#yay for people like you ♥
mrfoox · 3 months
Can you believe I've been trusting to so many people and it's never truly come to bite me in the ass? Autism parkour
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deafsignifcantother · 8 months
new awlins library
♥ summary: just a cute little thing of alastor liking a deaf librarian yay ♥ relationships: human alastor x deaf reader ♥ word count: 1.1k ♥ notes: silly alastor, alastor pining, reader is shy and doesn't interact with people, reader has a crush on him too lowkey, customer favoritism ong
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Alastor watched from afar, his eyes peaking out from over his book.
You were replacing the flowers in the vase on the front desk of your library. Your hands moved delicately, putting each flower in one by one. No matter how hard he tried to focus on the sentences before him, his pupils couldn't resist dilating at the sight of you.
He moved chairs so you weren't in his view anymore.
After finishing your task, you turned, and your eyes scanned the lobby to see what other decorations you needed to fix. Only for a second were you oblivious about his sudden seating change, but when your eyes landed on him, you smiled softly. The back of his head was not as well brushed as the front, and when you had greeted him that morning, you noticed how tired he looked. The time was 6am, right when you opened. He waited outside the door in the cold for the moment you'd allow him in. So then he sat, half-asleep and very distracted, trying to spend as much time in your presence before starting his daily routine. He had started doing this frequently, to the point where you began placing a black coffee by the table he'd position himself and scurrying off before he could try to return it. The first time he took a gulp of your drinks, he realized how easily you could have gotten away with poisoning him. How alluring, he thought to himself with a smile.
Obviously, you would never poison him. You loved having him around; he was a valued customer with an attractive face. He only ever picked up books from the French section, and when you realized he was running out of stories to read, you ordered a bunch of new ones. When he first noticed this, he smiled and eyed the new batch.
You don't show this particular interest to any other customer; you're pretty shy, hesitant, and withdrawn—the other employees are the ones who interact with them. There's a language barrier between you and seemingly everybody else. Besides paper and pen, you are considered a 'struggle' to communicate with, and you know there's nothing you can do to prevent that.
It's just the way things are. But Alastor actually puts in effort to interact with you, waiting outside the library every time you have a morning shift.
You pick a French book from the shelf that is obviously out of place. Nobody touches the French books except him, but is this from another person? Honestly, you feel it's more likely he put it there just to mess with you. You smile, inspecting the cover and the pages inside.
A gloved hand reaches for the book, and your eyes follow the hand up to that same handsome, smiling man. His eyes twinkle with mischief, his mouth open in a silent laugh.
He tucks the book into his armpit. "Goodness me, I must have put it in the wrong section!"
In an instant, your heart starts beating faster than ever. Stuck in place with your eyes wide, Alastor stares at you with a bit of surprise. His eyes dart all around your face, and as he tries to come up with an explanation for why you're looking at him with such shock. Did he scare you? Do you... recognize him from somewhere?
But no, your heart is racing, and your mind is scrambling to process that a man here knows sign language. He has an accent, sure; he signs up high on his body, but with how unsure his sentences are, you know he needs to gain experience. He signs and is quite a loyal consumer; he's almost like the man of your dreams.
"No, no, no, it's alright." You sign with one hand before taking the book from his arm, and you place it on top of the others in your other hand. "Don't even worry about it."
"I do insist." His sign lasted more than a few movements. And then he puts his hand in front of you for you to place the book into. Truthfully, for a slight second, you considered placing your hand into his.
Your brain battles between continuing your work or indulging in this man. With an eyebrow raised, his eyes study you in a hard stare. You don't give in to his command and instead stand your ground, eyeing him back. The both of you are stuck with locked eyes. He pulls his hand back when he notices that you aren't budging.
"Now that I think about it," he starts, "I'd much appreciate it if you showed me where the correct section is!"
He's been in the French section many times.
You smile at him, a lopsided smile of adoration; there's no subtlety to whatever interest he has. So you bow your head sarcastically and turn away from him, walking past the shelves. He follows you with his hands tucked behind his back. He can't see the widening smile on your face and how you're practicing hiding it. He's rather charming, you can admit.
Not even checking behind you to see if he's following, you approach the correct section and place the book where it is meant to be. He raises his eyebrows when you glance up at him and try not to give in to his contagious, eccentrically bright smile.
"Fantastic, thank you!"
And again, the two of you stare at each other, waiting for the other to move. You want him to continue talking, to whisk you away from your job. He's waiting for you to ask his name or something else about him.
But you use both of your hands to hold the books in your hand against your chest.
Fine. He starts pondering his next move: does he end this interaction for today, or would it be better if he took a step closer to you?
He can't stop his eyes from glancing down at the joyous smile on your lips. He's making you smile; that's good. Perhaps that will be all for now.
He dips his head and presses a hand to his chest. You watch him and the way a strand of his hair falls into his face. His brown eyes land on yours. "And I will let you get back to your work."
You nod, your foot moving away from him before you pause. Your eyes go from his beautiful eyes to the floor with shyness. With a bow of your head, you begin to walk away, returning to your previous task. He straightens his spine and adjusts his sleeve before turning away.
Quite a success. What's next? He may try putting an English book in the French section. Or should he hide the books all around the library?
His everlasting smile grows at the thought. He's so excited to tell his mother about the interaction he's finally had. She's heard quite a lot about you.
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adorkastock · 1 month
i just want to say i'm glad that you've been doing this work for so long. i remember being a preteen back on deviantart seeing your poses and thinking "wow! that's so cool someone is giving these cool pose references!" and now i'm in my late 20s and still thinking you're cool and a great help to the art community. thank you so much
aw yay! yes, this fall will be 17 years modeling. It's been A WHOLE TIME! A lot of people visit at cons and they are like, "Oh my goodness I started drawing your poses when I was a kid!" and I'm looking at a wholeass grown adult and thinking "Yes, yes, I am ancient now." 8D I love it though. It's very cool to have been a part of so many people's art growing journey. I will do it for as long as I physically can and probably well past when I should :P In turn, I gotta say thanks to everyone who has continued to support me, financially and socially. Because when I had a baby in 2014 I was like "there's no way I can keep doing this" but I didn't want to give up so I started the Patreon and shop and people have supported me, helped me yell, and it helps so much! I know I'd never have been able to continue committing time and resources to this without that initial help and now it's my most reliable income. WEIRD JOB! The happiest accident. ~♥
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Hi! I just wanted to say how much I love your blog and tell you that it's magical.
I have ADHD and autism, aka the "I Have to Explain Everything in Excrutiating Detail to Make Sure I’m Never Misunderstood™" disease.
So I've written multiple asks to you, but I've sent none of them. Because as I try to explain my problem and exactly what's going on in my story, I write like 20 paragraphs, and then I go "Well, maybe I should give them options for how to solve my problem, and then they can help pick which one might work?"
