#i wonder if they do it often and tenten and neji always make a show of not joining in
faerociousbeast · 2 years
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chrimsonfoxdon · 6 months
Ooh question, you mentioned rewatching as an adult, and I'm curious, what kinds of things do you view differently now? I'm rereading the manga after a long time too, and the big thing I'm noticing is that I have more compassion now, especially towards characters who I didn't realize reminded me of myself and not in the best ways 😂 And especially during part 1 I found myself wondering why we don't see their parents more often (for those who still have them) and who took care of them growing up (for the others).
I have felt similar!! Ok I’m gonna maybe list stuff out on what I’ve noticed I view differently.
Very long post under the cut of me rambling (again)!
1. My Opinion on What I Consider Good Media Has Changed
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Starting with this one as I feel it’s a big overarching thing that’ll dictate all my other opinions and thoughts. I’ve watched, read, and listened to A LOT of other series and media since I first started watching Naruto (also you know life experience and such), so I have a better idea of what is “good” media and what is “bad.” When I was younger, I considered Naruto to be the best of the best, but I don’t think that now (as far as anime that title now goes to FMA:B it’s very good please watch it if you haven’t oh my god). It has a lot of flaws, some endearing and others… not so much. Granted that’s any piece of media. Nothing is perfect (not even FMA:B). But despite that, I’ve also learned that it’s ok to still enjoy it!! Imo it’s not all bad, I mean, we’re still here discussing it yea?
I guess the TLDR of this part is: it’s cringe but that’s ok cuz life is short and we should enjoy the stuff we like.
2. Female Characters/Feminism
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I feel like, while these are different topics, they’re very linked together in how I watch Naruto now so I’m putting them together. When I was younger, I didn’t like really any of the female cast (except Tenten). I found them “annoying,” to put it simply. Sakura always chasing after Sasuke?? Lame. Ino being obsessed with her looks?? Shallow. Hinata losing to Neji? Weak. I began to think that I didn’t like those characters because I didn’t like female characters mostly as a whole (which is kinda hilarious cuz I did start making Chihiro back then who does in fact identify as a woman LOL!!). But this negative attitude towards female characters not only leaked into how I consumed other media, but how I saw myself and other women irl. Like I distinctly remember believing that a woman could never beat a guy in anything. Which is uh… not true!! And kinda fucked up!!!
Now that I’m older I just realize that kishimoto doesn’t know how to write women all that well. Imo, it’s not the girls’ faults, it’s their creator. Which is disappointing but also freeing almost?? Plus, I can now appreciate what good they do have to offer!! (I talked a little about the konoha 12 girls and what I like about them in this ask in case you’d like details on individual characters)
I think also being exposed to other fans with differing opinions and views has helped me with this as well. When I first started watching I didn’t really go online (wasn’t a thing in Cuba plus I wasn’t really interested), so I didn’t really have other perspectives to bounce off of.
Also wanted to add that there are definitely parts of the show I laughed off before but you know, just are not acceptable nowadays. Mainly thinking of Shikamaru talking down on girls/women, Neji made a rude comment about girls too (that Tenten corrected him on tho thank you queen), and some bits that could be perceived as a little transphobic (I’m not trans tho so I don’t wanna speak for them on that bit). Its viewpoints that I feel are a product of the time, but does not make the overall series bad per se.
3. Seeing Other Children as a Child VS as an Adult
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Ngl since I grew up with Naruto, I feel as if I will always see them as my peers in a sense. If anything, almost like the “older kids” in school. Like I don’t know if this is a common perception, but I remember when I was like in 2nd grade I saw 6th graders as like tiny adults, but then when I was in 6th grade I saw 2nd graders as like babies. Does that make sense?? Anyway, it’s interesting rewatching Naruto as an adult and seeing my “peers” when they were younger. I remember thinking that 12 & 13 year olds were badass and cool and practically ready for the real world (I was like 8 or 9 when I first started watching leave me alone), and being amazed at stuff like the chunin exams. Nowadays my brain just kinda goes “why are we letting these CHILDREN go to war???” It’s a similar story with like the sensei. Thinking they’re so experienced and old and… now I’m the same age as them and I’m still young!!
4. Might Gai is Cringe and I Love Him For That
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The way I didn’t appreciate this man when I was a kid is a CRIME. Teaching his students (and friends) that it’s important to find joy in life is SO IMPORTANT and Gai just does an EXCELLENT job with that!! He strives to be a source of light for the people in his life, and to show others it’s important to smile and laugh from time to time. It warms my cold dead grownup heart what can I say. There’s a line in OG Naruto after Lee beats Sasuke in their fight before the chunin exams, where Naruto turns to Sasuke and Sakura as their cringing at Lee and Gai and says, “actually, it’s kinda sweet how they’re all hugging and stuff!” And that kinda summarizes my thoughts on them.
TLDR Might Gai is cringe but he is free and I love him so much for that.
5. Seeing Myself in Characters I Didn’t Before
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Off the top of my head, the three characters I see myself in more so now than when I was younger is definitely Choji, Lee, and Tenten.
I was never popular growing up, especially when I moved back to the US after living in Cuba. Kids just didn’t wanna play with me or have me on their sports teams, so I was purposefully left out oftentimes, kinda like how choji was when he was younger. Rewatching that part made me cry honestly HAHA I saw myself so clearly. I’m also plus size so the beauty standards he has to deal with really speak to me. I remember Shikamaru telling him one time that girls don’t have to be skinny to be pretty and I would be lying if that didn’t give me a huge amount of confidence in myself.
Rock Lee’s story has always been top notch, but as someone who chose to specialize in a path that I didn’t really have natural talent for myself it REALLY speaks to me now. I’ll be 100% honest, I was never really one of those “been drawing since I could hold a pencil” kind of kids. I liked it, but I didn’t really consider myself any good until like 8th grade or so. Anyway, there’s this scene where Lee is crying at the training grounds cuz he’s scared that, no matter how hard he works, it’ll all be for nothing and that he’ll always be a loser, and uh… had to turn the show off cuz that struck WAAAAAAAY too close to home for me as an artist with a… let’s be real, a failing art business. Anyway, he inspires me though to keep going cuz this is what brings me joy. I may take longer than most, but that doesn’t mean I’m less of a person for it.
Tenten I’ve honestly seen a lot of myself in even when I was younger! But there’s this filler episode that goes into detail on how she tried really hard to be just like Tsunade, since that was her dream since she was little. Turns out she doesn’t have the capacity to do that (not being able to do medical ninjutsu well, etc), but she finds her own strengths along the way. What really spoke to me was letting go of your childhood dreams. It’s hard. It feels like you’re failing in a way. But Tenten was able to persevere and find a new and even better path forward for herself. And that’s just amazing. I love seeing that, and it helps me feel as if I too and maybe find my path.
6. Final Thoughts and Random Little Things
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I think it’s also safe to say that I can pick up on story flaws (I’m looking at you 4th great ninja war arc) and inconsistencies (how the heck does the hyuga clan work wtf). It’s a long series and nowadays you can binge the whole thing in one sitting (I don’t recommend that please take care of yourself). Back in my day I had to wait a whole week to watch the next 26 minute episode with commercials in between. Also I was a kid. AHAHA!! But again, long series, so I’m sure Kishi forgot about certain details while he was being pushed to continue the series.
Also my views on certain things that happened in the series changed based on what I know what happens later, which I find to be quite fun!
Overall I still enjoy the series, both for similar reasons as I did back in the day (Neji) and for new reasons!! Flaws and all. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk
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krisdreaming · 4 years
More Than Enough
Series: Naruto: Shippuden
Pairing: Hyuga Neji x fem!reader
Summary: Neji isn’t used to feeling insecure, but when it comes to you, he just needs a little extra reassurance that he’s doing okay. (Also, first kiss? It’s not really explicitly stated, but I like to think that it is :3)
WC: 1.8k
A/N: My first Naruto writing! To say I’m nervous to post this would be an understatement. I understand that Naruto isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, and I promise it won’t be taking over the blog or anything. I’m just suffering from a little brainrot at the moment. I’ll tag everything I write for Naruto with “kris writes naruto” so feel free to block the tag if you like. And with that out of the way, let’s get on with it!
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He feels it in the pit of his stomach. When Neji sees you leave the hokage’s office, it starts as a familiar upward swoop, warm and strange but not unwelcome. Then he sees Lee next to you, his arms moving animatedly as he speaks. He’s walking so closely to you that every once in a while, his hand brushes your arm. It’s too far away for Neji to make out Lee’s words, but the sound of your laughter carries to him on the breeze. The swoop takes a downturn and sours in his gut.
He’d been about to call out to you, but instead he watches silently. He’s so intent on the two of you that Tenten manages to catch him completely off guard. “She has a cute laugh, doesn’t she?”
“Hm?” He’s startled, but he doesn’t let it show as he turns to see Tenten beside him, a sly grin forming on her lips. 
“Your girlfriend,” Tenten says teasingly, nudging his arm with her elbow, “She has a pretty cute laugh. It’s okay to admit it, you know.”
“I know,” He says with a shrug. He’s still too distracted to come up with a sharper reply. Tenten rolls her eyes, and his gaze wanders back to you. His girlfriend. It’s only been official for a matter of weeks, and things really aren’t much different. He still trains and eats and sleeps, but the spaces in between are filled with you. Making time for you hasn’t been as difficult as he’d feared. Somehow, you just fit into his life so seamlessly.
Lee has finally caught sight of his teammates, pulling Neji out of this thoughts. “Tenten!” Lee shouts, his hands raised above his head in an exaggerated wave, “Neji!” When you see him, your face lights up, and you quicken your pace to cover the remaining space between you. You come to a stop at his side, hands clasped behind your back and an easy smile on your lips.
“How was your day?” You ask, and try as he might he can’t stop the small smile that’s forming.
“Fine,” He says, shifting ever so slightly closer to you, “It was nothing exciting or out of the ordinary.” You laugh softly at that. “What about yours? You got your mission assignment?” He notices a loose strand of hair tickling your cheek.
“Yup,” You nod, and he thinks about reaching out to tuck the piece of hair behind your ear, but he doesn’t move. “It’s C rank, so it should be pretty simple,” You shrug, “Especially considering the fact that I’ll have Lee with me,” You turn to his teammate, and now Neji understands why Lee has been practically vibrating behind you.
“Do not worry, Neji!” Lee presses a fist to his chest, “I will keep her safe for the duration of the journey!”
You roll your eyes, giving the well-meaning ninja a nudge with your elbow. “I don’t think I’ll need your protection, Lee,” You chuckle, and Neji lifts his chin a fraction, looking from you to Lee. You can take care of yourself. He’s well aware of that, and he knows Lee is, too. Lee is just, well, Lee. 
“It’s a short mission,” You turn to him now, “We’re leaving tomorrow morning, and we should be back by the end of the week. We’re just escorting a small merchant caravan to the Land of Tea. At this time of year, it should be an easy journey. Right, Lee?”
“Right!” Lee stands a little straighter, “Nothing to worry about at all, Neji.”
“I wasn’t worried,” He assures his teammate with a shake of his head, “The two of you are perfectly capable. The caravan will be in good hands.” That much he knows is true. You and Lee have always gotten along and worked together well, so it’s no surprise you’ve been assigned to the mission together. 
“Thank you, Neji!” Lee bows his head quickly, “Please, excuse me. I must get to my evening training session with Gai-sensei. Oh, Y/N!” He’s already begun to jog off, but he twists his body to look back at you, “I will see you tomorrow morning! Rest well!” With that, he’s off.
“That guy,” Tenten shakes her head with a sigh, “He certainly is a handful, isn’t he? Good luck on your mission,” She gives you a pointed look, “I know he’s just my teammate, but somehow I feel like I need to apologize for him.”
“No need, Tenten,” You dismiss the comment with a wave of your hand, “Lee’s not so bad. I think we’ll be just fine.”
“Well then, better you than me!” Tenten laughs, “I’ll see you two later, I’ve got to get home. Enjoy your evening!” With a teasing wink and a wave of her hand, she’s gone as well. Neji turns to you, your grin lit by the glow of the setting sun. Finally, he lifts his hand to tuck the stray strand of hair behind your ear. Ever so slightly, you lean into his touch.
“I suppose you want to get home?” He asks, swallowing back the hitch in his throat. He lets his hand fall back to his side now that your hair is back in place.
“Eventually,” You nod, “Let’s take the long way.” Just like that, the two of you fall into step, following the familiar route toward your house. It begins through the bustling streets of Konoha, passing by the shops and homes tucked in together as you walk side by side, the occasional brush of your arms the only point of contact between you. Even so, Neji enjoys the feel of you so close to him and the sound of your voice as you chatter on about the events of your day. Every so often he’ll offer a hum or a smile or a few words in response, but he’s mostly content just listening to you. 
The crowd begins to thin toward the edge of town, and the storefronts become more sparse. As the two of you pass by your favorite dumpling shop, he comes to a stop. “Do you want to go in?” He asks, and you make a thoughtful sound before shaking your head.
“No, not today. I’d rather just walk. Is that okay?” You tilt your chin up to look at him.
“Of course,” He nods quickly. He’d like nothing more. 
“It’s such a beautiful evening,” You continue, tucking your hand in the crook of his elbow and pulling him along toward the path along the edge of town. Following dutifully along, he hums in agreement. This path eventually winds through the woods, and Neji can’t count how many times you’ve walked it together. The quiet of the woods is one of your favorite places, and one where he can tell you feel more at ease. 
Beneath the trees, darkness is falling a little faster than in the open, and the air is cooler. He’s glad to be away from the crowded streets. Wordlessly, you slide your hand down his arm, and when your fingertips brush his palm he slides his fingers between yours.
He thinks back to Tenten’s comment earlier. She often likes to tease him about how reserved he is in showing his affection for you. He knows she doesn’t mean anything by it, but Neji wonders sometimes if it’s something you notice, as well. It’s not that he doesn’t want to hold your hand or put his arm around you while you’re in town. It’s just that showing the world something as private and intimate as his feelings for you feels strange to him. He’s far from embarrassed of you, and he hopes that you know that. 
The thought crosses his mind for the first time. Perhaps you’d be better suited to someone like Lee. Someone who would dote on you and shower you with affection. Someone who wouldn’t hesitate to shout his admiration for you to the world.
“Neji,” You give his hand a tug, slowing to a stop and turning to look at him, “You’re quiet. Is everything alright?” You give his fingers a gentle squeeze.
“I’m fine,” He says, offering you a small smile. The concern on your face makes him regret getting so lost in his own thoughts and worrying you. 
“You had this little frown on your face,” You say softly, letting go of his hand and reaching up to cup his cheek, “You know you can talk to me, right?”
He’s about to brush it off and keep walking, knowing you should get home and rest before tomorrow, but something earnest in your expression stops him. “Can I ask you something? Promise you’ll tell me the truth?” He asks quietly.
“Of course I will,” You nod. “Want to walk and talk?” You gesture to the path ahead, and he nods. He seeks out the comfort of your hand in his again before continuing. Somehow, it feels easier this way.
“I’ve just been thinking,” He begins, shooting a furtive glance your way, “Am I a good boyfriend for you? I know I don’t always have a lot to say, and I spend a lot of time training. Tenten says I don’t pay much attention to you even when we’re together. And... is it enough? Because-”
“Hey,” You interrupt him before he can slip his hand out of yours, coming to a stop again and holding on tighter, “It’s more than enough.” You’re actually smiling at him. “You’re the best boyfriend I could ask for, Neji. Honestly.” You shake your head, and he’s so frozen at your response that he lets you take both of his hands in yours. “I already know you’re serious, and reserved, and quiet, and I like all of those things about you.”
“You do?” He finds his voice only to be skeptical. You laugh softly.
“I do,” You insist. “Y’know, I don’t need you hanging onto me all the time. That’d actually be kind of weird,” You giggle, “I think every single moment with you is special. You’re sweet, and caring, and thoughtful. You make me feel like... like...” You trail off, suddenly ducking your chin nervously.
“It’s okay,” He murmurs, smile growing wider as he drops your hands to cup your face this time, tilting your chin back up with his fingertips so he can meet your gaze again. Something warm and tender is filling his middle, threatening to overflow.
“Happy,” You finish then, softly, “You make me feel happy.”
“You make me feel happy, too,” He whispers, leaning in so that his lips fit perfectly against yours, kissing you softly. “Very happy,” He adds as he pulls away. Even in the semi-darkness, your smile nearly takes his breath away. He’s grateful that you’re alone here, because it gives him the courage to kiss you again.
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yhwhsdaughter · 4 years
Blind Date
ℕ𝕖𝕛𝕚 𝕄𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣
The once naive but powerful genin from Konoha had grown up, matured in their own way. Each team had a better sense of their abilities and more control.
This included their love life.
Many of the youngsters had either dated, were crushing, or in a currently relationship. All except Neji—surprising, as he was a heavily sought after individual. With that pretty face of his and skills, who wouldn’t want someone like Neji?
His friends had noticed the lack of love in his life. They wondered if he was even interested in romance as he would remain silent when they brought this subject to conversation.
So, these nosy young men and women decided to set Neji on a blind date. It was a great opportunity for him to meet with other people.
When told about this, Neji restrained himself from frowning. “No need.”
He hadn’t told anyone about this, but the young man already admired a certain someone. Over time, Neji had grown to like them.
The Hyūga had accidentally bumped into (Name) whilst the latter talked with Shikamaru. The two of you were discussing an incoming mission for Team Guy. You were a strategist that would often aid the Hokage in the recovery of scrolls or simply designing tactics.
You specialized in the type of mission that Neji’s team was going on, so Shikamaru introduced both of you. Neji was intrigued by your presence, it brought him a sense of calmness especially when he was surrounded by energetic individuals like Guy, Lee, and Naruto.
After working closely, the mission was a success. “Your advice was really helpful (Name).” You brightened at his complimentary words, accidentally forgetting about the other two. “I’m glad you made it safely!”
Lee was excited, agreeing with his teammate but Tenten quickly noticed the way you both would stare at each other. An idea💡 popped into her head.
You’d occasionally bump into each other, often making short conversations. Neji thought it was simply admiration; a platonic crush, if you would. He was certain it would fade, but it didn’t. Neji’s respect for you only grew and so did his feelings.
One time, you went to the Hyūga residence to help Hinata with a technique. Due to your mannerisms and personality, you ended up making a good impression with the clan which Neji thought was rare. His heart soared with pride.
Most often he’d find you at the library, head buried in a book, absorbing all kinds of knowledge. Although it seemed like you were naive in romance, you began to notice Neji’s stares towards you.
Truth be told, you always had a crush on him since you were little. He was such a reliable person, kind, and cool-headed. It was hard to put into words—your feelings for him—but you knew that as long as he was near, you were happy.
Neji felt like he was cheating on you by going on this blind date, despite not being with you.
Nevertheless, he showed up to the place with great reluctance, making it clear to his friends that if this didn’t work, they would stop intruding. They had agreed; Neji did not trust the smiles on their faces.
Since it was a blind date, Neji had no idea what the person would look like. His eyes scanned the place, spotting a young woman sitting alone. Thinking it that her, he began approaching; that is, until he noticed someone else sit with her.
Neji sighed, only thinking of the embarrassment he would’ve gone through had he sat there. He thought about leaving when a familiar voice called, “Neji?”
Turning, he saw you. “(Name), what are you doing here?”
Perhaps it was a coincidence.
“My friends thought it would be nice for me to go out. They said they had arranged a meeting with someone I knew and got along?” You had a thoughtful expression on your face before your lips quirked upwards.
“I’m assuming that was you?”
The long haired beauty was trying to understand the situation. No doubt that this was planned. It seems he had underestimated the cunningness of his teammates.
