#yeah theres other stuff but that's the gist :]
mildarka · 1 month
I'm interested in ur reversed au, I saw ur concept art and I thought it was really cool, consider this a free yapping card to info dump about the au,
:]/-< ( < that's me sitting politely on your front porch)
So basically the Stars + Cross (the traitorous traitor) found a way to “reset” everyone in the bad sanses to what they were like before the events of their own AUs. (Or before the story of their AU?? Like Killer and Dust are normal sans again and Horror is still how he was during the famine (so like pre-Horrortale comic but post neutral end ig??)). Nightmare on the other hand was physically separated from the apples that gave him power (the corruption is with the apples, not with lil Night) so he’s pretty much defenceless. He doesn’t remember the apple incident or anything past that.
Originally the plan was for Dream to take Nightmare in and care for him but Nightmare was very briefly left with the gang once he was reverted and he got enough information to know something was very wrong. He kinda watches the others start to revert as well before Dream whisks him away. He doesn’t spend a super long time with Dream - mostly because the weird monochrome guy with them feels so guilty every time he looks at Night - and runs once the vibes are bad enough.
He finds Killer eventually - now a pretty regular sans - and tries to make him remember when they met before or take his jacket back but Killer doesn’t have any idea what he’s talking about or who Dust and Horror are. Nightmare ends up living with Killer and his Papyrus and occasionally ends up visiting Horrortale and Dusttale to try the same thing with them.
There’s other stuff too about how the AUs work with the reverted gang and what being separated from his soul means for Nightmare but that’s less worked out lol :)
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ashyslashyy · 2 months
hey what is vbros like. about. I know I could just look it up but I wanted to hear from someone insane about it
ok um theres a LOT. the basic gist is that theres a super scientist named rusty venture and he has a bodyguard named brock and he has two sons named hank and dean. hank and dean are like. stereotypical adventure cartoon guys so theyre like "gee whiz theres a mystery afoot!!!" and thats where a lot of the comedy is in the beginning of the show but we learn more about the characters as the show goes on and hank and dean get a lot of character development and its really good and really funny OH i didnt even mention theres a guy called the monarch and he fucking hates rusty and hes a supervillain and him and dr girlfriend are sooo awesome i love them. theres also a bunch of shit with the guild of calamitous intent and the osi and all kinds of other stuff its very interesting and the characters in this show are very complex i like it. idont know if that helped but yeah👍
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13thdoctorposts · 11 months
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Sacha Dhawan Panel Part 2
Please note this IS NOT word for word, but so you can get a general gist of the panel from Auckland Armageddon in June 2023.
Whovians of all ages got to ask him questions. 
This post is just Sachs’s second part of the panel there is a seperate post for Michelle’s panel, Michelle and Sacha’s panel and Sacha Panel part 1
Moderator: has anyone ever told you you're on their hall pass list? You know 5 people you can have relations with without your spouse getting upset?
Sacha: really?
Moderstor: yeah have you not heard about this? Supposedly there this list of celebrities if you meet them you get a hall pass
Sacha: Wow… Any takers?
Laughing from the crowd
Moderator: right next
I’m a fan or The Great and Doctor Who but I dont think there's a character more different from the Master then Orlo, when you do a character like Orlo who’s the only straight, non comedic character do you approach that differently then someone like the Master who is flamboyant? 
Sacha: yeah you do… those characters are so different you always try and find the truth in the character, I create a back story for the character, why they are they way they are why they make the choices they make in a certain way, which hopefully shows I can play a range of different characters. Its always coming back to some element of truth. I make a bible for all the characters that no one ever sees I have one for the Master, and you just hope if you keep coming back to that that it will pay off.
When you were given the tissue compressor obviously you have lots of fun playing around with it like leaving little gifts for the Doctor but is there a reason your version of the Master was so obsessed with shrinking people? Is it compensation for something?
Moderator:… and were going back to screening questions
Sacha: you know what I never thought about it like that but I now am, maybe it was. I think it was just his thing, his ability to just shrink people and throw them away and there’s actually a scene in the centenary special where there were loads of shrunken people dotted about that I had shrunk, all the top seismologists and in the scene with Jodie I thought it would be quiet funny just trample loads of peopled the BBC were like lets not do that, he’s just killed like 20 people that might be a little too much.
Where did you get the inspiration from for the fast clapping thing?
Sacha: you know what? when I sent a tape to Chris, just an audition tape to show what I could do, what my take would be and they give you a few thoughts on it and it was the plane scene, the revel that was the scene I put on tape for them... but on the day theres so much adrenaline going no one really knew how I was going to reveal and the truth of the matter is I didn’t know how it was going to be either. I just remember doing the first rehearsal on that plane then the switch happened and I think that's what’s great about the Master you just become overcome with this sense of adrenaline and craziness and if you just submit to it, crazy shit just happens and I remember the clap just came and the twirls and stuff like that just happened. I remember rehearsing and Bradley Walsh saying you do this thing when your playing the master you clench your butt, and thats just something that happened ‘oh look at his butt he’s clenching it again’ lol,  so yeah like I said crazy stuff happen.
Why was he looking at your bum?
Sacha: have you seen my bum?
Moderator: hands up who’s going to watch that scene again
Do you have any head canons for your character or any others on the show?
