#yayayayayay i love these two
watchyourdigits · 11 months
Falloutober Day Four
I'm taking a break from Frankie and Danse to write a little bit for Evelyn. This is her first time properly meeting Hancock and the two of them end up striking a deal that's of a rather bizarre nature. This deviates slightly from the way I portrayed their meeting in Eve's main fic, with a little added flirting because why not? Also, something about ripping the opening of Pride and Prejudice just felt right. Word Count: 1.4k Warnings: smoking, chem use
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single woman in possession of good fortune must be in want of chems.
However little known the feelings or views of such a woman may be on her first entering Goodneighbor, this truth is so well fixed in the minds of the residents, that she is considered as the rightful property of some one or other of their dealers.
Hancock wasn't having it.
She'd visited three weeks prior, which was when he and a few others had taken bets on whether or not she'd make it in the Commonwealth. They'd all bet against her.
When Hancock had his fill of Jet, he liked to consider himself an optimist and, as such, he was the only one of the group to take a chance on her.
No matter his state, however, he wasn't above rigging the game. A little interference in such matters wouldn't hurt anyone. Besides, it was one of his mayoral duties to ensure the safety of both locals and travelers alike.
Hancock had spotted the glow of her Pip Boy from his balcony and took it upon himself to swoop in, plucking her off the streets before she had a chance to even consider opening her purse.
"They'll con you out of a few hundred caps faster than you can say 'Jack Robinson'."
She was wary of him, he could tell, as he ushered her into the State House and out of the crisp autumn air.
"You visited a few weeks back, right?" he asked, trying to make small talk as he guided her up the staircase.
She looked different than before when he'd spotted her only in passing. MacCready had been the only one to really interact with her during her first visit to the city. He'd described her as being 'weepy and under-prepared' and had been amongst those to bet against her.
Now, she had a neat little pistol on her hip and a rather large knife strapped to her thigh.
Oh, how Hancock longed to see the look on the merc's face as he handed over his caps.
"I don't recall."
"I do. I don't think I could ever forget a face as beautiful as yours," he said coyly, testing the waters just for the hell of it.
Bad move.
She narrowed her eyes at him, fingers twitching at her side as if she longed to grab her knife and skin his leathery hide.
Hancock put his hands up in defense. She relaxed a little.
"What do you want from me?" she asked, watching him closely for any signs of ill-intent.
"I know what you're here for. Like I said, you'll lose more than you gain on the streets."
"Yeah, conned 'faster than I can say Jackie Robinson'. I got that part."
"Jack Robinson," Hancock corrected casually. "Not familiar with a 'Jackie'."
"Oh. He was a baseball player," she explained. "The first-"
She stopped herself, her expression shuttering, as if she'd said too much. About what, he wasn't sure.
Hancock raised what would have been an eyebrow. She noticed the look and waved a hand.
She was odd, that was for sure. Then again, most people were at least a little odd these days.
"Anyway, I figured a gal like you might appreciate this, so I'll shoot straight… I have money on you. That is to say, I've done some betting and now have a vested interest in ensuring your safety."
"Betting? On… me?" she parroted.
Hook, line, and sinker.
Now in his office, Hancock gestured to one of the couches with a flourish.
"Have a seat and I'll explain everything."
He began fixing them each up with a drink, glancing over his shoulder as he prepared the alcohol.
"House special?"
"Sure," she said noncommittally.
He watched her for a moment longer as her gaze moved around the room, taking everything in. He turned back to the drinks and popped one of the drawers open, pulling out a syringe.
"Full disclosure, it's whiskey and a little bit of Daddy-O."
"You can drink that stuff?" she asked skeptically.
"You'd be surprised what you find out when you've got time to kill."
He added about a quarter of the syringe to her drink and the rest to his own. He stirred hers as he brought it over to her, handing it off and going back for his.
Hancock sat on the couch across from her and took a sip. She watched him swallow before taking a rather large swig of her own.
"So, this bet you have…"
"Right, like I was saying… Some of my guys noticed you and didn't think you had it in you to survive, started putting caps down on it."
She huffed and leaned back in her chair. He watched as she stretched out her legs, making herself comfortable.
"Did anyone else bet against the odds?"
"Not a damn one," he replied, pursing his lips and shaking his head solemnly.
She hummed appreciatively and took a sip of her drink, slower this time, as she mulled over the information. Hancock didn't allow the silence to stand for long.
"I don't believe I caught your name."
"Evelyn. Friends call me Eve."
"Evelyn… I like that," he complimented, pausing to pull out his cigarettes.
He lit one and offered it to her. She didn't hesitate in taking it from him. Her warm fingers brushed his as she did so. She didn't recoil at the touch.
Hancock lit one up for himself. He took a long drag before speaking again.
"Back to business. Is there anything I can do to guarantee I win this thing?"
Something flashed in her eyes that sent a shiver down Hancock's spine. What it was, he wasn't sure until he saw it in the way the corners of her mouth turned to form the ghost of a smirk; she was a woman haunted by something he had yet to learn the nature of.
He'd met plenty of folks like her before, always running from something no one else could see. Hell, he'd been that person for a while.
Perhaps he still was, for what it was worth.
"Not unless you plan on splitting the profits with me."
She leveled him with the offer as if she was bartering at Bunker Hill, not suggesting she'd see to her own demise should he not agree to her terms.
The implication that she had that little to lose weighed heavy. Something told him that wasn't the case, but he called her bluff anyway.
"You're one crazy broad, aren't you?"
"You don't know the half of it."
"And if I wanted to?"
Her pupils were blown wide, the chems working their way through her system. She leaned forward and licked her lips. It wasn't seductive in any way, but instead spoke of a hunger that lingered just below the surface.
Hancock couldn't help mimicking the movement, leaning in toward the table that separated them.
She was calm and observant, with an edge of crazy that cut like a knife. There was a dangerous tension about her that was damn near palpable, as if she'd pounce at any moment. He wouldn't be surprised if she did. He wasn't sure he'd mind much, either.
"I guess you'll just have to come along for the ride," she purred, giving him a once-over as she did so.
Now, that was seductive.
It was also an invitation, one that would allow him into her world if he played his cards right.
He thought he'd had her, but he realized he had it backward when he found himself wanting her, wanting to know more.
"You aren't told 'no' often, are you?"
She grinned. Two identical rows of perfectly white teeth shone in the dim light.
"Not very."
Hancock considered her, leaning back and taking another sip of his drink.
"I'm not usually one to go with the crowd, but I think I can make an exception... I'm in."
She laughed at that and the sound rippled through him like the best chems money could buy, and just as addictive.
"I like the way you play, Mister Mayor."
"Call me Hancock," he crooned, tipping his hat.
She polished off her whiskey and made a sound of disappointment before placing the glass down on the table.
"Got any more of that 'house special', Hancock?"
"For you, Eve? Anything."
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iamyoursonly · 8 months
My soulmate (01/02/2024)
it’s for @metalpipereal generally but i think nanami deserves another story too (too many for gojo grrr) so here it is yayayayayay
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I could never resist to ask “Are you my soulmate?” to every single person I meet.
Everyone has a soulmate right? I’m not quite sure about that, despite all the stories I have read about that topic, I have never ever met mine. What if I don’t have a soulmate? One that’s supposed to love me and cherish me and I’d do the same for them. And what do they mean ‘you’ll know when you see them’, I have lived for 20 long years and I still don’t feel that ‘it’s them’ feeling.
My significant other, where are you?
The scent of fresh baked bread is my favourite, it makes me think about how romantic it must be when you share your morning coffee with your partner. Just the thought of it makes my day. I munch on the piece of toast as I go make my morning coffee with the machine. I close my eyes as I fill my lungs with the scent of coffee, then opening them feeling energised like the caffeine had already taken effect.
As I walked out of the kitchen, ready to start my day. I turned on the television to catch up on the latest news, only to see that there had been a huge car accident right in front of my college.
“Really?” I cursed under my breath, “On the day that I’m finally not tired?”
I had to resist the urge to throw a tantrum like a 5 year old would, throwing hands at the cushions on the couch and screaming out loud. Wanting to go to my mother to complain about how much this was annoying me, and just cry in her arms as she whispers soothing words into my ear. Oh, how I wish my soulmate would do that to me, and just hold me in their arms as I cry my heart out.
Now what do I do with my brain fired up and my whole day stuck in the house. Work on my essay that’s due two months later? No way. Go downstairs to buy some more groceries? I don’t want to anymore. I lie down on the couch, staring blankly at the ceiling as I can’t fall asleep anymore. I sit up suddenly, as if remembering an important thing that I haven’t done, then looked at the time. 9AM, I forgot to buy bread! How could I possibly forget that. I quickly fo get changed to quickly go down to the bakery to buy my daily doze of freshly baked bread.
As I rush out of my apartment, grabbing my wallet and my phone only, forgetting everything else but the sole goal of buying the bread I want. I waited impatiently for the elevator, I stood nervously, afraid that another person would buy the bread that I wanted. When the elevator finally arrived my floor, I got in to see a man. One that is tall and blond and looked a little older. I had to admit that my heart fluttered a bit when I saw him, because oh my god, was he divine. But I had no time for men right now, I just need my bread.
