#yea I am light headed but yes I will go to the store anyways wish me luck!
placeinthisworld · 1 year
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kasey-writes-stuff · 3 years
Car rides with punzo
You,Punz,Dream,Sapnap,Karl,Alex and your friend em had all been hanging out in real life most of you had already hung out in real life at least a time or two before. You and punz however had never hung out in real life and with your friends all knowing the feelings you held for each other, but the two of you being blind they sent you two alone to go get stocked up on snacks and drinks and other various things...
You and Punz got in the car opting to take his car... which you guessed it was stick shift! As if you needed anymore reason to fall for him, you internally sighed to yourself. Punz couldn’t help but glance to you as he started the car, admiring your beauty as you tucked a piece of hair behind your ear... He snapped himself out of it just in time as you turned to admire him... you admired him for a few short moments before fiddling with your phone..
“You can play your playlist if you want to” He says as you begin the drive to the store, you smile softly and respond “Okay thanks” You don’t want to spend too long picking a song but you also don’t wanna pick something you’re afraid he might not like... Suddenly an idea hits you and you smile to yourself as you watch and wait for Punz’s reaction... he’s confused for a spilt second but then he realizes what it is and begins to laugh
“Really this is what you choose?” You laugh a bit as well “What do you not like this song anymore” You pause the song and he glances at you smiling “No, no it’s not that I just didn’t expect it” You scoff light heartedly “Oh really what did you expect then?” He shrugged nonchalantly “I don’t know I just assumed you’d turn on some boy band like one direction or something” You roll your eyes light heartedly “Well I mean I could’ve but I didn’t know if you would like it or not so...” He glances at you his eyes soft as ever “I will listen to literally anything you want to” you smile softly feeling yourself blush, a few moments pass and you press play again
Punz begins singing the lyrics and his eyes widen as he hears you singing not expecting you to actually know the words and figuring you only turned this on for a joke, he looks at you with the biggest smile on his face as he continues singing...
“It started out on a Wednesday and I couldn’t figure out why you would be mad at me oh woah.. you say it’s nothing but it never ever changes just like that... it’s always whatever anyways every time we try and talk I’m out of here any day.. its always something no, it never ever changes just like that...”
The drop hits and you both begin screaming the lyrics! “I GET THE SHIVERS! WHENEVER I’M THINKING ABOUT YOU! JUST WANNA LEAVE AND LIVE WITHOUT YOU! BE ON MY OWN AGAIN! I GET THE SHIVERS! WHENEVER YOU GO OUT OF LINE YEA! I FEEL IT CREEPING DOWN MY SPINE YEA! WANNA BE LONE AGAIN! WAITING FOR THE” You head banging along as punz tapping his fingers against the steering wheel to the beat... “It’s almost night time waiting for the right time gotta get this right I’m scared to death scared of your eyes looking into my eyes scared that I’ll back out and hold my breathe... wake up one morning and see your face I can feel it coming back these shivers are everyday.. I say it’s over I get out of bed to leave.. yea just like that!” Ironically you guys make eye contact for a moment before quickly breaking it and once more screaming the lyrics “ I GOT THE SHIVERS! WHENEVER I WOULD THINK ABOUT YOU! NOW THAT I LEFT I LIVE WITHOUT YOU! I’M ON MY OWN AGAIN! I GOT THE SHIVERS YOU AINT OUTTA LINE YEA! NOW ITS LIKE EVERYTHING IS FINE YEA! CAUSE NOW I’M LONE AGAIN!” You both jam along to the rest of the song and after that you play some 5SOS and TØP to keep up with the hype energy that had been created..
in no time you made it to the store, you were about to open your door when punz said “No” you looked at him oddly but then smiled softly as he opened your door for you and gestured outwards “m’lady” you rolled your eyes as you lightly shoved his chest while getting out of the car “You’re such a nerd” He scoffed as he shut the car door “Excuse me I am not a nerd I was being a gentleman” He lightly poked your side in retaliation, causing for you to squeak and cover it “Come on gentleman nerd let’s go get snacks” He smirked slightly at your reaction but if you were to look into his eyes you would see nothing but pure softness...
you both made it inside and quickly found the chip and cookie aisle piling the cart full of plenty of different options and even multiples of some knowing how much some of the others could eat... It was so hard to not hold his hand as he pushed the cart... after that you went to the drinks getting plenty of sodas and energy drinks but you also were at least semi responsible and got a case of water... Suddenly as you had just finished getting the soda and he was about to ask if there was anything else you wanted to get he noticed you staring at his hand and began blushing... he softly held his hand out and you glanced at him as he smiled lightly... you carefully took his hand interlocking your fingers
“We should get some nerf guns!” You look at him excitedly and he nods smiling at your excitement, his smile morphing into a slight smirk“We really should so I can kick your butt and show you who the supreme nerfer is” You scoff and use your other hand to lightly poke his side as he did to you earlier, he jumps a wobbly smile appearing on his face as he quickly holds his hand up in defense, you giggle and say “Yea we’ll see about that” And so you fit as many nerf guns and bullets into the cart as possible quickly heading back to the house...
On the ride back you let punz pick the music and on instinct you can’t help but wanna hold your hand over his as he drives... what can you say your main love language is touch alright... you cautiously lay your hand on top of his, he smiles lightly and nods signaling that it’s okay, so you make it back to the house the two of you arms filled to the brim with items as you wish to try and make as few trips as possible...
“You know help would be nice” you light heartedly joke and the guys an Em laugh rolling their eyes before helping you both finish carrying things in, soon you finish and finally get to rest.. promptly dropping yourself onto Dream, Punz and Karl.. your head on Karl’s lap, torso on dreams, and legs on Punz’s, Dream being Dream had to be dramatic and complain
“Sheesh do you have to flop so hard I am a living human you know?!” You laugh and say “Really are you?” You poke his face and he rolls his eyes you giggle a bit and then sigh contently as Karl begins absentmindedly running his fingers through your hair, Dream gently scratches your stomach causing for you to giggle and squirm slightly
Punz smiles at you in a daze just in complete awe at your cuteness, Alex notices and laughs “Hey punz you should take a video it’ll last longer you know that right?” He shakes his head blushing lightly “w-what take a video of what” George rolls his eyes “you know what” Dream smirked “videos do last a lot longer but I mean this also happens pretty often so there’s a pretty big guarantee you’ll see this again” punz smiled softly as he awed “Well that’s good to know at least” You shook your head a bit as you sat up “Shut up and let’s go get this nerf war started!” You ran grabbing as many bullets as possible along with the gun you thought you’d best be able to use, all the others quickly following along and grabbing their own guns and bullets and so with that the war began! No real rules set no true end game it was just all utter chaos but so much fun... after a few minutes you guys take a break and then decide to separate into teams you,Dream,em and George on one team, Karl,Punz, and Alex on the other.. if you got shot in the head you were out... things were intense it was down to you and punz... you ran down the hallway and into a bedroom.. you quickly realized that was not the best plan, Punz came running in after you but before he could shoot you yelled
“WAIT DON’T SHOOT!” He raised his eyebrow cautiously lowering his gun.. “why not” You smirked “So I can shoot you instead” you quickly aimed for his head luckily not missing, you giggled dropping the gun, suddenly punz said “You shouldn’t have done that” you looked up and tried to run past him out the door but to no avail as he caught you pinning you to the floor... suddenly he realized your position as did you, you both blushed purfusly.... you slowly looked up to him locking eyes, and before you knew it you closed the distance and your lips met... after a few moments you broke apart, Punz slowly climbing off you gently rubbing his neck embarrassingly, you did the same and you both began to speak
“So-“ you both giggled “you first” “no you first” you groaned giggling “okay okay I’ll go first... I so I... I really like you” punz sighed in relief “Oh thank god because I really like you too..” you smiled softly “Really?” He smiled softly “Yes really you idiot I wouldn’t say it if I didn’t mean it” you scooted over sitting in his lap
He gently scooped you into his arms gently leaving a kiss on your cheek as he swiftly picked you up, suddenly you both heard loud thuds and looked at each other... as punz walked out carrying you, you couldn’t help but giggle and shake your heads at the site before you, the guys and Em all piled on top of each other obviously their covert attempt to try and spy on you guys failed
“Hello boys, hello em” they all waved and said a chorus of hi’s, soon after you all dig into the snacks and settled down to watching some movies
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peanutpinet · 3 years
Nine Percent 3rd Year Anniversary Scenario
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Yes, yes, I know, it's been 3 days since their actual 3rd year anniversary. Yes, I had a brainfart and knew that I forgot something and didn't realise until late at night (like 10pm or 11pm). But hey, better late than never, right? RIGHT?! (My inner self: funny). Anyways, I wish them all nothing but the best for both their career and personal life. May they be able to do whatever they want and not be judged or be commented anything negative. Alright", scenario time!!
Pics are from: @ninepercent._.forever on Instagram
Cai Xukun
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A.N: yes, yes, finally got some more soft pics uwu, thanks Aliya, okie" scenario
I imagine that you were rushing to get this limited edition record/album from your local music shop because not only was it limited edition, but the artist also signed them personally and not the ones where they just copy 1 signature for all the copies but they actually signed them with a pen and all but no one knew about it because they just came out with it but you were lucky because you had a friend working at the music store. You immediately texted your friend, telling them to keep one for you as you were now rushing out the door in your hoodie and sweats with sandals.
Upon arriving, you were wondering where your friend was since you just wanted to pay for the album and leave. You quickly texted your friend which they mentioned that they had to run a few errands for a bit since it was exactly lunchtime when you came.
Sighing, you decided to just look around but stopped at your tracks when you saw none other than Cai Xukun, the very artist whose album you asked your friend to keep. Not wanting him to notice what a mess you look, you hid behind the shelves and peeked through, observing what he was doing. It wasn't until Kun suddenly called you out that you completely blew your cover.
"You know, I'm not that scary to approach" Kun blurted, not moving his gaze away from the albums
"I--I'm sorry, I didn't mean to st-stalk you. It's just that, I'm a fan and I'm waiting for my friend, they work here and I've asked them to keep one of your albums that you personally sign and, what am I even saying?!" you blabbed, covering your face with your hands and hoodies
"I can sign it specifically for you, if you'd like" Kun smiled, looking up to face you
"Oh my, yes, umm, thank you so very much" you blurted, bowing at him
"Relax. You don't have to bow. C'mere, we can take a picture as well :)" Kun exclaimed, nudging you to go there
and let's just say, you and Kun had a nice lil chat after your little meetup session whilst waiting for your friend to come back. You also made a lil note to thank your friend for leaving
Chen Linong
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For this one, I imagine that you, Nongnong and some old school friends were going on a road trip together and stayed in an Airbnb. During the first night, you were supposedly sleeping with your friend (girl) but that night, you guys just finished watching a horror/thriller movie (which you just cuddle up in Nong's arms since you were terrified, if you actually like watching horror, just pretend that this one terrified you quite a bit). After the movie, you couldn't really sleep and it was already nearly 3 in the morning that you went out of your room and to the kitchen to grab a light snack and heard some footsteps.
Scared, you unconsciously grabbed the kitchen knife and turned around to face the person that crept up on you; which turns out to be Nongnong. He immediately held his hands up in defeat but the same time chuckling on why are you holding a kitchen knife. You shyly admitted to him that you couldn't sleep because of the movie you watched; it also didn't help that your friend sometimes talks in their sleep.
Humming, Nongnong asked if you didn't mind sleeping with him. He said that he'll definitely make sure that you'll be asleep before he sleeps and he also suggested that you guys watch some cartoon. Since you and Nongnong have known each other for years and occasionally have sleepovers (of course in different rooms), you didn't mind sleeping with him since back in high school, you had a trip and you slept on his shoulder whilst being on the bus.
Because you were also quite tired and really wanted some rest, you agreed and the both of you went to Nongnong's room. Nongnong then allowed you to sleep on whichever side of the bed as he grabbed his iPad and opened your favourite cartoon. In a matter of a few episodes, you were finally asleep and Nongnong tucked you in before patting your head and sleeping as well.
In the next morning, you woke up surprisingly well. You didn't know if it's because you were watching cartoons with Nongnong or that it was just Nongnong in general making you safe. You decided to head to the kitchen to grab something to drink but then your friends teased you to call your "boyfriend" out to have breakfast all together.
You then blushed and head back to the room, seeing Nongnong yawning as he sat on the bed, asking you if you had a good night sleep which you nodded and told him that the others are waiting for you both to have breakfast.
"Did you have a good night sleep (Y/N)?" Nongnong asked, still yawning
"Y-yea, I owe you Nong, thank you" you stuttered, looking away
"Oi, lovebirds!! Hurry up or you won't have any breakfast" your friends teased
"Let's not keep them waiting shall we sweetie?" Nongnong commented, getting up and stretching
"Wh-what?" you mumbled
"Oh, I thought you already know that I like you since I know that you like me" Nongnong mentioned
"Wh-what?! When?! Wh-when did I?! OH NO!!" you blabbed, covering your blushing face
"In your sleep, last night, right before I fell asleep. There's nothing to be shy about. I like you too (Y/N) <3, let's go eat!!" Nongnong exclaimed, grabbing your hand and dragging you out of the room
Fan Chengcheng
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For this one, I imagine that you and Chengcheng were friends in high school. You knew him since back in junior high and while your first impression of him wasn't all that good since you thought he'd be a spoiled brat since he came from a wealthy family and the younger brother of one of the country's famous actress. But as it turns out, he was very hardworking despite not paying that much attention in class.
A/N: let's rewind a bit how you both got close
You were stuck as his lab partner for a whole year back in junior high which at first you didn't really want to since you knew he didn't pay attention in class that much and you'd worry that in the end, you'd have to do all the job while he just gets the credit. But nope, big mistake.
As soon you were paired up, Chengcheng didn't waste time asking for your contact after school and told you that you guys should stay at the library after school on the day of your lab so you can get the job done that day as well. Now, to say you were amazed was an understatement. You were practically impressed that Chengcheng understood most of the job and even concluded the paper.
But one time, you guys had to stay at the library till late at night and Chengcheng even ordered food the minute he heard your stomach grumble (cue you being embarrassed). Afterwards, you guys just talk over things like your likes and dislikes and Chengcheng even brought you home up till your doorstep. Ever since, the both of you have been inseparable. Well, that is until Chengcheng said he had to leave to join Idol Producer.
It was rough. He wasn't able to contact you since his phone was taken from him. However, you did try your best to send actual letters to him which surprisingly, he received and even send you back some letters as well. You wouldn't admit it but you miss him and actually have a crush on him. You were going to tell him but when he actually made it into 9%, you knew you wouldn't be able to stand a chance against all the other female artists so, you texted Cheng, saying your congratulations and the same time cut off your friendship, to the point you even blocked his number. You couldn't deal with heartbreaks because it was just too much and you really wanted Chengcheng to focus on his career.
Unfortunately, the past few days were not easy for you. It was very painful, especially seeing how happy Chengcheng was in L.A. You're sad and wasn't focused on school at all. But one Saturday morning changed everything for you. You had never been so thankful to be awake so early in the morning until this day.
It's been 2 weeks since you cut your friendship and any sort of communication with Chengcheng and during those 2 weeks, your sleep schedule was a mess to the point that today, you slept at 1 and suddenly woke up at 5(ish) in the morning. You twist and turn yet you still couldn't sleep. Eventually, it was 6 in the morning and you decided to just get up and have an early morning walk to clear your mind.
You got changed and pulled on your favourite coat (which was actually one of Chengcheng's but you forgot) and head out to walk around your neighbourhood. Until you stumble upon a familiar stair walk. It was one where you and Chengcheng hung out after you finished your report and heading back home. The memory caught you off-guard that tears started to stream down your face and you tried your best to wipe them until a familiar voice startled you.
"Are you crying because of stress because finals are in a month or because you haven't seen me in so long? Because I sure as hell miss talking to you, too" a familiar voice exclaimed
"OMO, Ch-cheng?! FAN CHENGCHENG?!" you blurted, whipping your head to see Chengcheng just a few flights below you
"I miss you too (Y/N). It was tough not being able to talk to you through those 4 months and even when I was in L.A." Chengcheng mumbled, walking towards you
"I--I'm sorry Cheng. I didn't want to interfere with your life. I know that you've wanted to become an idol/artist and I know I wouldn't exactly match the people you'll be hanging out, I--" you blabbled until Chengcheng pulled you into a hug, patting your head
"I don't care. Sure, I may meet lots of new people. But no one can replace you. Plus, who am I going to take with me to night markets when I'm hungry and take pretty pictures together with? Of course, that's you!! I wouldn't switch you for anyone or anything in the world. I don't care that you blocked my number because I can always put in my numbers again. So please, don't leave me. Now, let's go have breakfast, hmm?" Chengcheng grinned, pulling away from the hug, smiling as he tucked a hair behind my ear, caressing my cheek in the process
Justin Huang
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aFor this, Imma do something slightly different than previous Justin scenarios. So, I'm going to imagine that you're Justin's senior back in primary school. Justin has a vivid memory of what you did for him (which was standing up to the bullies) but you didn't remember him that well since you had a 2 (almost 3) year gap.
*Also, let's say that you were in campus (3rd year) whilst Justin had just turned 19
You were just trying to have a nice "normal" day in school since finals were just right around the corner. Everything was going so well and finals were not bad at all. It was the studying process that was annoying to you because your dorm were filled with either parties or gossips all in the halls whilst the library of your campus was always hogged by random people (like hello? are you here to study or to live here?). Anyways, lucky for you, a small studying cafe just opened near your dorm and so you decided to just stay there and study.
The past few days were nice. The cafe was calm and everyone was either actually studying or chatting (but they weren't loud and unreasonable like those in campus). Until one time, there was this boy, looked like he's in his teens and forgot his wallet to pay since it seemed that his phone ran out of battery. Because the drink was already being made, he couldn't exactly cancel or anything. Sighing, you got up and decided to pay for the boy who turned to bow at you, thanking you. Until the boy looked up and immediately recognised you.
"Eh?! JIEJIE?! It's me!! Just....uhhh, how bout we sit down and talk" Justin softly exclaimed, grabbing you and went to sit back at your table
After a bit of talking, you were taken aback that the boy/junior you helped back then was now this handsome tall young man. The both of you talked quite a lot since it has been years since you last saw each other. The two of you exchanged contacts and Justin proposed that you'd meet up again since he was in town for a few weeks.
But that plan somewhat backfired since Justin couldn't wait to see you again so he just straight up went to meet you since you told him where you lived. Instead of being a "brat" like most kids his aged, he was very polite with your parents, telling them that whilst he was younger, he'll protect you and bring you back before 10pm.
It was nice to catch up with Justin. You realised how mature he is for his age and even had to miss out on normal teen stuff like going out with friends, struggling with assignments and finals together. But Justin said that while he does feel sad for missing out on lots of things, he said that he loves what he does and he learnt so much.
Everything was going well with the both of you until Justin's sasaengs finds out about you. Some made fake accounts, threatening you to stay away from Justin. You know better than to deal with those immatures so you just blocked them from your social media and went on with your life.
But damn the universe is testing you because some of the sasaengs actually go to the same campus as you do. The first few meetings with them were still manageable. But they aren't called sasaengs for nothing. Because it slowly escalated and things got more physical to the point you started to distance yourself from Justin.
But Justin noticed your change in behaviour. He was so fed up one day that he went all the way to your campus to figure out what has made you like this. He didn't care about the amount of ppl suddenly paying attention to him because all he cared about was finding you; which he found you exactly when the sasaengs attacked.
Immediately, he didn't waste any time and called mama Ting, telling him about the sasaengs and have him report them to the police or something. Justin then immediately called out the sasaengs, threatening them and telling everyone who was watching to never bully anyone ever again; regardless of the reasoning.
Justin then took you out of your campus and to the cafe where you guys first reconnect again. He apologised for getting you involved in this mess but the same time that he doesn't want to be separated from you; adding that he'll always be there like you did when you were young.
"Jie, why didn't you tell me? I know you're strong enough to take care of yourself. Heck!! You helped me back in primary school!! I grew up, getting stronger so one day when we meet again, you wouldn't think of me as a whimp" Justin exclaimed
"I never thought of you as a whimp, Justin. But sometimes, you just need an extra hand" you replied
"Look who's talking? But I'm serious jie. Please tell me whenever this happens. I'll show no mercy!!" Justin boasted
"Ya!! Just because you're famous and all, you shouldn't be like, especially towards women" you complained
"Hehehe, it's not that. It's just that ppl should get what they deserve. Anyways, I'm hungry, let's eat!! My treat!!" Justin exclaimed
Lin Yanjun
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Help, I miss Yanjun so much :(( but for reals though, I don't want to pressure him or complain much because honestly, I can somewhat understand him since I'm an introvert too. Alright, I don't want to give off this negative energy so let's jump into the scenario :)
Alright, for this I'll imagine that you're visiting Yanjun who's in Taiwan because he was taking some rest. Honestly, you were quite nervous since you had never been to Taiwan and met Yanjun from work (this is a story for another time). One of the main reasons why you were nervous is because you were going to meet his parents and even spend your time living with him and his family when you don't really know their culture that well.
But honestly, there was nothing to worry about since Yanjun's parents heard nothing but good things from both Yanjun and even Zhangjing (since you were quite close with Zhangjing). When you arrived, you tried your best to be polite even though you were very awkward and stuttered a lot. But when Yanjun's sister came, she helped make you feel at home and ease despite being slightly younger than you.
Within hours, you and Yanjun's sister became close and she even shared some embarrassing moments of Yanjun to you (which Yanjun found out and deal with his siter later on). And within days, Yanjun's parents showed no signs of disliking you at all. Instead, you and his mom actually went to the market a few times together and even cooked together.
Time skip to a few days before you have to go back to your country
Yanjun's parents thought that it was a good idea for both you and Yanjun to go out, just the both of you since you had been spending so much time with his family and rarely went out with just Yanjun for a whole day. So, they set things up and made sure that it would just be the two of you; they even went as far as letting Yanjun use the car.
