#yandere mad moxxi
yanderes-galore · 6 months
Hello! May I request a winter request for borderlands 2 (or 3 you can choose either tbh) with Moxxi? Perhaps darling brings her a hot chocolate to start off the festivities? Darling can with be civilian or vault hunter, you may choose! And thank you again!
Sure! Here you go! Sorry it's short and took a dark turn, yet that's the nature of these fics lol.
Special Drinks
Yandere! Mad Moxxi Short - Winter Event Request
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Intoxication, Drinking until passing out, Manipulation, Kidnapping implied, Flirting, Forced affection (Sorta), Possessive behavior implied at times, Slight guilt, Coercion, Forced relationship.
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“Cold out there, isn't it?” Moxxi asks you as you enter the bar. A small bag is in your arms and you take your seat at her bar. Moxxi can't help but smile, you came when she called!
“Yeah… how do you not get cold?” You chuckle, gesturing to her. She knew what you were getting at.
“Oh, I have my ways.” Moxxi laughs. “What's in the bag?”
“Look, I know you specialize in alcohol, but why not some hot chocolate for the holidays?” You offer, pushing the bag to her. Moxxi looks in it briefly, it is indeed ingredients for the holiday drink. 
Moxxi gets an idea in her eyes, briefly looking at you before nodding.
“Oh sure, sugar. Anything for you, right?” Moxxi teases before taking the ingredients behind the counter. Weren't you just so innocent?
She'd be so lucky to call you hers….
“Hot Chocolate is good and all… but it's the holidays, right?” Moxxi grins towards you. “Why not celebrate a little more… with me?”
You should've expected this. This is Moxxi's bar, of course she has a special thing planned for you. Willing to bite the bullet you accept.
“Fine, give me what you got.”
If only you didn't say such a thing.
Moxxi only felt encouraged when you consented to her plan. She quickly grabs one of the stronger drinks she has and gets to mixing. Poor you… you had no idea what her plan was.
You were blissfully unaware as she passed you drink after drink. She shares the first one with you and you both chat. Then came the next one. Maybe even another.
Slowly you began to hit your peak. Your speech was slurred yet you could still listen to Moxxi's words. All she did was watch you with a mischievous grin.
“Y'know, sugar…” Moxxi drawls, reaching over the counter to grab your free hand. “It was mighty nice of you to come over this holiday.”
“Mm… yeah?” You answer, a smile on your face.
“Well, I've been wondering…” Moxxi hums, bringing your hand up to her lips. “How do you feel about me?”
“What are you talking about?” You ask, confusion on your face.
“Sugar… I've been thinking about you for a while and I've been waiting until now to tell you.” Moxxi confesses, pressing her lips softly to the back of your hand. “I'd be honored to declare you as mine.”
“Moxxi… I-” You try to respond, having a hard time putting your words together. “I don't know-”
“Oh, please… I've been looking for the one to settle down with. I do believe that's you, sugar.” Moxxi continues to flirt, holding your hand still.
You choose to stop drinking the spiked drink and try to stand up. Moxxi lets go of your hand momentarily and comes out from behind the counter. Just in time to catch you when you stumble.
“Dear… you've drank too much, let me help you-” Moxxi offers yet you try to refuse.
“Moxxi, how much did you-” You try to ask but she cuts you off.
“You look sick, sit down and rest.” Moxxi suggests, sitting you on a sofa. Your vision begins to fail you. Oh… how much did you drink?
“Moxxi-” You ask again in a frightened tone. 
“Don't worry…” Moxxi coos, pulling you close. “Just rest… I'll take care of you.”
It was such an underhanded tactic, getting you so drunk at a bar that she can move you. Part of her feels bad but she'd been waiting so long for this. She wouldn't take advantage of you or anything… but she will be taking you home.
At home you can get all the rest you need. So, as Moxxi waits for you to give into the alcohol you willingly took from her, she can't stop smiling. Truthfully… there's only one thing she wants around this time of year…
It just so happens to be your love.
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helpfandom · 11 months
Yandere Zane Flynt x Platonic! MiniVH! reader HC
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@yandere-plague/ Mad Moxxi did this before, and this is a tribute?? If it can be called that, to Yandere Plague / Mad Moxxi.
HC's under cut.
n my head, a mini VH is kind of like Ava, but way better, an apprentice who's main purpose is to make sure no one dies too much. Or to curse out people we don't like, either one.
Mini VH follows Zane around having a blast with him, because he treats everything like it's just either a normal Tuesday, or since he's on retirement, he might as well have fun with it. But! Because Mini VH has fun around him, he tries to keep that going when they talk about going back to Sanctuary 3 or something of the sort, he tries to manipulate and distract you (which works quite easily because Zane is like an endless party) by dragging you along with driving and doing crazy stunts while in a tank or attempting to do something that a 'kid' shouldn't do.
Yandere tendencies may start whenever, although it's hard to see the red flags since it likely started early on; maybe when the two of you met, or when you became an apprentice for him.
As the story progresses and he becomes more of a yandere for Mini VH, it's easier to tell, not because he wants Mini VH to stay at Sanctuary 3, but because he wants Mini VH to CONSTANTLY be near him, he treats his Digi-clone like a real person (even if it is meant as a joke in the franchise) and you expect him to not want you around him all the time??? Blasphemous!!
