#half ghost is angry at his boss and demands a raise
spooky-the-owl · 5 years
Late night scribble but
My take on the DP/PJO crossover!!!!!
Camp half blood didn't know peace. It never had. How could it. With all the wars, monsters and dangers. All the insecurities of knowing their lives were in the hands of gods. Beings they would rather not trust with their lives. It was chaotic.
They didn't have peace but they had a moment to breathe. The Big War was over. Now the battles with monsters were just squirmishes and petty fights. Now it was a nicer type of chaos. A chaos they could enjoy.
Chiron smiled as he lay his horse body on the ground, enjoying the sunbeams and grass under him. Enjoying the children running around, playfighting, training, talking. This is why he stayed. When he said he enjoyed training demigods he meant he liked being with such rising heroes. Seeing their growth, knowing he had a part in it.
His tail swept the grass when he picked up a commotion at the entrance of the camp. He blew out his breath and put his legs under him. Never a moment of peace. But these were teenagers. Hundreds of teenagers with only one responsible adult to supervise them. So it was expected.
The kids made way for him as he tried to find out what they were crowding. Chiron stopped short at the sight of a new child. It would seem like one of the satyr had brought another demigod to camp. But this one was odd and the old centaur could tell it wasn't a demigod.
The boy looked around like he had been expecting something exciting and wonderful only to get disappointed. He turned to the Satyr. "I'm sorry, Siom, but I think this was a mistake."
Siom looked at him with understanding. "I know it can be a lot. But this really is your home. The only safe place for you. They'll help you."
"Nonono." He shook his head and hands. "It isn't. They aren't like me. I thought-" he looked wistful before dismissing it with slumped shoulders. "It was stupid. There was no way there'd be more like me."
"What are you talking about. They are half-bloods, just like you."
"No." The black haired teen looked over the crowd of kids. They were staring at him in confusion. They were probably expecting a new member. He wished. He had wished for too much. "I don't know what you are, but I'm not a half-blood. I'm a halfa."
Siom frowned and shuffled his hoofs. "What? You said. But you got through the camp borders. And you smell like power."
The self proclaimed halfa smiled at the obviously frustrated satyr. "It's fine. I thought too. It's just a misunderstanding."
"But then, what are you?"
"Don't worry about it, man. I'll just go back. It's not that-"
The boy straightened and suddenly turned to the crowd again, searching more closely for something. There. A teen, dark haired, about his own age, in the midst of the crowd. It was strange to see him as one of the crowd, like a king acting as a commoner.
The crowd gasped gasped when the strange boy tensed and bowed in their direction. They looked around in confusion when the boy looked up straight at Nico di Angelo. “Your majesty.”
Nico, who had been staring at him with narrowed eyes up until then, took a small step back. "You- you're definitely not a demigod. You’re dead- but no. Who are you?"
The new kid smirked, still in the bow. "My name's Danny. I'm a halfa. Half human, half ghost." He straightened as gasps and mutters surrounded him. "You're obviously not like me. So what are your species a hybrid of?"
The kids looked at each other in amusing realization that they were indeed hybrids. The teen Danny had been bowing to answered him cautiously. "We're half-bloods. Half human. Half gods."
Danny raised an eyebrow. "I can believe that from you, but wow your ego lacks nothing huh."
Nico made a face as a few adolescents cracked a laugh. "I'm not joking."
Chiron stepped closer to the two and Danny looked towards him, recognizing him as an adult and expecting an explanation.
Chiron was strangely surprised the kid didn't even glance twice at his hoofs, but gave him what he wanted. "They really are half gods. One of their parents is a god of Olympus."
Danny was taken a back. His eyes flitted up to the sky as if trying to see them. Then he studied the demigods around him. Then the satyr next to him and Chirons. "Am I in a different dimension?" He muttered to himself.
The kids laughed at his serious expression.
"You're the halfa?!" Nico stepped around a few kids to get closer to the boy, who squared his shoulders again and lowered his head lightly. Nico continued with surprised exasperation. "You're my dad's damage control?"
Danny froze. He slowly looked up. "I'm....his what."
"My father is so annoyed by you. You're halfway part of his realm but just out of his control. Not that he wants to expand the population under him," he added, "Just your general existence irritates him."
The half dead child made a face, not as bothered by the fact a god was angry at him. "My general existence is the root of much annoyance."
"Can relate," a boy in the crowd said.
"But I never remember applying for any job. What do you mean I'm damage control."
"You keep the leak from causing any problems. You keep the balance from tipping. You keep order on that side of the Underworld."
Danny's mouth dropped, then closed with a clack. "Oh. So it is the same dimension. The leak, you....you mean the ghost portal?"
Nico shrugged. "I have no idea what kind of leak it is. The breach. The barrier is very thin there so I assume there are multiple leaks. My father was getting a lot of headaches from that but one of his reporters told him about a halfa that was keeping the spirits at bay."
"What?!" Danny balled his fists, looking angry. "You mean I'm doing pest control for some dude who doesn't want to take care of it himself? I don't even get paid!"
Nico and the rest of the campers seemed taken back by the outburst. "My dad's the Lord of the dead."
"I don't care if your dad is Lord of the Rings! He's a terrible employer!"
Now the teens could see that Danny wasn't a normal kid. Apart from the slightly off vibe he was sending, an aura, he was now glowing slightly. Not to mention his bright green eyes where blue used to be.
"I've almost completely joined his kingdom mutliple times and not even a check?? Do I get offdays?? I got stuff to do! This is a full-time 24/7 job. Even the fact that I'm here is so risky. I'm counting on my friends to call me if it gets out of hand and I'll just have to find a portal to lead me there. Not even breaks."
One of the girls laughed and reached her hands out, trying to appease him. "Calm down, dude."
"I don't even get lunch breaks! That is so illegal. Don't tell me the oh so mighty Lord of the death is higher than the law."
"He is."
"I'm going to file in a complaint." He looked Nico, furious. "Where does he operate from."
Nico looked around, not knowing what to do to keep this agitated ghost from confronting the literal God of death. "He- uhh well... in the Underworld."
"That's- that the Ghost Zone right. Your highness, do you have any idea how big that thing is?? Where?"
Nico bit his lip. "Well there is a direct route straight to his throne, but it's a very specific place."
Danny wasn't deterred. "Write down the adress. I'm so sick of this. Please, write it down."
"Hold on, child." Chiron stooped down to hold him still by the shoulder. "Let's discuss this calmly. This is not a matter that should be rushed through."
Danny noticed how the man was having trouble keeping himself balanced as he put his hand on his shoulder and flew up to meet him at eye level. This earned gasps from the teens. The halfa grumbled. "Yeah, you're right. But I don't have that much time. The breach in my hometown allows very dangerous ghosts to cross. I'm not sure how long they'll manage without me."
"Then just go back now." The prince of the dead tried to convince him.
Danny shook his head, frowning. "No, no way. This is injustice. I deserve better. I'm still alive, I deserve to live it." He turned back to the centaur. He trusted this man. He was a grown-up. He had to know what Danny was going through. He would understand. He would help him.
Chiron could not believe this teenager. Why were all teenagers like this? Was it compulsive? To rebel against higher beings? Powerful beings? Did they have absolutely any sense of hierarchy? Couldn't they think past their own feelings of injustice and see people in power could do what they want?
Chiron smiled. How he loved teenagers.
"I see you're very certain of your decision." Danny nodded his head vigorously as Chiron continued. "But I implore you to this the demigod way. You're used to being on your own I assume, given that you mentioned you're the only of your species." Chiron noticed the uncomfortable face the boy was making and figured it was a little complicated. He moved on. "But here are multiple demigods that can strengthen the other's weaknesses and could greatly help you during your trip."
Chiron shifted his hooves until he was facing the crowd of excited teens. They could feel a quest coming up and were itching to do something after so much rest. They were also most probably very interested in this strange, witty, ambitious and outraged teen and would pay to see him file a complaint against the Lord of the Dead.
"We usually stay in here, where it's safe. But if something important must be done outside of it we go out in groups of three. It's the perfect amount of people to protect themselves but not attract too much attention."
Danny raised an eyebrow. "Why do you stay here?"
"Our smell attracts monsters from the underworld," a kid in the crowd answered and got more amused the more incredulous Danny got.
"You- okay. I can see that happening." He sniffed the air experimentally. "I thought it was the strawberries rotting or something but now that I'm close enough I'm guessing that smell is y'all."
The expressions he got in return where as amused as they were exasperated. They got comments on their smell often enough.
"So who wants to come with me and sue a god?"
One of the teens pushed himself around others and ran up to him and Chiron, a wild grin on his face. "I'm coming! I call dibs!"
"You can't call dibs. That's not fair!"
Chiron looked a bit alarmed. "You are a powerful demigod and asset for the camp, not to mention your smell would attract more monsters than it's worth. Are you certain you wanna go through with this?"
The boy thrust his chin up. "Of course. The war is over, don't you think I deserve this?"
"You deserve some time to rest and recover and enjoy yourself." Chiron knew the teen had gone through far enough trauma. He didn't want him to be forced upon more.
The other looked at the centaur in the eye, begging him to understand. "You think I can do that here?" Chiron paused to consider this. Meanwhile, the other pulled Danny's floating foot down and slung an arm around his shoulders. "Besides, this dude looks like he knows how to have fun. We'll have a great time!"
"Percy." A blonde stepped closer to him. "Are you sure it's a good idea? It's so close after the war and we should train to be ready for anything that happens."
Percy waved the hand that wasn't around the halfghost's shoulders in the air, annoyed. "The war’s been over for months. You can take care of yourselves. And it's not like I'll be slacking off out there." He was resolute. "I'm coming." Then he added as an afterthought. "As long as the angry employee here doesn't mind."
Danny took a moment to realize he was being addressed. Honestly he wouldn't mind him coming with. He seemed like a fun, relaxed and headstrong dude. And Danny could tell the other wanted to leave this place. Like Danny, he wanted a break from all the responsibilities. He could vibe with that.
He grinned back toothily, showing off his fangs right in the boy's face. "I'd like that."
Chiron ignored Percy's shocked face and Danny's satisfied smirk. He turned to Nico, who'd been watching them warily. "Nico."
The boy shook his head. "No way. I'm not coming with them."
"Please. With you along they won't get many issues crossing past Charon. And if you do, you're best possible option to figure out another way. Not to mention that this very much involves your father, your domain, and you too."
"Fine," he huffed and Percy cheered.
"Yay, Deathbreath, join us!"
Danny smiled wide, lips quirking in mischief, and gave a bow. "Very honoured you agreed to help this paesant. Good to know at least some royalty is decent."
Nico deadpanned. "I'll be complaining the whole trip."
Chiron spread his arms to call the attention back to himself. "Looks like the quest is set. I trust Percy and Nico will fill our new friend in on everything during the journey. Ready everything and pack some ambrosia. You will leave as soon as you're ready."
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mummybear · 4 years
The Babysitter
This Is Day Four Of Roleplay May 
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Words: 4763
Warnings: Smut (Obviously), Oral Male And Female Receiving (Sharing Is Caring And All), 
Characters: Jensen Ackles, Reader, Mentions On “The Wife”, Mentions Of The Kids And Some Random Ex Boyfriend. Think that’s it really.
Pairings: Jensen Ackles x Reader
A/N: Right so I just wanna say this is my first ever Jensen Fic, so please be gentle. Also nothing is meant against anyone in the Fic, it is simply Fanfiction in which this is the idea :) Cheating, Hair Pulling,  Squirting, Angry Sex Biting, Begging, Orgasm Denial.... I mean honestly the list goes on.....
Summery: Being the babysitter for the Ackles family had been nothing but a pleasure, but when Jensen comes home from work in a bad mood the reader finds out just how much her boss loves her short skirts and despises her ex boyfriend showing up at his house.
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The front door slams open and you can’t help but flinch where you sit on the couch, the sound echoing through the large halls of the house. There was only one person it could be, with the kids’ mother being away on business. However, Mr. Ackles hadn’t been in the best of moods when he’d left for work this morning. Now you thought about it, he’d been in a terrible mood for days. 
Luckily the kids were in bed, fast asleep. So you only hoped that he hadn’t woken them up. 
Slipping out of the living room, you head towards the front door, where you find him kicking off his boots and hanging up his coat. He doesn’t speak, so neither do you, deciding it might be best that way.
The thing about Jensen Ackles was the type of man he was. There was no getting away from it, not even for the babysitter of his kids. He was tall, strong and just god damn gorgeous. With the most incredible heart and personality. A laugh that never failed to make you smile, not to mention the fact he had the greenest eyes you’d ever seen. 
However, there was also the other side of him. A side that not many people had the chance to see, you had seen it once, a long time ago. But tonight, tonight was different.
You quickly make your way into the kitchen, feeling his eyes on your back as you walk away from him. But you know it’s best to stay out of his way, especially when he’s like this. Mr. Ackles was definitely still pissed off, maybe even more so than he had been this morning. That much you could tell from his body language alone. 
You busied yourself with making him a coffee, hoping that he wouldn’t snap at you. You were seriously beginning to get worried that he knew about your visitor a few nights ago.
“Where are the kids?” he asks suddenly, his voice much louder than you’d expected, which makes you jump, even more so when he leans over you, taking the coffee you’d made him. Your entire body stiffens until he steps back, you’re not sure he’d ever been that close before and you could definitely smell the alcohol lingering on his breath as it ghosted across your cheek. Then again you didn’t hate it at all.
“T-They’re in bed Mr. Ackles. Sir” you tell him half stuttering your reply, ignoring how close he’s still standing, you try and find something to keep you busy on the counter.
“Turn around and look at me Y/N” he demands in a firm tone that leaves no room for argument. 
You turn to face him, but you can’t look him in the eyes, so instead you focus on his chest as you fiddle with the hem of your t-shirt. Swallowing hard, you grip your t-shirt tighter, when his arms fold over his broad chest. 
Sensing he’s getting impatient you finally look up, meeting his eyes and god he looks so good. He’d been on several interviews and photo shoots today. He had dark jeans on, a dark blue suit jacket and a blue shirt and tie, he practically oozes authority and commands attention.
“Is everything okay?” you ask him quietly, your voice just barely above a whisper.
Jensen rubs his hand across his face, gently scratching at the stubble along his jaw as the muscle beneath clenches. He takes another step towards you, nerves get the better of you and you step back. Which causes your back to bump into the cupboard behind you. Placing his hand beside your head on the cupboard, focusing his intense gaze back on you. 
“Do you really think that I don’t have cameras all over my house Y/N? Inside and out. That I don’t see everything you do? Everyone you invite over” his voice is that much quieter as he leans in closer, but you can still tell that he’s beyond angry.
And fuck he knows, it’s the only reason he would be bringing this up right now. 
“Mr. Ackles, please just let me explain. I don’t know how much you were able to see, but please I-” he cuts you off with a shake of his head, you stop talking immediately, clamping your mouth closed as you wait for him to say something.
“How about you just keep your pretty little mouth shut darlin’. You know, try being a good girl for a change, if you can manage that” his tone of voice is really beginning to do something to you, even if he’s snapping at you. But with the things he’s saying, it’s starting to make you feel things that you shouldn’t, want things that you’re not allowed.
You watch as his finger hooks into the top of his tie, roughly pulling it loose and pops the top button. Chewing your lip you give a small nod as your wordless reply. Finally, you can’t take anymore and look away from him, focusing back on your feet. His eyes are far too intense and you feel like a moth being drawn to flame.
“Good. Now since you do know how to listen. Tell me, who was the guy you were kissing in the back yard the other day?”
He still hasn’t raised his voice, yet somehow, that only un-nerves you that much more. Fiddling with your hands you swallow the lump in your throat, your nerves over losing your job are beginning to get to you. Opening and closing your mouth a few times, you wonder if your reason will be enough to calm him down and stop him firing you. 
Suddenly his large hand grips your jaw, forcing you to look up at him again. Your mouth is so dry, he holds you there with his hand and his darkened green eyes.
“You better answer me, Y/N” he demands, his voice substantially louder and firmer than before.
Licking your lips you try to get your breathing under control, gripping your skirt tightly.
“I uh, I’m s-sorry Mr. Ackles. He followed me t-to work, I broke up with him m-months ago. He just won’t take no for an answer. I swear to you, I-I was just trying to get him to leave,” you reply quickly, your voice wavering and shaking the entire time.
“Why’d you break up with him, Y/N?” Jensen asks, a slight smile curving at the edge of his lips as he releases your jaw, letting his fingers just barely brush down the column of your throat. 
The question takes you by complete surprise. What strikes you even more is the look in his eyes and you can’t look away. “I don’t understand. Why do you want to k-” your voice cuts out with a surprised gasp, right as Jensen straightens up so he’s looking down at you even more than before, pressing his body that much closer to yours.
“Don’t tell me. I’ll guess” his tone is completely cocky. “He didn’t hit the right spots huh? Wasn’t he man enough for you baby girl?” he smirks when the quietest breathy moan slips past your lips, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
Your skin is tingling all over, the heat is quickly pooling between your thighs and you couldn’t stop it even if you wanted to. You’re currently losing the fight with your common sense, you know this is all kinds of wrong. You just don’t have it in you to care. He’s like the drug you just can’t get enough of.
“Something like that” you reply just barely above a whisper.
“You need a real man to show you just how to control this perfect body. Someone who can make you scream, make you beg for more,” his husky whisper just loud enough for you to hear, as his fingers trace the smooth skin peeking out just above your skirt.
Without even realising it you lean into his touch, dragging your teeth over your bottom lip, feeling the throbbing between your legs increasing with his every word. Begging yourself not to let that word slip past your lips. You’re so turned on right now, it’s taking everything you have to hold yourself back, but the submissive in you needs him to make the first move. Swallowing hard you nod,“I do. Need it so bad, but you’re married” the second the last words slip past your lips you swallow hard, clearly your conscience has got the best of you.
