#yas binch that good
blushblushbear · 3 months
Fck it- let’s get some ANGST rolling
All the boys reacting to their S/O dying right in front of them, and they are partially responsible for it.
Doesn’t matter how; freak accident, prank/date gone wrong, ppl who have a personal vendetta against them and want revenge- I want to know how they react and how they move on from that moment onwards (if they do at all)
(I’m new to this fandom btw. Hi!! 👋🏼 I rly like your writing :)
AHHHH THANK YOU! I try weirdly hard to do a decent job
but yeah okay *cracks knuckles* let's get into it B)
tw: character death, death in general, violence, gun violence, depression, grief, guilt, heartbreak
So I think Nimh's is a freak accident
I think you two are just walking along the side walk together and it's nice and normal and peaceful
and then a car swerves off the road and right towards you two
let's sad for added against you pushed him out of the way on instinct
I think his vision is actually blurred at first when he looks up from his spot in a bush
he does have a heart condition so that amount of shock is gonna make him legitimately dizzy
he almost dies right there when he looks over and sees you unconscious on the ground surrounded by blood
he is full on having a panic attack and can't breath and honestly everything is a dizzy blur for the next few hours
he falls over again just running over to you and is lost to the world as the rest of the scene unfolds around him
he's full on not seeing or hearing anything as he holds you bleeding in his arms
he doesn't even notice how badly he's hyperventilating
you actually don't die right there on the spot
you're put in an ambulance and rushed to the er and then to the icu and Nimh is in the hospital with you
They're also taking care of him as well since he is actually pretty banged up and is clearly having a serve panic attack and might legit pass out if not tended to
when you finally get to the hospital and start to wheel you away to the icu as other er staff are looking over him as a patient he pretty much starts loosing his shit
he wants to go with you but they need to make sure he's okay too
he's sobbing as they take his vitals
you last a few days and he never leaves your side
his parents come by to bring him food and clean clothes and a blanket but he's not leaving you once he's found you again in the icu
it's terrifying to him how still and hurt you look
he talks to you while you're out
honestly for all 3 of those days, he still had hope
no matter what the doctors said
but when he woke up on the morning of the 4th day to the sound of your flat line he watched all his hopes and dreams crumble in front of him
his happy future he saw for himself died with you
he's honestly a depressive mess and his body has not taken to the stress well at all (heart condition and panic attacks)
it's made even worse by the fact that he keeps having dreams about you
that always turn into nightmares where he relives holding you lifeless and bleeding in his arms
I'm going to be honest
I think due to the mix of the stress this puts on his already frail body
and the fact that he's sort of lost his will to live
he actually only lasts a few months after the accident
he was already lucky enough to make it this fair into his life, lucky enough to find the strength to always keep trying and make his body better, lucky enough to find you
but I guess his luck ran out
for what it's worth, I do think he goes peacefully in his sleep
dreaming about you
but a good dream this time
it's just tragic all around
poor Nimh
Volks' is another nice day turned tragic
You guys had gone out hiking, and he had helped you climb a tree because he really wanted to show you the view
it was taller than you had ever climbed but he promised that he wouldn't let anything happen to you
and as you too are looking at the view--- well, YOU are looking at the view, Volks is looking at you pretty much the whole time (like he always does)
but for a brief moment he took his eyes off you to also look at the view with you
and in that moment a strong wind shook the branch and made you loose your balance
your security tie failed and you went tumbling
that split second moment went by like an hour to Volks
the sudden realization that you weren't there
then looking down and seeing you falling
it took all of his will power to not instinctively jump after you
but when he saw you hit the ground he never scrambled down a tree so quickly
every part of him was shaking and his heart was pounding in his ears
he came up to you and you were still alive, but badly hurt
he gently cradled you in his arms and noticed you had blood coming out of your head
he pulled you onto his back panicking
calling 911 with his shaking hand
he met them on the side of the road and rode with you in the back of the ambulance
the whole time he was just staring wide eyed and pale at you
you were alive and moving but you were so out of it
the ems said you had definitely hit your head on something on the fall (probably a rock) and that you had several broken bones
you got none of that
Volks heard every word of it loud and clear like the worst was being confirmed for him
and he was responding to none of it
just staring at you
when you got to the hospital, his mom was already rushing out to meet the paramedics
you had met her a few times, she really liked you a lot, and especially liked how happy you made her son
she was taking charge since you were already like family to her
when they wheeled you back she told Volks to follow
your vitals were starting to tank and you've lost too much blood
the er room was a panicked frenzy that you were too out of it to comprehend
and the whole time Volks just kept staring at you
in your state, you were trying to make anything out
then you looked over at Volks
and when you looked at him there was this look of recognition and almost like relief
he stared back at your eyes, dull and distant but fully seeing him, the blood running down your forehead ruining the tenderness this look would've otherwise brought him
he didn't realize it yet, but he was tearing up
you reached out your hand to him weakly
he practically jumped forward, walking to you and taking your hand
your grip was weak and there was dirt and blood on your palms
you squeezed his hand as best you could manage
and you smiled at him
gazing lovingly into his eyes
and as he gazed back into yours
he watched as your bright eyes went dark
and then unfocused
he heard the single note of you leaving
and felt a panic he'd never known before as your hand slipped from his
his vision blurred as he just stood there shaking in disbelief
he couldn't find any words or form any thoughts as tears streamed down his cheeks
in a distance he heard his mom's voice
he heard his name
she was saying something
she felt her hand numb on his back
but he couldn't take any of it in
he just stared at you
for maybe the last time
you were just here and now you were gone
his contact finally broke when his mom pulled him away into a hug
she was crying on his shoulder, and holding her baby boy so tight
Volks blinked and it all hit him at once
and he broke down in his mothers arms as they crumpled to the floor together and sobbed
months went by
and he barely left the house
he went back and forth between staring at the wall and looking back over pictures you took together and texts you had sent
then crying
then back to the wall
his mom checked in on him a lot
but he's barely there anymore
on one visit she brings him food and notices a rose in a vase with fresh water
it's one he brought home from your funeral
it's long dead but he keeps watering it
for the millionth time Volks' mom preaches the helpfulness of grief counseling and invites him to join her this week at the group meeting
he refuses and she goes back to unloading the food she brought him into his fridge
he's not eating much though
on her way out she kisses his forehead and tells him she loves him
she stops at the door
and looks back at the rose
then her son
'you know.... they would've wanted you to be happy... that's all they ever wanted...'
