#it’s nandor coded
charlieswebb · 1 year
thinking about nandor a lot lately. i wonder if he’s so in denial about his feelings and trying to hide them bc he never felt them this intensely. we see he has a few unhealthy romantic relationships throughout the series. he changes his own personality or that of marwas so they can stay together. he also seems to not really care about his romantic relationships from when he was a human, he can’t even remember his favorite wife. but guillermo is always there for him, he feels lost and unbalanced when he’s without him. we see this in Local News but also at the start of season 4 where he figures he must find a replacement for the role that Guillermo has been holding for so long. In episode 1 of season 1 we learn that nandor wants some space from guillermo but every time guillermo gives him that space he immediately wants him back. I still find it odd how much Nandor represses these emotions. Is it because they are unfamiliar? Is it because he really doesn’t want to curse Guillermo with vampirism? Why is he so afraid to just act on his feelings? We know he has no issue getting it on so why is Guillermo so special.
The most recent episode told us that nandor has always had an interest in guillermo. He remembers the thank you card Guillermo gave him when Nandor first hired him. Guillermo must have meant a lot more then Nandors other familiars. Something supporting Nandor not wanting to admit his feelings to protect Guillermo, is that Nandor turned his old familiar Benjy into a vampire. Nandor wanted to get rid of Benjy and he didn’t care about him. Nandor cares about Guillermo and doesn’t want to lose him. Nandor believes Guillermo only sticks around because he wants to be a vampire. If only Nandor knew how much Guillermo loves him…
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taxonomicons · 1 year
Oh you like vampires? Is that because you are enticed by the idea someone could love you enough to share the burden of everlasting monstrosity? Haha HAHA no what? no
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bottombaron · 1 year
If I were Nandor, I would just drive my beautiful, puppy-dog eyed, boyish-faced, glasses and sweater wearing, lion and lamb, predator of predators, brunet soulmate to madness until he finally embraced the darkness within him and joined me in feeding on people. rip to him, but I’m different.
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russian-spider · 1 year
nadja calling nandor a legendary vampire!! nadja saying killing guillermo is nandor's privilege! nadja not wanting to lie to nandor! nadja lying because she doesn't want nandor to kill guillermo and then himself!! just... nadja loving her big dumb housemate ✨✨💕
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killthekilljoy · 1 year
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Will you marry me?
Do you, Guillermo, take this vampire to be your lawfully wedded husband?
Would you rather be a human or a vampire?
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sharkbath · 1 year
Lowkey feel like The Guide was added to the opening credits yet we’re seeing her less than season 4 😞😞😞I need more of her. But truly every little scene we get of her is peak like she’s too good
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verygroovylou · 10 months
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birb-jpeg · 2 months
Hello princess (talking about a fictional middle-aged male character)
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Me coded characters
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I don't know if this makes any sense.
Thanks for the tag @ladyofthestayingpower and @insert-witty-user-name-here
Tagging @ptork66 @ikeepwatchinghelicopters @limerental @kickassfu @goofgoofdildo @panur @the-better-rainbow-unikitty @rins-love-wins @bebx
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harringroveera · 7 months
*the Upside Down*
Henry: Eddie, you’re still angry about that Demogorgon who tried to eat you, aren't you?
Eddie: Yes
Henry: Don't deny it. I can tell
Eddie: I said yes
Henry: See, I knew it
Eddie: …
Henry: Eddie…I'm sorry for how I treated you tonight. I appreciate you. I really do
Eddie: Well, you have a funny way of showing it sometimes
Henry: Thank you
Eddie: …
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mycroftpedvia · 2 years
if you love watch this
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taxonomicons · 2 years
What We Do In The Shadows Episodes that I wish existed [ Part 1 ]
Nandor the Relentfull
Colin Robinson makes “Opposite Day” real to convince Nandor to relent. When he does the vampires take advantage of his newfound kindness.
