#yeah yeah i know we don't use that format for the other Houses
phntxm · 2 months
If you go on a blind date
} fem! reader, muzan in 3rd year high school, he have a crush on you but won't let you know (ofc), mean muzan, jealous muzan, reader's action a bit dumb(it's for the scenarios, I don't like it too lol), might have part 2 a/n; why I change my format every post lmao, not a long post ig / quick writing work
" what did you just say? " muzan stopped abruptly while packing his own belongings into his bag after hearing that you were going on a blind date
" I will be going on a blind date! " you repeated.
"... so instead of tutoring today, you're just going to waste your time on a blind date?" he asked with a mixture of disappointment and frustration. today, you and he have tutoring after school. in fact, all week, you have been having tutoring classes together after school, but muzan chose to tutor alone as he found the tutoring class did not meet his expectations, so you two will be tutoring together
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" c’mon it’s not like I would be on a date everyday, it’s just one day " you say " and also this is not my idea in the first place, I just go with my friends because they want it to be in couple number " you added 
" and why won’t they just take someone else, it’s not like you’re the only student here " he replies
" yeah, and why won’t you let me, it’s not like we have tutoring only one day " you tried using the same reasons from him, sometimes we should have some fun, being with him was so boring, focus on studying isn't bad but he's way too boring
" you really want to go that badly?" he asked, noticing your excitement as you nodded eagerly
" tch, just don’t get too carried away," he said, his reluctance evident in his tone as he reluctantly agreed to let you go
after the blind date, you and the guy went on a few more dates as you liked each other. now, you skip tutoring with muzan more often, and of course, he did not take that well
he's so grumpy; everything and everyone in his sight is just... not right
the day after, he asked about your blind date in a nonchalant way, but deep down, he's so fvcking curious
he wants to know every detail: where you went, what you talked about. oh, you might have even laughed at a stupid joke because you're like that—smiling and laughing with strangers like an idiot
but the most important thing he wants to know is who the guy you went on a date with is
he tried to make you stay with him after school by saying things like the exam would be so hard, you have to stay for tutoring with him. If he takes you to his house for tutoring, he would finish very late just to have his personal driver take you home before bedtime
if your date went well;
not letting muzan meet him would be the best
muzan will try to win your heart
eell, muzan doesn't see it as 'stealing' you back because you're his, all for him. you guys are not even in a serious relationship. one day, you will be back for him. right now, you are seeing someone else. It's not stealing because you never belonged to anyone else
first, he would blame the guy you are dating, bad-mouth him, then blame all men. 'all men are like this, you can't trust any of them' he blames you, he blames everyone except himself. all of this just for you to stop seeing anyone
he doesn't like worthless methods, nor methods that would affect him or you
like spreading bad rumors: if it would affect you by making you look bad for dating that guy, he might put it last on his list. but it doesn't mean that he won't use it, because he could be the one who consoles your heart from whatever bad happened to you (that's because of him)
if your date went bad; he might go around dating with other girl, breaks your heart etc.
oh, as it should
he would bad-mouth the guy even though he knows nothing about him
now, the tutoring with him will be stricter. he will make sure you're performing well in your exams so that he can claim it's because of his tutoring that you're improving
if you're thinking about going on a date with another guy or seeing anyone...
no, you can't
he would remind you every time about your bad date, even though it was your first and only time doing it, to make sure you won't go anywhere
" don't you remember that damn date that had you depressed for a week?! "
" I know I was wrong for that. This time, I think this guy might be okay "
" so once is not enough, you want to embarrass yourself for a second time? Are you really that stupid? "
he tried, he tried so hard to be the only guy you want
he would suggest that you tutor in a place other than at school or his house, such as a café or any coffee shop you prefer, but without making it seem like an 'obvious date'
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rorah · 7 months
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The mentally stable Dimitri Fire emblem 3 hopes.
It surprises me that there's still ppl claiming so, but then I remember we're talking about 3h interpretations and I have to make peace with it.
But that doesn't stop me from venting a little bit in this little space I have lol. Actually, it dries me and makes me feel bad to bring this up because I will have to talk bad about Dedue, and I don't want to talk Bad about Dedue. He's a genuinely good boy. But "Human" nonetheless, which means Flaws. I like Felix too but he's become some sort of a clown that doesn't make me feel too bad. I like Felix tho, In a different way.
Mostly talking about these two because the take that "Dimitri has better support system" baffles me because, technically, these two are his support system in HopesVerse. The persons who Dimitri relays on and seek solace/advice/support. The rest doesn't really tackle any of his personal struggles (aside from the Mage!Mitri frustrated dream, but that's out of the bad equation in our 'mentally unwell' set of pixels, and Shez only has a glimpse). Contrary, to Houses verse where the whole blue lions cast knew about his shit, didn't know what to do, but didn't leave either.
I tackled this topic with other person on Twitter who was (or still is) on board with this take and the phrase they used was They contained him better, which of course I agree and remarked that was exactly the problem. Contain him is gonna be contra productive. I used a water dam analogy, where the structure of such dam is damaged, and the pressure of water keeps accumulating. Causing a foreseeable damage for the dam itself and the surroundings. You don't need to be a genius to understand it, you need experience or knowledge for mental ill topics tho.
I really don't want to extend so much on here because it's mostly just, rant format more than a proper analysis so I just want to point out these two things in their support conversations.
First, Dedue. Encourage him to keep on the vengeful path. Which we know was the final goal of Azure Moon and if you payed attention to 3 houses message. The whole Vengeful argument was something Bad, to keep it simple. Despite Dimitri actively looking for answers/guidance for something that, in a rational state he can see clearly like vengeance will consume his life (also Shez and Felix called out this behavior). Dedue answer only encourage him to keep on that path, because he would do that ���. Presenting 2 oposite views is a great formula for confusion and disorientation. Now, Dedue's role is primary SUPPORT, not guidance nor orientation. He will support his shit no matter what, and we are quite aware of that if played Houses.
Second, Felix. Felix is a special case. He is smart but also an idiot lacks A LOT of soft skills to actually be of help. He's the only one who knows in this verse about Dimitri having a mental issue. In their A support to say the least, so they don't close or solve anything. What makes it more worrisome is the fact that Felix conceals the issue as a secret.
"So try to keep that whole "removing their heads" thing in check, yeah? We can just call it our little secret."
this extract here makes me feel so unwell 😭help
The whole burden falls over him and his lack of skills and wisdom on the matter will be too much for him later on. He at least, will be able to recognize that the problem is beyond of his capabilities and will look for help. Felix himself has his own issues and journey where he needs to learn. He's forced to get pass beyond some of his angry teen behavior but hasn't completely get over it.
There is a lot more to tackle, but that requires more work and time. What are the topics some of you think is important to cover around understanding the Hopes verse resolution? Dimitri's route? something? Do you think the route without Byleth is better? With that being said, I would like to delve deeper into character analysis, and the role each played for the Lords too. That also requires to talk about the Byleth and needs a whole analysis on their own, which requires time (which i don't have much lol) To end this vent, I would like to encourage people to do a little research for the terminology they're using like "Support System". Who makes it up and how it operates successfully. The fact that ppl saying "he has better support system" only because he didn't go feral on the run alone is not entirely valid. A reminder that people can feel alone with or without people around them. And containing the issue within doesn't solve any problem. At best, it's presented later. At worse, it gets worse.
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izzabela · 3 months
In the Mafia's Eyes - Lin Kuei Siblings x GN!reader
in which the deadliest mafia group's leader and two brothers have you in their sight
a/n: i was scrolling through and i laid my eyes on the most beautiful fanart EVER, so i asked permission to use it (as you can see, i got permission) BIG UPS TO @moonbay1cn for letting me use their art (i cropped it to fit my blog formats, if you don't mind)
ships: tomas, bi han, kuai liang x GN!reader
warning[s]: mentions of blood, suggested violence, suggestive, you're delusional
p.s. mafia au! the Lin Kuei are based in the U.S. instead of Arctika/China
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You should have realized who the men you served were. Every single clue and hint was there, pointing you in the right direction, yet you ignored the obvious flags that waved in your brain.