Sacha: what’s a head canon?
Moderator: it’s like people who write fan fiction do in their head about how this is what happened.
Sacha: oh… has anyone shared that with me?
Moderator: yeah
Sacha: I do get a lot of like the Doctor and the Master being totally in love, I’ve been sent some naughty kinda like fan art
Moderator: Was the bum clenched
Sacha: well they were unclenched!
Moderator: what has become of this panel?
If in the future theres a timeline where the Master does become the Doctor what does the interior of the TARDIS look like?
Sacha: well we saw the Masters TARDIS didn’t we, but I think it would just be a 24 hour party just happening all the time, loads of people in there, you’d be like who are all these people and he’d be like I don’t know we just do all this crazy stuff together, I'd just love an entourage of people from all walks of life he’s just collected from all different times.
Theres a just dance set up here have you ever danced to the Rasputin song on just dance?
Sacha: I was thinking about doing it, I went yesterday and queued up but I saw the talent that were throwing some shapes out there and I was like no thank you, I can't compete. 
Do you think you could win a fight against your Master?
Sacha: you know what I think I could but you know what I'm worried about? I think he might have something up his sleeve that would completely blow me to a million pieces, so yes and no
And Do you think you would be able to win against Michelle's Missy?
Sacha: oh yeah, easily hahaha
Moderator: I hope no one recorded that because if she finds out…
Sacha: laughing
What are the top 3 reasons you think the Master is better than the Doctor?
Sacha: I think he can do things she just won’t be able to do’s he’s more fearless than her shes too moral, hmmmm, what else makes my Master better?… I think he’s definitely much more sexier, cooler and she need needs companions… boring, I dont need anybody.
Moderator: actually costume changing, the Doctor wears the same clothes all the time 
Sacha: very true
Who do you think. Your Master would want as a companion in the TARDIS?
Sacha: Oh I dont think he wants companions, I think he'll pretend that he does then literally bin them when he’s done with them and find someone else
Since David Tennant has regenerated into the Doctor 3 times now do you think the Master could regenerate back into your Master and would you be up for that?
Sacha: Kinda yes and no really, when I finished the centenary special felt like it was the end of my era and also I was asked to appear in more episodes of Doctor Who but I kinda like coming in with a bang then leaving I didn’t want people feeling like ‘oh here he is again’ especially because it was such a great response to O and the reveal, but you just don’t know later down the line. It’s amazing Russell is back and I already know he’s going to do so many amazing things and some great actors are attached to it so it would be interesting to see what happens, so never say never but I fell like right now I’ve done my bit with it.
There was a lot of companions while you were there, old and new coming back who was the best companion, like not in terms of acting but in terms of character that you liked to play around with.
Sacha: I would probably say Bradley Walsh, and John bishop was in it and he’s another comedian and such a great character it would have been nice to mess around with him as well.
With the Doctor in the past you’ve had them meeting previous incarnations a number of episodes over the years, I’m wondering if through the use of CGI trickery would you like to see your Master with the original Master played by the late great Roger Delgado?
Sacha: 100%, actually going back to the centenary special people asked if I watched any of the other Doctors and actually did watch him and I mentioned that to Chris that as crazy as I am what I loved about Roger Delgado is he was very still and theres a sinister to him, so yeah definitely love to go back work with Roger Delgado.
The Master had a lots of really cool costumes I was wondering if you had a favourite?
Sacha: Yeah, I think, im not sure if you remember the purple jacket and all that? I think that was quite a favourite because one of the best things about when you incarnate that role you have a real say about how you want the costume to look and so I collated loads of pictures like steam punk and theres a band in the UK called Arctic Monkeys and I was really intrigued by Alex Turner and just him as a person and what he worse I sent loads of pictures to Ray Holman and Ray Holman being as amazing as he was came up with bits of the costume and it just worked, it was great. I remember trying it on for the first time and thinking yeah this feels good. I think if the costume wasn’t right it was my biggest worry, that if I didn’t get the costume right that I wouldn’t quite find the character. But having the purple jacket and the check trousers it just all felt so right and when I finished on Doctor Who as a present they gave me everything the whole costume, shoes, tie piece all the little bits the tissue compressor, so I’ve got it and I’m just waiting to sell at the right time (laughing this was said in jest)
Did they make a Jodie costume for you or did you wear hers?
Sacha: No they did (make his) we're slightly different sizes so there were elements of it but no they made it which was cool and obviously in that centenary special there was the one with elements of all the other Doctors, it was a mash up so it was really fun playing around with that, and they were asking me how do you want to wear it and it was great because then Jodie had to mimic how I wore it which was really cool.
And thats it, the end of Sacha's Panel. Both Michelle and Sacha were phenomenal and made the weekend one not to forget.
You can check out the other panels here Michelle’s panel, Michelle and Sacha’s panel and Sacha Panel part 1 .
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Totally Spies! S1 E1-5 Tier
Ok so my girlfriend (@twigsprout) and I watched the first 5 episodes of Totally Spies! and Wow. It's rough folks. So here is the tier list so far.
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These will probably move around and new tiers will probably be made as we watch more episodes. First off, since this is the piss on the poor website, I want to clarify that the thing that makes episodes gross isn't the fact that they depict fetishes or kink, it's the fact that adult men are writing teenage girls in very obviously horny situations. Anyway here are some highlights from my notes.