The button to the ground floor had already been pressed, by him I assume. And he looked at me at the corner of his eye, his brown eyes alluring I have to say. As the elevator reaches down to the ground floor, I started running full speed to the bakery to get my bread. I’m so getting that piece of bread. Before I knew it, the man in the elevator with me started running too, and he was catching up to me. ‘Oh no’, I thought. So I ran faster and faster until I finally reached the bakery. I was so out of breath as I grabbed the last bag of bread. But there was just another hand grabbing the bag.
“Uh, excuse me, but I was going to buy this first?” I say, turning around to see the blond man towering over me.
“You are? My bad.” He let go of the bag and walked over to another corner of the shop. Well, he’s not out of breath and he’s a gentleman. Wow. Now that he had let me have the bag, I felt a bit bad about telling him off, as he was so kind to me and didn’t even argue at all. So I held the bag and walked over to him.
“Hey, do you want to share?” I asked him, and he turned from the pineapple buns to look at me, “I mean we live in the same building so we can just split it in half? I’ll pay.”
“And you’d think I’d let you pay, huh? Yeah we can split, but a pretty lady like you should let the gentleman pay for you.” He grabs the bag of bread and quickly pays for it, I was so shocked and confused, but I guess it was just a kind gesture so I didn’t think too much about it.
“Now let’s go.” He hands me half a pack, I guess he had the cashier split it into two bags.
“Thank you.” I say, trying to sound more polite and elegant. “So, see you around?”
A moment of silence passed, and the two of us stand in front of the bakery, both not talking. Then he breaks the silence.
“You mean you aren’t planning to eat it together?”
“I mean…” I look them and fiddle with my fingers, “If it’s alright with you.”
“Of course it is, what do you mean?” He say, a bit louder honestly. He immediately bowed down though, apologising for raising his voice. “I’m sorry for yelling at you.”
“What?” I stand there confused, “No you did not? Stop please. Let’s just go eat the bread, yeah?”
“Okay.” He stood up and held my hand, “Let’s go over there then.”
We walked over to the bench, his hand felt warm against mine. I couldn’t help but blush at the contact as I deliberately followed him. Now that I’m just walking behind him, I can feel his strong presence around me. The butterflies in my stomach churning, and I have never felt something like that. It felt as if we held hands any longer my heart might burst. Oh, is that how people crush on people? It’s not love, right? Right?
He sat down on the bench and asked me to do the same, “Please sit down.” He’s such a gentleman.
I sat down next to him, the space between us not more than the length of my palms. Don’t get me wrong, I love how close we are and how we looked just like a ‘couple in love’.
“Should we eat?” I ask him, breaking the awkward silence. He just nods in reply as he hands me his bottle of hand sanitiser. I thank him and sanitise my hands, “Thanks.” Then I open my bag of bread and start munching on a piece. I look over at him and he was doing the same thing.
“Hey,” He starts, “Do you know me?”
“You’re my upstairs neighbour yeah?”
“Actually we are in the same econ class in college.”
“Really? How come I never noticed?” I take another bite out of my bread.
“Probably because I sit at the back?”
“You do?” I gasp, “Wait so you know how useless the professor is too?”
“Yeah.” He chuckled. Oh, he finally smiled. His smile looks so precious, like the first ray of light shining out of the horizon in the morning. I felt as if an eclipse was occurring as we lock eyes with each other. The feeling so romantic and fresh just like the morning breeze, and that I didn’t want it to end. This moment, this instant was so cinematic I wanted to put it into a movie. So when he leaned in to brush away the bread crumbs near my lips, my heart almost jumped out of my chest. But it’s not that I mind giving my heart to him, he seems like a man to guard it with his life. A gentleman. One that I longed for. Is this the ‘it’s him’ feeling?
“You had some crumbs on your face. I’m sorry if I was too close…” He trailed off, losing his smile and he started frowning again. Him frowning makes him age a lot faster, he looked at least ten years older when he does that.
“Oh no, it’s alright. Thank you for helping me wipe it off though.” I chuckle, and he smiled again. Now that’s the young man look.
He looked at his watch and checked the time, it was ten already. “It’s time for me to get to my part time job. See you around, gorgeous.”
I stared at him blankly, still in shock how fast time had passed while we were together I didn’t even notice the pet name he gave me. As he walked away from where we were sitting, I yelled to him, “Wait, what’s your name?”
He stopped in his tracks, and turned around to look at me. The wind blowing his half gelled up hair into the perfect places, it seemed like a scene in a movie where the protagonists kiss under the cherry blossoms in spring. His gaze was soft too, like he was looking at me as if I was a fragile vase that would break at any harsh contact. Then he came closer to me again, leaning towards my ear, whispering, “It’s Kento, Nanami Kento. See you later, love.”
He simply sprinted away after this interaction. I just stood there like an awkward little child before the redness coloured my cheeks, leaving me in a blushing mess, and all that I could think about was him and his smile.
“Kento,” I whispered. “It’s such a nice name…”
He’s the guy, he’s my soulmate. I have found him.
master list
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zephyrrr101 · 3 months
Okayyyyyy! Boy! I just saw it and I have so much to rant and talk about!!!
But before we go into it, for those who hasn't seen it yet,
this is a spoiler! Below the cut
So don't venture if you don't want to loose your fun.
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The first and foremost thing we see is Wolf Woods and Winterfell. And man! Did I not feel nostalgic!
Cregan Stark is carrying a sword through out the journey to top of the wall, probably Ice.
I really like the way they have changed Jace here. The hairstyle, the words, the way of talking to a Lord. This Jace is what I connect to, the one we know about in books.
Emma D'Arcy! You woman! I love you! I love you so so so much. Rhaenyra doesn't has more but one dialogue in the whole episode but through out it all I can see her speak. Every scene made me cry. Rhaenyra stands at the edge of castle, looking to anything she could, I would say to even hold a false hope of Luke being alive. Her desperate climb through the stones when she hears fishermen yell about the Dragon wing (Arrax's), her clutching Luke's clothes, looking at last memories that she has of his. It's lovely.
We finally also see Mysaria. Her interaction with Daemon is brilliant. She is shown as who she is. A woman who works for gold. I have no disappointment here.
Larys, you foxxy bastard, look at you trying to put Otto out of his position. Filling both Aegon and Alicent's ears with poison against him.
Aemond, struts into the council room, you cunty little bastard. I loved Ewan every moment of him. That is exactly how I expect Aemond to be.
Aegon. Loved it too. We see him in more than just a sorry ass drunk. Fine-fucking-ly. I like how he takes control of the throne room the second time Otto tries to tell him what to do. I'm really ready to see Otto get kicked out of his position. But boy. You sweet not to sweet anymore summer child, what are you doing. You can't call your unhinged brother loyal as a dog when he's planning war behind your back, something even your granddad is pointing at.
ALICOLE!!! Woohoo you people! Yes they are fucking! They are fucking right the moment when Blood and Cheese come and kill Jaehaeyrs.
While speaking on the matter, (Please don't attack me, this is only my analysis of show and somethings I compare from the book). Blood and cheese is disappointing. To me atleast. Child murder, of course it's not right, very, very, very bad. But I rather like the book part. We have no Maelor up until this stage in the show so it's basically making Helaena choose between her twins which, I'm sorry, looks stupid. The whole point of it was making a choice between two sons. The Greens basic usurpation is based on the fact that Rhaenyra is a woman. So why the hell would Helaena be forced to chose between her daughter and son. It would have been obvious that she would have chosen Jaehaera to be dead over Jaehaeyrs. She is not an idiot. We know.
And if we talk about the show sow why she did it? My reason, perhaps she doesn't wants her son to see or face what is coming. Or maybe she had seen what he doesn't wants it.
Helaena at the start in the first scene when Aegon comes looking for Jaehaeyrs tells him "What if he doesn't want it?" It feels like a call back to times when Aegon didn't want it. But still, she knows a woman's life is much worse in Westeros specially in time of war, so why save a girl who would lead a bad life instead of the son who actually had a chance to get out of that. Is it a call back to Viserys choosing Rhaenyra over Aegon? Wouldn't know until next scenes.
Rhaena. We see her on the council table and while they are burning Luke's and Arrax's remains. I wanted to cry just seeing her. She looks so distraught.
Daemon wearing his MURDER CLOAKKKKKK!!!
I love how he paid that Gold Cloak to do his bidding and how that man went "Commander" and "Fuck the Hightowers". We see the loyalty of the Gold Cloaks to Daemon that we know from books and the first season. Loved every moment of that.
Well, that's what I think about it.
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dappledpaintbrush · 7 months
wow, looks like you can do an essay about Dimentio.
What do you think of the other characters?
For me in "short"
Tippi: The protagonist of the story and got her happy ending, I came to miss her presence after the end.
Count Bleck: Definitely one of Mario's best written villains. I cry.
