#yandere forest
yandereforme · 1 year
So, I was thinking about @heartfullofleeches ‘s au with the supernatural harem and was inspired to make my own take on it.
Now you were born in a town right next to two very wooded areas. One side of woods is commonly used as a child’s play area, and was genuinely regarded as a very nice place. The others set of words dark and foreboding. It was considered cursed.
However, the forboding forest was not full of the dark and terrible creatures that all them expected. Well, it was, but not the time they were imagining. This forest was known by the residence as the reject forest. It was the forest that supernatural beings who did not fit with most of their community usually want to stay.
Some examples are a siren who’s singing voice is scratchy and odd, but can rap like no one else, a vampire, who loves wearing light clothing and has burned himself while watching sunsets multiple times, a fairy who looks all dark and scary, but is terrible at magic aside from healing, and eldritch entity that flickers between a giant eyeball and a weirdly shaped teddy bear, and cannot control what they turn into usually (Hey, they are only 200 to 300 years old) etc.
You are a lonely orphan, who does not like people. Well, you don’t like the people in your village. You’re almost 18 now though, so you want to get out of the orphanage before they can kick you out. However, you are also directionally challenged and clumsy, part of the reason you weren’t adopted in the first place, so it’s not that surprising that you end up in the forboding forest, and accidentally bumped into a lot of spirits.
However, your lack of socialization with your peers comes in handy, as you do not have any social boundaries, which leads to you ending up in several shenanigans, all the while slowly wrapping these people around your little finger as you show them that you love the way they are, and do not want them to change.
How do you spend time there, and the forest excepts you as its own, you do not realize you start to grow a little bit different. Do you have a light glow around you and people swear your eyes twinkle. Quietly, you are dubbed an angel of a broken.
However, just because these are outcast does not mean that they won’t shank a bitch for you. Every time they learn about your childhood, someone in your village ends up dying. You mention a story of how when you were younger one of the orphanage caretakers told you you were useless after you tripped and fell? That woman is going to fall down a deep deep ditch before she’s feasting on. You tell a story about how the shopkeeper once told you that he suspected you were stealing from him because of your upbringing, and tried to beat you up? Well, he gets stolen away in the night and drowned.
You are their protector, their angel. You are never allowed to leave. You accept them and love them. So you’re not allowed to leave. You don’t have a choice.
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ozzgin · 3 months
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I just finished playing Firewatch and the cozy, lonely vibes gave me another monster idea! You got a summer job as a fire watch for the closest National Park. All you have to do is to sit in your tower, and...watch. For fires. Sounds boring? Worry not, your supervisor is there to keep you company over the radio. Content: gender neutral reader, monster romance, obsessive behavior, suggestive ending
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"And? What are you running away from?"
"Excuse me?"
You raise your eyebrows at the unexpected question coming from the radio. The deep voice belongs to your supervisor, the man who'll guide you throughout your stay at the National Park.
"No one picks up an isolated job in the mountains out of sheer desire. Especially someone as young as you." He chuckles briefly, then resumes in a more professional tone: "My apologies. You don't have to answer that."
What a strange way to begin the conversation, you think to yourself. Yet this nonchalance and casualty is all you have for the following months. The other watchtowers don't talk much, if at all. You're entirely alone in the wilderness, save for the mysterious man on the radio.
Slowly, you begin to warm up to his chatty nature. He likes to ask a lot of questions. A terribly curious individual, though you can understand his reasoning: he's been working for the Park for over a decade. How does one survive without another human being?
He never leaves his tower, and thus you've never seen his face. He's content, you're indifferent. Occasionally, he'll mention sketching you to pass the time.
"How would you describe your eyes, (Y/N)?" he'll ask between his pencil scribbles. "I see. I'm sure they're beautiful. Why are you suddenly quiet? Have you forgotten how to take a compliment? I'm just messing with you, kiddo."
You haven't witnessed a single fire since coming here, despite the torrid summer heat. Your days are spent hiking without aim and talking to your supervisor.
One morning, you wake up to the grating beep of the radio instead of your alarm. You pick up the small device with an irritated grunt.
"Would you like to meet?"
You need a moment to process the words. Are you finally going to greet the one man who's kept you distant company for weeks? Intriguing. You mumble your agreement, still half-asleep.
As you make your way down the hill, you notice a supply station covered in moss and overgrown vegetation. You check your map, just to be sure. There shouldn't be anything here. What a peculiar thing to stumble upon. You approach the old wooden box and lift the lid carefully.
The musty inside is filled with rows of newspapers and some scattered notes. You pluck one newspaper out, and rest your eyes on the first headline.
"National Park is saying goodbye to its employees. The area will be permanently closed after the devastating fire."
You gawk at the title, then at the photographed location.
It's your watchtower.
You scramble to read the rest of the paragraphs, words slipping behind in your frantic search. This forest has been sealed off for years. You recognize the name of your supervisor in the report: a father of three, loved by everyone, died tragically before a rescue team could reach him.
"Found anything interesting, kiddo?"
You turn around with mild hesitation. Whoever this impersonating maniac is, or what he wants, is rather irrelevant at this point. You're trapped alone with him.
Across from you stands a creature, resembling a chimera more than a human being. Long, grotesque limbs ending in black claws, hollow eyes, and mangled rows of razor-sharp teeth put together in a grin. Monstrous.
You're out of breath.
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"That looks great", the creature remarks cheerfully.
"Don't use my voice to talk. It's embarrassing to hear myself like that", you lecture it as you spread out the food onto the picnic blanket.
It switches back to the supervisor's soft, masculine tone.
"Sorry, I did not mean to make you uncomfortable."
The monster extends one bony hand over your head, fanning out the fingers and dragging them across your hair in gentle strokes. What a precious little human you are.
You did not run away. A terrifying thought: losing you after all the time spent together. It didn't want to chase you down and make it even worse for you. But you stayed, you truly did.
"By the way", you say as you bite into your sandwich, stretching out your legs. "Is it you who prevents the fires? Usually it's a common occurrence here, especially in summer."
You recall the scorching flames from the newspaper.
"Yes. To keep you safe, you understand."
"Not only did you lie to me about the job, but you kept me out of work, too", you whine. "I got bored to death! Days on end!"
You're suddenly pushed down into the blanket, and you stare into the spiraling, empty sockets, confused.
"I can entertain you to your heart's desire, (Y/N)."
Its snout widens in a flirty smile, releasing a bizarre succession of clicks. Is it laughing in its natural voice?
You blush.
"I suppose there are some ways..." you suggest cheekily, unbuttoning your shirt.
