#yandere Marcy
wolfinshipclothing · 2 years
Marcy: We would do anything for you, Anne. We would kill for you.
Sasha: Please ask us to kill for you.
Anne: No!
Sasha and Marcy, putting their knives down: :(
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thecoolnauta · 5 months
Idea for Sagau but instead of MC as a young adult who is love by everyone is just... A TEEN (xd)
So okay, (I'm bad at English so, I don't thinks this might be well understod but, please excuse it :'u) this actually came from me watching TOH while eating so.
Just think of it, where all Teyvat's knows about this mystic and graceful creature that is always near the Traveler and their little rare pixie. They know that a unknown creature even above their gods is traveling with the (far to nice) foreign.
They don't know how they look, they don't know how they act or even how they sound like, but they can feel them. A warm hug filled with curiosity and dearly affection.
Maybe they won't make a whole new religion for that new god, but they might pray them instead of their own Archons for very important wishes. Hoping for an instant, you'll hear them.
And even the Archons are cool with it!!! Since the Traveler came to Teyvat, everyone feels that love biting their skin in a childish way.
They imagine you like a benevolent and playful deity, a charming and elegant being that helps even with the most harmful missions, just for save them.
Just for make them smile again.
And there's you! A (probably) neurdivergent queer kid who might be not fully North American and is obsessed with fantasy and writing fanfics about your parental figures.
Yeah, you might get to intense when is about them. But hey, even Jesus doubt.
In your universe, Genshin is not, in fact, a thing. The whole freaking lore and the "gameplays" are just very detailed dreams you have every night.
You can't actually tell when it started, but it have a while so-
Yeah, you are really The Creator, huh.
Well, let me tell you something, IT'S GETTING WORSE
When your not that accepting parents decided to put you on a weird camp thing where you will be a honorable member of American society (yeah u know what I meant) a weird but cute... create stool your diary where you write your dreams.
To write a fanfic or smt idk.
And that, really weird existence with withe fluffy hair(?) and golden eyes ran into a forest that you never actually notice.
But screw that you probably change the state, you're getting back that diary.
Persecution cringy cinematic, blahblahblah and you get to a very gigante estructure more old than your last name. The fantasy and pure white practically inviting you to take a closer look.
And you do, of course (maybe was your internal desire of still being you)
You pass over it, the creature is gone, but you have your diary back. Yey :D!!
But man, this isn't the Americans, they would never take care of a forest like this.
Then you almost do the same travel of the not Abyss twin (I'm getting tired, I just want to name one of them but AHG), you walk all over the forest, see with amusement all around and WHY IT'S TOO FAMILIAR FOR THE LOVE OF MADOKAMI.
And yeah, after finding slimes and a statue of a very pretty man you realized you were in your dreams world.
oh, oh
Yep, you were in fuckin Teyvat's floor, touching Teyvat's grass and breathing Teyvat's oxygen...
AND LISTEN TO ME you just fall into Mondstadt to find a guide and a way to scape and all treats you like the Traveler but ways less useful. Just offering you food and awkward smiles by your strange kind of act.
(they just can't handle a neurdivergent kid with anger issues talking Spanish when they can't understand how the time works)
So after the fourth night sleeping on a bunch of boxes because you refuse to have any type of cold blood animal on you when you sleep, an aventure took you to the Favonius knights.
(Totally not a request, Katherine you inteligent metallic women)
So they might just seeing you like a kid who happens to be in the same spot as the Traveler, but less stronger and more but MORE curious than them.
You smeems to know everything, not just of them but their nation, asking thing that a normal foreign would never ask.
But after a while of overthinking, they just decide to let you wandering around Mondstadt, just if you don't cause any trouble.
In fact, you did, but shhhh..
Yeah, all that would ended like a weird but not problematic at all situation BUT OH NO LORD BARBAS FREE THEM BECAUSE THEY GET ATTACHED TO U MORE THAN THEY WANTED.
Found family found familying and stuff, you're totally Pog dude, never forget that.
"Oh for you, kiddo you were the creator all along!!!"
"The what?"
But you just go before they even finish to assimilate all that information bomb. And that repeats with all the nations, for the love of hippie god son
So yeah, they just re program their windows and treat u like the above mortals type and you're just confused and too neurdivergent for that shit so just "continue talking man, yeah I totally understand the fact that u see me as the god of gods, yeah sure, rad"
And yeah, that was everything, it's 3:00 and I'm very dizzy so, please don't mind my really bad grammar and thanks for reading all that.
(If you want to use the idea just give credits, it's okay) Maybe If I have time I'll write an actual fanfic or more headcanons but now I'm going to sleep.
Stay safe, remember: you can fight all this shit, you'll get better soon. Bye :v
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randoms-fandoms · 9 months
Hi can I request a yandere adult calamity trio x reader headcanons please
Yep! I love stories where multiple yanderes share the same beloved <3
Warnings: possessiveness, stalking, obsessive behavior, guilty feelings, kidnapping (more like they just don’t let you leave, but yk),
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🥀(I don’t know all the names for the yandere types/mbti things, but I’m gonna try to describe them—)
🥀Sasha, of course, is a manipulator. She’s unpredictable, cunning, and willing to get violent over you. She wants you all to herself, with the exception of her girls of course 💙💚 you’re not the first person she’s been like this about, but the others were just unrequited crushes. This time it’s true love, right?
🥀Marcy is more careful and precise about how she loves you— on the surface, she seems more normal, but that’s just because she can’t bear the idea of you hating her, so she obsesses in secret (except for Anne and Sasha— they’re just as fucked up as she is). She’s the type to steal your things and takes tonnns of photos. She’s the brains of the operation.
🥀Anne feels really guilty about her obsessive feelings. Shes more the dramatic and sad type, who’s only happiness comes from her beloved <3 she knows it too, it’s happened time and time again. It’s just how she loves. she doesn’t want you to be unhappy, so she’ll bend over backwards to please you. She’d do anything for you.
🥀 you didn’t even know them prior to what happened. It was a mystery to you why they would choose you as their target.
🥀of course, it wasn’t really a choice. It was fate. Destiny. You were meant to be with them— each of them knew it since the first time they saw you.
🥀Marcy had flown out to California to visit Anne and Sasha, but after meeting you and realizing that she couldn’t live apart from you, she decided to move back.
🥀at the time of your meeting, you were working full time waiting on patrons at a high end restaurant— you were good at your job, but it was demanding.
🥀Anne, Sasha, and Marcy were having a nice girls night out, wanting to catch up after a few months of not really getting to talk much. Anne chose the restaurant mostly at random, but thank goodness it happened to be the one you worked at!
🥀Sasha saw you first. She thought you looked lovely, even in just your work uniform. You weren’t even waiting their table, she just spotted you across the room.
🥀Anne and Marcy recognized that smile as soon as it graced her face. The thrill of finding something new to cherish. “Look at that cutie,” she was casual enough, any outsider might just think she was planning to ask you on a date.
🥀Marcy was shameless, selfish almost. She felt no apprehension when she decided to let herself fall for you. She’s been so good for so long, she’s earned this. “Oooh, look, Anne!” She could hardly take her eyes off of you from then on. She had always adored pretty things, she just couldn’t stop staring.