Volks is silent for a while
his mom sighs and gets ready to leave again
'hey mom....'
she turns
'...what time is the therapy group?'
Ya know, weirdly enough, I think Kelby actually handles all this the healthiest of all the boys??
also before I give an actual death lemme just say it's really hard for me to think of something for Kelby that's not Final Destination levels of insane lol
but no, okay okay
I think with Kelby it's just a regular ol' run of the mill daily tragedy
You're driving together, he's at the wheel, you guys are probably headed to a nice day at the beach
or back from a nice day at the beach
it's late but he's careful
but the sad truth is careful doesn't matter when other people drink and drive
your car is hit head on by someone going twice the speed limit, and your side of the car takes the main impact
I think unlike the previous two guys, you don't get a hospital goodbye
you are most likely dead on impact
and Kelby's not looking too hot either
I think he passes out in an ambulance and wakes up a few hours later to a few new injuries and the shocking news that you didn't make it
pretty sure everyone can hear his wails from down the hall
He's actually basically crying off an on for the next few years
he spends time with family
time with friends
looks at pictures
reads old texts
cries and cries and cries
he goes to therapy and goes through the moitons
but no matter what he can't fight this new hole he feels
the one where all his love for you went
I think he actually becomes an advocate for safe driving
and joins a lot of support groups
He actually helps a lot of people work through their pain
and that helps him work through his
the sad truth about this kind of thing is that it really is a mundane tragedy
that feels like an oxymoron but this sudden heartbreak happens everyday
but through the proper channels, Kelby has found ways to cope
though every now and then the loneliness does get him
how can it not
but if he can't spend the rest of his life with you
then he'll dedicate the rest of it in your memory
and help others do the same
also he keeps your picture by his bedside and talks to it frequently
telling you good morning and good night and such
He never stops missing you
I feel like with Eli, it really is something outlandish
Like he convinced you to go romantically dancing in the rain and you got struck by lightening
and to other people he laughs it off
'ain't life a bitch, at least they went out in a blaze of glory, they always were electrifying,' etc etc etc
but the truth of the matter is he's deeply and unbelievably upset about this
at his core, he's inconsolable
and he probably jokes about that too
'haha I'm dead inside actually! :)'
he has started seeing a therapist
he's got a lot to unpack
also I know there's not super explicit alcohol mentions in the game
but we know Eli is a party boy
and he's def developed a drinking problem over this
he doesn't know how to handle his feelings so he stays out all night partying like he would do with you
tearing shit up and drinking his feelings away
all so he can stumble home alone and pass out immediately so he doesn't have to contemplate how utterly empty and pointless his big fancy apartment feels
or how empty and pointless he feels
he's also dabbled in some drugs but he's trying to be real careful about that since he doesn't wanna wake up in an alley way (at least not cause of drugs-- he might a few times over booze though)
I think there was a time Eli had a lot of self hatred growing up followed by full self acceptance and self celebration
but he doesn't feel like celebration himself right now
he's pretty sure you'd be disguised with what he's become in your absence
hence the going to therapy
he hasn't found the right therapist just yet but he's going to keep trying
he liked the good things about himself, he liked the good things about you, and all the good things you saw in him, even the stuff he didn't always see as good himself
he wants to like himself again
the way he did when he had you loving him
he truly felt the happiest with you around
but now
he lives in the club
and drinks till dawn
he wakes up in a haze
feeling sick as shit
slowly gets himself together-ish
and ends up wondering what his life has become without you
has a coffee
and a headache
reads some poetry or listens to a song that reminds him of you
ulgy cries for a bit until his headache is worse
calms down enough to eat (well, less calm and more too burnt out)
rinse, repeat.
He doesn't plan to do this forever
he doesn't want to do this forever
someday he's gonna find a way to be happy again without you
though nothing will ever compare to the great love of his life that surprised him out of nowhere
okay here me out this might be a little too real BUT
bitch I think he got swatted
he messed around with the wrong dude and he got swatted
it got messy
you were there when it happened
he is pressing SO MANY CHARGES
he is a wreck
there's a movement online to try and help and support him through this trying time but honestly
he sees very little of it
he's sort of logged off for a while
actually a long while
he moved houses cause he was just too scared and traumatized
he couldn't stay in the house he watched you get shot in
he's going to so much therapy but it's not helping much
well, it is actually
just not in ways he's seeing or feeling
normally he'd get his revenge asap but like
that sort of thing is what got him into this mess
he is still taking all the legal action he can though
got the best lawyers on his side
SOMEONE is going to jail hell or high water
but it doesn't help fill the hole
he spends a lot of time lying in silence
or going outside
or staring at a blank screen that isn't turned on
he's actually not sure he'll ever get out of this whole
he looks at his phone from time to time but only to look at pictures of you
it's not connected to the internet or anything
eventually he finally feels up to trying to be online for an afternoon
maybe check his socials a bit and play a game
that's when he finally sees the out pour of condolences people have left for him
it actually makes him feel better
you know that bit in that lil nas song 'strangers make you feel so loved, ya know?'