A Thing for Musicians: the entire plot is that 2 old men trick a teenage himbo into being a hypno dom and turning anyone who hears his music (mostly teenage girls) into drones that call him master
The New Jerry: foot shot, weird sugar daddy vibes going on
Get Away: crotch shot in very horny position, alex gets catfished by her employer
Stuck in the Middle Ages with You: alex and sam get chained up in a dungeon, clover gets chained up multiple times and is threatened to be forced to marry some weirdo (of unknown age), clover and a king (who is definitely an adult) almost kiss
Child's Play: jesus christ, there was so much happening eventually i was just stunned and stopped writing things down. overall gist, a lot of age play stuff going down as well as doll stuff, reprogramming, age regression/hypnotizing, also theres an ass shot
Overall, so far, I think the show could actually be good if the writers weren't so creepy. My girlfriend also pointed out that even if they had just made the 3 main characters actual adults, it wouldn't be so bad. They're already designed like adult characters, too. Despite the creepiness, the show is fun and girly, and the y2k aesthetic is sublime. The music is catchy, too. But the writing just sucks.
The other thing is that the 3 main characters are indistinguishable from each other personality-wise. The only unique personality traits they have are: Clover is more boy crazy and Sam is smarter usually? Alex doesn't have any unique traits though.
So yeah! 21 episodes to go for season 1!
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husky-studies · 7 months
Okay so HONESTLY im gonna ramble about this idea i got from reading one of the genshin sagau posts about the creator and their books that are read are popping into tevyat BUT imagine if it were the movies we have watched (inspired from @sagaubeloved sorry for the ping if it bothers you 😭)
LIKE imagine if ur a horror movie fanatic, IMAGINE THE CHARACTER'S REACTION. Idk if u watch horror bcs u like it or u just like a good scare or two but imagine showing them a movie like maybe the nun 2 or fnaf or coraline or ANY HORROR MOVIES. Imagine if the people (scholars, maybe some theatrics enjoyers?) are horrified watching it "THE CREATOR WATCHES THIS?!" "Yeah i do-" They'd either get nightmares or became really paranoid cause horror movie end credits sometimes scares me like 'based on-' no. I think they'd be paranoid because it says based on real life or something. Especially if its coraline, HONESTLY I COULDNT SLEEP MUCH FOR A FEW DAYS BECAUSE OF THE SPIDER MOM OR WHATEVER OTHER MOM THAT IS 😭😭 buttons for eyes (no- not identity v-) or if its something like FNAF then they'd probably be paranoid 💀 (until they know its actually from a game that has like 13 versions with i think 8 being the ACTUAL part of the series and the rest being spin-offs)
Now other than horror movies we have something moreeeee child friendly? Maybe some of y'all still watches trolls (i heard trolls 3 was about to be released), disney maybe, dreamworks am i the only one who suddenly remembers ratatouille talking about this-. The characters would be less horrified with this and go like "oh, this is the type of movie creator likes? Sounds nice" IF YOU'RE LIKE ME AND YOU HAVE THE DISC OF THE MOVIES AND YOU PLAYED THAT ONE MOVIE YOU JUST CANT STOP WATCHING BECAUSE ITS SO DANG GOOD, they'd probably cherish THAT movie more than the others because BRO, THE CREATOR watches that shit 24/7 WHO WOULDNT KEEP THAT MOVIE DISC FOR THE WHOLE TEVYAT TO SEE. AND YK WHATS FUNNY, IF ITS A MOVIE THAT HAS LIKE ANIMALS AS THE MAIN CHARACTERS (Madagascar, Lion King, etc) idt they'd even know what a LION is. I MEAN THE BASIC ANIMALS LIKE DOGS, CATS AND BIRDS ARE THERE (does rishboland tigers count as tigers here-) BUT SOMETHING MORE WILD LIKE LIONS or SPECIFIC BIRD TYPES, MONKEYS????(wolfs should exist i mean, theres wolvendom, snakes also exist cuz if not then wtf is changsheng, deers, dragons???)