And then, since I've been writing for so long, I have to take a break to go to the bathroom or let my dogs out or something and then I come back, look at what I wrote, and then realize:
The "problem" was not actually a problem and I was overthinking everything and being silly.
By explaining Every Single Problem Ever in depth, I realize that now that I've written exactly what the problem is, it's so much easier to find an answer.
So thank you, you're answering my questions without me having to even send them in lmao
I feel this so much! ♥ LITERALLY me.
And, you've stumbled onto one of my favorite tricks, too, which is talking things out, even if just with myself or my pet or a stuffed animal. As I think I shared in a previous ask, I've even been known to pretend I'm being interviewed on a podcast. Today, I had a conversation with air on my cellphone in the car (hands free) to talk out a frustration I had at a store but didn't want to complain about, and just talking about it out loud got it sorted out in my head and let me move on from it. And this works for writing, too.
IDK... is it an ND thing? Maybe, but I'd imagine NT people can benefit from this, too.
So, YAY!!! I'm so glad the phantom of my looming potential advice was able to help you answer your own question!!! :D ♥
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
♦ Questions that violate my ask policies will be deleted! ♦ Please see my master list of top posts before asking ♦ Learn more about WQA here
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marthawrites · 3 months
Visions in the Garden
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Helaena Targaryen
Word count: 1k+
About: After breakfast, Helaena takes her twins for a walk through the royal garden.
Includes: Slice of life fluff because Helaena and her children deserve happiness ♥ Also featuring angst due to Fire and Blood spoilers if you squint.
Note: Hello lovely reader! After watching s2 ep1 I was overcome with the want to write something fluffy for our sweet Queen and her kids. While writing, the angst in this wrote itself. Even though Helaena's youngest, Maelor, isn't part of the show, he is part of this little fic. This fic is based on my own interpretations of book!Helaena and show!Helaena. As always, please enjoy ♥
Breakfast was often a slow affair for Princess Helaena and her twin children, Prince Jaehaerys and Princess Jaehaera. Between giggles, food swiping, crying, apologizing, and playing with the last bits of food on their plates, sometimes it took upwards of an hour to finish. Today was no different. 
The maidservants had opened the windows in Helaena’s apartment and a slow breeze moved through the room. It wasn’t enough, however, and Helaena still found herself hot and uncomfortable despite the spring temperature. The blood of the dragon ran hot in all her kin; everyone who had the chance to become close to a Targaryen knew it. Now, and recently, it was made more stifling by the tiny dragon growing in her womb. A boy. She knew it in her bones. 
Today her little children likely ate more than she did. Early pregnancy made hunger come quickly, but it also eased quickly. And, during all of it, nausea was an unwelcome guest who always failed to take the hint to leave. 
“How does a walk after breakfast sound, my little loves?” Helaena asked her children during a natural pause in their animated juvenile banter.
“What about library?” Jaehaerys asked, his voice sweet with youth. He loved his studies of the histories, philosophies, letters, and numbers held in the library. Being only four years old, he still had trouble with certain pronunciations. But, a mother always knew what her children said.
“What about uncle in the yard?” Jaehaera asked right after, her voice equally sweet and accompanied with bright eyes. She loved watching uncle Aemond spar with Criston Cole in the training yard.
Helaena couldn’t help it–she smiled. Soft, genuine, heartfelt. It crinkled her eyes. “Afterward we’ll all go see uncle Aemond then go to the library. Maybe he’ll come with us and read tales to you about Vhagar when she was a young dragon.”
“Yay!” The twins cheered.
Helaena stood–mindful to not do it too quickly–and cleaned each of their faces with a dampened cloth napkin. Toast crumbs, sticky jelly, milk. How they were able to make messes look so utterly adorable would forever be beyond her. 
Personal touch was something she often avoided, even with her mother and brother-husband, Aegon II. But, these were her babies–the only things she and Aegon shared a love for. She grew them, connected with them while they were still together in her womb, and fed them mother’s gold from her breast after their birth.
Dreaming and seeing made life itself sometimes feel like a dream–as if she couldn’t tell which plane she walked in at any given time. She wasn’t like other people. She’d always been different. She knew it from when she was younger than her twins are now. 
But these weren’t just any people. 
They were her babies. 
She kissed each on their newly cleaned cheeks and held their hands as they walked to the nearby chaise to get their shoes on.
Helaena knelt easily–she wasn’t showing physical signs of pregnancy yet–and covered her children’s little feet in socks before securing their shoes in place. “There! Let’s see what secrets the garden holds today,” she said with dreamy eyes and a sincere smile reserved for only her twins.
Outside her royal apartment, a guard stood duty. He joined them on their walk through the castle and to the grounds. Once outside he hung back slightly to give them more room to be a family.
The entire span of the gardens were lovely this time of the year. Bright fresh greenery adorned all the trees and shrubs. Blossoms bloomed beneath the spring sun allowing their fragrances to fill the moving air. Mosquitoes buzzed above the koi ponds, unintentionally serving the fish a never-ending feast. The opening of spring’s first rose buds were one of Helaena’s favorites–so much so that when she was a young girl she requested a climbing rose to be planted below her window high in Maegor’s Holdfast with the hopes of being graced by its perfume.
“Mommy!” The little princeling called from where he explored around a shrub. “Come see come see!”
Both the princess’ made their way to him and when Helaena saw what he pointed at, she gasped.
There, all around and inside the shrub, were a combination of caterpillars, cocoons, and fluttering butterflies–mostly cocoons. She couldn’t remember the last time she happened across something like this! The pupa’s were perfect. 
“Careful, my loves. We mustn't disturb them,” Helaena whispered, face alight with the magic of youth. 
Jaehaerys, with a daisy chain around his neck, squatted and watched a hungry caterpillar with fascination. Jaehaera, with flowers in her hair, chased a butterfly with pealing giggles. Nothing could be better than this single moment.
Turning her attention away from her twins, Helaena bent forward to inspect the–what she deemed–nursery. And it was upon that closer inspection that nearly had the princess falling backwards in horror.
No. It all looked positively perfect! How could it be so… horrific?
There, resting on the dirt below the shrub, lay an otherwise pristine butterfly: its head and thorax had been cut clean off its abdomen. Tension crept along her back until the bile of her stomach froze. She blinked furiously as if it could erase her vision, and while doing so she turned her attention elsewhere. The frozen pit in her gut spread down to her fingertips. There, speared upon the stub of a growing branch, was a butterfly. Impaled. Nausea overwhelmed her. She closed her eyes and shook her head, physically pained by what she saw. When she re-opened them she was faced with the day’s final vision. A third butterfly torn to pieces and swarmed with fire ants. Her ears rang. 
