#yea you get cool powers and get to suck and fuck forever
charlieswebb · 1 year
thinking about nandor a lot lately. i wonder if he’s so in denial about his feelings and trying to hide them bc he never felt them this intensely. we see he has a few unhealthy romantic relationships throughout the series. he changes his own personality or that of marwas so they can stay together. he also seems to not really care about his romantic relationships from when he was a human, he can’t even remember his favorite wife. but guillermo is always there for him, he feels lost and unbalanced when he’s without him. we see this in Local News but also at the start of season 4 where he figures he must find a replacement for the role that Guillermo has been holding for so long. In episode 1 of season 1 we learn that nandor wants some space from guillermo but every time guillermo gives him that space he immediately wants him back. I still find it odd how much Nandor represses these emotions. Is it because they are unfamiliar? Is it because he really doesn’t want to curse Guillermo with vampirism? Why is he so afraid to just act on his feelings? We know he has no issue getting it on so why is Guillermo so special.
The most recent episode told us that nandor has always had an interest in guillermo. He remembers the thank you card Guillermo gave him when Nandor first hired him. Guillermo must have meant a lot more then Nandors other familiars. Something supporting Nandor not wanting to admit his feelings to protect Guillermo, is that Nandor turned his old familiar Benjy into a vampire. Nandor wanted to get rid of Benjy and he didn’t care about him. Nandor cares about Guillermo and doesn’t want to lose him. Nandor believes Guillermo only sticks around because he wants to be a vampire. If only Nandor knew how much Guillermo loves him…
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horansqueen · 3 years
New Angel - Chapter 18
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story masterlist [x]
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chapter 1  ☆ chapter 2  ☆ chapter 3  ☆ chapter 4  ☆ chapter 5  ☆ chapter 6  ☆ chapter 7  ☆ chapter 8 ☆ chapter 9 ☆ chapter 10 ☆ chapter 11 ☆ chapter 12 ☆ chapter 13 ☆ chapter 14 ☆ chapter 15 ☆ chapter 16 ☆ chapter 17
☆ written from Niall’s pov ☆ i don’t proofread, I never do, I hate it. ☆ AU comedy/fluff/smut/romance ☆ 2.5k ☆ i accept requests and ideas for this story, so message me in my inbox! ☆ if you want to be notified when this story is updated (or be taken off the update list) CLICK HERE
"I can't believe you brought me here." Millie sighed, shaking her head slightly but grabbing a ball anyway. "I can't play, you know it!"
"You mentioned not being good at golf, and at football, but you never said anything about bowling." I argued, trying not to smile too much.
"I mentioned sports in general!" she let out a bit louder. "I suck at all of them."
This time, I couldn't help my lips from curling big. It was finally friday and also the fifth day Millie and I were spending together. It was insane how fast time seemed to pass when we were together but I liked it. I also liked the fact that she was ready to follow me in my stupid ideas, and I was happy to follow her in her crazy ones. I had had many friendships in my life but nothing ever felt like this one. I was trying new things, learning things too, and even discovering things about myself that I don't think I would have found out without Millie's help. I knew it wouldn't always be entertaining the way this week had been but it could definitely be enriching forever.
"You can do it! I believe in you!" I let out, half-joking.
She raised her nose up and grimaced before shaking her head. "Don't be money on me, you'll quickly become poor."
I chuckled and she turned around, grabbing the ball and throwing it in the alley. It rolled around and quickly reached the gutter, making me press my lips together as I tried not to laugh. Okay, maybe she really sucked at it.
"Okay, this is confirmed." Millie let out as she walked up to me. "Bowling is still a sport. I suck at it."
I laughed and finally got up, waking up to her and grabbing a ball too. I was not the best at bowling but I was not so bad either, and I grabbed her arm on my way, bringing her with me. I handed her the ball and she frowned for half a second before grabbing it and I turned her around, placing her hands on the ball. She allowed me to move her fingers, staring at what I was doing and licking her lips. It made me smile more and I kept my hand over hers.
"Okay fist off, you need to relax a bit. You're way too tensed. You need to stay relaxed when you give the swing." I explained slowly, waiting a few seconds. "God, Mill, relax!"
She sighed but I finally felt her relax against me as  I pressed my body slightly more against hers.
"Now you need to line up and not just throw the ball and hope it'll find the right way."
Millie's shoulders fell and she turned to me, frowning at me. It made me chuckle again and she raised her eyebrows.
"Do you think I'm stupid?"
"No," I argued. "I think you expect to be bad at it so you put zero effort in it."
This time, her traits softened and she licked her lips again without answering my comment. "Okay, and what else?"
"Your swing needs to be relaxed, but when you finally throw the ball, you need to some power. Aim for the middle. Oh, and twist your wrist on the left. Not too much, just enough, okay?"
"This is too much information at the same time."
"Come on, Mill. You can do it."
I took a few steps back but kept my eyes on her as she breathed in and out before finally throwing the ball. Instead to get in the gutter, it rolled in the alley and hit two pins that feel down. Millie turned around swiftly, her brown hair moving around her body, and threw her arms in the air, letting her head fall back slightly.
"Yes! I'm the bowling queen!"
I crossed my arms on my chest and started laughing at her reaction. Some people turned around to look at us and I rolled my eyes, a smile still spread on my lips.
"Yea yea, I'm still gonna win."
We kept playing for a while and even if I won all the games, she was getting better and better and for some reason, it made me proud of her. We walked back to my car and as I was driving home, I saw her took her shoes off and bring her feet on the seat, wrapping her arms around her knees.
"Maybe someday, we can go try playing golf together." she explained, making me raise my eyebrows in surprised before I glanced at her. "If you're ready to teach me, of course."
"Yea! Yea of course!"
She sent me a bigger smile and leaned her cheek on her knees, still looking at me. "Cool, you're a good teacher, and I actually had fun."
"That was the goal."
As soon as we walked back in the apartment, she walked to the kitchen and I rushed to my room, grabbing a pack of cards and joining her as she put two beers on the table along with a bottle of vodka. We sat in front of each other and I started dealing the cards.
It was a ritual we had with Louis on every friday night but even if we hadn't talked about it together, neither of us had expected Louis to be there. He was barely at the apartment anyway these days and the fact that Millie still had feelings for him made me think it was actually better that way. We both knew he was spending all his time at his girlfriend's but we didn't mention it. In fact, we hadn't talked about Louis, Grace or Summer at all on that day either and I was fine with it. We could spend time filling the lists and all of that during the weekend... or never.
Millie pushed her empty beer away and filled our shot glasses with vodka. We swallowed it at the same time and I saw her eyes water.
"Don't drink too much." I pointed out, my lips curling on the right. "We're having a party tomorrow night, and also you won't be able to see your cards."
Millie laughed louder than expected and she shrugged a shoulder. "I probably won't get drunk tomorrow, to make sure everyone's safe."
"That's very mature of you." I replied with a small smile. "Now show me what you got."
Her eyes met mine and her lips curled into a cheeky smile. "Are you ready to lose?"
Just as I was about to answer, we heard the front door open and we both jumped slightly, not expecting it. Louis frowned when he entered the kitchen and after a few seconds, his face changed. Maybe I should have felt guilty for doing something with Millie that he was normally a part of, but I didn't.
"Shit, it's friday already?" he asked, placing his hands on the table and leaning closer. "Why didn't you guys remind me?"
"We just thought you were busy." Millie mentioned, shrugging a shoulder and looking at the cards in her hands.
"Maybe I could invite El?" he asked, ignoring her innuendo. "She could play with us."
"No, she can not." my best friend quickly replied before I could say anything.
"Fuck off Millie, why are you acting like that?"
I kicked my friend under the table and cleared my throat to catch Louis' attention but his eyes never left Millie who wouldn't even blink.
"What Millie means is that it's a thing we had only the three of us, you know?" I tried to explain calmly. "It's our thing, and adding someone would just not work."
It took over a minute for Louis to finally move his body back, his hands sliding on the table before they fell on each side of him. I could feel anger emanating of him and I didn't really understand what made him so mad. After all, he was the one who was never here, he was the one who literally dropped us for his girlfriend, and he was the one who broke Millie's heart. If anything, we should be the angry ones.
"Well apparently, you guys don't need me anymore."
I was expecting him to storm off but it's Millie who got up quickly, her chair making an annoying noise as it rubbed against the floor.
"You're the one who doesn't need us anymore, Louis!" she pointed out, making my heart jump in my chest. "So you know what? You fuck off!"
Quickly, Millie threw her cards on the table and grabbed the bottle of vodka, rushing out of the kitchen. i jumped again when she closed the door of her room roughly and slowly got up, shaking my head and leaning myself with my hands on the table.
"Did you really propose to bring your girlfriend here? Are you stupid of what?"
i was talking low but I knew he totally heard how pissed I was with the tone of my voice.
"Shut up, Niall!" Louis quickly replied, his voice louder than mine. He searched for something in his pocket and shook it between his fingers. I frowned slightly until I realized it was Millie's list and my lips parted.
"You didn't have the right to read this." I pointed out, my heart skipping a beat.
"Oh yea? Well Millie forgot it in the living room!"
It was definitely an accident and somehow, I thought it could have just slipped out of her pocket when we were watching tv. She probably didn't know it was there and even if she did, she probably thought Louis wouldn't come back for a while and that it was safe. I knew it was wrong of me to blame him for checking a random paper but I was mad anyway.
"That is none of your business!" I let out, trying to snatch the paper out of his hand.
He pulled away just in time and I breathed in, trying to remain calm. "This is my fucking business! My name is all over it!" he argued.
"That doesn't make it your business!"
I was getting even angrier and at the same time, I just wanted to leave and join Millie. It was her I should be with instead to be arguing with Louis, which was most likely useless anyway.
"Oh but it's your business, right? Because you think I was not good enough for her! You think she deserves better than me!"
In a rough movement, Louis threw the list on the table and I quickly grabbed it tight as I remembered what I had written on it.
"She does! She fucking does, okay!" I almost yelled. "You didn't treat her the way she deserves! She deserves better!"
"And who's better, Horan? Uh? Who's better for her? You?"
The way he said the last word was like a slap in the face and without thinking, I moved my upper body back, still staring at him. I didn't want to pick sides at first but now I had done it without even thinking about it. I looked at my best friend and felt my heart drop in my chest. We were both fighting for no good reason and I hated it. I licked my lips and breathed in deeply before sighing.
"Look, I'm not gonna fight with you, okay?" I let out in a softer tone. "You and Millie... you went through something, and she needs time. Which works because you're busy too. I just want to be there for her, okay? Don't take it so personal."
"How can I not?" Louis pointed out, still a bit mad. "This is my name! This is me you're talking about!"
I sighed again and shook my head. "Just.. go find your girlfriend, okay? I'll see you at the party tomorrow."
Louis' eyes moved up and down on me and finally sighed too. "Yea, it's better I leave for now."
Without an other word, he walked to his room probably to grab a few things and I waited until I heard the front door close again. I walked to my room to get changed and turned all the lights off before walking to until Millie's door, knocking gently on it.
"Mill, can I come in?"
It took a few seconds and I heard the door unlock before it opened. Millie stood in front of me, staring in my eyes, and I noticed she got changed too. We stared at each other for a while and I raised my eyebrows, making her sigh but move away to let me in.
We ended up laying in her bed, under the covers, facing each other, and I kept silent for a while. Her eyes seemed to shine with the lights coming from her window and I realized she had been tearing up, maybe she even shed a few tears.
"Are you okay?"
"I'm.. I'm at that point where my heart aches because I love him but I know he's not meant for me. I know I was not happy with him. I know that what we had was not what a love relationship should be. And... realizing that hurts, too."
I let my eyes room on her face and it made me think about Grace. Perhaps I was exactly at that same place when it came to my ex girlfriend and although it did hurt, I was slowly getting used to it. Maybe I should give Summer a chance, after all? It was not good to stick or hang on to something like the relationship I had with Grace, or the one Millie had with Louis. We should both seek something better and I knew it. Happiness was possible, it just needed a bigger effort.
"That's a first step in the right direction." I explained in a whisper. "You're doing great, I'm super proud of you."
Millie's lips curled in a grateful smile and she pressed her lips together.
"Thank you. I'm proud of you too."" she murmured back. "You're gonna sleep here with me?"
"If you want me to." I proposed with a shrug as she nodded quickly. "Then I will."
She reached for the lamp near her bed and turned the light off before laying back down in bed. I started thinking about Summer and how I never really gave her a chance. I didn't love her but I really liked her. She was a pretty and sweet girl and I had no idea why I was rejecting her over and over again. I knew I needed time to make a choice but the more I was thinking about it, the more I knew my choice wouldn't be Grace.
"You're never gonna leave, right?" she breathed out, taking me out of my thoughts.
"Where do you want me to go?"
"You know what I mean." she whispered again, making my eyes flutter open. I kept blinking a few times until I could see her shadow in the dark. "I lost Louis, I don't want to lose you, too."
I reached for her hand on the mattress and squeezed her fingers as tight as I could. "I'm never gonna leave, I promise. I'll always be there for you."
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honeymyheaven · 5 years
Could I get relationship hcs for Lucifer, Mammon, and Diavolo? Both sfw and nsfw if possible! Thank you so much!!!!
my three best bois 🥺 thank you i hope these are okayyy i dont get many obey me requests but they always make my day :)
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S f w
very protective
always making sure everything is okay
holds your hand like all the time because he just wants to be near you
he can't express emotions very well because he considers it a sort of weakness but with time he'll slowly become more and more open
v e r y mature
doesn't mess around very much
likes running errands together
is super excited when you offer to help him out but he plays it out veeeryy cool
"Sure you can help out if you want."
has a very obvious soft spot for you so you're the one mammon runs to when he's in trouble
isn't a fan of excessive PDA but will kiss your cheek or forehead every now and again and in rare cases he might even give you a light peck on the lips
because he loves showing you off and taking you out to nice places because he wants you to feel special and good and he looovesss seeing you smile and if he could he would have you smiling and laughing forever.