Yanjun already knew where he would take you; the ocean (one of his favourite places to be). When you arrived, you wasted no time and getting out of the car, taking off your shoes and running on the sand, barefeet; which of course, Yanjun chuckled whilst taking pictures of you.
The two of you left your shoes by the rocks so they wouldn't get taken by the ocean and walked hand in hand along the shoreline. Stopping right where the sun was setting and just lean on each other, enjoying the moment, until you noticed your shoes were getting taken by the ocean. You immediately rushed to get your shoes; forgetting that you couldn't really swim that well.
Eventually, Yanjun caught up with you and held you back, reminding you that you couldn't quite swim. Chuckling, he took off his jacket and handed it to you before going towards the ocean to get your shoes.
"Jun...be careful!!" you exclaimed
"I'll be fine (Y/N). You should be careful. I wouldn't want you to get wet and sick later on" Yanjun reminded you
"Hmm. OH!! You got it!! Thank you so much!!" you giggled, jumping a bit
"Hey, hey, be careful!!" Yanjun reminded as you jumped to hug him
"You know, you're similar to the ocean. You're as cool, calm and collective when you need to but the same time you're there whenever people needs you just like how humans need water. You also help people calm down when they feel frustrated. You make me feel safe. You make me relax when I feel nervous" you blurted, hugging Yanjun tightly as you inhaled his scent
"(Y/N)..." Yanjun muttered
"Which makes me confused why would you choose a child-like, hard-headed, weirdo..." you mumbled, but Yanjun shut you up by pecking your lips
"Because, isn't that how magnet works? Opposites attract each other. Though I'd say that we are quite similar in the hard-headed side but at least we're willing to tone that down. But for reals, while I make you calm, you make me excited. You burst me up. You're like a happy pill and I'm addicted to you. Now, let's head back, mom and dad made hotpot for dinner. C'mon, I'll carry you whilst you just hold onto our shoes" Yanjun chuckled as you went on his back, leaning on him whilst talking about where you guys should have a date next
Zhu Zhengting
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For mama Ting, I imagine that you have this upcoming show which was your first live stage show. And while you were just a backup dancer, you were still one of the best dancers in Yuehua despite only being hired for a couple of months.
You were so excited and can't wait since you've been practicing very hard the past few days, along with helping Zhengting since he asked you to be his dancing partner for his new mv that's coming out in a month. Speaking of Zhengting, it was him that actually recommended you to Yuehua and him that got you hired in the first place.
Anywho, it was finally showtime and you had just finished getting ready with the rest of the backup dancers. And ofc, you, along with the other backup dancers helped kill the show that the crowd was cheering loudly.
After the show was over, you all took pictures with the artist and a few individual pictures before the stage manager called it a wrap. You then went to go get changed when Zhengting texted you, asking to meet up in the dance practice room you guys normally used.
You told him that you just finished changing and will be there in 10 minutes. Upon arriving, you looked around to find Zhengting and was shocked when he softly called you out whilst holding a boquet of flowers.
"Ting? What's all this? Are you gonna meet up with someone?" you questioned, tilting your head slightly "This is for you!! Congratulations on your first live stage performance!!" Zhengting mentioned, handing you the flowers
"Ahhh, isn't this a bit too much? I was just a backup dancer anyways..." you muttered, looking down at the flowers, avoiding Zhengting's gaze
"Well, you won't be for long. I want you to dance with me, live. Roughly a month or two after the mv comes out. If you don't mind that is" Zhengting asked, scratching his head
"Wh, what? Are you serious?! Like legit? Not joking?! Cause if you're serious then ofc I would love to!!" you exclaimed
"Re-really?! Oh I feel so relieved. I was afraid you'd reject me. I mean my offer. I uhhhh...." Zhengting stuttered
"Relax. I'd never reject your offer. Or even you, Ting. You helped me get this far. Plus, I think I'd be the one to worry if you'd reject me..." you mumbled, fiddling with your fingers
"What?! No, why would I ever reject you, (Y/N). You're pretty, smart, talented, kind. You're an amazing person. If you don't believe me then let's go have dinner, I know you must be starving, c'mon, my treat!!" Zhengting mentioned, grabbing you and dashing off to eat hotpot
Wang Ziyi
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For Ziyi, I imagine that you guys were spending the day to the amusement park that was near the beach as well. So, the plan was for you both to go to the amusement park as soon as it opens and ride as much rides as possible before 4pm then head to the beach and jusy chill till dinner time.
You were so excited since it's been so long since you went to an amusement park and beach. Now, the reasoning why you chose this specific amusement park wasn't just because it was right beside the beach. But also where you and Ziyi got to actually know each other.
Let's rewind a bit shall we
So, you guys were high school friends and one time your squad wanted to go to the amusement park so ofc, you joined in. But what you didn't know was that Ziyi (the school's best basketball player) and his squad were also joining (mainly because 2 of his friends and 2 of yours were dating).
Anyways, the whole day wasn't that bad until sometime before you all decided to leave for the beach, your friends sorta ditched you; even when you tried to text/call them. Now, you were left right by the food stands, sitting on one of the benches whilst waiting for any news you get from your friends.
But it wasn't just you that was "ditched" by your friends. Because not long after, Ziyi came and sat beside you, asking if you were also "ditched" by your friends to which you chuckled, telling him that they must've went on other rides. But you were actually grateful that they did. Because now, you were Ziyi's close friend.
To present time
After riding on several rides, you guys went to have lunch at the nearby food court before going back and playing the rides up until it was almost sundown.
Realising what time it was, you asked Ziyi if there were anymore rides he wanted to go on which he shook his head and instead, asked you if you wanted to go on anymore rides. To which you also shook your head. Ziyi then asked if you wanted to go to the beach which u instantly nodded.
But as you guys were walking, you saw a small food stand, selling one of your favourite snacks to the point you instantly rushed over to the food stall and grab some food, nudging Ziyi to hurry and come choose what he wants.
"Ziyi!! Hurry up!! Choose which one you want!!" you called out
"I'm coming (Y/N), don't buy too much things. We need room for dinner" Ziyi chuckled, rushing to your side
"I will always have room for dinner!! Food is life!!" you exclaimed, as you choose your snacks while Ziyi looked at you and chuckled
Xiao Gui
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For Xiaogui, let's say that you guys have been friends since young and he would always be there for you since he's always so hyper while you were so shy in making friends.
Throughout your school life till high school, Xiao gui has always been there to help you make new friends and study (ocassionally). Not to mention, you were the one to come up with his nickname, Xiao Gui. But unfortunately he had to leave to join idol producer. But that never stopped you guys from sending each other letters/text (when he got his phone).
Time skip to your university graduation
While Xiao gui was busy with his idol life since he debutted in 9%, you were busy with school and now, after so long, you were finishing your degree.
After the ceremony and getting your actual degree, you and your friends were heading to take pictures. But as you were taking pictures, your friends told you to stay there for a bit whilst they go grab a quick drink.
But as your friends left, you saw a familiar figure, holding a boquet of flowers, heading your way. As they got closer, you realised that it was actually Xiao Gui.
"G-gui? Is that you? What are you doing here? Don't you have an event or something to attend?" you asked in shock
"Of course I do. It's your graduation. You didn't think I'd miss this out now did you? Look at you, dressed up like this. Last time I saw you all dressed up was...." Xiao gui commented
"The day you debutted with the other 8 as 9%" you replied, giggling at the memory
"Yea. You were with me since the beginning even until I debut and now. I'm sorry I couldn't have come sooner but here, happy graduation (Y/N)" Xiao Gui muttered, handing you the flowers
"Th-thank you, Gui. How bout we catch up over dinner?" you mumbled
"Of course, then we can go get dessert at your favourite place!!" Xiao Gui exclaimed, holding your hand as he slowly pulled you with him
"I miss you so much, Linkai" you admitted
"I miss you too (Y/N)" Xiaogui replied, a big grin formed on his face
You Zhangjing
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Tbh Zhangjing's one is quite hard but I tried my best :"
Alright, for Zhangjing, I imagine that he asked you to join him to shoot for his new mv which of course you quickly agreed, not thinking twice on where, when and what is it.
You can say that it was somewhat of a mistake since the mv is a more romantic one than his previous mv(s). Not only that, on the day of the actual shoot, you were stunned on how good Zhangjing looked since he mostly wore a baggy T-shirt with sweatpants.
But this time, he dressed up so good that your mind can't comprehend. Even when it was time to shoot, your mind wondered off elsewhere until Zhangjing actually called out to you.
Thankfully, throughout the entire shoot, there were minimal errors and you didn't have to reshoot so much. And it was the final shot where both you and Zhangjing were hand in hand walking together.
Right as the camera was rolling, you were a bit distracted by the scenery of the place you were shooting that Zhangjing had to call you several times which makes you shock but Zhangjing just chuckled and extended his hand out to you which you shyly took, and as Zhangjing faced the other side, you couldn't help but blush to see this amazing view.
"(Y/N)?" Zhangjing called out
"Hmmm??? Oh sorry, the scenery was so pretty that I couldn't help but get distracted" you admitted
"It's alright, c'mon, let's just enjoy the view then" Zhangjing mentioned, extending his hand
"Hmmm. It's nice, we should go out more often" you mumbled, taking Zhangjing's hand then facing off to the scenery together
Once again, happy late 3rd year anniversary Ninepercent!! I wish you nothing but the best and may you always be happy 💕💕
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thatbitchassstay · 4 years
Lee Know smut #3
This is so fucking long so yea
If you want the whole story and not just the smut scenes go to my wattpad @thatbitchassstay If its not there than they took down my account lol.
You waited outside your school with 10 other people. Your school had organized an overnight trip to an amusement park as a bonding experience for your grade. There were 5 busses. Each bus held about 20 people (except for one which only held 10), and you happened to be on the last bus, which was the smallest bus, which had no other girls on it.
You look around at the people who will be on your bus ride. You saw 8 of your classmates, Chan, Jisung, Minho, Hyunjin, Jeongin, Seungmin, Felix, and Changbin. There were also two chaperones on your bus Professor Woojin and the bus driver, your principal; Park Jin Young.
Once everyone was ready, you all got on the busses and drove off. The bus ride was going to be 5 hours, so you decided to see who you would be sitting next to. On the bus, You sat next to Minho. He was a strange kid. He only seemed to open up around Jisung, and what he posted on his Instagram was honestly questionable. You two had been lab partners before, so you knew that he was smart and liked to insult other people for fun. You knew everyone else on the bus pretty well.
After around 1 1/2 hours You felt the bus slow down and you saw the busses in front of you pull away. You buss slowly puttered to a stop and everyone took out a headphone to see what was happening. JYP (that is what everyone called your principle) stood up and said "we seem to have run out of gas. I will call a replacement bus to come, but I will expect that it will take up to 3 hours, at least 2." You all groan as he and professor Woojin walk out of the bus.
You are about to put in one earphone when you hear Minho say "Well, it is a good thing I am sitting next to a cutie." You turn really red. "Confident much?" you ask still blushing from his remark. Then professor Woojin gets back on the bus for a second. "We just called a replacement bus, they should be here in 2 1/2 hours. For now, you guys can go to the convenience store just down the road. They have some tables there for you to sit at while you wait."
"Ok, let's go." chan says as everyone stands up and gets some essential things before getting off the bus. You walked for about 2 minutes before getting to the store. You all took turns in the bathroom and bought some food before sitting down at the tables.
After about 10 minutes you heard the cashier call out to the back, "Mark, your shift starts in 5, get changed already!" you then heard a male voice yell out "Fine, give me a second!" The guy had a slight Canadian accent you noticed. You didn't pay too much attention to this though until around 5 minutes later when a guy came up to your table and asked "I am sorry, but how long do you guys plan to stay here?" You looked up and saw his face. You almost said the word handsome out loud! "Sorry, our bus broke down and we are waiting for a replacement. we should be here for another 3 hours at most." He looked satisfied enough with your answer. "ok, my name is Mark Lee, you can just call my name if you need anything!" He then turned around and walked away from you "Mark..." you said "Yes?" he turned around "Nothing, I just really like that name, it suits you!" there was some pinkness on his cheeks when he said "Thank you." and walked away towards the cash register. The only person who didn't seem amused about you flirting with the employee was Minho which you did not realize till later. After another 30 minutes, you got bored of playing games on your phone and decided to go and talk to Mark, who also seemed bored.
You walked up to the cash register "hey mark!" you said. He looked up at you, "Hey, do you need help with anything?" "No, I am just bored." "Honestly same...." You looked at him for a few seconds before realizing that you never told him your name "Oh, my name is Y/N by the way." "Y/N, that's a way better name than Mark!" he joked with you "really, I like Mark better!" You two playfully flirted for 5 minutes before he checked his watch. "I am on break now for 30 minutes, you want to take a walk with me?" "Yea!" you replied enthusiastically. "K, let me change back into my regular clothes, these are really uncomfortable!" "Ok, I will wait outside!" You started to walk out the door when you got stopped by chan "where are you going?" he asked, "I am going on a walk with Mar, don't worry I will be back in max 30 minutes!" "Ok, I will text you if anything goes wrong." He said as he allowed you to go outside and wait for Mark.
He walks out of the building wearing an oversized white shirt and some jeans looking a little bit scared. "Let's go!" he says trying to shake it off. He and you walk for few minutes just talking and laughing when you had to ask "What happened inside that made you so shaken up?" he averted his eyes and said "The guy with the blond hair and Australian accent, the tall one. He scares me..." "What did Chan do?" He laughs and says "He told me that if I was mean to you and didn't shows you a good time that he would break all my bones and tie me in a knot." "yea... he kind of thinks of me like I am his sister, to be honest, all of us are his family so that probably why he was so protective!"
Mark suddenly grabs your hand and leads you underneath some cherry blossom trees. There is a slight breeze and you feel yourself blush as you look at your hand that he has not yet let go of. "Wow!" he remarks "Everything here is so pretty!" "Yea, these are some of my favorite trees!" He then turns to you with a small smile on his face, You could not tell if he was blushing or if it was just the lighting, "I was not just talking about the trees..." He walks a little bit closer to you and you feel you here rate go from 100bpm to around 1000bpm. He then grabs your other hand and leans in. You do the same and as your lips touch, you felt something. like this represented more than just a kiss. Then he pulled away. "Sorry, I just really like you." This time you knew it was a blush "I like you too." You say you find his phone in his back pocket and use the face recognition to open it. You then put in your number in his contacts.
"We should probably start to head back. Chan is expecting us soon." He continues to hold one of your hands as you walk, "yea, let's go."
Minho POV
You watch as he kisses her. At that moment you had never been more mad. Of course she likes mark, she does not like you! you yell at yourself as they walk away hand in hand. Chan had sent you to check on them, now you wish he would have sent anyone but you!
This is why we don't have crushes... you tell yourself as you start to walk back to the convenience store.
Once you and Mark got back he had to change because his shift was starting soon so you went back to your table. "where is Minho?" you ask Jisung because he is the closest one to him "ah, I don't know. he should be back soon though." A few minutes later you hear the door open, You look over and see Minho walk-in. You see him glance at You before approaching mark in a menacing manner. Your eyes widened as you thought that Minho was going to yell at him. Instead, Minho brought him outside, past where you could see. Everybody looked over at you as you started to panic. 
"Y/N, are you ok?" Hyunjin asked as you realized how terrified you must look. Did he see the kiss? does he like me? Why did he approach Mark? what is happening? what are they doing? all of these thoughts blasted through your head as you found yourself say "No, I am not fine!" You tried to get up from the table but Jeongin put his hand on your shoulder, "What happened?" You almost broke down in tears as you explained everything that happened, From when Minho called you cute, to when you got back to the convenience store. The whole time they looked at you kind of baffled. 
"Y/N, You really are an idiot." You turned around to see that it was Chan who said that. "Excuse me!" "Omg Y/N, They both obviously like you! And from what I understood, Minho was flirting with you, he probably thought that you two were going to go somewhere! If he did see the kiss, imagine how mad you would be!" You started to understand as everything clicked in your head. You put your head in your hands and started crying. "Y/N, what the hell? Why are you crying?" this was from Changbin, "I just feel bad!" you blurt out in a slur of words. You hear someone laughing, and you feel Felix's hand on your shoulder. "S'all right mate, why don't you go get yourself cleaned up in the washroom?" you nodded as you wiped a tear from your cheek. "ok." you stood up to go to the bathroom when Minho walked into the store. 
He spotted you, grabbed your arm, and took you out of the store.You had been walking for around 15 minutes in silence. a few minutes ago he let go of your arm, so that was a small relief. When you were starting to wonder where you were going he stopped and turned around to face you."So, You and Mark huh." He looked at you straight in the eye as he said this and it felt like someone had just stabbed you. His glare went straight through you. "Are you going to respond or are you just going to stand there?" There was also a lot of hostility in his voice this time around. 
"Um, well I am not sure if we are a thing yet..." you respond "ok, I will make sure to tell Mark that." "Wait, don't tell Mark I said that!" "Why, do you like him?" "Well yes..." "Then why are you not being honest with me?" "I am being honest!" "So did the kiss mean anything to you?" "Yes!" "So are you a thing!?" With this last comment, he stared at you kind of hurt. Not knowing what else to say at this point you just blurted out "I guess so, yes! But why would you care anyway, It's not like we are even friends!" He stared at you open-mouthed for a few seconds. Then he shut his mouth and eyes and said "You're right, sorry." and started to walk away. 
"Minho, Wait I didn't mean it like that!" You try to run after him and put your hand on his arm but he pushes you away. "Why are you touching me, it's not like we are even friends right." and he continues to walk away. You stop running after him when he is about 30 feet away from you, he too stops, and for a split second, You thought he was going to say something. But then he just shook his head and kept walking.You got a notification on your phone, It was from Hyunjin.
Hey, the bus is here, can you and Minho start heading back?
Sure, we are on our way right now.
You started walking back in the direction of the busses. You walked fast, so it cut your walk time down to around 6 minutes. When you got to the bus everyone was already there.
Minho gave you an icy glare before everybody got on the bus. The rest of the bus ride was pretty silent. You sat next to Hyunjin and listened to music the whole time. By the time you got to the hotel, everyone split off to go to their room. You and Minho were the only ones on your bus who were on the top floor. 
After everybody got off, you and Minho stood there in awkward silence as you waited for the elevator to stop. As it slowed to a halt you both got off and started walking to your rooms. At room 37-10 you stopped and pulled out your key to go into your room while Minho kept walking. not being able to handle it anymore, you said: "But why do you care if I am with Mark in the first place."
 Minho stopped dead in the middle of the hallway. You saw him take a shuddering breath as he turned around He looked you in the eye and you could have sworn that you saw a small blush on his face. "Because... Look. I like you." You stood there, frozen not sure what to say. You didn't know what to do! You wanted to reject him, but you felt your heart telling you not to, so you just stood there looking him in the eye. Now you could definitely tell that he was blushing. 
"Yep, that's how I thought you would react. Forget it, Good night." He turned around to start walking again, and before you realized what you were doing, you ran up to him, turned him around, and kissed him.You were scared because for a moment, He didn't kiss back, But then he started kissing back. You two stood there in the hallway, the only time your lips were not touching was when you needed to breathe. You grabbed his hand and lead him into your room while you locked the door. 
You two started kissing again as his hand ran along your back lifting your shirt up. The two of you started to strip until the only clothing that was left on your body was your underwear and bra. you lead him to the bed and he leaned over you. The two of you started making out again as his hands started running the length of your body. He started kissing your neck, leaving a trail of hickeys as you arched your back in pleasure. he then stopped for a moment, "I am sorry, may I?" he gestured to your undergarments. "Only if you take off yours also." He smiled as he first took off your bra and panties, "No, You take mine off for me." You sneered and put your teeth of the elastic band of his underwear as you pulled it down. 
he then pushed you back so that he was lying over you again. He leaned down as his tongue teased your entrance.He started to lick and you felt his wet tongue run through your folds and you moaned with pleasure. He then pulled away and without warning started to finger-fuck you. 
You arched your back and moaned even louder. He pulled his fingers out and spanked you "We are in a hotel princess, don't be too loud..." you nodded aggressively just wanting him to stick himself inside you. He started to finger you again when all of a sudden he thrust in a third finger and hit your g-spot. It was so hard for you to not moan. He then took his fingers out and had you sit up."Suck." He commanded as he put his dick in front of you. You started lightly sucking your tongue rolling all over it. Then you took it out for a second and started stroking it. He then started to moan ever so quietly when you decided to go all in. You stuck it in your mouth and started to deep-throat it. You saw the surprise in his eyes as he obviously suppressed his urges to moan, he grabbed the back of your head and pushed it further into you, you were suppressing your urge to gag. 
"I am going to cum~" he said quietly before you felt the white fluid coat the inside of your throat. You swallowed. "Good girl!" he said as he leaned you down again and positioned his member at your entrance. "Just before I do this, I want to ask you a question. Are you and Mark a thing?" You violently shook your head. "good, either way, I am going to fuck you so hard that you won't be able to walk tomorrow." And just like that, he was inside you. (A/N yes, he has a condom on)At first, it was painful because of his size "Ahh, Y/N! You're so tight!" "Sorry!" you say as he starts to thrust in and out of you and you get more accustomed to him. After a few thrusts, he starts hitting your g-spot harder and after. "ah!" you moan and this time he does not even care. You feel the pleasure rip through you as you feel him thrusting in and out of you. "I told you you would not be able to walk in the morning!" he says slyly as he keeps thrusting in and out of you. When he pulls out, You cuddle right next to him, exhausted. And just like that, You fall asleep on top of him. "Haha, good night princess~" he says finally before sinking into your bed and falling asleep.