New York City is insidious: places to be, things to do, dreams to achieve. There's a reason why it's called "the city that doesn't sleep." People are up at all hours of the day and night to do things, and the night was a tad more active than the day. For you, however, the days seemed to blur together. Working at a 24/7 shop isn't rare. What made it rare was that it was a 24/7 tea house/café/eatery.
In the middle of Manhattan.
Upper east side, Manhattan.
In a rundown building that was browner than poop stains and long-deceased rat corpses.
That should have been your first hint.
The building was old, needing constant repairs here and there, yet it was untouched by the most powerful real estate agents, landlords, and other money-grubbing losers that would love to tear the building down to replace it with a painfully sleek and sterile one.
You were grateful for Madame Bo's persistence against this modern era of sad, beige modernness, but were also confused. How did she make so much money to keep them away? And if she had such money, why wouldn't she do the renovations herself? She could easily update the internals and externals of the building if she wanted to.
"Oh dear," she had said, "The charm is in the age of the building."
The second clue to the enigma of the tea house café were the customers.
When you were first hired by Madame Bo, you didn't really notice the patterns of people coming in and out, nor the lackeys that would round the block. Despite how old this building was, it was a popular stop for both the middle class and the privileged snobs residing in the upper east side. Over time, you knew who were regulars and who weren't.
When you worked the day shifts, you made note of four men who would be walking outside the building. On other shifts, they switched it up on you and they were paired with women, posing as couples. However, you knew better than that. Sure, to the untrained eye they would have just been randoms working out, but your gut told you otherwise. They were tall, slightly beefed with muscle, and walked faster than a normal New Yorker- yeah, definitely not normal.
What also peeved you out was the fact you always felt... something on you. You couldn't figure out if it was safety or protection, but what you definitely felt were eyes on you.
It didn't stop there, though.
On the very rare, and desperate, occasions you had a night shift, you kept a mental tab that two people would enter the empty eatery. They would sit on opposite sides of the room, laptops open and untouched. While you didn't judge the work ethics of others, you certainly judged people who had questionable habits of work. Even so, Madame Bo made drinks for them- free of charge!
"My dear," she said to you one fateful night shift, "They do a lot more for us than we know."
The last hint was as obvious as a clown in disguise. Scratch that, it's not even a hint anymore- it's a big red "x marks the spot" on a treasure map. And the "treasure" came in a pack of three hot guys.
Every month since you began working with Madame Bo, three men in luxurious suits and tuxes came to visit the shabby tea house. One of them with gray-colored hair, while the other two matched in black colored hair. You also noted their style of face covering, two of them opting for a face mask while the other remained bare-faced.
Every month without fail, these three men came to visit and sit down for some tea. There were times where they just sat in comfortable silence together, other times they were discussing the mundane in their lives. Most of the time, though, they simply sat together and spoke with Madame Bo, laughing and engaging in hearty conversation.
Every time they spoke with her, you couldn't help but stare at them. Madame Bo and the three mystery men were more different than the poles in a magnetic field, yet they spoke to her with such respect and joy. You thought it was just a rare case of rich people being kind. During a day shift when they visited, you asked Madame Bo for the origins of the three men.
"Oh them? I used to watch them when they were little," she explained to you, Raiden, and Kung Lao, "All three of them are brothers, with Tomas being adopted."
You remembered that you zoned out during the explanation of her ties with them, the only thing you got were their names: Tomas for the ash colored hair, Bi Han to the navy suit, and Kuai Liang in his amber-rust colored suit. As you zoned out, your eyes wandered over to the three.
They were engaged in their own conversation, chuckling quietly as they spoke about their business. While the air within them was pleasant, you felt a bit of fear and excitement. Something about them made you want to straighten up, look presentable, and be on your best behavior. You wanted to give them the best customer service in their lives- actually, maybe more than just "service".
You remembered catching the eyes of Kuai Liang, who briefly looked away from his siblings to catch you staring at them. His gold-black mask covered the bottom half of his face, but the way his eyes wrinkled a bit signaled some sort of smile that lied underneath.
You blushed and turned away, trying to zone back into the conversation with Madame Bo and the other boys you worked with.
"Woah! So like, are they super rich, Madame Bo?" Kung Lao asked innocently.
Madame Bo nodded, stating something about how they own a couple of stores in the upper east side thanks to a family business. You, however, still did not get the memo about who they were until later that day.
This was the answer to your dilemma on who these ferocious and fine men were.
After a night with some of your close friends, you were walking home alone following a sketchy back-path. It was supposed to be a shortcut, provided by the maps app on your phone. However, it died after you forgot to charge it, leaving you wandering the unruly city during its worst. As you walked, you fell into trouble with some sleazy idiots.
You remembered how close they were to you, their alcohol-stained breath and sleazy style of walk. The way they slithered over your shoulder to try and get you to come home with them. Not only were you sober, but willing to fight. You had punched one of them in the nuts to escape, but the grasp of one of the disgusting men was too strong for you.
You remembered four of them surrounding you, and you really thought you'd meet your end in the alley that night. You closed your eyes, but heard gun shots and the sounds of bodies hitting the damp concrete. What once was creepy and dangerous men surrounding you, you found them lying in their own blood, clean shots through the head.
You fell to your knees, threatening to cry, but you saw a familiar color on a suit. Okay, a few familiar colors: gray, navy, and rusty amber. You saw a gloved hand reach out to yours, leading to Bi Han's broad figure. You took it, and he effortlessly brought you to your feet. You noticed his other gloved hand was getting replaced, Kuai Liang replacing the soiled mitten.
Tomas snuck behind you (you didn't even feel him get there) to offer his coat. He gently placed it on your shoulders, his eyes peeking down at your round, doe, startled ones. Despite what happened in front of you, and despite you finally learning who they really were, you weren't afraid.
Each man held something in their eyes that promised you safety, security, and protection. Like a guardian angel, these men made a promise with their eyes to you. A promise saying that no matter where you are, what you're doing, that you'd always be safe.
As the saying goes, "It's in the eyes, chico," and boy they aren't wrong.
It's been a couple of months since that incident, and the games you've played with them and your mind have been infectious. The brother's visits to the café have begun to happen more frequently, they even visit you alone sometimes, which didn't help your brain's delusions.
Every time one of them came to the cafè, you were afraid they would see right through you and into your horny thoughts. Whenever they visited and watched you work, you felt their eyes not leaving you once. It got so bad that you would bring Raiden or Kung Lao to distract you while doing stuff, or simply have Madame Bo make them leave.
Even so, it didn't stop your mind at all.
On the day's Kuai Liang came to the café, his gaze on you was steady and still, like a constant fire during a winter storm. The way he looked at you was full of wanting, desire, and desperation- like he needed you more than oxygen. Your brain imagined that his body was warmer than most, and that he would keep you in a dizzying trance.
Your mind played scenarios in which Kuai Liang would explore every part of you, with no intent of letting you go either. His hands leaving hand-shaped slap marks and bruises, marking every part of you to let the world know that you were his alone to worship. His loyalty to you and your body would leave you overwhelmed, melting under his constant affection and love.
Your mind concluded he'd be a gentleman and a rough lover, and you had to shake the thoughts out before he knew.
When Bi Han came to visit, you didn't have to know it was him at all. While Kuai Liang's presence was warm and welcoming, Bi Han's aura was chill to the bone. Whenever you were working, Bi Han's eyes never left your body. You figured his stares felt more...cold: persistent, chilly, and never-ending. Like a blizzard in the cold tundra of the arctic.
With Bi Han, your mind played vignettes of how he'd take you to bed. He would be rough, not like Kuai Liang. He'd pull your hair, smack your perky behind, and tell you how much of a degenerate you really were- all for him of course. He'd leave hickeys everywhere on your body, a mosaic of pink, purple and red on you to remind you who belonged to who.
Your mind also thinks he'd be great with aftercare. All that rough-housing and such, you needed to calm down and collect yourself. Your brain fills your mind with him putting you in a bath, rubbing your back, shampooing your hair too. He'd whisper "I love you's" in your delusions, peppering each hickey with kisses.
For him, your mind finalized he'd be the roughest of the three, while also caring for your wellbeing post-sex.