that's him right now
he will never get over this
not even a little bit
and I think he's done using his powers to fuck around
I think eventually he will get to something resembling his old self but
you're still his desktop background
and he's never not going to feel that void you left
or the crushing guilt that flows
oh man
what to do with Garret
GEEZ uhhhh
I think with Garret, he just wakes up one morning with you in his arms and you're pale and unmoving
I think for him we're gonna say brain aneurysm
you just had one in your sleep overnight and there was nothing anyone could do
he was a panicking sobbing mess the whole time he waited for emergency services with you in his arms
and he wasn't much better while riding in the ambulance with you (he refused to leave your side)
you were barely breathing the whole ride and stopped breathing before you even made it to the hospital
despite the fact that literally none of this was his fault and absolutely there was nothing anyone could do he still blames himself
you died in his arms
he should've been able to do something
I think after a few years of group therapy he finally manages to get back to something like his old self
but he still breaks down in a sobbing wreck every now and then over this all
and he misses you every day
I think he constantly goes back and forth on whether to get rid of the bed you two shared on the night you died
on the one hand you died in that bed (sort of)
but on the other that's the last place you were together
either way he still hasn't gotten rid of it
and he has a locket with your picture in it that he never takes off
I'm running out of way for you to die guys
I think let's go with you were visiting him at the coffee shop and one of the espresso machines exploded, injuring 3 and killing 1 (that's you) (.....shut up I'm trying)
a coffee bean was launched right into your heart
so tragic
he like all the others go into a depressive state but he does very melo-drama about it
lots of tears and wilted roses and sobbing while draped across a sofa holding a framed photo of you
love poems, robe, tissues, ice cream, empty bottles of wine
his sister comes to visit him every day but it doesn't help
I honestly think he never lets this go
he wears this sorrow on his sleeve like a memorium to you
he vows he will never love again and he keeps it
there's a lot of talking to his main framed picture of you (he has a lot) and telling you about his day or his family or how much he misses you
that last bit usually comes up
he's definitely drinking more wine than before
he's not full Eli binging but he definitely gets it down
If he had a ring he was going to propose with (and he probably did let's be real), he wears it now around his neck
a reminder of the happy ending with you he will never get to see
I think this one actually is a prank gone wrong
or at least a video gone wrong
he actually quits his channel for a while out of guilt
he just can't stand running it
he eventually comes back for the fans but it takes like a full year before they hear from him
he spends a lot of time being depressed in the dark
playing games and sometimes talking to himself like he's talking to you
he has a really great therapist that helps him a lot with the guilt and grief
when he does eventually come back, he has a much greater boundary between his online life and his personal life
he also doesn't do stunts/pranks EVER
he actually only updates here and there cause he's putting his focus into more artist projects
the first one is an exploration of grief and how it can change a person
he's got a lot of guests from all over the internet who are here to share their stories of loss that were going on behind the camera
it's very soul bearing all around and it actually is seen as an over all good
it made a lot of people feel seen and less alone
including him
nothing will ever replace you
but he's using his fame now to let people know they aren't alone, so hopefully that's something
I think with William you were at the clinic visiting him and something venomous bit you
most likely a snake
you were rushed to the hospital and given anti-venom, but it was too late, the damage was already done
I think he is actually the most functional of all the dudes after the fact
like he's very much Not Okay, but he's trying his best to get through his day
the moment he gets home though he enters into the most mournful slump
he puts a record on and drinks a glass of wine and stares at your picture and just
he finds himself missing you throughout his day but the second he gets home it's a little all consuming
he's honestly kind of resigned to spending the rest of his life alone mourning you
maybe in a few years from now, he'll try for love again
but he already knows it's not going to be the same
he's always going to feel the weight of your loss on his heart
I think with Myx it's probably a very sudden yet terminal diease
he puts everything on pause to be with you for as long as he can
he gets about a few months (it's still not enough)
after another few months away from everything spent mourning he finally returns to the stage
he has basically a whole new albums worth of songs
each one of them was him working through his loss and pain
you know those albums you listen to from an artist, and you're just like 'who hurt you???'
yeah, this one is his
except the answer is life
or more specifically death
the amount of times he cries on stage performing some of these songs is unsurprising
a lot of fans send him letters of encouragement and condolences
and flowers
so many flowers
your funeral was actually a sea of flowers
some from friends and family
some from Myx's fans
but honestly mostly from Myx
his next album isn't quite so consumed with grief but honestly-- the subject always comes back up
there's also a few songs for you in there that are really sweet
it's not all tears and heartache
a few happy memories immortalized in song
though a lot of fans and critics consider the ones he wrote during that first year without you some of his most compelling and heartfelt bits of work
and it only cost him everything...
Let us pretend my previous post about the reader gaining immortality does not exist
Stirling loses you to time
like so many things before you
and many things after
your loss stings the most though
he stayed with you until the end of your life
loving you every moment he could find
and even making some himself
but he's learned the hard way that all good things must come to an end
and frankly you were the best thing, so your end left the biggest shadow
he misses you every moment of his eternity
so many paintings and portraits of you throughout your years hang in his walls
but none of them ever did do you justice
he's found ways, like this, to surround himself with some version of your presence
though it never fully chases away the loneliness
he embraces the end gracefully
though every so often, when the night is clear and the stars are bright
he can't help but look into the heavens
think of you
and weep
Scale lost you to an enemy assassin
He doesn't know if they were going for him and just missed
or if they meant to target you just to get at him
but either way he watched in horror as a dart flew into your neck, and you fell to the ground motionless
He never stops blaming himself
He knew he was no good for you and he stuck around anyways
and look where that got you
he spends months hunting down and killing the assassin that did you in
but even bringing justice to your end doesn't make him feel any better
okay, maybe it helps a little, but it's still not enough
he sort of slinks into solitude for several years following your death
he also takes a vow of silence (for some reason--- he won't say why)
he frequently visits your grave and mourns you
he also reads over your old text convos
and he cries
a lot
he kind of lost his heart on that day
and it's truly doubtful he'll ever get it back
not with you gone
I think this one is another car
I know it's very sudden at the least
he doesn't really know how to process it at all
he's actually in quite the downward spiral for the next few months
going back and forth between trying to remain positive and being a sobbing wreck
bruh, I think your loss kinda broke him
he's seeing like 3 different therapists
they're helping a little
he still sobs uncontrollably at least once a day
honestly, I don't think he ever truly gets back to his old self
he just can't anymore
He's not sure how it happened
all he knows is that he came to on the floor next to you
He was holding you
and there was a lot of blood
you were already cold, your warmth long gone
and his head was spinning
everything was a fog
what had he...
he remembers feeling jealous
and helpless
and angry
he sort of blacked out in a spiral
there's vague flashes
you pinned behind him as
no no no no no no no.
he couldn't have.
he wouldn't have.
h-he didn't mean to.
you can't be.
he staring down at your still body, limp and lifeless in his arms.
all the pieces are coming back together.
it's all coming back to him.
he let's out a nervous laugh as he shakes you gently and says your name.
It all had to be a bad dream.
That was all a dream.
He could never have...
please wake up...
he's so sorry...
please wake up...
...just be a bad dream...
