#my brain can’t focus on anything else rn
charlieswebb · 1 year
thinking about nandor a lot lately. i wonder if he’s so in denial about his feelings and trying to hide them bc he never felt them this intensely. we see he has a few unhealthy romantic relationships throughout the series. he changes his own personality or that of marwas so they can stay together. he also seems to not really care about his romantic relationships from when he was a human, he can’t even remember his favorite wife. but guillermo is always there for him, he feels lost and unbalanced when he’s without him. we see this in Local News but also at the start of season 4 where he figures he must find a replacement for the role that Guillermo has been holding for so long. In episode 1 of season 1 we learn that nandor wants some space from guillermo but every time guillermo gives him that space he immediately wants him back. I still find it odd how much Nandor represses these emotions. Is it because they are unfamiliar? Is it because he really doesn’t want to curse Guillermo with vampirism? Why is he so afraid to just act on his feelings? We know he has no issue getting it on so why is Guillermo so special.
The most recent episode told us that nandor has always had an interest in guillermo. He remembers the thank you card Guillermo gave him when Nandor first hired him. Guillermo must have meant a lot more then Nandors other familiars. Something supporting Nandor not wanting to admit his feelings to protect Guillermo, is that Nandor turned his old familiar Benjy into a vampire. Nandor wanted to get rid of Benjy and he didn’t care about him. Nandor cares about Guillermo and doesn’t want to lose him. Nandor believes Guillermo only sticks around because he wants to be a vampire. If only Nandor knew how much Guillermo loves him…
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askladarmin · 8 days
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mx-kay · 2 years
Are requests open again and if not when ?
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Just a reminder that writing and art are my hobby. I do them for my own personal joy and entertainment. I love when people enjoy my content, I do, but stuff like this does nothing but make me feel even more burnt out than I already am. Requests will open back up when I can mentally handle them, which is not right now. I don’t want to have to turn off anons again but if this continues I will. These are not the only asks I’ve had about my requests being closed, but they are the most direct. Please be patient and considerate to content creators, especially when they do this stuff for free.
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so kaveh leaks huh
i’ve already made it pretty clear i’m super excited
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but dear god
those tags don’t do my simpery justice
i’ve seen the leaks and he hasn’t left my mind since, i literally cannot find the words to describe the emotional turmoil i’m in rn
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avatarmerida · 1 year
I can’t focus on other thing rn becuse @turquoisespace35’s mythology AU has taken over my brain so here’s a little drabble I wrote for it based mostly on this and this part 💛💚
“I don’t want you to go.”
He said it as firmly as he could. He had practiced it over and over again but still his voice shook. She had been honest with him from day one and there was still so much he hadn’t told her. He knew it might be selfish, might be impossible, might be too much, but he also knew she wouldn’t want him to hold it in. It wasn’t an order or request or even an invitation, it more like like a dream.
Once the moon entered the sky the gates would open and she would be able to leave. No one had ever been able to leave before. How ironic the one person who could was the only one he didn’t want to. He didn’t have a good reason or solid argument. It wasn’t logical or practical but it was true. He just knew that he wanted her to stay with him, everything else was just noise.
“What?” She asked in a tone Hunter couldn’t quite place. Was she shocked? Offended? Scared? Or had she just not heard him?
“I… want you to stay,” he tried rephrasing it. Maybe this was more honest. He didn’t want to be too honest too quickly because he knew what he really wanted was too much. He wanted every minute of every hour to be touched by her presence. He wanted to experience every sunrise and sunset with her. He wanted to cover his dreary island with vibrant flowers for her and sit beneath the apple tree as they exchanged stories. He wanted stories with her, he wanted to make memories they could revisit and share and have more time together than they had apart. He wanted the complicated simplicity she has shown him for the rest of his days. He wanted to ensure she knew nothing but kindness and gratitude for the rest of hers.
But above all he wanted her.
“But Hunter, I have to go back…” she started just as he knew she would.
“I know, I know,” he stammered, looking at the ground. “I know you do. I know you have a life back there. I know you have friends and your fathers and a future but I just… I needed to tell you. I know it’s crazy but I just needed to tell you or I’d regret it but Willow I just… can’t imagine the island without you.”
She smiled. “I have to go back,” she said again, scooting over to sit closer to him, reaching over to bring his face up to see hers. “To tell everyone how wonderful you really are.”
“The emperor can’t keep spreading these lies about you,” she said softly, a few of his snakes nuzzling her hand to help express Hunter’s joy. “You’re not a monster and I won’t let him keep sending soldiers here to hurt you. All these statues, I know they were made out of fear. I know you would never try to hurt anyone. I know you’re kind, and sweet, and smart and me going back alive and unharmed will prove that. I need them to know you like I know you.”
I don’t care if they know me, he though. I only care if you do.
“And when I come back, I’ll bring you the sweet bread my dad makes and we can have a proper picnic when we watch the sunset and maybe figure out how-.”
“You’d come back?” He said breathlessly.
“Of course I will,” she said simply, scratching the closest snake to her on the top of its head. Will, she had said. Will, not would. A promise not a possibility. She didn’t even hesitate. “I’d miss you too much. All of you.”
“But why?” It would be easier to stay away, it would be understandable. He didn’t want it to be true so he wasn’t sure why he wanted her to put more thought into it. He just couldn’t understand how she could be so sure of him.
“Because I like you.” Again, she didn’t hesitate. She didn’t flinch. If she needed to lie she could’ve said anything, but Hunter knew she didn’t need or want to lie. She never had before.
“I… I like you too.” He said softly and the snakes hissed at him to speak up! They agreed! Say it again! Say it louder! Say it with confidence! “We uh, all like you.”
Her hand remained on the side of his face, her thumb gently brushing his cheek. She did this often, saying it help her memorize his features. The fact that she found them worth remembering made Hunter’s heart spin. He leaned into the touch and placed his hand over hers, intending to hold it there as long as she would allow. “So it’s settled then.”