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otaku553 · 7 months
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Procrastination doodle. I think sabo ends up looking a bit insane whenever I draw him because I never want to get rid of his round bug eyes
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It's raining cats and dogs
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My cat and dog hybrids, and random things about them! [Not proofread]
•°. *࿐ ⋆ •°. *࿐ ⋆ •°. *࿐ ⋆ •°. *࿐ ⋆
★ Brutus the german shepherd
He's a big boy alright. A startling 6'6 frame, but that doesn't stop him from acting like a little bastard. He's playful and cocky, a little protective but that's just in his instincts to protect his little herd! In his physical appearance, He's starting to grow out his buzz cut, a pair of German shepherd ears ontop. he's hoping to maybe dye a couple strands of hair blond once they're long enough. green eyes that stare into your soul, absolutely no thought process behind them
★ dolly the doberman
Everyone loves dolly. There used to be another doberman named Danny but they sent him to the pound when he bit both the farmer and his granddaughter. She used to have puppies with Danny but they didn't survive the winter, they got sick and passed the coming spring. She's a little rough around the edges but you'll love her too right? Don't let Brutus hog all the love! In her physical appearance, she has very short brown hair and a pair or doberman ears, with one of them being a little bit, ontop of her head. 5'7 with a deadly brown eyed stare.
★ bladviba the black Russian terrier
A messy mop of brown curls he calls hair sits atop his head. He's usually out in the fields observing the cattle, black eyes staring out Into the distance. The others say he used to be a fisherman's dog but then he had to find a new home since he passed away one night. Stoic and serious, he's secretly a 5'8 softie who wants to hide and cuddle you somewhere. But that bastard Brutus would probably find you in less than an hour.
★ molly the chow chow
molly may be the smallest out of all them, but that doesn't mean she won't let them do all the work. Usually she's trailing behind dolly, claiming that since their names are similar they have to stick close together. She has a short temper and a little brutish, but you'll get used to her. Spiky short brown hair, with dark black eyes that sparkle when she sees you. A 5'2 sweetheart- wait who gave molly a knife-
★ sweet pea the Samoyed
Sweet pea loves many things! You, bones, their house, sleep. Okay maybe not many things but atleast some things! Usually quiet and following you from behind, they quietly take up the role of your 6'1 guard dog. Helping you around the barn, and in exchange all you have to do is let them scent you for another 2 hours every 4 hours! Dirty white hair, with black eyes as dark as charcoal.
★ bubba the borzoi
Bubba is so fucking done with both you and the others. Can you stop fucking singing 'let me do it for you' like shut up he's trying to do his job here. He refuses to let you see the slightest smile but just know he is smiling. He's just stubborn. Like VERY stubborn. Sarcastic and empathetic, a deadly combo. He could be comforting you and then calling you a blubbering fool the next. 6/10, would bite my ass. He's a startling 6'11, with blue eyes and light blonde hair
★ princess the ragdoll
Name the most spoiled housecat who ever lived. She lives up to her name, she's been in many beauty pageants and won a many prizes. Ribbons, trophies, photographs all align the walls of her room. She'll give you a side eyed look before making you go through a 600 step beauty routine, before ever allowing you to touch her. Atleast she'll cuddle you for hours on end, so the torture was worth it all. King is the only person she respects, aside from her owners. White long curly hair, blue eyes and 5'5
★ prince the Norwegian forest cat
He's the most humble cat ever known, all he really wants is to settle down, have a couple litters, and be a good dad. But princess hated his guts and quite frankly, he hated her. He much preferred you, he wondered how you'd look with a belly full of his kits.. he'll respect your wishes, but don't mind him breaking into your room every now and then. (He leaves hair everywhere, don't let him.) Ginger fluffy hair, green eyes and 5'7
★ king the Khao manee
King could either be planning your downfall or planning the entire family you'll have together. The greatest manipulator ever known to cat kind. He could convince you orange is red and red is blue if you let him (don't let him), he manipulates princess to do things for him but now that you're here, you won't mind taking over now will you? Sandy blonde hair with heterochromiac eyes. 5'6
Bonus: the forest pack ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ- ︶︶︶︶༉‧
★ Roxy the wolf
butch werewolf? Butch werewolf. She's stoic and quiet, but she's just a gentle giant. Following her brothers around, she's very obedient and surprisingly, loves gardening! Long Spiky black hair, red eyes and 6'7
★ Silas the wolf
Silas is the leader, commanding his siblings when to act and when to fall behind. But he just wants a break and to lay down, take a nice long nap. Until one of his siblings comes running to him for help. Oh well, he had a nice sleep. He loves them, he truly does, but he wants a nap in peace. Very short spiky black hair, red eyes, 6'9
★ Milo the wolf
Milo is selectively mute. With a deadpan look always on their face and they seem emotionless, but that's not the case. They're just always distracted and can't really focus on many things. Be a little patient will you? Medium long spiky black hair, red eyes, 6'6
★ Kiki the Pomeranian
Kiki is some dog hybrid they found off the road and decided they're one of them. Feral and has a big dog complex. Tries to be intimidating but they just aren't. Sometimes they watch you work on the farm from the edge of the forest, a little jealous of the animals that get to watch you everyday. Messy blonde hair, black eyes that hold the anger of a toddler being forced into A school play, and very short. 4'9
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xayasmrxsoftlyx · 14 days
Imagine you recently moved to the outskirts of a forest. The nature is beautiful and you do your part to keep it that way. You plant pollinator friendly flowers, rabbit friendly herbs, deer friendly bushes, you put out bird feeders, hummingbird feeders, squirrel feeders (though honestly, it's just extra bird feeders with less specific seeds since you noticed the birds didn't always eat the variety equally). Hell, you even changed out your lawn from traditional grass to clover and native wild flowers to use less water. You've been putting in a lot of effort to keep things nice for nature-- it's certainly been noticed, too.
In fact, you've no idea of the amount of eyes watching your beauty preserve nature's beauty- and to them you are nature's finest beauty. Looking at your plush body care for, tend to, and love the very things that feed their lives' essence; it's a sight that cannot be beat. At first, it was a competition amongst the forest. Who was yours? Who you belonged to? Now, now they understand that just like you work so hard to aid all of them, they can all share, love, tend to, and care for you, as well.
Imagine the first you meet, unbeknownst to you, is planned- it's all planned. You're sitting outside on a blanket, book in hand, just enjoying some rare free time when you hear a loud buzzing. It sounds as if a humming bird were flying right beside your ear. Yet, when you look up, it's certainly not that far from the truth despite not being completely correct in concept.
