kiss him, "You've been drooling over Rania for months. Months, Cal. And she finally made the first move because you were too chicken to step up."
"Chicken?" laughed Theo beside them.
Nate closed his eyes taking a deep breath, deciding to ignore his brother, "She asked you out. You accepted. You're going on a date." he shook his head confused, leaning even more towards him, "What's wrong with that?"
Cal looked at him wide-eyed, imagining Rania's crystal eyes sparkling with excitement at the prospect of going to dinner with him, so different from the rust brown, almost red ones that were staring back at him. "Nothing, it all adds up," then he cleared his throat, "Shouldn't you be home by now?"
"What time is it?" asked Nate taking two steps back. Cal felt the air return to his lungs and he sagged against the door of his car. Well, his and Ezra's car.
Theo cursed checking the time on his phone, "Shit it's almost three."
Nate nearly broke his neck as he lunged to grab his backpack on the ground and then started running in the direction of their house, yelling a simple hello to Cal and for his brother to hurry up. Theo's eyes went wide, snorting with an amused grimace on his face.
Cal huffed out a laugh, "It's not three o'clock is it?"
Theo shook his head, with a lopsided smile too similar to his father's, "Not even close." then turned to his cousin and threw him a flying kiss, starting to walk after Nate. "Call me if you need any advice on what to wear."
Cal gave a thumbs up and then slipped into the car.
It didn't take him more than ten minutes before he arrived home, but once he parked his car next to his mom's, he sighed.
He needed to talk to his dad.
Cassian would certainly know how to handle this situation better than he was doing.
The front door burst open and a distraught Ezra, visibly in a hurry, opened the driver's door, grabbing his brother by the shoulder and pulling him out of the car.
"Ezra!" shrieked Cal with wide eyes, "What the fuck!"
"You're late." the eldest pointed out to him, then tossed him his backpack with a stern look, "Here."
"Sorry." Cal murmured, then pushed his hair out of his face, "I got stuck with Theo and Nate, I didn't notice the time."
Ezra stopped the frantic movements, looking at him worriedly all of a sudden, "Are you okay?"
Cal nodded, licking his lower lip, "Just Raina."
"Oh." murmured Ezra, "We can talk about her tonight when I get back if you want." he smiled at him, then seemed to remember that he was running late and Cal didn't have time to correct him and tell him that the problem was the exact opposite of what he thought that Ezra was already backing up.
The silence that greeted him in the house was unsettling.
"Hello?" he asked loudly enough for anyone to hear.
"In the kitchen!"
Cal smiled and kicked off his shoes before following the smell of lunch.
"Hi Mom."
Nesta was perched on one of the island stools as she munched on a cereal bar. "Hi dear." she looked up from her book to smile at her son, but turned serious, "What happened?"
Cal dropped his head back, huffing, "Am I a fucking open book?"
Nesta frowned, "No swearing."
"I don't see Andra here." he glanced around him opening his arms.
"I don't care, I don't want you to say them." and before he could retort, "And in this case you could have just as easily said I'm an open book without the need to shove fucking in it." she pointed out to him.
Cal nodded, knowing full well how pointless it was to engage in this conversation again. He pointed to the table set just for him, "You're not eating?" then arched an eyebrow, "Where is everyone?"
"I ate with Nora and Celia and then took them to practice. Andra is at school like she is every Wednesday." she got up too and sat down across from him at the table, closing her book and resting her chin on one hand, she asked, "So, what do you have?"
Cal took a bite, "Dad?" he asked with a full mouth, avoiding his mom's gaze.
"At work." then she huffed, "You failed a test?" guessed the woman.
Cal laughed, "Like that's even possible."
"Did you get in a fight with Theo and Nate?"
"I don't think that's possible either," he replied in a small voice.
"Cal," his mother's hand rested on his. He was forced to look at her and sighed, seeing the concern in Nesta's eyes, "Are you okay?"
He nodded. Evidently with not enough conviction because the woman in front of him bit her lip down thoughtfully.
"If you want I can call Dad and ask him to come home early," she offered, "If you want to talk to him, I mean," then continued, "You know he'd be here in three seconds."
Cal nodded again, knowing full well that his father would rush home even risking an accident if he knew one of his children was feeling down. Setting his fork down next to his plate he brought his hands to his face. He hated his mother when she did that.
He looked her straight in the eye as he told her so.
Nesta looked even more concerned, "I'm sorry," she told him, probably feeling guilty for pushing him too hard to talk, "if you want I'll leave."
"Nono," the boy replied promptly, then grimaced, closing his eyes. He grunted before muttering, "Raina asked me out."
He doubted his mother knew who he was talking about, but it didn't take a genius to figure out it was the girl he liked.
The room filled with an awkward silence.
"Ah." was Nesta's only response.
Cal resumed eating, his head down, "And I don't know what to do."
"What do you mean?"
"I've never really liked anyone before," he said, "and Raina is...she's special."
He smiled, thinking of the billions of braids she so proudly wore every day in a different hairstyle.
"Did you say no?" asked Nesta. Cal felt her curiosity even without the need to look at her.
He shook his head, "I said yes," he confessed, "but I need dad to tell me how to act. I don't have a clue what to do. Where to take her, how to dress, whether I should text her first. All that shit there- sorry." he smiled mischievously when Nesta bounced him again and hoped he'd taken her mind off the real problem.
"And how come," she began, "I can't be the one helping you?"
Cal looked at her at that point, "Because you're not a people person." he pointed out, "Dad managed to win your heart, it won't be that hard for him to give me advice on how to win Raina's." he took a sip of water, "When I think about it, dad and Raina have a very similar personality. " he shrugged, "So he can tell me what he likes and I can do it for her." he nodded as if he had discovered the Holy Grail, but that sly grimace disappeared from his face when he saw his mother's expression.
She sighed, her eyebrows so high they almost touched her hairline, "Dear, that's the dumbest thing you've ever said in your entire life." she told him in amazement.
Cal opened his mouth wide, offended, "Mom-"
Nesta raised a hand to stop him, "Let me talk."
He nodded once.
"First, answer these simple questions," she began, "What were you going to do about it this afternoon?"
"Ask her if she was okay with Friday night to go out." he said without hesitation.
"Good." she smiled at him for half a second, quickly becoming serious again, "And where would you like to take her?"
Cal tilted his head to the side, not understanding where this was going, "Why are you-"
"Just answer."
"I was thinking of taking her to the diner, to Ben's," he replied, unsure of his choice, as a faint blush made its way across his cheeks.
"Perfect." she gave him the thumbs up, "And since it's a diner, you'll just need to wear simple jeans and a t-shirt, or am I wrong? Nothing too fancy or flamboyant."
The boy huffed, irritated that his mother was giving him all logical answers to his senseless and fake concerns. "Okay, and your point?" he asked, scratching his forehead.
Nesta smiled at that, "My point is that these aren't your real problems and you're scared of all kinds of other stuff."
"I really don't like talking to you about this stuff." he muttered, folding his arms across his chest. They both knew that wasn't entirely true. They both knew that if either of them were really uncomfortable, they wouldn't be able to get a word in edgewise.
"Yeah I didn't either." scoffed his mother, "But I would have liked someone to tell me that it was normal for me to feel all those emotions the first time I met your father."
Cal frowned.
"You don't have a problem with setting up a fancy date," she told him, "I raised you teaching you what respect and kindness is and if I failed, then dad took care of it.  Because both you and your brother are golden boys and you'll never have to worry about not being offering enough." Nesta looked away, "But while your brother can... handle?" she asked no one in particular, searching for the right term, "His emotions relatively well, you're like me." then she giggled and Cal knew they were navigating waters his mother didn't particularly like to touch, "And I'm a mess when figuring out how I feel."
Cal knew what she meant, so he nodded.
She was right.
Talking to the twins about what was really bothering him had never even been an option. The idea of having to tell them how much he actually liked Raina had been more terrifying than the emotions themselves. He knew they wouldn't understand and would wait until it was socially acceptable for him to tell Raina directly how he felt without scaring her off.
"How about you finish eating and then we'll go for a walk along the river?" his mom suggested, "Or do you have to study?"
Cal shook his head, smiling shyly at her, "I'll finish eating and we'll go." then he took to gorging himself.
Nesta chuckled as she went to get ready to go out.
"When Dad asked me out the second time, right after our first date, I said no," Nesta said, looking across the river to the other side, where a couple of older poeple were walking slowly arm in arm.
They had paced for a half hour, in which Cal had told her about how they had met in the coffee shop in front of the school almost four months earlier and how she had offered him hot chocolate. How they had spent a whole day talking about everything and nothing, and how they now had an ongoing obligation to meet at least once a week in the same cafeteria, even though they ate at the same table every day with all their other friends.
Nesta had asked to see a picture of her, and Cal had been surprised to find out that he wanted his mother to like Raina more than anything else at that moment. Luckily, Nesta had been speechless and commented on the girl's silvery eyes, blinking a couple of times before giving him the phone back and commenting with a simple, "She's beautiful."
Now, sitting on a bench along the bank of the Sidra, Nesta was telling him about the days when Cassian had had to struggle to make her his.
"How come?" he asked genuinely curious.
Nesta smiled, lowering her gaze to the wedding band around her ring finger, "Because I liked the first date too much."
Cal furrowed his brow, "Were you afraid the second one wouldn't measure up?"
"No," she murmured, casting him a glance, "I knew perfectly well it would be better than the first."
"So why did you say no?" the boy asked impatiently.
"I knew that the second one would be better than the first one and that the third one would be better than the second one and so on and I was already so overwhelmed with my feelings that I was afraid it might become too much." she explained, "Your father was the first one to get close after so many years of me having my bad friendships and relationships." she frowned.
"If you don't want to talk about it, you don't have to," he made a point of reminding her. He wanted to be helped and would have liked to know more about his parents' lives before them, but he didn't want his mother to feel compelled to share things with him that still bothered her.
Nesta squeezed his hand lovingly, "Don't worry, those things are in the past and I have nothing to be ashamed of." she smiled at him, "I was with someone else before your dad and that man kinda ruined my life. I thought I would never be able to trust anyone in the future again. That I would never again feel the love and affection I had felt for him." she huffed out a laugh. She brought both hands to her lap and Cal shoved them into his pocket. "Then your father came along and it was all so sudden and I fell in love right away, hard. Completely lost for a boy I barely knew. And it scared the hell out of me."
"Why?" Cal already knew the answer, it was what he felt every time he saw Raina walking down the halls of the school. Every time she bit into a piece of bread in the lunch room and then made a disgusted face at how awful the food tasted.
"Because I could only imagine how much it would hurt if it ended suddenly. If I felt everything so strong in the good, it would be just as strong in the bad, you know?" she turned to him, more serious than ever.
Cal just nodded.
"Your father was hurt by it," she confessed. She began to play with her wedding ring, "He was so hurt, god." she giggled, probably thinking about the night she had rejected him, "He stood in silence for minutes on the front porch of my house gasping, thinking about all the possible things he had done wrong during dinner and the aftermath and we looked at each other and looked at each other until he asked me why and I couldn't tell him. He wouldn't have understood. Or he would have thought I was crazy."