He more than just liked her. He liked apples, he liked to read, but she was more than sustainably or a way to pass the time. She was his whole world.
“But what if they don’t let you come back?” He whispered, feeling unshed tears stinging his eyes. They had sent her here to die and when they saw she hadn’t, what would be next? Would she be celebrated? Would they send her to islands with more to fear to test her abilities? Would they deem her sentence unserved and try to kill her again? “W-what if they don’t believe you or what i-if they-.”
“Hey,” she cut him off and pressed her forehead to his. The snakes rested atop her head and by her checks, her calmness contagious. Their silence gave Hunter a moment of peace, a chance to focus on this moment with her. She was not worried. Somehow she was so sure of everything. She was so sure of him. She was so sure of this. “Have I ever lied to you?”
“So when I say I’m coming back, I’m coming back,” she said with confidence. “I’m not gonna let the emperor or the rules or anyone stop me. I don’t know how they’ll respond but I have to try. You deserve that. But no matter what, I will be back with you.”
“I just… want to keep you safe.” He admitted, turning his head to the side to kiss her hand before bringing it down to their side. Their fingers danced together until they delicately intertwined as though they could not be kept apart. He knew she could take care of herself. He knew she was strong and tough and smart. But he also knew how cruel the outside world had been to her and he would do anything to ensure she was only treated the way she deserved to be treated for the rest of her days. He looked down at their hands, how they fit together so naturally. They shouldn’t work, but they did.
“You have,” she whispered, resting her nose beside his. He could feel her breath hovering across his lips. There was something else in her voice, as though he had done something else. As though she knew there was more he wanted and she was waiting and wanting to tell him he had that too.
This would not be his last night with her. They would have more long walks talking about nothing and everything. They would have more quiet evenings making up stories and blissful mornings gathering berries and finding reasons to be near each other. But there was something that a night like this inspired. Maybe it was the chatty snakes atop his head who had been constantly pleading with him to do all of this much sooner. But the sunset seemed to linger to offer them the ambience, as though telling the moon it could not come to open the gate until Willow had a farewell worth remembering. Until she knew exactly what she was returning to.
“I just… want to keep you… because…”
He didn’t give her a chance to ask for him to clarify as the small space between them vanished as his mouth covered hers. His other hand rose up to cup her cheek as he dared to repeatedly press his lips to hers. He wanted her to know it was purposeful. He wanted to give her the chance to pull away, but she seemed just as drawn to him as she titled her head to follow him as he moved.
Their lips had touched once before, after he had shown her the spot where the sunset was the brightest on the island. It has been only a moment and he had convinced himself it was accidental, that she had merely been trying to see him better.
But this, oh he knew what this was. He wanted her to know too. It was all the words he couldn’t say, that he didn’t know how to say, that hadn’t been invented yet. The snakes went crazy and hummed and hissed as they tried to process the emotions he felt. But it was too strong and too new and so they trusted him to sort it out for himself, not wanting to spoil anything. It was every time he wanted to be closer to her but walked away, it was a question and explanation all in one, it was natural and unnatural at the same time. His feelings for her were so simple, but that was what made them complicated. This was a goodbye and hello wrapped into one. This beautiful, building contradiction that she returned with vigor, reaching out to place her free hand on his waist to pull him closer.
“Well I guess I don’t have to leave right away,” she said softly as he pulled away for a brief moment to breathe. Her breathing was labored and her face was flushed as she let go of his hand to wrap her arm around her neck to bring him back down to her as she deepened the kiss. Hunter felt as though he was about to burst, feeling her lips form a smile against his. They were so soft and Hunter was so focused on how comfortable and warm he felt that he relaxed and crashed into her, nearly falling off the bench as Willow proceeded to kiss him with power and eagerness. But Hunter managed to steady them, not intending on letting clumsiness end the moment early as his whole world held him tightly.
He moved his arms to the small of her back, holding her just as tightly as he was convinced he was about to float away and only she could keep him bound to the earth. They both knew that her mission would not be simple, would not easy. They didn’t not know how long they would be apart. They didn’t know what trials awaited them. They only knew what they meant to each other, and they believed that this feeling was strong enough to endure anything and everything.
Willow let out a small laugh, and Hunter didn’t think much of it. He loved the sound of her laugh, the more of her that could be in the moment the better. But then her laugh became louder and a Hunter became worried he was doing something wrong. He had never kissed anyone before but he was fairly certain it wasn’t usually a laughing matter. As he slowly pulled away to see the cause, she followed him not wanting to leave the moment. She laughed again.
He looked and saw the source: the snakes were peppering her face with tiny kisses of their own.
“Sorry, hehe, it tickles,” she giggled as the snakes continued, much to his horror (though he could hardly blame them). But he quickly got over it, as the sight of her laughing in the rosy pink light of the setting sun drew him back in as he lunged forward to reunite their lips.
This time he did cause them to fall off the bench and Willow laughed as she was surrounded in affection. She hadn’t even left yet and already she missed him.
As Hunter and Willow continued to prolong their farewell, they didn’t notice the moon enter position. There was no urgency to act when it did, they had a few hours to seize it. But as the door opener slowly, three soldiers cautiously entered the domain. Swords at the ready, hearts determined, Luz, Amity and Gus walked forward to recuse their friend. A year of training had prepared them for anything, they had no idea what the monster was capable of. Luz scanned their surrounding when a familiar laugh made her cast her eyes down to the ground. She drew her sword and called to the others in panic.
“Oh my Titan, the monster is trying to eat Willow’s face!”