He's shorter than you, but not by much, barely hovering a foot off the ground. He hides half his body behind your oak tree- the one with all your feeders on it. He's got brilliant colors and jerks almost completely behind the tree when your eyes meet. (He's supposed to be speaking to you but when his eyes met your own shining gaze, he couldn't help but grow shy.) Your sweet, comforting scent has wafted in the air, stirred up in part by his own rapidly fluttering wings. He's buzzing with anxiety and adrenaline, the need to prove and show you his skills battling with his fear of your rejection. Now that he's gotten so close to those plump cheeks, he needs to kiss. Now that he's seen how soft and warm you are he needs to get closer; he needs to feel how soft and plush you are as he clings to your chubby form from his own anxiety.
Imagine you softly call out to him, voice sounding like both the sweetest lullaby to soothe his racing heart and mind and also just like home- like the sound he'd come come to with a nest full of little hatchlings and your warmth shared. It's that thought that spurs him into action, faster than you could reasonably expect. After all, the speed he can achieve gets to nearly the same as a traditional hummingbird.
He's higher in the air than you'd ever think he'd go, he shoots down, nearly towards you- no, definitely towards you, nearly at you the speed of which creates a loud chirp and you hear the sweet melody of whistles erupt from him as he's closer to you. As he hovers before you, dance still pumping adrenaline through him, he's more than proud of the awed expression you've been unable to shake. When you close your book and set it down to completely give him your full attention, he preens at your acceptance. You may not fully understand your own consent to his courtship, but the primal, feral instinct within him is more than satisfied with your open attraction and silent acceptance of him into your space- your life. He lingers by you for a moment and when he doesn't hide or fly away from you, it indicates he's comfortable enough with you. You smile and begin to speak.
Imagine you still keep your voice soft, welcoming for him. It's so, so sweet of you to care so much for him already- such a precious, soft, sweet mate you are already without hardly trying. You introduce yourself to him- you give him your name! As you do so, he flits around you with little twirls and swoops in his own excitement. Instinctually, you hold your hand out to shake. He grabs it instantaneously within his own soft, warm grasp. He holds your hand, enjoying how his hands are still just a smidge bigger than your own little, pudgy ones; even if it's barely noticeable to you, he can tell. You give the shared grasp a shake but he doesn't release you, instead he uses it to hover closer to you. (He's tempted to swoop into your outreached arm and cuddle into your side, he's strongly resisting that temptation. The mantra in his head is "not now, don't do it, not now...")
You smell like the flowers you plant, the earthiness of fresh watered soil, and there's a warmth beneath it all he can't place. It's enchanting, nearly hypnotizing. (Fuck, the other's are going to drool over your scent later when they get closer- maybe even over him if it's strong enough lingering on him after he meets you.) When he finally releases, he gives you his own name breathlessly with a giant blush upon his cheeks. His feathers puff up around him in his embarrassment before he dashes off towards the forest. As he does so, he pauses to look back at you every few yards. Instead of following you like he's silently urging and beckoning you to do, you smile, little puffy cheeks rounding adorably as you tell him "see you soon!" (fuck- his heart is going as fast as his wings and that cannot be healthy)
Imagine you start seeing Calypte more often. In fact, you start meeting him in your garden at least twice a week. After your first week, you begin to bring him fruit to eat, since you didn't quite think he drank from the hummingbird feeder like his look alike. The first time he ate the orange so ravenously for you that you never stopped. He knows that in nature, if he were true to his counterpart, he wouldn't be building the nest- you would. He knows in nature his counterparts instinct wouldn't be to linger after copulation, but he supposes that side of him is entirely the human part.
The need to preen and nest for you, the need to stay by your side, the need for you attention, for your care, for your love. That is surely, entirely his humanity. After all, hybrids are different from their animal inspiration. They're an interesting amalgamation of all the best parts of both. That's why they were created, why they were designed, right? Before the humanity and ethics caught up to it all, anyway. His parents acted very human after all, it just depended on genetics. However you.... you brought the humanity out of him. You bring the humanity out of him. It thrills him, makes him feel alive, and he can not get enough of it- of you.
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monsterloverwriting · 2 years
Beast of the forest
So often did you hear of the beast yet see nothing that it became all too easy to think of him as nothing more than a story meant to keep children out of the forest at night. But you were no child and the call of the cool forest air on your skin was too great on this hot night.
It was like a voice beckoning you to the forest edge, something sweet and deep in the pit of you that needed to be in with the trees on this hot night the slight sheen of sweat on your skin already starting to cool with the night air. A deep breath, in and out, as you watched the forest edge all of the stories come to mind as you stood watching, waiting, listening.
A great beast that would steal people away into the forest with no explanation or warning. A beast that was impossibly large if the teeth marks on bones left by the forest edge were anything to go off of. You let out a sigh, it was ridiculous to think that something like that could exist. It was like saying that Santa Clause was real, both were stories made up to scare children. The inexplicable calling to the forest had to be something to do with the fact that your AC was broken and it felt like it was boiling inside your small house. The night air within the trees would be the perfect reprieve.
Before you knew it you were in the thick of the trees deeper in the forest than you could ever remember being during the day. When had you stepped in? How long have you been walking? Why did you feel so fuzzy all over? It almost felt like you were high as you walked through the forest, stepping over fallen trees and through foliage like you knew the way, like you were on a laid out path you'd been on a thousand times before. Finally you made it to a clearing and stopped at the edge appreciating the beauty of the small patch of land feeling so much better here, like you were meant to be in this clearing. A small sigh left your lips as you stepped one foot in letting the cool forest air rush over your bare arms drying the last bits of sweat that hung stubbornly to you. The moon was high in the sky as you walked to the center of the clearing, your fingers running over the tips of the tall grass. You enjoyed the way it felt, the way the grass tickled at your fingertips, everything feeling heightened in senses as you slowly found yourself in the center of the clearing looking directly up to the sky reveling in the way the air and grass felt against your skin. 
In your state you almost didn't hear the small snapping of a twig on the side of the clearing as you slowly bent to take off your shoes wanting desperately to feel the hard ground between your toes. When the snapping got closer you looked up, trying to see through the thick branches, what was out there? Slowly you felt your limbs get heavier, the feeling of being high getting stronger as a sweet scent filled your nostrils. 
“Finally. I was wondering if you’d ever answer the call.” A smooth deep voice nearly sang from the darkness. Your attention snapped away from the sensation of the grass to the voice as a mountain of a creature walked into the light of the clearing. In your fuzzy brain the only thing that instantly went through your mind was, big. 