I think for Mr. Poet we're gonna have to go Byronic on his ass
that's right, it's Consumption baby! Aka tuberculosis!
basically meaning you get real sick
and he's with you every step of the way
staying by your side as your body gives out
documenting ever turn with a new bit of writing or poem
he's never been so prolific
nor so heartbroken
he doesn't share any of the poems about you
He actually might pull a Dickinson and never share them
only to have them found and published after his death
he doesn't know how many pages he filled sitting by your bed side as you slept
he keeps a book of pressed flowers from throughout your decline
flowers he brought you, or ones given by the hospital or friends, a few flowers from your funeral
He probably spends the rest of his life even more listless than before
definitely more heart broken
he moves on in his writing (at least for the stuff he shares publicly)
but he never moves on in his heart
I'm unsure how this one happens, but the follow up is the same
I think after a month or so, he tries to go back to his usual life
tries to get up, go to classes, go about his life
but he can't really care anymore
he's just going through the motions
he reads a lot of books where there's a character death to cope
also a lot of romance
and a lot of crying
he's kind of a shut in off and on for about a year
he slowly but surely bounces back
learns to be happy again
be he always knows he would be happier with you
there's a lot of pictures of you and him still floating around
he likes to try and remember you always
even if it hurts, seeing your face still makes him feel a little better
he's also def a member of the talks to your picture a lot squad
one of your pictures is his good luck charm
he got it laminated and uses it as a book mark so you can still kinda 'read with him'
he thought he wasn't going to care much since he deals with souls all the time
but he truly forgot what this was and now he's pissed
cocky fucker legit forgot that he lives in hell
and that's not where you end up
he doesn't really mourn like the rest of them cause you're not really gone
but he does still miss you
and is trying to tug at every string he can to try and either get himself up there or you down here
it's his new main goal, but it's gonna be a tough one
he keeps trying to trade your soul for others but the folks upstairs ain't buying it
this honestly feels like more of a set up for a rom com manga than anything else lol what is this even doing here IT'S NOT SAD ENOUGH
oh okay his can get very sad
I think his is going to be learning the hard way that you can't save everyone
and that no matter how hard to plan for something, things can still go wrong
(maybe he should be spider-man...)
but yeah, he was definitely one of the emergency services that responds to yours
he heard your address and got there so fast
but it wasn't fast enough
this loss legit takes him the majority of his life to get over
he was honestly planning to spend the rest of his life with you and that future went up in smoke
he goes to a lot of therapy, both group and one on one
and it helps
but not by much
he's definitely a different person after this all
a little less cheerful, a lot more serious
and hard to believe it but a little better at his job
he went from eye wide newbie with a hero complex to grizzled vet who knows how bad it can really get
and hey look another member of the pictures of you everywhere and he also talks to them squad
keeps a picture of you in the pocket of his fire jacket, near his chest
I mean, he already did that but now it hits different
also wears the ring he had gotten for you around his neck
(though not while working, fire fighters tend to not wear jewelry on the job cause metal hot)
lots of tears
lots of cuddle puddles with the rescue animals
occasionally names one after you
you were the love of his life
still are
Reece's is definitely a wacky space adventure gone wrong
he's shaken by the loss of you
I don't know how it happened but I know it was very sudden
spends a while in his ship just staring into the middle distance
he can't believe your gone
he spends a lot of time traveling around licking his wounds
also marshaling his forces to go face down whatever entity took you from this universe
tried to go back and save you but it always ends the same
after his last attempt he actually goes back in time to before you two even met and watches you from a distance
you look so happy, you have no idea what's about to happen to your life
he doesn't regret meeting you but he wonders often if things would've been better for YOU if he hadn't
flies solo for a few centuries
every now and then stops by and visits you in a time where you two still hadn't met
admittedly he's stalking you a bit but just in small bursts
it hurts a lot, but it also makes him feel better
try as he might, there's just some things he can never change
and the closer to home it hits, the more it hurts
WHOO BOY another immortal/semi-immortal character!
I think for all the fox boys we're going to just have you go of natural causes, no immortality for you
it's both hard for him to be sad about this and equally as impossible to not be devastated
on the one hand, you two had a beautiful life together
and having you in each others lives made them so full
but Aki's learning for the first time that part of being a kistune is seeing all good things end while you have to keep going
honestly I think all Kistune to some degree are like Aki, then Haru, then Fuyu as time goes on
like they all start to some degree young and wild and mischievous, then eventually calm a bit more and chill as they mature, and then being a live for so long matures them to such a level they're almost un-reacting cause they've seen it all
everyone's a little different but it's always roughly the same path
and this is Aki's first
you're Aki's first
his first everything
his first great love
his first great life mate
his first great loss
like all kistune before him, this is an aging mark
he's going to be a different person on the other side of this
he's still going to be Aki, just a different version of Aki
one that knows what it means to hurt on this level
he takes about a century to get over it--- well as over it as he's ever gonna get
he may one day have another mate or take another lover
but it will never be like how it was with you
I'm actually not sure if he ever pairs off with someone else for good (I'm honestly not sure any of them do)
and no matter how much time and experience changes him
or how many years pass
he still thinks back on his time with you often and gets all warm again
Natural causes, no immortality for you, you just get old and die
so they way I was talking with Aki and how all kistune probably have a similar life path as they age visa vee experiences and firsts
Haru actually is the way he is cause he was trying to AVOID that at all costs
he ran through life trying his damnest to not let anyone get too close cause he doesn't wanna deal
sad, pathetic, emotional, short lived little humans
but then you actually managed to break through
and he kind of like--- got it then
like he gets it now
he understands how a connection can be worth the risk of pain
though I will say he does start the relationship fully in denial about the inevitable
he doesn't want to talk about loss, he doesn't want to think of you dying, he doesn't want to have to figure out what a world without you would be like
I think the biggest slap to the face Haru has ever gotten is when he gave you one of his 'I'm gonna spend the rest of my life pleasing you' and you kinda gently threw out 'well.... the rest of MY life anyway...'