The boy chuckled as he stared out at the glistening water under Velaris' winter sun, imagining his parents as kids, dressed up for a date. "How come you finally agreed to it?" he asked, later specifying, "To go on a second date I mean."
Nesta seemed to ponder how to phrase it, "Because I loved him."
Cal gave her time to process the words. If it was even half as difficult for her as it was for him, he needed to let her speak for herself.
"Because I realized that such a strong emotion, even if it was sudden and all at once, could only be a good thing. That even if it ended badly, I would have the memory of those happy, carefree moments." she nodded thoughtlessly. "I realized that something like that had to be reciprocal. A connection with a person like I had never felt before, not even with Tomas - who I believed to be the love of my life for years."
"I'm glad he wasn't," Cal murmured, chuckling.
Nesta gave him a light shrug, "Me too." then continued. "I knew your father wouldn't give up on me as easily as I was giving up on him. So after the thousandth time he asked me why I couldn't go out with him, I agreed and every time, every damn time, my heart gave out a little more.
"And I got to a point where I had nothing left to give, because he had everything about me. And I was okay with that. I was risking losing myself in what could easily have been a summer fling, but I knew it was worth it.
"Thankfully, it wasn't. Thankfully I trusted my feelings and kept fighting for what I wanted and even though sometimes your dad and I hit bumps along the way, it's still worth it. Every day."
Cal was watching her carefully.
Nesta often told her children that she loved them. He had heard her say I love you to their father many times, but never, never had he heard her speak in that open way, that vulnerable. She must have realized it too, because she took a deep breath, as if she had forgotten to breathe until that moment. Then she turned to him and put a hand on his face. Cal leaned into that touch.
"I just want you to know that you're not alone. That I feel that way too, right away. And I can assure you that if Raina is the right person for you, then she'll understand that too. Maybe it won't be the same for her, maybe it will take her longer to get to where you think you are now, but that doesn't mean she doesn't love you the same way." her eyes grew watery. "And never, ever be afraid that you're giving too much. There's no such thing as too much when it comes to love. Not in these cases."
Cal nodded, not sure he would be able to speak if he tried, but he knew his mother could see the gratitude in his eyes.
He couldn't imagine how his father must have felt when Nesta had confessed his true feelings to him. Cal was sure that the love she reserved for her children was different from the love she reserved for her husband, but certainly not weaker, not in smaller amounts. Just different.
"I know it's scary dear, but trust me when I tell you that feeling emotions so hard will bring you the best memories you'll ever make," she finally whispered.
Cal cleared his throat, not quite sure whether to be calmer or more agitated than before, but he said anyway, "Thanks mom."
Nesta turned to the snow-capped mountains that were visible above the town, "No problem."
They stood watching the river sparkle for too many minutes, but when they got up, Cal hugged his mother so tightly that Nesta was stunned.
They were used to exchanging kisses and hugs in their family, but she felt this was different.
She wrapped her arms around her son, despite the fact that he was much taller than her, and they rocked each other as the boy tried to bring order to the mess that was his head.
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imaginedxlan · 3 years
Already Gone (Ron Weasley)
a/n: i know this isn’t a one direction account but jesus christ if any of yall read duplicity, the double update has me FUCKED UP. everyone keeps playing already gone and connecting it to harry and aven and all i can say is ouch. i’ve loved this song for so long and i wanted to write with it. for some reason all of my ron imagines are just pain, sorry about it i promise i really love him !!
the ultimate sacrifice in love is letting go. forced in a situation that you never wanted to be in, you have to make the decision of what’s more important: your happiness or his.
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Hardly anything in your life has ever come easy to you. Growing up with the knowledge that you’re the daughter of two death eaters. being forced into a life you didn’t want. attempting to concentrate on classes you knew wouldn’t matter once the dark lord blew this castle to smithereens.
the only thing that did come easy to you was loving ronald weasley. the spontaneous, optimistic red haired boy who stole your heart only three years ago. the night of the yule ball, he finally worked up the nerve to tell you how pretty you look in your dress and your heart skipped a beat. you two did not act on your feelings after that for a whole year, finally confessing your feelings to the gryffindor during your fifth year. your love came with rules, however. it had to be in secret. you kept no secrets from him, not now anyway. he knew of your parents loyalty to the dark lord, you knew of his involvement with dumbledore’s army, but you’d never tell anyone.
when you we’re together, you weren’t a slytherin and a gryffindor fighting for different sides of a bloody feud, you were y/n y/l/n and ron weasley, two seventeen year olds who were madly in love with each other. your parents could never know, his friends could never know, so you only existed together behind closed doors.
“do you think there will be a day when i don’t have to keep you—us—a secret anymore?” ron asks as his hands run lighting through your hair. you lay together in the room of requirement as you do every night after sneaking away from your roommates.
you want to tell him yes, that one day this war will blow over, that the two of you will be able to parade around your love for the world. but you can’t lie to him. the more you learn about voldemort’s plans, his mission to kill your boyfriend’s best friend, the more bleak the future becomes.
“i hope so,” is the only reply you can fathom. you know deep down that there is little hope for the two of you. that ron will always be loyal to his best friends and you to your family. there’s no sense in dreaming of a happily ever after that will never come.
so you don’t think of the future. you think of now. you think of the feeling of his arms wrapped around you, one that you’ll cherish until your last breath. you wish you could plan for what could have lied ahead for the two of you, if the world wasn’t what it is. meeting his family, falling into rhythm with the loud and energetic aura of the burrow that ron has told you so much about. moving in with him, marrying him, having a hundred ginger children running around your backyard. how your heart aches for the dream of a life with him.
“i think there will be,” he muses, only making the pain in your chest grow. “i think by some twist of fate we’ll be together forever.”
you wished it was true.
the small glimmer of hope you held in your heart to one day be with ron faded more with every second you spent at malfoy manor. you and draco weren’t so different after all. you only wanted to make your parents proud, you didn’t necessarily want this life. you were also close with the blond boy, even more so the deeper you became embedded in the dark lord’s plans. surrounded by death eaters at the large table in malfoy manor, your heart was in your throat. your parents to your left and draco to your right, you found comfort knowing that draco was probably feeling the same way you were, scared.
the conversation droned out around you, all of them discussing potter, but your mind continued pulling to the boy who was sat back in a safe house somewhere, you never knew where. you sent letters to each other in secret but you begged him not to disclose his location, fearing the knowledge would be torn from you by the dark lord. it had only been a few days, but you miss his letters
“one of our youngest may prove to be more helpful than we initially thought,” the dark lord calls, pulling you from your daydream. your mothers hand fell into your lap and squeezed your hand. “y/n, it seems like you have formed quite the bond with one of potter’s closest confidants, a weasley, no?”
draco snaps his head to look at you, disbelief painting his features. you kept your eyes ahead of you, staring at the details of his crisp table in front of you to distract yourself from the hammering in yours chest.
“well?” the dark lord speaks up again, making you turn your eyes to face him. “don’t leave us waiting for your answer.”
“my lord,” you squeak out, barely audible. draco takes the hand your mother is not holding it to remind you you’re not alone in this. “i will do anything, anything for you. please do not bring him into this.”
he only laughs at you. making your heart twist in fear. you can’t betray ron, you can’t put him in harms way.
“look at how she begs,” he continues to laugh, other adults at the table catching on and joining in on his tease. you’ve never felt more belittled in your life. “you must know something of their whereabouts.”
“i do not, my lord.” you reply in earnest, you had no idea where they were hiding. you’re grateful for your blissful ignorance in this moment. “i swear it.”
the dark lord narrows his eyes toward you. draco squeezes your hand causing your to look at him. ‘tell him’ he mouths, fearing that you’ll be on the other end of an avada kedavra if you don’t. ‘i don’t know’ you mouth back.
the silence is deafening.
“my lord, please. i told you i’ll do anything, anything you wish,” you plead, hoping to come off the topic of ron. “you can search my brain for their whereabouts but i promise i don’t know.”
it’s quiet again. you begin to wonder what ron is doing right now. what he would think if he could see where you are.
“you’ll receive the mark,” the dark lord finally speaks up. “both of you, draco as well.”
you shut your eyes tight at his demand, squeezing draco’s hand tighter. you don’t want the dark mark, neither does draco, but you’ll die if you don’t get it.
“either this or you find that little boyfriend of yours and bring him and his dear potter to me,” he give the ultimatum, worse than your own death, you’d be the facilitator of his. you open your eyes and wordlessly nod. “good.”
you would do anything to protect him, you love him more than you thought you could ever love a person. if you were to get the dark mark, become a death eater, you couldn’t be with him. you would become everything he was fighting against, you couldn’t ignore that anymore.
so standing next to draco in borgin and burkes, the dark mark finally plagued your forearm. you can’t help but let a single tear shed at the thought of ron ever seeing this mark on you, hating you for it. you love him so much, you went through this to protect him from the dark lord, so you have to let him go.
dear ron,
i know i haven’t written in a while, the world is upside down, and all i can ever think about is you and your safety, so i couldn’t write to you. remember all the things we wanted? that night you asked if we could ever truly be together? i wanted all of that with you, i wanted to grow old with you. meet your family, move in together, live outside of this secret. i wanted to have a normal love with you. i think i knew it the back of my mind that we wouldn’t get our happy ending. we were born into different sides of this bloody battle. we were always meant to say goodbye. star-crossed lovers, that’s what you always said right?
i’ve had to make some decisions, ron, ones i’m not proud of. i need you to know i did it all for you, i’ve wanted to protect you since i knew i loved you. you have been the most important person to me, i couldn’t live with myself if i put you in danger. i know what you’re thinking, that we could have done this together. we could have fought for us, for this, but we were never meant for do or die. i think you know that.
don’t let this change who you are, i love who you are, please stay that way. stay optimistic, believe in love and happiness. i know you won’t want to, you’re stubborn just like me, but I know that you'll find another. another love that won’t hurt, another love that’s easy. don’t be afraid to love her with everything you have. that’s all i could ever want for you. i wish i could tell you this in person, hug you—kiss you—one last time, but looking at you makes it harder. i know i would chicken out. our time together, those moments we had alone, just the two of us without a thought of what was happening in this cruel world, they were perfect. know that i’ll never regret one second i spent with you. you made my heart feel like it was on fire, you let me know what true love is like and i am so grateful for that. but no matter how perfect we were, perfect couldn't keep this love alive.
so i have to go away for a while. i don’t know if i’ll ever be back, i don’t know if i’ll survive this so i need you to know this isn’t me leaving without any sort of love for you. i have to leave because i love you. you know that i love you so, i love you enough to let you go. it may seem selfish but i can’t keep dragging you into harms way, i’m sorry. there was no road we couldn’t have taken where we both make it out of this, where our love conquers all. i wish that was the case but it isn’t. someone’s gotta go. i can’t hurt you anymore than i already have, so it has to be me. i have to go so you can live.
so i guess this is goodbye. trust me when i say my heart breaks a little more with every word i write on this page. i know it’s cliche to say, but this has nothing to do with you and everything to do with me and the choices i made. the choices that ultimately placed the last nail in the coffin of the hope that we could be together forever. i want you to know you couldn’t have loved me better. not a day will go by where i don’t think of your heart, your smile, the things that made me fall in love with you in the first place. you knew about my flaws, about my family and you still loved me. i cannot thank you enough for showing me what real love looks like.
i know you don’t agree, that i’m stupid for giving up my greatest love story, for letting you slip through my fingers but this is how it has to be. i want you to be happy, and that can only be if i’m gone. i could never ask you to choose between me and your best friends, your family, so i made the choice. you can be angry with me, hate me if it helps, whatever makes it easier to erase me from your mind, from your heart. a piece of me will always belong to you ronald weasley, but i want you to move on, so i’m already gone.
i love you, forever and always,
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neverloseguy · 3 years
I wasn’t really tagged by anyone, but I wanna do it anyway because I find this whole thing fun.
