#yamatos too dad i could never
faerociousbeast · 2 years
ok ok what about kakashi or sakura.
i am not into women sorry and kakashi has issues. i do not consider myself to be a suitable therapist
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beanghostprincess · 8 months
Just thinking about ASL living together (modern AU) and Ace always trying to sneak Yamato inside their house without Sabo's knowledge because he doesn't want him to go all 'responsible older brother' on him. But the reason why he's always letting Yamato stay over is because his life at home is obviously... Not so good and he hates being there so he tries to spend most of his time outside. And Ace's heart aches every time he has to let him go, so he often lets him stay over. It becomes more constant and less of a 'sneaking in for a while' thing. And Sabo knows. Because of course, Sabo knows. Sabo always knows what's going on. One day he wakes up to see Yamato having breakfast and Yamato gets all anxious and not knowing what to say and trying to make an excuse (because that's what Ace told him to do if this ever happened) and Sabo is just like "Do you want anything else?" / "Huh? What?" / "I mean. You're eating cereal but we have more stuff in here, you know? At least one of us can cook. What do you want? I can make you pancakes." / "YOU KNOW HOW TO MAKE PANCAKES???????" / "Oh my god, what has my brother been feeding you in here???" / "Mostly leftovers." / "Dude, why are you still with him?" / "Because I love him!" / "Yeah, no, me too. I guess love makes you do stupid things like dealing with a fucking moron like him. Anyway- Pancakes?"
And then Ace wakes up to find his brother and his boyfriend actually getting along and laughing and having breakfast together, and he needs a second to process everything because he's tired as fuck and maybe he's hallucinating. But that doesn't matter because the point is that he's fucked.
Ace: ..... Hi? Sabo: Hey :) Ace: What are you two doing? Yamato: WE'RE HAVING BREAKFAST :D Ace: Yes, babe, I can see that. Why are you here, Sabo? I thought you were- Sabo: I got home last night from college. We have some days off. Now, care to explain why you've been treating your cool boyfriend like a dog instead of giving him actual meals? Ace: I- You're not angry? Sabo: Oh, no. I am angry. Can't you see I'm angry? Ace: Sometimes you give me mixed signals and I'm never sure...? Sabo: I'm angry. That clear enough? Ace: Yes. Yamato: Okay, so Sabo is the only person that scares you. That's good to know. Ace: OH SHUT UP HE DOESN'T SCARE ME I AM NOT AFRAID OF MY BROTHER Sabo: Ace. Ace: ... I'm sorry.
Then, Sabo takes Ace to a more private place in the house and expects an explanation from him and Ace can't keep the secret anymore. So he tells him about Yamato's dad and how he is not a good person and he's always keeping him locked and making his life a living hell. And Ace is literally begging Sabo to let him stay for a while and Sabo is just staring at him like "Why would I not let him? How could I not? Do you see me as some kind of controlling demon around this house or what?" / "I mean, you're kind of scary sometimes-" / "Because you don't do shit around here and when I left for college I expected you to take care of Luffy. But I'm not making Yamato leave! What the fuck, Ace? You should've told me." / "I just- I just don't want him to go back there. He's, like, the nicest guy I've ever known. He's just so good, Sabo. I don't want him to-" / "Yeah. Yeah. He's the love of your life and you're gonna get married and have a fairytale ending or some bullshit like that." / "I did NOT say that." / "But you love him. I'm not letting him stay over if you're not serious about this. We barely have money for us three and we're lucky I can go to college." / "... I know. I know. I do. I do, you know. Like. The L word. You know I can't say it." / "Idiot." / "You're so mean to me. You don't do this shit to Luffy." / "Because at least Luffy has the decency of telling me when his friends are coming over." / "That's what you think." / "What? / "Nothing."
So, long story short, Yamato has the chance to actually live with them for a while if he wants to. Of course, he can't do it permanently. But he knows he has a home there if he ever feels like leaving his own house.
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aretheytransgender · 2 months
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JUSTIFICATION: "He is peak trans coding.
Because his dad was a criminal, he was always told that it was wrong for him to exist. He had always hated himself and his (dead) father. People who never even met him say he's a disgrace and he was executed just for existing. His crime was being born. Ace just wanted to be himself without thinking he was a sin. And only knew he wasn't moments before his demise. (Against a character that is canonically a bigot and probably queerphobic)
But mostly, I think that scene when Garp tells him 'why didn't you just live as I told you?!' Fells very queer coded. As in, obviously the canon reasoning was that Ace was a pirate, but I think that this scene could be very easily placed in a concext were Ace is a trans person that was rejected by society and targeted, and Garp is a parent that while not against his kid being trans, would have preffered if they hid it to be sage and 'fit' into an cisheteronormative society. Or is it just me?
And lastly, the Tboy swag is just immense. Just look at him. And he is frequently paired up with other trans kings like Yamato (canonically trans) and Duece (who isn't canonically but he has a deadname and I could probably write a paragraph for him too)" - Anonymous
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paraliveimaginesblog · 6 months
I've seen a lot of requests parents with only babies but not with older children?) so I was wondering if I could ask for hdcns on how they would deal with a teenager who is going through their rebellious stage where they want to be the complete opposite of their parents (like , he became emo, he listens to heavy metal, he came home with a lot of piercings and told them that "this is not a phase dad, it's my true self *metal pose*" XDD it's all~ for shogo, Allen, anne , kanata and yohei
Allen Sugasano:
Allen, while thrown off if his child suddenly developed a personality not at all similar to who he’s known them to be, doesn’t try to dampen their shine. He gets that everyone finds new passions and that they want to encompass them, to show off their reality and display the things they love, and he wouldn’t be the one to tell them how to act. You think his more laid-back approach to parenting is why he can deal with the teenage years so well, as he respected them as people with their own thoughts. He didn’t try to control them but if he saw them going down a chaotic path he’d try to use his own experience to lead them back to an area where they could safely make their own decisions.
Anne Faulkner:
Anne would be a little hurt if their rebellion was blatantly being the opposite of them, some feelings from the past rising up but they’re quick to push it back down. They could not, would not, be their own mother, and they didn’t find any other issue with their interests being different. They just want it to be what they want and not just a way for them to set themselves aside from their parents, Anne especially having doted over them since the day they were born. They just want it to be known that even if their child is pushing them away they plan on being there and loving them regardless, and there was nothing their child could do to stop them.
Kanata Yatonokami:
Kanata just rolled his eyes at the behavior, not really thrown off while simultaneously wishing this ‘rebellion’ would end so you could all be a normal family again. He never had this experience to deal with because he and Nayuta were abandoned, so he thought maybe his own kid should be more grateful to have what they do, but you thankfully cooled his head before he said something he might regret. Your logic still made him roll his eyes but you suggested he just be patient with your child, who had an extremely famous parent that they didn’t want to potentially live in the shadow of, and to give them the grace to find their own niche without it being forced on them.
Shogo Yamato:
Shogo gets it, he does, because he went through the same thing. Wanting to set yourself apart from your parent wasn’t an unusual thing for a teenager to go through, but he hoped he wasn’t being viewed the same way he saw his father. It makes him anxious but he held back his feelings on it to avoid potentially guilting them, though there are things that he considered too far that he’d have to put his foot down for. He just hoped it was a quick phase as he didn’t know how much his heart could handle.
