#yeah so this is actually a drawing i made for my coworker because i'm a committer who will do anything
zincbart · 1 month
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take a deep breath and hold it in hold it in
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thepalaceofharuhime · 6 months
Looking at your fandoms, I can’t help but think some sort of Bingqiu in Spy X Family (or a SxF Xianxia fusion) could be super fun!
The question is… what would their roles be.
Assassin Luo Binghe, or spy Luo Binghe… and which of them gets gender swapped. 🤔
Oh!! Maybe Shen Yuan was meant to be an ally of the female half of the main duo, Liu Mingyan, but through shenanigans he somehow ends up with her role instead, and the System demands he fake marry Binghe anyway. 😂
This is exactly the kind of prompt i was hoping for! TY!!! 🙏
The way i see it Binghe would definitely be the assassin, Shen Yuan is too big of a softie not to mention one who so easily put on the mask of another man before so he would definitely be the spy.
But also being oblivious to feelings yet a capable badass, bad in the kitchen, feeling inadequate as a partner? All Shen Yuan. Binghe with his protagonist Halo meanwhile would fit better with Mr. All around perfect Husband. So i guess it'd be a little like Yor and Loyd had switched professions.
Shen Yuan's over protective brother in a position of power? I wonder who that would be? Enter Shen Jiu haha. Rather than secret police he'd be a detective looking in to all the murders rather than keeping state secrets from spies though. To keep that rivalry between him Binghe. The family member Binghe became an assassin to provide for? His mom. The gardener AKA the guy who hired him and hands him his missions? Meng Mo. Franky,the spy's funny informant and gadget supplier, occasional babysitter and not to mention bestfriend? Shang Qinghua.
I dont know if i should replace Fiona with Liu Quinge as Fiona's character really would fit Binghe better. But Liushen is a weakness of mine even if onesided and those two were just made for coworker romances. Maybe I should give Binge someone trying to woe him too? Sha hualing? Then if i dont go with your other idea of having SY transmigrate in to Liu Mingyan (which i am saving up in my head because i absolutely love the idea) then i can add something in the background with her and Sha hualing. I'm positive i could find a way to write in Mobei for SQH or i could go with Scumplane and have him end up Shen Jiu and actually yeah that would work, need to distract SJ long enough for Bingyuan to get it on afterall. Oh what about SQH x SJ x LQG? Or should Shen Yuan get a second husbandafterall? Alternatively imagine LQG crying over a bowl of icecream.
Next question is if SY didnt transmigrate into LMY then who is he? What about Ning Yingying? Who could be SJ's little sister in this world? Or he couldve just been put in there as a female version of himself. Or like it was with Shen quingiu a character who vaguely resembles him and has a similar name. She just happens to be a woman though. Or maybe go with the mulan aproach and have him crossdress? But then how does he explain to his brother that he's suddenly - he could say that he's in love with binghe and the only way to marry him was fake his papers to pretend to be a woman since queer marriage isnt yet allowed in their fictional country. Like no one cares if they date its just they havent gotten to the legalisation of marriage yet. And if SJ asks why they had to get married so suddenly anyway (cuz no way in hell is SY getting away with saying he forgot to tell him for a year) he could say that they had to so they could adopt their daughter. Who in this case scenario could be Ning Yingying, should she still have Anyas powers? damian could be Ming fan or the little palace girl or whatever (im not yet far enough in the books to now her and the old man that well so id have to check the wiki) and i could make the palace master donovan desmond and have SY and LBH team up to take him down in the end.
Anyways yeah these are just some ideas, and again thanks for the prompt! I can't wait to write this! Maybe i'll draw something for it later too. ❤️
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benjinoff13 · 1 year
CATWS through a blackhill lens
part 1: Fury’s “death”
before i get into this is just wanna say that these are just my headcanons, when i have a non canon ship i like to find a way to ship them that allows me to still enjoy the canon story meaning i often find a way around the story that we get, this means that with blackhill i have to find a way around nat and steve, nat and bruce, but most importantly, the undeniable tension between nat and maria in catws, if you don’t like blackhill or disagree with this that’s fine, just don’t read
in my headcanon nat and maria get together during their shield days, maybe even before we first meet nat in iron man 2, i believe they're going strong during avengers and their relationship is tested during catws which i will discuss in these posts
there's a lot happening in catws and blackhill wise i think it's by far the most interesting movie, i'll be discussing several scenes but this post is about fury's "death"
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when the scene where fury is in surgery starts we see nat and steve looking into the operating room (i won't be discussing how weird it is that they can do that), steve is already there and nat joins him in the room, on the left we can see maria on the phone
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pretty soon maria joins nat and steve, she looks into the operating room for a second, the three of them briefly discuss what happened which leads to my favorite canon blackhill moment, nat guesses the bullets that were used to shoot fury are soviet made and maria confirms this by simply saying "yeah", now this doesn't sound like anything interesting but i recommend ya’ll to rewatch this scene cause the way she says it is just so so soft, with the way she says this one simple word maria is trying to say "i'm here for you, i know this is hard, this isn't your fault, you did everything you could, it's gonna be okay, i love you" because she can't say those actual words, she cant hold nat's hand and hug her an let her fall apart against her, neither of them want that, both because there's other people there and because nat isn't ready to feel her feelings like that just yet, she doesn't want to accept this and she doesn't want to acknowledge her grief, maria knows this
maria also knows better than anyone what fury meant to nat, he was (is) the closest thing nat had to a father and at this point he’s one of the very few people that know about her relationship with maria, maria knows losing fury would mean losing a family member, knowing what it means to nat and also losing someone very important herself we can tell that maria is extremely emotional, i have to say that to me it isn't clear whether maria knows fury's death is fake at this point but considering her reaction i don't think she knows, maria is a good liar but nobody can act that well
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after the doctors call time of death steve walks away (it's important to note there are still a few people standing behind maria and nat, at no point are they alone during this scene), we get these two shots of just maria and nat that i am absolutely in love with, the first is of both of them still looking into the o.r. we can tell both of them are absolutely distraught, as i said before fury meant a lot to them both as individuals and to their relationship, nat is absolutely speechless which doesn't happen often and our “hardass hill" has a red nose from stress and crying, if you rewatch the scene you can even see maria’s lip quivering
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in the second shot we see maria leaning against the windowsill in front of them, i interpret this is her offering her hand in case nat wants to take it, you can see her left hand is at shoulder width while the right hand reaches towards nat, she would never take nat's hand in front of coworkers without asking and she also wants to give nat space which we will later learn she needs a lot, but she wants to offer that comfort to natasha regardless, maria taps her finger a few times to draw nat’s attention to her hand and to tell her she can hold it if she needs to, after a few second natasha still doens't take maria's hand, it’s too much, too soft, there’s too many people there, she simply can’t
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in the next scene we see nat saying goodbye to fury with steve standing in the back, again it start with the two of them and then maria enters the scene, she tells steve that she needs to take fury's body, by saying this she implies she wants steve to tell nat it's time, we don't know if maria and nat talked in between these scenes but i don't think they did, i believe their relationship started to slip after new york and fury's "death" was the final drop, there's so much strain on their relationship and they're both going through so much that at this point they're feeling more distant from each other than they have in years, natasha shuts herself off and puts her walls back up that maria spent years breaking down, they're scared that if they talk about what's going on they'll either break down and lose sight of the mission or lose each other, so they don't talk at all
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again we see maria more emotional than we have ever seen or will ever see her, after a few second steve goes to get nat
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and then this last shot i'll talk about is also the most heartbreaking to me, i can't imagine how heartwrenching is must be for maria to not be able to comfort nat in this situation and have to see someone else try to do this, deep down she wants to wrap nat in her arms and let both nat and herself break down but neither of them have time for that so instead she watches the love of her life lose one of the most important people to her and be comforted by her new friend that they barely know, first she looks at them, then she simply can't bare it anymore and looks away, she can't look at fury's body, she can't look at natasha's heartbroken expression and she can't look at steve standing in the spot she should be in, so she looks away
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finally nat walks away and maria can't resist, she glances towards nat, she has to look at her, one second of eye contact will tell her enough, will nat leave forever or will she come back to her, will she feel her feelings or will she focus too much on the mission and self destruct, will she dissapear or will she break her old pattern, nat doesn't look up, so maria never finds out what she needs to know, and more importantly, she doesn't get to look into nat's eyes which is the only thing that could bring her the slightest bit of comfort and ease
part 2: the bunker scene (coming soon)
part 3: nat and steve (coming soon)
part 4: snippets (coming soon)
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humanmorph · 7 months
pal33. i kind of just wanted to post a drawing but ended up writing a ton somehow...