Nastasia: I was in her place, I empathized a lot with her and sometimes I wish she would return in other stories.
O'chunks: I was surprised by her story, I didn't expect that background, for me he is a himbo in a good way. A good guy.
Mimi: I can't say the same with Mimi, a little disappointed, but at least there are headcanons.
Mr. L: Definitely wasted potential, I would have liked to see more with the other minions. It's weird if I got a penny for every time Luigi is hypnotized into being an enemy I'd have two cents, which isn't much but it's weird that it happens twice.
Dimentio: It's thanks to him that I have an obsession with Jesters, he managed to do what Bowser couldn't with just a snap of his fingers. Terrifying, I hope one day we see it again.
Okay so. I’ll try not to make this unbearably long. But this game is my special interest so. I apologize in advance. (I turned off reblogs bc reblogging asks removes the read more) (and it’s gonna clog people’s feed) (this IS unbearably long) (I Failed)
Omg I miss Tippi too :( it feels so weird playing the game without her.
Tippi is so . so interesting. All of the characters are interesting, but I especially love the way she’s written. I love how they were able to nail that she’s gentle and caring, but also firm and not about to put up with anybody’s bullshit. To me, that’s hard to write without it feeling disengenuine, and they pulled it off with Tippi VERY well. A particular line of hers I really like is, “Perhaps...my life would have been more carefree without you, that is true,” in response to Blumiere’s, “But I have caused you so much suffering..." She didn’t immediately console him. She told him the truth, as harsh as it was. Idk, that scene had just always stuck out to me. It’s not a line I expected to be written.
I wish her unexplained teleportation powers were. Explained. But that doesn’t really mess up her character so it’s okay. However. I hate how she developed a crush on Mario. I’ve always hated it. I like to pretend it’s not real LMAO. But then again, it can be interpreted in a deeper way- that she didn’t actually have a crush on Mario and she was merely projecting onto him. Her memory was flooding back to her and she was in a very vulnerable situation after all. Projecting those feelings for an, at the time, unknown individual onto Mario makes sense.
I love Tippi dude she rocks she’s my favorite forever and ever and ever
Count Bleck:
where do I even begin on Count Bleck good lord. One of Nintendo’s best villains even outside of the Mario franchise. God he’s so fucking good.
I wish it was more clear whether or not he was planning on erasing Team Bleck from existence as well. Whether or not he was going to do that that impacts his character HEAVILY. Him wanting all worlds to end but sparing the people who cared about him really helps his “redemption” and helps us have more sympathy for him. Unfortunately it’s not directly touched on outside of that one thing Dimentio said, but. It’s Dimentio LMFAOOO we can’t trust him. I personally lean more towards Bleck was going to betray the team just given the evidence about it. I yapped a lot about my reasoning IN A POST I CANT FIND. It had a bunch of screenshots and stuff and I can’t. Fucking. Find it. Oh well I guess that’s just GONE ❤️
Despite this I feel like it’s important to address Bleck with nuance. I don’t think he intentionally planned on betraying his team. I think he genuinely loved them. But he was so caught up in the Dark Prognosticus and the Void and Timpani and ultimately BEING this Count Bleck character the book spoke of that he felt like there was no way out of it anymore. This is supported by the fact he tried to fight Mario in the final battle despite knowing Timpani was still alive. It’s clear Blumiere had completely lost himself, as if he forgot why he was doing this in the first place and let Count Bleck take over (note: I mean this in a symbolic/psychological sense; I don’t believe the book was controlling him). It’s only when he’s on his death bed that he realizes he does not have to do this.
I put redemption in quotation marks because. I don’t think he was redeemed. Granted he didn’t have enough time to do anything, but to be honest, I don’t think he or any other member of Team Bleck is redeemable (before anybody comes at me with the lament au/ajl, THE POINT IS THAT DIMENTIO IS NOT REDEEMABLE NO MATTER HOW HARD HE TRIES!! YOU CANNOT REDEEM THE EXTERMINATION OF LIFE ITSELF!!!)
Also he’s a goofy guy. He’s just a dad
NASTASIA COME BACK TO ME. God I wish they kept her emo hair strand.
Her character is so. so sad (I feel like I’ve said that sentence forty seven times, this game is MISERABLE). I love her so much. I love her confidence, I love how she doesn’t take bullshit from anyone, I love how much she loves. It makes me so fucking sad how depressed she remains long after Blumiere’s sacrifice. Like, we don’t know how much time passed between the ending of the game and Mario returning (when you boot up the save file again, Merlon states that it has been a while since he’s seen Mario). It explains why Mimi and O’Chunks seem fine (I’m sure they’re not fine, but I mean it explains why they were able to have a “normal” conversation with Mario and co.), but Nastasia is still so heartbroken.
Of course that is to be expected, and I’m glad Nintendo didn’t make everything all sunshine and rainbows ooo we’re all happy now etc, even IF a long time has passed. It makes total sense that there are repercussions to experiencing a traumatic event and Nastasia portrays it well (for a Mario game). In her epilogue dialogue, her hope for better days is shallow. It’s fake. She shows how she truly feels and immediately backtracks (“I guess I should be happy... I mean, I am, but, um...”). She still wants to put on that confident and secure exterior, but it’s not working. She will always love Blumiere, and she will always miss him. I hope she finds happiness one day, too. She deserves to live her own life.
I know I’m contributing to this I barely post about him but lord he’s so interesting. I know the Japanese and English translation tell different versions of his backstory, but I really like the English version where Blumiere manipulated him in his extremely depressed state to join him. It gives more layers to Blumiere’s character- the lengths he was willing to go to get this job done, lengths that he would have never gone to before losing Timpani (and himself).
O’Chunks has one of the most unforgiving backstories in the whole games and it’s rarely talked about. He was a fucking COMMANDER OF AN ARMY and the whole game he’s just played off as some dumb brute/comic relief. I actually believe he suffered some kind of brain damage from that final battle, explaining his eyes, his struggle to speak properly, and his overall behavior. Also, the fact one of his most trusted advisors betrayed him mirrors his relationship with Dimentio. JUST. GOD . RIPS HAIR OUT. I wouldn’t blame him if he never trusted anybody again after the events of the game. But he clearly has a heart of gold beneath that rough exterior, so I doubt that mindset would come to pass
Also I know it’s not this deep like at All but . Regarding O’Chunks and his backstory, the last war fought in Scotland was the Battle of Culloden in 1746. The Scots lost that battle too, so it fits O’Chunks backstory. It’s funny to imagine he’s hundreds of years old and he just Stopped Aging once he joined the “Mario Dimension” for lack of a better term LMAO. Side note, I also believe Blumiere lost Timpani centuries ago- especially considering the Ancients are extinct by the time the game takes place (although I’ve heard it’s possible Blumiere murdered the entire Tribe of Darkness? but that’s ambiguous) (and my feelings on it would be another yapping session so I’ll shut up for now). It just took THAT long to get the criteria for the Void met. So it’s interesting to think of the concept that O’Chunks and Blumiere have known each other for THAT long. Probably why he sent O’Chunks out to fight the heroes first. He trusted him the most. But then again, I know the game did not intend for O’Chunks to be born in the 1700s lol. Like I said it’s just interesting for me :3
I agree with you- her backstory is disappointing compared to characters like O’Chunks and Dimentio. But at the same time I enjoy the unknown. After all, she is the embodiment of mystery. Her whole shtick is mimicking. You never know if a character is truly themselves or it’s a copy (I mean, you do- her mannerisms are obvious- but still lmao)- hell, even SHE canonically loses herself sometimes in her mimics. But even then, I wish we knew more about her. AND I WISH THE CONCEPT OF HER BEING A FAILED PIXL WAS TALKED ABOUT MORE? WHAT??????? HELLO????? REMINDERRRR that you can’t just go about making Pixls. That was a practice for the Ancients, and the ONLY reason Merlon could do it is because he is a descendant of the Ancients with a shit ton of their books. How old is Mimi? How much has she seen? If she’s centuries or even thousands of years old- depending on how long ago you think the Ancients died out- what was she doing this whole time??? LIKE HELLO!!! MIMI!! SPEAK TO ME!!!!
I love love LOVE LOVE LOVE how she can be used as a parallel to the Pixl Queen in regards to Dimentio. Dimentio and Mimi have a sibling dynamic to me, and the story potential considering Dimentio’s biological sister got turned into a Pixl and. Yk. Mimi could possibly be a failed Pixl. Is INSANE and I WISH it was used more because holy shit it has so much potential.