🥀Anne didn’t want to look. She knew what would happen. She didn’t know if she wanted to fall in love again, it always hurt so bad. Even if things went well and she ended up dating the person she was interested in, it was all too much— she would start to worry, then she would rationalize getting too clingy and too close. Before long she would be afraid to let you out of her sight, and then you would leave her. Because she was broken, and couldn’t be normal about love. She knew she couldn’t stand it. “No, not again.” She groaned, putting her face in her hands. I was doing so well, why again? Sasha and Marcy are really a bad influence…
🥀”Come on, Anne. It won’t be like last time.” Sasha lied. “I can get their number for you if you want to ask them on a date,” she said with a smile. It was barely on the edge of a teasing, predatory grin; you wouldn’t notice if you weren’t looking for it, but Anne and Marcy saw. “You can have a perfectly normal relationship… as long as you promise to share.”
🥀Easily pressured, easily falling back into old habits, Anne glanced behind her. She saw you then, and you were the most perfect person she’d ever seen. You looked tired and worn down, taking directions from your boss, but there was a hint of defiant annoyance that made her heart skip. She wanted to take you far away and keep you, so you wouldn’t have to work so hard. She knew she could take care of your every need, if you just let her.
🥀Marcy and Sasha smiled watching her face darken with a blush. “See? Nothing wrong with looking.” Marcy giggled. “I think someone has a crush~”
🥀”Should we wait ‘till their shift is over?” Sasha asked under her breath.
🥀”No! I-I mean, you can if you want, I just— I don’t know if I want to move so fast.” Anne felt flustered. She wondered if you had seen her in the crowd, if you had thought she was pretty.
🥀”I guess we could do things the old fashioned way, like when we were in school.” Marcy mused. Anne frowned. Stalking. That’s what you mean.
🥀Marcy and Sasha were perfectly normal the rest of the night. It kind of put Anne on edge. Did that even happen? How can they act so nonchalant with them in the room? Disgust in herself boiling deep in her stomach, causing her to loose her appetite, Anne realized she didn’t even know your name. And she was already so infatuated it was like you were on a radar, she was aware of your every move. Creep.
🥀Of course Marcy and Sasha hadn’t forgotten about you. They just knew Anne would take a while to get used to having these feelings again. For them, there was no guilt. It was like a game. It was fun. They were almost glad to have another special person to fixate on.
🥀As they were heading out to the car, Sasha had taken a peek at your name tag. She thought your name was very nice. Of course she told Marcy and Anne this new information later that night. She laughed, imagining how their group chat would turn into nothing but you in the foreseeable future.
🥀Marcy was in town for another week. She knew she didn’t have much time. That night, she had a hard time getting to sleep. She couldn’t stop thinking about you. She wondered and wondered and wondered if you were dating anyone. I wonder if I’m their type? Do they even like girls?
🥀mumbling your name over and over to herself, Marcy spent the rest of the night looking you up online. She was able to track down pretty much all of your social media accounts. She took countless screenshots of your posts— even if you didn’t post photos, or anything personal, just knowing your thoughts was important to her. It’s like you’re telling me this! It’s like I’m in your mind! She thought, pretending you were there with her, face flushed. She really had missed having someone to love.
🥀The next morning she was still awake on the couch when Anne walked into the main room of her apartment to make breakfast. She knew what Marcy had been doing. She still had that guilty feeling, but she let Marcy ramble and infodump everything she learned about you as they ate breakfast together. She secretly wanted to know too.
🥀That morning when you woke up you had three new followers on all your social media accounts. You wondered if maybe they were old forgotten friends you knew in high school— it’s not like your personal accounts were very popular, you had no idea why they would want to follow you. For some reason they looked a little familiar, though.
🥀Sasha was already getting restless by the third day. She had spent a good few hours parked outside your place of work or in the surrounding businesses each day, but she wanted to talk to you. Every moment she didn’t have you, you might be falling in love with someone else. Imagining it made her chest tighten up. She told herself she was just angry, just protective, but she was also scared. What if they don’t even like me? Sasha hated getting rejected. She hated losing.
🥀She texted the group chat on your lunch break the fourth day. I’m doing it. She then turned off her phone, even though she knew Anne would be panicking.
🥀do what?? Sash dont
🥀There were a number of things Anne could interpret that to mean. Stalking in real life instead of just online? She already was. Asking you out on a date? Anne certainly wouldn’t put it past her. Kidnapping you? The mental image of Sasha manhandling you into the back of her shiny red convertible was disgustingly thrilling to Anne. She felt sick to her stomach from guilt.
🥀When Sasha approached you in the fancy bakery across the street you usually ate your lunch at, you were a bit intimidated. You instantly recognized that she was there to flirt, and you weren’t necessarily opposed to it, but it had been a while since you had been with anyone. You weren’t feeling too confident in yourself, and Sasha knew that.
🥀”Hey, mind if I sit by you? All the other tables are taken, and you look the friendliest.” Sasha had said casually. She laughed, feigning embarrassed, shrugging her shoulders. “My name is Sasha.”
🥀You introduced yourself, surprised at how bubbly and talkative she was. You were beyond curious about her— what is that facial scar from?— but it wasn’t polite to ask, so you just smiled and nodded along.
🥀It was like a dream. Sasha knew just the right things to say because she had read months back in your social media posts. She had researched your interests, your favorite TV shows, made jokes she knew you would laugh at… she was perfect for you.
🥀You didn’t hesitate at all when Sasha asked for your phone number. “We should hang out this weekend. Wanna go to the movies with me?” She flashed a grin, pretending to be charmingly shy. She knew there was a new one playing in theaters you’d been dying to see.
🥀”Sure. It’s a date.” You said playfully. You went back to work with a smile on your face.
🥀I’ve got a date ;)
🥀Anne breathed a sigh of relief when she received that message— Sasha hadn’t done anything too drastic. She felt a pang of jealousy, but knew that it was useless. She would always have to share with Sasha— either that or get her heart crushed when Sasha inevitably swooped you away. It had happened once before, the very first time the three girls had fallen so deeply in love with the same person. She and Sasha had both asked someone out, and they had chosen Sasha. The loss had devastated Anne so much that she decided she’d rather share than be beaten again. That’s how she had settled into the group’s routine of obsession.
🥀That Saturday, Anne was off work, and Sasha had her date. As she got dressed in a stylish pair of slacks and casual patterned button up shirt, Anne wished she was going too. Marcy was content to wait— that’s because Sasha had let her in on a secret. This wasn’t going to be just a date. The two of them wished her luck before she left Anne’s apartment.
🥀Three hours after Sasha left, Anne heard the front door of her apartment open. She’s back already? She was surprised to hear that the other girl wasn’t alone. The sound of an unfamiliar voice accompanied her, hushed joking and giggles, a familiar voice she’d heard in the restaurant only a week ago.
🥀Anne’s heartbeat sped up. They’re in my apartment! Why didn’t Sasha tell me? She sat up in bed, feeling her blood run cold. I hope they don’t think it’s too messy… she stood up and made her way to the cracked bedroom door.
🥀”Are you sure your roommates won’t mind me coming over for dinner?” Your hesitant voice was like music to Anne’s ears. She felt a smile creep onto her face. Feeling a rush of excitement, she gave in. Fuck it. I’ll play along.
🥀”Hey Sash, home already? How was your date?” Anne left her room and made her way to the entry area. She was nervous as hell, but tried to act cool.
🥀Sasha put on a show of acting annoyed. “I guess I could introduce you…” she said, telling Anne your name as if she didn’t already know practically everything about you. “I thought you guys would already be asleep, so I thought we could come back here and cook something to save money.” She explained.
🥀You and Anne also got along well. You noticed that Anne was acting awkward around you, but thought that that was because Sasha had unexpectedly brought someone home.