I didn't take a ton of notes for this. I think it's mostly because it's so cold lately I don't feel like taking my hands out of my pockets, and also I'm not great at typing while walking so I'd have to stop, which, cold again!
Keith talking about how ruminating /calms Eclectic down/ made me grasp my head. Like in disbelief. I went HUH?! out loud. I still haven't quite pinned down the exact emotion that was brought forth by, but I think it was partly a kind of the feeling that I was actively being catered to when I wasn't expecting that OR even wanted it like. I already liked the guy. This was unnecessary. And the other part was that I love it. Absolutely obsessed with this flavour of weirdguy-ism. It's so good in a... Hm. Ok I'm having Eclectic thoughts that I'll hold onto for now, but like. "good to have a character sketch" yeah it sure is!
...and here are a bunch of other Eclectic thoughts that aren't the ones I just mentioned. i did not even expect to type all this when i started
(SANGFIELLE SPOILERS IN THIS PARAGRAPH? sorry.) It IS kind of strange to have a new character coming in this late w/ how close the Blue Channel crew is... I've noted before that it's like, different to other FatT seasons were everyone is just so coworkers ever (Sangfielle being the epitome of that. To Me. "[...] and it is you standing over the body of someone you used to work with." BANGER line). Even Phrygian was weird, but in a way that fit because of who they were. What also plays into this is noone except Figure really having space for gravity clocks. Which like... obviously characters can have relationships without those, but there's a reason they exist which is like, this is so important that it has mechanical advantage, or this is something I want to explore, like that means something? And I still wish Phrygian had had more, because the one with Figure didn't even end up coming up like, basically at all. It's a shame Brnine was so popular re: clocks bc those two could've really benefitted from a gravity clock, since they were together on missions a lot with the B-Plot thing. Well and also I liked them. Sigh ok I got sidetracked. Phrygian... But yeah, it may just be that this sortie is exterbating it bc Eclectic is literally by himself fucking around disconnected from everyone going through the horrors together (and that's bonding, baby!). I don't know how much longer the season will be, and maybe the feeling I currently have, which is like "it's the Blue Channel! ...and that other guy" will change. And like if it wasn't clear I do love that other guy I think that other guy is the most immediately compelling character Keith has had (similarly to Phrygian, actually. With Phrydge it was the concept & design that really excited me (Branched!!!) and with Eclectic it's that he's literally so funny and also Keith acts him great)! And he JUST got here, so I don't wanna be unfair. But it's been kicking around in my head & I wanted to write it down at least. It's like, would /I/ like his character to have a deeper connection to the rest of the player characters? Yeah generally I guess I would. Does Keith gaf about that as a player? I don't know that, but it's probably less of an impulse for him than, say, Ali. That would be my guess as a listener, anyways. And I hope Keith is having a better time playing now! It feels like it, but then again I also had no clue that he /didn't/ with Phrygian until he said it. (Still miss Phrygian though. Which is in combat with me being actually really happy with how they end up, like it might be the most a character 'death' on FatT has worked for me (not that there are /that/ many, but still).)
Back to. the episode: Good ep! I don't have all that much to say (OK. LIE). Just a thoroughly good time in a bunch of different ways. Love the singular character focus. Also just really Fun, like, made me laugh a lot. Fun interactions between good friends and whatnot. A bit that made me laugh was at the end when Ali was trying to figure out how to be find a way through the catacombs and suggests something that Austin has this "what?? no. thats scary." reaction to. Wait I'll just get it:
ALI: [talking about navigating the catacombs] And does it involve going through one of these body holes. AUSTIN: (genuinely aghast) Oh my god! ALI: Like, are there other tunnels. AUSTIN: There are other tunnels but you never have to go through a body hole- well, I shouldn't say never. That's SO creepy.
Which then gets the very great visual of Brnine doing that. Like it IS creepy and person having to crawl through tight space IS a thing that just gets me, even though it doesn't really get focus here I can't help but immediately picturing it... I was also for some reason expecting for there to be another body blocking the way... I've said this before and then was immediately like haha jk but I'm over it I will stop pretending I'm NOT kidding. I want Figure to roll worse. I miss Gur. Can you Fail Figure? I miss my friend Gur Sevraq. It's a thin line between that and Figure dying though (I DON'T WANT THIS. Because I want them to go further as a character but also, (thought I had only recently) what happens to my friend. Name of Gur Sevraq?). Anyways Gur... "This is false. But not all false things are impossible. And many have happened before." and "This is a thing that has already happened. She has seen it." <- has me sitting down and stapling my fingers. The. Perennial. Perennial
I don't have anything to say about Brnine aside from that I love them and that Ali is on her A-game. "Brnine is. Brnine and killed the president but is still a goofy loser" like. Ok. That's everything to me
The differences in, say, Thisbe's dream vision vs. Figures is interesting. And Cori falls somewhere in the middle? Like, Figure catching on really quickly, and also being in this situation of... all their friends are dead. People fear them. Being so immediately one that they are uncomfortable in & that feels somewhat alien vs. Thisbe being in a role that she envisions for herself and as such presumably feels comfortable in? Austin seems to be playing at the hooks with the visions (& they are what got immediately affected when they entered those), and for Figure it's probably "The only way to escape the Witch is by endangering others, but they seem eager to accept the risk." that feels the most relevant there? Maybe the Witch part less so, but least Austin mentioning that Cori specifically sacrificed herself to save Figure reminded me of this just now. For Thisbe it's "Fighting is not my purpose, but there is nowhere else for me until the fighting is over.", which I already talked a bit about above, though what's super interesting to me there is that this is obviously not all that's happening. I don't quite know what to do with there being More of Thisbe / units of her type... Or how she feels about that, if any which way. Cori's is interesting too because next to her sword + shield tenets being pulled in (specifically mentioning that they should be on the defense multiple times, which Cori ignores to charge ahead!) it's also the sense of her not wanting to be... underestimated or looked down on. Which is very much the vibe with Elle as a rival btw (it's fun. I'm happy Austin is having a good time with them lol). Oh! Also Austin says something about how it would've gone bad either way (even if Cori HAD stayed back to defend), which is another difference to both of the others visions, but expecially Thisbe's. Vibes just different. Well I'm curious what'll happen there next! Brnine is coming to visit! I didn't even mean to type this much but this really is very cool to me. I'm looping back around to what Gur said, too... Wish they were here...
