#yandere madness combat project nexus
yanderes-galore · 8 months
What about prompts 6, 22, and 38 for TChopper Dave (MC)?
Sure! It's a bit late when I wrote this so I sort of winged it for plot. Hope you like delusional/worship yandere Dave~ It's been a long while before I got very invested in a character's emotions when writing so I hope you enjoy!
Yandere! Chopper Dave Prompts 6, 22, 38
"A good partner must be willing to make sacrifices for their beloved! Don't you agree?"
"They never loved you. Only I love you."
"My life has been so barren without you...."
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Post kidnapping implied, Restraints, Delusional behavior, Worship yandere, Forced affection, Forced relationship.
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"My life has been so barren without you...." The man in front of you breathes while pacing around you. The pilot can't stop himself from grinning when he sees you. You've always managed to make his heart flutter.
Even with you restrained in a chair with ropes... he thinks you're perfect.
"Before I met you I thought I was a goner!" He wheezes, tracing his hands over the back of the chair. Soon afterwards he breaks out into a chuckle. "But then you saved me! You're my savior...."
The pilot then leans down to your ear, a giggle trickling from his lips.
"Ever since then I've known you were the one... we're meant to be together... you're meant to be mine and I'm meant to please you."
You glare at him, the gag over your mouth muffled your curses. You trusted him. You save him and he does this?
"Oh, I never liked those other members of S.Q. Especially that 2B fellow you talk to on the phone." Dave grimaces before settling in front of you. He seems to be shaking, completely lost in his delusions. "If they truly cared for you they wouldn't send you on all those missions... do you know how many times I've had to see you on a stretcher in pieces!?"
Dave's tone rises into a yell before settling into a growl.
"Your hirelings never take care of you... who else does but me?" Dave pouts, tilting your head up to meet his gaze. "It's all a disgrace, really. You really need me to be there for you... I'm the only one that can be there for you...."
Dave leans in and kisses your forehead, completely ignoring the grimace and glare you give.
"They never loved you. Only I love you." Dave whispers to you, caressing your cheek with his hand. "Only I can provide, only I can care for you. I'd never send you out there to die... the rest of S.Q might but I'll never do such a thing to you, my savior~"
He kneels in front of you, holding your face in his hands. His gaze is loving but clouded in delusion. He shudders in a sigh as he massages your face.
You feel disgust rise within you.
"You won't be going on those missions anymore." Dave hums. "You can't anyways! Not while you're stuck here... and not without me! This way... you'll be safe... you'll be mine...!"
It's then Dave notices the glare in your eyes and laughs.
"Oh, don't be like that!" Dave coos. "A good partner must be willing to make sacrifices for their beloved! Don't you agree?"
Dave grins devilishly as he sees you struggle.
"We'll both sacrifice for each other. You'll give up all your little goals... and I'll give up my job as being S.Q's pilot. They don't need us..." Dave whispers, leaning closer to your face.
"The only thing you need is me... I only aim to please...."
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nevadancitizen · 5 months
synopsis: your world is vastly different from the nevada native to madness combat. after the main three + 2bdamned get transported to your world, they each find things that fascinate them.
word count: 2.5k
characters: hank, deimos, sanford, 2bdamned, player! reader
trigger warnings: ehh slight yandere/obsession but could also be read as super heavy pining if you're not into that lol
notes: madness combat fandom arise. madness combat fandom come back to me (also set in @/saltymongoose 's self-aware au)
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For the sake of consistency, let’s imagine that the Player lives in a big, lonely, woodsy and plain-sy plot of land. There’s little to no outside human interaction, and lots of animals wandering through the area with a river running through it. For the wildlife, I’m basing it on the American South because I’ve lived here my entire life and know how they act.
2BDamned would be the most entranced, since he has the most memories from before the fall and before Hank killed the sun. He’s an early riser by nature (since his body has conditioned him so he’s mostly overworked and under-rested, as unhealthy as it is), so he leans more towards the beauty of a sunrise, towards the light that starts to paint the dark sky with hazy orange shades and rosy hues. He likes breathing in the crisp air and the way it almost sends a shock through his lungs.
But the sun stirs a lingering feeling of nostalgia, though, for the way things were before everything fell to madness. Doc tries his best not to let the thoughts get the better of him as you slip through the front door and out onto the front porch, carrying two steaming cups of coffee. 
God, he could imagine staying like this forever: just you, him, a beautiful sunrise, and coffee. Surely the way you pay attention to him, the way you get up extra early to watch the sunrise, the way you doctor his coffee just right – they’re all examples of how you care for him, just as he cares for you. But for now, he’ll just bide his time, blowing the steam off the surface of his coffee and purring, soft and raspy, both at the taste and because of your company.
But that doesn’t stop the others from appreciating the astounding view at dusk, because Sanford and Deimos are more partial to sunsets after long days. They like lounging in the adirondack chairs set up around the fire pit, cracking open a few beers, and simply relaxing with you. (Don’t worry, Sanford will gather firewood and Deimos will set it alight if it’s a little too cold for your taste.)
They’re fresher clones, so they don’t remember the sun well, if at all. They both always go quiet when the sun starts to dip below the horizon. Sanford props his tea sunglasses on top of his head and Deimos sets his cigarette in the ashtray as they both stare at the way the light turns the clouds purple and paints the sky with pink streaks. It stirs something sad in your heart – both of these men are pushing and just over the cusp of thirty, yet they don’t know the simple sweetness of a sunset. 
But as soon as night overtakes the sky, they both turn their attention back to you. Deimos makes some suave comment about your beauty being nothing in the face of a sunset in that rumbling, smooth voice of his, and Sanford gives him a pointed glare. Sanford points out that your beauty and the beauty of nature are two whole different things, but keeps showering you with not-so-inadvertent compliments, leaving you flustered and blushing from both grunt’s words.
Hank is somewhat of an anomaly with this one. All of the grunt’s biological clocks are absolutely porked from their time without a sun, but Hank’s affected the worst by far. (That, and he doesn’t really care for the sun. He literally slaughtered it.) Therefore, he’s more privy to waking up in the middle of the night and dragging you onto the roof to look at the stars. 
He likes laying on his back with you on his chest, pointing out the brightest stars and asking you questions about them. (He doesn’t really care, he just likes hearing your voice.) He loves your vivid descriptions of the constellations and how you describe them in intricate ways. To Hank, they’re just sparkly, unreachable dots in the sky, but it seems like, to you, they’re beautiful: like millions of silver nails driven into a dome of dark blue velvet. 
