#yeah overall not as happy with S2
hawkinslibrary · 1 year
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lavenderjewels · 2 years
I need stampede to have a season two because I cannot fathom not having more trigun after I catch up to the new show and manga
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wahoo-wahey · 9 months
good omens season one save me
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sparklingsora · 4 months
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...so how about that new episode huh (rant below for those who care to see my opinion on it):
honestly this episode was pretty solid. i really liked the song, i'm so glad to get a more broadway-style song after all the pop that we've been getting in recent times. i was also happy to see the dhorks and cherubs come back (fucking finally) also i'm happy that stolas clearly communicated his feelings, i was afraid he wouldnt say the "i want you to stay" part, but thankfully he did. good for him. um that said i'm seeing everyone going crazy over the "i didn't realize you thought so lowly of me" line and i'm just kinda sitting over here like <:) because like....... blitz was not wrong??? his perception is very much founded in reality, stolas has been consistently condescending towards him and the other imps. im pretty sure stolas is meant to be getting better in that area, but he hasn't really shown that to blitz so um. yeah. overall to nobody's surprise stolitz continues to be a trainwreck, but i'm tentatively happy to finally see some changes to the status quo, and my opinion of stolitz went from "UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" to "ok i'm kinda invested" so, hooray? still not back to the amount of investment i had before season 2, but it's something (also, i find it hilarious how fans immediately started taking sides. this is really just gomens s2 finale all over again)
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Rose Recaps 2023 - Japan
So, because I have a hard time making big lists and choosing favourites, this my version of a superlative post, by country.
The one that had me at the first frame
If It’s With You | Kimi to Nara Koi wo Shite Mite mo
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As soon as Amane appeared on screen I was gone. This damaged but confident boy had my heart from the beginning. But it was Ryuji that ended up with a bigger piece by the end. The way he saw Amane’s mask from the beginning and just went – “you don’t need to do that with me”. And the way he considered Amane’s feelings even when he wasn’t sure what to do or how to respond, or how he was feeling about all of it, was just beautiful to witness and at certain points kinda reminded of Ida.
Favourite Moment: Amane confessing and running away. Because visually it's so striking. The way he's running from the light that is Ryuji.
The one that was perfect and I never saw coming.
I Cannot Reach You | Kimi ni wa Todokanai
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I think that by now at least some people know how I feel about Japanese BL. I love it so much. And for me it’s always about the characters. Whether they are the embodiment of chaos, like Aoki or they are just incredible complex and empathic humans like Ida. - Yes, I’m using Kieta Hatsukoi every chance I get- I just love the way all these characters are written and portrait.
I loved these 2 boys in equal measure all throughout the show. I might have a soft spot for Yamato, but that’s only because pining boys are my weakness.
Yamato’s back and forth in his own head about what to do would be annoying to me in any other show, but it was so well done, and we were privy to his thought process throughout that it just made me feel for him deeply. And Kakeru learning about Yamato’s feelings right away in the first episode was a great choice, because he gave the show time to make the reciprocity more believable.
Favourite Moment - The exchange of gifts at the door. I love the nervousness that the two of them are feeling in this moment.
The one where I gave in.
My Beautiful Man S2 & Eternal
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Confession time. This was not love at first season for me. I don’t argue quality overall and much less the acting of the show, but it just didn’t click for me.
There were some truly great moments in the first season but there was a disconnect between my heart and my brain. This happens to me sometimes. Like I watch something that is objectively good but it doesn’t reach me.
That all changed with the second season and the film. I finally connect with Hira. Don't ask me why, I don't fully understand myself, but it happened right at the beginning of the season. I think perhaps it was because I started seeing more from Kiyoi pov, because before I was absolutely clueless about what he saw in Hira in the first place. Sorry if that sounds harsh.
I don't blame the show for this, as I said, I think all the elements are there, it just didn't connect for me.
Also, the film was gorgeous to watch. Several moments (specially the sequence where the gif is from) were so well shot and edited that I'm happy I went in already with a positive mindset.
Favourite Moment: The one from the gif. I'm a sucker for a drastic visual change when the moment calls for it.
The one that had me question if watching it was good for my mental health.
Tokyo in April is | Shigatsu no Tokyo wa
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Ok. I love this show. I love Ren. But this was a hard watch for me. Every week I had a struggle between two sides of me.