Yohei Kanbayashi:
Yohei wanted to know what he did to get the most difficult kids on the planet to deal with in his life. As much as he loved them he can’t help but sigh over their behavior, wondering if it really was his fault and he had done something wrong while raising them to get this response. He knew he could be a ‘tough love’ sort but he’d rather they just tell him if he was pissing them off than have to dig through every interaction and memory to discover it himself. In the end, he tried to exercise some more patience with them as he remembered at one point he was young and confused about who he was too, so he’d just give them the time to figure that out.
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prototypelq · 8 months
During my foolish attempt (thankfully, successful, through a lot of time, trial and error) at DMC5 SoS difficulty run, the Vergil fights have caught my attention. Vergil's behaviour in both fights is very unusual, and I wanted to share some thoughts on this matter.
post sponsored by mutual @stashoflostsouls's suggestion to share this
I'll open up with the most obvious one, a rebuttal of a misconception, that I've seen a number of times in the fandom, and which baffles me to this day - M20, aka Son VS Idiot Dad fight, which is a complete joke.
Don't get me wrong, this was not the hardest difficulty, not am I the most skilled player, but I almost won this battle first try, and actually won it on second, while being extremely freakin rusty at Nero game, by which I mean halfway remembering the controls in the middle of the fight. Even if you learn the attack patterns and dodges, a proper challenging bossfight will not allow this kind of victory.
M20 Vergil tends to fall on his knee for a breather after laying a single finger on him, he is Much Slower than before, and he gets caught by the most obnoxious Devil Breaker animations to boot. M20 Vergil is exhausted, he does not have his proper strength for this fight, and so a newly-awakened Nero thrashes him easily. Literally. This fight is mechanically and challenge-wise equal to an interactive cutscene, same as the credits. This does NOT mean Nero is on par with the twins' power, it only means he stopped them in their final moments, running all of their last fumes into that rush, only to be stopped from ending it all.
Okay, now that weird thing out of the way - M19 the Twins Final Stand.
Vergil behaves Very Weird in this fight, to say the least. First of all - phase 1 and phase 3 attacks are...Heaven and Hell. On SoS you need to dodge three then five consecutive Judgement Cuts. If phase 1 Vergil can be parried, interrupted or juggled even, phase 3 Vergil is completely bonkers insane, the only thing you can do against him is pray and run away. again I am not too skilled at the game.
Which, you know, is unusual for him. Because Vergil is decidedly Not known for toying with his prey. Vergil is known for going all in and executing threats on sight. It is weird for him to hold back so obviously.
Even funnier, one of the defeat lines he says is 'You've disappointed me, Dante' as in 'player you fool, this is only my first easy phase of the fight, how will you even survive the DT transition'.
i heard this one a lot
But okay, this can be excused by DMC5 being, y'know, a game. And a good bossfight needs mechanics, phases and challenge escalation, otherwise, it will decidedly not be a good bossfight, I hear you say. Hold that thought.
Now for the Arguably Most Stupid Move In the Entirety of DMC - the Mega Ultra Super Freakin Charged Flying Lizord Freight Attack during the 2d to 3d fight phase transition.
I cannot find the words to properly describe just how stupid this move is. It is flashy and powerful, which does suit Vergil at first glance, however, this is a fight against Dante. Batshit like this Would never work on Dante, Could never work on Dante, and never ever Will work on Dante. You wanna know how to dodge this attack? Double jump. That's it. Of course, you can get fancy and RoyalRevenge it right back, or Gunslinger-charge the IMMAH FIRE MAH LAZOR with the Double Kalinnas, or do another stylish move, but the easiest, cheapest, most obvious way to dodge this attack is double jump.
Do you see why this is stupid. For your notice, even the fried chicken Malphas' rampage attack has a larger hitbox than this!!!
Now, contrary to all the evidence presented above, there is One attack in the 1st phase which you must always take seriously - the teleporting Stab. It's the scenic attack which has Vergil shishkebab the player with Yamato and reminisce on 'the old times'. This attack is not hard to dodge, any moving will do it, however the Timing has to be very exact - too fast or too slow, and you can say bye-bye to your healthbar.
This attack is Vergil NOT messing around, this one is serious and dangerous, and you need to always keep it in mind. This attack is Vergil checking you, this is him testing how in control you are of this fight. If you are too excited, or tired, or your attention wandered and he does this - Easy Mode is Now Selectable TM. If I am not mistaken, this is the only attack which timing does not change between phases, meaning the dodge window in phase one and phase three is the same. Meaning this attack is Vergil Not holding back, unlike every other move in phase one, which is considerably faster the more the fight progresses.
So, what do we have in total:
Vergil responding in kind to Dante's provocation in the cutscene; then for some reason limiting himself during the start of the fight; except The Stab, which you can consider a provocation in of itself; doing a needlessly flashy and hopelessly useless freight train attack, which Vergil overly-telegraphs by flying around (parading) beforehand; and only after ALL THIS, does he start fighting in proper.
Tu-dunnn, advertising time! I am a firm believer and follower of the amazing mutual @stashoflostsouls' school of character analysis and thought, and for this particular post I will be referencing her analysis of Vergil's motivation, which you can guess from the title of this analysis - Vergil loves his brother and it’s the reason he falls, and her analysis on V(ergil) and how Dante ended up being the death omen of his own brother.
You should really treat yourself to reading the full versions of this, but a tldr for the post purposes: Vergil loves his brother so much, he could never kill him; Dante's determination to chase Vergil made him a death omen for his own older brother; after his rebirth in dmc5 Vergil feels rejected by Dante, has no reason to live, and he is ready to face death, which he has been running from his whole life, at the hands of his younger brother.
This analysis shines new light and makes sense of this erratic behaviour of Vergil's in M19. The entire fight is one big trap, a provocation, only the last phase of the fight is the actual last stand. The holding back at the beginning of the fight, and the frying freight lizord attacks are a big red flag Vergil keeps waving in front of Dante. To make him commit to this fight, to truly end this for once and for all, to bait his younger brother into thinking Vergil is serious and force his hand into killing Vergil, because that's the only way he would allow himself to go out.
thanks for reading, bonus discord quote about this from my dear mutual @stashoflostsouls
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p.s. my dear mutual @fluffypichu876 has also pretty much confirmed this in regards to highest-difficulty experience with the Vergil bossfights, much thanks and appreciation for that insight)
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danganronpafan777 · 7 months
Dra boys x f!reader who asks them "babe i want a baby" and the boys are like shooked
Also i love your writing!
Thank you!! ☺️ Sorry if this imagine came out a bit more serious then comedic though.
Haruhiko Kobashikawa:
It's been a while since he's had a nosebleed this big
"...Y/n...Wh-What did you just say..?"
He pinches himself to make sure he's not dreaming
He's perverted sure, but for his girlfriend to suddenly say this...
Haru has no idea what he should say or do, just zoning out at your adorable expression. You were serious about this?? Did you wanna... do it right now?? Get down mister-
He briefly excuses himself to wipe his nose and throw some water on his face. When he talks with you again, he's still bright red, confused, and internally screaming. Stammering, he asks you what you meant, and why you brought it up.
He would love to have kids when the two of you are older, but until then, he doesn't think he can handle that kind of responsibility as a high schooler. 
If you simply meant that you wanted to take your relationship to the next level, he wouldn't be opposed in the slightest.