Batshit Crazy
Laszlo gets the “batshits” and can’t turn back into a human, unfortunately batshits are highly contagious.
Gadgets and Gizmos
Guillermo replaces himself with a mannequin wearing glasses in order to attend his sisters baby shower. Nandor makes a confession and the Nadja doll makes a new friend.
Where Wolves?
Nadja’s latest project requires a werewolf tail, but the only way to get one is to be courted by a werewolf during a full moon.
The Lion, the Witch, and the War
The vampires put on a puppet play about Nandor’s favorite war during a dark rainy night.
Oh Fuck! My Guy!
Laszlo, Nadja, the Guide, and Colin Robinson get stuck in an escape room overnight while Guillermo is sick with the flu. Nandor insists on caring for him until he’s better.
A Normal Human Show
An undercover mission forces the household to all take on human personas. Jackie Daytona returns with his new friends Mosquito Larry and Natasia Demetriou.
Gargilo the Hideous
The worlds most beautiful vampire must be put into witness protection by the Staten Island Vampiric Council, her looks prove to be a major distraction.
Doctor What?
The vampires visit the Staten Island Institute of Medicine to try and find a cure for fang rot. Nadja reconnects with an old friend.
Colin “Danger” Robinson
Colin invents a daredevil stunt persona while Nadja accidentally becomes president of the local elementary school parents association.
Battle of the (Hus) Bands
Newly divorced Nandor must fake his marital status to help Laszlo compete in the musical competition “Battle of the Husbands” unfortunately he didn’t tell his fake new spouse, Guillermo.
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demonicseries · 1 year
what if I made a nandermo edit to tolerate it
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wisdomfish · 1 year
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• Reality: Jesus taught that hell is a real place where some beings will spend eternity (Matthew 23:33, 25:41; Mark 9:43). In Jesus’ teaching, hell is not figurative or symbolic; it is a real place in which real experiences take place. Jesus portrayed what hell is like with vivid imagery such as fire and darkness (Matthew 5:22; 8:8–12). • Rebellion: According to Jesus, hell is a place for those who reject God, rebelling against His kingship and refusing His grace. Jesus’ parables consistently portray people rejecting God’s invitation to fellowship, and the only alternative to fellowship with God is an eternity in hell (Matthew 22:1–14; Luke 14:15–24). Sin is a form of rebellion against God, and hell is the just punishment for sin (Matthew 5:22). The devil and his minions are the original rebels against God, and they will suffer eternally in hell, which has been prepared for them (Matthew 25:41). • Regret: Jesus does not portray hell as a pleasant place or even a neutral state. To the contrary, it is a place of torment (Mark 9:48). As the dark place outside of God’s kingdom of light, hell is full of pain and regret “There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth” (Matthew 13:42; see also Matthew 22:13; 24:51; Luke 13:28). • Relentlessness: Based on Jesus’ teaching, hell is not temporary, but eternal. Those who suffer in hell will suffer forever. “The fire never goes out,” Jesus said (Mark 9:48, NLT; cf. Matthew 25:46). There is no exit from hell, and no respite from it or comfort in it (see Luke 16:19–31). • Reconciliation: Thankfully, there is one way to escape hell before entering. God offers us reconciliation with Him, so that we never have to experience hell. That reconciliation was made possible through the death and resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus, the One who warned us about hell so often, is the One who saves us from hell. Through faith in Christ, anyone can be reconciled to God, apart from personal merit or virtue. Jesus gives the promise, “Very truly I tell you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be judged but has crossed over from death to life” (John 5:24).
~ GotQuestions
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leafatlaw · 2 years
u see your “Nandors going to read for months and not realize Guillermo is gone” but i raise you, Nandor only pretenfing to read to make Guillermo jealous. Consider this
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paperlignes · 2 years
Not me laughing so fucking hard seeing ‘NAND’ and ‘OR’ on my spouse’s electric engineering homework
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