He licks his lips seemingly biting his tongue as he bends down eye level with you, that intense green eyed gaze focused back on you.
“Oh don’t worry about her. I’ve been told by a good source, she’s got her hands very full this weekend, with her friend or co-worker. We haven’t fucked in months” he tells you honestly, trying to keep his voice calm, but you can hear the anger behind his words.
You reach out and give his shoulder a gentle squeeze without even thinking, “I’m sorry. You don’t deserve that” you tell him as calmly, dropping your hand back at your side when he shrugs.
“Forget about it, I am” he assures you, giving you that panty dropping wink. “Now that’s out of the way, where were we?” he asks seductively, his eyes flicking down to your lips then back up to focus on your eyes.
“I think that’s probably up to you, Mr. Ackles” you reply playfully, biting back your smirk when he chuckles in reply.
“You really think you can handle me baby girl?” he asks with a grin, ducking down a little lower, resting a hand beside your head, while the other one pushes your hair off your shoulders.
You shake your head, licking your lips, finally letting your eyes drop to his pink plump lips.
“No. But I know you can handle me. Keep me under control, make me beg for more” you tell him practically moaning the last word. You suck in a breath when he leans in close, the tip of his nose brushing your cheek.
“Oh I know just what you need darlin’. Thank fuck, because I am sick and tired of pretending that I don’t want you on your knees, begging for my cock” he practically growls. You cry out as his hand fists in your hair, roughly tugging your head back. “Ah ah ah, be a good girl. Keep it down, don’t make daddy gag the babysitter” he groans hearing your desperate whimper, knowing he’d hit a button with that one. 
His lips roughly press against yours, wrapping his free arm around your waist when your legs threaten to give way beneath you. Grabbing at his suit jacket you pull his body closer as his tongue runs across your lips. 
Your tongue quickly meets his, stoking the fire building between your legs when he takes complete control. Pulling away suddenly, he drags those perfect white teeth over your bottom lip. You breathlessly look up at him with hooded eyes, he looks right back at you, with a look in his eyes like he’s about to devour you.
Jensen’s fingers tighten in your hair as soft lips and sharp teeth make their way down your neck, pausing every now and then to suck marks into your skin. You cling to his jacket as his hand drags slowly up the back of your thigh, slipping beneath your skirt he grabs your ass roughly, unable to stop the roll of your hips as he pulls you closer.
His raspy voice is in your ear again, those soft lips caressing you.
“I bet you wear these little skirts just to tease me don’t you? Dirty girl. Don’t think I haven’t noticed how much shorter they are when it’s just me around” 
He releases your hair and drops his hand from your body, taking your small hand in his much larger one, you follow him as he leads you into the living room. 
Closing the door he locks it, the baby monitor on the side remains quiet as he leads you into the middle of the room. You swallow hard as this gorgeous giant of a man looms over you, fingers pushing beneath your thin t-shirt. Pushing the material up your body, his big warm hands that never leave your skin. You lift your arms as he tugs the t-shirt over your head.
“Jensen please, I want your cock” you moan as those long fingers drag over your rib cage teasingly.
His chuckle is low and deep, tongue pressed to the back of his teeth. You suddenly realise that’s the first time you’ve ever used his first name, he doesn’t seem to mind, in fact it seems to have the opposite effect..
“Oh, do you baby. Then be a good girl, get on your knees. Beg for it” the second those husky words leave his plump lips you drop down onto your knees at his feet. Staring up at him like he was the only thing in the universe, resting your hands on his strong thighs. The massive bulge in his jeans practically makes your mouth water. Jensen takes off his suit jacket and tosses it over the arm of the chair, before his darkened green eyes settle back on you once more.
“I’ll be a good girl, please Mr Ackles. Fuck my mouth, just wanna make you feel good.” You beg the older man above you, rolling your hips down into nothing.
You wait on baited breath as Jensen tugs open his belt without a word, you sit up higher on your knees, licking your lips when he pops the button open and pulls down the zip. His thumbs tuck in the sides of his jeans and boxers, he pushes them down to his knees with a few rough shoves. 
Allowing his cock to spring free. You can’t help but suck in a breath and lean in closer when he wraps his long fingers around his thick length, you’re moaning please all over again. He pumps his cock up and down with a firm grasp and you can feel your slick starting to leak through your panties, he’s even bigger than you’d first imagined.
“Look at you, my cock hungry little slut. So fuckin’ perfect. Open up baby girl” he practically growls, tapping the swollen tip against your parted lips. 
You do as you’re told, his words shooting straight to your throbbing pussy. Your mouth open and tongue waiting, you moan as soon as the tip touches your tongue, pre-come leaking freely the heady taste as you close your lips around him. Jensen groans above you, his hands fisting at both sides of your hair, wrapping the thick tresses around his hands.
Swirling your tongue around the swollen tip, you feel his grip tightening, taking him further into your mouth, your tongue dragging along the underside, following that thick throbbing vein.
You whimper when he tugs harshly and thrusts his hips.
“Look at me” he grunts thrusting again, you gag a little but manage to control it, looking up and locking your eyes on those dark green almost black eyes. “So fucking good for me” he moans when you hollow your cheeks and try to relax your throat.
Your fingers dig into your thighs when he thrusts again, forcing himself further down your throat , the noise he makes is so fucking sexy, you loose his eye contact when he throws his head back and moans your name. You can feel the heat rising across your skin, clenching your thighs you can feel the coil in your stomach tightening. 
Your moaning around him as he starts a steady rhythm, hips snapping against your face, saliva mixed with his pre-come leaking from the sides of your lips. You’re so close to coming, with the noises he’s making, the feel of him deep down your throat, hands fisting in your hair. You gasp when he finally pulls out of your mouth and throat, gulping down air as he fists his cock at the base.
“Was that okay?” you ask as innocently as possible, your voice hoarse and breathy.
He grabs your arm, hauling you up off the floor, his hands are tight on your arms as he pulls you into a bruising kiss. His lips leave yours all too quickly. You stumble back with a smirk, seeing that devilish look on his face as he stalks towards you. Jensen shoves you gently, until the back of your legs connect with the sofa and you fall back onto it, looking up at him expectantly from beneath your eyelashes.
He remains quiet as he unbuttons his shirt and drops it to the floor, revealing that perfect tanned freckled skin that’s hidden beneath. You lick your lips as he gets closer, he’s fucking gorgeous. The last thing to go is the tie which is dropped by your foot.
“You know damn well that was more than okay, nearly came down your throat” he half chuckles when you have to bite back a grin. However, that quickly turns into a moan when the front of your plaid skirt flicks up.
“Gotta taste that pretty pussy baby girl” he rasps, kicking off his jeans.
You cry out when he tugs your ankles so that your ass is hanging almost off of the sofa. He presses a finger to those plump lips of his before he drops to his knees, making quick work of pulling your panties off, throwing them over his shoulder. You go push down your skirt but he stops you. Unyielding grip on your wrist. 
“No. That stays on darlin’. You wore it to wind me up, so now you can leave it on” he tells you as he licks up one of your inner thighs, groaning when your slick hits his tongue. “Walking around like a dirty school girl, now you can fucking act like one”
You whimper as he roughly suckles at your inner thigh, dragging his teeth across the skin, before moving higher and doing the same.
“I’m s-sorry, please I-” you’re cut off when his tongue moves through your slick folds, you slam a hand over your mouth as he groans into your pussy, that thick perfect tongue pushing inside you. You roll your hips into his face and he slaps your thigh, but that just shoots straight to your throbbing pussy as two thick fingers circle your clit.
You do it again, begging for more behind your hand. This time however he isn’t so forgiving. When he  pulls his face away you whine a pathetic apology, which quickly turns into a scream of pleasure and pain as he slaps your pussy lightly, three times in a row.
“You don’t get to fuck my face baby, you’re not in charge here. Take what you’re fucking given, am I clear” he growls, pushing your legs up and making you hold them back. 
You nod quickly, nails digging into your legs, feeling two of his thick fingers circling your opening. 
“Yes Jensen. I’ll be good. Fuck please” you beg, eyes practically rolling into the back of your head when pushes those fingers inside you slowly. 
“Fuck baby girl, such a tight little pussy” he moans lowering his lips again, so his breath ghosts over your clit. You can’t arch against him like you want to, you just have to lay back and take it. His tongue flicks out and you can’t help but whine freely, with no hand to hold in your noises now.
 “Only ever been with one guy and your cock twice as big” you pant trying to catch your breath. Your voice comes out a little more worried than you’d have liked it to.
“Don’t worry baby, gonna make you come so hard. This little pussy is gonna fit my cock like a god damned glove by the time I'm done with you” the last part of his promise is muffled as his lips close around your clit, tongue flicking back and forth over the bundle of nerves in time with the rough fast movements of his fingers.
You quickly feel your orgasm approaching, like a freight train hurtling down the track. Your pussy flutters around his fingers as he curls them, repeatedly stroking at that spot that makes your legs shake and your head fuzzy. 
“Fuck, I’m gonna-” you cut yourself off as your orgasm hits hard, your body goes tense beneath him, but he doesn’t stop or slow down.
“Fucking give it to me baby girl, you can do it. I can feel it” he commands before returning his lips and tongue to your clit, applying a little extra pressure with his fingers on every thrust.
You look down at him, eyes lidded barely able to keep them open, he’s watching you when your eyes meet, dark green eyes locked on your face. Your thighs shake and all you can do is gasp for air and cling to your own legs, your stomach burns and you feel like every nerve ending is sparking at once. Jensen groans into you when a wet squelching sound fills the room. 
“Oh! Oh god!” you scream, dropping your legs back onto his shoulders as your body arches uncontrollably, your hand flying to cover your mouth, the other grabs the top of his head trying to push him away, as your entire body shudders. He doesn’t budge, but he does slowly remove his fingers, licking his way down your thighs following the lines of your slick.
“Fuck that was so hot baby, don’t tell me I’ve broken you already” Jensen grins, winking when he finally pulls your legs from his shoulders and stands. All you can do is smile back, whimpering when you move at the sensitivity between your legs.
He holds out his hand for you, which you take gratefully. He pulls harder than you’d expected, so that you’re crushed against his chest, gripping your hair he pulls your lips to his. You run your hands over his chest as your tongues slide perfectly against one another, making sure you touch everything you’ve never touched but always wanted to. 
Your ass bumps into the side of the sofa and Jensen stops, suddenly pulling away from your lips, you barely have time to catch the smirk on those plump lips. He spins you quickly so your back is pressed against his solid chest, hand wrapping around your throat gently as his lips press to your ear. 
“You still want my cock baby? Still want me to fuck you until you can’t walk” he asks deep and husky voice, washing over you like a hot shower, as his fingers flex around your throat.
“Fuck yes. Want you to fucking ruin me, Mr. Ackles” 
That seems to be the last straw, with a growl he pushes you forward roughly, until you fall over the arm of the sofa. He kicks your legs apart and takes hold of his cock, running it through your wet pussy, hearing you mewl beneath him, pushing back against him. He pauses when the head of his cock presses against your opening.
“Is this what you want baby?” he asks in a gravelly voice making you shiver.
“God yes! Please!” you whimper into the cushion under your face.
“Spread those cheeks for me baby, let me see you” he asks, breathing out slowly when he slips inside you a little further. “Wanna see every time my cock slips inside that tight little pussy” he growls pushing in another inch, you comply immediately, reaching back you grip your ass, spreading your cheeks for him, the curve of your back pushing you closer to him.
Suddenly his hips snap forward, filling you completely luckily your drawn out moan is completely muffled by the sofa cushion. Your nails dig into your ass cheeks as he pulls out almost all the way and roughly thrusts himself back inside, pushing the sofa forward with the force.
“Oh fuck! Look at you. All mine” he grunts possessively, repeating the action a little quicker again and again, your hands slip from your ass and push underneath you, holding yourself up.
“Put your fucking hands back Y/N” Jensen demands slapping your ass roughly, as the other fists in your skirt, pulling you back against him,
“I-I can’t” you cry out again as he slams forward, hips slapping hard and bruising against your ass.
“Fine” there’s a pause as he stills behind you. Bending down awkwardly, he grabs his discarded tie, roughly yanking your arms back from under you, he pulls your wrists together resting them on your ass. Tightly securing the tie around them, he tugs making sure it’s tight enough. “There. Get out of that” he grunts through that dark chuckle, picking his pace up, until your mouth drops open in a silent scream.
His thrusts are brutal and unforgiving and you’ve never felt more in heaven in your life.
“J-Jensen, I’m gonna c-” he cuts you off with another harsh slap to your ass.
“No. You’re gonna hold it baby girl, you’ll wait until I tell you. Call it punishment for movin’ your hands” he snaps with another powerful slap to your ass. 
You gasp through a moan, feeling your walls clenching every time he pulls you back onto his cock, while he continues fucking into your tight wet heat. Your head is spinning, pussy throbbing around his thick length, feeling every ridge against your inner walls. 
Your nails are digging harshly into your palms, as he continues to rail into you at an inhuman pace that has your legs shaking. Jensen grips onto his tie forcing your body off of the sofa, you’re trying so hard to hold back your orgasm, but you can feel that familiar feeling from earlier, heating back up in your stomach and you know you couldn’t stop it even if you wanted to.
“Jensen. I’m gonna do it again! Please, I can’t stop it” you scream, clamping your mouth shut, biting into your lip harshly to try keep your noise down.
Jensen whimpers as your walls clamp down around his cock violently, his balls draw up and he has to grit his teeth.
“Do it, my dirty little slut. Fuckin’ squirt for me baby” 
Your mouth drops open in a silent scream, feeling Jensen’s come fill you full, even leaking down your thighs. With sweat soaking your skin, your orgasm hits so powerful that it forces Jensen's cock from inside you. You’re practically sobbing when it stops, shaking violently you faintly feel him undoing your wrists before he pulls you back against his chest, those strong arms wrapped around your body holding you up. Your head drops back onto his shoulder as he gently sucks and licks at your neck, teeth softly scraping over your skin. 
“I gotcha baby, you’re okay” he murmurs against your skin, his voice like honey.
“Jesus fucking Christ, you’re something else Mr. Ackles” you giggle as he turns you in his arms to face him, wrapping your arms around his neck. Finally pushing your fingers into his thick hair when he kisses you, both of you capturing each other's moans. The easy eager slide of his tongue against yours is just what you need, he pulls away with a gentle sigh brushing his fingers through your hair.
“You have no idea how much I needed that baby girl, you were fucking perfect” he winks with that panty dropping smile.
“You have no idea, Jensen. You were even better than I thought you’d be” You giggle at the look on his face. “Yes I’ve thought about it” you confirm, gently slapping his chest when he wiggles those eyebrows at you.
“Me too, a lot” he chuckles when you blush.
“So, I guess I should get going” you smile, swallowing the nerves and the worry of this being awkward as well as the fact you may have lost your job. On the account of you fucking your boss.
“Oh no you don’t. We have a lot to talk about young lady, specifically earlier” he pauses watching the confusion crossing your face. “So, you like the sound of daddy gagging the babysitter, yeah?” he grins when your blush turns from pink to red and you shift awkwardly. Jensen presses just under your chin getting you to meet his eyes again.
Biting your lip you nod. “Say it.” he tells you rough hand gripping your ass beneath your skirt.
“Yes daddy” you breathe out just above a whisper. 
Tags:  Bold wouldn’t tag guys sorry!! I’ll try adding you to the commentss after!! @chewie-redbird @julzdec @lettersofwrittencollective​ @stiles-o-dylan24 @mogaruke @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @dylanholyhellobrien @holyhellpit @desireepow-1986 @emichelle @lilulo-12 @22sarah08 @deanwanddamons @simsadventures  @charmed-asylum @nicole-lynne @hazel-eye-coffee-shop-girl-blog @defenderrosetyler @emilyshurley @emoryhemsworth @foxyjwls007 @mylovelydame21 @sunshineandwings86 @negans-lucille-tblr @fandomfic-galore @fandom-princess-forevermore @flamencodiva @hobby27 @akshi8278 @littlelonewolfgirl @ladywinchester1967 @screechingartisancashbailiff @maddiepants @spnfanfic-reblogs @holylulusworld @mrswhozeewhatsis @sonofabringmesomepie @mrsjenniferwinchester​ @hhiggs @pisces-cutie @heartsaved @matsumama @trina44sb
Pond Taglist: @aprofoundbondwithdean​ @manawhaat​ @thing-you-do-with-that-thing​  @nichelle-my-belle​ @notnaturalanahi​ @deanscarlett​ @roxy-davenport​ @impala-dreamer​ @samsgoddess​ @frenchybell​ @scorpiongirl1​  @deandoesthingstome​ @deansleather​ @curliesallovertheplace​ @whywhydoyouwantmetosaymyname​ @waywardjoy​ @imadeangirl-butimsamcurious​ @kayteonline​ @supernatural-jackles​ @wevegotworktodo​ @quiddy-writes​ @babypieandwhiskey​ @supermoonpanda​ @deanwinchesterforpromqueen​ @chaos-and-the-calm67-blog​ @memariana91​ @plaidstiel-wormstache​ @teamfreewill-imagine​ @chelsea-winchester​ @becs-bunker​ @castieltrash1​ @supernaturalyobessed​ @ruined-by-destiel​ @winchester-writes​ @evilskank-inthemegacoven​ @maraisabellegrey-blog​ @faith-in-dean @winchestersmolder​ @bennyyh​ @clueless-gold​ @deanwinchesterxreader​ @winchester-family-business​ @there-must-be-a-lock​ @just-another-winchester​ @cas-backwards-tie​ @winecatsandpizza​ @firefly-in-darkness​
685 notes · View notes
BTHB Part 5 ~ Serum Injection
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The fifth fill for my @badthingshappenbingo​ card! This was inspired by this prompt by @heartlesslywhumping​. I’ve had that prompt in mind for a very long time and I finally got around to writing something for it! 
