#yeah same sentiment
warpedpuppeteer · 2 months
Oh I just know Buck fucks nasty and rough when he's feeling possessive and has Eddie speaking in tongues while he shows Eddie what exactly the firehose was famous for.
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ghu-leh · 19 days
Late night tender moments - Secondo Emeritus:
The warm feeling of his kitchen, as he prepares a meal. The smell of the boiling pasta, simmering tomato sauce, and spices fill the air. Banter and little quips come and go between the two of you, as he guides you through his cooking process. As he puts the finishing touches on the two dishes, you sit on the countertop while your eyes take him in. You have never loved him as much as you did right in this moment.
A warm kiss exchanged in the garden late at night. Nature is quiet, and the ministry is asleep. The only sound you hear now is his voice, his breath. He firmly yet gently holds your waist, before tenderly placing a kiss on your lips. As you process the heat that now comes alive within you; the cool, calm wind of the night envelopes you. A contradiction that only happens in his presence.
The soft sound of the running sink awakens you, before you are welcomed by his scent. The silky bed sheets felt nice against your figure, but someone was missing. You sluggishly get off the bed, dragging your feet as you approached his restroom. You find him shaving his stubble, carefully grooming himself before he shoots a glance in your direction. Then a smile. Memories of your shared intimacy come flooding in. In the reflection of his mirror, you faintly see the marks on your neck that he left last night.
A flickering candlelight dances around in his room late at night, while he reads a book. You turn around in an attempt to conceal sleep, but give up as you look at him. "È tardi, piccolina" he adds distractedly, while he turns the page. "You are one to talk". He lets out a soft, rumbling chuckle at your little observation, before holding you closer to him. "Cattiva, cattiva..." His voice soothes you. His embrace ends up doing the trick, and you quickly fall asleep in his arms.
A slow dance shared in the privacy of his chambers. His piercing eyes adoringly look into yours, while you softly sway from side to side to the rhythm of the music that comes from his record player. You smile brightly, your eyes never leaving his. Not many words are exchanged, only glances that reveal shared longing. You rest your head against his chest, and as he continues guiding you through his dance, your senses focus on his heartbeat. You feel your body relax and all tensions dissipate, carried away by his touch.
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greensaplinggrace · 10 months
the darkling says “fine, make me your villain” because he is. what’s not clicking
#shadow and bone#grishaverse#sab#aleksander morozova#the darkling#pro darkling#sab meta#‘he acts like he isn’t the villain’ like yeah I guess if you want to examine it without any deeper analysis#when the statement itself is actually fascinating to put into a narrative context and analyze the means by which certain steadfast roles#are enacted throughout the books#and the larger implications of character want/desire and leading goal vs world state and perceived morality#largely due to prejudice and war time sentiments#as well as the individual harm caused and the way it’s significance becomes questionable when placed in stark contrast#to the broader political and socioeconomic climate#which doesn’t even take into consideration individual character roles and the doylist analysis of their relative functions as ideas#instead of entire personalities with depth#when you give an idealistic character a goal larger than life with a tactical relevance over a moral one#within a story that also centers around a broader goal of ‘saving the world’ as well as personal trauma#and attempt to liken both to the same moral equivalence and significance#then try to pit them against each other#especially when your narratively condemned villain desires more than anything to protect the masses and be loved for it#showing a fascinating level of genre unawareness. yet displaying a relative awareness to the role he has been unwillingly cast as#because he is both at odds with the genre but not with the general moral tone of the story and it's discordant messages#that rely on the pov of a character that fundamentally cannot understand him#because of his place in the story#and cannot understand the world state#because of her place in the story#you are going to get statements like this#sure yes. he ‘says it like he isn’t the villain’#but come on. we can do better
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spacedlexi · 4 months
speaking of fucked up overly hated female twdg characters i find it Super Interesting how people will say carver was the best villain in the whole series, but when lilly is literally just a successful carver (iron fist leader of a community turning children into soldiers) suddenly shes a bad/lame villain for some reason 🤔
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kasumingo · 2 months
Dunno what's so baffling in saying that teens need to have their conservative beliefs challenged
Conservative teens become conservative adults and we now have 21+ year olds that regurgitate boomer ideals because they've been unchallenged and encouraged by the environment they've been in
You see teens as little children who still don’t understand what they’re repeating and lack common sense, give them some credit
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psychotrenny · 1 year
After hearing about those vigilante killings in the USA, I find it strange how people are talking about them in terms of some abstract misanthropy rather than bringing up how the victims were part of heavily persecuted and demonised groups. Like do you really think that kid would have been shot if he was a little white boy? And plenty of people are rude and disruptive on public transport, but they usually aren't murdered for it because they aren't homeless and therefore aren't treated like literal vermin.