🥀At some point Marcy came back from the errands she was running, and joined the three of you in cooking. You were surprised, not expecting to meet so many new people, but they both seemed like reasonable young women. Sasha, of course, was just perfect.
🥀”I should be getting home… Sasha, would you mind driving me?” You eventually said, after another few hours. It was really getting late.
🥀That was when the first red flag popped up. Sasha’s face dropped. You caught a glimpse of her face pulled into an almost confused looking glare before she smiled again, a little agitated. “Uh, actually, I don’t think so.”
🥀You were confused. Sasha had done all the driving that evening, how did she expect you to get home? Little did you know, Sasha didn’t expect you to go home at all.
🥀Bouncing her leg up and down in barely contained excitement, Marcy leaned into your view. “Why don’t you stay?”
🥀You we’re beginning to get uncomfortable. “Uh, I don’t have my overnight stuff…” you glanced around for answers, eyes landing on Anne.
🥀Anne looked scared. She was sweating buckets, face flushed, fingernails peeling at her already bleeding cuticles. At this point she was regretting every decision that lead up to this moment, every time she should have protected you from Sasha and Marcy. And me, she thought, feeling her heart drop.
🥀”Don’t chicken out now, Anne.” Sasha’s voice was cold. It was like she could read Anne’s mind. Sasha then turned to face you, smiling again. “You’re staying with us.”
🥀”What do you mean?”
🥀Sasha rolled her eyes, but Marcy took the time to explain. “You can’t leave. You’ll live here in Anne’s apartment now. We can get you anything you want, we can do anything you need, just… stay here.” She said, voice wavering a little.
🥀Finally understanding— these girls aren’t as safe as I thought they were— you looked back at Anne. She just stared. “Anne? This is weird, right?”
🥀Anne shook her head, resigning herself. “…Sorry.”
🥀”Now, let’s turn in for bed. Do you want to take a shower? You can borrow some of my clothes.” Sasha said casually.
🥀You shook your head quickly, frowning at Sasha. “I’m not staying here.” You stood up and made a break for the door— it was easy to reach, Anne’s apartment was tiny— but before you knew it, Sasha was behind you.
🥀She covered your mouth with her hand and managed to restrain you easily. “Help me out,” she called to Anne and Marcy.
🥀Anne just watched. She watched as you struggled, trying to bite Sasha’s fingers. She watched as Marcy snuck up behind you, smiling wide, and hit you over the head— just enough to knock you out. She watched as Sasha caught you in her strong arms and gently laid you on the hard wood floor, sighing.
🥀"You gonna help out? Or did you change your mind again?" Sasha said to Anne, exasperated.
🥀Swallowing nervously, Anne nodded.
🥀Then the next thing you remember is waking up in Anne’s room, gently restrained. The three of them take care of you, even hand feeding you until you’ve given up enough to not fight when they untie you.
🥀You choose now: how long does it take before you stay voluntarily? Will you ever give in and let yourself be loved by them? It’s up to you!
A/N: hope this is alright! I had fun writing it, especially Anne agonizing over everything lol
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tea-plantz · 2 years
Hello!! I sent a request earlier but I wasn't that specific with it so ignore that sorry. Anyway can you do yandere Darcy Wu x reader romantic head cannons ( Btw love your vibe <33 )
Yes, of course I can do that! I love Darcy sm I swear they were one of my fav Amphibia characters, and thank you for the compliment!<3
For background info, y/n was teleported to Amphibia, along with the other girls, and knows about the whole “possession” thingie. Btw I’m also going to write Darcy as more of an evil/robotic Marcy, rather then a bunch of old dudes, cuz y’know.. that’s a bit weird, well anyways, onto the head cannons!
They/them for the reader
She/them for Darcy (plus the ‘we’ and ‘us’ stuff)
!tw! Blood, dark themes, yandere stuff
~Yandere Darcy Wu x Reader HCS~
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So for starters, I think that the reason Darcy would feel an extra strong emotion towards you, would be because you were Marcy’s crush!
Since the Core possesses Marcy, it would probably obtain some of her quirks as well, such as loving you. (This can also be seen in the show, I believe. Y’know with the muffins and the clumsiness)
They would often look through Marcy’s memories to find information about you, like what you enjoyed, your favorite foods and small details about your personality. Sometimes they would even just sit there and watch you for hours on end. Replying their favorite memories over and over again, imagining what it would be like to hold you and simply just being in your presence. At one point, Darcy’s little interest became so strong that you couldn’t really consider it just a crush anymore… it became an obsession. After time, it got so bad that Darcy couldn’t take it any longer. They had to have you, and believe me they were going to.
Now, Darcy would probably feel a bit out of place when it comes to romance. This is a field they aren’t familiar with at all, and they wouldn’t really know what to do about the situation. When she confronted Andrias about this, he suggested that she could simply just ‘ask you out’. Darcy thought about this, and honestly, it didn’t seem like that bad of an idea. Maybe you would actually agree to be with them, I mean based off of Marcy’s memories you seemed like such a kind and understanding person. And if you didn’t agree, they could just make you. You don’t really have a choice, and Darcy had their ways.
After sending out a couple of frobots to get you, they returned a couple of hours later with you, completely unharmed as instructed by Darcy.
Immediately after being dropped off by the robots, thick, heavy metal tentacle-like wires wrapped around you, lifting you off the ground. You struggled, while panicking until you heard a distorted voice that kinda sounded like… Marcy?! “Why hello there, y/n”
Now that Darcy finally has you in their possession, they would insist on accompanying you everywhere. What can I say? Their clingy. And since you guys have established a relationship (you didn’t really get much of a saying in that) she’s not gonna give you that much personal space either. Darcy’s constantly going to have an arm or two wrapped around you, standing uncomfortably close, or leaving light kisses on your face. The many eyes always keeping a closed watch doesn’t make it any better either.
I also have this one head cannon that Darcy is like, super mean to everyone except you! Like for example, they could be shouting their lungs out at Andrias, telling him that he’s such a screwup (#stopAndriasabuse), just being an complete asshole. But when you came waltzing into the room, their mood completely changed and her face light up. “ANDRIAS YOU FOOL, WHY DO YOU ALWAYS HAVE TO BE SO DIFFICULT! I’M GOIN TO- oh hey y/n darling, how’s it going?”
Darcy is a BIG fan of showing her dominance around you! They always tell you have much power they have, sometimes droping a few threats here and there. Of course, Darcy is still a quite polite yandere, but they can be extremely threatening at times. To them, there’s just something about seeing you all frightened that causes such a rush! Another thing they certainly enjoy is to see you all flustered and nervous in front of them. This meaning that Darcy would spend a lot of their time leaving flirtatious remarks, doing stuff like hugging you from behind while whispering in your ear, and just generally flirting with you. Seeing you in such a state makes her feel all fuzzy inside, and she lives for it! They really can’t get enough~
Another hobby of Darcy’s is simply just watching you. You’re entertainment alone just by being your adorable, cute self! (Darcy’s words) All the little things you do, the expressions, the reactions, your smile, the way you slightly poke your tongue out when you’re focusing, they could simply just sit and study you all day long! Darcy also loves to show off her thighs to you, “and here, human, you can see our deadly laser beam! Pretty cool, right?”
Other times, they would just drag you off to eat red velvet cupcakes with ube frosting, and trust me, they eat A LOT of those cupcakes. “Come, our love, we truly desire something to eat now! Therefore, we are bringing you with us to the kitchen to search for cupcakes!”