- Don’t watch it. It will be sad and you will be sad because of it. - But the last one was sad so I need to watch it to see if there’s happy. - Why not just wait? - Because I started already, so now I can’t wait. - But in this case binging is best. Cause for sure the ending is happy so you won’t be sad for long. - Yeah, but I need to see more now. And there’s a new episode waiting for me. - Fine. Just press play. After the episode. - I really shouldn’t watch this one live. (all this repeats the following week)
It was beautifully acted, there were some outstanding moments, the past was as tastefully done as it could be given the subject matter, and in the end my heart of full, but slightly damaged with the process.
Favourite Moment: Ren finding out Kazuma had been looking for him.
The one with all the magic.
What Did You Eat Yesterday? | Kinou Nani Tabeta? S2
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I already wrote how this show made me feel in another post. So I’ll just say this.
EVERYONE NEEDS TO WATCH THIS SHOW. NOW. If you haven’t, stop reading this and go. GO. NOW. Start.
There is magic here and you don’t even know.
Favourite Moment: ALL OF THEM. But really this one.
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Shiro. Just Shiro.
Well, I'll try to write the next one in these next couple of days. Wish me luck.
Thanks for reading💜
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oneofthosebells · 6 months
All right, I might regret this but I'm going to say it anyway.
If you hated S3 (or didn't hate it overall but have issues with it), then I fully support your right to criticise it as much as you want. Rant away, air all your grievances, get it all out. I might even agree with some of your criticisms and nitpicks, because as much as I personally loved S3 (and S2, always) I don't think it was perfect by any means.
But please, please don't start taking it out on your fellow fans. Don't accuse people of 'overlooking all the plotholes just because of a cheesy happy ending'. Don't accuse people of 'worshipping Saint Lisa' because they have a different opinion on the writing to you. Don't assume that everyone who enjoyed the final season was an 'abdication truther' (ugh I hate that term).
I've been that person before, hating something that everyone else in a fandom loved. It feels like screaming into the void, wanting to shake some sense into people because how can they love this plothole ridden mess?! Do they not see how bad the writing is?! Have they been brainwashed by some soppy scenes and cute kissing?!
Yeah, I've been there and it sucks. I highly recommend finding (or starting!) a groupchat of like-minded people to get it all out, do some cathartic ranting. But please, I am begging you, don't start taking it out publicly on your fellow fans.
We all watch shows for different reasons and get different things out of them. A plot point that was really important to you might have been a minor, easily ignored, niggle to someone else and vice versa. You can never assume you know what's meaningful to other people and what isn't.
And you know what - even if some people did only enjoy S3 because it has a happy ending, that's a valid reason to like something? I don't think that is the case for most people tbf and it's certainly not for me, but even if it was, so what? Life is hard and TV is escapism and happy endings for LGBT+ couples in film/TV are still, sadly, rare. Let people enjoy things.
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redrobin-detective · 3 months
I don't know if this is an unpopular opinion but I overall didn't care for TUA s2 and absolutely love s3. I appreciate what s2 was doing narratively and that it laid the foundations for s3. But as like an actual TV show I was watching I found myself not invested. I had no interest in Klaus' cult arc (I know he's the tumblr bb boy but I like Klaus but he's not my fav for sure) or Allison's happy marriage arc. I really like the turn her character took in s3, negative character development whoo! Luther is my boy but I didn't care what he was doing either. Would have liked more focus on the Commission that wasn't around the Handler.
Everything and everyone was all spread out and I feel like ideas were thrown out and we went 'hey look at this!' and then it was over before anything could happen with it. I did still enjoy it, all of Five's scenes were amazing. Diego I feel really came into his own this season and him and Lila are such a great duo. BENNNNNNN. Loved Elliot and the Swedes as the perfect TUA side characters who are just so memorable.
But i seriously loved s3, the apocalypse was happening right in front of them and there was this slow creeping tension similar to s1 to just Get Your Shit Together. Everything was spacious yet contained as the world became smaller and smaller leading to some fascinating character moments. LOVED Hotel Obsidian, how it started as this weird place Klaus used to crash to something way way stranger. Dad Diego my beloved, Luther embracing his Himboism and FINALLY getting something good. Allison's cruel breakdown arc. Viktor's reckoning with himself - as a man and a dangerous meta. Five's just complete giving up. Klaus' two disastrous family road trips. I loved the idea of the Sparrows, could they have been used better? Oh yeah but the idea of a competent team on the surface who is broken down once things got tough and weird in contrast to the Umbrellas who are So Bad at everything it cancels out.
Anyway I'm a s3 stan for life.
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raygirlramblings · 11 months
What do you think about the Captain Laserhawk series? If you watched it yet, at least.