N // s // f // w
im gonna say it because it must be said;
is very much into bdsm
has you calling him sir
power play just makes him feel very good and if you're into it its double the fun
doesn't feel comfortable subbing so he's always the dom
very much a fan of temperature play and tying you up but even with that he's very meticulous and makes sure he's careful
loves edging you as well until you're practically begging for him until you're a mess for him and only him
kissing while he's thrusting in you is a massive turn on
aftercare is super important to him, he makes sure you were okay with everything, hot bath, lots of kissing, lots of talking and just making sure you were properly satisfied
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S f w
the rowdiest of bois
also the stupidest of bois
every day is a suprise
he has some new get rich quick scheme that he needs a partner in or he's running from lucifer because said scheme failed and he needs an escape buddy
theres just always something going on
gets shy but likes holding your hand and kissing your cheek in public
sitting at home with his head in your lap is also a favourite pass time
if you buy the magazines he models in his heart will literally burst out of his chest
buys you sweets all the time and takes you to places you havent seen mainly because he just likes exploring everything
late night walks are also an almost daily occurrence and he likes strolling under the moon with you on his arm, resting at a late night cafe, kissing your cheek
opens up a lot to you and always tells you how much he cares about you even if he's a blushing flustered mess
sometimes feels inadequate because of his brothers' comments cause some of them do get to him so he needs a bit of reassurance every now and again
N // s // f // w
okay i have been going crazy with this and i might do a whole drabble but,,,,,,,,
H e a d
his cheeks get super hot, his hand moving through your hair, lightly tugging at the roots while you work him, his breathing gets ragged, he swears through his teeth because of how good he feels and just can't get enough of your mouth
very much has an oral fixation in that he just likes seeing you with things in your mouth
Or kiss them and he'll get horny on the spot
ofc he always returns the favour because he also gets a kick out of watching how you squirm for him and how you call his name, feeling you tugging on his hair and praising him oh yea that's the good shit right there
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as the king of hell he never really had a partner
he was much too busy with other things so he's rather....inexperienced
but gosh hes a fast learner
always super happy and ready to explore
but at the same time ofc you're gonna be staying at his huge palace mansion thing and his servants will be waiting on you hand and foot
your his partner how could he offer any less
he shows you around the whole place and tells you the stories of everything and hes so excited and happy and you find that so fucking endearing you cant help but just kiss him and he gets surprised but kisses back because god he just loves you so much
hes never really shown this side of himself to anyone mainly because no one really cared to know him that well
his favourite thing is laying by you in bed and feeling your head rest on his chest, his arm draped around you and he just slowly presses a kiss to the top of your head and just smiles and sighs out because he still can't believe you chose to be with him
N // s // f // w
Tell him what to do
He'll be so happy and ready to do it almost immediately
loves loves loves giving you head because wow he's doing something rlly good and you're praising him and hes making you feel amazing hey this is awesome
His hands would grip your hips, teeth pressing down into his lower lip when he feels you move on him, light swearing would pass through his lips when he exhales and he'll just be a complete and utter mess
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aceloha · 4 years
What if I.... posted info dump where I ignored English literature rules? Haha just kidding.... unless
JUMPING RIGHT IN- Basically Goggles and the rest of blue team are wizards that are on the spirits good side. They are able to activate havens and have worked with cursed inkilomgs and ocotlings to resolve their issues with the spirits. So imagine Goggels’s joy when he learns about an entire village riddled with cursed people! He finds himself in the market road, seemingly the busiest place in the village, and declares to the curious crowd that he is here to free them of their curses. To which he is met by a sea of laughter. “You think we haven’t tried that?” Mask will pipe in. “If that was a thing we could do, we wouldn’t be hiding out in the middle of the woods, now would we?” Aloha giggles. Goggles is all flushed. He genuinely wants to help these people but they already gave up hope. But his hasn’t failed yet! He arrived about noon, so the rest of the day is spent asking people about their curses and getting an understanding of the towns folk. The sun begins to set and the roads quickly empty. Now Goggles finds himself just standing their. Alone. Until rider sprints past him. “H-HEY WAIT!!!!” He calls. Rider screeches to a halt “CANT IT WAIT, SIR-SPARKS-ALOT?!” Goggles pauses trying to understand what the hell that meant before shaking his head to regain his train of thought “Is there like? An INN? I wasn’t expecting everyone to leave so earl-“ Rider cuts him off “no. There’s not. Remember the whole cursed thing?” he mumbles something rather offensive under his breath and begins to take off again before Goggles calls out to him “CAN I STAY WITH U THEN?!” Rider quickly turns to look at the guy he was dealing with, seeming to study him and somehow maintain peeved and hasty. He glances towards the sun which is just barely visible above the tree line. He grunts “FINE! But you better not slow me down!” And once again resumes his sprint, Goggles trying to keep up behind him, pinching his hat for dear life.
Rider leads him to a cottage a bit of ways out of town and upon entering he is “greeted” by 3 other inklings (Army, Mask, and Skull). They all just kinda stare at goggles who awkwardly waves and smiles. “Your’re really pushin it tonight....” Mask brings his attention away from Goggles to give Rider a condescending look. “I know I know, I just had some things to do and this guy held me up-“ he cuts himself off and presses his palms into his temples. He quickly exits and Mask calls back “ ‘Lo’s already asleep, by the way!” He then returns to studying Goggles who is standing in the doorway of a random cottage filled with cursed people that clearly don’t have a routine involving him, and can’t hide this in any way shape or form. It’s Army that caves from the awkward tension. He kicks at an empty chair next to him. “Sit.” Goggles doesn’t argue. After taking his spot, he looks up towards the hall Rider had exited in. “Is he going to be okay?” he asks nervously? “Yea, he’s just uhh... transforming....” Mask looks away from the table. Goggles stares him down, trying to piece together the words he had just heard “.....what?” Almost on cue, i sheep enters the room from the same hall Rider exited through. “Y. You guys just got sheep in here?” Goggles leans over to get a better view. Skull doesn’t even look up from his book “That’s Rider.” Goggles immediately bursts out of his chair “YOUR CURSE IS SHEEP!?” Rider takes a few steps back “ah. It’s uhm. A bit worse.” Goggles crouches down and pulls out a make shift booklet “Tell me!” Rider takes a moment to decide if this is really worth it. It is. “Basically what happened was I was a part of a ceremonial group to thank the spirit of bounty. Unfortunately, we had gotten lost in the fog and I took command of the group despite not being the leader. What I didn’t know what the spirit of greed was present and this was all to their plans. I led the group to.... a slaughter. I was able to get away and made it to bounty’s shrine. Lacking the required service. They where angered by my decisions and how I was the only one to fall for greeds tricks and didn’t even try to save my fellow worshipers. They cursed me so that I could no longer feel strength in myself, trapping me in the body of a lamb at night. And if I do try to find power in this state I will be punished.” Goggles is fascinated and craves all the information he can possibly get “what do you mean by punished?” he still has a goofy smile on his face and is prepared to write more information down. Rider is rather blunt with this one “You see these horns? Small and useless yea? Well, if I seek power they will rapidly grow. And grow. And burrow throw my eyes, forever blinding me both in and out of this form”Goggles freezes “ah. Du-duhm ho-ho-hokay! Cool cool. Very cool. Uh what about y’all!” He quickly stands up and desperately awaits the other threes response.
Army stares down at the table “I was displeased with the spirit of fauna because they where reluctant to grant me and my comrades the food we needed for winter. Harvest day was near and I decided to take maters into my own hands. I attempted to make a deal with them. And while where granted our food, it rotted within a number of days. Out of anger I took the freshest appealing squash and coated it in a poison and left it at the spirits shrine as an “offering”. The next moon, I was awoken by a burning pain through my whole body, and the spirits presence. They explained me that I was already risking myself, forcing them to give us our rations and attempting to poison them was my down fall. I fled my village before sun rise, all the while the poison intended for them was eating away at my skin. Now, I must always give back to the land what I take, otherwise the gaps will gr-“ goggles cuts him off “OK OK I GET IT! YOU HAVE WHOLES IN YOUR SKIN AND THEY CAN GET WORSE CUZ YOU TRIED TO POISON A SPIRIT-WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!?!” “I WAS ANGERED AND I DIDNT KNOW THE CONSEQUENCES!” Army still refused to make eye contact.
“Ok ok ok YOU! What about you? I’m sure not everyone has a gruesome backstory!” Goggles points to Mask, who interns chuckles “I went to the shrine of power-” goggles drops his booklet and drops his head into his hands and groans from behind them “... Yep. The spirit caught me. They said they could give me the power I was looking for, at a cost. I declined.” cue another sorrowful moan from Goggles “they cursed me so that if I ever breathe the night air, I become a disfigured monster, trillions of eyes, stretched limbs, melty, all that good stuff. And I won't be able to control myself. It'll last till day beak and that’s kinda it. Oh, but please note that transforming into it is the most painful thing. The limbs rapidly contorting and growing, ur entire insides churning all at once. And then the eye thing-” Goggles holds out a hand “stop. Just. Just stop.” Mask chuckles.
“What about that Aloha guy? What, he just has like, sleeping beauty vibes?” A silence falls onto the room “....he tried to steal from the spirit of life’s shrine-” Mask happily adds to which Goggles lets out an anguished sigh. “Yeeeeep! Basically, his whole shmuck is that he wasn’t aware enough of life itself so he has to fall asleep before sundown and- you remember how his arms and legs where all wood-y from earlier? Ya so they become roots and all his remaining energy is given to the earth. BUT if he doesn’t fall asleep before then, the wood grows. And if left unchecked, it will fully encase his, trapping and him and then growing inside him, till he no longer has any energy and the wood will grow and he becomes a willow tree!”
Goggles doesn’t even look up from his book, just tapping his pen against the table over and over. “And what about you” he sighs, motioning to Skull. “..... I tried to kill the spirit of the heavans.” Goggles drops his pen “ they didn’t give me any exceptions like these guys. So now,” he removes his gloves to reveal a black and red burn that’s crawling up his arm “this is the hand I tried to kill them with, this is the hand that kills me. This stuff slowly spreads, no matter what, and when it covers my whole body. Well. You can take a guess...” Goggles is left baffled. All these inkling had fucked up much worse then he had thought. He fiddles with his hat before closing his book. “Ain’t gonna lie. You guys suck. BUT it is my duty to save u! So what do ya say? LETS GET STARTED ON MAKING IT UP TO THE SPIRITS!!!” The room is once again silent before mask burst out laughing “I say, we go to bed and deal with ur weird hero complex tomorrow” Army stands up and makes his way twoards the staircase by the door, the rest following. “H-HEY COME OOOON! Guys I need to help you! GUYS!” Goggles awkwardly trails behind
And yep yep ya that’s all lol. Also if u actually read this I love u come here let me kiss u on the cheek 💖
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There's a lot of things about Borderlands 3 that makes it kinda a garbage game. And all of those things are valid and true but a aspect of bl3 that deeply bothers me isn't something I've really seen people talk about?? Maybe they have but I missed it but I want to say my interpretation. (Also like, spoiler warning throughout all of this post)
To start off with: hi, I'm a autistic afab nonbinary person and this is relevant for this little rant I'm bout to go on.
I want to begin by stating why I love this franchise so much.
Borderlands, whether you like it or not, is INCREDIBLY queer. And not in a coded kind of way, it's just flat out gay as fuck. And that means so fucking much to me. Borderlands 2 was one of the first times I ever felt fully represented in a game. Zer0 being this dumbass making Yugioh references and generally being a fun garbage boy and also being nonbinary meant a lot to me and I adore him to this day (nonbinary people can use gendered pronouns fuc off). And getting more and more into this series and finding out that basically every character was on some level queer was really cool to me. Maya being asexual and most of the characters being attracted to multiple genders so honestly and off handily was so refreshing and amazing to get to play through. The casual mentions of a woman's wife or some man's husband in the echo's you find or Moxxi talking about her ex girlfriends was one of the reasons I loved this so much.
Another thing I loved particularly about Borderlands 2 was how feminist it was. I can not tell you how quickly I lost my shit at Mr. Torgue talking about the friend zone being misogynistic(it is btw). And the repeated jokes about fully murdering men for being rude to women was some of the highlights of my first playthrough. Punching a guy till he explodes because he disrespected a sex worker?? Fucking immaculate.
Mad Moxxi is a icon. She is a mother of MULTIPLE children, a survivor of rape and assault and a fucking bad bitch who runs a now intergalactic titty bar. Getting to have not only a sex worker be respected in a narrative, Moxxi is fun and a genuinely complex character who isn't defined by her job or her appearance. She is emotional and strong and funny and flawed but amazing person.
And then there's the way the male characters a represented and treated. I'll be honest here, I haven't really played Borderlands 1, mostly because have been spoiled by auto pick up and also I just didn't feel like it. So my idea of most of the men are based entirely off of Bl2, the pre-sequel and Tales. Anyway, Mordecai in particular is a character I really liked upfront. I love how a lot of his motivation and character is driven by his love of animals and Bloodwing. He's kind and though troubled knows when to get his shit together and be there when he needs to be. His casual "are you okay?" After the latter falls in the Arid Nexus was such a nice moment and the way he genuinely tries to be there emotionally for all of the people around him who he cares for is so fucking rare to see in a male character. And his arc of giving up alcohol to focus on being a better bird dad and you getting to help Brick make Mordecai a special gift to celebrate his sobriety is so amazing and I'm so proud of him.
Mr. Torgue is my dad and I love him. As mentioned, he is normal and believes that the friend zone is absolute garbage talk is ICONIC™ and the best scene in that game fight me. Torgue is a crybaby. He is an emotional person who is not afraid to express his pain and hurt when people are mean to him. He respects women and loves unicorns. The fact that is physical appearance is a big muscle guy who screams but is the literal opposite of toxic masculinity will forever make him the best male character of all time and I love him and he is my dad.
Roland was a character that I was never in particularly attached to but I still respect him and did enjoy his presence. I really appreciated his leadership style being primarily based on empathy and logic as opposed to him being a big meanie man with a HUGE dick who yells at people. I always really resonated with the echo from Tannis talking about how she came to Sanctuary. Roland going out of his way to bring Tannis to safety while completely respecting her autism and struggle with socializing really made his death hit harder when Tannis was very obviously distraught by losing him. It really seems that Roland was the only one who didn't treat her differently. And as someone who's autistic, finding people who legit 100% understand and respect you and just let you live the way you want/need to is kinda hard and those are the qualities I'd personally want in a leader.
Angel is also a big spot of affection for me. Handsome Jack being a irrefutably horrible person who Angel flat out says gaslights people and killed her means a lot to me considering 99% of Bad Parent stories end with "I forgive u" getting to see an abusive victim take that narrative and say fuck you was powerful and meant a lot to me coming from my own abusive home life.
There's a lot of other things I love about Borderlands but if I keep going I won't stop lol so let's get into why Borderlands 3 makes me so uncomfortable.
One of the main things that bothered me was the sexism. Its nothing too horrifying but given how feminist bl2 was it was really shocking and a bit hurtful the number of times women are called bitches or made to seem crazy. If you recall I brought up how you punch a man to death for calling a woman a bitch? Yea no, in this game we mock women for having boundaries and opinions because lol she's just a CRAZY BITCH who just needs to stop acting so hysterical am I right guys?
Yea the whole mission with that stupid bear thing and his ex robot girlfriend made me insanely uncomfortable and upset. I kept waiting for the gotcha moment where it says actually this bear guy is a dick and he shouldn't use language like that but no we just,,,,,, are supposed to laugh along. I hate it.
Even though Borderlands 3 is still very much queer, this game introducing 2 new trans characters as well as a whole DLC about a gay marriage and one of the playable characters being a lesbian there was this some shit that bothered me.
The mission where you crash and ruin a lesbian wedding.
That mission made so upset and uncomfortable. I hated how traumatized and hurt Tumorhead was as I murdered her family and wife. I hated how unfulfilling the mission was where PLOT TWIST the lady was actually a spy or whatever. I hate how there's a mission about ruining some poor psycho ladies wedding. I would've much more preferred a mission where Idk Bloodshine asks you to help her kill a spy who's causing problems and then fucking go around Promethea collecting wedding decorations or something. OR MAYBE JUST NOT A MISSION WHERE YOU KILL LESBIANS FOR NO FUCKING REASON.