Square Filled: Serum Injection
Fandom: Original Work
Word Count: 2,473
CW: Needles/forced drugging in a (sort of) medical setting
“No, stop! What are you doing?!” Blix shouted as the men in gray dragged him into the room. “What are you doing?!”
They gave him no answer as he strained against them. They pulled him back toward the bed in the middle of the room. He should have fought. He should have bared his fangs and punched and kicked, or even used his power. But instead, he’d tried to understand, tried to reason with them.
“I didn’t do anything!” He heard the way his voice cracked and he heard the desperate squeak of his boots on the floor.
“Doesn’t matter,” one of them grunted.
The four men hauled Blix’s lean body onto the bed with coordinated, unyielding force. He tried to shove them away, but they pinned his down arms and his legs. He arched his back and let out a frustrated breath.
“Let me go,” he tried as he flattened himself back down to regroup. His voice was edging close to begging. “Please.”
They didn’t acknowledge him. Blix imagined that, from their perspective, they may as well have been handling a wild, senseless beast. His mind screamed for his team to come and save him. Wren would have gone for Bowen by now. They were coming for him; they had to be.
His gaze leaped from face to face, but he found no sympathy on any of them. He searched for something, anything, that would help him. There was nothing. A man in a white coat, carrying a vial and a hypodermic needle, entered his line of sight. Blix went deathly still for a moment and his dark eyes went wide.
“What’s that?! What are you doing?!”
Blix’s tongue suddenly felt clumsy in his mouth.
“Shh,” the man said as he stuck the needle into the vial. “I assure you it’s perfectly harmless.”
Blix began to struggle again as the man - a doctor? -drew the violet liquid into the syringe. He snapped the cylinder, then pushed the plunger, forcing out some of the liquid. The drops glinted in the light as they rose, then plummeted. Blix shook his head from side to side as the doctor stepped closer.
“What is that?” he asked again. His heart slammed in his chest as he eyed the needle. He could hear the hysterical pitch his voice was reaching alongside his short, rabid breaths, but he was far beyond caring how it sounded.
“You don’t have to do this!” he yelled as he bucked. “No! Please don’t! Nonono.”
“Be still,” the doctor said. He put a firm, gloved hand on Blix’s jawline and turned his head to expose his neck. “You’ll just feel some discomfort.”
He was right. To Blix’s humiliation, he whimpered and screwed his eyes shut as the needle pierced his vein. The doctor was expressionless as he depressed the plunger, then withdrew the needle. The serum’s cold burn made Blix’s eyes go wide and he could feel the sting of tears.
“It’s done,” the doctor said without any discernible warmth or commiseration. Blix began to struggle again, but whatever was coursing through him forced his head back down and made the room spin.
What’s done? What did you do? He thought. His head lolled to the side; he looked at the still-open door and longed to see his boss and Wren come through.
Blix’s world lurched and he moaned as his fear and panic transformed.
Even after Bowen accepted payment for the job his team completed, he smiled and nodded and continued a dialogue with the man who paid them. Maintaining positive trade relations had become instinct over the years, and working with this station could potentially be very lucrative. In his mind, though, The Ferox was touching down on a planet without development or inhabitants. It had been too long since he’d taken anything resembling a vacation.
The team won’t be opposed to a break, he thought.
“I have another job for you and your team if you’re interested,” his client said.
It was Bowen’s impulse to say yes, but before he could, Wren found them. Bowen stopped shy of introducing his second-in-command when he saw that Wren’s ash-blond hair was more disheveled than usual and his lip was split.
“They took Blix,” Wren said.
“Who did?” Bowen asked.
“Some assholes in gray uniforms,” Wren said as he swept his hair back. His jaws were set and his shoulders were squared.
Before Bowen could ask where Blix had been taken, their client spoke up.
“Is your friend, by chance, Ventrexi?”
“Half,” Bowen said.
“Why does that matter?” Wren asked.
“I’m relatively new to this place,” the client said. “But long story short, if a Ventrexi visits this territory, they’re required to be medicated to prevent the threat their psychic abilities present.”
“That’s bullshit! Blix wouldn’t do anything like that!”
Bowen put a hand on Wren’s shoulder.
Easy, he willed him, though Wren was absolutely right.
“Unfortunately,” their client said as he crossed his arms and cast a wary glance at Wren, “That’s not a risk The Commission is willing to take. They probably took him to The Well.”
The client shrugged and minutely rolled his eyes when he saw that Bowen and Wren were nonplussed.
“I don’t know. It’s just what they call the place they take the Ventrexi if they have to.”
Bowen and Wren made their way easily enough, and they found themselves in a quiet, well-ordered section of the station. Bowen hadn’t known what to expect, but this wasn’t it. The pale gray walls and low lights purveyed a sense of drab, clinical calm that made him eager to get back to their ship.
A man in a white coat looked up from the screen he’d been focused on.
“Can I help you?” he asked as he looked over the pair as he awaited the answer to his dispassionate inquiry.
“One of my crew was brought here,” Bowen said. His voice was direct, but not antagonistic. He hoped it would remain so. “We’ll be taking him with us.”
“The young Ventrexi-”
“His name’s Blix,” Wren bit out.
The doctor looked between the two before continuing.
“I can’t allow him to leave. Not yet.”
“Why not?” Bowen asked. He kept his voice calm despite the fact he could feel his temper flaring. In his periphery, he could see Wren take a step closer to the doctor, who either didn’t notice, or didn’t care.
“I administered the medication his people are required to have,” he said. “Unfortunately, he seems to have had a reaction to it.”
“What sort of reaction?” Bowen asked as he narrowed deep his gray eyes at the doctor.
“Not to worry,” the doctor said. “He’s being monitored closely.”
“I asked you what kind of reaction,” Bowen said, letting any pretense of cordiality slip away. The doctor seemed to weigh his options before answering.
“He’s disoriented,” he began. “His heart rate is elevated. I’m afraid he grew too agitated and we were forced to restrain him.”
Wren let out a low growl and Bowen worried it wasn’t just for show. He raised a hand up, calling for stillness and reason, though he was wrestling with it himself. The doctor didn’t balk at Wren’s deep, angry vocalization.
“Duomorphs are interesting creatures,” the doctor offered with a cold half smile. Intrigue glittered in his eyes as he regarded Wren. It added unease to Bowen’s ire.
“Take us to Blix,” Bowen said. He refused to take whatever emotional bait the doctor thought he was dangling. Apparently, thankfully, so did Wren.
The doctor nodded and gave Wren another thoughtful glance before turning and guiding them behind closed doors and into an equally sombre hall, the length of which boasted three observation rooms on each side.
Bowen’s own name reached his ears, and he and Wren sped down the hall until they found Blix on the opposite side of a window.
“Bowen?!” Blix called as he tugged at the restraints around his wrists. “Help! Help me, please! I’m sorry! Please?! Wren?!”
“He can’t see you,” the doctor told them as thought it would lessen the pain of what they saw. “Two-way glass.”
Wren tried to open the door to the room, but found it locked. A bustling rescue wasn’t going to be the order of the day and Bowen could see the anger mount in Wren when he realized that.
“Get him out of here,” Wren demanded as he wrenched at the knob again. His eyes flashed like hellfire. “Now.’”
Shit, Bowen thought. He trusted Wren not to transform, trusted him to control himself -he’d come a long way from the wild thing that Bowen had taken in -but he wasn’t sure that a display of Wren’s dual nature was the right pressure to add in this situation, especially if the people in this place were so intent on controlling powers.
“Give him back to us,” Bowen said. “And we’ll be on our way.”
The doctor shook his head.
“It’s in his best interest to stay here. At least for the time being. Just until the effects of the serum have lessened.”
“How long?” Wren asked before Bowen could.
“Difficult to say,” the doctor said. His hand hovered over the row of vials. “This serum is meant to suppress the Ventrexi’s ability to manipulate minds and emotions.”
The doctor turned his attention to his frantic patient and Bowen thought he saw something - Uncertainty? Aggravation? - ghost over the doctor’s features.
“I’ve never seen this reaction before.”
Bowen eyed the line of half a dozen vials on a metal table outside the room. Each was filled with a violet liquid. The knowledge that that was what was coursing through Blix’s veins made Bowen want to sweep them off the table and watch the glass shatter. With a deft hand, Bowen palmed a vial instead.
Blix’s pleas from the other side of the window grew in intensity. It made Bowen want to pull Blix close. Anything to banish all his dread and desperation. Bowen’s heart ached as Blix’s fearful, unfocused eyes searched for help and each of his limbs pulled so harshly at the restraints that there were sure to be bruises.  
Blix fell back on the mattress. He panted as he continued to twist and beg. Bowen watched the sharp rise and fall of Blix’s chest and he knew the doctor was right. A controlled environment would be best for Blix until he was able to calm down.
When Blix began to sob, Bowen’s fingernails bit into his palms.
Wren’s hand remained on the doorknob as he glared at the doctor. Bowen knew he needed to do or say something that would move this situation along.
Wren straightened and met Bowen’s eyes, prepared to act on his orders, violently if necessary.
“Go and find Wes. Tell him to meet us back at the ship. I’ll stay here until Blix is ready to be moved.”
Wren’s face fell, but his eyes burned. Bowen moved his head from side to side. The motion was nearly imperceptible, but it was enough that Wren relented. He spared Blix a worried glance before starting on his way. Bowen stepped in front of him.
“Make it quick,” Bowen told Wren as he pressed the vial into his hand. Wren’s features lightened with understanding and after a sharp little nod, he left.
Blix’s face was tearstained. He let out a feeble “Please,” as he tugged ineffectually at the restraints. “Help me.”
I can’t, Bowen thought. I’m so sorry, Blix.
Bowen questioned how long he could stand there, but he knew the answer. He would wait and watch as long as it took for his crewmember - brave, kind, empathetic Blix who would never hurt someone if he didn’t have to -to come out of this. The guilt would gnaw on Bowen for far, far longer.
The doctor entered the room and Bowen forgot to breathe as he watched Blix squirm and flinch away when the doctor tried to touch him. The straps held him tight. Blix’s pleading had become quiet; instead, he wept and writhed. And there wasn’t a damn thing Bowen could do.
When the doctor came out of the room, he suggested more time.
As long as it takes, Bowen thought as he cast the doctor a baleful glance.
Finally -Bowen didn’t know how long -Blix’s body went slack. His eyes remained open and staring, and though Bowen knew better, he would have sworn Blix was looking directly at him. When the doctor finally allowed him into the room to gather Blix, Blix’s head rolled toward him.
“Bone?” he slurred. “Knew you’d come.”
“Yeah, kiddo,” he said. He couldn��t meet Blix’s gaze as he unfastened the restraints. “Let’s get you out of here.”
The trip back to The Ferox was a slow one. Blix leaned against Bowen and apologized whenever he stumbled. Bowen just hushed him and felt his heart grow heavier each time. They drew little attention in the hangar and when they reached the ship, no one, including Wren and Wes had returned yet. Perhaps it was just as well. Blix didn’t seem to be in danger; for the time being, at least he’d be spared the prying eyes of the rest of the crew.
They made it to Blix’s room, (It was the sort of messy that would only require a few minutes of effort to clean up.) and Bowen lowered Blix down onto the bed.
“Go ahead and lay down,” Bowen said. He squeezed one of Blix’s shoulders and tried to smile.
Blix nodded and lowered himself down onto his side and pulled his legs up onto the bed. Bowen reached down and unlaced Blix’s boots before removing them and setting them down neatly by the foot of the bed.
“There,” Bowen said as he straightened. “Try to relax. Wes will be here soon.”
Bowen saw Blix’s lower lip tremble and thought perhaps his face was going to crumple and that he was going to weep. Bowen prepared himself to anchor Blix through a fresh bout of emotional turmoil, but Blix swallowed and looked up at Bowen with big, dark eyes. They were red-rimmed and weary, but they were more present than they had been moments before.
“Why did they do that to me?”
Bowen sat down helplessly on the mattress and put a heavy hand on Blix’s shoulder. He knew they had taken one look at Blix’s sharp canines and pointed ears, and seen only his Ventrexi lineage. They’d only seen vicious intentions. They hadn’t seen Blix.
Bowen should have known. He should have been aware of that situation in the area. He should have been able to warn Blix about it. He sat there, silently apologizing for something Blix would never think to blame him for.
“They were assholes,” Bowen said as his thumb rubbed back and forth across Blix’s shoulder. “You didn’t deserve that.”
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shaalk · 4 years
How we started
Type: Oneshot
Characters: Sehun X Reader
Genre: Fluff, Romance, CEO AU
Warnings: None
Status: Completed
Summary: Sehun is that haughty yet handsome boss that everyone somehow falls for. I am not an exception. 
Words: 1900
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“Oppa, stop!” I giggle loudly as Jongin continues tickling me. Thankfully we are the only ones left in the cafeteria since lunch ended 10 minutes ago. I wouldn’t want to be swept up in rumours in this huge company, saying that I was fooling around with one of my bosses.
He finally stops after I start gasping for air. We begin talking about our personal lives and our families. It is weird how I am so close to a boss. I could talk to Jongin so comfortably unlike some of my other bosses. This then led to Mr Kim requesting me to call him by his name when we weren’t in work-related situations.
I am actually quite close to all my bosses, except for one.
Speaking of the devil, a cough is heard from behind me. Jongin stops mid-sentence as we turn to see the strictest boss of the company towering over us. He nods his head lightly in Jongin’s direction before his gaze fleets over to me, just staring into my eyes. I get up to greet him right away
“Good afternoon, Mr Oh.” I bow.
Jongin then invites the newcomer to sit with us.
Mr Oh sits opposite me, while Jongin and I are on the other side of the table. The two bosses indulge themselves in a conversation about one of their clients while I start zoning out.
After a while of daydreaming, I feel my eyelids growing heavier. It seems like the late nights for the past month are getting to me. I really can’t wait for the Samsung project to be over so that I can actually leave work on time and be on my bed by 11pm. Suddenly, I feel a cold touch on my cheek and I flinch in shock.
“Tired?” Jongin asks softly, watching my eyelids flutter. I pout and nod while rubbing my eyes.
I hear a sigh from beside me before I am lightly pulled to lean against his body.
“Rest for a while,” he says before gently pushing my head so that I am lying on his shoulder. My mind is telling me to protest but just too tired to listen. I end up drifting to sleep almost immediately.
My eyes shoot open when I hear someone murmuring on the phone beside me. I glance around to see that I am still in the cafeteria. I peep down at my watch to see that I have napped for a good 30 minutes and there was still 15 minutes of my break left.
Mr Oh is no longer in front of me too. Since he’s known to be a workaholic, I can only assume that he has gone back to his office to complete some documents.
I move away from the body beside me to stretch, especially my neck which is slightly sore from laying on one side for half an hour.
“Slept well?” I immediately freeze, my eyes wide.
That is not Jongin's voice!
I quickly turn to my left where the voice came from and sheepishly bow my head in embarrassment.
“Sorry Mr Oh!” I fluster an apology. 
He just waves his hand, dismissing my words, just as he does to most things I say.
He explains that Jongin had to rush off for a last minute meeting with one of the company’s suppliers but wanted me to continue sleeping comfortably. So he made Mr Oh sit beside me to ensure that I had something, or someone to lean on.
After packing his things, Mr Oh silently nods towards the elevators, signalling that we should head back up to our office. I scurry behind my boss, not wanting to bring his unusually non- angry mood down.
In the elevator, I paste myself to the back of the metal box while Mr Oh stands in the middle, scrolling through something on his handphone.
All of a sudden, his back is all I can focus on. His broad shoulders, his slender waist and his thick arms hidden under the grey plaid jacket. I have always thought my boss was super attractive and I might even have had a teensy crush on him at some point.
I don’t know what takes over me because within the next second, I step forward and wrap my arms around Mr Oh’s waist, snuggling my face into his strong back. His woody scent that I am fond of infiltrates my nostrils immediately.
I feel my boss tense up in my hold and he stops scrolling through his phone as well, but he doesn’t say anything.
The elevator bell rings all of a sudden, telling us that we have reached the top floor and that it is time for us to get off.
My eyes and mouth shoot open in shock. I wake up from my trance and immediately pull myself away from Mr Oh. I can feel my cheeks burning up already. 
With a clear of his throat, Mr Oh leaves the confines of the elevator and struts to his office like nothing out of the usual has happened, leaving me surrounded by his scent.
What have I done?
I hang my head low and slowly walk to my desk that is situated outside Mr Oh’s office, wondering how I am going to face him again after that embarrassing incident in the elevator.
Just as I am about to plop down on my seat and attempt to continue with my work, the intercom beeps, a tell-tale sign that Mr Oh needs me in his office.
I huff in frustration, totally not ready to face him yet. My face is heating up again and my heart is beating quickly.
Shit, am I going to get fired?
I pace outside Mr Oh’s office for a while, trying to calm myself down, but to no avail. The intercom beeps again and this time, for the first time ever, Mr Oh actually speaks.
Maybe because I usually respond to him immediately.
“I believe I have beeped you. Get into my office, now!” I hear his rough voice interrupt the silence of the office.
Not wanting to annoy him further, I quickly knock his door before entering. Mr Oh is still furiously typing away on his computer, not giving me attention at all.
“You called, Mr Oh?” He holds a finger up in my direction, wordlessly telling me that I should wait for a moment.
I bounce on my feet and play with my fingers not knowing what else to do. There are so many thoughts running through my mind but the only probable reason of why I was summoned into his office is definitely because of the damn hug I gave him in the lift. I internally scream at myself for being so stupid.
Isn’t that harassment?
As the countless scenarios of how i’m going to get fired run through my head, I hear the wheels of a chair moving, which means that Mr Oh is done with whatever he was doing, and is going to talk to me.