He savors the moments like these the most, when you’re alone with him. There’s no sound except for the crickets and dog-day cicadas and spring peepers and your voice and Hank’s sputtering purring. Honestly, it’s as it should be – without those other pesky dipshits ruining your time together. (Well, he can tolerate Doc, but that annoying extraction team could go fuck themselves for all he cared.)
Sanford hates being lazy. He hates feeling like he’s not doing anything useful, even if he’s being useful by resting. The only real way to make him sit down and stop moving is by trapping him on the couch, laying your head in his lap, and turning on the TV. (Even if, for the first thirty minutes, he’s too focused on you and your body heat and how fast his heart is beating to even consider looking at the TV.)
But the thing he loves watching the most isn’t any sort of movie with amazing cinematography or show with riveting writing – it’s infomercials. Specifically, infomercials from the 90’s to the late 2000’s. He likes seeing what things could’ve been like if there was no madness in Nevada, because things are oddly peaceful (at least, to him) in your world. Billy Mays and Cathy Mitchell make him wonder about domestic life with you (even if the Jupiter Jack and the Xpress Redi-Set-Go are completely obsolete by now), and how these little gadgets would make your life together supposedly go smoother.
He likes combing his claws carefully through your hair as you both watch these people play up how useful these obviously useless inventions are. He tries to avert his eyes and act interested in the TV as you look up at him and point out how the Red Devil Grill was recalled because it got so hot it collapsed and caused fires, but can’t. He just can’t keep his eyes off you when you look up at him so sweetly, and can you blame him? You just make his face so warm and his heart beat so fucking fast…
Deimos has always had a fascination with electronics, but it’s mostly been from a tactical and weaponized standpoint. But he’s discovered (well, really, you introduced him to) video games. He absolutely loves curling up into your side, purring and providing commentary as he watches you play. (Because, despite his trying, he hasn’t really gotten a hang of the controls yet.)
He loves more story-fueled games with characters he can really get attached to. He likes investing himself in things and people that don’t actually affect him, because seeing your favorite character go through dire straits or even die hurts for a little while, but it’s nothing compared to seeing someone get eviscerated right in front of you. And, yeah, he totally cried when Arthur Morgan died (and totally played it up so that you’d comfort him). 
He also likes draping himself over you in the middle of a boss fight, wriggling and nuzzling into your cheek, causing you to giggle, lose focus, and, obviously, die. He strings together half-hearted apologies through his raspy purring, but he’s not really sorry. More deaths means more time spent with him, and internally, he’s completely and honestly unapologetic for his underhanded tactics. 
Due to the nature of his administrative role, Doc spends a lot of time in front of screens. He likes to unplug and unwind by reading, no doubt with a straight-up hazardous amount of coffee by his side. He prefers reading with you with an arm wrapped around your shoulder, whether you’re also reading or working on something else. Though he’s inexperienced (and sometimes even shy) with these types of things, he’s more than happy to ease into affectionate touches and romance that kills his common sense with you. 
His tastes are often cheap, but when he earns enough dough, he likes to splurge on second-hand college anatomy textbooks. No, he’s not planning on going to university, but he wants to know the inner workings of the human system (and, therefore, the inner workings of you). He also likes speculative biology and seeing what humans think about other intelligent species potentially being out there.
He would absolutely be elated (though he tries his best to hide it) if you took his interests seriously and discussed them with him. He tries to keep you in his makeshift office and away from the others so you can continue to spend this precious alone time with him, but that doesn’t stop the red-hot flare of jealousy as one of the others bursts in with a childish ask about something that should be obvious. (Of fucking course you wouldn’t want to go for a walk, Deimos, have you seen the weather out? Leave you and him alone!)
Obviously Hank would love gorefest and splatter film movies because of his all-encompassing and absolute love for carnage, and he’d love them even more if you got scared and hid yourself in his shoulder or chest. It’s clear that he’s your strongest and most capable vessel, so he clearly agrees with your choice to choose him as your protector (even if that choice is based on an instinctive need to hide). 
He also loves WWE and MMA fighting. When given the choice, he opts for MMA because it’s real and bloody and he prefers seeing people push themselves to their absolute limit rather than some predetermined fight that serves a higher storyline. (But, then again, he really likes the clip of Undertaker breaking into Paul Bearer’s house during an interview and throwing a cabinet at him because, what the fuck? He’s never thought of that before! Using things from the environment when out of weapons instead of his fists could be an improvement. Maybe he can learn a thing or two from these fake fighters…)
And, yes, if you give him access to Twitter he will turn your entire timeline into those backyard fight videos and dashcam car crashes. He doesn’t mean to, it just happens.
Being a natural night owl, Deimos loves keeping a lookout for what critters come out at night. When he’s on the front porch with you, smoking a cigarette and waving away mosquitoes, he makes sure to keep an eye out for weird and unusual wildlife. (While pressed against your side and purring loudly, no doubt.)
He likes watching the whip-poor-wills swoop down and catch the moths that swarm around the overhead porch lights. Yes, he will try to catch one, but backs off when you tell him to. Instead, he opts for digging in the dirt to find beetles and grubs to toss up in the air for the small birds to catch. He will kinda feel bad if the beetles hit the ground but will continue to throw them to the birds when you tell him insects are basically immune to fall damage, so… no harm, no foul.
He’s also absolutely enamored by raccoons. He likes throwing food to them from the safety of the porch and watching them eat with their little grabby hands. He’s very reckless so, despite your warnings, he’ll try to squirrel one away inside the house. (He does this multiple times and, without fail, gets bitten each time. 2B has given him multiple rabies shots after shooing the raccoons out with a broom.)
Speaking of Doc, he enjoys going out in nature and finding decaying things just to see how many buzzards arrive. He excuses it with something about wanting to see if decomposition works the same across both your world and his, but he secretly finds some relation with the birds – something about being deliverers and arbiters and negators of death. (Though the last one really only applies to him.)
He also likes the rare sightings of wild horses. He’ll go out of his way to (carefully, shyly) rouse you from whatever you’re doing to go take a look at the majestic beasts, and he’ll be even more excited if there’s a foal wandering between the stocky legs of the adults. 