Oh and Cori being glad to see Figure & hugging them really got to me too. They're sweet :' ).
and finally.
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I'm a simple woman I hear her name and I clap and cheer. originally this drawing was at the top but then I was like nah this is for people who either read everything OR clicked the readmore to then scroll past it... either way. work for it a little. i liked how it turned out! this is currently my new favourite brush.
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kjdkive · 2 years
cold weather with warm kisses — kth
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fluff, tae being a total cutie
A long and heavy winter day. The coffee shop you worked at had many clients today, making you sick of espressos, caramel syrup and almond milk. Not to mention all the coffee spilled on your shirt. The place was small and new, that's why only you and other girl worked the afternoon shift; the problem was that with 15 people waiting in line, you saw the message of your coworker telling you that she wouldn't be going to work because she was sick. Couldn't she have done that earlier? It would, at least, mentally prepare you.
But it was now 10pm, and you were washing the last cups and cleaning the tables. You had now closed the doors to clean peacefully, without people entering. Your arms were telling you to stop moving because of how tired you were, and you also felt like if you saw another client you'd explode. Suddenly, you heard someone knocking at the crystal door. You sighed, trying to ignore the sound thinking it was a client trying to get something. There wasn't any problem if you didn't look back at the person, the place was already closed. You kept cleaning, but they kept knocking at the door. It really bothered you. So you turned around and looked who was so eager to get coffee.
"It's close—!" you tried to say, but you couldn't finish because you saw who it was.
You saw your boyfriend outside, greeting you with the biggest and cutest smile you've ever seen, waving his right hand at you. He knocked again, and pointed to the window so you pay more attention to him than you were already paying.
Without knowing what he was planning to do, he blew hot air on the window and drew a heart, never getting that big smile off his face. When he finished drawing the heart, he raised his arms over his head making a heart shape which made you laugh loudly. He really looked really cute, and the big puffer he was wearing making him look so small made him look cuter.
"Oh, Kim Taehyung." you sighed, smiling.
This type of gestures, you could say you were used to them now, but they never failed to make you feel happy.
You took your apron off, turned off the lights and grabbed your jacket to head outside. You closed the doors and made sure they were safely locked.
"Taeee!" you hugged you boyfriend, falling in his arms.
"How was your day, babe?" he asked, holding you tight.
"Horrible!" you hid your face on his chest, enjoying the warmth he was radiating.
"Do you want me to kick some ass to whoever made your day horrible?"
You laughed again and shook your head to let him know that it wasn't necessary, even though you knew he wouldn't actually do it. It's part of the job at the end of the day. He opened his jacket, and opened it so you could get inside and be closer, and warmer.
"It's not that." you said, making yourself comfortable on his embrace. "Well, yes, but no. My coworker told me 3 hours after opening that she was going to take the day off, and dear God, Taehyng, you don't know how many people came today. I really don't wanna see another coffee machine... or milk. Oh God, not milk! But it doesn't matter now, how was your day?"
"I'm sorry to hear that, baby. My day was just lectures and assignments." He started carressing your hair and cheeks while he spoke. "You worked really hard today, angel." He got closer, shaking your nose with his. You would make fun of him for his petnames, or how he was treating you. But you felt like you really needed that today, so you just got the closest you could to him.
"Your hugs make me feel better, so it doesn't really matter to me anymore."
"I know my hugs are magical, you don't have to tell me. But I don't want you to get cold, let's go home, yeah?" Taehyung separated himself from you, and zipped your jacket all the way up, he took his scarf off of him and put it around you. It felt warm, since he was already wearing it before, and it also smelled like him. He took your hand to start walking, and moved you to the other side, you know, the sidewalk rule as he calls it.
"I'll cook you ramen while you take a warm shower and then we'll watch your favorite show." He told you, while getting closer to you to give you little kisses on your cheek.
You just smiled. What did you do to ever get a boyfriend like this? You could only thank the universe for letting you have the chance to have someone love you this way.
english is not my first language, sorry for any mistakes.
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shirogane-oushirou · 4 months
poppy red, chocolate cosmos, and maroon for ren? :3c
nick my friend nick~!! hope you're having a friend lead-up to valentines day with kylar and rika and the squid kids~~~! you're going to have a busy day KJNASKJDN. 🙏🏻💕 ty for the ask!!!
Poppy Red: How familiar is your f/o about Valentine's Day or their source's equivalent of it? What's their opinion of it?
ren has had a number of partners in the past, and so has had multiple experiences with valentines day, ranging from "that was... fine...!" to "DISASTER" :'( he tried to make up for a socially isolated childhood by finding Someone. Anyone. to be in a relationship with, and he'd often flip from completely overdoing things to trying to play it too casual. his partners would inevitably leave feeling some level of disappointed... so the day's somewhat tainted by bad memories. that plus his general negative feelings towards holidays (family shit yippee) makes valentines supremely stressful for him, even though the /CONCEPT/ of the day seems nice! it takes someone with similar social expectations and views of most holidays (hieeeeee. smile.) to finally find a good middle ground approach to the day that works for both of us!.... it still stresses him out though. poor thing. 😫
Chocolate Cosmos: If your f/o was talking about you to someone like a close friend, how exactly would they talk about you? How would they describe you? Characterize you? And how often do they talk about you to other people?