Before kidnapping: Would probably try to trick (In a playful way) you with his Digi-clone, but not have the scheme end up working, simply because the reader has been around him enough to be able to tell the differences.
After Kidnapping: Would absolutely use Digi-Clones to spy on you. If Mini VH escaped ever, Digi-Clone would be an obstacle because one, it will tell him when [clone] has spotted you, and soon you'll be in his loving [NOT really] arms, since he can switch spots with them quickly.
Before Kidnapping: Asks Mini VH which guns he should keep or sell, for their opinion on how to kill bandits and psychos faster and definitely not because he wants to know more about the type of guns you like so he can gift you them. No definitely not.
After Kidnapping: would do the same with the guns, but since Mini VH is upset with him, (And likely always will be) Mini VH will lie or tell him to keep the wrong ones. He doesn't want to upset his kid so he pretends to throw out the ones you said to, but would keep them anyway.
Before Kidnapping: Constantly be near him, He will always want Mini VH, his little kiddo to be near him. It's not worrying that I [Zane] blew up an entire camp looking for them while they were talking with Marcus! It's totally normal to want to keep your kid- Apprentice safe!
After Kidnapping: Surprisingly, CL4PTR4P has a purpose than the franchise's punching bag. Since CL4PTR4P has been shown to not care about 'Enslaving' (Keeping humans in rooms) humans, he enlists CL4PTR4P to help keep you in his room [The room for the Vault hunters]. He keeps CL4PTR4P doing this with promises of helping him create Veronica. If this is after Baylex is on the ship, he also enlists Baylex into keeping you trapped in his room because Zane uses the fact that he got Baylex out of the situation, surely he can help with this one itty bitty thing; Keeping you trapped.
Fl4k would be a big helper for his Kidnapping phase to happen sooner, rather than later. Because Fl4k doesn't know that Kidnapping is viewed as horrible, he spurs on Zane to keep his kid- Apprentice safe while Zane 'hunts'.
(PRE BAYLEX) If you ever made it out of the room on Sanctuary 3 while Zane is out on a mission, (which would be easy because it's CL4PTR4P.) There isn't anywhere for you to go. Lilith has no reaction OR [if Ava fucked things up at this point and Maya is dead] she is happy to turn a blind eye to Zane's obsession because it means Zane has a reason to come back, and Mini VH can't screw anything up like Ava did. (Thanks Ava. /Sarcasm)
(Post Baylex) You ain't making it out of that room. Ain't no way. Baylex has control of the EINTIRE ship and he keeps that room in lockdown mode when Zane isn't there. The only way you would ever get the chance to escape is if Zane was on Sanctuary 3 and well... Zane is there so unless you got out to see him, (which would be the only acceptable thing) Zane will find you and put you back in the room. The telezapper [Map teleport thing] won't work because you need Zane to do it [because when you were an apprentice, you needed to be around him at all times.] And Ellie's Drop pod won't work because Ellie lost Scooter and ain't losing someone else again just because you're 'uncomfortable' being kidnapped by Zane.
Best chance of escaping is either the common route [Pretending and going along with their delusions] or to exploit the father/kid delusion he has. "But, how am I supposed to learn how to take care of myself, if I'm stuck here on Sanctuary?" The mini VH asks, with full intentions of trying to escape. Because of the Father/Kid delusion he has, it would be easiest to exploit that, and would give you the biggest chance of escaping. If Mini VH can get on the surface of [any planet], they have the highest chance of escaping Zane's clutches. If this version of Zane has all of his Special skills, I highly doubt your chances of staying un-kidnapped are high.
The room is cold, and you are often left bored out of your mind since only the vault hunters can open the vault in their rooms, and since he often leaves for a great period of time... he accidentally isolates you and makes it so you rely on him for companionship. Accidentally, because he didn't realize it would work this way of manipulating you, he just didn't think about how it would affect you.
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Hello! You may know me from my other blogs. Well, i made a new one, cause I have no sense of impulse control, and I think he need more writing blogs specifically for crossover ships.
About Mod Apathetic
Just call me Mod Apathetic, or Apathetic!
I am an adult
I am a Fudanshi, Himedanshi, Profic, and Anti-hara!
Pangender probably, Any pronouns (no she/her)
My ao3 is ApatheticCrossovers, all requests and stuff will be archived over there!
I also plan on posting original fics here too!
My other blogs are @/Syrups-edit-corner (Edit requests), @/Syrups-fanfic-cafe (General requests), and @/Spookyscaryships (Edit/stim request blog run by both me and my friend)
If you aren't if I write for a certain fandom/topic, just ask please! I have anger issues and I will get extremely aggressive
Crossover ships (Obviously)
Age gap ships (Including Minor/Minor age gaps, Adult/Adult Age gaps, and Minor/Adult age gaps)
Shipcest (Mainly headcanons cause, yaknow, crossover ships rarely have canon shipcest)
Alternate universes (Including "what if Character A was a canon character in Character B's universe" and Isekai type scenario's)
Yandere content
Ot3's (no more than 3 characters please!)
Same Source/Series Ships (That included characters from two different games in the same series, and two different shows that take place in the same universe. This rule can be worked around if its an ot3 involving a character from a different source/series)
Satire/Joke ships (I have nothing against these types of ships, they just personally make me feel insecure about my own ships, since I take a lot of comfort in crossover ships /lh /gen.)
Things about active S/H (Things about recovering from S/H or brief mentions of it are fine!)
