#yeah I really like satyrs sue me
kirchefuchs · 8 months
I apologize in advance, my poor, poor followers. I'm about to post a lot of Trolls fanart from the last two week-ish since @fulltime-bigtoe-remover inadvertently got me into the fandom :/
And I'm gonna start with both our Troll-sonas because why not. His is a rock and classical troll named Fallen. Mine is named Harley, and I decided to make up a "musical theatre" troll species since that better encapsulates me than any of the others tbh.
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Rambles and more art under the cut:
I decided to make the theatre troll have sort of goat/satyr features for a couple of reasons. The main one, I wanted to look a tiny bit like Tinky from Team Starkid's Hatchetfield musicals. But also because I associate satyrs with Greek mythology, obviously, and the ancient Greeks were very well known for their theatre. Not to mention, I heavily associate Dead Poets Society with satyrs and theatre since Neil played Puck in Midsummer Night's Dream. So, yeah.
Here's a bunch of doodles I did of Harley. Some of which have lyrics to a couple Starkid musicals
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I also drew this lil theatre troll I'm naming after Puck because I like it. Sue me.
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Did I partially make him so he could be a romantic interest for Harley? Shut up. I really like drawing characters blushing, okay?
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mirkwoodshewolf · 1 year
Siren song; Eddie Munson x reader Monster!AU
*Author’s note*
Okay so this was an idea that’s been popping into my mind. Not necessarily the fic idea overall but doing a MonsterAU! fic. Now while I do enjoy the vampire fics you need to think back to Eddie’s FIRST appearance in the series, the song is called “I was a Teenage werewolf” by The Cramps and c’mon Eddie FITS a werewolf to a T (the hair, the puppy-like energy but also occasional aggression) so in the end this fic was born throughout the weekend :)
So everyone is either a monster or mythological creature in this story and in this one dear readers you are a Siren. 
Warnings: violence, swearing, flirty Eddie, some fluff, angst, suicide (mentioned by side character no one in main story).
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Being a siren is difficult as it is, but being a teenage siren at a school filled with other mythological and monstrous creatures is another thing.  I had transferred here after I was forced to move due to my mother’s passing so I live with my cousin Robin (who is mermaid. Don’t believe what the humans tell you, Sirens and merfolk are related. Distantly but we’re in the same family), and being the new creature in town is tough.
Especially when people give me a hard time about my selective mutism.  Now some maybe asking what is that? Well basically I’ve always hated the fact that whatever I said, I’d always put people under my spell.  It was like they were forced into being my friends or whatever when all I want is true friends who love me for who I am and not just my siren song.  So I’ve chosen to never again speak to anyone except Robin (since sirens can’t affect other sirens or merfolk).
Soon most of the student body stopped pressuring me or just chose to ignore me.  All but a select few of students, namely Eddie Munson and his pack of werewolves. Well werewolves (Frank, Gareth and Jeff), a dragon (Dustin), faun (Lucas), and a satyr (Mike).  Eddie being the leader of his pack he was the first to welcome me into their humble school and offer a seat at their table if I ever needed one.
He was sweet, charming, adorable, handsome, caring. Okay so yeah I’ve fallen for a werewolf sue me! But the thing about Eddie is that he’s an observer.  He understood right when Robin explained to him that I wasn’t much of a talker, he never questioned it.
And bless him he thought it was because I was deaf (since I speak through sign language) he even learned it for me.  It wasn’t until I wrote down and explained to him that I wasn’t deaf, I just choose to not talk due to the siren’s spell.  God was he adorable with that blush of his.
From then on he and I have been the best of friends but I would never, ever, ever, ever admit my feelings for him.  He’d never look at me the same way ever again and the one true friend I’ve made here will be out of reach forever.
I was at my locker switching out my books for my next three classes as well as grabbing my lunch when someone came behind me and scared me with a playful ‘woof!’ I jumped against my locker but didn’t turn around cause I knew who it was.
I turned and playfully slapped his leather jacket arm and signed to him.
‘I hate it when you do that Eddie!’
“Well too bad cause I love it. Oh you’re so easy to scare it’s adorable.” He teased with a pat to my head.  I shoved his hand away and slammed my locker shut.
‘So what brings you to my locker-abode this time? Forget to do your American-Gothic assignment again?’
“No this time I was fairly interested in what Edgar Allen Poe, the King of gothic poetry had to say. No what I wanted to ask was if you were busy tomorrow night?” I tilted my head in confusion.
‘Not really. Robin and I were planning a girl’s night in with Nancy and Vickie. Why?’
“Well I was just going to ask if you wouldn’t mind meeting me at Skull Rock?”
‘Skull Rock? Isn’t that your—’
“Shifting place? Yeah.” Oh my god.  To werewolves, the most sacred thing to them is their shifting place.  Close to every full moon, all the werewolves of the town will go to their spots and start marking it up with claw marks on trees, clothing tied to trees, or rubbing their scent glands up along rocks to show other werewolves to not enter within the perimeter of their shifting territory.
“It’s okay if you don’t. I totally understand I just…..You know what forget I even asked. It was a stupid idea and I shouldn’t have…..” I took his hands before he could run and told him.
‘I don’t mind. Besides Nance and I will end up third and fourth wheeling Robin and Vickie.’
“You’ll really come?” I nodded with a soft smile.
‘But can I ask why tomorrow? Isn’t tomorrow a full moon?’ he looked around cautiously which had me confused.  Normally Eddie doesn’t care about anyone eavesdropping on our conversation but he seemed worried about something.
“There’s rumors going around about werewolves being attacked mid-change by some vampires. You remember when Enid didn’t show up to Greek Myth vs History class earlier this week?” my eyes widened.  “I don’t know why they’re doing it but I—I usually tend to strike first and ask questions later when it’s…..my time of the month.” He grumbled as he kicked his foot across the cobble-stoned floor.  “And I’ve already gotten two strikes against the Vampires, one more and they’ll have me be put down.”
‘So you want someone to keep an eye on you? In case anyone comes around?’ he ducked his head and hide his face behind his hair bashfully but also shamefully.  I reached up and brushed his hair away before lifting his chin up.  ‘I don’t mind Eddie. But—will I…..you know?’
“Be safe?” he answered.  I didn’t mean to be judgmental.  I know how werewolves get when they transform and it takes a while for their human side to connect with the wolf’s mind.  
In some cases, they are too wild to be around which is why those that are, tend to go out to the woods near Lover’s lake (which is where Eddie turns).
“Don’t worry princess, I know the wolves who turn out there are pretty wild. But I’ve gotten better with controlling my other half. In fact I’m able to focus and see just shortly after the pain dies down. Before it took me an hour or two to focus after my change.” He took my hands into his, “But just in case, you can always stay on top of the rocks. They’re plenty high enough for you to avoid me if you don’t feel comfortable.”
‘I’ll be there Eddie.’
“Thank you angel.” I scrunched my face in disgust at the nickname which made him laugh.  “Sorry angel.” I stuck my tongue at him before shoving him.
‘You know I hate that nickname.’
“I know, sorry angel.” I let out a groan and walk off but he quickly pulled me back towards him, our bodies close together and I could already hear my heart racing in my chest as I stared into those deep brown eyes of his.  I also heard his heart starting to pick up as he kept me close to him.  Wait was he—?  “I’ll see you in class sweetheart.” He then gave me a quick peck on the cheek before leaving me there breathless.
Around the full moon, Eddie and all werewolves were more affectionate or aggressive (depending on who you ask).  And sure he’s given me quick pecks on the cheek before but this time based on how fast his heart was racing and just feeling the sweat that comes from pheromones he—no he couldn’t be. Could he?
After school, Robin and I were hanging around with her best friend and former Vampire king, Steve Harrington at the apothecary where he and Robin worked.
“He seriously said Vampires are the ones attacking werewolves?” Steve asked me as he was typing up some medical records for their boss.
‘That’s what he said.’ I signed to him.
“He’s not lying. And Enid wasn’t the only werewolf to be attacked. Last month both Jacob and Paul were also attacked. Hell Paul was nearly torn to shreds. Had to get a blood transfusion and everything.” Robin said.
“I mean I know the bad blood between werewolves and vampires has lasted for centuries hell maybe even more than that. But even I know better than to attack a mid-shifting one.”
‘Well Steve you may have that respect but there are some vampires who don’t. Like that douchebag Jason and his lot of vampires. They’re always giving Eddie and his friends a hard time.’
“I wouldn’t be surprised if it was them.” Said Robin. Oh god I hope not, that’s the last thing Eddie needs. “But you should tell Steve what Eddie told you next.” She teased as she poked my side with her well-manicured mermaid nails.