before dating, doc! and v!ren spend a lot of time trying to avoid the fact that he likes me (doesn't want a repeat of past bad relationships, doesn't want to ruin something good, etc), so i feel like he's the "oh they're such a fun FRIEND, i love being their FRIEND, my FRIEND ro showed me this thing--" type, like he's trying to convince himself that that's how he sees me. most others see right through him though KJASNDKJN. r!ren doesn't have as many hangups about his relationships so he's more straightforward. if he was talking to his coworkers, he'd keep things to a Normal level. he'd mention me if he needed to refer to me for something ("oh, ro said that movie was good, do you recommend it too?" "ro and i went to a botanical garden this weekend, how about you?"), though if he was watching me stream art during a lunch break and someone asked about it, he'd fawn over me ("YEAH it's cool right? that's my FRIEND ro, they drew all of these things, look look look you can see them drawing now, they're--") kJNASDKJN. around his sister, though? no holds barred. she's the one who puts it in his head that he's ALLOWED to try romance again, and that i seem sensible and that we'd be fairly attuned to each other, so ofc she's the one he always goes to if he needs to gush. i think he'd focus on my perseverance and passion, but also my art skills, the efforts i've made to improve myself, the "gap moe" between my resting blank face vs my care for others + excitement over my interests, and uhhhhh how cute he thinks i am KJNSKJN. and i think he'd want to stress how much calmer he feels in our relationship. his past relationships all ended up being pretty shallow and unhealthy because he wasn't in the right mindset for it. now that he has a relationship that, even on days when we don't agree w each other, is infinitely healthier and easier... he wants anyone listening to know that i'm irreplaceable to him.
Maroon: What are both of your love languages? How much do they clash and/or mesh with each other?
his are quality time + physical touch, mine is acts of service. i feel like we've worked things out pretty well, actually! when he's done with work, we'll spend the evening just sitting together, snuggling and enjoying each others' company and catching up on each others' days. i like to cook nice meals for him when i can; no matter which ren it is, he could use a little extra nutrition sjkdfn. if i'm in his place, i also like to tidy up while he's out, and with my health situation, i deeply appreciate when he goes out of his way to bring things to me or help clean things around my place when i can't get up ;;; 😭 and we'll sometimes do things that combine all of our languages together!! once in a while, we'll take a night to shower together, one of us sitting in a shower chair while the other thoroughly washes their hair and body, massaging their scalp and helping them relax, and then we switch places. then we get into soft pjs, dry each others' hair, maybe continue with some skincare... yknow. just. spending time really focusing on each other, connecting physically in a non-sexual way, and doing something kind to help let out tension. 🥺💕
(ask game here)
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mynameisnotsoda · 5 months
Lore dumping my fnaf au
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I just remembered that I inserted myself and my best friend into the au for funsies (you'll notice I do that a lot. This is how cringe I am)
In my first draft I went on a rant abt how much I hated Wilbur's face but after going back to fix it I just needed to add his glasses LMAO. Initially I forgot about the face paint until I stared at my ref LMAO it's supposed to look faded and I think I did a pretty damn good job
Other than that the rest is fine. Erm. I didn't think I'd yap so much about that the actual lore is below the cut lawl
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This is Maya!!!! (she/they) she's the mechanic in the pizzaplex, is addicted to caffeine, and is my bestest friend !!!!!! In the au we live together and also work at the same place that's so funny ‼️‼️
They usually work the night shift but if there needs to be emergency repairs during the day they're always on call for that. Nights usually consist of checkups and clean up of the animatronics and androids (will get into that later).
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Clearly, I have a favorite, so he's also my favorite in the au itself LMAO cSoda works in the daycare but often leaves to bother the animatronics ☝️☝️‼️‼️
the daycare has an art station so that's where they work, they also help clean up and watch over the kids with the daycare androids !!! Who are *drumroll* Mumbo and Grian !!!!
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(I forgot the makeup in this doodle,, and apparently the white stripe on the red part of the dress uggghh) the daycare androids are supposed to be more human looking to not scare the little kids, but cartoony (and tall) enough to differentiate from the human coworker. I like to imagine their faces are rly simple bc they're LED screens with projected expressions to make emotions n stuff. Plus I wanted to keep their faces similar to their skins with an in universe reason for it pfsjshgdhdh
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Tumblr keeps bugging out every time I wanna post and it's DRIVING ME INSANE !!!! half this post got deleted and I'm SO MAD ABOUT IT but anyway here's the refs I made like 2 years ago. Their designs haven't changed since I made them so I probably won't remake them unless I start hating my old art enough LMAO
The canon heights I never wrote down so here they are: Ranboo 8'0, Wilbur 7'2, Maya 5'4, I'm 5'7, Grian 7'0, Mumbo 8'0, James 7'0, Tommy 6'6, Jimmy 5'5 and Schlatt wasnt in the AU at the time but he's 6'4
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I didnt really make this au for anything except silly scenarios and because making the designs were fun pFF ALSO I FORGOT TO MENTION Sneeg is dj music man !!!! I never got around to drawing him before since I just figured out recently I wanted him to be dj music man so yeah !!
I know this isn't that much of a lore dump but I think I got all my thoughts out for now lawl everything will be under the animatronicfication au tag :v
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I have GOT to draw Wilbur the way I used to. The biblically accurate animatronic eyes do NOT look good in my art style 😭😭 also I just noticed I basically painted the same thing into my sketchbook wtf I completely forgot about this doodle until I found it after digging for au art 🤯🤯
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enbywerewolf · 2 months
I was tagged in a "get to know you better" thing by @comesitintheclover! Thanks!
last song: Ciba Mato - Sugar Water (I was obsesssssed with them in my 20s, and kind of forgot about them, then remembered the other day and started listening to them again)
favorite color: Pink and baby blue! Yeah it's trans colors. Yeah I'm basic.
currently watching: Dimension 20. Of course, I'm watching the current season of Fantasy High, but I'm also catching up on old seasons and just started The Seven.
sweet/savory/spicy: Sweeeeeet. I just ate a salted caramel and chocolate fudge that a coworker made.
relationship status: single baby. Hit me up if you want to take me for walks and rub my belly.
current obsession: lol pokemon go. Aaaah, I love pokemon so much. Every pokemon is my favorite (except castforme). God, I just caught Poplio in Go and he's so fucking cute. I have been thinking for the last two weeks about what Scrae and Jack's pokemon teams would be (yeah I'm gonna draw it).
last thing i googled: I'm cheating a little because the last thing I googled was for work and I don't want to dox myself. The last thing before that was "hbo zone west." The story behind this is that I have a pen pal in prison, and he can't get a schedule for what HBO is showing between midnight and 9am, so I look up the schedule every week and send it to him. The last search I did for myself was "turtwig evolution." I always forget Torterra's name. (technically the last thing I googled was "how do I see the last thing I googled" because I thought you did it just by clicking on the blank search bar, but I don't think these are in order? Because I'm pretty sure the last thing I googled before work was "chub play fetish." Boy wouldn't it be embarrassing if I admitted that. Also can anyone tell me what chub play is because google isn't actually helping with that).
people I’d like to get to know better (I'm sorry there's probably lots of you but I forget things): @peikonlainen @dogwithglasses @steamgoat @fwippy @saesama @wynniebear @bigthecatjumpscare
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invisibleraven · 1 year
asking your “friend” to be your plus-one to another friend’s wedding for Willie/anyone. I think he'd be an amazing 'help I need a date'.