RPF/Stuff involving real people (Stuff like c!mcyt characters and musicals where the characters are based on real people are on thin ice /srs)
Drug Use/Abuse (Again, recovery is fine) [note: This rule does not and never while apply to weed. Weed is super cool /hj.]
Anything considered Unsanitary/generally gross (if you aren't sure if something would apply to this rule, please ask)
Ace Attorney
Angels of Death
Animal Crossing
Afterl!fe (yes, even if the fandoms kinda dead)
Baldi’s Basics (+ mod/fangame characters)
Bendy and The Ink Machine
Boyfriend to Death (Both 1 and 2)
Break In 1/2
Cookie run (Both Ovenbreak and Kingdom)
Danganronpa (all main games + UDG)
Doki Doki Literature Club
Doors (Roblox)
Five Nights At Freddy’s series (+ Fangames)
Friday Night Funkin (+ Mods)
Happy Tree friends
Hazbin Hotel
Helluva Boss
Henry Stickmin Series
Huniepop (both 1 and 2)
Identity V
Inanimate Insanity
Junji Ito
Madness Combat
Minecraft Storymode
Monster Prom
Mortal Combat
My Little Pony
Obey Me! Shall We Date
Object Terror
Rainbow Friends (Roblox)
Roblox Myths
Riddle School
Saints Rows series
SCP Foundation
Smile For Me
Sonic Series
South Park
Sr Pelo’s Spooky Month
Steven Universe
Tankmen Series
Telltales TWD Games
The Backrooms
The Nightly Manor
Therapy With Dr. Albert Krueger
Undertale (+ Au’s)
Vincent: Secret of Myers
Welcome Home
Yandere Sim
Your Turn To Die
Zardy’s Field
And more that I currently can’t remember :p
Dream SMP (Characters, never the streamers)
Genshin Impact
Pizza Tower
Sparklecare Hospital
Super Danganronpa Another (1 & 2, mainly 2)
Twisted Wonderland
Probably more that I, again, can't remember.
[Tumblr Inbox]
Hopeless Romantic Part 2 (Millie May x Amy Rose x Moxxie)
Barbatos [Obey Me] x Yuri [DDLC]
Beast Boy [Teen Titans] x Steven Universe [SU] SOulmate AU Headcanons
Vector [Sonic the Hedgehog] x Alphys [Undertale] NSFW
Hellborn Artic Owl!Rarity [MLP] x Stolas [Helluva boss]
Fischl [Genshin Impact] x Gundham Tanaka [Danganronpa] NSFW Headcanons
[Ao3 Inbox]
Yuri [DDLC] x Noelle Holidy [Deltarune]
Donut Joe [MLP] is accusing Soarin's [MLP] new boyfriend, Drago [Animal Crossing], of stealing from his shop, and Soarin doesn't know who to side with.
Glamrock Freddy [FNaF] x Audrey Belrose [Huniepop] NSFW
Golfball [BFDI] x Tennisball [BFDI] x Test Tube [II] Headcanons
Monika [DDLC] x Senpai [FNF]
Collin [Helluva Boss] x Lila [Spooky Month] Short Fic
That's all! Feel free to request stuff from me! I'm always looking for new crossover ships to write about! /gen
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Blitzwing, Three Gems & Crossover Madness Of Fun (2023)
[Note: it’s best to click on the drawing to make it bigger, so it can be viewed a bit more better..]
Credit for Cuphead goes to Studio-MDHR
Credit for Bendy Series goes to Joey Drew Studios Inc.
Credit for Yandere Simulator goes to YandereDev
Credit for Undertale &  Deltarune goes to Toby Fox
Credit for Hazbin Hotel & Helluva Boss goes to Vivienne "Vivziepop" Medrano  
Credit for Tenchi Muyo Series goes to Masaki Kajishima
Credit for Mass Effect Series goes to BioWare
Credit for Fallout Series goes to Bethesda Softworks
Credit for Ben 10: Omniverse goes to Man Of Action
Credit for Transformers goes to Hasbro & Takara
Credit for Transformers Animated goes to Sam Register & Matt Youngberg
Credit for Vandread goes to Takeshi Mori & Gonzo
Credit for Dragon Quest V goes to Square Enix
Credit for Lego Ninjago goes to The Lego Group
Credit for Ninjago TV Series goes to Michael Hegner
Credit for The Owl House goes to Dana Terrace
Credit for FNAF Series goes to Scott Cawthon
Credit for FNAF Security Breach goes to Steel Wool Studios
Credit for Steven Universe Series goes to Rebecca Sugar
Credit for Gravity Falls goes to Alex Hirsch
Credit for Star Vs The Forces Of Evil goes to Daron Nefcy
Credit for Invader Zim goes to Jhonen Vasquez
Credit for The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy goes to Maxwell Atoms
Credit for Codename: Kids Next Door goes to Tom Warburton
Credit for Villainous goes to Alan Ituriel
Credit for Wander Over Yonder goes to Craig McCracken
Credit for Teen Titans Go! goes to DC & Cartoon Network
at first this was going to be a crossover with Blitzwing, Spinel, Pink-Pearl and Padaparacha...
but then I decided to add more to it, and added some other cartoon and video game characters into it.
also when playing Fallout 4, I really like to use the baseball bat to fight with, so that is why Nora from the Fallout 4 game, is holding a bat and seems to be keeping a eye out for danger...and yeah even if it isn’t canon, in this drawing, Husk has a little crush on Nora...
also Husk has a Cabbit on his head, well the hat he is wearing, and the Cabbit is Ryo-Ohki...
the little robot that is floating above Sundrop & Moondrop’s heads, is Pyoro from Vandread.
in The Cuphead Show, Cuphead & Mugman are twin brothers...
so if those two twins in the show, would that mean they are twin brothers in the canon of the game world of Cuphead...?