I'm mad, anyway.
I also hated how Tannis was treated in this game. Under absolutely no circumstance would Doctor Patricia Tannis ever willingly take up a position of leadership. She is a severely autistic woman who gets nose bleeds from talking to people she wouldn't just be like "I'm in charge now pls talk to me!!!" Fuck off. And the joke about her dating a minecart isn't funny. The whole thing with the chairs, though funny in its absurdities was still a very important and powerful moment of character exploration. Tannis is insane. She is traumatized and hurt and in a moment of severe torture, she humanized some inanimate objects to cope. Tannis crying over the echo over Phillip is a heartbreaking moment of true vulnerability. It is also funny, because that's how good dark comedy works. It can be both hysterical and emotionally ruining at the same time. So what exactly does Tannis divorcing a minecart mean? What is this saying about her character? Why is it funny? Because lol lol reference??? Again, fuck off.
I hate how the Calypso twins childhood is handled. Troy implies it was horribly abusive and traumatic. But when we met Typhon whatever, he acts like it wasn't that bad??? He acts like he just didn't buy his kids the latest iPhone and oh no whoopsie now they're evil, my bad guys. It feels super weird and I don't like it.
Speaking of abusive parents. THEY DID MY GIRL ANGEL DIRTY SO BAD. This was literally when I decided I hated this game. Angel being the one who killed her mother and not Jack was fucking horrible. Especially after the literal foreshadowing in borderlands 2 implying he did. The fact that Jack is treated like a fearful man making what he thought was the right decision was insulting. I get that MattPat manipulated the fandom into thing Jack is a uwu bean but fuck you, you're the writers and you should fucking know better. Handsome Jack saw his daughter had power and turned her into a living battery for him to use as he saw fit. He was not scared and he was NOT right. Fuck you and fuck you for framing child abuse as chill and ok if your spooked enough like that. And the mission directly contradicts the echo's in Get To Know Jack. If Angel killed her mom why does she ask Jack where her mommy is when he's putting her in her chambers?? Why is it in the echo Jack is aggressive and forcibly and hurtfully makes her go into her chambers but in the memory, he's quiet and passive about it?? That's literally just flat out bad writing. Also fuck you.
I think that's really all I wanted to say about this topic. Obviously, there are also things that suck about bl3 but I'll try to chill and not make this too long.
I mostly wanted to make this to see if people cared/are bothered by the same things I am. I've seen how some of the fandom treats the more emotional and gay aspects of this franchise(the people throwing a fit over Amara, the friend zone line, not respecting trans peoples pronouns, sexualizing and being gross about Moxxi)
Anyway that's it byeeeeeeeeeeeee
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dontshootmespence · 5 years
Crossing the Threshold
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Summary: You and your best friend Dean have always just been friends, best friends, but one night with the bunker to yourselves you decide to get a little silly...which leads to a little fun.
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 1,660
Warnings: Nipple piercings, nipple play, vaginal sex, oral sex (male receiving).
A/N: For those of you 18 and over! This fulfills my “piercings” square for @spnkinkbingo, my friends to lovers square for @spnfluffbingo2019 and my prompt for @heycasbutt‘s 600 follower challenge. Prompt is bold!
“Headed out!”
You heard him scream from the bedroom and yelled back. “Have fun, Sam! Not too much fun!”
“Yea, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!” Dean bellowed, his voice following the wafting smell of bacon coming from the kitchen. 
“Don’t listen to him! He’d do anything!”
You expected to hear something from Sam before he left, but you got nothing. Undoubtedly, he was already out the door. He was about to go on his first date in forever and although he didn’t want to get his hopes up you could tell he was excited for some degree of normalcy. 
Turning the machine back on, you continued your back and forth movements, watching the floors go from a dull, dirt-covered gray back to the shine it had when the boys first found out the bunker even existed. Neither of them would ever think to clean the floors, but having something that felt even a little bit like home - clean, cool, comforting - was something that didn’t go unnoticed by the two men you loved more than anyone else in the world. 
They’d found you in a bar drowning in a bottle of whiskey with no one left to keep you anchored to the world, but they’d saved your life and taken you in and you couldn’t imagine your life without them.
Maybe 10 minutes or so after Sam left, the scent of bacon became too much. You turned off the machine and admired your handiwork.
“Bacon and eggs are ready!” Dean screamed from the other end of the bunker.
“About damn time! I’m fucking hungry.”
As you walked into the kitchen, Dean sauntered over to the table with the pan in hand and a towel slung over his shoulder. “Perfection takes time.”
“It’s bacon and eggs.”
“Perfect bacon and eggs.” He placed some on your plate and the rest on his. “What have you been doing this whole time?”
“Doesn’t it feel more like home when the place is clean? Instead of an actual bomb shelter?”
“That’s why. Speaking of, I waxed the floors, get your fluffy socks!”
“Why?” Dean asked, genuinely confused before it finally clicked. “Wait, smooth floors, are we going to pull a Risky Business?”
You grinned widely and stuffed the rest of your dinner into your face so you could go and grab some socks, the iPod and docking system and a new shirt. This one was grungy as fuck after an entire day’s worth of cleaning. 
Running back toward your room, you realized that amidst all the cleaning you’d forgotten to do your own laundry. Instead of sweating it, you ran into Dean’s room and grabbed a band tee he hadn’t worn in forever, figuring he wouldn’t mind you wearing it. Between his shirt, crappy, worn shorts and white socks you were really rocking some sex appeal tonight. 
After grabbing the iPod dock and your iPod, you slid your way back into the kitchen and turned on Old Time Rock and Roll, singing into your invisible microphone while you waited for Dean. “You’re wearing my shirt.”
You spun around and looked down. “Yea, you never wear this one and with all the cleaning I forgot my own laundry, so I grabbed this. Didn’t think you would mind.”
“I don’t,” he said, swallowing the lump in his throat as he looked you up and down. If you didn’t know any better, you would’ve said he was checking you out, but it had been years and nothing happened, so you chalked it up to wishful thinking and demanded he rock out and slide along the newly waxed floors with you. 
“Slide, fucker!”
With a snort, Dean pulled his sunglasses down began a spot on imitation of Tom Cruise. If you had to venture a guess, he’d done this before, or at least thought of it. It was rare that he allowed himself to really relax, even more so than you or Sam, but seeing him so genuinely happy was worth all the effort you’d put into cleaning.
The second the song went off Dean put it on repeat and you started all over again. With renewed vigor, you slid down the hallway toward your room, losing your footing over a particularly slippery patch of floor and slamming into the door frame. “Ow fuck!”
“You slipped?”
“No, I decided to take a nap on the floor.”
“Don’t be such a smartass,” he said, holding his hand out to help you up. “You okay?”
“Yea, I just hit my boob. My piercings are gonna kill in the morning.”
Dean went startlingly silent. “As in nipple piercings?”
“Yea, I’ve always wanted them and our lives are never certain so I figured fuck it. About a year ago,” you continued, knowing he was going to ask when you’d gotten them.
You grabbed yourself, massaging the pain away, before realizing that Dean hadn’t said anything. “You alright?” 
“You’re wearing my shirt, you look incredible and I have the image of your pierced nipples in my mind, I-I need a minute.”
Maybe you hadn’t been seeing things earlier. “You...have the hots for me?”
“Have you seen you?”
Blushing, you replied, “I look like a hot mess. I’m in baggy ass clothes.”
“And you look hot. And you’re you. Who wouldn’t want you?”
For a moment, you pondered whether or not to really cross that line with him. “Do you want me, Dean?”
Silence filled the bunker, only Dean’s shallow breathing and your own blood pounding through your ears before he backed you into the wall and lifted you up by your upper thighs. He hesitated a moment, giving you another chance to put an end to this, but you didn’t want to. 
He grasped your chin and brought your mouth down to his, opening your lips with his tongue as his hand slipped up your shirt. As his finger grazed your nipple you gasped. Ever since you’d gotten them you’d been even more sensitive. “Play with them,” you whispered into his mouth.
Dean groaned at the command and grabbed the hem of the shirt, pulling it up and over your head in one smooth maneuver. “Ever orgasmed from nipple play before?”
A devilish grin spread across his face, his eyes alight with his newfound mission. “Let’s change that.”
He dipped his head to your breast, tentatively licking at the piercing as his other  hand played with the nipple that needed attention. You’d played with your piercings before but had never reached that pinnacle moment. Something told you that the addition of another person was going to complete the equation. The warmth of his tongue enveloped your nipple, sliding over the piercing before he bite down gently, sending an electric shock to your pussy. 
As his tongue washed over your right side, he pinched your left between his thumb and forefinger and relished in the way you bucked your hips against his denim-clad cock. “Needy much?”
“You have no idea, Dean,” you breathed. You hadn’t had sex in so long it was astounding you hadn’t exploded. He quickly dipped his head to your wanting nipple and pursed his lips around it, sucking gently, sending small waves of pleasure emanating outward. “Fuck, please. Please make me cum.” In desperation, you reached down between you to touch yourself but Dean grabbed your wrist and pinned it to the wall. “No.” 
Hungrily, he continued his ministrations, lapping each nipple with attention, bringing you closer and closer to the brink before he’d move away and leaving you wanting. You grabbed his face and begged for the teasing to end. “Look at me,” he demanded.
When you looked at him, he grasped both your nipples between his thumbs and forefingers, pulling, pinching and twisting with practiced precision until you were shaking against him, your orgasm quiet, but powerful and different from anything you’d ever felt. “Fuck, oh my God.”
You felt like jelly as you unwrapped your legs from around his waist and slipped to the floor, grasping his belt and ripping it from its loops. “I need to fuck you.” You heard from above, voice breathy. 
“And I need your cock in my mouth.”
Dean grunted against the need to burst right then and there. “I can’t tell you how many times I’ve imagined this.”
“Well, you’ll have to let me know how the reality compares to your imagination.” You pulled his jeans and boxers down together, watching with rapt attention as his cock sprung thick and heavy from its confinements. With a flattened tongue, you ran yourself up the length of him and kissed the tip, moaning at the salty pre-come that had gathered there. 
Dean chanced a glance at you, swallowing hard. “If you continue looking at me like that I’m going to have a hard time controlling myself.”
“I don’t want you to control yourself,” you replied, wrapping your lips around his tip and massaging the front of the head with your tongue before pulling off with a satisfied pop. “I want you to let go.”
As you slide him in and out of your mouth, your hands followed, flattening against his pelvis while you took him nearly three quarters of the way. When you cupped his balls in your hand, he grabbed your head and stilled it, gently thrusting himself down your throat. “My god, Y/N. Your mouth is like silk.”
You popped off his cock, keeping your eyes glued to his as you cleaned the drool off your chin with your finger. “How about my throat?” Before he could answer or look away, you deep-throated his cock and mumbled in approval around him as he came - long, thick spurts hitting your tongue while he struggled to stand. 
Standing up, you kissed him deeply, fisting his cock in your hand as you backed up toward his room. Crossing the threshold, he pushed you back toward the bed, eyes dark and determined. “I’m never going to get enough of you.”
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way-down-meme-town · 4 years
Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson Sentence Meme
Under the cut you will find 73 lyrics from the musical Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson to use for your roleplaying purposes! Have fun!
Populism Yea, Yea 1. “Why wouldn’t you ever go out with me in school? You always went out with those guys who thought they were so cool.”
2. “Take a stand against the elite. They don’t’ care anything for us.”
  I’m Not That Guy 3. “I wish that you were dead so that I could paint your face a different color.”
4. “Who was it that ever said that my life really couldn’t get any duller?”
5. “My family’s dead and I can’t see a way to carry on.”
6. “I’m not that guy.”
7. “Life sucks and my life sucks in particular.”
8. “When you have no one to show you what to do, how do you find your way?”
9. “When your country doesn’t have a place for you, how do you have your say?”
10. “Pick up your rifle and make a stand!”
11. “How can I be that guy?”
  Illness As Metaphor 12. “I think you might be the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”
13. “A wise woman once wrote that illness is not metaphor, so why do I feel sick when I look at you?”
14. “It’s not blood. It’s a metaphor for love.”
15. “Those aren’t vents, just the beating of my heart.”
16. “This fever isn’t real. It represents how I feel.”
17. “If you feel like you might throw up, well, that’s a metaphor for how I feel when I dream of you.”
18. “My pain transformed into art.”
  I’m So That Guy 19. “Sometimes you have to take the initiative.”
20. “Sometimes you have to make your own story.”
21. “Sometimes you have to shoot the storyteller in the neck.”
22. “Sometimes you have to take back your country.”
23. “Sometimes you have to kill everyone.”
24. “I always thought I’d never be that guy.”
25. “I’m so that guy.”
26. “Life sucks and your life’s gonna suck universally.”
27. “I will make them all bleed.”
  The Corrupt Bargain 28. “We need to find a scheme to keep the power in the hands of the chosen few.”
29. “IF my dad was president, I should get to be president too.”
30. “All you educated people, you can talk of liberty but do you really want the American people running their own country?”
31. “They can all go to rot!”
  Rock Star 32. “All the fame that he had won, it wasn’t really any fun.”
33. “Why don’t you just shoot me in the head cause you know I’d be better off dead?”
34. “There’s really no place in America for a celebrity of the first rank.”
35. “The story always ends the same, it’s hard to handle all that fame.”
36. “You can’t just be a founding father when everybody wants you to be their father.”
  The Great Compromise 37. “I always thought I’d live in a house with a dog and some kids and some slaves.”
38. “You tell me not to compromise. You tell me that you’ll change.”
39. “I’m so through with compromising.”
40. “We have no private life!”
41. “You give up nothing! I give up everything!”
  Public Life 42. “Just when everything I wanted was withing my grasp. The irony is killing me.”
43. “To my wife I make this one last vow. I’ll give my life to the people now.”
44. “I’ll be the man they need, the one to lead a generation!”
45. “I’ll listen to their voice with every choice as we transform the nation.”
46. “I gotta be that guy.”
47. “It’s time to be that guy.”
48. “There’s nothing left in this old town.”
49. “The change is coming now. Do you feel it?”
50. “This is what we’ve been waiting for! The trail was always leading to this door.”
  Crisis Averted 51. “The best part is everything he says is right.”
52. “I’m here to speak with you about the future of this incredible country.”
53. “I’m your president.”
54. “We’re young! We’ll live forever!”
55. “At least for one more night, my luck will hold this time.”
56. “Did you really think that this would work? You’re fucked!”
57. “You won’t live forever!”
58. “Your luck won’t hold this time!”
  The Saddest Song 59. “You find yourself powerless, bloody, and scared.”
60. “What is it for? The love of a people!”
61. “That who did everything his way, where has he gone?”
62. “Tonight I’ll sing the saddest songs to everyone that I’ve done wrong.”
63. “I’m sorry but the band plays on.”
64. “Revolutions will come to you, swift if you let them.”
65. “The nation united cannot be undone.”
66. “We’ll take on the world for America’s sake.”
67. “This country I’m making cannot be divided.”
68. “The will of the people won’t stand in my way!”
69. “How can I tell you how deeply I’ll make the all bleed?”
70. “I’ll sing the saddest of songs of enemies who did me wrong.”
  Second Nature 71. “We want it. It’s second nature to us.”