He just barely brushes his fingers against yours as you both stand on the edge of the treeline and watch them graze. Seeing the foal break from the herd, kick out and tumble and fall over and immediately get back up sparks… something in his heart. A vision. Just you, just him, linked pinkies, and a future together, with this warm feeling in his chest.
Hank really likes the more dangerous creatures. He gets along well with cottonmouth and other venomous snakes (and “gets along well” really means that they’re mean as can be and strike as often as possible while he just holds them and smiles at you). 
If you don’t keep a close enough eye on him, he’ll wander off and try to provoke larger animals, like bobcats. To him, they’re just tiny little pussycats, even if they pose a real threat and could kill him. Please don’t let him go too far, because if he comes across a bear, he will try to wrestle it, and Doc doesn’t like having to do emergency surgery on the island countertop in your kitchen. 
On multiple occasions, he’s come back to the house after being missing for hours, reeking of skunk spray. He just purrs happily as you tell him to strip and hold still as you spray him down with the hose.
Sanford is way calmer with his interactions with wildlife. He likes sitting on the dock with you and watching the fish swim by (because he’s impressed both by the fish and by the river – he’s never seen water in such great quantity!) Set him up with a hook, lure, and line and he’ll be entertained for hours. Though he struggles a bit with making streamers and fishing knots due to his big hands and claws, he’s more than patient when you teach him (mostly because he gets to spend time with you). 
When he’s fishing, he likes to look around and observe – mostly because fishing is a waiting game. His favorite visitors are herds of whitetail deer, especially when summer is in full swing and the fawns are ready to start exploring. They remind him of his family, mainly because of the way the does don’t really care which fawn is theirs, just that each is getting enough milk. You point at them and discuss them with him in small whispers because you don’t want to spook them. 
Again, it reminds him of his want for a domestic life with you. Just basking in the mottled sun that seeps through the trees, dipping your bare feet in the cool river water as a catfish tugs on the line – it’s all he wants, really. Now if he could just get the rest of the grunts to leave you alone… excluding Deimos, of course.
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cook1emadness · 4 months
Your honor,can i request yandere hank j wimbleton or just romance of hank j wimbleton idk you can choose if you feel like it😿
How about both....
Your honor, read this Warning: blood, death, obsession, possessive behavior, torture, kidnapping, forced relationship,isolation, violence, near death experience, body parts and killing.he is also a stalker. I hope you're prepared.
I'm surprised you of all grunts managed to make this guy fall in love with you, but just because your his partner doesn't mean you're gonna kiss, holds hands instantly.
Oh no, you first gotta wait, give him time and be patient, love is something that's new to him, and he isn't good at it, like at all.
So if you can't be patient, you'll end up breaking up with him.
Affection is also something you're gonna struggle with if you're a touch starve person because he is not much into affection, but once your relationship evolves, he might let you hold his hand.
During your relationship with him, it's gonna be like a normal day(well except for the chaos stuff happening), the only thing thats different is that hank is more closer to you.
No one will notice until someone like sanford or deimos mentions it.
Hank doesn't give you like cute names, you know, like dear, babe, or habibi. He prefers to call you by your name or nickname. It's easier for him.
Due to his stubbornness, and you being... well you. Deimos may or may not call both of you an old couple(deimos proceeds to run away while Hank chases after him).
Also, you sometimes gotta join him on killing sprees. He loves it when you two go out together, killing enemies, covered in blood, it kinda shows that you don't care what he is doing is wrong.
Also if you get injured he wouldn't care much unless you get severely injured, then he'll start to care(might even go after the idiot who tried to kill you).
Dates? Mostly killing sprees or missions(I think) and maybe stay in his room to play games or do nothing. But he let's you pick which places to date, just make sure no one is following you.
Despite not being into physical touch, if your love language is gifting or quality time, then you're lucky because he tolerates receiving and giving gifts, but if he's the one giving somethin, it would mostly be a weapon or something he likes.
For the other love language, quality time. He would listen to you all day, but sometimes his ass is not listening,but at least he lets you ramble on about it.
He also he likes sparring sessions and maybe playfights. Just be careful. it might get bloody. But hey, you can't argue, he's a bloody murderer and you can't change that(YOU CAN'T FIX HIM!!!)
Pray to the Lord and savior for you are done for. No, really like your no longer gonna that "normal life".
Hank being a yandere the most dangerous yandere you will ever see. He is more terrifying because he doesn't hide his obsession from you.
Hank is the type who would show no kindness, no love, or care until you give up. He's like the original hank only he obsessed with you rather than annoyed by you.
His obsession his hard to see, but it can be detected if you squint hard enough, you may notice him watching you or him being close to you.
He doesn't get obsessed with you yet, it takes time, depending if you work for the 2B or not.
He stalks you when he notices you doing something that catches his interest. Or you hanging out with something he doesn't like, aka your friends or enemies(if you're a random citizen unless... you're a traitor).
He slowly then starts getting possessive, seeing you so close to your friends, seeing how you let your guard down to some stupid grunt(aka your friend).
And that's how Hank gains his possessive behavior. He waits until you're back to the base or somewhere safe and goes kill your friend, and anyone that you happen to befriend or makes enemies.
He's now closer to you, and you start to pick up his obsession and possessive behavior. But of course it's too late to turn back, becasue once he close enough, he kidnaps you.
Now like I said before, hank shows no love or care until you submit and realize theirs no hope, but of course, some of you have so much determination, it pisses hank off.
If you keep trying to escape he will get, aggressive and go so far twisting your leg or ripping some of your limbs just to stop you from escaping, but of course he takes you to 2B, and of course 2B questions this but patches you up, sadly he listens to Hank(for the first time in forver-) he doesn't re-attach your limbs back.
He wants you to be with him, and him only, he gets almost delusional, but knows he needs to force you and make you realize your his and only his.
Your now just something hank would toy with, if you act rude and even insult him he will stab you and even torture you for his sadistic side of him.
When you do give up, he would try to show you some care, but it isn't really caring.
He once let you explore but after you try to escape he shoves you in his room and you know the bye bye limbs.
He also try to kill sanford for questioning him about you, lucky deimos was their to back him up.
So yeah, no matter what you do or try you can't escape and even if you did, he would just find you, and drag you back.
even if you die trying or die fighting, it won't lead you anywhere but him.
Your honor, I hope you like this and if not then please like this Gif, i hope you have a good day and night...