’If I watched it’ XD
Oh rest assured I watched it. ❤️
Overall I really liked it. The animation was SWEET HONEY GOODNESS. Bobbypills pulled out the stops and it SHOWED. I loved all the style changes, I love the pixel art, I even enjoyed the VR stuff because it was unique and weird.
The voice acting was also TRES BON. Special round of applause for Rayman’s English VA because by god he had a job and a half and he NAILED IT. Also loved Marcus’s voice, and Bullfrog of course 💚 just a lot of very high quality work went into this and the voice acting was pretty much spot on from the first episode.
I will say the series felt rushed. I know it’s only 6 episodes but with the time they had there could have been some edits and cuts to keep things snappy while also freeing up time to spend with the main 4 (and the Warden) to cement their relationship.
Believe me I was happy to see so much Rayman but his story wasn’t the main focus and should never have been. We needed more time with Jade and Pey’j. If the Warden has this deep emotional story behind her that we’re supposed to buy into we need more time with her. Sarah and Dolph having a backstory chat in VR was too little too late.
But I will forgive a lot for some stuff they did so right:
Alex is such a dick and he was so much fun to watch. His and Dolph’s relationship was fascinating, and it was so cute watching them in the first episode being a couple and it felt so NATURAL.
RED IS A MASSIVE DOUCHE FUCK HIM XD But god was it fun to have such an open bigot be an antagonist.
All the weird propaganda Eden was using Rayman for. The Rayman Kids stuff was especially grim. I want a ‘I’m a Rayman Kid’ badge SO BAD YOU GUYS.
Bullfrog was such a charming boy. I loved every moment he was on screen. It clear he was the fave character of the team. I loved his relationship with Pey’j, and I hope (if s2 is a thing) that he gets to partner up with Rayman because THAT WOULD BE GLORIOUS
RAYMAN USES HIS LIMBLESSNESS AS A TACTIC. I lost my marbles when he raises his hands and one of them is missing. YES. BOBBYPILLS NAILED IT.
All the little pixel animations were just so joyous and delightful. Perfect.
All the alternative styles for the cut-aways. For the Rayman TV spots, and the VR episode looking like a Phantasmagoria let’s play, the crazy taxi/Driver mini game, just so well observed and suitable for the time. A++++
So yeah, I give the show my thumbs up. It’s obviously not for everyone and it is QUITE THE INTENSE RIDE AND NOT APPROPRIATE FOR KIDS, but I would recommend it as a quality animated work. I hope the people sharing that handful of weird Rayman screenshots on Twitter and going ‘WTF?!?!’ Actually give the series a chance.
Obviously I can discuss every tiny detail from every episode but that would take waaaaaay too long 😩. But thank you so much for asking!
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unfortunate17 · 6 months
I get people not liking the love triangle plot, i definitely didn’t like it either. It just reaaally surprises me that with the way our generation is way more aware of mental issues; boundaries and gaslighting (especially in this fandom where we love to analyze every interaction), people sum up season two Simon as “petty. He literally went through a violation of privacy by himself all alone, and two weeks later gets involved in a toxic “relationship”. Marcus is a walking red flag, literally said soooo many fucked up things to Simon in the 3 times they hang out and I don’t think people discuss that enough.
I guess that since Simon didn’t appear to be as broken mentally as wille, (and even August) last season, it’s probably ok to just pretend it’s not an extremely fucked up situation.
I agree with pretty much everything you said!
I also think S2 makes some writing missteps which kind of pushes the Simon is petty/selfish agenda. It’s perfectly reasonable for Simon to try and date someone normal especially after everything that happened with Wille - but we spend SO MUCH TIME on Marcus and not enough time on Simon himself. Like, we know from scene 1 that Simon’s not going to pick Marcus, and to me it wasn’t particularly obvious as to why Marcus even liked him - you’re a grown man on Grindr with your own apartment why the fuck are you interested in a 16 year old who was just in a sex scandal besides the fact that he’s pretty?
Marcus also has no other personality traits or story lines - which is fine!! def not asking for more screen time - but it makes him an extremely 2 dimensional, bland character that Simon doesn’t even really like??? I think we literally could’ve had the same results if Marcus was in like 3 scenes (the ball one being the only important one).
Instead, we should’ve spent more time with Simon and his emotions outside of his back and forth with Wille/Marcus. And I get it, Simon’s not the main character, he’s the love interest and I’m fine with that - but there’s so much that S2 fails to do with his character. We never saw him with his father again, we don’t see how the video has affected him, we don’t see him buckle under the strain of constantly having to be “okay”, he doesn’t get bullied at school even though Wille publicly humiliated him by saying there was no emotional relationship. And I know these things are implicit but it would’ve been great if we could’ve SEEN them idk.