You wavered as he took long to answer, “Aah if you’re not comfortable, you don’t have—”
“I want to.”
Spending the day together, it was safe to say you two had a pleasant time. It wasn’t awkward nor it felt forced, quite the opposite. You felt like it was natural, like it was right to be with him.
After walking the entire day, the two of you sat underneath a large tree. Leaning in close, you whispered, “I hope you know we’ve been followed entire date.”
Naruto butted in between Ino and Sakura, pushing Tenten slightly. “What are they saying??” “Naruto stop pushing!” “Ow!”
During their struggle, they failed to notice the couple running away, Neji leaving a pair of clones in their stead.
Neji delivered you home. He let go of your hand, albeit reluctantly, “I’d like to do this again.”
You blinked before smiling. “Me too.”
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dxmmymxmmywrites · 4 years
Caught Your Fancy
Maito Gai x F! Reader Smut
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Warnings: swearing, suggestive themes, unprotected sex, oral sex, pwp
There is not nearly enough Might Guy smut, so I’m here to fill the void! Personally I think this dude would absolutely fawn over a sassy lady, so this was a real treat to write.
Enjoy it ya filthy animals 🖤
It was leaner than your other leg, but it looked somewhat normal. You could move mostly on your own with some aid, which often came in the form of your staff. Despite having your dreams of following a nindo crushed, you still had dreams for your life you wanted to make a reality.
And there were many bumps in the road. You would trudge along during your day to day life, trying to be generous to the community while also building up your reputation as a creative. You dabbled in a bit of everything— writing, sculpture, painting— whatever could keep your hands and mind busy. It did wonders to stave off your boredom, and it gave you your own personal haven when the day was done. You could retreat inside yourself for rest.
It was where you were immersed now, sketching along in ink to quiet your mind. Your thoughts had been raging since earlier in the day, happy as it had been. Your hands seemed to move on their own as you doodle with an anatomy textbook open for reference. Some strokes collected into refined nudes, others were simplistic doodles of hands or feet or what have you.
Critters scuttling outside your window finally brought you out of your reverie. When they quieted down, you finally took in your last sketch that had taken up most of your parchment.
You’d drawn a man with strong features just from the image of him that constantly plagued your brain. His bright smile, his sweet dimples— that stupid bowl cut.
You scooted your supplies and paper to the side of your workbench so you had enough space to groan into your hands.
You’ve been companions for what seems like ages. Calling Gai a friend sounded odd due to the nature of your... everything, but it was the closest word you had to describe him.
He made you laugh, and you teased him. He walked you home when you ran into each other at markets, and you had stopped in on a practice or two to watch him with his genin.
Most of the time, he would attempt to woo you and you would play hard to get. Gai most likely enjoyed it— the thrill of the chase in the springtime of youth or whatever— but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t enjoy it too.
Spending time with him on little adventures always left you giddy, feeling like you could actually run a mile without falling on your face. He would send an unapologetic but weirdly sincere compliment your way, and you wouldn’t show how it affected you until you were parting ways once more.
You’re expecting it to repeat as he walks with you to your home on the outskirts of the village now. You had managed to run into him when you’d run out for a last minute ingredient for your dinner. It was like he always managed to find you in a sour mood and make you feel at least a little bit better— you had been exhausted beforehand, but you were happily content listening to him describe his most recent training session with his students.
“—That reminds me!” He perks up like a puppy. “A friend of mine recently said you were once enrolled at the academy! You never told me you pursued ninjutsu!”
It wasn’t meant to be a harsh comment, but you felt yourself wince internally. Somehow, you felt more painfully aware of your leg than ever.
“Yeah... that was a long time ago. Yknow,” you tapped your limp foot with your staff. “Before this happened.”
The panic in Gai’s expression rises quickly, but fades just as suddenly. “I wouldn’t want it to hurt you— but if you ever have an interest in revisiting the basics, let me know!”
You laugh a bit. At least he was trying to make you feel better, pity from others could get tiring.
“You trying to make me one of your genin?” You playfully jabbed.
“Only if you’d like to! Though I wouldn’t mind a one-on-one practice. However you are most comfortable.”
His voice calms towards the end, to a casual but gentle tone you don’t often hear him use. Gai took you by surprise often as well.
And it really was touching. You never thought you could get back to how you were, or that you could ever be an adequate ninja. It didn’t stop you from yearning for it— something you had hinted to Gai before. He had paid attention.
It made a sort of heat rise to your face. Very few could get that reaction out of you, and Gai’s accomplished smile confirmed he knew just as much.
“It’s a kind offer... thanks.” You finally spoke as the two of you approached your humble abode.
His mouth opened to leap into a grandiose plan of action for your training— but you shifted to plant a kiss on his cheek and he stopped in his tracks.
“I’ll think about it, Gai.”
Since the time you had shared your vulnerabilities to him, Gai became even more of a common occurrence in your life.
He would nearly bust down your door at some ungodly hour of the morning and start making you a healthy, youthful breakfast. If he ran across a book you’d been dying to read, he would find you wherever to deliver it himself. And whenever you had some opportunities to work within the village, he would make a point to stop by and insist on you filling him in on your day.
It took you off guard. How could someone be so... purely good? How could he be such a bright light to you, and not want a thing in return?
You swore that even if you tried to run from him, he would always manage to get to you. Like running from a ray of sunshine at lunchtime.
So as he reached out to you more and more, you became more available. Parts of you that had been walled up for years came crumbling down with every act of kindness he gave you. Whatever he did, you practically melted for him. And it often scared the shit out of you.
But still, good things continued to happen. You made time to visit Gai and his team when you were invited to the training grounds. You dragged him by the ear to your home several times to feed him a purely indulgent meal, saying he couldn’t just eat superfoods for the rest of his life. You start writing down little poems that make you think of him, and go out of your way to stick them in his pockets when you think he doesn’t notice.
He does. He reads each one, marvels over your calligraphy, and keeps them tucked away in an old jumpsuit.
Around the time your poems became a habit, you start inviting Gai and the genin to your home for dinner every weekend. You come to know each of his students individually, and you grow to love each of them so much.
Lee marvels you with his spirit, and his willingness to scarf down whatever you cook is flattering. Tenten makes you laugh every time you see her with her quick wit, and Neji becomes intrigued with your interests in the arts, and admires whatever project you’ve attached yourself to at the moment.
You don’t catch him in the act, but Gai steals more looks at you in these calm moments with his students more than ever. There’s a moment when you poke fun at Neji with a genuine laugh that he feels his heart skip a beat.
How did he find such a beautiful, youthful spirit like yours? He never wants to let you go.
After you had really come out of your shell, you finally agreed to meet Gai for a private session on the sparring grounds. It made you a little nervous, but the excitement in your chest pushed you further and further until you were rushing out the door in whatever workout gear you could find.
You arrive a little early, willing to wait for him if need be. Yet as you approach the encirclement of combat dummies in the field, you can hear the familiar smacks of someone putting the dummies to good use.
The sun finally moves out of your eyes, and your greeted with the sight of an unabashedly shirtless Gai landing hit after hit with no margin for error.
It’s... a religious experience to watch him move. Sweat glistens over his battle hardened muscles with each punch, and you carefully watch a trail of sweat glide down the center of his abs down to the prominent “V” shape of his hipbones.
You try not to drool.
He notices your presence and turns to give you one of his glorious smiles.
“You made it! Glad to see it wasn’t too early for you.”
“I was... motivated,” you manage, watching him step closer to you.
If he noticed your bothered state, he didn’t pay it any mind.
“I have a plan to get you used to the movement of combat. You’re certainly in shape, you only need to learn to follow the flow of combat to start.”
It vaguely makes sense to you, but he takes your hand and leads you to a larger training pit void of combat dummies. You almost don’t want to let go of his hand, but then he lets go and begins to circle you.
“Throw a punch, or hit me with your staff. Let’s begin slowly, and then I can follow your movements.”
It’s nerve wracking, but you can feel the butterflies going insane within you. You slowly go to swing your staff at him, but he slowly counters you and explains his reasonings as he does so. With each movement you make, his process becomes more calculated— and he gives you enough time to consider his words and apply them to your next move.
Like a game of chess, you work in tandem and simultaneously against each other. To be so in sync with him becomes almost intoxicating, especially zoning into his voice and following the grace of his marble-like body. He becomes the epitome of temptation.
Was this his plan all along?
In your single moment to falter, he is able to catch you from behind with a strong arm held around your throat. Your eyes bulge. But your ovaries do a summersault.
“And because of this, you must stay grounded in combat. And not in your head.”
You can feel a shiver convulse throughout your body at his voice being so close, so hot and breathe against your skin. This time, he does notice— and goes stiff.
He goes to say your name, but you painfully grip his wrist and then shove him to the ground.
He jumps when the end of your staff stamps itself inches from his ear, but he feels himself reddening at how tightly your straddling his waist. And those eyes— they sear him to the bone.
“Are you having fun?”
Your words are loaded, coated with either honey or venom and he can’t tell which. Does he care for the difference?
“Are you feeling inspired by my lesson? Do you already feel yourself improving?” He manages that picturesque smile again, though it’s certainly strained.
You lean closer to him, and he gulps. Your stare never wavers.
“I think I could teach you a few things, Maito Gai.”
The deadly desire in your voice makes him feel like he’s floating but falling at the same time. What are your plans? What would you have him do to you?
What would you do... to him?
His determined grin grows, and you feel your heart rate quicken.
“I’m at your mercy.”
You can’t take it anymore. Your freehand shoots to grab the back of his neck and your lips crash against his. He frees his hands then, and they heatedly run up your sides and cup your back until he cups your face with the most tenderness possible.
His kiss, however, is not so tender. Your tongues passionately intertwine with a ferocity that riles the both of you up with each passing second. You moan deliciously into his mouth, and he seems to melt into you.
It leaves him open to you pulling the back of his hair so you can shove your tongue farther into his throat. He continued to groan such sexy noises into your kiss until you begin to fervently grind on his lap.
When you break for air, you slowly grind your core over the outline of his growing hard-on.
“A-ah! Oh, darling—“ he heatedly moans again, making you wetter than ever, and pulls you in for another kiss.
His grip on your pelvis tightens as he sits up, and with you perched on top of him, he takes advantage of your exposed neck. His flushed lips trail lovely open-mouthed kisses all over your pulse-point, and you feel yourself wrap your legs around him as hard as you can.
You grind continually onto him, and keen lowly when he sucks a hickie into your neck just as he times a roll of his hips expertly between your legs.
“Hooooly fuuuck, Gai,” you say as your head rolls back. “Can we do this?”
“Absolutely,” he groans into your neck, pulling at your back so your sweaty torsos rub together.
How did you get so lucky to find him? You look down at him, breathing heavily, into his equally lust-blown pupils. You cup his chin to give him one more passionate kiss, where you lick over his lips and revel in how weak he is for your touch.
And then, you knock him down into the ground with a thump to his chest. Leaning over him so he has a face full of your tits, you instruct.
“I’m gonna ride you. But first, I’m going to sit on your face and blow you into next week.”
The blush across his face is prominent, from the joyful mixture of heat and hormones. But he excitedly smiles.
“Yes ma’am...” he says contentedly, freeing his dick from his pants while you readjust to kick yours off.
In no time at all, you reverse and lean your ass onto his face. He enthusiastically grips your thighs, and pulls your underwear to the side to place a long stripe to your soaked cunt.
You inhaled, but then he quickly pulled you into him and plunged his tongue into your sopping pussy. You shriek.
“Oh fuck! Holy fuck, Gai!” You whine as he hums into your cunt, and you feel your legs quiver as your eyes roll into the back of your head.
Hearing you rendered so helpless on top of him spurred him on, and his grip tightens. You can’t submit to him just yet— no, you’ve been dreaming of this for too long to back down now.
You stretch forward as much as you can manage and encircle the head of his cock with your lips. At that moment you knew Kakashi was full of shit when he mentioned Gai had an acorn of a cock— he was clearly a grower, and fisting his girth made your mouth water.
You begin to bob your head on his length, and you feel his pace weaken. It spurs you on, and you try to open your mouth as far as you can to suck him with all your worth.
Gai continues to eat you out to his heart’s content, and you feel him shake as you drool over his immense cock. You feel your determination building again despite the tremors of pleasure overcoming you— and you take him to the back of your throat. You hum as you arch your back, and run your nails tightly down his muscular thighs to hold him in place.
He sputters against your cunt, and you hold his legs to the ground while you render him undone, swirling your tongue around every detail of his thick cock.
As he begins to tremor again, you take a hold of his cock and run the flat of your thumb over his head, teasing his slit.
“Are you ready for me?” You breathe onto his cock, and flatly lick the precum dribbling from his slit.
He exhales as you rise from his face, legs shaking. He leans onto his elbows for a moment, smiling as he wipes your juices from his mouth to lick off his fingers.
“I’m always ready! But especially for you, my love” Gai says in a deeper, more loving voice then you’ve ever heard him use before.
It makes you ache in the best possible way.
You jostle your weaker leg over his lap, and he puts a hand out to hold you as you adjust. Sitting down, you intentionally adjust the lips of your pussy to glide over his shaft, and slowly grind along his length as you kiss under his jaw. Gai moans deep in his chest, running his hands over your back, trying to ground himself through the pleasure.
“D-don’t tease,” he manages, and leans into your touch as you lick up his jugular.
His voice is a symphony to you, while he squirms under your touch. You know you’re both ready then— so you angle his cock to finally sink onto his length.
Both of your mouths open in ecstasy we you ease onto his length, marveling at how your wetness lets his girth take you. It takes a moment to adjust, but eventually you settle into his lap fully speared on his erection. The two of you are breathing heavily, and you’ve only just begun.
You settle your foreheads against the the other’s.
“When you’re ready,” he lightly comforts, and you nod.
You feel yourself grip him harder, and you use your legs to pull him closer to you. Your lips interlock once more, and you groan at the taste of your pussy on his tongue. It encourages you to sway your hips forward, while Gai slowly moves your ass to relish your pull.
You slide deliciously around his cock. The more he relishes in the moment, the more of a slave he becomes to the passion between you. Your bodies begin to move in a glorious rhythm, composing a beautiful dance while your gasps of pleasure begin to harmonize.
Gai takes the liberty to gentle buck into you, feeding off your pretty moans while he hits your g-spot repetitively.
You loving pull you name from his tongue, while you pant and try to see straight. You could get high off of how sweet his touches were— how deeply he looked into you.
“Ahh, fuck, Gai—“ you purr into his ear, holding onto his shoulders for dear life. “Harder!”
His quiet laugh is so deviant and sexy as he picks up his pace, to where he’s rutting into you with his balls slapping your skin. You can’t help but keep bouncing and bouncing on his merciless cock, thighs screaming, crying out as the noise of slapping flesh and wet squelching echos into the air.
“Take me, fucking take me!” You growl into his ear, clawing at his back to try to stay in place. “Ooooh, fucking ruin me Gai!”
“You have a filthy mouth, my love!” He exclaims, still fucking you like a damn race horse.
“And you like it, don’t you baby? You like me being a greedy for your cock?”
Your words run him through with so much shock and absolute list all at once. You punctuate the filthy whispers by biting down hard onto his shoulder— and he cries out as you set a brutal pace to milk the remainder of his stamina.
“AHHHhhh! Darling—! I’m— aAAAaag— closing in!”
You purr like a devil into his shoulder, liking the bruise you’ve left. You’re shaking like an addict, and I you know you’re close too.
“I’m gonna cum all over your cock, Green Beast! Cum for me, cum for your slut!” You pant out, and Gai nearly screams as he fucks into your pussy more furiously than ever.
In the heat of it all, you shove him to the ground again. You grab his chest and put all your weight onto him as you ride out your orgasm, moaning like a bitch in heat as you chase your highs to oblivion.
Gain holds your hips enough to mark them, forcing you down into his cock— but then he looks at you in all your glory on top of him. Sweating rivulets down your reddening skin, singing for him as you take his cock like it was made just for you. He pulls you we close as he can and lets out a strangled scream as he orgasms hard.
Tears stream down your face as you feel your pussy clamp down onto him afterwards, whining with glee we his cock throbs within you. You exhale hard, and you can feel your heart jump over the moon.
All before you collapse off of him, and lay down beside him in the grass. Both of you are dirty, exhausted, and covered in sweat— and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
Somehow, you manage the strength to plant a kiss on his cheek.
“You’re amazing.”
He grins, surprised he has enough energy to laugh. “And you are the most beautiful creature to exist.”
You laugh through a blush, and snuggle into his strong arms as he pulls you into his chest.
“I think I should train you more often!”
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lotusfartstwice · 4 years
“You did all of this for me?” Sakura & Lee? 🌸
[from these prompts]
“You did all of this for me?”
Rock Lee had all but forgotten about his dojo and his dream of fighting rival fighters.
Pain’s attack had decimated the village and along with it his beloved dojo. Soon after, talk of war came about so rebuilding wasn’t even a blip on his radar. Once that had passed he had considered rebuilding but ultimately all his efforts were a shaky skeleton of a building. He had become quite busy after becoming jonin so he simply had no time to pursue any passion projects. A fact he often lamented to his fellow shinobi when goals were brought up in conversation.
“I think, if I ever got a chance to just work on the dojo again I would make it more appealing.”
“Appealing?” Tenten asked, brow quirked.
“The exterior! I would add a garden or a fountain! Maybe even a koi pond! That would be pleasant, would it not?”
“That is if you ever had the time,” Neji said with a sigh. The two had just returned from a mission so the Hyugga was really feeling the fatigue start to set in.
“No kidding. I’m still looking for a place to set up a weapon’s shop,” Tenten said before patting Lee on the back. “No worries! One of these days we’ll be all set.”
The three rejoined the rest of their friends.
Sakura had been busy training medical ninjas but once that had been taken care of she found herself with plenty of free time.
What was a kunoichi to do?
She decided to foster her bonds.
Her and her fellow shinobi had gone through many trials and tribulations together. They now lived in a tentative peace but it was peace nonetheless. She had learned many things from Tsunade but one thing that always stuck out to her was her teacher’s occasional regrets in life. The distance between friends had not done the former hokage any favors.
Sakura found herself having lunch with Ino or Hinata when she could. Then one could find her sparring with Tenten or Kiba. Naruto and Shino were helping in the academy so when she could she would offer advice on reading material they could use (and maybe scam some dango afterwards). Choji and Shikamaru were busy working as representatives to visiting shinobi from other villages. She'd join either or in giving tours around Konoha which always ended in a satisfying meal.
Sai, Neji and Lee were the only ones she didn't have much chance to spend time with one-on-one. The three men were often sent away on missions before they could get a chance to breathe. So oftentimes when she ever had a chance to interact with any of them was when she and the rest of their friends invited them out.
She would take what she could get, sneak in some conversations when she could.
Sakura had just gotten done catching up with Sai when she moved to join Team Gai, only to pause when she heard their conversation.
“I think, if I ever got a chance to just work on the dojo again I would make it more appealing.”
She blinked as memories of spending time in the secluded building as genin sprang forward. Lee had been so proud of it. She was impressed he had finished building it while recovering from injuries. It really had been years.
“That is if you ever had the time,” Neji said with a sigh.
Well, Sakura had plenty of that to spare at least more so than Lee did.
It was a lovely spring day and Rock Lee was happy to have it off.
“Sakura where are you taking me?” Lee couldn’t help but ask as his friend guided him through the village.
“It’s a surprise, Lee!” She stopped for a moment. “We’re getting close so you’re going to have to wear a blindfold.”
“A blindfold?”
Sakura snorted. “Concept of surprise is really eluding you today.”
Lee blushed but complied as he tied the blindfold. He heard the waving of Sakura’s hand in front of his face, for fun’s sake he quickly grabbed her wrist like a snake. “I might not be able to see but my senses are still keen.”