I dare peep up at my boss, only to see his facial expression as blank as it always is, giving me no clues on what he is going to converse with me about.
Just as he opens his mouth to say something, I immediately start apologising profusely with my head down. I can’t bring myself to look at him, worried that he will be glaring at me, or worse, would want to fire me. I get to the point where tears are about to roll down my cheeks.
I love my job. Yes it is stressful and yes my boss is always demanding and angry all the time, but he was great at what he did. I had always admired his work ethic and am proud to call him my boss.
My apology outburst ends. I don’t know what else to say anymore and yet, I still don’t hear a word from Mr Oh.
I hesitantly glance up to find Mr Oh staring at me with a light smirk playing on his lips. He tips his head towards the couch by the door, silently telling me to take a seat.
I shuffle across the room and drop down on the couch with my head still down. I hear Mr Oh sit on the couch opposite me.
“I would like to discuss our board meeting presentation next week,” he starts.
I snap my head to look up at him, wide eyed. He raises an eyebrow at my action but continues planning the presentation.
I am thankful that he doesn’t mention the situation in the elevator because after a while, I forget about the incident and start giving my inputs for the meeting.
About an hour later, we manage to finalise the decisions for the presentation. I take that as a cue for me to leave. I bow and make my way to exit the room.
Just as I am about to reach out to turn the door handle, Mr Oh calls out for me.
I turn to see that he has a ghost of a smile on his lips, which is a rare sight.
“About that hug in the elevator,” he starts and my body immediately starts to heat up, expecting the worst. “I would appreciate if next time, you were standing in front when you hug me and also gave me a chance to hug you back,” he continues teasingly. He even dares to wink after that.
Argh, god he is so attractive!
My mouth opens in shock. This is not what I expected at all. The situations in my mind were all going towards a whole different direction. I am so out of it that I don’t even notice him stalking towards me.
Mr Oh places a calloused palm on my cheek to tilt my head up, and lightly pecks my forehead. 
What the heck is going on?
“Close your mouth sweetheart. I don’t want you to get flies in there,” he whispers as he pushes my jaw back up.
Is it warm in this office or is it just me?
“You may go now,” I hear him say.
Still in a state of confusion, I head towards the door until I am stopped again when Mr Oh calls my name.
“Oh, and cancel our 6pm meeting with Mrs Jung. I’m taking you out for dinner.” 
“That was how mummy and daddy started dating,” I tell my daughter, all the while watching my husband play with our son.
As if he can feel the heat of my gaze on him, Sehun meets my eyes with a huge smile on his face.
How is he still so attractive after all these years?
”What’s wrong princess?” He questions with a frown on his beautiful face. I shake my head.
We play with our kids for a while longer before they fall asleep. We manage to silently tip toe out of their room and head back to ours.
We immediately change into our sleep wear, brush our teeth and jump under the covers. Almost instantly, Sehun’s arm finds its place around my waist while my face is buried into his chest.
“Sehun?” He hums in response. “I love you” I whisper. I can almost feel the smile forming across his face.
“I love you too, my baby.” I hear him proclaim before I slowly drift off to sleep with a smile on my face.
A/N: Let me know what you think! Please drop a comment :)
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pauldron-pieces · 3 years
Captain Physalia's Backstory: At Your Own Peril
Fandom: Dungeons And Dragons (5E)
Pairing: N/A, Physalia-Centric
Rating: Holy shit M.
AN: This is a hypothetical scenario featuring original characters in a world created by my Dungeon Master. As usual, this is non-canon and I own nothing aside from intellectual properties specifically attached to Captain Physalia. This installment is mechanically unsound in a multitude of ways and ignores certain important lore facets. Trigger warnings are listed inside. Enjoy!
Taglist: @sporadic-fics and @cookiethewriter!
Inspired By: Dragon Age; Inquisition: In Hushed Whispers
[Tieliaths are the result of a union between a tiefling and a goliath.]
[Captain Physalia is a level eleven Triton Ancients paladin, and her appearance can be found here.]
[!TRIGGER WARNING!: This installment contains multiple triggering scenes including violence, mentions of slavery and implied character death. Stay safe!]
Captain Physalia, at the helm of the Karyth Delta alongside Jupiter, finally gave a single nod of approval once they had cleared the shallow harbor. "You're getting better."
Jupiter went bright blue at what was lavish praise from the normally-stoic captain, trying and failing to hide her smile. "Thank you, Captain."
The other Triton merely nodded again, continuing her walk to the main deck. Her thoughts were preoccupied with their latest acquisitions, a troubled bunch to say the least. They had already been deposited to the safe haven of one of the many communities these islands fostered, but that community would in turn need extra supplies while the refugees recuperated.
A little human girl, barely in her fourteenth year, huddled beside a coil of rope. She believed she had stowed away and Physalia had humored the delusion until they had left the harbor. "What is your name, girl?" The captain queried, her hands clasped behind her back as she stood beside the rope and stared out at the darkness.
There was a beat of silence where Physalia could feel the panic rushing off of the little one in waves. Then, the child slowly got to her feet, head hung low. "Lara."
"Lara." The name was unfamiliar, difficult for her tongue. It hissed between her teeth. "Why did you sneak back aboard the Delta, little Lara? I had assumed that your last boat ride was sufficient."
"B-Because I...I know what you're going to do and I wanted to see it." The girl answered without guile.
"Oh? What is it that I'm going to do?" Physalia asked, feigning curiosity.
"You...Y-You're going to attack the ship of the flesh traders."
The captain gazed back out at the moonless night. "Perhaps. Does that trouble you?"
"No." Lara snapped, angry, young. She didn't know any better; she had been purloined from everything familiar and crushed into the hold of a ship with fifty-odd other women to be sold elsewhere. "You're the Triton captain of the Verdant Keen, the ghost ship that strikes the wicked from the fog."
The razing of the fishing village that occupied the lonely peninsula to the north had come as a shock to Physalia. Perhaps she had been optimistic to think that the legends would keep flesh peddlers away. More than mere legends hunted these waters though.
The Karyth Delta plowed through the waves, sending shocks of spray up around the figurehead. "I am no hero, little one. There will be no glamor in this." Captain Physalia warned. "Whatever you've heard about in stories, put it from your head. I know how much you land folk love to romanticize the sea, but she is as rebarbative and changeable as the men who plunder her waves."
"I understand."
She didn't, not yet. She was much too young to understand. But she would someday.
Atoll came to perch on the captain's shoulder and Physalia sighed. "Have our fog at the ready. Weislanda willing, the wind stays becalmed. According to the rest of the women, the ship will be empty aside from the crew and the shattered remains of their valuables." The captain gripped the railing when she spied the far-off twinkle of yellow lanterns close to the water's surface. "Lara, I need you to tell Atoll and N'inesmuch exactly what the ship looked like. Any and all details."
The girl looked up at the brightly-colored bird with a bit of confusion, but obediently held out her hand so the druid could swap her seating.
"You'll find N'inesmuch in the galley, I'm certain. You can't miss her." Physalia said dryly. The second mate was a large Tigris Tabaxi with a black circle around her right eye. She had a well-documented penchant for sweets that was encouraged by the quartermaster, who was a sharp-tongued Halfling named Spoon.
Once the girl had left, Rannock 'Broadside' sauntered up alongside the captain. "You'll send me in first, right boss?" He asked eagerly, making the Triton chuckle.
"Of course. I know how much you love a good fight. Just don't get too out of hand. Belle stayed behind and I don't need you and your half-brother butting heads again over your scratches." The captain reminded him sternly. "The captain of that vessel, whoever they may be, must pay for their crimes."
"And they will." The Tieliath swore, his eyes flinty with anger.
The Karyth Delta was not a particularly speedy ship. She was covered in moss, barnacles and vines and, for all intents and purposes, did indeed resemble a ghost ship far more than a seaworthy vessel. However, she possessed a singularly useful structural feature: her keel draft was exceedingly shallow.
This keel allowed the unwieldy-looking ship to easily maneuver over reefs and through channels that ought to beach it, giving her and her crew the tactical advantage in many a coastal fracas. It also made the vessel more responsive at the cost of stability, for if they came about with a full head of power she threatened to capsize. She was a touchy craft, scabbed together with the boney flotsam of other, less fortunate slavers and schooners. Much like the majority of her crew, the ragtag bunch scavenged from the waves.
But none had to endure. Physalia would force no being to remain aboard the Karyth Delta, and she demanded no such boons of loyalty from any innocent man who did not wish to stay. Her sailors were ever-changing, which suited her just fine. Though she had managed to gather a bit of a steady rogue's gallery.
First had been the surgeons, Livesey the Gnome and Ailsyuh the Goliath. They were a crotchety old couple with a bent for bickering that almost eclipsed their affection for one another. They were natives of the crown of islands, and were intimately familiar with the surrounding territories.
Closely following on their heels was Ailsyuh's younger half-brother Rannock, a Tieliath who had been raised by his Tiefling mother to prevent a scandal from occurring in the Shuliezka family. He was headstrong and mouthy, but possessed keen instincts and a sound tactical mind.
Spoon Mulberry (of the Castakay Mulberry family, not those thinbloods in Fhisklos, thank you very much) had been a strange case. The diminutive woman had just showed up at the docks one day, asking around for anyone that needed a cook on their next charter. By the grace of Weislanda, she had found the Karyth Delta and the rest was history.
Atoll had literally fallen into Physalia's lap while they were sailing around the cape of the mainland, the mermaid druid plummeting out of the sky after a wild scuffle with a larger bird had rendered her unconscious. While she lacked the affiliation of a larger clan of mer, she had a certain noble authority that could not be discounted. Physalia freely admitted her bias when she invited Atoll to stay on as first mate, the Triton just pleased to have another water-inclined individual aboard.
N'inesmuch had volunteered her services out of gratitude when the Karyth Delta rescued her from the wreckage of her forlorn little sloop, and over time had risen through the ranks to Boatswain. A formidable force in her own right, with the help of Atoll she had begun to master the green magics that ran deep within her bloodline.
Jupiter was their most recent acquisition, a juvenile Triton expelled from the deep reefs. She had clung to a rocky shoreline for the better part of two days before she was spotted by the returning Karyth Delta. Livesey had nursed her back to health and upon learning of her impeccable ability to decipher men's star charts, Physalia offered her a permanent position as her navigator. Being podless herself, the captain knew all too well how lonely the seas could be.
Tendrils of fog began to swirl as the preparatory orders went out and Physalia shook herself from her reverie to give Jupiter their heading. After that, the ship fell silent.
Atoll flew high overhead, out of the fog and towards their target. Far below beneath the waves, N'inesmuch and a few other crew members sped along in the form of sleek sharks or dolphins. Broadside paced the deck, sharpening his handaxe absently. The waiting was always the hardest part of any raid, but Captain Physalia preferred to have any and all advantages she could get. Added onto that was the benefit of knowing for certain that this was indeed the vessel of the flesh peddling captain.
The fog rolled in thick off the coast of Karyth, like it always did before the first storms of autumn. This wouldn't be particularly concerning aside from the fact that it was early spring. The young captain squinted upwards, pulling the collar of his peacoat a bit tighter around his throat.
It was a moonless night and the wind was faint, leaving the ship barely in motion through the dense miasma. "Helmsman, steady on." The captain called, trying not to let his nerves show.
Even if he was putting on a brave face, the same could not be said for the rest of his crew. They had been sullen all day, watching the waters with large, wary eyes. The more superstitious of them spoke in hushed tones of the Kraken, the many-armed Hafgufa and his terrible brother Lyngbakr, the impostor island who lured sailors to their doom.
Never mind that everyone was on edge due to them needing to jettison a majority of their plundered cargo so the overloaded ship would not sink in the squall they had run into. The storm had blown them a bit off course, further south than anyone would care to be. It was easy enough to dismiss such things as old wives tales during the bright light of day, but now the captain found himself at odds with what he sincerely hoped was his own imagination.
The vessel was still in deep waters, too far out from Karyth and the small belt of islands that it wore like a crown to be concerned about running aground. Yet he swore he heard the soft crashing of waves upon the shoreline.
He realized his mistake a bit too late to save them, regrettably.
An impact echoed from the prow of the ship and there was a loud cry that went up, "beast sighted!" The captain swung around, seizing one of the shuttered lanterns and raising it high as he heard the sounds of a short-lived scuffle break out. The light reflected off the fog, casting disorienting shapes in the black.
A shadow rose up, up, up, and a pitiful curse left the captain's lips when he caught sight of the massive, steer-like horns. The creature towered over him, looming luminous gray out of the fog with a devastating-looking handaxe gripped in one massive paw. Every man on deck was frozen, simply staring at this...hulking apparition.
"I seek your captain, boy." The creature spoke after a moment, its voice a rumbling threat. "Be a good lad and fetch them for me, would you?"
At that, the captain bristled. Drawing himself up to his inconsequential full height, he spat, "I wear my rank upon my shoulder, sirrah, and I see no such rank upon your own! Who's asking for the captain?"
"I am." The beast snarled, and the captain's burst of courage flagged almost immediately. "You're the captain? Suppose I should have expected it, you standin' there all puffed up like a peacock." It sighed heavily after a moment, nonchalantly pitching the axe to bury itself in the main mast just above the captain's head. "Disappointing."
The captain found himself abruptly snatched up by the collar of his jacket, dangling helplessly a foot or so off the deck as his men gawked. The creature was even more terrifying up close, pointed incisors sharpening its smile to a hungry leer.
"My boss seeks permission to come aboard your vessel, flesh peddler." It didn't seem to have any other tone aside from rumble. "I'd advise you to acquiesce before I snap your neck."
A new form solidified out of the fog behind the brute, one hand resting on the large creature's shoulder. It was a female, one of the sea folk. Triton or Mer the young captain could not say, they all looked grotesque to him.
The man opened his mouth to speak and the fish woman snapped her teeth at him. "Captain whelp." She addressed him through those sharp teeth. "Flesh dealer, human trader. Was it you and your sailors that sacked and pillaged the peninsula?"
"And what authority do you wield, sea beast?" The young captain retorted, a little taken aback that she knew of his ship and their shady dealings. But how? The Governess Of Bresh had a clean bill of sale and no record of unsavory practices! Even if this fish woman fancied herself an inquisitor of some kind, they had tossed all of the human cargo during the storm. She had no evidence! "Your behavior is absolutely piratical, and if you do not depart my ship at once I'll see you brought before the assizes!"
There was nothing but a breath and suddenly the woman's hands were wrapped around his throat. He hadn't even seen her cross the deck-!
"We will try again." She hissed in his face as he struggled against her hold. Her palms, cold and covered in a fine mesh of scales, heated briefly. "Was it you and your sailors that sacked and pillaged the peninsula?"
The captain opened his mouth to lie and instead the truth fell out. "Yes." The woman smiled slowly, sending a cold chill of certainty down his spine. "You're the captain of the Verdant Keen, aren't you?" He asked, muted horror washing over him. "The witch who stalks the Kraken's hunting grounds?"
"A witch, he calls me. But then, you men have many names for myself and my ship. You and your kind are warned off from this place, are you not? At your own peril, they mutter in port." The woman mused, her chuckle devoid of mirth. "You are very lucky that we were following you in the first place. I can only imagine how many more souls would be waiting to drag you down to the hells had we not collected your...abandoned spoils." Pitch black, fathomless eyes bored into his own. "This ship is ours now, whelp, and the fate of your men belongs to the sea."
"What?! That is inhumane, you cannot-"
"Inhumane?" The woman seethed, "or monstrous? Perhaps vile? Unbearable, unconscionable, barbaric? Tell me, flesh peddler, how many women have you widowed? How many children have you stolen from their homes? How humanely have you behaved, o righteous mariner?" She leaned in close, her grip tightening on his throat. "You are compelled to tell the truth at this point in time, Whelp Captain. Squirm all you want. Tell me who sent you."
The confession surged at his tongue, the young man pressing his lips together tightly to keep from revealing who his employer was.
The witch sighed heavily after a moment. "Broadside?"
"You want me to separate his head from his shoulders, boss?" The horned creature queried, cracking his knuckles before addressing the young captain. "You can either open your mouth or I'll rip your jaw off. No matter what you're dead, so it's understandable if you don't want to speak up. I don't blame you." His tone had gone alarmingly friendly. The captain got a sinking feeling in his gut even as he shook his head. "Right! I'll make it quick." The gray beast rumbled cheerily.
N'inesmuch had everything documented within two hours, the Governess Of Bresh stripped to her bare bones. The crew had all fled after their captain met his untimely demise, and if the waters churned a bit more aggressively than before, well…
Such was the nature of the sea.
Physalia and Atoll folded the last of the spare sails, the captain offering her first mate a weary half-smile. "It is good, yes?"
"You are too lenient." Atoll sniffed, their long-standing argument reignited once more. "Leaving them to the sea is too merciful. We should have tied them all to the mast before we set the craft ablaze." Her purple eyes sparkled like she was telling a joke and Physalia was reminded once more that Merfolk partook in certain diversions that Tritons did not.
"I am not a tyrant." The captain replied calmly. "Land is not far from here. Allowing someone to live is often a far better form of punishment." She leaned in, idly gathering Atoll's messy curls back from her face and fashioning them into a quick braid. "Killing them outright would have been the lenient option, my merciful first mate."
Atoll huffed, crossing her arms. A purple flush dusted her cheeks. "Oh, very well Captain. I suppose you could be right." She allowed after several moments. "Besides, we've gotten what we came for. That's all that matters."
"Aye." Physalia murmured, watching Broadside scoop the body of the arrogant young captain up and deposit it over the railing. "Lara and the others will be pleased to have their valuables back, I'm certain. Though it will not cure the loss of their homes, husbands or sons, they can rebuild." The crest that ran down the center of her head began to flare upwards once more. "And I will not allow such a thing to happen again." She muttered through her teeth.
"We will not, you mean." Atoll corrected.