I’m pretty happy with his S3 arc though, and I like his overall arc through all the seasons too.
But yeah, I think the writing of Simon in S2 is definitely a reason for the hate haha - it just makes it seem like Wille has more to lose and that ultimately makes him more sympathetic
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planetkiimchi · 9 months
as promised, i have arrived!!! gimme chinese names you’d give your moots!! i’m really curious about it hehehe 🫂🫂
OKAY!! THANK U FOR THIS ASKNI HAD SM FUN DOING IT! it got into a really really long post but i got ... excited ... and yeah if anyone else wants more clarification u can ask HAH (i kind of picked some based off how it sounds or looks, then js googled the meanings HEHE)
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for you,, i'm gonna give you 雪莉 (xúe lì)! one of my cousin's chinese names is xueli, altho i'm not sure which characters they are LOL. also i like xue because it means snow and it makes me happy js like u !! 莉 means jasmine and thats also very fitting if u ask me
@riordanness emma i'm gonna give you 愉欣 (yú xīn)! the first word means happy, like 愉快 (yú kuaì), and the second word is from admire, 欣赏 (xīn shǎng)
@i-luvsang ria you get 明宣 (míng xuān)!! was fighting the urge to give you a moon themed name but too many of my moots go by moon / luna so i decided to give you 明 from 光明 (guāng míng), meaning light, instead. honestly the second character doesn't have as much significance, xuan is just a common character in people's names, and i have at least two friends with that in their name.
@fylithia moon!! you get 稀月 (xī yuè) 🫶🏼 稀 (xī) means far away, but that's not why i chose it lol, i just rhink it's a nice name and one of the talented guys on idol producer s2 had it in his name HAHA 月 (yuè) means moon, and it's self explanatory
@strxbrymochi KII i'm giving you 莓琪 (méi qí)! 莓 méi like 草莓 cǎo méi, strawberry, and 琪 qí means angel. overall a very pretty name and qi also sounds a little bit like ki <3
@chocojae luna, your name is 嘉慧 (jiā huì)! 嘉 jiā means nice / pretty, and 慧 huì comes from 智慧 zhì huì, which means knowledge bc you give me smart vibes!
@wheeboo rania i'm giving you 兰尼 (lán ní)! lán means orchid, as in 兰花 lán huā, and 兰尼 lán ní sounds similar to rania in a way (we don't have a character for the "ra" sound so "lan" is the closest)
@stvrlvghtwrites vanyaaa you get 安雅 (ān yǎ)! 安 like 安全 ān quán, safe, and 优雅 (yoū yǎ) means elegant like u hehe
@vnsux ANGIEE i'm giving you 金星 (jīn xīng)! it means venus / hesperus and by themselves, 金 jīn means gold and 星 xīng means star, or 星球 xīng qiǔ means planet <3
@dirtleathr NADA! you get 诚然 (chéng rán)! 诚chéng means sincere, like uu <3 and also 诚实 chéng shí means honest
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guys i got tired and i'm not very good at this so everyone from this point on gets a one character name. in china, this is relatively common—you would get called your full name, including your surname, or just 小 (small) + ur name. it's not common where i live but bear with me okay i'm not THAT creative
@jisungsdaydreamer dreamy,, ofc you get 梦mèng! it means dream, and it's also a really pretty name if u ask me
@realparkminkyun seok you get 仁 rěn! it means benevolence, humanity, and it's also one of my favourite nicknames when romanized
@winterchimez ally ik u probably already have a chinese name so i'll js go with a name i think looks nice! 雯, which has the same 旁 as 雪 (yk the 雷头 part or whatever thing it's called) and ur user is winterchimez so self explanatory, 文 bc of its meaning, learned.