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joelscruff · 4 months
Just curious but what are the WIPs you have brewing up? Can’t wait to see more from you <3
i have so many WIPs at the moment 😭 my current dilemma is having all these ideas but for some reason having no brain power to actually write any of them (except for the last one on this list 👀)
feelings on fire chapter 11 & beyond - i'm in a weird place with fof at the moment. i love these two so much and i have their whole story planned out (even further than you might think) and i do plan on finishing it, but right now it's just not flowing for me. it's affecting my other writing too because i just feel this immense pressure to get it done and because of that, i tend to guilt myself out of working on anything else. it's been a struggle lmao. but i'm trying. i go into the draft whenever i have a little bit of motivation.
darkness hums (next to freeze or to thaw installment) - joel's going on the raid so you're left behind with tommy 👀 i'll get this done eventually lmao i have to be in the right mood to work on this series
beautiful stranger - this is my joel x escort!reader fic that i still feel SO passionate about but haven't finished. featuring an insecure & out of practice joel + lots and lots of joel worship. again, it'll get done, just not sure when.
pick my petals off - THIS fic has been in developmental hell for a long time lmao. dbf!joel, very very pervy and coercive who wants to sleep with you before you go away for college. huge age gap obviously, very filthy. it's actually a series so i haven't had much time to really focus on it. will i ever write it? we'll see lmao
stray animal - can't say too much about this. but. VERY dark fic. kinda fucked up. involves a glory hole. stepdad!joel. we'll see what happens lol
untitled best friend's dad!joel fic - this is my current passion project, i'll be honest. been thinking about it for a long time and would really like to start writing it soon. it's a series though so i'd like to have most - if not all - of it written before i start posting it. it takes place in jackson and you're ellie's best friend. you have a crush on joel, he doesn't see you that way. but then something happens and you end up growing closer, very slowburn. i've also been referring to it as touch starved!reader fic lol. han @swiftispunk has heard alllllllllll about it
imperfect for you - a drabble i'm writing for @janaispunk's 1500 kisses challenge!! it's joel + nose kiss 🥰 hope to have this up soon, it's kinda taken a backseat because i suddenly got inspiration to write something else.....↓
⭐is it that sweet? - this one's coming tonight most likely, so i won't say too much 👀 pervy!joel + the beach ⭐
so yeah. a lot. i mean, this doesn't even include ideas that are only living in my brain rn and not a draft, like a sequel to my boss!dave york fic and a threesome sequel to my frankie fic one of your girls, more of my boyfriend's dad!joel (believe it or not, i do intend to return to these two eventually. i miss them v much), etc. i feel like sometimes readers might think that just because an author hasn't posted for a while they maybe have lost interest in their fics/writing/fandom/etc, but it really couldn't be further from the truth lmao. i have so many ideas and i'm constantly writing things down, it's just actually turning them into fics that i've been struggling with lately. bear with me 💖 and thank you for asking!
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simpforfandoms · 2 years
Here with me
a/n: I got my wisdom teeth out and I’m high on pain killers rn so I don’t know what this is also it's been like a year since I've last uploaded I've just haven't had the motivation whoops. Also requests are open so please request I'm running out of ideas.
pairing: dick grayson x fem!reader (probably could be read as gender neutral)
summary: reader got broken up with by a text of all things
genre: angst, hurt with comfort, tooth-rotting fluff at the end
word count: 2665
warnings: language, not proofread
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“you’re nice and all but I don’t think this is going to work out.”
You’re heart drops. You read the text over and over again. Guess he lives up to his name. What kind of person ends it over text? You don’t know how to respond. A million thoughts at once fill your head. Do you respond with a whole ass paragraph begging him not to leave you? Do you call him? Do you run over to his work? What the fuck do you do? Your finger hovers over the call button. If you call him would he even answer? What could you do to salvage this relationship? It wouldn’t be the same if you could fix the relationship. Doubt would fill your brain. More doubt than you already had. In retrospect, you should’ve seen this coming. Dick Grayson is a beautiful human sent from the heavens above. And you? Well, you’re just you. It was stupid of you to think that a guy like him could ever love a gal like you. You check the time.
You know Dick can see that you read the text for almost six minutes now. You freak out and reply with the first thing you could think of.
He reads it almost instantly.
And just like that, it’s over. Almost a three-year-long relationship. Down the fucking drain. It’s funny it seemed like only 2 hours ago he was telling you how much he loved you and missed you. Where did you go wrong? You’ve done nothing but been there for him. You’ve been a good girlfriend. Maybe not the best. Definitely not Barbara. Barbara. Her name brings a funny taste to your tongue. A pit in your stomach forms. She’s everything you’re not and more. He probably reconnected with her and realized that he’s better off with her. Oh my fucking god why can’t you be better. Be better. Be fucking better. So many words that you want to say to him. Please being the most frequent one. You want to cry. Scream. Anything. But you can’t. It’s like you’re paralyzed. You’re hands are shaking as you find the caller ID and quickly push it.
“hey what’s up?”
“me and dick broke up?” You say it almost like a question.
“What oh my god! What happened?!?! I’ll kill him”
“Babs I need you to be completely honest.” You say gulping, “did you have anything to do with it?”
“No of course not,” she says
Of course she didn’t. She might be Dick’s ex but she wouldn’t betray you. A part of you hates yourself for ever thinking that.
“I’m coming over right now” you hear a muffled voice in the background but before you could ask she hangs up.
Weird but you didn’t have time to focus on that. You just got dumped. You can’t say you didn’t see it coming. You don’t know what hurts worse, being broken up with or believing that for once you were worthy of love. People say that “you accept the love you think you deserve.” If that’s true than why the hell were you and dick together. Dick is the most perfect boyfriend. Maybe it was all a mask. Maybe he didn’t actually love you. A small part of you hope that its not true, but the logical more realistic part know that it was all just a fantasy. A beautiful fantasy, but a fantasy nevertheless. You wish you could cry. You feel like everyone else in this situation would cry. Maybe it’s because you’re still in denial. You’re still hoping for Dick to say this is some sick joke.
1 hour earlier
“You don’t understand I love her!” Dick retorts.
“Dick you don’t understand. Y/n’s a civilian. Telling her, hell even dating her puts her at risk. I am ordering you, not asking you, to break up with her.” Bruce says.