OC Interview: Smith Brownell
Draw (or use an old drawing, don’t worry!) or take a screen of your character in an interview setting and make them answer the following questions! 
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(Gonna need to make this quick because this guy doesn’t seem happy to be here.)
1) Can you introduce yourself?
- “Smith. I kill people. I obliterate them. I have the power. I am...inevitable.”
2) What is your gender identity, orientation and relationship status? 
- Smith stares at you intently. “I kill people.”
3) Where and when were you born?
- “Don’t remember. Made this way long ago, too long. Doesn’t matter, they will be gone, all of them.”
4) What is your weapon of choice and fighting style?
- “I see someone, I walk to them. I rip them into pieces with my hands. They die, I move onto the next, I repeat.”
5) Lastly, are you happy?
- Smith stares at you briefly before looking away, “I am a dead man. Dead man feels nothing, not even pain, not even sorrow, nothing. There was a time I cared, a time I felt. That is not me. I am a dead man.”
1) What’s your family like? What is your relationship with them?
- “Family?”, he pauses, “I have no one. No one to share my blood. There was a young girl I looked after...then she was gone, I was gone. There was nothing left.”
2) Have you ever ran away from home?
- “I have no home.”
3) Would you consider marriage or having children?
- “No.”
4) Do you secretly hate one of your friends?
- “I have no friends. Friends are burden.”
5) Which friend knows everything about you?
- “I have no friends. Friends are burden.” 
1) Are you literate? Have you been to school?
- “I don’t need to talk. Everything they see, they understand. I kill their friends, they know who’s next.“
2) The eeriest prediction you made that later came true?
- “I ripped someone’s heart out. They died. Shocking.”
3) What is something you were embarrassingly late to realize?
- “There are so many Asuras to kill, and I need more than my strength. I need tactics, technology, manpower. Everything.”
4) Do you have mental health or physical issues?
- Smith stares at you intently.
5) What is your current main goal?
- “Live. Kill. Repeat.”
1) Drink or food? 
- “Yes.”
2) Cats or dogs?
- “Chickens.”
3) Early bird or night owl?
- “Terrible sources of food. I don’t care for any of them.”
4) Optimist or pessimist?
- “...What I do, it happens.”
5) Sassy or sarcastic?
- “No.”
1) Been caught sneaking out
- “Can’t sneak out if there’s no one to witness.”
2) Broke a bone
- “All their bones, yes.”
3) Received flowers
- “No.”
4) Ghosted someone
- “Can’t ghost someone if they’re dead.”
5) Pretended to laugh at a joke you didn’t get
- Smith just stares at you. Something tells you to run the fuck away.
and anyone who would like to do this, love yall.
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Here we go Loopty Loo pt4
Summary: Graduation was supposed to signal the final time they all spent time together at UA, to show they have all grown into the Heros they dreamed of being.
It was supposed to be, but when has anything ever been easy for class 1-A?
pt 1
pt 3
pt 4 (HERE)
pt 5
Loop #49
To ask for normalcy in this class was too much, Aizawa knew this.
It was like asking it to rain gumdrops to expect these 20 idiots to behave like normal human beings for five minutes in the original timeline, and it had only gotten worse as they all fought off apathy at their time stuck just kept going.
But how Aizawa wished they would stop getting caught so he didn’t have to deal with the other teacher questioning it.
Cockatoo: Uh Shouta?
Cockatoo: Should I ask why Bakugo and Kaminari are yelling ‘Fuck your chicken strips!’ at a shellshocked Todoroki?
YallMight: I think it has to do with them finding out that Endevar and Hawks are dating.
Chloroform: THEY WHAT????
Sleepis4theweak: I wish Yagi was joking
YallMight: At least they aren’t singing ‘She thinks my tractor’s sexy’ this time.  
He glared at the tall blond he was eating lunch with, “Fuck you, I know you put them up to that.”
“No proof,”
“Shut it,”
“If I make you smile will you, forgive me?”
Yagi just grinned, “I just helped Jiro finish a parody song of Aint No Rest for the Wicked, called Aint No Rest for Endeavor, where they diss Endeavor for three minutes straight, including some… uh, classified information and are going to play it during the Cultural Festival with Shoto taking lead vocals.”
Aizawa wasn’t fast enough to stop the snort from escaping, “These fucking kids,”
“It’s better than Bakugo’s idea of writing a parody of “Fuck You” to call out Overhaul or All for One… or both.”
“As long Dabi gets a recording,” Aizawa chuckled, “I’m going to allow it.”
“You were going to allow it either way,” Yagi teased, not even batting an eye at the fact that Aizawa basically adopted the villain, “But I suppose he would like to see his younger brother roasting their father.”
Aizawa shrugged, “I’ll talk to the kids when we get back, making sure they time the parody when they have the largest crowd. I’m guessing I’m going to be on ‘Stop Endeavor from burning down the school’ detail again?”
“I can take Eri during it if you would like,”
“Nah, I’ll let Mirio handle her, she misses him anyways. They can’t make more of a scene then the Host club they held last year. ”
He glanced back down at his phone, to see the flurry of texts had continued.
BloodyMess: Why is your class full of the troublesome ones? And why haven’t you expelled any of them??
Cockatoo: Cause Sho is soft for his ‘problem children’
Chloroform: Yeah, plus they take care of his daughter like they’re her big siblings and I’ve never seen Sho look softer.
YeeHaw: Soft? Are we talking about the same man?
Cockatoo : *SmilyBoi* Read em and weep
BloodyMess: Oh shit, the dude can actually smile and not look like he’s trying to murder you
SpaceCadet: Aw, he’s wearing a bow!
Cockatoo: Eri put it in his hair, he wasn’t gonna remove it after she called him dad
Cockatoo: Oh shit
Cockatoo: Monoma said something to a table of Class 2-A kids and Shinsou appeared out of nowhere and brainwashed him. He’s now dancing to Toxic by Brittany Spears in the middle of the courtyard.
Chloroform: Omg, please say you’re recording!
Cockatoo: I am, but now Kaminari and Sero are being backup dancers
Cockatoo: Mina just had to stop Kirishima from taking off his shirt when he joined
Cockatoo: We have a full-on flash mob going on right now.
Cockatoo: Sho, come get your kids. I don’t know when they had time to choreograph this stuff but it’s not really school appropriate
BloodyMess: Aizawa, control your class
Chloroform: He’s probably trying to stop a migraine from forming
YallMight: No, he finds the whole event funny.
Cockatoo: How do you know????
Yagi smirked snapping a picture of the usually stoic teacher wheezing at the mental image of his stupid kids before the picture was texted over the group.
Chloroform: Oh? Having a picnic together, are you?
Sleepis4theweak: And? Aren’t we talking about my dumbass class?
Cockatoo: Pretty defensive there Sho, anything you want to share?
Sleepis4theweak: I have no idea what you’re talking about
Cockatoo: Come on Sho
Chloroform: Let’s change tactics
Chloroform: @YallMight are you fucking Aizawa?
YeeHaw: You trying to kill the man, Midnight?
BloodyMess: The man spits up enough blood without you being like this nem
Aizawa shot his companion a look, “Don’t you dare,”
Toshinori raised a brow, a shit-eating grin crawling onto his face, “Too late,”  
YallMight: Rawr (*ΦωΦ*)
Aizawa could hear the screaming from here, though that was probably just Mic losing control at the unexpected response from the world’s Golden Boy for all that was good and pure.
Oh, if they only know how corrupting spending 145 years with mostly horny meme teenagers is.
Aizawa couldn’t breathe at this point, putting his head down on the table they shared, gasping for breath around his gales of laughter the stitch on his side pulling. Toshi looked way too pleased with himself, as his full belly laughter echoed around them. After a minute the taller man shifts and looks away, laughter drying up almost as quickly as it had started.
Aizawa squinted up at him, “What?”
“Should we let them think we’re dating?”
Shouta felt a slight flush crawl over his cheeks as he leaned across the table, “Aren’t we?”
Yagi relaxed at the words, “I… wasn’t entirely sure where we stood on that. You know how tricky emotions are in these loops.”
Aizawa shrugged because he knew the man was right. Sexualities and attractions seemed as fluid as everything else in the loops. He’s gone through marriage, dating, divorce, breakups, flings, and hookups at this point, whether he weathered them himself or just recalled them from the memories he received from each loop. He had been romantically involved with Hizashi, Nemuri, Tensi, Oboro, Emi, and even Yagi at one point or another.
In this timeline, however, he had been devoid of any romantic attachments, his timeline memories not recalling a single long term partner, and only a handful of one night stands. His emotional attachment for the kind, gentle, flawed man went beyond anything that resembled normal, but what in their lives was normal anymore, and he wasn’t going to deny that even in the timelines where he was straight the number one hero was attractive in both forms.
He would admit that this was a loop where his physical attraction was... fairly overwhelming.
Aizawa just grasped Toshinori's hand in his own instead of answering, earning a blinding smile that made his heart flutter. If the attraction is mutual then, why not allow themselves some happiness in this mess?
His phone pinged again, his Class chat text tone… That rarely bore good things if he was tagged in it.
Sonic : *MaybeWeWentTooFar?* @dadzawa @DadMight um help?
“I’m gonna kill them,” He sighed as he opened the picture of Monoma standing on what seemed to be an ice version of Pride rock, holding Nezu aloft while most of 2-A and 2-B were kneeling at the base.
“And having them all prank you before you remember them next timeline?” Toshinori teased, puffing up as he rose from his seat, “I don’t think so.”
The homeroom teacher sighed but silently agreed. Dying before graduation seemed to dump affected loopers earlier in the loop then everyone else. They could arrive anywhere from a few hours before everyone else, to years earlier and there didn’t seem to be a set reason for how long they were sent back.  After the first three times, the class seemed to come to a silent agreement to mess with each other as much as they could during the time they spent before everyone else remembered. Aizawa was still proud to say he had the best prelooping revenge on his problem children, even if it started accidentally.
“If I told Hizashi that we were engaged, what would you do?”