He remains silent as you repeat yourself. You couldn't remember the last time you've seen this much emotion on your boyfriend's face.
His divine luck made life pretty predictable but you were just full of surprises.
You're gonna have to carry the conversation from there, rambling about how babies were cute, and a bunch of other stuff that Utsuro was too distracted to listen to.
Why would you say this? Did his luck do something for this to occur so randomly? Did he want a child!? 
Okay, hell no. Dealing with Akane and void was enough, and he didn't want a biological kid cursed with his luck. When you ask him what he thinks, he's direct and blunt about it. You were one of the few good things he had in the world, but he had his own boundaries in this relationship. You two were high schoolers. 
He might consider adoption when you're older, but not for a while.
In the end, he wills his luck and gets you a puppy instead.
Teruya Otori:
He hurts his mouth from opening it so wide, and his face is so red that you could mistake him for a strawberry. He can't form coherent words for a solid minute.
He excuses himself, and isn't sure how he can even look at you without blushing, knowing you actually wanted to have... with him...
He has no idea what to do, asking advice from his dad would be humiliating, and Haru would never let him live this down... 
Teruya ends up being honest with you, that he'd like to have a kid or two, but not until the both of you are at stable points in your careers. He still has to cover his red face a few times in the conversation out of embarrassment. 
He's flattered, happy to know you want a future with him, but he'd prefer to take things slow.
(His Dad would definitely ask for grandchildren when you guys get older though-)
DRA Yuki Maeda:
"H-Huh!? Y-Y/n!? What do you mean!?"
When you repeat the question, he's even more shocked. Yuki takes a deep breath, and tells you that you're both too young. He's still blushing and the idea is sweet, but he didn't think either of you were ready for that kind of responsibility.
Yuki's taken care of a few younger cousins, and isn't bad with kids, but not great either. He treats them well and takes care of them properly, but he's not the highlight of their night. 
He suggests that the two of you adopt a pet after high school, just to see how it goes. He wouldn't mind having a child with you, but he'd constantly worry about being a dad.
(His mother loves the idea of grandchildren though, and will bring it up a lot as he gets older)
Yamato Kisaragi:
"Okay! I'll get you a-...wait WHAT!?"
Considering how much this boy spoils you, the moment you said you wanted something, it was basically yours. 
But he still knew when to put his foot down. 
Yamato's face is pink, and he'll need a moment to gain his composure. He'd like to be a dad one day, preferably to multiple kids, but he was NOT ready for that yet. Gently taking your hands, he tells you that you're both too young, and should focus on your own futures before bringing a child into the picture.
However, he asks Kinji to let you help with the children at the orphanage, and promises to adopt a pet with you after high school.
He thinks about that moment sometimes, and it never fails to bring a giant blush to his face. 
Kakeru Yamaguchi:
You've broken him. The moment his brain processed those words, he was out. He doesn't wake up for a while, and when he does, he's frozen in shock. 
If you repeat what you said, he'll just pass out again. Kanata might have to sedate him...
As for actually having kids, the topic will always fluster him, no matter how old the two of you are. Kakeru would only be comfortable having kids after both of you have finished high school, and he has finished law school and payed off any debt or loans. 
He's hesitant on the idea in general, not sure if he'll make a good father, but he'll eventually give in. 
Kinji Uehara:
"...I'm sorry?"
He can't stop himself from blushing, and he's extremely confused on why you would say that so suddenly-
"Y/n...I'm... not sure where to start..."
He'll bring you somewhere private and talk with you there. He's shocked, sure, but handles the situation maturely. You can't help but tease him a bit as he tries to stop himself from internally freaking out.
Kinji sits the both of you down, and you have a long discussion about intimacy and your plans for the future.
As a devoted priest, he has taken a vow of celibacy, so you shouldn't expect biological children. However, when the two of you are old enough, he'd be more than happy to adopt children with you. 
Mitch Higa:
"I... uhh...where is this coming from?"
Very confused. He'd love to get intimate with you, but he's not sure if he wants kids yet, and definitely not when his soccer career is just beginning. 
The conversation would be awkward, but he'd try to be upfront about it. For the next couple of years, the answer was definitely no, but later on.... He'll think about it.
Over the years, anytime a kid excitedly comes up to him, usually asking for an autograph or picture, he keeps thinking of that moment. 
...And he just can't stop thinking about it.
Initially, he'd like a few sons, but would end up loving any child of his equally regardless of gender. Mitch would love it if they liked soccer, but if not, he'd still love them just as much.
Still, he'd like the two of you to live your lives to the fullest, and not miss out on your youth. 
Tsurugi Kinjo:
"Absolutely not. We're high schoolers."
He shuts it down quick.
It did catch him off guard, but he's fast to respond. He genuinely can't imagine why you think that's a good idea. The two of you had your whole lives ahead of you.
He gives you a stern talking to about the responsibility and impact the child would have on both of your lives, and how the two of you might have to drop out of school to care for it. (Tsurugi definitely refers to babies as "it")
 Honestly, he doesn't even like it when you joke about that kind of thing. He doesn't want to think of a child as an obstacle, but it would greatly interfere with his work.
Not matter your age, Tsurugi would always be hesitant about kids, but if you push enough, he might agree to a child when you're both stable and well into your careers.
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comfortabletogether · 5 months
Hey, can I have Utsuro, Tsurugi, Mikado, and Syobai with a female bimbo ultimate Pastry chef s/o? She's super bubbly and sweet and and bakes for them and wants to fix them? If you could write this I'll give you a shortcake 🍰
Thank you for the request!! I really appreciate it, and how did you know that strawberry shortcake is my favorite dessert?!!? Where did you put the cameras???
I’m kidding lol. No but seriously Strawberry Shortcake is my favorite dessert, there is a great place that serves it in the summer and it’s the best. It’s the highlight of my summer.
admittedly i do not know what a bimbo is and I’m frankly too scared to look it up since none of my friends will tell me.
I decided to write for IRL!Mikado instead of AI!Mikado because you didn’t specify. And honestly was fine with writing all of these characters except I started to get super scared when I got to Utsuro 😭😭
I just didn’t want to mess up or disrespect my husband.
~ Mod Haruhiko ✈️
Tsurugi Kinjo
🚔 Tsurugi starts out extremely suspicious of your kindness. Even when you bring him some ‘extra pastries’ (you made them just for him), he just thinks you’re being a friendly classmate. Or maybe you’re trying to bribe him. He doesn’t once consider that you may just like him.
🚔 If you keep persisting on being around him and hanging out with him and giving him small gifts— then he will start to develop crush on you back. He won’t understand exactly what he’s feeling so he will definitely go to Yamato to ask for advice. Yamato is his wingman and will probably be the one to actually get you two together.
🚔 When you are finally together, he will be very protective over you. He’s seen too much evil in this world and you’re so sweet and kind and amazing and wonder and— Tsurugi just wants to shield you from that.
🚔 Tsurugi doesn’t have all too much of a sweet tooth. So he won’t often accept that many gifts of pastries from you.
🚔 It will be a long time into you and Tsurugi’s but eventually he will open up to you about everything he had seen. His trauma with his dad, Kouhei, everything will come pouring out. And it would happen on one night too. It would be a night of a lot of tears and depressing talks that involve you holding Tsurugi tight, whispering praise and reassurance.