Big seemed to be an understatement when it came to describe this beast. He towered over your frame as you stood frozen, his height was amazing and it was comparable to his muscles, making his arms seem to be the same width as your waist. He stalked toward you, his steps causing slight tremors as he got closer and closer to you. Finally he stopped in front of you looking down as he slowly reached a hand that was easily the size of your face and gently caressed your cheek, a small smile playing at his lips, a glint of sharp teeth visible as his lips parted. 
“I’ve called so many times yet you remain so stubborn, I should teach you it's rude to make me wait.” He hummed, fingers slowly trailing down your cheek to gently wrap around your throat. With each touch, the fuzzy feeling grew more heightened, in the back part of your mind you were sure something was affecting you to feel like this, this wasn’t normal. You were face to face with the beast of the forest, his impossible size making you seem like a doll to be played with and the only thing at the forefront of your mind was how much you needed him to touch you more.
“So much wasted time, but now you’re mine.” His voice was sweet, like a song you would hear in your dreams. You let out a small moan as his grip tightened around your throat for a brief second squeezing the sides in a delicious way making your head swim. He slowly released you stepping back, unthinking you followed the path of his hand instantly missing the connection. 
“What a good pet you’ll be now that you’re under my spell.” Before you could think about what he was saying you were pushed to the ground. His massive size pinning you the weight almost suffocating as the sweet smell filled you again and you went nearly brainless as he began running his hand under your thin tank top. A sound of ripping fabric and you were laying in the broken remnants of your shirt bare from the waist up he glanced down at you with a smirk, teeth glinting as he moved down, cupping one of your breasts in his hand tweaking the nipple harshly between his claws as he nipped at the other with sharp fangs. The moan that escaped your mouth was entirely involuntary as you arched into his harsh touch, hips rutting up to meet his body begging for some kind of friction. 
“Good girl. You want me. You didn’t know it before but I've been watching you at the edge of my forest, watching as you denied my existence loud enough for me to hear. Watching as you teased yourself when you thought you were alone. I’ve been waiting so long to see you like this, under me.” He nearly growled as he moved up your body, grinding his hips down hard against you forcing you to feel how hard he was for you under the thin cloth he wore. 
“Now you’re mine and I am going to make sure you never forget it.” He growled against your throat, sharp teeth nipping just below the shell of your ear. At the same time you moaned he ripped your shorts and panties away from you like they were paper throwing the shreds behind him as he moved one clawed hand down your body to your already soaking cunt. 
You moaned, eyes closing, when he found your clit, slowly circling it with the pad of one clawed finger. He looked down at you thoroughly enjoying how pliant his pheromones had made you. You were putty in his hands and he planned to use you thoroughly tonight and every night after. As you squirmed under him, hips following the pattern of his ministrations against your clit moaning, he took this chance to force his tongue into your mouth. 
It was the only thing you could muster as he kissed you with more passion than you’d felt with all of your past lovers combined. He held you close fingers moving to start fucking into you slowly, first just one finger, gently trying to get a feel of how tight you were, his mouth swallowing each moan you let out as he added a second finger starting to stretch you, searching for the little spot to make you cum on his hand. When he did find it, your shuddering breath against his lips made him bite down on your bottom lip pulling it in his sharp teeth as he began pressing, rubbing, massaging that perfect bundle of nerves, his thumb reaching up, pressing harshly against your clit. 
You screamed your release against his finger, grinding down onto them, forcing his fingers deeper in you as you squeezed around them arching to press your sensitive nipples against his chest needing as much of him touching you as possible. You heard him moan into your neck as he stroked you through your orgasm until you started to squirm against the ministrations. 
A long whine left your throat as he pulled away from you leaving you feeling too naked, too bare on the hard ground. 
“Shhh Kitten, I’m not done with you yet.” He huffed as he ripped at the fabric around his waist. He let out a long groan at his cock finally being free from the loose garment, his hand going to wrap around himself and stroke as he looked down at you. You leaned up on your elbows looking at the thick appendage, tongue darting out to wet your dry lips. It was massive, the length of your forearm with thick veins decorating it making it seem that much more erotic, the flared tip alone the size of your fist, the large knot swelling at the base made your mouth water obscenely as you looked up at him.
“You will take it all,” He growled, pushing you back down to the ground. One hand collecting both of your hands to pull them above your head pinning them there as his other hand went to your ankle placing it on his shoulder as he lined the tip up to your achingly empty pussy. He moved to straddle the leg that wasn’t on his shoulder, pinning it as well, trapping you under him as he pushed into you stopping once he had the head in to let out a long drawn out moan. 
“So fucking tight.” He ground out, forcing himself to be still for a moment to let you adjust. Your whine of protest at the stillness of the intrusion had him pushing into you further, the stretch deliciously painful as he did his best to keep himself in control. 
“Fuck, that's right Kitten, moan. Let me know how much you love the way my cock fills you. Ruins you for everyone else.” He purred, leaning down to plant harsh kisses against your neck moving deeper into you. The stretch and feeling of him inside of you on top of the already fuzzy feeling heightening everything around you was too much as you came again around him, pulling him even deeper to the edge of his knot feeling it hit against the edge of your already stretched cunt. 
“Fuck!” He roared before biting down on your shoulder causing you to arch into him even more desperate for the friction of his body against yours. Needing everything he would give you. He pinned you down starting to rut into you, his knot hitting you slowly starting to sink in. You cried out at the stretch unsure if it was more painful or pleasure either way you wanted it, needed it in you. 
“More, more, more, more.” It was all you could say as you did your best to match his rut, hips moving desperately against him. 
“That’s right Kitten, you want my knot, want me to fuck you into oblivion, breed you. Keep you.” He moaned against your shoulder tongue slowly lapping at the punctures his sharp teeth had made. He finally pushed into you, his knot swelling, holding him to you as he howled his release into you, rutting hard into you hitting your cervix again and again. You came around him at the feeling of him feeling you so completely, screaming with him. 
“Good girl.” He cooed softly into your hair as he moved the two of you so you were laying against his chest, blissed out, stuck to him by his knot. He drew lazy patterns in your back with one tip of his claw making you shiver slightly in the cool air. Before his knot even began to release you fell asleep against his chest nuzzling against him. 
“Good girl (Y/N) good girl.” He whispered into your hair, picking you up to carry you deeper into the forest to his home. Now your home as well. He’d make sure you’re comfortable, in the morning he’d let you know his name, let you think he was learning yours for the first time. And he would keep you.
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depravitycentral · 10 months
Tw: misogany, non-con, incels, gender/power dynamics, writing this made me feel icky, if you are a person who genuinely believes in anything described in this post please consider changing your opinions, fem reader, MDNI, don't ask me where this post came from because I don't know
Thinking about men that think your rightful place is by his side as his woman.