Dick takes a long exaggerated sigh. Leave it to Bruce to turn innocently declaring that he was going to propose into a full-blown argument. His brothers sit and watch patiently. As if they’re waiting for a lion to attack. Barbara, on the other hand, is waiting for a chance to speak. After all, you are her best friend, she has to do everything she can to prevent you from getting hurt. By that, she means mentally. She has no doubt in her mind that Dick can protect you. Honestly, she found it heartwarming that Dick had come to her for the approval of the engagement ring. She only regrets suggesting that he tells Bruce.
“Bruce I’m not a kid anymore you can’t boss me around.”
“Think about all the people we have lost because they knew our identity. If you truly loved this girl you would set her free.”
Dick mutters something under his breathe. Barley auditable. Something along the lines of “I don’t want to”
You don’t bother to answer the door you know it’s Barbara. You know she has a key.
“Oh honey I’m so sorry!” She says as she runs over to hug you.
“It’s okay it’s not like your the reason he broke up with me.”
You notice a falter in Barbara’s face. She showed a tinge of guilt but as quickly as it appeared it went away.
“I know but I’m still sorry” she says.
“Y’know it’s funny Babs I thought I was gonna marry him. For a moment there I thought he felt the same. It was stupid of me. I turned a blind eye to him coming home late all the time. It shouldn’t have been such a big shock. I guess in the back of my mind i always knew there was someone else. I guess I should pack up my shit and get the fuck out of here. I don’t think I can handle looking into eyes without crumbling.” Tears begin to fall.
Barbara does nothing more than squeeze you tighter. A reassuring comfort that it’s not your fault. You know she knows something you don’t know and only wish she could tell you, but you also know that maybe she won’t tell you to keep you safe. You think about, if she knows that dick broke up with you because of someone else, maybe she’s just saving all the pain that comes with feeling you’re not enough. But she also has to know that you already feel your not enough. You pull away from the hug to look her in her eyes. Searching for answers. You grab her hands in yours.
“Babs if you know something I don’t please tell me, I know you want to protect me but please I assure you that I already have self doubt and if you tell me that there was for sure someone else all that could bring is closure. So please for the love of god tell me.”
She suddenly pulls away breaking eye contact.
“No! It’s not that- it’s uh. It’s all my fault Y/n. I’m so sorry.” She says in a hush voice covering her face in guilt.
As if your heart couldn’t possibly break it more, it feels betrayal.
“Babs were you the other woman?” You say not understanding.
“Oh my god of course not.” She turns her head to look at you. “I would never ever do that to you”
“Then how is it your fault?” You question confusion mixed with sadness on your face.
She turns away again.
“It’s just- oh god. I promised dick I wouldn’t tell you.” She closes her eyes and gulps. “A week ago Dick came to me asking to help pick out an engagement ring for you. He was going to propose.” She then looks at you searching for any reaction.
“He was? I don’t get it then why would he break up with me?”
“I convinced him that he should tell Bruce and all, thinking that Bruce would want to know. It ended up turning into a big argument. In the end Bruce convinced him to break up with you.” She sighs once again looking at your confusion ridden face.
“I still don’t get it. Bruce loves me. Why wouldn’t he want Dick to marry me?” You question.
“What Dick does for a living is dangerous.”
“I’m fine with him being a cop, he knows that.”
“No, it’s not just that. What we all do for a living is dangerous. Bruce likes you, he does. At first, he didn’t think you and Dick would last so he never thought that your relationship would get to the point where Dick would have to tell you the truth, but Dick had other plans. So when Dick told him he wanted to marry you, well-“ She stops taking a deep breath, “Bruce knew that marrying you would mean Dick would have to tell you the truth. So he told Dick that the only way to keep you safe was to break it off and if he truly loved you he would set you free.”
“How is any of that your fault?” You ask.
“Well after Dick stormed away I followed him to convince him not to break up with you. But he wouldn’t budge. He believed it would be selfish to continue your relationship while putting you jeopardy. He sacrificed his own happiness for your safety. He said he wouldn’t be able to live with himself if something ever happened to you. I knew he wouldn’t budge so I at least tried to get him to break up with you in person but he knew if he saw you he would never be able to do it. You called me after it happened Dick begged me not to tell me anything but here we are” She finishes with tears in her eyes.
“None of that is your fault, Babs.” You say as you pull her into a hug.
She chuckles dryly, “I’m the one who should be comforting you.”
You both laugh through the tears.
“I still have one question though. What does he do for a living?”
Barbara stops laughing and contemplates telling you. She eventually stares you in the eyes and says barley above a whisper “he’s nightwing”
Though you barley heard it, you’re eyes widened. Suddenly everything made sense. The late nights. The excessive bruises. The leaving dates early. It was like the final piece of the puzzle.
“Where is he?” You say though you already know the answer.
You get up from the couch, grab your keys and are almost out the door til you hear babs say “Y/n please don’t tell him I told you”
You stop for a moment and say, “Thank you Babs” and rush out the door.
“Dude I can’t believe you actually listened to the old man” Jason says.
“I don’t need your shit Jason.” Dick mumbles on the Wayne manor sofa.
“I’m just saying, you’re in love with her. Everyone can see that.”
“That’s why I had to!” Dick yells, standing up.
Jason stands back, seemly pushing Damian in front of him as if it’s his turn to talk some sense into Dick.
“What Todd is trying to say is, it’s absurd that you of all people would take Father’s advice about love seeing how miserable he is.” Damian states.
“Ya, Bruce doesn’t know shit about relationships, even I can see that” Duke chimes in from across the room, not even looking up from his book.
"You wanna know why he can't seem to keep a relationship? Because he lets his fear consume him." Tim says bluntly.
"Yeah take Tim for example isn't he dating a civilian? Benard? Nothing has happened to him" Jasons says.
"Well, I wouldn't say nothing" Tim replies.
"Shut up, I'm trying to make a point." Jason sighs, "He's not dead is he?"
"Yeah, Tim and Benard seem to be going strong," someone chimes in from the doorway.
That voice. Dick could recognize that voice anywhere. They all turn to look at you. Jason is the first one that turns back towards Dick.