Dread overcame Helaena. The cruelty of nature. The barbaric treatment of things so innocent. Yet still it was… more.
Jaehaera no longer giggled in her chase around the garden. Instead, now, the little princess stood at her mother’s side and held her hand in her own. Her eyes, so like her mother’s, seemed to glow from within. Questioning. Knowing. “Mommy?”
“It is the nature of beasts,” she answered shakily, tears brimming her eyes. “Let’s take a branch or two inside to our insectarium. Away from the madness.”
They each took a branch inside. Over the following week, each cocoon unfolded with a beautiful butterfly. They flew from Maegor’s Holdfast into the florals below. Safe, for now, from the insanity of living in the dragon’s maw.
Thank you so much for reading! If you enjoyed, please consider a follow, and/or reblog, and/or letting me know as it all makes me vvvery happy! ♥
Taglist in comments. To be added or removed, please let me know! ♥
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baby-xemnas · 3 months
One thing I enjoy about Law/Bepo is that I constantly see the debate surrounding “Is Law getting it?” Like, is the man so hot and stoic he’s constantly getting ass or is he a creepy workaholic weirdo with terrible social skills who couldn’t possibly get laid? And the LawBepo answer is both. The man fell in love with a mink at 14 and has not looked back. He can hook one guy, specifically a guy who apologizes like it’s second nature and thus needs constant validation and is over obvious with his feelings in a way that’s nye impossible to misinterpret. Man found his wife at 14 while recovering from a depressive spell and thus has never had to exist in the normal dating scene. Could not possibly hit on a woman at a random bar and be successful on anything but his looks but is, in fact, constantly getting laid cause he picked his wife up out of the snow during his preteens. A creepy little weirdo who built his sexuality around a mink and thus would have a terrible time in a regular dating scene, who is dating his co worker and thus can work and fuck at the same time. Man has a partner with a natural predisposition to swimming and would do great on a regular sail ship but instead chose a submarine so his partner can never be more that 100ft away from him. A workaholic creepy little weirdo with negligible social skills who is, in fact, constantly getting laid, it’s the ideal Trafalgar Law.
Man found his wife at 14 while recovering from a depressive spell and thus has never had to exist in the normal dating scene
put that shit in GRANITE
constantly getting laid cause he picked his wife up out of the snow during his preteens Crying
so. sooooo true. i love how he is so terrible when people flirt with him - easiest examples are Monet or Robin even if neither was serious about it we digress - he didnt even BOTHER being friendly like yeah yeah whatever whatever shut up bitch - he is such a rudeass, the type of rudeass that only comes with being extremely married. he is NOT interested, he will not lift a finger or bother with a smile
its soooo real how technically he has no game cuz he dont need it - i would argue with lack of social skills - he does have them he just doesnt use them - he can be charming as a person if he wants to (cuz how else do you collect such a big crew)
i dooo LOVE the thought of him being STRANGE AND OFFPUTTING and he is really saved by being a hottie when he is put in a fucking situation. he has to do very little, he is hot, and thats exactly what he does - bare minimum, he is so not invested - because he is thinking about how everyone is inferior to Bepo - also Bepo will be jealous if he finds out...Bepo..
BUILDING HIS SEXUALITY AROUND A MINK - YEEESSS thats my favorite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its the same with just HAVING always been with Bepo ofc its fucking normal that a guy is a bear, why the fuck not. thats a guy, thats their guy - Law's special guy in particular whomst he treasures...like IMAGINE living with a permanent furry since middle school thats ought to become normal for you in like a few months..and Law seeing him LIKE THAT ruined humans for him fr...whatever...People? who cares. he has such a lovely wonder next to him. going thru puberty while your bestie, most loyal person to you is a furry...permanently altered brain chemistry. literally built different
you are sooooooooooooo right its so true and its the best
i love that Law a sexy guy who is completely off limits and unapproachable on purpose - he has sex life on easy mode because he saved Bepo once and have stayed a prince charming, knight in shining armor for Bepo EVER SINCE. he is always a hero he is always awesome and the best
laughing about a submarine being confined space lmao oh of course...you are trapped in there with him, Bepo (Bepo: yay \o/♥)
AND ANOTHER THING THAT MAKES LAWBEPO GREAT FOR LAWS CHARACTER - being in a long time established relationship - A CHILDHOOD SWEETHEART EVEN - makes him Very Cool. Oh you kept a good relationship for a decade and even developed it into a romantic partnership? Awesome. It makes a man complete dare i say! I love when characters are married as hell, genuinely a massive flex
thank you so much for the ask you are so fucking right im sorry if my reply is too chaotic xoxo thank you for loving lawbepo with me
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quinloki · 1 year
Hellooooooooo!! Wassup? How have you been?
Could I request size kink, praise kink & after care for Shanks, Ace & Luffy?
Thanks! Take care and cya! <3
You know, I've been good. Had a rough day yesterday, slept in a little too late today, but I'mma try and get this ask done before my shift starts. (yay for WFH).
\o/ I love when people ask for Aftercare ♥ makes me all warm and fuzzy inside!
Without any pomp and circumstance for this, let's get into - I'mma go alphabetically (by first name), cause it places Luffy in a good spot to see the differences between him and his brother, and him and his mentor!
Portgas D. Ace:
Size Kink - Yes - Height-wise I think Ace is fairly neutral on the size thing. He's perfectly happy to be the little spoon, he's perfectly happy to the big spoon. I think he just likes to snuggle regardless. He enjoys wrapping his limbs around you and keeping you close, but he'd be equally as happy to be engulfed by someone (Okay, but now I want to write a Yamato x reader x Ace story, you have no idea.)
Praise Kink - Oh god you don't even know - For a guy who thinks the whole world hates him by virtue of his father, he wants you to know how perfectly he loves you. Ace is abysmal at dirty talk - especially when he gets focused on trying to talk dirty, but praise pours from his lips with a flow and grace you wouldn't know he had.
It all comes from his heart, and the only thing that can knock him out of his groove is if you start praising him. He won't stop, or run away from you, but you can see that freckled face turned bright red. He is likely to start railing you to keep you from talking though - or tickling you, or snuggling you harder, etc.
Aftercare - FUCK Yes - Ace's aftercare is a little lacking at first, but he's attentive to you, and listens well. I feel like Marco and Thatch both would've been making sure he knew that he needed to do it, and as time goes on he gets better and better. To Ace it's another way to show his love, and he gets to praise you more while you're talking through everything.
There's not a whole lot of people who can sit in the tub with you and keep the water warm quite the same way Ace can ^_^
Monkey D. Luffy:
Size Kink - I guess - Bigger, smaller, filled to the brim, or being stirred up inside, Luffy doesn't really have a preference. He'll do his best to fulfill your preferences, especially as your relationship grows, and if anyone can Adjust Their Size in a VARIETY of ways, it's Luffy-gods-damned-D-Monkey.