I think hearing it from you made him actually like--- hear it ya know???
he generally doesn't loose his cool much but he def looses it then
or anytime someone brings up that you're mortal
I think all of the kitsune do at some point try and find a way to make you immortal but with Haru it's low key a thing he never gave up on
he's not always actively searching, but he's searching on the down low
weirdly I think the person that helps him cope the most with your death is you
YOU knew what you were getting into
and you're not afraid to talk about it with him
especially cause he has a hard time staying mad at you so you can kinda say whatever
he takes a lot of solace in the fact that he made your life very happy
and he enjoys the fuck out of every moment you two have together
he tries so hard not to dwell on it
but once it actually comes and is in front of him
he has a hard time processing
he's not good at processing big feelings okay
I think he might become a drunk for a while
just a grumpy depressed drunk
he actually goes back and forth between a picture of you being the last thing he wants to see and the only thing he wants to see
he's another person whose going to come out different on the other side of the loss
I think he tried at one point to take another lover but he ended up getting upset, and kicked them out before anything could happen cause he just wanted you
and now he's alone and drunk and crying, look what you've done to him
ngl I think he becomes that like--- emotionally wounded, grizzled, often drunk samurai type (like Yasuo back at the star of his story)
he went from fuck boy to lover boy to grumpy older dude whose a little stand off-ish but honestly he's actually very sweet he just has a lot of pain to work through
also even though your face is sometimes the last thing he wants to see (partly cause he's ashamed at what a wreck he's become without you), he still keeps a picture of you near his heart
I'm so tempted to have your end be violent with Fuyu cause he's mr. war crimes but honestly
I think growing to trust again and learning the lesson that violence was never the answer is not only Fuyu's character arch, but low key all of the kistune boys character archs????
but yeah, so no, despite my temptations
natural causes, old age, no immortality for you
so Fuyu is no stranger to death or loss
and he has seen people he cared about die (fandom headcanons, one of them WAS Natsu and I am behind the idea that he didn't wanna do it)
but you just hit differently
he truly never met anyone like you
nor has he loved anyone as deeply
nor will he again for that matter
he tries his best to mourn your death with grace
but behind closed doors he's a sobbing wreck
I think the full time line of Fuyu at least for the parts that we see him are as follows
Angy, deep down Very Sad and Lonely, Uptight, RAWR -> Learns to chill and love and repent and be more open and is just generally still kinda stuffy and stiff but a lot more warm and happy -> still not the monster he once allowed himself to become, still a bit stuffy but also still chill, very solemn, very sad
so he didn't loose his gentleness that his time with you taught him
but he did get back his sad and lonely
He thinks about you everyday
and talks to your spirit in his moments alone
( not actually your--- you're not a ghost, making that clear--- more your memory)
you honestly made him a much better dude
and your company lead to him being able to open himself to more people
but none of them are you
and they never can be
he still writes you poetry
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nulltune · 1 year
@tenkoseiensei replied:
shes a part of da convo in spirit. in my brain shes standing next to yq and nodding while he yells a whole lot
yq vc i also want to know… what you think you’d be doing in that sort of world, y'know—
a thought - provoking question !   gears already turning in her rational mind,  she ponders over details that may be too series for a hypothetical scenario.      ❛   assuming that the situation in the video game were to be replicated in this reality ?   ❜     there's a slight cant of her head,  still mulling over the details with a gaze looking elsewhere.
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❛   would servants be affected by zombie bites ?   well,  in any case  ...  i would like to keep you safe,  and everyone else.   ❜
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❛   from there—  hm.  there are a lot of unknowns involved with zombie survival,  likewise there may be many factors we need to be aware of when moving in a group setting  ——   but first,  it would be wise to set up a temporary base ...  a safe place to rest and make plans without the fear of zombie interruption.  hunting for supplies will have to be a priority,  food and water  —  canned food would be most effient  —  first aid kits and water as well.  naturally,  this would not be sustainable for survival in the long run,  so—   ❜
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kinokochouchou · 1 year
fucking hate throwing up. but at least now I feel slightly better and my head hurts less. I find it interesting about migraines that throwing up makes them less severe
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morelikeravenbore · 15 days
💕Positivity prime time! Share five things you love about yourself, four things you're excited about, OR three people you care deeply about and why. Pass this along to someone whose posts make you smile💕
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Thank you for sending this, ya cutie! I didn't feel like writing about myself so I uh did this instead 👉👈 hehe I hope it spreads some positivity regardless.
Silly drabble, 600~ words.
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Sebastian smoothed the sheet of parchment over the desk and reviewed his work with a small nod of satisfaction. Curfew was near, and the library was deathly silent save for the near-constant stream of dark mutterings coming from the girl beside him. Aurélie, for all her beauty, humour, and charm, was a force to be reckoned with when she was in a bad mood, and after an entire day of being grumbled, glared and snapped at, Sebastian was quite ready to put a stop to it. 
'Right,' he said decisively, squinting at his untidy scrawl. 'Are you ready?' 
'First question —' 
'I still don't understand how this is going to help!' 
Not for the first time in his life, Sebastian thanked whatever higher power had given him a twin sister and thus a lifetime of experience dealing with the wildly shifting moods of girls: Anne was certainly a  formidable foe when she was upset, but even the volatile temper of a Sallow paled in comparison to that of a French girl when she woke up on the wrong side of the bed.
Still, vast experience notwithstanding, he exhaled a deep, slow breath before calmly explaining, for the third time in a row, ‘It's called practising gratitude. It's supposed to help you shift your mood so you feel better.'
'Fine,' Aurélie pouted, slumping lower in her chair. 'Ask the stupid questions.'
‘First,’ he began, referring to the list of prompts he'd compiled. 'List five things you love about yourself.' 
'Five?' she shrieked, bolting upright as if he'd just assigned her a twelve inch essay on the history of flobberworms. 'Pass. Next.'
'We'll come back to that one, then, shall we?' he said through his teeth. 'Share four things you're excited about.'
'Going to bed,' she muttered. 
Sebastian scribbled it down. 'And?' 
'That's it.'
Unwilling to concede defeat until he at least drew out a single, tiny, begrudging smile from her, he went on. 'Next question. Three people you love deeply.'
'Shoes are not people, Aura.'
'Shoes are a girl's best friend.'
'That's diamonds!' 
'Those, too. Write that down.'
'Alright.' With mounting frustration, he added "shoes" and "diamonds" to the list of people she loved. 'Who else? Real people, Aura.'
'Celeste,' she offered, leaning forward to watch him write her best friend's name on the list. 