  The Hunters of Kentucky 72. “Just listen if you’ve the time to spare.”
73. “Tis not often that you see a hunter from Kentucky.”
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hellishmess · 4 years
21: The Union Festival pt. 2
September 22,2018 [11:12 pm]
[Ana pov ]
Everything changed in a heartbeat.
Loud bangs shook the ground underneath me. People were running, taking cover. I ran too, but not before I saw some pterodactyl looking creature take a woman in its claws and lift her to the sky.
The halls of the center building was a mess. Gifted tried to defend themselves, but no one had weapons and the creatures were horrible.
A scream.
"Demons!" Someone shouted.
It was a frenzy. Instinct shoved common thought out of my brain. It had me running down an adjoining hall, away from the chaos of the main one and all the monsters.
I dove into a small hidden crevice. It had a door made of the same stone material as the walls.
I shoved against it, begging it to move.
A sickening crunching sound came from the main hallway. Panic and fear bolted all movement. I froze, back, pressed up into the crevice’s corner.
When the noise faded I managed a final shove against the door, earning entry with an open the door. I plunged into darkness, and darkness engulfed me. The door shut behind me with a final grate.
I collapsed on the floor, my back still against the door. My breaths were erratic. The booming of the blood in my ears was all I could hear.
Monsters and death was outside.
Aspen was somewhere out there too.
Christ! I should have went with her to get the punch.
I banged my head against the door.
I scrambled to find my phone, thankful it was still in the leather garter she let me borrow.
Flicking on flashlight, I stifled a scream again. I wasn't alone. A body was laid out flat along the back wall with someone crouching in front of their face. Another was curled in the far corner.
Men. The one crouching and the one in the corner turned.
I could have cried at the familiar face.
"Ana!" Eli exclaimed softly. "How'd you get in here?"
"I saw a maid leave from here." Moving closer, I saw who Eli was crouched over.
Samuel’s body was mauled with long gashes shredding his skin. They created caverns in his body. 
I backed away. I escaped one circle of hell only to climb into another. I wasn't an idiot. He'll be looking for something to eat soon.
"Ana," Eli said. His worry moving from Samuel to me. "It's okay. He's unconscious."
"Oh god. Oh god," I hit the wall. Everything’s closing in. I try to focus on the light from my phone but even that was growing dim. "Oh god."
My breathing was erratic. My lungs were heaving, but my muscles tingled as if they weren't getting enough air. Maybe they were getting too much?
"Ana. Calm down." Eli sounded so far away.
"Oh holy shit." My knees shook. I felt the slide down the wall. The coolness of it touched my skin. Was I going to pass out?
Someone had grabbed me, their hands gripping my chin to force my head up. It was Eli.
Suddenly he was all I knew. The depth of his voice as he said my name, the blue allure of his eyes. I waited for him to say something to me, I'd wait forever if I had too.
"Ana," His voice reverberated in my soul. "I need you to calm down."
I took a deep breath, slowly letting it out. In, hold for a moment, then out. I repeated that task for a moment, still looking at Eli, still waiting for him to say something else.
He looked away, and the spell snapped.
"Shit," My hand ran through my hair. He just compelled me.
Eli apologized, "Sorry. I didn't know any other way to get you to chill."
I shook my hand, "No, it's fine. I think I was going to have a panic attack."
Eli went back to Samuel.
"What's wrong with him?"
"Some creature had him pinned. It had 4 arms and claws a foot long." Eli's lips turned up at the grotesque creature he saw.
I understood and took another deep breath. I didn't want to be weak. I wasn't weak. What would Aspen do?
An image of her popped into my mind. She stood tall, defiant against any adversary. 
"Can he sit up?"
Eli shook his head. "No the witch over there put him under."
I glanced into the dark corner. The man was still curled up, his eyes blank as they met mine.
"He needs blood?" I asked.
Eli nodded.
"Let him feed from me." I said. "Just enough for him to heal and get some of his strength back."
Eli was shaking his head. "No way. I don't know if he'd stop. It's too risky."
"It doesn't matter. He's old, right? Powerful? We need to get out of here. We're just sitting ducks here. I mean have you seen the monsters out there?! He’s our strongest bet of making it out alive."
I scoot closer, raising my wrist to Eli. A stubborn set to my jaw. This was the only way, I told myself. The best way.
Eli hesitates, "Have you ever been bit before?"
I suck in a breath, my answer delayed. That was enough to tell him.
"This won't be pleasant," he warned. "This is really fucking dangerous."
"Yeah. Well I don't expect it to tickle and this whole situation is unpleasant." I brought my wrist up to his face. "Lets just get it done. I'm serious. I don't plan on dying just yet."
With frown, Eli took my wrist. I knew the unspoken words that hung between us. You just might if we do this.
His lips part to reveal fangs. I close my eyes. Flinching back, my eyelids pop open at the sudden sting from the bite. Eli withdraws immediately.
With a shaky breath, I quickly cover Samuel's mouth. My blood dripping between his lips.
He's still for a second. Worry starts to form.
I stifle another scream into a yelp. Samuel's latched himself to my wrist, his fangs splitting the bite even farther.
I cry out, feeling the flick of his tongue and the draw of my blood.
Suddenly, he's on top of me, snapping my head sideways to split the skin at my throat.
Pain erupts throughout my whole body, but my screams are muffled by a hand. I struggle to breath. Samuel has me fully immobilized.
Tears run down my face as I stare into the darkness. The pressure of Samuel is gone.
"Samuel," Eli's there. He's somewhere close. "She healed you."
I can't move. Shock keeps me on the ground.
Eli's closer, crouching over me this time. "Hey. You want some blood from me? It would heal you and give you your strength back."
I shake my head. I don't feel too bad. The shock dissipates allowing me to be sharply aware of my situation.
"At least let me heal the bite," Eli presses.
Eli pulls me in close. His tongue against my mangled throat, before hitting my wrist.
It was awkward, but I was grateful. I didn't want the open wounds or the scars.
An itching burn blossomed within seconds. My hands went to scratch but Eli brought them back down. "Don't. It's your skin multiplying and healing."
I curl my fingers into fists until the itch subsides. Slowly I manage to stand. I wasn't as weak as I thought I'd be.
Upon expressing my shock, I learn why.
"It's because I didn't take much from you. You're blood is surprisingly strong. I'm healed and at full strength from just three mouthfuls." Samuel said.
I push that out the window. "We need to get out of here."
"I agree," Samuel says.
"There’s a hallways over here," the witch says. He stood in a tight little stone walkway.
Samuel takes the lead position. "Let's go."
We all file out. It's eerily quiet. Only sometimes broken by the faint crash or scream.
The pace is quick. I drag a hand along the wall, my flashlight in my hand so only some light leaked through.
Samuel leads us up some stairs and into a kitchen. The sound of fighting and monsters is so much closer.
A high pitched screech sounds, making me flinch back into Eli. It’s too hellish to be human.
My eardrums ring. I see something fly by the little window in the kitchen.
A huge hound-like creature crashed through the door. It's jaws big enough to crush my skull, the beast stood easily at my stomach.
I gasp, backing away as it eyes us all. It's breath creeps into the room as it pants. I cough. My lungs start to burn. The witch grabs me and shoved my shirt over my mouth and nose.
"Hell hounds exhale toxic gas." He says.
The beast lunges forwards but Samuel meets it head on. We scurry to the edges of the kitchen while Samuel wrangles the beast. His stomach and thighs were scratched by its claws before he maneuvered himself behind it.
Samuel grabs the hounds jaws, prying them apart as it tries to snap. Soon the dog falls, it's jaw split wide open.
I stand there. Not moving, not blinking. This is crazy. Yet no one is really batting an eye? This was this world. I'm apart of this now.
"Ana!" Eli whispers. "Come on!"
I see Samuel grab another kitchen knife. The witch and Samuel following suit. I grab a frying pan.
We all slip through a back door and burst outside. The hell out here is being battled by gifted and some others.
In a blazing strike, lightning takes down 5 monsters at once. I see the woman that the power came from. Her eyes shining and her hair standing up from her electricity.
Another screech and something blurs in my the corner of my eyes. I knock to the ground, squealing as something with claws and a long snout tried to eat my face. The only thing saving me is my pan.
It lets out a scream of its own, a loud pain-filled bellow. I fling myself away as it's skin bubbles and boils.
A figure is rushing over, through the smoke and the chaos. "Aspen!" I yell, unsure of myself.
She comes and scoops me up in her arms. "Are you okay?!"
I look at the body on the ground. It was the demon version of a goose, with a long neck, two rows of fangs, and wings with claws at the bend of them.
"Yea. Thanks to you." I pull her close. Maybe this wasn't the time for hugs but god I couldn't stop myself. Aspen wrapped her hands around me.
But I get jostled to the side. A huge shadow looms over us all. Aspen moves towards it, encircling the 15ft tall monstrosity. Samuel and Eli draw its attention too.
I sit, stunned and hawking as they attack this Grendel like beast.
The creature swipes at Eli with a huge paw. It was crazy fast for its size, but Eli managed to duck just in time.
Samuel used his knife, stabbing at its muscles. It roars when blood gushed out of its wound.
Still, it wasn’t enough to slow it down, and Samuel’s plan backfired quickly. He hissed, recoiling in pain when the blood touched his hand.
The creature started to move but found himself unable. Aspen was to the back of it, out of sight with her hands raised. Slowly they moved together.
I saw the hard look of concentration, watched as the creature’s body bent. Aspen was crushing this thing.
Samuel and Eli step back. A confused glance was shared before Eli points to Aspen.
She ends this. Literally crushing the creature down to the ground. It squirmed, but it didn't move. It couldn't.
The realization that it might literally explode had me running behind one of the oak trees.
Just as I thought, with a last shove from Aspen the creature flattens. Blood spews in a nauseating show of gore. My eyes close, expecting the acidic blood to burn towards us.
It doesn't. The barrier Aspen set up kept it all contained like glass. Trails of dark green blood slid to the ground.
It was silent.
Aspen comes back up to me. Her hands grazing my face, then my throat. "Jesus Christ. What happened to you?"
My mind whirls. "No time. We need to go get somewhere safe!"
I twist to run, but she holds me still. "Ana, we've got them all. The Assault team was quick to respond and we managed to contain and kill the wave of creatures."
"What?" I looked around. Bodies of human and creature shapes lie dead around us. Nothing moved. The panic died down. "Oh thank god."
I pull Aspen into another hug, tears threatening to roll. "I should have went with you to get the punch."
Aspen hugs me back, her arms wrapping around me in the strong way that I loved. "I'm glad you’re safe." She pulls way, holding me at arms distance as she looks me over again. "Jesus what happened here?" Aspen draws up my wrist where crusty blood trails bled. Her eyes got to my throat next.
I notice her jaw clench, her eyes sliding over to the two vampires among us, and got the strange wariness one feels when unsheathing a sharp blade.
I bit my lip. Might as well be truthful and save these two from whatever anger is brewing. "I fed Samuel to heal him so he could get us out of the room we were in."
"You what?" She snaps. Her voice rough. There was a darkness in her gaze. She wasn't looking at me though. No, her eyes were pinned on Samuel.
I gently pull her focus back to me. She softened up when I sheepishly smiled at her, "Yeah. I escaped into their room, Eli saved me from a having panic attack and passing out, and then I tried to get myself to act like how you would."
Aspen just stared at me. Her lips parted slightly.
I clarified what I meant, "Strong and unafraid."
Aspen’s laugh was gentle as she grabs my wrist where she rubs off all the crusted blood. "So you think I would have risked my health to feed a hungry vampire?"
My face starts to redden, and I shake my head. "I didn't feed him because I thought that's what you would have done. I know you would have done something else, something better, but I fed him because I thought that's what I needed to do to stay alive. He was the most powerful friend I had at the moment. We all needed him."
"Smart, I guess. Ballsy definitely," She says. She turns to Samuel next. "You tell her thank you?"
Samuel's eyes narrow. He looks like he's going to snarl something nasty.
"He doesn't need to. He got us out safely." I interject.
"He should. You saved him, too." Aspen retorts, but she doesn't fight. "Let's go before we get roped into having to clean this clusterfuck."
I laugh, feeling all the tension in my body release.
Aspen leads us out to where the cars are parked. I think to thank Samuel but decide against it. I thank Eli instead.
"No problem." He replies. "I'm glad we all get to go home tonight."
"Me too," Aspen agrees. "Thanks for helping her."
Eli nods again and we turn away, walking throughout the destroyed lawn together.
Aspen squeezes my hand. "You don't understand how happy I am you're safe."
"Same here." I utter, looking at the damage. "I was worried about you."
Aspen laughs as if she can't believe the thought. "Don't worry about me. I'm okay."
We're quiet as we hit the sea of cars. Finding our own was gonna be hard. Aspen raised her hand and clicks her keys. Nothing sounds.
We head down the rows.
"Did you really think of me to draw strength from?" Aspen’s voice is low when she asks.
I smile, getting the faint feeling this is an important question to her. "Of course I did. You're the strongest person I know. I envy you."
Aspen nudges her body into me, dropping the subject at that. "Come on. I think I see the car."
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wetalkinboutbooks · 5 years
Dread Nation by Justina Ireland
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Summary: Jane McKeene was born two days before the dead began to walk the battlefields of Gettysburg and Chancellorsville—derailing the War Between the States and changing America forever. In this new nation, safety for all depends on the work of a few, and laws like the Native and Negro Reeducation Act require certain children attend combat schools to learn to put down the dead. But there are also opportunities—and Jane is studying to become an Attendant, trained in both weaponry and etiquette to protect the well-to-do. It’s a chance for a better life for Negro girls like Jane. After all, not even being the daughter of a wealthy white Southern woman could save her from society’s expectations.
But that’s not a life Jane wants. Almost finished with her education at Miss Preston’s School of Combat in Baltimore, Jane is set on returning to her Kentucky home and doesn’t pay much mind to the politics of the eastern cities, with their talk of returning America to the glory of its days before the dead rose. But when families around Baltimore County begin to go missing, Jane is caught in the middle of a conspiracy, one that finds her in a desperate fight for her life against some powerful enemies. And the restless dead, it would seem, are the least of her problems. (Taken from Goodreads)
Our Ratings:  
 → Geena:  ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
 → Kae: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Overall: This is one of the first suggestions we got and HOO BOY IT WAS A GOOD ONE. The perfect mix of action, comedy, murder, and beating up racists.... exactly what we need in a book. 
~Spoiler-full discussion below~ 
The Good:
→ Jane
Geena: I don’t think I’ve read a book where the protagonist just has so much raw power like… at the risk of sounding like I’m from 2012.. But like… my mind was totally blown. We meet Jane during a training exercise at Miss Preston’s zombie slaughtering school where we learn about all the nasty details that lead to the school’s creation. SO ESSENTIALLY, following the civil war (which ended prematurely bc u kno…. zombies) slavery is “abolished” and instead the whites decided it’d be better to set up schools to train black and native people to kill zombies for them 🙄 AND that’s where we meet Jane, in the middle of a training exercise. We also learn that she’s the daughter of one of the more wealthy white women in the area which was very scandalous given the u kno.. R a c i s m… and that even her mother’s status couldn’t keep her from being sent to the school. Jane also recounts moments from her childhood such as almost being killed when she was born… and she does it so nonchalantly that I fucking died dude. 