“Yeah, yeah you just wanted an excuse to hold me.”
Lee felt the tips of his ears heat up and he quickly let go of her.
“No good I need to hold your hand, remember?” He could hear the mirth in her tone which just made heat creep up his neck. She was so insufferable in her teasing sometimes.
Sakura rolled her eyes whenever Lee was able to name a street or a shop nearby despite a blindfold. He was such a show off.
“I guess they promoted you to jonin for a reason.”
Lee laughed. “Ah yes, my skill of memorizing my village. A very important qualification.” He paused as she led them outside the village and into the woods. “Interesting...what could be out here, I wonder?”
“I’m not gonna keep repeating that it’s a surprise.”
“You just did.”
She squeezed his hand with some force. “So I did.”
“Mm.” He squeezed back with equal force.
Something was familiar about this but Lee couldn’t put his finger on it. Wherever they were he had been there before. They had finally stopped and he could practically feel Sakura buzz with excitement.
“We’re here!” she let go of his hand. “Go ahead and take the blindfold off!”
He smiled at the tone of her voice before doing as asked.
“Wha-” the words got stuck in his throat at the sight before him.
He took a few steps forward.
His dojo stood proudly before him. It was still quite simple and no doubt worked off of the bare skeleton he had built beforehand. It didn’t look like a patchwork mess like when he was genin. It looked structurally sound. He peeked his head inside and grinned. There was plenty of space to work.
There was a new addition of flowers outside the building and was that a koi pond? He walked closer to investigate and sure enough. There were two koi fish lazily swimming about in the water. Two lotus flowers floating on the surface made him pause. “This is…”
He took a step back, swallowing hard as his eyes took in the rest.
“Do you like it?”
Lee looked back at Sakura. She was smiling but she looked nervous? What was she nervous about? This was wonderful!
“You did all of this for me?” He managed to whisper, his voice somewhat tight.
Sakura rejoined his side. “Of course!” She then pouted slightly. “Rock Lee, are you saying I’m not capable of doing nice things?”
His eyes widened. “N-no! Of course not!” He felt an uneasy laugh escape him before he looked back at the dojo. “I just...I cannot believe anyone would go through so much effort for me.” He could see Gai-sensei with maybe the reluctant help of his teammates sure but Sakura? Or anyone else for that matter? “This must have taken so long and I had no idea.”
He swallowed again but despite his efforts he couldn’t keep the tears at bay.
“I had some help,” Sakura said. “Naruto and I tried rebuilding everything from scratch but wound up knocking the frame you had up over.” She sighed remembering the failure. “Luckily Captain Yamato was happy to help us.” She moved to hold her friend’s hand. “We told him to keep things simple because that’s your style. He really wanted to make a two-floor dojo.” She giggled at the recollection of his disappointed face when they told him the details.
Lee chuckled, wiping his tears with his free hand.
“Then Choji and Kiba helped me make the pond.” Sakura laughed. “Akamaru was swimming in it a couple times before Shikamaru was able to bring in the koi fish.”
“Then Ino provided the flowers and everyone who could help came and we planted them everywhere.”
Lee imagined all their friends working together, laughing as flowers were arranged.
Sakura let go of his hand and he watched as she entered the building only to reappear with a blank piece of wood. “All that’s left is for you to make the sign.”
He took hold of it. He was sure it was the same size as it was when he was genin. Back then it had seemed so large and imposing. Now his hands were so big as he held it.
“You’re lucky I managed to keep that away from Sai! He was really insistent he make it but we compromised. He got to decorate your walls with some paintings.”
He laughed. “I did not even notice! I will admire them later.” He clutched the blank sign. “I do not know how to thank all of you.”
Sakura smiled. “Well, let us help you make it a proper dojo.”
She nodded. “We’ve got a couple civilians who are interested in learning taijutsu so once you have the time…”
“Absolutely!” He grinned. “I will take anyone in as a student! We will all be splendid together!”
“Excellent.” She gave him the nice guy pose before giggling.
“Thank you.”
“Well, it wasn’t just me-”
Lee shook his head. “I am aware that you had help but you organized it and made it happen.” He set his sign down to wipe freely at his eyes. “I am so very overwhelmed with all of this. It is so wonderful. Thank you.”
“Well, maybe the two of us can take everyone out for a meal.” Sakura suggested. “Does that sound good?”
“That sounds excellent!” He grinned. He couldn’t wait to thank the others.
“Excellent.” He blinked when he felt Sakura lean her head against him. Shyly, he moved to put an arm around her.
“Y’know you never did answer my question: do you like it?”
Lee blinked. “I thought it was obvious.”
Sakura just hummed.
“I love it! I love it all!”
His friend cheered and pumped an arm. “There we go!”
“I think later on I would like to add a tree, close by.” He says after a beat.
“Yes, I think it would be lovely.”
“What kind of tree? Maple or something?”
Lee blushed, pointedly focusing on anything but her. “I was thinking maybe a sakura tree.”
Sakura blinked before chuckling. “Yeah, maybe a sakura tree would be nice.” She sighed but made no move to untangle from Lee. “The blossoms will be a pain to keep out of the pond.”
Lee shook his head. “Not at all! I will think of it as training! All of it will be worth it.” He finally glanced at her, smiling now. “It will be a place to rest against. It will be lovely, I promise!”
“If you say so.” She poked his side, eliciting a laugh from him. “Ready to work on that sign?”
“Ah! Yes!” The two headed into the building where a brush and paint waited. 
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yahboobeh · 4 years
Metanoia chapter 2
A collaboration with @weaponsmistress​
AO3 | FFN | Insta
"And it falls and it breaks and it turns into something new" - Why can't we be friends? The Academic
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She was 11 the first time she saw him. Gai had sent Lee and Tenten into town to pick up some food. Hyuuga Neji had walked past them with purpose as if he knew exactly how high above everyone else he was.
He stuck out like a sore thumb, as every Hyuuga did. His skin was pale, almost like milk, and his eyes were the most peculiar shade of lavender that Tenten had ever seen. Despite likely having been born on the island, he dressed like a foreigner, wrapped in the silk robes that were popular on the mainland.
"Is that a Hyuuga?" asked Lee.
"Yeah. I wonder what he's doing here."
Lee shrugged.
"Probably shopping, like everyone else."
"Don't they have servants for that?"
"Maybe he wanted some fresh air?"
Tenten crossed her arms.
"Do you always have to find the good in everyone?"
Lee shifted the basket of plums he was carrying from one arm to the other, weighing his thoughts before responding.
"There is good in everyone, Tenten."
Tenten looked over at the sweets stand and started walking. The stand was stuffed with cakes, dumplings, and every manner of pastry she knew. Her eyes fell on the skewers of candied fruits. Tenten stuck her hand in her pocket and counted the remaining coins.
"Should we split something?" she asked, pointing towards the fruit.
Lee nodded, before continuing on the lecture that he'd, no doubt, memorized from their father's ramblings.
"You need to take a closer look at people to find the good!"
Tenten paid, grabbed her sweet, and chewed on the first piece of fruit before passing it to Lee.
They took their time walking down the street, enjoying each bite when Neji walked past again. Lee elbowed her, and she looked up.
"What do you see?"
Tenten chewed, considering her answer while she took in every detail of him.
"I see a stuck up rich kid," she finally said, swallowing her snack.
Lee frowned.
"I think he looks sad."
Tenten rolled her eyes, sticking the empty skewer into her basket.
"What could he possibly have to be sad about?"
"I'm not sure," said Lee, "but there's good hidden under it."
Three years later, as Tenten sat across from Neji in their sitting room, she still thought he looked like a stuck up rich kid. It had been a month since the last inspection, and, much to everyone's relief, Tenten had stayed home without putting up a fight.
She crossed her arms and legs, bouncing her foot impatiently while the older Hyuuga instructed Neji as they ran down their checklist.
Gai had set a tea tray down on the table in front of them. Lee had eagerly joined him in pouring and handing out cups.
"How are you enjoying your new accommodations?" Neji asked, looking up from his notebook.
"They are lovely," said Gai, "we still have a lot of work to do, but with the general's permission, I would like to have the school ready to go by spring."
Neji nodded and added to his notes, pausing only for a drink of tea.
Tenten ran her thumbnail over the chip in her cup, feeling frustrated.
"Will our people be allowed to train here?"
Neji met her gaze and shrugged as if she'd asked him about the weather.
"It's unlikely."
"So, we're just supposed to train the enemy?"
"Tenten," Gai warned.
Neji put his tea down and turned his full attention to her. His back was straight, and his eyes narrowed.
"Yes, you are expected to train members of my family. And you will do so gladly."
Tenten clenched the arm of her chair with her free hand, trying to keep her mouth shut.
"You will do this," continued Neji, "and will cease to refer to my family as the enemy. That type of language is prohibited."
Tenten put down her cup and stood up.
"You and your family are my enemies," she spat.
Neji sighed, setting his tea down too. He moved to stand. Tenten turned her back to him and stormed out of the room.
She could hear Neji's voice, soft, casual, privileged.
"Maito Gai, where are her rooms?"
Tenten stopped dead in her tracks. Her stomach sank as she waited for Gai's answer.
"In the upper quarter, on the east side. Lee will show you."
"Thank you."
Tenten remained frozen in place as Lee guided Neji and Hoheto towards the back of the compound. As he passed, Tenten heard Neji whisper to her.
"Learn your place." And then they were gone. She felt Gai behind her as she fought back angry tears.
"Why would you do that, baba?"
"You left me no choice, Tenten."
"But my room?"
"Your room has been searched before, Tenten, and it will be searched again. Hoheto rarely ever checks as he trusts us. Neji does not yet trust us and, and you are making it more difficult."
"Why should he trust us? And why do you trust them?"
"What choice do we have, Tenten?" She felt the weight of his arm on her shoulder. "This is what our lives look like now."
"I hate it."
"I know, but we need to make the best of this situation. If you want me to train more than just Hyuuga children, we need to form a positive relationship with Neji. If we are seen as an asset instead of a threat, then presenting that idea will be met with less resistance."
Both were quiet for a moment before Gai continued.
"I know you're hurting. We're all hurting, sweetheart, but in order to heal, you will need to learn to let go of your anger. What happened to us was not Neji's doing."
"If he is complacent, then how is he any better?"
"Because he and Hoheto are doing what they need to survive. And surviving is much easier if we are all amicable towards each other."
Tenten turned around, still unable to meet Gai's eyes, and buried her face into his chest, hugging him around the waist. He stroked her back and hair whispering soothing words.
"I'm sorry, Tenten. I know you feel like your space is being violated, but it will be over soon."
She wept silently into his shirt while, across the compound, her room was turned over.
Neji sat at his desk, looking down at his scant notes about the Maito family.
The search of Tenten's room had turned up nothing unusual. Even the journal she'd tucked under her mattress lacked anything substantial. It would barely be worth mentioning, except that Hoheto pointed out that her behavior would have to be noted this time.
Neji sighed. There were plenty of families in town that were much more suspicious but still provided less resistance than Tenten.
She'd written about him in her journal. It was nothing unexpected, just a recounting of their first meeting (she'd called him a few choice words) and the dread of having to see him again.
Initially, Neji wanted to write down every detail of her behavior and confiscate her journal, but Hoheto had advised against it.
"She is hurting very deeply," Hoheto cautioned, "it would be best if you two could learn not to challenge each other."
"She needs to learn to respect me," Neji had retorted.
"Ah, but Neji, respect must be earned."
And so, when Neji wrote his notes, he carefully stated that the Maito family was amicable and looking forward to training the Hyuuga. He briefly mentioned that Tenten had been upset about the prospect, but a search of her room showed nothing suspicious.
She is likely struggling with her new station and curious as to why we have chosen to work with her father.
Neji wrote down a few more notes before setting down his brush. He stretched out his back and waited for the ink to dry.
Neji wondered what his father might have done in his place. He thought a lot about the advice his father might have been able to give, had he still been alive.
But having lost him at such a young age, the advice of Hyuuga Hizashi was sparse, and often Neji thought it was a miracle he could remember his face.
He would probably say the same things as Hoheto, Neji thought. But he also liked to imagine that Hizashi wouldn't be as complacent as Hoheto. That being the brother of a general, he would speak up when Hiashi overstepped his boundaries. There was a faint memory of a tattoo under a headband, marring the skin of his father's forehead. Neji never knew why it was there, only that his father was ashamed of it. He knew it was a punishment, just not for what, and so as a child he'd imagined it was for acting righteously.
Someday he would find out if that was the truth.
There was a knock at the door.
The door popped open, revealing Hoheto.
"Have you finished preparing your report?"
Neji nodded and stood up, grabbing the notebook. He handed it to Hoheto, who checked it over.
"Good. This is well done, especially the part about Maito Tenten."
"Why do we go through such lengths to protect them?"
"You should know, Neji, a happy village is a peaceful village. If we toss people into jail cells for every outburst, we'll have another rebellion on our hands before we know it."
"So that's our job? Not just to seek out any plots, but to discourage them from happening at all?"
"Now, you are beginning to understand. This is why you must make Tenten earn your respect. People talk. She has a fiery personality. It won't be long before people learn about your argument and subsequent search of her room. She may have been in the wrong, but her people will always side with her."
Hoheto handed Neji back the notebook, with a slight bow.
"Now, if you are ready, your uncle is prepared to hear your report."
Tenten laid back in the sand, relishing in the heat from the sun. She'd waited for Neji to leave the compound before shutting herself in her room to make sure nothing was out of place. But she could still imagine him in her space, pawing through drawers and her closet, seeking out anything that he could label as suspicious. Tenten stood in the center of her room and looked around. He could have trashed it if he'd wanted to, but nothing was out of place. It made her feel sick. If he'd come through in a blind rage and knocked things over and emptied drawers, she would have had something concrete against him. She would have been able to look at Gai and say, "See? This is what happens!"
But her room was exactly as she'd left it.
Tenten grabbed her bag and left, needing distance from Neji. She stocked up with snacks and allowed herself to be seen by Gai as she left.
She spent the rest of the day there, only returning home after it was dark, and she was cold.
When she fell into bed, Tenten was too weary to give much thought to the earlier search, and for that, she was grateful.
When Neji arrived for the next inspection, Gai met them at the gate.
"If I may be so bold, Hyuuga Neji, Hyuuga Hoheto," he said with a bow, "Tenten has promised me today she will behave. I ask only that you recognize she has a tendency to challenge authority. We have been working on that with her daily prayers and meditations."
It was a warning, a plea. Please don't antagonize her.
"I am glad to hear she finds herself in better spirits today," said Neji, "I expect things will go much smoother."
I will do my best. Neji hoped Gai understood his assurance.
They strolled through the first courtyard as Gai explained how he wanted to use the space for training his students. Neji nodded and commented on the improvement.
"You must have been working hard. Last month the garden was overgrown and full of weeds."
"Ah, well, as you know, the Yamanaka family are avid botanists. I had some assistance cleaning up."
"How does the Yamanaka family feel about your new station?"
Hoheto met Neji's eyes and gave him an approving nod. They would make sure to question the Yamanaka family about the visit.
"They are pleased to see us rise," said Gai, "and are eager to get their hands dirty with the sweet earth that nourishes life."
When they arrived in the sitting room, Neji was surprised to see Tenten with a tray of tea, waiting for them.
She set it down on the table and began pouring as everyone took their seats.
Tenten offered Hoheto the first cup and Neji the second, meeting his gaze as she spoke.
"It's chrysanthemum today. I hope you don't mind."
Neji could see the strain at the corners of her mouth. She was trying to be pleasant, not to lash out.
"Thank you," he said, and she seemed to relax just a little. His cup today bore no chips. She'd taken care to make sure they had the best ones. Neji took a sip. "Did you brew this, or was it your father?"
Tenten pursed her lips, preparing a retort if Neji chose to mock the tea. She took a breath and straightened her back.
"I prepared it."
"It's good."
She quirked an eyebrow at him.
"What? No comment about it being weak or poisoned?"
Neji smirked at her and took another sip.
"Not today."
The inspections slowly grew less formal. Tenten had taken over the role of preparing tea, as it gave her something to do the morning of the inspection. She would try a new blend every month. Tenten had made tea every month for six months when she realized, with a sinking feeling, that she was starting to look forward to the visits.
She was at the market, looking at the various tea blends when it hit her. Tenten looked up at the older man minding the stall. He spoke, but she didn't hear him. Was she really looking forward to making tea for him? After everything she'd been through and the way, he'd first treated her?
Tenten returned from her thoughts, and the man's face fell into focus.
"I'm sorry," she said, "I didn't catch that."
"I asked what type of tea you would like today, miss."
"Jasmine," and even as she went through the motions of paying and accepting the package, Tenten's mind was gone again.
Her walk home felt surreal. Tenten felt separate from her body, watching from above as it wound through familiar streets. She looked guilty as if a packet of jasmine tea labeled her a traitor. Pleasant visits with Neji and Hoheto, were supposed to be a front, a facade, but she liked them. Was she betraying the memory of her parents? Of everyone else who had died in the rebellion?
Tenten thought she heard whispers about her and Gai, how their tea gave them away as traitors.
She shook her head.
Everyone loves baba; no one would say that.
She stopped at the familiar fork in the road. If she kept going straight, she would find her way home. If she turned right, she could walk the shoreline for a while.
While she struggled to decide, Naruto appeared at her side.
"Tenten! What are you up to?"
"Oh, hi, Naruto," she flashed him a brief smile, "I was just about to head home."
"Did you get anything good in town?"
"Just some tea. Our inspection is tomorrow, and baba insists we show them our hospitali-tea," she rolled her eyes as she placed the emphases into Gai's pun.
"Ugh, I hate inspection day. And the new kid, Neji? He's got a stick pretty far up his ass, huh?"
Tenten wanted to defend Neji but stopped herself. She wasn't supposed to want that.
"Yeah. I wish we could do something about them."
"Now that you mention it," Naruto leaned in close and lowered his voice.
"I head Kakashi talking last time Yamoto came over. There are people making plans."
"Yeah. To get rid of them."
"The Hyuu—"
"Shhh!" Naruto pressed his finger to her lips, "There's meetings, I guess. I'm going to try and find out more about them."
Tenten felt something stir in her, a sensation she hadn't felt in years: hope. She took a deep breath and felt lighter.
"I want to know what you find out."
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We All Wear Masks Sometimes
Author: Lopithecus Pairing: Hatake Kakashi/Maito Gai | Might Guy Rating: General Audiences Word Count: 1674 Alternate: AO3 Summary: Kakashi comforts Gai after Lee gets injured during the Chunin exams Warnings: N/A Author's Note: This is for day 6 of KakaGai Week 2020 ( @kkgweek ).  I have a feeling a lot of the fics/art that are going to use this prompt are going to be Kakashi focused. So, I decided to do the opposite. This is set just after the preliminary round during the Chunin Exams. Also, it’s not made explicitly clear that Kakashi and Gai are together, but it is implied that they are. Please enjoy! Prompt: Day 6 - Mask
Gai has a habit of pretending to be okay for everyone else's sake even if he's not. He'll smile and laugh, say something with poetic prose, and then throw out a thumbs-up with a hand on his hip. Sure, on good days he actually is like that, Gai's personality having been molded very carefully and lovingly by his father, but Gai's father could only do so much. Kakashi knows this.
Sometimes Kakashi thinks he's the only one to know this about Gai.
On days that are hard, the really bad days that all shinobi get no matter how cheerful and optimistic one can be, Gai amplifies the theatrics to one hundred. No one really notices, no one besides Kakashi, because Gai never lets anyone get close enough to him to show his real personality. Sure, the man is close to his friends, closer still to his students, but he can't act weak around them. He can't let his friends' teasing bother him and he has to be the perfect role model for his students.