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Jujutsu Kaisen Fic (Itadori x OC)
Fic can also be found here
I’m gonna post the first chapter here but please check it out! I’m posting chapter two tonight and will be posting every Tuesday and Thursady! (Maybe more frequently who knows 
It was raining when Izumi fell in love with Itadori Yuji. It was sunny when he broke her heart.
Even the weather the day Yuji broke her heart had a way of imparting cruel humor into Izumi’s life. Down to the atom, Izumi felt disjointed and out of place. This was in a way that could only be thought of as funny. Like a toy with a manufacturing error. Slightly off. So, it was a common occurrence for Izumi to cry at school. Her classmates didn’t call her a crybaby, though. This was. because her crying was laced with off-keyed laughter. Izumi crouched to the ground and let her arms try to keep her safe. The other girls in her class took her umbrella and called her crazy. They were children, sure, but evil all the same to Izumi. This made it all the more surprising to see a tiny hand with a Pink ribbon, lowered to the floor so she could see. She lifted her head with grogginess that only comes with crying way too hard, to see a boy named Yuji from her class. His eyes were wide and his hair unruly. As her eyes met his, the boy quickly looked down and blushed.
“I found this yesterday on the playground and thought it was pretty. Don’t cry anymore, okay?”
Before she could say anything, Yuji gently placed the ribbon in her hand, got up, and ran towards the exit of the school.
“W-wait!” Izumi wanted to scream. Instead, she just looked at the ribbon until she felt her tears dry onto her skin and her breathy laughter subsided. With a sniffle, she put her hair half up and made the ribbon into a makeshift bow. After the sun went down the rain stopped, she went home.
The next day Yuji couldn’t keep his eyes off the tall brown-haired girl with the ribbon he found, and that’s where his eyes always seemed to wander for the next 6 years. She always looked so far away. Even when she cried it was like her mind was either deeply in her or another world entirely. Yuji just wanted to see her look at him. To help her. So when she looked back at him the day after he gave her the ribbon, he laughed the rest of the day.
If Izumi hadn’t met Yuji that day, her displacement with the world might have been too big to repair. Her fights with the girls who called her crazy would have ended up a lot worse than bloody noses and fistfuls of hair.
But he was there. There to put ice to her cheek and show her the type of sincere laughter that could reach her eyes. Movie marathons and festivals made her cheeks turn pink. When they kissed for the first time the streetlights helped illuminate Yuji’s face and Izumi saw how soft and kind he looked there. They were so close his breath grazed her lips. “I don’t want to scare you away.” She asked. Yuji smiled in the way he always did. In a way that said “I have it under control. Don’t cry anymore, okay?” “I won’t leave you unless you want me too. Never” Yuji promised. He leaned in until their lips touched and she could feel his smile. “Okay.” She whispered.
Yuji never called Izumi crazy. He laughed with her. He held her when she cried. He didn’t leave when she did both.
“You sure you don’t want to go the Occult Research Club meeting today?” Yuji asked, crumbs from the chips he was eating fall out in a way that made Izumi laugh. They were laying out on the couch in Izumi’s apartment, Yuji’s head on her lap as she absentmindedly played with his pink hair. Yuji learned to not expect her parents to be there because they never were. They skipped last period because why not. Izumi and Yuji never cared about grades, although Izumi somehow always scored well to Yuji’s exasperation.
“Yea I don’t want to. It’s dangerous to be messing with stuff like that. I like Iguchi and Sasaki, but just be careful.” Izumi warned. Yuji noticed the way her eyes widened with worry and made sure to lift his hand covered in chip crumbs to hold her face lovingly. Izumi slapped his hand away with a smirk.
“C’mon, when am I not careful” Yuji asked raising his eyebrows tauntingly. The two got up so Izumi could say goodbye to Yuji.
“Oh and tell your Grandpa I said hello, okay?” Izumi said before kissing Yuji
“Yea yea!…I will.” Yuji began with a joke but knew better to hide his true feelings from Izumi. She always knew.
Yuji opened the door and looked back with a grin. “Love ya!”
Izumi gave a smile she only ever gave to Yuji “I Love you, too.”
As she waited for Yuji to get back Izumi felt true evil. The plate fell to the ground and crumbled to pieces. Izumi felt a tingle in the back of her neck and the air suddenly felt aggressive. She tried to inhale but her throat wouldn’t let her. She fell to her knees in a huff, just trying to figure out how to breathe when she heard the door open. Izumi felt for sure at that moment she would die. She knew it. Something had come for her and all she could do was look at the plate she was going to use for leftovers. The air rippled and swirled around her and the room seemed to tilt until she heard a soft voice beside her. When did it get there?
“Izumi it’s okay. I’m here.” She felt the tears drop onto her jeans but didn’t turn to the voice like she usually does. She kept her eyes to the floor. Because the danger was right where Yuji’s voice was coming from. Her brain cleared for a moment.
“Yes, Yes it’s me.”
“Prove it”
She heard a sigh. But even if she didn't feel this negative energy coming from him, his voice was strained.
“You’re wearing a blue bra today. Oh, and also, Grandpa died today.” Izumi looked up in shock. She could see it was Yuji, physically. And even if it wasn’t him, she couldn’t help but wrap her arms around the boy that was now on his knees next to her, forcing a smile. She pushed her fear to the side and forced herself to swallow the air that was still constricting her.
“It’s really fine. Grandpa wouldn’t want me moping around.” Yuji mumbled, but his words came out rushed. Izumi responded with a shake of her head and rubbed his back rhythmically. She didn’t say anything. She wasn’t good with words like he was, so she patiently waited. She rubbing his back, even when she heard his desperate sobs in her ear and he held her tighter. They sat on the floor with pieces of her broken plate like flower petals around them. Yuji hadn’t experienced death before, so maybe that explained why she felt such strong negative energy from him. Izumi wasn’t sure but all she knew was she would wait until he was read and then they’d talk about it. She didn’t like talking about feelings a lot. But Yuji always talked her through her feelings. Every time she lashed out or broke down he waited. So she’d wait, too.
“I’m here for you. Always” She assured him. For some reason that made him tense up more. “I know.”
Izumi woke up alone. The sun peeked through the blinders and Yuji’s side of the bed was unnaturally cold. She got up slowly. Immediately she felt her head fill up with pain. Whatever she sensed yesterday overwhelmed her. And now she was left with a searing migraine and no boyfriend to wake up to. Maybe he went to get some breakfast for us, she thought. She looked over to her bedside table to find a note with Yuji’s awful handwriting. Izumi was confused. In their years of being together, he had never written her a love letter. He preferred flowers or dates or soft kisses. As she opened it up she realized he still hadn’t written her a love letter.
It was a goodbye letter.
I wish I could have told you in person. I walked in ready last night but the moment I saw you I fell apart. You would have seen right through me anyway. I can’t explain much but I have to go. I am going to Tokyo and I won’t be coming back, Izumi. You were the best thing to happen to me, but I can’t be with you anymore. Do not try to find me. I do not want to see you. I will not let you see me. You will be fine on your own. You are strong enough and you are kind enough. Even if you don’t think you are, I know the truth.
Best, Yuji
And with that, He broke her heart. Her world shifted like tectonic plates in her. Like the Pink ribbon that held her mind had come undone and Izumi was left to learn how to navigate it on her own. She stifled a laugh and let herself cry for a moment too long.
Izumi walked home after buying convenience store fast food for the week. She only had to cook for one, so might as well not cook. The streetlights lit her up and it felt against her will. They were too bright and only seemed to illuminate people’s wicked smiles and shifting eyes. She practiced breathing. Five seconds in. Five seconds out. She didn’t feel strong like Yuji said, she was just surviving, and hardly. Izumi looked up.
The lights were flickering more and the people were thinning out. Leaving what seemed like only her.
“Hey beautiful, where you heading?” Izumi tensed. She shut her eyes tightly for just a second. A second to check with herself if it was real. When she opened her eyes she was met with a whistle and a man crossing the street towards her. Izumi stopped. She could run. She could survive. But instead, She felt her fists tighten. She could feel her mind settle in her body. One thing was always certain to make her feel alive, even if she died in the process.
The man sauntered closer, clearly drunk. His smile filled with saliva and malice. He was now almost at arms reach “Not running away? Aw, I like my women scared.”
Izumi dropped her bag and spit right between his eyes. “Fuck you.” She growled.
She watched him wipe his face in anger and looked at her in surprise. “Oh, you’re dead. Crazy Bitch.” He yelled. Izumi watched his arm slowly come towards her. He was inebriated and slow. She watched the air around his arm move, slowing him down. She leans back, his fist only grazing her cheek. She returns his fist in kind by shoving him to the ground. She was ready to kick, to hit. But he grabbed her leg and in a flash, she fell. Her head hit the pavement and the world rang in what she thought was C minor. She felt a knee to her stomach and her head raised by her hair.
“You really are insane”
Her head hit the pavement again and she swore the streetlight above stopped flickering.
She closed her eyes once more. It was too damn bright.
She felt her head lifted once more. Maybe she’ll die if she bashes her head just one more time. Maybe if she’s lucky.
Instead, her head was gently placed back on the pavement. There was a splat. Then silence.
Izumi breathed out. She breathed out and out. She tried to open her eyes but could feel her face slowly swelling. She didn’t want to open her eyes. She wanted to sleep. Then wake up with Yuji next to her. He’d smile because he was always smiling. He would get up before her so when she did finally get out of bed, he’d have a cup of coffee waiting for her.
“Wow. Not what I expected Yuji’s girlfriend to be like.” A voice above her stated.
“Yuji? You know Yuji?” Izumi opened her eyes slowly. Towering above her was a tall man with white hair and a black blindfold covering his eyes. At least she thought. Her vision was getting blurrier and she really wanted to keep her eyes closed.
“Yea he was a good kid. He wouldn’t have wanted me leaving you here injured. I’ll get you healed up and then we’ll talk.” She felt herself being lifted.
“Don’t forget my food” Izumi thought she mumbled. Before she let herself sleep, she tried not to focus on how the man talked about Yuji in the past tense.
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sarohara · 4 years
You both like friends.
You: heyo
Stranger: hey
You: wanna hear a really cool song?
Stranger: sure
You: hold up
You: name or link?
Stranger: name
You: okay
You: young the giant mind over matter
Stranger: okay hold up
You: take your time
Stranger: Damm he is getting into it
You: Yea right? ahah
Stranger: Yeah lmao
Stranger: lmk im prolly gonna regret this but let me use my best pick up line on you😂
Stranger: lmao
You: Go ahead 😂
Stranger: nah nvm I'm bouta say some dumb shit
You: I don't mind 😂
Stranger: wtf nah that shit is cheesy asf
Stranger: like cheesy cheesy
You: Cmon
You: I mean, it's up to u
Stranger: fuck im really gonna regret this alot
Stranger: okay okay game face on
You: 😂
You: you don't even know me, why would u regret it? ahahah
Stranger: Damm you remind me of the 20 letters of the alphabet
Stranger: bc it me I regret alot of things and now I'm regretting this shit rn
Stranger: fuck why do I gotta be so dumb
You: 20 letters of the alphabet? why?😂
Stranger: oh shit I'm dumb there's 26 letters how can I forget about u,r,a,q,t
Stranger: See that shit is cheesy
You: I was gonna ask "what about the other 6?"
Stranger: Lmao found the other 6
Stranger: wait there is 27 u can get the d later😂😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Stranger: okay imma prolly go kill myself now
You: that's it? 😂😂😂😂
Stranger: I'm so so sorry u have to hear my dumbass
You: You're freaking hilarious
Stranger: I hate my self now
Stranger: I'm so cheesy wtf
You: Stooop
Stranger: I'm never listening to tik tok ever again😂😭
You: I'm dying
Stranger: Okay no what I'm boerd and that app is okay
Stranger: and no o don't post i just scroll through
Stranger: i
You: Yea dw, I do the same😂
Stranger: Lmao im still so sorry u had to hear that
Stranger: Yo boi is running on like 2 brain cells rn
You: hey, shut up, it was cool 😂 I mean, you're funny
You: ahahahahahhaha
Stranger: funny who tf is funny everyone keeps on talking about funny but I still don't know who that mf is
Stranger: I wanna meet that dude he is obviously famous
Stranger: or her I don't really know yet
You: Who's obviously famous?
Stranger: that guy named funny
You: and well, it's funny just because it's not funny
Stranger: yk its funny bc im dumb
Stranger: told you those 2 brain cells are kicking in
You: well, at least that made me laugh so..
Stranger: Fuck yeahhhhhhh
Stranger: look mom i did something finally
Stranger: oh wait she is gone
You: Would she be proud?
You: ooooh
Stranger: She went to the grocery store 2 hours ago
Stranger: so we will find out when she gets back
Stranger: she will prolly still hate me but yk what thays cool
Stranger: thats
You: what mother doesn't hate her kid, right?
You: you're not alone trust me ahahaha
Stranger: Haha facts tho
You: what's ur name btw? lmao
Stranger: yk she told me that I was a mistake and yk what I'm not I won that race me I won
Stranger: all those other kids aren't here are they they are the mistakes
You: Wait, seriously?
You: I was kidding but maybe i was a mistake as well
Stranger: yes I won something and ik thats hard to belive but I did I did not get a trophy when I should have
You: ahahahhahahahahahah You won that race, you did it!
Stranger: wait they did give me trophy
You: I don't think so
Stranger: ur my trophy so I can finally show my trophy off okay that was bad I promise that was the last one
Stranger: Omg I'm going to hell
Stranger: why do I think of this shit
You: I wasn't expecting but 😂😂😂😂
Stranger: that sounded so much better in my head then I typed it out I was like wtf are you doing like are you fr fr bouta send that
You: You're fine 😂😂
Stranger: Okay I give you promise to shoot me if you would like
Stranger: I get i totally get it
Stranger: promision holly fuck my phone won't let me type
Stranger: Your like wtf he is dumb he obviously did not pass the second grade
Stranger: well jokes on you I am in the second grade
You: I'm dying actually, you're stupidly funny😂😂😂😂
You: Are u always like that?
Stranger: sadly yes do I want to be no
Stranger: God was like lets make this kid dumb asf and say cheesy things to ppl
Stranger: and I'm good at it
You: at least you're good at something, isn't awesome?😂😂😂
Stranger: obviously did you not read my pickup line like bro master piece
You: you know, you seem like that kinda person who gets embarrassed easily 😂
Stranger: Like God told me to use that pickup line on everyone so i did the only person that did not seem to care or even talk to me was the light poll outside my house
Stranger: Idk imma get it to talk to me one day
You: the light poll outside your house 😂
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: I've been trying for years can't seem to crack it yet
Stranger: I'm telling u one day its going to talk to me
You: I don't think u should do this but if u need me i'm down😂
Stranger: for what
Stranger: I should not do what
Stranger: oh shit
You: hey hey hey liste
You: listen*
Stranger: Okay im listening
Stranger: all I hear is music omg are u connect to my speaker
Stranger: Connected
You: ok so my family's calling me to lunch...i really gotta go, but can u keep in touch?
Stranger: yes
You: yes?
Stranger: yes
You: yes!
You: what do u have?
You: idk even ur name
You: i'm sarah by the way
Stranger: Um Noah and snapchat insta Facebook venmo
Stranger: PayPal
Stranger: uber eats
Stranger: Yeah
You: ahahahhahaahahah
Stranger: I can text you on any of those
You: oh uber eats? really? i didn't now that
Stranger: yeah im ceo so I get all the secret stuff
You: ooooh you're ceo damn
You: anyway 😂
You: I do have insta & snap so..
Stranger: yeah did you know u can order food on there
Stranger: Lets do snapchat
You: yeah ofc i know that
You: ahahahhahaha
Stranger: oh you did
You: okay so it's scarval
You: ooops
You: scarvalhando
You: ***
Stranger: Boom added off uber eats
You: can we order food someday?
You: it would be awesome
Stranger: yes
You: okay noah
You: what's ur insta btw? i could follow u there as well
Stranger: I forgot I told u my name i was like omg I told a hacker my cheesy pick up line
Stranger: I'm fucked
You: 😂😂😂😂😂
You: Yeah omg i'm a hacker
You: I wish i were tho
Stranger: Oh shit please don't go through my history unless u want to see alot of cars like alot alot of cars
Stranger: And when u scroll down far enough you will see how to talk to a light poll
You: obsession with cars?😂😂
You: ooooh yeah okay
You: it seems nice, i mean, talking to a light poll, isn't?
Stranger: um a little😅
Stranger: idk it has not talked back yet
Stranger: I think its shy
You: oof that hurts 😂
You: okay okay okay
Stranger: I don't know find out on next weeks episode of dose it talk
You: 😂😂😂😂😂
Stranger: featuring little turtule and big fish rick
You: I'm gonna watch this
You: 😂
You: see ya on snap then?
Stranger: its gonna be lit and okay
You: i gotta gotta gotta gotta go
Stranger: by Sarah thank you for letting me use my cheesy pick up line on you
Stranger: bye
You: Anytime!!! 😂
Stranger: and u will hear more from my dumbass
Stranger: oh and ill lyk what my mom thinks
You: I hope 😂
You: okay i'll be waiting
You: Cya
Stranger: Okay byeeee
You: byeee
You: skip
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stayextrafrosty · 4 years
I am Your Future, I am Your Past: Chapter 6
A Roswell New Mexico soulmates AU
Note: Writers block is a bitch but I ended up being very proud of this chapter so I hope you like it! Also I’ve been watching Pretty Little Liars and was very tempted to call Alex’s doppleganger Caleb.
Read on AO3 // Chapter 1
Alex didn’t know what reaction to give but walking out without saying anything probably wasn’t it.
That dream had him all sorts of messed up. Back to stupid teenagers who hardly talked but somehow knew everything about each other. ‘Always been you?’ What kind of stupid line was that? It wasn’t even true. Not anymore.
How did he end up back on this ride every time? Heart fluttering, stomach twisting, fingers aching to touch him. He shouldn’t be swayed by pretty words. His actions spoke enough. He didn’t want him anymore.
Alex thought about what Forrest must think. Did this curse ruin his chances with the only person he’d been interested in in years? What would he say? Should he tell him about the curse? Would Forrest even believe him?
Alex stepped out of the hospital, hardly registering the heat on his face. The sun blinded him; he raised his hand to shade his eyes. A form came into view, leaning against a van. He blinked a couple times before the green hair registered.
Forrest looked at his phone, sunglasses catching the light, reflecting a rainbow onto the ground. Alex moved toward him. He looked up and smiled, and he couldn’t help but smile back.
“Hey, how are you feeling? I was worried,” he said, completely focusing on him. Alex just shrugged.
“I’m fine. A bump on my head but nothing serious.”
“What about Guerin? You two were calling for each other. Max said you two were old friends, but I can pick out a lie when I hear it.” Alex sighed, choosing his words carefully.
“I mean. That wasn’t a lie. We were… friends back in high school.” He raised an eyebrow at the hesitation Alex had fought against and failed. “We dated for a while. We were there for each other during the hard times. But we drifted. My dad made sure of it.” He flinched at the memory.
Forrest considered his words. There was the briefest look of sympathy as he removed his sunglasses. He rested a hand on his shoulder. The touch was nice. Comforting and steady.
“I’m sorry. I know that kind of situation can mess you up. But if you still cling to each other for comfort like it seems, maybe a friendship with him is still good for you. You’ll learn to stand on your own eventually but if you’re still suffering from shared trauma, hold onto the comfort. Everyone heals differently. Besides, Michael seems like a good guy and he cares about you.”
What could he say to that? He opted for nothing and just nodded. The silence stretched as he fought the urge to run back to Michael. The mark made it hard to ignore and the memories of the dream weren’t helping. He shook his head.
“So, thanks for helping clean my prosthetic,” he said, trying to lighten the mood. Forrest smiled.
“No problem. I wasn’t sure if it was out of line, but I wanted to help. I have some other friends with prosthetics so I know how much of a pain it can be.”
“Literally and figuratively,” he joked. Forrest chuckled then jerked his thumb behind him.
“Want a ride home?” Alex nodded, moving to the passenger side of the van. He climbed in, recognizing the air freshener from a few days ago. It smelled like apples and cinnamon. He would have preferred the smell of rain or dew; but this was comforting. Sweet and simple.
As he relaxed into the seat, he looked back at the doors of the hospital. Michael stood there, watching him. He was hugging Maria but the dull ache in his chest told him something else. Forrest pulled away and he waved to the two of them. He felt… something more than a dull ache. Though he couldn’t quite identify it.
He and Forrest chatted casually about the past couple days. He said that Max was probably going to get in big trouble for the stunt. According to the sheriff, he had put another officer and two civilians in danger.
“Well what about you,” Alex asked, worried he had put his job on the line for someone like him.
“Max took the fall for all of it. I mean. Some of the blame was shifted to Michael but the sheriff doesn’t have control over him. I hope the guy only gets desk duty. I think we did the right thing.”
He watched Forrest out of the corner of his eye. His fingers tapped on the steering wheel along to whatever happened to be on the radio. He wanted to ask more questions but now didn’t seem like a good time. He wanted this thing with Forrest to be real. No business or curses. Just normal.
“Hey, do you want to grab something to eat,” he asked? Forrest glanced over at him and smiled.
“Under normal circumstances I would say yes. Sadly, I have to go back to the sheriff to do some work for her. And I know you just slept for like, two days but maybe some real rest would be good for you. You seem tired.” His body did feel heavy but would he really be able to relax?
“Yea, I guess. Another time then,” he asked, still hopeful.
“What about Saturday? We can do a proper date.” Alex couldn’t stop the smile that covered his face. His shoulders fell with the next breath. He hadn’t realized how tense he had been.
“Sounds great. I pick the food this time,” he said, laughing.
A song he recognized from his high school years came on the radio. Without asking, he reached for the dial to turn the volume up. Forrest laughed but sang along with him anyway. The desert zipped past, the cactus no more than green and brown blurs.