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forecast0ctopus · 1 year
hewwo anj!!!! I was reading your post on how you break down arthur's likeness and how you study/what you noticed for him body language wise, how his facial features are, etc. and if that's possible, would you ever do the same for merlin? Regardless, thank you for ur merlin art ily ❤️🫶
sorry i took forever to get to this fyscka!! i got real busy lmao. anyways thoughts abt it under the cut
once again going to try not to sound weirdly obsessive abt this stuff because it sounds more insane when i put all the details into words when they just like. exist as nebulous thoughts in my brain. idk anyways
more tracing because tracing is good for figuring things out.. also fun. when you trace things a bunch for practice you pick up on the repetition like. how someone's face looks with different movement and the overlap between them. like how similar a happy expression can be to an aggressive expression and how similar an aggressive expression can be to a terrified one. if that makes sense
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it is interesting too with merlin because he varies a lot over the seasons? not just with being yknow. older. like hes thinner in s2-4 than s1+5, and we all know how much his haircut varies. i dunno i just think facially he varies a lot more than arthur
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sorry again for crunchy images heres a few specifics i tend to notice
when hes fighting or putting in a lot of physical strength/effort his mouth pulls up high and his nose scrunches which causes a crease from the corners of his nose. same crease as you would see when he smiles, but since the nose is scrunched the part of the crease next to the nose is more prominent. usually when i see people scrunch their nose like that it wrinkles on top of the bridge but his seems to wrinkle more at the sides. also eyebrow furrow very important
hes got a very strong chin its rather large and squared off. his eyes and the folds beneath his eyes crinkle a lot when he smiles. the smile lines appear with a point to them. also hes got a very prominent adams apple
low eyebrows, widest at their arch which is more lateral. ill talk more abt his teeth in a minute but hes got the american girl doll teeth when his lips are parted lmao
his eyes are pretty deep set, so when you see him in profile theres a good bit of distance between the bridge of his nose and his eye. when his hair is longer the hair around his ears tends to curl towards his face. same w the hair on his neck. his nose has a pretty subtle bump to the bridge and then the tip turns up a bit, but overall Not an upturned nose
his ears stick out we know this..... you can see the contrast of the hollow of his cheeks vs his mouth muscle sometimes (usually more in s2+3). his nose is in a pretty neutral position here
as opposed to this one where his nose broadens a little with his smile. smile lines again pretty triangular.
faces are soft and when one feature moves usually the others slightly move/change with it. some other things are teeth which i meant to talk abt in the arthur post too, but yeah. merlin's got pretty prominent front teeth, and arthur's got his one crooked canine. hair also is (at least to me) pretty important... his hair is always cropped above the eyebrows and imo he's less recognizable as merlin if its not. its not especially fluffy or curly either. not to say he cant be drawn with different haircuts haha, sometimes it just makes him a little harder to recognize
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again body shape + language is just as important is not more so, bc we're drawing a character not an actor!! theres a few things i think about w merlin
- hes pretty thin with the exception of s5, but always pretty lanky lookin - just generally pretty angular? idk - he is somewhat broad but the slouching and not being shredded (usually) tend to negate that a little - he crouches a lot or pulls his legs up when he sits (hes so real for that) - when hes not using his hands they tend to just be at his sides, when he's standing he'll put them behind his back sometimes, when talking he'll gesture with them usually around his head or hip/waist level - he slouches more than arthur, his shoulders are usually somewhat forward - when he's confused or teasing often he'll push his head forward - tilts his head a lot when hes teasing or happy or confused - draws his shoulders up to his ears when he's uncomfortable, confused, or frightened - whereas arthur moves very purposefully, merlin moves in a way that just looks like he has a lot less spatial awareness idk a better way to describe it lmao. like u know hes clumsy even when he's not actively being clumsy
honestly i dont tend to put too much detail in faces because i dont draw in a very realistic style so i tend to lean more into shapes and body language to make characters recognizable, but knowing how the face works still plays into it a lot?
anyways i hope this makes at least a little sense lmao
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ariendiel · 1 year
How would s2 LIs feel when they date someone who's actually new and inexperienced in their relationship for the first time? Are they gonna end well?
I love these kind of sweet questions, thank you! I think most of them would be fine with dating someone inexperienced, but here are some individual headcanons for you
Bobby – I honestly think he'd quite enjoy being the most experienced in a relationship for once, as he strikes me as one who usually ends up with someone more experienced than him.
Carl – He's probably been in that exact situation himself, so he might be surprised at first and then just smile about it as there's nothing wrong with being inexperienced. I think he'd
Elisa – I think Elisa could get a bit impatient as she doesn't really have time to coddle anyone when living her busy influencer life. Still, if she truly loves them then she'll eventually figure out that she needs to slow down for their sake, and listen.
Gary – He's so experienced it might be overwhelming for MC at first, but if they communicate clearly I think they can work it out together. Gary just needs to learn how to take it slow for a bit.
Henrik – Absolutely doesn't matter to him. Do they want to take it slow? Fine by him. Do they want to learn as much as possible as fast as possible? Also fine. He's so easy going and will just ask them what they want, making sure they're comfortable. No problem at all with him.
Ibrahim – Rahim is a bit complicated as I think he could go either way, but overall he's protective and in some ways traditional. So I think part of him would almost enjoy having an inexperienced partner, who'd learn from and with him.