I like to believe the Pixl Creator (aka Dimentio’s father imo) created Mimi even if there’s no evidence JUST LET ME HAVE THIS but I also made a post maybe a year ago that theorized Francis’ ancestors created Mimi. I don’t think it’s really recognized that Francis CREATED A PIXL WITHOUT MAGIC. Yk that spell that requires the magic of the Dark Prognosticus? Yeah just forget that shit I said earlier about Non-Ancients not being able to just go out and make a Pixl, because apparently this fuckass Redditor did it. Anyways. Tipton is a robot. Mimi is a robot. I rest my case (loud applause) (people throw roses at me)
I already made posts about Mr. L and Dimentio, so I won’t ramble anymore here :3 But in regards to what you said YEAH . Mr. L could’ve been so much more it’s genuinely painful. And Dimentio is fucking terrifying. I honestly like to believe he did genuinely nuke the protagonists and the game only said he merely teleported them because saying “Mario’s dead like for real” is probably something Nintendo didn’t want to put in their game. I mean come on- he used the explosion attack that causes actual damage in battle. They died LMOAOOAOA. I hope we see both of them again. I was hoping so BADLY for even a glimmer of Mr. L in the Mario movie-like a mask/bandana hanging out of a drawer cameo or something. BUT ITS OKAY GUYS 😁😁😁😁😁😁 (visibly shaking) (teeth chattering) (is missing patches of hair on my head) (rocking back and forth)
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alec-onion · 2 months
so this is my intro that I’m sure literally NO ONE will read but I’m bored so :3
HAIIII!! I’m Alec/Len! But you can just call me Alec to avoid confusion with Len Kagamine, if you’d like! I’m 15! Somehow. I still can’t believe that I survived this long..
Anyway, You can use whatever pronouns! I don’t mind :D
My other blogs:
@proseka-incorrect-quotes (Dead until further notice lmao if you want pjsk incorrect quotes go to incorrect-pjsk-idk) (NEVERMIND ITS BACK)
@alec-reblogs rb acc!! Mostly just to spam reblog kanade-memes-daily’s posts lmao
I love:
-Drawing (ART ART ART ART!!) (I cant really draw digital though-)
-PROJECT SEKAI!! (Words cannot explain how I feel for this game)
-Genshin impact (FURINA ESPECIALLY!!)
-Gravity Falls (Yes I know it ended YEARS ago but I’m still not over that show)
-OMORI (I omor!!)
-Len Kagamine (I’d never draw myself so I just draw him instead lol)
-Ships: AKITOYA (omg omg omg-), Honakana, Arlefuri (but idrk if thats ok tbh, I’ll judge after im done with fontaine.), Ruikasa, RANPOE (I DONT EVEN LIKE BSD THAT MUCH ANYMORE BUT OMG…), Cynari, SETHOSCARA, Xingyun
I’m okay with:
-Ships I don’t ship (As long as they’re not problematic or weird!)
-Personal questions (I can still not answer!)
-Cursing (Slurs and Cursing are DIFFERENT, I’d like to remind you)
Im NOT okay with:
-Using my art w/ no credit, sure none of it is impressive but if you end up using/saving tell me! Im curious abt how many ppl actually end up keeping my art anyway. You can use it without credit as a profile or banner I guess.. Just don’t claim it as your own or repost it (without credit ofc)! :D
-Insults like: Kys, Your mom didn’t love you, or you were an accident/mistake are TOO MUCH.. (Especially since I barely say anything controversial I think-)
-Calling me names/Making fun of me because of my sexuality or gender makes me sad
Please avoid sending pictures of food (unless they’re a drawing or smth) it isn’t too bad if you end up doing that tho! I just have personal problems with food.
#alec rb (reblogs!)
#alec srb (self-reblogs!)
#alec art (my art!)
#alec yap (any post with more than like two sentences of text)
*insert Ego rock (specifically the wonderlands x showtime cover)*
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lazyassryan · 4 months
Probably ain’t gonna post art today so have my opinion on Zexal characters!!;
(All gifs ain’t mine btw, found them online or in the gifs sections. The opinions are mine though.)
Starting with Yuma Tsukumo!
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I relate to this duel obsessed middle schooler so much!! Honestly if Shark wasn’t a character I feel like Yuma would be my kin/comfort character, which would be scary lmao. He’s forgetful, only talks about dueling (and his dad), and from what I can tell cares about others in the weirdest ways! I love him! I want him on my shelf.
Okay Okay next up Is Tori Medows!
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She’s cute but I think she’d be better written if they explored her more. All she is the self interest with some trauma later on (from what I’ve seen from spoilers), but I feel like she’s just empty other than some smiles and tears. I do like her Duel World Carnival outfit but that’s about all
Caswell Francis!!! Ehehe
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Caswell grew on me to be honest, I thought he was a bit weird and pushy, especially when it came to the whole “You won’t duel Shark without Numbers.” But after the battle royal with Quattro I felt so sad and upset that his arm got broke, I just wanted to be there for him. Poor kid tbh. I would love for him to be my friend.
Now we gots Bronk Stone.
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I dunno how to feel about Bronk, I like his deck though. His duel with Number 96 HAS to be one of my favorites so far! The friendship with Yuma is typical for anime I’d say, but sometimes Bronk and Yuma go too far with each other. I feel like Bronk is a good character and should stick around.
Cathy Katherine!!!! YAYAYAYAYAY
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I LOVE Cathy, I Live Laugh Love this cat girl. At first I thought “Why is there a neko in my Yugioh, couldn’t she just be human?” But NO I was simply WRONG! I love cats, they are my best friend, and they are also Cathy’s. I love her story so far and seeing her become who she is, from a quiet shy girl to an excellent exciting person. (She’s just like me frfr)
Flip Turner
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(I couldn’t find a gif), I don’t like flip, I’ll be honest. He’s annoying and scummy. He said he’s gonna change for the better then turns around and sells fake heart pieces. Yuma should’ve dropped this guy before even knowing him tbh.
Last but not least… Astral!!
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He is so beautiful and elegant, super funny too! He’s been the most fun character to write, ever. Like a stupid cat. I wish he was my, ‘best friend from Astral world that was a gift from my dad that helps me duel’.
That’s it from me! Thanks for listening, I may do a part two or something I dunno. I’m just bored and have writers block/artists block. Sorry to bother, thanks for listening.
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skyllion-uwu · 2 years
I saw your tags and yes!! I'd love to hear your Garfield wisdom (fun fact! while I was in Lyman's tag I saw you + i was like haha it is my mutual sky 😎), especially about Lyman! also how's your AU about Jon being going!! 👁️👁️
So basically yes, Odie and Lyman were introduced at the same time, with a comic where Lyman begs Jon to take him in and Jon agrees. Lyman moves in, acting as Jon's roommate and another human for him to bounce off of. Him moving in also introduces Odie since he was his owner. Fast forward, Jim starts using Lyman less and less as he comes up with more excuses for Garfield to take his place (like Jon disguising Garfield as a child so he can take him out places). We don't need Lyman anymore, we have Garfield!
Lyman's last big appearance in the comics was in 1983. He makes a cameo in 1988 for Garfield's 10th anniversary party, and then another cameo in 2011 as a photo in a newspaper. After Lyman is wrote out, Odie is adopted by Jon and eventually retconned to ACTUALLY BEING Jon's dog in the first place. In the 20th anniversary collection, Jim Davis gives a few different answers on what happened to Lyman. The one that stands out the most is explanation number one: "Don't look in Jon's basement!"
In other media, we have two possible explanations: Garfield's Scary Scavenger Hunt (I can't find a concrete release date for this one but it's definitely early 2000s) and the Garfield Show (2013). Whether these are canon are debatable, but they're still worth mentioning. In the Garfield Show, we learn that Lyman is a photographer who went missing on an expedition long ago. When Jon goes to find him, he discovers that Lyman has been living in the jungle (? I think but I can't remember), pretending to be a cryptid in order to protect it. Garfield's Scary Scavenger Hunt presents a very different story. Remember how I said Jim Davis said not to look in Jon's basement? Guess who's in the house's basement :) In the sequel we also see his severed head in the oven which serves as a jumpscare and lowers Garf's health
Also holy shit I'm in the tag?? Woag it's been a really long time since I've posted about Garfield in general and that AU, but what happened is I went overboard and ended up turning the lil snippet into a full blown multi chapter story about Jon having nightmares about an evil cat deity and he, his conspiracy obsessed friend Lyman, and his skeptical friend Liz investigating into the cat deity and getting more than they bargained for. To be honest I should just publish the original story since that can already stand on its own, and I don't have much for the expanded version, but I still like the whole idea. Maybe I can turn it into a prequel so I can get the original out :P I have another Garfield story where Garfield learns to cook (called "Garfield Ramsay", which I already have some chapters posted) and I had a snippet about Lyman I shared based on Garfield's Scary Scavenger Hunt. No idea if that will actually get used but I hope I can since it was pretty silly
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what manga is that double one? I can't find anything about it
I take it you are asking me about this :
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This isn’t a manga! This is a multimedia series called Milgram . I will proceed to explain Milgram under the cut
Milgram is a story told primarily through voice dramas and songs, and is supplemented by some other stuff that mostly provides character info, like posts on the Milgram app and interrogation questions posted to Twitter. It’s written by Yamanaka Takuya and DECO*27, who writes almost all of the music in the series.