Alex wished he could stay in the car just a bit longer. Forrest helped him relax, or at least provided a distraction from the shitshow that was slowly becoming his life. The storefronts turned into homes and soon enough Forrest was pulling into his driveway.
He was a bit startled when he shut the van off and got out with him. Didn’t he need to meet with the sheriff? He raised an eyebrow.
“What kind of friend would I be if I didn’t make sure you got into your house before I left,” he said. He slipped his hands into his pockets as they walked.
“I appreciate it but if I truly have trouble getting in, I could just pick the lock,” Alex joked back, pulling the keys from his pocket.
“I should know better than to think you’ll just let me be chivalrous,” he laughed. He could feel the blush on his cheeks and turned toward the door to hide it. He pushed the key into the lock, jiggling the handle slightly so the door would open. Whoever had installed it did something wrong. He hadn’t had the chance to fix it.
“Well, thanks for the prosthetic and driving me home and… well, a lot of stuff I guess.” Alex said, smiling. Forrest inched closer to him, resting a hand on his shoulder.
“Don’t worry about it.” Alex glanced down at his mouth. It would probably be too soon to try it. He should at least wait for the first date. But he couldn’t help it. Forrest was attractive and he wanted to be closer to him.
Forrest moved first. Stepping up to him, highlighting their difference in height; he was just a bit shorter. Alex sucked in a breath as his lips just barely touched his own. He pulled back out of reflex. Forrest stopped immediately.
“Sorry I uh…” Alex couldn’t form a real explanation.
“I guess I misread the moment. No need for you to apologize.” Forrest smiled at him, then turned to leave.
“You didn’t! Misread I mean. It was just—”
“You don’t owe me an explanation. Enthusiastic consent is a big part of my belief system.” Alex felt his shoulders relax. “I’ll see you Saturday, Alex.” He nodded, smiling at him as he turned away.
Alex watched him leave, waving as he drove off. Forrest was great. He wished he had met him in high school. Maybe things would have turned out differently. He reached up to touch the mark on his chest.
Then again, maybe not.
It’s not that he wished he had never met Michael. He just thought that maybe if they hadn’t been involved before all this crap started it would be going smoother. Michael wouldn’t have to worry about how things look to Maria and he wouldn’t constantly have to experience the confusing emotions he felt for Michael.
He tossed his keys on the end table. Now that he was home and not running on adrenaline, he felt the weight of his body. Forrest was right. He was exhausted. He moved to the kitchen slowly, knowing he should eat something before just passing out again.
Had he gone to the store recently? Was there even anything to eat? He pulled the fridge open. There were leftovers from the last time he cooked but it was so long ago at this point he probably shouldn’t eat them.
He opted for the last cup of yogurt. With all the crazy stuff that had been happening, he couldn’t really blame himself for not having food. He pulled a spoon from the drawer.
Before he could sit down, a notepad on the table caught his attention. He usually leaves all his papers and mail in a pile on the counter until he could read them. He rarely left anything sitting out. A pen sat next to it.
He picked up the pad of paper slowly, looking around the room. Did one of the others write something before they left? No. He knows they didn’t. The handwriting wasn’t any he recognized. It was almost too perfect, like it had been typed out.
Alex, I’m sorry things had to happen this way. I want to help you. You’ll see me soon. Until then, be wary of the military. They’re taking orders from your father and he wants to destroy both you and Michael.
He turned the next few pages, looking for something else. There was no name. He sighed in frustration. He knew he should tell Michael but the idea of talking to him was just too much right now. He stared at the note for a while longer.
“Wait. I have cameras!” He jumped up, scolding himself for forgetting. He had a couple cameras set up throughout the house in case he needed to leave for an extended period.
He rushed to his laptop, still sitting in the front room on his coffee table. The damned thing wouldn’t turn on fast enough, even though it probably only took a few seconds.
He pulled up the software for the cameras. He would have to pull up the feed for the last two days. He tapped on the date and watched. He had several but he payed attention to the one set above his patio door, giving him a full view of the kitchen.
Starting when he first saw the four of them leave for the mission, he sped up the video so it wouldn’t take forever. He didn’t notice anything out of the ordinary. Shadows from the outside seemed normal. He watched the spot on the table where the pad of paper had appeared.
The video stopped at midnight. Clicking on the next day, he bit at his nails, a habit he hadn’t had an issue with for years. Again, shadows passed but nothing looked weird.
He clicked the next day. Nothing.
He was on to today’s feed. Had someone really been in the house and not left a single trace of themselves? It was almost impossible. He knew stealth specialists who could go unnoticed by everyday people. But not someone trained like he was.
He slowed down the feed slightly to make sure he didn’t miss anything. Nothing but normal shadows. He was approaching the time when he walked in the door. Were they still here? He tried to listen, but the house was silent around him.
He was about ready to give up when there was a sudden flash on the camera. He checked the time. He would have just been outside with Forrest when this happened. Alex leaned in close to the monitor, hoping to see their face or any identifying marks.
But the flash vanished like it was just a glare on the lens. And the pad of paper sat in the spot he found it. He watched himself walk through his own house, not even noticing the pad of paper.
“Fuck!” He snapped his laptop closed, forgetting to be careful with it. What was he supposed to do about this? He ran a hand through his hair.
No indication of how they got in. No trace of anything except the pad of paper with a message. A message he probably could have guessed himself.
He placed his computer back on the coffee table before pushing himself up from the couch. He needed to relax. He would tell Michael, eventually. Not until he was able to talk to the soldiers who attacked them.
Weirdly, he didn’t want to eat anymore. He put the yogurt and spoon away before going straight for the bathroom. A shower would help him.
Walking in, he grabbed the folding seat from behind the door. Setting it up used to take him forever, but now it was like second nature. He supposed he could just leave it there, but he had this fear that people would judge him. Not being able to stand on your own wasn’t something to brag about.
He pulled his shirt over his head, tossing it to the floor. Staring at himself in the mirror, he could see the dark circles. Whatever state he had been in, it sure wasn’t restful. He looked down at the mark on his chest.
Visions came flooding back to him. Michael pressed against him. Burying his face in his chest. His voice felt like it was going hoarse from the amount of yelling he did in that dream. But whenever he made a sound it was normal. It all felt so real. And he was warm and steady and still smelled like rain.
Alex shook his head, turning away from his reflection. He sat himself on the toilet seat to remove his prosthetic. It was always a relief to take it off. The pressure wasn’t painful but removing it was noticeable. Sometimes he looked down at the missing leg. He swore he could still flex the muscles in his calves or foot that were no longer there.
He pulled his jeans off and stood slowly, using the bars he had installed. He moved around the corner of the glass. He had the bathroom converted to something completely flat so he wouldn’t have to jump over anything.
Alex turned the knob of the shower, keeping it cool due to the hundred-degree weather outside. He loved hot showers but now was not the time. At least not right away. He maneuvered himself to his chair, letting the water wash over him.
His hair stuck to his face, but he didn’t bother to move it. He tried to rub the stress out of his shoulders. Giving yourself a massage wasn’t always effective, but it was all he had. He grabbed the soap, rubbing it over his skin, noticing the dirt running off him. He blinked the water out of his eyes…
Alex opened them again only to find a group of people milling about him. He jumped up. Or at least he wanted to. His body didn’t listen to him. He looked around but no one looked him in the eye.
The women surrounded him. One dipped a piece of cloth into water and began washing him. He wanted to yank himself away from her but he remained still. Long hair fell into his face, almost down to his waist.
“Your father will be upset with you, young master. You always get so dirty when you run around with that boy.”
“He’s my only friend. I refuse to listen to my father.” The words came out of his mouth. And it sounded like him. Maybe a bit younger? And why did these women refer to him as a master?
He sat as calmly as possible as they scrubbed him down. The worry about this person’s father infiltrated his thoughts too. He knew the lord of this place was ruthless. You don’t disobey unless you want to face serious consequences. Not unlike his own father.
This friend is more important.
He was given a pair of lose fitting pants and shirt that opened down his chest. He wouldn’t be leaving the grounds again today. He paced about the small room he had been sentenced to. There was nothing left to do but wait for his father’s punishment.
He moved over to the window. There was a forest surrounding the property. If he ran… maybe he could get out.
“Ahem,” someone cleared their throat below him. He looked down only to be met with a head of curls coming toward him. He backed away to let the boy… man… through.
Michael stared back at him, a mischievous smile on his face. He tried to call his name. To ask him what this was. But a different name left his mouth.
“Samuel! What are you doing here? Haven’t you gotten us in enough trouble today,” his voice said, though there was no anger behind it. His eyes trailed over the dirt on his tanned skin. Followed it down until it dipped below the opening in his shirt.
Alex felt his mouth go dry. A familiar need settling in his stomach. Why should he deny himself this man? What was so wrong?
“Careful there Thomas. I might think you like me if you keep looking at me like that,” he teased. A blush rose to his face. He can’t believe he had so openly stared at him. Michael -- ‘Samuel’ – licked his lips and ran his gaze over his body in return. “Let’s get out of here.”
All Thomas could do was nod in return. He followed the boy out the window and they ran towards the forest.
Alex gasped as the daydream ended. He grabbed at his chest, heart pounding. He had no idea how long he’d been zoned out for. The water was still warm so it couldn’t have been long. The boy had looked exactly like Michael, maybe his hair was a bit longer but that didn’t matter.
It felt familiar, like he had seen it before. Lived it even.
He didn’t know what the vision was. He could ask Michael, but he doubted he had answers either. He could only assume that Michael was stuck in the other body, watching what played out.
He took a few deep breaths, trying to shake the images out of his head. The heat that had begun to pool in the vision, ended up transferring to him. He cursed himself. It was just because he hadn’t had sex in months. That was what he told himself.
It had been four days since Alex had walked out on him. No words. Then just got into the car with Forrest like it was nothing. Michael stared at the words but didn’t understand any of them. He was too busy worrying about all those things Alex was feeling while he was with Forrest.
He jumped at a loud thud from the other room. Maria had been hanging around, reading all the information Isabel would give her access to. The Evans’ house may as well have been a war zone.
“I told you DeLuca, some things you just shouldn’t know!” Michael sighed at the bickering. He thought it had been getting better but that theory was disproved with every passing second.
“How the hell am I supposed to help if I can’t know everything,” she yelled back.
“Because there’s a good reason we don’t let outsiders in!” Michael stood to break them up. He moved to the door, watching as Isabel held the book out of reach of Maria, who wasn’t as tall as her.
“Seriously Iz. How childish are you? Give me the book.” He reached his hand out and Isabel huffed, making a show of handing it to him. He looked over the title. It was some of the recounts of previous incarnations.
Specifically, the only one that held any information about the relationships between the couples. Not that there was much here, but Maria had been very interested in his relationships recently. Especially his past with Alex.
Once Isabel left the room, Maria turned toward him, arms crossed.
“Give it over, Michael.” He sighed.
“Look Maria, knowing too much puts you in danger. I can’t do that to you,” he said. She said she was looking for spells or something to try and break the curse. But it was put on them by the Gods. They were pretty good about keeping loopholes closed.
“That really isn’t your decision to make. We’re talking about the two people I love the most in the world. You and Alex. I have to protect you,” she said, planting her feet.
It was the same argument they had everyday since he spilled the secret. She refused to listen to him. He was tired. Didn’t know what to say anymore.
“You can’t protect us. If it’s organized by the Gods then we can’t stop it. They’ll just consider you collateral damage if you get in the way. Then they’ll throw something else at us,” he tried to reason. Again.
“I’d let to see them try to get through me.” If it was a joke, he might have laughed. But she was dead serious.
“Maria…” he warned.
“No. You are not going to tell me I have to sit on the sidelines and watch you get hurt.” He felt the anger building. He needed to make her understand.
“If you got hurt…” he started calmly, but it was as far as he got.
“Then so be it! If you’re going to protect Alex then I’m going to protect you!” Michael snapped.
“Listen to me, damnit! You can’t do anything! Nothing! Alex and I are stuck with this until we can overcome it. You will die Maria. You can’t stop it.” Her eyes narrowed.
“Why you and Alex,” she demanded?
“Because that’s what fate decided!” he gave an over-exaggerated shrug.
“Fate? Oh, come on Michael, you never believed in that stuff,” she said, half laughing.
“Well for him I do,” he snapped at her.
The silence was awkward in a way it hadn’t been in a long time. She looked away from his face, to the book in his hand. Michael’s knuckles were white from gripping it so hard.
“Everything I’ve read… seems to indicate the couples were involved with each other,” she said softly. “Literally drawn together by forces outside of their control. Because they belong together.” He watched a tear slip down her face. He took a step toward her, but she just took one back.
His heart broke as he watched her. He knew what she was thinking but he didn’t have any way to dispute her. That had been the trend for hundreds of years. But he loved Maria. Seeing her hurt made him want to cry with her.
“Maria. This in no way lessens my love for you,” he said, meaning every word. She looked up at him again.
“Don’t lie to me, Guerin. Everything changed as soon as Alex came back, didn’t it?” He opened his mouth to disagree. Nothing came out so he shut it again. Maria nodded in confirmation, wiping a tear from her cheek. “Even if your feelings for me haven’t lessened… they’re completely overshadowed by Alex, right?”
“I’m so sorry, Maria. You deserve so much but I just can’t give it to you,” he said, voice cracking. She closed her eyes and took a breath.
“I need some time. But I will be back. I will not let you two do this alone.” With that she spun and hurried out of the room. Michael wanted to run after her, but he knew this was for the best. It would be stupid of him to think she would give up on looking for a way to break the curse. But at least everything was out in the open.
Isabel walked back in and shook her head at him. He turned away from her to clean up all the books they had pulled out.
“I may not like her, but you could have been a bit nicer about it.” He shot a glare at her.
“It just came out. I didn’t mean to hurt her,” he said defensively.
Isabel sighed and began to pick up various books and papers that were scattered around. They worked in silence, though he knew she was just thinking of a way to lecture him about something.
He wanted to call Alex. They still needed to find out who stole the original scrolls. With everything else that happened, the idea got pushed to a back burner. He hadn’t talked to him since he walked out.
“You need to talk to Alex. We need his help locating those scrolls. Mom and Dad are going to come back and we’re going to have to tell them someone broke into the house.” Michael raised an eyebrow at her.
“What, no ‘I told you so’ lecture?”
“Oh, see I figured that was implied. But if you really want it…” she said sarcastically.
Michael shook his head and turned away from her. Whatever his life has become, it was not what he was expecting. He never thought he’d see Alex again. He never thought the mark would show up.
He picked up a leather wrapped journal and thumbed through it. It was supposed to be from one of the first incarnations after the original tragedy. It didn’t hold anything significant. It was more like a love letter to their partner. He rolled his neck, letting it crack in an effort to relax…
He suddenly stared at wooden ceilings. Moonlight colored the room in blues except for a small area in the corner. It held a candle and a girl sat at a desk. He tried to ask who she was but no words came out. But then she turned.
“What have I told you about reading my things?” He was in awe. Alex stood in front of him, but he was different. Long hair was tied back and he looked much slimmer. He felt himself grin.
“What’s in here that you don’t want me to see? Thought we were best friends.” He shook the journal he was holding, teasing him. The other boy jumped for it, pressing his hand against his chest. His heart rate sped up as Alex grabbed the journal from him. He shook his head before turning away.
Michael felt like a passenger just watching the scene play out. But he felt everything. There was confusion and fear. Confusion about his feelings for the man in front of him. Fear about getting caught together. He grabbed Alex’s arm, pulling him back.
“Thomas. Why do you still fight this?” The man blushed and looked away. He raised a hand to rest on his cheek, forcing him to hold eye contact.
“We can’t. My father already hates that we spend so much time together. I can handle the beatings. I don’t want you to get hurt.”
“If this is wrong, why is your heart racing?” Thomas’ eyes glanced down. He leaned in slowly, still giving him the chance to back away, though he somehow knew he wouldn’t.
Their lips met gently, both hesitant. It was the first time he had ever felt like this. So consumed by another person. He held onto his face with both hands, kissing him again. The Alex look-a-like threaded his fingers into his hair, pulling him closer.
Sighs escaped both of their lips. He pressed against him with his whole body, forcing Alex backwards until he was against the wall. Alex moved his hands over his shoulders and chest, fingers splayed out to feel as much of him as possible.
Kissing him came as naturally as breathing. Lips slipping over each other, looking for any way to get closer. He rolled his hips, earning a moan from Thomas.
“Samuel,” the name got lost as he kissed him again.
Samuel and Thomas? Who were these people? Michael wanted to look away, but he was part of it. This was so intimate he wanted to blush himself. He probably was.
The two boys jumped apart as they heard boots on the wood outside the small room. A panicked look crossed Thomas’ face. Samuel grabbed him one last time, crushing a kiss to his lips. Then he rushed to the window, jumping out before anyone knew he was there.
“Michael!” He jerked out of whatever trance he had been in, dropping the book he was holding. Isabel looked at him as though he had grown a second head.
“What happened,” he asked?
“I was hoping you could tell me that. You’ve just been standing there for a solid minute. I called your name about a hundred times.” He looked around. There was no room with a candle and a desk. It was modern couches and bookcases. The ugly lamps were still sitting on the end tables.
He grabbed the book from where it dropped, opening it to a random page. He read a few lines, nearly dropping the book again.
We’ve crossed the line, Samuel and I. We’ve fallen in love. If we get caught, I don’t know what will happen. But I, Thomas Manes, WILL protect him.
He looked up at Isabel. She raised her eyebrows, opening her arms, waiting for the information.
“Spit it out Michael! What the hell just happened?”
“I think I just had a vision. I think I saw the couple in this journal. But it doesn’t make sense,” he said flipping through the pages, skimming for anything related to the curse. “There’s nothing in here about the curse. There were no marks on either person’s chest. And they were both guys. Every reincarnation has been a guy girl pair, right? Alex and I are the odd ones out.”
He reached into his pocket, if he had a vision, then Alex must have had it too. He pulled out his phone, scrolling through his contacts until he found Alex’s name. He pressed the call button. It rang a few times but then went to voicemail. He cursed and hung up, then called again. Voicemail.
“Where the hell is he,” he wondered aloud. It went to voicemail third time. He was ready to speed over to his house when he finally picked up.
“Jesus Christ Michael, what do you need?” He was annoyed but he didn’t care. This was important.
“Where are you? This is important,” he said.
“I’m out. What is it?” The annoyed voice went away but he was obviously not in the mood for small talk. He opened his mouth to speak but he heard another voice.
“Hey Alex, you ready to go? We’re up.” He recognized the voice. It couldn’t be…
“Yea, Forrest. I’ll be right there. So, what did you want to tell me,” he asked? Michael froze, not knowing what to say anymore.
“Ya know... Never mind. Just call me when you’re free.” He hung up before Alex could respond. Isabel shook her head and left the room. Who was she to judge? Alex could hang out with whoever he wanted to, but that didn’t mean he had to like it.
This also meant he probably didn’t experience the same vision he did. Better not to overwhelm him while he was on a date. Michael clenched his fists.
Were they even on a date? That was the only explanation his brain was allowing, and it hurt. His chest ached. He wanted to talk about the journal and the vision. But Alex didn’t want to spend time with him anymore. Otherwise he would have stayed to hear him out when they were at the hospital.
He hurt the two people he loved the most in the world and now he was alone.
Jesse Manes questioned each of the soldiers, and they all said the same thing. One moment they were firing on the traitor and the next they were tied up in a group. He slammed his fist against the wooden wall, hearing it crack.
“Master Sargent. Are you alright?” A woman named Jenna stuck her head in the room. A former soldier. He hadn’t decided how she was going to help him yet, but better to have her trust early.
“Yes. Thank you, deputy Cameron. There are just some frustrations. They went after my son after all,” he said, wanting to gag at the thought of that disgrace. She nodded sympathetically.
“We’re doing everything in our power to get answers.” He nodded as she left the room. Something kept getting in his way. First, he couldn’t find all the documents in the house, and now his assassination attempt had been interrupted.
Whatever or whoever what getting in his way, they would come to regret it. The curse was ending the way it should have a long time ago.
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whindsor · 5 years
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@universalfanfic this has been a long time coming....a little sprinkles and honey au for your giveaway gift!
Sutton woke up early for once, actually leaping out of bed with a vigor she didn’t know she could possess before the sun came up, especially on a Sunday. Sure, the bakery was closed today, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t going in. They still had to prepare mixes, organize orders, and clean up for the party they were going to host tonight.
And, the new ovens were coming in. 
She splurged on the fancy coffee on the way to the bakery, actually going in a storefront instead of stopping at a stand. Dawn was just breaking when she reached her own storefront (which now sported a beautiful new sign), and she was surprised to find the back door unlocked and the light already on.
“Happy new ovens day!” she sang as she pushed the door open with her hip, holding the coffee aloft like the award they’d won a month prior. The glass cake stand engraved with American Bake Off Champions was displayed in the front of the store, but she could still see it if she leaned over just right.
“Best day of the decade!” Mika replied, also holding her hands up in celebration. She then grabbed Sutton by the face, kissing one cheek and then the other, and then the first again for good measure. Normally Sutton would be a little overwhelmed with the affection, but today she would allow it. “How are you this morning, champion?”
“Amazing. And yourself?” Sutton asked, handing her one of the coffees.
“The same.” she said with a smile, taking a sip. She perched against the big counter, her fingers tapping against the coffee cup. Normally she only fidgeted when she was nervous, but Sutton assumed she was just excited. “So Sutton-”
“Oh my gosh, are these all the new orders?” Sutton said, not meaning to interrupt her friend/business partner but unable to hold back her astonishment at the pile of papers on the printer.
“Yes, but I need to-”
“We’re going to have to get another binder. Is Office Depot open today? It’s a Sunday...”
“Oh it doesn’t matter anyway, the guys with the ovens are going to be here between nine and noon and we have so much cleaning to do-”
“Sutton!” at Mika’s insistence, Sutton stopped the avalanche of things to add to the to-do list. 