Kae: Nobody: …..
Jane: Yeah my momma tried to drown me. She doesn’t think I remember but I do… ANYWAY. 
Geena: LMAOOOOOOO YEA I FUCKING LOST IT LIKE DO YOU SEE WHAT I MEAN LIKE SHE IS SO RAW… BUT YEA, also Justina Ireland does this cool thing where she has excerpts from the letters Jane sends her mother which outline events that are VERY different from what actually happens in the chapter, and fuck I loved that sm. Jane is I think one of the girls that can read at the school and she’s got a liking for the science behind the biology of zombies but she gets in trouble cONSTANTLY because she’s too cool for Miss Preston’s school… ok jk no she gets into trouble because she always manages to piss off that one racist ass bitch, Miss Anderson. In the first few chapters we learn that Jane is smart, strong, and a total babe even though she doesn’t think so :(. 
I loved how Jane was written to be slightly hot-headed but not like bullheaded, like she would get angry real quick but she’d know when to act on her urges to beat the shit out of people. And I guess this stems from her childhood like…. SHE MURDERS HER DAD IN COLD BLOOD BC HE TRIED TO CHOKE THE LIFE OUTTA HER and also to preserve her mom’s secret which was that she was a white-passing black woman. And bc her dad was a racist white man Jane knew that wouldn’t bode well for anyone…. She did all this when she was like eight so like…. WILD (It’s what he deserved tho) but yea ever since then Jane’s been playing the game like a pro. She’s a pro zombie slayer that doesn’t take shit from ANYONE even when it lands her in trouble, and she cares a lot for the people around her even though she might pretend that she’s only out to get back to her mom. AND I LOVE HER for everything she does, but FUCK SHE WENT THROUGH SO MUCH SHIT IN THIS BOOK THAT IT HURT TO READ. ALSO WE FIND OUT THAT SHE’S BI…. WE STAN A BISEXUAL BADASS
→ Katherine
Kae:  Geena summed up, Jane very well! Jane is smart (and could read so her teachers were pissed), strong, and just an all around badass. I really love her. She deserves the world. 
Well, moving on to Katherine. Katherine is another student at Miss. Prestons school and she and Jane don’t get along well. Kate, as Jane calls her, which Katherine HATES, because she likes to be called by her full name. She is white passing with very light skin and blue eyes. She has blonde, loose curly hair and is described as absolutely gorgeous. Jane is a little jealous of her and hates admitting it. But she’s like “She’s gorgeous, it is what it is… But she’s from Virgina so ugh.” Katherine is right up to par with Jane’s zombie slaying skills and is the top of her class. Katherine is dainty, bougie, and a total rule follower. She’s into fashion and trying to find a good job protecting white folks from zombies when she graduates Miss. Prestons. She thinks of Jane as a little unruly and wild. But she tries her damndest to be respectful to Jane, even if they can’t stand each other.  
So, moving forward a bit. Kate is kind of nosey so she’s always catching Jane doing some shit she isn’t supposed to be doing… like having books smuggled to her by a boy named Red Jack. She also overhears Jane and Jack discussing how his sister went missing and he needs help to find her. So, she self invites and tags along later that night. In the mean time,  Jane and Kate have a lecture they need to attend to. When they get there, they realize that there is going to be a demonstration of proof that a “Shambler Cure” actually works. Shamblers are zombies. So this professor has a cage of three zombies and has some poor, black man risk himself and get bit. He has supposedly already been injected with the cure. Jane was like “this shit fake… He boutta die.” And Jane tries to interrupt, but she is quickly hushed. The antidote or cure or whatever DOESN’T work and the dude turns into a zombie. Jane shoots him down, then the other zombies get loose and now everyone is in a panic. Jane and Katherine take them down and save the day. A few weeks later, that are invited to the mayors house to “protect” it. (They really were only asked just so they could show up and be seen…) Someone turns into a Shambler, Jane takes them down, then that’s settled. So now they’ve saved the day TWICE. 
Red Jack has somehow SNUCK IN to the damn mayors house, so him and Jane do some snooping. They get caught. Then by default, Katherine gets in trouble. Well, Katherine gets in trouble because she is too pretty and none of the white women want her around because they think their husbands or whoever will start to be like👀  and the women get jealous. Katherine was out of a job before it even started because she’s just too damn gorgeous. So Kate, Jane, and Red Jack get sent off to the WILD WILD WEST BAYBEEE. But it actually sucks.  Let’s talk about Red Jack before we get into that though.
Geena: NGL KATE’S THE TYPE OF GIRL I WOULD’VE ABSOLUTELY HATED TOO IF I WAS JANE BUT!!!!! I love how we get to see the friendship develop between the two as they both learn about each other’s past and that maybe they CAN be friends. Also, Kate is ace and wants to travel the world which I RESPECT… but oh yea I was gonna say Jane and Kate are the true enemies to best friends trope. ALSO HER BACKSTORY IS SAD BRUH LIKE everyone looking down on her bc she’s from virginia smh……… okay but seriously the fact that Kate was constantly trying so hard to compensate for the fact that she came from a brothel that she became Miss Perfect (OR AT LEAST that’s what we learn from Jane’s perspective and as @zemenipearls pointed out Jane isn’t a reliable narrator so Kate’s backstory is kinda shady at this point but that’s what we think it is) 
→ Red Jack 
Kae: Let’s talk about Red Jack! Jackson Keats, aka Red Jack is Jane's ex boyfriend. He got the name “Red Jack” because he’s a redbone. He’s described with light brown skin and blue eyes. He also has a gold tooth and short curly hair with hints of auburn. He’s smart and can scheme his ass off and is known for taking big risks.  He also smuggles Jane books when she ask and send letters out to her mother for her. It’s also noted that he cannot read. He deals in dirty business, mostly scamming people out of money. But the kid has to make a living! I like him. Jack has a little sister named Lilly who is white passing. So he sent her with a nice white family who would let her blend in with them so she could avoid being sent off to a school like Miss. Prestons. Jack and Jane, despite them being exes, are decent friends I think. Jane hates to admit it, but she still likes Jack (even though he gets on her nerves). 
At a certain point, Jack’s little sister, along with the family she is staying with, completely disappear. Their house in still in tact, but they aren’t there. He’s worried because his sister would’ve sent word if she knew they were leaving. But he hadn’t heard a thing from her, and went to Jane. So Jane, Jack, and Kate end up at the Spencers’ house to look for clues. They can’t find anything, but they DO overhear Miss. Anderson and two other men say that they needed to clean the house out and remove all of their belongings. 
Later, when we get to the mayor’s dinner party that was previously mentioned, Jack and Jane run into each other and go snooping around the governor's office. There, Miss. Anderson is waiting for them and they are CAUGHT. She drags them to the Mayor’s basement where he is ready to send them off to a town called, Summerland, that is way out west. It’s a town where he is trying to uphold white supremecy and slavery.There, he will make sure that anyone who is black, is treated as if they are still slaves.  A man named Mr. Redfern, a Native man, escorts them out West. They are given dulled down weapons to protect the town from Shamblers, and well, this is just no good. When Jack and the crew arrive in Summerland, he punches the shit out of Redfern and tries to make a run for it. He is then tackled, jailed, and that’s the last we see of him… for a while. 
Geena: holy shit Kae litcherally outlined everything about Red Jack PERFECTLY. He’s how you would say a rascal… a cute rascal (Jane would agree). 
Kae: Lmao Jane’s got taste. I gotta give her that. BAD BOYZ are my thing lowkey
Geena: oKAY but SEE RED JACK IS A BAD BOI WITH A GOOD HEART. I mean yeh he and Jane had a “messy breakup” but they were still friends and he smuggled out letters for her mom and brought her books, and she helped him around with his ~business~ however shady it was. But I also liked how he was an idiot, I mean in the sense that UNLIKE JANE who knows how to control her anger and use it in the future, Jack just pops off like how Kae mentioned him decking Mr. Redfern. Jane thought about it but also thought ahead and realized she wouldn’t get far doing that. Red Jack tho… Boy thought he could outrun like 3 grown men 😭 AND WHEN THE READER AND JANE WERE LED TO BELIEVE THAT HE’D DIED?? BRO??? I WAS LIKE…. HOW U GONNA MAKE THIS CHARACTER A CHARMING LIL SHIT AND THEN KILL HIM ALMOST RIGHT AWAY…. BUT then when he came back I WAS THROWN.
Time to project BUT I love characters like Red Jack you know they’re shady and like to play everything off as a joke but when they get serious… they get serious. And I wonder what role he’s going to play in the second book, because all he cares about in his life is his family aka Lily right… Would he accompany Kate and Jane to save her momma when it would mean leaving Lily with people he probably can’t fully trust? Also, how did Jane and Red Jack even meet? I think it’d be cool to see where he came from, and what happened to the rest of his family and that’s another reason why I can’t wait till book 2!  
The Bad:
→ Miss. Preston and Miss Anderson
Geena: Man, we don’t even meet Miss Preston that long in the book like she has a few scenes here and there but god she is the fucking worst! Who runs a school and houses young black women and gives them a refined education with training with specialized weapons.. Only to ship them to a town where slavery is making a comeback??  And pretending like you care about them?? Disgusting… We all assume that Miss Preston is innocent and is busy running her school until the dinner that Kae has mentioned above where we find out that she’s in cahoots with the Mayor and has been supplying him girls from her school for as long as he has needed them… how “white allies” be sometimes… I really hope… from the bottom of my heart that she was devoured by a shambler bc it’s the only fate that she deserves you know… And then we have the hoe ass Miss Anderson who didn’t even try to hide her contempt of Jane and doted on Katherine → This we realize later into the book is solely because of how white-passing Katherine was and because Miss Anderson is a big ol’ racist who uses slurs like it’s nobody's business. 
Now, I realize that Ireland was trying to outline the different types of racists you come across in life. There’s those that pretend to be your friend and support you up front but behind your back they won’t hesitate to fuck you over (aka Miss Preston), like Miss Preston does help out Jane initially when she’s unfairly tested by Miss Anderson, but Preston also is the one to support sending Jane to Summerland so like….. and also we have your standard brand of racist aka Miss Anderson that doesn’t even try to hide how antiblack and dehumanizing she is because she straight up doesn’t care and knows that Jane or anybody else can do shit about it. 
→ Mr. Redfern
Kae: Okay, so now we’ve got Mr. Redfern. Mr. Redfern is a tall,  handsome, Native American man who is always scowling at Jane. He doesn’t like her and she isn’t sure why… That is, until our girl asks him. He thinks she is wasting her talents when she sneaks out and kills shamblers in the night. 
Kae: THIS IS WHAT I GET FOR BEING A SPEED READER. I BE MISSIN’ SHIT. Whew. Okay, so as you can see, we’ve just come to a sudden realization! Mr. Redfern is a sneaky son of a gun. 
But uhh, he mentions that he was taken from his tribe and sent off to one of the “Indian Shambler Schools” where he was given a new identity, etc. This is also basically what happened to Native Children back in those days, in order to erase their heritage and their entire selves. This was how they forced people to assimilate. They were sent to Indian Industrial Schools. 
Mr. Redfern is in cahoots with the Mayor (by force) and is the one to basically help kidnap Jackson, Jane, and Katherine. He stuffs them on a train for a week and at the end of their trip, they are out west. We don’t see him again after this. But later, we find out that he made Jackson a deal and sent him to a town not too far from Summerland to do “business”. Thus, when Jack returns to Summerland to steal ammunition for said town, he runs into Jane and Katherine and tells them Red Jack helped him out. 
Geena: Yess Mr. Redfern, the man we thought would be an ally but turned out to be the opposite. Once again this mimics history I suppose because there were instances of indigenous people aiding the whites when it came to slavery and I suppose Ireland was trying to write that but she also makes it writes that while he is helping them he doesn’t seem too proud of it. But the matter of the fact is, he’s still helping enforce the white man’s rules. Though I do hope with the turn of the second book Mr. Redfern leaves that shit behind and decides to fully switch sides, aka let the whites to their own dirty work and help the people with a real cause.
ALSO, I keep talking about the second book but I really hope we meet more indigenous characters that aren’t Mr. Redfern you know, but those that aren’t under the thumb of a white person :( ALTHOUGH, I love how Ireland has the excerpt at the end where it mentions the residential schools in-depth and she encourages readers to research more of it which leads me to believe that we’ll be hearing more of them coming the next book as well. 
Kae: Just one more small part. I was like, completely convinced that those looks Redfern were shooting at Jane was because he thought she was cute. That is until Jane was like “alright, he CLEARLY doesn’t like me” and I was like oh… I totally misread those signals and I’m an idiot. BUT WHATEVER IT’s FINE. I do, however, think he will turn around. I don’t think he’s like, inherently bad. He’s just forced to do bad shit. Everyone is trying to survive in this world and I’m NOT giving him an excuse, but like, I get it. Ya feel me?
Geena: oKAY BUT KAE I TOO THOUGHT HE WAS INTO HER SO THAT MAKES US BOTH BOOBOO THE FOOL. AND YEA, it comes down to survival in a world where you’re not even considered human BUT that doesn’t excuse any actions. 
Kae: .jpg “we irritating” meme 
Geena: Is it even our review if we don’t have at least one (1) meme reference
The Ugly:  
→ Every single white person (minus Mr. Gideon) 
Geena: So I really enjoyed this book but Justina Ireland didn’t pull any punches when it came down to the true and dark details of the time period she was writing. She captures the essence of white folks, even during an apocalypse they find the time to push their white supremacy and tread on the backs of the black and indigenous people. I was grinding my teeth for a majority of the book, the way people would talk down to all the black characters and simply refer to them as though they weren’t human.
Mayor Carr, the Sheriff, and the Priest are the faces of white supremacy that think it’s in their destiny to put down bipoc and use them as slaves (though they won’t call it that) and fuck dude… Mayor Carr is like Miss Preston, pretends to be an ally and is using the people he pretends to support as fodder for his white supremacist wasteland. Even Jane mentions that he’s no better than other white men but people pretend he’s the best politician they have.
The Sheriff doesn’t even disguise his racism, he’s your typical ‘slavery wasn’t that bad’ assfuck and the way he treats Katherine bc he has an ugly crush on her thinking she’s white is disgusting bc you know if he knew that she’s simply white-passing he’d probably murder her in cold blood… and when he finds out, the exact thing Jane was afraid would happen to her mother almost happens to Katherine (she almost dies at the hand of the Sheriff’s fugly ass)....and fuck Katherine handled it so well even though she was very much uncomfortable the whole time. And the way Jane murdered him?? With no remorse… I fucking loved that, IDK if Justina Ireland was trying to go for a Jane is unhinged vibe (bc that’s how Katherine reacted to it) but I was like fuck yea girl shoot him a few times more for good measure.