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creatorthegod · 9 months
Yandere Madness Combat x reader, Player au pt 2
"Hey um Player can I talk to you for a minute" the familiar voice took the Player from there work, turning around they faced the grunt that was peeking their head threw the door, they smiled as they stood up and beckoned to my bed, the two sitting down on it. "So what do you need" they asked a smile on there face, the grunt looked nervous as they looked around to make sure no one was watching. "The others are doing to me what they did to you" The smile was replaced with a confused frown "What?" "The others are watching me from the shadows, and some of my stuff is missing" the player was concerned for them and themself "What do you mean 'What they did to you'" they looked around again before speaking "When you first came the others would watch you from afar, and sometime I spotted Tricky or Jeb watching to but now I keep catching everyone watching me, I also got a letter and was wondering if you could read it first" They hand the letter over. It was a crimson red with gold writing on it that spelled their name, and the front had a golden wax stamp seal they open the letting with a small rip and look up to (y/n) but they don't seem to mind taking the paper out they read
'My Dearest (y/n) I know you don't want to work with those beasts so here is my offer, come work with me as a personal nurse I will make sure you live in luxury, from your lover Phobos'
'Oh shit' the player thought, a knock on the door interrupted them and Hank walks in saying nothing " Oh do you want to talk to the Player Hank" (y/n) asks but they can tell a bit of nervousness in there voice. They stand up and walk threw the door, Hank turns to look at them leave before looking at the player, He then growls at them before following (y/n). The Player shivers, they pack everything that can into a backpack along with some food and water.
Tonight they are going to leave
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redamoureux · 1 year
Yandere Hive Headcanons
↳ content warning: yandere themes, obsessive behaviour, overprotective behaviour, forced relationship, unhealthy workplace, violence, intimidationn
• genre: romantic
• a/n: had kind of a hard time writing this cause i really wasn't sure how to write him and caused me some struggles- i hope this turns out like what you've asked!
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As one of the scientists in the Science Tower, you thought you'd seen nearly just enough crazy and whacky creations invented in this blasted place.
Until during a meeting with the director, when he was continuously on and on about some new, supposedly a brilliant project that he wants the scientists to work on. It was a self replicating MAG from what you've heard?
While you aren't even sure what the exact purpose of this project, still, you were assigned into the project anyway. monitoring the stability of the progressed mag aswell as being forced to get inside the same room as him.
Initially you were scared of it because of its quick aggression, even so it was expected as he was still in the early stages phrase.
Though slowly, you feel less scared of it and the fear was replaced with sympathy for the mag. You've seen how some of the scientists became intrigued over how his design works and test things frequently on him. When you confront them about it, they'd only shrug and said that it was already given. So in an effort to relieve some of the pain he's constantly feeling, you'd momentarily turn off the machines that tightens around him and feed him in a proper way when noone's looking.
While he may try to fight back in confusion and distress, you'd hum some small made up melody to ease him down. Eventually you grown to feeling close to him and voiced a few things random thoughts of yours or the frustration with work whilst he's still grasping sentient.
After the final test, you thought he wouldn't be able to remember much about the interactions between you and him. Reportedly, the MAG acts very aggresive towards other scientists which frankly makes you nervous and tad sad. To your surprise however, he seems to remember perfectly who you were, letting out small noises that sounded happy upon seeing you entering his chamber forcefully by the other scientists. Holding you as close as he could with his limited abilities and letting out a few purrs while you only awkwardly stood there as you watched the few lucky grunts who survived his prior wrath trying to crawl back out.
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eldritch-spouse · 2 years
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Gil, my beloved babygorl.
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imjustheremam · 1 year
Yes request are OPEN
Fandoms I will be doing....
141 force/call of duty/Los Vaqueros( it can also be kögin and others) and other Aus
Madness combat/MADNESS: Project Nexus and other Aus
Security breach/Fnaf/Ruin DLC and other Aus
What I will write
Angst (I will try)
Me being tired
Yandere/romantic/platonic Fandom headcanons and reader headcanons
What I wont be writing because I feel very uncomfortable when I'm typing
Weird kinks
ships like canon x canon or other random ship
Oc x canon because I'm not good nor I don't know your characters
That's pretty much it also don't be afraid of requesting me or ask any questions, anyway byeeee have good night or good day.
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cosmica-galaxy · 1 year
Would the cartoon madness combat refer to the player as the watcher/ the viewer?
I think so! Since the Player doesn't actually control what the cartoon-variants do, as that is purely up to their creator Krinkles. So I think them calling the Player "The Watcher/Viewer" would make more sense in the long run. It also depends if the Player's strings can attach to the cartoon versions at all. One can argue that Project Nexus Classic would enable the Player to actually control the cartoon versions. Since Madness: Project Nexus is actually a sequel to the 2D cartoon version on Newgrounds. You can still play the original game, even after flash's shutdown. So it's actually possible, and reasonable, to assume that the Player can control them as well. (Which may result in the cartoon versions getting bit by the same yandere bug that their game counterparts are infected with.)
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cereswritingpoint · 2 years
Hey! Welcome.
Since you've come this far, let me introduce myself!
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Hello, I'm Ceres! I'm in my early 20s and I've chosen to bring my writing to Tumblr. Yes! I usually write (and read) in my free time. And, when I'm not writing, I like to listen to music and also read about academic (nerd) articles.
Newgrounds, JJK, TokRev, Junji Ito, Madness Combat, Soul Eater, CSM, AOT, Assassination Classroom, HxH, JJBA, Death Note, Cowboy Bebop, Evangelion: Death (True)².
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Sibling!Reader x Character (Only PLATONIC);
Female!Reader, Male!Reader (going to try), NB!Reader;
Reader x Character (Romantic OR Platonic);
(Going to try) angst;
Dark/Suggestive content;
(Going to try) Yandere!Character;
Gore, violence;
Note: I will put TW in any delicate topic.
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Underage characters;
R*pe or any other type of assault;
Religious themes;
Heavy angst;
Domestic violence (verbally, physically, emotionally and mentally);
Loli stuff or characters acting like a child.
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From Madness Combat: Series:
Hank J. Wimbleton, Deimos, Sanford, 2BDamned, Tricky, Jebus, Auditor.
From Project Nexus:
Dr. Christoff, The Employers, Director Phobos, Dr. Hofnarr, Dr, Skinner.