'And? Come on, you might play the part of World’s Most Aloof Ravenclaw, but I know for a fact you love more than just one person…' 
'Hmm, Poppy. And Esme! And Jean, and Siobhan. And Lory, Cordelia, Tessa, Rosalie, Gibby, Allegra. Ummm...' She paused to catch her breath while Sebastian's quill flew across the parchment, struggling to keep up. 'Johanna, Calypso, Matty, Eleanor, Ariane, Winter, Alyn. Oh, and Artemis, and Lydia! And Violet and Pearl, and Eloise, both of them —' 
When finally she found herself out of names, Sebastian reviewed the long list with a bemused expression. ‘All these friends and you can't think of a single nice thing to say about yourself. Anyway —’ He shook his head and turned to look at her, ‘— you're missing someone.'
'Oh?' she frowned, critically eyeing the list of names. ‘No, I don't think so.’
'Mhm. A certain charming, good-looking, highly intelligent, freckled someone.'
'Oh!' She smacked her palm to her forehead. 'You're right! Garreth Weasley.'
Sebastian nearly choked on his tongue. 'I'm not writing Garreth fucking Weasley under "people you love deeply"', he refused, throwing his quill down. 
'Oh, but he's so friendly.'
‘No,’ he said flatly. 
‘Alright, alright, grum-py. How about this?’ With an impish grin, she picked up his quill and, in a long, elegant script, wrote “Sebastian Sallow” across the top of the parchment. 
Sebastian narrowed his eyes. ‘You couldn't have put me first?’ he grumbled.
‘I could've,’ she replied, smiling for the first time that day. ‘But it's much more fun making you jealous.’
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🦋 Featuring my loves and some of Aura's AU besties: @sallowsangel @sallowslove @sloanesallow @lorriiraine @2centniffler @gingerlegacy07 @mianeryh @galaxiasgreen @lyworth @ravenwind-75 @dwightschrute11 @girl-named-matty @endless-starlight-legacy @yoshitsuno @moonstruckmoony @ps-cactus @polarisgreenley @esolean @vienguinn @myokk @thesuperiorfeeling
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chaosfairy18 · 1 month
perchance some binch (buttons + finch) drabble??? they're my sillies and i love them so dearly /nfta
First of all Hello!
I do have to say I don't really do much livesies/stage musical stuff (sorry) nor have I ever really done much thinking on Finch or Buttons even as individual characters nor as a ship (I prefer Redfinch) but since you've been so kind to send me an ask I tried my best. I really only have Hotshot as a recurring character in my writing and even then she is very different from canon Hotshot.
Buttons is Tadhg McCarthy (his canon name in UKsies) and he got the name because he 'has his buttons' (being smart) but I still made him sew. (Thanks to Nox for the UKsies infos <3)
Finch isn't even here that much but I write him mostly like my dear friend @clevereverest makes me think of him, I love her Redfinch writing
Mostly this is actually Buttons character study a bit and his friendship with another pickpocket who sews: Swifty. Because I am 99% 92sies focused and I needed to at least have one character I already know how to write.
Now enjoy: (750 words)
Buttons wasn’t sure what to do with Finch always having some rip in his clothes. Naturally he’d help him, but he wouldn’t be happy about it. For most people he’d ask for a fee for patching their things up – if they didn’t want that they could go to someone else – but with Finch he regrettably couldn’t do that as they were close.
Didn’t mean he had to be happy about not getting a bit more money.
Admittedly he had gotten more than enough today by relieving some people of their change.
In the bunkroom – where his sewing kit was – there was only one other newsie, Swifty, apparently doing the same thing. They got along well – thief’s codex and all that – so he sat on the bunk across from him to do his own stitching. “Hey Swifts.”
“Buttons.” Swifty grinned his usual lopsided grin. “Finch again?”
Buttons groaned, looking at the ceiling. “Idiot tears his thin’s every day. Shirts, pants, hat. Last week t’was his socks.” Of course he knew partly how it happened, Finch climbed up some tree and the branches nicked his clothes, he fell down and scraped his knees, he got in fights and teared something else.
“You’d earn a fortune if ya actually took his money.” As much as his tone was teasing, Buttons had a feeling Swifty was thinking something more than what should be going on.
“Can’t rob ‘im blind like that.”, he just said dismissively, getting out his scissors and thread.
“What’re you doin’ anyways? One of the littles ripped somethin’?” The kids always tumbled around and Swifty was close to both Flipper and Tumbler – mostly through them being close to Skittery and Bumlets, who were his best friends – and he’d also do a lot for Boots or Snipeshooter, not to mention Splasher. Though Splasher would have come to Buttons for sure.
Swifty held the shirt he was doing something on closer to Buttons, showing a little cat on the hem of it, embroidered in black. “I’m puttin’ little cats on all of Skittery’s clothes to see when he notices. I’m runnin’ out of clothes actually.”
“Bold of you to assume he’s lookin’ at his clothes when he puts them on.”
“It’s still fun. Tumbler loves it, says Skitts is like a cat anyways.”
They talked a bit more, also about what they had stolen the last few days, laughing about some of the close escapes they’d had or reactions they got after stealing various things. Swifty even managed to get a whole dollar, not even wanting to show it, already having it stocked away somewhere. Not that Buttons would have stolen it from him… probably. It would have gotten him such good clothes and sewing equipment though.
It was tempting, but thief’s honour kept him from actually doing it.
A bit later Finch came in, just as Buttons was almost finished, looking eager to get his vest back. “You done yet?”
“Almost.”, he just said dismissively, Swifty snickering from his bunk.
“Let the man work. With how much you’re givin’ him one could think you’re doin’ it on purpose.” Before Finch could reply to that, Swifty had jumped up, shoved the newly embroidered shirt in Skittery’s drawer and quietly disappeared down the stairs, steps light as always.
Finch’s eyes widened a bit, and he looked apologetic. “I promise I ain’t doin’ it on purpose, Tadhg. Just happens.”
“Yeah yeah. You’re just a clumsy bird.” Jumping up, cutting off the last thread, he held out the vest, newly patched, almost looking like new. Or at least the same as before. “There you go. Don’t go and rip it open again, if you keep givin’ me that much business I will have you pay for it. Runnin’ out of thread with all this.”
“I’m sure you won’t lose your buttons though.”, Finch laughed, referring to how Buttons got his nickname, from having all his wits with him. Having his buttons in order, so to speak. It was one of the better nicknames anyhow, as it also fit with sewing.
Finch slipped into the vest and grinned, leaning forward and kissing Buttons’ cheek. “Thanks again, really. I’ll get you some thread or cloth or somethin’. Promise.”