Jakub – I think he likes the *idea* of an inexperienced partner more than actually having one to be honest. I just think he's too impatient to face the reality of having to take things slow. I'm not a Jakub stan at all though, so I might be biased here lol
Lucas – Definitely fine with it (and maybe a kink of his? I don't know but he's definitely one to be turned on by both getting to teach and being taught). He's got more general commitment issues that might be a problem, but if they can work through those it'll be fine!
Marisol – If she could choose I think she'd prefer someone with more experience, but she won't turn someone down because of it. Love is more about the deeper connection to her, even if s*x is also very important. So yeah, I think if things are made clear from the start that she'd be fine with it (and she'd be a fantastic teacher)
Noah – I think he'd be pretty chill about it. It's basically canon that he loves strong, independent women/people, but that doesn't mean they need to be more romantically experienced than him. As long as the relationship is built on trust and love he'll be happy, and I think it could be confidence building for him too in a way.
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paleoleigh · 11 months
My friend just watched all of OFMD in one go (like one ep a day but no break between s1 and s2 which, jealous of him tbh) and his reaction was overwhelmingly positive. I said some caveat about "yeah I liked season 2 despite the season being rushed" and he said he didn't think it felt rushed at all, which I was pretty surprised but pleased to hear. Once again I think it's important to 1. Watch the show again right off the tails of season 1 to get a better perspective of the overall story and 2. To interact with people outside of the Tumblr/Twitter fandom echo chamber. We could all use some touching of grass, even those of us who are happy with s2 and still big fans of the show
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itookyoudown · 4 months
For the character ask game will you do the whole Lexington team?
i accept this challenge 😈
let's do this speedrun style.
How I feel about this character: he's ... all right! i think he's perfect for his role in the show and he's got some nice little details (the hearing aids, his relationship with leslie & family, etc) and he has some great lines. S2's Blaze of Glory is FASCINATING for him and is my favorite Art episode ... that ending with Frank!! dksjfks both sad and funny and wow what an entirely human true neutral way to approach the outlaw VS lawman cat and mouse dynamic 10/10 no notes. we also get some interesting glimpses at his inner darkness + capacity for violence in him that's ... hm now that's very interesting (that time he smacked Boyd with the bible, the interrogation with the phonebook, him decking Raylan, etc) but i think overall he falls too much in line with the "Police Chief" character archetype. since Justified is a western masquerading as a police show, Art should have felt more like a sheriff but he didn't. Raylan was the sheriff of the show. though as Justified always does with their characters they gave Art a lot more personality and layers than LEO shows usually give their big boss characters. i also LOVE that Art's hope and trust in Raylan is FOREVER dashed and is never repaired during the show, such a great twist on what usually happens with the chief and their cowboy subordinate.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: ...well...i wouldn't call it "romantic" but i think we deserve at least one fucked up gross Art/Tim dead dove daddy issues smut fic, as a treat (for me) 🤡
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Art & Raylan. his odd almost-surrogate father/son dynamic where he literally disowns Raylan during the show is goddamn great and i never tire of it on rewatches of the show. i really wish we'd see it explored more in fic.
My unpopular opinion about this character: i don't think there's enough opinions on Art for anything said about his character to be unpopular, but ... i think Art had one gay experience when he was younger like @praycambrian's Art and stanley tucci fic is just canon to me.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: more Art & Tim interaction!! remember when Tim gets mouthy and bratty and Art verbally lays into him with a DON'T BE A SMART ASS??!! yeah i needed to have more of Tim toe-ing the chain of command and Art putting him back behind the line, please.
How I feel about this character: she's cool! i like Rachel, but i don't love Rachel. she's just too prim and professional and filling the role of The Lawful Good Lawman to spark any fandom brainworms in me. she has my respect though. i still adored her place within the show, however. badass lady black marshal that's good at her fucking job and doesn't backdown in the face of assholes!! get it. the ways she was able to clap back on racist bullshit without the writers falling down a preachy rabbit hole for her was also chef's kiss.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Rachel/OMC and Rachel/Raylan as a treat (for her). sorry lesbian or bi Rachel truthers, that's a straight woman. in my head, after Rachel becomes the Seattle marshal she begins seeing a black man who works some sort of legal practice job with a divorce under his belt as well. they eventually married and live as Dog Parents Ever After 😌
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Rachel & Nick. loved her relationship with her nephew, she's done right by him and stepped up for her family i think Nick is going to be okay, i really think he's going to end up happy and Rachel structure & support is a big part of that.