Raven from Teen Titans Go, is holding a sign with her magic...
that shows that Teen Titans Go should stop at Season 8...
I hope I can watch Villainous in it’s place someday, I mean even if it is just wishful thinking and hope it does happen one day...
Sallie May x Collin is in this Crossover drawing as well, if they ever got married in a Fanon Timeline, that would make Moxxie and Collin....brother-in-laws.
Lancer is wearing a crown and is holding on to Husk’s wing, it be cute if he ended up calling Husk “Cat-Dad”, like him adopting Husk as his third father figure.
of course when I was first working on this drawing, I had to at some point go to sleep, but then once I did wake back up I went back to working on this drawing.
the geth in this drawing is Legion, and Tali is a much better character once she accepts the geth, and maybe when she finally realizes that the quarians aren’t victims, since they started the mess first, and they were the ones who just assume that the geth would attack first, even if some quarians did try to help the geth and got k*lled for it....
but some of the quarians who fully blame the geth for being driven from their home world, are just being a bunch of shisno.
I wonder what a crossover ship between Caboose from Red Vs Blue and Legion from Mass Effect would be like...?
maybe it be more platonic, and Caboose would view Legion as his best friend, and if Tali ever talked bad about Legion, it could have Caboose tell her off by saying “now Miss Tali, I will have to ask you to stop being a Mean Lady to my best friend Legion....you are being very hurtful, nobody likes a shisno.”
I know there are some fans who 100% love Tali, I just don’t agree with her view on how the geth are the ones who are the “bad guys” when it was some of the quarians who started it in the first place.
I still think the Ralsei that appears in Chapter 2, and might of switched places with the real one when King was about to hurt Kris but was stop by Susie.
both Ralsei are different heights, the original has smaller horns and smaller feet than the one that is in the party in Chapter 2.
it’s my theory and fan headcanon that the Ralsei that went with Kris to the Card Kingdom, is not only trapped in the Card Kingdom but was replaced by the Other-Ralsei, who locked both the Door that takes Kris and their party out of Castle Town to Card Kingdom, and even locked it’s light world counterpart that is in the unused classroom, making sure Susie and Kris wont end up back in the Card Kingdom and find out the Ralsei they befriended is still trapped there.
don’t know if that theory will turn out to be true and fully canon, but if it turns out it isn’t, it can always be used in the fanon.
oh and the Other-Ralsei is using the Green Soul to keep the True-Ralsei trap in a green energy box.
now I’m going to go eat some pizza and watch some Transformers Animated, before I go back to checking out some more fan art on here. 
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knightmare7604 · 8 months
Yandere Blitzo x male imp reader headcanon
You work at I.M.P with Moxxie Millie and Loona. Once Blitzø hired you he immediately fell in love with you and started stalking you. He would set up cameras while you were asleep so that he could figure out your daily routine and more of what you like and not have the possibility of being caught. Unless you have REALLY good eyesight and see a small camera in the corner of your living room and any room in your home. Over time you would notice that he would act differently around you than the others. If you do anything unusual and dangerous like vigilantism or killing for fun and stuff like that he would be too scared of trying to confront you. This is because of you possibly getting mad at him or worse he doesn't want to die alone without you and his friends. So he wants you to have the best opinion of him as possible. But he would try to do small things to keep you from getting yourself in danger. He would also do anything to try and stop fucking Stolas for the book so that if you two start getting.... "intimate" yourselves it would feel a lot more special. And once he gets to be with you you he wouldn't have any romantic feelings for Stolas and would instead have all those feelings shared with you instead because he would not want a threesome with you and a fucking pompous rich bird boy. After a few months of you working at I.M.P and becoming great friends with Blitzø he would ask you the main question will you go out with him?.....If you say yes he would be so happy and feel like he can be emotional and loving around you and would try to take you out with him to the best restaurant he can afford to go to with the money he has. Unfortunately or fortunately (if you're kinky) he has almost no impulse control and would try to fuck you on the second or third date. Now for the bad ending, if you turn him down he would be extremely hurt emotionally and mentally but would not show it. He would avoid being around you for a while and would treat you like the others for a few weeks then things would be back to how it was before then and he would stalk you again he would possibly kidnap you to keep you all to himself and force you to love him. If you escape he would try to kidnap you again if you're smart or strong or both you can avoid him and possibly give him a taste of his own medicine by kidnapping him just like he did the same with you. If you say yes to him in a few weeks after you rejected him before he would do the same things that he would do if you accepted his love in the good ending (sorry if this was too long this is my first Tumblr post) :)
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the-broken-truth · 2 years
Can I request yandere bilzto x horse center Demon child reader x yandere big sister Luna please
Where they find her scard and take her in
( plus we all know blizto love horse so why not have a center Demon child)
Broken Truth: A Centaur Demon?
Mask: It would be interesting considering that Blitzo has an obsession with horses.
Broken Truth: I can understand that but what about Moxxie and Millie?