The Priest is the biggest shit of them all like I cannot even begin to…… Every time I think of his wrinkly ass my blood pressure rises three levels because holy fuck. He preaches that he’s a holy man and that he’s only carrying out the orders of God and so on, and it’s DIGOSTENG the way he uses the bible as a weapon to put down the black and indigenous folk around Summerland. He blames them for how they look and says it’s their duty to “serve their white superiors” as redemption so that they may get a place in heaven 🙄🙄🙄🙄 This reminds me of what Kae had mentioned before about the story of Nate Turner who knew how to read so the plantation owners would make him read a fucked-up version of the bible to the others and like….. White people really took a faith founded by a brown man and turned it into a weapon for their white supremacy it’s disgusting. But what was really sad was that there are still people to this day like the Priest that have pretty hefty roles in churches and so on… spewing their racist rhetoric and god I can’t even fucking deal, every time he and Jane interacted I just wanted her to snap his neck in half and call it a day…. Like what was his old ass gonna do? Fart? 
Kae: Sweet! So Geena pretty much covered everything. The Sheriff is a whole ass bitch and he has a bunch of lackeys doing his dirty work while he parades around Summerland and berates anyone who is of colour. Basically, he has black people shipped out to the West so they can sacrifice themselves to defend Summerlands inhabitants with faulty weaponry and experiments. When Jane brings up that she needs better weapons so she can do her job, she’s slapped for it and told to deal with it. The black people and everyone else who is considered of low status, are treated horribly. They’re all shoved in a hot attic with thin, dirty blankets to sleep on the floor. They are locked in their rooms at night and forbidden to leave until it is time for them to work again. They all also barely have enough to eat, so essentially, they are starving. Jane and her new companions are overworked, underfed, and are only able to bathe once a week. It’s truly barbaric. The Sheriff wants to make sure they know they are “below” white people and were only created to serve them. It’s disgusting and I wanted to kill the man myself. It was infuriating reading how horrible they were treated and all of the slurs they were called. Slurs I forgot even existed. 
The Sheriff catches Jane one night after she had snuck out, and beats her in front of the whole town. He ties her to a pole, strips her shirt off, and whips her. I actually had to skip that part because I couldn’t bare to read it. It was too much and I just couldn’t do it. I’ve seen enough of it. Jane, even though she is inches away from death, is saved by Katherine speaking out against it. Since the Sheriff has a crush on her, he stops, and allows Jane to join her in the safe part of Summerland to be her servant. I usually don’t like reading books about my people being so poorly treated, but Jane shot his ass point blank when she had the opportunity and I reveled in that. I love to see us fight back! 
As for the Priest, he is the Sheriff’s father so he helps influence the bullshit that goes on in town. It is also heavily implied that underestimating the Priest is not the best decision. He apparently beat someone to death so that’s fuckin wild, considering how much of an old racist fuck he is. ANYWAY, he gives sermons every night on how “the Negro” was meant to serve and how they are to “stay in their place” and I cringed through the whole thing. It was horrible. Almost no one in the town likes the Sheriff or the Priest. The whore’s, the “slaves”, and Mr. Gideon (the Mayor's son), were all forced to be in Summerland and they hate it and the two bastards in charge. This drives them to conduct a plan to kill them both so they can escape. The plan was to have Katherine pretend to be white, have the Sherif fall in love with her, then Jane takes him out of the picture. But things didn’t go as planned so it took a few extra steps of danger BUT they made it and scarcely avoided a big zombie horde, and made it out. 
Geena: OH YEA MR. GIDEON….. He’s supposed to be this scientist guy with a limp which we find out he does on purpose, and he KNOWS that Katherine is white-passing but he doesn’t say shit bc unlike the rest of the white men there he isn’t racist and he’s trying to figure out a way out of the town… Also, this man-made an electricity grid run off of zombies and that was so fucking funny to me for no reason other than it reminded me of a scene from a sitcom when Jane walked in on the contraption. ALSO, JANE MAY OR MAY NOT HAVE A THING FOR MR. GIDEON AND IT MAY OR MAY NOT BE RECIPROCATED? LIKE It’s funny reading Jane’s attraction to him like “he’s nerdy lookin… but in a cute way” but am I here for it?? Undecided...
Kae: So in conclusion, this book was really good. I enjoyed reading this AU of a zombfied civil war. It was interesting to see how things played out. I thought the world-building was pretty cool and I like how the South was called “The lost states” because they’d been lost to zombies. They also LOST THE WAR LMAOOO BITCHASSES. Anywaaaaay, I think Jane is such a strong, beautifully written character. She’s hotheaded, but she isn’t impulsive. She’s brave and she knows when to strike. She is smart, cunning, and a joy to be around. If she were real, I’d absolutely be her friend. She’s my kind of person. She keeps it real and I like that. Katherine is kind of complex and I can’t wait to find out more about her. She hides behind this proper, boujie demeanor, but I think a lot of it is a facade. I like how though Katherine is white-passing, she NEVER forgets or dismisses that she is black. She knows who she is and she hated pretending to be white. As for Jackson! He's impulsive, suave motherfucker and I hope we see more of him too! I think he’s going to have a bigger role to play in the next book and I’m ready to see what it’ll be. I can’t wait to find out what is in store for these characters because they are all beautifully written and their friendships are puuuure baybeeee.
Geena: GIRL YOU SUMMED UP ALL THE CHARACTERS REALLY WELL!!! You got everything that I loved about Jane, she’d be my idol irl… and Katherine is a really complex character and I’m excited to see how her story unfolds in the next book. SPEAKING OF WHICH…. THE COVER FOR THAT DROPPED AND O MY GOD…….. KATE AND JANE LOOK LIKE ABSOLUTE BABES and I cAN’T WAIT TO SEE THEM FUCK SHIT UP!
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Wedding Blues
Drew x Reader
Word count: 1735
It was a lovely day in Ayr, Scotland. The sun was out and the breeze brought cool air with the warm day. The town itself was in a buzz with excitement, the town's very own wrestler was marrying the woman he deserved. Drew McIntyre, also known as Andrew Galloway, spoke with his groomsmen as he thought back on previous years, wondering how he got so blessed.
After a rough breakup with his previous wife, he had a hard time finding love. That was until he went to a show in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. There in the ringside seats he saw her, a 23 year old woman with fire red hair. Her blue eyes caught his in an instant, causing him to lose focus on his match for a split second before Roman Reigns spears him.
After he won the match he strolls up to where she sat. He held out a VIP badge with a wink. “Why don’ cha’ come on back after te show?” She let our a happy squeal and took the badge, her fingers lightly touched his skin and he felt a spark. That meeting started 4 years that were the best of his life.
Her name is Rose Baker, a fashion designer and race horse breeder. Both have traveled the world and had many adventures together. Andrew never felt so happy with anyone before, Rose really made him happy and was always there for him as he was for her.
When he asked her to marry him, he never felt so scared in his life. He didn’t want to lose her, his light in the dark, so when she said yes it was the big Scottish man who was crying. He swept her off her feet and held her tight for dear life.
Today was the big day, Andrew was ready for his new life to begin. However there was trouble brewing in the room where his wife to be was. Rose paces the room feeling scared. “Guys! What if we are moving too fast? What will his fans say?”
Sophie, Rose’s bridesmaid and best friend, stands up and took her hands. “Rose, honey just breath. Andrew really loves you, you really think he will leave you because of what others say? The man is stubborn and won’t let you go.” Rose tears up as she shook slightly, “I don’t want to ruin his career. I don’t want to hold him back from his full potential.”
All the bridesmaids and the maid of honor hug Rose in a group hug. Sophie dries the tears away, thankful that she used waterproof mascara. “Just try to calm down. This is your big day as well as Andrew’s. It’s all going to be okay.”
Soon they leave Rose in the room to get ready. However when the music started to play, she did not show up in the doorway. There were whispers and murmurs. “Did she ditch Andrew?” “Where is Rose?” “I knew she was a no good slut!”
Andrew felt panic fill his chest as he heard every word. He jogs out and goes to the room Rose was in. He knocks gently on it. “Rose? Lass are yea in there?” Rose looks up from where she sat. She sniffles and looks down. “Don’t come in Andrew! Please. I’m a mess.” She sniffles and rubbed her cheeks.
He let out a sigh of relief and stands there at the door. “What’s wrong lass? Please tell me. Yea know yea can tell me anythin’.” Rose took shaker breaths and stood at the door, with to still shut, so she can talk to Andrew. “Andrew...are we moving too fast? What if I ruin your career? What if your fans don’t approve of me? I don’t want to hold you back from your future.”
Andrew smiles and leans his forehead against the door. “Oh Rose, my moon and stars. You don’ have anythin’ te fear. You have made my life so much better. When I got the divorce, I thought I would never find love. I became sloppy and making poor decisions in the ring and hurting those I called friends. Then I found you, my sapphire eyed goddess. Yea have changed me into a better man. With you in my life, my career has taken a turn for the better. Hell lass many of my fans were screaming at me to put a ring on it!”
Both have a good laugh and now they lean their foreheads and hands on the door. The couple smiling as they felt connected. “You are the best thing in my life Andrew. I would not trade out time together for anything.” Andrew chuckles softly,“Same here lass. I love yea so much.” Rose smiles as she stood there.“I love you too Andrew.”
“Now lass, I am going back to that alter. And I want to see my beautiful bride walk to me. We will start our life together, grow a family and have many more adventures together.” Rose giggles softly as she nods. “Okay baby.”
Andrew returns to the altar and nods to the DJ. The music plays and he waits there for 2 minutes. Then here she came, wearing her stunning dress with her bouquet of red roses in her hand. He took her hand and helped her up the stairs. He could not help but stare into her eyes. Their vows came up as he held her ribs and she held his.
“I, Andrew Galloway, take you, Rose Baker, to be my beloved wife. To have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health. To love and to cherish, until death do us part, but even then I will love you. This is my solemn vow.” He placed the rose gold ring upon her finger.
Rose smiles at him and looks into his eyes. “I, Rose Baker, take you, Andrew Galloway , to be my devoted husband. To have and to hold from this day forward. For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health. I vow to love and to cherish you, until we are parted by death. This is my sacred vow.” She places the platinum band upon his finger with a loving smile.
The preacher smiles as he raised his hands up. “And with the power invested within me and by god’s will.” He looks between the bride and groom. “I pronounce you man and wife, you may kiss your bride.”
Andrew moves the veil and cups Rose’s face in his massive hands. Their lips clash in passionate love as the building erupts into cheers and whistles. Andrew moans against her lips and bites her bottom lip with a gentle growl. He whispered into her ear as he hugged her. “Your all mine later.”
Soon the newlyweds were going to the reception to enjoy food and cake. It was soon time for the dance and Andrew held Rose close to his body. His eyes seemed to glow with love for her. “How do you feel? Mrs. Galloway?” Rose laughed softly as she kisses his lips deeply. They sway to the soft music in each others embrace.
Andrew made a soft growl and twirls her in a moment of joy. “Like the luckiest man on earth.” He dips her and kissed her deeply. The reception is over and the couple go to get their things. Once they placed all their things in Andrew’s truck, he scooped her up and placed her inside. They drive off to a cabin he brought as their own vacation spot.
After just dumping everything in the living room, Andrew pins Rose to the wall and kissed her roughly. His hands squeeze her hips as he growls. “Now you are mine, Mrs. Galloway.” He then started biting her neck as his fingers ghost over her thigh.
Rose could not help the moans that left her lips, her body was on fire. “Please baby, no teasing.” Andrew grins and picks her up and took her to their room. He rips her clothes off before taking his own off. His calloused hands grip and rub her skin. He then grips her hair and moves her face to his half hard cock. “Suck it princess, daddy wants to feel that hot mouth work.”
Rose smirks as she practically swallows his entire length. Causing her new husband to hiss and grip her hair tighter. Her red lips glide along his cock, saliva coating it as she never broke eye contact. Andrew growls and pants as tingles rush through him. “Fuck baby! Mmmm keep going like that.”
When Rose took him to the base, he suddenly grasps her hair tight with one hand as the other grabs her chin. He started ducking her throat roughly as she chokes and gags on him. Loving the rough actions of her handsome Scotsman. He pulls away after a few minutes and flips her into her back.
“Yer mine lads!” He suddenly then slams into her tight pussy. Both crying out at the feeling of each other. “Fuck lads! Still so tight!” Rose pants and moans as he started to thrust roughly. “O...only for you Daddy!” He snarls and slams harder as she clings to him, her nails clawing their way down his back.
Their hips smack against each other, skin on skin as wet sloppy sounds echo with their cries of bliss. Rise started getting close, feeling the knot in her stomach tighten. “Fuck! Daddy please! C..cum in me!”
Andrew growls as he moved faster and harder. “Yea want Daddy’s cum? Want me to get yea pregnant?” Both started becoming breathless as they grew closer to their climax. “Yes Andrew!! Yes please!”
Suddenly both cry out as Rose came and Andrew fills her with his seed. “Rose!!” “Andrew!!!” His hips press harshly against her as he came. Both panting heavily as they stare into each other’s eyes. Then they smile and laugh softly, leaning close for a loving kiss.
Andrew cleans his new wife up and they cuddle in the blissful afterglow. “Mmm how lucky am I to have you.” Rose giggles as she snuggled closer to him. “Now and forever baby, we have each other.” Andrew smiles as they drift off into a peaceful sleep. The first of many nights together as Mr. and Mrs. Galloway.
This is my enterance for @writtingrose’s Wiritting Challenge. This is my first Smut so please, be kind.
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westywrites · 7 years
Nothing Nor All
Part 2 
Previous - Next 
We flew as fast as we could across the road but once in the woods we couldn't see the bomb shelter. I looked at Riley; she had tears down her face. "I don't think we should go to the shelter," I said. "I think we should run now, while we can. We can figure stuff out on our own."
"That man is scared of us." Riley glared at me, "We need to know why. We can't just leave."
"He could be wrong!" I was getting angry. "He acts like we're the apocalypse. I'm betting he's bonkers."
"He could be right though." She grabbed my other hand. "We have no idea what we could do. No idea what's going to happen."
"And you trust him?" I pulled one of my hands away from her. "You're too trusting. I don't want to die."
"You heard Merric before." She tried to make me look at her. "There are things out there that want us to die. Boss obviously doesn't want us dead or he would've killed us." I huffed at her. "You know I'm right."
"Maybe he wants us here so we can't escape." I knew I was being dumb. "Maybe he wants to experiment on us or trap us forever."
"I'm not saying anything more." She was crying again. "And I'm not moving unless it's to the bomb shelter."
I wished I could cross my arms. "I wish you'd stop being so pigheaded," she mumbled at me.
"Shut up." I glared at her but her mouth just dropped open in shock.
"I didn't say anything." Her voice was quiet, almost fearful.
"Yes you did." I thought she was trying to deny it. "You called me pigheaded."
"I called you pigheaded in my thoughts." She put her free hand to her face. "I didn't say it outloud."
That's not possible, I thought, but I had my doubts.
It may not seem possible but I think it's happening. It was Riley's voice but I was watching. Her lips hadn't moved. She had responded to something I thought.
I feel sick, this is downright disturbing. I stared at her, wishing for her not to reply. Wished that it wasn't happening.
I don't know if it's disturbing or just weird. She bit her lip. And why do you wish this wasn't happening so badly? I thought you were always the one wishing for powers or whatever.