“What?” she asked, curious. Was she missing something? Mika opened her mouth to respond, but both of them were interrupted by a male voice coming from the back utility room.
“Okay Meeks, I found the leak, so the dishwasher should be good to go - oh hey, Sutton.” Bucky strolled into the room, a wrench in his hand and a tool belt slung over his shoulder. Sutton stared, dumbfounded, with her gaze flipping between him and Mika.
“Hi.” she finally said, once the silence had gone way past awkward. She turned fully to Mika, her voice high and tight. “Could I borrow you for a moment?”
Mika gave Bucky a warm smile before allowing Sutton to tug her through the swinging door into the front, still holding onto her coffee. Whether it was for actual caffeine dependency or just something to do with her hands, Sutton wasn’t sure.
“Okay,” she started, tugging her hand free so she could put it on Sutton’s shoulder. “Listen, I tried to tell you-”
“What is he doing here?” Sutton whisper-yelled through clenched teeth.
“He just said he wanted to help-”
“Help? With what?” 
“I may have mentioned last night how much work we had to do today-”
“Last night?!” 
“I know how it looks but nothing happened!”
“Nothing hap-?!”
“We just met for dinner and it got really late and I didn’t want him to ride the train with the weirdos that late at night-”
“How late was it, exactly?”
“And I said I had to get up early and he offered to help-”
“But he’s not supposed to be here until tonight-”
“I’m sorry!” Mika pressed her lips together, looking very apologetic and holding her coffee so tightly Sutton was afraid she was going to crush the paper cup. Sutton took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down. After all, this wasn’t Mika’s fault. She just wasn’t always that great with surprises.
“You don’t have anything to apologize for.” Sutton finally said. She’d known Mika was crushing on the other baker; why should she be surprised that they were hanging out now? “I’m sorry I freaked out. I just got a little overwhelmed.”
“Still, I’m sorry I didn’t warn you.” Mika said, visibly relieved now that the wrinkle was smoothed over. “Though, this would probably be a good time to tell you-”
“Who wants doughnuts?” a starkly different male voice echoed from the back room, making Sutton’s eyes go wide. 
“Steve is here too?” she said, so frozen that she couldn’t even yell. Mika gave her a sheepish grin, bracing herself for another meltdown. Sutton numbly nodded her head. “Huh. This might as well happen.”
“Hey Meeks, you guys are out of coffee. Want me to go get some from the bodega around the corner?” Bucky poked his head out from the kitchen. It was a little odd to see someone besides Mika at that door, but it didn’t really look unnatural. 
“Oh, I can get it - we’re very particular.” she said, grabbing Sutton by the belt loop of her jeans and forcing her to move. Sutton suddenly found herself wishing she’d dressed a little better than her jeans and ratty tshirt. Why didn’t she brush her hair this morning?
“Well just tell me which one to get.” he said with a flirtatious grin. Mika patted his chest with a little too much familiarity before sliding into the kitchen, Sutton following behind her and trying to prepare herself for who was on the other side of the door.
“That’s the problem, we never remember the name of it. We just know what it looks like.” she said, grabbing her purse. Sutton finally made eye contact with Steve, who gave her a bright smile for someone who came all the way from Brooklyn so early in the morning. “I’ll go.”
“I’ll go with you.” Bucky immediately offered. He nodded at Steve. “Don’t eat all those before we get back.”
“No promises.” he said. Mika and Bucky ducked out the back, leaving the two of them alone. “You look surprised.” he said, looking at her with those darn blue eyes.
“I am surprised. I wasn’t aware we were going to have...visitors this early.” she said. Why was she nervous? It was just Steve. Just the super cute guy that she hadn’t seen (or stopped thinking about) in a month. He held up the white box.
“Well surprise or no, I did bring sustenance. And an extra set of hands to get everything ready for tonight.” he said. Oh, so they were still planning to come tonight? Sutton felt her insides twist, but she realized it wasn’t with nerves - it was excitement.
“Are those from the place right next to the train station?” she asked, pulling the box towards her. He scoffed, loud and offended, at the notion.
“I’m not starting my day with a weak Manhattan doughnut. No, I made these myself, the right way.” he said with a grin. Sutton noticed his hair was just slightly disheveled, as if he hadn’t gotten much sleep and thought to fix it last minute. She didn’t mind it.
“Hey, don’t make fun of our doughnuts. Then I’ll start making fun of your pizza.” she said sharply, flipping the box open. She had to admit, the doughnuts did look really appetizing. “And I’ll be the judge if you did these ‘the right way’.” 
“I look forward to your assessment.” he replied. He gestured to the box. “Go on.”
“Alright, alright.” she huffed, pretending to be annoyed so that he wouldn’t realize how he made her feel like a teenager again. She picked up one glazed in chocolate, going to tear off a bite.
“Now let me stop you right there.” he said as she barely broke the outside of the doughnut. She could already spot the perfect aeration and texture. Oh man. “Doughnuts aren’t meant to be torn. You gotta go face first.”
“Maybe in Brooklyn where you’re cavemen, but not here.” she teased, knowing full well that if she was alone she’d consider trying to stuff a whole one in her mouth in one bite. 
“Can you quit fighting me and just trust me?” he asked, raising his eyebrows at her. The challenge in his face made something stir behind her sternum, and it took a second to gather herself before she huffed.
“Fine, fine.” she said, going to take a full bite from it. Just as she suspected, it was soft and buttery and warm and perfect. Not that she would ever tell him that. 
“So?” he asked, and she remembered oh yea, she had to stop thinking about how utterly mind blowing this doughnut was and give him a response.
“It’s alright.” she said lightly. At his perked eyebrow, her facade finally broke. “Okay fine. It may be the best doughnut I’ve ever had.” 
“That’s what I thought.” he said, looking entirely too proud of himself. It made Sutton want to start researching doughnut recipes. “Oh, you’ve got-” he reached out, tenderly wiping the corner of her mouth. He was so close that she could smell the lingering scent of frying, probably oil splashing on his shirt from making these this morning. His hands were so gentle, despite being so strong. 
“See? That’s why you tear it.” she said, her voice barely above a whisper. She didn’t move away, and neither did he. In fact, he just grinned at her.
“Nah,” he said, licking the bit of chocolate from his thumb. “that’s how you know it’s good.”
Sutton had to admit that maybe, just maybe, he was right.
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wreckthelist · 4 years
on ‘BE’ing here: part i
rambling of sorts on Grammy nominated artist Bangtan Sonyeondan
(note 1: I was planning to complete this the day of the nomination, but judging from the state of how things are - this right here is the opportune moment to, as my friend Mint had put it, clear out whatever I’ve been wanting to do but didn’t get the time to)
When Spotify announced, loud and clear, on that 2020 Year-End summary instagram story, Dynamite was the song that helped me through 2020 (this fuck-up of a year), that wasn’t an understatement.
I’ve seen Bangtan before, heard of them in passing, even (slightly, really slightly - when you’re hanging out in film-dom or western doms, I doubt you’d come in contact with a full-fledged Korean dom as it is, or perhaps my circles were small and quite closed in on themselves. Regardless!) - and opened that Boy With Luv SNL performance for my parents on the TV in the living room, not long after they went on the show. But it took that one song, one full English song, for me to listen.
(sorry and thank you Namjoon for that diss. Yes, the song’s message’s definitely digestible and easy to consume - for foreign, western audiences. No one much had to care what you guys had to say way back when and they were wrong for it.)
Dynamite pretty much saved my life. (Still waiting for that damn vinyl, BigHit. Think I’ll get it come new year’s.) 
The first time I started listening, I couldn’t really stop. I think I played and replayed and replayed the song 20++ times as I did mundane household chores which were asked of me in the morning. Sunday August 24th, my life was transformed (and my digital and physical wallets along with it. Sobs.)
I had no idea who was singing which part, no idea which boy was which, but what got me in, locked and loaded and in place, were the beats, the uplifting sounds that got me dancing again after a messy heartbreak caused by a personification of immaturity who had refused to let go. I was only one week into my new job (old job again now. Such is the way of life - and we lead separate ones now, no reason to cry over invisible lives and imagined smiles or smirks of satisfactions I am not in any current position privy to - or will ever be. Thank God.) 
Then there were the messages - the lyrics - “I’m diamond, you know I glow up.” - I mean, Yes, Fucking YES - Kim Seokjin, of course I’m a piece of precious Jewel. Of course I am one and whole of myself and one of a kind (apologies for being cliches, felt good to type out loud right). Asked on Twitter who the “other black-haired” guy was and learned that it was Hobi. Spent time watching a couple of interviews, took 3 hours to tell the boys apart (”You had a lot of free time,” Shareef said, amused, and I quite abashedly admitted to him yes.), and picked him as my bias (little did I know).
I was attracted (still am) to sunshine. I needed smiles and laughters like his in my life. He stood out to me in almost every interview, beaming with his heart-shaped lips and his eternal catchphrase - “I’m your hope.” I was exactly at that point in my life when I needed to hear that. From him, in that voice, from those lips, with those eyes.
And I thought, dear god. I’m always attracted to guys who bring smiles to my face. Of course it has to be him.
(Natalie replied “You’ve joined the party!” in a reply to my screencap of Taehyung wearing those adorable black-rimmed glasses on Stephen Colbert not long after. 
That Beatles-Boy With Luv performance remains one of my favorites.)
Bangtan has since performed and performed and performed Dynamite, and to this day I and the rest of the fandom have witnessed and seen about 30++ performances of Dynamite, and it has yet to grow old on us. (Well.) I swear I can still play the song at least once a day, and that irresistible bubble of hope in Jungkook’s voice in the opening simply shines through. The rest of the song just does its magic - every single time.
I mean, “Life is sweet as honey,” “I’m in the stars tonight,”? Talk about hope, about confidence, looking forward. Straight and simple as that. I had yet to discover what BTS truly has in store.
Note 2: My favorite dance move in the performance itself is Hoseok’s, for the Japanese taping (FNS Music Festival) right here. 
After Dynamite, I burned through the usual favorites, seeing as there was a literal treasure trove of Bangtan songs to discover and listen to, thanks also to this chart.
Go Go and Pied Piper are fun teases to listen to every now and then. Their Halloween dance practice and MNet countdown (I could die over Tae’s clear-rimmed glasses) are bundles of colorful energy. (Until I came across Lotte 2018 Jungkook?! Adding Best of Me here because it’s become a recent favorite. Dance moves are impeccable. There was a stint in my life where I was watching the Airplane Pt. 2 MV almost every day because of how in love I was over Taehyung’s whole look - pink hair, flowing robes, and how the boys pull off their outfits. )
I proceeded mainly through the orange branch, bought myself a few Love Yourself albums along the way, and the day I saw this Min Yoongi in In the Soop, my Bangtan life took a turn.
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Yep. Simplicity.
What’s not to fall in love with?
One of my current, low-ranking regrets may include having forgotten the exact moment I first listened to Trivia: 轉 Seesaw, but I fell hard and deep. To that point of no return when I read the lyrics and that analogy Yoongi had penned.
I mean, add Autumn Leaves (the complexity of layered notes, beats, and resulting emotions... ah) and you’ve got this king of breakup songs right here.
What beautiful words, what gorgeous language. I wish I could learn Korean just to fully appreciate the message.
Another friend recommended me Butterfly and I lost my shit realizing they referenced Murakami.
More obscure songs like 134340, Paradise and Sea I didn’t get to till much later. Whalien 52 could make me cry just with the lyrics alone (I doubt my exes had ever felt that level of emotional toward me - the more tragic thing is that the doubt would always exist). Just One Day was that track I had on loop this one afternoon I had to go into town for a dinner party, and Miss Right was an accidental discovery that had me grinning and blushing to the boys’ voices alone, same as 21st Century Girl (’Cause you’re my only girl, oh yea. If you love me, just say it straight. We love a confident but committed guy.) 
*Dope is that one MV I waited to watch because of my love of uniforms and managed to get to on a day I could not recall.
*This MIC Drop MAMA performance is the hottest clothes-on, turn on performance I’ve ever watched.
Coffee was the track I first listened to on a drive back from a rather unsuccessful and uneventful beach (bitch?!) trip, and the bitter nostalgia cut me deep. Jungkook’s voice could string up my soul any day of the week. Yes, baby, I still drink Caramel Macchiato every time I think of you - the song, not the person, or any person at all.
I discovered HOME because of this comfy Kimmel performance and died over the camaraderie and obvious ties they have as a family.
Plus a blue-themed home, uh, have you seen my bedroom, sir?
Boy With Luv will cheer me up any time of day - no thoughts but blue haired Tae and bubblegum pink haired #Jimim, indeed. (That mirroring of a glow-up from the 상 남자 of Boy In Luv is genius. Girl, ‘m not begging for you no more, but letting you know that I’m whole and ready and intent on keeping you safe.)
Spring Day I listened to on an off day in October and wrenched my own heart over the lyrics, even starting off a chapter in one of my fics with the verses that hit me most in particular.
The ON:E concert re-introduced me properly to Filter, My Time (sexy personified as a performance), Persona, Interlude: Shadow, Ego, UGH!, Moon (Prince Kim Seokjin - you have my heart, and my light, always), and 00:00 (picked up through Twitter that it was the song for personal therapy and reminded me of that quote - nothing good ever happens between midnight and 2am, go to sleep. Add 2!3!, which I’d properly listened to after viewing the ON:E exhibit, to this and we are done.) 
It wasn’t until I listened to Blood, Sweat, and Tears that I went full-blown head over heels (more than I was before). I’m a musical theater kid, have always been at heart, and those boys dancing in the suits and literature and arts references. You could have just plunged that knife a bit deeper into my heart.
Needless to say that I bought Demian couple of days after (my 3rd Herman Hesse! Regrettably not my favorite.) 
Blood, Sweat and Tears joins my own mini self-compilation of songs on the attraction and sublime relishing of a toxic relationship. That sweet temptation that’s so lush in theory yet acidic in real life.
You’re willing to give it all to this person, this passion, this love, this lure of attraction, imprisonment, and just lose yourself.
You’re begging to be hurt, even when you know it.
You’re asking to stay bathed in acid, drown yourself in punishment, and you’re okay. As long as the “you” in the lyrics is ok - to have you.
You’ve signed over your mind, your body and soul - “I know well they’re all yours” - what sinful admittance, what a delicious way to say you’re under the other’s spell. Not like I haven’t been there before (fitting to think of Jimin holding that apple. God.)
“Peaches and Cream/Sweeter than Sweet/Chocolate Cheeks and Chocolate Wings” - talk about dessert, about diabetic, diabolical sweetness that both indulge and burn your soul. These are saccharine metaphors and goddamn if I wasn’t and am all over them. 
Sweet as they are, they melt - they expire, they’re tangible but transient, and you’ve chosen to have them anyway, just to taste them, just to know, to satisfy your sense and just to possess.
“There is a ‘bitter’ next to your ‘sweet’“ - this is my kind of writing. My kind of getting your sweet now and being punished for it later, the kind my friend had commented before of living for today and choosing to forgo the punishments of tomorrow that you’re all too aware of.
And here comes Hoseok! 
Kiss me, it's okay if it hurts Just make it as tight As that I can't feel the pain anymore
Goddamn. That Blade Runner 2049 phrase about how pain makes you human - this is next level of hurting just so you could feel. This is hurting to know that it’s real - that the ‘you’ exists - and this “tightness”, this tense sensation, is only reminding you that the lover(?) is worth the pain (grit your teeth and continue!)
Baby, it's okay if I get drunk I'll drink you in deep now Deep into my throat The whiskey that is you
Intoxication - another one of my favorite topics sprouting a platitude of interpretations. Aside from being a sucker (and loving it myself) of saying “baby,” (signaling intimacy, no less) - this is an artful, eloquent way to sketch another version of “love is the/a drug,” which the lover/”you” is consciously consuming with consent.
There’s a repeat in the “d’s” that definitely conjures an imagery of diving deeper and deeper into a bottomless abyss, or of drinking your bottles dry - but this is a translation so that’s that.
But where we have been (or were) in love, we could feel the other person intoxicating, consuming us, consuming our senses, straying our conscience, blurring the lines among reality, reasoning and our own thoughts and what they may have driven us to think or view, just like alcohol or drugs would lead you to do. That inebriated state would be just a self-enriching cycle of docile submission and self-driven continuance.
It doesn't matter if it hurts Tie me up so I can't escape Hold me tight and shake me up So that I can't come to my senses
Like Jimin with the cloth over his eyes in the MV, this is another conscious decision to be held imprisoned, bounded, senses so disrupted you’re choosing to stay. I don’t know about you, but there’s an inkling of weakness in me when I’d chosen to do that, to opt for that choice and stay in something I was fully aware from experience wasn’t going to last (’can’t come to my senses’) but choosing to blind myself to indulge in the fleeting sweetness anyway.
When you’re making that firm and persistent decision to beg for pain and consciously choosing to numb your senses so you could feel nothing else but what you may have thought you desire to feel - you’ve got it bad, baby. That absinth’s hit you hard.
(And we love it.)
Kiss me on the lips A secret just between the two of us Deeply poisoned by the jail of you I cannot worship anyone but you and I knew The grail was poisoned but I drank it anyway 
Yoongi’s “Kiss me”, like his “불타오르네” (and obviously “용서해줄게“)  in Fire may as well linger in my ears as my personal on-demand whisper sounds. His voice is that sexy as fuck ASMR I never knew I needed (and queue Ben Whishaw’s...) 
Here we see “poisoned” harking back to intoxication, and “jail of you,” calling back to the whole verse I’d interpreted above before. What interested me here was the couplet - “Kiss me on the lips/a secret just between the two of us” - kissing as an act of sealing a deal or secret reminds me of age old love songs, of promises made between lovers before they part. Not to mention, this is that sexy, 섹시한  way of “sealing the deal” you may have heard about. 
“I cannot worship anyone but you...” holds the lover up high, almost godlike, maybe on a pedestal. It’s that everest, that peak point when you’re more than head over heels in love, when you’re able to see no one but this person. “Worship” is that word signaling holy, direct, and submissive devotion - just powerful. 
“...and I knew/The grail was poisoned but I drank it anyway” - again the voice of submission in line with above verses, submitting yourself to temptation, same as biting into that apple despite knowing consequences. “Grail” embodies the whole MV image of the classics.
Close my eyes with your caress I can't resist it anyway I can't even escape anymore
You are too sweet, too sweet Because you are too sweet
“Close my eyes” is the same as asking to be blinded (see above). Adding “with your caress” only enhances the intensity of the speaker’s desire, of the intimate and physical nature - you know full well what that person does to you, your heart, conscience, and senses with just one simple touch or the trace of a finger on your skin - especially someone as addicted to skinship as I am. The repetition “You are too sweet...”  brings us back full circle to Namjoon’s dessert verses, intoxication, indulgence, and submission.
What a delicious song. I fall in love every time I listen.
Second song in my trilogy is Love Maze - an intoxication of a different, lighter flavor yet still an an intoxication nevertheless.
Trapped in a maze of decisions Exhausted by all the different chaos We’ve wandered around, looking for the answer Lost in the maze, in the darkness
Jimin’s first verse traverses over the trials and tribulations of every day life - naturally we’re caught in decision-making from the moment we open our eyes (ah, sigh. my major. what the hell), and that, in extreme cases, can escalate to choice paralysis). Life is a mess, to say simply. At times you can feel (and you are) lost in some sort of maze which seems impossible to escape from. 
[Verse 2: Jungkook] We ran and ran endlessly But all the fake noise Can’t tear us apart It’s true baby [Refrain: Jimin, Jin] We must believe only in ourselves Can’t let go of each other’s hands We need to be together forever
And now this is just asking your partner to hold your hand throughout the darkness, holding hands while the walls come tumbling down type of way.
[Verse 3: RM] People say That I’ll end up a fool But I don’t wanna use my head I don’t wanna calculate Love ain’t a business Rather like a fitness I’ve never been in a calculating love I know it’ll be cold like winter But I still wanna try
Yup, sure. Love isn’t logical, and we feel it when we feel it. This is a more considered version of love or succumbing to temptation/infatuation, compared to Blood, Sweat, and Tears, see here:
If you push me, I’ll fall, just raise me up again Even if I pull, you don’t have to come
Upon a close look, this is the more confident, the more ‘out-there’ you - like a rocking doll, a full human ready to get back up on its own once fallen, not a blind follower or submissive slave. What I find particularly captivating is the bottom verse - “Even if I pull, you don’t have to come” - this is a show and declaration of independence at its finest. I’ll woo you, I’ll say I want you, and I’ll grab you toward me, but you “don’t have to” be with me, [if you don’t want to.] (Plays I’m Fine)
No matter what others say, don’t listen Just let’em talk, whatever they say The more they do, the more I’m sure
Honestly this reminded me of a past relationship, where figurative hand-holding was the emphasized union to help us make it through. Would have been half the fight if it was that aspect alone, though.
Baby just don’t give a damn
This is the sentence I sing to every single time I play this aloud. The sentence.
I always think, even if eternity is hard I wanna try it, let’s be forever
My ex once asked, “How long is forever?” just ripping off that sign in a mall we walked past, and yes, that’s what I do remember about us. Part of it. Since then, mentions of eternity like this has always hit me.
And forever doesn’t exist, guys. COVID does.
(Bad joke, sorry.) 
The song that completes the trilogy is one I discovered only last week. My last BTS x Steve Aoki crossover: Waste It On Me. 
Queue neon club lights and bad decision drinks. Kook being Kook, his voice in songs like these, House of Cards, and Savage Love slices you right through, like a young, impressionable boy asking you to give this love a try, to forget yourself in being attracted to him, and to waste the time you aware you’re willing to waste on him:
[Verse 1: Jungkook] You say love is messed up You say that it don't work But, you don't wanna try, no, no (You don't wanna try, no, no) And baby, I'm no stranger To heartbreak and the pain of Always being let go (Always being let go)
This verse, man. When your heart’s rusty and battered and beaten and broken enough, “Baby, I’m no stranger/to heartbreak and the pain of always being let go,” is that overwhelming elixir to slosh it altogether, like soaking your lone damn heart in warm bathwater, and with Jungkook’s inviting voice, you may have added your favorite flavor of Lush bathbomb.