With Kakashi, it's different.
Maybe that is what happens when you grow up fighting a war together and lose everyone you love? You tend to latch onto the one that never left. You hold onto them like they are your lifeline and if that line were to ever get cut then you would drown.
Or maybe Kakashi is just being overly dramatic and it has nothing to do with that. Maybe it's just a testament of how long they have been friends that allows the two to be open with each other and no one else. Kakashi has never been great at interpreting attachments and he's the last person to try to make it into a healthy conclusion in his mind.
He's always been a little bit codependent on the people he's cared about.
Gai especially. 
Maybe that's why, before he goes to fetch Sasuke from the hospital to begin his training, he sets out trying to find Gai. He checks the training grounds first and finds Tenten and Neji there. Tenten is helping Neji train but Gai is nowhere in sight. Not surprising, considering where Lee is currently and in hindsight, Kakashi probably should have checked there first.
Still, just so he doesn't make a wasted trip to the hospital, he steps out of the bushes and makes his presence known to the Genin. "Yo."
They both turn to him. It's the first time Kakashi has actually interacted with Gai's students in the year that he's had them. It's shocking, really, considering how much Gai loves to challenge him. Although, Gai hadn't interacted with Kakashi's students until the beginning of the Chunin Exams either. It almost makes him want to laugh and he's kind of sorry he missed that introduction. He would have loved to have seen the little brats' faces at meeting Maito Gai.
"Kakashi-sensei!" Tenten greets him eagerly, pink coloring her cheeks, while Neji doesn't acknowledge him at all. He's not surprised they know his name. Maybe the Hyūga is mad at him for stopping him from killing that Hinata girl?
"Is Gai at the hospital?" he asks, getting straight to the point. He doesn't have all day. Sasuke is waiting for him.
"Oh, yeah! You just missed him," Tenten tells him, her smile disappearing. "He's visiting Lee but said he'd be back soon if you want to wait."
It's just like Gai to divide up his time between his students despite his overwhelming worry about Lee. Kakashi waves the invitation off. "I'll go see him there. Thanks."
Tenten slumps in disappointment and Neji crosses his arms, turning away. He waves goodbye at them anyway. He doesn't need them complaining to Gai about his behavior and then Gai giving Kakashi a huge speech about treating young Genins with more respect.
He doesn't go into the hospital once he's there. He'll be back to get Sasuke and going into the building one time is one too many in Kakashi's mind. So, he waits outside, flaring his chakra a little to let Gai know he's there. He doesn't expect Gai to come out and greet him right away and about five minutes later, he is exiting the building with a wide smile.
Kakashi can already tell it's fake.
"Kakashi! My dearest Rival, what do I owe this pleasure?" Gai strolls up to him, arms out in a gesture to hug Kakashi. Kakashi lets him, wrapping his own arms around Gai's solid frame. He has a feeling Gai needs this comfort right now.
When they separate, Kakashi gestures with his head. "Take a walk with me."
Gai's smile twitches, threatening to fall but Gai has always been a master at forcing himself to smile through everything. It stays steady on his face. "Very well."
They walk in silence and they eventually make it to outside a hot spring. Kakashi leans down on the railing of a bridge, staring at the water beneath them. It reminds him that Naruto is probably searching for him this very second to train him and a pang of guilt clutches at Kakashi's chest. He does wish he could train both him and Sasuke. They both have very different skill sets, however, and if Sasuke is going to be going up against that sand jutsu, then Kakashi needs to focus on Sasuke at the moment. He'll have to get someone else to train Naruto and, although the thought to ask Gai to do it does cross his mind, Gai has too much on his plate right now. Plus, Naruto is going up against Neji. It might be a bit of a conflict of interest.
So, instead, he settles on someone else. "Is Ebisu available?"
Gai walks up beside him and leans his arms down onto the railing, much like how Kakashi is right now. "I believe so, yes. Why?"
"I was thinking of asking him to train Naruto before the final competitions in the Chunin Exams," he says.
Gai looks out into the water. "I think that would be a great idea. Ebisu is very capable. I can ask him if you want?"
Kakashi shakes his head. "Just have him meet me at the hospital. I have to pick up Sasuke."
Gai perks up at that. "Has Sasuke fully recovered?"
Kakashi picks his words carefully, thinking about Lee. "More or less."
Gai narrows his eyes at him, suspicion playing on his face. "You don't have to be gentle with me."
"And you don't need to pretend with me." Gai stares at him and Kakashi pokes him in the cheek. "Let yourself feel things."
Gai scoffs, goodnaturedly. "Says the man who is the master at suppressed emotions."
"I think we both are pretty good experts at it, wouldn't you say Gai-kun?" Gai scowls at the honorific. It's not very often Kakashi uses it. It's mostly to try and lighten the mood a bit. It doesn't seem to work. "Gai, what I said during the preliminaries about the gates…" He trails off, biting his bottom lip. He sighs and wonders if he sounds a bit hypocritical. He’s never been a fan of the gates for obvious reasons, after all. "I meant what I said afterward. I was out of line."
Gai shakes his head. "No." Kakashi furrows his brows in confusion. "You were right. I should have never taught Lee it. He's too young."
Kakashi frowns and reaches up to place a comforting hand on Gai's back. "You were even younger when your father started teaching you how to open the gates."
Gai huffs and pulls away from Kakashi. "And maybe he was wrong, too."
"He died because he used the gates and… and I'm not condemning him for it. He used them to protect something precious to him, to protect me, and that is something to be proud of. But maybe… maybe I was too young, too?" Gai bows his head. "Maybe he should have never taught me it… because now Lee has almost died from using the gates."
"Gai," Kakashi pulls him closer so that their sides are pressed together. "That wasn't your doing. It was that kid from the Sand. He is the one who almost killed Lee."
"Lee would have given up sooner if he didn't have the gates."
"No, he wouldn't have." Gai looks up then, surprise written all over his face. "Gai, that child, is exactly like you when you were his age. You wouldn't have given up, would you?" Gai shakes his head. "Exactly. So gates or no gates, there is no doubt in my mind that Lee would have fought with everything he had and would have never given up."
"So, then you're saying it's a character flaw?"
Kakashi chuckles with exasperation, laying his forehead down onto Gai's shoulder. "No, I'm saying it's admirable." He lifts his head to look Gai in the eyes. "Stupid sometimes but admirable."
It gets Gai to laugh, a real laugh, and Kakashi's heart warms at the sound. He pulls him a little closer, carding his fingers into Gai's hair. He ruffles the strands, messing up the bowl cut and Gai tries to pull away in complaint. "Kakashi!"
Kakashi lets him escape and watches as Gai tries to smooth his hair back down with his lips set in a pout the whole time. It's adorable and he's glad he's managed to make Gai feel a little better. He's not very good at it most times but when he succeeds it makes him happy. Especially if it's Gai.
"Gai." Gai stops his ministrations on his hair, looking up at Kakashi. He's much more relaxed now, genuine seeming. "Lee will be okay. He's stubborn like you. Nothing will keep him down."
Gai stares at him for a few seconds, thinking, before a real smile breaks out on his face and he sticks out a thumbs-up in Kakashi's direction. "Most definitely, Rival!"
Kakashi chuckles again and, with an amused shake of his head, he throws an arm around Gai's shoulders, walking back to the hospital with him.
A/N: Don't worry. I didn't forget about the fact that Gai needs to have Ebisu come to the hospital. I just didn't write it in. What I imagine happening is, once back at the hospital, Gai uses a messenger turtle to instruct Ebisu to get to the hospital. It probably scares the shit out of Ebisu at first, thinking something bad might have happened to Gai until he gets there and Kakashi explains everything to him. He is not amused. XD
Thank you for reading!
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cywolf10 · 4 years
Clanswap AU - Nejiten
“Tenten,” her uncle intoned. The girl emerged from the shadows, silent and smooth-moving.
“Yes, milord?” she asked, bowing - her voice at exactly the right pitch and tone and volume, her spine inclined at the perfect angle, her eyes respectfully downcast.
“Take this to the captain of the guard,” Hiashi ordered, handing her a scroll.
“At once, milord,” she replied, again with the perfect tone of respect in her voice, and disappeared in a shunshin as fast and silent as any ANBU’s.
Hiashi watched her disappear, his eyes revealing nothing. Then he turned back to his paperwork, thinking of what Hizashi had told him, once, when they’d both been young and Hiashi had not been the enemy, the Main House - when he had only been Hizashi’s beloved twin brother, and it had been them both against the world.
‘When there is nothing left,’ Hizashi had told him, ‘Perfect service can be the most potent revenge. He will never dare to trust me. And he will never dare not to dare.’
His niece, as in most things, followed her father - a most subtle rebel. It was her birthright, after all - even her name, drawn from her foreign mother’s homeland, was in its own way a rebellion against the Hyuuga traditions.
“Shut up, Lee!” Neji hissed, elbowing his best friend. “It’s Tenten’s turn to throw!”
Neji watched, his hazel eyes wide, as Tenten took her place at the target range, holding his breath as she flung her kunai.
“Perfect score,” announced the teacher, eyeing the row of bulls-eyes she had just achieved. An admiring murmur rose from her classmates as Tenten inclined her head politely to the chuunin, quietly retaking her place in the crowd.
“She’s so awesome,” Neji sighed.
“She is very accomplished,” Lee agreed, squinting at the bulls-eyes. “I feel, however, as if she lacks a certain...passion? Vitality?” He crossed his arms. “She is very hard to approach.”
In reply, Neji kicked him in the shin. “Just because she’s so much cooler than anyone in the Academy!”
“Ow!” whined Lee. The two boys began to tussle.
“Rock Lee! Neji!” snapped their chuunin instructor, reaching in to grab the boys by their collars. “What do you think you’re doing?”
Their classmates giggled at them as they were shaken like puppies - all except Tenten, who merely watched with the blank expression that was her usual appearance. Neji wilted in front of it.
“Hinata-sama,” Tenten said, falling into step behind her younger cousin as class let out. Hinata ventured a shy smile.
“Ten-nee,” she said, hopefully.
And, as always, the smile faded away as Tenten continued gazing at her with that same polite, utterly bland expression. She remained where she was, a step behind Hinata as the other girl turned to head for home, picking the best place for a shinobi to guard her master’s back.
Perhaps one day they would walk home side-by-side, Hinata thought.
They were in their final year of the Academy, Tenten pretty much a lock for Rookie of the Year (the first time in years a kunoichi would win the title) when Uchiha Sasuke challenged her to a duel.
“Hey, Hyuuga,” he called, sauntering up to her with cocksure aplomb. Behind him, his classmates gasped at his boldness in breaking the unspoken recess-time rules - he was talking to an upperclassman! Without even being spoken to first!
Then Tenten turned her silver eyes on him, her face impeccably composed, and Sasuke stopped short. He swallowed hard, staring at the other doujutsu-user, and long-ago lessons in manners from his mother rose to the front of his mind.
“Senpai,” he said, in a more courteous tone of voice, and with a small bow, “Would you agree to duel with me? Please?”
There was another, louder gasp from his classmates - as much for the way Sasuke was speaking, that he had actually inclined his head, as for the fact that he had just challenged the older student. Hinata had begun to wring her hands.
Tenten regarded him for a long, silent moment, before bowing back with the exact same inclination of her head. The clanborn among their classmates noticed that, and thought about how their various tutors in clan etiquette would have pointed to the two as examples of perfect execution. “I would be happy to,” she said. “After class?”
“If that is convenient to you,” Sasuke replied politely.
“The Academy practice-yards?” Tenten suggested.
“That sounds good,” Sasuke agreed.
“See you there, then,” Tenten said, returning to the book she had been reading. Sasuke stared at her for a moment before turning back to his class’s side of the playground.
There, he was swarmed by gaping and admiring classmates, Kiba and Naruto howling that for a bastard he was a brave son of a bitch. Hinata stood apart, her gaze darting between Sasuke and her cousin.
Tenten was similarly swarmed, although she did not even deign to look up from her book. From high up in a tree, safely hidden, Neji glowered jealously at the younger boy, while Rock Lee bounced beside him in excitement.
For the rest of the school-day the two classes were in a lather of excitement, although both Sasuke and Tenten seemed calm, almost ostentatiously so. The students stampeded out as the end-of-class bell rang, both years streaming towards the practice-yards in a river of chattering humanity. The Last Uchiha versus the Hyuuga prodigy! Neji, still grumpy, pushed his way to the front of the crowd, finding himself standing next to a very loud-mouthed pair of younger students who immediately struck up a conversation with Lee, who had tagged along with his friend.
“Uchiha’s a bastard, but he’s our bastard!” bragged the darker-haired one, whose cheeks proclaimed him an Inuzuka.
“Sasuke’s gonna win,” agreed the blond next to him. “I mean, he beats me pretty often.”
“And who the hell are you?” snarled Neji, turning on the younger boy.
“Uzumaki Naruto,” proclaimed the blond, throwing his chest out. “Future Hokage!”
Neji sneered and was about to snap something cutting when Lee elbowed him hard. 
“Well, that may be so, but Tenten’s pretty good too,” Lee said appeasingly, trying to keep his friend from saying something he would regret. Neji was a nice kid, really - he just lost his head when it came to Tenten. “Plus, we have a year more training than you. More, maybe, because Tenten’s a Hyuuga and they start training young.”
“If that’s the case why’s Hinata so easy to beat?” Naruto wondered out loud.
Unseen, far back in the crowd, but able to watch with her Byakugan on, Hinata wilted.
Even more unseen, Tenten - in the middle of warm-up stretches - smirked to herself.
The fight was exciting, a highlight of their careers as students. They would speak of the fight for the rest of their time in school, and for many of the ones who did not make it to genin it would be the greatest fight they would see with their own eyes.
They started slow, with textbook-perfect Academy taijutsu and bukijutsu. Slowly they ramped up the pace, until they were darting at each other too fast for some of their classmates to see. Their respective fanclubs kept up a constant cheer, but the crowd was silenced when Sasuke, flung away by a powerful palm-strike, sent an actual fireball blazing at Tenten.
Neji made a strangled noise in his throat, making an abortive movement forward when he saw the fireball. But Tenten was already moving, rolling out of the way. When she stood up, they saw that her Byakugan had gone active, veins pulsing with chakra.
From there on the intensity kicked up several notches, Tenten’s Jyuuken strikes looking deceptively gentle as they brushed against Sasuke but his pained responses showing their effectiveness.
In the end, she won. But she bowed to Sasuke and actually smiled at him, saying, “That was a very good fight, Uchiha. Next week?”
Sasuke blinked, and then accepted with a nod. He swaggered back, his classmates regarding him with awe. He’d been beaten, yes - but look at how awesome a kunoichi it had taken to do it! And he could spit fire!
Hinata went home, Tenten one step behind her as usual but with a smoky smell of fire chakra attending her, thinking about how skillfully Tenten had executed the Jyuuken attacks.
Sasuke went home, bizarrely comforted by having been beaten. Hyuugas, after all, were nearly as good as Uchihas, his father had once implied - even if they were all stuffy snobs. And this girl was supposed to be one of their best. Eventually he, Sasuke, would become better than her, of course, he was still growing and still learning, but that meant there was still something to learn in the Academy - still people he could hone his edge on, in the Village.
Neji went home, half-excited by the fight, half-jealous that it had taken a younger brat to make Tenten smile, to make her use her Byakugan.
Later, that night, Tenten smirked to herself. The fight had been fun, a chance to let loose. But she hadn’t really - she could have beaten the boy more quickly, but she had deliberately drawn it out, kept her Jyuuken strikes just a shade less damaging so the Uchiha could power through - so that she had more time to perform. She had seen, with her Byakugan, several of her clan watching the fight from afar. And she had seen their expressions when she had faultlessly executed her Jyuuken attacks - foregoing speed and power for absolute precision, absolute fidelity to the Jyuuken canon.
She knew how well she appeared, in comparison to Hinata’s sloppy Jyuuken. To an outsider’s eyes Hinata’s carefully trained form would appear just fine, but to Hyuuga eyes every deviation appeared bright and sharp.
She didn’t need to show how much she despised her cousin; all she needed to do was let others know how much Hinata deserved that disdain.
Also, it had been nice to see Neji’s jaw drop.
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raspberryfanfics · 5 years
Nejiten/Harry Potter Crossover
Positive Emotions—Also on ffn @raspberryfanfics 
“Inuzuka, give me one good reason I shouldn’t make you clean trophies for harassing Miss Yamanaka.”
Kiba rolled his eyes at the Hufflepuff prefect. “Tenten, she’s pretty much asking—”
“There are no rules in whether or not she decides to unbutton a few buttons or crop her shirt and hem her skirt, however, there are rules to sexual harassment.” she raised an eyebrow at him. Ino smirked and crossed her arms triumphantly. 
“Fine, but do I still have to go to detention?” he huffed, crossing his arms.
“I’ll let it slide. Next time you want someone’s attention, try giving her a box of chocolate frogs. It probably would work much better than jinxing her clothes.”
Two faces reddened and she sighed, walking away from the two sixth-years.
In her seventh and final year at Hogwarts, She found herself becoming more and more like the kind of person she thought she’d never become. Back on her first day where she and Rock Lee sat in the train compartment and Neji Hyuuga strode into their compartment without asking, a prefect was bossing everyone around, giving some people hell. It used to be that she was the one making a little bit of trouble, stealing broom trimming materials from her Slytherin friends and attaching wings to the books of snobby Ravenclaws, yet now she was the one reprimanding others. If you told her that she would be a prefect and quidditch captain seven years ago, she would have spat out her pumpkin juice and laughed louder than a howler.
On the way to her next class, she stumbled upon her good friend and teammate, Lee. 
“I think we should push for a little extra training this week,” he said to her enthusiastically, gathering his books for their next class in his giant green messenger bag. “Our game against Gryffindor is coming up and we must show them Hufflepuff’s burning youth!”
“I’m sure we’ve already shown them.” she smiled, recalling how aggressive Lee could be and the way he would hit buldgers so fast that the other team would often spend most their time dodging rather than chasing. “Though I agree, it would be smart to push for a few more practices.”
Temari, formerly of Gryffindor, had been the keeper for their team for many years and with Naruto as Chaser, they made an incredible team. Since she had graduated last year from Hogwarts, Naruto was now captain, though she doubted they’d be as good. Hufflepuff’s defeat was humiliating and she was glad they had a chance to redeem themselves.
As she climbed into the north tower with a red bag strapped on her back, she took a seat beside the seventh-year Head Boy and Prefect, Neji Hyuga. His nose was buried in a Divination book, glasses perched on his sharp nose, posture immaculate. 
“Still obsessing of fate, Hyuga?” she teased. “Use your genius for other things.”
“I don’t recall asking for your opinion, Tenten.” he marked his book and turned around, a small hint of a smile on his lips. 
“No, I’m just exercising my freedom of speech.” she retorted, pulling out her wand and pointing it to her small bag, flicking it a couple of times. A textbook, quill, notebook, and a couple of fudge flies leaped out of her bag and landed onto the table. A few people stared, impressed that she was able to master non-verbal summoning so quickly.
Neji, however, was used to it. She had mastered the fourth-year summoning charm in her first year and non-verbal in the fifth year. Tenten held out the carton of fudge-flies, offering the Ravenclaw some sweets. He shook his head and turned back to his book.
The class died down a little as their Defense Against the Dark Arts professor strode in, wizard cap covering one eye, book in hand. As usual, Professor Kakashi Hatake was very late. 
“Sorry, class, a couple of house-elves needed help carrying some groceries—”
“Save it, professor!” cried a kid from the corner of the room. 
“House-elves don’t even need to carry anything,” she mumbled to Neji, “that was one of the lamest excuses yet.”