Interestingly, he prefers to be the big spoon, and given the nature of his body, he'll easily stretch and wrap around you to ensure he is.
Praise Kink - Oh god you don't even know - Oh god he didn't even know. Luffy's been praised before, but there's something different when you praise him. Especially when you're being intimate. It sends a shiver through him that he really likes, and so he'll praise you in return (getting better and better at it as time progresses), because if it makes him feel that good, it probably makes you feel that good too.
Careful with the praises though, if you praise him well while you're climaxing, you might end up climaxing a lot. If you have the stamina for it, then that's great, but Luffy's not known for his restraint.
Aftercare - Yes - Luffy is the middle of the slider for aftercare - he does it every time, and he does it well, but there's no much passion in it. He gets all the credit for seeing it through, and staying focused on it, he's not going to risk skipping it and having you end up in a bad way because of it. In a way, it's a testament to how much he does care about you, because he rarely does anything he doesn't want to, and it's pretty obvious aftercare isn't high on his list.
Still, he washes you, snuggles, massages and kisses you while talking about how things went every time. Then he probably does like a billion laps swinging around the ship because he's still a little ball of gremlin energy xD
Size Kink - Yes - Yes is pretty neutral for Shanks, since there's so little he's actively against. He's not against being the big or little spoon, though given his tendency to start things he's usually the one snuggling up to you in one way shape or form. He's definitely not shy about heights, either, but for some reason I feel like Shanks tends to stay within a certain range. I imagine it's almost subconscious though - if someone who was 12' + approached him, he'd be unlikely to say no, but he would be more likely to walk over to someone between like 5'-8' give or take a few inches.
Praise Kink - Oh god you don't even know - Beckmann does nothing but scold him, but he's good, isn't he baby? He's so good to you, doing all those little tender things you like, kissing you so sweetly even if are begging him to go faster that pleasure's still building, isn't it? Just be good, keep taking him so well, you're doing a great job, listen to those sounds, you're so close, aren't you?
Yeah, give or take, Shanks loves praise. He loves to praise you and watch you take pleasure in it just as much as if he were degrading you or teasing you. He loves it when you praise him, even if it's shattered by the pleasure he's giving you and nearly formless. It's okay, you're doing good, he knows exactly what you're trying to say. ♥
Aftercare - FUCK Yes - Shanks' Aftercare game is on point. He's had plenty of practice and a lot of it is almost second nature. He might not consciously fill the role of dom, but it doesn't stop him from taking care of his partner. I feel like he's almost always going to be the more experienced person in the relationship no matter what - he's just so much of a free spirit looking for a good time that I don't think anyone else could hope to keep up.
And he's not reckless or cruel, so he's good at the whole thing, from the chase, to the foreplay, to mutual pleasure, to the aftercare.
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(Grace is definitely my favorite but don't tell her that)
To all of you, favorite tv show?
Sincerely, me
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Grace: I'm your favorite? *smiles smugly* Yay! Just as God intended :)
Steph: *rolling her eyes at Grace* Uh, I've been getting into Black Mirror? I guess? It makes me think, and...makes me feel smarter than I am *looks down sheepishly*
Ruth: Smash! It's a classic! I also looooved Once Upon A Time, I should really rewatch it, maybe if I ask Steph reeeeal nice...
Richie: oh...evangelion! be still my fanboy heart!! (。♥‿♥。)
Finnley: i'm not really one for tv shows but...probably....only murders in the building or...dirk gently's holistic detective agency? i like how you can watch them over and over and always notice something new ~ you get to find the little easter eggs and little details! and the queer rep :) i have a bad habit of getting my friends to watch it...whoopsies...
Pete: Yeah, I don't watch much tv either, but I do love old classic cartoons like scooby doo, they're a nostalgic comfort to me :)
Max: Friday Night Lights - it's a cool show. that or Peaky Blinders, that show's SICK, man.
Grace: The Good Place, I think more people should watch it and take note of it's lessons *pointedly looks at the others*
What about you, fan of mine? *smiles sweetly at you*
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swampstew · 5 months
Captain_CumShot - Chapter 2
Welcome to Raven's Reading Nook - a small corner of this blog dedicated to cozy story times. Take a seat on the chaise lounge, plug your electronic device in so you can enjoy this multi-chapter, full blown smut story. The Captain is the snack and sadly, I have nothing to offer to soothe the yearning. As always, links to Wattpad and AO3 at the bottom. Enjoy, from your favorite loyal, cabin hoe♥
Summary: You treated yourself to a tier upgrade😘
Minors DNI you will be blocked - for adult audiences only.
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Admin: Thanks for upgrading your subscription to Tier III! The Captain will want to thank you personally ~ drop your next available hour slot and we’ll set it up.
You: 10 PM
Admin: Talk to you soon ~
10:00 PM
Captain: Hey doll. I’ve seen your likes and comments around here for a while and I’m chuffed that you finally upgraded. What changed?
You: Truthfully, I challenged myself to save up so I can really treat myself when I felt I needed it. Especially after the last year and four months at work.
Captain: You waited ONE YEAR and FOUR MONTHS before you felt like you needed a break?
Captain: I’m flattered you’ve chosen me as your reward but gat damn girl. You need to treat yourself more often.
Captain: What the hell do you do for a job??
You: I’m an accountant at a small but valued firm, so we’re kind of just always busy! Especially at tax time which is ALMOST over. So I spoiled myself a few days early.
Captain: Congratulations ~ Do you work in a stuffy office with a buncha dorks?
You: Well I wouldn’t say dorks and it’s not a closet! I work in an office building with maybe less than 50 other people. I have a corner office so yay for small wins!
Captain: Aye that’s the least they can do fer’ya!
Captain: Do they make you dress business professional like you’re gonna meet the president every day or is it a normal place that lets you dress like a human being?
You: Haha, nothing so refined. Business casual for the most part, Fridays we can wear jeans, and sometimes during the seasons they’ll do a morale boosting themed clothes week thing.
Captain: 🤔
Captain: Does anyone enjoy that?
You: Some do, some don’t. The bosses buy a big lunch spread though so it’s not all bad.
Captain: Tell me, are the morale boosting bits mandatory?
You: You’re not required to dress up. They don’t technically say you have to be at the luncheon but they do have someone sweep the desks to make sure no one is still working. I think they legitimately think they’re providing a “break” for us but like, a paid lunch hour would be a thousand times better.
Captain: Bet.
Captain: You ever skipped it all together? Just said fuck it and hid on the roof to scroll on your phone and eat lunch?
You: Sometimes my car! We have a secure parking garage and its air conditioned so it’s quiet and not boiling hot.