“What?” Steve asked fully turning his attention to me. I glared ar Robin who merely shrugged before I said.
‘He invited me to help keep an eye on him as he turns.’ Steve’s eyes widened and he opened and closed his mouth a few times before saying.
“You’re telling me; that Eddie Munson, a werewolf, invited you to his shifting spot?” I nodded.
“I told her that he loves her. No one is allowed to be near a werewolf’s shifting spot, especially during the full moon.” Robin teased as she leaned in close against my back.
‘And I told her that I’m just helping out a friend.’ I signed shoving against her to get her off of me but she came right back.
“A friend whom she loves so deeply for.” She poked my cheek to which I gave her a bite and she took back her finger and rubbed it.
“You have been fawning over Munson since you came to live here.” Steve said.
‘Who’s side are you on!?’ I asked him with a glare.
“No one’s side but I do hate watching you pin for your wolf boy. Why not just go up and tell him how you feel?”
‘You both know why.’ I sighed solemnly.  Robin came back and hugged me from behind.
“Listen cuz, did it ever occur to you that maybe Eddie loves you not just for your Siren looks? I mean really, you haven’t said a word to him since you flew into town.” I glared at the flying remark she made. “And still that boy has been gaga over you. I mean c’mon! He invited you to his shifting place for Poseidon’s sake!”
“And to them that shit if like sacred ground or whatever.” Steve finished for her.
‘And what if I do finally start talking to him? Or even say that I love him? How will I know what he feels is real and not just cause of my siren spell? Can you both guarantee that much?’ at that they didn’t know how to respond. ‘Didn’t think so.’ With that I chose to return home and get my homework done then just go straight to bed.
The next day went by like every other school day, classes went by as normal and when the final bell rang everyone was either at their lockers getting their stuff together or racing immediately out of the campus grounds.
I walked out of the school and headed towards the parking lot where I found Eddie packing up his van and making sure he had everything for the night.  I heard his sniff the air and he turned to me and smiled.
“There you are. I was about to come get you.” I shrugged. “Now you sure you don’t mind hanging out with me until night fall? I can always pick you up at your place.”
‘No, like I said I don’t mind. Plus Robin and Vickie just left together and you know how those girls get when they get the house to themselves. I’d rather put myself under my own spell than hear them go at it with each other.’
“But you can’t deny they are pretty cute together.”
‘No question. I’m glad my cousin was able to find someone special.’ If only the same thing could be said about me.  Eddie tilted his head and asked me.
“You okay? You look like you’re gonna cry.” I reached up and touched the corner of my eye and felt a single tear.  I wiped it away and took a deep breath before signing to him.
‘I’m fine Eddie. So do we just head over there now or is there some kind of routine you do before you go there?’
“I was thinking we’d head over to the Green dragon for some food. Heard the halflings have got a new special on their menu.” Oh I did love going to the Green dragon.  Ever since moving here, I found that if I wanted to go for some good quality food and the best ale in town, it’s the Halfling’s pub the Green Dragon.  I swear those creatures make the best dishes known to any creature, hell their meat pies alone could slay dragons and best harpies.
I nodded frantically which made Eddie laugh and he offered me the first step into his van before he drove us over to the Green dragon.
As we sat down at our table, I was working on my Myth vs. History assignment while eating my potato stew with a side of fresh warm biscuits. I looked over to Eddie and saw how he was still working on his homework but he had yet to order anything except water and ale.  I reached over and tapped his arm and asked him.
‘Are you not hungry?’
“One downside to being a werewolf is that I can’t eat anything before my transformation. Not even a nibble of food. Due to the change in our organs don’t want to end up hurling my guts out again. Learned that the hard way before I was taught by my uncle.”
‘It’s that painful?’
“More or less. Basically our human organs have to shut down in order for them to grow into our wolf ones. Bones snapping in and out of place and our bodies morphing and changing. Very rarely do the movies the humans make get it right. It gets pretty graphic so, if me telling you this has changed your mind you can easily turn back now. I won’t get upset.” I took out a sheet of paper and quickly wrote a message to him and pushed it towards him.
I won’t leave you. I had wrote.  I then held out my hands, palms up and he smiled softly at me as he placed his hands into mine.  Our hands grasping each other’s as I rubbed the back of his hands with my thumbs comfortingly.
“You’re the best (Y/n).” I smiled again and squeezed his hands more as I looked into his eyes.  God why is it that he can make brown eyes look so beautiful and at the same time adorable? Is it because of him being a werewolf? Or is it just his natural cuteness?
We continued our homework while I finished my supper and it was just two hours before sunset so Eddie decided it would be a good time to drive up towards Lover’s lake and head over to Skull Rock.  When we got there and I followed behind Eddie, I took notice of his nails grew into his 4in claws as he began marking various trees.
“Usually I have to do this only once a month but with the werewolves trying to push into other’s territories with these attacks, now we have to enforce it. And I’d rather you not have to deal with two shifting werewolves.” I nodded in understandment.
About 15 minutes later after walking deeper into the woods, we pulled some bushes aside and there it stood, Skull rock.  Like the name says, it’s a giant rock in the shape of a skull leaning against another rock that formed a small cave-like structure inside to hide under.
“And there she is sweetheart, Skull Rock. My home away from home every full moon.” We walked towards it and I took notice of the giant claw marks that had faded in the past and some fairly recent markings.  Eddie tossed his duffle bag into the little cave underneath the rocks and I asked him.
‘Can werewolves keep their clothes on when they turn? Or do they have to go shirtless before they turn?’
“That fucking bitch Meyers really oversexualized us to no ends in her damned books.” He muttered shaking his head.
‘I’m sorry if I offended you.’
“Oh no, no, no, no you didn’t say anything wrong (Y/n). It’s just they glorified it as some sort of sexy thing and they made it look so quick and easy. And the end result was just dire wolves. No, no, we don’t look like that. I’d say the closest thing to an actual werewolf in Hollywood is ‘An American Werewolf in London’. Though some don’t get as bulky, we all have different shapes depending on our own bodies. Take Enid for example, you know how she has those highlights in her hair?” I nodded. “They appear in her wolf form.”
‘Do you have any distinct features?’
“Well you can thank these luscious curls,” he said dragging his hands through his hair.  “It make my wolf form have a mane-like appearance around my neck. Enid says I must be part manticore or something to have a lion’s mane like that. Imagine me being a full manticore, pretty metal if you ask me.”
‘As metal as that sounds, I think I like you better as a werewolf than anything else.’ Eddie just stood there and looked at me.  Oh shit please don’t tell me I might’ve revealed my feelings for him by saying that.
Suddenly he stabbed himself in the heart with his fist, throwing himself down to the ground and lay there still and limp.  I quickly raced up to him and shook him awake but he didn’t move. I tapped his arm and shook his back but nothing seemed to stir him awake.
Then with a sudden roar he grabbed me and pulled me into his lap and began to tickle my sides.  I began laughing as I tried to free myself from his grip but he held firm.
“You can’t say adorable things like that without repercussions sweetheart.” As my laughter rang through the forest, I was almost tempted to finally speak out just to tell him to stop but that lingering feeling of him falling under the siren spell was strong.  So I merely batted at his hands and just whimpered as loudly as I could to get him to stop until he finally relented.  “Has anyone ever told you that you have an amazing laugh?”
I looked up at him as I tried to catch my breath.  He stroked my hair out of my face as he continued.
“And I’m not just saying it. I always thought it was quite beautiful. And I wondered if your voice was anything like that.” My heart sunk. I got off his lap, no he can’t be telling me these things just to get me to talk.  “Hey, hey wait hold on. You didn’t let me finish.” I turned to look at him and signed to him.
‘I’ve told you why I can’t talk to anyone Eddie!’
“I know. And I’m not trying to force you to. I swear on my uncle.” When a werewolf swears on a member of their pack, you know it’s a serious vow they’re making.  “I won’t deny I’ve always wondered what your voice sounds like. Not because you’re a siren but because you’re you. But that doesn’t mean I’m gonna force you to talk, I’d never do that to you. You can talk to me when or if you ever feel comfortable with that.”
My heart grew heavy at his confession.  I’ll be honest there have been times, especially recently where I have wanted to talk to Eddie.  To finally tell him hello and how much he means to me.  But because of what’s happened in the past, especially with relationships, I fear he’ll be just like all the others.  
Once the siren song takes full hold of him, he’ll grow too attached to the point where he’ll end his life if he never has me in his life again (yes I had one boyfriend in the past where he actually killed himself just because my mother didn’t approve of him).
I felt him lift my chin with his index finger and thumb so that I could look into his eyes.