He shrugged and put away his book, replacing it with the one on their subject. 
“Today, we’ll be learning about the Patronus.” the professor started slowly. “I’m sure one of you has heard of it.”
Tenten rolled her eyes. Everyone has heard of the Patronus. Especially with the recent cases of the Akatsuki breaking out of Azkaban, dementors have been trailing in and out of Hogwarts, much to Headmaster Tsunade’s fury. 
As the teacher gave a short lecture, many of it a review, Tenten glanced at Neji, who was paying strict attention and taking notes though he probably didn’t need it. Suddenly, his hand stopped scribbling on his parchment and looked over to her, his white eyes locking with hers. She felt her cheeks go red and quickly darted her eyes away, focusing back onto Professor Hatake. 
“I’m going to let you get into threes so you can try and practice the Patronus,” he replied. “I do not expect any of you to be able to perform a spell that most witches and wizards cannot, though I would like to see if you can create the beginnings of one.
The Head Boy merely blinked, unlike Lee, who was quite worried. Her best friend and fellow beater wasn’t as magically gifted as other wizards. He wasn’t great at subjects that required a lot of spell casting such as Charms, Transfiguration, or DADA either. He made up for it by working exceptionally hard in Potions, Herbology, and his best subject, Care of Magical Creatures and being one of the best Quidditch players of the century. She could see why he wasn’t happy about learning such a spell, as hard work might not come easy for one so complex.
Neji on the other hand, was able to master practically all of them, scoring an Outstanding in all of his NEWTs except for Divination. Though having an obsession with fate and lacking any talent for it whatsoever, Defence Against the Dark Arts was his best subject. He was quick-thinking, skilled, and had a duelling style his extremely pure-blood wizarding family excelled in. The spell he always conjured up was the shield charm, yet he used it for offence rather than defence, knocking many people off their feet during it. 
The group of three took a spot in the large classroom and flipped through their books to get the instructions. 
Tenten attempted first, thinking of a positive memory, (the first time she summoned something), and waved her wand in a circle, and chanted the incantation. Unfortunately, nothing happened. She tried for another memory, and another, yet nothing seemed to produce any result. Finally, she relieved a more nostalgic memory and tried one more time and a very very faint wisp seemed to drip from her wand.
Neji tried next, closing his eyes for a brief moment, looking quite arrogant, and waved his wand. “Expecto Patronum,”
To all three’s surprise, he didn’t produce anything. Even with his other tries, he didn’t even manage to get as much of a wisp as Tenten did,  which was barely any. This only made Lee more nervous because if Neji and Tenten could perform a spell, could he?
They watched him intensely as he closed his eyes, standing there meditatively in a position they’d usually see Neji performing. A familiarly wide smile drew upon his lips and Tenten sighed. She thought he was going to take it seriously.
“EXPECTO PATRONUM!” he yelled, catching the attention of everyone in the room with his boisterous attitude. 
Where everyone was about to roll their eyes, what they didn’t expect was a bright flash of light and the beginning of a small shield. Tenten’s mouth hung agape and their professor strode over, seemingly unsurprised at Lee’s sudden success.
“Good job, Lee, I haven’t seen many people your age able to produce a spell that quickly. 20 points to Hufflepuff.”
His two companions couldn’t shake off their amazement, especially at the fact that for the rest of the day, his Patronus just seemed to get bigger while theirs didn’t do anything at all.
“Tenten, do you have a moment?”
She looked up at the familiar baritone voice and Neji Hyuga was standing before her, a grey sweater over the usual white button-up with his sapphire blue tie loosened around his neck. The candle on her library table illuminated his face with dancing patterns and made him appear almost angel-like. Her breath caught in her throat and she shook out the feeling of butterflies with a friendly smile.
Checking her watch, she noticed that it was already pretty late and she’d have to get back to her dorm soon. Thankfully she just finished up her transfiguration essay. 
“Only a moment,” she said softly. “I’ll have to hurry if I want to take a bath today.”
“But you don’t have any meeting or homework, I’m presuming?” he asked.
“Nope, I’m all yours,” she said, blushing at the way it came out.
They walked through the halls of the school, moonlight illuminating the way out of the library. She followed him, wondering where they were going as he led her up winding staircases and towards a bronze door, a bronze eagle at the handle. Tenten recognized it as the Eagle Door Knocker, that spoke of riddles to let you pass.
Neji delicately picked up the handle and tapped it three times, then released his hold. The beak opened and a low voice range out.
“At night they come without being fetched, by day they are lost without being stolen, if absent they are summoned by a receiver, crushed if one won’t be a believer.”
She blinked a couple of times, looking over to her companion as he thought steadily. 
“One’s dreams as the mind’s movement during sleep or the ambitions based on hope,” he replied, the door swinging open. The Ravenclaw started towards the entrance but she didn’t move.
“This is the Ravenclaw common room…” she trailed off. “I’m a Huffl—”
“I’m Head Boy and Prefect. I think I can get you an excuse if caught.” he raised his eyebrow, waiting for her to respond. His eyes shone, asking her to trust him, and she couldn’t refuse.
They had been friends since the beginning, sitting together on the train and eating sharing Every Flavour Beans. Over the years through study hall, Hogsmeade trips, and Prefect meetings, she slowly found herself falling for the lavender-eyed Ravenclaw, despite trying devastatingly hard not to. She knew what each millimetre of raised eyebrow meant, every angle of his sharp cheekbones, and the exact colour of his brown, (but only brown in direct sunlight as it was black right now) hair. She’d trust him with her life.
The Ravenclaw common room wasn’t nearly as cozy as the Hufflepuff one. It looked more like the drawing-room of a fancy mansion, with regal blue couches and antique coffee tables. Yet she found herself drawn to the tall, rounded ceiling and the large shelves stacked with books of all sorts. More books were scattered across the carpets, some flipped upside-down, others marked with leather bookmarks. She noticed Shikamaru playing wizard’s chess with Kankuro, who was losing badly, and Shino reading about magical bugs. Some of the more stuck-up Ravenclaws gave a few unimpressed glares at her until they realized she was with the Head Boy, the person everyone looked up to. 
He led her past the dorm and to another door, where he took out his wand and waved it around, doing a complex unlocking spell that Alohomora just wouldn’t cover. When he opened it, it led to a much narrower staircase, which they climbed around and around until there was a ladder and a trapdoor. He raised his wand towards the latch and pushed it open, moonlight spilling it into the darkness. He climbed out first, then held out his hand to help her climb out. When she stepped onto the tower’s flat platform, her mouth hung open.
It was beautiful. 
She could see the night sky, speckled with so many stars that they looked like salt spilled across a black canvas. The corners where the sky met the earth was illuminated by a purple haze, the half-moon sitting on top of them. She could see the whole castle from where she stood. The forbidden forest on one side, the black lake near another, the quidditch pitch and the six hoops...she could see it all. Her breath was taken away and she felt a surge of envy for the glittering view that the Ravenclaws had the privilege of seeing.
“If I had known that your house gets to see this, I would have forced you to show me this a lot earlier.” she breathed, still caught up in admiring the sky.
“Not a lot of people have figured out how to get here,” Neji said, sitting down on the wooden platform, gazing at the stars above. “I thought you would like it.”
“It’s breathtaking,” she sighed, leaning over the railing, relishing the feeling of the wind rippling through her bangs. She untangled her hair from her twin buns and let it brush though that too. Tenten closed her eyes and smiled, relaxing, happiness surging through her until she felt drained of adrenaline from the feeling of him watching her. 
When the stars seemed to blink slower, she sat down beside Neji, who was laying down. His eyes were darker in the moonlight yet still just as stunning. His eyes could compare to the stars, at least in her opinion.
“I thought about Lee,” he said. “How he was the only one in our class to cast a Patronus that could possibly be useful. He surpassed us all with that spell, even though he isn’t magically gifted.”
“Lee always has defied the odds with his hard work. He’s a true Hufflepuff,” she said defensively.
An astonishingly wide smile crossed his lips, a chuckle escaped his mouth. “I know, he’s something. But that couldn’t have been hard work if he did it on the first try. Even you know that.”
“Then what was it?” she asked.
Neji was silent, staring into her eyes in a way that made her strangely comfortable, before they darted to her lips for a split second, breaking contact.
“Happiness,” he whispered. “He was the only one who could conjure enough joy and positivity for a Patronus.”
“Are you saying that our whole grade besides Lee is depressed?” she teased.
The Ravenclaw Head Boy shook his head, the smile never leaving his lips. “No, no, but I believe he was the only one to truly feel it. He’s been through a lot, and I’m guessing that joy must have been a stark contrast to the darkness, which was more powerful than anyone else’s. After all, he and Professor Gai are always rambling about youth and joy.”
She laughed, enjoying the sensation she felt while talking to him. Right now, she felt happy. She felt happy in a way she hadn’t felt before. Was this—love?
Feeling experimental, she pulled out her wand, focused on her current feeling, and waved it in a circle. 
“Expecto Patronum,” she chanted, not softly, or as loudly as Lee had yelled.
Tenten could feel it working. She could feel her joy coursing from her mind to her wand and through the silver wisps of smoke spilling through it. Her best friend sat up to examine what her wand was conjuring. Silver streams didn’t stop spilling. The light shaped into an animal with small ears, long muscled legs, and a pelt of beautiful spotted prints. She pranced around the tower, defying gravity, leaping on air. 
She padded towards the two, right before their eyes. When it was close enough that Tenten reached out and touched it, her hand went through her like it was a ghost. Yet despite waving through the leopardess as if it was just air, she could feel the joy seeping through her veins once more and looking over at Neji, he was awestruck.
It wasn’t often that he was amazed, even less so that he was amazed at something she, Tenten, conjured up. She loved the way his lips were slightly parted, his eyebrows raised, eye wide, and the corners of his mouth were turned upwards. He too had felt the pure pleasure coming from her full-fledged Patronus and he was soaking in it, in her Patronus. 
As it leaped away, he turned to her and then looked at her with the same expression as he had with the leopardess.
Her breath hitched as he shook his head as if he didn’t believe in something. “Wow,”
“How did you do that?”
Tenten blushed, tucking a piece of her overgrown bangs behind her ear. “I just felt so happy at that moment and I thought it would be enough to conjure a corporeal Patronus,”
She didn’t know what to expect as a reaction, but a warm hand on her jaw and Neji’s lips sealed firmly on hers certainly didn’t cross her mind.
They were warm, just like the feeling of her Patronus, maybe even warmer. She melted into him, kissing him back under the moonlight, wrapping her arms delicately around his neck. He tasted of butterbeer and smelled of parchment, the cashmere sweater on her fingertips soft. Slowly, he pushed her to the wood panels of the roof and pinned her there, angling his head so he could drag out her bottom lip between her teeth. 
He pulled away steadily, locking into her eyes, smiling warmly at her. Tenten’s chest heaved as he firmly held her and she decided that she never felt safer or more at home. When he fully sat up again, his warmth still lingered and it wasn’t as cold as she expected it to be. 
The next moment, another beautiful Patronus was conjured and a large falcon flew swiftly towards her leopardess. He circled her and the two played in the air, leaping and flying, closely resembling the way her heart was beating fast and her chest was soaring. 
Neji wrapped his arm around her and she smiled, leaning her head onto his shoulder. They wouldn’t be having any trouble coming up with a powerful happy memory when the time came.
“Inuzuka, give me one good reason I shouldn’t make you trophies for harassing Miss Yamanaka.”
Kiba rolled his eyes at the Hufflepuff prefect. “Tenten, she’s pretty much asking—”
“There are no rules in whether or not she decides to unbutton a few buttons or cut her shirt and skirt, however, there are rules to sexual harassment.” she raised an eyebrow at him. Ino smirked and crossed her arms triumphantly. 
“Fine, but do I still have to go to detention?”
“I’ll let it slide. Next time you want someone’s attention, try giving her a box of chocolate frogs. It probably would work much better than jinxing her clothes.”
Two faces reddened and she sighed, walking away from the two sixth-years.
On the way to her next class, she stumbled upon her good friend and teammate, Rock Lee. 
“I think we should push for a little extra training this week,” he said to her enthusiastically, gathering his books for their next class in his giant green messenger bag. “Our game against Gryffindor is coming up and we must show them Hufflepuff’s burning youth!”
“I’m sure we’ve already shown them.” she smiled, recalling how aggressive Lee could be and the way he would hit buldgers so fast that the other team would often spend most their time dodging rather than chasing. “Though I agree, it would be smart to push for a few more practices.”
Temari, formerly of Gryffindor, had been the keeper for their team for many years and with Naruto as Chaser, they made an incredible team. Since she had graduated last year from Hogwarts, Naruto was now captain, though she doubted they’d be as good. Hufflepuff’s defeat was humiliating and she was glad they had a chance to redeem themselves.
As she climbed into the north tower with a red bag strapped on her back, she took a seat beside the seventh-year Head Boy and Prefect, Neji Hyuga. His nose was buried in a Divination book, glasses perched on his sharp nose, posture immaculate. 
“Still obsessing of fate, Hyuga?” she teased. “Use your genius for other things.”
“I don’t recall asking for your opinion, Tenten.” he marked his book and turned around, a small hint of a smile on his lips. 
“No, I’m just exercising my freedom of speech.” she retorted, pulling out her wand and pointing it to her small bag, flicking it a couple of times. A textbook, quill, notebook, and a couple of fudge flies leaped out of her bag and landed onto the table. A few people stared, impressed that she was able to master non-verbal summoning so quickly.
Neji, however, was used to it. She had mastered the fourth-year summoning charm in her first year and non-verbal in the fifth year. Tenten held out the carton of fudge-flies, offering the Ravenclaw some sweets. He shook his head and turned back to his book.
The class died down a little as their Defense Against the Dark Arts professor strode in, wizard cap covering one eye, book in hand. As usual, Professor Kakashi Hatake was very late. 
“Sorry, class, a couple of house-elves needed help carrying some groceries—”
“Save it, professor!” cried a kid from the corner of the room. 
“House-elves don’t even need to carry anything,” she mumbled to Neji, “that was one of the lamest excuses yet.”
He shrugged and put away his book, replacing it with the one on their subject. 
“Today, we’ll be learning about the Patronus.” the professor started slowly. “I’m sure one of you has heard of it.”
Tenten rolled her eyes. Everyone has heard of the Patronus. Especially with the recent cases of the Akatsuki breaking out of Azkaban, dementors have been trailing in and out of Hogwarts, much to Headmaster Tsunade’s fury. 
As the teacher gave a short lecture, many of it a review, Tenten glanced at Neji, who was paying strict attention and taking notes though he probably didn’t need it. Suddenly, his hand stopped scribbling on his parchment and looked over to her, his white eyes locking with hers. She felt her cheeks go red and quickly darted her eyes away, focusing back onto Professor Hatake. 
“I’m going to let you get into threes so you can try and practice the Patronus,” he replied. “I do not expect any of you to be able to perform a spell that most witches and wizards cannot, though I would like to see if you can create the beginnings of one.
The Head Boy merely blinked, unlike Lee, who was quite worried. Her best friend and fellow beater wasn’t as magically gifted as other wizards. He wasn’t great at subjects that required a lot of spell casting such as Charms, Transfiguration, or DADA either. He made up for it by working exceptionally hard in Potions, Herbology, and his best subject, Care of Magical Creatures and being one of the best Quidditch players of the century. She could see why he wasn’t happy about learning such a spell, as hard work might not come easy for one so complex.
Neji on the other hand, was able to master practically all of them, scoring an Outstanding in all of his NEWTs except for Divination. Though having an obsession with fate and lacking any talent for it whatsoever, Defence Against the Dark Arts was his best subject. He was quick-thinking, skilled, and had a duelling style his extremely pure-blood wizarding family excelled in. The spell he always conjured up was the shield charm, yet he used it for offence rather than defence, knocking many people off their feet during it. 
The group of three took a spot in the large classroom and flipped through their books to get the instructions. 
Tenten attempted first, thinking of a positive memory, (the first time she summoned something), and waved her wand in a circle, and chanted the incantation. Unfortunately, nothing happened. She tried for another memory, and another, yet nothing seemed to produce any result. Finally, she relieved a more nostalgic memory and tried one more time and a very very faint wisp seemed to drip from her wand.
Neji tried next, closing his eyes for a brief moment, looking quite arrogant, and waved his wand. “Expecto Patronum,”
To all three’s surprise, he didn’t produce anything. Even with his other tries, he didn’t even manage to get as much of a wisp as Tenten did, who didn’t get far either. This only made Lee more nervous because if Neji and Tenten could perform a spell, could he?
They watched him intensely as he closed his eyes, standing there meditatively in a position they’d usually see Neji performing. A familiarly wide smile drew upon his lips and Tenten sighed. She thought he was going to take it seriously.
“EXPECTO PATRONUM!” he yelled, catching the attention of everyone in the room with his boisterous attitude. 
Where everyone was about to roll their eyes, what they didn’t expect was a bright flash of light and the beginning of a small shield. Tenten’s mouth hung agape and their professor strode over, seemingly unsurprised at Lee’s sudden success.
“Good job, Lee, I haven’t seen many people your age able to produce a spell that quickly. 20 points to Hufflepuff.”
His two companions couldn’t shake off their amazement, especially at the fact that for the rest of the day, his Patronus just seemed to get bigger while theirs didn’t do anything at all.
“Tenten, do you have a moment?”
She looked up at the familiar baritone voice and Neji Hyuga was standing before her, a grey sweater over the usual white button-up with his sapphire blue tie loosened around his neck. The candle on her library table illuminated his face with dancing patterns and made him appear almost angel-like. Her breath caught in her throat and she shook out the feeling of butterflies with a friendly smile.
Checking her watch, she noticed that it was already pretty late and she’d have to get back to her dorm soon. Thankfully she just finished up her transfiguration essay. 
“Only a moment,” she said softly. “I’ll have to hurry if I want to take a bath today.”
“But you don’t have any meeting or homework, I’m presuming?” he asked.
“Nope, I’m all yours,” she said, blushing at the way it came out.
They walked through the halls of the school, moonlight illuminating the way out of the library. She followed him, wondering where they were going as he led her up winding staircases and towards a bronze door, a bronze eagle at the handle. Tenten recognized it as the Eagle Door Knocker, that spoke of riddles to let you pass.
Neji delicately picked up the handle and tapped it three times, then released his hold. The beak opened and a low voice range out.
“At night they come without being fetched, by day they are lost without being stolen, if absent they are summoned by a receiver, crushed if one won’t be a believer.”
She blinked a couple of times, looking over to her companion as he thought steadily. 
“One’s dreams as the mind’s movement during sleep or the ambitions based on hope,” he replied, the door swinging open. The Ravenclaw started towards the entrance but she didn’t move.
“This is the Ravenclaw common room…” she trailed off. “I’m a Huffl—”
“I’m Head Boy and Prefect. I think I can get you an excuse if caught.” he raised his eyebrow, waiting for her to respond. His eyes shone, asking her to trust him, and she couldn’t refuse.
They had been friends since the beginning, sitting together on the train and eating sharing Every Flavour Beans. Over the years through study hall, Hogsmeade trips, and Prefect meetings, she slowly found herself falling for the lavender-eyed Ravenclaw, despite trying devastatingly hard not to. She knew what each millimetre of raised eyebrow meant, every angle of his sharp cheekbones, and the exact colour of his brown, (but only brown in direct sunlight as it was black right now) hair. She’d trust him with her life.