Captain: Hooray for small victories.
Captain: Have you ever gotten uncomfortably turned on enough that you’ve escaped to your car to get relief?
You: 😳
You: Maybe once or twice. I’m always afraid of getting caught.
Captain: I’d make sure we wouldn’t.
Captain: See I personally fucking hate it when instead of just paying people more, employers make their people do a whole dog and pony show. Leave people alone!
Captain: This is literally a crime.
Captain: If you’d let me, I’d come and save you from those stupid lunches.
You: 🤔
You: I wouldn’t hate that!
You: Not sure you could pull it off though, you would garner a lot of attention just from standing, you’re just that attractive 👉👈🥺
Captain: Relax, I’m nothing if not professional. Want to hear my grand scheme that I cooked up, just now?
You: Oh go right ahead!
Captain: I’d start by doing research into your company and get the lunch reservation details of these luncheons. I would then pose as an employee dropping off the food order/doing set up and while everyone is gathering, I would linger a little, totally incognito, and slip out to find your office if you haven’t already entered the room.
Captain: Should I continue? I’m really proud of this scheme actually.                           
You: Please, I wonder how you plan to get away scot-free and not get me fired!
Captain: You’d not only get fired – you’d get off, repeatedly and it would be a seasonal thing cause I’d never get caught. I think it would be a professional bonus because then you’ll be so satisfied at work, you might even get a promotion or pay raise or some shit😏
You: This I gotta hear
Captain: Where was I?
Captain: Just kidding
Captain: I would then smuggle you to the parking garage under the guise that you’re my ‘job equipment’ or whatever, and then, I’d take you to your car. Ideally, I can convince you to get in the van I rented as part of my infiltration disguise so I can actually sit and stand without breaking my neck. The windows are blacked out, I keep anchors and blocks on the wheels to keep it stable, and then I rock your fucking world.
Captain: Still with me?
You: I am
Captain: You’re probably thinking, ‘but if you’re as beastly as I think you are, won’t I be screaming my brains out?’
You: I was!
Captain: As a professional content creator – amongst other trades – I know a thing or two about sound proofing. There’s always a gag if you’re into that.
You: I could be persuaded…
Captain: I have a lot of things I’d like to persuade you to do in there.
Captain: Do you normally participate in the themed clothes or do you keep it professional?
You: I don’t usually, not really my thing.
Captain: I see.
Captain: Back to my scheme ~
Captain: After I’ve successfully fooled everyone and have you in my clutches, I’d take you to my van where you can have a lunch break actually worth attending.
Captain: I would first take off my disguise and reveal that it was me all along! After you get over your initial surprise, I’d ask you what you’re hungry for.
You: Oh I get options?
Captain: Hell yeah doll. Your choices can range anywhere from a quick snack to a mega meal.
You: Do the options change too?
Captain: I don’t believe in constraints. Unless they’re kink-related.
Captain: I think since you’re the kind of doll that doesn’t splurge too much on ‘erself, I’d start you off with a ‘left no crumbs.’
Captain: What that entails is me, sitting you all pretty like on a seat cushion, starting ngwith something soft and sweet. Kisses up the arm, on the neck, slow, building up anticipation. I’d tease you over your clothes, petting your kitten until I feel your wetness through the fabric.
Captain: Pepper your body with kisses and bites to keep you on edge. When I have you down to just your undergarments, I’d sit you in my lap. Spread your thighs open. Start rubbing your pussy until you’re leaking all over my hand. I’ll let you have a quick orgasm, a small and sweet one. But don’t think we’re done.
Captain: I might take my pants off to feel you a bit better. Push you down on my hard-on as I wrap an arm around your waist to keep you still. I’ll use my free hand to play with your pussy again. Rubbing you, flicking you, lightly smacking you, rubbing your clit, finger fucking you. Rub my big dick against your trembling body to make you even more sensitive.
Captain: Since you only have an hour, I’ll make sure you look presentable before you go back to the office. Where you can spend the rest of the day sitting in the mess I’m going to leave. How does that make you feel?
You: I’m…speechless, in a good way…Shit that’s really hot. It makes me feel devious, a bit dirty, like I really want to do it.
Captain: Damn and I haven’t even finished telling you what’s included in your lunch?
You: 🤐
You: Please forgive me
Captain: I could never stay mad at you doll.
Captain: As I was saying ~
Captain: I can’t let you leave your break without feeling fully satisfied.
Captain: Before you go, I’d spend some time with you against the van wall. If you’re into it, I can use rope to help keep you standing. I encourage it, you’re gonna need it.
You: I’m into it, I’m into it 🤤
Captain: Heh. Freak.
Captain: I’d keep you still and propped up, putting your blouse on, keeping my lipstick stains and bites hidden underneath. I’d pull your panties and bottoms over your ankles, slide your soaked underwear up your thighs…
Captain: And give you dessert.
You: What am I having??!
Captain: Me.
Captain: I’d pull your panties up your thighs but not put them on entirely. Leaving them maybe a few inches from your twitching pussy. Then I’d finally let you see my cock.
Captain: Do you want to touch it?
You: Yesss🥺please let me touch.
Captain: Don’t worry you’ll be feeling it.
Captain: I’ll prod my cock against your clit, slide it up and down your puffy lips, maybe push in a little bit.
Captain: After I get it nice and wet with you, I’d stand in front of you and fuck your body. I won’t go in in, I’ll slide in between your desperate lips, make you clench over my cock with your needy pussy, I’ll hit your delicious ass cheeks, pull back out and rub against your clit until you’re crying.
You: Oh my fucking god.
Captain: I’m not done.
Captain: While I do this, I’ll rub my thumb down on your clit, and I won’t stop until you’ve cum over my cock, frustrated yet relieved.
Captain: But don’t be disappointed just yet because the next part is my favorite part.
Captain: As you’re coming down from your orgasm, I’ll finish myself off. Jerking myself in front of you and finishing right on your cunt.
You: 🥵
Captain: Yeah.
Captain: I’d milk my length to cover you, watching it drip from your vulva and trembling lips down to your underwear and thighs. Whatever falls further down I’d wipe with my thumb and make you lick it off.
Captain: Then I’ll pull your panties up nice and high, make sure they sit on your hips just right, don’t want any of me to spill out. For good measure, I might even rub your underwear against you some just to smear it in you some more.
Captain: I love cum play.
Captain: I’ll pull up your bottoms, wipe your tears, and send you away with a kiss on the cheek and a slap on the ass.
Captain: How does that sound doll?
You: I would fucking die!!! I want this so bad fuck why would you DO THAT TO ME?!?🥵🤤 FUCK! You’re so hot, all I want is to touch you and be touched by you😩
Captain: Are you touching yourself?