The sunflower man choked slightly at the out of the blue question, coughing up a mouthful of blood as he deflated once again.
Aizawa continued walking hiding his smile into his capture weapon as he neared the courtyard.
Yagi jogged slightly after him, already puffed back up, before offering a counter with a shit-eating twinkle in his eyes, “If you dodge the question until tomorrow I can have rings by morning.”
He slipped his hand into the other’s hands in his way of answering. They were practically married anyway, pretending to have a secret engagement wasn’t gonna be hard in the slightest. Toshi even came over enough that Eri probably not question it either, and it just gave them longer to be the happiest they could be during the loops.
His hair rose as he glared at Shinsou, capture wiping out to grab Nezu away from Monama as his grip slackened as the mind control faded from his system.
The whole courtyard whirled to look at them, and Aizawa notices too late how Midoriya’s eyes flash between him and Yagi, down to their hands and over to where Mic was still filming, a straight-up evil smirk flashing for barely a second before it was perfectly covered in a scandalized mask.
Welp murder was outweighing the possible embarrassment of preloop pranks. Maybe he could bribe Dabi with those embarrassing pictures Toru had taken of Endeavor...
“Young Midorya!” All Might gasped, chopping his hand through the air similarly to how Tenya would do, “That is highly inappropriate! What my fiance and I get up to in our free time is our business and our business alone!”
Make that two murders.
Definitely two murders.
Taglist: @i-like-fairytail-and-stuff @plaguedoctorsnake (I’m so sorry for forgetting to tag yall in pt 2)
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bleepblopbloop56 · 6 years
Yall want some more blanket fort au? No? Too bad
Roman and remy are polar opposites as children
Remy would do nothing but sleep as a baby, a lil angel child who barely cried and was easy to settle down
Roman would be screaming constantly and it drove both of them to tears at some point or another like “ food, diaper, burped, nap, what do you wANT”
They had to call patton's parents quite a few times being like “what do we do”
Remy liked bath times as a child, just loved the water.
Roman to this day still doesn't LIKE showering or bathing but he stopped throwing fits about ut around the age of 10
The only way to get that child to stay in a bath would be bubbles and so many toys you couldn't actually see the water
When they were still young enough to take baths together reny Did Not Like™ when roman would splash water everywhere. If we're being honest neither did patton or logan.
While getting him into the water was a struggle, getting him out was just as bad. He would kick and say no until he was in it, then didnt wanna get out.
Remy was just a freakin angel but a bit of a picky eater. Roman would eat anything he could get his hands on. Logan has lost count of how many times romans had to be stopped from eating mud, various bugs, a worm, or paint
Really the boy has no filter he's just if i can fit it in my mouth i can eat it
Neither likes carrots. They hate them actually.
Roman had a phase where he would only eat chicken nuggets for a solid month. They were Concerned™
Roman would make remy and virgil put on plays for their parents that neither wanted to do. Complete with horrible costumes often including one of logan's ties they keep managing to steal (patton helps but login doesn't need to know) improv songs, and about 3 minute long death scenes were roman has all the attention as he's like “BLARG I'M DYING OH NO I SEE THE LIGHT”
Logan always laughs at how cute they are and patton fakes the appropriate reactions (very obvious gasps, somewhat genuine laughs, clapping at the end of the songs, and fake crying when someone “dies”)
The first time there was a fake death on “stage” and patton was like “oh no!!” Roman broke scene too tell his dad that its okay he wasn't really dead
Reenactments of disney movies were everyone's favorite
Virgil never remembered the songs lyrics so would stand there awkwardly mumbling almost to the tune of the song and patton would clap regardless
As different as they are, when remy decided to make trouble along with roman, it was hell.
Going to the store with both children? Torture.
They'd run in different directions and try and climb out of the carts, logan needing to catch them right before they fell and seriously hurt themselves.
Roman would always wanna go to the toys and would sometimes try and sneak them in the cart and logan would stare him dead in the eyes as he pulled it out and put it back on the shelves.
logan: one black coffee
Once the boys got ahold of logan's coffee when he wasn't looking… patton immediately put a month long coffee ban on the house due to the disaster that was trying to get two sugar rushed toddlers in control
The boys have had screaming contests before that caused many headaches from their dads. I don't have anything else to say except the boys sitting in their room just shouting to see who could scream the loudest. Patton then had to explain that if they kept this up someone would call the cops and that would be a bad thing
The boys house has a second floor which means there's a staircase which means many shenanigans. Such as:
Trying to see who could slide down the railing the best
Seeing how far they could jump off the stairs
Getting in a cardboard box and sledding into a pile of stuffed animals at the bottom
And trying to crabwalk up the stairs
Needles to say the stairs were the cause if many bruises
Storytimes with logan were always a treat
Patton would usually take care of putting them to bed, but some nights they just wanted papa to read to them
Remy was always much easier to put to sleep since he acted like a normal human being and get progressively sleepier until it was time to nap
While remy was more like a dial, roman was a light switch. It was all or nothing with him
He'd be bouncing off the wall completely and totally awake and then just shout “OKAY I'M TIRED NOW” and you had about 10 seconds to catch him before he passes out in his feet or just straight up goes limp in your arms and sleeps for a few hours.
Logan still says teaching roman to walk was his biggest mistake. Walking led to climbing and running and trouble. While remy would giggle and waddle around trying to climb on couches and tables, roman would run as fast as he could until something or someone stopped him. Usually a table or an unsuspecting human.
And while remy always prefered to be covered, roman Did Not like clothes. 90% of the time he was a baby/toddler he was only in a diaper cause he managed to wiggle his way out of his clothes when people weren't looking.
Shirts were the bane of his existence and don't even get him started in pants. He spent a lot of time in skirts just cause he didnt want to wear pants and patton “compromised” with him.
It was less a compromise more “listen kiddo you gotta wear something how bout this”
Potty training was not a good time in any of their lives. Remy and roman had no idea what was going on and patton and logan also had no idea how to do this.
Parenting books galore, mixed with calls to every adult person with a child they knew
“But the book says-”
“The books say to do this but trust me, it doesn't work and most of those people grow up to have asshole children so listen just don't”
“Hey karen i know we haven't talked in 2 years but how do children work”
“Hey mom yes i know its two am but what did you do when i wouldn't go back to sleep?”
Car rides worked pretty well to get remy back to sleep but roman needed a lot of physical contact at all times.
For most of his life if roman wasn't either swaddled or being held, hed cry. Remy doesn't mind it but usually he's okay with just hand holding if he wants affection. Roman just needs to be fully octopussed around someone at all times
Family game night as children was actually pretty fun and tame. Until they grow up and it get more and more aggressive.
At first when it was just roman and remy they'd be teams (roman and patton, remy and logan. Sometimes they'd switch but you don't mess with tradition)
Then virgil started being allowed to play and they went to adults vs children
And as the boys got old enough to stop playing on teams that's when things got interesting
At first they worried how the competitive yelling would effect virgil but it seems like he joined in just as fast.
And then when dimitri joined… boy it was every man for himself and they were all out for blood.
Monopoly is banned from the house but uno? Uno is screaming and betrayal, and they always play for snacks. Winner gets to choose what we eat tonight, a full thing of oreos that they are not required to share if they win (they usually do. Except dee. He just says fuck you and eats them all)
Edit: this post isnt fucking showing up in the right order on my blog and im fucking upset
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kuroosdumbslut · 5 years
HOW I MAKE MYSELF FEEL BETTER (+ home remedies for other problems)
-saltine crackers, ginger, and/or ginger tea for upset stomach
-peppermint oil for headaches (rubbed on the temples, base of neck, a little under the nose)
-if little to no appetite: chicken soup or chicken and rice soup
-if feverish: advil is a good fever reducer, i recommend it for children and adults alike
- Frankincense oil (safe to ingest type) either diluted with water and drank or rubbed on the base of neck, under the nose for assistance in colds. *I AM NOT A DOCTOR AND HIGHLY RECOMMEND YOU EITHER RESEARCH THAT ON YOUR OWN OR ASK YOUR DOCTOR FIRST JUST TO BE SAFE*
-Allergy pills for allergies, but if it doesnt clear up or gets worse, go see a doctor as it might be pneumonia like my little dumbass did in college
-contrary to some peoples beliefs, a shot of hard liquor will not help a cold, however orange juice, water, and other fruit juices and teas are more helpful
-nasty cough? hate the taste of most cough syurps? Delsym works p good and it doesnt taste like garbage. EVEN THE GRAPE FLAVOR TASTES SWEETER AND NOT A RADIOACTIVE
-severe migraine? block out light, avoid electronics with exceptionally bright lights or, at the very least, turn on blue light filter and lower brightness. if legal, weed helps greatly, otherwise choose your fav brand of headache killer pills (excedrin or even midol if u need that extra shit on ur period)
-got a hickey and dont want it to last a long time? Theres a few things you can do: ice area to reduce swelling; apply toothpaste to area, let sit for a bit, then wipe it off; gently rub the edge of a penny over area; break painkiller (tylenol, advil, excedrin, whatever you want) and get it damp on the end where you broke it, rub on area while its wet, let it sit for a while, wipe off residue
- 100°F fever? advil. 101°F fever? advil and watch closely. 102°F? Watch closely and maybe find a clinic. 103°F and up? Go to the hospital.
-YEAST INFECTIONS: listen, Monistat probably works great and all, but seeing as ya girl is unable to use it, i see a doctor and they give me a pill for it. if you want vaginal health and upkeep pills AZO is a good brand
-Sore Throat? While you can use the numbing spray, gargling warm salt water can help reduce pain. If still present they ya go for the throat spray
-Kidney Stones? Lots of water, take pills as directed, and if you get multiple kidney stones or if youve had them more than once, its a good idea to catch them in a strainer (u can buy ones specifically for catching kidney stones at drug stores like Walgreens or CVS) and take them to a Urologist.
-Chamomile tea and lavender incense can help promote sleep
ill add more when i remember or learn more, but theres some advice if anyone of yall are sick or experiencing any of these
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femslashy · 5 years
weekend writing goals
ty for tagging me @kingsofeverything and @bringmetheharry !!!
soooooooo i don’t actually remember if i said anything on the subject on my blog (although if i did it would be in tags so the liklihood it was missed are high lol) but i’m taking a step back from writing larry/1d fic for a bit. like not forever? and probably not even that long and i’m still chipping away at my beloved longwip children but at a pace i’m comfortable with and with no set posting plans
this also means that i don’t have a larry abroad fic coming anymore (which i am v sad about bc yall i love my immortal disaster son and his french echo bf SO MUCH q_q) although i’ll probably still try and finish it once i recalibrate or whatever ahaha
THAT BEING SAID i’m still writing but it’s stuff i’m still too chicken to Post About Publicly lmao but there’s my goal for the weekend i guess? actually get words written and stop getting bogged down in planning every last detail like i always do whoops
i tag @alienfuckeronmain @newleafover @homosociallyyours @cupcakentea @lesbianiconharrystyles and @forreveries ✌🏻
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akseyla · 3 years
Pityriasis Rosea
Hi everyone! If you guys are still even on Tumblr haha. I have been thinking to start writing random stuff, things I encounter or things on my mind but I have just been contemplating and procrastinating and figuring which website should I use, but I am old and I am too lazy to create a new account on a different platform. A girl can’t even remember her password anymore. Also I figured that I may not be able to write that well anymore since I have stopped reading books/novels for a long time (thanks to the social media instagram/tiktok which has consumed and wasted so much of my time) so my vocabulary may be limited I have to admit. But hey, no harm starting and let’s just do it for fun.
