#yeah we be masking
appawling · 7 months
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going back to my roots and drawing a lot of vocaloid lately, and using it as a way to practice perspective.
here's gumi!!!
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don’t exactly love going around define & police what is & isn’t high needs autism but some you all “this character/shows/etc is high needs autism representation” and show is people who can live independently/ semi independently & go to community without supervision & bunch examples can only think of iADL examples & not autism inherent symptoms bc no brain right now
like can we collectively acknowledge be visibly awkward & “weird” speech pattern & low/cant mask… not exclusive to high needs autism. n not all of what high needs autism mean. right. like can we
we know low support & level 1 autistics can struggle w masking… right
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wardingshout · 6 months
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Family for day 6 of SpeSilverWeek! Edition uuh found biological and crime I guess...
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lokh · 15 days
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would u trust me to be able to carry heavy grocery bags
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harmonysixx · 2 months
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I wish I had a big brother who sang me sea shanties (and summoned hurricanes) when I'm upset.
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real rich for arthur to immediately assume kellin is insane just cause he’s hearing voices in his head and talks to himself sometimes
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braisedhoney · 1 year
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"He’s frozen stiff, threatening claws now hovering down to the side—his eyes look huge in the darkness, that faint white glow giving just the slightest of his expression away. 
He still doesn’t strike."
- all because of you (i do right) by puppyblue on ao3, Chapter 1. @puppyblueao3 here on tumblr i think!
(does this count as a fic rec or fanart. both, probably. rambles under the cut.)
SO uh—i'm really picky about fanfiction. like. really really picky.
i dunno why exactly, but i kinda have a hard time reading them right away bc a) i'm not really a shipper and that's most fanfiction i've seen and b) i like when i can really imagine the characters saying and doing whatever it is they're doing.
y'know the whole "he would not fucking say that" meme? lmao that's me, but with fanfics and only to myself. (i know everyone has their niche and i'm not here to police anybody's fun, just curate my own.)
anyway all that to say that i really, really liked this one. a lot. it's canon divergent off of into the spiderverse, and if you can believe it the comic is literally not a spoiler bc it's in the summary of the fic. but if you liked uncle aaron or even just are a sucker for redemption (? ish?) arcs, i think you'd like it! with all the angst and chaos from atsv it's a nice change of pace.
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antiterf · 7 months
Whenever a transphobe talks about how trans people are putting on a mask and pretending to be something we're not I think of what I wrote as a closeted 15-year-old as my gender dysphoria was leading me to disassociate while at school.
"This isn't us. This is a mask. This is a script. And everything we do is all part of an act."
Like... Maybe you think that you would feel like you're pretending to be something you're not but it's kind of the opposite.
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imaveryevilenby · 1 month
alright hold on hold on hold on we're doing 3am gender thinking again
so the initial idea of my views on gender that occurred to me at 5am last time in what was probably a manic episode is fuck gender I can't fit the boxes expected of me so I'll dismantle the whole system and do my own thing
so problem is I can't do that, I can't dismantle the whole system and go my own way because I am entirely dependent on the sex and gender systems we have in place and how other people view sex and gender
additionally the idea that gender itself is the outdated stereotypical system is flawed, gender is the way a person feels and we've made categories and boxes to describe incredibly complex feelings
the problem is the more specific a gender gets, the smaller that box gets, the more people are excluded from that box so the solution is another box that fits better or make their own like with neogenders
the solution is a line of gender boxes like hermit crabs...
the fun part about thinking of gender and stuff is that I personally believe that every single person on earth experiences gender and life differently from every other person, even if only slightly
so theoretically if every person on earth were to describe their gender outlook and gender experiences and form a gender identity from that, then there could theoretically be 8 billion god damn genders
the solution is more genders
the solution is running Doom (1993) on my fucking gender
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ouroboroscully · 1 year
being autistic is only having the spoons to try to make friends mmmm once every 5 years or so and then rinsing and repeating until you die
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introspectivememories · 11 months
oh my god bernard gets batman and dick to help save tim in the last issue and everyone in the family takes that to mean that bear knows about their night jobs. except tim still thinks bear doesn't know. that bear being there was just a coincidence. he just tagged along to save him cause bear is such a standup guy! cue tim doing everything to hide his identity and the family looking at him like he's lost his mind because obviously bernard know tim?? he literally patches you up every night???? why would he not know??????
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saint-bestial · 7 months
i hope sleep token does unmask at wembley only to have another mask on underneath so everyone speculating on an official face reveal shrivels up from their own sodium content.
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ubejamjar · 16 days
ffxiv rarepair week || jantoirel
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artoirel's eyes are 'forget-me-not blue' and jandelaine could never forget them, forget him.