You: If I said yes?🥺
Captain: I’d say me too. Check out the photo gallery later, you’ll see the load I blew for ya😘
Captain: Glad to add you to my harem of Cabin Hoes. I’m not supposed to have favorites, but I think I’m gonna grow fond of you.
Captain: G’night doll. Thanks for subscribing😘
<end chat>
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lynzishell · 7 months
List 5 facts about a favorite sim of yours, and send this to 10 simblrs whose sims you adore ♥♥♥
YAY! TYSM for this ask! 🫶🏻 Today we get to talk about one of my faves: ✨Atlas Stephens✨
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🩵He’s perfectly comfortable sitting in silence, alone or with others. There are few things he hates more than people trying to make awkward small talk in order to fill the silence, or out of a perceived obligation to interact. Probably the only thing he hates more than that are those stupid get-to-know-you games where you go around the room and you have to share five facts about yourself. (Sorry, Atlas.) He's not necessarily shy though. He has no problem talking to people when he has something to say, or he genuinely wants to get to know someone.
🩵He is, however, incredibly introverted and overwhelmed easily by bright lights, colors, and crowded spaces. At the end of the day, he’s just trying to conserve his energy and keep his mind calm. One of the ways he does this is by making his apartment as peaceful and calming as possible. It’s always clean, but also cozy, with just the right amount of plants and clutter. And the color palette is light wood, grayscale, and light blues… kind of like a cloudy sky. His favorite color is a pale blue-gray.
🩵I don’t think anything brings him pure joy the way being an uncle does. He loves his nieces with his whole heart and soul. While he doesn’t see himself being a dad, he fully embraces being an uncle. I feel like him and Spencer will be close forever, and I’m sure the same will be true for Aspen.
🩵He loves music. There’s almost always music playing in his apartment, or through earbuds while he’s out for a run or working. He tends to listen to the same stuff over and over, rarely adding anything new to his carefully curated playlist… which consists of 80’s new wave… and is mostly New Order, which is his hands-down his favorite band. His favorite song? Your Silent Face. It’s the best, and he won’t be taking any questions on that fact. Moving on…
🩵He also loves to sing and has a beautiful voice. Since he’s so quiet and reserved most of the time, keeping his thoughts to himself, something about singing loudly feels really freeing and cathartic. He and Asher also enjoy dancing, so there’s a fair amount of singing and dancing and being silly together in their apartment. I don’t think Atlas ever expected to live with someone after Dawn moved out, but he’s very happy that Asher moved in. He brings so much life and energy to their home, creating a lovely balance.
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otpcutie · 1 month
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I made loving you a blood sport (so let's play) (3.3k)
A/N: It's reveal time, yay! This was my submission for @hd-wireless fest and my longest Drarry fic to date. I chose the song prompt Blood Sport by Sleep Token. Thank you to @hsvh-hp for beta'ing!
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Summary (Drarry, E): They sat in an odd kind of silence, comfortable in its discomfort. In the predictability of its recklessness. The thing between them was as palpable as the thick smoke in the air, consumed with every breath, and likely just as bad for them.
Contains: sexual tension, fuck buddies, Sectumsempra memories, angst, kink discovery, bloody kisses, possessiveness, unhealthy relationship, smut, bathroom sex (more on AO3)
Preview below:
Harry moved through the dimly lit establishment, minding his own business as he passed the other patrons, their faces obscured by smoke.
The music boomed loudly enough that he couldn’t hear what they were saying, but the conversations were clearly intimate in nature. Private. Harry supposed that was what made it safe. 
Everyone around him had something they didn’t want coming out.
They all needed a place to go where they could forget who they were for a little while, to be able to shed the person other people wanted them to be—who they were expected to be. And Harry was no different.
Sometimes his skin actually itched with the desire to get away and feel something else. 
Harry was familiar enough with the bar that he didn’t need to see through the smoke to find his seat. But it wasn’t a drink Harry was there for, or even the refuge it allowed… 
It was someone.
♥︎ Continue on AO3 ♥︎ My Masterlist ♥︎
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enchantedtomeethyun · 2 years
𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐲 𝐊𝐢𝐝𝐬: 𝐇𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚 𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮 -------------------------------
+Super excited to hang out because he is always working
+ Doesn't sleep and probably goes back to the studio after you fall asleep
+ Feels super bad though and comes back to leave a note at least
+ You guys were building with legos and left them on the floor so when he comes back he steps on them and Ouchie. You wake up.
+ Plz force him to sleep after that!
𝓛𝓮𝓮 𝓚𝓷𝓸𝔀:
+ Yay someone can watch the cats with him!
+ “hey can we go and do something else?” “ without the cats???”
+ He will take a late night walk with you but you gotta carry dori in a lil wrap thing around you.
+ buys you pudding ( complains tho)
+ Hogs all the blankets fr
+ Wants to do it next weekend because it was so fun for him ( say yes)
+ “ wanna go to the gym?” “ can we just watch a movie or something?”
+ makes you go to the gym with him so you can be his spotter ( I googled what that was)
+ Buys you lots of food after but complains about his muscles hurting
+ Falls asleep during the movie and wakes up at the end type of dude
+ Lets you sleep on the bed and takes the couch
♥ Hyunjin ♥
+ Pillow fights are violent but then you're both so tired after you take a nap
+ Wants to watch dramas with you and cry about love and stuff
+drinks wine with you and eats croissants he bought from the bakery across the street
+ accidentally will say he's in love with you while drunk and falls asleep after
+ Wakes up like (0-0) “ so about last night....”
+ You're watching anime even if you don't want to watch anime.
+ He is so loud and it is like 3 am and you're on season two already
+ If you fall asleep he will tuck you in but draw on your face
+ “ good morning princess!” then gets scared seeing your face because he forgot he drew on you
+ Steals Hyunjin's sheet masks for a spa morning in hopes you won't notice your face
+ Baking ! Buddies!