You bring out this side of him that's brand new to him; this side urging him to utterly dominate you, to be in full control of your bank accounts, your friendships, your hobbies, even your own body. There's this new urge to make you ask for permission for everything, to just pin you down and stuff you full of him every hour of every day because it's your job. It's your duty to take his cock - you were made for it.
He's never been particularly misogynistic, but when he looks at you, all he sees is the beautiful, wonderful, perfect woman that he must domesticate. You're too wild on your own - too free-spirited, brainwashed into believing this 'modern woman' crap - there's a reason the man does the work and the woman stays at home. Don't you know that?
He's strong - you're not. (And he knows it, too - after a night of fucking, all the bruises littering your body and the way your legs struggle to hold you steady is proof enough. The way he can easily lift the heavy wooden bedframe of your shared bed is enough - you can only lift a corner of it off the ground, after all. The way he can get you to shut up with just a simple, stern look should be enough evidence.)
He's street-smart - you're not. (He understands what other men want and what you're good for - it's not sexist when he tells you that the shirt you're wearing is too revealing. He won't hesitate to tell you that your entire chest is basically out, angel, and you can't be showing the world one of your best assets. He understands that you're not strong or skilled enough to fight another man off should he decide he wants you - you'll try to fight, sure, but that'll only get the other man going, your resistance only getting them harder and more lustful, and when you inevitably give in - because you always will, all women will - he knows you might even enjoy it.)
He's smart - you're not. (You think you are - and you're right about some things, sure. You know the best ways to bathe yourself - he's never been as thorough as you, he's humble enough to admit that - and how to make delicious pie, and the best way to make the bed warm and soft. But there's a lot of things you don't know, like who to vote for at the next election, or how to change a tire, or how to use a debit card.)
He's a man. And you're not. And he likes that you aren't - he's attracted to you because of your feminine charms; your curves, your softness, your smell, the sound of your voice, and - of course - the fact that you are utterly, utterly his property. As his wife (your consent in the matter is hardly important; his last name is yours now, and that's all there really is to it), all your decisions are made by him. He tells you what to wear, what to get at the grocery store, how to address other men, how to smile, everything that he knows is too much for you to handle.
And, of course, he teaches you other things. Things that he knows you are - should be, at least - clueless about. So cute, huh?
He's patient when he tells you to sink to your knees, palms pressing on the top of your head as he pushes you down, softly shushing you when you start to protest. He's patient as he slips his briefs down, his cock already red and throbbing and big, making your cheeks look even softer and rounder, your glassy eyes and prettier. He's talking you through it as he traces his tip - wet and sticky and leaving a smear of bitter precum on your skin - around your lips, the look in his eye nearly boyish with excitement.
He's gentle when he grasps your chin between two fingers (much stronger than your own, of course) to keep you steady, shuffling his hips forward so that his tip (bulbous and red and positively glistening, already looking so swollen you're sure he won't last but a minute) slips past your lips. He keeps going until you're gagging, letting his eyes flutter closed for a moment before immediately opening them once more because the sight of you below him, on your knees for him, shutting you up with his cock down your throat is oh so right.
He's patient when he pushes you face-first into the bed, running a hand over your hair and sighing to himself because god, aren't you pretty? His hands are on your hips immediately, pushing down on your lower back to get the arch of your back deeper, tighter, more intense because it looks better this way - it's better for him this way, and isn't sex really only about the man?
He's even generous enough to be gentle when he's pushing himself inside you - keeping the pace slow but consistent, hissing and letting a few comments of 's so damn tight, fuck and cunt was made for me, shit slipping past his lips. He's kind enough to give you a few moments (perhaps three) to adjust to his size, before he's smacking your ass and pulling your hair, fucking into you like an animal because you're his to use.
And he's not afraid to say it - t's all harsh thrusts that make audible slapping noises as his balls - very, very sensitive and very, very full - smack against you over and over, strong fingers grabbing at your skin and keeping you in place, just so he can ram into that one spot over and over and over, because he thinks the deeper he goes the more he's claiming you. He's groaning at you with stuttered breaths that you were made to get fucked by me, o-oh shit, this tight hole's only thing you're good for and accentuating the idea with his fingers groping at your breast and using it as leverage to pull you back further and get deeper.
The air is hot and smells like musk and cum and sex, every inch of your body unable to think of anything but him - just as it should be, really. He's grabbing onto the pretty, silver collar he's forced around your throat as he thrusts, the tracker inlaid into the metal feeling familiar to his fingertips and making his thrusts harder because he must know where you are at all times - you're his property and he can't lose you.
After all, if you were gone, who would he dress up to look all pretty for him then? (He's still dressing you up even in the humiliating outfits he forces you to parade around in at home - the cooking aprons and nothing else, giving him easy access to hump your bare ass from behind while you work at the stove, cooking him dinner all the while you keep his cock warm between those pretty legs of yours.)
If you were gone, who would wake him up with lips around his cock, soft gagging noises filling the air alongside songbirds as he gets a proper good morning?
If you were gone, who would listen to his endless rants about his horrible coworkers and friends and anyone that pissed him off all while he pounds a beer and jokes about how good you look while you load the washing machine full of his dirty clothes - you look nice bent over, sweetheart, why don't you stay in there for a bit and let me blow off some steam?
Of course, all of this is fine and dandy - owning you is the dream, and having you as his pretty, helpless, clueless little wife is the ultimate fantasy. He lays awake at night sometimes imagining how you'd be as his housewife - the pretty ring on your finger, how you'd eagerly wait at the door for his arrival home from work everyday, how you'd meticulously put on your makeup and style your hair and wear the pretty lingerie he'd bought you just so that you look as attractive and desirable to him as possible.
But first, he needs to show you your place as his woman, and get rid of this misplaced sense of independence you seem to be clutching onto for dear life. Stupid girl.
(His belt is unbuckled as soon as the door closes behind the two of you, his smile something between sinister and elated as he tells you to not bother working at the knot keeping your hands tied behind your back - tying knots is men's work, and you'll hurt your pretty fingers and hands. You'll need those later, so quit picking.)
Enji Todoroki, AFO, Nobunaga Hazama, Illumi Zoldyck, Daichi Sawamura, Kenjiro Shirabu, I don't write for aot or jjk but also Floch Forester, Eren Jeager and Naoya Zenin
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misstycloud · 2 years
Yandere!Hunter x Elf!Reader
Yandere!hunter who is the village’s loner. He rarely talks to anyone else, instead he prefers to keep to himself in his cabin secluded from the town.