“All I’ve ever wanted was for you to be comfortable around me. And if you not talking to me is what’s comfortable to you, I’ll respect that decision. But I’d also like you to know that you don’t have to be afraid if you ever do wish to talk to me.” My mind debated long and heavy on all that he just said.  I kept a firm gaze upon him as I softly licked my lips and slowly opened my mouth.
Suddenly Eddie’s head turned away and sniffed the air. His eyes narrowed as he was on alert now.
“Someone’s here.” He sniffed the air again.  “And it’s not werewolf.” I tensed and looked around. “Get up on top of the skull, now!” I quickly raced up and crawled to the top of the skull-like rock while Eddie stood guard from the ground, his wolf growls softly coming out of his throat.
The forest was eerily silent except for a couple snaps of some twigs and the rustle of some of the bushes.
“Just the wolf freak we wanted to see.” Oh god no! Robin was right.  Soon coming out of the bushes was Jason Carver, the current Vampire king of the school.
“Back off Jason, you really don’t want to be here.” Eddie warned.
“Seems you don’t get it, do you freak?” suddenly surrounding the area were his vampire lackies; Andy, Chance, Patrick and Eric.  “You furball-freaks have been taking up our forests for too long, and we’re finally taking them back!”
“Since when do these woods belong to you?” snapped Eddie.
“For as long as Vampires have settled here. It wasn’t until your tribe of mutts came in and took it from us!” snapped Chance as he cracked his knuckles.
“I don’t want to fight.” Eddie warned them again.
“Too bad loser, cause you’re gonna get one. Less you wanna wolf out early and take us all at once.” Challenged Andy, Jason’s right hand man. It was then Patrick took notice of me and he said.
“And it seems we’ll have to entertain our special guest.” It was then the boys took notice of me.
“Well, well, well, the Siren without a song. Well at least for long, once we’re through with this freak, let’s say we make her sing for us boys?” grinned Andy.
“You lay a hand on her and you’ll regret it!” Eddie growled fearsomely.  Suddenly he cried out in pain as we all heard his bones beginning to snap.
“Well look at that boys? Seems the mutt’s got a little crush on the siren. Hate to break it to you mutt, but you’re way out of her league.” Jason and his boys soon began to close in around Eddie.
As night soon began to settle in and the full moon began to rise, Eddie let out another cry of pain as he wrapped his arms around his stomach.  I watched as Jason threw the first punch knocking Eddie to the ground before he delivered a hard kick to his chest.
“C’mon wolf-boy. Wolf out!” mocked Jason.  Andy then took his turn as he kicked Eddie in the back.
“Wolf out! Wolf out! Wolf out!” the vampires soon began chanting as Eddie’s hands began to twitch and grow hairier with his transformation.  I then saw as Chance actually stepped on Eddie’s hand mid transformation and he let out a cry of agony.
I growled and soon stood up on top of the rocks as I let out a scream which caused the vampires to look up at me.
“Oh don’t you worry beautiful, once we’re done here, you’ll be next. We’ll get you to sing nice and good for us better than this mutt ever could.” Jason said with a sickening grin.  As I heard them laugh and high-five their leader’s disgusting suggestion, I opened my mouth and began vocalizing.
The sound of my voice immediately stopped their celebration as they looked at me.  I revealed my black wings and flew down to the ground as my eyes glowed bright red as I put them under my spell.  I moved my hands down my body seductively as I walked up to Patrick and stroked down his face.
His eyes soon shining red as he was fully under my control as I then moved to Andy as I sang in a higher key.  I got almost close enough to kiss him but I shoved his limp body aside as he had that dopey grin on his face that most men get when they hear the song of the Siren.  I then went over to Chance and got down on my knees in front of him.
You would think I’d be giving him a blow job when in truth I went to grab his ankle and literally snapped it in two with my brute strength.  He let out an agonizing scream and fell to the ground cradling his broken ankle like a baby as I ended the song with a powerful vocalization before I gave the command.
“Tear yourselves apart Vampires.” In a flash Jason’s friends turned to one another and did as I had commanded.  Snarls, hisses, and blood splattered everywhere as they began to tear each other apart.  I turned to Eddie who sat there with a dazed look in his eyes while his body continued to transform.
I sighed solemnly, he had been put under the spell as well. I knew that frozen look anywhere.
“Come back Ed…..” I told him but I was suddenly ripped away from him and pinned against the rock.  A furious Jason stared me down baring his fangs as he held me by the throat. But how? He should’ve joined his friends in trying to kill each other.
“Seems like another trouble-maker is stirring our nick of the woods. I’ve heard plenty of mermaid songs but you sirens are another beast.”
“How—are you able……”
“To resist your song? Simple answer, earplugs. I knew that freak would ask you to come out and be his bodyguard. The bastard’s been marking you ever since you flew into town.”
“He’s more of a noble creature than you’ll ever be!” I choked out.  He slammed me against the rock so hard that I felt it crush underneath me. Tiny specks of rubble fell around my head.
“How’s about I rip those vocal cords of yours? Then you’ll really have no voice when I drain every last ounce of blood you’ve got.” I felt his nail grow as they began to pierce my throat and he slid his thumb across it giving it a little knick as I felt blood trail down my collarbone.
Just before Jason could even take a bite, a large figure tackled him off of me and I let out a gasp of air before coughing harshly. I turned to see a werewolf rolling with Jason as the two fought for dominance over the other until Jason was thrown against a tree, snapping it in half as he fell to the ground with the werewolf standing over him.  It turned to me baring it’s large fangs at me but I remembered what Eddie said.
The lion-like man around his neck as the moon shone on his dark brown fur (the same color as his hair).  He huffed as he looked at me and I said his name.
“Eddie.” He let out a grateful huff and he almost seemed to smile at me.  That’s when I noticed Jason starting to get back up.  “Eddie watch out!” with a single sniff, he snarled and turned back towards Jason.
“You mangey, flea-ridden bastard. You’ll pay for that!” Eddie let out an aggressive roar as he slammed his front arms down challenging Jason the way I’ve read that werewolves challenge each other.  Jason let out an aggressive his as his fangs grew larger and the two of them charged head on at each other.
Animalistic snarls and growls sounded through the forest as each monster threw the other across the forest.  Both were equal in strength, speed and power but soon Jason got the upper hand when he knocked Eddie against Skull Rock and repeatedly began to punch and slam Eddie against the rock.
I went over to Eddie’s bag and quickly dug through it and saw that he had a syringe with dead-man’s blood and a machete.  I grabbed the machete and raced towards Jason and sliced him across the back making him scream in pain.  He ceased his attack on Eddie and turned his attention towards me.
I raced back towards Eddie’s bag to grab the syringe but I was pinned down and I felt his breath hit my face.  His raw strength pushing down against my back but before I could let out another siren song, I heard my shoulder snap as I screamed in pure agony.
Jason was soon tossed off my shoulder and I watched in both horror and awe as Eddie began to tear at Jason’s back and face.  But Jason used his feet to kick Eddie off of him and into a tree which fell on top of him.  Eddie let out a yelp as he tried to get himself free.
“You both….will regret this night!” but before Jason could do anything, he suddenly froze until he fell to the ground.
“The only one who will regret this night is you.” I sat up and through the light of the full moon stood Steve who held a tranq-dart and at his side was Robin as well as Chief Hopper (the only human in this town that kept the peace between us and the humans of Hawkins).
“You okay?” Robin asked me as she came running up to me. My attention soon turned to Eddie who was whimpering as I heard his bones cracking again, he was transforming back into his human form.  I raced towards the tree and desperately tried to lift it off of him to make his transformation easier, but I couldn’t do it on my own.
Steve soon came over and grabbed the other end of the tree and together we lifted it up and off of Eddie as he huffed and whimpered in pain. He had just finally been able to fully transform and now to suddenly shift back into his human form due to the pain he was in, it must’ve been pure agony for him to go through this much in one night.
I reached out and touched his morphing paw as I felt the fur on him recede back to human skin and his growls faded into human groans before he collapsed to the ground.  I pulled him into my lap, his head resting on my thighs before he soon passed out.
“Someone mind telling me what happened here?” asked Hooper.
“Jason and his friends.” I spoke out loud.  Robin’s eyes widened.  Not because of my answer but because I answered at all.
“(Y/n) you—you’re talking.”
“I need to say this Robin.” I turned to Chief Hooper and explained to him everything that happened.  I knew Eddie had strikes against the vampires in the past and has been arrested before due to his ‘wolfing out’ in the past but I pleaded with Hooper to not blame Eddie for tonight.
“You’re new to this town siren. There’s a fine line I can’t cross between you creatures and the people of Hawkins. I gotta give some kind of report and arrest someone.” I held onto Eddie and said.