Okay maybe some science fiction enjoyers, something futuristic or robotic like Transformers maybe? (Im sorry my brain could only thing of that 💀 like any transformers movie) They'd either be baffled at that or like taking notes, they'd probably compare those futuristic stuff like the robots with RUIN GUARDS or WHATEVER ELSE IS THE BRANCHING OFF OF THOSE THINGS. Maybe Sumeru would get the gist? Tbh sumeru kinda have more gadgets but we dk abt snezhnaya yet (im thinking snezhnaya has some of their own gadgets as well)
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saspitite · 6 months
okay seriously. i cant find a single fucking video about like, say, a furry content creator/influencer that details their genuinely bad actions without said video also shaming their kinks and acting as if their kinks are just as bad, if not worse
continued below the cut, mainly because i dont typically talk about this stuff (and theres gonna be some mentions of stuff like antisemitism, n*zis, homophobia, etc. plus its a mildly long rant. oh and talking about kinks too. youve been warned)
i wanted to do a little more research into the Free Fur All nazi fur con because i find the right-wing side of the furry community to be quite the enigma, especially when right-wing fur cons inevitably happen. so i was like, hey, might as well start with a youtube video to get the gist and maybe get pointed in the direction of some other sources! but holy shit the videos i found constantly brought up how there were scawwy diaperfurs and thats what made them TRULY degenerate (/sarc). like seriously the fact that some of the associated people wore diapers overshadowed like 80% of the video. yeah sure its strange for the average person but like, you're talking about nazis. racists. homophobes. apparently some of them were also accused of being predators. but of course we also need to focus on them wearing diapers because wearing diapers as an adult is the worst crime in all of humanity (/sarc)
and this happens in so many other situations too, like trying to find info on furries that did some heinous shit is difficult because people will dig up the fact that they like scat or something and then rave about that for thirty minutes, and then "oh yeah this guy is also a white supremacist"
not to mention if someone dares to have a Weird Gender, might as well mock that a little too, right? /sarc
stop focusing on the wrong things. you're talking about horrible people- white supremacists, nazis, abusers, pedophiles, and so on, but you feel the need to put an emphasis on the kinks that some of them may have, for what purpose??? do you think someone wearing a diaper makes them magically predisposed to like, commit hate crimes?? and dont even try to bring up pedophilia as if thats plausibly related to wearing diapers in any fucking way. i hate when that word gets horribly misused.
another tired rant from me but i hope someone at least mildly understands what im getting at. its just annoying
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my thoughts while watching mha s3 ep 1-11
At the start azaiwa gives a rundown on everyone and I am very grateful (I will forget all)
The cat girls and the kid are so funny, the way they were when we first saw them made me question things
would like to file a complaint against Aizawas smile? I think he's trying to smile.
very aware that deku's eyes are green
i like koda
deku who can barely survive 5%: ONE MILLION PERCENT my boy, thats 200,000 times your limit
skin guys quirk is fire, ok, but why does he look like that
scratch the first part, why is he like that.
anyway, so skin guys quirk is fire, and then theres a guy who made clone of him, who was the one that attacked aizawa
love how one guy;s weapon is a bunch of sharp stuff tied together
steel guy and rock guy are now one of my favouite parings of hardheaded dumbasses (the only one)
hey, uh, why did i just see dark shadow atttack deku
just realised, dark shadow is basically a gist from SP, but different
shoji and tokoyami are a duo i did not expect, but is actually nice.
wait, can froppy taste with her tongue?
oh wow, laser frenchboy is the only one left standing, i need to see him be competent,
i dont consider nomus human
i was really hoping everyone would be ok after this (alive and not kidnapped) but sadly
i forgot the gas villian was a kid, wonder how he ended up here
if there was a traitor, i would say nezu, but i know he's not, its (probably) not almight or aizawa, and if there was, it would be someone who has been introduced well, so thats cementos, midnight, mic, horse-gun-guy and 1B's teacher, but also maybe not.
almights ringtone though "A phone call is here! a phone call is here!" and the teachers being like that about it
"I broght you a present, Its a melon!" i love that and they talk about the sad stuff
rescue misson time, 2 of them, probably at once.
anyway, lots of pros are about to do a thing, and also some not-pros (ua students) at the same time, they will run into eachother.
best jeanist is apparently not just a clothes guy, thats interesting
i need to know who these heros are, i recgonise, like 3,
deku being told he should, try not to get injured for a bit: I'm going to go on a dangerous rescue misson!!!
unrelated but we are at ep8 now, halfway through
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love how everyones starting to hate heros, this'll be fun
whats with twice and the personalites he does, like why.
y'know what, i think the leuge of villans are onto something here, like, maybe dont go attacking highschoolers, but yeah
hey, uh, the guy's calling A HAND, father, should we be concerned?
like, 90% sure the kids are at the wrong hideout
idk why bur i randomly start deciding to play snake
jeanist's quirk i think is just controlling thread, but in this one shot it looks so cool
can we just pause for a sec, and talk about how, almight has smashes named after american places, like why, this is japan
it would be really funny to use magnetism in a crowded place
one for all kinda looks like a nomu
also i am not loving this arc (rescue bakugo) i think it should have been 2 episodes, not like, however many its been
what shigaraki's whos grandson,
oh its almights predecesor, the one with the quirk before him
y'know i would have thought all for one had some sort of healing factor
deku is gonna show up soon, i'm calling it
nope its endevor, i was close (their both a person)
and other people?
i think he's just making up enhancer-things like "spear-like bones" do you know what spears and bones even do? what are you hoping to acomplish
his arm is bigger that the rest of his entire body
love how all that blood dissapears then comes back, like, consistency pls
oh cool, we get a united states smash, as if this isn't TAKING PLACE IN JAPAN, like why is like this (also Tokyo smash sounds cooler then detroit smash)
anway, thats the end of this part, 11 episodes worth of thought, there will be more
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findroleplay · 7 months
Hello! I hope you are all having an amazing day! Im 20+ looking for others 20+ to possible RP out an MxM Omegaverse idea I've been thinking of for awhile now!
The general gist of it is our characters are investigators for a series of crimes. Maybe our characters tend to work alone and were partnered together for this particular case or maybe they have always been partners, but either way they dislike each other heavily. I have an Omega OC I'd like to use for this, he's rude, mean, tired, and more than willing to pushback. If your OC happens to be an Alpha, the dislike on my characters end would be due to bad past experiences with Alphas. Maybe your character dislikes mine from how aggressive he comes across as or maybe he has his own reasoning entirely! I would like for this to be slow burn with something eventually happening later down the line that gets them both to finally see eye to eye and opening to door for the possibility of feelings developing for one another over time.