The Ravenclaw common room wasn’t nearly as cozy as the Hufflepuff one. It looked more like the drawing-room of a fancy mansion, with regal blue couches and antique coffee tables. Yet she found herself drawn to the tall, rounded ceiling and the large shelves stacked with books of all sorts. More books were scattered across the carpets, some flipped upside-down, others marked with leather bookmarks. She noticed Shikamaru playing wizard’s chess with Kankuro, who was losing badly, and Shino reading about magical bugs. Some of the more stuck-up Ravenclaws gave a few unimpressed glares at her until they realized she was with the Head Boy, the person everyone looked up to. 
He led her past the dorm and to another door, where he took out his wand and waved it around, doing a complex unlocking spell that Alohomora just wouldn’t cover. When he opened it, it led to a much narrower staircase, which they climbed around and around until there were a ladder and a trapdoor. He raised his wand towards the latch and pushed it open, moonlight spilling it into the darkness. He climbed out first, then held out his hand to help her climb out. When she stepped onto the tower’s flat platform, her mouth hung open.
It was beautiful. 
She could see the night sky, speckled with so many stars that they looked like salt spilled across a black canvas. The corners where the sky met the earth was illuminated by a purple haze, the half-moon sitting on top of them. She could see the whole castle from where she stood. The forbidden forest on one side, the black lake near another, the quidditch pitch and the six hoops...she could see it all. Her breath was taken away and she felt a surge of envy for the glittering view that the Ravenclaws had the privilege of seeing.
“If I had known that your house gets to see this, I would have forced you to show me this a lot earlier.” she breathed, still caught up in admiring the sky.
“Not a lot of people have figured out how to get here,” Neji said, sitting down on the wooden platform, gazing at the stars above. “I thought you would like it.”
“It’s breathtaking,” she sighed, leaning over the railing, relishing the feeling of the wind rippling through her bangs. She untangled her hair from her twin buns and let it brush though that too. Tenten closed her eyes and smiled, relaxing, happiness surging through her until she felt drained of adrenaline from the feeling of him watching her. 
When the stars seemed to blink slower, she sat down beside Neji, who was laying down. His eyes were darker in the moonlight yet still just as stunning. His eyes could compare to the stars, at least in her opinion.
“I thought about Lee,” he said. “How he was the only one in our class to cast a Patronus that could possibly be useful. He surpassed us all with that spell, even though he isn’t magically gifted.”
“Lee always has defied the odds with his hard work. He’s a true Hufflepuff,” she said defensively.
An astonishingly wide smile crossed his lips, a chuckle escaped his mouth. “I know, he’s something. But that couldn’t have been hard work if he did it on the first try. Even you know that.”
“Then what was it?” she asked.
Neji was silent, staring into her eyes in a way that made her strangely comfortable, before they darted to her lips for a split second, breaking contact.
“Happiness,” he whispered. “He was the only one who could conjure enough joy and positivity for a Patronus.”
“Are you saying that our whole grade besides Lee is depressed?” she teased.
The Ravenclaw Head Boy shook his head, the smile never leaving his lips. “No, no, but I believe he was the only one to truly feel it. He’s been through a lot, and I’m guessing that joy must have been a stark contrast to the darkness, which was more powerful than anyone else’s. After all, he and Professor Gai are always rambling about youth and joy.”
She laughed, enjoying the sensation she felt while talking to him. Right now, she felt happy. She felt happy in a way she hadn’t felt before. Was this—love?
Feeling experimental, she pulled out her wand, focused on her current feeling, and waved it in a circle. 
“Expecto Patronum,” she chanted, not softly, or as loudly as Lee had yelled.
Tenten could feel it working. She could feel her joy coursing from her mind to her wand and through the silver wisps of smoke spilling through it. Her best friend sat up to examine what her wand was conjuring. Silver streams didn’t stop spilling. The light shaped into an animal with small ears, long muscled legs, and a pelt of beautiful spotted prints. She pranced around the tower, defying gravity, leaping on air. 
She padded towards the two, right before their eyes. When it was close enough that Tenten reached out and touched it, her hand went through her like it was a ghost. Yet despite waving through the leopardess as if it was just air, she could feel the joy seeping through her veins once more and looking over at Neji, he was awestruck.
It wasn’t often that he was amazed, even less so that he was amazed at something she, Tenten, conjured up. She loved the way his lips were slightly parted, his eyebrows raised, eye wide, and the corners of his mouth were turned upwards. He too had felt the pure pleasure coming from her full-fledged Patronus and he was soaking in it, in her Patronus. 
As it leaped away, he turned to her and then looked at her with the same expression as he had with the leopardess.
Her breath hitched as he shook his head as if he didn’t believe in something. “Wow,”
“How did you do that?”
Tenten blushed, tucking a piece of her overgrown bangs behind her ear. “I just felt so happy at that moment and I thought it would be enough to conjure a corporeal Patronus,”
She didn’t know what to expect as a reaction, but a warm hand on her jaw and Neji’s lips sealed firmly on hers certainly didn’t cross her mind.
They were warm, just like the feeling of her Patronus, maybe even warmer. She melted into him, kissing him back under the moonlight, wrapping her arms delicately around his neck. He tasted of butterbeer and smelled of parchment, the cashmere sweater on her fingertips soft. Slowly, he pushed her to the wood panels of the roof and pinned her there, angling his head so he could drag out her bottom lip between her teeth. 
He pulled away steadily, locking into her eyes, smiling warmly at her. Tenten’s chest heaved as he firmly held her and she decided that she never felt safer or more at home. When he fully sat up again, his warmth still lingered and it wasn’t as cold as she expected it to be. 
The next moment, another beautiful Patronus was conjured and a large falcon flew swiftly towards her leopardess. He circled her and the two played in the air, leaping and flying, closely resembling the way her heart was beating fast and her chest was soaring. 
Neji wrapped his arm around her and she smiled, leaning her head onto his shoulder. They wouldn’t be having any trouble coming up with a powerful happy memory when the time came.
51 notes · View notes
theshinobiway · 5 years
Team Guy: First kill reactions.
TW: Non-Explicit mentions of death, blood
This is a heavy topic but one that really piqued my interest when it came through my inbox, and I’ve come back to it to take notes every now and then when I was working on my other requests. Talking about death is an inevitable question given that our favorite ninja “believe it!” show really centers on combat, morality, and the prospect of taking a life. These headcanons were made without reader inserts.
I wasn’t sure whether I’d make these HCs or a scenario, but I went overboard. But then I felt too lazy to make it a full scenario. Guys, this one has been sitting at 90% finished in my word doc for like.. three weeks. I’m SO happy it’s done. Maybe I’ll go back and redo it when I edit most of my past works–not looking forward to that. Anyone want to be my editor?
This was an excellent writing exercise, Thanks as always for contributing to the blog!
First Kill Reactions: Team Gai
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Might Gai
Ø  Might Gai first dealt with the prospect of taking human life at a young age. Gai, Kakashi, Asuma, and the other Jounin were all part of a generation that grew up in a time of the Third Great Shinobi war. At this time, young students, often straight from the academy, were sent to fight on the front lines.
Ø  At first, the teachings in the academy were much stricter than they were in the age of the “generation without war.” Gai worked tirelessly to be admitted to the shinobi academy. The joyful, hardworking son of the “Eternal Genin” was brought up with a sense of honor that was too pure for reality. Gai lost part of himself when he realized that war wasn’t about honor or besting the opponent in a heated, passionate fight. It was bloodshed plain, and simple.
Ø  When Gai came home that day he sought his father for comfort. Might Dai’s heart was heavy the day his son had to look him in the eye and ask if he’d ever taken a life.
Ø  That cool evening of October, Might Dai made his hardest decision as a father. He not only confided in Might Gai about the lives he’d had to end, but also the reality of it. This was the only time in all of Gai’s memories that he saw his father cry tears that weren’t from joy. These were the tears of anguish and guilt, the reality of the harsh demands of a shinobi.
Ø  It was also on that day that Dai instilled one of the most important teachings onto his son: The Rule of Life. The rule is called such because—” as Might Dai explained, “There is only one reason on this earth to ever take a life. And that rule, my son, is this: to protect one.”
Ø  It was on this day that, once Dai realized Gai finally understood the true value of what a life meant, that Dai began teaching Gai to use the Eight Gates.
Ø  When Gai’s father died, Gai realized the weight of what it meant to die. And, he also realized exactly why his father had done it. He spent months, years mourning, but he never truly blamed his father for his sacrifice.
Ø  The day Gai finally took a life, it was to protect a precious comrade: Kakashi. At the age of thirteen, having just barely graduated the academy, Gai’s team was sent to aid Kakashi’s for backup. Kakashi was singled out by multiple enemies who were steadily working to tire him out.
Ø  Gai, admittingly, can’t remember much of that moment. He activated the first gate, flying in the direction of Kakashi to stop an attack that he knew would mean death for his rival—the next moment, his vision cleared. The assailant lay on the ground with Gai above him, breathing heavily and shaking from adrenaline. His neck was broken from the force of Gai’s kick; his spinal cord severed upon impact.
Ø  The rest of the fight was finished in a blur, and Gai stood in shock. Kakashi himself knew the weight of taking a life—he had already done it many times prior.
Ø  “Did I do the right thing? Kakashi, you saw it, D-did I protect…you? There wasn’t another way, right?” Kakashi was able to knock Gai out of the initial shellshock, and spent time reassuring him that “No, there wasn’t another way. You saved my life, just like your dad asked.”
Ø  Gai’s tears came long after the mission, when he silently ate his breakfast. He sobbed into his oatmeal, crawling onto the floor to let it out. Kakashi found that Gai was late one day for training—far too unusual for him—and made his way to his house, letting himself in.
Ø  Kakashi spent many a night after with his friend, silently watching over Gai while he tossed and turned himself to sleep. It took much comfort from Chouza, Kakashi, and others to bring Gai out of his deep depression. And he had no time to waste—the war was still looming, and Gai knew his friends needed him. He swallowed his tears and his complaints and uttered his father’s rule over and over again until he grew hoarse.
Ø  It was not until Gai was forced to take his third, maybe his fourth life that he became resolute. The war would happen regardless of his involvement. The choice he made was to save the lives of his comrades, to protect his village.
Ø  And soon, he hoped, he would be able to live in a world where his students may not have to make the same choice.
Ø  When it came time for his students to complete their first mission outside of the village, Gai took the time to sit them down one morning and entrusted them with his father’s teachings.
Ø  He looked at each of them in turn—Lee. Tenten. Neji. He wondered what the future would hold for each of them. He hoped that Lee would be more resolute than he. He hoped that Tenten would trust in herself. He hoped that Neji would be wise.
Ø  “Now listen, you all. I know you will have heard much from your time at the academy. As your instructor, I need to let you all know that the minute you step outside the village walls, your safety isn’t guaranteed—even in safe territory. You three will have me more many of your missions, but you must also learn to rely on each other. Your trust in your teammates can mean the difference in life or death situations.”
Ø  Gai took a deep breath. “And with that, comes a more serious topic: when, where, and how you will have the grapple with the very real fact that you might have to take a life. My father gave me one rule, and now it’s time you learn it too: The Rule of Life…”
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Rock Lee
Ø  As Lee receives the talk from Gai, he’s oddly quiet. Tenten shows concern for him, but he cheerfully shakes it off and assures her that he’s fine with his characteristic thumbs up. Still, this wasn’t the part of being a shinobi that he ever liked to envision himself in.
Ø  Lee spent much of his time after Gai’s talk having a lengthy discussion with his sensei, and Gai took his time to answer Lee’s many questions. Some were technical; others made Gai swell with pride at how maturely Lee was able to weigh considerations of morality.
Ø  It happens to Lee first. The team was on that very first solo mission, blocked against a ledge that led down to a deep chasm.
Ø  When Doriru, a drill-wielding mercenary, charged at Neji, Lee threw off his weights and slammed his body into Doriru. Tenten managed to rope Lee in at the last minute, saving his life from the same fate. The fight was over as soon as it began.
Ø  After the mission, Lee recounted the image in his head hundreds, if not thousands of times. Though he didn’t see Doriru physically die, he knew beyond a shadow of a doubt what fate had befallen him.
Ø  Lee lay awake in the tent, staring at the ceiling as though it had his answers. It yielded only the quiet breathing of Neji to his left; the tossing and turning of Tenten to his right. Tonight, even the crickets were considerate enough to let him think in silence.
Ø  Unsatisfied with his own monologue, he glanced over to Neji’s sleeping figure. He saw his rival’s breathing steadily rise and fall. Lee thought once more about his actions that day.
Ø  ‘Was there another way?’ Lee had an excellent memory. He recounted the scene again and again. Examining, analyzing, searching for a means that perhaps he missed. It bothered him that he had done something so…impulsive. But it bothered him more that it didn’t bother him as much as he thought it always would have. Somewhere, deep in his subconscious, his heart could not feel sorrow. And as he stared at the very much alive silhouette of his rival, Lee wondered why he felt peace.
Ø  Should he have felt peace? If he had followed his sensei’s teachings, perhaps. He didn’t think he would ever disobey—he admired his sensei far too much for that. But he did think that there were some lessons that were hard, no matter how much you came prepared. He expected to agonize over every detail—as he was already, of course. He expcted to feel worry, guilt, or panic, as his sensei had. He felt none of those things.
Ø  And most of all, he expected the question of another way. He thought he could find one. Or, at least, convince himself of one.
Ø  Then it struck Lee. Even if there was, Doriru was a man who murdered for a living. In the precious seconds he had to defend his comrade, he would not have convinced Doriru to give up his life’s ambition. There were many things Lee could change; Doriru’s life would not have been changed by Lee.
Ø  Neji’s, however, was.
Ø  Lee settled into his sleeping bag that night, a final thought passed through his head. “There is only one reason on this earth to ever take a life. And that rule, my precious students, is this: to protect one.”
Ø  Lee took one more glance at Neji. When he saw that his comrade had awoken from Lee’s shuffling, Lee paused in a moment of abnormal contemplation, heavy brows furrowed at his teammate. Neji noticed and waited, patiently, opalescent eyes barely visible in the dim morning light.
Ø  They had begun their comradery in a rocky start, but thanks to the ever-positive presence of their sensei and the mellowing personality of Tenten, they had grown closer than either would have expected. Neji was never the kind to voice concern, but he could tell that he considered him his friend.
Ø  And if Neji were ever lost, Lee realized, he would be mourning the death of his most precious friend.
Ø  Lee finally spoke, the final question that his thoughts alone could not answer.
Ø  “Did I protect you, Neji?”
Ø  Neji paused. As usual, there wasn’t much expression on his face—and less so for Lee to discern in the twilight. His expressionless eyes scanned Lee’s face: looking, examining, and considering.
Ø  “Yes. Just as Gai-sensei instructed.”
Ø  When Gai learned of Lee’s actions during the mission, he took the time to console his precious student. Lee needed no consolation. Instead, Gai witnessed that day one true difference between himself and his student: where Gai was unsure, Lee was resolved. Lee bowed before his sensei in deepest respect.
Ø  “Gai-sensei, you were right. Not all the lessons. It is an enormous burden to live with the hands that have taken a precious life. But…I think it would have been an even greater burden to live a life without my precious friend.”
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Ø  When Tenten received the talk from her Sensei, she was the most unsure about her own ability to take a life. It was only recently that she had found her true calling with weapons, but, even then, she had never used them with intent to kill. With her teammates, Tenten only ever used nonlethal weapons. The targets on their training grounds received the brunt of her sharper arsenal.
Ø  Tenten saw Lee become the first on their team to end a life. Some part of her always expected that it might have happened to either her or Neji first, and the other was in awe at how…calm, resolute Lee seemed to be in his decision. While Lee was oddly quiet for the first night after, Tenten wondered if she would really handle it as well as he did. Lee was one of the most openly emotional people she had ever met—so what did that mean for her?
Ø  It happened to Tenten next. Separated from her team in the chaos of an ambush, Tenten managed to evade her enemies for five continuous hours of pursuit, using her skills to hide in the shadows of the forest.
Ø  During this time, Tenten had a single thought on her mind: she knew that she could easily set a deadly trap for her pursuers, but it didn’t fit in line with Gai’s teachings. If she killed her assailants, she wouldn’t have been saving anyone. Tenten, ever the dutiful kunoichi, knew she would not be one to break the careful teachings of her mentor. She knew they held wisdom, even if she couldn’t have all the answers.
Ø  Still, with the pursuit wearing her down, she knew it was a matter of time before she was found. She also knew that these assailants would not be restrained by any of the materials she had on hand.
Ø  She sat in the brush for a long time, calculating her next move, weighing the decision on both her head and heart. Then, she thought of her teammates—what if they needed her now? And, a softer thought came to mind: ‘…What would they think?’
Ø  Hearing her assailants off in the distance, Tenten made her decision. By the time her attackers came, she stood in the clearing. Tenten spoke first in a calm, clear voice.
Ø  “If there is any possible way in which you decide you won’t kill myself or my teammates, then tell me what it will take.”
Ø  “There are none, leaf kunoichi. Your fate is sealed.”
Ø  Tenten closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. “Then now I know. It really was.”
Ø  With a single hand seal, Tenten’s traps activated. All that was left when the smoke cleared were three bodies. This wasn’t the glory and heroism she hoped for. She wanted the reputation of the great Sanin Tsunade, but then it struck her that her hero…committed acts such as this. The greatest healer in the world was also renowned for her formidable strength, and this was what superior strength brought to a life-or-death battle: a victory, a bloody resolution.
Ø  Tenten felt herself shake until she heard Lee’s voice in the distance. Neji had managed to locate Lee in the chaos with his Byakugan, and the explosion had finally alerted them to Tenten’s presence. Tenten smiled to herself, making a note to chide Neji later about training his Byakugan more if his range was really that poor.
Ø  When both of her comrades arrived on the field, they only took vague note of the smoke that was clearing in the area. Lee embraced Tenten, shouting words of joy that she was safe. Neji took note of Tenten’s guilty expression despite her joy at seeing Lee. He moved his eyes to observe the scene behind them, deep in contemplation.
Ø  Tenten didn’t rest well that night, despite her constant self-assurance that she had asked the question and been given a clear answer. For Tenten, she was concerned that she broke Gai’s rule, and that meant failure.
Ø  ‘I took a life, but I wasn’t protecting anyone.’
Ø  She remained eerily quiet until they came back to the village. Lee gave Tenten constant reassurance from the night on, knowing at least in part the thoughts that were running through her mind.
Ø  Gai knew immediately when he saw Tenten what had occurred. Even if he hadn’t read the mission report—dutiful sensei that he is—Gai would have known by the slump in her walk, the meekness of the confident girl’s eye, and the way she kicked at the dirt with latent guilt. Gai calmly instructed that the students begin a rotation today—one with him at a time, while the other two were with each other.
Ø  When Gai got the chance to speak to Tenten, it didn’t take much before she bubbled over with tears, worried that she had failed his teachings. Gai said nothing but placed a reassuring hand on her back, letting her cry out her fears and anxieties in little drops before he could speak through her sorrow.
Ø  “You worry that you have failed my teachings because you did not protect your teammates, and therefore did not protect a life? My precious student, I have only one question: is your life not also one that should be protected?”
Ø  Tenten let out a sound somewhere between a choke and a gasp, furiously rubbing her face, shaking her head, letting the tremors run their course. Gai gave her a solemn smile, patting her. “You’ve always measured yourself against the calm rationale of Neji, and the steadfast nobility of Lee. Today, you have shown both. And, for that, I am proud.”
Ø  The days eased considerably after. Tenten eventually shared the full story of that day with her teammates, and they listened attentively to her words.
Ø  “There is only one reason on this earth to ever take a life. And that rule, as you know, is this: to protect one. But, just remember, you both…that your life is precious, too.”