“Then you’ll have to arrest me too if you take him into custody. I’m just as guilty of murder even more than Eddie. He acted in self-defense.” Hooper looked at us before saying.
“Don’t think I can arrest a young woman who was merely defending herself and her boyfriend against some thugs. I saw Carver break your shoulder myself, so the only guilty party I see is the vampire having a paralysis nap thanks to Harrington here.” Hooper then walked over to Carver and picked him up, forcing him on his feet.  “Hope you vampires know some good lawyers, cause you’re gonna need one.” He then dragged Jason away.
“What about Eddie’s injuries? Jason tossed him around like a ragdoll and his friends had a hand in hurting him mid-change.” I said.
“I just called the paramedics, they’re on their way.” Steve said and soon enough in came flying in on Pegasus’ were the Valkyries.  They landed their horses and came over and asked what had happened.
Robin explained to them as one of them took Eddie out of my lap. I tried to reach out for him but my shoulder ached as I moved it and another Valkyrie came up to me and helped me onto my feet.
“C’mon, we’re taking you to the white witches. They’ll heal you too up in no time.” I was soon led to another Pegasus and soon both Eddie and I were taken out of the woods and towards Witch grotto where we would be tended to for our injuries.
After getting my shoulder set back into place and drinking a potion for the pain, I sat by Eddie’s bedside as he was covered in Athelas plants for his injuries and had a wet cloth laying across his forehead for the small fever he had due to his infected injuries.
I reached out and took his hand and stroked the back of it and I remained vigil at his bedside until he began to stir when the sun began to rise.  He let out a tired groan as he opened his eyes to me.
“(Y/n).” I exhaled in relief as I brought his hand up and kissed the back of it.  “Where are we?”
“White witch grotto.” We turned and Nancy came walking in. “The Valkyries brought you here and I was called in late to come and heal yours and (Y/n)’s injuries. Since I am specially qualified to heal werewolf injuries, you’re welcome.”
“Thanks Wheeler, I owe yah.” Eddie groaned.
“Just take it easy for the weekend and hopefully you’ll be back on your feet by Monday. Look after him (Y/n) you know how stubborn he can get when it comes to needing bedrest.” Boy don’t I.  I nodded to Nancy and thanked her in sign language then she left us alone.
“Hate to ask but what happened to Jason?”
‘Hooper took care of it. You can also thank Steve for the dead man’s blood tranq that brought him down.’
“Good old Steve Harrington. He is so gonna have this looming over my head for ages.” He teased, which made me shake my head at him softly giggling.  His laughter died down once he took notice of the small band aid that was on my neck from the knick Jason’s nail had done to my throat.  “The son of a bitch.” He growled lowly as he stroked over the band-aid.
‘He’s gone now. Let’s not worry about it anymore.’
“I can’t help it. He hurt you, hell he could’ve killed you. All because I hadn’t fully turned.”
‘Because of him and his idiotic friends.’
“Sometimes I wish the change was quick and painless. I should’ve done more, I could’ve done more.” I took a deep breath in and finally answered him out loud.
“You did enough.”
“Only because I—” he trailed and looked up at me in shock. “Holy shit, did you just—you spoke to me?! So I wasn’t going crazy, that was your voice I heard as the wolf.” I nodded. He reached out and cupped the side of my face and whispered lovingly, “it’s beautiful. Just like the girl it’s attached to.”
“The spell can wear off after the first song within 12 hours. If I don’t talk after this, it could be by this afternoon even.”
“What if I don’t want you to stop talking?”
“Eddie I can’t. This is all part of the siren song. I don’t even have to be singing to put you under my spell. What you’re saying is all because of—”
“My feelings for you.” I shook my head in disbelief and scoffed lowly.  “Look me in the eyes (Y/n).” I refused to look at him until he cupped the other side of my face.  “I saw how their eyes glowed with your song. I may not care for my grades but I’m not stupid. I know when a siren speaks or sings, their victims eyes glow under their spell, are mine glowing at all?” I searched his eyes for any trace of siren magic in them but all I could see was his bright, puppy dog brown eyes.
“No, but……”
“No buts. Look, I know this is probably the worst time to say it but I also wanted to share it with you yesterday. In fact I’ve been trying to work up the courage to tell you this. I love you (Y/n). And not in the friendly platonic way anymore I mean like the soulmate way. When a werewolf howls at the moon searching for their partner kind of way. And there was no siren song or even your natural siren beauty to hypnotize me. I fell in love with your heart, your humor, and your spirit. Never before did I think I would find my other half but it wasn’t until she flew into town like an angel in punker clothes.”
“You know how I hate that nickname.” I softly reprimanded him which made him chuckle and lean his forehead against mine.  His nose chasing after mine to rub up against it. The faint glimpse of his canine teeth poking out through his smile.
“At this point, I don’t care. Because it’s true. You are my angel (Y/n), and you didn’t need your siren song to bewitch me.”
“I’m scared though Eddie, I—” I trailed off.  I felt his nose gently nudge against my cheek as he nuzzled against me like a puppy trying to comfort their master.  “I’m worried you’ll…..that you’ll fall for me too deeply, that you could end up killing yourself over me. And I don’t mean by picking up fights with vampires.”
“You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.”
“I feel like at this point I have to, cause you need to know the risk of dating a siren.” He separated from me and leaned against his pillow so that I could tell my story.
“Back home, I dated this one guy. He was a wood Elf, strong, brave, loyal, caring. Much like you in a way. But my mother disapproved of him and threatened to end his life alongside my aunts. I tried to break things off with him but he refused to go away. Not because he had grown arrogant in the manner of the ‘if I can’t have you no one will’. But I took notice of his eyes. His eyes that once held life in the early stages of our relationship had grown soulless, with only the red spell of the siren song affecting his mind. When I stopped all contact with him, I find out through our newspaper feed that he died throwing himself off a cliff.”
“Jesus, elves really are sensitive to their feelings.” Eddie said nonchalantly.
“Eddie!” he raised his hands in surrender.
“Sorry, sorry. But in all seriousness (Y/n). I’m not like that guy, I’m not like any other creature you might’ve dated before. Because I didn’t even hear your voice at all until now. And I was still able to fall in love with you. Not right away but with time my affections for you grew. Sure you were beautiful and caught my eye but did I throw myself at your feet in worship or whatever people do around you sirens?”
“No you introduced yourself and offered me a table to sit at because I looked like a lost sheep since Robin and I didn’t have the same lunch schedule.”
“Exactly.” He took my hands in his as his forehead once again touched mine.  “But if you don’t feel the same way, or even wish to have a relationship with me. I’ll never bring it up again, and still be your friend.”
“Y-you’d seriously do that?”
“One thing about werewolves is loyalty to the pack. You’re a member of my pack. Whether friend or mate, I’ll accept whatever you choose.” I looked at him with a loving gaze before finally leaning in and kissed his lips.
Slightly chapped and stained with dried up iron, for some reason the kiss felt perfect.  I wrapped my arms around his neck while he brought his to my waist slowly pulling me close until the need for air became a necessity.  Our breaths gently danced across each other’s and as he opened his eyes, there wasn’t a trace of red magic affecting his mind (which happens when a siren kisses their victims).
“I’ve only ever dreamed of that happening.” He whispered.
“Did I live up to your expectations?”
“Oh sweetheart, you exceeded them.” He chuckled lowly as he had his hand move behind my head and brought me in for another kiss, this time deeper and more passionate.  I felt myself lying on the bed and he was hovering over me and as we separated he said.
“And thus Beauty tamed the Beast.” I threw my head back laughing as I wrapped my arms around him stroking his wild hair as I praised.
“My wolfie.” He groaned at the nickname burying his face into my neck.  “You call me angel, I get to call you Wolfie.”
“Fair enough. But don’t call me that in front of the guys. They’ll never let me live it down, especially Henderson. That little firedrake’s ego is already a problem as it is.”
“Deal. I love you Eddie.”
“Love you too (Y/n).” he leaned down and captured my lips in one final passionate and loving kiss.
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tobiasdrake · 8 months
It's time. The throne room lies ahead. Nothing will keep me from my revenge.
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This is too many stairs. Why. Why are there so many stairs.
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This. Is the most. Diabolical. Defense system. I have ever seen.
I honestly considered turning back twice on the way up here.
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Look at it, Aephorul. Do you see it? Do you see it? Do you see the portents of your regime collapsing around you?
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I've been doing a lot of thinking, these last weeks. About Garl. Garl wouldn't hold it against you, I don't think. He wouldn't want us to let ourselves be consumed by hatred. He'd want us to find a better solution. After all, you and Resh'an were... friends... once.
I think if Garl were here, he'd have something really nice to say. He'd probably want to help mend the wounds between you and Resh'an. He might even forgive you. That was the way he was. That's how he solved things.