I believe that Darcy is the type to be a ‘manipulative yandere’. They use manipulation to make you do as they please, and show their love for you.
Punishments aren’t really their forte, since they would much rather just keep you in line by scolding you or tying you up with the wires when you misbehave, but if you’re just gonna keep being impossible, they would gladly put you in your place. “Pathetic. You can’t even follow some simple rules, and you know what happens to rule breakers, don’t you sweetheart?” Isolation is usually what works the best for them, since after the punishment, you become so needy for human contact. After leaving you alone down in the cold, dark cellar for a couple of hours, you become so desperate to be close with Darcy, which is their exact intention. She loves to hold you close, telling you that their the only one you need, all with a red blush spread across their cheeks and a lovesick expression plastered on their face. Call it a bit of a psychological trick if you will.
Darcy is extremely jealous and would probably even keep you away from anyone that is not Andrias (still they don’t like the idea of you being alone with him). This is probably because Darcy possesses Marcy’s body, therefore, they inherited some of Marcy’s trauma, including abandonment issues. They’re just so terrified of the love of their life leaving y’know? She has gotten blood on their hands before, from people trying to rescue you or from teaching you ‘lessons’, as they like to call it, and they aren’t afraid to do it again.
All in all, I don’t feel like yandere Darcy is all that different from regular Darcy, they just have a bit more of that intensity and possessiveness, but it’s just because they love you so much!… maybe a little too much.
I’m so sorry for being a bit slow with this one! I just have some important tests coming up that I need to focus on, but I promise I will get my other request done as soon as I can<3
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multifanlol · 2 years
hello! can u do a romantic darcy x reader but marcy had a crush on the reader before her possession? ty!
Hey! And thanks for the request I love Marcy and Darcy-
“Don’t you think King Andries is a total clown sometimes-“
“I don’t care”
“Jeez you don’t have to be so rude darling-“
“Shut up Darcy!”
“Aww, you said my name this time”
The teen groaned while the host referred to as “Darcy” who tookover the teens best friends body continue to annoy them, ever since they were captured by the robots King Andrias sent they were originally just sent to the dungeon with “Darcy” coming every now and then to pratically torment them about how they can’t leave.
But later on “Darcy” began to visit more frequently and frequently and even let you have a “spare room” which was just Marcys room when she lived there although you didn’t mind, you were confused though, I mean Darcy imprisoned you sure you might of felt something towards them sometimes…..but that’s only because you have some hope Marcy’s in there…..is what you tell yourself
In truth Darcy began to have taken a liking to you, at first Darcy thought it was just Marcy’s feelings towards you for some reason affecting her, but the more Darcy began to visit you intending to annoy you, Darcy began to feel some strong emotions…..no they weren’t hate nor disgust…..they were weirdly positive, she tried to focus her mind off other stuff but they felt insanely strong and annoying…..therefore after all this thinking she’s trying to win you over
“You know…..”
You groaned banging your head in frustration
“What now….”
“Marcy took a liking to you….now i can see why”
You could already sense Darcy’s smirk but that didn’t bother you as you nearly choked on air which caused Darcy to laugh hysterically
“Just shut up i know your…..your lying!”
“Heh….Please sweetie your embarrassing yourself…!”
She said wiping a fake tear from her eyes laughing at how flustered you were as you clearly liked your best friend
“Y-You don’t know what your talking about, your just trying to mess with me and i can see it, just leave me alone….”
Darcy then turned into a fit of giggling
“Please I’ve told you a million times dear, Marcy’s in here, i can tell she liked you…..and it’s clearly mutual”
You puffed your cheeks and tried to control them by glaring at her which made it look worser which caused the psycho maniac to laugh even harder
“You know since Marcy clearly isn’t coming back, you know I’m basically her-“
“Your not Marcy, Darcy”
“I know you’ll change your mind some day!~”
“You know we could try to get along at least-“
“You imprisoned me”
“It’s all a bad days work, really would you rather fight for that earth planet?-“
“Yeah, i would! My family and friends are there!”
“Well would rescuing them and destroying the rest of the humans make you better-“
“I “appreciate” the offer but there’s others that live there too that while i don’t know them, there are good people that live there-“
“Fine fine jeez….you don’t have to get all hero and mighty n/n!”
You stopped at what she just said the nickname fluttered your heart always because a specific clumsy nerd usually called you that
Few months before Amphibia…..
“Hey n/n!”
“Hey Mar mar!”
“Wanna go to the store to help me look for a gift for Anne, we can also go to that game store and get that game you wanted-“
“Sure Marc, what’s wrong?”
“My parents said they need me home….I’m sure it’s nothing I’ll catch up with you later!”
“It’s fine, I’ll start looking”
Why did she have a bad feeling about this
You ended up meeting up with Anne and Sasha and ended up getting a text from Marcy that she found a gift for Anne
“Why didn’t she tell me….”
I mean you weren’t upset just confused as it felt odd she could of told you whatever it was with her parents was done but it isn’t a big deal
When you met up with Marcy you noticed a different vibe she gave off…..like she was hiding something, you tried not to think much of it as you thought you were maybe being paranoid
“So you got this box…?”
“Trust me Sash, it probably looks cooler on the inside!”
“Maybe Anne should open it since it’s her birthday”
“Alright i will”
As Anne was about to open you felt uneasy especially looking at how overly nervous or excited Marcy looked you couldn’t really read it like you normally could
Yeah it definitely has something to do with her parent-
And just like that a magical portal pushed you all into it
You screamed from the fall and looked around which appeared to be in the middle of a road
You screamed at all the random huge creatures that nearly hit you with other creatures riding them
End of flashback (Yes I’m aware the other bits were unnecessary-)
You sighed remembering that night where Sasha betrayed you all, and especially King Andrias outing Marcy about getting you all stranded in Amphibia especially when revealed about her parents moving and which stopped Darcy’s laughing as they stared at you sighing
“Aw you can’t seriously be upset at my teasing-“
When you were still staring at the ground glumly it made her feel those strong emotions again…..ugh
Instead they were more of sympathy towards you she really didn’t know how to process that, whenever you were sad like this which was rare she’d usually tease with her “wonderful” flirting and you’d stop here it felt more personal…..they were bad at this
You ended up feeling an awkward arm around your shoulder
“Hey, wipe that annoying frown off your face it’s almost as annoying as King Andrias being gloomy all the time….”
Darcy then awkwardly moves her arm attempting to think of something else
“Why do you think Marcy went behind me and the girls backs at this crazy plan”
It felt weird telling Darcy this especially since Darcy was technically Marcy but you knew with how much they said it themselves Marcy was in there but at the moment it was technically not your Marcy talking
“I just wanna know why she did, if she’s still in there what do you think….”
Darcy shifted awkwardly in a different position she didn’t really know what to do….although you being upset made them feel a certain thing that irritated them, not in the way you’d think though….
“Well, maybe Marcy thought you wouldn’t understand her-“
They felt like they spoke too soon until they noticed you actually considering it
“I mean, maybe she just cared about you or some stupid Marcy thing like that…so she didn’t wanna lose you”
“I mean, it’d make sense but being in this world just feels too much…”
“….I mean while I’m not Marcy in the way you’d want i know she’d probably apologise right now or something stupid like that-“
Darcy stopped when all of a sudden they felt two arms wrap around them which quickly stopped
She didn’t know what it was and couldn’t tell whether she liked it or not
“That didn’t happen”
I guess in the end of the day whoever imprisons you, go for it 😍/j
And yeah that’s it sorry it’s short i didn’t have much ideas for this
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minkminkart · 6 months
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They’ve been in my head a lot recently so Marcie and Prim,
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bearyanderexoxo · 1 year
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♡ ˚ .What The Calamity Trio do when their jealous.♡ ˚ .