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Neji Hyuga
Ø  Somewhere nestled soundly in the back of his team’s minds, they always assumed Neji would have been the first to take a life on their team. Gai was more than aware of his student’s poor temper. That, and—though Neji would have stubbornly refuted it—impulsive nature, particularly when he was angry. Which is why when Lee and Tenten came first, Gai wasn’t sure what to expect with his final student.
Ø  When Neji received the teachings about the rule from Gai, he scoffed. It was no surprise as to why—Neji’s life was never valued. Words such as “precious” or “sacred” were reserved for the children of other families. He didn’t comprehend this fully until the Hyuga affair, believing—hoping—that his uncle might have loved him. That the seal was just a precaution, words were just words. The mere belief that his own life had any intrinsic value was then fractured the minute he witnessed his father’s curse seal used and disintegrated the minute his father’s life was taken from him.
Ø  Even then, the value of life would have been always lost to someone who never felt value in himself. For all the proclamations of his genius, Neji struggled to feel as though his life mattered. Of course, this was made as apparent as any vulnerability that the onlooker might have thought of Neji—’he was a perfect prodigy, so none existed.’
Ø  Gai had always anticipated a cold audience, if not subtle resistance from Neji. Still, he was tactful enough to not press on the issue the day he passed his lesson down. Instead, Gai approached Neji later. He made it clear that he expected Neji to adhere to his rule—for his own safety.
Ø  “I will do everything in my power to protect you. But if you take life without cause, the laws of our village are clear. I can only do so much if you lose yourself to your anger. Please, Neji, protect yourself.”
Ø  Neji nodded respectfully, swallowing a sneer. It wasn’t unnoticed by his sensei, but Gai knew that he could trust his student. If there was any saving grace to Neji’s freely given anger, it was that he dutifully kept his word.
Ø  One month before the Chunin exams, Team Gai was sent on a final C rank. It was on this mission that Neji became the last, and final member of the team to take a life. The merchants they had been guarding for three days revealed themselves as accomplices to the enemy shinobi. It mattered not to them the days that had passed. The light conversation, banter, and retelling of stories were not barriers to killing the young ninja that had guarded them.
Ø  Neji’s rage froze the very ground he walked. To be so genuine with someone in a breath, and to kill with another—it was the betrayal that was inevitable. And so, his compassion drew into a drought. If it was blood the familiar murderers thirsted for, then he was the last man to cross.
Ø  Neji was prepared. He knew his duty as a shinobi was clear. When Lee and Tenten had correctly assessed that this mission would require lethal force, he was at the forefront, ready to complete his duty. With pleasure.
Ø  It was the leader that went first. A mere tactical measure, partly due to Neji’s desire to take down the strongest man. A hand, gently placed to the heart, harshly pulled the soul from his body. Blood splattered over his shirt as it fell from the man’s lips. He didn’t bother to look the man in the eye. He knew. He already knew the type of man he was, and it mattered only that he was gone. And then, he turned his own eyes to those that were left.
Ø  He never feared for his life, or for his team’s. Most might have called it noble strength, confidence worthy of a genius. But to Neji, it was clear: it didn’t matter. This was just. If there was any life he would save today, it would be his own. He would show himself that he had the strength to take power away from those that would threaten him.
Ø  He felled the man with a daughter, the one with a son. He took the one that loved guitar, the one that dreamed of loving someone. He killed the liar, the cheater, the thief, the murderer, and then he killed himself. The only thought echoed to save, save, save. But when he listened, his hands moved to kill, kill, kill.
Ø  Tenten and Lee could do little but defend each other, but the occasional glance to their teammate revealed an uncomfortable reality. Neji really was the perfect shinobi. The prodigy, the perfect tool, carrying out his orders with a swift and impersonal hand. They didn’t realize the Neji they knew hid from the battle, ‘the genius’ in his place.
Ø  When it was all finished, the somber scene drew sorrow from only two of the three. Tenten and Lee quietly examined their teammate, who merely brushed himself off and grabbed the artifact they were transporting. One gesture of his indifferent hand and they were off, trailing behind him in silence. The mist of that dreary morning swallowed their past scrimmage within minutes and concealed everything about the one in front of them. And eventually, it drew itself over their doubts. Neji was a genius. He was perfect. He had always been prepared to enact his duty, and so, of course, he wouldn’t react to something like this. They avoided conversation with him, lest they draw his irritation—now that, they were familiar with.
Ø  Nightfall was not as kind as his teammates. For their silence, he wasn’t left alone. Now, the darkness was his invisible company. It could not bring him warmth the same as the mere presence of a friend. He left the gaze of his concerned teammates an hour ago, back under the watchful, stern eye of the Hyuga. Eyes that, while perceiving everything about his waking life, left him in silence as he withdrew to his family’s small, empty home.
Ø  His room lost light the minute he stepped in. Not even the moonlight dared enter the room. What was once his own haven was now an adversary in wait. Empty shadows taunted at his mere entrance, leading him into the inevitable darkness with his thoughts. The walls grew longer to accommodate his growing unease, the time refused to pass without laughing in his face. Once, Neji had always fallen asleep to the quiet murmur of these dark thoughts, nestled soundly in the back of his mind. He knew his clan would take his life when needed. He never understood why. He didn’t know that solace came in ignorance; he didn’t know what it meant to take a life.
Ø  Now, he knew. He knew what they had always known throughout their entire rule over the clan. The meaning behind every seal placed on the head of a branch member. The sickening power over the living. Those thoughts were no longer whispers. They were etched into the forefront of his mind, announcing their presence, overstaying a welcome he never gave.
Ø  As he lay awake in bed, the faces of those he killed echoed in his mind. They repeatedly demanded his sympathy. He had none for the fallen. He had only a wavering thought for himself, wondering if tomorrow would be the day he would join them. Or the next. Or the day after. He knew how easy it was, after the first. Would he be their first? Would they fall asleep to thoughts of him?
Ø  How could they think to do that to him? And all decided by birth. He had no means to argue his own fate; it never mattered to them anyway.
Ø  He didn’t matter.
Ø  The perfect genius swallowed, holding it in, feeling the burn in his throat. He burned, he crumbled, and he collapsed. He fell into the ashes of himself, struggling for air. He gasped, heaved until he finally heard a scream that was all too familiar. One that didn’t come from his memory.
Ø  It was his own.
Ø  The next day Neji came to his sensei, humility was pouring from his eyes where tears may have been, had he been born a gentler man. And Gai silently put a hand upon him, driving that crushing weight from his shoulders.
Ø  “You know you have done as I asked.”
Ø  “Did I? I don’t remember protecting anyone.”
Ø  “You have. You did. Your teammates saw you and they say so. You know you could never say otherwise and it would be true, wouldn’t it? But you don’t believe it at all, do you?”
Ø  “I only wanted to end it. To take back the power over my own life that they tried to take.” Through gritted teeth, Neji at least knew the answer to that.
Ø  “So, you imagined yourself a killer, and not a shinobi. You keep telling yourself you’re a disappointment, and a word you’re not familiar with—a failure.”  Neji cringed at the very word, until he heard words that shook him to the core: “But I can tell you now that I am not disappointed in you, my student.”
Ø  Neji sputtered objection immediately. “How can you take this so lightly? You told me yourself to not disobey, and yet this wayward student refused the lessons of his own mentor. I learned nothing. I ignored your lesson, I shirked my responsibility, I thought only of myself, and—"
Ø  “But have you learned the value of a life?”
Ø  Neji paused, caught off-guard by the question. He racked his genius brain for a profound answer and found only silence. He bit back his own disappointment with himself. “No..”
Ø  Gai chuckled, patting Neji on the shoulder. Neji looked incredulous. His answer was clearly unsatisfactory and morose—why was his sensei laughing? He knew he deserved a lecture.
Ø  “You can tell me all of your failures, but you are too absorbed in them to tell me the lesson. I had no question that the first time you were put in danger that you would let loose your anger. I had only concern for whom it might be at. Given that it was your enemy, it seems a prayer of mine had been answered. Then, past these considerations, Neji, I had only concern for if you could later see past your anger to the heart of the matter.”
Ø  Neji’s stern brow furrowed. Once more, he had no answer. It was frustrating for him.
Ø  ”Why were you angry, Neji?”
Ø  Neji shook his head. No matter how many times his sensei asked him that question, he never found an answer for his teacher. Gai knew, too, that the answer was clearer then ever. And now, as the teacher he was, it was time for him to bring Neji’s all-seeing-eyes to the truth.
Ø  “Because you knew they were trying to take away something precious. Something meaningful, something worth saving, worth fighting for. They were trying to take your life.”
Ø  Neji sat in shock and still silence. He turned his face to his sensei, once more with a torn expression. It wasn’t one Neji ever let anyone see, save for the calm teacher in front of him. Gai warmed his heart with a gentle smile—one that reminded him of his father. Neji couldn’t help but then bury his face in his hands, head hung in shame and humility. Gai said nothing but calmly let his hand rest on Neji’s shoulder, gently affirming his student’s worth.
Ø  “This is not an easy lesson to learn, the meaning of a life. As you know…many disregard it, even if they know, staining their hands with pride and greed, an inflated self-importance. But you’ve begun your journey now, and for that I am ever proud, my student. And, more than any of that…I am glad it began with your own, Neji. For it is the most precious of all.”
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faerociousbeast · 2 years
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notasliceoflife · 5 years
Original Post Here
Supposing such at thing to be true, Neji had wondered much of his past he had liked to be part of him. Because of what had been going on in his family, he had forgotten to be kind. That had made him into quite a cruel person for a time. A person he really wasn't on the inside. But the anger and pain had easily gotten to him without his mother or father there, for him. He had no siblings, and until graduating, no true friends. Just people talking about his being a genius. That didn't make ones childhood any better. Staring at Tenten, he blinked and listen to what she had to say. Then turned his gaze away, nodding once " I have done some terrible things, in my past.  Things that need to be made up for." However, each time he had tried to do something for Hinata. His mind would come up with another excuse for why he shouldn't.
He had loved Hinata, he always had. That, he knew, was one part of why he had been so angry toward her. Even if she had never done anything to him. She stood for everything that had been done to him. She had become the epicenter for all his suffering. But he now knew that his anger was misdirected. Her ignorance was not her fault, but Hiashi's and the Elder Hyuga's. It was them, who had deserved his ire. Narrowing his eyes a little bit, he went back to staring off as his thoughts continued to swirl with things that had happened so long ago now. When Tenten had finish what she was saying next, he held his arms straight down his sides, his fingers toying with the insides of his shirt sleeves, absently, for a moment " Even now that I have Team Gai, and am no longer lonely. There's just some loneliness that presence cannot fill. The presence of a parent, that will never be there."
Neji gave a faint, solemn grin at this " But still, the presence of a friend, can make all the difference. Can't it?" Neji questioned staring up toward the sky through the tree's. Yes, he may not have been able to fill that void the loss of his parents left behind. But he now had friends, he wondered if his father was proud of him. Maybe his mother was glad her son wouldn't be so alone anymore, from now on. But that was also something he would always wonder, what would the think of him. What stories did they still have to share with them. What were they like as children. How different would his life had been from the one he had now, if they had still been around. It was harder, when Neji had grown up being Hinata's measuring stick for her father to grade her ability with. Neji let out a small huff.
Listening, his ears twitched slightly as he hears here toss the kunai, his head turning after it for a moment before he is looking toward Tenten once agian. He had always enjoyed Tenten's companionship the most. Probably because she was a lot more tame, like him, than the other two had been. There was only so much he could handle of the other two all at once, when they were having one of their more spazzy, high energy days. Thankfully, today it seemed that the two other Team Gai members had vaporized into the either, and given him and Tenten the day off. Neji had to assume they were bound to show up any moment however "Yes. Sadly, this sadness isn't something that is one that could easily be mended, no matter how much, you, or I, or anyone else attempted." The only thing that could heal it, was long gone and buried by this time.
It was a shame, he was looked up to. Yet, he found himself often thinking about such terribly sad things. He spent far too much time focusing on being better than any other Hyuga, to prove that a branch member was and could be better than a main house member. But outside of his own family, people looking up to him had never been something he thought about. He already had known he was better than the people outside of his own family. Shifting finally, he moved closer to the other, sitting down beside her in a lotus style. Bringing his arms up to cross under his chest he offered a faint smile toward her "Yes, I know." He had always found spending time with her and just sitting quietly, or talking could often turn his worst days into far better ones at the end, than they were in the beginning. Quietly he sat on the grass, staring up at the sky just enjoying the quiet between them, knowing that any moment Gai and Lee would probably find them.
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fallcuddless · 6 years
NejiTen: Right Now
Merry Christmas and happy Holidays to all! This is for@clem-chan ! hope you’re having an awesome holiday season :) It was a tough decision, but I decided to go with the NejiTen Family!AU *with some twists*. Hope you enjoy!
“Tenji, settle down! Kanatari, get down here! Don’t make me have to get you!”  A pounding headache was coming on despite her efforts to remain calm.
On the battlefield, only flames of adrenaline and excitement sparked within her. Which is why it was a wonder that in situations like these she grew weary in a heartbeat. It was only five past 8:30.
“But Mommy, I wanna train a little longer, train with me a little longer, pleeease!” The little girl with dark brown pigtails chanted, dangling high upon a branch belonging to a tree planted in their backyard.
“Yeah mom, why do I have to go to bed so early?” the boy named Tenji complained. He was spinning in circles at the speed of sound. After what must have been his 100th spin Tenji lost his balance and crashed onto the grass with a yelp. The long black ponytail situated at the top of his head smacked him in the face. “I’m 6 years old now! I get it for Kanatari, ‘cause she’s still a baby but not me...”
“Hey, I am not a baby you meanie!” Kanatari yelled.
Tenten clenched her jaw, holding her arms out underneath her dangling little girl who continued swinging to and fro on the branch nearly 20 feet from the ground. “I've got you, sweetie, let go before you hurt yourself!”
“But see, Mommy, I’m super strong! Watch how long I can hold on! I’m gonna be strong enough to use any ninja tool in the world like you in no time,” she giggled. “See, I’m already stronger than Tenji.”
“You take that back you baby!”
“Climb up here and make me!”
“That’s enough, both of you. Tenji, get up, and Kanatari, get down. You both know that it is past your bedtime,” a stern voice sounded through the chaos.
A wave of relief flooded Tenten before a kindling annoyance followed like an aftertaste. He could have come sooner. As punctual as he was in everything else, when it came to getting ready for bed, he always took his time. So, often it was her helping the kids with their bedtime routine. “Neji…”
Neji stood a ways from them on the wooden verandah in his silk pajama attire. Hands on his hips. “As I already told you two, I have an important mission tomorrow. Now if you tire out your mother, I’ll have no choice but to place you in the care of Uncle Lee for the day tomorrow because your mother will need to rest.”
“NO!” both children shouted.
Tenji popped up from the ground and bolted toward his scowling father and Tenten jumped when a weight suddenly plopped into her arms and two warm limbs wrapped around her neck.
“Don’t make us go to Uncle Lee’s!”
“Yeah, he’ll make us run 30 laps around the village again! And if we can’t do that, we have to do 60 sit-ups, a-and much more!”
“‘Cause he says it’s in the name of… of youth!” Kanatari nestled her head into the crook of Tenten’s neck.
“Father! I’m exhausted!” Tenji faked a yawn, latching himself around Neji’s waist.
“I’ll bet,” The Hyuga said looking down at his son, “You’ll have to channel that energy you use running around to improve the Revolving Heaven technique. We’ll work more on that later.”
Tenji looked up at Neji with wide, sparkling eyes. “All right!”
In silence, Tenten approached the walkway catching Neji’s gaze. She didn’t know if she wanted to scowl or smirk as she passed him, shaking her head. “That’s what I thought,” she sighed.
“So, Lee’s vigor has come back to repay us after all this time. Who would have thought?”
“Making jokes now I see,” Tenten said with a hint of sarcasm in her voice. While waiting for Neji as he’d put the kids to bed, Tenten had changed into her own pajamas.
Neji made his way around the couch with two cups in hand. He handed her the cup that emitted no steam and sat down next to her, putting the one that did radiate steam to his lips. “Joking? No, it's merely an observation.”
Tenten eyed the liquid in her cup, her hands becoming pleasantly chilled from its temperature. She breathed in the tea’s peppermint and chestnut aroma. Even cold, it put a warm, fuzzy feeling in her chest.
Subtly, she looked over at the one she promised to spend the rest of her days with. As usual, he appeared so calm, drinking his tea as he stared at the warm fireplace. So tranquil and yet… there was a more open, almost vulnerable vibe about him that was so different from his signature guarded self during missions, training sessions and in the heat of battle. Though it was a subtle difference, it didn’t go unnoticed by Tenten. Although she never voiced it, she cherished this side of him that showed itself when they were alone.
The kunoichi took a sip of the tea.  “...Mmm. Just the way I like it.” She could no longer resist smiling. This kind was her favorite. He knew her too well.
Neji looked at her out of the corner of his eye. “If I wasn’t aware of your favorite drink, I’d feel like a fraud when I say that I love you," he murmured looking almost smug.
Right. And who would have thought that underneath the cold exterior…he’s actually pretty romantic?  The word love never sounded so beautiful coming from anyone else.
The warmth of Neji’s palm suddenly slid over her hand. Why did his sweet side always come upon her like an elite shinobi’s best infiltration? Even to this day, years after being together, the kunoichi felt a little heat rush to her face.
“Hey… It’ll be your turn to deal with those two after tomorrow night. Don’t think I’ll forget,” she smiled. They had a system, and silk pajamas he needed to put on every night or not, she was going to fight to make sure they stuck to that system.
Neji continued staring at the fire, with one hand still placed over hers. “Looking forward to it.”
After a while, the Hyuga finished his tea before placing the cup on the floor. He leaned back into the couch and draped his arm over the back. Subconsciously, muscle memory kicked in and Tenten leaned into him, warming up to his side. Silence ensued.
The kunoichi’s eyes suddenly weighed several pounds as a wave of exhaustion came upon her. The warmth of the fireplace and his presence set in. It was so cold outside this time in December, but as much as she disliked this time of the year, this moment was perfect.
She tilted her head up and found herself going forward to close the gap between their lips but opened her eyes she hadn’t even realized she’d closed when she felt finger pads brush her cheek.
Neji signed suddenly, breaking the long and peaceful silence. "You don't get it, do you, Tenten."
Tenten rose an eyebrow. She focused on his brow, so delicately furrowed. She realized his body had gone slightly rigid.
“What’s wrong, Neji?”
The Hyuuga had an almost conflicted look. “I wanted to tell you here, right now because… I never got the chance to. I apologize."
The brunette sat up to get a better view of him, trying to understand what he was talking about, exactly. After a few moments however, she realized what Neji was referring to.
"What are you talking about? ...You’ve told me before." Neji wasn't the type she could say told her all of the time, but the first time he'd uttered the words to her, the words seared themselves into her soul. He expressed his love for her through everything he did in every moment they existed together.
I love you. She could count how many times he'd told her so on one hand. And yet she saw that he did in everything. She saw it when they’d go on missions together. She saw it in moments like these on the couch. She saw it in the way he played with Kanatari and practiced Hyuga techniques with Tenji. She knew his heart was saying it as many times as there were drops of water in the ocean.
She weaved a lock of his hair through her fingers, shaking her head. “You’re silly, Neji.” She remembered the last time he'd said it to her. She remembered it like it was...
"You're mistaken," Neji said.
When was it? He’d last told her the exact words yesterday she thought. Yeah, when she was putting the laundry away. She thought. Wait, no, Kanatari had said those words to her.
When had he last told her? It was…
She couldn't remember.
"You can’t recall, can you?” There was a hint of pain in his usually fluid tone. “It was only for the best. I know I didn’t get the chance to explain to you. I didn't get the chance to speak with you… about anything. But I figured you would understand.”