But he isn't here. So I'm going to rip that arm tentacle of yours off, wrap it around your throat, shove your flailing body off that ledge, and hang you by your own tendrils. That's how I solve things.
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Oh, fuck me. I got vengeance in my eyes and somehow I completely forgot about Erlina. What have you done to her, Aephorul? Let's see it.
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...oh, she's....
You know, I was expecting some kind of hideous flesh abomination. But Erlina's new form looks amazing. I'm actually a little jealous.
I keep forgetting that, despite being the goddamn worst, Fleshy's a monster of his word. He's enslaved worlds and committed horrible atrocities against people but he doesn't lie or break deals. We're the ones who cheat extensively.
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Of course, your personality's been wiped. That's probably for the best. It will make it emotionally easier to kill you if the person we loved is already dead.
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Right. To business, then. You want to be queen of this world and I want my pound of Fleshmancer.
Zale owes you a lot. You probably don't remember what you taught him. But we made your lessons work for us. Have a sample.
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Come on, is this the best you got? You're supposed to be the LIMITLESS POWER monster, aren't you? Erlina was a Solar Warrior with a seemingly infinite well of power to draw on. Where's all that power now, huh?! Where's--
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...I really need to learn to shut up. Also, Queen Zeal is going to sue someone.
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No, you do not get a "Yeah, that's fair" from me! Go on. Blast me. Electrocute me. Acid rain. Hit me with your best fucking--
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Why are you SUCH A DICK. I liked you better when you were a satyr!
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._. Thank you, Hollow Great Eagle, for having my back in this time of great hubris. I am sorry for the many, many things I have said and will continue to say about you.
Alright. Come on, team. Let's pull it together and Power of Friendship this asshole.
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You traded Solstice magic for the Fleshmancer's power. I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this, but you traded down. Solstice lore is so vague and cryptic that it might be difficult to decipher this fact, but I have it on Teaks's authority: Our bullshit is stronger than his.
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aj-the-satyr · 6 years
Coffee with a killer
I sipped my cappuccino pleased with the notion that it had the perfect amount of foam and also the fact that this cafe had both great coffee and a great view of the Hotel Scelerat. I was waiting for the owner to return so as to confirm his presence before I went in and killed him. The fact that I was sitting at a roadside table and not veiled had not escaped many of the passers by. I recrossed my legs so that a couple of tourists who had stopped to stare could definitely see that no, I wasn’t human nor was I wearing some elaborate costume. I actually smiled at the gentleman who asked if he could take my picture before I politely declined his offer. He wasn’t even mad. I chuckled softly at the future thoughts of the many people who had either surreptitiously or blatantly taken my photo only to find them corrupted somehow. It did, however, surprise me when my target took the chair opposite.
“I assume this seat isn’t taken?” he said with a smile. I could tell the smile was for my benefit, to show off his perfect teeth. I returned a smile of my own noticing how every facet of him was designed to be charming, attractive, a beautiful trap designed to lure in those without the mental fortitude to resist his charms. The way his blond hair framed his face, those pretty blue eyes of his. Yes, I could see why I’d been asked to do this.
“You would appear to be different from the other girls I normally see here drinking their coffees.” his tone was soft, calming, meant to reassure me that I was safe even when I knew I wasn’t.
“Why because I’m a satyr?” I motioned towards my own legs. “Or because I haven’t tried to throw myself at you yet Monsieur Mechant?”
He laughed, it was airy, insubstantial. I used that moment to start a working, one subtle enough to go unnoticed I hoped. He simply smiled again. “You are too trusting of the press I see. Those rumours are..... unfounded.”
“And which rumours would they be?” I put my cup back onto its saucer “The ones where you have murdered at least five girls or the ones that claim you to be a heartless monster of the night who cannot bear the touch of the sun?”
Another laugh. He gestured around. “It is daytime non?”
I nodded.
“And here I am enjoying a morning stroll and wondering what all the commotion near my hotel was. Hint, it was you.”
“We also do not live in the world of fiction Monsieur Mechant.” I took another sip of my cappuccino. “I am clear proof of that.”
Another laugh. I could feel the power behind each one, a subtle working meant to put me at ease. He was very good at what he does, thankfully I came prepared. I could ill afford to be off my game for one such as he. “You would appear to be more monster that I.... you have me at a disadvantage. I am well known but you are....” he let the non question hang. I pondered whether an answer was strictly necessary, names were for friends after all.
“Ash.” I responded.
He nodded. “And that would be short for?”
My turn to smile. “As white as the ashes born of the first fire.”
He blinked and leaned back in his chair. I could tell from his facial movements he was giving serious thought to my words. “You do not joke.”
I returned my cup to its saucer again. “Not often. I think I can blame Dad number one for that.”
“Number one?” the surprise was clear. “You had two Fathers?”
“No, I had two Dads.” I couldn’t imagine either of them answering willingly to Father. I shook my head a little. “Problem?”
“No, none at all.... Ash.” something about the way he said my name, he’d tried to put power behind it. Nice trick, wasn’t going to work here though.
“Good. I’d hate for something so meaningless to come between us.”
A smile, he was assuming his usual tricks were working. I certainly wasn’t going to dissuade him of that notion, not yet anyway. I’d noticed that he was also making me go more and more unnoticed as we talked. That was part of my reasoning for sitting here in the open, I mean I couldn’t veil anyway so I didn’t care that people stared and attempted to take pictures, but this was an interesting development. He didn’t just get those girls to follow him he made the world turn a blind eye as well. I might not be as easily swayed as he thought I was but I couldn’t do anything about his effect on the rest of the world. A quick glance around told me that anyone looking our way just kept on looking around, nothing caught their eye anymore and sure as hell a satyr enjoying a cappuccino should at least get some attention. It was actually nice, to go unnoticed for once. I could actually enjoy a quiet coffee without constant disturbance, not something I’d been able to do in a very long time. There was temptation there, drag this out, let this feeling last, but I had a job to do.
“So you own that hotel?” I motioned to the Hotel Scelerat across the street.
He practically beamed. “Yes, yes I do. Have you ever stayed there?”
“Too rich for me. I hear it’s nice though.”
“I could show you around.... I do own the place after all.”
“Really?” I leaned forward faking the interest that his plyings should have laid the groundwork for.
“Of course. How could I not. You have proven to be most interesting Ash.”
I returned his smile and left some money for the coffee, along with a nice tip. I mean the coffee here was excellent and they also didn’t play into the small/medium/large everything game that has seemingly swept across the world with the advent of the big coffee chains. I mean if you’re ordering a large cappuccino just get a fucking latte. I shook my head as this intrusive thought took roost for a while, I’d gotten used to my mind wandering and in this case it was useful.
“Something wrong?”
“No, not at all. I mean I never thought I’d ever get to stay in a place like that” I motioned to the hotel “I mean you mentioned the problem. I doubt even if I did have the money they’d turn me away because of how I’d look.”
He looked shocked, was that even genuine? I couldn’t tell. “I would certainly hope not! I have chosen my staff to be the most welcoming people I could find.”
More likely the most malleable minds I thought. Still I smiled and took his hand when he offered it. I wondered when the nice guy gentleman act was going to be replaced with the killer I knew that he was.
Traffic slowed or just stopped for us as he led the way across the street but no one was staring at me like usual, in fact no one was really looking, they were just waiting to get back on with their driving. “Impressive.” I said.
“Hmm?” came his reply.
“Just walking across the road like this.”
“Observant of you.” was that a hint of doubt I heard? Had I just blown this?
“Surprised we didn’t use the crossing.” I pointed at the white painted lines a little way away.
“I never do.”
Ok, there was something in his voice. I sighed inwardly, I think I just lost the element of surprise I was supposed to have. I couldn’t step up the working, not yet. I needed to be alone with him first. Luckily he still seemed to be obliging me on that promised tour.
“Boris.” he nodded at the doorman who tipped his hat to us both. I looked into the man’s eyes and was mildly surprised to see no obvious signs of him having being repeatedly mind controlled, or having suggestions implanted. Were the staff unaffected and in the dark? I doubted it. Someone here had to know what was going on.
“Surprised?” asked Monsieur Mechant.
“About what?” I asked trying to cover.
“They’re clean, all of them. And you are most certainly not what I expected.”
“I’m sorry did you expect me to just be another dumb blond?”
He laughed, no power, no workings, just a laugh. “I wasn’t sure what to expect when Matthias called.”
“Matthias?” Ok, I was lost but it was obvious this wasn’t going according to plan. I looked around the expansive lobby, no visible guests and the only staff member had just pulled a shotgun from under the front desk.
“He said you were dangerous. I am inclined to believe him. What did you do to me at the cafe?”