I'd like for the two of us to be able to plot out this idea further, ironing out all the details of it, for what this universe is like, what crimes our characters are investigating, etc, All of that good stuff! Given the subject matter, I dont mind if this goes in a bit of a gritty dark route either in regards to the crimes our OCs investigate or even between our characters themselves! Maybe my character forgot to take his heat surpressants and goes into heat at some point during the investigations and your character takes advantage of him in this state, maybe your character forcefully puts the investigation on pause to get my character somewhere safe to ride out his heat on his own. Maybe your character enforces mines already sour opinion of Alphas, maybe he helps him heal and see that not all Alphas are as bad as the ones he has met in the past. I think theres plenty directions it can go and that it'd be interesting to explore them! NSFW isn't a must nor is it something I am actively looking for but given the universe this takes place in, I wouldn't mind if things went in that direction either! All I ask is that we discuss everything before hand if youd want NSFW down the line so we can discuss kinks, limits, etc.
While I know this plot is geared a bit more towards Alpha characters, your character DOES NOT have to be an Alpha! I welcome Alphas, Betas, and even other Omegas! I'd be more than willing to adjust certain details here and there along side you to better fit whatever your characters secondary gender is!
If you have any ideas you'd want to add into this plot, feel free to let me know! If you have any completely different plot ideas entirely that you have been just dying to play out, feel free to let me know! I'd love to hear any ideas you may have and work something out with you!
My reply length tends to be on the more longer side and I'd prefer yours be too, but I will try my best to mirror you! Just no one liners please, Id like to have something to work with!
Lastly, Ooc chat isnt a necessity at all but would be appreciative! Id love to be able to talk to and maybe even make new friends but thats not a requirement or a deal breaker if youd rather stick to the roleplay/roleplay-related chatting.
So yeah!! This will be on discord, like this post and I'll reach out! Hope to hear from you soon!
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Peacemaker in Blue Beetle 2006 is Christopher Smith, a PSA
So theres this really common misconception that the Peacemaker that mentored Jaime Reyes in Blue Beetle 2006 is Mitchell Black or some other Peacemaker, basically anyone but Chris, and its a misconception that can only survive if you havent actually read the first half of the run all the way through. However its also common enough to really bother me and since Jaime might be about to get a lot of new fans who may not read his comics I feel the need to make this post collecting evidence. So heres the "Peacemaker in Blue Beetle 2006 is definitely Chris" post.
Going under a read more because this is kind of long because Im gonna talk too much, but if you dont want to read it you WILL just get the gist by just looking at the screenshots included.
Also its Peacemaker so CW for nazi imagery/depiction of nazis in some of these screenshots and mention of nazis, also depiction of someone about to commit suicide by firearm, also mentions of ableism
So this misconception comes from the fact that in early Blue Beetle 2006 Peacemaker tells Jaime and his family that hes Mitchell Black, the third Peacemaker:
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This is lampshaded immediately as probably being a fake name just because of how Fake It Sounds (though ironically it is Mitchell's actual legal name, poor guy), and Peacemaker's response to Brenda asking if its his real name is "Its what I told you."
By issue 13 we have Peacemaker being called Smith-Peacemaker by the Negotiator.
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By issue 20, which is also the issue that heavily focuses on Peacemaker and goes into his backstory, Chris is referred to by his full name by the Reach.
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Chris's backstory in issue 20 is his backstory. This is fully Christopher Smith specific. You cannot apply any of this to the other two Peacemaker's that existed at this time.
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So yeah, its definitely him, but Im gonna also really quick go into "so why did he tell everyone he was Mitchell Black?" because I really like talking about Peacemaker.
Basically Peacemaker playing things close to his chest and also straight up lying sometimes is actually a really consistent character trait for him, both in Blue Beetle 2006 and also before that
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As for why hes lying its probably because he doesnt want anyone to realize hes still alive, since the chances are high he'd be arrested and either put back in prison, back with Checkmate, or straight up assassinated. He probably started using Mitchell's name because that way he can keep doing Peacemaker stuff. The guy also pretty much didnt have any real freedom until Blue Beetle, constantly being monitored by the government/Checkmate and constantly being under threat of either being forced to fight or forced institutionalization.
In summary Blue Beetle Peacemaker is Chris. Please stop saying hes not Chris. Its so good for both him and Jaime for that to be him and everytime someone says its not him I start crying really loud.
Bonus screenshot of Jaime referring to Chris by his last name because it didnt fit into this but I got it up and its cute. Thank you
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prpfs · 7 months
Hello!🐺 I hope you are all having an amazing day! Im 20+ looking for others 20+ to possibly RP out an MxM Omegaverse idea I've been thinking of for awhile now!