"See y/n gets it." He shrugs
"Yeah, I do."
There is a moment of silence. The silence is so loud. The tension so thick. The boys seem to notice this and walk away. Jason gives Dick a look that reads, "Don't fuck this up, lover boy"
When the boys all leave the room, leaving you and Dick alone, you walk towards him. Dick's piercing blue eyes stare into yours. Almost questioning you, as to say "what are you doing here".
"You didn't really think I'd let you break up with me over text, did you?" You smile.
Dick can't help it, he smiles back. Even though it's silent, you both are saying a million words to each other. He can look into your eyes for eternity. He can't believe he broke up with you without getting to see those gorgeous eyes again. But as much as he wants to keep looking, he can't, he knows if he does, he'll come running back to you. He knows if he does that, he'll never see those pretty eyes again. The reality of the matter hits him. He breaks eye contact, turning away and crossing his arms, as a way to say "please leave". You however have other plans. You come closer to him barely an inch away from him. You take his face into your hands and turn his head towards you. He tightly closes his eyes.
"Dick, please look at me." You say.
"I can't," he whispers.
He sighs closing his eyes even tighter. "You know why."
You silently remove your hands from his face, sliding them down to his chest. You sigh, about to remove your hands completely until he untucks his arms and lightly grabs your wrists. He looks down, finally looking into your eyes.
"Please don't go yet," He says.
"Dick I need you to tell me the truth"
You search his eyes for a sign, anything at all. What you find is remorse.
"Y'know I love you" You say
"I know."
"Dick you can tell me anything"
He sighs, "You already know the truth"
"But I need to hear it from you"
He sighs again, this time deeper. He stares into your eyes almost pleading with you so he won't have to say it because if he does it makes all of this a reality. The harsh reality that he'll either have to love you from afar, or put you in jeopardy because of him. He'd rather stay here with you in complete bliss. As long as he's with you he's complete. He can't imagine you gone. Alive but gone or dead and gone. He wishes things were simpler. In another time or maybe another universe, he thinks.
"I'm Nightwing"
You burst you laughing. Making Dick confused, but he couldn't help but start chuckling with you.
"My fiance's Nightwing" You start singing.
When you eventually catch your breath, Dick seems to have an even more confused face.
"What?" You question.
"Fiance?" He raises an eyebrow.
"Well yeah but only if you want to be" You smile sheepishly.
Instead of replying Dick swoops you up and kisses you. Not like any other kiss you've had with him, it was one filled with passion. All of the love left unsaid was poured into the kiss. Any doubt that either of you had was solved. When you finally break apart, you two are panting resting your forehead on each other. Dick casually slips an engagement ring on your finger. To which you pull away to look at.
"Oh, Dick it's beautiful!" You gush.
"You have Babs to thank for that," He says pulling you in for another kiss.
You're the love of his life, and he's yours. You know what you're getting yourself into but ultimately you'd rather die having him by your side than not at all. As long as you're with him you've got a smile on your face.
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Guys !!!
So I’m currently manifesting my desired appearance and my desired hair rn-i’m more focusing on my desired face-but I can’t see myself with my desired face and my hair at the same time like my brain can’t visualize and i’ve been trying to find AI tools to modify the picture but it doesn’t work, so do I just relax because I know I have my desired face and my desired hair even if dunno what they look like together or I just focus on them separately or anything else ??
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rollercoasterwords · 3 months
one and seven for the ask game!! 🫶🏼🫶🏼
hi lia <3 <3
Have you pulled inspiration from media sources other than the property your fic is related to (a plot point from a TV show that has nothing to do with the characters/setting of the fic, a line from a book, etc.)? If so, for which story? Why did you find that media source compelling?
absolutely yes! i mean fic in particular is extremely derivative but honestly all writing is derivative...i am always pulling inspiration from other stories i've loved which have stuck w me <3 gonna focus on wfrau in particular just to avoid this answer getting too long + bc that's what i've been writing most recently but. i've pulled inspiration from the animorphs series bc there are lots of fun ethical dilemmas brought up throughout that stuck w me after reading it; a particular scene from the anime 'banana fish' influenced james's story, though i can't say much more abt that without risking spoilers for the anime...if you've seen it you'll probably know which scene it influence tho lol. the crypt ch was influenced by book 4 of the fablehaven series which i read growing up as a kid--i loved book 4 bc it involved the main characters going on a mission into this underground treasure vault and having to fight past different traps to deeper down...so fun <3 the idea to write a werewolf fighting ring au in the first place came from me remembering a book i'd read as a kid called 'the abused werewolf rescue group,' though i couldn't actually tell you anything abt the plot anymore...and i'm sure there are a thousand other bits & pieces of media that have been floating around in my brain as i've written but those r the main ones coming to mind rn!
7. Share a line or paragraph you’ve written that you don’t think will ever actually be posted in anything! (Or, if you don’t hoard cut sentences and passages like I do, share anything you want that has yet to see the light of day!)
ugh see i really should save my writing better...generally w the way i write i'm not usually cutting entire scenes but it has happened once or twice & i've just. deleted it...
i can share a snippet of a pandalily time war au that i wrote about 2 pages of like 2 years ago but don't think i'll ever return to/complete so it will likely never see the light of day...here u go:
The low chatter—that is something that does not change. Gather enough people into a room, call it a party, close your eyes and it could be 1992 in Los Angeles or 761 in Koumbi Saleh or 1674 in Beijing. Humans will buzz like insects no matter what time you put them in, forever and ever and ever. Sometimes Lily wishes that they still existed; she scrubs the thought from her hard drive before her programming reads it as a virus. Humans do exist, forever. One only has to choose the right time.
This time, she is drinking wine. She is wandering through bodies, smiling and feeling the way it shapes her face. She steps past the marble columns, onto the terrace, under the moonlight that kisses her eyelids so gently when she closes them. She can feel the light, you know. That’s something she can do.
“Red suits you.”