He rolled his eyes. “Sure. Just don’t keep making people suspicious with all this. They’s bound to notice I treat you special.”
“Not that they’re wrong.”
“Yeah, yeah.” He pecked his lips. “See you later.”
Buttons got to sew up two more of his clothes just this week.
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finchesslingshott · 3 months
me and @coffeeistired went on a whole rant together about modern!finch + modern!race and their bestie lore so here you go enjoy
they met each other in an adoption centre and when they went to the same middle school and found each other in class (my brain says like 6th grade when they met) they both got so excited (race/finch creds)
they were practically attached at the hip all through middle and high school, but they had a phase right after they graduated where they both got rlly busy and drifted apart and panicked and finch called race at like two a.m. in tears one night and was like "WE'RE STILL BEST FRIENDS RIGHT YOU DONT HATE ME???" (finch creds)
race reassured him, they had a good talk, and fell asleep on call together (finch creds)
THEY MET UP THE NEXT DAY AT BAR AND FINCH’S DUMB ASS CRASHED ON THE DRIVE HOME 😒 (he has never been able to live this down) (race creds)
finch and buttons were alr dating by then and buttons found finch waiting in the hospital (race broke his arm or smth) and smacked finch upside the head then kissed him (finch creds)
Race used to jokingly guilt trips Finch over that….”what do you meannn ya don’t wanna go to the pet shelter with me? Ya broke my arm! I’m trying to cheer myself up, I don’t wannna go aloneeee :(“ but he stopped after a month or two after he realized Finch might geuninely feel bad (race creds)
and finch did feel bad. immensely. finch literally wouldnt even touch a bottle of beer or smth for literal months and cried so many times over it, he was so scared to lose his and race's friendship because it meant the entire world and then some to him (finch creds)
Right now, Modern!Race is in collage to be an aerospace engineer, he has an internship at a space station(which is how he makes a good portion of his money- using that to pay off collage) and he’s an assistant teacher for the local middle/elmentray school’s special education program, he goes down once or twice a week. He doesn’t tell people his job because he thinks they won’t beilve him since he’s…”too dumb” (race creds)
a lot of race's little students he helps out with take piano lessons (some take voice and/or dance) from finch and finch reports to race what they say about him (finch creds)
in my mind finch is the shortest and he and buttons take the crud out of finch for being small (a mere 5'6") (finch creds)
"we shoulda nicknamed you smalls instead of finch-" "SHUT YOUR MOUTH." (finch creds)
Race has no room to talk he’s short too/J (5’7 1/2) (race creds)
Meanwhile, Buttons grinning evilly in the background with his 1/2 an inch over Race (buttons creds @thegreatbuttoneer)
"BUTTONS BABY I LOVE YOU BUT NO ONE ASKED ALR???" "youre just mad you have to get on tiptoe to kiss me" "i'm divorcing you" "WE ARENT EVEN MARRIED YET FINCH" (finch creds)
anyways i'm back in my own house so expect a lot of random drabble as we continue the binch revolution, love you guys <333
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altraviolet · 8 months
People are really desperate for any crumbs you have to offer now that TEG has ended. You are just so good at writing. Suffering from success.
I hope you're still having a good time, though. I know this can be stressful. I wish you the best :D
Hehe, thanks. I am trying to take the messages in the spirit that is intended xD I know it means people miss the story and are excited to see more, but like, I just gave you 333,450 words. Ya gotta give my brain time to soften up into living tissue again :D
>having a good time Ehhh :'D irl work is a binch. I am going to ask my boss if I can go part time. She will say no, but at least I tried. It's hard to be creative after work. I really want to be able to write more (people mayyyyyy have noticed sometimes months-long gaps between chapters). Let's see...
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lesbianphan · 7 months
I got tagged by @less-amazing, @absolutefilthimsosorry, and @sunshinephil, thank youuu <3
Last song I listened to: You're losing me by Taylor Swift
Currently reading: so much fanfiction... I'll rec a recent fave that took over my life for a full 48 hours: Strictly come dancing, but make it GAY by @natigail Absolute BANGER of a fic, huge recs from me!
Last watched: good question man unless we're talking youtube I haven't been watching shit askjdas so much youtube I have no time for movies/shows. The last thing I watched for real is a compilation of Dan and Phil duets lol
Currently Obsessed: do I need to say Dan and Phil??? dip and pip?? the gay nerds I can't stop watching??? I feel like this doesn't need saying asdkja
I'll tag @natigail (because of ur lovely fic <3), @imjustakidwhowontgrowup, @femslashy (if u want to do it ofc u binch), @gamora-borealis, @golfylester, @cactuslester and @calvinahobbes (cause I see all four of you in my notes a lot so I like ya u have taste lol) No pressure if anyone doesn't wanna do it btw!
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obaewankenope · 2 years
The trials continue!
Cars, y'all, are horrid things. Our car went and died via turbo on the engine quitting at life. Had to go and get another cheap car as an emergency buy with money we didn't have to waste. Little cheap car isn't too bad I guess. I got a manual for it and the desire to cause chaos.
Gotta spend nearly £50 on small parts like spark plugs and an air filter to replace them on engine which, yikes. But hey, you gotta do what you gotta do.
Car has MOT until 13th December which... Isn't ideal. Have a full 5 days before I get paid so even if it passes MOT, won't have it back until paid for it... Ugh.
Do have the front brake discs and pads so I can, hopefully, sort them out myself and not require them adding on top of MOT cost. Back brakes are a them problem however because shoes and drums are Not My Wheelhouse At All.
Anyway. This is more to complain about bad luck, bad timing, and spark plugs being lil binches that desperately want to cause me problems.
Will I kill this car tomorrow when I try and do the spark plugs and air filter? Maybe.
Am I going to do it anyway? Yes.
What happens if things go wrong? I cry from frustration and figure out how to pay for repairs and MOT.
What happens if things go right? I cry from joy and still figure out how to pay for MOT.
Do you think the universe likes to give me problems to deal with because it doesn't want me getting bored or... Ya know... Having a good, happy life?? Fucked if I know.