I eyed the front desk person. “Talk.”
He motioned and a couple more armed people showed up. “You did something. What was it?”
I cancelled the working. If this was going down I wasn’t going to be able to be subtle about it.
“Hmm.... no answer but you did stop it. That will do for now. Ash wasn’t it?”
I nodded. Boy were HQ going to hear about this.
“Well Ash, I do believe you’ve been betrayed.”
That’s when I opened the portal.
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spooky-the-owl · 5 years
Late night scribble but
My take on the DP/PJO crossover!!!!!
Camp half blood didn't know peace. It never had. How could it. With all the wars, monsters and dangers. All the insecurities of knowing their lives were in the hands of gods. Beings they would rather not trust with their lives. It was chaotic.
They didn't have peace but they had a moment to breathe. The Big War was over. Now the battles with monsters were just squirmishes and petty fights. Now it was a nicer type of chaos. A chaos they could enjoy.
Chiron smiled as he lay his horse body on the ground, enjoying the sunbeams and grass under him. Enjoying the children running around, playfighting, training, talking. This is why he stayed. When he said he enjoyed training demigods he meant he liked being with such rising heroes. Seeing their growth, knowing he had a part in it.
His tail swept the grass when he picked up a commotion at the entrance of the camp. He blew out his breath and put his legs under him. Never a moment of peace. But these were teenagers. Hundreds of teenagers with only one responsible adult to supervise them. So it was expected.
The kids made way for him as he tried to find out what they were crowding. Chiron stopped short at the sight of a new child. It would seem like one of the satyr had brought another demigod to camp. But this one was odd and the old centaur could tell it wasn't a demigod.
The boy looked around like he had been expecting something exciting and wonderful only to get disappointed. He turned to the Satyr. "I'm sorry, Siom, but I think this was a mistake."
Siom looked at him with understanding. "I know it can be a lot. But this really is your home. The only safe place for you. They'll help you."
"Nonono." He shook his head and hands. "It isn't. They aren't like me. I thought-" he looked wistful before dismissing it with slumped shoulders. "It was stupid. There was no way there'd be more like me."
"What are you talking about. They are half-bloods, just like you."
"No." The black haired teen looked over the crowd of kids. They were staring at him in confusion. They were probably expecting a new member. He wished. He had wished for too much. "I don't know what you are, but I'm not a half-blood. I'm a halfa."
Siom frowned and shuffled his hoofs. "What? You said. But you got through the camp borders. And you smell like power."
The self proclaimed halfa smiled at the obviously frustrated satyr. "It's fine. I thought too. It's just a misunderstanding."
"But then, what are you?"
"Don't worry about it, man. I'll just go back. It's not that-"
The boy straightened and suddenly turned to the crowd again, searching more closely for something. There. A teen, dark haired, about his own age, in the midst of the crowd. It was strange to see him as one of the crowd, like a king acting as a commoner.
The crowd gasped gasped when the strange boy tensed and bowed in their direction. They looked around in confusion when the boy looked up straight at Nico di Angelo. “Your majesty.”
Nico, who had been staring at him with narrowed eyes up until then, took a small step back. "You- you're definitely not a demigod. You’re dead- but no. Who are you?"
The new kid smirked, still in the bow. "My name's Danny. I'm a halfa. Half human, half ghost." He straightened as gasps and mutters surrounded him. "You're obviously not like me. So what are your species a hybrid of?"
The kids looked at each other in amusing realization that they were indeed hybrids. The teen Danny had been bowing to answered him cautiously. "We're half-bloods. Half human. Half gods."
Danny raised an eyebrow. "I can believe that from you, but wow your ego lacks nothing huh."
Nico made a face as a few adolescents cracked a laugh. "I'm not joking."
Chiron stepped closer to the two and Danny looked towards him, recognizing him as an adult and expecting an explanation.
Chiron was strangely surprised the kid didn't even glance twice at his hoofs, but gave him what he wanted. "They really are half gods. One of their parents is a god of Olympus."
Danny was taken a back. His eyes flitted up to the sky as if trying to see them. Then he studied the demigods around him. Then the satyr next to him and Chirons. "Am I in a different dimension?" He muttered to himself.
The kids laughed at his serious expression.
"You're the halfa?!" Nico stepped around a few kids to get closer to the boy, who squared his shoulders again and lowered his head lightly. Nico continued with surprised exasperation. "You're my dad's damage control?"
Danny froze. He slowly looked up. "I'm....his what."
"My father is so annoyed by you. You're halfway part of his realm but just out of his control. Not that he wants to expand the population under him," he added, "Just your general existence irritates him."
The half dead child made a face, not as bothered by the fact a god was angry at him. "My general existence is the root of much annoyance."
"Can relate," a boy in the crowd said.
"But I never remember applying for any job. What do you mean I'm damage control."
"You keep the leak from causing any problems. You keep the balance from tipping. You keep order on that side of the Underworld."
Danny's mouth dropped, then closed with a clack. "Oh. So it is the same dimension. The leak, you....you mean the ghost portal?"
Nico shrugged. "I have no idea what kind of leak it is. The breach. The barrier is very thin there so I assume there are multiple leaks. My father was getting a lot of headaches from that but one of his reporters told him about a halfa that was keeping the spirits at bay."
"What?!" Danny balled his fists, looking angry. "You mean I'm doing pest control for some dude who doesn't want to take care of it himself? I don't even get paid!"
Nico and the rest of the campers seemed taken back by the outburst. "My dad's the Lord of the dead."
"I don't care if your dad is Lord of the Rings! He's a terrible employer!"
Now the teens could see that Danny wasn't a normal kid. Apart from the slightly off vibe he was sending, an aura, he was now glowing slightly. Not to mention his bright green eyes where blue used to be.
"I've almost completely joined his kingdom mutliple times and not even a check?? Do I get offdays?? I got stuff to do! This is a full-time 24/7 job. Even the fact that I'm here is so risky. I'm counting on my friends to call me if it gets out of hand and I'll just have to find a portal to lead me there. Not even breaks."
One of the girls laughed and reached her hands out, trying to appease him. "Calm down, dude."
"I don't even get lunch breaks! That is so illegal. Don't tell me the oh so mighty Lord of the death is higher than the law."
"He is."
"I'm going to file in a complaint." He looked Nico, furious. "Where does he operate from."
Nico looked around, not knowing what to do to keep this agitated ghost from confronting the literal God of death. "He- uhh well... in the Underworld."
"That's- that the Ghost Zone right. Your highness, do you have any idea how big that thing is?? Where?"
Nico bit his lip. "Well there is a direct route straight to his throne, but it's a very specific place."
Danny wasn't deterred. "Write down the adress. I'm so sick of this. Please, write it down."
"Hold on, child." Chiron stooped down to hold him still by the shoulder. "Let's discuss this calmly. This is not a matter that should be rushed through."
Danny noticed how the man was having trouble keeping himself balanced as he put his hand on his shoulder and flew up to meet him at eye level. This earned gasps from the teens. The halfa grumbled. "Yeah, you're right. But I don't have that much time. The breach in my hometown allows very dangerous ghosts to cross. I'm not sure how long they'll manage without me."
"Then just go back now." The prince of the dead tried to convince him.
Danny shook his head, frowning. "No, no way. This is injustice. I deserve better. I'm still alive, I deserve to live it." He turned back to the centaur. He trusted this man. He was a grown-up. He had to know what Danny was going through. He would understand. He would help him.
Chiron could not believe this teenager. Why were all teenagers like this? Was it compulsive? To rebel against higher beings? Powerful beings? Did they have absolutely any sense of hierarchy? Couldn't they think past their own feelings of injustice and see people in power could do what they want?
Chiron smiled. How he loved teenagers.
"I see you're very certain of your decision." Danny nodded his head vigorously as Chiron continued. "But I implore you to this the demigod way. You're used to being on your own I assume, given that you mentioned you're the only of your species." Chiron noticed the uncomfortable face the boy was making and figured it was a little complicated. He moved on. "But here are multiple demigods that can strengthen the other's weaknesses and could greatly help you during your trip."
Chiron shifted his hooves until he was facing the crowd of excited teens. They could feel a quest coming up and were itching to do something after so much rest. They were also most probably very interested in this strange, witty, ambitious and outraged teen and would pay to see him file a complaint against the Lord of the Dead.
"We usually stay in here, where it's safe. But if something important must be done outside of it we go out in groups of three. It's the perfect amount of people to protect themselves but not attract too much attention."
Danny raised an eyebrow. "Why do you stay here?"
"Our smell attracts monsters from the underworld," a kid in the crowd answered and got more amused the more incredulous Danny got.