Mask: Of course, they would be in the story as well, but Loona and Blitzo are the main...focus.
I.M.P. was rather boring at the moment in time - there were no clients at the moment and the gang was rather bored. Loona was fiddling on her phone, Moxxie and Millie were making goo-goo eyes at each other while Blitzo was messing around with his gun.
Then, there was a knock at the door and Moxxie was getting up to open it. He opened the door and began talking with the person on the other side of the door.
"Hello, is there something I can help you with?" Moxxie asked the person.
The person must have been shy because the others couldn't hear what they were saying before Moxxie answered their question.
"Sorry, we're not hiring at the moment. Have a nice day." Moxxie said as he closed the door.
"Who the hell was that?" Blitzo asked without looking up from what he was doing.
"A Centaur Demon - looked rather young - and they were asking for a job but we're not hiring at the moment," Moxxie explained.
"Centaur Demon?" What the hell is that?" Loona asked.
"In Greek Mythology, centaurs are half-human and half-horse." Moxxie began but the sound of the bullet made everyone jump as they looked at Blitz, who was looking at Moxxie with wide eyes.
"Did you just say half-horse?!" The boss asked as he jumped to his feet and ran out of the door and some came back with a small centaur demon, "Look what I found!"
"Sir, that's a child! You can't kidnap a child just because they happen to be half-horse!" Moxxie said in a panicked voice.
"Shut your asshole, Moxxie, they are mine now." Blitz said as he hugged the confused child.
"This is madness!! Loona, please talk to him." Moxxie begged as he looked at the hellhound, who was looking at the child with an unknown look in her eyes, "Loona?"
"Shut the hell up, Fatty. They're staying here." Loona said as she walked over to her new sibling and hugged them along with her adoptive father.
"This can't be good." Moxxie said
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josiewrites · 2 years
Hi! Could you write #29 for Adam Cole from the Yandere prompt list please? Thank you😁
I am so so sorry for how long this took me! I guess yandere isn't quite my forte, but this definitely has the potential to build. But it was fun to write, I hope you like it!
Pairing: Adam Cole/reader
Genre: I'm not sure
Warnings: shades of yandere
Tag List Babes:  @writtingrose, @abadamn, @rubyred1980, @letmebeawesome, @brittsdmd, @unlikelywrestlingfan, @rollynchwhore, @cuzimacomedian, @demonqueen29, @auburnwrites, @thebestintheworld, @elitehoe
As soon as he saw her at the convention, Adam Cole knew he had to have her. She looked almost ethereal, an angel of the convention hall dressed in Mad Moxxi cosplay. He was silently grateful he decided to finish his Revolution gear, so he could hide his stares behind his Master Chief helmet. 
Following her at a distance, he cursed himself for changing his mind on his cosplay. If had stuck with his original plan of Handsome Jack, he would have at least had a reason to approach her for a photo. So he just played it cool, keeping one booth in between them as he crept through the hall. 
His heart raced as she stopped, glancing over one of the booths as something caught her eye. He watched her delicate fingers let go of her prop gun to pick up a beautiful slender necklace, and he smirked behind his helmet. He slid beside her, able to smell her sweet perfume through his face shield. With a swiftness people knew him for in the ring, he palmed her prop and slid it into his armor, using one of the many pieces as a hiding spot. 
“That would look beautiful on you,” he said softly, hoping it came across as the genuine compliment it was and not a creepy advance. 
She turned to him and smiled, and he could swear his heart stopped. She was perfect, absolutely flawless, and he felt his breath catch. “Thank you,” she said, her soft voice lingering in his ears. “I love your cosplay. Did you make it yourself?”
His breath caught. She was actually asking him a question. His angel, his darling, wanted to talk to him? “I did,” he said, his reddening face hiding inside his helmet. “Thank you so much.”
Showing him that angelic smile of hers, she nodded. “Of course. Mind if we take a picture together?” She made to pull her wallet out of her side bag, but he quickly stopped her. His darling should never have to pay for things, especially a nice little treat like this.
“Sure,” he said, handing his card to the vendor. “Would you mind taking our photo?” The vendor nodded, also accepting Adam’s phone. He watched her put the necklace on, and his heart raced. She accepted his gift! Even she understood how perfect they were together.
Pulling her close for the photo, he could smell that intoxicating scent again, but furrowed his brows when he saw the slightly distressed look on her face. “My prop is missing. I’ll have to retrace my steps and find it.” She took a breath and smiled, immediately snapping into a pose in character. 
Once the photo was taken, he retrieved his phone. “I can send it to you,” he said, trying to keep his voice level, despite his heart racing. 
She nodded, taking his phone and putting her number into an empty text. “That would be awesome!” She took a step back. “Thanks again for the compliment, and…” She gently touched the necklace, causing him to smile behind his visor. “Of course,” he said as she turned to backtrack for her prop. He patted his armor, feeling the prop gun within, and saving her phone number under ‘Mine’. “Darling, don’t you see?” He whispered to himself. “We were made for each other. We’re soulmates.”