🚔 Tsurugi’s worldviews will eventually change while you are with him, you and Yamato help him improve as a person. And he appreciates you helping to break him free of his father’s toxic mindset.
Syobai Hashimoto 
🚬 At first, Syobai feels bugged by you and your sweetness, rolling his eyes and coldly asking if you have money when you want to talk with him. But, albeit simple, if you bring him a few pastries and tell him that they are free of charge— he’ll changed his mind slightly.
🚬 But Syobai being Syobai Hashimoto, he won’t know how to express his subtle appreciation and connection with you in a proper way, so he’ll just let you be with him or get some information from him without any sort of charge.
🚬 Syobai eventually will confess via just straight up telling you in the bluntest way possible. Bake him something for the first date. He’s always caught so off guard by you, especially when you do something really nice for him. It’s not something that’s he is exactly used to. 
🚬 Bake him a pastry shaped like money, he’ll laugh. To be with Syobai you would definitely have to be smart in some regard, as he cannot deal with stupid people without throwing insults at them. You’d probably at the very least understand common sense.
🚬 This man will be hard to fix, he was abandoned in childhood. But after a little while, and a few pastries, he will start to open up a little bit. But he would definitely shield you from his side on the black market, sure you’ll know about it but he will never get into details about it.
🚬 Syobai’s behaviors won’t change even if you try and fix him. He’ll be kinder and more loving with you (in private, will shove you off in public). But he was will still be rude to everyone else.
Irl!Mikado Sannoji 
💿 He would probably find you and your information out from either Kokoro or from his excessive stalking of Utsuro. You would’ve been in his class and were a survivor of the killing game but never joined up in the Kisaragi Foundation, opting to do something else to help the world.
💿 Mikado would definitely create a scenario where he accidentally runs into you at like a coffee shop or something, and  the two of you instantly hit it off. And Mikado is definitely not developing a very large obsession with you.
💿 Dating him is pretty cool, he’ll take you out on walks or bring you to his apartment or just go to yours. He has a lot of money that he justifies by telling you that he works really high up with programmers. And he refuses to introduce you to Kokoro but he will definitely gush to her about you.
💿 One morning when Mikado spent the night at your apartment, he woke up that morning to the smell of raspberry tarts. Mikado often forgets that you used to work as a pastry chef. And when he takes a bite he almost a faints. 
💿 To be completely honest, you might make Mikado worse. You’ll get him to open up to you about his tragic backstory and you’ll help him overcome some insecurities he has but your relationship would be built off so many lies and miscommunications and there is so much you don’t know about him that he doesn’t want you to find out.
💿 He’s so obsessed with both you and Utsuro, and his obsession with you might even surpass his of Utsuro. Sure, he’ll continue to search for him but he is full heartedly convinced that you had inherited Utsuro’s divine luck or something similar.
🍀 Another one who is suspicious of your kind behavior. Utsuro has been used for his luck so many times that he doesn’t understand that someone who hasn’t been with him for years actually likes him for him.
🍀 Utsuro for a long time will pretend to not care about you. So you’ll have to be very persistent with him. After time with you reassuring him that you appreciate him for him, thank him for things you don’t exactly need to, praise, and just spending time with him, he’ll develop feelings for you.
🍀 But Utsuro wouldn’t ask you out, his luck would just make you say yes anyways, and he didn’t want to force you to do anything with his luck. But to his surprise, one random day in February, you give him a box of pastries and then you spill you practically spill your guts to him. 
🍀 He’ll silently adore your sweetness and think it’s ironic your talent going on par with it. If you are baking anything, Utsuro would typically sit silently in the corner while reading a book that he would recommend for you to read after he’s done.
🍀 Your existence and being by his side would probably convince him to withdraw from Junko’s plan (and would probably lead to its downfall). But you helping him be a better person and become less distrustful, which unfortunately doesn’t show externally.
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hikaritakaishi · 18 days
Grief (Yamato & Takeru)
Disclaimer: This is a small piece of work that I wrote for the Takari Week that I could not post, but that I really enjoyed writing, so I decided to share! I love the family dynamics that we have in Digimon and everything about these two siblings’ relationship!  Enjoy!
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“Dad as always is going to come home late.” Yamato said while putting a hand full of spaghetti pasta into the boiling water pot. “Is mom home?”
“I think by now she is. But she must be locked in the office writing some article for the newspapers. You know, the usual.”
“Those two have more in common than they would ever admit.”
“I guess you have a point.”
Takeru took a sip from the tin the Coca-Cola Yamato had given to him. “Maybe that is the reason why they are no longer together; they are too similar to stand each other.”
“It can be.” Yamato laughed a bit. “I am very proud of you for being able to talk about it so openly now. Not a long time ago you would dismiss the topic and pretend you didn’t hear my comment.”
“I’ve been making some progress. As time passed, I think I just accepted the fact that some things would never change, and I have been trying my best to heal from it the best way I can. Writing my feelings down help a lot.”  
“I understand.” Yamato bent down and took out of a wood drawer a jar with the word 塩 (salt) written in hand, and another with the word 黒胡椒 (black pepper). “Your therapy is writing, mine is creating music. I would never admit it to them, but some songs I have wrote are inspired by them.”
“There is beauty in transforming pain into art. At least their story can be signified as such.”
“Exactly. You thought that line yourself?”
“I have been practicing.” Takeru smiled shyly noticing how Yamato observed his sentence.
“I can tell.” Yamato carefully put a pinch of salt and black pepper in the pot where the pasta was boiling. “You said you wanted to talk about something on the phone. What could it be?”
“Oh…that. Well, I think I may need some… dating advice.” Takeru said and felt a sudden urge to hide himself under the table out of shyness.
“What?” Yamato turned around quickly to face his brother with his mouth wide open. He was still holding the jars.” Who is it?”
“Ah…” Takeru looked away and started to tap his hand on the table insecurely. “Do you think Taichi is the jealous type of brother… or would he be ok if I…?”
“Taichi? No way!” Yamato quickly pulled the chair next to him and noisily sat down in front of Takeru. “There is no way you are dating Hikari!”
“Theoretically, I am not…Yet. I invited her for a date on Saturday… and she said yes.”
“I see…” Yamato was speechless. “I mean, congratulations! How… did that happened?
“It is a very long story. But the thing is, I have never been on a date before, I am kind of nervous. I don’t exactly know what to do, how to plan… “
“You never asked a girl out?”  Yamato interrupted him.
“If I never told you, it's because it never happened.”
“Make sense.”
Yamato let the idea sink into his mind. Not that it wasn't something he had already imagined, or even discussed with Taichi himself. But they always joked about it, he was not prepared to face it in real life.
“So…” Takeru broke the silence. “You are going to help me…?”
 “Let me… finish dinner first. A few minutes and I can answer you. Now I am too busy being surprised.” Yamato stood up and went turning off the pan.
Takeru rolled his eyes and kept drinking the Coca-Cola.
Yamato finished cooking in few minutes and served it, making slight jokes about the topic they were discussing before.
They expressed the typicalいただきます(itadakimasu) before anything else.
“Now that I am calmer.” Yamato started trying to look as serious as he could. “What happened? And please hide unnecessary details I don’t want to know.”
Takeru laughed at this and took a few seconds to summarize everything that have happened on this mind. It was still fresh and some things he would admit did not have processed yet. But one thing he was certain of: He could not be happier.