After realizing her gaze had wandered to the crackling fire of the fireplace as she tried to make sense of his nonsensical words, Tenten snapped her eyes back to him. The fingers on her face were still there but she realized that the feather-like touch was no longer felt on her skin.
When her shaky hand rose to touch his graceful fingers, a bitter feeling gripped her when her hand passed through. A gasp was stuck in her throat and suddenly it was as if everything was in slow motion as she backed away, towards the other end of the couch. Her eyes were wide as she looked into his. Pale, lifeless, a ghost’s. He opened his mouth.
“...If only things had been different.”
Her head was spinning. She couldn’t speak.
‘It was for the best.’
Tenten could no longer breathe as her head snapped to her right to see Tenji standing just a couple feet from her. He was squinting due to the dim light of the fire. He yawned and rubbed his eyes, peering at her.
“Tenji? W-what are you doing awake?” She hadn’t heard him approach whatsoever.
Tenji appeared baffled, his wide byakugan regarding her. “Huh? I came to wake you up.”
Tenten stared at him. “I am awake.”
“No, you’re not.”
She realized something was missing out of the corner of her eye. The silk pajamas were lying in a heap on the couch cushion. Neji was gone.
'I apologize.’
Small hands gripped her shoulders and she was shaking back and forth.
“Mom! Wake up, Mom!”
Tenten shrieked, gasping for air as she flung herself into a sitting position in her bed. Sweat clung to her like a second skin and she was hyperventilating. Seconds passed and she managed to calm herself down in the silence of the night. As her heart slowed, reality set in.
He was gone. Those three words had never been spoken. They never would be.
Well, that was just fine.
It was fine because she never loved him. Actually, she hated him. She absolutely hated him with all of her being. Who could ever think of loving an unthoughtful , cold and unfeeling, impulsive, genius idiot? They wouldn’t have ended up together if he was a breathing soul today, she told herself.
The tears that began to blur her vision said otherwise.
She hated how selfish she sounded in her own mind. She hated that he gave his life away for something so heroic; for she could never be righteously angry at him without feeling guilty. She hated how tiring, but beautiful their children had been in her dream. She hated that the color of the moon’s light that shone through her window reminded her of his eyes.
Neji… In that single moment of sacrifice... you chose to give away what I never mentioned… but what could have been.
As if in response, words from the dream suddenly sounded in her mind, a gentle whisper.
‘I wanted to tell you here, right now…’
Slowly. Slowly her mouth opened in the darkness, forming words that refused to make a sound. Words that would never be truly spoken. Just like his never would be. “I love you too.”
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percontaion-points · 5 years
Naruto Fanfics (10/30/21)
Only Naruto fanfics. New stuff is marked with a [NEW] before it.
Icha Icha Kakashi by Ninja Shen
fic trade, one shot. Limey undertones. Kakashi doesn't spy on girls. At least, not with his eyes.
Voyurism, mentions of porn consumption
Push Pops by Mahi-Mahi Description: Sakura attempts to break Kakashi's concentration while training. Will she succeed? Will he be able to resist? Words: 6102 Timeline: I don't know Pairing: Kakashi/Sakura Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic sex
Blank Canvas by desolate butterfly Description: [InoKankuro, smut] Paint is Kankuro's specialty, but Ino knows just how to use his own weapons against him. Words: 1047 Timeline: Normal? Pairing: Ino/Kankuro Rating: Mature Warnings: Slightly graphic sex
Lady Thief by Lady Kaliska Description: Some dream of beautiful, flawless jewels and usually someday is given an expensive token of appreciation from their beloved. But one little pink haired trickster steals said jewels from those unaware... Beware she who is blessed by the Trickster god. Words: 98928 Timeline: Thief AU Pairing: Sakura/Itachi Minor: Naruto/Hinata, Tsunade/Jiraiya Rating: Mature Warnings: Violence, some sexual innuendo I also must warn that there are a lot of spelling and grammatical mistakes, but I think that it's worth it because of the great story
Storybook by moodiful819 Description: When Sakura was given her first godmother assignment, she had been expecting a lonely young orphan with evil step-relatives who was friends with mice. What she got instead was a perverted, unmarried, over-the-hill prince. Kakasaku. -Cover by dimisfit- Words: 6715 Timeline: Fairy godmother AU Pairing: Kakashi/Rin, Kakashi/Sakura Rating: Teen Warnings: Just some randomy fluffy-stuffs
The Kekkei Genkai of Haruno Sakura by swbooker Description: When Sakura turns 21, she must marry or face death. Thank God she's got Minato: the Love Guru there to help her make sense of it all. Words: 22792 Timeline: Please don't ask me this, as I stopped paying attenion to canon a long time ago... Pairing: Kakashi/Sakura, minor side pairings Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic sex, injury but it's more like how it is on the show
Shotgun Wedding by MLWood Description: Marrying your team leader just isn't done, in fact it is pretty much forbidden, so when Tsunade needs to send Team 7 on a mission to infiltrate an enemy compound, forcing Kakashi and Sakura to marry and then have them run away together, works in her favor. Of course the boys will follow them, even into banishment. Words: 46,319 Timeline: ?????? Pairing: Kakashi/Sakura Rating: Mature Warnings: Sex, violence but it's kind of like on the show
The President by lRinna Description: Haruno Sakura is a hard-working doctor at a prestigious hospital, whose life is about to be turned around by the arrival of a mysterious new Hospital President, Uchiha Itachi. Workplace romance is never easy between two professionals, especially when both are workaholics. They say it takes a village to raise a child, but it takes a hospital to put these two together. A cute Hospital AU inspired by many romcoms, perfect for your fluff needs. Words: 30,024 Timeline: A hospital AU Pairing: Sakura/Itachi, minor background pairings of Ino/Shikamaru and Naruto/Hinata Rating: T Warnings: Sakura gets her throat cut at one point, but she's okay. Also mentions of drug abuse and the like.
Where it Happened by Sariasprincy Description: He was the new head of Cardio and her new boss, and though she thought him a little full of himself, it seemed there was more to the famed Uchiha Itachi than he led on. Not that she could claim her life was that uncomplicated as well. ItaSaku. Modern AU. Grey's Anatomy AU. Rated M for mentions of adult themes. Words: 98k+ Timeline: A hospital AU. She says that it's Gray's Anatomy, but it could be any sort of hospital drama Pairing: Sakura/Itachi, mentions of past Sakura/Gaara, minor background pairing of Ino/Shikamaru Rating: M Warnings: It's got vivid descriptions of various medical/surgical stuff. So if watching a medical show grosses you out, probably not the best Minor but intense mentions of past emotional abuse/manipuation Graphic sex
Succumb by Astroavis Description: Sakura had always known that Sasuke was going to be her alpha. Or at least she had thought. When Sasuke's rejection of her leaves her heartbroken, Sakura dedicates her life to becoming a medical ninja and shoves aside any lingering hope that she would one day find her mate. Until a chance encounter changes her and her life forever. A/O/B dynamics Words: 17k+ Timeline: Everything is the same except for some ABO dynamics Pairing: Sakura/Itachi Rating: M Warnings: Graphic sex that doesn't quite seem to understand how the human body works, but sure...
A Gift Horse by darth-healer Description: Itachi learns not to look a gift horse in the mouth. Sakura learns she's had her eye on the wrong Uchiha this whole time. ItaSaku NonMassacre Words: 98k+ Timeline: AU where the Uchiha massacre never happened Pairing: Sakura/Itachi Rating: M Warnings: Graphic sex, talk about pedophilia and underaged/trafficked hookers, violence but it's like on the show
Scar Tissue by TipsyRaconteur Description: She comes to him on the type of day that he has way too often—the type of day that almost breaks a man—and she asks him to let her take care of him. And just like that, he starts to let her in, without ever even meaning to. (For KakaSaku Month 2018 Healing Prompt.) Words: 7952 Timeline: After Kakashi became Hokage Pairing: Sakura/Kakashi Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic sex
A Study in Movement Description: Being a single mom is tough; Sakura knows this. She juggles taking care of her 12- year- old, working as a nurse technician and oh, right- she's a stripper too. It's not an easy life, but it's the best she can do given what she has. What she isn't prepared for is Sarada's handsome teacher who she meets at the parent/teacher conference, as well as his surprise appearance at the strip club she preforms at one evening with his friends. What up here's a modern stripper AU. kakasaku Complete Words: 53626 Timeline: Stripper/teacher AU Pairing: Kakashi/Sakura, past Sakura/Sauske that's an important plot point Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic sex, some violence, dubcon There is one graphic sex scene with Sakura/Sauske and I'm warning you in advance if that pairing makes your skin crawl like it does for me. However... guess which scene is the dubcon.
When the Night Comes by Alien_Writes Description: Vampires didn’t exist. At least, that’s what Sakura had always assumed. But, after being attacked by a man who had definitely been dead, she wasn’t too sure. Throw in the strange changes she had been going through and the masked man who refused to leave her alone, and Sakura was becoming aware that nightmares were, in fact, real. Words: 219581 Timeline: Vampire AU Pairing: Kakashi/Sakura, it's also tagged with Ino/Shikamaru but we never actually see that... Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic and slightly disturbing violence (way more than on the original show), sex
Konoha Guide to Abandonded Places by ThisCatastrophe Description: Sakura can't forget about Sasuke. It's the middle of summer and she's feeling abandoned. All that keeps her afloat is the hope that Sasuke will send her a letter sometime soon, but that hasn't happened in months. She can only throw herself into her work. Though at least she has an unlikely friend to rely on. (ShinoSaku hurt/comfort slice of life. Some sad teens watching summer roll by and figuring themselves out.) Words: 12988 Timeline: I think that they're like teenagers? IDK Pairing: Sakura/Shino, lots of mentions of Sakura/Sasuke but he never makes a physical appearance Rating: Teen Warnings: A lot of angst over Sasuke being a dickweed but what else is new
i guess i'm stuck with me by moonvalentine Description: They're both used to being quiet, socially inept, and alone. Maybe now they can do so together. Words: 19523 Timeline: It goes from the time that they're children past the 4th war Pairing: Shino/Hinata, minor of Tenten/Neji Rating: General Warnings: Just some kissing and hand-holding. Those sluts.
Sowing the Seeds by Jan Lee Description: [NOVEL.] [COMPLETE.] In the beginning, Ino didn't think Shino even knew she existed. Shino strives to attract Ino's attention after years of seemingly cold silence. Both must endure meddling and judgmental family and friends. Ino-centric/Shino-centic. Slow-burning. Citrus. AUish, set after Fourth Shinobi War. Hands-down the best romance story I've ever written. Words: 263,030 Timeline: It's after the war, but slightly AU Pairing: Shino/Ino Rating: M Warnings: Sex, violence like on the show, abusive and emotionally manipulative parents
The One Night Henge by The.Cherry.Bloosom1 Description: What happens when two people with an unpleasant history are able to see each other through different eyes? They learn things that they never would have and feel things for each other they never thought they could. Thanks, CherryBerry12 for being such a great beta. Words: 62k+ Timeline: After the end of the series but slightly to the left lol Pairing: Sakura/Kakashi, Ino/Genma Rating: M Warnings: Graphic sex, Naruto-related violence
1NEW1 Another Life by bluefurcape (pretty kid) Description: Sometimes you start wondering about what could have been... Words: 52800 Timeline: Post start of Baruto, partly AU in a world-jumping sort of way Pairing: Kakashi/Sakura, Sakura/Sasuke (it's pretty major, if that's a turn-off for you) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic sex between both Sakura/Kakashi as well as Sakura/Sasuke. Cheating, if that's not your thing.
1NEW1 Ten Weeks by al_holland Description: He had a teasing remark on the tip of his tongue, poised to taunt her into making the first move out of this playful dance and toward their bed, but the words died on his lips as her hand drifted from his chest to her own belly. “How far along?” he asked, though he had a feeling he already knew. Her smirk sweetened into a smile. “Ten weeks.” Sakura returns from a long haul mission with some big news. Words: 9555 Timeline: Who knows Pairing: Kakashi/Sakura Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic sex, pregnancy/breeding fetish that should probably warn about
1NEW1 Take My Picture by moor Description: Modern sugar daddy/cam girl MadaSaku AU. Tumblr Prompt: Sakura is secretly a cam girl that Madara loyally follows... Naruto DILF/MILF Week 2021 fic. Prompts: Sugar Mommy/Daddy - #SugarMommyDaddy, Magazine Spread/Photoshoot - #CaptureMeOnCamera Words: 23116 Timeline: Modern AU Pairing: Sakura/Madara, very minor mentions of Izuna/Sakura and Itachi/Sakura Rating: Mature Warnings: Sex, sex work
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Who in naruto is all for cuddling, is okay with it, don't like it, and will "kill" you if you even try
Here is a very long list with short explanations. Hope you enjoy and sorry if I left any character out. Thank you for the request.Characters that loveCuddling
Naruto: He loves the affection. He was never really held asa child so it kind of satisfies a hidden need he has to be loved and accepted.
Sasuke: Secretly loves having his s/o hold him as well asholding his s/o. He doesn’t admit it openly, but if he’s truly devoted to hiss/o, he’s not going to want to let them go.
Sakura: Craves physical affection. She feels loved when she’s inher partner’s arms. She will often initiate the cuddling.
Iruka: Loves to cuddle his s/o and be wrapped in warmblankets. He likes his s/o snuggling up against his chest and sighing incontentment.
Genma: He’s a very physical guy, so he never minds holdingonto the one he loves. He has to have his hands on them and will be caressingthem during the cuddling session.
Karin: She only allows herself to be held by those she trulytrust. She likes tight embraces and closing her eyes to ignore the rest of theworld in her s/o’s embrace.
Itachi: He craves emotionally intimacy and once that hasbeen reached, his physical needs follow after. He’ll want to hold his s/o inhis arms as long as possible, just to show them how much he cares for them.
Shisui: Welcomes cuddling with open arms. He’s not afraid tosnuggle into his s/o’s arms first and try to gain their attention. He likeshaving his arms around their waist.
Obito: Certainly, loves to cuddle and hold his s/o close tohis body. He doesn’t cuddle as often as he would like since his schedule israther busy being other personas.
Lee: He is big on hugging and usually initiates thecuddling. He’ll snuggle into the back of his s/o in bed and tell them how absolutelyamazing they are.
Asuma: After the glow of sex, he likes to settle down andhold his s/o. He loves gazing into his s/o’s eyes with both of them lying therenaked and just marveling how lucky he is.
Ino: She needs cuddling and she craves the affection. Shewants to be wrapped in her lover’s arms and adored.
Choji: He is a big cuddly bear. He is often nervousexpressing that he likes to cuddle, so instead he subtly just tries to hold hiss/o for extended periods of time.
Kiba: He loves lazing around the house his s/o in his arms.He likes holding them and inhaling their wonderful scent. He’s usually veryplayful while cuddling too, such as butterfly kisses and tickling.
Shino: He likes to cuddle, although many find it hard tobelieve. He grew up distancing himself from others that when he finds someonethat fully accepts him for who he is, he can’t take his hands off them in private.
Gaara: He didn’t realize how much he likes to cuddle and beheld until his s/o initiated the action. Now it’s one of the many things helooks forward to after long days at the Kazekage tower.
Hashirama: He is not afraid to ask to cuddle with his s/o.He’s not even ashamed if he wants to cuddle more than his s/o at times. He onlygets distraught if his s/o playfully tells him no.
Characters that don’tmind cuddling if their partner wants to
Sai: He is okay with whatever his partner wants. He’s verymellow about touch. He has no problem touching his s/o in any way they want, buthe’s not quite sure ever about what touches he prefers.
Yamato: He will cuddle his s/o if they want him to. He likescuddling with them and holding them, but these moments are few and far inbetween.
Kakashi: He’s also the type that will cuddle his s/o whenthey want him to. He doesn’t openly dislike it or likes it. Having to holdsomeone close during the night is a very intimate step for Kakashi and it’shard for him to get close to somebody like that.
Jugo: He’s not very open to cuddling at first. He’s alwaysafraid he’s going to snap and he’s going to hurt his s/o in his arms. Hesettles down slowly within his s/o’s arms but he’s never quite relaxed.
Kisame: He lets his s/o come to him if they want to cuddle.He’ll settle down for a few, holding them and raking his hands down their back.He will only slightly admit its relaxing.
Pein: He will drop whatever he is doing if his s/o needs himto hold them. He loves to support his s/o’s needs in any way he can. He willhold and cuddle his s/o as long as he needs too.
Hidan: He doesn’t object to holding his s/o, but he thinks it’sbecause his s/o will want more. He usually progresses with his touch andcuddling always turns into love making in his book.
Tenten: She is not big into cuddling but doesn’t mind it ifthe mood is right.  Such as if her s/oreturned from a long mission. After some love-making, she doesn’t mind curlingup beside her lover.
Gai: He always welcomes his s/o into his arms. He’ll holdthem tight for as long as they want. He likes the moments him and his s/o shareduring cuddling but he’s not really big on cuddling itself.
Neji: His s/o will have to tell him directly that they wouldlike to cuddle, otherwise Neji tends to mistake his s/o’s gestures as just ahug. He tends to like lying on his back with his s/o curled up on his side whencuddling.
Shikamaru: He loves any excuse that allows him to stay inbed all day or simply be lazy. A partner on his arm or chest is a wonderfulexcuse. He is always up for cuddling if that’s all his s/o wants to do.
Kurenai: She likes being wrapped up in her lover’s embrace,but she doesn’t crave that form of affection. She’s more charmed with words andactions. She only finds it sweet that her lover wants to cuddle.
Hinata: She’s very complaint with any and all needs of herlover. She’s very manageable in that sense and doesn’t have high needs. Thefact her s/o wants to cuddle with her gives her butterflies.
Kankuro: He likes wrapping an arm around his s/o and likesthe feel of their body next to his, but he doesn’t necessarily call thatcuddling.
Temari: She likes resting against her s/o in the earlymorning and watching them before they wake up. She’s not huge on cuddling asshe feels it’s demeaning to her independence, so she will never admit that shedoes.
Darui: He’s definitely more of a lover than a fighter. Herather hold his s/o in his arms if that will make them happy, than leave themfeeling neglected.
Haku: He is very in tune with his lover’s needs. He wants tosatisfy all their needs in any way he sees fit, so he will not be opposed tocuddling if his s/o wants to.
Killer B: He has that intuition of knowing when his s/owants to cuddle.  He’ll make a rap aboutit, telling them that he knows what they need most and that he can provide somesoothing verses for them.
Characters thatopenly dislike cuddling
Suigetsu: He’s not much for cuddling and will let his s/oknow immediately. He won’t bite their head off for trying, but he’s very vocalin his complaints on the matter.
Deidara: He doesn’t see the point of cuddling. He willbriefly hug his s/o, but he’s not into soft and longing touches. He rather bebusy with something else.
Sasori: Although he had once longed for a loving embrace, heno longer feels the need with his puppet body. To have his s/o cling to himonly drives his patience.
Zetsu: He’s curious about cuddling but once he experiencedit, he doesn’t feel like he has to do it again. He’s perfectly fine not receivingphysical affection in that form.  
Konan: She physically can’t get close to any one as her bodyfeels uncomfortable under anyone’s touch. She can lie with another, but it willliterally take her hours to relax.
Kakuzu: Sees no point in cuddling. He would rather dosomething more productive.
Madara: He gets annoyed with only holding his s/o. Heprefers his own side of the bed unless he’s making love to them.
Tobirama: He has a hard time settling down with his s/o to leisurelycuddle. He’ll either want to go to sleep, read before bed, or advance theagenda.
Zabuza: He’s very restless and would rather not cuddle. Evenif it’s after sex, he rather turn over and go to sleep.
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