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Warings: Manipulation, Gaslighting, abuse, toxic relationships.
🕯️🤍🕊️note: I’m back❤️ and here with a new fic💞please enjoy and should I do some work on Miguel o’hara? Please let me know in my inbox!
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Anne Boonchuy◟♡
* Anne is someone who doesn’t really get jealous often.
*but she can get a bit pissed when someone else takes your attention and you completely ignore her, she won’t directly tell you or show it. But she will try and distant you with the person you seem to like so much, she’ll start to constantly ask you to hang out with her more often, and if you're ever near them, she'll just start to make pouty faces and start to cling on you more than ever before, And oh. Did I forget to mention she's EXTREMELY toxic when it comes to you and a new person in your life? Shell try to gaslight you in every way possible, Her being a hero makes her think that she needs to protect you and keep you from harm's way. And if it soons becomes necessary, Anne will just lock you up in Pop Pop's Basement so you won't ever have to Experience the harsh world. But if you do end up listening to her, then none of that will ever have to happen! :) She will also her crying is a way she manipulates you, It's very easy since your so naive. "Y/N its okay. I understand- You clearly like them better than me, so at this point just go! Leave me alone." Yes it's very cruel but she has to make you stay with her one way or ANOTHER.
*Shell make up lies and try to frame your new "friend" out of jealousy and anger, she also has manipulative tactics shell use on you, "How come we don't hang out at all anymore?" "All you do is talk about them, I feel like you don't care about me anymore." Yeah, that type of guilt trip thing.Anne will keep on saying stuff like this until you actually start listening to her and stay away from your new friend she feels Threatened by. At the end of the day She'll make sure your hers and ONLY hers. Other than that, She loves hanging out with you and going on adventures.
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*Marcy is someone who gets very jealous and possessive , I mean she trapped her friends in a Fantasy land so she wouldn't have to leave them, She seems innocent on the outside. But she's very possessive and clingy on the inside
*She's not cruel, no not at all she's very gentle and sweet when it comes to you. But when it comes to other people.. She's a bit different, Especially to those who Purposefully  try to get close to you. Everytime a new "person" try's to come up in between you and marcy, marcy will make excuses and drag you away from them. And if you dare to ask why she would do all those things, she'll hit you with the "I don't trust them" "They seem really off to me Y/N, you shouldn't be so naive, we don't even know them that well! For all we know they could be a Villain! And try to hurt us." "I care about you." .
*She wants you to think that you need her and only her. IN Marcy's opinion, the only people you should talk to and be friends with whos a non threat is: Anne, Sprig, Polly, Pop Pop, And Sasha. (Yes she limits your communication to 5 people.) Your to scared not to listen to marcy though. She's more Experienced and knows wayy more than you. And without her you would still be trapped in the woods all alone and scared, and of course she constantly reminds you of that if you ever try to doubt her.
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Sahsa Is probably the most violent and manipulative one out of all of them. Shes willing to go the extra mile if she doesnt get what she wants.
*If a new person suddenly comes into her way and unexpectedly starts stealing your attention, sasha won’t be afriad to speak up and threaten them. She’ll grab your hand harshly and speak to you privately. Her words spitting venom, you immediately know what she’s gonna say and you turn a blind eye and about to walk away until she painfully grabs your wrist and turns you to her direction . "Y/N, Please stop being difficult and listen to me, You need to stop hanging around them.Their not good for you at all. I know best," "now stay away from them from now on, ok? End of disscussion."
Overall, Sasha is a very controlling/ Manipulative yandere and she’s not afraid to hurt anyone who gets in the way of your relationship with her.
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aria0fgold · 7 months
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genericnam · 1 year
Why, out of GF, Amphibia, and TOH, only Luz didn't have to leave her new world behind:
I've seen people complain about Amphibia and to a lesser extent, Gravity Falls, for having their series end with a goodbye; the main characters having to leave their found families and this world they've grown to love and return to regular life. But the thing is, the three shows all have MASSIVELY different morals, that each fit in with how the goodbyes (or lack thereof) work into the finales.
Gravity Falls has a large theme of temporary goodbyes and reconciling. Stan and Ford being the primary example. But there are others: Soos and Melony, Wendy and Robbie, even Dipper and Mabel to an extent. The show builds upon this with Gravity Falls being a VACATION, they aren't trapped there, they could theoretically go home at any time. Episodes such as Summerween and Dipper and Mabel Vs. The Future also build on the tone, telling that it's okay to both grow up and move on, but you don't have to leave behind what you once loved in doing so.
The final conflicts (Wierdmaggedon) are caused because of characters not being able to let go. Stan couldn't let go of Ford, Mabel couldn't let go of Gravity Falls, Gideon couldn't let go of Mabel.
Gravity Falls teaches the viewer that even if you love something, you have to let it go, and eventually it will return. In the words of Bill Cipher: "We'l meet again. Don't know where, don't know when. I just knew we'll meet again, some sunny day."
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Amphibia has a similar theme of Gravity Falls, but it takes it further. Amphibia tells you that if you don't let go, sometimes things will only get worse. The primary example for this is the show's catalyst event: Marcy getting Anne to steal the Music Box. Marcy chose to go to Amphibia, rather than move away, and she dragged her friends into it with her. Instead of having a long distance friendship with Sasha and Anne, she took them to an alternate dimension in order to spend eternity on a massive adventure, and it got her killed. Marcy and Anne died and Sasha tried to kill herself.
And that's only Marcy. Sasha was a control freak that bordered on yandere at the height of her villain arc. Sasha couldn't accept that Anne was beginning to move on from the toxic friendship that the Calamity Trio had locked themselves into.
The trio were horrible to eachother, pre-character arcs, and they needed to focus on self improvement before they could even hope to be good friends. In the time between 'All In' and the epilog, the Calamity Trio would not have actually been able to be good for eachtoher. They say they forgive eachother, but that was forgiveness given during a WAR. Post show, the real feelings would start to bubble up. Anne's resentment for the betrayals, Marcy’s abandonment issues, Sasha's definite self hatred. The trio HAD to split up to have any semblance of a friendship.
Amphibia tells its audience that not all good things can last, and if you obsess and force it to stay, it can destroy you.
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The Owl House has a completely opposite moral. It tells you to find your people, and fight for them.
Luz lived in the Human Realm, but it was never her home. Her home was with Camila and Manny, but when Manny died, Camila and Luz's relationship began to falter. That world wasn't her home. When Luz found the Boiling Isles, she was always supposed to be able to leave. This wasn't a summer trip she didn't want at first, or a one way portal. The Boiling Isles was HER choice.
Luz picked Bonesburrow. Luz picked Hexside. Luz picked The Owl House. Her home was always meant to be The Boiling Isles. She only started trying to find a way back to Earth because the choice was taken from her. Luz no longer had the choice to go back to the Human Realm. In fact, the only time Luz chose Humans over Isles was when she was PUNISHING herself for helping Belos.
Luz got to stay in the Boiling Isles because TOH tells its audience that where you start isn't where you should always stay. Find your place and find your people. And when you do, hold it dear and never let go. "Us weirdos have to stick together."