The general gist of it is our characters are investigators for a series of crimes. Maybe our characters tend to work alone and were partnered together for this particular case or maybe they have always been partners, but either way they dislike each other heavily. I have an Omega OC I'd like to use for this, he's rude, mean, tired, and more than willing to pushback. If your OC happens to be an Alpha, the dislike on my characters end would be due to bad past experiences with Alphas. Maybe your character dislikes mine from how aggressive he comes across as or maybe he has his own reasoning entirely! I would like for this to be slow burn with something eventually happening later down the line that gets them both to finally see eye to eye and opening to door for the possibility of feelings developing for one another over time.
I'd like for the two of us to be able to plot out this idea further, ironing out all the details of it, for what this universe is like, what crimes our characters are investigating, etc, All of that good stuff! Given the subject matter, I dont mind if this goes in a bit of a gritty dark route either in regards to the crimes our OCs investigate or even between our characters themselves! Maybe my character forgot to take his heat surpressants and goes into heat at some point during the investigations and your character takes advantage of him in this state, maybe your character forcefully puts the investigation on pause to get my character somewhere safe to ride out his heat on his own. Maybe your character enforces mines already sour opinion of Alphas, maybe he helps him heal and see that not all Alphas are as bad as the ones he has met in the past. I think theres plenty directions it can go and that it'd be interesting to explore them! NSFW isn't a must nor is it something I am actively looking for but given the universe this takes place in, I wouldn't mind if things went in that direction either! All I ask is that we discuss everything before hand if youd want NSFW down the line so we can discuss kinks, limits, etc.
While I know this plot is geared a bit more towards Alpha characters, your character DOES NOT have to be an Alpha! I welcome Alphas, Betas, and even other Omegas! I'd be more than willing to adjust certain details here and there along side you to better fit whatever your characters secondary gender is!
If you have any ideas you'd want to add into this plot, feel free to let me know! If you have any completely different plot ideas entirely that you have been just dying to play out, feel free to let me know! I'd love to hear any ideas you may have and work something out with you!
My reply length tends to be on the more longer side and I'd prefer yours be too, but I will try my best to mirror you! Just no one liners please, Id like to have something to work with!
Lastly, Ooc chat isnt a necessity at all but would be appreciative! Id love to be able to talk to and maybe even make new friends but its not a requirement or a deal breaker if youd rather stick to the roleplay/roleplay-related chatting.
So yeah!! This will be on discord, like this post and I'll reach out! Hope to hear from you soon!
like if interested!
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whenthechickencry · 8 months
Umineko EP3. Replay Part 3
She probably expected it but giving out so much of her trauma away just to not even be believed must have hurt a bit...
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Again, obviously using this story as a device to talk about herself. K Beatrice never really considered suicide like that, the one that did was Yasu. The way the story says that Kinzo and Beatrice's love is one-sided is interesting - that's not how its portrayed in ep7, though I can imagine that's how Yasu saw it, due to how her life was fucked up by Kinzo.
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The referring of Kinzo as mage/magician/blacksmith is pretty interesting to me. I think it shows how yes a complete dismissal of 'maigc' we see in Battler and later Erika is bad and can hurt people who need help the complete enabling that Genji and others did of Kinzo's magic is bad, too.
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B-batler theres another more obvious and clear definition of the "miracle of creating life" here stop getting frustrated!
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There are like a hundred million hints here Battler! No wonder Beatrice is starting to get frustrated with you. The only bigger hint she could give at this time is basically force-feeding the answer.
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Awkard phrasing considering that's not even true aside - you can tell how their dynamic has changed a bit by now. By this point at the last chapter Battler was talking about how she was evil and would never accept her.
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He's starting to get it but then he forces himself out of taking the story seriously.... Ronove tries to get him back on track though.
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Woah I didn't realize they gave actual dates here... honestly, I don't have the timeline of events 100% clear in my mind on certain stuff so maybe I should work on that with this reread....
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He's able to get the general gist back, though! Thanks, Ronove!
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Ronove chastises him for trying to use Beatrice as a sacrificial piece here too - obviously a hint that we should look into the people he loves.
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Here is Rosa basically talking about the time she heavily considered suicide and then there's her brother and her sister making fun of her for 1. Not trying harder and 2. Being a failure at what she likes. I sit really any surprise Rosa ended up as fucked up as she is?
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Man, this so fucked up.... not allowed to know anything, completely stuck inside one man's delusions....
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I think the fact in this episode you spend time with a younger Rosa and Eva a very interesting a necessary choice for the game - here you meet an Eva before the realization that her dreams will never become true and a Rosa before she was thrust into adulthood with a million unresolved traumas and no support system - I think this was a very necessary choice so that we could see this characters not as people to scapegoat for all the misfortune but as complicated people.
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Yes, that's a better assessment, as her entire life has been a trick by and for Kinzo...
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This must have really fucked up Rosa a lot - I imagine she felt so so guilty about it. I don't really think you can blame Beatrice or Rosa here - the fault lies with Kinzo grooming someone to be so defenseless and naive to the point they can barely understand danger.
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Beato has had enough of having Battler try to blame an ethereal 19th person now, Battler is forced to play like a big boy now.
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I think this is probably referring to how Kinzow is unable to take any results other than Beatrice being brought back to him... other people might think of ways of moving on with their life and accepting their misfortune.... Kinzo chose to spend the rest of his life chasing something impossible and ruining the lives of many people in the process.
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I can't really express it very well here but holy shit an animated CG.