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Well, that's all for now! Thank you for the attention, and I hope you have a great day! <3
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sad-boy-hank · 3 years
[Crashes through the roof] I was sick, it's night and I still have to go study tomorrow, but I couldn't stop thinking about that yandere-ish imagine of SQ faction w/ Rookie!Reader in my head.
Like, imagine that you've come to Sanford to ask questions about Deimos being all so flirty with you, almost hopping on your lap on some occasions or somethin' and if he's dating him. Of course, turns out it's not really something out of ordinary for anyone, so it kind of gets awkward for you and then, San asks you what's up.
So, you decided to vent about unusual behavior not only from Dei but other teammates as well.
Hank would follow you around everywhere, as you started to notice and that intimidated you. Like, did you do something unknowingly harmful to them? Not only that, it's even worse when you woke up and saw this hulk of a man watching you sleep.
That's not the only most unusual thing. When you've gone to talk to 2B about that, he just... Brushed you off, said it wasn't something to be really concerned about. Said the same person, who always calls you up for daily weird check-ups that you didn't even need and also, who would touch you in quite intimate areas [not that you minded, but it's still kind of odd].
Hell, even your beloved friend Victor, who was the reason you even here in the first place, didn't take it seriously! Just petted you on the back, placed a kiss on your head, and told you, that there's no worrying in that.
No worrying about murder-hungry beast menacingly trailing after you? Oh, hell no.
And then... You got upset in the middle of venting, not even able to finish the rest of the frustrations about members of the faction, and fell on San's chest with an exhausted sigh. He was immediately wrapping his hands around you for a warm hug, which you appreciated. He was such a loving person for listening to you, unlike others with you...
Little did you know, he smirked, as he gave reassuring look to Hank just peeking from the corner, sort of saying that it's his turn to be with you.
For now.
my god i love this. . . kubric staring at my computer rn
Every member just adores you, but that doesn't mean they treat you well. They do as best they can- really, they do- but it's been so long since they've met someone new, so you'll have to forgive Bert for licking you like a cat, or Sanford for randomly pressing you into his chest, or Hank for smearing blood over your face as if it were a canvas.
Strange mishaps have begun recently as well- the chopper broke down and there's no on-site engineers to help (But that's okay! You can spend more time cuddling with Dave!), a gun goes off and hits you but all the hospital beds are full (Wonderful! Skinner will treat you in his quarters!), or you're given more off days (Perfectly fine! Victor can spend more time around your scent!).
It's odd, but it's normal.
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yanderes-galore · 8 months
Chopper Dave from Madness Combat yandere alphabet pls!
Dave is so damn underrated oml... here you go! Sorry it took... months-
Yandere Alphabet - Chopper Dave
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Transference, Clingy behavior, Manipulation, Stalking, Drinking to cope, Jealousy, Worship yandere, Violence, Kidnapping, Overprotective behavior, Anxiety, Possessive behavior, Forced relationship.
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Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Dave is certainly an intense yandere. He is a yandere who would revolve around the phenomenon some people get when they fall for their savior. All you had to do was save him and he's loyal to you forever.
He follows you around and is very clingy. He is a worship yandere and cannot live without you once you save him. He's loyal to you and listens to every word you say.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Dave is not a violent yandere in terms of murder. He can get violent but he won't kill. Not unless you asked him too....
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
Dave would never mock you and doesn't really bother with kidnapping unless he has to. He'd much rather just cling to you closely. But if you did anything that made him feel like he could lose you... then he may have to step in.
He treats you well when he has you "under his care" He tends to every little need and want you have to a degree. After all... anything for his savior.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
He tries not to.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
Dave is extremely vulnerable and open around you as his savior. After all he feels you'll always protect him... and he'll do the same to you! He is putty in your hands.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Surprised and disappointed. He feels he'd indebted to you! Why do you fight his offers?
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
Not a game and he does not enjoy you trying to leave him.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
Dave doesn't want you to have a worst experience with him. He's actually quite the submissive yandere. But if I had to say?
Him locking you in the chopper because you tried to go on a mission he didn't like. Due to his nature there isn't a lot of bad.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
He wants to forever be loyal to you. He wants you to hold him and care for him. He wants to marry you and please you in any way he can.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Yes he does! He tends to think no one around you can please or protect you other than him. Sometimes he'll lash out. Sometimes he'll just be quiet and sulk.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
Definitely a worship yandere who follows you wherever you go. He wants to please and feels forever in your debt. There isn't any other place he'd prefer to be....
He just wants to be by your side like a puppy.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
He fell for you after you saved him. Ever since then he'd tried to court you. He chats with you, follows you, offers a drink or gives gifts.
He's obsessed with you and keeping you safe. If something puts you in danger... well... he has to be around to stop it, right?
Even better... he could just trap you with him and prevent it from happening all together.
Yes, he only acts this way towards you, his savior.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
He wouldn't, at most he'd just use restraints. He shouldn't punish his savior!
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
None as long as you're safe.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
Very patient.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
He'd have a hard time. He probably would drink to soothe his sorrows. He hates the idea of losing you.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
No but maybe.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
You saving him during the events of Project Nexus' Arena Story.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
He'd feel horrible and try to comfort you the best he can. Anything for you.
Less violent.
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
Reciprocating his affection, you don't even have to do that actually. He'll do anything you tell him to for the most part. He just needs some convincing.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
He's a huge worship yandere. He'd do anything for you.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
Not very long but barely snaps honestly
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
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nevadancitizen · 2 years
“like the tiptop tournée”
synopsis: what would kim kitsuragi be like in the m:pn self-aware au?
word count: 2.7k
characters: kim kitsuragi, sanford, deimos, 2bdamned, hank, player! reader
trigger warnings: canon-typical violence, deimos being a menace
notes: i finally got a free day because everything’s frozen over and got to finish this 😭😭
Nevada really isn’t anything new to Lieutenant Kim Kitsuragi. He doesn’t consider himself the finest of Precinct 57, but he’s pretty damn notorious for his detective abilities – and he’s been in strenuous situations like this before. 
But, honestly? In his many cases, he’s never met anyone like you. The only god he’s met is Evrart Claire: a man masquerading as the god of the dock worker union’s corruption. Don’t get him wrong, he doesn’t revere you in the same way the others do – you carry somewhat supranatural power, you have an unnatural warmth about you, and others worship you – but Kim’s never been one to believe in gods, and he’s not about to start now. 