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shiroisotto64 · 1 year
Winter King Hcs I Like
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- I like to think he LOVESSS weirdos. Hear me out. He likes how different you are. He’s been doing the same thing over and over again for a hundred years. Maybe not candy queen weird/crazy but still.
- oh you like to play with slime? That’s weird..so how do you make it?? Oh you like to sleep naked? Even in the cold? Intriguing… shit like that just gets his brain going and he loves it.
- I just know he’d love to show off. He’s radical remember!? Look at him! Worship him and how cool he is! And he’ll do the same in turn. He loves to praise you.
- he’s creepy… yes I said it.💀 he’d know shit about you that just makes you pause and turn your head…it only really clicks if he slips up and says something. He knows exactly how you like your hot cocoa and tea or whatever drinks you like. Same with food. He knows just how much salt and other seasonings you like to a T.
- he probably has a book with all of the information he’s gathered on you in his lab..the doors locked don’t ask.. but like hear me out again….
- let’s say..you try to leave? Or starting getting cold feet?? You seen ice Marcy?…yeah……..he’d turn you into ice..whoops! Like if you got sick and suddenly couldn’t handle the cold? No problem no you are ice!
- his creepy tendencies wouldn’t pop up until you tried to leave or anything. He’s low-key a yandere. He’s just so lonely and bored in the castle and it doesn’t even get fun when he gets kidnapped anymore.
- he hates going through the same old boring cycle again and again which is why once again he likes you and the more complicated and weird you are on top of that? The better! You switch things up around here. He can’t just let you go now! You just got here. 💀
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aceswritingcorner · 1 year
Yandere Beginnings
Marc Spector hadn’t expected to see anyone during certain hours of the night. Let alone someone who seemingly walked through the night with ease. Coming back from missions given by Khonsu was never easy- nor was going to them and getting the crap beaten out of you but that’s what was signed up for. Yet- seeing the way you walked against the cracked cement sidewalk to just sit by the fountain that housed coins from lost wishes. 
No. No- He shouldn’t be thinking of stuff like that. 
He still had Layla- there was someone to go back to even if he was afraid of what the god would eventually do. But the way the pale light basked against your eyes, making them shine in such mystifying ways. No. He had someone… 
Steven Grant wasn’t paying much attention when he first heard. 'I’m just saying, there’re supposed to be nine gods on the banner instead of seven-‘ You were right. The banners were wrong but he had never expected to hear it from someone else. 
The bright smile you had offered him before buying the Tawaret plushie had nearly made his heart pause- he could swear his life on it. Maybe there was some way he could see you again… 
Marc had been the one to see you again. Of course, it had to be him. Nothing tended to get past the Avatar of Khonshu much these days. 
'Give me the body.'  "What? No. In case you hadn’t noticed Marcy-Marc, we are on a bus where people can see.“ The words muttered under his breath as he sent a small look to his reflection. 'Just give me the dang body.' "Not a bloody chance in hell. Today’s my day-" 
Words trailing off the tip of his tongue as his eyes gazed at the newest person on the bus. It was his favorite museum-goer. 
'Steven don’t you even fucking think about it!-' Oh ho ho this was definitely going to be a talk for later. 
Jake Lockley had never bothered to get involved in the petty fights and bickering between the other two. There was better things to do than argue over whatever those two pendejos did.  Especially when things were life and death and he wasn’t about to let the god that loomed over their shoulder choose. 
One of the targets got away from his range, the imbécil had to get killed. Not unless he felt like having the damned bird get angry again. 
The scene he had ran into was never something he expected to see. Bloodied knuckles and clothes, chest heaving from the unwarranted fight, you were definitely something interesting. 
"Bueno, jódeme. Eres divertido.” (Well fuck me. You are amusing.)
Khonshu never held himself to the thought of holding an interest to someone. He was the fist of vengeance for crying out loud! He brought justice to those that did wrong with his Avatar! Not some silly little worm that feuded over mundane things that could easily be fixed or ignored. 
The idiots had been fighting non-stop over who got to see whatever it was this time. 
He had appeared in the small loft apartment, having to crouch to fit properly. Staff tilted to avoid the slanted ceiling. 
“They know about you-” Marc spoke up, looking at the god as he sighed at the other two trying to switch in. 
“Indeed they do and it is quite amazing as to how much information they know of Egyptian history,” Steven interjected promptly before Marc took control back. 
“As I was saying. They know about you and apparently-" 
"Can see you. Paloma.” Jake switched in, cracking the knuckles in his hand boredly. “The two pendejos finally figured it out and now they’re fighting about it.”
“THEY CAN DO WHAT? THAT SHOULD BE IMPOSSIBLE." Wind picked up, loose papers flying through the apartment. 
No one but their chosen avatar should be capable of seeing him. This shouldn’t be possible. No worm could see him. This had to be the work of something else- 
He had to keep his attention on this worm then. 
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stayinguplate · 1 year
Sobbing I found another one 😨😭😭😭
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Ahhhhhhh!, I love them both so much justice for Marcy and winter king I love them both
Kinda makes me want to make a part two of the platonic yandere winter king
If you haven’t read it here —>this
New fan fiction coming later
Hope you guys had a good day night or afternoon also its raining for me yippee
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multim00n · 1 year
You asked for requests so you shall receive them. Could you do some Yandere Adult Sashannarcy x Reader Headcanons.
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Yandere Calamity Trio
The relationship y’all have is definitely suffocating
Anne would cling to you every second she got, Sasha would manipulate you to stay with them, and Marcy would most likely ramble about her interests to you
Anne would be the softer one, Sasha would be the manipulative one, and Marcy would be the guilt-tripping one
The reason why your ‘relationship’ has stayed together for this long, is because of Marcy’s guilt-tripping and Sasha’s manipulation
I feel like Anne would give you gifts to try and make you stay with the her and the girls, bribing you with things that you like and her kindness
You would probably get close to Anne considering how kind she is, but it would make Marcy and Sasha extremely jealous
Cuddle piles are a MUST
How they kiss you:
Sasha: rough and passionate with a sprinkle of possessiveness
Marcy: Clumsy and timid with an occasional giggle
Anne: Softer than the others, more romantic, and just a smidge of nervousness
Sorry this was so short! I don’t have many headcannons for the Calamity trio :’)
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cyyfics · 1 year
-Adventure time/Fionna and cake-
Note: all characters I write for are adults or the adult versions of their character! Also u can request any universe version of a character (ex. Normal adult Finn or farmworld Finn) just make sure to specify which is which!!
Adult! Finn / Farmworld! Finn
Stay Here [Yandere! Farmworld! Finn x Reader]
(Atm there is nothing for this character, send a request?)
Marshall Lee
(Atm there is nothing for this character, send a request?)
Gary Prince / Prince Gumball
(Atm there is nothing for this character, send a request?)
Simon/ Winter King/ Ice King
Simon dating hc’s (sfw and nsfw)
Guilty Desperation simon x reader (sfw and nsfw)
Giving Simon a bj (nsfw)
Simon / Winter King Girly S/O Hc’s (sfw)
Betty dating hc’s (sfw + nsfw)
Marceline / Evil! Marcy
Evil! Marcy x reader hc’s (sfw + nsfw)
PB / Bonnibel / Bald Bonnie / Candy Queen
(Atm there is nothing for this character, send a request?)
Ellis P
(Atm there is nothing for this character, send a request?)