Physalia inclined her head. "Of course, forgive me. We will not."
The flames that devoured the Governess Of Bresh lit the horizon long after the ship itself had faded into the distance. Captain Physalia stood beside Jupiter at the helm, her thoughts miles away. Belowdecks she could faintly hear Lara squeaking with delight as she helped N'inesmuch sort through their spoils.
The Governess had carried a great deal of foodstuffs as well as the ill-gotten gains they had pilfered from the peninsula. Far more food than they would have needed were this not a planned endeavor. Physalia had hoped against hope that they had simply been men who made a single terrible choice, but the amount of supplies they carried pointed to premeditation.
That complicated things. More would come. And if more came...
The captain's brow furrowed. More traffic, more ships, more activity would certainly stir the leviathan from its centuries of lethargy. A freshly-roused Kraken was good news for no one.
She shook her head after a moment. They would just need to be more vigilant, that was all. They could still put an end to the new trade routes. There was still time.
"Everything alright, Captain?" Jupiter asked cautiously.
Physalia mustered up her usual half-smile, tilting her head. "Don't fret, Jupiter. Your captain is prone to brooding." She said by way of apology. "You have our heading. I trust you'll bring us safely home?"
Jupiter fairly beamed. "Absolutely, Captain!"
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He’s in Charge; Chapter Eight
Pairing: Henry/Bertrum
Warnings: Slight body horror, mentions of homophobia
A/N: Hoo boy, took me an awful long time to get this out, didn’t it? Ah well, technical difficulties happen. In this chapter, we get a little insight into just what goes on inside the head of voice actresses- and what’s been happening behind closed doors at Joey Drew Studios.
Chapter word count: 2,331
{First part} {Previous part} {Next part}
Chapter Eight; Inner Demon
Once the studio was back to running normally again, it was already Thursday. Joey had evidently returned to work against doctor's orders, but he, like everyone else, was anxious to get back to work. Joey summoned Henry to his upstairs office almost immediately that morning.
As he stepped into the cramped room, Henry's heart was solidly lodged in his throat. He forced a neutral look onto his face, though. Joey sat behind his desk with a pen in his hand, scribbling notes on… something, Henry couldn't tell what. With his other hand, one wrapped completely in thick bandages, he gestured to the chair across from him.
Sitting down only gave the animator a better perspective on the extent of his injuries; Half of his face was an odd purple-yellow, the bruises trying their best to heal. From his eye down to his jaw on the right side, his skin had been dyed that almost sickly color. A gash across his cheek on the opposite side was still healing, but he obviously hadn't bothered dressing it. What really shocked- and to some degree, worried- him was the wheelchair Joey had been placed in. That, for the most part, was probably what was making him look so angry. 
“G'morning, Joey.” Henry tried hesitantly. 
“I hope you've enjoyed your time off, we're all going to have to make up for it around here.” Joey practically ignored his greeting, speaking through a scowl. Henry was able to see where he was missing a bottom tooth as he did. “You've got to start on the storyboard for the next short, the writers already have the script downstairs. That's all, just get going. Please.” The please he added as an afterthought.
Henry nodded, already standing from his seat. “Right away, I'll get that going.” He made his way to the door. 
“And Henry?” Joey stopped him just as he was about to close the door. Henry poked his head back in. “For the love of God… Stop seeing Bertie. He's dangerous. He'll end up hurting you, look at what he did to me.”
“If you say so, Mister Drew.” Henry accepted what he said, then shut the door. As he made his way to the writing department, he shook his head. Bertrum would never hurt him, that he was sure of.
Saturday night, Henry stayed at Bertrum's house again. Bertrum had offered to visit with Henry instead, but the animator knew his run-down apartment would be nothing compared to where Bertrum lived. He made his way back home Sunday afternoon to take care of some housekeeping, and to make sure he had enough clean clothing for the upcoming week. 
When he got to his desk that Monday, almost exactly on time, Joey was already waiting for him. He'd parked his wheelchair right in front of Henry's chair, preventing him from getting to it. Henry stopped at the end of the hall, on edge.
“Good morning, Joey.” He greeted.
Joey slowly rolled the chair up to him, pushing him back against the wall and glaring. His bruises had already started to clear, but the gash on his cheek wasn't healing as well. “You. You need to stay away from Bertrum. Do you know what I'll do if you don't?”
“Dock my pay? Fire me? Out me? Honestly, Joey… your threats are… getting a little old.” Henry voiced. Of course he was still terrified of Joey, he didn’t want to show it. 
“You're distracting each other. Work isn't going as fast, and that's costing us some serious cash. Do you really want this whole place to go under because of you and your little game? Because you wanted to have a little ‘harmless’ fun?”
Henry took a moment to calculate his response. “Do you really expect me to believe that? If things are really so bad, you wouldn't be-”
As soon as the words left his mouth, Henry could see the shade of his boss's face change. His jaw clenched and the inside of his eyes caught fire. Before Henry even realized what was happening, Joey was up on his feet, wincing as he slammed his hands into the wall, one on either side of the animator's head. The man towered over him. “You have a job to do, Stein! And I'll be damned, if you won't do it, I'll make every aspect of your existence a living hell!” Joey roared, spit flying into Henry's face as he flinched. He hadn't even noticed the whites of Joey’s eyes beginning to darken. “I'm in charge here! What I say goes, no questions! No what if's! No maybe’s! This is my studio! My company! My animations! Behind the scenes, I own you! Do you understand me?! You and your work belong to-” 
Joey was suddenly interrupted by his own ragged, shuddering cough. He backed away, falling into his wheelchair as his body continued to seize. He pushed a hand over his mouth to muffle himself and the longer it went on, Henry realized he'd begun spitting up a thick black sludge. It seeped between his fingers and started to drip from his nose, also pooling in the corners of his eyes. 
All Henry could do was stare, horrified. “Joey-” 
“Leave!” Joey's strained voice commanded, prompting Henry to do so. He practically ran from the hall, past the exit and down the stairs to the music department. Only then, at the foot of them, did he stop for a moment. 
The first person to catch his eye was a violinist- he recalled her name being Ellie- standing by the door to the music hall, who waved. She made her way over to him with her instrument in her hand, frowning. “You look like you've seen a ghost, mister. You alright?”
Henry hadn't realized he'd gotten so pale.  He swallowed and nodded. “I'll be fine, thank you, Ellie.” 
The curly chestnut hair resting on her shoulders moved as she shrugged. “If you say so. What brings you down here? Mister Lawrence and Mister Fain are in their office if you need ‘em.”
Henry figured that would be as good an excuse as any to be away from his desk for a few more minutes. “Are they? Thanks.”
“No problem!” She waved again as he moved off down the hall.
As he did, through the huge glass window in Sammy and Jack's office, Henry could see the music director pacing back and forth, clearly ranting about something. When he got up to it, he knocked on the glass. Sammy froze, glancing at him. Henry shifted to push the door open, taking a step inside. “Hey, how are things down here?”
“Could be better.” Sammy and Jack spoke in unison, throwing each other a look. Both groaned, Jack lifting his hat enough to push his hand through his frizzy hair.
“These demands are getting ridiculous! How are we supposed to have a full score in two months?! He’s fired half my orchestra! Without even consulting me, I might add.” Sammy explained. 
Jack turned to him, dark marks evident under his eyes. “I just don't understand the logic here. Does he know how writing music works?”
Henry crossed his arms and shook his head. “I'm not sure he knows how any of this works.”
“Amen to that.” Sammy scoffed.
“Is there anything I can do to help you guys?” The animator offered.
At first, Sammy shook his head. “You have your own assignments to worry about, I'm sure.”
“Actually…” Jack perked up. “You used to play piano, right? Think you could do one of these songs?”
“Well, I still sort of remember how to play… Can I see the keys?” Henry asked, looking to Sammy.
Sammy, knowing which one Jack referred to, picked a few papers out of the stacks on his desk. He held them out. “Here, it's fairly simple. We're still trying to teach one of the two bassoonists left to play piano, I'd appreciate your help.”
Henry took the papers, looking over them. “Hm… I'll take some time to practice on my lunch hour, if that's okay with you two, but it does look pretty easy.”
“Perfect.” Jack and Sammy spoke in unison again, glaring at each other with mock annoyance. 
“I'll see you then, Henry. Thank you for this.” Sammy clapped him on the shoulder, only briefly. 
“Yeah, of course! See you guys later.”
“Bye, Henry!” Jack raised a hand as a send off, his back already to Henry as he continued his work. 
Henry pulled the door closed behind him, figuring it had been long enough for Joey to compose himself. He was almost back to the stairs when a man walking out of the department “lounge” caught his attention. He recognized the man as a trombone player, but also one of their voice actors. “Oh, hi. Harry, right?” Henry asked.
“Nah, Harrison, actually. Mistah Drew insists on Harry.” Harrison spoke with the twinge of an accent Henry couldn't quite place. 
“Right, sorry. Is something wrong?” 
“Nah, Miss Susie was lookin’ for yah. C'mon.” Harrison gestured for Henry to follow him and disappeared back into the lounge. 
The room itself wasn't so much of a lounge, more like a small room with a beat up pool table and some crates stacked up in it. Leaning over said pool table lining up her shot was Susie, aiming a green ball towards a corner pocket. Two other musicians stood to the side, watching and talking quietly. Henry couldn’t for the life of him remember their names, though.
“Uhm… Susie?” Henry tried to get her attention. 
She took her shot, which she’d evidently calculated perfectly. Then she stood up, turning to him. She offered a small smile. “Hi, Henry.” She moved to the other side of the room, away from the pool table, and Henry followed. “Look…” She made her voice soft, though the others weren't paying attention to them anyway. “I'm… sorry about the other day. The way I reacted to you… wasn't the best. I wasn't expecting it, especially from you.”
“What's that supposed to mean?” Henry raised a brow. 
“Well, look at you!” She indicated him as a whole with one hand. “You're adorable, I would think you'd have girls all over you, I never would've thought that's not the team you play for. But regardless of that, I'm sorry for how I acted. After what Joey did to you for it… I feel awful for letting it slip to him.”
Henry bit his lip. “Oh. You're the reason he knows…?”
“I am, and I'm so, so sorry. I had no idea he'd threaten you like he did, I…” Susie trailed off, unsure of what else to say.
“I guess it's… fine. All Joey wants is to blackmail me with it, I don't think he's really going to out me.  Or, at least, I hope.”
“I hope, too. So… are we okay? You don't… hate me?”
Henry shook his head. “I don't think I'm able to hate anyone, really.”
“Oh, good.” Susie opened her arms for a hug and Henry accepted, though neither made it a very strong one. “I'll see you around, Henry.”
“Yeah, see you later, Miss Campbell.” He gave her a small smile and wave, exiting the room and going back to the stairs. Thankfully, that time, he was able to do so uninterrupted.
The hall to his desk was another story, though. He had nearly made it back to his workspace when he spotted a sandwich board, the letters “floor is wet” crudely painted on it. The sign wasn’t exactly blocking the space, it was plenty small to move past easily, but it brought a small smile to his face. As he came around the corner, he spoke. “Hi, Wally.”
The janitor paused to wave and grin, mop  still held in his other hand. “Mornin’! Say, did ya spill?” He indicated the spots he’d mopped already with a tilt of his head. “Was pretty hard gettin’ the stuff up, is it a new brand?”
“Of ink?” Henry questioned, and Wally nodded. “No, it…” He glanced around, making sure no one else was within earshot. His voice dropped low. “It was Joey. I… I don’t really know what happened, he was talking to me and he started to get upset… and then he started to cough, and… This black gunk started coming out of his mouth.”
“Ya tellin’ me tha’ crazy bastard was coughin’ up tar? It looked like tar, there was a lot of it.” Wally matched his volume.
“I’m not sure what it really is, it started happening and he told me to leave, so I did. I wasn’t even sure he’d be gone by the time I got back here.”
“Huh. Y’know, he stays hea’ pretty late at night, I got the feelin’ he was up ta somethin’.”
“You don’t think he’s just sick?”
“Not a chance. Listen, Henry,” The janitor reached over to put a hand on his shoulder. “Stuff’s goin’ on hea’ tha’ you’ve got no idea about. Really, I shouldn’t even know, but I do! I got keys ta everywhea’, so Drew can’t keep secrets from me!”
Henry’s expression became concerned at the statement. “You know what Joey’s done lately, you really should be careful snooping around like that.”
Wally waved a dismissive hand. “Pff, I’m not snoopin’, I’m cleanin’! Drew wants this place spotless, I gotta get everywhea’!”
“Well… if you say so…” Henry still didn’t sound convinced. 
“I do! Hey, I’m gonna get outta hea’ and let ya do ya work, looks like Drew left somethin’ on ya desk.” As he spoke, Wally stuck his mop back into a water bucket on wheels, starting to move off. “Lata, Henry!”
Henry gave a small wave to his back, then shifted his attention to his desk, where a thick packet awaited him. He could see already that they were his sketches- some he’d never given to Joey, he noted- and they were covered in red chicken scratch. He sighed, taking his seat.
20 notes · View notes
cagestark · 5 years
this is a fic I trashed. so it is unfinished and unhappy. But! You know how it goes. Thought I’d put this somewhere anyway. Always feels weird to delete words. 
Peter arrives at Stark Tower before dawn. In the busy business center of the city, people are already buzzing from place to place. If the gray sky overhead oppresses anyone beside himself, no one shows it. He pulls his phone from his pocket again and checks the time. Only a minute has passed since the last time he checked. Breathing in deep, he steels himself and disappears into the Tower.
FRIDAY lets him in without greeting him. He knows where to go, though he hasn’t been back to the Tower in—years. Not since after the dusting was reversed. Those days had been tenuous, spent watching through the glass as the best doctor’s in the world worked to save Tony’s life (they did), skin (they did, more or less), and arm (they didn’t). The day that Tony awoke for good, he sipped water to wet his mouth and then demanded that someone bring him a tablet so that he could design an arm.
Pepper was there for that, though. And when the doctors demanded that he rest, she was the one to explain that he would rest better while working. Peter was witness to all of it: the tearful reunion, the kisses, the cheeks wet with tears. His own were wet too—but no one saw that. No one saw a lot of things. Peter thought maybe it was best, that way.
Three days ago, Pepper had messaged him out of the blue to ask if he was free this summer to watch Morgan at the Tower while she and Tony worked. He’d bitten his nails to the quick, pacing his room feverishly trying to think of a way to say, Hey Miss—Mrs. Stark, sorry, but considering the deep unrequited love I have for your husband, it might not be best for me to interact with him or the child he so lovingly created with you. Have you tried putting an ad in the papers? He thought that maybe the best way would be to just answer with no excuse: no, sorry. Can’t. But when he went to type it, it came out: Sure!! :) with a real fucking smiley face. Peter stared at his phone for fifteen solid minutes, wondering if he’d been possessed by some babysitting demon.
Great! Pepper replied. Be at the Tower by 7. FRIDAY will let you in.
The ride up in the elevator lasts forever. The thing is stuck, he thinks, glancing at the emergency button—should he press it? He’s definitely feeling a little like he’s about to have a heart attack. What if someone is attacking the Tower, sucking all of the oxygen out of the elevators? What if when he gets up to the apartment, Tony is there?
The elevator doors open. Peter’s face burns—thank God he didn’t press the emergency button. He steps out into the glossy floors of the penthouse, and immediately stops short, listening to the sound of softly-raised, angry voices coming from the master bedroom. When Peter glances over, he sees that the door is cracked open.
“—completely capable of staying here alone—”
“She isn’t Tony. Just because Howard left you alone when you were her age—”
“FRIDAY is watching her. She knows where all of the fire extinguishers are, and how to use them thanks to last week in the lab—”
“It’s not just about her safety, Tony,” Pepper hisses. “She’s eight years old. She needs companionship.”
“An eighteen year old boy is your idea of a companion for our eight year old?”
FRIDAY saves the day: “Boss, Peter has arrived and is waiting in the main room.”
The talking cuts off abruptly.
“Yikes,” Peter mutters, jamming his hands deep into his pockets and struggling to pretend that he’s been enjoying the art on the walls—is that a genuine Warhol? Okay, now Peter’s truly a little interested, and that means that when heels are heard on the floor behind him, it startles him.
“Hi Mrs. Stark,” Peter says. It’s been three years since he returned to find out that they’d married, and those words feel no easier to say. He tries to say them as often as possible, then. Maybe someday it won’t hurt anymore, the way scar tissue can no longer feel sensation. “You look lovely.”
She does, in her pencil skirt and modest blouse. He thought women were supposed to have different figures after they had babies, but Pepper looks no different. If he hadn’t seen pictures in the news of Pepper’s softly rounded stomach, he’d almost believe that Morgan was created from Tony’s DNA alone. In a test-tube, probably. That sounds like just something Tony would do.
“Thank you, Peter,” she says. Her eyes crinkle when she smiles, and the crow’s feet are new, at least. “Food is in the kitchen, make yourself at home here, and don’t let Morgan boss you around too much. Tony and I will be back at five, sharp. If not, we’ll warn you. Sound good?”
“Yes ma’am,” Peter says. She presses a kiss to his cheek, smelling like floral scented soap, so feminine and soft. No wonder Tony fell in love with her. “Have a good day.”
“You too, Peter.”
She disappears into the elevator, and that is when Tony appears in the doorway. His appearance is almost entirely unchanged, though there is more gray in his hair. Both his hands are tucked into the pockets of his dress pants, but Peter knows that even if they weren’t, they would be physically indistinguishable from each other. The prosthetic is so advanced; Peter read all about it in TIME’s technology edition.
It’s said that it even feels real—though just the thought of it makes Peter’s mouth dry.
“Hey, Mr. Stark,” Peter croaks. It’s his first words to the man since he ghosted him after his return to earth, and since the man started ghosting him a year and a half later, ignoring Peter’s texts. Tony’s face is inscrutable, his glasses tinted dark and disguising his eyes. There is the barest about of scarred flesh, turning pale at last, sticking out from above his collar.