I wished for cool powers. Not to be connected in the mind with someone. I shut my eyes for a second. It's just unnatural. It makes me feel crowded in my own head.
I think he's right you know. She grabbed my free hand again. Especially now, it's starting to feel like we're not two people anymore. Hush I know you don't want that. She let go with her right hand again and put it on my face. But I think we're stuck with it. If there's nothing we can do what sense is there in wishing it wasn't happening?
I know. Fuck. Just fuck. I was pretty much crying. What's gonna happen to us Riley? Earlier we just spoke at the same time but that got more often and now this. Is it gonna keep getting worse? What's gonna happen?
Hey, chin up Wess. Life sucks, right? She pushed my chin up to make me look at her. Gotta keep your chin up. You taught me that.
Yea well I'm not as strong as I pretend to be. I pulled away slightly. I-I don't wanna talk in our heads anymore. Can we talk out loud?
"Yeah, of course, let's go." Her voice was soft and gentle and kind. What did I ever do to deserve a friend like her?
"Okay." I wiped my face with my sweater sleeve and brushed my bangs out of my eyes. We floated further into the woods and soon Riley saw a small, overgrown trail. There was a short metal door imbedded into a small hill. We entered in silence and tried to ignore each other's thoughts, but ignoring each other was as hard as ignoring your own thoughts and eventually we gave up. We talked for a while about nothing in particular. It's hard to find things to talk about when you're in a dark room made entirely out of dirt. When I remarked that, we realized that since the room was entirely made out of dirt, we could let go. Our hands ached from being in the same position for so long and letting go seemed appealing. It wasn't a hard decision; we couldn't see any bad that could come from it. We let go. It felt like someone threw me hard at the ceiling. After whacking against the dirt ceiling I continued to get shoved upwards even though I couldn't go through. Then came the pain.
"Oh. Ow, ow, ow." Riley practically screamed. "It feels like my hand is on fire. It feels like my head is on fire."
"Ow shit. Same here." I gasped. The pain was almost overwhelming, like someone had ripped the skin off my hand.
"We have to get to each other,” we both said. Riley pushed herself up and I pushed down. There was something in our favour for that room was short. Riley was leaning on the wall reaching up and I was able to stick my leg down so she could touch my ankle. The moment she touched all the pain was gone. We evened out and settled on just switching hands for a while to give our hands a break.
Can we agree to never do that again? She was opening and closing her hand, shaking it off.
Jeez, yeah. That was hell. I shook my head. We talked again for a while, only in our heads though. For some reason it was beginning to feel more normal. The fact that it felt more normal bugged me though. Eventually there was a sound outside. We had no idea what time of night it was or what animals could be in these woods, then my mind made the unwanted connection that it could be something other than animals.
Don't be stupid, it's just animals. Riley pulled on my arm to make me look at her. You're freaking yourself out.
You're pretty damn freaked out too.
I know, you're not helping. Another sound outside, definitely closer. Riley jumped and clung to me. Without even realising it we turned invisible. We sat like that for a few minutes before I glanced at Riley. Even though we were invisible I could see her, a vague outline of her. It wasn't as clear as the outline of myself but it was there.
Holy shit really? Riley had heard me notice that and began to examine me. It probably has to do with the mind connection stuff. Earlier when we first turned invisible I couldn't see you at all.
I know. I rubbed my eyes. Do you think whatever made the sounds is gone?
No idea. Riley looked towards the door. No idea at all. I watched as we slowly became visible again. It was strange, even though it should've been pitch black in the shelter we could see pretty well. We stuck to our own thoughts for a while but mostly I just listened to hers. She was wondering how her family would react when she didn't come home. She was imagining how upset my mom probably was. She leaned into my shoulder silently crying but soon was interrupted. Another sound outside, only this time it was accompanied by a light. We quickly turned invisible.
"Hello?" Boss came down the stairs, holding a bulky lantern. "Are you here? I wouldn't blame you for running but it would've been a stupid move."
"Hi, we're here," Riley and I said.
"Oh dear, you've been crying." Boss set the lantern on the floor and pulled a handkerchief from his pocket. "I don't know how much this will help but here. Clean yourself up a little."
"Can you not refer to us as one person?" we asked. "It makes me sort of uncomfortable." Riley and I jumped and turned our heads to look at each other.
Did we just say me? Riley looked repulsed.
Yeah, we definitely did. I had a lump in my throat. That felt really, really weird.
"I'd never refer to you as any sort of person and you're going to have to get used to being singular rather quickly." Boss smiled a strange smile. "You even just used singular for yourself."
"Just please tell us what you know about us." I bit my lip again. "Why are you so scared?"
"Well I don't know how much help I'll really be." He sat down. "I've only had a very bad experience with something like you once. A long time ago."
"Mr. Yakovic, please. Just tell us everything." We did it again. We knew someone's name without being told. Boss looked like he almost changed his mind on helping us. "I'm sorry! We didn't mean to, we don't know how we knew. We weren't trying to know."
Dammit, is that going to be usual? Riley was wide eyed.
It feels horrible, like I'm going to lose myself. I couldn't put my feeling into words, even in my own thoughts. Us both saying ‘I’ like that felt like a knife in my stomach.
I know. And how did we know his name? Riley looked at Boss.
I have no idea, but it creeped him out. I tried to read any emotion in his eyes. Now he's just watching us.
"Is that a nice conversation you're having there?" Boss interrupted.
"Sorry." We both shrugged.
"In order to explain the things I know about you, you need a little background knowledge." He looked quickly at his watch. "We've got plenty of time. So I'll begin with the general information you probably don't know." He sighed. “You don't really know anything."
"Merric told us some stuff." It seemed like he thought we were stupid.
"James is a little daft, he doesn't have the greatest understanding of the world outside of our little house." Boss ran his hand through his hair. "He has little concept of the pain in the world, I've protected him from it. But there is pain. I'll start on terms you'd understand having lived as humans." I raised my hand to ask a question. "You don't need to raise your hand but please save your questions until the end."
"Yes, sorry. Of course," I said.
"Hmm, you still can speak alone. Fascinating." He scribbled something down on a notepad I hadn't notice him pull out. "Humans believe in basic things, different things, but basic things. Good and Evil. Angels and demons. These things exist in a way within our world. There are three main groups of beings, the All, the Nothing, and the Inbetween. We are the Nothing, the things on which ghosts and demons are based. We are considered bad by all but ourselves. I'll admit there are some of us who are bad but I would prefer to call us misunderstood. The All are what you would know as angels. Beings of light and magic, eternal youth and false happiness. They are our enemies, they hunt us down and kills us. We have come back recently from a near genocide and the All plan for it to happen again. The Inbetween are humans and animals, all the creatures you know as real from being raised as a human. They are mostly irrelevant to us; however they have developed some weapons and traps that work on us. Because they see us as evil they wish us dead as well. As within the Inbetween animals there are pecking orders within the world. We are above the Inbetween but below the All."
"You made it sound like we're below the Inbetween by saying we have to avoid them." Riley and I pointed out.
"We're not naturally below them, they have had help from the All." He gave us a stern look. "Now, no interruptions, please." We nodded. "That is the base of the knowledge you need. Unfortunately you need my personal backstory before we can continue. The relevant part of my life is 1666, in London, England. I was thirty six years of age, an emerging but successful doctor. Springtime came and my aunt fell ill, I personally took her under my care. For a month she was my life, all I did was tend to her, trying to stop the inevitable. At the end of that long month she passed, rather peacefully in her sleep. My cousin was devastated and it nearly drove my poor mother to death. She blamed me for her sister's passing and I began to blame myself as well. On a fateful day I sat in a tree in the woods, a rope around my neck. As I slid to the edge of the branch and angled to jump, a man approached. He was elderly but had no trouble walking through the tangle of roots to the bottom of tree. He reached his hand out to me and talked me down from the tree. I followed him to his home where he poured me a tea. His house was nothing but a shack in the woods, but it felt more like a home than anywhere I've ever been. The tea was warm and calming, the best I've ever tasted. Suddenly the man apologised to me, he told me the pain would be over quickly. I thought for sure he had poisoned me, given me hope only to kill me. But no, I awoke and he explained the world to me. It was a blessing, for a short while I had no worries and lived happily with the man in the woods. He quickly became the father I'd never had. That happiness was stolen when hints of fall appeared. We were out walking when we encountered two boys, a bit younger than you. They were injured but still they held hands. We nursed them to health and they told their story, I thought it was novel that they spoke as one. Late in August the boys left us and went on their way. Seventy five years they had been in this world and they said they were never as indebted to anyone as they were to us. September rolled in and fire struck. The great fire of London. As a doctor I did all I could to help. I saved innumerable lives in those three days, Nothing, Inbetween, and even All. On the last day of flames I walked with the man, observing the damage. That is when we saw them, the boys. A snap of their fingers and flames leapt across the building nearest them. It was horrific to think that children could be the ones to cause this. Even though they had lived seventy five years they were still very much children and it was horrible to see what they had done. The old man, brave and foolish, ran to them. He called out and tried to talk them down. There was nothing in their eyes but the reflection of the flames they sent out to kill. I watched as they killed him. He was the only father figure I have ever had. I grabbed a stone from near me and somehow I drove it into them. I plunged the stone into them over and over. I scrambled over to the old man, sobbing. One of them sat up and told me to run. He thanked me, looking at the other boy, and then told me to run. So I did. I ran far and it was not long before I had flown across the ocean. I settled here and kept to myself, as I have since then. Those boys were like you. That is why I say you are a horrible and vile creature. They were arguing when they left us. A disagreement within the self is bound to drive one insane and is bound to happen when the self was originally two people."
"So you base your judgement of me on one incident?" We sounded far more offended than I intended and we still had to pause to shake off the 'me'.
"No, there is one other. I have only heard of this one from others. Every Nothing and All is taught about the creatures like you at some point. There has only ever been those boys and one other before you. I'm not sure what happened with the other exactly. What I do know is that it resulted in the Black Death." He sighed. "You see based off the only other two of your kind that have ever existed you will end up killing many. I'm so sorry for you."
"But I don't want to hurt anyone." The future seemed pretty unavoidable and utterly terrifying.
"Then I should report you. There is an agency within the Nothings, very similar to the police of the humans. They are a relatively new organization, only formed in the past hundred years. They intend to make a better name for our kind. A main concern they have always had is to stop another tragedy." He scooted towards us. "I don't know what they would do to you. But if you really don't want to hurt anyone, it's a possibility."
"No, no thank you. We're good." It was an effort to say we.
Maybe we should Wess. Riley thought.
No flipping way. I glared at her. I'd rather not die or spend life in a jail cell.
Who says that would happen?
Logic says. I huffed at her and ended the thought conversation there.
"So can I ask a question?" I said.
"Ask anything and I will try to answer." Boss was honestly a very caring man.
"How did you know we were Nothing?" It had been bugging me for a while. "How can you tell?"
"Ah fair question." He smiled. "It's in the eyes and voice. A certain air of confidence."
"Pff, I'm not very confident, Wess is. But not me," Riley said.
"No it was very much there in you too." He sighed. "In fact if I had been paying attention I would've noticed how similar your looks were. How close you two were.” He paused. “A Nothing who lives without encountering the plant lives to be remembered as a great human. Many leaders of the human world were Nothing and didn't know it."
"I went to a leadership camp a while ago. A lot of people there will definitely be great leaders." I furrowed my eyebrows. "Do think any of them are Nothing?"
"I think many of them are Nothing." He looked concerned. "I believe that camp was most likely set up by the All in an attempt to find any Nothing they could. Which means they would have noticed you." He looked toward the door. "They have probably been watching you. At least keeping tabs. They either followed you here and we are all doomed or soon they will notice your disappearance." He swallowed hard. "Run fast and far once the sun rises. I wish you the best. But I fear you are already dead."
"I'm so sorry if I cause any harm to you or your employees." Tears stung my eyes again. "I didn't know. I'm so sorry."
"Hush. Don't worry child." He stood up. "You could not have known and are at no fault. If one day this all blows over feel free to come see me again." He picked up the lantern and headed out the door. "Don't be afraid. Fear does nothing but inhibit." His light was blocked by the door and faded into the trees.
I'm scared.
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fragile-contents · 7 years
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Here goes all 50 adorable asks for raebeatle ✨ 1. I haven't met my soulmate yet! 2. My favourite colours when I was young were yellow blue and green and its the same then as it is now ✨ 3. Sometimes I wear eye shadow :0 I usually wear like browns and pinks when I do ✨ 4. I wouldn't say so no, a crush ain't too serious 5. I personally dont believe love at first sight, more love at first conversation yk? 6. I'm a realist and a pessimist 😎 I'm a real miserable fucker if I'm honest 7. My first kiss was gross. In a dark cold room, sloppy and wet asf barely even lasted one second I didn't know what the fuck was going on and I was not at all up for being kissed and tbh I'm up for redoing my first kiss with someone else as long as it ain't that shit 8. I own lots of stickers! I have tonnes of sketch books, journals, pens and pencils and I stg I have boxes upon boxes full of stuff I have a problem 9. Really just everything on my blog is my aesthetic and same goes for my fb 🌟 10. Yea I wear dresses a lot! A skirt is part of our school uniform so like yea I wear skirts too 11. My hair is brown its a messy bob kinda? Like slightly above my shoulders, bed head 24/7 12. It depends on what I'm at like if I'm doing something I rlly like then time goes super fast but if its bleak shite then its such a drag 13. I either conk out at half five in the evening and get up and half three the next day or I dont sleep til 3am and am up 2 hours later full of energy or just don't sleep at all there's no in between tbh 14. Toffee or fudge is my favourite sweet food!! Or peaches 🍑 15. I love tea, coffee and hot cocoa ✨🍵✨ 16. Literally cannot pick just one I love them all! 17. I dont remember any games I played as a kid except for the ratatouille ds game that was the best thing ever 18. Honestly I read Macbeth when I need comforting its a nice way of reminding myself things aren't so bad Mara you didn't kill the king, go power-hungry and get killed by a dude who was born by caesarean yk? Nice stuff 💖 19. Mermaid all the way!! 🌊 20. Nah I defos dont fall in love easily I take forever 21. Breeze is my favourite word 🍃 22. Absolute fucking disaster 23. I do like total dad dancing to eighties music in public places and that's that 24. I never wear fake nails but I paint my nails some times :0 25. Yea lots of people confess to me 26. I do lie but its only to stop people from getting hurt or to stop myself getting in trouble for never doing homework lmao 27. Literally everything I am never not smiling help me 28. I cried at the first Shrek movie so I think that says enough about what makes me cry 29. David bowie as the goblin king in the labyrinth when I was like 10 30. H e l l n o 31. Not rlly superstitious I'm like kindastitious 32. 12 year old me and how I wish I could go back and slap her with a brick 💖 33. I love candy! I really love jelly tots and anything butterscotch flavoured! 34. Generally a lot of the holidays I go on have the fun and enjoyment totally sucked out of them BC we always go to England and my aunt and cousins live there and don't believe in enjoying life its all go go go no time to look at anything we plan the holiday for you and its not what you want to do but fuck you kinda thing? Like last year was the best tbh BC (I'm a horrible person) we were given a days break from them since one of my cousins broke her arm and we got a days peace but srsly we didnt want them near us my granny told them we were coming there was no escape. Its rlly bad too since our family isn't religious at all and they force the christian belief down your throat and my oldest cousin is a total fucking creep around me yikes 35. I love every season except winter. Irish winters suck arse 36. I am 100% dog person! 37. I'm quite loud tbh 38. 90's aw yes 39. Denim jackets and bootcut jeans tbh ✨ 40. Once I had a dream that I was in this city and it was full of lil gecko dudes with normal gecko bodies but with human limbs? And I was walking about eating a nice pineapple pizza and they were all amazed they were like wow the prophecy was true and I was like yes lads idk what the prophecy was but I'm rolling with it so I got crowned king and one geck was like shit lads she's a girl should she not be a queen? And I'm like nah its cool being the king is rad too so I got a cape of like shed snake skin and a crown of egg shells and the gecko people kept bringing me slices of pizza and cute mutant human limbed gecko babies to kiss on the forehead for that good ol Irish luck and it was so nice I was really loving life 41. My dads friend Scott, he was loud and tall and had a Scottish accent even though he was from derry and I didn't understand what he was so I hid behind the sofa every time he came to visit 44 because apparently there's no 42 it just skips straight to this but that's cool. I flirt sometimes? Its mostly just messing about though 45. I tend to dress in lots of greens, blacks and greys and look like I crawled out of the bin most days 😎 46. Yea I blush 47. ✨🌸 I feel nothing🌸✨ 🌠🌟 I have been dead inside for years🌟🌠☀🌻 know any good assassins🌻☀ 48. I'm a hella big crier and I'm also smiling 24/7 smile while I cry nothing can stop the smile 49. I honestly cannot remember my first love 50. My last love was just a crush I had a while back ✨
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vaughnwamsley · 7 years
This is a conversation between [Bleeding/GotShot]AlexanderHamilton and yourself, Silent Ghost! John Laurens.