"What do you want?"
Willie pouts, twisting his fingers together. "Who says I want anything?"
Alex looks up at him over the edge of his book. "You only start sentences with so... if you want something, so out with it or let me get back to my book."
"Clementine is getting married."
"Mazel tov, what does that have to do with me?" Alex asked, eyes already trained back on the page.
"I'm going, but I don't want to go alone." Alex glanced up at that. "I used to work with have the invite list, and I left claiming I was gonna find my purpose, or at least a boyfriend. I have found neither, so I cannot go to this wedding stag."
"So ask Reggie, he loves weddings," Alex said.
"Except he's friends with half my former coworkers, and all of them know he's dating Julie. Would be kind of weird if I showed up with him on my arm. Especially since I think they're invited as well," Willie said.
"Why not ask Luke?"
"He's working, and Bobby already said no."
"So I'm a last resort?" Alex said with a withering glance.
"I know you get anxiety at large events," Willie replied. "Otherwise you would have been the top of my list, honest."
"Will there be food?"
"Caleb is letting them have it at the club, so I imagine so," Willie said, hope invading his voice.
"Shit, I was hoping you wouldn't say his name," Alex swore. "Now I have to go so you don't punch Caleb and end up in jail."
"I would never sully Clem's wedding with violence!" Willie said with a mock affronted gasp. Which Alex just glared at him for. "Look, Caleb's a first rate bastard, but even he wouldn't start shit there, so I'll be good."
"Uh huh. When is it?"
"Saturday night?"
"Lucky you, I'm free. You are buying all the drinks, and paying for the Uber home," Alex said, eyes back on his book.
"Thank you thank you thank you!" Willie shouted. Alex grumbled out something that sounded like 'you're welcome' but Willie was too excited to hear.
On Saturday night, Willie straightened out his bright yellow tie, the lapels of his dark black suit, grinning at the mirror. He looked good. At least no one at the club would be saying otherwise.
But he was still nervous, because Alex had yet to emerge from his room and they were going to be late if they didn't leave soon. "You ready?" he called.
"Yeah yeah, keep your pants on!"
Alex came out, and he looked like a ray of sunshine. He was in a suit the same colour as Willie's tie, with a classic white shirt and black tie, looking amazing.
"Damn Mercer, you clean up good!" Willie hooted, letting out an obnoxious wolf whistle. Alex rolled his eyes, but did nothing to hide the soft pink blush or the pleased little smile on his face.
"Let's go." Alex took his arm and they were off.
The wedding was lovely of course. Clem looked stunning in her sparkly silver dress, like a disco ball come to life. Her partner was in a suit of deep midnight blue flecked with gold, and they made a stunning pair. Willie totally didn't tear up at the vows, no matter how many tissues he and Alex seemingly went through.
The reception was bangin', as was expected. The chefs at the club had gone all out, and it seemed as though Caleb was avoiding him, which Willie was happy enough with. Plus Alex knew how to cut a rug, so the two of them set the floor on fire as they twirled and bopped together.
Only, then there was a slow son, and Alex didn't hesitate to draw Willie into his arms and sway them around the room. And maybe it was the wedding, or the few glasses of champagne, but Willie sighed as he rested his head on Alex's shoulder. "Thanks for coming with me."
"I am actually having a lot of fun, so I'm glad I did," Alex murmured back. "Best date I've been on in a while."
Willie smiled, nuzzling in further. Wait... date? This wasn't a date. But he really really wanted it to be.
Willie clutched Alex all the tighter as the song played on, not wanting this moment to end. But it did, and they broke apart, red faced and a little awkward. They giggled as they went back to the table, picking at the rest of their food, drinking more. And when the next slow song started, Alex offered Willie his hand, and he took it gladly.
So maybe it wasn't a date, but as they grew closer and closer on the dance floor, Willie wondered if he asked Alex out tomorrow what his answer would be.
For now, he'd keep dancing, happy enough in the fantasy.
Little did he know that the next wedding they would go to would be as a real couple. And the one after that? Would be theirs.
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dyketennant · 4 months
not to get sentimental about humanity or whatever but actually yeah there is good out there guys. i promise you i promise you there is so much good. look here is my list:
when i was a really little kid i cried after losing a carnival game (obviously i was 4 so i sucked at it) and the pre-teen age boy who won gave me his prize. i'm pretty sure i still have it somewhere 15+ years later.
one time i was crying on the train and the woman across from me gave me a snack from her bag; i tried to wish her a good day as she got off at her stop and was worried she didn't hear me, but the woman next to me reassured me she had without me ever asking.
when i had a meltdown at the hozier concert because my $40 t-shirt was stolen, someone behind me who was about my age gave me a fidget toy, and when i tried to return it they told me i could keep it (i still use it often, it's one of my favorites).
at the same concert, during the same meltdown when i was in the bathroom, the woman in the stall next to me asked me if i was okay and told me that things like that had happened to her, but that i still got to be there and (in her words) "see the guy" and it made things a little easier for me (i only ever saw her heels and her fingernails, but i later found out she was my dad's coworker, and she told him she was glad im doing better now).
in my freshman year of high school, i complimented a guy's overwatch shirt and we talked about it for a while before class started; years later he told me that it was the nicest anyone had ever been to him up until that point and that he still appreciated it—which shocked me, because he ended up being one of the most popular kids at school and is still good friends with a lot of my friend group.
when i was talking to my asl professor about why i was out of class for a few days (i was in the hospital for a few days following a suicide attempt) she hugged me and told me i was beautiful, and i still think about that professor nearly every day, and how she would always tell us about how much she loved her wife and their life together.
not long after that, my english professor reached out and wished me a happy thanksgiving because she knew i had been having a rough semester, even though she didn't have to and probably didn't do that for any other students (as far as i know).
when i was sorting through old papers i found years of hand drawn and painted birthday cards from one of my best friends, who made me one every year, and it made me realize how long they had been there for me during my worst.
i always start to feel dread when i leave for school, but one day, a girl accidentally got off the elevator on my floor, and then i proceeded to get off on a different wrong floor, and we both ended up in the same elevator and laughed about how we both made the same mistake, and wished each other a good day. it made my walk to the bus stop a bit easier.
at a writing conference, as part of a writing exercise, a woman told me a story about how she left her shitty ex boyfriend and had been single since, and i told her about how much i loved media analysis and symbolism; i wrote her a poem and she drew me a drawing. we never spoke again, but for a few minutes, it felt like we were old friends.
one of the bartenders at my old job loved our coconut macaroons, so i would save one for him so he could have it with his coffee. it was such a simple exchange, but it made me feel warm every time.
at that same job, i worked on my birthday, and once we were closed i asked the kitchen for any leftovers they had. they ended up making me an entire appetizer and singing happy birthday to me.
one time in the coffee stand drive thru, the guy taking my order got excited when he saw the pokemon on my dashboard, and pointed to his car across the parking lot with a gyrados in it. he then pulled a bracelet out of his pocket that said "cute" and said i could have it because of all my cute pokemon. later, i went again while wearing it and saw him, and his coworker said that he just loves making bracelets for people.
for whatever reason, a claw machine at a mall nearby had fraggle rock plushes inside; my friend and i spent forever trying to get some, but couldn't, and we both struggled to find good listings online. when i finally got my friend a mokey plush for christmas, they tackled me in a hug, and it's now one of my happiest memories (they then insisted on paying for my boober plush later on, so now we match).
and i am certain there are many many more instances i am forgetting. and i know things are fucking bleak now and always. and i know it's hard to see. but there is so much good. there is so much love. even from strangers. please believe me. life can be so full of love.