Ok back to the main topic. I was diagnosed with Pityriasis Rosea earlier June this year. The whole experience was weird and confusing. Mostly because I have never heard about it before. First, I’ll define what Pityriasis rosea is: it is a relatively common skin condition that causes a temporary rash of raised red scaly patches on the body. It can affect anyone, but it's more common in older children and young adults (aged 10 to 35) (Source: NHS UK).
When I first got it, it started with an itchy spot on my chest so I thought it was due to friction with my clothes or the hot weather during that time. But after some time, it did not go away and there were many other itchy spots surfacing. So I went to the 1st clinic (I went to total of 3 clinics for this disease). The doctor diagnosed me with chicken pox (???) but mind you I had my fair share in this chicken pox when I was younger and the blisters I had currently at that time were not even fluid-filled blisters. Nevertheless, I just decided to trust the doctor and ate the medicine for a week, BUT it does not go away. So, a week after, I went to another doctor, who diagnosed me with a skin condition - Papular Rush, which I did not believe as well hahaha. I mean, look at the picture below for papular rush diagnosis:
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My blisters were not like this! Of course, at that time Mr Google was my bestfriend, I have learned all kind of skin rashes in one week and at that time and I thought the picture below relate most to me. So I told my bestfriend that I am having Pityriasis Rosea, or so I thought. You can see the distribution and the texture. My blisters were like below: 
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The characteristics:
They were not clustered towards a certain part of my body area, but rather  evenly distributed as above, with tree-like distribution. It does not have fluid inside and it is small and flat. They are not itchy, unless the weather is hot. I can live my life almost normally. These rashes did not go to my face, my hands and my feet. So no one would know that I was indeed having a skin condition at that time if I were to go out. But I did not, cause I was scared people might get infected (though my family did not), but still, precaution peeps (also cause I read that many were having this Pityriasis Rosea during Covid times, dude I was PARANOID).
Oh well, as expected, the medicine from the 2nd clinic did not go well too. And at that point, I was just sad looking at my spotted skin. 
The visit to the skin specialist:
Since I have spent hundred bucks on normal clinics, I finally brought my broke ass to the skin specialist, Low Skin Specialist Clinic at Wisma Maria, Johor Bahru and prayed it would not break my bank. The whole experience was pleasant, Dr Low was the one who attended all the patients. He started with asking the history on how I first got infected with the skin rash, how long does it take, which clinic I went, what medicine was I prescribed to and more. Then, he proceeded to inspect the rashes on my body. Shortly after, he took out his giant medicine book, it was like an encyclopedia at the shelf behind his table. There were 3 thicc books on diagnosing skin and stuff. He skimmed his skin encyclopedia and landed on one page. Guess what? Pityriasis Rosea!! At that time I felt like the smartest girl ever (thanks to Google) hahahaha. And so he explained all the conditions and I listened thoroughly as if I have never read about that. At the back of my mind, I felt relieved (cause this thing does not leave a mark on my body YAY). He prescribed me with some meds, I think it was steroid, anti-histamine and a cream. Butttt this is a different kind/brand of steroid pills from the one I received from my previous doctor. He said it took about 6-8 weeks, or was it 14 weeks somewhere around there and it is not infectious. ALSO, he also suggested to use Dove as shower cream (I am already using one that time) but that time I learned that Dove was actually good/recommended by the doctor! The bills were much cheaper than I expected, it was below RM200 fuh thank God. 3 weeks after my visit, my Pityriasis Rosea went away alhamdulillah.
So I was just writing it here because I know not many may have experience this (or not many people would share this) and I want to save yall from getting misdiagnosed and save your MONEY! So please please just go to the skin clinic directly if you have trouble with your skin (but read the review first haha). I think I might save around RM300 if I went to Dr Low straight away (but thank God I could claim my med bills from my company).
Anyway, I will just simplify the whole thing with key points below.
Pityriasis Rosea 
- started with a small spot, called as herald patch (itchy!!) before it spread to your whole body (may take a week or two to first spread) and can take months for it to go away
- you might get  headache, joint pain, sore throat, cough, flu 2-3 weeks before actually (i had it but ofc who would think that could lead to this)
- appears on your tummy, chest, back or neck, less likely on your face or scalp, or near your genitals
- use gentle shower wash for your skin and wear lotion religiously to take precaution from scarring, also shower max 2x daily. Dr Low recommended Dove for body wash and Nivea for body lotion.
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My rash were exactly distributed as above, they were somehow tree-like in  pink/salmon colored patch before turning brown hahaha but now no more, no scars no trace of it anymore.
Low Skin Specialist Clinic
- you cannot book an appointment via call, you have to walk-in in the morning before the opening hours (9am-3.30pm) to get your number. I was early that time and I was No. 7 but luckily I finished before 11am.
- CASH only!
If you have reached here, sorry for my terabur write-up. I just wanted this to be casual and also I have a meeting in 5 minutes hahaha. Thanks for reading and I wish you a good day! 
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dongsooks · 7 years
Getting drunk with EXO
Y’all don’t let this flop
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I am writing this with @wooseook (aka the funniest person alive made me piss my pants a few times before) and we actually did research on this. Enjoy. (Not all the members had something said about their drinking behaviour)
Okay so warning: We will discuss alcohol and drunk behaviour in this. If you are not comfortable then do not read!
Xiuxiu baby face
He might not look like it
but boi be drinking
once he does get drunk
you better hide
esp if you have pissed him off in the last 27 years
at first he is just clingy and cuddly
and yeah you can deal with this
I guess you’d be drunk too
if not lord beware I feel you
and you think it is too nice to be true
it is
he would get out his imaginary notebook and start listing every single time he has felt the slightest bit petty at you
like that one time a year and three months ago you drank from his cup while you had a cold
and he insisted he is cool about it back then
he wasn’t
tells you in detail how you made him feel with your dirty cough mouth and dramatically describes how he saw your lips moving to the cup in slomo knowing he would have to get a new cup of water oh the 30 sec way to the kitchen
and you’d think one time is bad enough
but no he would tell you 87390240847 times
all while still leaning his head against your shoulder 
“See I did think I was okay with it, but the more I thought about it the madder I got”
He has two moods
at first he is like
“I’m going to take it slow tonight. No more than one beer for sure”
Mood two hits him two hours before the drinking starts and he walks in with two IKEA bags of alcohol 
He will wadle into the room
“Okay y’all. Pants down we’re gonna get lit tonight!”
what a cool mom ew
starts at 8 pm stops at 8 am 
gets too friendly
will help you with everything you never wanted help with
you will find him with someone gossiping in the kitchen about a certain cold...*cough, cough* haha get it?
will remind people about long forgotten fights and open wounds
unintentionally ends about 3 out of every 10 friendships existing at the party 
even if he knew no one before the party he will leave knowing everyone and their problems
“Are you really over that one time everyone congratulated you 11 minutes late?”
Yixing pls come back we all love and miss you sm u r my fave china boi
took a sip freom Minseoks drink and was wasted
wants to have piggyback rides
and cuddles 
and kisses
and hugs
wants it all
gets red as hecckkkkk
“Are you hot Yixing?”
*takes his shirt off*
ends up stripping on the table while Baek, Chan and Chen cheer
crying at the club
when he gets compliments
he gets super emotional
chokes up while thanking you
like you could say he has nice shoes and he would cry most likely order them for you and forget
is an airhead
would pronouce half the things he says wrong
is back in Korea for a week, can’t speak Korean
would facetime and call everyone
“Wait Jackson is Chinese isn’t he? JUNMYEON GIVE ME YOUR PHONE”
Chopsticks are keys- boy
took a shot because Sehun dared him too
is lightweight #2
becomes the cuddliest person on earth
he is gay sober but his gay intensifies when he is drunk
*puts hands on everyone’s thighs*
would ask you the oddest questions with the most innocent, genuine look on his face
“How do girls know what their cup size is? Is there a magic trick? Do they guess?”
“Isn’t gicing birth a little painful? Cause like the hole is like.. a pea and the
There’s a rollercoaster of emotions and he doesn’t get off the ride 
“Am I really a lightweight?”
“omg no Baekhyun stop crying”
*5 mins later*
“Hey wanna shower with me very platonically?”
can drink quite a lot
has two phases 
first he is hype
and i mean H Y P E
he will jump around 
will take pillows and throw them aggressively and then smile like a toddler who was given a treat
is a loud person as it is
but drunk he will scream 
will sing along to songs so loud glasses break
Random high notes for no reason
will get someone to strip 
Says things that have absolutely nothing to do with the conversation he is part of
*conversating about what foods everyone is craving*
“I do want children some day!”
At someone you will have to nail his ass down because he might feel young and fresh
but his body doesn’t
and the second you sit down with him he will lay down, put his head on your lap and fall asleep within like 5 seconds
“No, no, no I don’t wanna go home and sleep I wanna PARTEYYYYY”
Chanyoli ravioli, give me the formuoli
It takes a few drinks to get him drunk
no one really notices when but eventually he is lit the fuck the fuck
pulls out Gucci sunglasses from god knows where and has them on the entire night
forgets he is wearing them and yells at people to find out who has them
winks at himself when walking by a mirror
would swear
would only swear
picks up people while yelling “YEET”
will forget how to walk eventually
starts stumbling backwards
and all the members run towards him fearing for their lives
and he just screams 
So he drinks quietly 
for the first while everyone looks at him to make sure he is still there
then he suddenly isn’t
you will find him in the kitchen 
with a cup of tea he made at some point
earphones in
and he will slowly turn to you with a smile on his lips
“All my friends are dead, push me to the edge”
and you just back off slowly
runs after you but gets distracted because he sees Sehun walk by
“Do you like me?”
And Sehun shrugs his shoulders “Yeah, think so”
“cool thx ily”
Gets drunk fairly quick
Is really quiet for the most part
sits alone in some corner sometimes you hear him laugh not sure about what
and at some point he will just sit there, no expression
and you will have to ask what’s wrong 
and he looks up at you with teary puppy eyes 
“Wanna play hide and seek?”
and you agree bc no way you’re saying no to him!