“Hey kid,” Tony says. He strides right by him, bringing the soft scent of cologne. It’s clear that he’s going to avoid Peter altogether and just go straight to the elevator. “Don’t burn the place down.”
“If I do,” Peter says softly. “I guess Morgan knows where the fire extinguishers are.”
Tony glances back, mouth frowning now that he knows they were caught talking—arguing—about Peter. The older man doesn’t reply, just steps into the elevator and follows his wife down.
75 notes · View notes
We’ve come to the end of the Soukoku Big Bang 2019! Before we move on to the master post for 2019, we would like to express our sincerest thanks to all of you. It has been a wild ride and us mods couldn’t thank our participants enough for being such lovely people to work with. There’ll also be a feedback form the participants can fill in! The link will be distributed through email and shared in our discord server. We would like to know how you think about us and how you would like us to improve through our feedback form!
If you missed your chance this year, don’t worry, we’ll be back again in 2020! Do stay tuned for some exciting information on where this event will be going next year! We have some “big news” waiting for you!
Without further ado, here’s the masterpost for all entries of Soukoku Big Bang 2019! 
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It Was Worth Trying by MidnightLightHowlite | Art by Misa
Rating: General Audiences
Seeing Dazai float face down in a river was not all that unusual. True, it hadn't happened in four years, but the view was not exactly a foreign one. No, what was foreign was the fact that Dazai seemed to be shorter. And younger. And didn't remember him. In retrospect, Chuuya probably shouldn't have let the boy call Mori because that allowed his boss to put him on babysitting duty.
(Or Dazai gets deaged. No romance will happen till they are both the same age again.)
Bandaged Sheep by MidnightLightHowlite | Art by Abel
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
There had been something very weird, very off about the new recruit. He had popped up out of thin air a few months ago, wrapped from head to toe in bandages. Not a word of what he did before, saying he wanted to join the sheep. He wasn't strong or skilled, and truly, there was no logical reason for Chuuya to pay him any mind.
But then the Port Mafia put a huge bounty on his head and things started to get interesting
these days, you’re fine by AquarianTwin | Art by Nella
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Fifth-grade classmates Q and Aya are convinced that their older brothers would make a perfect pair if they’d just stop fighting for five minutes. Dazai and Chuuya, who have been dating for over a year, find this too funny to correct them.
Dazai takes in his younger sibling, Q, after they’re removed from their father’s home. Overwhelmed by the responsibility of raising of a child when he can barely keep himself alive some days, Dazai leans on his partner, Chuuya, to help lead him through. It’s a good thing Q gets along so well with Chuuya’s younger sister, but Dazai thinks he might die of laughter if the pair try to “secretly” set him up on another date with his own boyfriend.
Project Pinocchio by EKmisao | Art by Ginny
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
What kept the youngest mafia executive alive enough was a new file, on a newly-acquired powerful cyborg. It started as a project to keep a cyborg a boy. It became more than he expected.
Outrunning Fate by RocketJams | Art by Nanamin
Rating: Not Rated
Chuuya laid in the hospital bed, his consciousness slipping away slowly as he patiently awaited his demise. The doctors had assured him he wouldn't feel a thing but for some reason he couldn't shake this feeling his chest. An subtle pain which at this point had coaxed his stomach into a frenzy. Something was wrong but there wasn't a damn thing he could do about it.
In Isolation He Thrived by Maddy | Art by Leo
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
All his life Dazai felt like a tool, a pawn that was just tossed aside when not needed. He was looked down on and felt useless, so slowly a fire ignited within him and turned him into a merciless person also well known as a "Soulless Demon".
He always believed he was destined to do wrong until one day when he finds Chuuya who proves him wrong.
S8 (TBA)
i step from here without you by fatimé | Art by eva
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
“I used Corruption because I trusted you,” Chuuya gasps out, and the words leave a hole the size of Yokohama in his chest. He punches Dazai right where that hole is and hopes it hurts him just as much as it hurts Chuuya.
Dazai smiles. He catches him when his vision finally goes dark and the next thing Chuuya wakes to is emptiness in his heart and a stack of neatly folded clothes.
In one universe, they’re partners-turned enemies, the former Double Black, the most fearsome duo in Port Mafia history. They’re Soukoku and they’re spiteful and they’re tangled up in one another more than they’d care to admit.
In another, they’re—
S10 (TBA)
In Blood we are Sealed by Chaosia | Art by RedZeverin
Dazai stared at his subordinate and the white tiger passed out on the ground, dismayed. It almost worked. This was the fourth person they've went to. There was one more person Dazai could take Atsushi to but he had enough reason to guess that it wouldn't work.
Dazai made a face.
There was one person Dazai knew who could do the job. He'd successfully commit suicide though before that gremlin ever found out he had such thoughts. The taste of metallic filled his mouth. He held in the urge to spit it out.
His ears rang as he imagined a shrieking voice yelling his name like it was the worst insult one could come up with and the mirage of fire that surrounded those blue eyes and foul mouth. Ugh, he was so annoying even in his imagination...and short.
Sticking a pinky into his ear to clear out the haunting voice, Dazai went about gathering up his apprentice and the tiger. Maybe fate would take pity on him and this next trip would solve their problem...
He could feel the cursed blood laughing at him all the way back to their hotel room.
Or a magical AU where Dazai inadvertently gets Atsushi cursed and they have to go to Chuuya, a powerful witch in his own right, to break it.
S14 (TBA)
Quatervois by TheWanderingTanteiThief | Art by King
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Quatervois (n.) a crossroads; a critical decision or turning point in one's life
Chuuya didn't expect to see a man hanging from a tree.
Chuuya didn't expect to meet the man again.
Chuuya certainly didn't expect the man to be the crown prince of the kingdom.
...or cardverse au where Dazai is an asshole and Chuuya just wants to have a peaceful life. Is that too much to ask?
flaws and all by alli | Art by phryn
The transition Dazai and Chuuya routinely make between their heated arguing and completely seamless teamwork is being disrupted by their changing relationship. Which is an issue, because the two of them have been assigned to what could possibly be the most important undercover mission of their careers. Will they be able to strengthen their partnership for the better, or will it crack under the ever growing pressure?
As much as he craved that, as easy as it would be to do, it terrified him.
So, he didn’t.
Mirror Mirror In My Eye by MidnightLightHowlite | Art by cchibikko
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Dazai didn't have much hope for the next few years of Hogwarts, but would have liked to wait at least a few till Arahabaki noticed him.
Never such luck for the resident mummy.
School year was already shitty as it was, but now he has a fiery angry redhead demanding answers he's not ready to give
School year was already shitty as it was, but now he has a fiery angry redhead demanding answers he's not ready to give
thy kingdom come by chubsthehamster | Art by Stella Rasu
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
In a bid to save their continent from destruction, the kingdoms of Ada and the Port Mafia must put aside their years of tension to form an uneasy alliance. An act of holy matrimony unites Princes Dazai Osamu and Nakahara Chuuya, marking the beginning of an infamous partnership.
The affair is strictly political, and perhaps for the better. The two hate each other from the beginning.
should we never meet again by setosdarkness | Art by phryn
Rating: Mature
Sixteen women have been killed by a vicious serial killer haunting Yokohama’s streets.
Dazai has been chosen to become a part of the elite Bloody Valentine Task Force, even if he personally thinks that it’d be a lot more fun to stay at home with his boyfriend. Especially since it took years to convince Chuuya to finally move in with him.
It’s just a coincidence that Chuuya’s agreed to move in with him the moment he’s been chosen to become a part of the Task Force, right?
Resolving the Matter in Spirit by ASentientSlug | Art by Tomomorey
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Dazai's boring, everyday life ends in an accidental double suicide, but instead of facing the sweet release of endless sleep, Dazai finds himself in the Spirit World, where nothing is familiar and dangerous, soul-eating spirits lurk behind every corner. To get out, Dazai must confront the ghosts of his past and the ghosts of his present when one very familiar and yet very dangerous spirit takes Dazai under his wing.
If We Ever Meet Again by Luc | Art by Saiel
Rating: Mature
It all started with diamonds.
Chuuya thinks he would've been just as attracted to it if it wasn't for the equally shiny police badge in his pocket.
It all ends with a silver bullet.
For someone as talented in the dance of crime, Dazai has developed quite a bias about the jewels that would catch anybody's fancy.
Diamonds? They're overrated. Old. Boring.
Rubies? Sapphires?
Now those—
—those are worth getting caught for.
keep your windows open by Maristella | Art by Einjjjj
Rating: General Audiences
Usually, whenever Chuuya jumped, he flew.
This was not one of those times.
(Or, alternatively, where Chuuya breaks into Dazai's mansion as a thief, and comes out as a kidnapper. Even though he's also sort of a kid. And it's also not kidnapping.)
(Not when the victim bribed the kidnapper to take him.)
“You do know that the treasure doesn’t exist, right?”
“The what?”
“The treasure. You know, the one in the rumours. It doesn’t exist.”
“…are you screwing with me?”
“I’m not an idiot. If there’s no treasure, why else are you here then?”
“Um…this is my house?”
(Also featuring: Chuuya and the different types of falling.)
half of my half by keptein | Art by manwe.russingon
Rating: Mature
No one understands why Dazai’s dæmon looks like a boy more often than not.
Book One: Fire by chuuzuke | Art by wandiwoo
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Avatar The Last Airbender/Korra AU: The world has changed. Technology can meet nearly every need, to the point where bending is considered a relic of the past, and with it, the Avatar. In fact, no one has seen the Avatar for nearly 100 years, and most people prefer to keep it that way.
Nakahara Chuuya, Prince of the Fire Nation, more than understands what it's like to be considered a relic. After the Fire nation moved to a parliamentary system, the title of Fire Lord is a largely ceremonial one, and Chuuya struggles under the burden of an office that restricts his every move without giving him any actual power to enact change.
When he runs away, intent on finding his own path, it seems like fate when he runs into Dazai Osamu, a mysterious man who claims he has a way to cure the unexplained illness Chuuya has suffered from his whole life.
peace lily by intimatopia | Art by phryn
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
They say you don’t truly know a person until you live with them. Dazai and Chuuya would argue that they know more about each other than one ought to know about anyone else.
Or: Mori forces 15 year old Dazai and Chuuya to share a flat because he doesn’t trust them to be on their own, and he thinks it’ll be a good way for them to bond.
Dazai and Chuuya think he's a sadist.
Two rambunctious teen boys, left to their own devices in a multi-million dollar penthouse. What could possibly go wrong?
of flowers and verses by lua & lanipalmer | Art by Yahuri
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
For years, Nakahara Chuuya has been pining over the ex-mafioso himself, Dazai Osamu. So what better to vent than through poetry? Combined with his (frankly, alarming) knowledge of flower languages, this is a story about Chuuya and his frustrations and desires.
Still Worth Fighting For by Maru | Art by ewe
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
"In which Chuuya never joins the port mafia, stops using his ability for fighting out of guilt, and later becomes a hacker.
His life had been relatively peaceful until one day, Dazai appears again at his doorstep asking for his help to find information on ‘The Rats.’"
The Necromancer by Ru | Art by etsuki_haru
Rating: Mature
If you venture into the slums of Suribachi City, you’ll find the witch Dazai Osamu, known as the Necromancer, and his barely tamed beast, Arahabaki. If you bring to him the bones of someone, he will bring that person back to life - in exchange for some of your lifespan. But bringing a soul back from the dead turn a heart twisted. Did you get your wish, or dig your own grave? These are the grim tales of a witch and a creature, trying to figure out their humanity, overseeing the consequences of taking death too lightly.
S34 (TBA)
fire and calamity by Jasmine | Art by Zen
Arahabaki has left its vessel, leaving Chuuya in a comatose state. Dazai and the rest of the ADA now have to track the god down and capture it for two reasons. One, because Chuuya knows the whereabouts of the Book. Two, because if they don't, they lose him forever. (ADA!Chuuya, established!SKK)
S38 (TBA)
fight our way to heaven by kiwi | Art by chicchii
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
The redhead had a fire in him that made Dazai want to poke and prod until he could see the limits. Chuuya was so alive and for the first time since Dazai could remember, he wanted to taste and feel that fire.
What he didn’t account for was that the decision to follow Chuuya would lead him to discovering memories he didn’t know he had and it would make them a target for all ability organizations in Yokohama.
Or the one where we have teen skk against the world.
Everything Comes Back To You by Catsby | Art by Mai
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
In the period after the war for the Book, the Port Mafia finds itself in need of a Boss. The logical choice for that position would be Chuuya - except Chuuya has gone missing.
Après Un Rêve by manwe.russingon | Art by Sebby
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
"I wandered long, methought, alone
to the deep shadow where the dead dwell,
but ever a voice that I knew well,
like bells, like viols, like harps, like birds,
like music moving without words,
called me, called me through the night,
enchanted drew me back to the light!"
Nakahara Chuuya, the elven lord commander of the kingsguard of kingdom of Mirkwood, singing in the woods. With a sudden intervention from Dazai Osamu, a mysterious being that was caught in between his tunes, they became best friends afterwards. Or perhaps it is more than that?
Time to time, one story comes with another. The truth finally unveils, and the clock is ticking faster. What exactly is Dazai? Why does he act so familiarly to Chuuya? And perhaps the biggest question we need the answer is: What makes them always connected, even for thousands of years?
S42 by chuuzuke | Art by willofjokerXIX
Lost All Judgement by todxrxki | Art by Yahuri
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
“Uh, sorry, but unfortunately I already have a date to the dance.”
“Oh, really?” Tachihara says, sounding disappointed. He pauses for a second, clearly processing what Chuuya’s just told him, and then says, “Who is it?”
Chuuya certainly hadn’t budgeted for this.
Panicking, he tries to think of the people that he knows that are single, and before he knows it, the first name that comes to mind is slipping out of his mouth. “With Dazai.” / After a momentary lapse in judgment, high school student Chuuya ends up having to pretend to date his enemy Dazai to get Tachihara off of his back - and quickly finds it's nowhere as bad as he'd imagined.
Of Boxers and Bachelors by writingfromtheshadows | Art (1 & 2 & 3) by Angella
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
When Dazai Osamu gets cut off from the family's coffers in an attempt to regulate his behavior, he decides to find a way around his father's ultimatum. Faking an engagement with an underground boxer sounds like the perfect scandal...
Crimson Memoirs by Luneath & Abel | Art by lefterstein
Rating: Mature
By the power of great ancient magic, supernatural beings are aptly hidden just behind the eyelids of humans. Vampires, witches, weres, faeries – all of them live and exist out of the fairy tales books.
Humans' eyes are just shielded into not comprehending their true nature, their magic, and their trickery. To protect them, the Gods say. But Dazai has always known that he’s no ordinary human. From the gift of seeing beyond the magic veil to the peculiar dreams to the aching, hollow feeling hugging his chest in a tight embrace – he knows he’s different.
What Dazai doesn’t know is that this isn’t the start of his story and the stranger with glowing blue eyes that have always been the center of his recurring dreams. What Dazai doesn’t know is that this is not exactly his first life. Dazai doesn't know a lot of things. But with time, he will come to know that he doesn't mind dying the second time for Chuuya.
entanglement by Shinkirou | Art by Zevy
Rating: Mature
Not everyone has a destined partner. Theoretically, even Dazai and Chuuya aren't supposed to. Are being programmed not to, even.
But whether they're "meant" to be together or not is irrelevant. Dazai wants Chuuya to be his, and so Chuuya will be his.
... If only it were actually that simple.
pointless by Lua | Art by Behax
Rating: Explicit
It was an annoyance after everything that happened, and yet, Chuuya found himself on the doorsteps of a man that he had more than enough reasons to kill. He could come up with excuses, but he was not in the habit of lying to himself. At times, Chuuya would describe their relationship as an addiction he couldn't get rid of. This was ridiculous. Dazai was now a traitor and a coward; what did that make of Chuuya himself to know where to find him and keep that a secret?
Latent Identities by RocketJams | Art by Seiran
Rating: Explicit
He could deny it however many times he wanted to, but Dazai could see through it every time. The lies over his lips, the false smiles and misleading words. He could fool anyone else into believing he was who he said he was. Though whenever he smiled, Dazai could feel it. Something was wrong, he wasn't Chuuya.
N6 (TBA)
Before I Fall by hellosweetie17 | Art by Nanamin
Rating: Explicit
Chuuya’s oblivious to the circumstances surrounding their fragile world; Dazai’s made sure of it.
Mighty Long Fall by quinnlocke | Art by Xoinks
Rating: Mature
When Dazai betrays the ADA for the Port Mafia, he’s greeted as the prodigal son. That doesn’t mean he’s trusted, however, and now that he’s betrayed the Port Mafia and ADA alike, he has far more enemies than friends. As Dazai works to survive the heart of the viper’s nest, it quickly becomes clear that Chuuya will save him - or be the reason he fails.
Chuuya, meanwhile, knows Dazai too well to trust that his cards are on the table. But as he finds himself at Dazai’s mercy, and caught between loyalties, he realizes there’s no other option but to master the god that lives beneath his skin and hope he survives long enough to protect the organization to whom he’s sworn his life.
But first they both must realize that a mighty long fall awaits.
moonshine voyage by setosdarkness | Art by Behax
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Dazai's plan to stop Fyodor involves sacrificing his life. He should have known that even the best-made plans are useless when there’s someone like Chuuya out there, who just won’t stop saving him.
A journey of growing and growing old together.
[or: chuuya saves dazai's life by linking their souls & lifespans together]
Lifeline by Abel | Art (1 & 2 & 3) by phryn
Rating: Explicit
Nakahara Chuuya is a normal kid. He has two parents who loves him very much even though he's not really their son. He's a good student even though he's not on top. He's popular and has a lot of friends. Everything in his life is fine-- perfectly fine.