Silent Ghost! John Laurens: D: !!!!! [Bleeding/GotShot]AlexanderHamilton: *Laying on the ground slowly and painfully bleeding to death* Silent Ghost! John Laurens: *Sits down next to him, waves hand in front of his face* [Bleeding/GotShot]AlexanderHamilton: *He opened his eyes slightly and coughed* L-Laurens? Silent Ghost! John Laurens: *grins and waves a little* Silent Ghost! John Laurens: *looks at a wound for a second and winces*[Bleeding/GotShot]AlexanderHamilton: Laurens...It's so nice to see you *He smiled slightly wincing in pain* Silent Ghost! John Laurens: *Nods, tearing up* Silent Ghost! John Laurens: *Points up at the sky* [Bleeding/GotShot]AlexanderHamilton: *He looked up*...Looks like i'll be with you again Silent Ghost! John Laurens: *Nods quickly* Silent Ghost! John Laurens: *hesitates, and then mocks rocking a baby* [Bleeding/GotShot]AlexanderHamilton: ...Is Philip there too? Silent Ghost! John Laurens: *Grins and nods. taps his temple* [Bleeding/GotShot]AlexanderHamilton: *Alexander gave him a confused look* Will you be able to talk up there, its hard to understand you like this Silent Ghost! John Laurens: *Nods. looks over him again and pantomimes opening a pocket watch* [Bleeding/GotShot]AlexanderHamilton: *Alexander had closed his eyes started to slepp/die* Silent Ghost! John Laurens: *stands up and waits for it* [Bleeding/GotShot]AlexanderHamilton: *His breathing slowed till it eventually stopped and he died* Silent Ghost! John Laurens: ...Alexander? Silent Ghost! John Laurens: Can you hear me now? [Bleeding/GotShot]AlexanderHamilton: *Alexander stood infront of laurens assuming he was a ghost now*......I-I can Silent Ghost! John Laurens: *Grabs his shoulders, grinning wide* You sure kept me waiting, Alex. Silent Ghost! John Laurens: So long, I almost felt like- Silent Ghost! John Laurens: Uh... you know. [Bleeding/GotShot]AlexanderHamilton: *He smiled hugging laurens* Sorry I took so long Silent Ghost! John Laurens: *Hugs him back* Don't worry about it. Rachel kept me company. Smart woman, no wonder you turned out so well. [Bleeding/GotShot]AlexanderHamilton: ..Rachel my..my moms up there too?Silent Ghost! John Laurens: Oh, yea. *hits his arm* Speaking of, she has a few choice words to say about some of your life choices. [Bleeding/GotShot]AlexanderHamilton: ....shit...im in for a motherly lecture arent i? Silent Ghost! John Laurens: She's makin' up for lost time. She's good at it too- Philip got one too when he showed up. [Bleeding/GotShot]AlexanderHamilton: ....Fuuck Silent Ghost! John Laurens: *Wraps an arm around his shoulder* Don't worry, I'm sure as soon as she's done chewing your ear off it's gonna be sob central. She's missed you a lot. [Bleeding/GotShot]AlexanderHamilton: I've missed her too...a lot there were so many things i wanted to say before she died but i didnt get a chance to. Silent Ghost! John Laurens: Well, you aren't gonna run out of time up there. *Laughs a little* Prepare to unload 47 years of pent-up feelings. [Bleeding/GotShot]AlexanderHamilton: i dont know if im ready for all of that... Silent Ghost! John Laurens: Delaying the inevitable, eh? If you want we can just walk around here for a while. You can catch me up. [Bleeding/GotShot]AlexanderHamilton: that sounds nice... Silent Ghost! John Laurens: Let's go, then. Anywhere in particular you wanna wander towards? [Bleeding/GotShot]AlexanderHamilton: ...I think, could we see eliza? Silent Ghost! John Laurens: Of course. But ah, to do that... *Looks over to where they're loading Hamilton's body to row him across the river* I feel like it'd be easiest to follow /that/. [Bleeding/GotShot]AlexanderHamilton: then lets get going Silent Ghost! John Laurens: Let's go, then. *Leads him towards the boat, walking over the water like it's nothing* Uh, a little tip for ya, I suggest you don't look at yourself much. It's freaky. [Bleeding/GotShot]AlexanderHamilton: wasnt planning on doing that...*He looked at the water nervously* can i really walk on that? Silent Ghost! John Laurens: Oh, yea. *stops a few feet from the shore* Probably shoulda told you you can like, fly and stuff. Cool ghost powers or somethin. Silent Ghost! John Laurens: It's hard to explain how to do it. Just... focus on not falling. [Bleeding/GotShot]AlexanderHamilton: That should be easy enough Silent Ghost! John Laurens: *raises eyebrow* Think you can handle it, smart guy? [Bleeding/GotShot]AlexanderHamilton: Yeah no problem Silent Ghost! John Laurens: *turns back towards the boat, looking back at him* Let's go, then. [Bleeding/GotShot]AlexanderHamilton: *Hamilton walked up next to laurens* ok Silent Ghost! John Laurens: *there's a bit of silence* So, tell me more about Eliza. I got the "we're getting married it's so great. aaah I'm having a kid" part, but from what I've heard a lot's happened since then. [Bleeding/GotShot]AlexanderHamilton: Yeah... [Bleeding/GotShot]AlexanderHamilton: well, i wouldnt listen to her to take a break and ended up cheating on her with maria reynolds....things got bad, philip died...we got back together and things where getting better and now im dead Silent Ghost! John Laurens: Sounds like what I've heard. Maria's one of the topics you're mom's gonna tear you a new one about, by the way. [Bleeding/GotShot]AlexanderHamilton: ..yeah i figuredSilent Ghost! John Laurens: Can't really blame her. But you know it was a dick move, so I think you're good.[Bleeding/GotShot]AlexanderHamilton: hopefully...either way im not going to hear the end of it Silent Ghost! John Laurens: *shrugs* I mean, we've got forever. After a while everyone'll run out of things to say about it. *grins at him* Now whether that'll be a week or a century or now I can't be sure. [Bleeding/GotShot]AlexanderHamilton: Laurens I will never run out of things to say Silent Ghost! John Laurens: Can't argue with that. I've seen you write. I think you said more words just in all your essays and stuff than I did my entire life.[Bleeding/GotShot]AlexanderHamilton: ha...yeah Silent Ghost! John Laurens: Hey, you're a passionate guy who's good with words. I admire that about you, man. I'd rather be good with a quill than a gun.[Bleeding/GotShot]AlexanderHamilton: *Hamilton sighed thinking of burr* Burr fucking sucks Silent Ghost! John Laurens: *Frowned* I don't get it. We were friends, right? I wasn't just /imagining/ our five-man buddyhood, was I? What the hell happened? [Bleeding/GotShot]AlexanderHamilton: Burr is just mad because i said he was a bad vice president Silent Ghost! John Laurens: Mad enough to /shoot/ you? What the hell did that even /solve/? [Bleeding/GotShot]AlexanderHamilton: I have no idea Silent Ghost! John Laurens: *Shakes his head, trying to calm down* I dunno. I'm not a vengeful guy, but I think it'd serve him right to know what getting shot feels like. [Bleeding/GotShot]AlexanderHamilton: ...Can i touch and move things as a ghost laurens? Silent Ghost! John Laurens: *takes a deep breath to calm down a bit more* Not really, no. Some people can kinda feel when you touch them, but it doesn't feel normal. [Bleeding/GotShot]AlexanderHamilton: Damn...that sucks [Bleeding/GotShot]AlexanderHamilton: i was thinking about stealing jeffersons coat and freaking him out Silent Ghost! John Laurens: Oh my god, you're a genius. Imagine picking his cane up and smacking him on the head with it. [Bleeding/GotShot]AlexanderHamilton: Ha yes, he'd freak out, or just putting his coat on and dance around infront of him Silent Ghost! John Laurens: *Laughs* Imagine his /face/. Ooh, even better, get some chains and clang them together in his face while he's asleep. [Bleeding/GotShot]AlexanderHamilton: That would be hilarious...Or we could put pictures of Madison everywhere and he'd get really confused Silent Ghost! John Laurens: *elbows him* For an /old/ guy, you've still got that spunk in you. 'Sides, I bet he already has a stash of pictures of him somewhere. [Bleeding/GotShot]AlexanderHamilton: Hmm...bet he has some kind of diary somewhere. we could find it and put it somewhere where madison would find it and see all that hes written Silent Ghost! John Laurens: I can only imagine what he's gotten written in there. *Puts on a bad virginian accent* Dear diary, today I was a horrible person to my slaves. I hope Madison notices I love him. Who's Martha? [Bleeding/GotShot]AlexanderHamilton: oh wait i have one *Trys to sound virginan but failing miserably* Dear Diary Hamiltons passed away and i've finnaly realised how better he was then me. I wish i couldve been honored to have the privledge of being his friend Silent Ghost! John Laurens: Dear Diary, I wish I could go back in time so I could bow down to Hamilton, who is way smarter and cooler and less racist. [Bleeding/GotShot]AlexanderHamilton: ha...hmm Dear Diary, if only i couldve been more like hamilton and not be such a mega bitch who owned slaves for no good reason other then to seem cool Silent Ghost! John Laurens: Dear Diary, I sure am glad John Laurens died before I could have met him, 'cause he'd have punched me in the face and probably broken my nose.
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lnane · 4 years
between the ages of like 10 and 14 i spent a majority of my free time and school recees walking around and daydreaming about one solid story and its different spinoffs constantly. 
in this story i essentially created a universe like ours except it revolved around the logic that if “the emotional/mental pain you feel is great enough, you wont feel phyiscal pain” cuz i was like 11 and edgi and thought i was so very special compared to my peers.
so anyways this storys protagonist was a self insert character who, just like me, went to school and all that jazz. And then, as many preteens/teens might dream about, a Tragedy™ struck my school and it was Attacked by Random Terrorists™ and my character so Heroically Died Trying To Protect Everyone(™)
so anyways due to plot points i cant exactly remember but might get to the character didnt actually die. INSTEAD, they were thrown back into the dawn of time. Like, they ended up being the first thing existing. And the thing was that due to this was before literally everything else existed, death wasnt a thing yet. So! Character could not die! Just. Yeet around and exist! What a wonderful existance!
So anyways after like. A Long Time™ of that, gods just sorta appeared. And they did Not Like the existance of this character. like: “this dude is not only older than us but sentient and cant die???? bitch. fuck you” was their entire character. also they were evil and garbage.
But this didnt affect Character much. After all, they cant die. so why be afraid? they kept yeeting around trying to find a meaning to existance for a while.
And then! Sentient life happend. Dont remember if it was accidental or the gods created them or smth but anyways the Character fell in love! :0!! Got a nice wife and cottage to live and was happy!! :D
then the gods basically grew tired of the sentient life and killed them all. which made Character mad. And gave them super emotional pain cuz 12 y/o me thought “hm. whats the most emotionally painful thing that can happen to you? losing someone you love? like a wife? hm. make sense. lets roll with that” and yea.
so Character was not only basically immortal before, but now theyre Super Immortal! wow! so yea they went on a rampage hunting the gods and killing them all. (god of war style)
And this is were the Fun Stuff (according to 13 y/o me, cuz i reapet this part of the story Constantly) happens! When killing a god, their powers got absorbed by Character! So by the end of it all they were The One All Mighty God. which was like. neat ig. 
and then time passed or smht idk i dont recall anyways it rolled aroudn to the time The Character Aka Me would be born and they foudn out that they lived in a time loop! and had to basically give up their existance to place their soul in the child thats about to be born so they can exist and everything will repeat forever and ever. 
character was like. hm. ok. i will like. fix this so i am born. but like. fuck the not existing part. 
and just. didnt cease to exist. idk how this worked it just Did and apparently they never thought of this in the previous loops or smth? so anyways they decided to return to their old life like. either right as they died or a year later. i never made up my mind which version to roll with
version 1: right after they die
so imagine this kid just died infront of the entire school due to some attack or smth and suddenly they just jump back up and demolish everything. yea thats the plot
version 2: a year later
so imagine this kid who died a year ago shows back up at school all of a sudden but now theyre Super Cool and Edgy and also like. and all powerful god. yea thats the plot. 
so anyways after living the regular life for a while they decide that. hm. lets do smth else. and then just fucks off to do whatever the fuck i could think of across the multiverse. 
remember that thru the entire thing they always had the “i am in too much constant mental pain to feel any kind of physical pain” edgy broodin attitude. and kept it forever. plus they were literally an all powerful god so they could do anything but was like. nah. im gonna use like 2 powers on like 0.00000001% forever (it was a literal Big Thing several times that they would like. use “100%” but in reality they just use like an entire 0.00000001%. cuz they kept limiting their own power for the lulz). 
and also at several points they transformed themselves into a woman for several reasons, some top mentions being: 
idk how it just happend. 
why not? 
to fuck a man cuz if two men had sex thatd be Gay and 12 y/o me didnt know that that was an option
to fuck a woman cuz apparently being a lesbian still was an option? idk man im dumb now cuz i was very dumb back then
lmao you got your manly pride ruined by a woman. suck it loser
idk man point bein this happend a Lot and i probably shouldve realised i am trans way earlier than i did
i think i stopped daydreaming about this story fully when i was like. 15. cuz i cant remember any of it beyond 14. 
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