The premise of Milgram is that there are 10 prisoners, all in a jail of sorts, all being judged for their “sins”. It’s up to the jailer, Es, to judge them for their actions in 3 separate trials— the decisions that Es takes are directly influenced by us, the audience, because we get to vote for their verdicts! A main pull of Milgram is the fact that it’s entirely based on questions about morality. All of them are murderers, you’re not being asked to judge if they’re guilty or not— you’re being asked if you forgive them. Of course, that means that some of these are very morally grey and some of these aren’t even direct killings. This can get very…tricky, especially when the story gets as cliche as it does at times LMFAO
The songs can all be found here. Voice dramas can be found …anywhere….probably. Usually I just look up “(character) voice drama translation” on tumblr and I find one. You can listen to them on streaming services and on YouTube , probably. The music videos all have English subs already. Currently we are in the midst of trial 2, so we’re waiting on Amane, Mikoto and Kotoko! So you can still have fun voting time yayayayayay. U can vote Here
The guy in the art I posted—the double thing—is Mikoto Kayano, the 9th prisoner. Here’s his first trial art vs his second trial. As you can see he’s not doing too great. The art you saw is the jacket art for his second trial song, Double, which releases in October.
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Mikoto is a perfect example of Milgram’s ups and downs. He has one of the best songs in the series and his first MV showcases their truly amazing ability in animation— at the same time, he is seemingly very poorly written and is a mental illness serial killer . The hope for him is minimal . I’m on this ride to see how he turns out and how they salvage this already sketchy plotline for him. Idk, there’s two trials left, maybe it’ll turn out fine …somehow …..
Anyways yeah, Milgram is a multimedia series that tries to ask deep morality questions but sometimes it feels like they’re like. Do you forgive this woman for getting an abortion. How do you feel about this child with mental illness who killed people. Thoughts. So😭. Imo it’s not all bad and definitely worth getting into if you feel like it, the music is definitely really good ..so…yeah
If you end up liking this series shoot me an ask or something! Thanks for asking I love explaining things always
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buntress · 1 year
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YAYAYAYA I FUCKIGN LOVE JHARIAH I've been listening to him for like a year or two and their music is just weruighrtotk45r3wtluigpwh *goes feral*
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clownazon · 3 months
Hiro (1st char in ref) and Chlorina (2nd char in ref) are two teenagers that were kidnapped by an evil scientist named Neil in their childhood, they're main goal is escaping the lab and trying to keep the feral experiment gone wrong Kettle Man (3rd in ref) at bay. Hiro is haunted in his dreams and hallucinations by a figure called Shadow Neil (4th in ref) who resembles Neil in apperance and represents Hiro's fears. Theres a LOT of freakking lore but i'll keep a lot of that to be revealed in the comic itself, i'm planning on having 5 issues in total and am about half way through making the 1st, it still may be a few years before all the issues are released but i am planning on getting them all out eventually >:)
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reiding-writing · 4 months
AHH YAYAYAYAYAY I LOVE THIS SERIES SM IM SO GLAD YOU OPENED YOUR REQUESTSSSS!! okay sooooo, i was wondering if you could do a lil continuation of the last part where spencer visits reader in prison and reader’s all confused because they never get visitors and then they see it’s spencer and get all excited (maybe spencer comes to tell reader that he spoke to the court or wherever is considering their appeal, idk how that whole process works lmao, and he’s told them that he believes reader isn’t a threat and that they should be moved to a psychiatric facility instead of staying in prison)
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spencer reid&gn!unsub!reader || 2.2k || bloodied roses event!!
WARNINGS: sociopathic!reader, prison guards being dicks, early-seasons!spencer
a/n — thank you mllll 🫶 glad you like the series <333
main masterlist!! ⋆。°✩ unsub!reader masterlist!!
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It’s been almost eight months since you returned to the California Correctional Institution. Back to the familiar concrete walls of your own personal hell and practically sitting stationary as the world span around you.
It was arguably worse than just giving you the death penalty, forced to live in a stupidly awful state of limbo where you did nothing but languish in your own boredom for 23 hours a day without so much as a pen and a piece of paper to satiate you—lest you stab someone with it during your ‘recreational’ hour outside your cell.
The progress of your appeal was slow, basically static, and whilst you weren’t surprised, it was beginning to frustrate you. Why would they drag everything out when you knew they were just going to reject you anyway?
It was stupidly idiotic and a waste of everyone’s time, including yours.
There’s a sharp knock on the door of your cell, then someone slides open the metal hatch, leaving a grating sound in its wake.
The borderline condescension in his tone makes you want to shove his tongue down his throat, but you know when to pick your battles, so you stick both of your hands through the slot palms up and wait for the familiar cold metal of handcuffs against your wrists.
They’re far too tight as they’re clamped shut, pinching your skin uncomfortably to the point where you’re sure it’ll leave marks, and you bite back the urge to curse out the guard his clear incompetence as he unlocks the door and pulls you out by the metal connecting your hands.
His expression matches his rashness as he forces you down the corridor with another guard to his side, and you swear that if you weren’t acting on your best behaviour for the minuscule chance that they did actually approve your appeal you would’ve given the two a piece of your mind already.
“Where are we going?”
No answer.
“Why am I out of my cell?”
“Shut up before I muzzle you.”
Oh the urge to punch that man in the face.
You settle for a side eye that would probably be the only thing the State Officials needed to reject your appeal knowing how much they despised you for existing, and the rest of the walk is finished in a thick blanket of silence.
The room they lead you into is technically two, lined by a thick pane of glass that splits the room in half, an uncomfortable looking metal chair and floating table with a rotary phone on either side.
“Sit down.”
A small flare of your nose is the only display of your rising anger, your paper-thin composure shrivelling millimetre by millimetre every second you’re forced to look at his stupid face.
You sit down with an air of curiosity. It was very clearly a visitation room you’d been led to, but who in their right mind would choose to visit you? Who had the leeway to get to visit you from inside one of the highest security prisions in the state when getting access to do so was almost impossible?
You just hoped it wasn’t someone from the appeal board. They were always so monotonous and boring.
You sit waiting for almost five minutes, watching the barred clock on the wall tick away until there’s a click from one of the exterior doors and then the door on the other side of the room opens.
And the vexation in your expression shifted into something much more resembling amusement.
The sounds of the chair being dragged out from the table is muffled through the glass, as is the sound of him sitting down, but when he picks up the phone on his table a sharp ringing echoes through the one on yours as a physical show of his presence.
You watch it ring for a few seconds before you turn your attention to the guard standing behind you, and you hold your wrists up towards him expectantly, watching the indignation rise in his face as reluctantly pulls out the keys to remove your handcuffs.
The freedom of your wrists is short-lived though, and almost immediately after you’re uncuffed, your dominant hand is dragged back down to the table to be cuffed against it, a loud thud emanating from it at the edge of your hand catches on its edge.
You’re less perturbed under the presence of your visitor, but you’re sure the seething anger is present enough in your eyes for the guard to see it nonetheless.
Regardless, with one hand free of restraint, you pick up the ringing phone and hold it to your ear, leaning back in your chair with an almost entertained expression.
“Doctor Reid, came all the way to California to visit little old me?”
There’s a small twitch in the corners of his mouth as he restrains himself from smiling at your tone.
He shouldn’t be smiling at a serial killer. Especially not inside a maximum security prison with four guards present.
“I told you I would,”
“That you did,” You give a small nod of acknowledgment against the phone at his statement, eyebrows raised ever so slightly to break the otherwise barren planes of your face. “Didn’t think you’d go through with it,”
“It wasn’t easy,” Spencer lets out a small breath of a laugh, pressing his lips together awkwardly. “There was a lot of paperwork involved,”
He’s mildly embarrassed by his confession, that he’d jumped through so many hoops to be able to visit you like he told you he would. That he’d flown across the country to see you whilst lying to the team that he was going to visit his mother.
“That’s a lot of effort,” There’s a small scrunch of your eyebrows at your response, not a show of sympathy for everything he’d done to be there in person but more of judgement that he’d put himself through it at all.
You hadn’t asked him to visit you. He told you he would, and followed through on it of his own fruition.
“I thought it’d be better to speak to you in person rather than over the phone,”
“You’re still speaking to me over a phone Dr Reid,” You jostle the phone in your hand slightly as a show of your point, and the small quirk of your mouth tells him that you’re joking with him.
“You know what I mean,” Spencer’s expression mirrors yours in the way he almost smiles, and he lets out a short breath of light-hearted exasperation. “I wanted to see you, not just hear you,”
“Well,” You make an outward gesture with your freehand as you lean against the back of your chair again, crossing one leg over the other. “You’re seeing me,”
That he is. You don’t look quite like you did when you joined the BAU on the case, a little paler, thinner, your hair is a little longer and there’s a notable number of bruises covering your arms.
He doesn’t need an eidetic memory to know where those have come from. Although the sound of your wrist hitting the edge of the table at the start of conversation would definitely be stapled into his mind for a while.
“So then, what constitutes a visit from you Dr Reid?”