Until he bumps into another kid his age, bandages wrapped all over him. Dazai Osamu-- he said his name was, with a tone of amusement and yet tinged with longing.
Little did he know, that fated meeting will change his life forever.
Can’t Be Tamed by stargazerlilith | Art by Abel
Rating: Explicit
The boss of the Port Mafia is merciless against those who oppose him.
Well he was, until he resigned himself to the fate of the notorious dating app known as Tinder.
We hope you enjoy the masterpieces made by our talented participants! See you again next year!
13 notes · View notes
wildtige429 · 5 years
A Father’s Regret
@lynea-kureji​ This one is for the comic you made.
Warning for the faint of heart. 
This will make you cry like a baby.
Rats patrol the grounds of the overtaken Butterfly Castle. There were no signs of any intruders or rebels in the active darkness of the night. 
One rat guard fell asleep agaisnt the pillar supporting the secret entrance of the castle in which his boss, Ludo, says it needs to be guarded after he entered. Not getting enough sleep, the rodent went to sleep after his 100th nod.
He was deep in his sleep that he didn't hear footsteps approaching and was awakened by a cold and metallic object jabbing into his forehead with a squeak.
"You alert the others, there's going to be a bullet in your brain," the intruder's dark voice threatened the rodent. He doesn't wanna die so, he drops the spear and raises his paws over his head in surrender.
"Where...is....Ludo?" The intruder demanded. The rat cooperated by pointing at the secret entrance of the castle, trembling uncontrollably. In an act of mercy, the figure removed his gun and walked passed the rat guard, disappearing down the dark stairway.
The rings and visor of his uniform and helmet provided enough light for him to see through the dark. Toshi has no idea there would be a secret room down underneath the Butterfly Castle when he first came here months ago. Gaining a little acceptance from the royal family, seeing that Star is truly friends with the son of their greatest enemy, Toshi is allowed to see the them in court whenever there is a problem arising.
A chill ran down his spine from an unsuspecting source when his feet hit the flat ground of the dungeon. Through his uniform, his scales prickled with chills and shivers and yet he couldn't understand why its so cold underground.
"They must be hiding something down here," he assumed to himself, "But what?"
He makes his footsteps silent as a cat's as he makes his way through the dark catacombs of the dungeon. He gripped his gun tightly under pressure from getting spotted from unsuspecting rat guards or getting caught by Ludo's pets. In which he can handle by using his MMA militia combat.
The more closer he ventures into the catacombs, the colder the aura becomes and his breath is beginning to fog up the visor within his helmet.
Thinking back of what he did few days ago, he felt sorry for running away from home after his mom told him about Ludo getting a wand of his own using the other half of Star's wand, Glossaryck betraying his friend and teaming up with the enemy, and Ludo not being himself but acting and sounding more like -
His father. He knew he was alive after the explosion.
With the wand's power in his hand,literally, and possessing Ludo's body, he defeated the High Commission with the Chancellor dead and Moon retreating like a coward, but he knew she did it to save herself and the Commission members' lifeless bodies.
And he's going to change it all. He is going to finish what he had started a long time ago.
He halts when he enters a large cavernous room that gives out a bright bluish glow and its aura reaching -8 celcius. Being quarter Mewman, Toshi could handle a little cold but he is no Wintertail. Looking around, he sees ice crystals forming stalagmites and structures all over the room with a giant boulder dug deep in the center. He swore he can see something frozen with the ice until he looked down and spotted a figure he oh-so recognized from afar.
And whatever he's doing, he appears to be putting some kind of spell on the ice block that is imprisoning whatever is in it.
He's planning to unleash it on Mewni, he hypothesized, I won't let that happen.
Like a ninja, he snuck through the shadows formed by jutting stalagmites that grew from the ground, his footsteps silent as he approaches. 
The figure was busy putting a spell onto the ice when he hears a click. A click of a pistol locking in place. Behind his head.
"Stop what you're doing," a familiar voice threatened.
He lowered his glowing green hand and stepped away from the ice. Still at gun point, the possessed avian turned around and glances up to the unexpected visitor's masked face.
"When an unexpected surprise to see you.....Shirogane," Toffee greeted, solemnly.
Still aiming his pistol at his father's head, Toshi used his free hand to remove his helmet, setting his hair free and cascading down his shoulders.
"I knew you were alive, Dad," he said, "That 'ghost' you sent to haunt us had me thinking about you surviving the blast. And here you are.....possessing the only body you can find and using the force you hated all those years."
Toffee scowled, "Ludo is an idiot to whom I enjoy using. His state of mind is weak, making him an easy body to use."
"Hmph, too bad he looks a homeless hobo now," Toshi sneered nastily, "And you've been making him delusional with your whispering through the wand."
"Fools will be fools," his father stated.
They stood there for a while until Toshi pressed the muzzle of the pistol into the possessed avian's forehead, right between the eyes. And Toffee showed no sign of flinching.
"I will not stand by and watch you do whatever you want, Dad," Toshi vowed, his face hardening into a hatred-lined scowl, one that Toffee thought he saw himself in his own son, "Innocents; both Mewman and monster, will be killed by you and your actions on your rogue warpath shall not be forgiven."
Fat angry tears streamed down his cheeks as he continued, "You left me and mom after the day I was born so you can hide your shame from your own son! What kind of damned father would do that to his own child to whom he swore to raise and love!? And breaking the heart of his own wife after they vowed that they will be together no matter what!?"
Toffee's eyes widened by his speech but he kept quiet, remembering the haunting words his son delivered to him in the time of the explosion took over him and the hurtful confession of his own wife.
"Now you've hurt my friends and those who care for us!" Toshi snarled, his finger on the trigger clenching the piece hard, "And now....," his voice grew cold and hard, "I wouldn't mind killing you even if it means killing Ludo."
Toffee can actually see himself standing next to Toshi. The scowl and angry tears they both shared in the events that turned them into what they are. Memories flashed in the older lizard's mind of what drove him to kill Queen Comet.
"THEY WERE MY FAMILY!!!" he heard himself roar with hatred and heartbreak before he took her life with his sickle.
Haunting memories that he pushed at the back of his mind flashed with red from the blood of his slaughtered loved ones, his younger self traumatized yet seething with vengeance upon their killer. His screams of revenge echoed throughout his mind that will forever be embedded in the minds of those who heard it.
And seeing his son in this state, Toffee decided to accept his fate by closing his eyes. 
Toshi can see that his father is accepting this fate that he put him down to, growling hesitantly on whether to pull the trigger. Shaking all doubts away, he let out a cry.
The gunshot created a cacophony of echoes throughout the cavern, bouncing off the walls from the sound.
Strangely enough, Toffee didn't feel the life slipping away from Ludo's body. Cracking his eyes open, he glanced to see why he's not dead.
It turns out.....that Toshi angled his gun above his head and fired into the ceiling.
"I'm not like you, Dad," he panted, weakly, "I am not a murderer like you."
Letting his arm fall and dropping his pistol to the ground, he reached into the right sleeve of his uniform and untied a red ribbon with a Japanese bell slipped on it.
"You can take this back if you want," he huffed raspily. And he chucked it down at his father's feet.
The possessed avian's eyes widened more with recognition on the bell. He reached down and cradled the object with such remorse that he immediately whispered just as Toshi was about to leave.
"I gave you this."
His son stopped, his voice grief-stricken and hoarse, "Yeah. You got that from some dealer when you learned mom was pregnant with me."
Toffee sighed, "And I thought you would be a girl. But when I found out you were a boy after you were born.......I just gave it to you right away."
Toshi bit his lip, his conscience telling him to turn around, "That was the day before you lost your finger and you left us."
Clutching the ribbon and bell in his hands, the possessed avian sighed gravely, hints of sadness audible in his tone, "There.....is something I didn't tell your mother about."
The young lizard turned around a step, looking down at the possessed avian, his gaze blank and sad.
"I.......I see myself in you, son," Toffee began, "Misjudged, shunned and discriminated by people to whom we did nothing wrong to. But every misery and suffering we gone through, we became stronger and wise. I can see it in your eyes, Shirogane."
Toshi blinked in mild surprise, admitingly knowing that he was right. Living in Mewni in hiding with his mom, there had been incidents where he had been attacked by a gang of kids to whom they started to beat him to the point he retaliated. The sight of his blood-covered claws and teeth will forever be in his mind. His mom comforted him that day, reassuring that he did it out of self defense and she promised never to leave him alone ever again.
However upon the kids that he attacked reporting the news that they were attacked and discovered The Lizard's son to the soldiers in town, he and his mother have to flee until they couldn't run no more in different locations where they won't find them.
And by the time he became 12, they fled again, only to be rescued by his father's trusted friend and godfather, Rasticore. Being given the dimensional scissors, the frilled lizard plots out that he will make it look like they jumped off a cliff and bidding their farewells to their savior and his parents' old friend, they opened the portal and left to Echo Creek.
Where they spend their lives normally without fear.
"I killed Queen Comet because....," he heard his father's voice rang out through his thoughts. He was taken by surprise when he saw actual tears gathering at the corner of his possessed eyes.
"Because she sent a squadron to kill any spies of the monster army. And my family were falsely executed because of her," his father's voice broke at every sentence he uttered, "My parents. My brothers. My sisters. Slaughtered like sheep at a butchery. And I was the only one to survive it."
Toshi could not believe what he's hearing. He couldn't believe Star's grandmother would do such a thing. The murder of his family all because of the paranoid fear of spies has turned him into the villain the Mewmans fear him for.
That's why he went rogue and killed her just as they were about to sign the peace treaty. His father wouldn't let his family's murderer get away with it.
"I had no idea," he whispered, stunned, "I thought.....I always thought you just hated the Mewmans for what they did to you."
"More than that," Toffee sniffed, wiping away his tears, "I never wanted any monster to suffer what I been through. Your mother was just loyal to me no matter what without knowing the reason I went rogue. But she did it for being treated like a monster by her Mewman halves."
"I knew that," Toshi muttered, looking away.
"But what I don't understand is........," he looked back, his eyes saddened yet hard from control on trying not to release his tears, "Why did you leave me and mom that day!?"
Toffee's mouth opened a bit, almost as if he was going to answer, but shut it and looked away with shame and regret.
"It was a stupid mistake to make," he muttered under his breath.
The desert was barren, except for the screeching blowing winds scattering sand everywhere it carries. It was once a camp of his army that were loyal to his cause but they scattered off after Queen Moon took away his finger using the Darkest Spell. And now, everything is swallowed by the sands. Banners of Septarian tribes; Hottails, Wintertails, Dragontails, Snaketails, Monkeytails and Swifttails were either fallen or stood erect out of the sands, tattered or burnt.
Abandoned by their selective tribes who were members of Toffee's rogue army.
"All I think about is covering up my shame and humiliation after my army left like cowards," Toffee narrated, "All. Except your mother. And you."
Toffee, adorning the skulls of the dead queens on his shoulders, dressed in his war uniform, gazed out into the blank distance of the desert. The wind ruffled his hair a bit as he turned his head around to face whoever is behind him.
Mint, his loyal second-in-command......and his wife....approached him wearing a cloak over her war attire and cradling a bundle in her arms. Toffee let out a sigh when she stops before him. And they looked into each other's eyes.
"Your mother told me that I could fix what I lost as long as you were with me," Toffee spoke, his voice breaking from remorse, "And we could do it together."
"But I......,"
He laid a hand, that is missing a finger, on her cheek, and slowly shook his head as a decline for her offer. The sight of her stunned face wretched his heart painfully but he made his face stoic and emotionless. Slowly, he slipped his hand from her face and inches his hand towards the bundle. A really small claw reached out and held it.
"I chose the worst decision I have ever made in my life," he finished.
Resisting tears from spilling out, Toffee squeezed his eyes shut, took a deep breath and took out a red ribbon with a Japanese bell attached to it from his pant pocket and dangled it in front of the infant. 
The tiny lizard in the bundle grabbed the ribbon just as Toffee moved his hand away, the baby's fingers slipping away from the finger.
"I told your mother that I can't be with you and her," he explained, "Because it would be a big risk of getting hunted down by Moon's hunting squadron. I couldn't risk myself, you or your mother the burden of being hunted like deer in a hunt."
"Even if it means I have to sacrifice my ties with you two."
Toffee reached out and brought Mint close, their foreheads touching just as she began to wept. The moment he pulls away, he begins to take his departure, his back turned to his distraught wife.
"It was a regretful decision! A decision that will haunt me forever!"
Mint pulled the hood over head as she turned around to take her other path away from Toffee. Cradling and positioning the little Toshi close, so he can see his departing father, Toffee can spot the sight of his son's face scrunching a little, his green eyes watery with tears at the corner of his eye.
"I was so sorry. If I hand't chosen that decision, you and your mother wouldn't suffer like I do," Toffee finished, his voice trembling with emotion, "You were right about me. What kind of father would abandon his family when he promises to be with them no matter what? And what kind of father breaks a promise to his own child to whom he vows to love, protect and raise?"
Toffee continues walking, not turning to see his family leave. Every footstep he makes on the sand, tear stains were left amidst the footprints. 
It is turned out that.....The Lizard is weeping. Fat tears of grief, regret and remorse stream down his cheeks and dripping down into the sand at every step he takes.
(End Flashback)
"I know I hurt you....and your mother.....for the past 20 years....," Toffee whispered, "And I never forgave myself for it."
He was startled a little when Toshi suddenly collapses on his knees before him. He picks up the sound of weeping and his heart wretched at the sight of his son's tear-stained face.
"You did it to protect us," he whispered, clenching his teeth to hold in a sob, "I always thought you left us so you can hide your shame. But I was wrong!"
"My father, Toffee, The Lizard and rogue general of the monster army,......sacrificed himself by severing his ties with his family.....so he can protect them."
He couldn't take it anymore and he lets himself sob emotionally until he fell onto his hands, fat droplets of tears dripping down into the ground.
"I am so sorry, Dad!" He wailed, "I shouldn't have said that I wish you weren't my father that day!! I'm sorry for being a bad son!!!"
Small clawed hands reached out to his face and he felt the possessed avian laid his forehead onto his, closing his eyes and stroking his hair to comfort him.
"No, son," his father wept, ferling tears streaming down his cheeks, "I am the one who should be sorry. For not being there the past 20 years. I'm sorry for not being a good father."
As both father and son wept and wallowed in their grief and regret, they failed to sense an unexpected guest hiding behind a boulder.
Queen Moon slowly raised a hand to cover her mouth in total shock of what she just heard. She was so moved that tears uncontrollably streamed down her cheeks.
She has heard about why Toffee killed her mother, why he left his family, and to why Toshi had a grudge agaisnt his father in the first place.
She has known that Toshi is the rumored child of Toffee and his second-in-command, Mint, after she defeated him, the moment she first saw Toshi take off his helmet. The reports of Toshi and his mother committing suicide to save themselves from the law were false news and they had been alive this whole time, living on Earth.
And what's shocking, is that the hero, The Wyvern, is none other than the shunned and misjudged by public son of the immortal monster. Even if he is a monster, Toshi was not like his father.
Restraining herself from sobbing that will expose her presence to them, Moon quietly departs to the stairway and left right away without getting caught.
Razor and Kurogane sniffed the ground for any scent marks of their young owner. With Mint following behind, she would race up to them and questioned whether they figured out the location of her missing son.
"Have you found him?" She asked the beasts. The two animals peered up at her and mewed and growled in decline. Her worry grew more at every decline, her fingers clenching and unclenching the coar of her coat.
"Oh Toshi, where are you?" She whispered in a prayer.
They suddenly jumped by the sound of bushes rustling. They get into the defensive but relaxed when a regal face strodes out of hiding.
"Hello, Mint," Moon greeted sternly.
The half Lacertian narrows her eyes, "Moon. It has been 20 years. You're as beautiful as your mother."
"Indeed," the queen nodded slowly. Taking some breaths, she spoke, "I knew you and your son didn't kill themselves that day. And my suspicions were right when Star talked about you and your son after she arrived on Earth."
"Rasticore saved us," Mint explained, "He finally fulfilled his duty as Toshi's godfather and Toffee's ally."
"Why are you here, Moon?" She demanded in a slow and low tone.
The queen rubbed her hands a little with hesitation until she got the courage to speak out, "I know where your son is. And your husband. And you will not like what I'm going to tell you next."
Mint finds herself hyperventilating from fear of what she's going to say but kept her breathing in control.
"Your husband is planning to unleash a legendary beast thought to be dead centuries ago onto Mewni," Moon spilled out, "You probably know who I am referring to, yes?"
Dread fills her heart that Mint nearly fainted onto the ground if it weren't for Razor swooping in to catch her. She had never expected that it was alive this whole time. And worst of all, Toffee is about to use it attack Mewni.
Flashes of images about a giant beast with a black fin and gold eyes brought her heart to hyperspeed that she can only utter the beast's name in a hushed whisper.
Just by hearing the name itself made the tatzelwurm creep backwards in fear, knowing she’s not referring to it.
I actually cried when I write this down!!!
Who would have thought I could do such a tear jerking story!?
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hyrulessongkeeper · 6 years
A Mafia of Sorts 4
A bit into the lives of some of the Skeletons
Its been a few months since the incident between the two gangs, but a form of peace was starting to exist between to two. To an extent. Several of the skeletal men were off doing their own things, not really following Boss’s orders, while some followed them exactly. Guess things can’t always go exactly to plan.
The first was Classic and his brother Captain. They and their other doubles were not quite fond of this world. It was fairly violent, but small blessings are great, cause Boss only gives them watch out jobs, much like their old sentry duties in their universe. Boss understood that not everyone was cut out for the life that they lived. They were placed in a park to watch over the nice cream guy. They were in a more human part of the city so it was understandable that Boss wanted the guy to be watched and protected. 