+ Brownies and cookies and cupcakes
+ Gossiper tbh
+Super sweet until you play video games and he cusses you out like the Australian he is
+probably bought you guys matching pjs :(
+ Wants to cuddle in his sleep and you can't say no to him because he is Felix
+ the most normal sleepover finally
+ scary movie and popcorn night and he laughs at the people who die
+ doesn't want you to use him shower so you have to use the one on the other side of the apartment
+ sleeps like a corpse and doesn't move
+ will make fun of you if you snore ( and film it for the other members to see)
+ buys you a toothbrush so your breath doesn't smell in the morning in his face
+Shopping at the mall until it closes
+ Takes so many pictures with you ( you're in his ootd post omg)
+ Is excited to see puss in boots and holds your hand during the “scary parts”
+ You get home at 11 pm and he wants to take his bubble bath
+ you fall asleep waiting for him and he falls asleep in the bath
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lovlensayu · 6 months
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⠀⠀⠀𓏲࣪ ʚ ♥︎ ɞ ֶָ֢֪ ࣪ YOSHINO SAYURI. ↷
࣪ ˖⌕ ۫ . . . sayuri, born as yoshino sayuri, is currently a vocalist, rapper and dancer as well as the maknae in enhypen
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♡̶⠀birth name ⌗ yoshino sayuri
♡̶⠀english name ⌗ selene yoshino
♡̶⠀korean name ⌗ kim sayun
♡̶⠀nicknames ⌗ sayu, yuri, saegi, sayuyu, moon baby, sandu (sayuri + mandu), samomo (sayuri + peach), satu, saturday
♡̶⠀birthday ⌗ july 15, 2006
♡̶⠀zodiacs ⌗ cancer && dog
♡̶⠀birth place ⌗ sapporo, japan
♡̶⠀ethnicity ⌗ japanese
♡̶⠀known languages ⌗
⊹ᝰ japanese
⊹ᝰ korean
⊹ᝰ english
♡̶⠀height ⌗ 165 cm (5'6")
♡̶⠀weight ⌗ 50 kgs (112 lbs)
♡̶⠀blood type ⌗ o+
♡̶⠀body mods ⌗ piercings on ears
♡̶⠀faceclaim ⌗ kang haerin
♡̶⠀mbti ⌗ enfp
♡̶⠀moral alignment ⌗ chaotic neutral
♡̶⠀enneagram ⌗ 7w6
♡̶⠀temperament ⌗ sanguine
♡̶⠀positive traits ⌗ always helping other people, empathy, highly energetic, optimistic, positive, intensely loyal, easy to work with, adapts easily, attentive to everything around her (sometimes), joyful, pays attention to details, gives everything 1000%, always selfless, straightforward
♡̶⠀negative traits ⌗ overthinks, easily overstimulated, snappy when stressed, highly sensitive, slow functioning, always searching for validation, highly forgetful, tends to get very emotional
♡̶⠀sayu in a paragraph ⌗ if anyone was to ask who or what was yoshino sayuri, many would say she's an energetic happy pill, a cute little cat or someone who is very reliable, but even if she was reliable, sayuri sometimes doesn't feel like it unless specifically told so. enhypen as a group would describe sayuri as someone who works really hard and tries to always lighten the mood whenever everything seems out of place or wrong but they will also say that sayuri does act childish, it doesn't bother them and they love their usually happy pill.
♡̶⠀stage name ⌗ sayuri
* but many people tend to call her sayu
as well and she's okay with it
♡̶⠀training period ⌗ 2 years and 7 months
♡̶⠀positions ⌗ vocalist, rapper, dancer, maknae
♡̶⠀representative emoji ⌗ 🌸
♡̶⠀representative mic ⌗ pink (and sometimes gold)
♡̶⠀solo fandom name ⌗ saylilies
• sayuri knows how to play guitar, piano and violin
• her mom is a model in japan, after seeing sayuri's musical potential, she supported the idea of i-land
• she tends to zone out a lot and even needs to be physically pushed to snap out of it
• sayuri can't handle horror movies compared to real world horror facts
• sayuri almost ended up in sm entertainment but she turned down the offer out of paranoia
• she has an obsession with cherry sodas or strawberry flavored drinks
• sayuri collects a lot of stationary items during tours
• she bakes a lot when she's stressed out
• sayuri has claustrophobia (fear of tight spaces), coulrophobia (fear of clowns), and ochlophobia (fear of mob like crowds)
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yay! first post for sayuri! besides that, i hope you all will grow to love sayuri as much as i do
other than that, leave a like or reblog maybe? 🩷
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emo-raco0n · 8 months
I love all my reblogs! :D
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I'm very happy when people actually respect my boundaries :]
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I love making people days with my post or comfort :D
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I love how some people actually respect me with out trying to tell me about its a sin and saying God doesn't accept you like that in heaven [i'm sorry if it sounded mean D: to people who believe in God and Jesus]
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so much nicer than my real friends
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I want to thank Gerard for saving me ♥︎
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borisbubbles · 4 months
Eurovision 2024: #20
20. LUXEMBOURG Tali - "Fighter" 13th place
Decade Ranking: 73/153 [Above Electric Fields, below Emma Muscat]
For a grand, greatly anticipated return, "Fighter" has always been just there for me. It's summery, upbeat, lightweight and frivolous. Not a shabby, nor a moneymaker. This entry is an FFF (Fun Finale Filler) and it knows it.
How do I know that it knows itself? Well,
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BADLY ANIMATED CGI LEOPARDS 😍 😍. You know how I feel about staging tricks like that. They're tacky and ugly and stupid and transparently try to cover up a middling composition.😍 idk, I love Leopards and I love the colour purple, so maybe it was just tacky ENOUGH to be funny, but I stan the decision-making because Tali > Ochman.
It was quite amusing 2 me that Luxembourg made their grand return after 31 years, only to try to throw vast swaths of cash at unnessecary embellishments because they KNEW it wasn't a high flier and needed to throw in SOMETHING, ANYTHING to make it work. Shirtless sexy dancers, badly animated VR, all the pyrotechnics in the world. It feels... very emblematic to them as a country even though this was their first ever modern era contest? "Money fixes everything", no wonder the EBU wanted their opulent arses back.
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And it is funny they staged "Fighter" like that because "Fighter" always kind of worked, anyway? It was a plucky power-up song, and a clear qualifier in semi 1 no matter from which position it performed.
It didn't NEED the leopards
it didn't NEED the gratuituous sexual tension lmao
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The way to go with a song such as "Fighter" is by finding a balance between tough and cute. The balance swung a bit too heavily in favour of "tough", because "Fighter" just isn't that kind of song, despite the reworks Lux tried to force. It's whimsically French foremost and while "France was historically a militaristic powerhouse,"toughness" suits France historically, nearly everyone associates it with cultural sophostication and romance. (hence why France is always culture focused in Civ, and never the feudal, chivalry-themed warmongering menace it actually was for most of its history ♥)
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As ridiculous Fighter's staging got (and how lowkey BAD Tali'Golergant vas Eshkoli's styling was), it still vibed as a fun time. It might just be my latent alcoholic ass imprinting on the tequila sunrise colous scheme, but still. Tali took command of her dancers, showed her inner strength by fistpumping the air and thickened her braids so they no longer resembled antennae.
And she kinda ate those lives, yo.
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In semi 1 Lux made for an excellent palate cleanser, a burst of energy after the period of inaneness Rim Tim Tagi Dim left in its wake. I love Raiven dearly and I really like Iolanda, but excitement was not their game. Tali came to the rescue when needed.
In the finale it was less necessary, though it did make Israel stand out as even more miserable to me, so there is that.
Sigh, I have to address the Israeli thing, don't I?