But then EVERYONE starts playing hide and seek
Baekhyun suggests to someone to go hide in the shower with a locked door, no clothes and the water running
Sehun eventually falls 
everything escalates
Minseok writes it down in his imaginary notepad
and you notice the culprit is gone
he walks in a few seconds later with two buckets of chicken
bc he remembered the convo with Chen where they talked about cravings
smiling happily
“Oh and btw Junmom I used your card”
The sassy one 
thinks he can drink a lot
really can’t
can’t walk to save his life
giggles a lot
will hold onto people 
but deny he need it to not fall
is the first member to give into Baek’s request to shower
will open the door after they enter and even if no one is around he will sassily say “not gay” 
does the gayest stuff and says “No homo” but winks while saying it so kinda homo?!?!
at some point he stands next to Chan
arms around each others shoulder
having a little down, both trying to stand, not puke 
and then some girl song comes on, let’s say Pick Me
and with their deepest, manliest voice they start screaming singing along
will stumble and fall about 9 times
gets petty over EVERTHING
and remember how Suho reminded him of the 11 minutes
he will go to every member and look them dead in the eye
“Do you know what my favourite number is?”
“Idk 7?”
“Well, I don’t know either but it is not 11 because someone felt the need to open my wounds, I am sensitive! DO NOT TALK TO ME BUT YOU BETTER HAVE AN EXCUSE ONCE I LET YOU!”
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giraffe1994 · 7 years
@metal-is-life091 tagged me, gracias! Answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people
1. Drink: Cocoanut Coffee
2. Phone Call: Tax Lady
3. Text Message: Coworker
4. Song you listened to: Ghost Brigade - Grain
5. Time you cried: Two mornings ago at work, alone of course (long story)
6. Dated someone twice: Unfortunately
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: Again, unfortunately
8. Been cheated on: Yes by same person regretted kissing and dating twice
9. Lost someone special: Yes, too many people
10. Been depressed: Yes, currently taking meds for that
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: TOO MANY TIMES TO COUNT
12. Black (most favorite)
13. Blue (to support officers)
14. Gold (to support myself, and all other 911 dispatchers)
15. Made new friends: Yes
16. Fallen out of love: No
17. Laughed until you cried: Every day I do this
18. Found out someone was talking about you: Yes
19. Met someone who changed you: Quite a few remarkable people
20. Found out who your friends are: Yes
21. Kissed someone on your facebook list: Yes
22. How many facebook friends do you know in real life: All of them
23. Do you have any pets: 2, a dog and a cat
24. Do yo want to change your name: If I could, I would totally do it
25. What did you do for your last birthday: I think I worked, can’t remember
26. What time did you wake up: 3pm because I work at night
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: Painting my nails and listening to Vladimir Sterzer
28. What is one thing you can’t wait for: I see Metallica in 2 days in Atlanta, Georgia
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: Last year
30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: I do not wish to state this
31. What are you listening to right now: The washing machine and dryer running
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Probably at work at some point
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: THESE DAMN FRUIT FLIES IN MY KITCHEN
34. Most visited website: Crunchyroll
35. Birthmark: a simple circle on my left bicep about the size of a pencil eraser
36. Scars: Ankle due to nail sticking out, side of left palm due to barbed wire fence, forehead and top of right hand due to chicken pox, stretch marks because I like food, elbow from falling out of a chair, between breast due to a big bite.
37. Childhood dreams: I wanted to be a vet, a singer and an artist
38. Haircolor: Natural blonde, however I dye it black
39. Long or short hair: Shoulder length because my hair is retarded
40. Do you have a crush on someone: Yes
41. What do you like about yourself: How sensitive I am to other peoples emotions. I'm not psychic but I can usually easily tell what someone feels without being told
42: Piercings: I have 9 total, 4 ear lobe piercings, 3 cartilage piercings and 1 industrial bar piercing in my left ear
43. Bloodtype: Vampire! (seriously I have no idea)
44. Nickname: Currently is Gator, long story
45. Relationship status: Married for almost a year (first anniversary is on the 13th of July)
46: Zodiac: Libra true to heart
47: Pronouns: She/Her
48: Favorite tv show: Oh God so many choices but I’ d say The Sopranos
49. Tattoos: I have 5, Left wrist is a pink heart beat with Metallica’s M at the front and A at the end of it, right forearm is in Danish saying “live don't just exist”, right leg is a weathered vampire skull that says “say you’ll haunt me” which is my favorite sing by Stone Sour, on left thigh I have a black bird with a battle ax in its feet, and on right collar bone I have a fluer de lis because I am native to Louisiana and in the middle of the fluer de lis is a thin blue line because I work for law enforcement
50. Right or Left hand: Mostly right, can do some things with left
51. Surgery: None
52. Hair dyed a different color: Currently its black, before that was red
53. Sport: Yuck
54. Vacation: I’d love to go to England where my family is from and visit Dover Castle where my 20th great grandfather was a knight in the year 1158
55. Secret Hobby: Collecting enamel pins, I have an addiction to collecting pins of all varieties
56: Pair of trainers: idk what that is so I probably don’t have any
57. Eating: Morning Star vegetarian breakfast sausage patties
58. Drinking: Water because HYDRATE OR DIE
59. I'm about to: Clean my car out and finish packing for Metallica concert
60. In need of: More laundry soap and 18 hours of sleep
61. Waiting for: HALLOWEEN YALL
62. Want: My hair to be completely manageable
63. Get married: Been there, done that, got the tshirt
64. Career: Currently I am employed as a Police, Fire and 911 operator, when you dial, I answer
65. Hugs or Kisses: Kisses because hugs are awkward
66. Lips or Eyes: Eyes because they tell a story about each person I meet
67. Shorter or Taller: Well they both have advantages and disadvantages, can’ t choose
68. Older or Younger: Older because wisdom is amazing
69. Indoor or Outdoor: I am a mixture of the two
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: Stomach because I’d love to wear a bikini
71. Sensitive or Loud: At home I am sensitive, at work I am loud
72. Hook up or Relationship: Well I'm married so....
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: Troublemaker
74. Kissed a stranger: No
75. Drank hard liquor: Many many times
76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: Not lost, but I have damaged a few pair in my day
77. Turned someone down: Often
78. Sex on first date: No
79. Broken someones heart: Yes
80. Had your heart broken: Yes
81. Been arrested: No, I help the people I work with do the arresting by checking for warrants and such
82. Cried when someone died: Too many times, even people I didn't know
83. Yourself: Eh, 99% of the time yes
84. Love at first sight: Yes oh yes
85. Miracles: No, everything that happens is for a reason and fated to be, there is no changing it
86. Aliens and Ghosts: YUP
87. Santa Claus: Nah, it was impossible in my mind as a child how one man could get toys to all the children in the world in one night
88. Kiss on the first date: Yes
89. Angels: No
90. Current best friend name: Jessica
91. Eye color: Green
92: Favorite movie: The Godfather
I will tag @jessyulrich @flyinghetfield @ride-their-lightning @lovelyulrichworld @twerkhammett @lars-flathead @lars-artrich @hetfieldhammett @james-hetfields-bullet-belt @jaymzcatfield @a-dash-of-bourbon @betchfaceee @calliebhx @danish-splash @dudatallica @face-up-make-your-stand @fockyeahlarsulrich @fuck-yeahmetallica @fuckyeahmetallica @fyeahcoreytaylor-blog-blog @h-e-t-f-i-e-l-d @hetfieldcrush @hetfields-left-nut @hetskitten @hit-the-lightning @ilovejameshetfield @imcreepingdeath99 @james-tablefield @kentamplin @masterskwigelf
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chickenfetus · 7 years
softly whispers all for the flower ask
baby’s breath: 5 things you associate yourself with
lance lol
cereal….. everyone in class is stealing my trademark…
bleeding heart: what makes you heart go mushy?
fuck,,, my fav characters?? and if i like someone then them i guess? but rn my heart belongs to 2d
bell flower: what’s the title of the song that makes you want to jump around out of joy?
mm it changes?? right now its either this cover (its in japanese) or this song (english but its a tad bit scream-y)
evening primrose: what’s your sleeping playlist (give me 5 songs)?
its all soundtracks from anime lmao,, 
from kimi no na wa’s soundtrack we have this, this and this 
from free!’s ost we have this song that killed every mh shipper lol 
and lastly, not from an anime ost, its shelter 
none of these actually help me fall asleep but i like them,, hell i dont think theres any song that can help me fall asleep
forget-me-not: who is your favorite blog who isn’t following you?
miyu//keis does this ensure it doesnt show up i hope it does i recently followed them while lurking in the mi//sawa tag lol theyre a good graphic person??? idk what theyre called;;
daffodil: what is one plant that you want to have but can never get?
the succulent things but i wouldnt be able to care for it bc i succ (perfect match)
calla lily: are you more of a sunny day or a rainy evening?
im a sunny day and rainy evening person… ok maybe sunny day if im not directly under the sun because i do enjoy the sun’s warmth rainy days are nice too,, only if im indoors.. rainy evening is perfect,, as long as no bugs can get it im safe and secure and chill
foxglove: what is your favorite color and in what shade?
blue!!!!! is sky blue a shade
lavender: what is something that you’ve always wanted to be/have/get but can never have?
a cat…..
love in a mist: what is the latest dream that you remember?
ok ive had dreams every night this week but now i cant re oh wait i do remember last night’s dream but only the lame part,, ok so i dreamt i had a 4* hina on bang dream..,,, i dreamt of another thing but i forgot :-( the 4* was indeed a dream though sad i havent gotten a single 4* yet lmao my luck is awesome oh but i did get a 5* and two 4*s on enstars so thats cool
daisy: what is your favorite flavor of cotton candy, ice cream, and juice?
cotton candy,, has flavours????? 
cookies and cream!!
i like water juice
painter’s palette: are you more of a singer, dancer, painter, or instrumentalist?
none??? i guess i paint when i have to although i rly wanna paint but im just a lazy fool
tulip: what is your most favorite make-up product? do you like it more natural, dark, or etc?
i dont use make up i am a youngin also what does the second question say i dont understand
waxflower: are you a bee or a butterfly person? a dog or a cat person?
neither lmao i have a fear of butterflies and bees… bees fear me i fear bees its mutual fear i like cats better but i like dogs too
sugarbush: do you have sweet tooth? if yes, what’s your favorite sweets? if no, why?
yes,,, i was gonna ask if it was even possible to have a favourite but then i remembered i do actually one although its more of a jellybean thing its poifull!!
sunflower: would you like to be a fairy or a mermaid?
mermaid bc i wanna live in the water
sweet pea: what would you like to call your significant other?
ok i just finished acca so naturally i still think abt it and jean called nino his ‘partner in crime’ so nnow i want one (a partner in crime i mean not a nino but thatd b cool 2)
sea lavender: can you swim? which strokes can you do?