Classic sighed softly as he looked up to the sky. When he dreamed of being out of the underground he wasn’t really planning for it to be this way. A lot of their ‘selves’ were pretty damn confused when the machine suddenly turned on and pulled them here. Boss said that Red was how they got there. He won’t give more specifics than that, that him and his brother were why they were all there. Can’t complain too much he supposed, Paps has never been more excited, he has tons of friends now, even if they are just alternate selves. Classic chuckled softly. He then noticed the crimson hair of a girl walking to the nice cream vendor.
Classic sat up a bit more, his sockets widened in surprise when he saw the girl. A half breed? She got a nice cream, her eyes were emotionless as she received her frozen treat. Tops looked uncomfortable and that made classic frown. Half breeds here were treated as outcasts from both races, which was weird to Classic, they were a product that human monster relations could work after all. Guess that in itself is why its disliked. Classic clicked his tongue on the back of his teeth. The distrust between humans and monsters here was more palpable than where he was from. 
Their war was different, humans here possessed some magic, but it isn’t as powerful, not powerful enough to force the monsters underground at least, and the monster population didn’t come out unscathed either, they took a heavy blow, they are trying to rebuild their numbers. That’s one reason Classic thinks they were pulled here. He wasn’t sure though. 
He saw the girl shrink from the bunnies stare as she sat down a bit away, ripping into the nice cream. She read the little card, a twitch on her cheek that wanted her to smile but didn’t. Then it happened. The ice cream fell. She stared down at it, her deer ears flattening as she looked. If it wasn’t so sad, Classic might have laughed, but damn if that was not the saddest fucking thing he ever did see. Welp, this needed to be amended. 
He got up from his bench, bought two nice creams, and approached her. She jumped, in a ready to defend position, her eyes held something he couldn’t place, her magic flaring in her shoes. Wow, what a jumpy girl, guess he could understand why though. He held out the nice cream to her and she just, stared.
“i saw what happened to yours. couldn’t say I was too fawn’d of the situation.” he winked at her. He defensive attitude dropped immediately, laughing hysterically at his pun. He chuckled softly, it wasn’t even that good of a pun, yet here this stranger was laughing at it like the best joke she had heard in forever. She took the nice cream, smiling at him she sat back down and patted the seat beside him. 
“Well thanks stranger, it’s ice to meet ya.” she smiled. Classic saw that it was a bit of a fake one though. He knew all about fake smiles after all, and he saw her genuine one just a second ago. He wondered why she was like that? 
“heh a pun for a pun huh? a girl after my own SOUL” he grinned. Her smile faltered a moment, something crossing her face before it was dismissed. If Classic wasn’t so damn good at reading people he probably would never have noticed. He tilted his head though. Speaking of SOULS. His magic creeped up on her, slowly so it could remain undetected for as long as possible. 
“well, the name is Classic, nice to meet ya.” he held out his hand to her. She took his hand, the sound of a whoopee cushion going off. She looked to him with such a shocked look on her face, he busted out laughing. She started to giggle at first and then joined his riotous laughter. He took this moment to touch her SOUL with his magic. 
‘a blue SOUL huh? made of integrity. but there is something wrong with it, maybe she has a sickness? its pretty guarded, guess it would need to be with the amount of prejudiced directed at her.’ his thoughts were everywhere, he wanted to dive deeper, but that would activate an encounter, and he didn’t want that. 
“Mine is Layla.” she smiled, it was more genuine this time. Layla felt her mind clearing up, it was so odd to her, to feel this much clarity. Her arm didn’t itch, the voice was quiet, she felt such joy. Was this skeleton her new infatuation. She grinned more, if he made her feel like this, damn straight he is. Then she got worried. What if he was part of that other gang though? Fuck. Now she was conflicted, and, yes, sad. She thought hard, maybe she could convince the others that they weren’t all bad.
Classic looked to her, tilting his head as she looked so lost in thought. He saw Tops was about to move, so he had to get going too. 
“well kiddo, it was cool to meet ya, but I gotta get going, maybe we will see each other again if the stars allow it.” he smiled. She looked like she was about to have a panic attack at the thought of him leaving her side, but she calmed down quickly, bringing the mask back up.
“Yeah, I visit this park often, I would love to see you again!” she grinned. She would make damn sure of that.
The next skeleton boy who has really not been following the rules, was Mutt, much to Black’s disdain.
It happened recently. The two of them were sent to scout out one of the other gangs members, gauge how dangerous they were, things of that nature. Mutt couldn’t really care or bother, but Black did his job well and wouldn’t let his brother fall behind. 
They found their target as she was finishing off her work. She was making a call when she spotted the brothers her eyes narrowing to slits as she looked to them.
Roxas looked at this little tyrant, her eye twitching a bit. ‘The fuck does he mean my work ethic? What in the fuck? He is probably from that crew we made a deal with. They are probable here to gauge me, too bad for them I already finished the job.’ she thought and let out a sigh. She turned to them and glared.
“Listen, I already finished my job, I am now just waiting for my friend so I can leave.” her voice was cold and calm, not letting her inner anger boil up.
“AND I AM SURE YOU DID OKAY FOR A HUMAN.” Black smirked. Mutt sighed at his brother. Then he saw it, the flash of anger in her eyes. 
“Ex-fucking-scuse ME?!” she glared, her body going into full defense mode. Black looked shocked that she was raising her voice to him. “I do my damn job well I will have you fucking know!! You don’t know she about me or my family so you need to get off your high horse bucko, or that Napoleon complex is gonna come and bite you in the ass Mr.Shorty!!” she snapped. Black looked at her agape, his face turning a shade of red as he got angry.
“You wouldn’t know a good threat if it bit you in your bony ass!” she snipped, she turned on heal, flipped them off as she walked away. Mutt stood there with shock. Only members of his family have snapped at his brother, but this stranger did it without so much as a second of hesitation. He felt his SOUL thump in his ribs. Holy shit. He needed to know more about her. He quickly got his brother home so he could rant to the others. He had other plans. Like most of his other counterparts, he was an excellent tracker. He had her scent and follow it he did. 
For several days.
He would catch her walking around enjoying her days. He knew what he was doing was a bit creepy, but he wanted to know her, and she was on edge around him already cause of his brother. He wanted to amend that somehow. However life was funny to throw wrenches in ones plans.
She was on the way to debt collect. Mutt felt the amount of SOULS in the building though, she was outnumbered. It sent a chill down Mutt’s spine to think of her being hurt. So he snuck in, undetected to watch over her, and he felt himself fall harder for her. 
She was beautiful in the most deadly way as she gracefully took out each guard. Killing or incapacitating them in some way. Mutt killed those she knocked out, a well placed sharpened bone that remained undetected to kill them quickly without much noise. 
He almost hesitated though for one second, and one second was not something he could waste as he watched the main target point a gun point blank at Roxas. He snarled and tossed a sharpend bone at the mans head. Roxas’s eyes were closed, probably accepting her fate. Mutt took this moment to look more closely at her face. It was beautiful, he wanted nothing more than to touch her at that moment. Yet she as she opened her eyes slowly, he shortcutted out of there, leaving the bone as a symbol that someone had her back.
Roxas looked at the bone club in the targets head and shuddered. It had to be that skeleton fellow who had been following her. She felt a chill shoot down her spine, she knew about this for a few days, she would always see him in the corner of her eyes, like a ghost. She complained and bitched, if they didn’t have this deal she would have killed him earlier. Now at this job she had slipped up, got a bit careless, almost getting herself killed. Yet, cause of her skeletal stalker, she was alive, and very, very confused.    
Another that wasn’t going with the flow, cause well, when does he ever? Was Stretch.
Stretch was starting to frequent a couple of bars now. One was this nice classy joint, but it wasn’t for the drinks, hell he barely felt like drinking when he went to the bars. It was the entertainment he valued. 
“Please give the warmest welcome to the most lovely and ever illustrious, Zurie~” a male voice purred. Several claps and whoops were heard all through the bar as a woman with dark skin stepped out. Her dress clung to her as she smiled.
She nodded to the band and they began, her song was wonderful as she sung a catchy tune. Stretch loved her voice, it made his SOUL thump hard. She was lovely to boot. He couldn’t help but stare at her. Her voice was what drew him to her though. 
He sat and listened to her sing her different songs, as her set ended she thanked everyone for coming. Throwing a playful wink to the crowd. He felt his SOUL skip a bit. She walked through the crowd, saying hello to several people, going straight to the back to a large man, a man Stretch has found out that is a sugar daddy of sorts for Zurie. Giving her gifts for her attentions. He sighed and looked to the bar. He needed to get out before his jealousy got a hold of him, however, a playful smirk crossed his features as he called over the bartender.
Zurie listened to the older man talk to her about his day, this was probably the easiest part of her day, listening to the man talk about his day. She didn’t like classifying him as a sugar daddy, more like a sugar grandpa, he just wanted someone to talk to. She was happy to provide. They continued their conversation as a waiter came up and places a glass in front of Zurie.
“What’s this darling?” she asked. 
“It’s a Bee’s Knees, miss Zurie.” he answered. Zurie looked to the older gentleman beside her who shook his head, a sign he didn’t order the drink for her. “It was from a gentleman at the bar, he is right...oh, I guess he left. Well I gotta get back to work.” the young man smiled and went back to work. 
Zurie shuddered, she never drank anything that is a gift, it was her rule of thumb, it kept her safe. She turned to her patron and smiled as sweet as she could.
“I am sorry to cut our usual chat short George, but I have to turn in early today, my sister is coming into town tomorrow morning, and I don’t want to be lookin’ like death when she comes to my door!” she giggled. George nodded, letting her go, telling her he will see her in a few days. She waved at him, walking past the bar she stopped, waving the bartender down.
“Hey Tom, was wonderin’ who got me that drink?” she asked.
“It was some skeleton fellow.” He answered nonchalantly.
Zurie went rigid. A skeleton? She smiled, nodded, making an even quicker exit than before. Changing clothes as quickly as she could. The family was talking about the skeleton gang, she could hope that it was just one of her families skeletons, but they knew what she usually drank so that was unlikely as finding water in Hell. 
Zurie walked quickly to her next destination, she was going to go to Capn’s bar but with the feeling of being watched along her back, she thought better of it, deciding to go home instead. She had almost made it to, the feeling of safety enveloping her, it was short lived though. 
“i’m sorry if this comes of corny, but you have a beautiful voice.” a sweet thick voice said behind her. Zurie let out the most unladylike squeak as her set of wings popped out her back, hitting whoever it was behind her, they released an oof of a noise. 
Zurie turned and was about to apologize when she saw the tall skeleton who was now rubbing his sternum. She felt a chill, her wings shuddering softly.
“sorry, sorry, didn’t mean to startle you honey.” he chuckled softly, a dorky sort of smile on his face. 
Zurie didn’t know what to say in all honesty, but she felt that small little bubble of anger pop, so anger it was.
“Have you been followin’ me this whole time!?” she glared. Her wings flared, their movements tied with her emotions.
“i-i’m sorry!” he raised his palms in a form of surrender. “i’m just kinda...shy? i didn’t know how to approach you.” he rubbed the back of his skull, looking away from her. She felt the anger bubble die a bit but she held onto it.
“Ya could have said something at the bar! Instead of following me around!” she crossed her arms. By the way he was talking, he was either not part of the skeleton crew, or didn’t know she was part of the ‘rival gang’. This could be useful.
He nodded and looked ashamed. Zurie bit her lower lip, feeling a bit guilty herself. She sighed and extended her hand to him. He looked at it, then to her.
“Let’s try again, my name is Zurie, nice to meet ya.” she smiled sweetly.
“i’m stretch, nice to meet you honey.” he gripped her hand, smiling back.
He may have a lot of regrets being pulled into this universe, but they were disappearing quickly as he shook hands with this beautiful songstress.  
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[Review] The New Addition to the WINCHESTER Home is Another Dead End
Winchester is the house that ghosts built. Despite dropping that latter half from its title near the end of its marketing campaign – don’t worry, the film won’t let you forget.  A series of plot-less sound bites and jumbled jump scares, you’ll wonder if the team behind Winchester have ever studied gothic horror. Give me pacing, give me shadows, give me dread.
  The Winchester Mansion
How Hollywood has gone this long without scooping up the tale of Sarah Winchester and her endless corridors is beyond me. The Winchester House, a real life mansion sitting atop the hills of San Jose, California, has been harboring an iconic legend for over a century. In 1881 Sarah Winchester became a widow and heir to the Winchester Arms Rifle Foundation. Believed to be tormented by the spirits who died by the business end of one of her husband’s rifles, she spent the rest of her life expanding the house. (Maybe a foundation for widows and orphans may have proved more fruitful, but who am I to judge). Most accounts say this was in effort to confuse the spirits and keep them at bay. With no master plan, and construction continuing 24 hours, 7 days a week, the final house contained 161 rooms at the time of Sarah’s death in 1922.
Sarah was a superstitious woman. You can see these touches if you were to take a tour of the current house; the number 13 used everywhere- from candles in chandeliers, to the number of coat hooks, to the number of panes of glass in a particular window. Spiderwebs adorned many entrances, carved into the wood and the motif adorned much of the decorating. It was also said that Sarah would sleep in a different bedroom every night, in an attempt to further thwart the spirits that raced through her maze.
As a child fascinated by all things paranormal and macabre, I sought out countless books all about her story. I delighted in films like The Haunting and the Stephen King made-for-tv mini-series Rose Red. I hunted down photos of the many doors to nowhere, and staircases straight toward ceilings. What a perfect home for a ghost, what a wonderful place for a ghost story.
It should have been easy.
  The Film That Hollywood Built
Stylistically, Winchester should have sought out films like The Others for inspiration. 1963’s The Haunting based on the iconic novel The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson. The Changling. Guillermo del Toro’s The Orphanage.  I could go on.
Instead, it seems the filmmakers, Michael Spierig and Peter Spierig (the pair behind Jigsaw), instead took inspiration from more flashy, modern horrors. The shock and awe of Insidious, the legacy building of The Conjuring, the confused Rings, and even – the hardly translucent spectres of 13 Ghosts.
Set during the 1900’s, the film follows the damaged, drug-addicted (fictional) psychiatrist Dr. Eric Price (Jason Clarke), who’s been snatched from an opium den and given an unprecedented wad of cash to perform a mental health examination on the kooky and haunted Sarah Winchester (Helen Mirren). Like the real-life story, Sarah has the hobby to build rooms for the spirits that seemingly torment her. This, to the board at the Winchester Rifle Company, sounds like grounds for removal. Only, they need a doctor’s note.
But as Dr. Price settles in to the strange estate, we learn he too is tormented. Right away, spectres pop out to say Boo. This is the part where the audience screams GET OUT! ACT! ADDRESS THIS SITUATION! But, because our protagonist psychologist spends much of the first act under the influence of some turn-of-the-century poison, he chalks it up to drug related side effects. Fine. Soon, ignorance can no longer be an excuse after an angry spirit possesses a boy..
The boy, Sarah’s great-nephew (Finn Scicluna-O’Prey), is possessed. Don’t ask why, he just is. These sporadic states of possession take grip of the boy, each increasingly raising in stakes. He wanders around the halls at night, babbling about an evil spirit. GET OUT! He attempts to jump to his death. ACT! He tries to shoot and murder Sarah. ADDRESS THIS SITUATION!
All the while our psychologist is still trying to complete his mental health examination, detox from drugs, and for some reason unbeknownst to the audience, get in the garden room. “Why do I have deja vu right now?”
  Guns Are Bad, But No Wait- They Aren’t
Unfortunately, the Gothic vision that is Sarah Winchester (and Helen Mirren’s best Woman In Black impression) is highly under-utilized in this film. After a grand entrance in which servants straighten, doors open, and chairs are pulled out – our fictional Sarah lifts a haunted black veil to reveal a tortured, tired face. This character is a woman led by a lifetime of superstition and motivated by grief. She is more tortured than any spirit that could be lurking in the shadows.
And yet, each scene the filmmakers throw her in a chair as an afterthought, giving her stiff soundbites to explain the rules and motivations of the spirits she conjures; 13 is a number that keeps them at bay, the rooms she builds are the rooms they died in, guns are evil. We anticipate a puppet master, but all we receive is a puppet.
Apart from her belief in the occult, we learn absolutely nothing about her. She jumps into action to protect her possessed great-nephew, but what is it she does? She commands people leave – they appear again the next scene. She demands a door be nailed shut – oh wait that wardrobe is also a door. We learned she was the one who hired Dr. Price – and though we eventually learn why – we are never given a moment with her motivations.
This house is filled with stale air. Ghosts appear conveniently, are locked away conveniently. We race around a house of endless corridors, but really only film in two of them. The Winchester rifle is evil – but then the final solution, the ultimate evil spirit is thwarted by (sorry, ‘finds his peace’ by)… a bullet in the head.
  Stairs to Nowhere
As a haunted house fanatic, Winchester is a film that I eagerly received. Despite my expectations being slightly diminished by the ghost-happy trailer, I went into this film still eagerly anticipating some spectres in one of the spookiest, most interesting houses in North America. The setting already existed. The ghost story already existed. All this film needed was a camera and a delicate hand.
Ghost stories are stories of loss. Loss of loved ones, loss of self, loss of comfort in the world. The arc in these gothic tales comes from the human component. The ghosts fuel the story, but it is humanity that has to go on the journey. In Winchester, both Dr. Price and Sarah Winchester start on their own individual journeys of loss and acceptance, but it isn’t allowed to resonate. Too much time is spent creating and thwarting a Boss Level ghost, irrelevant to either path. Sarah’s grief for Annie never flourishes before it is quashed in the outro. Dr. Price’s mystery of love and death wraps up in favor of a climactic, but altogether un-important third act. The filmmakers are constrained by shock and awe in favor of delving into true human grief.
Winchester is now playing in theatres.
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