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just-a-random-raccoon · 2 months
Yeah idk if it's a good idea to post this but
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Yeah you get Player drawing of poppy playtime! Yeah I'm now into this, yes I just did player transfem and I love her I just wish I could make her a little bit more chubbier but oh well... Things happens sometimes.
UNDER CUT IS MY HEADCANONS FOR HER!!!! Besides some things for my AU... (Yes I did an AU... Again...)
- This is more of my AU thing, but Elliot is her dad! (I know the times doesn't fit but shhh, I needed to)
- Past Player is intersex and uses mostly he/him, but doesn't actually mind being called she/her, Present player is transfem and lesbian, and xer pronouns are she/xe
-He was called strictly only a "he" by all of the coworkers because his dad was convinced he was a male instead of being intersex.
- Yes, the toys took care of her but she doesn't remember most part of it, Mommy was the one who really considered her child, to the point where Player called her "mom" one time.
- The fabric close when she was in her 23-25 and worked to make Elliot notice her, it didn't work. Actually she is in her 30s (but tries to keep her 'teenage scene' like she likes to call it)
- Xer favorites were Catnap and Candycat before the events of Chapter 1, she actually had one hoodie for Catnap (which is shown on the drawing) and Candycat!
- She got a girlfriend (and she is worried sick about xer)
- Baby long legs was a bit jealous of her, but he really liked having an "older sibling".
- Elliot never payed attention to her, when xe started growing up and buy more female clothing, his dad never noticed. The toys accepted xer (even if they didn't quite understand what gender or these things were but Mommy was glad to have a daughter now) and when she started working in the factory she was treated like the rest.
- She hates her dad but she can't help but wish xe had his attention.
- She never was aware of the experiments the scientists made until she discovered all of it by Poppy.
- Xe has some trouble trusting Poppy later of the train incident.
- Her girlfriend and xer met when her partner was in a "tourist travel" on the factory, she got herself lost from the group and xer guided her back. Then, she got her number.
- Mommy, Kissy and Bunzo helped her to escape the day of the 'hour of joy' hours before: She wanted to have a date with her girlfriend, so they planned a way she could left duty without getting caught.
When she came back, the fabric was in ruins.
- The three did it because they knew that was her partner + this was a great way to get her out of this.
- The only smiling critters she had contain are Dogday, Catnap que solo veía de lejos y Bobby.
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thegeminisage · 5 months
ok it's tng update time. im actually so behind idr when we watched what but the episodes were "the nth degree" "qpid" and "the drumhead."
the nth degree: holy shit this one sucked so bad. i hate barclay so much and it's a SUPER bad look to make him geordi's project specifically when geordi is equally as creepy in the fucking holodeck as this guy was
the only good part of this epiosde was when deanna was like, he made a pass at me. and riker looked at her SO fast and later he was like. deanna was it a successful pass. deanna. deanna please. and she just smirked at him. AND HE LOVED IT. he loved being toyed with. down to clown. that was so fun
my biggest gripe was that deanna turned him down THREE TIMES and then they eventually had the date anyway. disgusting. why do they hate her
i was gonna write a longer thing about how bad barclay's whole deal is but honestly it was ages ago, why relive it. it was bad is the point. shoulda shot him when they had the chance
qpid: i am SHOCKED to inform everyone that this episode finally brought me around to q. i didn't think it was possible because he was SO ANNOYING in every single other appearance but i think the guy playing him and patrick stewart have finally settled into a dynamic that works because it really worked for me. like suddenly it was funny instead of unfunny and embarrassing. like a switch flipped. i'm not sure what changed but it's great
the crucial element of this of course is that q wants picard to fuck him soooo bad and picard is Not gonna do it. picard Will Not fuck him. and the more picard is like i'm not gonna fuck you, you are a vile little man, the more q wants him. q is telling all his friends about him nonstop. q is drawing little hearts around his name in his diary. he is writing their names on the fog of the enterprise's windows and then sadly wiping them away. and all of this makes picard want to fuck him EVEN less which makes q want him EVEN more. it's a self-sustaining cycle and it's the funniest thing i've ever seen in my life. i don't understand people who write fanfic about them fucking. it would ruin every bit of the magic. i don't want them to fuck ever this is too perfect
sour notes: one racist worf joke. CAN WE PLEASE STOP.........we were doing so well otherwise
oh and the other sour note: ??? what is up with vash. like good for her that she will fuck q or anyone else she needs to if it gets her out of situations and even have fun doing it. but why is she like, picard how could you not tell your friends about me WHEN THEY WERE A FLING. they met on the fuck planet and they fucked and then they never expected to see each other again. why is it weird that he didn't tell everyone he fucked her? who does that? yeah thanks for asking coworker riker i went to the fuck planet and i fucked this lady named vash. let me give you the intimate details while we're on the bridge, our place of employment! ? NO
the drumhead: i think the mistake we made here was watching this one directly after ep5 of pjo. anything looks boring in comparison there you know......
i do like when picard gets good and fiery mad though. like righteously. as long as he actually does have a good reason to do this he does a GREAT job, it's some of his strongest acting. the first time i realized he actually could act was when he did this in the data courtroom episode and he does a good job in this courtroom episode i am just. tired of courtroom episodes. please. this and the holodeck. ENOUGH. i wish they had listened to gene roddenberry when he said courts don't exist in utopia
i liked worf in this episode even though they gave him the idiot ball. he's like, i would LOVE to be racist to this guy who is 1/4 romulan even though i didn't know that a second ago. wack. furthermore all he talked about was his honor in a way that reminded me of zuko. i hope he, like zuko, gets his honor back someday <3
anyway they were Saying Something in this episode about political witch hunts and you know what it reminded me of? that the cold war was Still Going when this episode aired. it was going when tos was airing and more than halfway through tng it is STILL GOING! wild.