Your brain was working in serious overdrive.
Finally, when Tomas came to visit, you always felt sweet with him around. Not only would he stare at you with such love in his eyes, but he'd engage with others around him.
Like a butterfly, he'd go around and spread joy; however, he loved floating around you the most. You found that talking to him was easier than talking to his brothers, so you talked to him about the basics of who you were. When you tried to bring up that night, he told you that it would stay between you four- a private business transaction.
He'd also ask why you spoke to him more, and not his brothers. He assured you that they wouldn't bite, but you simply said it was out of respect.
And to keep your thoughts at bay.
Despite all of this, you weren't fooled by him at all. The way he looked at you, when people weren't present, was filled with a primal hunger, a desire to have you. He was the predator, and you knew damn well that you were his prey- not able to get away from his trapping gaze. His stares were sharp and clear, like a hunter ready for the kill.
And by the elder gods your mind was ready to be hunted.
You imagined his grip on you being tight, like you'd disappear and he'd never find you again. He would be intentional with tour body, exploring every part of you in more depth and detail than his brothers. His touch would make you feel sensitive, flinching at how feathery and flighty his fingers were as he took every part of you for himself.
He'd kiss you like he'd leave forever- full of longing, desperation, and wanting. Your brain thinks he'd need you more than oxygen, that he would love nothing more than to breath your natural scent in like the necessary element.
If Kuai Liang made you dizzy with heat, and Bi Han made you shiver with his chill, then Tomas would have you writhing under him like a poor animal in heat.
You prayed to the elder gods silently, hoping the men wouldn't see your perverse thoughts as they came by the shop.
Unfortunately, your pleas were ignored.
During their monthly visitation, you saw to the brothers yourself and sat them down, took their order, and made their drinks. Tomas took an Earl Gray with a pastry, Kuai Liang with some matcha, and Bi Han with Oolong tea.
You quickly gave their drinks to them, paired with an even quicker "thanks for waiting" and retreated behind the counter.
You watched them only for a bit, your brain playing new scenarios, but you distracted yourself with chores. Deep into them, you didn't even feel them leave until Raiden and Kung Lao tapped your shoulder, money in the latter's and a note in the former's.
"Looks like our prettiest barista got some tip money," Kung Lao teased, "A crisp twenty dolla bill too!"
You gasped, but who could have gifted you with such a generous tip? Raiden hands you a slip of paper, which answers your question and fills your head with more of them.
"Uhh..." he fidgeted nervously, "I am not sure what this means, but it definitely makes me wonder..." he handed the note to you and you flush the deepest shade of red ever.
It's in the eyes, little barista
once again, big ups to @moonbay1cn for letting me use their beautiful piece of media for this post!
see yall in the next fic ;)
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theepisceswriter · 1 year
JJK characters comforting a stressed out/overworked significant other ( Gojo, Nanami, Toji, Mei Mei)
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TW: none really apply, GN!reader, headcanon format
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He's QUICK to notice the signs when you're under distress, any slight change in your mood and he's on the case like Olivia Benson.
It's during times like these that he really clings to you and is an attentive partner because he's seen what the weight of stress can do to people close to him and he REFUSES to let them succumb to it if there's anything he can do to stop it.
He becomes so soft and vulnerable with you the moment he notices your eyes are a little too bloodshot
"What's wrong baby? Do you want to talk about it? We can lay down if you'd like."
He turns into your therapist for the day and purposefully clears his schedule for the day so you can rant to him for as long or as little as you'd like. You can take it all the way back to drama from grade school if you wanted to and he'd listen genuinely to try and come up with solutions for you.
Did I mention all of this is happening while you're laying on his chest and he's stroking your hair? V U L N E R A B L E !
The moment the source of your stress is identified don't even worry about it anymore, he's most definitely going to take care of it and you.
Oh and he's going to throw you a stress-free themed party with the jjk kids that seems so silly but actually helped all of you in the long run.
Nanami is a stressed out and overworked man in general so you would do your best to hide the fact that you’re stressed out to not add on to his stress, but Nanami isn’t falling for any of that “I’m okay, I swear (:” nonsense when it comes to you. He recognizes those bags underneath your eyes all too well. Not to mention that he can hear you typing away on your laptop and shifting around in bed checking your email at god forbidden hours of the night when you should be sleeping.
He moves in silence for real unlike the people who post those quotes on their IG stories, so you most likely wouldn't even notice that he knows how stressed and overworked you are. You should absolutely know better than to think you're tricking him, when this man gets partners he STUDIES them to a T!
You'll just come home from work and he'll have dinner already made for you along with special pastries that he prepared himself and a night of self-care prepped for you to complete; he's big on acts of service as a love language.
"But Nanami I have wo-" "You didn't ha-" AHT! He's not hearing that, he'll just gaze at you and then motion to the table with his head. You have no choice, this man is going to make sure you're stress-free for certain by the end of the night.
And yes, you are going to get a lecture on the importance of mental health and self care and no you cannot tell him about himself.
“Darling, why do you work yourself so hard when I can just take care of us?”
Mei Mei is a sugar momma and you can’t convince me otherwise. Half of that money she finesses out of others? Yeah, it’s going towards you and your expenses.
The first sign of distress and she’s sending gifts to your house that she knows will cheer you up. New shoes, a couple of new expensive outfits, some roses, etc, etc.
I also feel like she's a master baecation planner too, so don't be surprised when she sends you that "pack your bags" text at 8pm and the next thing you know you're in Aspen skiing with socialites.
Though, depending on how much she likes you and values you this could be a good or bad thing. If she's not really vibing you like that but thinks you're cute enough to keep around then she's doing all of this just to get you to shut up about ranting to her.
"Stress is just a mindset and one that causes wrinkles so knock that off."
BUT, if she reaaaaallllyy likes you then these are genuinely just the perks that come with having Mei Mei as a girlfriend. Best believe she'll find a moment in the midst of spoiling you when you two are alone to get to the bottom of your stress and help you figure it out.
He don't give a FAWK what you got going on baby !
I'm just playing yall, he cares but because he's emotionally unavailable its very hard to tell that he cares sometimes.
Hit him with a "I've just been so stressed lately" and he'll hit you with a "So stop stressing 😐" he means well I promise.
It's when he sees it take a toll on your mental health that he gets concerned, or as concerned as someone like Toji can be. Once he notices the fatigue, lack of eating, and dark eye circles his protection instincts kick in. As someone who's traveled into the deepest and darkest parts of his mind, the last thing he wants is for someone he cares about to end up in a place like that because he knows how it feels.
Just like Mei Mei, his acts of service and the amount of support he gives you depends on how far along and serious you two are as a couple.
If you're casual he'll just give you verbal reminders like; "Don't you think you need a break?" "Go eat you look like a witch" "I would suggest a nap to help with those dark circles." He's apart of that sassy man apocalypse we're.
BUT, if you two are locked in then he'll go out his way a lot more to make sure you're comfortable like buying you comfort food, watching a movie or two with you, and fucking to keep your mind off of it.
He'll physically take your work laptop away from you and put it on a high shelf purposefully so you won't be able to reach it. Your job keeps calling you in on your off days? He'll pickup the phone next time and let them know the Toji way why you can't come in. Boss irritating you over a project? Don't let toji see him in person or get ahold of any office numbers!
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youling-the-ghost · 1 month
More sfth incorrect quotes! ft. hopefully better formatting (the link I used to generate these)
*obligatory "none of the shipping quotes are me actually shipping them"
Tom: When I said you should try being friendlier this isn't what I meant. Luke, stirring a cup of tea aggressively: Oh, so now I'm TOO friendly? There's no pleasing you. AJ, who broke into his house an hour ago: Two sugars please. Luke: Coming right up. Luke: Tom, I don’t think I can handle any more of your tomfuckery. Tom: Oh yeah? Well I can keep going until you’re all tomfuckered out!