[Pre-Chorus: Jungkook, RM & Jimin] And I know there's no making this right, this right (This right) And I know there's no changing your mind, your mind (Your mind) But we both found each other tonight, tonight (Oh yeah) So if love is nothing more than just a waste of your time
It’s that exact moment when it’s the night of your birthday, you’re all dressed up with only one place to go in a town where you knew a handful of people, and the guy at the bar had bought you a shot of mysterious substance to drink. So you’re here. So he’s here. And the drink’s here, between you two, and you’ve downed it in. And you’re here.
So why not?
‘Waste it on me’ is a sexy invitation in itself, that momentarily grasp for pleasure. Ok, yea. I’m all yours. 
[Verse 2: RM] So we don't gotta go there Past lovers and warfare It's just you and me now (Yeah, yeah) I don't know your secrets But I'll pick up the pieces Pull you close to me now (Yeah, yeah)
Namjoon’s voice has always been sexy to me. Masculine, dominating, in control, in the same way that Yoongi’s raspy, gravelly voice grabs you and stubbornly holds you close. 
Maybe this guy you’d just met in a club’s blabbering away to pierce who you may have been or who you’re presenting yourself to be just for you to be with him, and takes ahold of your waist before you could say no.
What do you say?
Yay, don't you think there must be a reason? Yeah, like we had our names Don't you think we got another season That come after spring? I wanna be your summer I wanna be your wave Treat me like a comma I'll take you to a new phrase Yeah, come just eat me and throw me away If I'm not your taste, babe, waste Waste it on me
I’m speechless over the “Treat me like a comma, I’ll take you to a new phrase,” wordplay. Most of all, it illustrated my past relationship in that all too on-the-nose way, for me and him both. English is sexy, man, please don’t ever say it isn’t.
“Yeah, come just eat me and throw me away/If I’m not your taste, babe.” I’m partial to babe as much as baby, let’s be real. Haha. The whole “come just eat me” paints that picture of the speaker being “consumed,” just devoured whole (echoing the earlier image of being “washed over” from “I wanna be your wave”) by the to-be-lover, without a care, a giving-himself-away submission reminiscent of Blood, Sweat, and Tears’ intoxication and blind bondage. The speaker here doesn’t even care if he’s not tailored to the ‘lover’s’ desire, ready to be discarded, treating himself here as disposable, even worse than Love Maze’s partnered hopefulness and teamwork or Blood, Sweat and Tears’ irresistible, spellbound attraction.
Aaand there you have it, my ramblings on Bangtan (as of now). There’s just so, so much - I’ve recently received my HYYH Pt.1 (RIMBAUD! SEXY CONVERSE!!! BOYZ with FUN!) and YNWA albums, not to mention my rap line songs, vocal line, In the Soop, Performance details, Run BTS (source of joy and laughter, more than any man has ever affected me), Premiums, and the whole “Love Yourself” concept + B.E. Itself.
I’ll be sure to pop back in very, very soon!
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Summary: On your way to Chicago to search out new opportunities. Your car breaks down outside of a small town nestled near the mountains. Trapped for more than a week, you almost seamlessly fall into place. Which makes it even harder when you have to leave.
Pairing: Scotty/Reader (But it’s a slow burn so hold your horses)
Warnings: Helpess pining
A/N: sorry I’ve been gone so long. I hope I can get some writing done on the five-hour band trip I’m taking on Friday. Also you meet Sulu! yea!!! Also not beta’d or revised that much, you might find errors.
Word Count: 1436
You fumbled with your jacket in the small mirror. You were nervous, why were you nervous? Mr. Scott, no, Scotty, was a nice man who just wanted to show you around town. Nothing more. There was a soft knock on your door, “yes?”
“Uh, Scotty is out front,” Pavel’s voice cut through the door.
YOu walked to the door opening it, “Good, I just got done getting ready.” You followed him down the steps and right out onto the small porch. “Scotty!”
“Y/N,” he responded smiling, his eyes flitting across you. “You look nice.”
“Thank you,” you gushed, “You clean up well too.” You shared a long look at one another, just enjoying the silence that hung between you, even though it got heavier by the second.
“So um, I uh promised yeh flowers and trees, dinne I?” Scotty rubbed the back of his neck as he gestured with his other hand up the street. “I hope this town isn’t borin’ ya lass.”
You laughed as you walked side by side, you hands behind your back. “No, not yet. In fact it’s giving me ideas for a story. I’m a Journalist, by the way. With the silly dream of becoming a novelist.”
Scotty looked over at you with a wide grin, “a journalist? Well, that is fascinating! That must keep you on your toes.”
You nodded, brushing your hair back, “Yeah, it usually does, and I love it, I do.  But, I really want to just write stories. And that’s silly, only the lucky ever really make it.” You sighed looking at the ground.
“Hey now,” Scotty called, coming to a stop, forcing you to look back at him. “There is no harm in dreamin’. Now I know I don’t know ya very well but, I think ya’ll make it.” You felt your cheeks turning pink. His were too, “So you write,” he lead on again, prodding you for more information.
“Yeah, yeah, I do. I was always the kid in the back using all her loose-leaf paper to write stories. A friend of mine used to illustrate. She still does that now, illustrates for children’s stories. But anyone can write, you fix machines. Like that’s really cool,” you sighed looking at him.
He guffawed, “No I know you are just blowing smoke up my arse,” he teased. “But, cars and really all machines are my whole life. It sounds silly but it’s like they talk to me you know? I’ve always understood them more than people.”
“Kinda how like my muse whispers to me,” said looking ahead this time, even though you were finding you really like looking at Scotty. “Well, without you Scotty, I don’t think any amount of journalistic or creative writing talent would get me home. So thank you.”
He groaned this time, “Will ya quit thanking me? It’s my pleasure! Plus, Atticus hasn’t bitten me yet, so we are all good.”
It was your turn to laugh, “He’s been good then? Usually, all my mechanics end up with a cut from him. Gosh, he must like you!”  Scotty beamed at you before he came to a stop in front of a shop.
“He must. Ah, anyway, here we are. For the flower bit at least!” You glanced up at the older withered sign that simply read “Florist.” “Hikaru and his husband grow the most beautiful flowers. And one of the lads that helps out times to time is gifted with orchids.” He lead you inside and you were greeted by two brilliant smiles.
“Scotty! And you must be y/n,” one of the men beamed reaching for your hand. When you gave them a puzzled look, he laughed. “I’m Hikaru Sulu, and it’s a small town, and Jim is a bit of a gossip.
“Ah. Yeah, I am Y/n. Scotty is giving me an official tour.” you looked around the small shop, the bright and fragrant flowers covering the walls. You wandered off to another part of the shop as Scotty stepped up to talk to Hikaru.
“So, that’s her,” Sulu mused. “She seems sweet.”
Scotty leaned on the counter, watching you walk around. “Yeah”, he sighed, “She’s really sweet. I wish she was staying.”
Sulu snapped his head towards the other man, “Oh, so you do like her.”
“I’m tryin’ really hard not ta’! But we were talkin’ on the way here and,” Scotty sighed heavily. “I can’t afford to like her. She’s gonna leave.”
“You can’t help who you love, Scotty,” Sulu chastised half heartedly.
Scotty stood up with a huff,  “Ach, It’s not like that! She’s just...just. OH, you know what? I don’t got to go explain’ myself to you!” Scotty walked away to where you were in the store as Ben Sulu came up to stand next to his husband.
“So, he does have a crush on her,” Sulu sighed as he looked over at his partner.
“Not you too. Ben, we shouldn’t meddle.”
“If he buys flowers for her you owe me a twenty,” Ben said simply, kissing the other’s cheek.
When Scotty caught up to you he saw your fingers brushing over the petals of the promised orchids. “Ah, I see you’ve found them!”
“Yeah, they’re beautiful,” you whispered. “It’s just so gorgeous. I could never keep something like this alive.”
“Actually, I’ve learned they aren’t that hard to care for. I’m sure the Sulus would be happy to teach you,” Scotty stepped closer to your side, looking at the brightly colored petals.
“I killed a cactus once,” you deadpanned without looking over at him. “I forgot to water it over like half a year. The dirt dried up and the roots shriveled up and it fell out of the pot onto the floor. My cactus committed suicide.”
You were surprised that you didn’t hear laughter, then you heard a snort. You looked over at the mechanic you had a hand over his mouth, eyes closed as he started laughing out loud. He started trying to take gasps of air, trying to stop laughing but inevitably breaking into more giggles. “Sorry, sorry,” He gasped waving his hand in the air. Watching this man, you felt affection blooming in your chest.  The way the lines around his eyes crinkled up and how wide his smile grew was so handsome.
You discovered you like the way his eyes snapped and sparkled with laughter-induced tears, as he wiped them away. You needed to do that again, you wanted to see him laugh that hard again. You liked his laugh too, it was bright, full and so unapologetically loud. “Sorry, lass,” his voice pulled you out of your thoughts. “I just got this image. And, woo, It just got me.” Oh, no. He was blushing, was he really embarrassed over that?
“No, no! That’s okay! It’s actually pretty funny. But yeah, I don’t trust myself with plants. So,” you bit your lip, “You also promised me some orchards, Scotty.”
He started to grin widely, “That I did, follow me you’ll love it.”
As you reached the outside of the orchard you gasped as you could see the trees littered with almost ripened apples. “Oh, wow! You didn’t tell me it was an apple orchard! I love apples.”
“It was a surprise. Our town’s export is apples, well, mostly apples. We have a little festival every year before the annual picking. It’s actually in like a week and a half, hopefully, you’ll still be around. The O'Reilly’s hold a dance in their barn. It’s really nice, they hang lights up and it’s just nice,” Scotty trailed, placing his hands into his pockets.
“Well, by your projected schedule, yeah. I’d love to go, as long as there are apples involved,” you laughed, looking around.
“Does fresh-pressed apple juice sound good?”
“Very,” you sighed.
You walked around in relative silence, it was nice. You forgot your stresses, your worries that your recent predicament caused. And just let yourself be.
You don’t really know how long passed but you heard a clearing of a throat and looked over. “Are ye hungry? We could go down to the diner an’,” you didn’t let him finish.
“I have food in my car I can eat, I really should save my money for the trip out of here.” It hurt to say it, but it was what needed to be done.
“I didne ask that, lass. I asked if ye were hungry,” Scotty put his hands on his hip, puffing his chest in playful defiance.
“Scotty, I can’t ask you to do that,” you tired.
“Good thing I’m not askin ye then.”
Tags: @feelmyroarrrr @outside-the-government @kaitymccoy123 @starshiphufflebadger @mccoymostly @answer-the-sirens @imaginestartrek @wificrazymisfit @athena1138 @buckyy3s @malindacath @bkwrm523 @goodnightwife @jefferson-in-the-tardis @starfleetorbust  @youre-on-a-starship  @yourtropegirl  @thequeenofthehobbits  @awhitewyvern  @daytimemaniac  @dreaming-about-starfleet  @sparkedupsilver @goddessqueenloki  @anotherotter  @romansinsparta
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koreankokaine · 7 years
Flights part 4
We got back to the hotel El completely flipped on me.
"Amira Greene Keller, explain." We got to the room, went to our bedroom inside and shut the door. She turned on music loud enough but not disturbing and I started to explain.
"So you know my best friend from New York? Twix?"
"It'svernonfromseventeen." I said super fast
"What?" her face looked very confused
"It'svernonfromseventeen." I said a bit slower
"Amira?!" she warned
"It's Vernon from Seventeen."
"We've been friends since I was adopted. His family lived right down the road from us. Our mothers are friends."
"Omo, Kate has friends." She said seriously then we busted out laughing. My mother is very...childish.
"Yes, she does."
"Wow, anyway continue."
"When I was 2 and he was 5 he moved. He's brother figure to me more than my own brother. I was too young to communicate by speaking coherent words and write so he took it upon himself to write the best he could and would draw pictures dedicated to me. My mother would send his family pictures and vice versa. All my life we've been in some form of contact. When I was old enough, 6, his family brought me to Korea."
"So you've been to Korea????"
"I know I'm sorry."
"Go on,"
"I was 12 and he was 16, he started training. I was there when he was accepted into Pledis. It was the best day in both of our lives. Hansol is a very hard worker. The other guys are too, don't get me wrong but being a foreigner and half Korean, he struggles with other things most don't deal with."
"So are you friends with the group?"
"Yes, ma'am I am. That's why I don't let you on my LINE because I talk to everyone on there. Hansol was the first "idol" I met."
"Who else do you know?"
"Jisoo, Amira."
"Three months for ten years amounts to a lot of time and people."
"You spend the whole summer there?!?"
"Yes and no. I would go during the school year. My parents and his have an arrangement with each other and the school. I live there with Hansol's family and several times I've stayed at another groups’ dorms."
"What groups"
"Got7 and Exo."
"For real?"
"Yeah, Mark is also my best friend."
"How many best friends do you have?"
"The ones that are as good as you are Mark, Hansol, Changkyun, Suho, and HaNee aka Honey J."
"Honey J like Jay park's backup dancer?"
"I literally ran into her at a cafe."
"Bro," she was low key jungshook we sat in silence, "Sooo question?"
"Are you May?" I nodded
"You're May?" she said a bit too loud
"Shhhhh," I said hitting her lightly
"Wow, and I call myself your best friend." I laughed. "Why are you anonymous?
"What do you mean "why?"
"You're May, THE best friend of Monsta X and several others. Fans don't know what you look like or your name but the hear your voice. You're a ghost."
"Oh Yeah, we all agreed for the sake of my sanity to keep things under wrap. Yes, they still talk about me and show hosts and people bring it up but they know how to go about it."
"Gave me a rough idea of how many groups you personally hang out with?"
"I know MX, Exo, Got7, Seventeen, and several AOMG guys. Sadly, I have not had the please to meet BTS, Ikon, and others on our list."
"This is the most important question I’ve ever asked in our 8 years."
"Have you met Jay Park?"
I started laughing, "Yes I have. He is annoying as hell. I love him but this man will not stop being a pain in my ass."
"How did you met all of them?"
"You know about Hansol and Honey. I met Mark while visiting California that one year when you guys went to Florida. We both went to the skate park and connected. I met Suho last year when I was shopping in Japan and EXO was there having a concert. He was in a store and I asked him a question about some clothing. We got to talking and invited me to the concert."
"So you have been to an Exo concert. Did you meet any of the other guys? It's so surprising. You are not a very outgoing or social person." she said with sarcasm and a smile. 8 years of friendship and she knows everything about me except this part of my life. I smiled
"Yes, I met the others. Actually, I'm better friends with Chanyeol than Suho."
"How did you meet Monsta X? No offense that's who I am mainly focused on now because you just allowed me to meet them."
"Hansol and I were visiting Seoul on his day off and had just gotten some street food. There was music playing and I started singing and Vernon started rapping to it and this guy heard us. It was the CEO of Starship. He came over and asked if we were signed with anybody. Hansol said yes but I said I wasn't and that I wasn't looking to be signed. He said he didn't care but that he wanted to add me to a team of private contractors. I agreed but me being 12 he told me to meet him at a location with Hansol and come see what he was working on. We went later that day and it was No Mercy live recording. There was nobody there. We sat in the back. Hyolyn and Soyou were chilling in the judge seating area. Hyolyn was so goddamn beautiful. When I met her, oh my God, she was, no, IS a goddess. The show started and the contestants performed a lot of good songs. You've seen No Mercy, so you know everything. I know this is going to be cheesy but one of the contestants really held my attention. We made eye contact. I was kinda magical."
"Was it who I think it was?" El asked knowingly
"Yes, it was Hoseok." I smiled "So there I was, 12 years old in the midst of future idols, at a live show of a company who produced one of the biggest girl groups and staring at my first crush."
"Awwww Lucky,"
"LOL, no, that was the day my life became hell. Those boys are the most irritating men I've ever met." I chuckled
"Really?" she questioned
"Oh yeah, they're the reason I can't go to one of the best restaurants in Seoul."
"Oh my Jisoo, tell me later."
"Yeah, that's a whole other story," I said recalling that event
"Anyway, they finished their performances and the guy came up to us. He introduced himself to us. I was starstruck like you were tonight but I got over it pretty quick. This was when I wasn't fluent in Korean so I had Hansol translate. Hoseok asked where we were from and said that I looked a little too young to be there. The judges were still in the room conversing. Some of the other guys came over to see what Hoseok was up too. He went into a protective mode when Gun Hee asked why we were here and who we were. Hansol told them what we were there for. the guys had a few hours till the had to go so we got to know them."
"I wish I was in your head right now. That must have been cool," she said trying to imagine
"It was."
"What happened next?"
We told them how we were invited and they were like 'you need to sing a song for us' and I was not having it. I told Hansol to translate 'I'm only here to watch the show.  Hoseok asked me to sing for them. and me being me agreed instantly. I looked at Hansol for approval and he agreed. I got onstage and I picked Give It To Me by Sistar. It was the first song I knew how to sing fully in Korean. I ended and everyone in hearing range was shocked. I got a standing ovation and the producers try to get me to sign with Starship which I kindly declined. I want to be independent. Soyou and Hyolyn were impressed and praised me for doing their song. I talked for a while with the other guys and they gave me their contact info so I could contact them next time I was in Korea. I talk to Mx, Gun Hee, and Yoon Ho the most. Outside the setting of work, they are very genuine and nice people. Since MX and Seventeen have known me since I was younger they are more like brothers to me. The women of Sistar are like my older sisters and too often they act like mothers."
"Wow, that's cool."
"Yes, it is, I'm sorry I didn't tell you but I can't go around saying Hi my name is Amira. I'm also called May. I am friends with Kpop idols. What's your name?"
"I understand, I'm a little mad that you waited this long to share."
"I know, I'm sorry."
"It's fine, I'm glad you told me finally though." we hugged my phone dinged with a notification. Wonho texted me goodnight I replied to him. El saw me, "So another big question," she began.
"I have a feeling what it is." I was worried
"So are you and Wonho dating?"
I laughed, "No, we are not.”
“He really likes you. You can see in the way he looks at you. Amira, he's in love with you.”
“Ellie, he's 24 years old and I'm 16. He's 8 years old older than me. His fans would kill me. I can see read the headlines now, ‘Monsta X’s Wonho dating ordinary fan.’ ‘Update, Wonho’s mystery girl is their friend May.’  Oh yeah, Yep that would get me killed and my family would be pestered. If my real identity came out that would be very bad.”
“Why don't you have LDR with him and see him when you visit or at concerts?”
“My age would be frowned upon and he doesn't like me like that. It's never going to happen. Trust me.”
“You know it's true, he likes you.”
I ignored her, turning off the lights and going to bed.
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dontshootmespence · 7 years
It Spikes and It Dips
A/N: An anon request for a Spencer x Reader where she’s afraid that he won’t like her body the first time they’re intimate because she’s curvy. I’ve done this once or twice before, but I decided to try at it again, from a different standpoint. No smut at all, just a lot of panic between the reader and her friend and an eventual talk with Spencer. @coveofmemories @sexualemobitch @jamiemelyn
“Oh my god, man, I’m freaking out,” you said, standing in front of the mirror in the dressing room, your bestie standing right outside the door. As you contemplated your first intimate moment with Spencer, which you felt was on the horizon fairly soon, you smoothed out the wrinkles in the dress you were trying on. It was a cute light green, almost vintage sundress with small white stripes going across the waist and skirt. You looked awful. Not the dress. You pulled it off immediately without even showing Tina.
She huffed as she saw you discard the green dress, bitching that she hadn’t even been able to see it. “It was not flattering on me, T.”
“I could’ve told you if it was if you would’ve let me see it,” she replied. You could practically hear the eye roll. “And why are you freaking out?”
You’d been over this so many times already and she just didn’t get it. Tina was naturally very thin. You were healthy, you ate well, and exercised whenever you could, but your body always held onto weight much more easily and you carried it much differently than her. “I’m freaking out because my boyfriend is ridiculously thin and he’s only had one other girlfriend in his life and she was crazy thin. And I mean, I’m healthy, but I don’t look like the type of women that throw themselves at him. What if I take my clothes off and he’s repulsed and he runs away?”
Peaking your head out of the dressing room, you were met with Tina grabbing your cheeks. “One, if he did something like that he wouldn’t be worth your time anyway.”
“True,” you replied. “But the thought and/or the act would still hurt like a bitch.”
“Two, you are gorgeous. I thought you were getting better with that?”
You were. But struggling with self-confidence was a day-to-day thing, especially when you’d struggled with it as long as you had. As a kid, you were the “big” one of your friends, so you always felt like the ‘odd man out.’ “I am, but it depends on the day. When I’m at home and dancing half-naked around my apartment, I’m like ‘yea, I feel good, I’m awesome and I look damn good,’ but then I go out in the world and I see magazines with the beautiful women that I wished I looked like and I know I never will and you see these guys fawning over them and you’re like they’ll never fawn over me like that. I’m the friend, not the lover. You feel me?”
In a panic, you ducked back into the dressing room and tried on dress after dress, not liking the way any of them fit. Finally, you found another one (you’d already picked out one you didn’t hate) that you were willing to show Tina. “How about this one?” you asked, stepping out fully and looking down at the flowy material. The dress was a deep green with random white dots. You wouldn’t describe it as polka dot, because the pattern was a little less consistent, but it was pretty nonetheless and you didn’t hate the way you looked in it. 
“Oh my god, it’s gorgeous,” she said, taking your hands and twirling you around outside the dressing room. Another client in the store commented on how she liked the dress on you, which made you feel better about it. You decided to try on the royal blue one you liked one more time. 