Sure, he felt your presence while in Revachol: some entity looking over his and Harry’s shoulders. Harry described you as “maybe some type of Dolores Dei,” but Kim knew you were more than a political figure somehow dubbed an Innocence.
(Kim looked down at the pinball machine. It was themed after the Dolorian Age – a time of early airships and beautiful, sad, pearl-laden women. He was glad it was broken. 
“How about we fire one of these bad boys up and play some ball?” Harry du Bois asked. He was the partner assigned to him by Kim and Harry’s competing precincts (the 41st and 57th, respectively).
“We can’t ‘fire them up,’ they’re broken,” Kim said. “Only that one machine in the main hall works. The Royalist Pinball.” his voice was ever-so-slightly laced with disgust at the name.
Harry laughed through his nose. “Sounds like you don’t enjoy pinball, Kim.”
Kim was almost too ready to reply. “No, I love it – I love pinball. Who doesn’t love pinball? Let’s move on.”
Their heads turned to the damp ceiling as they heard a quiet laugh. It wasn’t an actual laugh, mind you, not one they could really hear, but one they could feel resonate within themselves.
Kim and Harry looked at each other. They both decided, unspoken, that it was just the wind or the city or the rattling of this old brothel-hotel. But really, deep down, they both knew it was you.)
He’s always known everyone has the capability to murder, but the ease at which it’s committed here almost astounds him. He still keeps his cool, and (before you discover your powers) even defends you.
(It happens fast. You can do nothing but look down the barrel of the rifle. You can almost see the grooves on the inside. Its scope looks like a camera lens, focusing on you. It will take a picture of absolute destruction when the trigger is pulled. 
You hear Kim quickly whisper “God, please.” 
A shot rings out. It takes a moment to realize you’re not dead. Smoke rises from the barrel of his Kiejl A9 Armistice. Kim stands from his semi-crouched position. Your hands shake. His do not.)
It’s a shock when you find the grunts. Deimos and Sanford found you in a – what they thought was – an abandoned warehouse. They were clearing it out, trying to hide. You were too.
(You grip the handle of the broom closet door and try to keep your breath steady. Kim has his gun pointed at the door. You both know that if it opens, you’ll have nowhere to run.
“We know you’re here, bozo!” a voice rings out. They talk lowly to another person. You’re so pumped full of adrenaline you can’t recognize who it belongs to. 
Kim pulls the hammer of his gun back slowly, and it lets out a soft click. The conversation stops.
You’re good as dead.
An axe head crashes through the wooden door. You crumple into the corner. Kim backs into the wall. A hand reaches through and unlocks the door. Kim exhales sharply and shoots it. 
The owner of the arm screams. The next bullet clicks into place. Another arm, belonging to someone else, shoots through and flicks the door handle down. The door opens.
“Stop!” Kim shouts. He grips the gun harder. “I am an officer of the RCM, and have been permitted to use deadly force.”
They laugh and step closer to him. 
You look up to see two grey men. Through the shadows, you can see the one closer to you is wearing a durag and sunglasses. He has a natural pout that’s turned into a twisted smile.
To say they’re overjoyed to see you would be an understatement. They could almost feel you in Nevada, and the wanted posters plastered with your face didn’t help with your poor attempt at stealth. But they were wary of the man you had brought with you, and made it very apparent.
(You barely managed to calm your nerves when you were sitting in the back of a pickup truck. Sanford immediately started the engine and drove. 
Deimos’ breathing was labored, and he clenched his bicep where he had been shot. And yet, he still talked. Some things never change.
“So.” You could hear him gritting his teeth. “Who’s the crackshot?”
“Kim Kitsuragi, Lieutenant of Precinct 57 of the RCM.” Kim answered for you. “And I apologize for shooting you. But I will not hesitate to do it again, if you present yourself as a danger.”
Deimos barked a laugh that was cut off by coughing. “Yeah, right.”
Kim opts to look out the window at the desolate landscape. The wind rolls in through a prominent crack, causing his orange aerostatic pilot jacket to ripple like water. 
Tension clouds the air like humidity.
“The, um,” you stutter. Deimos looks back at you. “RCM stands for the Revachol Citizen’s Militia. Kim knows how to shoot a gun, but he still knows how to holster it: he’s useful both as an officer and as a man. He is useful to us.”
Deimos turns forward. Sanford glances at you through the rearview mirror. If you say so…)
When you get back to base, it’s much of the same. Hank greets him as he does anyone else – with violence. Doc is more formal, of course. 
(“Lieutenant Kitsuragi.” Doc tries the name out on his tongue. It tastes like an old motorpool and authority – an authority he’ll barely respect, surely. “Just call me Doc, or 2B, if you like.”
“So you are the medic?” Kim asks. “What are your qualifications? If you don’t mind my asking.”
You shoot him a glance. There’s no strong-arming someone in Nevada unless you’re waterboarding them. This place doesn’t recognize your authority. Kim, we’re foreigners here – please, don’t do anything too rash.
Doc is curt. “I’m qualified enough.” 
“Yes, of course,” Kim says. “I didn’t mean to offend you. Now, if you’ll excuse us…” 
Kim starts to reach a hand towards your shoulder, but a hand shoots forward and grabs it. You look up. 
It’s Hank… the one man you were dreading introducing to Kim. You’re excited to see him nonetheless, but…
“Hank!” you exclaimed. His red goggles shined in the low light, glaring at Kim. He still held his wrist in a crushing grip. You eased his hand away, so he opted to hold yours instead. 
Kim glanced down at your hands. You could tell he was itching to ask many questions – probably about how you were able to ease the wrath of a psycho.)
Kim tries not to discuss the grunts to their faces. He does his best to keep up his professional persona, as draining as it may be. 
(It should’ve been night by now, but there was no sun in Nevada. You could only tell because of the moon rising in the sky and your biological day/night cycle. 
You sat on the steps leading up to the base. There were footsteps behind you. 
“I thought I told you, I’m gonna be okay. I’m just a few steps outside –”
“You did not tell me anything.”
Kim sits down on the steps beside you, but keeps a healthy distance. He has a feeling someone would know if he was too close, and promptly eviscerate him. 
“I’m sorry, Lieutenant. It’s just that… this day…” you sigh.
Kim looks out at the horizon. “Yes, I understand. If I have too many more days like this, I may die prematurely. If I do not die in the line of fire first.”