Tom: CHARACTER. FLAWS. ARE. FUCKING. IMPORTANT. Luke: Me when someone tells me to stop eating mayo packets like they’re gogurt tubes. Sam, making a cup of tea: Yeah, get into that leaf juice, you sexy, sexy bee sauce. Tom: Hey, do you take constructive criticism? Sam: I absolutely fucking do not. Tom: I never understood why people cared so much about their dumb friends until I got a dumb friend myself. Tom: *Picks up AJ* Tom: I’ve only befriended AJ for a day and a half, but if anything happened to him I would kill everyone in this room and then my self. AJ: Everyone has a toxic trait. Except Tom, he's perfect. Tom: Wrong! My toxic trait is how badly I want to domesticate a raccoon. Luke: Ew. What kind of tea is this? AJ: I boiled gatorade. AJ: I know what a prism is! It's where you put bad people. Sam: Do you want this handful of moss? Tom: Why would I want a handful of fucking moss? Sam: Damn, you could’ve just said no. Tom: For self defense reasons, I'm going to pretend to be a burglar and you guys have to act wisely. AJ, Sam, & Luke: Okay. Tom: If you don't want to die, give me all your money. AJ: Bold of you to assume I have money. Sam: Bold of you to assume I don't want to die. Luke: Bold of you to assume I can die. Luke: Two brooooos! Sam: Chillin' in a hot tub! Luke: Five feet apart 'cause we're not gay! Sam: Luke: Sam: *tearing up* Luke: Babe, c'mon… Sam: AND HERE YOU REALLY HAD ME THINKING WE HAD SOMETHING. Luke: Babe… Luke: Wow, they really hate us. Sam: Yes, perhaps they’re homophobic. Luke: But we’re not gay, Sam. Sam: Luke: Sam: We’re not? Sam: What’s it like being tall? Luke: Is it nice? AJ: Can you reach comfortably for the cupboards? Tom: We live in constant fear of the short ones who, in my experience, will climb four chairs, two boxes, a small coffee table, and six oddly placed stools to get what they want. Luke: I think we should have glow stick juice injected in our bones when we're born, so if we break our bones, we get a fun little surprise. AJ: What's the surprise? Tom: Blood poisoning. Tom: There's nothing worse than people using big words they don't understand. AJ: I photosynthesize with this. Luke: What is it called when you kill a friend? Tom: Homicide. Sam: Murder. AJ: Homiecide. Tom: What do we say when making bread? AJ, glumly: That's the dough rising. Tom: And what do we NOT say? Sam, sadly: That's the yeast fucking. Sam: What if people had food names and food had people names? Luke: Hey, spaghetti, we’re having Sam for dinner. Tom: What is wrong with you people? AJ: Shut up, chocolate. Sam: Time freezes for everyone but you one day. What do you do? Luke: Oh… I’d mildly trouble everyone. Sam: Alright, so what would you do? Luke: I’d shave a one-inch thick line in every thick beard I saw. Luke: I’d twist all the lightbulbs just a little bit so no one would know when they aren’t working. Luke: I’d make every wing on girls eyeliner just a little bit higher than the other one. Luke: And I’d tie everyone’s shoelaces together. Luke: And then lastly, I’d snip a little hole in every tea bag. Sam: Sam: Remind me to never allow you to have power.
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bengiyo · 7 months
She Loves to Cook, and She Loves to Eat 2 Eps 17-20 (Finale)
Last week gave me everything I wanted and more. The whole squad went over to Yako's place for a curry party and everyone had a great time. Later, Nagumo got a diagnosis for her condition and got to have personal time with Yako. Kasuga and Nomoto continued to work on their communication and making sure they aren't trampling over each other. They're continuing to work on this move. Seriously, we had a curry party and a s'mores party last week. We planted strawberries together. Let's finish this.
Episode 17
Looking for housing is so stressful. I was wondering if we'd get into housing discrimination in this.
Red beans in Japan are different from what we eat here. Theirs carry a naturally sweet profile that doesn't mesh well with creole cooking.
I feel like those beans needed to boil longer, but that's me thinking in my home cooking terms.
Yes, ladies, tell each other how happy you are to see each other.
@furritsubs thank you for the note about Azuki beans.
I'm really enjoying the way they're handling this situation. The realtor wasn't trying to be homophobic, but the systems he was upholding with the landlord references reinforces the status of same sex households. I also like that they acknowledged how circumstances closet people in ways that hurt them. This is good payoff from the news bit we saw earlier in season with Kasuga.
Getting a tasty treat in before going back into the fray is so valid.
Kasuga being even more affectionate about Nomoto's food now that they're dating is exactly what I wanted.
Episode 18
Oh fuck yeah, let's continue to unpack how structural homophobia makes people scared to share something that should be a joyous occasion.
Amused that Yako is the primary person using Nomoto's given name.
Are we going to have a takoyaki party next??
COME THROUGH, YAKO!!! You gotta help your folks get through this bullshit, but never let them forget that it's bullshit!!
I am relieved that we checked in with Ms. Fujita about divorcing her husband at the same time as we're working through LGBT housing issues. Single divorced women likely also face huge challenges in housing when marriage is the goal we're being pushed into.
Wow, Sayama, you are in contention for the Yihwa Best Girl Award this year. You are an ally. Love the way she examined how what she said might have been hurtful.
Feeling like you somehow failed because you didn't get married in your 20s is so real. I sometimes struggle with this in my 30s.
This show uses its characters to illustrate its political points in a way that feels gentle and accessible, but also carries a sense of urgency. Women are facing extreme reproductive pressure right now, and it's clearly not making those who don't already want husbands and children happier. Hell, it's making them resentful to the point of divorce as they get older.
Hold on. Gotta cry a bit about Nomoto telling Kasuga that being told outright that hiding who they are upset her made her feel better got me.
Episode 19
Takoyaki Party let's goooooo!!!
A party where you cook together like this is always so much fun. We had fun with some friends' kids a few weeks ago teaching them how to make pancakes and letting them add their own toppings before, during, and after cooking.
Nagumo managed to enjoy a bite of food with them. Hold on. Crying again.
We've seen takoyaki a few times lately, and I am very impressed with this cooker.
Yako, tactful as always, is gonna check on Nagumo. I love her.
This is so important. Couple formation does affect the friends around them, and I'm really glad Yako let Nagumo voice that she supports her friends even as she knows she's going to miss the dynamic they've had. Yako is so right to point out that a change doesn't mean it's over, and their friendship will last if we all continue to reach out.
This realtor scene is so good. I like how politely she asked for them to disclose their relationship with the express purpose of securing ideal housing, and we're getting into how the financing of housing can affect people's privacy. She's also owning that landlords can discriminate against couples. I also appreciate that their meeting room was private.
I'm ready for the moving in party!
Episode 20
They got the house!!
A crab cream croquette party!!!
Wait, where's Nagumo? I wanted her to try a croquette too!
We are on the bed together. This is not a drill.
Yes, let's acknowledge that they have liked each other since season 1.
The intimacy question is on the floor!
They are finally hugging!
That was very sweet, and felt right for them. I'm glad they had that moment in the old place before they moved.
Cried because of Ms. Fujita and Nagumo possibly getting hired.
So glad Yako and Nagumo are still hanging out! That's really how some friends groups will be. Two people will just gel at a party and grow close.
Oh hell yeah we're at casual intimacy now.
I'm so excited to see where the TV goes next season!!
Oh my goodness Kasuga is wearing a lighter sweater!!!!!!
Final Verdict: 10, Go Watch This Immediately and Then Show it to a Friend. Seriously, do not make excuses for yourself. You owe it to yourself to watch this show. Between this, Ossan's Love Returns, and What Did You Eat Yesterday? coming back, we cannot stop supporting our shows about older people getting together and forming their own forms of family. This show built on the foundation of its first season and made every little detail feel so potent and impactful. I did not expect the pen pal to grow into a trusted confidant and core member of this friend group, nor was I expecting the women at the supermarket to help Kasuga as much as they did. This season was excellent, and will be joining WDYEY on my comfort watch rotation.
Big thanks to @furritsubs and friends for making this watch possible.
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babiesdreams · 9 months
Advent Calendar
Day 18 : Seo Changbin. +18
Content Warning: Public, car. Very short.
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"Go faster, the time is almost up" His rushed voice makes you chuckle, you always find it adorable when he's flustered. "Don't worry about them babe" You whisper, now close to his lips. Your fingers wrap the wet length you've been sucking. "We can go somewhere more private" He smirks at your words. "You're nor drunk, are you?" Your look defies him. "Do I look drunk?" Your lips curve in a half smile.