As you stepped into the dressing room again you thought about the compliment from the random stranger. It felt good. Why did you take a compliment better from a stranger than a friend? You guessed it was because you assumed a friend had to be nice to you because they were your friend, while a stranger held no loyalties, but it still pissed you off that you always rejected compliments from friends. “So blue or green?” Tina asked, just as you were about to step out from the room again.
“I don’t know,” you whined. The royal blue was plain and patternless, but there were pleats in the front, which in your mind, disguised the stomach you had. 
Tina playfully smacked the side of your face. “Focus and answer immediately. No thought,” she said. “Forget what anyone thinks. Which one do you feel more comfortable in?”
“Blue. Oh!”
“There you are. Blue it is. Now go get changed. We’ll check out, and I can walk you through your panic.”
What would you do without her? She really was a constant for you. You really shouldn’t have expected anything less from your best friend for life though. Together since grade school, she’d stuck by your side through thick and thin.
After checking out, you got into the car and started driving back to your apartment. Spencer was supposed to be picking you up in a few hours and you still needed time to get ready. It wasn’t as if you were planning on having sex tonight, but you’d been going out for a few months and felt like it was naturally going to happen fairly soon. “Now, you still have a few hours, so I want you to get into some pajamas that make you feel good and dance around the apartment. Then when you change into the dress you’ll be feeling good. If you sit around in the dress, you’ll panic.”
She knew you too well. You’d start picking things apart and freaking out even more. “Have you shaved?” she asked as you put on a random t-shirt and boy-shorts. 
“Legs and bikini?”
“Thanks, Tina! Now my neighbors know I have a freshly shaven bikini area, yea I’m good!”
“Okay good,” she laughed. She told you to sit down in front of her while she fixed your makeup and for the next couple of hours she distracted you with random crap so you didn’t focus on how nervous you were.
By the time you got changed into the dress you bought, it was only 15 minutes until Spencer was supposed to pick you up. Tina made her way out, telling you not to freak out, you were going to be fine, and if Spencer didn’t appreciate your body for exactly what it was then he sucked ass anyway. All true. Still nervous. But whatever, you couldn’t change a damn thing right now. 
At last, there was a knock on the door. “Hey, Spence,” you said, opening the door to see that he was also wearing blue. God, he looked good in every color, it was stupid. “How was work?”
“Just got back from a case and we were able to return the boy to his family, so all in all it was a good case. If there is such a thing.” As he stepped into your apartment, he gathered you close to him and took your lips in a searing kiss. “I’ve missed you though.”
“I’ve missed you, too.” He ran his hands down your back, pulling you closer and running his eyes down the length of your dress. It was rare that you could see it yourself, but you could see that he thought you looked good, his eyes lingering on your legs and the way the dress hugged your waist. 
“You look beautiful.”
“Thank you,” you said, blushing slightly as you looked down at the floor. 
“What’s wrong?” he asked. “You never blush.”
You heaved an enormous sigh. You hated sharing your insecurities, but part of gaining confidence was being more open about those insecurities, so you decided to just say it. “I’ve been panicking about us having sex for the first time,” you blurted out, enjoying the stunned look on his face.
“Why?” he exclaimed. “I haven’t put pressure on you or anything right? Because if I have, I seriously didn’t realize it...but can I ask why?” He was so confused.
You closed the door behind him, pulling him into the kitchen as you grabbed a glass of water. “Well, you remember me telling you about how I’ve struggled with my looks?” He nodded, recalling the conversation you’d had shortly after you started dating. “I still struggle with it. Most days I’m good now, because I’ve really been working on it, but other days I see the pictures of women who are admired that I’ll never look like and I fear that people won’t like me because of it. Stupid? Probably. But my brain can’t help it. It spikes and it dips. Plus, you are stick thin and could actually be a goddamn model, and your only other girlfriend was thin and beautiful, so I panic thinking that you’ll see me naked and wanna run away.”
Spencer chuckled under his breath, stepping into the kitchen and gathering his arms around your waist. There were a few tears in your eyes. You were emotional and freaked out, but you weren’t going to cry. “It’s not stupid. Unfortunately, that’s the way a lot of people are age grew up, thinking that if you didn’t look a certain way you weren’t deserving of love. But I think you’re beautiful for a number of reasons, including how you look. I would be the king of assholes if I ran away at the sight of you.”
“True,” you laughed. “But I’ve been with assholes who’ve told me I needed to lose weight.” You’d never admitted that to him before. His mouth dropped open in astonishment.
“Seriously? Fucking assholes.”
You snorted as his exclamation. Spencer wasn’t one to curse. That was your territory. “Yea, but sometimes I still freak, you know? I’m getting better with feeling good in my own skin, but it’s still hard, and I’ve got a super hot boyfriend that could get any woman he wants.”
I think you’re wrong there,” he snickered. “But the point is, I want you. We don’t have to do anything until you’re ready, but whenever you are, I can tell you I’ll be waiting expectantly. To be honest, I have a thing for your butt.”
“Really?” you asked, turning around and patting your hands over your ass. You actually didn’t hate it. Again...that was growth. “Well, maybe you’ll get to see this butt one of these days.”
“Yessss,” he hissed, pumping his hands in the air like a high-school jock that just scored a touchdown. “My girlfriend has a great butt and a heart of gold.”
181 notes · View notes
mysplaced-pen · 7 years
THe RFA as the Heathers musical????? (◕‿-)*・。゚ I LOVE YOU SO MUCH THAT YOU KNWO WE BOTH NEED THIS.(ɔˆ ³(ˆ⌣ˆc) PLease the love o f my life, the 7 to my 07, the Chandelier to my McNAmara the Viktor to my YUuuri! (っ◔◡◔)っ ♥
babe!! i love you!!( ˘ ³˘)❤  you right, we need this. SOOOOO~~
[ DISCLAIMER : i didn’t really match up personalities??? its hard. im smol. its 2am. you’re right next to me. ]
MC - Veronica 
Zen - Heather Chandler 
Yoosung - Heather Duke
Jaehee - Heather McNamara 
Jumin - Kurt 
707 / Luciel / Saeyoung - JD
V / Jihyun - Ram 
Saeran - Martha
Rika - Mrs. Fleming 
Vanderwood - Preppy Stud / Principal Gowan / general ensemble 
MC being all smol and hopeful - “Dear Diary, I believe I’m a good person” “We were kind before, we can be kind once more” 
If Vanderwood is the general ensemble, its just them yelling out insults. “Freak! Shortbus! Bug-eyes! Lard ass!” etc.
MC about V: “smacking lunch trays and being a huge dick”
Saeran loving the Princess Bride???
MC about Jumin: “kind of like being the tallest dwarf” 
Jumin: “you have a zit right there” 
Jaehee being head cheerleader is amazing
also: “if i took a meat cleaver down the center of your skull, i’d have matching halves. thats very important”
Yoosung being Duke and being snarky to Zen 
MC about Zen: “he is a mythic bitch.” which is me about him tbh
Rika not giving a fuck about Yoosung throwing up in the bathroom rip 
Saeran watching MC get sold to the rfa smh
Candy Store 
literally everything about this is iconic
the subtle gay between Veronica + Mac is now Jaehee x MC
Zen to Yoosung: “SHUT UP HEA THER”
Zen being a dramatic asshole with that long note 
Jaehee hitting them harmonies hell yeah 
i love this part of this stupid au listen
Fight For Me 
MC to 707: “hey, Mr. No Name Kid”
707 literally beating up Jumin and V???????
where is this au going
7 is actually 3 cats in a trench coat
MC is #whipped 
Vanderwood in the background: “holy shit! holy shit holy shit holy shiiiiiit” 
MC in general: “Dᵃᵃᵃaamn”
MC knows CPR how handy 
“You can punch real good”
Freeze Your Brain
ok but?? all of this song is 7??????
“who needs cocaineeeee?”
minus the dad rip
7 goes to 7-Eleven
god bless
“altar of slush” is something Seven would have ok 
*sip noise* 
Big Fun
idk its party song
Yoosung, Jaehee, and Zen going: “dang dang diggity dang a dang”
V hating freshman
Jumin going: “yOU NEED A JELLO SHOT”
disregard martha having feelings for ram rip i dont ship that
its a party idk what to tell you
Dead Girl Walking
do I have to explain this one?
MC in 7′s yard
MC about Zen: “the demon queen of high school”
“spend these 30 hours getting..fREAAKKYYYYYYYY YEA”
Seven: “how’d you find my address?” and “that works for me, hoop”
its a sex song
thats it
yall do the do
The Me Inside of Me
Zen is dead
this is what Zen deserves in death
i cant believe mc and 707 poisoned zen
this is the song his fanclub sings
jaehee is in mourning
rika: “this is the loveliest suicide note I’ve ever read”
Jumin and V, drunk and trying to get into MC’s pants?
seems legit
V: “Heyyy ‘ronia” ;)))))
MC: “you got a left hand, use it”
Yoosung and Jaehee just shaking their heads in the car and singing along
this song is a mess
Jumin and V had too much wine
Our Love is God
here w e goooo
707 being all cute at first
Jumin and V: “free pussy. and we dont even have to buy it a pizza”
Our love is god 7
“Ich Luge” bullets yeah sure saeyoung
“we’re what killed the dinosaurs”
707 kills V????????
Jumin to 7: “you killed my best friend”
My Dead Gay Son
Vanderwood can move over, I’ll sing this song
i mean…i love my dead gay sons
they’re bi, but….
now they’re dead
rip in pieces
this is where MC tries to convice 7 to be normal
and its cute
and they talk about prom and dancing and camping
cute couple moment 
thats about it
Shine A Light
here’s rika trying to make light of a situation that shouldn’t be lightened on
and the start of Jaehee’s breakdown
“my husband left” the world, ye
Rika: “i’ve joined a cult”
also Rika: “so Steve, I’m ending our affair. And I faked it. every single time.”
my beautiful wife’s beautiful solo
she’s so sad
the people around her are dying
she’s kill this song it would sound so good
being salty about Yoosung being the new leader
“well who made her captain?!…still, the weakest must go”
save my wife
Shine A Light(Reprise)
aka Yandere Yoosung
or, in Jaehee’s thoughts
look, more subtext gay
honestly, just….
im sad, next song
Kindergarten Boyfriend
smh Saeran we don’t need anymore deaths
[ changes this song to some angsty twin situation because,,, ] 
 “Where naptime lasts for centuries”
someone spare him
Yo Girl
the return of all the dead people!
and 7 really starting to go crazy
Zen’s ominous: “he’s got your handwriting down cold~”
Vanderwood as MC’s parents. 
The Dead Trio: “come join Heather in hell~”
MC’s desperate “get out of my house!” 
707′s “knock, knock~~~” 
i like this song tbh its short but ooooooh
Meant To Be Yours
this song is also just 707 in general
just *clenches fist* ooooooh 
he’s this angsty 
plot twist: this whole musical is just one of 7′s bad endings 
sound effects for days 
“bring marshmallows, we’ll make s’mores~”
and then it starts to get Really Angsty
“you were meant to be mine. i am all that you need. you carved open my heart. can’t just leave me to bleed. vERONICA- open the, open the door please”
and then mc does….the Thing
vanderwood as mc’s mom yelling when they see what happened
Dead Girl Walking (Reprise)
MC going all 180 here and now they wanna die with Seven
Rika back at it again: “I threw together a lovely tribute, especially under such short notice”
Just imagine Jaehee doing a cheer that goes “send you straight to hell!”
MC trying hard here, “I wish your dad was good, I wish grownups understood”
Seven going full psycho: “I wish I had more TNT” 
*cue epic fight scene*
“Send you straight to-”
I Am Damaged
7: “I respectfully, disagree.”
he’s too damaged. far too damaged
im gonna cry;;
“I worship you…I’d trade my life for yours”
“And when I disappear..”
“our love is god…”
 B O O M
yoosung: “you look like hell” mc: “yeah. i just got back”
Seventeen (Reprise)
and we leave you with these questions:
will saeran ever get over kindergarten?
will jaehee and MC finally Be Gay as a true ending?
when will MC stop
find out more next time on: “Random Ass AUs: the Musical”
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fanofafan2ff · 8 years
48: Big Daddy
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“Baby, stop moving.” I grumbled. A nigga was trying to sleep and kept trying to wiggle out of my hold. “Chris, I have to pee.” She whined trying to pry my hands from around her waist.  I kissed my teeth and released her reluctantly. She hopped out of the bed quickly and scrambled to the bathroom. I chuckled as I watched her push the door closed. 
I looked over at the alarm clock on my night table, 10:30 am. I was surprised Christian hadn’t busted into our room yet. He normally woke up around 9, 9:30 on Saturdays. Our room was his first destination. I hopped up and headed to his room to check on him. 
Sure enough, he was sprawled out in his bed, knocked out. His arm behind his head, just like me. Our trip to Disney yesterday was a success, so it was no surprise to see him like this. My mama, my sister, Tasha, and the crew got to the park around 12 and we didn’t leave until closing. 
Christian rode all the rides he wanted to, ate all the candy he wanted to, and overall had a great time. All of us did. Madi and Lytrell were the only two that stayed behind most of the time. Madison hated roller coasters and there was no way she was about to get on, and my sister- well, that was self explanatory. It was great to be around my family and friends after being away for so long, for real. 
Four weeks. That’s how long they had me sitting in that bland ass, cold ass jail cell. How the fuck do people spend years at a time, locked up in there, without going crazy? I didn’t know, because for the short time I was there, it felt like I was going crazy. There was nothing to do, other than stare at the dirty, beige walls, rattled with graffiti. Motherfuckers were bound to go crazy in here.
Being on probation was no joke. Whenever you fucked up, the consequences were major. So, when Mark popped up at my house that day, telling me about my warrant, no lie, I was shook. I knew for sure I was going to jail. The only thing that popped in my mind was leaving my family. I’d miss Christian growing up, Madi and I would grow apart, and my mama... man. I didn’t even wanna think about it.Thankfully, he had a plan. He advised me to turn myself in, and we’d go from there.
After I turned myself in, hours later, I had my bail hearing. I had to be the world’s unluckiest man, because of course I had to get stuck with the judge that hated my guts. Judge McHale. We’d seen each other before. That nigga hated my guts. So, I wasn’t too surprised that he denied my bail. I expected it. I wasn’t going nowhere.
I sat in my cell for almost 20 hours a day. I only moved to shower, work out, and call my family. My day started at 6:00 am. I brushed my teeth and thirty minutes later was breakfast. After I ate, I was back in my cell until lunch. After lunch I’d go out side for a little bit, then back indoor. Dinner, and then a shower, then it was lights out. That was my routine for these four weeks. Nothing more, nothing less. I read here and there, wrote, that was the only way I was keeping my sanity.
The day they told me I was being released, I couldn’t move fast enough. I had to get the fuck out of there. Darius bitch ass dropped the charges just as this shit was supposed to go to court.
Mark explained to me that although I did beat his ass, this whole thing turned over on him. He waltzed his ass in an event that was hosted by me, knowing I’d be there, and was antagonizing my girlfriend, who has a restraining order out on him. See where I’m going with this? Even if we did go to court and fight this thing out, he either might end up paying fines, with money he doesn’t have, and/or get a misdemeanor charge with jail time for violating the restraining order. Karma was a bitch though, and he was gonna get his.
I looked over at Christian again before heading back to our room. Madi still wasn’t back in the bed, but I climbed in anyway. “Baby.” I called out for her. Instead of responding, she swung the door open and walked out. “What?” “What? That’s how you answer your man?” I smirked. 
She rolled her eyes and slipped back into the bed. “My bad. Yes massa Chrissypha. What can I’s do fa ya suh?” The look I shot her made her laugh. She drew closer to me and threw her arm over my chest and her legs over mine as she continued laughing. I let my hands wash over her lower back and ass. 
“You swear you funny.” I mumbled. “I am funny.” She retorted. “You corny.” “Chris! If anybody’s corny it’s you!” She giggled. I fanned her off and turned on the TV. “Is everybody still sleeping?” She asked. “I think so, I just checked on Christian and he was still knocked.” I replied flipping the channels. 
I settled on a reruns of Martin and put my hands behind my head. “Baby.” Madison called from below me. “Huh?” I answered with my eyes still glued to the television. I knew she was speaking, but for whatever reason, I could only focus on Martin clowning Pam for the millionth time. When I chuckled, she sat up and gave me the stank eye. 
“Christopher, are you listening to me?” She asked. “Yeah, baby I’m listening.” I lied. “What’d I say then?” She crossed her arms over her breasts. “Uh...” I started. “Something about Christian’s school right?” “No! I said, we need to get new furniture for Christian’s room.” 
“For what?” I asked finally paying attention to the conversation. “We just bought all this shit not too long ago.” She had a field day in that furniture store when we bought this house and decorated his room. Shit, she put a dent in our account decorating this big ass house. 
“He needs a new bed. That race car bed is already too small. Plus, I wanna get a few other things for the house. Like, the second guest room could use an armchair and an ottoman.” She said pushing her hair out of her face. “Why I feel like you gonna drag me around to do this shit with you?” “That’s cause I ammmm!” She giggled. 
She got on her hands and knees and leaned over to peck me quickly. “You don’t have a choice either. I want us to make a decision together.” I sighed, “Alright. But, come here.” I gripped the bottom of her tee shirt. “Uh uh, lover boy..” She pulled away from me and rolled over on her side of the bed. 
I kissed my teeth but still managed to pull her back to me while she laughed. “Chris, our whole family is in the house.” She reminded me while I feasted on her neck. “Everybody sleep.” I grumbled. I moved my lips from her neck to her lips, carefully slipping off her shorts.
Before I could get some shit going, there was a knock at the door. I let out a frustrated groan and threw myself back against my pillows. A nigga couldn’t catch a break. Madi only laughed and pulled her shorts back on. She pulled the covers over us and told whoever was at the door to come in. 
My cock-blocking ass sister waltzed in, with a sly look on her face. “I’m not interrupting nothing, am I?” She asked as she crept in the room slowly. “Hell yea-” “No. What’s up Ly?” Madi cut me off. I kissed my teeth and shot her a look that only made her laugh. 
“I was gonna make breakfast, but y’all ran out of eggs. Soooo.... brother can you take me to the store, please?” She smiled. I groaned but got up nonetheless. “Let me brush my teeth.” I shoved the covers away from me before heading towards the bathroom. I peeped when my sister made her way into my spot, making herself comfortable with my wifey. 
I shook my head and shut the door. I took a piss, brushed my teeth and washed my face before reemerging from the bathroom and sauntering into the closet. I picked up some sweats and pulled on a white tee, and the first pair of sneakers I saw. 
“Come on.” I yawned picking up my wallet. “No type of manners. I’m telling mommy so she can get you together.” She rolled her eyes before climbing out the bed. “I’ll be back wifey.” She let Madi know. “Okay bae.” Madison played along. “Y’all annoying.” I muttered. 
“Okay, I need eggs, pancake mix, some sausage- remind me to get the maple syrup ones too, Chris. Um, what else?” She asked as she waddled next to the cart. “Pickles! I knew I was forgetting something.” She jotted it down on her phone as we finally made our way through the entrance. 
“Yo, what is with pregnant women and pickles?” I questioned. “I don’t even know honestly. I real life hated them, but now they so good! Especially with peanut butter.” She basically moaned. I gave her the nastiest side eye. “Peanut butter? That’s nasty as fuck man.” I shook my head in disagreement. “But have you tried it?” “That’s not the point. It’s two different-” “But have you tried it?” She repeated her question. “You got it.” I laughed. I wasn’t even about to argue with her ass today. 
“Madi used to eat them shits with marshmallow fluff.” I laughed as I reached for some eggs. “That sounds so good!” She moaned again. “We gotta get some marshmallow fluff too then.” She made sure to ad that to her list on her phone. I just shook my head at her. 
We made sure to get everything we both needed before heading to check out. I paid for everything and we were on our way back home. “Let me ask you a question, sis.” I spat out randomly. Well, it probably seemed random to her. But, this was something I been meaning to ask her for a minute. “Shoot, little big bro.” She said removing her eyes from her phone. 
“You and Madi cool right? Like you love her right?” “Chris, what kind of question is that?” She laughed. “I love Madi like the sister I wish I had. That’s my baby for life.” “Alright, cool.” I nodded. “I need a favor then.” I said turning the corner. “Anything.” She retorted. “I need you to help me pick out an engagement ring.” 
The screech she let out was so damn ugly, I had to laugh. “What?! Are you serious?! Oh my Godddddd! Baby brotherrrrr!” She sang. “Chill out.” I chuckled. “Oh my God! Oh my God! Finally!” She grinned. She kept clapping and cheesing like she ain’t have no damn sense. “Finally! I knew she was the one! I knew it! I knew I loved my sister for a reason. Now we about to be sisters for real! Won’t he do it?” She continued to clap her hands. 
“Ly, chill.” I continued to laugh. “Sorry, I’m just in shock. I can’t believe it. Are you sure you’re ready?” “I never been so sure about anything in my life.” I was being honest. Madison had my heart from the moment we met. And it may be corny to say but, I knew I’d marry her from the day we met. She was literally my better half. She completed me in every way possible. She gave me the world with her love and all that was left was to give her my last name. 
“So why didn’t you ask one of her bestfriends? Trust me, I’m coming with you but, don’t you think they know her better than I do?” “I trust you big head. Not saying I don’t trust them. But, I just want this to be a surprise to everybody. Plus they all got they own thing going on right now.” I admitted. If I have to ask one of them, if push comes to shove, it would be Kaya since she was the closest to Madison. 
“Okay, so when are you trying to propose? How are you gonna propose?” I sighed, “I don’t know.” I was thinking sometime soon while our parents were all together so they could all witness it. But with everybody leaving in a week, I feel like I would have to rush everything. I wanted everything to be perfect, so rushing things was out of the question. “Don’t worry, we’ll figure everything out.” My sister assured me. 