He reaches into his jacket to pull out a single cigarette and a lighter. You smelt chestnuts when he lit it. He takes a deep pull and lets it settle in his lungs before breathing it out.
You watch the smoke dissipate. “So, what do you think? You like organizing your thoughts on paper. You written anything interesting?”
He brings out his blue Mnemotechnique notebook. Two fat, shiny pens hang from the binder like large caliber bullets hanging from an ammo belt. He flips through it, stopping on a page of importance. 
“Hm. Well, your men are very protective of you. I suppose that connection can only come with being one of your – how do you describe it? – ah, vessels. I understand the basics, but I don’t understand why it would inspire the need to revere you as they do.”
“It sounds freaky, but I can control them. I controlled Lieutenant du Bois. I protect them, and I guess that would deserve worship. Not that I want it, or anything.”
Kim scribbles something down in his journal. 
“So you were with us throughout everything?”
“Yeah. I remember most everything, too… especially standoff-style eyebrow raising matches.”
There was barely a crack of a smile on his face. That was the most you could ask for. 
“Still – those men are guard dogs. Be sure to keep them on a short leash, lest they do anything… unsavory.”
You laugh and shake your head. “Yessir, Lieutenant.”)
The grunts honestly don’t understand why you regard Kim as you do: why do you feel the need to have a man that’s practically an intruder in the base when you have them?
(“Yes, Lieutenant du Bois is… an interesting man,” you laugh. “But he’s Harry, and what more can you ask for?”
“A man with his memory intact would be a nice start,” Kim jokes, deadpan. You laugh harder and agree. 
Deimos cuts into the conversation. “So, what about you, Kim? What’s your background?”
He chose Kim’s first name on purpose, you think, so Kim knows he doesn’t respect his lieutenancy. But he has no interest in Kim’s personal life. Why does he ask?
“Well… I’m half-Seolite. Or – quarter. My father’s father was from Seol – so was my grandmother, but from my mother’s side…” he shakes his head. “But I’m still just a regular, garden-variety Revacholiere. I’m not an interesting topic.”
“Your police work,” Sanford says. “He’s asking about your police work.”
“Ah.” Kim thinks for a second. He’s choosing which cards he wants to reveal out of his entire hand. “Well, I was a juvenile officer for around fifteen years. I had a long-haul job, was successful, and moved into the homicide wing.”
Deimos is desperately trying to play nice. “And what was… this long-haul job?”
Kim spares a barely-detectable glance at you. “I’m not telling you that.”
Deimos sighs out a “Right…”)
They’re frustrated at Kim’s investigative nature, and at your willingness to appease it. They ask themselves constantly, what are his ulterior motives?, even though he has none. He never leaves you alone, and they interpret that as more of a “I’m in love with you,” type of way and less of a “You’re the only human I know, and I’m concerned for your safety. I want us both to get home – you to yours, and me to Revachol – but I’m scared we won’t be able to, though I would never admit it. Let’s stick together for now” type of way.
(“Doctor.” Kim greets Doc as he enters the room. 
“Lieutenant.” Doc’s eyes skip over him and fix on you. “Hey, do you have time to come into my office? I want to do a check-up – maybe learn more about the differences between our species.”
“Oh, okay.” you stand up from where you were sitting. “Maybe Lieutenant Kitsuragi can come with? So you can do a cross-examination.”
Doc is quick. “No.”
“It would be wise to do as they say,” Kim says. “You are a man of science, no? Science needs information. If you had twice the subjects, you would have twice the information.” 
Doc screws up his eyes behind his goggles. “Yes, I suppose you can come by later.”
“I’ve been meaning to have a look at your office and supplies. I would like to know what we have at hand.” Kim stands. “I can take a look while you do your examination.”
“I’d rather you not ferret through dangerous weapons and chemicals without direct supervision. I can bring you an organized list later.”
“C’mon, Doc.” you walk forward and turn him towards the door, letting your hand linger on his shoulder. “Lieutenant Kitsuragi knows what he’s doing – how else would he be so high in the RCM? He won’t make some bioweapon while you do a check-up. And he knows drugs: from a purely knowledge-based standpoint, of course.” you look over your shoulder. “What was that one, the – the d-something?”
Kim’s looking at where you touched Doc. His mind is racing with possibilities, taking too many mental notes to remember. “Diamorphine.”
“Yeah, diamorphine,” you look forward and start leading Doc outside. “See? He’s of stable mind, stable health, stable spirit. He even remembered what diamorphine was even though it was taken off the streets years ago!” you pull him closer. “He’s not that bad of a guy. A cop, sure, but he’s more of a detective anyway.”
Doc’s eyes flicker around the room. He’s flustered, yet you can barely tell. “I… alright. But I’ll be keeping my eyes on you. I don’t want you making some type of incurable disease.”)
God, and they get real fucking angry when you defend him. Why do you feel the need to do so? He’s obviously a non-player human, and he’s weak compared to grunts. 
(“Jeez, these are like magnifying glasses.” you say, peering into the lens of Kim’s glasses. “I’m glad you have them, otherwise we would’ve been dead meat when that guy decided to get smart with us.”
You’re just about to hand them back to him when Deimos swipes them from you. He brings them up to his face and laughs.
“God, you’re right!” he exclaims. “What are you, Kim, blind?”
Kim snatches them back and puts them back on. “No. I’m significantly farsighted.”
“Yeah, Deimos,” you say. “They’re just glasses.”
“Well, how am I supposed to know?” Deimos says. “Basically no one wears them here.”
“So you have amazing technology, but no one wears glasses?” Kim asks. 
You can foresee the argument blooming between them. “Almost everyone’s a clone here, Lieutenant. They have identical eyesight, along with identical… well, everything else. Except for personality, tastes, experiences, and the like.”
Kim hummed and wrote something down in his notebook. What you wouldn’t give to be able to take a look inside…  and be able to read his handwriting, of course. 
Deimos notices you staring at Kim. What he wouldn’t give to be able to slaughter him, right then and there… and be able to still build a relationship with you, of course.)
All in all, Kim’s a good companion: understanding, empathetic, and knows damn well how to shoot a gun. But here, he’s a target. He’s used to being one, and has been shot at plenty of times, but sleeping in the same base as four murderers, knowing one of them could knife him quietly in his sleep and blame it on raiders… he’d rather be home. Who wouldn’t?