yes i havent been in a pool in like 3 years oh boy,, breaststroke is the easiest lmao i forgot how to do any of the others
windflower: list 5 of your favorite blogs and explain why you like them
softshouyous, well i followed her bc she talks in her tags so thats one thing,, shes also super nice?? and helpful!!! a good friend and mutual!!!! im also comfy enough with her to like,, be sarcastic and we can shame each other freely.. without worrying abt offending one another,, theres also the fact that she understands me (ok this may b what i like 2 think and falen actually doesnt get me but its COOL) idk man i just love her,,, my bud whens our one year friendsivary i gotta search that up :0
(i almsot forgot to do the rest go me anyway) next is,, youhavebeentraceyd bc shes one of my first mutuals (sorry to the one who was actually my first) who i actually talked to!!! we both watch daiya and i didnt rly follow anyone who liked daiya previously and oh!! we had the same notps LOL i love tracey’s art and hell i think she dragged me to mochi hell kudos to u tracey idk i jsut enjoy her presence on my dash and get v excited to see her art on there we may not talk as much anymore but i still appreciate her a lot!!! bless u tracey and thank you!!! (for being alive i wish u all the best in life)
alpacarara i like her bc shes basically my tumble mum,, the mum i actually talk to and ask for help/advice she gives good advice too and shes v approachable,,,,,,, a v good friend,,,,,, u r appreciated by me,,,, yes........... shizu chan also appreciates ur existence momther,,,, thakn u 4 all youve done 2 helpme a good pal.... bless u,
clearly these r  getting hard bc my mind is goddamn empty rn but ill manage,, kacchan whose url is not spelt like that but thats ook bc one day it will be but now im starting to think i shouldnt leave it as that bc someones bound to stumble upon this extra post in the kacchan tag goddammit,, annYWay i like kacchan bc theyre friendly! and also v relatable,,,, theyre also kinda scary but thats ok bc its the good kind of scary idk man kacchan is just, great?? we dont talk but thats cool bc ik we’re still friends even if we dont have full blown convos!!!! id b 2 nervous 2 talk 2 them not bc theyre bad or anythign im just a ??? a bad conversationalist and also v lazy ok  thats besides the point i like kacchan bc kacchan is kacchan so??? theyre a good friend and we tag each other in things and i like that friendship its a good type of friendship,,, idkdkdk?? theyre just. chill not literally chill but just chill. this doesnt make sense anymre gomenasorry
lAST ONE uh hhhh every one of my mutual’s blogs why i like all of them?? bc theyre not problematic!! they post good content trademark and r lovely even if we dont talk much!!! i love everyone period
golden rod: are you more of a baker or a cook?
i am more of a Disaster in the kithcen
bloom: what is something that you would like to tell your children?
u guys shld b surprised yall even exist (if i am the True Parent)
if not,, then itd b u guys r with me and my partner in crime,, who is actually a real person,,,,,, be shocked idk im just trying t o make it clear that in the event i do get married id surprise myself bc me/?? have a good and lasting relationship????? impsossible 
peony: what is something that you wish your parents could’ve told you?
they shouldve told me to stick with cereal
prairie gentian: do you have a significant other?
doe s lance count
september flower: are you more of a sunshine or sunset person?
was this supposed 2 say sunrise,,,, anyway sunrise i guess bc im a morning person (when i WILLINGLy wake up by myself) on hot ass days sunset bc then i wont b sweating 24/7
bird of paradise: do you wake up early? do you sleep early?
yEAH LOL i wake up early on weekends bc i want to and i have to wake up early on weekdays so,,, i prefer not to sleep later than 12am bc i am Fear and in the event that i do sleep later than 12 its bc im talkin 2 a friend i like a lot
marigold: what’s your favorite tea?
water tea english breakfast,, havent had that in awhile tho
peruvian lily: what are the names of your pets?
i have non
hyacinth: do you name your plants?
i have nnone but i dont even nickname my pkmn so 
lilac: would you rather sleep and be cozy or hang out with your friends?
depends? on the tme??? if its late at night id rather b asleep and cozy if its in the day then maybe.. .. .
poppy: do you like to dip your fries or do you like it as is?
i like all of my food plain and dry (cereal) unless its noodles,, i need my noodles iin soup
dandelion: any special talent that you have?
drinking water
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rinpanna · 8 years
tagged in this Meme by @kageyama-tobiyo SMASH that mofo read more if u give a shit abt my existence 
1. Are you named after someone? 
i’m pretty sure i’m named after my mom’s grandmother??
2. When was the last time you cried? 
I think it was like a month or so ago, my mom was being overcontrolling and i kinda lost it (SHES A REALLY GREAT PERSON LIKE 99% OF THE TIME THO IT WAS JUST YEARS OF BUILD UP EXPLODING AT ONCE)
3. Do you like your handwriting? 
I joke a lot about how my handwriting is shit, which it is, but i still like it because it’s MINE and only mine you know??
4. What is your favorite lunch meat? 
“Im not much of a lunch meat kind of girl. Peanut butter is my thing.” THIS ANSWER DEFINES ME PERFECTLY, THANKS DAWN (i eat 3 jar of pb in 2 day)
5. Do you have kids? i am a MINOR!!!!!!!!!
6. If you were another person, would you be friends with you? not to sound narcissistic but yes, i literally never fight with my friends bc i am a Chill person and i am always there for emotional support. but if u dont like loud ppl, you would h8 me :^)
7. Do you use sarcasm? nEVer with adults/strangers but ALWAYS w friends
8. Do you still have your tonsils? yes
9. Would you bungee jump? “Remove the cord and we have a deal ;)” SAME DAWN SAME, but i would also bungee jump with a cord
11. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? depends, if im thinking about the next day and how it’ll be easier if i just untie them now, yes, but i am not normally prudent like this
12. Do you think you’re a strong person? I think i’m a lot more mentally strong than some people, and physically im Ok could be better. i could definitely kick @acejugs ass tho
13. What is your favorite ice cream? i can’t eat real ice cream bc dairy allergy but FAKE ice cream i love chocolate or cookies and “””cream”””
14. What is the first thing you notice about people? ASS, jk uhhhh idk it sound cheesey but i really dO only judge people by their personality most of the time. like if they’re a dick off the bat im like :^^)
15. What is the least favorite physical thing you like about yourself?
i used to really not like that im kinda Chub but now i embrace it. i guess my height????? (IM 5′1 WTF IS THIS BS)
16. What color pants and shoes are you wearing now? skin color shoes (aka: none) and blue pants with snow flakes on them bc during the weekends (sometimes bleeding into weekdays) i dont change out of my pajamas 
17. What are you listening to right now? nothing actually, but as i was doing my 59999 pounds of hw today, i listened to 
-carrie and lowell- sufjan stevens
-all of the kagepro songs- jin
-yuri on ice track from ost 1 hr loop
-weeb mixes on 8tracks
-atlas year one- sleeping at last (thanks @mochiiron )
18. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? pepe green so the children can get their daily meme fill
19. Favorite smell? this is gonna sound creepy as FUCK, but i perceive a lot thru smell especially with people so like. i love the smells of my friends (EVERYONE SMELLS SO DIFFERENT I SWEAR) and my mom and people i have crushes on (im like 90% sure i fall for people bc of their smell what kind of 2000 B.C. era head Ass)
20. Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? mom callin about groceries
21. Favorite sport to watch? HOCKEY or figure skatin lmao i’ve never done an ice sport im a fake fan
22. Hair color? black bc chinese ancestry yall
23. Eye color? Dark dark drak dark aDark brown
24. Do you wear contacts? No my prescription is only like -1,-1.5 so i rarely even wear my glasses lol
25. Favorite food to eat? im like high key obsessed with food so i cannot answer this question w a single answer.
-plain fuckin bread
-moms chicken soup
-lo mein
(also: why is the eat in this question?????what else do u do with food?????? scream at it???)
26. Scary movies or comedy?
i never watch movies uhhh i’d probably pick comedy before scary tho
27. Last movie  anime you watched? i dont watch movies lol-- mob psycho 100 with my friend but i’m not done and she is o-(--<
28. What color of shirt are you wearing? my shirt is gray but i’m wearing a hoodie on top of it which is navy blue (no bra tho ;;)))) 
29. Summer or winter? SPRING
30. Hugs or kisses? hugs, i wont even let my mom kiss me lmao
31. What book are you currently reading? Going After Cacciato for school (its ok) and im about to start Ash by Malinda Lo (like after i finish this meme im oUT)
32. Who do you miss right now? i feel really bad but like/??  i rarely actually miss people? like when i hear from someone i haven’t heard from in a long time im HAPPY but rarely do i ever like mentally/physically ache for ppl (even my best best friends). but i guess i always miss my grandma because she’s kinda old and im always worried about her health and wanna be w her everyday :(
33. What is on your mouse pad? what year is it, 2006
34. What is the last TV program you watched? LMFAOOOO YOU THOUGHT I WATCHED TV, my mom had me watch a news thing about the yayoi kusama exhibit in DC tho earlier today, i genuinely can’t remember the source tho
35. What is the best sound? i don’t have a fave sound but i have plenty of sounds that i h8. i guess just in general good music is best sound
36. Rolling Stones or The Beatles? im not pretentious enough about music to answers this, sorry 
37. What is the furthest you have ever traveled? probably antarctica! my mom worked in the travel dept at National Geographic when i was in elementary school so i got to go a Lot of really cool places
38. Do you have a special talent? i have an 80% accuracy rate for catching food after throwing it in the air. nat also thinks that being able to read and walk my dog is a talent but ????? i think a lot of ppl can do that. OH best talent: literally being able to turn everything into a meme
39. Where were you born? 
xiantan, hunan province, china!
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isaacathom · 7 years
so theeennnn the woman starts interacting w/ more villagers the more time she spends and she starts becoming real good friends with some of them. and because her ‘master’ thinks shes trustworthy and stuff, he’s not strict, and she sometimes gets free time to just hang out with these friends shes made. and the survivor, from that attack, is really pissed that shes basically just a regular worker as opposed to a ‘proper slave’, angry that he’s being lenient and that she’s just been accepted.
so what the guy does, is he gathers evidence of her ‘slacking off’, even gets some testimonies from people who don’t know that her master allowed it and shit, and he peeps on her hanging out with one of the ladies from the village and being real close to her. and he brings it before their council, claiming she’s fucking around instead of atoning for the misdeeds. so they bring everyone together, and it doesnt even go far, because the second in command steps forward and goes ‘listen yall, this is my fault, ive been lenient in her work and she’s been permitted time off to relax, and she’s been using said time to make friends. if this set up displeases the council, i will alter it immediately and she will be reigned in. i am at fault, not her’
and the council accepts it, her schedule is changed to minimise that free time spent on the town, and the survivor is FURIOUS, because the punishment deflected off the woman and punished that guy instead, and thats not what he wanted. so he’s gotta find something else.
the end goal would be to provoke her into demonstrating her goddamn ~magic hands~ and proving beyond a shadow of a doubt in anyones mind that she definitely did the murder, which would have her ostracised instead of welcomed and would ruin her good status with the second in command. after all, his good treatment of her mostly came as him believing her to be innocent and non-complicit in the attack. if the survivor can prove that she has the ability, then she’ll lose the good status. but i think going from the aforementioned slacker charge to bringing back the murder is..... a bit.... a bit high. theres gotta be a middle ground.