Like the problem isn't that these vigilante killers are too individualistic or lack a sense of community. More often than not they have a very strong sense of community as well as very strong ideas of what should happen to people they consider outside it
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fuckalicent · 9 months
now imagine if rhaenyra defended alicent the way they had her doing all season. imagine that
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rotisseries · 1 year
"I can see will appreciating all types of music genres" well I cannot. peace and love<3
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emotionaldisaster909 · 6 months
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b a b y ;-;💕
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homefryboy · 1 year
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some ppl...confuse me
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tirfpikachu · 2 months
damn son I'm literally a transandrophobia poster and I routinely rail against TIRFism and even I think your takes are wack. "AMAB privilege" GTFO with that man. we can lift up transmasc voices and promote trans unity and talk about radfem ingression into trans spaces without making this another AMAB/AFAB oppression olympics thing - that was the whole problem, we should be doing the opposite. stop taking words like TIRF and pretending to be against radfems when you're eating their talking points for breakfast
tirf means trans inclusive radfem, so tirfs actually are radfems! i am one myself. terfs aren't actually a thing - there are definitely transphobic radfems, but radfeminism includes ALL afab people, transmascs included. i'm still veryyy critical of how many handle trans issues. i reblog as much material as i can for my book, which very often includes not-so-kind terms/phrasing, but i do try to use language as respectful as i can in my own posts so i can have actual conversations with trans folks and trans activists, including saying amab/afab and agab instead of male/female.
i do believe that transfem people face unique oppression on the complicated axis of what ppl call transmisogyny. which imo is mostly a mix of sexism and homophobia if someone knows that person's sex/agab, mixed with conditional misogyny if they pass and live their life as afab. if they're outed as amab, they're seen as a gnc man again and with all the violent sexism that comes with that. it's a very complex form of oppression. i know they go through a lot of unique trauma, i'm not denying it.
but i also believe that afab people are uniquely oppressed as well.
if not, then what do you call this if not unique oppression? forced impregnation, abortion/pregnancy issues, period tax, lack of menstruation/uterus research & resources, afab bodies being under-represented in medicine which causes horrific things to happen, afab babies being aborted or killed at birth for being born with a vagina (afab) bc they're seen as lesser, afab upbringing coming with very unique experiences that amab ppl for better or worse will never understand (it is NOT a fucking privilege fuck you), being born with a body type that is very obviously vulnerable against people with penises sexually due to people with bio dicks feeling genital pleasure when they stick it in something, and god knows they will not give a shit about the person below them (look at fucking nature documentaries!!!). they will take off the condom. they will pressure ppl to do anal or give painful blowjobs. they will be creeps or jerks about pregnancy. they will generally put penises above vaginas and amab rights over afab rights, and this shit is DEEPLY ingrained in society. transfems being able to transition is very new, meaning that although they had many struggles before, they were not treated as female and had that (perhaps painful) privilege for MOST of human history. this meant being allowed to open a bank, go places without a husband, not being forced to be impregnated like cattle, not being forced to be a mother stuck in a kitchen, and having SOOO much more generational wealth at their disposal. afab ppl reading abt historical afab oppression is upsetting in a way that transfems will never fully be able to relate to. afab people have a deep, rich, unique culture and faced trauma for thousands of years and us being afab is not a privilege!! we have the privilege of not understanding transfem issues, sure, like a woman not being a lesbian won't face lesbophobia. but then again male-attracted women face violence from men in a unique way!! it's complex af when you're already marginalized