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fansxaesthetics · 7 years
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
-Alphonso Mackenzie
-Daisy Johnson / Quake
-Elena “Yoyo” Rodriguez 
-Grant Ward
-Jemma Simmons
-Leopold Fitz
-Lincoln Campbell
-Melinda May
-Phil Coulson
-Robbie Reyes
Assassination Classroom
-Akabane Karma
-Nagisa Shiota
-Athena the Gladiator
-Gaige the Mechromancer
-Janey Springs
-Lilith the Siren
-Mad Moxxi
-Maya the Siren
-Mordecai the Hunter
-Nisha the Lawbringer
-Wilhelm the Enforcer
Butterfly Soup
Doki Doki Literature Club 
Drakengard / NieR
-Devola & Popola
Legend of Zelda
Life is Strange
-Amberprice (Chloe Price x Rachel Amber)
-Chloe Price
-Max Caulfield [1]
-Max Caulfield [2]
-Nathan Prescott
-Pricefield (Chloe Price x Max Caulfield)
-Rachel Amber
-Bucky Barnes
-Kamala Khan / Miss Marvel
-Loki Laufeyson
-Peter Maximoff / Quicksilver
-Peter Parker / Spiderman
-T’Challa / Black Panther
-Wanda Maximoff / Scarlet Witch
Mass Effect
-Fem! Shepard
-Liara T’soni
Mystic Messenger
-Jaehee Kang
-Jumin Han
-Saeran Choi
-Saeyoung Choi
-V / Jihyun Kim
-Yoosung Kim
-Zen / Hyun Ryu
-Brigitte Lindholm
-D.Va / Hana Song
-D.Va [Cruiser Skin]
-Genji Shimada
-Hanzo Shimada
-Lúcio Correia dos Santos
-Mei-Ling Zhou
-Mekanic / Mekamechanic (Hana Song x Brigitte Lindholm)
-Mercy / Angela Ziegler
-Pharah / Fareeha Amari
-Pharmercy (Fareeha Amari x Angela Ziegler)
-Symmetra / Satya Vaswani
-Symmetra [Oasis Skin]
-Tracer / Lena Oxton
-Widowmaker / Amélie Lacroix
-Widowmaker [Côte d’Azur Skin]
Pacific Rim
-Chuck Hansen
-Mako Mori 
-Newmann (Newton Geizler x Hermann Gottlieb)
-Newton Geizler
RPG Games
-Garry (Ib)
-Riley Blue / Gunnarsdóttir
-Wolfgang Bogdanow
-Alec Lightwood
-Clary Fray / Fairchild
-Isabelle Lightwood
-Jace Wayland
-Lucian Graymark
-Magnus Bane
-Malec (Alec Lightwood x Magnus Bane) [1]
-Malec (Alec Lightwood x Magnus Bane) [2]
-Raphael Santiago
-Simon Lewis
-Hatsune Miku
-Gumi Megpoid
-Luka Megurine
-Rin & Len Kagamine
Yandere Simulator/ Lovesick 
-Amai Odayaka 
-Asu Rito
-Ayano Aishi/ Yandere-chan
-Hanako Yamada
-Kizana Sunobu
-Kokona Haruka
-Megami Saiko
-Mida Rana
-Muja Kina 
-Oka Ruto
-Osana Najimi
-Osoro Shidesu
Z Nation
-Addison Carver
-Citizen Z
Miscellaneous Fandoms
-Ellie (The Last of Us)
-Enjolras (Les Misérables)
-Jaylah (Star Trek)
-Jodie Holmes (Beyond: Two Souls)
-Joi (Blade Runner 2049)
-Jughead Jones (Riverdale)
-Ladybug / Marinette Dupain-Cheng (Miraculous Ladybug)
-Maya and Riley (Girl Meets World)
-Norman Jayden (Heavy Rain)
-Rosa Diaz (Brooklyn Nine-Nine)
-RWBY Characters (RWBY)
-Samus Aran (Metroid)
-Sebastian (Stardew Valley)
-Victor (Fallout: New Vegas)
Random Themes
-Badass / Fun loving Lesbian
-Bisexual Hippie
-Bisexual History Nerd
-Christmas [1]
-Christmas [2]
-Internally sad but Happy looking Trans Boy
-Soft Indie Trans Boy
Not seeing your fandom and/or your fave character? Send us an ask!
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imaginarypblist · 5 years
Soy quien preguntó por un un físico de la loca de los gatos. Gracias por la ayuda, pero ¿tendrían más para recomendar y menos yandere? Realmente puse a la loca de los gatitus porque es lo que más se acerca a lo que busco (desalineada, etc) Chiara es una buena recomendación, pero me gustaría saber si hay más. Gracias por la ayuda.
¡Por supuesto! Voy a ponerme manos a la obra con ello y a darte otra tanda de PB’s hasta que podamos dar con el que buscas.
OC (Kyrie Meii) {https://www.zerochan.net/Kyrie+Meii}
Avenger (Maou Nobunaga)
Hex Maniac (Pokemon)
Morgana (League of Legends)
Mad Moxxi (Borderlands)
OC (Olga Narhova)
OC  Yohrtramh (ChickenVomit) {investigando, por desgracia, sólo tiene una imagen}
OC (Nat the Lich)
Ciri (The Witcher)
OC (Liya Nikorov) {https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts?tags=liya_nikorov}
Hilda (Kuroi Susumu)
Ibaraki Douji (Fate GO)
Aya Brea (Parasite Eve)
Lillith (Borderlands)
Ikishima Midari (Kakegurui)
Gaige (Borderlands)
Gally (Gunnm /Alita Angel Battle)
Quiet (Metal Gear)
¡Segunda tanda! Espero que ésta te haya servido de más ayuda y lamentamos no haber dado en el blanco en la anterior.