but while i think that up, the provocation. itd be tough, because shes a fairly collected sort, and quick to resort to humour or to straight up disappear as soon as stuff gets tough on her. so he’d have to get her in a place she cant leave, and a very public place at that in order to ensure he’s not seen as a guy with a vendetta, and he’d have to provoke her. all i can imagine that’d really provoke her would be a suggestion that she’s fucking the second in command, because anyone would be insulted at the suggestion that their status comes from just shagging a guy. idk if that’d tilt her so hard she almost goes murderer, if anything she’d just be :||| excuse me, sir, do you want the chicken or not. like customer service or smth.
if it was long term, like its a long night and he keeps going, it could hit her by the end, especially if she cant easily access the second in command and get him to like. switch her out or something. she’s stuck dealing with him chipping away. maybe the shag suggestion comes at the end and its what finally tips her over. at that point, her eyes would go white and she’d go ‘excuse me’ in a very creepy voice and the survivor would suddenly realise that this isnt actually exactly what he wanted. see, what HE’S thinking is that he can provoke her into doing something she’s not allowed to do. and he’s done that, he’s succeeded, but said thing is an attempt to stuff his head into a christmas turkey with fucking telekinesis. what happens in the end is he stammers out a repeat of what he just said, she steps forward and white light surrounds her hand, he starts screaming in absolute fucking terror and someone tackles her to the ground to prevent her from hurting anyone. after all, everyone knows about the attack. everyone knows how it was described, they all heard what that survivor said, about how a mysterious lady summoned white light in her hands and shots holes through people. and they see the lady that they were told did it but, on reflection of character, really didnt buy that, and they see her summon white light, and it clicks in for EVERYONE. every single person in that room, excusing perhaps children and The Blind, is that she absolutely did it.
so following that display, she’s put back in the slave quarters and its a fucking disaster, dude. like shes distraught. she’s fucked it up. she’s maintained that, though she has ~magic hands~ and could have been in the area at the time and encountered the hunters, she’s ALWAYS believed that she could never have killed them. not with intent, absolutely not. if she did do it, it wouldve been as a result of her being so exhausted that she didnt understand what she’d done. but never, at no point, did she genuinely believe or know that she did it. but her almost fucking up the survivor, it proves to her (and everyone else) that she did. she now has no excuse. she cant reason with it. everything adds up. magic hands, intent to do harm, it all tracks, she had the power and the ability to do it, and if thats the case, how can she say she didnt do it????
at that point, the second in command would need to talk to her, but she wouldnt talk. she’s just silent, head in hands, and nothing he can do can convince her to just explain what happened. and he has to come before the council, or specifically the guy he’s the right hand of, and explain that. it gets really weird. the thing is, her actions imply an intent and attempt to reoffend, which is grounds for banishment. the second in command really doesnt want to do this, because hes positive that if she would just talk to him, he could save her from that, and he still thinks that maybe theres a misunderstanding. because at this point, she’s been in this town for over a year, and she’s been so good up till that point, this doesnt add up to him, there must be more to it.
the only way to really clear her name of that last debacle and keep her in town is to prove it wasnt premeditated. if they can prove she was provoked, they can get her. the problem is, the people who wouldve been close enough to hear all the survivors comments were friends of his, and wouldve agreed with it, thought it fun and not seen his game. they though she snapped as a result of a few harmless comments and that it wasnt a deliberate provocation by him. being able to prove that he provoked her deliberately would clear her. but shes the only one who can prove it, and aside from not talking, its difficult to take the word of the accused on its own. the second in command could stand as a character witness, to speak on her good name, and there are many who could, but equally many who saw what she did and wont. the second in commands word will not stand. everyone thinks that shes corrupted him in some way. before the display, they probably all thought that, but in a vaguely positive way. he’d become a better leader, prime to become the High Council Guy, with her involvement. if there was corruption, it was generally well meant and produced a positive result for all (except the survivor and his family, ofc)
the only OTHER way to really clear her name is to find who actually DID the murder. if they can prove she didnt kill the hunters, then she didnt reoffend, and furthermore would no longer be a slave, or would have her ‘term’ drastically shortened. problem is, beyond the fact that noone knows anyone else would could match the picture of the killer, is that i dont actually know if she did it or not. i like the idea of keeping it ambiguous. proving that she could, but also proving through her general character that she couldnt, making a conundrum for ‘reader’ and characters as to whether she did or not.
god, idk. three clearing options - prove he provoked her into ‘reoffending’ at the party or whatever, prove she didnt do the murder in the firstplace, OR even prove that he and the hunters provoked her in the initial attack, which would subsequently downgrade the initial offence into an act of self defence, which would carry different connotations. OOH, and there’d be a way to do it, sorta, if we bring the initial attack a lot closer to when she collapses in town. like, a day or so. as in, the attack happens and the hunters are all brought back to town in their awful state. the survivor, who wasnt actually injured, explains what he saw. the next day, a woman matching his description of the attacked collapses badly injured in the town. when questioned, she has no recollection of ever meeting the hunters, and thus cannot prove she did or did not kill them. coincidental evidence is still strong. but theres the problem - she’s very badly injured with fresh wounds. were they received in the altercation? but the survivor claims the woman just appeared and attacked them, and that all they could do was run and hide until she left. no blows landed on her, he claims, as all the hunters lowered their weapons once they saw she was human, and wouldnt have had time to raise them for an attack.
so you layer that, and you get the idea that perhaps the hunters attacked this exhausted woman and she snapped, as she did in the ‘party’, and retaliated with ~magic hands~. but because she doesnt actually remember ever meeting the hunters, she cant prove that, hence being found guilty of murder and becoming a slave.
so then, if the second in command really wants to clear her name, and she wont talk to him, and no close witnesses would implicate the survivor as the unquestioned provoker in the display, he needs to prove she committed the murders in an act of self defence. there would be evidence, without doubt. her wounds wouldve been documented, as would those of the hunters and the locations they were found. possibly if the second in command went the location, he could find a weapon coated in blood that implicates one of the hunters as having landed a blow on her. but a) thats a bit deus ex and b) itd be difficult to place the blow as being before or after she went all ~Avatar State~ on the hunters, which means it wouldnt be useful. thats the issue here. if its been a long time since the attack, a year like a said, itd be really difficult to confirm whether she did it when the only witness is the Survivor, who’s a cunt. if she remembered the incident, and could explain it, the whole mess wouldve been fixed, but her suddenly remembering the attack after a year and when shes in trouble would look /real/ suspicious, and wouldnt be taken seriously at all.
whoops written myself into a detective hole here. fuck. this is why all my dr fan stories fell through, yall. the fucks a murder mystery.
unless like. ok. heres an idea. so the woman is travelling with someone else the whole time (for what reason? she doesnt explain, but shes clearly a foreigner so mm), and theyre both exhausted and probably vaguely headed for the town to rest and recuperate. on their way, theyre encountered by the hunters. things lead to things, probably nasty, and the travelling partner is killed by the hunters. they know theyre humans, and the Survivor’s mention of ‘putting their weapons down’ is probably true, as of when they first encountered the women. but as i said, shit leads to shit, the traveller is murdered, and The Woman loses her fucking mind. of course, at this point, the hunters all have their weapons drawn, with the possible exception of the survivor, because itd make some sense in a sec. so the hunters, w/ their weapons drawn, see the woman go all Avatar and attack her, in response to which she fucking destroys them. at that point, possibly leaving the Survivor due to him not participating in the murder of her friend. the woman promptly flees the scene, screaming bloody murder. this is what, at least initially, piques the interest of any villagers nearby, because her yells probably echo through the forest.
The survivor thinks fast. his friends were just slain in front of him. theres a dead woman in front of him, who his friends just murdered. what does he do? chucks the woman in a fucking ditch, probably. and because investigators have no reason to look in the ditch, they dont. the womans body remains. because the Survivors now covered in shit, he goes and starts to drag one of his friends back to town, and now he starts yelling for help. the story is set. he and his friends were set upon by a wild woman and slaughtered. he alone survives, covered in cuts and scratches from the undergrowth and trees and covered in the blood of his friends. when the woman subsequently turns up in town, blood covered and fatigued, her wounds are coincidental. she doesnt remember their encounter. she has no reason to inherently distrust what the Survivor says. all she knows is that she was travelling with someone, who now isnt there, and she has to believe that in their exhaustion and injuries they were separated. she has no idea.
and the thing w/ the survivor not killing the friend comes up. because the Woman has ZERO reason to feel inherent hatred towards him. if she saw the hunters’ bodies, which she didnt, she mightve had a gut reaction, but she has no gut reaction of the violent or upset kind towards the Survivor, because he didnt do it. she doesnt hate him. so for the whole time shes in the village, she treats her vague sense of deja vu towards his face as just a coincidence and moves on. ofc she develops hatred to him, as hes a Cunt, but she doesnt have it inherently. she clearly doesnt, because she let him live when she slew his friends.
so THEN what happens is that, in the lead up to another trial of her, the second in command explores the area in which the attack happens, and discovers the partly preserved body of her friend in the ditch. its brought back to town for investigation, because, yknow, a dead fucking body covered in weapon wounds, theres foul play. they briefly postpone the Woman’s trial in order to investigate this fresh case, and she could be found with shit on her that is identifiable as either the hunters’ or the Survivors, implicating him. as that shit mounts and stuff looks sus, the second in command manages to convince the council to allow him to bring the Woman to see the corpse. then she fucking reacts, because she immediately recognises it as her friend, and she probably almost goes avatar again before being restrained and escorted out. NOW she’ll talk. thing is, she still has 0 recollection of the night of the attack. her memory doesnt miraculously reappear on that front. that whole night doesnt exist. probably a trauma thing but also, try and remember a specific random day from over a year ago, good luck buddy.
but she’d now be able to explain proper what happened on the day of The Display, and theyd be able to piece a lot of stuff together and come to a conclusion that she and her friend were attacked by the hunters and that she retaliated after they killed her friend, which would allow to sorta slot under an act of self defence (or a similar, not fuckig murder charge, you feel me), thus allowing her sentence to be drastically shortened, and for a charge of murder (or conspiracy to murder, or culpability, or like, what... accessory! accessory to murder) to be laid upon the Survivor and posthumously upon the hunters.
fuck. thatd work. i guess? especially if the element of the dead woman is established. mentioned when the woman wakes up in a panic in the home of a king soul, asking if theyve seen her and if she was with her, and being forced to weakly concede that she doesnt remember having seen her recently due to her exhaustion blacking out many of her days. then you can bring it up later, when the second in command gets closer and more curious about her and asks about how she came to be in the village, and she’d mention her travelling partner and how she wished she knew where she was. then, the body. BAM. fuck! rule of threes, motherfuckers, i know how to construct a narrative! fuck me
tl;dr the Survivor tries a few times to get the Woman thrown out, and eventually succeeds in almost being attacked and killed by her. in an effort to clear her name (because hes a naive good soul who cant combine the image of a murderer with the general way this woman has acted since her arrival), her master, the Second in Command, does a sweep of the area in which the survivor was attacked and discovers the partly preserved corpse of a woman, who was murdered by the Hunters, prompting their deaths at the hands of The Woman.
fuck me down
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