“Daddy, I have bacon?” Christian asked from my lap. We all were all in the back yard having breakfast. And glue couldn’t have my lil man sticking any closer to me. When I got back from the store and Ly started breakfast, I jogged upstairs and could hear the TV on in his floor. When I walked in he looked up and his eyes lit up. He been on me ever since. 
“Yeah buddy. Here you go.” I said breaking my last strip in half and handing it to him. He sat back against my chest and enjoyed his food, while I smiled. I couldn’t help it. The kid was cute. I looked around at everybody sitting at the table, chatting it up and laughing. I really was glad to be home. 
I looked over at Madi, my wife to be, and grinned. She was laughing at something my sister said, and the sun was hitting her just right. She had this glow about her. I made my mind up about this marriage shit, I was ready. I wanted to be with this girl for the rest of my life. 
After breakfast, everybody decided to chill in the living room. Laughing and chatting it up, Christian needed a bath, since he decided most of his clothes should have breakfast this morning too. “Look at my pumpkin!” Madi gushed as I towed a towel clad Christian into his room. “Daddy got you all nice and clean.” She tickled him. 
“Tell her cute is for puppies little man. You fine just like your daddy. Tell mommy you fine.” “I fine.” Christian grinned making the both of us laugh. “Your mom is taking the dogs to the dog park, she wants Christian to come.” “Aight.” I nodded and pulled up his pull ups. He was still getting the hang of the potty training thing. 
I zoned out for a minute getting Christian dressed and when I looked up, Madi was just staring at the both of us and grinning. “What?” I chuckled pulling out Christian’s tiny pair of Vans. My little man was fresh. “Y’all are just so cute. You’re the best daddy ever.” She smiled. “Mommy right little man? I’m the best daddy ever?” Christian nodded while I tied his shoes. 
“And who’s the best mommy ever?” I asked him. “Mommy!” He grinned. Little dude was smart. “Thank you, pumpkin.” She took a seat on the floor next to me. “You love being a daddy?” She asked me. “Hell yeah,” I chuckled. “What kind of question is that?” “I’m just asking.” She shrugged. 
She started fidgeting and I knew she was nervous. “What’s going on baby mama?” I let Christian go and he immediately went for his blocks in the corner. She looked up from the floor and she looked like she was ready to cry. “Babe, what happened?” She was starting to scare a nigga. 
“I wanted to tell you when you were... away. But, I was so scared, an-and I didn’t want anything to happen and then you would have to deal with-” She sniffled. “Babe, what’s going on?” I asked again. She took a deep breath and looked me in my eyes. “I’m pregnant.” 
“What?” “9 weeks.” “What?” “I’m pregnant.” She repeated. I don’t know why, but it took a second to hit me. Pregnant. “You serious?” She nodded. “9 weeks?” She nodded again. “And.. everything alright? Like not like last time right?” I asked. “So far, everything is good. I’ve been to the OBYGN every week since I found out just to be safe.” I pulled her into a hug. 
“Thank you God.” I muttered. “I know you scared baby, but I got you. Don’t worry about anything. Our baby is gonna be alright.” 
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The kids are still in Santa Monica with Faye and Clarissa. Ian, Malachi, QJ, and Darius were laughing at a movie while the Aundrea and Alexis went to a nearby sports store to look at tennis shorts.
“You play tennis” Alexis asked Aundrea as she picked up a tank top.
“Oh yea, dads side of the family were all athletes, it’s in my blood. I’m actually trying out for the bball team at school”
“My mom played basketball, I’m more of a volleyball and tennis kind of chick. Darius plays soccer, he’s in a little league team back in Long Beach”
While they were chatting away, Deja was at home cooking dinner. She was preparing a pasta with shredded chicken and shrimp, a salad, rolls, and a cake. She also threw in a caramel pie for extra dessert. Quincy grilled some wings. She should be grading essays however there was no time for it today. Yvonne was helping her with by making homemeade beverages. One for the adults which had alcohol in it and the other one centered around sherbet and sprite. 
“This is been a busy weekend for you, hasn’t it?”
“Yes, exhausting, can you start mixing the ingredients in the pie for me after you finish with that?” 
“Sure, where’d you get this recipe for this caramel pie?”
“I figured” Yvonne said laughing, “It sounds like a dessert that’ll have me running to the gym, or at least it should”
“So what you think about Faye so far?” 
“I like her, wish my Zach would have met her Friday evening, but he will be here tonight, I’ll make sure of it. Phil’s bringing him” 
“Mom coming tonight?”
“Yeah, she said she is”
The conversation continued and including discussion about jobs and family, when Azalea called. 
“Put her on speaker”
“Hey, you slaving away in the kitchen?”
“I guess you could say that”
“I’m at the pool with the Dominic”
“How’s Gabriel?”
“Alot better, I know I didn’t get to spend much time with our cousin but he keeps me busy. Well both of the boys do. My daughter is the only one who didn’t inherit any issues of blood”
“Y’all have fun out there”
After hanging up, Azalea grabbed a wine cooler out of her purse that she had hidden in her purse when someone next to her asked “long day?” 
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Hours later when they returned to the house it was dinner time. Helen was there when Faye walked in. The sisters and their husbands as well as their children were all in attendence when Helen walked in. Zach reached his hand out to Ian for a handshake prior to Faye introducing her daughters”
“Hi” Faye said to Helen who stood for a moment speechless. She stared for a while before they embraced. 
“Mom, wants me to tell you that she’s sorry about what happened”
Helen stated that she never blamed Clarisse while holding back tears. 
While eating dinner Deja asked if Faye had ever got to experience aunt Anna’s peach cobbler?
“Yeah, she usually made it on Sunday. She smothered alot of food growing up. She didn’t really fry things, but that cobbler always came in handy after eating smothered steak”
“Yeah, it was normally aunt Bessie that fried chicken, she did that until her health started to decline. Uncle Pete was a hell of a cook too, he started to cook more often to keep the tradition going afterwards. He made a good gumbo too” 
“I haven’t had gumbo in a while, It’s probably been three years since I’ve been down there. Gumbo is hard to find out here that doesn’t include tomato paste!”
[Faye was not immune to Louisiana, she spent the first ten years of her life down there and she would go down every other year to visit her Aunt Lorraine and her Uncles. They normally went late June to early July. Her kids were also aware of the family that they have back in Louisiana.]
“You ever watch the cooking channel and you see a cook making a roux so thick that it looks like a paste?” Yvonne laughed as she poured a cup of the alcoholic concoction.
“What’s a roux” Darius asked
Faye explained that it was the base that makes up a gumbo and that it was the result flour and grease heated at a high temperature until it was dark brown. 
After getting up to meet the other youth in another room, Helen began to ask Faye how Clarisse was doing. She said it had been years since she had seen her and that their relationship had been kind of strained every sense. 
“She’s good, thank you”
The conversation was paused when the doorbell rang, Clarissa two daughters walked in. “Hey, you made it!” 
“Those are your two?” 
“Yes ma’am, that’s my oldest Brandi, she just started driving and my youngest Amina”
“This is your cousin”
After a hug, they went to the kitchen to fix their food and met the rest of the kids on the porch.
[conversation continues]
“I never blamed her for what happened, Lucinda was out of control. I think she favored her sons over us anyway. They got away with far more than we did. Of course, once your uncle Mark was born she decided to get the help should desperately needed. We spend the bulk of our lives dodging her temper and frankly the only reason you mother was spared is because she was smart enough to run off. I was simply collateral damage.”[doorbell rings Brandi and Amina arrive]
“What do you think was the cause of her drinking?”
“She never wanted to be in the marriage that she was in. The marriage was forced upon her young, and I think she always resented us.”
As the night progressed and the gathering came to a closure and company left, bedtime came around. QJ, Malachi, and Aundrea slept in their own rooms while Faye’s children slept on the air mattress in the den. After the adults had gone off to bed, Aundrea being unable to sleep started to read “Alias Grace” and begin writing the draft to her book report. “At least now I’m getting somewhere” she said as she began brain storming and answering questions on the handout. It wasn’t that she didn’t care about school. She wasn’t so much as nonchalant, she just was not in love with it like her brother. While she was writing Malachi and Ian were exchanging Skype information and email to keep contact.  They talked about the movie they had seen for a bit before wrapping it up. 
It was about midnight before they went to bed, hence the difficulty waking up for school. 
Faye and her children were already up.
“Thank you so much for the visit, we enjoyed it”
“We were glad to have you”
“We’ll have to get together in a couple of weeks, maybe have you all come out to Long Beach”
“I’d like that”
After the kids all shook hands and embraced, they hugged the adults and headed out the door. After watching Faye and the kids leave they headed out for school.  
At school Aundrea signed up for Basketball tryouts prior to heading to social studies class.  On the way she ran into Brianna who asked her how her weekend was. 
“I wanted an extra day. We had cousins from Long Beach come in for the weekend. Last night I finally started writing my draft for the report. I’m gonna have my mom proofread it. She’s a high school English teacher”
In class, the teacher announced that they would be watching a video and taking notes. “Pay close attention, there will be a quiz next class” 
Concurrently, Quincy was watching TV when he got a phone call from a school. He signed up with the school system to be a sub for some time until he got his full time job. The call was from a middle school saying that they would need a sub Friday. 
“Yes, I can make it. 7:50 am? I’ll see you there.”
While this was not Quincy’s long term goal, he was glad to be out of the house and feeling like he would be of use somewhere to someone. 
At approximately 10:00 am, he got a phone call from QJs school saying he had been in a fight during recess, upon arriving to the school, he asked what was going on?
[Quincy(Orange) QJ (sky blue) school administrator (Pink) school bully mother (green) Ezra (light blue)]
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After Quincy left and QJ had to hear a mouthful from the principal regarding his fathers “bigoted” ways he returned to class. He asked if Ezra was alright and said, he’d see him in detention.
In detention while scrubbing the cafeteria floor QJ mumbles “two days of this shit!”
“Thanks” Ezra said in a soft spoken manner. 
“Don’t mention it. Kind of sucks that we’re punished for it while his fat ass is sitting in a classroom somewhere. Anyway man, you’re my friend, we may have our fights but I hate that you have to face this every time you walk up here. You don’t deserve that.”
around 5:00 pm when detention was over Quincy arrived to pick up his son. 
“Well that’s my ride, are you gonna be okay?”
“Okay I’ll see you at school tomorrow”
after a brief pause he said. 
“get in the truck, my dad can drop you off”
On the ride home Quincy said “son, you did the right thing. I’ve always instilled it in you to fight for yourself and for others you see are  being wronged. You went about the situation correctly. Spitting in someone’s face is one of the most vile and disrespectful things one can do.”
“Dad, my principal was not happy with you after you left. He said you were setting and I quote “a terrible example” for me with your bigoted manners way of thinking and he said that it was no wonder that I was so aggressive”
Quincy responded by saying that he stood by everything that he said and would say nothing different if confronted again. He knew that Ezra was one of the nicest kids one would encounter.
 “Ezra, you don’t have a mean bone in your body”. “Look, I am from the south where we whip ass or got our asses whipped. Y’all didn’t grow up in that. When I was in school, they didn’t suspend kids over this. I grew up, kids handled it themselves and were friends by the end of the week. Let them hash it out! But because they’ve taken that right away, now you have kids bringing weapons because they are being told that they can’t use their hands. It’s okay for a boy to go piss in the girls bathroom because he feels more like a girl than a boy but it’s not okay for two boys to settle their dispute the old fashioned way. This is a  part of the pipeline to prison system. This is just an attempt to begin it early. The main target being young black boys, condemn them early, then their in juvenile hall by the age 11. Don’t let them get you to that manner, but don’t ever feel bad about using self defense when you need to.”
0 notes
karionawill-blog · 7 years
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Arc de Troimphe was the goal for today.  I started my day walking down the street across from my hostel, this road leads to a big square area.  Before this there was markets on.  I had a nose around these first and took in the atmosphere and seeing the rubbish they were selling (lets be honest here) but when I was in the south of France I used to love going to these and I did pick up a few things from time to time.  I stopped by a bakery that seemed to be hoping (always a good sign for good food) and got my self a croissant and a pain au chocolat.  The pastry just fell of them as I eat.  They were what I dreamed of for so long.  As I was dropping crumbs, I was attracting loads of pigeons who went crazy for the croissant as much as I did.
I got a metro that brought me close to Champs Eylsees.  I sat down on a bench on the Champs Eylsees and could see the Arc de Troimphe coming through the trees.  The CE had its own wifi. (can you tell that I am addicted to my phone unfortunately) as I was seating there I noticed a gate with a security guard and people coming and going from this gate.  Near the gate was the sign Abercrombie & Fitch so I said out of curiosity I would go for a look after I had checked the internet for nothing but still afraid I would miss something.  There was a walk with manicure brushes and you follow this to find the coolest entrance ever made.  It was indeed the shop A&F and what an impressive place they had.  I just had a quick look then back out to head for the main attraction.
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I was actually on the CE and what an expensive street I was on.  All the shops were big name brands.  They even had car showrooms the same as if it were just another shop on the high street (nothing high street about CE) There was a store selling Paris Saint Germain merchandise, an arcade called la tete dans les nuages, louis vuitton had a long queue going to the store but it wasn’t because it was packed more as maybe only a select number of people allowed at a time.  Expensive sport cars that you could drive from 90 euro so I say 90 euro probably give you 5 minutes in the car.  This street was exciting and out of my price range.  I passed a Rolex shop and looked at the price in the window.  Over 10,000 for a watch; yea if I had 10,000 I would be buying myself a car not a watch.  It would be terrible to bring it home and the battery not work.
I finally reached the Arc de Troimphe and how beautiful this moment was!  It has to be seen with the eyes.  I took a few pictures here and found where you can take the tunnel to get to the Arc.  The roundabout around wasn’t crazy busy at the time I was there but I can only imagine what it would be like with more traffic.  You have to pay to get to the Arc but if you are under 25 EU citizen it is free.  I was only delighted with this.  I showed my passport and continued on to the exit.  I climbed up the steps and there was a queue to security.  Without really knowing why this queue was here or where it was going I joined it.  It was to bring me inside the Arc.  I didn’t know that you could go inside the Arc and that there was a museum inside.  To get inside you must go through security (standard at every tourist area in Paris) then you show your ticket and up about what feels like 5000 steps to the top.  There was people taking breaks along the way up.  I finally made it to the top and fell onto the bench there like many other people.  There was one person even checking her pulse, I was thinking that’s a bit dramatic I say mine would have flat lined.
The first thing that caught my attention once I regained use my my legs was the arcs of the world.  It was a map showing where there is arcs and you press on and the screen in front shows a picture and explains what it is dedicated to.  The centre of the floor showed a live picture of the Arc.  They had a bathroom so I took the chance to use it now instead of trying to find later.  There was a room with screens showing different uniforms from the different French military through the early years.  Upstaris had a souvenir shop and a model of the Arc de Troimphe.  You could go outside onto the roof and see for miles around and see the cars going around the roundabout.  There is about a million roads (well not a million) of this roundabout.  I see a guard stopping traffic to let a group of black cars with flashing lights pass.  Must have been someone important.
From the Arc de Troimphe I walked down the other side of CE.  There was a Disney shop which I had a quick look.  I am obsessed with teddys and it was difficult not to buy.  They actually had a sale on teddys but I didn’t buy anything.  I found a cafe and got a lovely roll with cheese and ham, looked at a few souvenir shops.  I found something very very exciting.  A Mac store!!  I never used their products but have heard great things about them.  I covered my hand again as I always do in makeup stores and loved the switches but I left empty handed.
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I wanted to go to Sacre Coeur and see the Moulin Rouge even though I hate the film I still wanted to see the actually place I see in photos.  This was a long enough walk to here.  It was getting up hill now and I was getting tired.  I found a church in a quiet area and a had a nose inside.  This was a nice place and I say less visited.  I found Moulin Rouge  first and went this direction.  It literally was a porn street; there was shops selling that kind of porn stuff we will say equipment for use during certain activities.  There was a club that was adverting for private dancing.  I won’t lie I felt uncomfortable here and don’t like to see that kind of stuff.  The MR place seem to be set up for a show and dinner for around 70 euro.  There was a souvenir shop on the corner of the street with the MR place and I got some stuff in there.  They were selling more normal everyday items than many other shops around here.  I got a bag for 10 euro with images of Paris all over it.  I couldn’t leave it behind.  I got 4 pieces of jewelry for 10 euro; a necklace that says Paris, two sets of earrings in the imagine of the Eiffel Tower and a pink bracelet.  I got 2 postcards and a fridge magnet and a scarf with imagines of Paris and like a smaller version of a serving tray total was 30euro.  Ok can you tell i really love Paris.
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I left this street still traumatized after seeing those shops and headed for Sacre Coeur. After another up hill battle I was faced with steps that brought me to the SC.  I manged somehow to get up this steps (i still don’t know how) I noticed they have electric buses around Paris.  It was getting late by the time I made it here; there was big crowds here and more fabulous views across Paris.  This place was impressive but I didn’t go in this time.  I kind of started wondering around the back streets here, and what a find.  I have found my favourite part of Paris (and here you were thinking around MR was my favouite)
These streets were like a village in Provence.  The cafes and restaurants and artists out painting and selling their art.  It was so peaceful and quiet here.  It didn’t feel like you were still in Paris but definitely still in France.  I loved it here!  Everything felt so French.  I got a crepe here with strawberry.  The crepe was only 3 euro but I only had a 50 euro note, no change so I say your one was like nearly emptying the til for change.
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After a walk here I tried to find my way back to a metro station.  I loved the area around here; its so nice and quiet.  I got two metros back but I got off in one station and got the next metro in the same station which was handy.  I got my key and headed for the room.  The trip switch kepted tripping so tonight I had no lights.  I told the guy he turned it back on it went again after another few minutes.  I told him again and he came and fixed it, nope no good.  I said I would go to the Monoprix then hit the bed early.  No one sit down on the bed and I was gone.  I was like the switch in that box.  I did wake awhile after and it still wasn’t working.  Someone had something plugged in that was pulling on the power from the box.  By morning it was working again but it was no good then, daylight had come and it was time for me to go to Paris Orly.
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I was crying leaving Paris.   I didn’t want to go.  I wish I booked for longer in Paris but then I would be really exhausted for Rome.  I hated leaving but at least my trip wasn’t over and I wasn’t going back to Ireland.  Then I would really be in a ball of tears.
I had to make my way out to Paris Orly to get the flight to Barcelona.  After making sure I had everything packed, I left the key at reception for the last time and left.  I got the metro from Belleville, the last time getting this from outside the hostel to the terminus Chalet.  This station was at a shopping centre but the shops were not opened yet.  With one last look at Paris I got the next metro to meet the train that would bring me to the airport.  Yes two trams and a train to the airport. Early morning start. This was a long journey and I had to keep an eye to the phone as there was a stop for going to airport and a few people got off with suitcases but I decided the best thing was to stick to the Google maps route as I had no internet to plan a route if I severed from it.  I didn’t know what the story was with this stop even though it was advertised for Orly.
The train was there when I arrived, the station was very well signed posted for this airport train and the train was in the actually station.  If you didn’t mind where you were going you could take the first exit out and miss how to get to train.  This train stopped at Orly west and south.  This airport seems to fly to a lot of the North African airports.  I think Barcelona was the one of few European flights that day anyway.  My flight wasn’t for another while yet so I walked around got some air then tried to find a seat.  This wasn’t easy.  I found a seating area and stood there with my suitcases waiting in hope someone would move.  It was still too early to go through security and this wasn’t a big airport so I guessed the duty free would be small.  Finally a woman started to make moves like she was going to leaving.  She took her time about leaving and I was giving up hope of getting a seat but finally she left.  I made a dart for the seat and the relief was brilliant.  The airport had wifi so I could play on my phone to pass time.  After a while I attempted to leave my much sought after seat and went for security.  In the mean time my seat was taken.  The airport had a massive rolex clock. It could hardly be real that would cost a fortune.  The usual going through security I could nearly be employed in security by the end of this trip without needing training I have been though so many times.
There was two different directions to go for the flights.  Both directions seem to have security so you had to pick the right one or possibly go back through the security possess to get to the right gate.  This area was very small for the gate to the Barcelona plane.  I was flying with Transavia.  This was my first time flying with them, I hadn’t even hard of them before I was booking for this trip so I didn’t know what to expect.  If they were like Ryanair or not; they wouldn’t allow the two bags like other airlines.  I read this before I left but still arrived to the airport with my two bags.  Everyone had two bags that were waiting for this flight.  They made an announcement over the intercom about only allowing one bag on broad the aircraft.
When everyone stood up to start a queue for the desk the place got even more crammed.  They started letting people through without opening the door to get access to out of the building to the plane.  Which made no sense.  The queue kept moving and the doors were opened but they were checking suitcases in the size thing that you put your bag down into.  Of course I was checked with my bag and backpack stuffed into the case which made it look worse.  She give me tag for not admissible on broad but I still got on with my suitcase.  I was afraid I was going to be charged for the bag but thankfully not.  I was preparing an argument for why no way I was handing over any more cash.
Actually my bag was never weighed once in any airport from the start of these trips but saying that the next flight I will take I will probably be weighed.  I was so tired that I fell asleep on the flight.  Transavia let you choose a seat free of charge unless you want the emergency exit which is great so I booked the last aisle window seat.  Another fact every flight expect this one I was sitting around the middle wing seats. This airplane was more comfortable than any Ryanair planes and had room for my legs.  I hate small leg room.  The view when flying over the Pyrenees was breathtaking that was an experience in itself to see the view.  I had awoken in time to see the Pyrenees.
Next Post —–Barcelona……..
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DAY 3 In Paris Arc de Troimphe was the goal for today.  I started my day walking down the street across from my hostel, this road leads to a big square area. 
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