most ppl have an agab-based sexuality too, cis men included, meaning afab ppl are the ONLY *INTENDED* target of cis men's lust and sexual violence and whatever misogynistic bs they say about women, since most cis men are heterosexual. amab ppl face it, and it fucking sucks for them too, but they also only face it conditionally - the very second the cis guy realizes the person is amab, the usual trope is them throwing up thinking back on how they kissed and wanting to punch the "crossdressing pervert" EVEN if the transfem had every surgery possible and looked totally afab. they lose attraction, usually anyway, and physical violence linked to homophobia and gncphobia is the danger transfems then risk. which ofc is absolutely horrible, it can be life-ruining. but not an afabmisogyny experience. they aren't unconditionally sexualized. they are mistaken for afab due to all the surgeries and hormones they took. it's misdirected afabmisogyny due to ppl assuming they were born with a vagina and went thru afab puberty. and then harming them bc they see afab ppl as sex objects and dumb bitches, they see us being born and raised afab as a weakness. they hate us and want us for our sex/agab. most misogyny is about specifically afab people! and yes transmisogyny sucks, it should be called out too for sure. but when fem transmascs pass as transfem post-transition they always are open about experiencing misdirected transmisogyny and talking abt transfem rights etc etc. why can't transfems do the same with cis women and transmascs?? why can't they talk abt how transmisogyny & misogyny against cis women are both bad in different ways? it's always them being victims vs those evil privileged bitches!!
and not just quickly mention it but ACTUALLY speak up about it, uplift afab voices, and be genuinely good afab allies? where are the posts from transfems calling out transfems' afabmisogyny? why can't transmascs or cis women write posts abt it without being met by death threats and terf accusations? i know you think you can only further transandrophobia discussions by tiptoing around the existence of afab-exclusive misogyny. i know talking abt transmasc-unique issues already leads to insane amounts of bullying from afab & transfem folks. but i'm tired of transfems getting away with shitty behavior. i'm tired of cis women being only seen as oppressors against transfems. something needs to change. i truly believe that radfeminism isn't a lost cause, and in fact there are more and more transmasc radfems, and even transfems who are strong radfem allies. people are finally waking up to the realities of afab oppression!! they're finally embracing nuance!
misogynistic behavior from transfems gets brushed under the rug and them being amab is seen as completely irrelevant, anyone bringing it up is a bigot, while afab folks are more than open to their agab being a factor in conflict... it's unfair. as you've shown, transfems and the ppl speaking for them refuse to have nuanced talks abt afab oppression, they view it as "omg we're all oppressed!! shut the fuck up theyfab go bootlick those privileged cis cunts! no one wants to hear about your issues for longer than a minute, only listen to MINE!! being afab is a PRIVILEGE i didn't get to grow up afab stop rubbing it in my face!!!" what sucks is that transfems and transfem allies used to be soooo much more respectful of cis women and transmasc people's rights too. literally NO ONE used to say that being afab genuinely meant you got benefits in society. no one. like holy fucking shit. the past 20 years has been a fever dream!!!
i'm 100% for transfems living their best lives, transition included, and i've heard many horror stories of transfem-specific experiences i'll never truly understand. but it's not a strict oppressor/oppressed dynamic all the time. just because you're not oppressed on every axis of oppression ever doesn't mean you have no struggles. it's fucking insane that i keep needing to explain that to people, like oh my god do y'all not understand that someone can be both privileged and disprivileged in society in different ways, and might need to both have their voices boosted sometimes and ALSO need to take a back seat other times??? this ain't us cis radfems OR transandrophobia activists just playing oppression olympics. this is an oppressed group talking abt their unique struggles and being mocked to hell and back. and it's sad that it's seen as catty and selfish and bitchy. but as an afab woman i'm not surprised lmao.
and yeah you might speak on transmasc issues, but do you speak on afab rights? do you call out misogynistic bullshit that transfems say about cis women too? do you speak on cis women's oppression as well, about how they're oppressed by amab people too and are oppressed in a different way than transmasc or transfem folks, for being afab and ALSO identifying as women? do you mention how afab people are a uniquely oppressed class of people, or are you too scared of stepping on transfem toes bc they're seen as the top of the oppression pyramid and will harass you off the site?? why is saying that amab people as a class have privilege over afab folks on an oppression axis controversial? what about that feels like an attack?
if you're transfem or otherwise are amab and live perceived as afab, and you aren't afraid to recognize that afab oppression is its own thing and deserves its own voice and its own movement, ily bestie. i see you. i see more and more of you lately and it warms my heart. we aren't enemies, we can learn from eachother. thank you for working thru that initial knee-jerk reaction and learning to be a good ally to afab folks. i wish you the best <3 and if you're transmasc you DESERVE to have your voice heard too. you deserve to speak on afab rights and for transfems to want to be good allies to you too!! ALL afab people have unique voices that need to be heard for once!