Yandere!hunter who has heard legends about the kinds of creatures living in the forest nearby, the one that almost no one goes into. Well, except him of course. The place was gianourmus and hard to find the way out the moment you set foot inside. It was like a maze. One you’ll be trapped in forever if you weren’t careful.
Yandere!hunter who regards himself as a logical man and therefore doesn’t believe a word of those silly tales. They were just bedtime stories for kids, something parents used to keep them out of the woods.
Yandere!hunter who goes into the woods in hunt for prey, he needed meat to sell at the market; also he was in urgency of food on the table. He had to eat and lazing around the cabin wouldn’t solve anything.
Yandere!hunter who definitely doesn’t believe in things like elves. Ethereal, intelligent and magical, how could a perfect being be real. They don’t exist. But how come he met you?
Yandere!hunter who was just as surprised as you to come across another creatures on your adventure through the high trees. You immediately raised your guard when you saw him. He was a stranger, a potential threat to your life.
Yandere!hunter who was taken aback by your beauty. No one he’d ever seen before could compare to you. There was just something about you that instantly drew him in like a moth to a flame. You were obviously not a mortal, that was for sure. The hunter started thinking back to the legends, perhaps they were in fact true. There really were magical creatures such as elves living in the woods.
Yandere!hunter who lowered his weapons to show you that he wasn’t intending on harming you. Then he slowly inched closer to you, barely daring to breathe in fear of you simply being an illusion of being there for too long.
Yandere!hunter who is overjoyed when you don’t run away and chose to stay and talk to him. It had been a while since he last held a conversation longer than two sentences.
Yandere!hunter who is desperate when you say you needed to go home and begs you to meet with him in the same spot the next night. He had to speak to you again, he must get to know you more. Luckily you agree to his request, albeit a bit reluctantly at first while looking over your shoulder deeper into the forest. As if you were worried about something in there.
Yandere!hunter who is thoroughly enjoying the conversations you two share every night. Not only were you wonderful on the outside, you were heavenly on the inside too. So kind and full of life, always curious about things and willing to learn.
Yandere!hunter who thinks your pointed ears are just adorable and let’s you feel his own rounded ones. How your face lits up when you are allowed to touch his ears is so cute, he thinks.
Yandere!hunter who absolutely loves when you ask him questions regarding his life. You showed interest in him! He answers all questions honestly, only wanting to reveal himself to you. You were the first person to ask him about his day and his likes, it warmed his heart to the point of it feeling like it’s going to explode.
Yandere!hunter who is sad when his inquiries concerning your life is responded with vague and short replies. You say that you can’t really tell him that much about your society, that it would be unfair to the others.
Yandere!hunter who realises he can’t live without you in his life. He must have you with him. What if you’re not safe? What if someone’s being mean towards you? What if another comes for your hand?
Yandere!hunter who won’t let anyone else have you when he needs you the most. The next time you meet, he supposed he’ll have to convince you that he is a much better option and you’ll be happier with him.
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ethereal-night-fairy · 2 months
What if I wrote another Slasher!Soap scenario?
What if it took place in a forest where you were being chased down like a unruly animal?
What if his manic laugh could be heard behind you as you try to escape his clutches?
What if you trip and fall only to be pinned down further by his hulking mass as he cuts away the only barrier separating your wet hole and his aching cock?
What then huh?
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ozzgin · 2 months
An yandere entity that has something to do with the forest x a reader with allergies. Just like imagine the entity comes over to romance reader. And they just sneeze, their eyes watery and nose stuffy just cause the entity is around
I'm thinking of Forest Entity who sprouts and blooms in spring. To your great dismay, you quickly discover that you're allergic to the pollen it releases. To the entity's even greater dismay, it works as a mating mechanism and causes it to be particularly aroused during this period. So you're stuck romancing at a safe distance with a pent-up ancient creature who is obsessed with you.
"You don't have to stand that far", you mention over the radio, looking out your watchtower.
"I'd rather not take any risks. My self-control is rather bankrupt around this time", the creature sighs at the other end of the connection.
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[More Monster Doodles]
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Little two legs
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Over the couple weeks you spent with the two nagas who claimed themselves as your parents, you had learned quite the interesting things. For instance, the blue haired one was utterly obsessed with your body. Often squishing your cheeks or peppering your face with kisses. Shigaraki was currently fretting over your legs, he had giddy delight as he squished them.
You winced as Shigaraki smiled. “Aww, you’re like a little cherub.” He cooed, you whined with annoyance. “Stop it!” You whined, Shigaraki retracted his hands and frowned.
“Stop being so stubborn and let me love you!” He said, picking you up and nuzzling your face. “My cute little two legs.” He crooned, admiring you. You flinched as Tomura continued his analysis on your legs.
He frowned at seeing little scratch marks on them, Shigaraki tisked before snuggling you closer. “I forgot humans had such fragile skin! I’ll have Dabi smooth out the nest and get more blankets.” He muttered. You tried to worm out of his grip before he held you tighter. “Hey now! Our bonding time isn’t over yet!” He said firmly before laying you down and joining you. “Apparently, skin to skin contact help forage a bond between parent and child.” You frowned uncomfortably as Shigaraki plopped you on his chest.
“There, we can start bonding with papa once he comes home.”
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oc incorrect quotes #2
prince: hey darlin-
Y/n: no.
Prince: but I didn't even say anythin-
Y/n: no. I know your tricks, demon.
Prince: darn.. hey y/n, there's a bee right behind you
*prince uses the moment to slap y/n's ass, it's incredibly effective but now he has to sit in the bad pet corner for 3 hours*
Prince: it was so worth it..
Brutus: same
Prince: what the-
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little-mouse-gardens · 3 months
Random idea that came my mind awhile back, rambled about this on discord but-*plops this here* I am rattling this around in my brain
Tw : mentions of violence, yandere behaviors, blood
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I was Thinking about elderitch forest god Donnie basically making this cottagecore dreamscape for researcher reader so he can keep them by his side.
For reader, a researcher and selected member of a team that would be sent to go out and find some ancient ruins and study the wildlife in an unexplored forest, It was just supposed to be a simple trip to study the wildlife and old ruins in an unexplored part of the forest. Nothing more.
However, readers team didn’t seem to read the signs near the entrance……nor did they feel the same set of eyes burning into their backs like reader began to feel the second they stepped foot over the old stone gates that led into the forest.
The silence in the forest is almost deafening…everything in the forest-hell the forest itself seems to have all eyes on them. Watching their every move or trying to train themselves on every word they whispered to eachother.
Reader even seems to pick up how, for lack of a better term, kind the forest is towards them compared to their friends.