The person beside her is a woman, today, or something like it. She wears the same clothing, white sweep of cloth, though she’s never quite able to get the same softness. It drapes willowy, slow-moving, with fingers that gnarl like roots.
“I’m too tired to kill you tonight,” Lily says, biting through the Latin with her canines like rich meat. “Go somewhere else.”
The woman smiles, slow and creeping, a lichen on the bark of a tree.
“Another place?”
“Another time.”
“I can’t do that.”
“Why not?”
“I like the wine.”
She isn’t drinking any. She watches the cup in Lily’s hands. When Lily takes a sip, the woman’s tongue darts out to wet her lips, pink and human.
“They have wine later,” Lily tells her, “And before.”
“Not like here,” the woman says, “Not like tonight.”
“And what makes it different tonight?”
The woman smiles. She is standing so very close. “That’s what I’m trying to figure out.”
fic writer ask game
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uriekukistan · 5 months
Hi ! 🍊🍐🍈 ? :33
Thank u!
thank u for the ask!!!!
not me deleting the ask post bc i was like “nahh no one wants to hear me yap” believe it or not i do this often if anyone else wants to send it was this
🍊- a character i don’t write for that often, but keep meaning to write more
honestly this could go for so many characters….literally all of the characters. my brain has been in full itafushi mode, so i haven’t been able to write much else besides them 💀 given that im kinda stuck on itafushi rn tho, i think i want to write something for yuuji soon. i always write from megumi’s perspective bc it comes naturally to me, so i want to explore yuuji more. other than that, yuuta, mello & misa from death note, and ofc urie from tokyo ghoul are always in my mind as characters i want to write more
🍐- anything in canon i hate & love to fix in fics
usually i like to write “missing scene” fics when i write within canon rather than changing things about canon, like missing reactions, internal thoughts of certain characters that we don’t get to see, that type of thing.
recently i’ve had an idea for a jjk series that’s just different characters grieving and exploring their hidden thoughts and emotions. like the twins grieving geto, or how megumi grieves yuuji after the detention center when he’s alone, toji grieving mamaguro, etc…so that’s usually the type of thing i like to “fix” in my writing
🍈- my blorbo & headcanons/ideas that recur in my fics / blorbo rant
MEGUMI RANT TIME probably the most recurring ideas that come up when im writing him are internal conflict, difficulty opening up to others, and anger (a lot of it is towards himself, but spills out, usually when i write him getting angry with others, it’s due to some frustration with himself and where he’s lacking).
to be so very honest, when i write megumi, he always ends up a bit like a reflection of myself (especially dancing with a stranger megumi) but no one’s ever hit me with the “he would never say/do that 🫵” so…
most common thing i focus on with him is childhood and how being abandoned by the adults who were supposed to take care of him impacted him going forward. so the biggest conflict i focus on with him is wanting to hold tightly to the people he does have because he’s scared of losing them (through death or them leaving), vs him wanting to push people away so he doesn’t get hurt. also based on this scene, some lingering thoughts that he’s just not good enough or that there’s something wrong with him that can’t be fixed
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then ofc his ideas of good & bad people, and who should and should not be saved, including himself….AAAAAAA i’ll stop now or i’ll get carried away
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hi \o/!! Carente + Anomalia for the ask game? (I think you already answered these, but oh well maybe 2nd favourite \o/)
Hello! Twice even in one case! But I'll give it a go! Spoilers up to and including opc
Carente - Which is your favourite relationship (platonic OR romantic) and why?
Okay so a new answer for you first... I've done Johnny and Rubens a bit from OPD7 specific focus, I've done other Johnny stuff, I've done Cesar and Arthur... I mean I can mash Rubens with you for a wider Johnny and Rubens focus anytime but I think we both know that so...
Luciano, Fernando, and Erin. I just kinda... like them? I love Erin's dilemma of knowing her best friend has done something horrific, to save her other friend. Of having to choose between her best friend and her friend, except that she doesn't have any say in this at all. The way both Luciano and Fernando trust Erin so much, with explaining what's going on, who to shoot, what to do... But also when things go absolutely to shit, whichever one of them is present does their very best to look out for her. I wrote a little about her and Luciano during OPD, and we never really... OPD was not a season where characters really got to characterise, and I've never really had a chance to write more, but they just... make me kinda sad. But I love them, and I love how *messy* it is between them, more than anything else.
Then I will direct you here: https://factorialsotherfandoms.tumblr.com/post/756106730977509377/about-the-ask-game-carente-which-is-your
lastly, I will copy paste from what I wrote cafe, as there's spoilers for a season you haven't seen in that answer:
So, I did answer this here, but I know for sure you’ve seen the relevant parts so I saved this one for you. Because Johnny, my boy, my absolute fucking moron <3
I guess on screen relationship has to be him and Rubens, because its most of what we see, you know? And it’s sweet, and its fun, and watching the two pairs dance around each other and just how much Johnny and Rubens *trust* each other *and not the others* is very pleasing.
I am utterly and entirely and extremely *fascinated* by the team he used to be on. Both in a historical Johnny & Luciano & Antonio & Arnaldo sense, and in a current time (well slightly ahead) just Johnny & Balu being left at the end of it. Or even!!!! Johnny & Anfitrião, the being with Arnaldo’s memories. We haven’t seen any of him and Kian so eh yeah, but the potential!!! They’re not things I’ve especially poked, but these are all things I rotate in my brain constantly. I just… Don’t have the time to write them rn, and can’t even pick a singular version anyway. The man who used to be his mentor, perhaps saviour perhaps sponsor, becoming the thing that near killed him. The last two people at the end. Four people working together without names but, from what Balu said, seems there were frictions in the group from clashing personalities and people being stubborn. Not serious ones, but ones where they’d work together but not *like* each other much. There’s a lot of lines from the Johnny, Balu, and Rubens scene (mostly from Rubens because *fuck* Felps pulled it out of the park that scene [and many of the earlier ones but I’ve repeated the Host information frip ones less]) that live rent free in my brain, but this -
Johnny, I’m Balu. We already met on another occasion, but I think… I was a bit of a fool when you met me. Anyway… I think… If we were on some mission nowadays, we would be- I would have done better.