TONIGHT: "half a life" and "the host" (i think i've heard of this one is it the gay one...nobody tell me)
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homenecromancer · 10 months
idly thinking about this and. like. might be hard to explain to some of my coworkers but different concert crowds have very different vibes, and the "good" crowds for me might be unexpected for them. like just drawing from recent-ish or memorable experiences
dadrock bands (possible coworker perception: this would be mainly older people, some of other ages, but "well-behaved") : cishet white dads who think they are clever/witty but are actually deeply, deeply annoying. transphobic 20-year-old boy with shirt off who was clearly expecting a high-five from me as he exited the venue. (denied, and he is lucky i have more self-control than he does, because i wanted to bite him.) wayyyyyy too fucking many trump shirts, confederate flag paraphernalia, et cetera.
metal show (possible coworker perception: "that music is Satanic!!", scary guys, fights) : people were nice even when i could not answer their questions or noise made communication difficult. mix of age ranges. despite the Viking theming of one band, relatively few "oh no, oh i don't like the hammer necklace that white guy's wearing" moments.
rap show, older artist (possible coworker perception: [racist / "i'm not a racist buuuuuut" comments] ) : people who apologize when i gently tell them they can't do something or go somewhere. lots of couples and groups. people overall seem, at most, anxious about seeing their fave perform.
country show (possible coworker perception: haha hell yeah y'all i love this stuff) : white people central. people get plastered beyond their ability to handle themselves, and then get mean, loud and entitled. fights. "right-wing fashion" in action: those t-shirts from the company with the crossed-rifles logo [i am not getting close enough to read the text], anything referencing the second amendment, shirts you'd buy at a truck stop [unfortunate that these are often sported by shitheads, because wolf shirts are cool], et cetera.
mexican rock band (possible coworker perception: [racism] ) : potential for heavy drinking. i feel bad because i cannot always communicate effectively. people are mostly exuberant and happy to be there.
basically after years of experience, my assessment of "what's the vibe of this crowd likely to be / how pissed-off will i get if things start going poorly" is somewhat opposed to what my (mostly older, white) coworkers think. often the key is whether people in the crowd assess you, specifically, as potentially sympathetic, and i frankly fuck more with, like, metal crowds or [many bands from the 2000s] than i do with country music crowds.
like to the point where i may start avoiding country shows specifically, because i try to approach my job as "i am selling you my time". and if i have to bite my tongue to not tell middle-aged cishet white guys to fuck off and stop trying to "joke" with me in that specific show-off way, because it's not my fault everyone else in their life has agreed they are not funny, and now they find themselves trying to toy with someone who is forced to interact with them at work -- i am gonna need more money and to be convinced it's a good use of my time. and at a country show it's not like i can tell myself "at least this is [band], they might play [song]", so i'd rather be at home lmao
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elmaxlys · 1 year
@once-upon-a-reblog replied to your post “”:
Ooh! First OC!
1- Who was your first ever OC? Do you still “use” them? How have they evolved over time?
​My very first first was created in preschool to play with at recess (yeah). He was a giant bipedal tiger warrior that fought with a double headed axe and decapitated his opponents (yeah idk why other kids were kinda scared to play with me either. a mystery.). His name was Tigraud and I wanted to be him. I'm no longer into anthros and I don't consider myself a furry but I still remember Tigraud fondly, despite him collecting dust in a corner of my brain :'3
My actual first OC, though, would be Kal. I created her when I was, like, 11? She's still in my story and still approximately as edgy as she was when initially created. She just got a tag more unhinged.
Here's the first drawing I made of her, so when I was around 11 :')
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(this got. way longer than initially planned so dvp under the cut)
Funnily enough, she's a secondary character. I created her and immediately went alright so now who's the actual sane main character? That was Rina, that I consider to be my 2nd actual OC. I had an entire group of them but only Kal, Rina and their respective brothers still exist.
Kal's basic looks still are the same. She's now got shorter, messier hair and she's less heavy on the weapons (she now fights exclusively with knives and wooden stakes (she's a vampire hunter)) but overall she's recognizable.
Here's my latest drawing of her, from 2021
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As for her story, it was initially a revenge one, hunting her vampire father to get revenge on her mother and brother who were killed by the vampires her father was leading, basically (and because it was written by an 11yo, she was raised by wolves 👍). Because she's a half elf/half vampire living on Earth, and there weren't supposed to be any elves left on Earth (they're on another planet, the one my main OCs live on), her backstory more than the story itself didn't make any sense. However, thanks to 13-14yo me who wrote the main storyline, it now could make sense for her to be half elf/half vamp! I still changed her story and there were now no wolves involved.
She got somehow more unhinged yet less feral. Rina (2nd actual OC) was still the only person who could handle her but they were also friends on top of being "coworkers", and Kal's nemesis no longer was her father but rather the leader of a local homeless vampires group, Georges (who's one of my most recent OCs, from when I was 17). Kal wanted to kill him, Georges wanted to kill Kal and Rina was in the middle like ":) no." like pictured below (pic from 2018)
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(that one was from a "ask the OCs" session on ig back in the days)
In the recent restructuration effort, their dynamics will probably stay pretty similar to that but the Hunting Big Bad Dad plot might make a comeback (bc i miss it tbh) and that'd be why Kal wants to get Georges so bad, beyond the fact he's a vamp and she hates them: because Georges knows about everything going on and thus where Big Bad Dad is. Idk, idk.. it's all still floating around atm >////<
On the left, first picture ever drawn of Rina, on the right the latest one, from 2021. Below, latest Georges, also from 2021.
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erigold13261 · 5 months
I’m a bit afraid to ask but… what’s your thoughts on JJK S2 + the movie so far?
Already said this, but why the FUCK can Maki hear curses and why does she look at them when she doesn't have glasses on!? And Mei Mei is wonderfully animated (though I talked more with a coworker about her and I fucking hate that the series turns her into... THAT.)
But I'm liking it so far! I kept saying in my head that the reasoning that Satoru used to get Yuta to join JJK was fucking stupid. He's been lonely his whole fucking life (or at least the last 6 years) why the fuck does Satoru saying "wouldn't that be lonely?" or whatever change Yuta's mind to WANT to join JJK?
The kid literally tried to kill himself seriously enough that Rika had to stop the knife! He had full intention to end himself but just saying he could be lonely gets him to change his mind of 6 years of loneliness and trauma? I just thought that part was a bit dumb/rushed.
LOVED the design for cursed Rika though! Absolutely amazing design right there! Like her a lot more before the eye became a part of the design though.
OH! YEAH! Why the fuck is Yuta still alive!? The pact was for Rika AND him to die! That is how the curse was broken! It was a PACT! No matter if Rika wanted him to live, he should have died with her! >:(
Anyway, the movie was really good. Satoru is a fucking baby who could have stopped everything from going to shit if blue just killed Suguru at the end of the movie (obviously there would be no story but dude, come on. You know he's a threat).
Oh! Also love how Rika was animated when Yuta walked into the classroom for the first time. That was really well done!
And Maki is a bitch. Like way more of a bitch than she needs to be. I get her being upset with herself because she can't see curses or use cursed energy (and this was before more of her character development later in her life), but she still felt so much ruder to Yuta than she needed to be.