"You- okay. I can see that happening." He sniffed the air experimentally. "I thought it was the strawberries rotting or something but now that I'm close enough I'm guessing that smell is y'all."
The expressions he got in return where as amused as they were exasperated. They got comments on their smell often enough.
"So who wants to come with me and sue a god?"
One of the teens pushed himself around others and ran up to him and Chiron, a wild grin on his face. "I'm coming! I call dibs!"
"You can't call dibs. That's not fair!"
Chiron looked a bit alarmed. "You are a powerful demigod and asset for the camp, not to mention your smell would attract more monsters than it's worth. Are you certain you wanna go through with this?"
The boy thrust his chin up. "Of course. The war is over, don't you think I deserve this?"
"You deserve some time to rest and recover and enjoy yourself." Chiron knew the teen had gone through far enough trauma. He didn't want him to be forced upon more.
The other looked at the centaur in the eye, begging him to understand. "You think I can do that here?" Chiron paused to consider this. Meanwhile, the other pulled Danny's floating foot down and slung an arm around his shoulders. "Besides, this dude looks like he knows how to have fun. We'll have a great time!"
"Percy." A blonde stepped closer to him. "Are you sure it's a good idea? It's so close after the war and we should train to be ready for anything that happens."
Percy waved the hand that wasn't around the halfghost's shoulders in the air, annoyed. "The war’s been over for months. You can take care of yourselves. And it's not like I'll be slacking off out there." He was resolute. "I'm coming." Then he added as an afterthought. "As long as the angry employee here doesn't mind."
Danny took a moment to realize he was being addressed. Honestly he wouldn't mind him coming with. He seemed like a fun, relaxed and headstrong dude. And Danny could tell the other wanted to leave this place. Like Danny, he wanted a break from all the responsibilities. He could vibe with that.
He grinned back toothily, showing off his fangs right in the boy's face. "I'd like that."
Chiron ignored Percy's shocked face and Danny's satisfied smirk. He turned to Nico, who'd been watching them warily. "Nico."
The boy shook his head. "No way. I'm not coming with them."
"Please. With you along they won't get many issues crossing past Charon. And if you do, you're best possible option to figure out another way. Not to mention that this very much involves your father, your domain, and you too."
"Fine," he huffed and Percy cheered.
"Yay, Deathbreath, join us!"
Danny smiled wide, lips quirking in mischief, and gave a bow. "Very honoured you agreed to help this paesant. Good to know at least some royalty is decent."
Nico deadpanned. "I'll be complaining the whole trip."
Chiron spread his arms to call the attention back to himself. "Looks like the quest is set. I trust Percy and Nico will fill our new friend in on everything during the journey. Ready everything and pack some ambrosia. You will leave as soon as you're ready."
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mindfulwrathwrites · 5 years
The Extra-Mancer (Part 2 of 2)
The bookend piece to last week’s noir-fantasy snippet!
Words: 1,248 Warnings: Some descriptions of gore
(Link to Part 1)
"Are you . . . okay?"
"I'm fine, kid."
I wasn't fine. I was alive, which was better than I expected. Erwin Tozu's ghost didn't buy it. From his spot inside the lantern, he put on a worried face. Little goblin hands pressed against the soul-glass, big goblin eyes all bright and shiny.
"You don't look fine," he said.
"I always look like this," I said.
"You're bleeding."
"Yeah, for the aesthetic."
"I could make it so you stop bleeding," he offered.
"You're candle smoke in a jar, kid, don't get big ideas."
He bristled—literally. Ghosts have expressive body language. "Stop calling me a kid."
"Not calling you a kid. Just kid. It's different."
"I still don't like it."
I would've told him to suck it up, but I sucked down a couple drops of blood and had to cough them back up again. I kept walking. Didn't matter where to. Important thing was to keep moving.
"Where are we going?" Erwin asked.
"My ticket out doesn't play nice with structural magic. Wards, barriers, that kind of thing. That circus we just left is covered in them. We don't get enough distance, it'll go bad."
"In what way?"
"You ever seen a jelly get whacked with a tennis racket?"
"You're joking."
"Maybe, maybe not. You willing to risk it?"
"I think I'll trust your expertise on this one."
"Damn right, you will." I coughed again. It just about took my knees out from under me.
"You're sure you don't want me to—"
"I'm fine."
"Okay, and if you die before you get me out of here, what happens to me?"
"You live in that lantern forever."
"And this is supposed to disincentivize me, or. . . ?"
"If you knew the state your body's in, yeah."
Erwin got real quiet. It's a hell of a day when you can get a bard to be quiet. Maybe he was admiring the scenery. It was getting more soft and pastel and sparkly with every step. We must have been walking into something nasty. Oh, goody. At least I wouldn't die with anything stuck in my head.
Other than an arrow, maybe, but who's counting.
Erwin tapped on the glass. "Mr. Valxies?"
"I asked if my party brought me to you."
"You gotta speak up, kid, that glass is thick."
"Sure. But did they?"
"No. They took you to a healer, and then they took you to a necromancer, and then they sent what was left home to Ma. She brought you to me."
Nobody and nothing can look more dejected than a goblin. You think your cold, wet, hungry dog is sad? You ain't seen nothing. It's supernatural.
"Hey, at least they tried," I said. I must've really been out of it. Comfort isn't my go-to.
"Yeah," said Erwin, "I guess."
"Look, kid, plenty of people get wrecked in your line of work, it's not—"
"No, no, I just—it must have been awful for her. To have to see me like that. It was bad enough dying, I can't imagine. . . ."
Bards. Bleeding hearts, the lot of them.
"It wasn't that bad," I said.
"You said I'd prefer the lantern if I'd seen it."
"Yeah, well—it's a nice lantern."
"It's really not."
"Excuse me?"
"It's kind of a crummy lantern."
"It's a great lantern!"
"It's the crummiest lantern I've ever been in."
"And how many lanterns have you—"
I broke off coughing. A lot of blood came out. I got dizzy. The knee that satyr back at the palace had kicked gave out. I didn't let Erwin's lantern hit the ground. Couldn't do the same for myself. At least it stopped the conversation.
It doesn't get dark in the Feywild. Day and Night are things you put on a compass, not a clock. The part of me that knew that and the part that was watching the light fade weren't talking to each other. Probably for the best. I wondered if Erwin Tozu had gone through the same thing. All this time collecting souls, and I'd never asked anybody what it was like to die.
So at first, I wasn't sure if the singing was supposed to be part of it.
There's something about bards. Nobody really knows where the power comes from. It's not gods or demons, patrons or pacts. It's not ancestry. It's not arcana—there's libraries full of everything known about arcana, dissected and distilled and dried out until it's as mundane as concrete. No, whatever bards have, it's like water. It's everywhere, and it's annoying and beautiful and violent and ancient and unstoppable. Music is to magic what water is to life.
I don't know how long it was before I came to. Could've been seconds, could've been hours. Erwin was still singing. He only stopped when I sat up.
"Mr. Valxies?" he said. Didn't know a soul could get hoarse. Go figure.
"Yeah," I said. Articulate.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah," I said. I thought about it. "Yeah. I'm okay. Apparently."
He slumped against the wall of the lantern like thrown custard. "Oh, good. I wasn't sure it would work."
"I might have ruined your aesthetic a little. I think the internal bleeding was a little avant-garde for your style. You should stick to a couple artful gashes."
So I guess I know why the caged bard sings.
"Everybody's a critic," I said. I got up. I picked up Erwin and dusted off the lantern. I checked my mirror—still on the fritz. Still a little farther to go.
"Mr. Valxies?" Erwin said again.
"You butcher it every time, kid," I said. "Just go with Val."
"Mr. Val?"
"Sorry." He didn't sound sorry. "When we get back, how am I getting back into my body?"
"You're not."
"I'm not? Then what are you going to do with me?"
"Ever heard of a construct?"
"Sure." He figured it out. "Oh, you don't mean—!"
"I do mean. We can make them in goblin size, don't worry."
"How am I going to be able to play?"
"Hey, hey, take it easy. Moira's the best around. She'll take care of you."
"So I'll still be able to play the lute?"
"Sure, easy."
"The pipes?"
"Might be a challenge, but she'll figure something out."
"Wow, that's amazing," said Erwin. "I couldn't play the pipes before."
I wish I could say I'd grabbed him by the lantern and shaken him like a good cocktail, but I didn't. I laughed. So maybe I have a tiny soft-spot for musicians. So sue me. I come by it honestly. My mother married one. And it's not every day you come across a construct-bound ghost who's got a sense of humor about it.
"You know what, kid, you're not so bad," I said.
"Thanks. Will you please stop calling me kid now?"
"Y'know what, sure. You've earned it."