#asks#this was long af sorry i went off lol#i understand your pov anon bc i had it even just a few years ago i was overprotective of transfems#i acted like afab ppl had talked enough and should stfu like they were the lowest bar of oppressed in society#that transfems had it worse by default and any talk of afab rights would make them dysphoric esp if transfems weren't centered#but EVEN THEN even when transfems are mentioned in afab-specific issues they STILL get mad#it isn't an amab/afab oppression olympics thing#and it's so childish of you to draw that conclusion#but it makes sense bc it's the current sentiment in trans spaces. any talk of afab-only issues makes ppl uncomfortable#any talk of transfems not only being the oppressed but also the oppressor class on a different axis makes ppl foam at the mouth#meanwhile afab ppl in general are more than happy to recognize they're privileged on another axis of oppression generally#why is that?#i'm tempted to say amab upbringing (and afab upbringing making ppl want to shield others at all costs esp amab ppl)#but i know now that i said it ppl will be even MORE pissed off#idk. i'm so glad i started recognizing my own afab oppression as mattering too. that thing where women are seen as talking so much more#than men even though if they talked the same amount? yeah. that still impacts things like this lol. identity doesn't change that#idk. respect one another and give equal space to all marginalized folks. simple easy and free!! and yet!!!#lay text#my words#radblr
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poelya · 2 months
team "poe and han are alike but not like that (fanon arrogant playboy stereotype)"
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seventh-fantasy · 5 months
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三年前夜开宫门 // 十年前东海一战
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muirneach · 2 months
it is fascinating to me that the majority of people it seems have never considered that borders are just lines on a map? its just a piece of paper? not to have anarchic tendencies but like. it’s just words
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sad-emo-dip-dye · 6 months
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cracking up at the notes I left last time I read this
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lazuliquetzal · 11 months
i want to hear the sports anime manifesto
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Okay short version:
My life was a sports anime for a bit, and watching sports anime makes me nostalgic for those days.
Medium version:
The typical shonen sports anime deals with themes of camaraderie, ambition, and the intersections of camaraderie and ambition, which ALWAYS hits me right in the chest.
I'm not an ambitious person by nature, but--you know that one poem floating around on here, the one about the moth that wants nothing more than to fly into the flame, and how it would be nice to feel that kind of all consuming passion? Yeah, that's the feeling I get from sports anime.
And often, for the Team Sports anime, you'll get characters who have nothing in common except that they Love the Same Thing--a friendship/rivalry/(romance) formed on the basis of a shared interest. That's sweet as hell!
And they're super predictable and low stress for me. Very easy to watch! Total popcorn shows. Also I like listening to people infodump about their passions. Someone loved their Sport so much they wrote a whole-ass story about it, so yeah, eat that shit up.
Long version:
The Socioeconomic Inequalities of High School Sports
In high school, I was on a crappy underfunded soccer team (with a healthy dose of sexism) and due to [sports league division reasons] the schools we played against were almost exclusively private schools.
I cannot describe how existential it is to be wearing a hand-me-down formerly white-turned-disgusting-gray uniform that's at least five years old when playing against a team that gets brand new windbreakers every season.
(If you've read AAB, YES this is where my obsession with the windbreakers comes from.)
(Hilariously, the guys team got windbreakers but we didn't.)
(I am not over the fucking windbreakers.)
But anyway, when you're constantly losing to private schools you get this fucking complex about it.
This should come as no surprise but like. People with the time and resources to practice their Thing get good at their Thing.
Playing pick up soccer at the park is practice. Playing rec league soccer is organized, repeated practice.