1) The stoner series:
Meme lord Hc’s
(Just bc they aren’t listed here doesn’t mean I don’t write for them! I write for basically all the characters so just send me an ask in my ask box requesting ur character if they aren’t alr listed above ^^)
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tea-plantz · 1 year
Hello Could i request some Yandere Marcy headcanons? Maybe add a head canon where the reader escapes her?
Yess my first Marcy request! And better yet, a yandere one! Thank you so much for sending in a request, love<3
She/them for Marcy
They/them for the reader
!Tw! spoilers, dark themes
~Yandere!Marcy Wu x reader hcs~
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Everything started when Marcy first met you at Saint James middle school. You were the new exchange student that had recently started in the middle of the schoolyear, and was placed in Marcy’s class. Moreover, you miraculously ended up being placed right next to her, giving the black haired girl a chance to look at you up close.
Wow, you were absolutely gorgeous! The teen could quickly feel a wave of nervousness washing over her, as you turned to the girl with a smile.
Marcy ended up being the first friend you made at your new school, after she invited you to eat with her and her friends, while looking a bit flustered.
When you said “yes” to her little proposal, she was so happy! A new friend! Or at least so she thought…
In the beginning, Marcy noticed that she would sense a slight feeling of butterflies in her stomach, when you smiled at her, but even though she may be the smartest kid in her class, the brown eyed girl could not wrap her head around just what she was feeling.
She would constantly talk to Anne and Sasha about you, invite you to all of their hangouts, and nervously look away whenever you made eye contact.
Over time, their silly little crush started to grow. You were just so nice to them, sweet, pretty/handsome, and you even talked with them about their interests! Poor Marcy Wu was completely in awe just by your very presence alone, and couldn’t stop herself from falling for you. Hard.
Some nights, she would stay up, either texting with you, drawing/writing about you in her journal, or simply lay awake thinking about you. This of course, making them extremely sleep deprived in the morning.
This might only seem like a sweet, childish little crush, but believe me, it was far from it.
Marcy’s behavior quickly became more… obsessive towards you. She would constantly crave to be by your side, and she could always be seen staring at you. All with a red blush painted onto their features as they fiddled with the hem of their clothing.
The noirette often found her thoughts drifting over to you whenever she were in class, having a conversation, or those times she couldn’t sleep at night.
Marcy herself, despite being a genius, isn’t really realizing that what she has towards you, is an issue at all (She’s really oblivious). She truly believes that what you guys have is pure, innocent, love.
For the most part, the brown eyed girl was mostly observing you. Following you around, writing down small details about you. Watching you interact with others or simply just enjoying some alone time. Sometimes she observed you while hanging out with you herself, other times more… discreet. She was quietly following your every move, stalking, learning…. Now, most would assume that Marcy would be terrible at the whole “stalker” thing, considering her clumsiness, however that’s where your wrong. When this girl is in her zone, her concentration level is at max (y’know like in the 1st temple, or when she’s playing her video games). All her senses and focus would be on you and you alone, as if you where one of her hyper-fictions, making her incredibly aware of every little detail.
After simply observing from the sideline for a long, long time, Marcy would finally build up the courage to ask you out, all while internally panicking. She finally decided that she had to ask you to be hers in fear of losing you to another, since you guys were simply meant to be.
She didn’t really think she was worthy of having you honestly, but she couldn’t hold back. She needed you. Craved you. You made her feel accepted. You showed her affection. You made her feel loved.
Now onto the hcs! (Considering you said “yes” of course, since well… your reading this? If not, think of it as kidnapping:D)
I feel like Marcy is the type to be like “insecure jealous”. Let me explain: when Marcy gets jealous because somebody’s getting too close to you, your smiling an awful lot at another person, or someone else is for example flirting with you, Marcy gets extremely insecure. She feels like she isn’t good enough for you, and starts to question herself a lot. However, since her obsession with you and her unhealthy mindset has gotten to grow so much, she would probably push those thoughts away, telling herself delusional lies. Either that, or she would become completely obsessed with trying to get you to like her more, making irrational decisions to gain your approval and attention. Remember when she tried to get all of Wartwood to like her? Yeah, it’s something along the lines of that.
Marcy is also incredibly smart and observant. Therefore she would probably know everything about you, maybe even stuff you didn’t even know yourself! She probably has a ton of pages about you in her journal-
In this brown eyed girls case, I think a delusional yandere is the most likely outcome. Marcy can get so caught up in her own little world and fantasies, that she sometimes creates her own truth in her head. For example, she would probably convince herself that the way she was acting and feeling towards you is completely normal, that she only does what she has to do, that you absolutely feel the same way about her (even if you really doesn’t) and so on.
I also imagine Marcy as the worshipping type. She just absolutely adore you and everything you do. She looks up to you so much and admire everything about you!
Even though this black haired girl obviously has some issues, she’s still sweet little Mar-mar! Honestly, despite her obsessiveness and her creepy tendencies, she’s still extremely sweet and caring. Marcy knows it’s wrong (even though she’s delulu), but she feels like she has to go to these extreme measures to keep you with her and make sure that you stay with her, only her.
I know punishments and all are a popular trait when it comes to yanderes, but I personally don’t think Marcy would really “punish” you. She would be far to soft for that. She would most likely try to manipulate you instead.
Gaslighting would probably be what you would experience the most with Marcy when it comes to toxic behavior. This girl can be extremely good at subtle manipulation and making you feel bad or sorry for her. Sometimes, she even does it by accident.
Even though this is yandere Marcy (which acts kinda different from regular Marcy), I still think she would be just as shy in social situations, especially with you. If you show her even the tiniest bit of affection, she goes completely red and starts shaking in your touch from nerves and excitement.
I personally think that Marcy would be extremely affectionate! She’s probably touch starved as well Girl will probably have an arm wrapped around you at all time, holding your hand, or simply starring at you (she just admires you so much!…. Also, she’s kinda the type to stare at you while you sleep-). Cuddles are also a huge yes for her, it’s a great way to feel love and connection!
This noirette is also clingy as hell! And not just with physical affection, no, she probably always forces herself onto you. For example, if your reading a book, she would ask you a ton of questions about it, then recommend some of her own favorite books. Same goes for stuff like music, games, movies, ect. Marcy would probably always try to stay close to you as well in every thinkable scenario. Especially in situations where she feels left out and forgotten, being overly affectionate and clingy. And with yandere Marcy, it’s even more intense-
The main reason for Marcy to be a yandere in the first place would most likely be trauma. This poor thing has been through a lot and it’s clear to see that she’s dealing with some type of abandonment issues. In addition, even though Marcy takes great pride in the fact that she’s a nerd an all, I feel like she probably has really low self esteem as well, causing her to be more sensitive and extreme at times.
Since I was asked about it, I’m also going to add in some hcs about escaping Marcy (Ik kidnapping and all is a bit unrealistic, but these are yandere hcs so yeah)
To escape from Marcy would honestly be extremely hard. This is due to the fact that she is terribly smart and knows an awful lot about you. Like I mentioned, she knows everything about you, and has thought of everything single possible scenario of you escaping. Plus, like mentioned, Marcy’s also super clingy, and is probably attached to your hip at all times, giving you very little time to yourself.
One thing you could do though would be to play on her emotions. Marcy is quite sensitive and emotional, plus she cares so much about you! If you know how to play your cards right, you could just might manage to work your way around her emotionally, but be aware, because she’s still incredibly smart and could possibly detect if something fishy was up.