I took the mirror back out. In it, finally, the image of my workshop had come clear. It didn't look any different than when I'd left. Maybe we'd get lucky after all. It was about time.
"You ready to go home, Tozu?" I asked.
"Yes," he said. "And it's Erwin."
"Friends call you Erwin?"
"My friends call me Malachi. You can call me Erwin."
I shook my head. Bards. Always trying out the charm. It comes off them like pollen comes off the pines.
"Okay, Erwin," I said. "Let's go home."
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awed-frog · 7 years
The Memory Remains/Carthago Delenda
On the whole, I think I really liked this episode? It certainly felt very old school, in the best possible sense. There were a couple of moments I was actually worried, and considering that I know perfectly well both Sam and Dean will always be fine, that’s quite something. 
I sort of liked the mythology, and I liked the class thing, and as for Dean hooking up with a waitress - look, first - this is the writer who practically wrote Dean as bi in Beyond the Mat, his only other Supernatural episode. I know they didn’t quite go there, but by paralleling a young Sam jerking off to some picture of Rio (sorry to be coarse, but that’s exactly what it was and it was confirmed both by dialogue and by Sam’s embarrassed stammering) with Dean’s obsession for Gunnar, well, kudos for the effort. And Jensen, of course, went with it, like he always does, and made the whole thing very obvious. So there’s that, and second - this is what Dean does. He’s a kisser and a hugger and all about touching and be touched, and sex with strangers was the only thing that, growing up, gave him that physical intimacy he craved and nobody else was capable to share with him. We know Mary was dead, of course, and John was not the hugging type, and Sam - my headcanon (which I use liberally in my fics, and sue me) is that he was an expansive child and Dean secretly loved it, but at some point John told both of them to just cut it out already, ‘cause you’re too old for this shit now. So that was that, and from then on, touch that actually matters has been in short supply for Dean - and, unlike Sam, whom I read as more reserved, Dean craves to be touched and held. It’s just who he is. So, whatever - he’s worried sick about Cas, and that’s not going anywhere anytime soon, and there’s a million other things going through his head and now that stupid sheriff’s brought half of them up again by talking about a kid who grew up with an abusive father as though that’s nothing and what can you do (I actually went back and looked three times at that scene, at how the sheriff says, “Guess who gets to take care of him?” because something was bugging me and yeah, there it was - Sam visibly makes an effort to react to the conversation because it’s what’s expected from him, but Dean just looks up - up and to the left, that is, which is what happens when you remember past experiences; and I don’t want this person who reads a lot into every detail, but these are basic biology things an actor would do without even realizing, and also it’s beyond canon, by this point, that Dean took care of John more than once, because that’s what happens when you’ve got an alcoholic parent) - and, sorry, here’s the end of the sentence - it looks perfectly reasonable to me that Dean would want some comfort, and I do believe he slept with that woman and that it was great and that it cheered him up a bit in some bittersweet way and what can you do?
Honestly, all that I’m upset about is that the straight stuff is always out in the open and for the queer one you need to stop your video and squint at the scene and the paintings and the colours and yeah, that BS smack on Dean and the waitress could be nothing -
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(Also, that girl is not his type at all. She was just there, and she liked him, and, as he’s told us himself, he likes waitresses because they smell like food and it’s not easy to get them - if that doesn’t sound like comfort and a need for validation to you, I don’t know what does.)
Moving away from Destiel-related content, I really liked how seamlessly the different parts of the episode moved into one another. From that woman reading the text of the Fourth Amendment on the radio at the very beginning (the one which makes it illegal to search a house without a warrant or probable cause, that is), to Ketch and his men walking around in Sam and Dean’s lives as they themselves are in the outside world, living them - that was very well done.
Also well done: the whole social commentary on class and money. 
Industrial benefactors are sometimes seen as a good thing, because they normally provide houses for their workers and schools for their workers’ kids and therefore create and enrich a whole community, but personally I’ve always hated the concept (which is not as outdated as one would expect, and ew) and I was happy to see our writer didn’t give them an inch. Yes, sure, the town did prosper, but that factory was creepy and unpleasant in itself (even if you eat meat, you gotta admit that the meat industry and meat factories are about as bleak and morally ambiguous as you can get) and, more importantly, it was only held together by human sacrifice. The idea that it could, in fact, be considered acceptable to lose a kid every year so that the rest of the village can get by was never even suggested, and thank God. Instead, the whole episode read like some old-fashioned Quaker or Socialist leaflet: money corrupts (look at our first victim, lured to his death by a backpack full of dollar bills), creates division and resentment (the tale of the two brothers may have read like a bad Dynasty episode, but these things happen every day), generally comes from blood (the entire god story and the sacrifices) and it’s always better to be honest and poor than rich and tainted (I really liked the sheriff, poor guy).
As for the lore itself - I’m slightly less happy with it, mostly because I would expect both Sam and Dean to know perfectly well what a satyr is (and no, they don’t eat human flesh - those were the women who danced with Dionysos, totally different stuff) and because Moloch has been maligned plenty enough, but I did appreciate the casual horror of it all - a starved and tortured god locked in your cellar, people dressing as animals to capture an unwilling sacrifice - very gothic and compelling.
Since we’re now talking about pagan stuff, maybe Sam and Dean’s discussion about their legacy and mortality made sense, but it was still hard to watch. What happened to the wary hope of S11? To the idea it’s not too late to find a partner, perhaps even to have kids? With that mournful discussion and by carving their initials in the Bunker’s table, Sam and Dean have somehow closed the circle. Their story, this is what they seem to think, is not going anywhere, is not leaving any memory behind. The thing was so sweet and sad, I’m actually comforted by the fact this is not the last season, because there it was - the perfect foundation to end this story in a burst of flames. The reminder to their childhood, the belated acknowledgement that it wasn’t, in the end, as bad as it could have been (“Next time you hear me say that our family is messed up, remind me that we could be psycho goat people,” Dean says, and man, now I can’t wait for that confrontation with Mary we know is coming), the quiet acceptance about their importance in history (non-existent), in people’s lives (often significant) and in their own consciences (“We left the world better than we found it, you know.”) - the knowledge that one day they’ll both die, and they’ll be forgotten, and someone else will live in the Bunker, fight on - it was heartbreaking, but also - also, after all these years of anger and torment and hurt, it looks like Sam and Dean are very close to being okay with everything - their family, their jobs, their place in the world, and even each other - and that’s -
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- yeah.
We'll eventually fade away, too.
Just in case someone is wondering: Moloch was the god of Carthage, a city which used to be roughly where Tunis is now. At one point, it was Rome’s main rival - mostly because Carthaginians were better educated and smarter and had a longer and richer civilisation behind them - so Rome started a brutal campaign against them which included a few wars and also liberal amounts of bullshit propaganda. What Moloch is generally associated with is child sacrifice, which ties in nicely with our two victims in The Memory Remains, and I’m not saying that never happened at all, but still - it’s very likely it didn’t happen with the alarming frequency described by some of the more vitriolic Roman politicians. Plus, you know - human sacrifice is a thing in every culture, and it makes perfect sense. A human life, and especially a child’s life, is the most precious thing a community has to offer, right up there with other very precious things, like a good stallion or a fertile bull, so when things start to go really bad, you have up up the ante a bit. Gods are not stupid, and no god is going to show up and save your stupid city in exchange for a loaf of bread and two rabbits. That’s just the way it goes, and everyone knows it. Even the Romans used to perform human sacrifices in times of trouble, so they can just shut it (as you can see, since I’m an archaeologist I’m approaching history in a calm, academic fashion, without taking sides, because that would be both unprofessional and pointless).
Oh, and this is a statue of Moloch which was created for some movie and ended up in someone’s garden in New Jersey, because why not.
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Random thoughts: 
I so wish this was on HBO, because Jesus, stoned!Dean must be quite something and that’s clearly something he does, or used to do, a lot and uuugh, where’s my spinoff on those four years he spent without Sam?
Ketch is definitely coded as bisexual - what kind of man notices another man’s hair or clothes? - but at the moment I’m more interested in him stealing Mary’s picture and what he thinks about it.
Which Stark was Sam supposed to be? Who would appeal to him the most? Since Dean was Oberyn, I’m guessing we’re not looking for Tony, but for a random member of the Stark family - Ned, perhaps? Or Bran?
As for Dean picking Oberyn, lol. Bisexual guy who gets into fights to protect his family and is in love with an unpredictable ‘I’m as strong as you and can look after myself, thank you very much’ partner - it’s okay, sweetie, we’ve got you.
If this isn’t going anywhere, Wanek needs to take a chill pill - look at the ships and the puppies and the trench coats and oh my God, that BS sign - what the hell, man?
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