0 notes
yanderes-galore · 4 months
Can you please do the yandere alphabet for Moxxi from Borderlands?
I can try, sure! Hope you like this! ^^ I wrote this a bit late at night so it's not fully proofread, there may be some spelling mistakes.
Yandere Alphabet - Mad Moxxi
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Flirting, Mentions/Hints of intimacy but obviously nothing actually happens, Manipulation, Jealousy, Kidnapping mention, Violence, Blood, Murder, Forced/Dubious relationship.
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Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Moxxi is a huge flirt, her obsession over you often dips into more intimate territory. She likes to be affectionate, as a result she can come off intense to those not used to such a thing. She's had a history with relationships and partners, but she really is looking for her life partner in you.
While she is "seductive" and flirtatious, she doesn't just want you for those kinds of things.
She feels you two could have something beautiful together... she just needs to have your approval.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Moxxi, as a person from Pandora, is used to violence and blood. She prefers not to do it herself but doesn't mind using some of the messier methods to get rid of someone around you.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
Moxxi would be very accommodating if she ever decided to just kidnap you. She isn't a monster, she'll see to every one of your needs... if you see to hers.
Moxxi would not be mocking, you and her are meant to be partners, aren't you?
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
She tries not to, she wants you to reciprocate willingly.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
Moxxi knows when to be vulnerable and when to not. She can show you her heart if she feels you're reciprocating enough. But she can also be reserved at times.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
Disappointed... but she does like it when you're playing hard to get.
She'll try her best to resolve things between you though.
A little but does not really like you trying to escape.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
I can't think of many... but maybe her punishments? That or when she begins to isolate you so you just know and love her.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
Marriage most likely, with some close moments in between everything.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Yes but she's learned to cope... for the most part.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
Passionate, Protective, Possessive, Manipulative, Flirtatious, and Overly Affectionate.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Probably met you at her bar and decided to pursue you afterwards. She wants to know everything about you and encourages you to be a regular. You can bet she lays the flirting on thick.
She makes her intentions quite known... she feels you'll give in at some point... just give it time...
You don't know what you're missing, sugar~
Not really, but you are the one that has had a strong effect on her.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
When it comes to Moxxi... it has to be something with restraints, right? It just has to.
Her punishments may also have a "flirty" nature to them.
Honestly, leaving this one rather open.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
Not many... unless she feels she's lose you.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
She's surprisingly very patient.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
She may have had a lot of relationships... but losing you still certainly has an effect on her. She would have to take a long time before moving on.
But maybe she will... or won't.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
Yes and maybe. She doesn't really want to cage you too much. You should be able to be free, like a bird... but pet birds return to their owners, correct?
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
Her past. Her relationship with Jack might have affected her more than she thinks.
She calls herself not a monster... but maybe the two are more similar than she thinks?
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
She tries to comfort you, despite her flirty behavior she is still "motherly" at heart. She'll pull you close to her and allow you to vent. She understands you may not like her...
As a result, Moxxi promises she'll try to improve for her dearest.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
Reciprocating easily. If you are more open and treat her once in awhile, she'll let you keep your freedoms. That'll prevent kidnapping, at least.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
No, she would not.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
Moxxi is not a worship yandere, but she may actually like the idea of being praised by her darling instead a little big. She would go to great lengths to have you... she's patient and needs to ease you into her lifestyle.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
That's hard to say... Moxxi could probably pine for awhile. She's patient as she tries to flirt with you or coax you into something. Maybe she'll even wait a few years before snapping.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
No/Not intentionally.
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
From the prompts you made, 2 and 10 for Handsome Jack, please?
Sure! Been a bit since I wrote for Borderlands, I apologize if something's wrong or OOC.
Yandere! Handsome Jack Prompts 2 + 10
"It's an honor for someone such as me to take you in and love you!"
"I've given myself all to you! Yet you call me a monster!"
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Kidnapping implied, Manipulation, Intimacy implied, Degradation, Swearing, Obsession, Forced relationship, Unhealthy power dynamic, Isolation, Delusional beliefs, Violence.
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Jack plays a delusional role of hero. You know the truth, hell... everyone on Pandora knows the truth. Jack is not a hero... he's a villain who kills anyone who opposes him.
He refuses to listen to reason. Even from the one he holds dear. It's ironic, he thinks he's a hero yet imprisons you in Helios for what?
The "bandits" out to get him and Pandora?
The longer you're around Jack, the more you realize just how big his ego is. He feels entitled to your love. It doesn't matter if you mean it or not.
Just as long as it's directed towards him, he's fine with it.
Your job wasn't to love him. Your job was to feed into his delusions. All to keep you alive and well... free from his wrath.
You've seen what he can do. Punishment and murder are a fine line for him to most. You've seen it yourself.
He even thinks it's hilarious.
"Hey, cupcake! How's my baby doing?"
Jack never fails to surprise you. He always knows where you are in the moonbase and manages to come up behind you. You let out a strained gasp when you feel his arms around you.
"Been thinking about just how much I missed you. Taunting Vault Hunters is fun and all, but where's our special time?"
You refuse to acknowledge what he means. You were nothing like Moxxi, his original fling. You were not going to just bend down for him when he wanted.
Other means of affection you are quick to put out to distract his desires.
"Must you really be so needy?"