Look, I don't fucking CARE that Tali is proud of her Israeli-Jewish heritage. Nor that she visits the fake country twice a year. Nor that her song was produced by that other israeli Tali. I think her views on the matters are misguided and warped, but I get it. She's going to stick up for her OG country and her people, and we'd be foolish to expect her to do a 180° turn just because we believe she should. She has her stance, I disagree with it, but I can respect it. Civilians aren't responsible for whatever bloodthirsty maniac rules the roost or their actions, regardless of whether they elected them directly or not.
(though I will say that her transparent and overtly cheerful agreement with Joost's DQ all "YAY! HE BROKE THE RULES AFTER ALL ^_^ :claps:" made me ALOL. That DQ is still a grim affair, but lmfao what a scrump cheerleading bitch ♥).
But in a sense I wish Tali had been Israel's entrant himself. The only thing that erases Israel's controversy is their withdrawal, true, and Tali would have beenthe perfect horcrux, but if we WERE to have that country at Eurovision, I'd rather have them with Plucky Apolitical Filler (ft. Three Giant Leopards) rather than Teary Propaganda Ballad (Eurovision Reskin), y'know?
Also note, dear Israeli's, that -by my knowledge- Tali was NOT shunned by the other acts or the fan community, nor by the media and the professional juries, despite being half-Israeli and Jewish and zionistic. The few strays that she did end up catching were by the usual dumbfuck bigots on social media and amounted to nothing. So much for antisemitism, huh?
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It's difficult to end the write-up after that rant that had little to do with the performance, so I will just say this: Tali's placement, while a tad high, proved that there's always a place for positivity and acceptance at Eurovision, no matter your background or your political colour.
With retrospection on our side, it makes sense juries would vote for "Fighter" as everyone agreed Nemo should win anyway, allowing them to siphon away twelves like a vacuum on amphetamine. With Croatia, Italy and France picking up the scraps, anyone with a modicum of inoffensiveness would be favoured to do well, (since this finale was HIGHLY jury unfriendly) which also favoured Lux because of the novelty coming with their return.
Ultimately it's our choices in life that define us, and Tali's were to give us a fun time unburdened by shackles of war, and that, in THIS FUCKING YEAR, was worth a lot to me.
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smokersbaby · 2 years
Yay Smoker requests <3 He needs more love.
May I request a scenario where he gets an anonymous gift for his birthday and finds out it's you? Maybe confessing feelings in the process, could be fluffy or smutty, both are fine. I enjoy your writing all the same, so I leave interpretation to you!
Thank you for the request! I've made scenarios of this in my mind (to make it more realistic as a situation) and I decided to not include smutty things in this short fanfic, but I'm willing to continue this story since the prompt is good! -> this is the second fanfic for the "Smoker's Birthday event", the last one will be published on March 18th! You can find the first one here!
Characters: Smoker TW: none! Just some fluff :) Words count: +900
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The gift was wrapped in dark matt paper, with an elegant red ribbon and a little note placed on top of it. There was nothing more on Smoker's desk inside his marine base's office, fortunately, he didn't have documents to deal with on the day of his birthday.  He entered the room expecting to find his table empty but it wasn't since there was a present for him. A curious look appeared on Smoker's face. Someone gave him a present? He approached the desk to pick up the gift and to shake it a little: it wasn't quite heavy.  As he noticed the little note on top of it, Smoker grabbed the paper to read it. "Happy Birthday Smo-yan ♥" was written on it. Only G-5 marines used to call him like that. Two letters were also written at the bottom of the message (the first letter of your name and surname) but Smoker couldn't connect these capital letters to your name.  He started to unbox his gift, what could it be? Probably the most reasonable present he could receive, but yet the one he appreciates the most: cigars. They weren't cheap cigars, tough, Smoker recognized in a second that they were some good ones, probably from another part of the world where they produce the best variety of those.  As he grabs one to try it, Smoker hears someone knocking at his door's office. He lets out a huff in disappointment since someone is ruining that moment. "Come in. What do you want?" he says with a rough tone of voice without even knowing who is banging at his door.  Your head pops out in the room, you're too excited to be bothered by his tone of voice, furthermore, he's almost every time like that. "Did you like it?" you ask him giggling. He turns toward you since he wasn't facing the door right now. His cheeks turn pink as he sees you standing behind him.  "W-what?" he replies as if he didn't understand your question. You point at the cigars on the table. "Did you like those??", a wide smile spreads on your face seeing Smoker already holding one in hand.  "Is it yours?" he seems a little shocked knowing that you gave him that gift. "Well, I suppose it's yours now, Smo-yan" you can't help but smile seeing him so surprised.  You know he appreciated your gift, but you want him to tell you directly.  "Yes, I love it..." he says as he scratches the back of his head, flustered a bit saying that. You were his favourite marine in all the G-5, not because you were the strongest or the most diligent one, there was something about you that made his head dizzy and his heart flutter and he couldn't explain what it was to himself.  He isn't the kind of person who likes having people around, but he doesn't feel bothered in any way by your presence, on the contrary, he feels like he wants to have you not only around but also near him.  He found himself thinking about you a lot of times, his eyes fixed on you while you were working in the G-5 with him. His thoughts weren't about work at that moment, though, and his cheeks became red every time he realised how inappropriate his thoughts were.  "Thank you..." he whispers. You noticed in a moment how flustered he was as soon he expressed his gratitude towards you. It's like he's about to tell you something. "What is it, Smoker? Are you okay?" you tilt slightly your head as you say so. "Y-yes. I was wondering if you... well, if you are free tonight" he asks. You can't believe your ears, you thought he had some kind of feelings towards you but you didn't expect him to expose himself like that.  "Are you for real?" your eyes shine as you say so, you can't hide your excitement.
"Yes of course!" he says without hesitation.  "Yes, I am... is that a date?" you smirk as you say so. He tries to keep himself calm and serious hiding his shyness.  Smoker comes towards you and gazes into your eyes. "It is, this whole time I've wanted to ask you."
Your knees tremble a bit as you look up at him, raising your head to look him in the eyes, he's standing right in front of you.  The butterflies in your stomach flutter a lot, Smoker's presence made you feel that way every time you were around him, but you never felt intimidated by him like everyone else once. 
At that exact moment that sensation was stronger than ever, probably it was already love and you didn't know. His hand moves your hair away from your face and places it behind your ear, you can't move at all at that moment as you are hypnotized by his moves. He smiles, that's so rare of him that you smile back instinctively. 
"I'll see you at nine, then?" he asks. "Sure" you reply with joy in your voice. He takes a step back realizing how close to you it is and blushes a bit. 
You can't help but chuckle while you wave at him exiting his office, knowing he's looking forward to seeing you tonight. And so do you. 
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