“I wanted to talk to you about your appeal,”
Any and all whisper of minuscule enjoyment at Spencer’s presence evaporates from your face the minute the word ‘appeal’ comes out of his mouth. It’s honestly fascinating just how fast your demeanour changes, although he’s not sure why it would, surely your appeal would be something of interest to you, not something you actively don’t want to talk about.
“Seriously? You fly all the way over here and you want to talk about my appeal? You do realise this—” You gesture back and forth between the two of you, “—is the one hour I get out of my cell today right? I’m not going to spend it talking about the stupid appeal.”
Seemed like he’d hit a sore spot.
“I just wanted to say that it’s looking pretty good for you,” He cuts straight to the point, not wanting to ruffle you more than he unintentionally had but also wanting to make sure that the main reason for his visit in the first place— apart from the fact that you’d inhabited a corner of his brain for the last eight months and wouldn’t leave no matter how hard he tried—was actually aired out.
You let out a small scoff into the phone’s receiver, and it’s almost grating as it meets Spencer’s ears. “You don’t have to lie to me Dr Reid, I know they’re just dragging everything out until they can find a reason to reject it.”
“They have three weeks before the deadline for their decision, they won’t find anything,” There’s an air of confidence in Spencer’s assessment, but it doesn’t do anything in chipping away your preconceived notion of failure.
“I submitted a report on the BAU’s behalf,” He is decidedly less confident in admitting that second part, left hand subconsciously reaching towards the rolled up sleeve on his right arm to ease the nervous tension in his hands. “To try and support it through the final stages,”
“Leave your arm alone.” You seem to almost completely disregard what Spencer says, and he practically does the same himself as his eyes flicker down towards where his left hand is absentmindedly scratching at the inside of his right elbow, leaving red streaks on his skin.
He pulls his hand away with his lips pressed taut into a line, stuffing it into his pocket so he can’t be tempted to do it again. “Sorry,”
“What did you write in your report?” You’re over it before he can even get his apology out, and he clears his throat to regain his sense of composure, tightening his grip on the phone so it doesn’t slip out of his hand under the small film of sweat coating his palm.
“You uh— displayed a lot of your humanity on the case, especially towards your family, and I thought it’d be beneficial for the officials considering your transfer to know that fact,”
You let out a small exhale through your nose, lips quirked upwards ever so slightly. He could almost believe that you were grateful for his contribution, but then you started speaking and the condescension in your tone was enough to tell him that you were definitely not displaying ‘gratefulness’.
“That’s not gonna do jack shit,”
Spencer sighs softly, eyes flickering downwards for a second in ever so slight disappointment in your reaction to his attempt at helping you.
He doesn’t really know what he was expecting from you, but having you disregard it so easily definitely blew the wind out of his sails a little bit.
“You’d be surprised I think,” His attempt at redeeming himself isn’t the most thought through thing he’s ever done, but then again he’s sat in a maximum security prison talking to a serial killer, so arguably he’s done worse. “In cases like yours for ASPD, having someone as a witness of your humanity could really help out your chances,”
“Yeah we’ll see about that,” You don’t seem as frustrated with him as you do disbelieving. Like no matter what evidence he tried to provide you of your decently likely chance of actually getting a transfer you’d made it up in your mind that it was never going to happen.
“Do you… want the appeal to go through?”
You scoff. “What kind of question is that?”
”It’s just, you’ve decided that it’s not going to go through, don’t you— I don’t know, want it to?”
”Of course I do.”
“Then—” Spencer presses his lips together with a short sigh. “…have some faith, If not in me being able to help you then at least in yourself,”
There’s silence over the line for a few seconds, and Spencer can see the cogs turning in your brain as you decide how you want to respond.
You don’t get the chance to.
“That’s it. Ten minutes is over.”
The phone is practically snatched from your hands to be placed back on the receiver, and there’s a sharp end-dial on Spencer’s before he puts his own phone down and readies himself to stand.
The roughness in the guards as the pull you from your seat and re-cuff you is almost aggressive, and the self-restraint you put on yourself to not respond to it is so decadently on display that it’s proof enough for him to believe your appeal will go through.
He hopes that your appeal goes through.
If for nothing else at least so you don’t get dragged around like a ragdoll by the people who are supposed to be reforming you.
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loveywon · 2 years
hi zoe !!!! i love ur work "start now" it was so cute !!!!!
im hafsa btw and can i be added to your permanent taglist ???
also omg SAME i remember when i started to get into kpop i stanned like fifteen groups immediately and suffered so much bcs i couldn't remember anyones names :') IT TOOK ME TWO MONTHS TO DISTINGUISH BETWEEN SUNGHOON AND JUNGWON OML
anyways i'd love to be friends w u !!!!!
-h <3 >//<
HIII OMGGG THANK U SM😭😭🤍 i was worried that it made no sense cause i feel like i gave no context LMAO BUT TYSM IM GLAD U ENJOYED IT!!!!! && yes i will add u to my taglist !
MY VERY FIRST KPOP GRP I STANNED WAS STAYC AND IT TOOK ME SOOO LONG TO REMEMBER THEIR NAMES N THEN I GOT INTO ENHA😭 i literally went one by one memorizing them but when i started learning enha names i kept mixing up jay and sunghoon I DONT EVEN REMEMBER WHY??? LMAO
I WOULD LUV TO B FRIENDS W/ YOU!!!! my very first tumblr friend yayayayayay
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ok, can I request the following?
Jason with a Y/N who are extremely affectionate and always try to pamper him like he does with them, for example, if Jason gives them a stuffed animal they give him a different one and it is basically a war to see who can pamper the other more
Absolutely adorable idea. I love getting asks about spoiling the boys
It's been said many times before, but Jason likes to basically think of himself as the king of pampering. Whatever it takes to woo you, to treat you luxuriously, to spoil the fuck out of you and drown you in his love and gifts. When you flip that around, especially at an equal rate that he spoils you...
You absolutely will open up the door for competition. Jason doesn't necessarily pick up on it at first, that every time he makes you breakfast you do the same for him soon after, that every time he gives you a gift he finds one waiting for him on his work desk. Eventually, though, he does pick up on it, and it seems as though the two of you come to a silent conclusion that this is a war of spoiling and pampering the other one, in good, loving competition. It almost becomes a race to see who can get a gift for the other first, or who can pamper the other first at the end of the day, and while you aren't exactly keeping score, the two of you are quite even in how much you really spoil the other one. 
Of course, eventually, he does have a talk with you about how you two shouldn't put too much effort and focus into a competition like that. Pampering should be done in a relaxing, loving, caring space, and it shouldn't be done to prove a point or to win in some sort of competition to prove your love the most. He makes sure that the two of you take things easy, that it's not a daily or constant competition between the two of you because after all, the best way to pamper him is always to just spend time with him. Why get each other trinkets when you can instead lavish each other in tender touches, sultry smooches, and loving companionship? So long as the two of you remember what's important and that the relationship isn't a fixated competition, though, he doesn't mind matching you point for point in the long run.
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taejeonie · 4 years
markhee on knowing bros
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but literally i want nct to appear on knowing bros p l e a s e
hmm i think by the time of their guesting, the public already knew of their relationship
but tbh hypothetically speaking,,people really wouldn’t know the boys are dating someone until they’re like old or something...i think they’d hide it pretty well :>> BUT FOR THE SAKE OF ME AND ANON WANTING MARKHEE TO APPEAR ON A VARIETY SHOW HERE U GO
the announcement was made about two and a half years into their relationship,,,a staff member ratted them out ://
most of them were supportive ofc!!!
minority of the people weren’t supportive of them mostly bc they don’t want them dating but then again we’re not talking about them ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ
most of the comments were like
“MARKHEE YAY <333” “I KNEW THEY WERE DATING!!!” “they look so cute together 🥺” “i can tell they would really last for a long time” “i hope sm wouldn’t break them up >:((“ “ahh young love...this is too cute >.<“
what amazed most of them were how professional they were for the past years,,esp bc they were group mates
this is probably one of the reasons why sm was kinda chill about the situation
but then a lot of people worried about this also
like what if they fought?? or had a misunderstanding??
but i think they’re both in the correct minds to not mix work with your personal life :)) bc that’s a no-no !!
okay back to knowing bros
sm probably did it for publicity but it gave markhee stans content anyways
markhee were asked what show they would want to appear on and they both thought knowing bros would be a nice option :>
so now here they are!!!
they heard knocking from the classroom door and when they turned around they see taehee’s head popping out of the door frame
“hellooo!! (*^▽^*)”
“jEOn TaEhEE”
“what brings you here?,” janghoon asked
“(〃ω〃) i brought my boyfriend-“
youngchul spoke up, “wait she’s younger than hyuna and edawn, right?”
“yes ,,, :>>” then taehee smiled out of shyness until her dimples were showing
“the last time i saw you, you were this small!!!,” heechul said while putting his arm up to his waist
then taehee made a cute whine and you could hear mark laugh in the background
“noooo,,,i’m older now!!”
“is this your first time appearing on a show together?”