Playing competitive club soccer is all of that, plus a coach who knows How To Coach and What The Sport Is, plus you get morale-boosting uniforms and the chance to play with and against other skilled players. So you're exposed to a lot more, and thus, you learn a lot more.
Competitive club soccer is also Expensive. Rich kids get good.
There's a reason why the "Powerhouse School" is a thing in sports anime, because it's a thing in real life. People with leisure time and money get to invest in their sports development, and everyone else gets left behind in the dust. It's basically a microcosm of capitalism.
The underdog sports story is (quite tragically) bootstraps propaganda. All you have to do is be really good and work really hard and have A LOT OF PASSION to get good at your sport! The cream rises to the top! This is a meritocracy! Let's ignore all the other factors that go into an individual's development as an athlete!
(My brother got scouted for club soccer as a kid. He actually went to tryouts and got offered a spot and a scholarship and everything, but there's SO many hidden fees after the initial registration. Uniforms, equipment, travel and accommodation, tournaments, plus like, the time sink, so we never signed him up. And equipment-wise, soccer is one of the cheapest sports you can play--just imagine the price for something like baseball or hockey.)
In sports anime, there is no reform. There is no revolution.
But sports anime isn't really about that. It's about the narratives we create when we convince ourselves that we deserve to win.
(You know what I mean. Every billionaire is convinced they're some sort of heroic underdog. The same exact kind of 'working your way up' narrative.)
Sports anime is like, the uncomplicated power fantasy of playing the game. It's a world where you are rewarded for your hard work, because it's narratively satisfying. It's a world where it's safe to want things, because you have the exact same chances as the private school kids.
I used to be an obnoxiously competitive child. Then I got all my competition beaten out of me by 3 straight years of constant losing in my clownagerie of a high school soccer team (affectionate). I am going to admit that experience made me a better person and I would not trade it for anything, but I also had to like, relearn how to want things. And maybe real life is not as equal opportunity as the world of sports anime, but I think it's good to want things.
Of course, the winner-loser dichotomy makes sense in sports because of the inherent nature of competition, but it doesn't make sense in stuff like society and economics because that's like, competing over the right to live. That's where the capitalism metaphor ends,
Does sports anime actually go into the socioeconomic inequalities of sports? No. Of course not. Giant Killing never got a season 2.
But it is something I think about when I write sports anime fic. Even if it's not the point, it influences my characterization. The ego of a prodigy character in a shitty sports program is different from the ego of a prodigy character in a rich kid sports program. I am obligated to my amateur attempts to capture the complexities of the high school sports environment in my fanfiction because I am fucking insane I had a specific high school sports experience and they do say to write what you know.
#MEG I SWEAR TO YOU I WILL READ TANGERINE AT SOME POINT#I have so many thoughts about sports anime which is tragic because sports anime is not that deep#it is never that deep#part of the reason why I got so sucked into Daiya is because of the powerhouse school setting#and the fact that Eijun was so obviously lost because he never had that kind of organized system before#people give Seidou a lot of shit for 'not helping Eijun' enough but genuinely it's because he has NO CLUE how to reach out#I poured so much brainpower into Eijun's backstory in my brain it's embarrassing as hell#*shaking fanfic authors by the shoulders* YEAH THE CUTTHROAT COMPETION SUCKS BUT YOU DONT FIX IT BY SENDING HIM TO A DIFFERENT SCHOOL#I also am the only person who understands Miyuki Kazuya (exaggeration)#everyone gives him shit for the Nabe thing and look. yes he was wrong.#but I was once in that same exact situation and responded exactly the same way#Daiya no Ace is not about friendship#it's about Ambition#and people tend to make Eijun the sweet sentimental sunshine friendship guy#but he has JUST as much cutthroat ambition as Miyuki#that's why they work. that's why they understand each other#there's a whole essay I could write about Misawa but it's basically just chapter 18 of AAB#anyway if you want to watch a sports anime that does the Healthy Ambition and the Friendship Thing in the most wholesome way possible#watch Haikyuu. it really is the perfect sports anime.#shame the fanfic is 99% ship because the sports aspect of it is SUPER sweet#asks#jumpstrike#I'm answering jumpstrike but Tav I hope you see this too#lazuli talks#sports anime
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