He chooses not to answer and hide his hardness inside his jeans. His hand grabs yours just before the door opens. "The seven minutes are OVER" Hyungjin says with a clearly drunk tone. You both get out of the closet and smile at the boys waiting in the bedroom. "We're actually going home" Changbin says pulling from your hand. "Yeah we had a really deep conversation in there" You say pointing at the closet.
"Use protection" Chan screams before you run downstairs and out of the house. He opens the door of his car for you, and you get in. There's a short drive until you can't control yourself anymore. You grab his dick and start masturbating him. He looks at you shocked, but you don't stop. "This is dangerous" (It really is, don't do it) You look at him with puppy eyes, which he can't resist.
You bend down and pass your tongue over his tip. His dick twitches, it's thobbing, desperate for your touch. You open your outh wider, letting his length push fully into your throat. You get lost in the action, evading any other thoughts. You use your tongue and lips to trap him tighter and releasing some of the pressure. At some point the car stops, his hands guide your moves for a couple of thrusts then go all the way down your figure.
They reach your wetness, and get lost in your walls, he knows exactly what and how to do it, getting you on edge pretty easily. You cum over his fingers right before his load fills your mouth, painting it in a lovely white shade.
Hii, I wanted to inform you all that I'll be testing a new format with the advent calendar fics, so if you leave a comment, I'll reply portraying the characters of the fic. If you want someone specific to answer you write his name, if you don't I'll choose for you. Have a nice day and comment if you want to test this <3
Advent calendar masterlist
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sandy-the-glader · 1 year
maybe a george x grumpy! reader who never really smiles or shows emotion and George kinds makes it his secret mission to do that
Come on I see that smile!
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Character: George Karim x Fem!Reader
Type: fluff
Length: 1.7K Words
Summary: Ever since you got to Portland row all it has been is neutral faces, anger and frowns. But George seems to be curious about what your smile looks like… for research purposes of course!
Trope: Grumpy x Sunshine (sorta)
A/n: Sorry if this is bad I've been trying to get back into writing btw maybe a tad bit of ooc George? Anyways this is a mix of second and first-person. Lmao lastly the format and like the 4 and 1 idea came from this fic so go check it out!
4 tries and 1 unintentional victory
Baked goods
Large raindrops pattered against the kitchen window of 35 Portland Row, creating a relaxing rhythm. I sprawled out articles and other various newspapers across the table. There wasn't much information on this house, no visitors had been reported before this caller. No murder cases from that house or interesting behaviors. I jotted down as many notes as I could on a surprisingly clean part of the thinking cloth.
A loud knock echoed through the house. I was too sucked into finding information and suspicious parts about this house to answer the door. Thankfully, I heard someone (most likely George) quickly dash to the door and handled with whatever it was. I assumed it was Arif since it was a quick interaction and the scent was so strong I could already smell it. Damn it smelled good.
George's quick footsteps dashed down to the kitchen, quickly landing the box on an available part of the table. I quickly drew my eyes back to the pages scanning for something remotely helpful. The worst case was going in cold.
"How's the case going?" George came to look at the papers and my progress. His fingers traced my handwriting.
"Not good. There is not a single thing tied to this house. And she said I have to be there in a week." I said with a dry expression. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw George rock back and forth on his heels before he spoke again.
"Well um, I got you extra of your favorite this week." I looked up at him. "If you need to take a break they are there." He offered.
"Thank you I appreciate that." George looked somewhat upset with my reaction. Why? I'm not exactly sure
"Yeah.." He grabbed a chocolate donut from the box and sighed on the way out of the room. I hope he’s okay.
Did I do something wrong?
"Is that a donut??" I heard Lucy call out from the stairs. "I didn't even know we had those!" maybe a break wouldn’t hurt…
2. Stress Cleaning
Sure this was more for George than it was for you but he hoped to kill 2 birds with one stone. He had spent the whole evening cleaning the house. Kitchen, library you name it. He left the bedrooms for last.
He knocked softly on your door and waited for a reply before going up the stairs. There wasn't much to clean in your's and Lucy's shared area besides maybe the windows and a few pieces of clothing needed to be picked up off the ground.
You were reading a book on your bed instead of trying to find more information on that house. You needed a break and your mind was just tired from searching article upon article. You had 3 more days and thought to hell with it I'll just do my best.
"What's up, George?" You peered over your book and at the boy. "Oh." From seeing his apron and blue gloves you already knew he meant cleaning. "You know you don't always have to clean up after us." He shook his head.
"You know cleaning is one of my favorite things right?" He cleaned every single day. Not even kidding. You can't remember the last time you've seen the house jaw-droppingly dirty. Because it never has been. For the many months you’ve been here George has done a fantastic job with keeping the house organized.
"That is true. I do feel bad sometimes." You hummed. "Well thank you." George quirked a small smile but you just nodded in acknowledgment.
Well, it was worth a try. He sighed quietly.
3. Favorite food
He knew as soon as you stepped through the door and slammed it shut, he had made a good decision. Another thing on George's list of "Y/n's smiles" was dinner. Sure food didn't work as well last time this was different.
He heard you curse at something and then throw your rapier into its spot by the door. You took in a deep breath through your nose trying to contain your anger from the trip and not make a lot of noise considering the time but you smelt something. Something so heavenly that's all you needed right now. Food.
You quickly went down the stairs and saw George in his apron Moving around the kitchen.
"Smells great Georgie. It's 3 am you didn't have to." She frowned feeling a bit bad for keeping him up.
"It's really no problem at all." He loved cooking so really it was just fun. "Looks like you had a fun night." She rolled her eyes and groaned. He leaned against a cabinet and glanced at you up and down. Your hair was very messy, traces of ectoplasm was all over your shoes and the bottom of your pants, and you were just really wanting food and a shower.
"Sarcasm. Not now I beg of you. But really the food smells fantastic." A sneaky smile formed on George's lips, not yours though you were far too tired to even think about it.
"Alright. Food's ready anyway." He brought two servings of the food over to the table placing one in front of you and the other across from you. "Do you want to talk about it?" He offered sitting down in front of his food.
"It was awful! The source was in a completely different part of the house than she thought and it was just disastrous!" You complained. He sat there and listened to your troubles like you always did with him.
You finally had a bite of the food and you felt at ease.
“George Casper Karim why can you cook so well?” He smiled downward. You didn’t smile you just had this tired yet calm look on your face.
“I have more talent than just touch.” He joked. She was right though the food did taste amazing.
“Yes you do.” George wasn’t entirely mad at the fact you didn’t smile but he did enjoy the compliment.
4. A New Sweater
George scanned the shelves of your favorite store looking for something you would like. There were plenty of things your style but what caught his eye was a sweater.
Your closet was full of them. Lucy too and so a sweater could be another candidate for his "Y/n's smiles" list.
It wasn’t too thick nor too light because he knew you were sorta picky when it comes to sweaters. And a bonus was it was one of your favorite colours.
He held it in his hands but, he double and even triple-checked the store for something you might like better. But he did not and he went and brought it up to the counter to pay.
The cashier was nice but she had mistaken George as your boyfriend which made him blush furiously and confirm the two of you were just close friends. The cashier didn’t buy it. She gave him a small disbelieving look and he tried to ignore it.
He was impressed by how well she wrapped up the sweater and put it in a really nice bag.
When he came back the house was insanely quiet, mainly because Lockwood was out of the house and Lucy was training in the basement. You had decided to have a lazy day you were mainly just in your bed or in front of your desk.
But he noticed you were making tea in the kitchen so he quietly ran upstairs to put your gift on your bed. And then he snuck back down to his room to wait for your return.
You held a cup in your hand and carefully walked upstairs. You were confused when finding a gift on your bed mainly because no one really gave you gifts out of the blue. A small gasp escaped your lips when you reached into the bag and pulled out a sweater. You held the sweater close. It was the right size it was quite a shocker
You didn't think Lucy even knew your size.
"Surprise." George came back up the stairs. You went and hugged him. He was slightly taken aback by the gesture. He wasn't exactly a hugger but he wrapped his arm around you and squeezed gently.