I am so fascinated by this line. This fucking line. I am completely fascinated by a relationship I’ll never get any god-damned answers to, and it’s this line’s fault.
(I’m also 80% convinced that where Balu cut himself off? The next would would have been ‘friends’)
Anomalia - Favourite headcanon?
See the same link I gave for the first one, lmao. For a second...
So this is projecting a little but... You know how Rubens' deepest if I could change something, it'd be to be in a country house playing board games with Johnny? Clearly he adores board games (I wonder if video games got him involved in the occult but anyway), but I like to think he likes... not necessarily weird board games, but board gamer board games. The ones with a billion little wooden pieces and cards and seven boards and fifteen trackers and a scoring system so complex you're not even sure exactly *how* to type it into a calculator. Things like Terra Mystica, Settlers of Catan, Power Grid, Thurn and Taxis, Ticket to Ride, Carcassone...
Thing is, he also doesn't play to *win*, necessarily. Sure winning is fun, but he wants a safe way to spend time with friends without needing to hold up a conversation. Also he tends to set himself mini non-winning (sometimes contradictory to winning) goals. Have a city with one of every tile type in Terra Mystica, collect one of every coloured route in Ticket to Ride, connect two specific cities in Power Grid, refuse to place on road cards in Carcassone... Anything like that.
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stargirlfics · 1 year
Alrighty, once again I humbly come to you with more self indulgence because I just heard the LOUDEST cracks of thunder right now and my whole house SHOOK and well, yeah, you know 😩😭 Your Joel ones I reread and they bring me such comfort every time, I'm reading them again now 😭🥹💕
Alright, being up in Wayne Tower, if it rains or storms, it's gonna be scary especially with the windows and being up high and yeah 😵‍💫
Could I ask for some headcanons for early established relationship with Alfred comforting you during a storm?
He went to bed before you, but as soon as you heard the rain and saw the lightning flash, you race to join him under the safety of the covers as the thunder cracks. You try not to wake him as your arms try to fit around his torso while he sleeps. You're tucked right up against him like he's a shield, but you're eyes are just open, wide awake, occasionally glancing over to the window whether or not you can see out of it. You're trying not to tremble and trying your best to still your restless limbs, but you can't help it. Mumbling soft and embarrassed apologies to Alfred if he wakes.
You haven't mentioned anything like this to him before, being too embarrassed about it and worried he would think you were being silly and overreacting.
Thank you so much 😭💕 Please take your time! I just wrote this while it was on my mind while I try to catch my breath rn 😩😵‍💫
Aww friend I’m so happy I could bring you some comfort, I still remember and go back to the Joel ask you sent me, it’s one of my favorite hurt/comfort blurbs! 💓💓💓
Oh and of course! It’s the way I had some thoughts of Alfred being really sweet and caring during a bad storm floating around my brain this morning, we synced up lol no but I really love this! 🥺 he would make you feel so safe I just know it!
I have a headcanon that Alfred definitely sleeps soundly but also isn’t hard to wake, he’s spent so many years having to be attuned to his surroundings and keep alert and then with Bruce, ready to answer a midnight call if he should need his help
He’s a little harder to accidentally wake when it’s raining or storming out, I feel like he’s fond of that kind of weather but when it’s you, then, tucking yourself against him and whispering out apologies he knows something is off by the slight waver in your voice and then he notices you tremble with every lightning flash or boom of thunder
The way his first thought would be to cup your face, gently prompting you to look at him, and when you apologize again, embarrassed and worried he’s gonna laugh at you for being scared, he hushes you sweetly, sitting up a little to cradle you
“Please don’t apologize, my darling. There’s nothing to be ashamed of. You’re safe with me.”
He does it so easily, moving so his body blocks the window, till you can only see and feel him around you and it makes you cling to him, already feeling a little better hearing him reassure you
“Easy, love. You’re doing so well! I’m right here, nothing can get you here, I promise.”
“How about I read to you for a bit hm? I think that will help while we wait out this storm, I know we didn’t get to finish the chapter we were on before dinner.”
It’s not even a second thought for him, he’s already reaching for the book on his nightstand, hushing you sweetly when you tell him you don’t want to mess with his sleep, you were just a little scared and the admission makes you want to hide your face but he won’t let you, telling you that he’s happy to do this for you
Please I’m so soft! Alfred kissing your forehead softly and whispering to you that you’re safe, that he has you and won’t let anything happen as the storm continues, you jump or shiver every now and then but less as the sound of his voice reading aloud to you kinda takes over everything else, it being all you can focus on because he’s so captivating to listen too!
He keeps you tucked against him, still making sure you’re not bothered by the window or what you can or can’t see and he makes a mental note to draw the curtains shut tighter when you calm down a little more, he just wants to focus on you and making sure you feel okay first 🥺💕 it’s making me so soft to think about!
Know this wasn’t much but I hope it brings a smile to your beautiful face! I adored indulging in this thought, Alfred is the best!
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voidconversations · 1 year
i need to quit procrastinating and make a layout for chapter 2 of ghosting you. my brain feels like fuzz and i can’t focus on anything rn 😭 i recently started watching daredevil (literally started it 2 days ago) and i’m already on season 2 ??? so rn that’s the only thing i can focus on.
i don’t know what this is, but sometimes when i find new things, i completely focus on them and they take over my brain. like it gets to a point where i can’t do anything else unless it has something to do with the thing i’m currently interested in. it stops me from doing tasks that i should be doing throughout the day…
i’m not switching who i write for, dw. i’m just currently obsessed with matt murdock so i might have to wait to write ghosting you until i finish daredevil completely lmaooo (it should take like … less than a week to finish considering i’m already on season 2 lol).
so sorry for the wait but i don’t want to write something shitty just because i felt like i had to get it out!! i want it to be good, not forced.