You turn in his arms and press your hands to his chest. Such an action alone presses him closer. His eyes are intense on you.
"Needy? Well aren't you bold.... Care to back that up?"
You change your mood and pull away, leaving Jack to frown. He's most likely mad you led him on. You sigh, muttering under your breath.
"... Excuse me, pumpkin?"
You feel a tight grip on your shoulder. You must've said that too loud.... You shiver under his grasp.
"Sorry, baby, I think I heard you wrong... what did you say?"
"I was just thinking of something-"
"Thinking of what? I thought this little disobedience kick of yours was done?"
"Speak up, dear. Pretty sure you called me a monster? Admit it and I'll go easy on you...."
"Yes... I did-"
"Of course..."
He pushes you away, making you nearly stumble onto the floor.
"Of course! I'm STILL the monster to you!"
He glares at you with anger and betrayal. You try to keep your balance and stand your ground. No backing out now....
"I've given myself all to you! Yet you call me a monster!"
He laughs to himself in disbelief, running a hand over his mask.
"... you're such a greedy bitch, y'know that? Always looking out for yourself...."
Jack rants to you. Whenever you refuse to comply to his demands or call him out on his actions, he has a breakdown. A long winded rant that usually ends with him leaving to cool off. You're lucky he hasn't killed you yet....
"I just don't get it! You have a HERO that's willing to give you EVERYTHING!" He screams. "It's an honor for someone such as me to take you in and love you!"
During these moments you do your best to hold you tongue. There's so much you wish to say, yet you can't. You may very well get a bullet to the head if you do.
You want to call him out on his so-called heroics.
You want to say making you submit to stockholm syndrome isn't love.
You want to break his delusions and stab him with the pieces.
But you have self control. You can hold your tongue long enough for him to prattle off with his. You know he'll get what's coming to him if you play the long game.
Someone has to be sick of his shit.
By the end of it, Jack's panting and leaning on a wall. He looks exhausted, stressed, and frustrated. He spares you no look and ignores your presence for a moment.
"Monster... huh?"
He huffs, shaking his head.
"I get it! I took you from your friends! But it was for us, sweetie.... Up here on Helios, you're safe from Pandora's corruption."
He straightens himself out and stands in front of you.
"Sure, we have a... LONG ways to go before our relationship fixes itself. However, I think we can do it, can't we, cupcake?"
He pats your shoulder before walking by you, whispering in your ear.
"Unfortunately... this also means you should expect punishment later."
He then walks away, grinning at you one last time before leaving your sight.
"See ya later, sweetie! I look forward to it...."
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yanderes-galore · 3 years
Hello! Yes! I have waited for the time you would open your inbox, I am so happy! Since my taste in things are always niche, if it won't be too much to ask would you please write Yandere Wilhelm? I love this cyborg man, and I love your writing, so it would be great if you did.
I can try ^^ I'm doing HCs.
I had to watch some lore videos, I haven't played him lol.
After seeing lore videos I'm mad they didn't do much with him.
I played Athena in BL Pre-Sequel
Yandere! Wilhelm HCs/ Behavioral Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Yandere behavior, jealousy, threats, violence, implied murder.
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- Wilhelm is not a cyborg who has thought much of love or affection.
- He's only ever thought of becoming a robot and as a result being more powerful.
- And the money, of course.
- That was his goal so soft emotions like this never really passed his mind. He didn't even have flings, really.
- So when he's hired by Jack and meets you with the other vault hunters, he thinks nothing of it.
- You're both here for your own reasons so he only needs to cooperate with you and the others.
- He'll admit, you're a good battle companion.
- You don't get in his way and he respects that.
- You seem to know what you're doing.
- He is another Yandere who's attraction to you his subtle.
- It's all in his body language. He's usually focused on his work so 'affection' towards you starts subtle.
- You find Wolf and Saint, his drones, around you a lot more often.
- The extra fire power is greatly appreciated.
- You could ask him about this, ask if he was doing this in exchange for a favor.
- But his only reply is a solid "No."
- Classic Wilhelm....
- He isn't a very anxious Yandere, so he won't be too worried about you getting yourself killed.
- He's seen you fight. You aren't that reckless.
- He can get irritated, though.
- Jealousy from him often shows as irritation.
- You may get too close or touchy with another vault hunter at Moxxi's bar for some down time between missions.
- He isn't showing it much but he feels more tense.
- His teeth grind ever so slightly and he's trying to look away from the scene.
- His attitude changes if you're touchy with him, though.
- He's calm, not irritated like he would be if someone else touched him.
- People would ask him if he's upset at all with you being so affectionate, he'll either not reply or say "No." again.
- It looks awfully one-sided, like Wilhelm doesn't pay attention to you.
- It's not that, however, it's just the cyborg isn't sure how to feel about this soft warm feeling...
- He doesn't hate it, really.
- It's a nice feeling that encourages him.
- Just because he looks indifferent to it, doesn't mean he wants it to go away.
- The longer he's around you, the more often jealousy can pool in him.
- He isn't afraid to threaten someone he'll shoot them if they try to get touchy or harm you.
- Or he'll actually just shoot them....
- Even though Wilhelm puts missions high on his priority list, he feels you're high on there too.
- There's no time for kidnapping, but you need to stay by him anyways.
- You're both working towards a common goal, it would be poor choice to abandon him.
- "We're not getting paid to fool around, stay close and don't do anything annoying...."
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