"Thank you, George. You do so much for me." Again he wasn't exactly angry that it had failed because he's never had a hug that felt this relaxing. He was feeling loved. "Anything." He said simply. You pulled back and ruffled his hair.
"You're too good for me."
George returned to his room and took a pen and struck off another idea on a sticky note above his desk. But he did put a small heart next to it.
5. Quality Time.
"Wanna go the archives with me? Lucy and Lockwood already said no but they were caught up in their own thing." George huffed. You sat up immediately and shoved a bookmark into your book. You cracked a half smile.
"I would love to." You sprung up and grabbed your bag and shoes. "They never want to go with me either." Still, a small smile plastered on your face.
George was shocked in the 3 months he knew you that's all it took? Just going to the archives? He would have groaned if he wasn't so happy for finally making you smile. The look was so unfamiliar on you but he definitely knew he wanted to see it more.
"I don't know why I never asked you." You chuckled softly. That was a complete lie. You didn't want to admit it or make it obvious that you have a raging crush on the other boy while being alone and so very close to him doing what you loved most.
George didn't even think about your comment. A chuckle? George's expectations were exceeded. He thought you would shrug it off and either go and keep to yourself or kindly decline.
"Come on Georgie!" You practically skipped out of the room, brushing past his shoulder and sending a jolt through his body. His heart swelled and he was honestly quite boastful at the moment. If he could shout it at the world he would. He felt like he deserved something for making Y/n L/n smile. But seeing your smile was an award in itself.
George followed her out of the house and down to explore the archives.
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boatem-probler · 4 months
I'm Watching Tokyo Soul So You Don't Have To!
You Are Here! / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9
So there's this 2015 Minecraft roleplay series that Grian was in. It's very bad and very, ah, dated, but it's also very full of Grian Angst, so people like to use it in their fanfiction.
A couple years ago, @paranoidpug watched every episode of the first season of this series, called Yandere High School, and wrote summaries of it, so people could learn what all those fanfics were referencing without having to actually watch the thing. They're very good summaries!
@sketchygainedyoursoul took over to do the second season, Tokyo Soul, but it seems like they never got past episode 8, so I've decided to take up the mantle of Tokyo Soul Chronicler. I know how it ends, and unfortunately it's like catnip to me, so this was inevitable really.
Also I'm starting from the beginning, because I'm using a different format and I wanted consistency I guess.
Content warnings for briefly mentioned violence, stalking, and uh... idk how to describe what's going on with Geode. Generally creepy behavior from an adult to a minor is broad enough I think. But in like, a mad scientist way? Yeah.
And Now... The Episodes Without Grian In Them
(I'm really selling this, huh...)
Episode 1 – New Beginning!
You are now sitting.
Sam, Taurtis, and Dom are in a train. They've just arrived in Tokyo. Sam told Taurtis they were going to Disneyland, because Taurtis doesn’t like big cities. Grian is not there.
Okami, their former teacher, has tasked them with navigating from the train station to a restaurant called “SushiWushi”. Let’s see how The Boys mess this one up!
They encounter a skeevy old man named Old Kurokuma outside the train station.
They get someone else named Igbar von Squid to show them the way to SushiWushi, but Sam wants to “mingle” by the dumpsters instead.
I’m now running the video back, because I want to see exactly how long it takes them to get to this restaurant.
Also Dom has the best outfit of the three.
“I’m starting to get spooked. Why’d you even come back here, Taurtis?” says Sam.
They encounter someone literally named “Suspicious Person” burning money in a fire, who offers them “sugar”. They jump over the fire to get away, with varying degrees of success.
They do their “look both ways even though there are no moving cars in existence” bit. If I was Igbar I woulda just left them by this point. Igbar is visibly slumping.
The creepy old man is still following them, also.
They arrive at SushiWushi! It took them 10 minutes and 16 seconds (if my math is right). Honestly? I thought they wouldn’t be there before the episode was over, so good on them.
I’m obsessed with how their Minecraft avatars’ arms move when they’re sitting, by the way, it makes them look like a kid pretending to drive their parents’ car.
Sam and Taurtis both mention feeling uncomfortable around girls with knives.
Taurtis is arguing about pufferfish, Sam is trying to steal sushi from the next table over, Dom is… getting into a fistfight in the background?
Luckily, the person they were supposed to meet, Kiyu, arrives, and WHOA THEY HAVE A VOICE.
Kiyu begins showing them around.
Kiyu is bad with directions.
Old Kurokuma is STILL following them.
Kiyu shows them their house, they’re very excited about how fancy it is. Kiyu assures them that most of their stuff is there.
Dom is going to live in the dumpster outside apparently.
Kurokuma is outside their house now.
“We’re in the witness protection program, but I feel SO much more unsafe than we were before” – Taurtis. And from what I know it only gets worse!
The next morning, the boys attempt to make their way to school, but they don’t know where it is. They ask a student passing by, then decide to “jump ‘em” when they’re too shy to answer the question.
Taurtis, running over to a group of other students: “Can I hang out with you guys? Can you be my new friends?”
Sam asks Dom for a high five. Dom punches Sam. Sam dies. They continue walking to school.
Taurtis: “I miss our old school, I bet this one’s not even haunted.” Sam: “We could make it haunted!”
At school, they meet back up with Kiyu, who also goes there apparently, and she takes them to get their schedules from Señor Loro, who is wearing a luchador mask and what appears to be a Christmas sweater.
Señor Loro drops them through a trapdoor into a secret wrestling ring. They must wrestle him for their schedules, obviously.
Oh dang they actually have Four Whole Classes this time.
Episode 3 – TEACHER TORI!
On the way to their lockers, one of the other students, Greentama, who is wearing a One Punch Man outfit, one-punches them for jaywalking.
“There’s some weird stuff in these lockers.” – Kiyu
Their first class is with Teacher Tori, who is supposed to be Toriel from Undertale I think? She teaches Agriculture, apparently.
Creepy Man Update: He Is Still There
They go out to the courtyard to collect flowers. We learn that Kiyu avoids the sun.
We also learn that Señor Loro is the guidance counselor.
“Fish are just flowers that swim in the ocean.” – Taurtis
Their next class is Dr. Nurse MD’s Class of Not Dying!
Taurtis does not understand what witness protection is.
Dr. Nurse MD is teaching CPR. He asks for a volunteer from the audience. Taurtis gets volunteered. Dr. Nurse MD does not understand what CPR is. Somehow Taurtis survives.
By this, I mean that Dr. Nurse MD’s conception of CPR is: Choke the other person, and then throw stuff at them. Now pair up and try it on each other!
[Choked Out by The Mountain Goats playing in the background]
Episode 4 – DON’T DROWN!
Time for lunch!
One of the kids who was in Nurse MD’s class is stumbling around coughing up blood, it seems. Lovely.
Sam and Taurtis decide to eat lunch on the high diving board, where they witness someone almost drown.
Time for gym class! The PacerGram Fitness Test is a–
They do laps around the gym. Gym Teacher Helena loves pain, it seems. Also she has quite a bit of favoritism towards Kiyu.
The kid who was coughing up blood earlier is NOT looking good.
Their last class is in classroom 12, which has a number 4 outside of the door, and also a gold key and a bottle of Mountain Dew. The floor inside is covered in mushrooms, and the teacher, Professor Geode Rocks, is sitting on a throne. He addresses his students as “subjects” and “my children”. There are chains hanging from the ceiling. The boys are very uncomfortable.
Geode calls the new kids to the front of the class and asks for their medical records. Also, every time he says someone’s name, he says it in all caps.
Taurtis starts listing out all of the physical trauma he’s suffered. Geode decides the three of them are “not good candidates”.
Geode gives them homework: Collect as much trash as possible. Extra points for blood, hair, and nails.
“Wait an Earth Second,” says Professor Geode, much like an Earthling would.
He starts sniffing Taurtis. Taurtis is “the one”. Now his plan can finally be a success. He pulls a hair out from Taurtis’s head. Taurtis does NOT like any of this. Even Sam is vocally weirded out. Geode starts yelling about world domination as the bell rings.