My unpopular opinion about this character: the best Rachel fic(s) in existence is connect the dots by larkingstock. i don't care that it's Rachel/Tim fic btw once upon a time i read all the Tim fics that existed on the internet and that's how i discovered this brilliant Rachel-centric fic. never read a fic that shines such a spotlight on her sexuality, her emotions, and her wishes before while givng her a real narrative voice. also, the writing quality and style is romance novel level. 10/10 no notes.
not a fan of the Rachel & Tim bestie agenda. respectfully, they are work colleagues at best but i prefer Rachel filling a former mentor & then a boss role to Tim. he calls her ma'am with a little too much respect for them to be true pals.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: what the fuck happened with her divorce!! hello?? we only had a QUICK PEEK into Rachel's tragic & chaotic family life (dad dead from cancer, troubled sister dead, co-raising her nephew with her mother??!!) and i desperately wish we'd gotten a follow-up on what was going on there. our gal had hidden depths and i wanted to see more. they dropped the ball with the lawmen side of the plots in season 5/6 so we were also denied a deeper look at Rachel being the acting chief RIP :(
How I feel about this character: i'm not normal about this dude :) he's my blorbo my fan favorite my ascended supported character my baby boy my lil man timmy guts slutterson my gay ranger sniper deputy marshal lawman heart of my heart apple of my eye!! i just think he's neat. everything we see about him in canon spurs a hundred and zillion headcanons in my head, can never stop thinking about him. he's a character i project hard on and i love working out my various personal issues by tormenting him with them. ty for your service 'lil mister.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: everything he's my little black dress of the fandom. givenson, mostly. but also boyd/raylan/tim, boyd/tim, colt/tim, boyd/colt/tim, quarles/tim. i even ship him in things that has no tag yet. where is the wynn duffy/tim fic?! i need dan/raylan/tim in miami fic!!
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Tim & Mark. i liked the canon portrayal for them and don't find it romantic or sexual at all. i really do think they were just war buddy pals.
My unpopular opinion about this character: he would not have been out as a gay man circa 2010. i sometimes ... feel ... his service history & career as a LEO isn't factored into fic characterizations and how that's gonna fuck up his ability to accept himself as a gay man and how that might even give him a hostile relationship with the LGBT community at large. i will never i cannot personally vibe with smoothing down the sharp points of Tim's characterization and history to make him more palatable to a younger audience. i don't care for queernorm-ing and the soft boy aesthetics.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: that they spent SO MUCH time setting up his powder-keg arc and then did a whole bunch of nothing with it. we should have seen him BLOW sky high (and should have seen him blowing other men who said that).
How I feel about this character: i'm normal about him (lying through my teeth). i love raylan, okay?? he makes me bonkers in a variety of different ways. he's my comfort character!! thinking about him comforts me.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: givenson, mainly. i also ship him with boyd in a very very VERY selective way AKA it has to be toxic and weird and dom4dom. also love putting him with both Boyd and Tim at once ala Crowgivenson. i also wrote the only Dan/Raylan fic but also took it down a while back, still ship them hardcore though only way to explain why Dan is so fucking fond of Raylan.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Raylan & Loretta. no she is NOT his daughter and those are not a parent/child dynamic. Raylan sees HIMSELF in Loretta, he is being the protective supportive adult to her that HE needed as a child. helping her heals his inner wounded child. Loretta is a mirror to a younger Raylan with a twist of female trauma. it's a funhouse mirror into his past.
My unpopular opinion about this character: he's a daddy dom sorry to the haters but that's what he is in my heart. me and the other justies into that are gonna keep being happy about it in our corner of the fictional sandbox 🖤
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: don't like the becoming a dad plotline, sorry. his romance with winona was eye-roll more to me and when they had winona get pregnant i put my face in my palms and groaned. wish it hadn't happened and they had given him a juicy career focus instead. the only saving grace to the whole dad thing is how both Justified and JCP stayed true to Raylan's character and portrayed him as being a crappy father.
(give me a character ask meme)
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miya-twins · 5 months
the twins, aran, yachi, and ushijima? 👀
thanks for the ask!! I shall copy you and give the bingo and my opinions because the bingo doesn't always encapsulate my feelings,,,
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literally he is the Blorbo. the main obsession. my little guy. I'm thinking about him practically 24/7. I care so much about his chracter arc and his impact on the narrative and I wanna see him smooch all the guys and I want him to suffer but really I want him to be safe and happy and loved and appreciated and to never learn what it means to be lonely. ahem. anyway. no surprises. you've seen the blog's name and its content.