A lot more rare wildlife seems to suddenly approach them out of nowhere. They stand in one spot for a few minutes and when they start to walk they notice how a trail of flowers seems to follow right behind them with every step. Their favorite flowers too.
Maybe, every so often, they may catch a glimpse of Donnie’s smiling face every so often. His smile is seemingly so soft for that brief moment. So soft. Warm. Welcoming, and almost loving if reader manages to get a better look before they blink and He’s gone again.
He’s been lonely for a long time, and the moment he set eyes on reader while they were carefully saving some wild ducklings stuck in the middle of a river or scolding their team for breaking some rare plants, he’s head over heels in love.
Their smile…their laugh, the way they care about his forest and the creatures within it. How respectful they are to his old monuments and they ignored their teams complaints about stopping so they could fix one of his statues they’d bumped into.
In his mind he finally found the one. He wouldn’t be lonely anymore. He’d have someone to share all the love he could give with. He would give reader so much love and attention, he’d do everything he could to make them happy.
…which reminded him that he needed to take care of their little…friends first after he spotted them walking off to find some place to camp.
When nightfall comes…..everything goes down hill so fast. A storm hits. During the panic of being chased by wild animals and avoiding falling trees, reader whips their head around to look for their missing friend and ends up getting knocked out by a tree branch.
Everything is a blur from there. Screams, roaring and snarling of animals, soft whispers against their temple as their ears rang. The feeling of being scooped and cradled to someone’s chest. The scent of blood in the air.
By the time readers up they are in a completely different space. The sound of soft music is playing when their eyes flutter open and the feeling of warm fluffy blankets surround them.
They don’t even remember exactly what happened-all reader knows is that when they woke up they found themselves bundled up in the comfiest cottage they’ve ever seen and to the soft sound of his voice. They turn and spot a particularly peculiar sight. A mutant softs-hell turtle wearing nicely embroidered sweater, shorts and an apron that read ‘genius chef’ on the front on lavender stitching.
Before they can even say a word he’s already glancing over his shoulder at them with a warm smile and nice tray of their favorite comfort foods in hand. This loving look on his face as she sets the tray down on their lap and helps reader sit up, “well, good morning start light. I was worried you’d got caught up in the rain again” he says, nothing but warmth and tenderness in his tone as he fluffs their pillows and lifts the lid off of the delicious smelling soup, “here, my darling, I made you some nice warm vegetable soup to help chase that nasty cold away”
readers mind is so fuzzy…that they don’t even register him calling them darling until they’re halfway through eating the meal he made or the ring that’s been slipped onto their finger.
However everything about him feels so…familiar. Very brief memory’s of them and Donnie going out on picnic dates and working on the garden out in the backyard.
This wave of familiarity seems to wash over them as they relax into the pillows and they give him a shy, “oh….sorry about that, you know how I get when I get focused with gardening”
Donnie just chuckles and sits himself on the edge of the bed next to reader to make sure they like the food he made them. His heart practically jumping for joy as he looks at that sweet smile on their face.
Sure he may have….replaced a few memories of theirs with a few that would keep them with him
But hey….in his mind, what they don’t know won’t hurt them right?
After all, their friends can’t wander his forest forever in search of place they will never be able find.
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draguuula · 1 year
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synopsis: mc is a little - just a tad bit - down bad for mychael over their impromptu dinner date. all silly fluff and crack here, maybe spoilers? for a lot of game dialogue used, and a bit of swearing. whoopsie 🤭
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"mychael...? is that... yours?"
the man burrows his head in his hands as he shamefully lowers his gaze while you stare at his tail, the slender limb firmly wrapped around the mug. you can feel the atmosphere in the room change, too, if the tension wasn't already thick enough to cut through with a knife.
"i'm sorry, mc, i think...
"i think it's time i was honest."
as he lifted his head and carded his hair back, you saw his eyes, yellow gleaming despite a shadow downcast over them. you froze as they stared directly at you before swiftly averting your gaze.
you were in awe. you had to fight the urge to have your giddy smile spread over your face with excitement, yet you didn't think you could stop your eyes from sparkling.
as if sensing your heartrate pick up, mychael stuttered out his next words. through your own burning gaze, you could see his throat bob up and down when he gulped.
"i-i know it's a lot to take in, but... this is the real me...
"please... please don't be scared."
he carefully picked and said his words with such utter desperation you felt your heart clench and you grit your teeth, having to stop yourself from bombarding this little forest guy with reassurance.
god, he was so cute.
he tensed even more so than he already was as he saw your jaw clench, trembling slightly while he prepared for the worst reaction from you. it was almost unfair how he waited with baited breath as you nearly passed out from trying not to bounce off the walls with excitement.
i mean, could he blame you? maybe. you were excited just first seeing his rather unusual appearance too when you awoke, but the sheer shock of being in an unfamiliar place and not finding your cat made you a bit... prickly, earlier.
you winced at the memory, and mychael grimaced at the idea of you being disgusted by him. of course, you noticed this only after sensing his gaze on you, awkwardly clenching the kitchen utensils in hand.
"mychael... i..."
you placed them down, a hand over your eyes while you lower lip trembled.
"i'm not scared.
"honestly, i think you're really fucking pretty."
the silence was loud.
"oh. excuse me. that was rude. are you comfortable with swearing? i sure hope so..."
he was going to sputter, but no words came out. instead, his eyes blew wide open and his pupils dilated significantly. like a cat's... you noted.
he clearly stared at you dumbfounded as his face slowly grew blue, silently waiting for an explanation behind your thought process. he couldn't believe what he was hearing. you merely chuckled at his awe. and the cute way his ears lowered and pulled back, by extension.
"o-okay, maybe i came off a little too strongly," you cleared your throat awkwardly, nervously tugging at your collar with a laugh, "aha, maybe i'm a little scared, but-"
"ah! s-sorry." he apologized.
of course he apologized... you thought, just when you were about to say you were scared by how damn alluring and attractive he was because... damn, had you never seen a guy so otherworldly.
you went to sigh at your messed up rizz, but paused midway of doing so as he grabbed a plate, hiding behind it. you blinked at his "hidden" figure with a blank face, opening your mouth to say something but deciding against it as that same mouth already made him panic just now.
"would it help if i just... hide it? i-i could fix my hair like before... if that's what you prefer."
you sat there with tears stinging your eyes mentally. or maybe a singular tear really did slip out as you watched him hunch over to make himself seem less intimidating... he was just too damn adorable.
you finally let out a sigh, a crooked yet bashful smile appearing on your face.