“yeah..we picked this one :>>”
“oh really? thank you (*^ω^*),” heechul says
“alright, bring him in,” and then they were all just holding their smiles until mark comes out
taehee walked in the classroom dragging mark in with his hand
which made the guys gush at them,,especially heechul and hodong
you know when mark’s like embarrassed he tries to cover his face with his hand? yeah he was doing that when walking in
so taehee just laughs at the commotion they caused
they transferred from “if you’re envious, you lose” high school
after they introduced themselves, heechul raised from his seat
“the last time i’ve been on a show with mark, we were drinking together...but now he’s with his girlfriend!! it’s like i’m witnessing his milestones-“
“this is amazing, wow” then he claps
“the last time i was on a show with them was when i was an mc for ‘weekly idol’ and they were with dream,,,” sangmin chimes in
“when did you start dating?”
“mm, about 2 and a half years ago..”
“ahh” then it suddenly goes silent in the studio bc all of their focus is on markhee
so they both laugh bc of the attention
“actually this is the only time we’re gonna talk about our relationship like this since we promised each other we’d keep things like,,proffessional”
“woah this is like the most mark has spoken at the start of the show,” heechul blurts out causing the set to laugh
“bc he usually doesn’t talk at much first, am i right”
“yes, you are right”
“ah cute~” one of them says
mark lee keeps on captivating other people it’s hIS CHARM!!
“when did you two meet? since predebut?”
“since predebut.”
“wait before we start,,we should ask questions properly unlike lAST TIME!! we got too excited,” soogeun cut in
taehee was the one who answered, “actually, we arrived in the company on the same day and we became friends from there”
“woah it’s like destiny? are you soulmates?,” the question makes the couple laugh
“who liked who first?,” kyunghoon asks
taehee’s eyes widen and she mentions that this is the first time they’re talking about their relationship like this with each other
“oh wow this is gets more interesting!!”
“real reactions”
“so taehee when did you like mark?”
“hmm i think during promotions for ‘kick it’?”
“woah then i liked you first”
you know that face mark makes when he’s like amazed about discovering something new and his eyes are wide and his cheekbones pop out HE’S SO CUTE AT THIS MOMENT BC HE’S MAKING THAT FACE
“oh really???”
“mark when did you like taehee?”
“when we were in the states promoting ‘superhuman’,,,so like,,a year before her”
and then taehee makes this 🥺 face and her hands were above her chest
she’s just so soft in that moment
“wait mark, so that was,,how many years after debut?”
“3 years!”
“then why during that period of time and not when you were trainees”
“hmm honestly i think it’s bc we’ve been focusing on debuting so we weren’t paying attention to each other that much,,in that way. i feel like she stood out to me the most during the time we were promoting in the states, so i paid a lot of attention to her and caught,,,feelings from there”
“the way he spoke,,you can tell he’s really sincere about what he’s saying,” janghoon says so mark becomes more shy aND IT’S JUST CUTE
“was there anything specific taehee did that made your heart skip a beat?”
mark seems to think for a moment until taehee claps her hands together and all the attention goes to her
and she’s really excited like she’s a kid in preschool who just discovered something new and is excited to tell her parents bC THAT’S WHAT TAEHEE’S FEELING RIGHT NOW
“aH!! i think i know what this is!! (^ν^)”
“what is it?”
“during ‘superhuman’ era right?,” mark nods, “okay so there’s this part of our dance-“
“oHH I KNOW WHAT THIS IS,” mark shouts and it makes taehee smile wider
“where we stand really close to each other like this,” when she showed them how close they stood to each other the bros were like :OO
“yeah, i think that’s it. you fell for me, right?,” taehee directs the last statement at mark
“oh but that’s really close though,” hodong says
“we did it bc the fans seemed to like it,,,mark just ended up liking it more than he should,” she said it like she was bragging about it which made the people in the studio laugh and mark collapsing to the floor out of embarrassment
“was that it mark? was that the reason?”
mark’s still laughing, “maybe it’s one of the reasons-“
“but we spent a lot of time together when we were in the states so i think that’s the reason too”
“did you notice, taehee? that mark had a crush on you?”
taehee shakes her head, “no,,,”
“why not?”
“mark doesn’t like affection from the members in general so i thought that was why he was acting like he was at that time”
“how did he act at that time?”
then you see mark like internally sweating bc he KNOWS he’s gonna get clowned for it
“ah i’m one of the members who tend to be quite affectionate with others,,and i joke a lot too”
“she tells a lot of pick up lines”
“pick up lines?,” sangmin repeats
“yeah,,,at first i was used to it but then when i started liking her i got flustered a lot”
“i tend to get clingy with the members too like i hold their arm like this or lean on them but when i did it with mark he got shy”
while taehee was demonstrating with mark the bros were like “awww (*´◒`*)”
“does mark get jealous when you act like that towards other members?”
mark tries to hold back his laugh before saying, “a little bit” in a sMALL VOICE THAT’S WHY HE’S CUTE :((
“no i’m not jealous of that person it’s like i wish i didn’t get flustered so easily to the point that i would shy away from you...something similar to that”
“ahh mark’s good with his words..do you write lyrics?,” youngchul asks
“we both do :>>”
“so are you each other’s muses? is it like that?”
then the other guys start teasing them causing markhee to smile and giggle ;((
“i guess you could say it like that,,”
“THAT’S WHAT I’M TALKING ABOUT!,” then heechul stands up to give mark a high five
“are you two the same age?”
“yes!! but i’m older by four months,” then mark holds up four fingers
“wait then taehee must be really oblivious since mark liked her for a year until they got together”
“well if you put it that way...”
“honestly, i really did not think that she would like me back...that’s why i tried so hard to hide it”
“wow really?”
mark nods, “there was this one time we were in the practice room. we were preparing for a year end stage for gayo daejun,,and taehee was explaining to the camera how she hurt her head at that time”
“aww taehee hurt her head?”
“yeah :<< and he was laughing at me!!,” her pout made the other boys laugh
“that’s bc he likes you taehee”
“oh correct!! i just laughed bc of that reason!,” when mark said that it made them laugh even more bc he was so transparent about his feelings
i mean this is the only time they would talk about it why not as well go all out right?
“but then she said something like, ‘this is how your best friends treat you! you get hurt and then they laugh!’”
“ahh you got friend zoned?”
“yeah i did”
“wait hold on this is making me feel bad- i’m sorry :<<“
then taehee clings onto mark’s arm and looks at him with puppy eyes iT’S SICKENING IT MAKES YOU WANT LOVE TOO
then the guys gush at them some more, “does she often do aegyo with you?”
“i only do it to make him cringe bc it’s funny!! he’s also cute when he’s flustered”
then when she hears soogeun agree with her she becomes soft again and pouts
she goes to punch mark’s cheek
then the bros looked amused like their watching a drama or something
“taehee do you take care of mark like this? like who takes care of who?”
they’re basically asking who tops in the relationship
“i think we’re both,,,like equal in that sense”
“i’m only like this sometimes but mark really really is considerate and so careful”
“what did he do to make you say that?”
taehee clasps her hands together and she opens her mouth to say something but then she looks at the camera and says, “i forgot we were filming this for a moment”
some of them chuckled
“uHhH before he,,dOEs,,things he always asks me like ‘oh is this okay?’ ‘can i do this?’ things like that and it really melts my heart. he’s really considerate”
“ahh mark really is a gentleman”
“i agree,,”
“MARK!! how did you ask taehee out?”
“oh i didn’t ask her out”
“HEY GIRLS CAN DO THAT TOO” taehee has an angry pout on which made mark’s heart go boom boom
“wait we didn’t even ask taehee how she liked mark-“
“oKAY TAEHEE!! how did you like mark and how did you ask him out”
“ah i tend to overthink a lot-“
“oh isn’t that bad though?,” heechul says
“but when you get used to it it’s hard to stop,” janghoon tells him, “it just depends how you’re going to react to it”
“okay taehee continue”
“a lot of fans were saying we should date so i thought about it for a loooong time. and then i started paying more attention to mark like how he’s so dedicated and determined,,how he’s cute when he’s shy,,and how he’s like really helpful to those around him— i think that’s what captured me the most (*´ω`*)”
“aww cute :((,” they say at her
“so how did you ask him out?”
“the only person who knew about my feelings back then was haechan,,so i asked him how should i do it. he said to just confess but i was also kinda ‘shy’ about it so i was like ‘nonono,,i won’t do that’”
kyunghoon asks, “did he know about mark’s feelings,” and mark nods at him
“so what did you do?”
“i,,(//∇//),,i tried flirting with him-“
“i tried flirting with him but it won’t work bc he’s so dense also!,” then taehee hits mark on the shoulder
“really mark? you didn’t even once think that taehee liked you also?”
“like i was saying,,i tried to hide and push away my feelings. and she’s usually like that around other members so i thought she was just being her usual self with me”
“so what pushed taehee to confess?”
“actually, it’s ‘who’”
“was it haechan?”
“CORRECT!! i got into a bet- like a game,,with him the day before i confessed and i lost. his condition was that if i lost, i would confess to mark and he really really really made sure of that”
“how cute :((“
“this is like a kdrama HAHAHA”
“so i told him another pickup line that day-“
“TAEHEE!!,” heechul snorts
his reaction makes another whine come out from taehee and she’s like, “what am i supposed to do? i wasn’t ready!!!”