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accept this rose as an apology <3
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One thing I love so much about orv is the writing style. SS has such a beautiful writing style that I get absorbed into orv whenever I open my kindle.
Orv doesn't have a single meaning, the scenes we interpret do not have a single interpretation and I love that. Different aspects have different interpretations and I believe that’s really beautiful for a book to have different interpretations and invoke thought.
Sometimes I’ll sit and think about a scene in orv and come up with my own interpretation, how it made me feel then open twitter and see someone with something different and it makes me think more. I read the thread wanting to know why they think like that? What did you see that I didn’t? And seeing different opinions (the good ones, not the hateful ones some assholes drop) make me really happy. Maybe it’s cause my brain can’t rest and refuses to stop at my interpretation but I have to say SS really made a piece of art!
Orv would make literature teachers cry cause it can be interpreted in so many ways (gone with ‘the curtain is blue as a symbol of sadness’).
Another good thing about Orv having such an open to interpretation style is that spoilers don’t pull me off. I haven’t finished it but can talk about it for a more than reasonable length (Apologies to my younger brother as I spent well over an hour explaining why kdj and yjh are life and death companions last week) because I’ve seen so many takes and opinions on twitter.
Hell twitter was the final push that made me pick it up (shoutout toapollo their jd sleeping beauty au led me down the orv rabbit hole). Seeing the ‘spoilers’ on twitter piqued my curiosity and made me search for a way to read orv and here I am on tumblr.
I wanted to know why are jd known as ‘life and death companions’? Why does 49% and 51% trigger people? Why is my tl filled with kdj’s 24 inch waist? (I believe his waist is AT MOST 26 inches) With so many whys, threads explaining shit after I liked ONE AU I picked it up for myself and I can say starting Orv is the best and worst thing I’ve ever done to myself.
I can confidently say orv is indeed the bane of my existence and the object of my desires (head in hands begging for an official English translation so I can buy it ) Orv didn’t pull me out of a reading slump, it put me in multiple but they’re the most pleasant slumps I’ve had cause I don’t want to finish reading it but I also can’t wait to finish it so I’ve decided to stall my suffering and take it at an extremely slow pace.
This feels like a diary rn
I feel like I’ve said a lot without really saying anything but meh so is life ig (damn Shakespeare got nothing on me)
I almost forgot!
The topic of interpretation comes from lsk encouraging kdj’s love for books! Lsk encouraged kdj to reread books when he’s done because there’s always more to it than what you saw in the first read. He could reread a book and focus on someone else’s pov and get an entirely new story from something so simple :) I’m not a fan of rereading books (I’ve tried and just can’t so it’s one of the reasons I stick to ebooks cause I don’t have to worry about getting rid of books I’ll no longer read ( ◠‿◠ ) )
Orv might have been about that one reader’s pov (sobs) but it sure made me think of things from others’ pov! It took being empathetic to another level and made me want to understand these characters and not just understand their love for that rat bastard {affectionate}.
I wanted to understand why these people kept going when it looked like all was lost. They’re living in an apocalypse for goodness sake and they’re still trying to survive??? I’d look for the quickest and least painful way to end it all cause I wouldn’t see a way out and even if I did see one who says I’d struggle to get it?? Do they keep moving just to survive? Why do they struggle when a peaceful death sounds appealing? (if it’s not obvious I’m a weak ass bitch and can’t imagine facing a scenario )
There’s something in them that makes them move even before they met kdj. Maybe it’s the fear of death? Maybe it’s hope? Maybe it’s the desire to live even when it seems impossible? Maybe it’s something I haven’t thought of?? Who knows?? (SS probably but this ain’t about them :) )
There are people that ship jd and see romantic intentions behind their actions (they’re married your honour) and there are people that have chosen to interpret these actions as outstanding companionship (history will say they were best friends) and that’s fine!
To my knowledge, SS hasn’t confirmed anything but best believe jd is married with biyoo as their daughter and living together with a nice house in the suburbs free from all scenarios and just enjoying domestic married life to me. Jd has caused so much commotion in the fandom that it’s funny. Like damn it’s not my fault I see two married men (life and death companions is a wedding vow???!) and other people see besto friendos ٩( ᐛ )و
*puts rose tinted shades on* all in all I need to hold kdj’s waist and will not know peace until then
Anyway! Let me stop here I need to eat something and if I keep brainstorming I’m gonna cry ϵ( 'Θ' )϶
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zylian · 1 year
Run on ramble:
I’m so torn cause why did Mapicc say it’s Subz’s armour when refuting Planet, the guy didn’t die since he hasn’t been on, I refuse to believe the guy got jumped grinding cause that’s just sad so it’s either Vitalasys or Clowns but if that’s the case then why not just say it’s theirs but then again they clearly have the trims off of Subz since one set was given to Vi and Clown looted the guys corpse early on and recently Mapicc did say he killed Clown with carts but then Clown wouldn’t wear Subz’s armour though he did use his weapons so maybe it’s Vitalasys? It was only said cause Mapicc disliked Planet saying he was wearing his armour and no one else purposely makes amethyst silence trims so…
There’s literally never a confirmation for anything anymore until one offhand comment or the people suspected stream and I can see the heart counts
So many unreliable narrators that make everything iffy and now I feel out of the loop but then hear something that makes absolutely no sense so now I’m doing process of elimination and checking who has what and why some people said what they said
I need my brain to not focus on random things pls oh pls let me not care about this I can’t do this rn
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i feel like such a failure rn bc like this not knowing where we’re gonna live come april combined with our landlord pressuring us to move out early is literally making it impossible for me to focus on anything else i have written like one tiny paragraph today and i can’t THINK as if like 100 pages or a thesis is not overwhelming enough as it is already and i just wanna die i really do if i could just press a button to just cease to exist forever i would bc shit never gets better once one problem goes away 3 new ones sprout like a fucking hydra and i know i’m smart and i know i have value in my brain but if i can’t use it because everything is shit all the time then what’s the point
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