#xivrarepairweek#xivrarepairweek2024#there be heavensward spoilers in yonder tags#jantoirel#spoiler warning i'm not doing rarepair week it's already mostly through and i don't have the energy but jantoirel#get it? it's like 'chanterelle'#artoirel#artoirel de fortemps#jandelaine#OK HEAR ME OUT#artoirel keeps going but it feels like he never got love or approval from edmont; who loved haurchefant more even if he didn't show it#and after haurchefant dies edmont loves aymeric and the wol more than his own damn kids but really artoirel is a good son; he's trying hard#that kind of thing has to wear on his confidence even if he masks it well#IMAGINE if you will artoirel getting a hair cut from jandelaine and just saying 'sorry this doesn't make me feel better but thanks for tryi#jandelaine would never accept that#he would totally try to figure out what needed done to help artoirel's self-esteem#i'm imagining some romantic-comedy hi-jinks where slowly over time they realize that they spend so much time together; they love spending#time together; they love each other! imagine jandelaine's brother being like 'why do you come home so much more often than before?'#jandelaine's just like '------ Yeah so anyway'#i kinda got the vibe that jandelaine gets lonely sometimes; he helps so many people but he doesn't really have any friends or people he's#close to that we see so spending so much time in one place with one person would help that love grow#and then they kiss#i feel like they could have a beautiful romantic arc i just really like them together i don't know what to tell you#screenshotjar#gposejar
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really wish my one friend would quit flirting with me. and trying to goad me into hanging out more. and assigning us fictional characters that are oh-so-coincidently either couples or with romantic tension. and then interrupting our gameplay to ask me repeatedly if I think they’re “like us” (which they rarely are…). and matching my icon on discord without asking (again, usually by insinuating a couple connection). and giving me random things I do not want and did not ask to receive (and then forcing me to take them???).
#storyrambles#it’s not creepy. just for context. it’s just irritating because I’ve told this person repeatedly that I’m not interested in romance.#this person is also naturally a huge romantic so it is next to impossible to tell whether it’s actual flirtation or just flirting for fun#flirting for fun is cool. I wouldn’t mind that. but if I do it once this person will take that as an invitation to do it an excessive amoun#but yeah after being given 12 roses out of the blue when I said ‘no don’t buy me flowers’. there’s only so many things that can mean#‘it’s nice to see your face you always cover it!’ …I’m masking. because of covid#I’m narrating a game and suddenly ‘I like hearing your voice I should call you every day so I can hear it for 10 minutes’. …no.#‘you have to take the snack I brought you know it’s rude to refuse a gift’ I have never refused a gift. It is rude. But also I didn’t ask.#‘you know this game is one you can play without talking so we can play more often!�� we already play games once a week for usually 3 hours.#‘but it’s not talking so it’s less social energy’ no. that is not how it works.#sorry for the rant im just. tired.#you know those people who are so pleasant to hang out with and then they try way too hard#and that’s actually what makes things awkward? rather than when they’re just being themselves?#yeah. that’s this friend here.#usually I go along with the bit but when I can never tell when the bit is actually a bit#and you insist on me taking on the ‘girl role’ for most of them#I am not going to play along.#UGH don’t get me started on the ‘you’re cute when you’re flustered’#I wasn’t even flustered. I was trying to do mental math while running on four hours of sleep and he was staring directly at me#it’s uncomfortable.#also. I never want to hear that again. fuck. ‘you’re cute when you’re angry’ ‘you’re cute when you’re upset’ ALL THE FUCKING TIME AS A KID#will I be so cute after I kick you in the nuts? will I?#(for clarity I don’t want to kick him. I want to kick those other people.)#I need a lot of alone time. I really do. I can do 3 hours and then I will be drained for the rest of the day.#‘how did you grow up? did you not talk to your mom for more than 3 hours a day?’#first of all. that’s different?#secondly we actually regularly do separate things without talking to each other. or go in separate rooms to take some time to ourselves#also I don’t have to be on high alert for if I’m going to be flirted with. so.#ugh. I like him as a friend. I really do. I know this all makes it seem like the opposite. I try so hard to be as nice as possible.#but UGHHHHHH
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mad-hunts · 1 month
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kit-kat-jo · 2 months
#…..yeah u alrwady know whats up#the amazing digital circus#spoilers in the next tags now ofc#ragatha…….. my dear ragatha trying her absolute fucking hardest to cheer pomni up#we all saw it coming a mile away bless her soul#and the entire scene under the map#pomni immediately latching onto gummy goo’s misery and being so soft and comforting made me want to THROW UP AND BAWL MY EYES OUT#bc….. rags doesnt know that if she just stopped trying to act overly positive and push everything that happened to her aside#and instead was real with her and tried to find ways they felt similar about being trapped#she would have been so much more successful in helping her like she wanted#FUUUCKKK!!!!!!!!#and the FUCKING FUNERAL FOR KAUFMO?????#jaw dropped when zooble came in saying that#that whole fucking end scene makes me want to throw up and BAWL#THE HANDS REACHING OUT TO POMNI AND CATCHING HER#OUGHDHFHFHHHH#the ragapom enjoyers have been fed.#btw#i have been fed#rewatching throwing up shitting and crying#two big rips to gummy goo and gangles happy mask only being on for 4 minutes and 7 seconds (yeah i checked)#anyway ragatha and pomnis voices are so nice inlove women#and jax showing an emotion for a 000000.00001th of a frame#the jax fans are gonna go crazy over that i can tell#yall can have him but also that facial expression couldve been abt queenie just my hunch tho#SPEAKING OF kinger having a split second of clarity talkin to rags in that scene?#he was absolutely fatherly to her when she first appeared#wish we could see this so bad#time to be normal now alr buhbye#slaps a lesbian sticker on ragatha for doing like 4 finger guns and flirting with the queen
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