 “You know, I have been receiving love letters from girls at school, and many of them confessed to me. I think I told you about this already.”
“Yes, I remember.” Yamato took the chopsticks and divided them, listening attentively.
“In the quickest way I can summarize this, another one was too much for us to keep pretending we did not care about it. Hikari distanced herself and it was unbearable for me. I knew it was hurting her, and we talked about it after class. And we kissed. I mean, I kissed her.”
“Basically, we two just needed a good excuse to stop playing dumb about how you feel about each other.”
“I can confirm that.” Takeru followed his brother in the previous act. Divided his chopstick as well.
“Well, I don’t think you need to do something incredibly complicated for your first date Takeru, really. Your friendship with her naturally evolved into love and I think you should keep things as light as possible. Without pressure, you know her since you were eight, just trust yourself and your feelings.”
“Oh wow, I never expected to hear it from you.” Takeru seemed kind of surprised.
“I know, I know. But after several years in a relationship, you start to think about things differently.”
“I can see it.”
“Just take care of her and your relationship properly. Everything will be ok.”
“I… don’t want to commit the same mistakes mom and dad committed you know.”
“They are a good example of not taking care of a relationship properly.” Yamato said with as much sincerity as he could. “Dad was never at home, and mom needed to work and take care of us alone most of the time. He was always too busy working. And she needed support. Not financially, but all the other kinds, and dad just let it go. They had a very deficient communication. All I can remember were they screaming their problems at each other, frustrated and confused.”
“I remember that too. And for some reason, I remember blaming myself for it, most of the time. I think dad never expected mom to actually… leave.”
“I felt that as well. I blamed myself not just for the screaming, but for the divorce. Mom just couldn’t take that anymore.”
“I don’t want to… be like them.”
“We are not our parents, Takeru.” Yamato smiled at him, reminding the time he started to date Sora, when he had the same mental dilemma Takeru was having.” We were there, we know what happened, and we have the tools to do differently. “
“I know.”
Takeru smiled sadly, trying to remove those dark days from the focus of his present-day memory. At least he knew that Yamato understood him and these waves of old grief feelings. It didn’t matter what happened in the past, if he now got the tools to create a better future. Yamato was right, he needed to trust his feelings, and trust Hikari. Trust that they were able to create a relationship with a solid base of love and respect. He was the one in charge of creating his own fate, and he chose her to be his other side of the mirror.
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maireyart · 2 years
Pixiv Recs. Obito's name
Have I already mentioned I love the Japanese fandom for all the wonderful comic strips and doujinshi? Oh, do I love it! They inspire me so much to create mine. I haven't rec'd anything in a while because tumblr shadowbanned me for posting too many links last time xD But this one! Oh!
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It's common knowledge in the fandom that the word KAKASHI means 'scarecrow', but what about OBITO? Ooooh, it has a meaning too ;) But it's such a rare, outdated word that even (some) Japanese are shocked at the revelation--judging by the comments on Pixiv to this bittersweet and touching comic:
✏ "The name he threw away" by さあり. Obito's parents discuss their soon-to-be-born son's name. I was not surprised by the meaning only bc it had been the first thing I looked up in the dictionary when I'd learned about the development of this character after 12 years of being out of the fandom :D Author's comment: "The man who spent most of his life under the aliases Tobi and Madara."
Translation: Obito's Dad: Have you decided on a name? Obito's Mom: Yes. I've searched books and thought about this a lot. Dad: We're expecting a boy, so his name must be intimidating to his enemies and very powerful. Mom: Powerful, yes. But I would like his name to be endowed with more than that… The name is very important. It is a gift given by parents to their child, the gift that stays with the child for life. If we disappear from his life someday, he will never forget our love because his name will still contain the intentions and thoughts we put into it. (Book: Character Meanings) Mom: Bringing people together and guiding them, leading the way for them… I want him to be such a leader. Dad: Leader? You mean you want him to become Hokage? Mom: He-he! He's your son after all. I wouldn't be surprised if he declares that one day! Dad: Actually, I haven't given up on the idea myself yet! Mom: My lovely child… Carry this name proudly, never forget it! And if you ever get lost on your way, reach out to it. In it is your essence. (Book -- 首 SHU/kubi; kashira, osa; obito "a person who leads" (tousotsu suru mono)). Mom: Obito. _____ In the manga Obito's name is written with a syllabic alphabet, but the word may be written with a character too.
首 'obito' - a hereditary title (kabane) in Yamato-period Japan (250–710 CE). Obito means 'leader, commander', also something like 'the man in charge' (e.g. an obito could be the head of a 'bemin' family (a small clan subservient to a more noble clan in Yamato), or the man in charge of some duty, or a professional).
The word seems to have originated from the word combination "oo hito" (lit. 'big [authoritative] person'), but it was never written with these two charactes. In fact obito is one of the readings of the character 首 SHU/kashira/kubi 'head, neck', which hints to the meaning (just like in English the word head also means 'chief').
And the author of this comic saw great irony here. 'Leader' who renounced his own name along with the feelings his parents put into it 💔 I loved it.
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lale-txt · 2 years
🌙 modern AU: OP kids teaching their dads how to use the computer
a/n: avoiding all the things i'm supposed to write and writing silly little headcanons like these instead because i needed something for the soul today and because my heart is soft and weak for any of these dads and their sons ugh („ಡωಡ„)
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Law & Rosinante
deep breaths, Law is reminding himself as he watches Rosinante trip over the cable of the charger and almost take down the whole PC setup with him as he falls to the ground
this was the man he owed his life to, the man who burned down several hospitals for him, the man who never gave up even in the darkest hours… giving him a computer crash course was the least Law could do to show his gratitude 
with a cigarette dangling from his lips Rosinante sits up straight, eager to learn all about the world wide web 
he nods along eagerly as Law starts rambling about the importance of secure passwords and how to detect spam mails, that he should never ever click on one of those and never give out any private data about himself
as if Rosinante hadn’t lived an undercover life for so many years and didn’t know a thing or two about keeping data safe
Law is unfazed as he puts out a small fire caused by a smoldering cigarette someone dropped on the tittie mousepad (a gift from Rosinante’s brother who had obnoxious taste but at least it was good for the wrists)
he also continues his PowerPoint presentation when Rosinante slips from his chair when he wants to change his position and Law takes a mental note to never get him a gymnastic ball because that won’t help his dad with good posture, it will probably just break his neck
“any questions?”, Law asks after a 5 hour lecture and raises an eyebrow when Rosinate lifts his hand. now what could it be, he went into deep detail about everything, there’s not a single topic he hadn’t covered…
“so. how do i turn this thing on?”
Ace & Roger
his therapist had suggested some father-son-bonding time but Ace wasn’t entirely sure if that’s exactly what they had in mind
“you have to doubleclick to open it”, Ace says through gritted teeth as he watches his father trying to open the internet browser, the mouse disappearing entirely under his big hand
Roger laughs and pats his son on the back, just happy to spend some time with him
“but i’m clicking already, i think that thing is broken. maybe i’m just too old for this thing.” – “no, you have to click faster. not like that. just… fast. oh my god, dad, are you kidding me?!”