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obviously he is Blorbo Number 2. you can't have one twin without the other. I love thinking about his character arc and his impact on the narrative and I wanna see him smooch all the guys and I wanna see him suffer but really I want him to be safe and happy and loved and appreciated and to never learn what it means to be lonely. yes I said this before but it's just as true for osamu. also yeah the only difference in the bingo is people are less mean to osamu and I can't fool myself into thinking atsumu wouldn't be too annoying for me to kiss. I can fool myself for osamu tho even tho realistically he's probably just as annoying but that's not my problem.
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what can I say y'all are sleeping on him. he's such an interesting guy and every time someone gives the twins another childhood/best friend I'm internally like hello? they already have one of those? his name is aran???? why are you putting other characters where he belongs? anyway I love how silly he is and how easily he gets swept up by the twins' antics and I'm so proud of him for how far he's come. 10/10 would go on boba date with.
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god I love her like that's my girl!!! she's so cute and relatable and funny and her story in s2 was one of the best in the whole series. literally every time she smiles it's like the sun rises. would vote best girl in any poll. genuinely think about her a lot even though she doesn't have much relation to my main guys which tells you how serious I am about her
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I'm sorry the board looks so empty but frankly none of these options accurately describe my thoughts on him. because I do have a lot of thoughts. genuinely he's such a well-written character, and I love all the relationships he has in the series, with tendou, with his dad, with sakusa, with oikawa!!! but even with all these thoughts and genuine appreciation I don't have that many actual feelings in regards to him... at least not unprompted. I like seeing him around and maybe I'll put him somewhere as a cool side character in my thoughts but I'm just not obsessed with him. but his story is good and he's so important to hq overall... maybe if we'd gotten that shiratorizawa/inarizaki match I'd be frothing at the mouth thinking about him... but alas I just quietly appreciate him
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andthebubbles · 4 months
okay, some vague overall thoughts for bridgerton 3x01-04 (spoilers ofc)
benedict didn't get much to do. am disappoint. all he did was run away from mamas and debutantes, and find a widow and then he did a lot of fucking. impressive
this so far is the season of the sideplots being more interesting
creloise is the literal damn highlight of the season so far. ESPECIALLY cressida
anthony is also, to me, always the damn highlight of any season. except for s1 on my first watch. heh.
but on that note, since cressida's gone the same way as anthony, now i get to rewatch s1 and s2 cressida scenes and just skjfgnkfg fall in love with her even more, like i did with anthony
ugh, cressida's dad! :( but as someone else said, what's wrong with befriending a bridgerton? haha maybe eloise is not Male enough. THEN LET HER MARRY A WOMAN, U ANCIENT DICK
i love i love i love all the a&b scenes we got, and anthony being the big bro and looking out for gregory
speaking of gregory, what was the purpose of him having a broken arm lmao. IS there a purpose? will there be a purpose?
rip that anthony went on a second honeymoon and had the balls to do it, i miss him being chained to his desk with violet slowly eviscerating him with a blunt knife
(i did detect some potential delicious conflict though re how slow violet's been at moving out of the house. i wonder if the show will get into that)
francesca and john stirling. aaah they snuck that one right by us. i love him and i love them! i'm not sure how much i like francesca yet though; i don't hate her but there's nothing i particularly like yet
so this is the first season where it's not (primarily) told from the point of view of a bridgerton. interesting.
i thought debling would've caught on earlier that some weird shit is going on with pen/colin, and with pen/eloise/cressida. but... well, either he did, or he's as dumb as a doornail (haha i know switched up the phrase). but yeah, at first i liked the idea of pen/debling, but by ep 4 he had become rather flavourless
portia's gonna be shook when she finds out pen and colin are getting married :3 she better be happy for pen! and also like, be nicer to her; i feel like there was a look from her towards the end of the ball in ep 4 where she might be rethinking how she talks to pen
anyway, will add to this post if i think of anything more.
that spoiler we got after the bowral screening of anthony being gifted a venetian glass ball; has that been cut from the ep...? instead he's just holding a ball which he is gonna try and fit into his mouth and/or hole for Science. string somehow attached ofc! can't have it getting lost 😈
SKDJNGK nearly forgot. okay so i have some thoughts re will and alice mondrich. with how gossipy and snipey and judgey the ton is, i'm surprised they were fairly well accepted into the ton. that is something i had not extrapolated on based on s1-2. but i do feel like cressida's mum and her friends are doing them dirty behind their backs. so that's... good... good as in, it doesn't invalidate what i headcanoned for a/b fic lmao
aaaaaand, once again for good measure - anthony's gay lil sit:
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