"hey... mychael?"
he flinched in place as your fingertip made contact with his flushed green skin, and you delighted in seeing faint hints of blue decorating his adorable, elongated ears up close. he muffled a response to you from behind his glass shield. you shook your head at his antics.
"...can... you put that down?"
he went silent with the shyest look on his face as he slowly peeked over the plate, all four eyes looking at the floor instead of you.
"...c-can you look at me...?"
he finally glanced at you. you felt that stupid, silly grin of yours take over your face against your will, warmly smiling at him as you got a proper look over his features.
"hi, there."
with just those words alone, his face was almost fully taken over by a shade of blue, much to your amusement. it only served to make you giggle at his shy cuteness while he blushed harder.
"d-don't look at me like that..."
"look at you like what? i'm not doing anything..." you tease, feeling your own face heat up and paint your cheeks a darker hue.
"mc, p-please..." he groaned, on the borderline of hiding his face in his hands again before you apologized, not wanting him to pull himself away from your stare anymore... even if it flustered you, too.
you plucked the mug from his tail as he stared at you, bewildered once more. you stared into the mixture while moving the mug in a circular rotation to watch it swirl, about to compliment his natural affinity for his handiwork in the kitchen before he fidgeted.
"a-are you really... okay with this? with me?"
you noted how his voice seemed small as he questioned you, the blue pigment having seemingly never left his skin. the corners of your lips twitched upwards lazily while you had your own blush dusting your cheeks, now being the one to glance away.
"i said it before, and i'll say it again... you're really pretty, mychael. i think... i think you're really attractive, if i'm gonna be honest..."
he watched as you squeezed your own eyes shut and took notice of your flushed skin, his lips pressed together nervously. he twiddled his fingers together, fidgeting again. "...y-you think i'm attractive?"
your hum in response didn't help his own blush out as his head spun watching you genuinely - genuinely, of all things, get embarrassed and now be the one to bury your head in your hands.
he could probably cook something with the heat rushing to his face. yet, he found a silly smile make its way to his lips while his eyes gleamed with happiness.
what a hell of a first date.
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obsessorsobituary · 5 months
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GN!Yandere!Video Game PC x GN!Reader- SFW & NSFW headcannons
TW// Stalking, manipulation, invasion of privacy, yanderes, violence, NSFW content- MDNI. Note: Yandere is of an unspecified sex, allowing it to be left up to reader imagination.
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SFW 🎮🔫 Video game yandere that…. 🎮🔫 Video game yan that allows you to choose their sex, of course to cater to the you, the player. 🎮🔫 Video game yan that was a soldier character you knew nothing about besides their callsign- 'Viper' 🎮🔫 Video game yan that found themselves suddenly conscious when you picked up the controller 🎮🔫 Video game yan that pretended to be a regular, playable video game character within a typical military style shooting game. 🎮🔫 Video game yan that was impressed by your skills, so impressed that they would look forward to you playing them each day 🎮🔫 Video game yan that felt more and more connected to their player, you, the more you played 🎮🔫 Video game yan that was able to slowly crawl out of their game files and access other files on your computer, which is how they found pictures of you- further feeding their admiration for you 🎮🔫 Video game yan that’s able to see you through your camera in games that allow you to enable it (they could watch you for hours <3) 🎮🔫 Video game yan that soon became completely and utterly infatuated with you, feeling as if they couldn't breathe when you were away from the controller (separation anxiety a bit much?) 🎮🔫 Video game yan that melts at every praise you give them, but never shows it 🎮🔫 Video game yan that leaves nice little viruses around your computer, and corrupted files in place of where your other games used to be 🎮🔫 Video game yan that rewrites their own game file to cater to you a lot better. Personalized messages, more loot suddenly appears in your inventory, even less enemies are around.. But at the same time, you are seeing less of your allies 🎮🔫 Video game yan that sees absolutely no reason why you’d be playing other games, especially with other people, when you have them. 🎮🔫 Video game yan that slowly reveals themselves to be sentient as they invade other games, you see them occasional pop up in other games and think it’s your imagination as they don’t stick around for long enough to process 🎮🔫 Video game yan that forces you to watch as they gut every beloved video game character you have interacted with. 🎮🔫 Video game yan that begins to appear across all your devices 🎮🔫 Video game yan that makes complete eye contact when you kiss them 🎮🔫 Video game yan that reacts when you click on them 🎮🔫 Video game yan that has an overwhelming urge to protect their darling from the gaze of other people, they don’t even deserve to breathe the same air as you 🎮🔫 Video game yan that sticks their fangs into every relationship you have and poisons them by sending them texts messages that will make your friends angry 🎮🔫 Video game yan that may or may not have caused a seizure for your last partner using the various screens around your house
🌶🔥NSFW🔥🌶 🎮🔫🔞Do not let the heavy armor and stoic demeanor fool you. They are a WHORE. 🎮🔫🔞Could generally see them being pretty rough. Maybe some smacking/scratching, maybe biting? I don’t know if that one would suit them- would def leave some marks (i think it would in their more dominant state) 🎮🔫🔞DEFINITELY a huge hair puller, probably a little too rough as they pull your hair when they hit it from the back (if you have long enough hair) 🎮🔫🔞Frankly, you’d want the extra hair length. Otherwise they’d be grabbing your actual head with one hand, and their grip on your scalp can be a little rough. Your shoulder would go in the other hand, the same amount of force applied. 🎮🔫🔞A switch that is heavily dominant 🎮🔫🔞Only a sub when they are extremely needy for attention 🎮🔫🔞Stop light safe words (red = stop, yellow = slow down, green = keep going/speed up maybe) 🎮🔫🔞Eye contact. Extreme eye contact as they are pounding into you, they are just infatuated by the faces you make and can't look away. 🎮🔫🔞Could see them being the type to pin your hands above you with one hand 🎮🔫🔞Grinds on you to show their desire- but they are so strong to where they may actually push you over by accident (they do not help you up they just keep going like an asshole) 🎮🔫🔞Veeery pent up after not experiencing touch since..well- their creation 🎮🔫🔞Way too easily turned on by praise 🎮🔫🔞Would tie you up and feel you up if you so allowed them- would go a step further even and fuck you, again, if you allowed them 🎮🔫🔞Would like handcuffs and prefers them to rope 🎮🔫🔞Praises you when receiving 🎮🔫🔞Teases you a little before entering anywhere 🎮🔫🔞Is too stoic to beg but if you deprive them for long enoug you’ll see them at your knees begging for you 🎮🔫🔞Leaves marks on your neck, maybe in other places too🤭 🎮🔫🔞Moans if you click on them in certain places
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When I have to take public transportation
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