Ace is close to gnawing at the desk as he watches Roger click anywhere just not the icon he is supposed to click
how did this man sail the whole world back and forth and can’t do a simple thing as opening an app and why does he want to learn how to use a computer anyway at his age
Ace is close to getting up and running out when Roger turns to him and smiles at him softly, almost apologetically
“you know… this is nice. i love spending time with you. now show your old man one more time how to write an email so we can stay in touch when you’re traveling.”
Ace feels a lump in his throat and takes a deep breath, putting on a stoic face as he lays his hand on top of his father’s and shows him how to click correctly
there’s many things left unsaid between them but not all of them were bad. after all, Ace would sit and smile when Roger replies to his email from vacation with an over exaggerated chain of smileys :-) :-D :-) :-D :-) :-D 8-D  
Yamato & Kaido
listen, Kaido is trying, he really is
it‘s not his fault that this keyboard is TINY and his fingers are MASSIVE
lots of yelling and shouting and doors being slammed as Yamato’s patience is running thin 
he comes back to Kaido crying in front of his tiny laptop and in the end will help his dad send out the “funny eCard” to his friends and subordinates
Yamato will show him how to use speech to text because that might be helpful when Kaido can’t type on the small keyboard, right?
little does he know that he opened the box of pandora with that
cryptic text messages at 2am, something about “running out of sake press send why doesn’t it send Yamato can you hear me this is not working send send send hello oh fucking hell hello? hello? i need more sake where is it where is it ahh it’s empty hello”
that’s Yamato’s breaking point; when he decides to get rid of the computer the following day and just gift Kaido a nice calligraphy set or something instead
because frankly, he never wants to wake up to a dozen emails from his father again written through entire phases of his drunk stages
emails he didn’t send to Yamato only, but to his whole subordinates to which Ulti replied to all with a simple “is Kaido stupid?” 
also because he learned that people online call his dad “babygirl” and he’s not sure how to explain that to him…
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quinloki · 11 months
Whats a unpopular op opinion that you can get hate for? Yamatos gender don't matter because Yamato is still Yamato duh
I mean, with as long-running as One Piece is, and with as massive as the fandom is, and with as wide a range as the ages and locations of people in the fandom, I have to say you could probably get hate for pretty much any One Piece opinion.
Some people are just looking for a fight, after all, and some people thrive on stirring up drama over the strangest things.
I'll do a for instance, I'm not a huge fan of Trans Crocodile - I have nothing against it, I just hope/think the secret Ivan knows about should be something completely unrelated to what one expects with Ivankov involved. But even in not being a fan of the theory, I do *love* the theory and a lot of the stuff created because of it.
Honestly, as long as someone isn't trying to hammer their opinion in the form of Indisputable Gospel™, then I'm a pretty live and let live person and feel like others should be too. It's all fiction anyway, there's nothing worth getting that worked up about.
I will say, as a trans person, Yamato's gender does matter, not in like an end-all be-all way, but because it's not a head canon, it's not an item that's open or vague or debatable. It's a canon statement that Yamato is a guy - Even his own dad canonically refers to him as his son.
And because being a guy can be visually nebulous it makes his declaration all the more important. Same with Kiku. At no point in the story are either of their identities made out to be some huge deal - it's not an ordeal Kaido suffers to call Yamato his son, and there's no "oh I called Kiku my sister for so long" from Izou, king that he is. And Izou too! Who has a decidedly feminine appearance and is entirely a man.
One Piece isn't trying to be a discourse on gender, but in some ways it is - and after finding out that the Queers were basically vetted by a close queer friend of Oda's really puts that whole thing in a different light. It used to bother me, it felt like a mockery, but I see it very differently now. A kind of "laugh if you want, we don't give a fuck" sort of vibe.
One Piece is certainly a story about freedom, and having a right to exist as we are, and not within government mandated parameters. *Stares at the camera for a minute*.
So I love that there's a lot of against the grain characters in the show, and it's never their weirdness or differences that are ever contested. Sanji isn't supported for his reaction to the Okama, but he's not derided for his opinion either. He's free to bitch about them - but even with how he grumbles, they still showed up at Shabody to help the crew.
I'm digressing and getting into my own vibes, but I guess the important takeaway is that you can get hate for just about anything, even a popular opinion. At the end of the day the important thing is that you aren't sending death threats to people for having a different opinion.
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faerociousbeast · 2 years
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spandexual · 5 months
"Also who are your favourite reds to smash together, lately I’m into crossover shipping so toku is fun for that" from @27danone
everyone x Captain Marvelous (GokaiRed) is canon and real so do with that what you will. I especially like Alata (GoseiRed) x Marvelous tho, not just because they're handover buddies but because they genuinely do match very well. The Gokaigers are insanely OP yeah but the Goseigers are pretty much the only team that could take them 1:1 even with all of their powers imo just because THEY'RE so OP too lol. That aside, Alata's bright and pure literally angelic but NOT stupid or foolish personality complements Marvelous's wild, reckless, morally questionable one so well.
pretty sure GaoRed and AbaRed never met but kakega is 1) a really funny ship name and 2) they're both similar enough that they would have a lot in common 3) different enough they wouldn't be turned off by the mirror effect I think. And I think Ryouga deserves a man who would know how to look after his daughter. Not that Kakeru (weird calling him that and not just Red) would instantly be the world's best dad, but being a veterinarian shows a level of maturity and care that lbr the very vast majority of reds are missing lol. Marry These Men
Jan (GekiRed) x Sosuke (Go-OnRed) would be entirely fucking stupid and it should happen just because of that.
Takeru (ShinkenRed) x Yamato (ZyuohEagle) are a fair few years apart I know BUT I think zoologist with daddy issues Yamato would do verryyyy well with kitty boy samurai lord :)
not sure if Tatsuya x Naoto (TimeRed x TimeFire) counts as redxred but they ARE both red so I'm counting it. uhhh watch Timeranger or check my recentish posts about it bc holy fucking SHIT dude. They're the proto-Shinji/Ren in many ways but like. even more painful.
not redxred but Lucky (ShishiRed) x Emu (Ex-Aid) 4 eva btw it's so fucking funny that Lucky is the literal only person Emu has had romantic tension with when they met for like 5 seconds and Ex-Aid was basically a BL. AND that nishimen shoot wants to make out with iijima or whatever is going on with their twitter accounts. ghost-aid...
there are definitely others but that will do for now lol
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kuschelkissen-art · 9 months
I did a thing
(Comments and shares welcome)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings apply
Relationships: Morofushi Takaaki & Scotch | Morofushi Hiromitsu, Morofushi Takaaki & Yamato Kansuke
Characters: Morofushi Takaaki, Scotch | Morofushi Hiromitsu, Yamato Kansuke
Additional Tags: Minor Character Death, Childhood Trauma, Murder, Fix-It of Sorts, Dead Parents, Grief/Mourning
Summary: Koumei had cried. Kansuke had never seen him like this before, had never even seen him cry before.
"Morofushi-san's family has been murdered."
It was the first thing Kansuke heard this morning and he felt his blood run cold in his veins. It was all whispers, students of all classes mumbling behind their hands, but it was so loud, it couldn't be misheard or ignored.
With trembling steps, he walked into the classroom and when he found Koumei's seat to be empty, he felt like the floor was being pulled from under his feet.
"Where's Koumei?" he asked and the whispering stopped. Silence fell over the class, deafening, threatening, and nobody seemed to want to answer him or even look at him.