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I might be overthinking this but the fact this episode, outside the meta, refers to the previous episodes is a hint that this one was written a bit after the other ones - the contrast between episode 2 and 3 Shannon is kind of interesting but ultimately it's not that different, Shannon doesn't believe that a real future with George is possible so she's fine with dying after getting the highest attainment (the ring) she believes she can possibly achieve. It's just her death here came earlier than it did in ep2.
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Ouch that line about crying himself to sleep over being furniture hurts....
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These conversations are pretty interesting when you consider it is the same person struggling with their own thoughts, the part that is fine with killing themselves after getting a ring since that's the happiest they will ever be and the part full of regret and bitterness...
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The lines of pure self-hatred are pretty tragic too...
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With this board being the first one to go really off the rails the fact Genji died so early probably has to do with it, lol, that's kind of hard mode for Yasu.... of course, the narrative purpose is Tohya knowing the board didn't go as Yasu planned I and to hint us towards how it actually went down in actuality.
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Huh.... they bring this up again right after they bring up how Kinzo's wife did the same thing when she thought/knew Kinzow as having an affair.... I guess Natsuhi suspected that as well.
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You can tell this episode isn't written by Gohda anymore because Gohda has a scene without someone remarking that he is a snake and evil.
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The fact original Beatrice roughly means "played a lot of pranks" is pretty funny.
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Battler going uh uh I can't take this anymore here always felt a little weird as if this was any weird than the Kanon goat fight in epsidoe 2... that was due to the changed plans in 3 probably though.
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terrifyingkitten · 1 year
lets talk about ageism.
if you go in the tags youll find young posters who post about their issues being young and not being taken seriously irl and online. here theres some overlap with #autism and #actuallyautistic. Then there was a meme i reblogged with some commentary. (i actually tagged my post #literaryanalysis because i believe memes are a literary genre but that is beside the point.) the gist of it was, that we are using youth as a punchline. Youll also find old posters who normally talk about other stuff but use #ageism to tag the hate they receive, mostly from younger people shaming them for using new tech and media wrong.
weve kinda seen the dynamics play out before but havent really talked about it a lot. old ppl think young ppl are dumb and naive and young ppl think old people are out of touch and outdated. the inbetweens are on a slippery slope to becoming what they swore to destroy, we all know the drill.
i want the youths to know that we see you. we have the vocabulary to talk about all other forms of injustice, we just have to start applying it to this convo too.
i stopped using age related self deprecation and i recommend everybody do the same. i wasnt a dumb 13 year old, i was a 13 year old. i wasnt passionate about silly things, i was passionate.
yeah thats it. thats the post. but dont let it be the last. and read the tags
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kidflashimpulse · 2 years
it really does blow my mind how phantoms didn't touch on how bart going missing would WRECK the flashfam. they've lost wally AND joan in the past four years, you can't tell me the possibility of losing bart wouldn't shake them so fucking badly. i know this season didn't focus on bart or the flashfam, but they went over two weeks not knowing if he was ALIVE, and we don't get to see any of it beyond the first few seconds of jay coming back to an empty house? seriously??? i feel cheated
SAME! honestly its ridiculous, like ik that some things go without saying and its a premise that YJ operates on quite a bit (which often I understand) but with Jays involvement in Rockets arc and Barts with the Legion, at least being shown something would've been nice.
Like, I get the impression that Greg and co feel that what they've shown with Jay coming back to an empty house and at the end Dinah revealing (very offhandedly lol) that hes going through mental difficulties speaks volumes to how he would've coped with Bart going missing especially with how they're not “the main characters” of Phantoms, but considering the ridiculously long Bug Love montage (no disrespect to Foragers they're cute but was that incredibly long exposé on their courtship necessary, lets be real, nah lol) or how they dedicated an ENTIRE episode to the Markovia plot which easily couldve been covered as a background thread of headlines throughout the season (without the need of abandoning all of the Halo/Brion/Fury scenes which would've taken up instead what, less than half an episodes worth of screen time instead), then honestly there was easily space for some indication of the mess that would've taken place with the Flash Fam, especially considering their history with YJ. (and whilst we r at it some proper outsiders plot too), so yeah its just wild that they didn't really touch further on the subject. 
If we by some force of nature do manage to get a Season 5, with the indication of Sanctuary plot being explored (a really messed up comics plot of Heroes in Crisis with huge potential but controversial execution largely involving Wally) then a lot of people are theorising that Jay would take on the role as (comic spoilers: skip to next paragraph if u don't wanna read ------------ Wally dying in the event or well something dramatically similar) and then Barry and Bart possibly being on the investigative/involved side of things (comic spoilers: skip to next paragraph if u don't wanna read ------------ turns out it was Wally who murdered a bunch of ppl, Flashpoint time travel stuff etc, u get the gist, though I am doubtful YJ would follow the exact premise, so they would loosely adapt some kind of alternative variation of the plot, especially considering speed force involvement) with the rest of the cast members too. 
Which leads to the premise that maybe they are setting up some kind of Flashfam plot for the next season, but I don't want to be the 100th broken record within the fandom (lol) where ppl theorise this every season lmfao, but who knows theres no harm in speculating/theorising/ coming up with stories. 