Sam: “We can’t go back, we’re in witness protection.” Taurtis: “I don’t feel protected here!”
Taurtis: “I’ve never felt so unsafe in my life.”
This school’s Yelp review is going to be real bad.
Sam: “This is for a class, Mr. Geode told us we had to get blood.” Señor Loro: “CLASSIC GEODE. He is eccentric.”
Creepy Man Update: Still.
I'm probably gonna do 1 school day per post from this point, it's a good way of breaking things up.
Next Time... Grian!
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snootlestheangel · 11 months
The brain rot is attacking me so I’m sharing the love
GazRoach but with Asexual Roach
Yay, more brainrot!!
I'm going with the idea that Roach is a burn victim and so he sometimes he has issues feeling comfortable in his skin (cause I just cannot unsee him as such because of all the beautiful art and writings I've seen depicting him as such). This has nothing to do with his asexuality, he was ace before the accident!
(also somehow fucked up the formatting and deleted two whole questions and the answers so like sorry if the first few questions are kinda rushed. I was mad at myself cause I had already written the answers just to immediately delete them)
Who was the one to propose? Gaz. It was the cutest, sweetest, most beautiful thing and Roach refused to stop hugging him.
Who stressed more over wedding planning? Roach probably. He wants Gaz to have the best wedding ever, but Gaz couldn't care less about the circumstances, just the fact he gets to marry his best friend :)
Who decorated the house? Gaz has style and it definitely started out as him, but Roach keeps bringing in little knick-knacks so eventually, there are rooms where guests can tell Roach had a hand in it's decor
Who does the cooking? Both can cook pretty decently, so typically they take turns. However, Roach often cooks more than Gaz. I don't know why, I just feel like Roach, even though he's a menace, can really whip up some gourmet shit.
Who is more organized? Roach, actually. Gaz is plenty organized, as a result of years being in the military and needing to keep his shit tidy, but Roach is the actual organized one. Yeah, he's bug boy, bugs have very complex systems and maintain those with diligence. -Roach's motto
Who suggested kids first? Gaz, probably. They don't think they ever will have kids, but Gaz is the one to ask about it first.
Who's the big cuddler? Gaz, but sometimes he gets banished to the floor when Roach feels constricted.
Who's the big spoon/little spoon? Gaz is little spoon. Whatever you do, don't imagine Roach burying his face in between Gaz's shoulders after a really tough day and just holding onto Gaz like he's his very lifeline (he is), and don't picture Gaz humming a little bit cause he knows the vibrations calm Roach down. Don't imagine them falling asleep like this, don't imagine Gaz staying in bed well past the time he should all because Roach is sleeping so peacefully, still wrapped around him.
Favorite non-sexual activity? Everything. They're such adrenaline junkies, despite their traumas, and like to push each other. They're actually working on Gaz's absolute terror of heights, bit by bit. Gaz wants to be able to ride a roller-coaster again without having flashbacks :')
Who comes home drunk at 3am? I don't see either of them being really heavy drinkers like this, if I'm being honest. Unless Soap is there and offers to drive both back to their place, neither really gets drunk.
Who kills the spiders? Gaz wants to kill them but Roach refuses to let him. Bugs are friends :) *Roach is very much committed to the bit*
Who falls asleep first? Gaz. I feel like he's so normal about things like that. Like he can just easily fall asleep, whereas Roach is laying there thinking about that ant he stepped on earlier.
A head-canon? Roach, being a burn victim, has a pretty tough time every now and then feeling like he fits in his skin. It doesn't help he's definitely got some Sensory Processing Issues, and so sometimes he really wants to claw off his skin. His burns do cover a good portion of his torso and upper legs. Sometimes when people give him a hard time about being ace, cause we all know there's those assholes, he just uses the excuse of his burns to make them uncomfortable. He came out ace well before the incident, but we all know he's not been taken seriously until he started blaming it on the incident. The two are still pretty intimate with each other; Roach loves when Gaz applies the creams/meds to his scarring, mostly cause the whole time Gaz is whispering praise in his ear, saying how proud he is, how pretty Roach is, etc. Not to mention, some of the places are hard for him to reach, and there's scarring up near his crotch (which is incredibly uncomfortable on Roach's bad days when he's reminded a lot of his skin isn't technically his own and he's overtly aware of the sensation of Gaz's hands on him), and so sometimes there's a lot of reassurance on both sides, from Roach saying he's good to keep going, and from Gaz to say "just a bit more, Bug, okay? You're doing good" Roach adores Gaz's physique, and is constantly photographing him; there's so many photos of Gaz in all sorts of different circumstances. The fall/cozy sweater pictures that are scattered around the flat, the ones of Gaz in the snow, or shirtless in the bright summer sun just looking like he's thriving. There's a secret stash of all of the nudes Roach has taken of Gaz. They're all so artistic and beautiful and non-sexualized photos of Gaz just simply ~Existing~ and those photos are Roach's most prized possessions. Roach just loves when Gaz isn't wearing clothes in general, and he's definitely stealing all his shirts so Gaz has 'no choice' but to walk around shirtless. Roach's favorite time of year is gray sweatpant season cause he gets the perfect view of Gaz's hips, the lines leading down and disappearing underneath his pants, the way Roach can still see the very minute dimples on Gaz's lower back, just visible above his pants.
Do they have any "rituals"? Only the process of applying creams/meds to Roach's burn areas. Gaz puts on a whole theatric basically to help put Roach into a good mood, and Gaz has to have the right playlist, the right stuff to cover the rather unpleasant scent of the medication cream, etc. (this is kind of a stressful thing for Roach, he's still pretty sensitive in certain areas/easy to trigger cause the trauma is still relatively fresh)
Who has the most patience? Gaz, most definitely. He's still glaring at you if you're annoying him, but it'll take a while before he ever loses his cool. Roach is just feral :D
Gif that sums up the relationship?
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The silliest of sillies :)
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soultek · 10 months
In Another Life - Bogard x Female!Reader (One Piece Live Action)
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A/N: This actually started as much more based on the lyrics of this song than it ended up - I guess this wasn't exactly my intent! It was initially meant to be so much more angsty. But that's how you roll when you just let the characters point you in a direction when you're writing. Every point on my plan got covered - that's all that matters! 😁✌
ALSO this is the first work I've EVER had properly edited for me, so, thank you very much Josh! I appreciate you taking the time to read this! [You don't know what you've got yourself in for agreeing to do more... haha! 😈]
The format editing on Tumblr broke me. So you get what you get below and I'm very sorry but I just could NOT anymore... You'll see it because it is very SPECIFICALLY one sentence that Tumblr seems to find issue with - so now that's just a random paragraph by itself in the middle of a conversation.
Disclaimer: Only the reader character is mine. He's kinda pieced together using elements of his anime counterpart because hell yeah I went back and watched those episodes for further characterisation. Nothing I've used is spoilers. The origami thing is original - but that's only because I've seen a ton of [fan] art of him with birds and I was like "Is this a thing? I need to include it somehow!" Turns out the birds are just a Marine HQ thing - but I liked the idea so I've kept it!
The 'backstory' is also originally because we don't know a whole lot about him yet in either media... sooooo...
Warnings: innuendo, sexual connotations, mention of injury, smoking, mild swearing, mild plot-relevant OOC.
Premise: HQ 3 is back in town. And for you, that ship brings a lot more with it than just injured marines. You're prepared for the usual push and pull this 'situationship' brings. You might not be so prepared for the other news he has for you...