"Where's Koumei?!" he repeated with more emphasis. Koumei was never late to school. Never. He either waited for Kansuke to walk with him, or if he deemed him too late, walked without him. He was always the first in class. Him not being in his seat was bad news.
"Yamato-kun," one of the boys said carefully, "haven't you heard?"
"Heard what?!" he snapped. "What is everyone talking about?!"
"They're all dead."
Before he could stop himself, Kansuke had grabbed the boy by his collar. "What do you mean?! Dead?? Koumei is dead?! Do you think that's funny?!"
The boy seemed to shrink a bit. "N-no! I'm not joking!! Morofushi-kun's family...! H- his parents! They are dead!"
Kansuke just stared. He wanted to scream at him. Why?! Why are they dead?! What happened?! And why does everyone know but me?!
Deep down he knew of course. Everyone here knew someone who knew things. Tanaka's dad was with the police. Yoshikawa's mum was a doctor. They always knew.
Kansuke let go of him and turned around. He didn't listen when they called out for him, he just ran. Ran through the hallway, out of the school, and all the way to his best friend's house.
There were police cars and yellow tape, reading "Crime Scene Do Not Cross", but Kansuke just dashed through it and only was stopped at the wide open door by two hands and a strong grip.
"Hey, you can't come in here!" a man in uniform said.
"Where is Koumei?!" Kansuke screamed. "He lives here! Where is-" His eyes grew wide as he saw the blood on the floor, surrounding the drawn figure of a corpse in the doorway to the living room.
"What's the ruckus?" another man said, before he shouted angrily: "Get that damn kid out of here!"
Kansuke didn't fight when the policeman pushed him out with gentle force.
"This is no place for a child," he said. "Your friend was taken by his relatives. And you should be in school, I think."
Kansuke nodded slowly. "Yes... I'll... I'll go back to school" he muttered and turned around to leave.
Relatives...? Yes, Kansuke thought, an aunt and an uncle lived close by. So instead of going back to school, he went there.
He had to ring the bell several times until he heard the door unlock, and when it finally opened, he almost regretted coming here.
Koumei stood in front of him, and while his hair and clothes were perfectly in shape, he was terribly pale, even more so than usual, with dark shadows under his eyes, which were suspiciously puffy and reddened.
Koumei had cried. Kansuke had never seen him like this before, had never even seen him cry before.
And now he wished that was still the case.
"H- hey," he said, still staring at his face.
"Kansuke-kun? Why are you not in school?" Even Koumei's voice sounded different than usual. Hoarse and tired.
"Why-" Kansuke blinked. "Idiot!" he then yelled. "Why would I be in school instead of here with you?!" He wanted to ask more, wanted to ask why he hadn't told him, but he saw Koumei retreat a bit and how his eyes were suddenly glistening, and the next second he had stepped inside and wrapped his arms around his friend. "Sorry," he said as the door fell shut behind him, "didn't want to yell at you."
He felt how tense Koumei was, and he thought he'd struggle and try to push him away, but he didn't. Just like he didn't lean against him either. He just stood there, tense and unmoving like a piece of wood, but Kansuke felt the trembling, he heard the suppressed sniffling, and he felt the tears sinking hot and wet into his shirt, so he didn't say anything and just held him tightly.
It had to be true. He had seen the police, the blood, and he heard Koumei cry for the first time in the long time they had known each other, so it had to be true!
"I'm so sorry," he whispered after a while and felt Koumei tense up again.
"You didn't do anything wrong," Koumei replied with rough voice.
I know, Kansuke wanted to say, but remained quiet. Instead, he finally asked: "What about your brother?"
It was a mistake, he realised the second he closed his mouth again, as Koumei pulled his head between his shoulders, trying to hide how much he wanted to curl up and cry some more in peace.
"He witnessed everything."
Those words made Kansuke regret having asked even more.
"He has not said a word since I found him. My aunt and uncle are at the hospital with him right now. They want to check if he is okay."
How can he be okay? Kansuke wondered, but didn't ask out loudly. Koumei knew that Hiro wasn't okay. Just like he himself wasn't.
"And they left you here by yourself?" he asked instead.
"Of course. I can look after myself."
"But you shouldn't be alone right now!"
"I'm fine," Koumei said and finally pushed Kansuke away. He turned around, but Kansuke saw his teary eyes anyway.
"You're not fine!" he protested and grabbed his hand.
"I have to be fine!" Koumei snapped back, pulling on his arm without turning to face him. "I'm all he has left now! I have to be fine for him!"
"That's bullshit, Koumei! How are you supposed to be fine with this?!" How could anybody expect him to be fine?!
But maybe they didn't expect him to be fine. Maybe he was the only one expecting this of himself. He had always been like this, after all. Had always been a bit more mature than his age.
Kansuke knew him for half his life already and he knew that Koumei was different from other kids their age. More quiet, more thoughtful, in ways that sometimes made Kansuke wonder if he was an old soul trapped in the body of a boy.
Of course that was bullshit. Even though Koumei didn't often show excitement, Kansuke had learnt to see it in his eyes and body language. Had learnt to read the micro expressions that gave it all away, exposed Koumei as the child he was.
And now? Now it was more obvious than ever. Koumei didn't want to be strong, didn't want to be fine. He wanted to curl up in bed and cry, as he had every right to! Everything about his behavior told this to Kansuke, even though Koumei tried so hard to hide it.
"You're not fine," he repeated, more calmly. "Please don't pretend you are."
He could see Koumei's shoulders starting to tremble, felt it in his arm under his fingers. Saw how Koumei pulled the head between the shoulders, heard the sniffling again, and just when Koumei's knees gave in under him, Kansuke's arms where there to catch him, hold him tight.
"It's okay," he said, softly caressing his shaking back. "It's okay to cry, Koumei."
And Koumei cried. Cried louder and more desperately than Kansuke had ever imagined hearing him. He clung to his shirt, sobbing, crying out for his mum and dad and how he wished he had been home sooner, as if that had changed anything for the better.
Kansuke held him tightly, not saying anything, as there was nothing he could say that would take away this pain. Instead he pulled him in his arms and carried him to his room, where he sat down on the bed with him.
After what felt like an eternity, Koumei had relaxed in his arms, and Kansuke realised he had fallen asleep. He hesitated, but then lay down with him, still holding him, whispering into his hair that he was with him and everything would be okay.
Even though right now it felt like he was lying to him...
It was several hours later, when the aunt and uncle returned with Hiro. When the door opened, Koumei woke up with a jolt and sat up. Almost frantically, he rubbed his face and combed through his hair with his fingers, smoothing his clothes with the palms of his hands.
Kansuke watched him with a frown, but didn't say anything, just followed him outside quietly.
Koumei greeted his aunt and uncle by bowing his head and then crouched down to meet Hiro at eye level. He caressed his cheek and hugged him, with Hiro barely reacting to any of it.
Kansuke didn't like this. Not Koumei acting like everything was fine, not Hiro looking like he barely realised what was happening around him, and definitely not the sad and almost helpless looks their relatives were exchanging. But he made a decision.
If Koumei wanted to act like everything was okay in front of Hiro, Kansuke wouldn't stop him. But he swore to himself that he'd be there for Koumei, to catch him each time he was ready to let go of the facade and let himself fall into his arms.