“does mark still remember the pickup line?”
“hmm it was in english,,it was- aH! ‘do you like haikyuu?’,,haikyuu is an anime,,’bc i laikyuu’”
then heechul stands up again to give taehee a high five
“but when i told him that he still denied it!! he told me to go to yuta oppa and tell that to him!!”
“so i was like,,’listen, i really really like you and if you don’t get that through your head i wouldn’t know what to do anymore’
then taehee got shy and hid her face in mark’s shoulder
“i just noticed the whole time they were standing really close to each other,,you can’t even see the space in between them”
then they gush over them for like the 92849294 time
“do you guys fight a lot?”
“as friends we fought a few times,,but i think now we understand each other more so i think i can say that we don’t really fight with each other anymore”
“what were the members’ reactions when they found out you were dating?”
“they were really supportive!! they teased us from time to time but they’re really like,,fond of our relationship,,”
“how do you guys date?”
“at that time we tried to limit our like,,outings,,so we just stayed in our room for most of the time watching movies and eating”
“oH yOu gUyS sHArE a ROoM?”
some of them had like knowing looks on their faces and then mark’s like “NO DON’T THINK OF OTHER THINGS”
“NO IT’S NOT LIKE THAT!!,” taehee chimes in, “we just like staying indoors and keep to ourselves”
“wait i also noticed something,” sangmin raises his hand
“what is it?”
“whenever taehee talks mark has a look in his eyes,,it’s very obvious that he loves her”
then taehee gets shy and spares a glance at mark and there IS a look in his eyes
like you know those times where mark’s eyes sparkle?? like there are stars in his eyes like 🥺
taehee just falls for him even more :((
“taehee give me five things you like about mark”
“he’s hardworking, he’s kind, he’s a great singer and he plays the guitar for me!! he’s reliable and i really like how he’s different offstage and onstage,,like he’s cute but when he’s onstage he’s like a different person”
“how bout you mark?”
“uhh taehee is considerate,,she puts others before herself,,she’s dedicated,,she treats her family well,,hmm and she dances really well!!”
ace couple
“taehee can you dance for us? then mark you play the guitar after :>>”
and then you see mark get really excited bc he’s gonna play the guitar meanwhile taehee’s like, “of cOURSE!!”
“her engergy- she’s so cute!!!!”
then they all stand off to the side while taehee dances
when she started they were like “OIIII” “WOAHH” “WAHH AMAZING”
they were really hyping her up!!
and you could easily tell how her passion is dancing
the way she flowed with every movement but still manages to hit all the points
her confidence
facial expressions,,,
i would fall for her too mark <//3
“she really is good,” janghoon mutters
markhee is cute no cap
then when she’s finished you can see heechul whisper something to mark then mark gets really flustered but just laughs it off
now it’s mark’s turn to play the guitar!!
he strums a few chords earning a few reactions from the bros + taehee!!
then he starts to play the song
and they sway to the melody
you see taehee’s cheeks get pink bc mark’s looking at her from time to time
which made the others get excited at what they’re witnessing
“ah this is so cute (*^▽^*)”
“i would marry mark,” soogeun blurts out which made taehee giggle
by the end of the song the guys clap for mark,,
and then there’s taehee at the side pressing her hands to her cheeks bc yes they’re warm and it’s bc of mark lee <//3
then they fist bump each other :>>
profile time!!
taehee wrote that ‘shouting in silence’ was one of her strengths just so that they could play the game 
so taehee played with heechul 
so off it was funny it’s hEECHUL + TAEHEE GUYS 
heechul would find every opportunity to tease tf out of taehee offscreen and onscreen 
one of the words that heechul had to guess were ‘mark’
so taehee kept shouting “MY BOYFRIEND!! MY BOYFRIEND!!”
it was so cute honestly :((
mark kept smiling and giggling and the other people were like ‘awwww’
when it was mark’s turn to play they kept teasing him cause he kept on making passes
he’s still cute so it’s aight <33
taehee won with a score of 4-2
the next game they were playing was a couple game!!
so person a had to feed person b but they're both blindfolded and they weren't allowed to touch/guide each other 
first one to finish the bowl of 자장면 wins!!!
so markhee vs hodong and soogeun
taehee would be the one to feed mark
they kept laughing all through out 
meanwhile hodong was like -.- bc soogeun kept on laughing 
anyways,,markhee won!! they're an ace couple what do you expect 
but mark got 자장면 all over his face so taehee was wiping it off with a tissue the staff gave her 
so the bros were like “아이구!! 아이구 아이구!!” 
so moving on to the q&a thingy 
taehee was so excited bc she's been wanting to use the hammer like this ever since she watched the show 
“we’ll not answer so you don't get to use it” - kim heechul
he gets hit anyways 
“okay so,,i get flustered whenever mark does this”
“kisses you suddenly!”
“hugs you in front of the members!”
“wrong!!! (*¯︶¯*)”
kyunghoon calls mark and asks him if he knows the answer but he shakes his head no 
“taehee mentioned awhile ago that mark plays the guitar,,so is it when he plays for you?”
“mmm that’s not the answer i'm looking for :>>”
“when he holds your hand!!,” she shakes her head again
“gIvE uS A cLuEEeEe”
“it’s something that he says,,,”
you see mark whisper to himself,,“something that i say?”
“i love you?”
“okay one last clue,,he says this when he's asking for attention,,,”
“joanie?” mark looks at her 
“who’s joanie?”
“my english name,” taehee says while heechul answers “여보?”
then youngchul becomes smart again and mentions that mark and taehee speak to other english often,,”so perhaps...something like ‘baby’?”
he said baby in english so taehee was like “CORRECT!!”
and mark laughs while he claps his hands bc he’s lowkey shy now (っ˘ω˘ς )
“he doesn't call me that all the time but when he does my heart flutters”
and the whole sets uwuing all over again
“like when he’s waking me up for example and i can't get up,,,he’s gonna hug me and say ‘babyyyy, wake uppp’ (she said that in english)”
“아이구 아이구!”
she laughs at their reactions, “IT’S NICE RIGHT??? (♡´ ω `)”
meanwhile mark was a MESS
shy baby uwu
“when was the last time he called you ‘baby’?”
taehee seems to think for a moment before she gets all jittery and flustered making the guys more interested in what she has to say 
“he was teaching me how to play a new song on the guitar,,,but instead of just telling me what the chords were he really like went behind me and put my hands in place (─‿─)”
midway through her story heechul, soogeun, and sangmin were already up and about on their seats 
every scream intensified the more this episode progressed 
mark got even more shy so he was hiding his head on the table 
so taehee went over to him while laughing and ruffled his hair 
mark couldn't really think of a question
so since hyuck and johnny were in the waiting rooms with them before the show 
hyuck was the one to write down the question for him 
so as soon as mark read the question out loud he and taehee,,and the rest of the set burst out laughing 
“i get jealous of the other members when- HAECHAN WROTE THIS NOT ME”
“but i don't get jealous that often!!,” he defends himself 
“how bout when taehee cooks for the other members,,”
“she cooks for me too...”
“when she plays games on the computer when you guys are about to sleep,,so you go ‘babyyy’,” heechul’s imitation makes the rest laugh once again 
cue uwu shy mark lee
they give a few more guesses until mark back tracks and says that her playing games with the other members does make him a teensy tinsy bit jealous 
“but there was this one time she stayed beside me while playing games and i fell asleep,,( ◡‿◡ ). honestly,,i don't have any reason to get jealous of the other members since i know teehee’s mine anyways”
this time taehee was the flustered one,,,up to the point her face was getting hot and that she had to take a sip from her bottle 
“they’re so domestic,,” janghoon comments 
yes they are!!
markhee stans after watching the episode: WHEN’S THE WEDDING
anyways,,sadly the episode is coming to an end 
we got so much markhee content bc of this episode 
you've really seen the trust and adoration they have for each other :((
they won't say it out loud,,but the whole set of knowing bros feel like they're one of the idols who will get married and grow old together 
that’s all for this episode!! you’ll get to see more markhee content (dating or not dating) in my following posts!!
have a nice day!! - markhee <33
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guacameowle · 7 years
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& then I started freaking out & crying, because I can't control my emotions.
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domjaehyun · 4 years
NO BECAUSE I JUST FINISHED READING QUARENTINE CHRONICLES PART TWO AND- THE CKINGDHDF THE FUCKING ENDING IM DYING omfndbfj okay but i literally love the way you write and how even though it was mostly smut nothing felt unatural the entire thing flowed so well BUT THE LOVE TRIANGLE PLEASE TELL ME WHY I BEEN KNEW JAEHYUN WAS GONNA CATCH FEELINGS oh lawdy i been waiting for this one
:D THAKN YOU OMG yay yayayayayay im so happy you guys enjoyed it so much :’) and hehehehe i couldnt help myself im sorry
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