There is a difference between being blunt and being mean, and I feel like she was just being mean. Or at least projecting onto him (or I guess doing that tsundere thing because apparently she liked him and he liked her? Don't know why but kinda wish Rika and her's dynamic got fleshed out a bit more or something idk.).
For the Hidden Arc, I wish we got to see more young Kento and Yu. Like obviously I wasn't expecting much, but WHY bring them to Okinawa at all if those two weren't going to actually help Riko? (loved the annoyed fave Kento did when he heard Satoru and Suguru were staying an extra night though. That made me laugh hehe).
Speaking of Riko, I was NOT expecting that ending at all... I did not like her attitude in the beginning, but I was giving her grace because of the circumstance she was in. Which is why I warmed up to her really quickly by the end of the arc.
Talked with a coworker to ask if we get more information about Heavenly Pacts because those sound interesting, but looks like we only get scraps and tidbits throughout the series so far. Which sucks because hearing Toji's story really got me interested in them.
Toji was also really cool! Kinda annoying with how he acted, BUT it actually worked in favor for his character I think! He is really fucking smart but just has this I don't care attitude that usually annoys me, yet it works with him because he seems consistent? I don't know how to explain it, but he's fun and not totally annoying in how he acts.
Also, can he actually see curses? Because he has NO cursed energy, does the Heavenly Pact allow him to do that? That's what I am assuming, but I don't know shit about Heavenly Pacts yet.
Oh yea! When he got his with hollow purple I think the animators should draw organs! Him and Satoru should have been showing some guts from their wounds! Would have been better to me lol.
Speaking of gutting, does Suguru get to just keep using curses that were destroyed/exorcised? I swear that rainbow dragon got killed like 2-3 times and he kept using it, but Megumi's shadow puppets die and can never be used again? That sucks (maybe I am misremembering the curses Suguru uses, it's not like he can unsummon them like Megumi can).
That scissor/am I pretty curse that Suguru uses is so fucking cool! I want to see that one more!
I am just rambling now honestly. They were all really good. Almost all my problems with it so far are very nitpicky and technical. But I'm enjoying the show still up to this point!
(Still not looking forward to Hanami's death. Was also told Mechamaru dies later to Mahito and I hope it looks cool. Like if you are gonna kill a cool character let them die in a cool way! From what I was told Hanami dies in a dumb way and I want her to be dead in a cool way!
I think we also don't get to see her domain!!! NOOOOO! Please tell me we do! I hope my coworker just didn't remember it and we get to see it! We already saw Volcano Heads, Cuttle Fish, and Mahito's domains! Don't fucking tease us for Hanami's! She was about to use it before Satoru decided to be a bitch and shoot her! >:0)
Okay yea, lol. I'm done. Good shit so far!
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moonlightperseus · 7 months
That's fair that does sound bad, I'm sorry
I read Gideon because it's one of my friends favourite books but I think that's the only example I have. And there's not, no. I always feel like I'm wasting my time for doing certain hobbies that I love, so it's harder to take free time for someone else's hobby, so that makes sense.
I'm just so bad at watching television, I really wanted to watch it once Babs came in but I couldn't ever get through season 2, it's not even a comment on the show it's a comment on my inability to pay attention.
I am VERY glad I did!! I just finished reading hold still on Libby with my library card which is very rewarding because it was a book I'd wanted to buy AND I'm currently listening to the Graceling Audio book so it's definitely paying off. And I don't usually guess plot points due to the whole "head empty" thing. The first book I ever annotated was the Bell Jar and there's just no highlights until the very end (in which I had to physically resist the urge to highlight every single thing to do with Dr. Nolan) so I'm really not you're gal to tell you if anything was shocking. (Granted I did tell my friend I thought a character had bad vibes and I was right and she was impressed, so)
I personally think Harrow would've fucked me over if I had to listen to it. I already go in and out of paying attention to audio books and Harrow was so confusing for the first like 90% I would've been screwed. Audio books are harder for me because I *can't* do anything else- I have three hobbies, reading, writing, and drawing. I can't do two words at once so my only option if I want to listen to an audiobook is draw and especially since I just loan them from the library there's a lot of stress to draw for like 20 hours in two weeks.
I got to 12. I just keep forgetting it's there. You just like,, click too far into the next issue (page 1) and you're like... "well fuck since I've started-"
I saw that when I looked I just didn't know but fair!!!
I might try!! (I might even do a better job since I have the physical comics)
That's fair, I get that/ Hopefully you like year zero then! (when you get to it) I've never been able to complete sudoku, I know how it works I'm just stupid lmao. And that's fair, my laptop fucking sucks, I need to buy a new one before I start school again but God I don't want to pay for it who cares if this one can barely open the internet.
I imagine it was his phone but I didn't ask. He was kind of sketchy. At one point he tried to give me candy and I said I didn't trust him and then his coworker took a piece and asked if it was weed because "it wouldn't be the first time"
I am!! I just went to my local comic-con (very little comic anything- it was very disappointing. 90% of it was anime which was frustrating because we also have a yearly anime convention, but that's not why I'm telling you) I didn't notice a lot of the cosplays (due to the "oh god why am I here this is terrifying" feelings and the need to not get separated from my big brothers) but as I was leaving I DID see (or my brother pointed out to me, more accurately) a VERY good cosplay of Black Canary. I did not ask for a picture because we were leaving and I am shy but I have been thinking about it since lmao. She alone made me want to just like draw Black Canary for the rest of my life.
ok sorry for the delay in response life’s been busy and when i’m not busy w work i’ve been consumed by a rewatch of a silly tv show from like. eight years ago.
i will say s3 of titans (the season babs was in) definitely felt like the lowest point of the show imo. it was too doom and gloom gotham. but seeing an actual disabled person cast as babs was so cool, she was a fantastic babs she just wasn’t given a whole lot and a good chunk of it just felt like she was just there as a love interest for dick which was very frustrating to me :/
yeah i definitely think there are probably some small bits i missed with listening to the locked tomb books but a good audiobook is my favorite thing for a long drive.
i did read year zero and it was fun. loved seeing harley and ivy be gay and do crime. (and ivy beating up the joker!!)
still haven’t started injustice2 however i’ve been bouncing around reading some current dc runs (hawkgirl, powergirl, wonder woman and the amazons attack comic) and some older stuff (i read an old zatanna special because i was in a zatanna mood) i keep telling myself to read injustice2 and then getting distracted 😔
ooh a comic con that’s cool!! i’ve never been to one, i kinda would like to go to one but also they sound so overwhelming so idk if i ever will. maybe if i find someone to go with. LOVE that you saw a black canary cosplay that’s so cool i love that also you SHOULD draw black canary for the rest of your life (maybe just not. only black canary. variety is good!)
sorry that my response is a little short this time my brain is made of spaghetti tonight but i really wanted to respond bc i feel bad that this ask has been sitting in my inbox for several days. hope you are doing well!! (and hopefully i will actually start on injustice2 soon so i can share my thoughts with u!!)
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