He contemplates slipping away at night, sneaking out of a window or something like that. But he knows each person has their part to play in the world. His part was to solve crimes, now to stay by your side. He’s under no illusion that his role isn’t a minor one, in the grand scheme of things, but he embraces it because it’s his role. It’s the grunts’ too, whether they accept it or not. This story isn’t about them. It’s about you.
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creatorthegod · 10 months
Yandere Madness Combat x reader, Player au pt 1
”Oh thank you player” I say as the player put a (favorite/color) nail polish on me, "But can I ask what is my roll in the 'game' " I question "or in general" The player smiled as twirled some of their hair " You where the healer, though not good with weapons enemies calmed down and didn't attack as frequently or hard, and allies gained health faster and get there health boxes back if lost" I think about it for a second before nodding "Don't tell the others" They said looking at me "But you were always my favorite" If I had a mouth I think I would be smiling "Really, well that why you always took control over me whenever you could" looking at the time I start to panic "I'm sorry player but I must get going, I have a mission soon" "Its fine, go ahead i'll be waiting" I wave as I rush out the room.
The player was aware most of the boys liked them, but they never liked any of them back, but they were a shipper. In the real world they read lots of madness combat characters x (y/n), hell they read one where they got a yandere harem of the others 'That was there favorite' but how should they go to get the others to fall in love with them.
Have Hank save them on a mission,
Sanford and Deminos get hurt on a mission and they help heal them,
They help 2BDammed fix someone up,
Maybe Tricky takes them and likes there calming effect,
Jeb helps them save a grunt,
They protect the Sheriff from a threat,
They heal the Auditor even though they know he is the enemy,
Or maybe they aren't scared of Phobos he take an interest in them,
Oh the possibilities are endless, when the player was positive no one was coming they went to there closet, inside was many papers some with drawings others with writing, there own fanfictions and fanart. They suddenly had an idea, pulling up the menu screen they did a little coding making it so the others had the feelings they felt towards the player go to (y/n) 'good thing I learned how to code' they thought more so happy they can see there ships sail.
"Little did I know what they felt for me was dangerous, and now they felt that way towards them they would try and never let go, and no matter how hard I tried to make there affection come back to me it never did, It was a one time thing"
"What happened next mommy?"
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zv5x · 3 years
hey :) so like... do you know the madness:proj. nexus characters? because im a huge simp for church and jorge and i just don't see enough content for those two, much less any yan! content. also church drags his s/o around with a child leash but thats unrelated--
Okay! Got it! So sorry this took so long, old asks tend to get buried in the inbox but I remember wanting to do this one for a while! Hope you enjoy these!
( :̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅:♡:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅)
Church is definitely a more agressive kind of yandere. For sure. They see you as far too immature and stupid (in the most blunt terms) to really take care of yourself alone, and they leave it upon themself to take good care of you, for you
Your resistance doesn't make any sense to them, just how a parent doesn't understand the whining and crying of a spoiled child. They're doing everything right. They're supposed to be protecting you and you're supposed to be thanking them, so what's the big problem? Why do you always seem to flinch and tremble when they come near you?
They ignore it. They ignore it all.
The thing about the child leash is pretty accurate actually, as they'd gladly pull you around everywhere with him just so he can make sure you won't be ballsy enough to try and run away from them. They'd even use a regular leash if you're leaving him convinced degrading you is the best path to take. If they think it'll ensure them their happy ending with you, they'll go through with it immediately
They aren't afraid to chase you right down and tackle you down during an escape attempt, and their brute strength and bodily power is more than enough to convince you to stop all disobedience for as long as you believe they'll be angry at you for. They'll be happy you're being cooperative for the time being, at the very least
Church only truly trusts you around his partner Jorge, and vice versa for Jorge himself
Incredibly possessive, obsessive, and everything similar. You truly belong to him, and he wants the world to know it. He parades you around, glaring down at you everytime you do something he deems as you trying to ask for help or escape, promising you a nice long punishment if you refuse to get it together
He's also pretty huggy and clingy with you, wishing to just spend time holding hands while he's hanging around Church more than anything else. He just wants to spend all his time with you!
He most definitely won't hesitate to kill of anyone who stands in his way, and he's sure he can get Church's help with eliminating the access. He won't allow anyone to stand in between him and his beloved. It just won't happen
I imagine he takes a ton of photos of you. All with labels, written with a shaken hand and a felt tip marker in your favorite shade or color. Only the most accurate for his beloved (Y/N)
For intimidations sake, he loves showing you all the weapons and tech he has for himself if he needs it. Just a nice little "look (Y/N)! Look at this cool thing I could use to blow your families brains out if you don't figure out how to love me soon!"
Every time you escape he's right behind you. Before you know it, you're being picked right up like you weigh absolutely nothing and thrown over Jorge's shoulder, taken right back to where you started : now with a punishment right at the top of his to-do list
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eldritch-spouse · 3 years
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No one:
Absolutely no one:
Skinner while literally rearranging your guts: So what's your star sign?? :))
I headcanon Skinner has no idea how to flirt. Also, yandere Skinner will take any opportunity he can to open you up surgically.
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bubbleteacat · 2 years
Hello and Welcome!
[ Madness Combat Requests: CLOSED ]
You can call me Bubbles or Cat! She/her/They/Them and 18+! I try myself on writing some headcanons and drabbles for madness combat/madness project nexus! (mostly x reader stuff!) I am open to yandere drabbles/headcanons as well as non-yandere stuff! If you have any requests please send them in! It might take me some time to get to them, but I will try my best! ^^ Also please be aware that this blog is 18+! That means I will write also nsfw topics such as gore, violence, death and also occasionally smut or implied stuff! I will tag everything accoringly tho as well as put them under a read more!
If you got any critism about my writing please send it to me! I try always to improve my writing skills! ^o^
⚠️ I do not and will never condone nor will ever glorify or romanticize 'yandere' behavior IRL!!! All I write is just ficition! If you do not feel comfortable reading about these things please do not read it! ⚠️
Masterlist of my written stuff so far:
Welcome to the Player's World [Part 1]
Welcome to the Player's World [Part 2]
Yandere!The Maker x a merciful Reader
Yandere!The Maker x a merciful Reader PART 2
Main 4 (in their normal grunt forms) end up in Reader's world
yandere!KinitoPET x Reader
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