Entirely off topic but another way to gauge plots throughout the season is through voice actors, if one of the characters of the voice actors appears in an episode then theres a significantly higher chance their other characters would appear too. If we do manage to get a Season 5 where people think the fight with Apokolips/Darkseid will take a centre stage, then G Gordon Godfrey should appear quite a bit and he has the same voice actor as Flash in Outsiders, which would lead room to him being featured too. So...... who knows lol
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turboemmy · 2 years
waugh… hello!! if you don’t mind, how have you gone about learning to use blender? n like. how uve built up to that style specifically. i love love love love those models so much!!! so charming!!! such a lovely style!!! also bonus points for the 80s cup shirt o|-< , those two characters are so cool, and the way u draw the faces r just 👌👌👌
thanks so much! :-) what i did was just watch the most basic tutorial video about how to build a character and stuff. so i followed this video step by step and learned the tools, shortcuts, etc until i got the gist of it so i didnt need it pulled up constantly!
I knew the style i wanted to go for and the ocs that i wanted to do! I was looking for more of a ps1 kinda feel so i found this awesome video that really helped me learn a lot of basics also that i didnt understand from the other one. Also theres a 2nd video to that one that shows how to do like the uv mapping which i didnt even consider as a thing, its sooo important!
For coloring the model i actually exported it to procreate and colored it on there, thats my main art program and im comfy on it :-)
And pretty much whatever i couldnt figure out from those videos is i just looked it up to see if a different video could explain what i was confused over. So yeah i just recommend starting with whatever youre comfy with, i didnt like that learn blender by making a donut vid because i couldnt focus and it wasnt something i wanted to make kjnfksjjd just start making whatever is in your heart !!!
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mayonakano-archive · 2 years
btw this is also a cry for help bc i dont know how to. like deal w this this kind of stuff never happens at my school!! i think. maybe i just dont care enough
but basically theres this guy he's my friend right. he's leaving class (we had an exam today so we left early today and he goes by the buses while my parents pick me up so. yeah) and then he stops and is like
"Hey neo (he didnt actually call me that he said my name but yk) there's someone I like. She's in this class. You can ask [friend 1] or [friend 2] but I cant tell you her name because I'm shy. Can you ask about her grades and tell me on Thursday?" thursday's our next exam btw
okay i got that off myc hest what do you think bc youre the first person ive told!! its been 5 hours since he told me and ive been getting increasingly worried
understandable. but. i can speak from experience: this is like A Thing that happens over here. people will make other people talk to their crushes for them??? it's. so weird. i don't get it either. i also don't tend to get crushes on anyone aside from fictional characters. hewwo????
BUT LIKE??? WHY DID HE TELL YOU??? IS IT YOU??? it seem sus that he's like "haha go ask my friends" instead of just. t. telling you who it is. why did he do that. tbh if you don't care i think you should just. continue ignoring it. like...... what are you realistically gonna do with the information????? in a way i get it tho it can be scary to talk to your crush but at the same time like??? JUST ASK HOW HER EXAMS ARE GOING??? THAT'S THE LEAST SUS TOPIC OF CONVERSATION EVER???
godspeed neo. i'm wishing you luck. crush drama is so weird.
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phoneybeatlemania · 2 years
Have you read May Pang’s book and if so, what do you think of it? What are your thoughts about John’s final years?
Hiya anon!
Unfortunately I can’t give you much of an opinion on May Pangs book because Im still yet to read it. I was actually going to start it the other week, but it was a toss up for me between May’s book and Pauline Lennon’s Daddy Come Home, and I went with the latter cause it was easier to travel with. I have a reading list here though if you’d like to check out the other stuff Ive read, although, it needs updating lol.
As for Johns final years, my thoughts on that are a bit more complicated. While I do get the impression that John Wasn’t Doing Great in his final years, Im not sure I believe it to the extent that others do. 
My guess is that John was probably somewhat lonely and depressed—but Im not sure Im convinced he was as depressed as other people seem to think he was. Not that it’s impossible or anything, but Im yet to see any accounts that would confirm/strongly suggest that [feel free to engage with this post though, Im all for sharing sources :)]. 
One comment from him that I personally think about a lot suggests to me that he was still dealing with a lot of the same emotional and mental health issues he’d been having for years, only I think they’d been slightly lessened, in part because he wasn’t so involved with drug/alcohol substances, and in part because he was trying to mature more as a parent for Sean, which might have prompted him to take more of an active role with his mental health (not saying he had a whole self-care routine or anything, but I think if he was making conscious efforts to be a good parent then he might have had to sort of just say to himself: yes, you’re depressed, but get on with it):
‘The thing about the child [Sean] is…it’s still hard. I’m not the greatest dad on earth, I’m doing me best. But I’m a very irritable guy, and I get depressed. I’m up and down, up and down, and he’s had to deal with that too—withdrawing from him and then giving, and withdrawing and giving. I don’t know how much it will affect him in later life, but I’ve been physically there.’ (source: John Lennon: The Last Interview w/ Jonathan Cott)
However, I should clarify that theres still a lot of texts Ive been meaning to get to for awhile on this, so my opinions here are subject to change; this is just the gist of my feeling on the matter, as of yet. I was thinking about making a massive document actually, collecting all different sources on this to weigh out the He Was Depressed vs He’s Never Been Better arguments, and see which side seems more likely. But yeah, this is the position Ive taken for now! 
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