Also, I’m not really sure about Marcy’s physical strength, (like in the show, she’s able to fight monsters and such, but she mentioned that she wasn’t very good in gym and all. Plus if you look at her build and how she acted in the 3rd temple, I would say that she’s not that athletic) but you might be able to sneak attack her and overpower her, but I feel like she would have a backup plan for that.
If you did manage to escape though, Marcy would be absolutely devastated. A lot of her trauma would return and it would probably be the last thing to completely push her of the deep end.
Homegirl would definitely go insane and just totally lose it. Crying while laughing and all.
Marcy would never stop searching for you though, and she would put all her strength into trying to find you. As an attempt to comfort and distract herself from the pain, she probably thought of it as one of those adventure games that she adore so much (like Zelda), where the main goal is to find and rescue you. Marcy is also an extremely passionate person, so if she has set her goal (aka to find you and love you forever), she’s definitely gonna follow through.
In conclusion, I think that Marcy would be one of the worst and best yanderes to have at the same time. All Marcy wants is just for you to love her, show her that you care and stay with her, but trust me when I say that if this clingy Taiwanese girl is set on keeping you, your going to be with her forever… I mean, we saw what lengths she was willing to go just to avoid moving away from her besties, but it’s all with good intentions, right…?
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Omgomgomg I’m so sorry for taking an ETERNITY with this one!! I’ve just been such a perfectionist about these hcs since I love Marcy so much! Plus, my family’s visiting Australia so it has been kinda busy. Thank you for being so patient, though! I really appreciate it!<3
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multifanlol · 2 years
Could you do some romantic Yandere Marcy Headcanons?
Okay so first off-thanks for the request! And second of all, i love her smm and yandere her would def make me question my life choices lol anyways….
Tw: Stalking, obsessive behaviours, overbearing behaviours, just regular yandere stuff….
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Marcy would be clingy
Like not the clingy clingy the very overbearing one of your personal space type my girl would not know what personal space is 💀
Like let’s say you were going to give some letter to a teacher-
Marcy would offer to come with you! No saying no she very much insists
I can see her doing the basics like stealing your used pen, taking locks of your hair, etc stuff that you wouldn’t be too sad about
And if she did take stuff that would bother you she would play the hero character and give it back to you!
“Oh found your phone by the table s/o heh, you should really be more careful with your stuff!”
While i don’t think she’d have a big hero complex like Anne and Sasha due to her insane clumsiness she’d like the idea of it though, like yk those movies she probably watches with the dashing hero and there love interest, she would always tell you that and probably force you to watch the movies with her-
Speaking of her insane clumsiness i feel like that would stop you if you ever did from suspecting her stalking behaviour, because she’s Marcy Wu the clumsiest girl you’ve ever known since kindergarten!
But believe me she can stalk, in more different ways per say like if you had social media she’d probably be using her own account or an unknown account but to be fair she wouldn’t wanna creep you out!
So probably her own account to monitor you at best, no she’s not controlling you, she’s just watching over you! She has to make sure you don’t do anything stupid after all!
Overall, she’s be harmless before Amphibia of course…..
Now i wouldn’t say she’s Sashas level of manipulation but we have to remember she got her best friends stranded in Amphibia a pretty deadly world you could easily die in making one wrong move and did a pretty good job still lying about it
She’s more of a gaslighter type of manipulator maybe guilt trips you anyways back to her in Amphibia-
The first thing she wants in Amphibia other then the cool adventures is looking for you, and oh boy would she be training, she’s a ranger now she can protect you like she always wanted! Now it could go two ways
If you changed like she did and got more stronger, she wouldn’t know how to feel, sure she’d try to tell herself she’s happy but how’s she supposed to protect you if you don’t want her to? Maybe she has to be a little forceful but it’ll all work out in the end don’t worry! She’s sure you’ll be hers by the end
She’s sure of it……
But if you didn’t change and we’re still “weak” in her eyes, she would do anything in her power to protect you! It would honestly be how Anne saw her-
Now she’s not clumsy and can protect you at all costs, now that you are in Amphibia i feel like it’d be more easy to now see through her, since her clumsiness mostly made up for her being creepy and oh boy you wouldn’t like it
You’d notice how possessive she’d probably get again, she wouldn’t want to be forceful, but what if you die?! Especially since she is yk the reason your there, not like you need to know though, she feels like you would understand but what if Anne or Sasha talked you into it that what she did wasn’t okay?!
Her jealousy would show almost clearly when interacting with Sasha or Anne, especially Anne since she said it herself she was jealous of Anne especially with how likeable Anne can be……she’s just a clumsy nerd after all….
Or well she was
Would probably try to to impress you with her smartness and stuff 😭
“You don’t think you can solve these huh, Anne? Woah these stuff are really easy!”
“Those look really hard though-“
When King Andries offers her that deal, how could she say no?! I mean if her parents moved she’d lose everything…..she’d lose you…..
And to her your her escapism, like a fictional character you’d wish was real different is you are real….
So this is for her and your own good…..
When King Andries outs the truth to you all she expects you to understand
Why are you backing away from her like the others…..
I did this for us s/o! T-They were gonna tear us apart!
Let’s say you were with Sasha and wartwood training, you didn’t know how to feel about Marcy as a what she did was messed up, but you end up coming to the conclusion on hearing her out, with the other girls there of course……
While you were doing this Marcy was being held captured ready for the core to be the new host for the body, what the core nor king Andries knew was that this was a girl with a certain strong obsession towards someone……
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While the core isn’t obsessed as much as they try to stop it Marcy’s “love” for you ends up reaching Darcy who’s a smart manipulative psychopathic strategist……
The first thing Darcy wants is for you to be found and be captured immediately
Sasha notices how different the bots are acting…..like they aren’t trying to attack her when they see her…..they seem to have eyes on you…..
Sasha thinks that King Andries is probably trying to capture you while she doesn’t know why she knows it has something to do with Marcy
I mean she’s kinda right
Anywayssss if Darcy does capture you your screwed, like very screwed
Your dealing with a smart obsessed mastermind who also happens to have the core hosting the mind therefore makes it Psychotic
Why don’t you just call “it” Darcy
With Darcy’s psychotic and obsessed personality it would be no lie Darcy would be forceful
“Heh! Oh “sweetie” you thought you could escape from me?! There will be no earth after we’re finished so why don’t you just be a cute thing and listen….”
I feel like King Andries would feel guilty and would always try to make it being captured by “Darcy” a little better by trying to tell Darcy letting you roam around the castle as it’s not like you can escape since the castle is in the air
Not like she’d listen that much but he’d try
Expect a very overbearing, forceful, clingy “girlfriend” i mean your practically hers at this point nobody could ever love you like she does!
Expect all those lovey dovey cheesy nicknames like “cupcake” “sweetie” yk the usual she’d say this while with the psychotic, most sinister look on her face it’d be kinda scary…..
Even when Anne does save the world and you four can all return safely not everyone is happy
Particularly a short blue haired girl
She still has to move, no matter how much she begs she wouldn’t care at that point she wasn’t losing you
Maybe she has to make a few lies to the new job application place you might say she couldn’t but she’s grown so much in Amphibia i think she’s sure she’s capable if it doesn’t work though logically she’ll maybe start with your parents then depends if there divorced or not, maybe convince them how cool the place is….and if none works
Well I’ll let you decide 🙂
Overall Marcy i feel like would be a bit that obvious yandere although if you just look a little deeper you’ll realise how different she’d look…..
I feel like there’s more stuff she’d do but this is all i could come up with for now-
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