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finvisual · 2 years
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hi hello! here after finishing the season (so far ofc) and just!!! aaaaaaa, i couldn't resist drawing someone from the new season! (if i knew it wouldn't burn me out, id draw all my faves BUT FOR NOW, a steve~)
i plan on having the charm for the keychains be around 3 inches, paired with a lobster clasp!
if you’d like to preorder one, or just have any questions about the product in general– you can go to my etsy and check it out there! (or dm me for questions of course! c:)
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nulltune · 7 months
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❛   — excuse me,  i've  ...  filled out your bingo card.  though,  a second opinion insisted on helping,  so that might've been a bit of a cheat.  it feels a little dishonest,  really,  but i did answer to the best of my abilities .. !   ...ahem.  in any case,  i do hope this might entertain you,  at the very least.   ❜       @blckswnstm
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obsidianstudy · 3 years
i am afflicted with ‘hoard all resources i can get with an intensity of a dragon with its hoard’ syndrome every time i study for an exam
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exoploring · 5 years
You're the reason for those teardrops on my guitar---
The faint music from the local cafe is cut off by a car door shutting, and with it every noise from the outside world is muted, leaving a long, stretching silence, even as the car engine is turned on and the gps pings, setting its coordinates to the local middle school. It's rare to find a car that is silent these days. Maybe they're filled with loud music, or chewing of food, or the bickering of family members or friends, or any other type of noise. Not just silence - plenty of stretching silence. But that's how Geralt wanted it to be in his car and thats how it stayed, usually.
Sometimes he would turn the radio on to listen to the local news, to hear about the traffic conditions and such. Sometimes there would be conversations between him and Yennefer, his ex-wife-now-bestfriend when he brings her to and fro her office branch when she visits. Sometimes Ciri would have a story about school that just cannot wait to be told so she just goes dad, dad you wont believe what happened today (and no, it doesnt remind Geralt of anyone from his past, no, not at all). And sometimes, he will never admit it to anyone, not even himself, but when hes alone he would hum.
Hum pop songs, 80s rock, country songs, maybe mumble rap a little. Because while he may like silence the world is filled with lots of noise, lots of music and some of them latch on. And sometimes, on those rare occasions when he feels tired to the bone and achingly alone after a long day at the ranch, he would hum songs the public has never heard of. Unreleased versions. Private covers that are, in his memories, sprinkled with laughter. Drafts to hit songs that play on repeat on all the radio stations. Those covers he would always hold dear to his heart, and he saves them for the occasions when he lets himself dream and think of
what if
what if
what if
"DAD !"
Geralt is startled out of his deep thinking and he looks at his daughter who he went to pick up from school. His daughter just raises an eyebrow, out of exasperation with just the right tinge of "can we get a move on" (he doesnt know whether she got that from her mom or Geralt, but it works) and he drives his car out of the driveway of the school back home.
There is a shine in Ciri's eyes and he knows that it would be one of those car rides wherein Ciri would not be able to wait until they get home to tell her story over dinner so in the first intersection wherein they have to stop, he says his signature "hmm" to let Ciri know that he is listening (when it comes to Ciri he always tries to) and Ciri immediately begins to talk about her day. Geralt hmms and nods to show that he is still listening to his daughter's story, silently catalouging everything that the girl is saying. And then she gets to talking about her lunch period, and she becomes extra enthusiastic. Geralt's interest is piqued as Ciri's talking speeds up, the way she would usually talk about her favorite things like vloggers and such.
"And everybody's talking about my favorite singer now, especially after the release of his album!"
"So many people were singing or humming along to the radio, coz his songs are playing everywhere-"
A nod
"And Ive been a dandy, thats the fandom name by the way, for a long time! After all hes been through Im just so proud of Jaskier-"
A large honk interrupts Ciri as the car dangerously swerves. Ciri gasps in shock and Geralt's grip on the steering wheel tightens as his face matches the color of his hair. Really, Geralt doesnt know what his expression must look like, but after muttering a soft apology for spooking Ciri, Ciri remains silent on the ride home while gazing at her father with concern. When they get home Ciri mutters an apology depsite not knowing what made her father react that way, and Geralt dismisses the apology, stating that she didnt do anything bad -he just remembered something, yeah, thats all, i'll call you for supper. With a quick hug Ciri goes to her room to do her homework and Geralt sets to cooking supper for both of them.
Much like car rides, Geralt prefers the kitchen to be silent as he sets about his tasks, cooking a usually therapeutic activity for him, and noises would usually be limited to when Ciri or Yennefer would help him out. Today, he looks at the old radio on the countertop, innocently gleaming under the lights, not at all aware of the storm its causing inside Geralt, of the onslaught of regret and remorse that never really disappeared, just dimmed in the background.
And they did say that emotions make a man act differently, act illogically, and while all signs would say that Geralt should save himself from the pain, from listening to his heart that is both aching to hear that voice and to forget it at the same time, Gearlt still reaches out. The static as he adjusts the radio to a station sounds to his ears like
What if
What if
What if
And he gets to a station and
"From a new rising star in the music industry, here is Jaskier's song 'The Well' from his album 'Sincerely'"
And the song plays on and on and on, and it feels like an eternity and a moment to Geralt, whos clinging to the radio like its a lifeline, a vice he cant quit, and the radio croons
Well I walk the line and I stood by my man
The ring of fire burned me in my hand
Beneath the neon moon I’m in the light
Tell me do I ever cross your mind
No you don’t throw wishes to the well
No you don’t go kissing if you tell
No I won’t come running at the ringing of the bell
No you don’t throw wishes to the well
No you don’t throw wishes to the well
And the last note echoes in the kitchen and Geralt turns off the radio. Again, all is silent in the kitchen. He thinks of coasts, of whispered wishes, of camping nights, of distant church bells. And he allows himself a single tear. And another. And another.
And he cries.
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disquietedpalefish · 5 years
Glass Animals' new song is a reminder that, while I typically despise rap still, I can love a song that happens to have rap in it.
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vermiliondrug · 5 years
On the subject of writing - I am surprised how much I enjoy it, despite feeling like I suck at describing things without it sounding so ... dumb. And struggling to characterize my characters, I can barely use words to describe them in profiles as it is. >.<
But still, after I finished writing the first book I’ve felt a lot more confident in just ... writing without worrying too much if its good or not? I want it to be good, as n “good enough to get published”, but I dunno if that will ever happen. In that case, I will just write it for myself and be my one and only fan of my own writing.
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budugaapologist · 5 years
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