And Yamato Kansuke always kept his promises.
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seventeenlovesthree · 3 months
you say that Matt and Sora are not right for each other so who would you say is the best fit for Sora? since her and Tai arent very compatible in your post either.
Weeeeell, the thing with Sora is that she is one of the few characters who has interactions with the majority of the cast AND also chemistry with most of them. So my personal impression is that, whether or not she is compatible with someone, really depends on the time frame we are talking about! In other cases, it's very, VERY situational... I'll try to give everyone a ranking here if possible...
Taichi: He's probably my favourite example here, because yes, you are only half correct: As I've outlined in my analysis post before, I feel like the bond they share is meaningful, familiar and mutually protective enough for them to actually be compatible - but NOT as teenagers/young adults, but as adults who have yet to find themselves and their goals and after going through therapy. There simply has to be the right time and place for them and they were absolutely not ready to cross the line of friendship for a romantic bond for a long time thanks to ongoing miscommunication. They are on each other's minds and that has never truly vanished, so... Give them a few more years. 8/10.
Yamato: As already pointed out in the previous analysis post, I support the idea of them figuring each other out as teenagers, dating each other for a while at least! But due to us not even knowing what they mean to each other at this point (particularly what Sora means to Yamato), I can't see them working through their tendencies to self-isolate, breaking through generational trauma and giving each other the validation they need. They have so much potential and yet they're both just... Too focused on Taichi to really notice each other. 5/10.
Koushirou: Look, when it comes to him, I am biased, since I am endlessly frustrated with how well they were paralleled throughout the entirety of the series, portrayed as Taichi's (and Yamato's) knights and aerial fighting duo (that may or may not be able to break through gender stereotypes...). And even though there is a foundation of friendship there, it isn't a focus for either of them. Thus I know a relationship between them would only be possible under very specific circumstances and with a lot of people out of the picture for them to notice each other romantically, so... They complement each other in several areas, but not necessarily in a romantic sense (as much as I'd personally love that). 5.5/10
Mimi: I'll be honest with you, technically, we could end the post right here, because I think, among all Chosen Children, Mimi is the most compatible with Sora, as I have already pointed out here; due to Sora's protective and supportive attitude towards Mimi throughout the first season, Mimi grew into a person who can give Sora the love and validation she needs and deserves - she just needs to be willing to take and accept it! They just complement each other so beautifully and I just believe that Mimi understands Sora on a very, very deep level and ever since Tri onwards, I could definitely see them discovering each other's romantic potential. 9/10.
Jyou: You know, it's actually a shame that we basically only got one episode (+ the dark cave moment) of them - and then the majority of their interactions is mostly comic relief with Mimi or the most blatant "mom is texting dad to let him know the children are alright" scene you could think of. There's a reason why the fandom likes to refer to them as mom and dad, they are mutually supportive whenever they get the chance, it just... Doesn't happen a lot. They also both have a high sense of responsibility and once they can combine that with getting a little more chill as they get older (Kizuna onwards for sure), I believe they could give each other a lot of stability and support, so the potential is there. 7/10.
Takeru: I'll try not to get into too much detail here, but I personally really believe that Takeru's and Sora's mutual wish to get validated would really get fulfilled if they were in a relationship. As outlined here, Takeru is incredibly vocal towards Sora and once they're both consenting adults, I don't see why they couldn't give it a try. 7/10.
Hikari: Both of them are incredibly caring and nurturing and in a universe in which Sora's fully capable of embracing her sapphic side while simultaneously realizing that she just has a thing for Yagamis, it may work out romantically! Any other time, I would insist their bond is purely sisterly, seeing how protective Sora is towards Hikari. 4/10.
Daisuke: Even if these two share VERY little screentime with each other, I would say there is at least the potential for a similar situation as in Takeru's case. Once again, it is all very theoretical, but as soon as they've matured enough to know their boundaries and preferences (definitely after The Beginning), Daisuke's vocal attitude could be very good for Sora - even if we have no idea how they perceive each other at this point. 4/10.
Ken: As far as I can remember, they haven't actually interacted on screen with each other, so while I am sure there is no hostility between them, I can't give them a genuine rating. 1/10.
Miyako: Similarly if not even more elaborated than with Hikari, it is pretty clear to me that Miyako is looking up to Sora, but that there is a strictly sisterly bond going on between them. 2/10.
Iori: A very similar case as Miyako's, combined with the fact that, just like with Daisuke, Sora rarely got the chance to interact with him and it'd feel more like a sibling relationship than anything else at this point. 2/10.
Honorable mention: Meiko: Now, hear me out, I personally maintain that, around Tri, Sora's basically embracing that a part of her may or may not be attracted to the same gender as well - and Meiko gave her a reason to let out her most caring attitude on a regular basis, she could basically pamper and spoil her to her heart's content... The question here is if they'd be able to develop their bond beyond that, enabling Meiko to give it back to Sora - in the same way Mimi could, as mentioned above. 5/10.
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rozaceous · 1 year
i just finished reading tcba and!!!! It’s so good. Absolutely amazing.
I keep imagining kakashi, once he gets over his shock, actually being really fucking proud of her for for exposing root and making all the agents confess to Tsunade. For getting rid of a system that hurt Yamato and Obito’s family when he couldn’t. For staying loyal to her team above all else and prioritizing them.
Maybe you could add an extra kick to her being right in Kakashi’s eyes by going with the whole “Danzo tried to kill off Sakumo on the mission because he started getting too respected/ close to discovering the truth of root.”
thank you so much! i'm so glad you've liked it <3
the thing w kakashi is, hmm, a little more knife-y. the hard part abt everything w danzo/the dark side of konoha is--kakashi already knows. kakashi already knows abt ROOT, he already knows abt orochimaru's experiments that the sandaime didnt chase him for/covered up, and even if the truth of the uchiha massacre was a shock to him, he definitely MUST have sussed that something was Not Right there.
kakashi isn't uncritical of the shinobi system, either! he gets very rules-focused after everything w his dad, but after obito dies? he's all teammates all the way. the entire reason that he and zabuza get along is bc they both know what it means to be used as a tool by your village. i'd say he definitely values people over the system.
however, kakashi never acts against konoha or the shinobi system in a way that meaningfully condemns them.
he critiques the system, but he never tries to actually leave it. his reasons for that are hard to parse bc we also have to contend w the fact that throughout shippuden, kishimoto has switched tracks to saying that konoha is a force for moral good. what this means is that kakashi says all the right things about not abandoning your team, and he obviously doesn't have a high opinion of the elder council or danzo specifically. but what does he do about it?
kakashi, i think, actually believes in the will of fire. he's put his bets on that horse, as it were. i'm not sure kakashi is able to separate the will of fire from konoha as an institution.
it's easy to want kakashi to support mariko and her actions bc we the audience support her! the fic is set up so that we agree we the morality she espouses! but uh, she just committed political assassination and other acts of terrorism. it's a bit yikes.
we're going to see more of how this plays out in the next chapter or two, but kakashi is definitely feeling the squeeze. after all, his direct apprentice, inheritor of his techniques and ideals--there is a whole lot more social weight to him being shishou to mariko than just training her--has just used what he taught her, and the beliefs he holds as a central, guiding truth, to commit acts that are directly in opposition to the institution that he very loyally serves.
this is not a problem with a straightforward solution.
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