Word Count: 7906
Song Inspo: Another Life - Tenille Arts
Full Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/29SKzlmL31pHFk54BwnO7k
--- Cause I don't wanna kiss anybody else's lips I don't wanna feel anybody else's touch I just wanna be the old you and me We'd be married, have a house and kids by this time In another life
In another life I would get to kiss you goodnight Hold your hand, play with your hair, feel your arms around me Giving me the best hug Yeah, we'd be so in love
In another life
I wouldn't have to kiss anybody else's lips I wouldn't have to feel anybody else's touch We could just be the old you and me We'd be married, have a house and kids by this time And you'd be here tonight In another life
Nothing new. That was how you would describe the day. Sitting in your office working through the papers of every Marine coming in and out of your ward; you weren’t sure you knew what busy was anymore. It seemed to be the same all the time - with very little variation in the amount of work you had to do day-to-day - sometimes you just had to work on them faster. With more and more to do for the Marines on the front lines, and with seemingly every other person declaring themselves to be a 'Pirate' these days, at least things were never dull - that you could count on. Today, another ship arrived, apparently with a lot of injured Marines on board, given how many new papers you had stacked up on your desk. You sat back in your chair and blew out a breath. You were glad at least none of these new patients appeared to be in any serious condition. The most interesting thing to you was the newly docked ship's designation: HQ 3. You regarded the papers again, and began to rifle through them slowly. He hasn’t said anything, you thought. Figures. There could be a reason for that, of course… he could be in here. You dared not go through them too quickly to find out. These days he had no reason to tell you, either.
Marking another case as not urgent, you became aware of a sudden clamouring outside your office. Back and forth yelling that sounded more like panic. So much for hiding away... Pushing yourself up from your desk, you opened the door and leaned against the frame, poking your head out into the corridor. Several nurses and doctors were running between rooms, each and every one worked for you now. Which meant that when you called out to them, they stood to attention. "What's going on out here!?" "Nothing we can't handle." "Oh, I have no doubt - is everything okay?" "Some of the new inpatients have a flair for the dramatic is all M'am!" You chuckled, folding your arms, and touched your head to the doorframe too. "Sounds right. Maybe we should give them something to be dramatic about!" You cracked a grin. "If sedative is necessary, get that going - but nothing appears serious. I don't want anyone else on the ward panicking or getting distressed though. Try to get them to keep it down." You winked. "Else I’ll be forced to tell them to, and I'm pretty sure they won't want that."
The small group who had paused to listen to you nodded along, before almost shying away from you, and retreating into the rooms they had come from. You were about to ask why – unless they were scared you were about to force something more upon them yourself – before your question was answered for you. "Oh, I don't know about that." You couldn't have stopped the smile spreading across your face if you'd tried. Not at the sound of that voice. You turned your head to him slowly. HQ 3 meant Garp, and the Vice Admiral brought with him his right-hand man, who was now staring back at you with something of a small smile lifting the corner of his mouth.
Bogard was leaning against the wall right outside your door, letting it support his full weight, right arm held across his body, left hand raised to his chin. If you'd have bet on that stance, you might have won. He had a nasty habit of just appearing like this, but you would never be one to complain about that.   You let your eyes linger on him as you drew them up and down his body. You could pretend it was for your deduction, but you both knew better. "What are you doing here? You don’t look injured to me.” His dark eyes swept the ward, which now hosted a group of Marines from the ship he sailed on. “Where he goes, I follow.” He started. “And, if I leave the ship here, I get to see you. So, it’s not all bad. Guess we’ll be staying while we stock back up, do repairs,” he paused briefly. “The usual.” You bit back the words you really wanted to say. "Doesn't sound so bad. Guess you'll be wanting the recent discharge list?" "You read my mind." "I know you!" You let that statement linger before adding, "all business. Let me get you that list."
You withdrew back into your office, gathering the papers of cleared Marines now waiting to be assigned back onto any ships that were currently docked who were in need of recruits. Much to your surprise you found your hands were shaking. You took a deep breath to steady your nerves; maybe you were more excited about this encounter than you anticipated. To say your relationship with the man standing outside your door was complicated would be an understatement. Something along the lines of a long distance, long term situationship might sum it up best - but they were just a few words that meant nothing to the history of it.
You had been a cadet when you'd first met him. He was a few years older than you. Back when Bogard was just finding himself in the Marine's. It was obvious to you then how fast he was going to climb the ranks. You'd been friends since day one - well, almost. Once you'd graduated your cadet training and had chosen to be stationed as part of the medical division, you began to realise just how injury prone and stubborn he was. At least that was the way he always presented himself to you. The number of times early on you'd found yourself patching up his gashes and wounds with him insisting they were just scratches were innumerable. You found yourself very quickly worried about him in ways that went beyond mere friendship. And the next time he'd done it had been your final straw. You couldn't recall your confession exactly, but you did remember that it came out in the middle of a heated ramble. You had been in tears – you were mad at him for getting hurt, and you were crying because you didn’t want to lose him. Fixing him up that time quickly led to a first kiss, and soon after a relationship. But it didn’t last.
Although he would never tell the story that way, the truth was at that point Bogard had been just dumb enough to make sure he always got an injury, so he had an excuse to stop by and see you, but smart enough to make sure he was never in any real danger. He had mellowed out a lot since then - he was so much more serious and careful now - especially with the responsibilities he had. Man, the more you thought about it, the more you realised just how much time had passed... You carried just as many responsibilities yourself now, but could you say that you didn't still worry about him? No - but he was always so far away that you couldn't allow yourself to dwell on it too much. The 'see you when I see you' was fine if he was going to turn up at your door looking as pristine as he did today. Bogard knew what he was doing - he wouldn't be Garp's second in command if he didn't. You trusted that you had no reason to worry about him. Not even on the Grand Line. If he did ever come back injured - you didn't want to think too much about it - you knew you'd go above and beyond. If anyone had ever been curious about what you were, then that scenario would probably hold all the answers. Though while that wasn't happening, it was fine as a mystery.
He hadn't moved an inch when you returned with the stack. "Here you are, unless I should be giving these to the Vice Admiral?" Bogard took the papers in a way that suggested which was wisest; to him. You held your hands up to indicate that was well noted. "Just let me know who stays and who goes so I can update my records." He flipped through them quickly. "Of course. I suppose it will depend on how many we want that aren't cadets." "Cadets? I mean there might be some fresh faces there, but they will come with a little experience." "Might need that where we're going." This time it was his right hand held to his chin as he moved to answering your question quickly. "Yes, cadets. We're training them." "You're training cadets?" You could see it, actually. He'd be good at that - tough but fair. His captain too. "Lucky cadets." Bogard placed the papers in his pocket. His expression seemed to suggest that might not be the phrase he'd use. He looked up and passed you, studying the corridor and listening to the activity you'd just set in motion, before turning his attention fully back to you. "The whole ward, huh?" "It'll be the whole medical centre soon." "So I hear. Never in doubt when it comes to you." You looked away bashfully - voice quiet. "Thank you." "Still, you could be out on a ship as the main doctor. A HQ ship even. You're plenty good enough." You made a noise, but didn't want to look like you were laughing at his suggestion. "Despite being a Marine, I still prefer dry land. I'm comfortable here. I enjoy my work! I’m even about to be promoted. Where do you go once you're a ship doctor for a HQ vessel?" "It would be worth it for all the places you would see,” he continued. “The prestige." You knew where this was headed, and turned it back on him as quickly as you could. "And you, what about when they call you to World Government bureaucracy and pen-pushing, and you spend more time in a building than you do on the open ocean?" You asked. Bogard made a face like he was considering it, but you knew he wasn't. “Right now, I would probably decline such a position.” he huffed. “I think I have much to learn before I go there." “Uh huh." You knew that, how could you not? Just like he knew you didn't want to be out at sea. No matter how many times he would try to persuade you out there every time he saw you.
That was the point you had known it wouldn't work out. You wanted him safe with you, whereas he wanted you to go travelling the world with him. Neither would comprise. And so, every time you met, you would dance around this question again. Asking without saying 'why aren't we together, really?' in a different way every time. The reality was you'd both chosen your preferred lifestyles and your work over each other. But you weren’t about to admit that out loud, and Bogard wasn't either. So, here you stayed.
To make sure this didn't get too heavy immediately, you cleared your throat and changed the subject. "I heard you were in the East Blue?" He gave a short nod, but instead of offering any more information, he hit back with a rumour of his own. You couldn't say you was surprised that he would keep his official work a secret - such the man he was these days. You knew you'd get it out of him eventually. Though it might take something a little less... professional... "I heard you were with some captain." Try as he might to hide it, Bogard let his emotion seep into his voice. It was obvious who and what he was referring to, and he wasn't happy about it. You bit the inside of your cheek to keep yourself from teasing him about being jealous - that wouldn't end well. And what with where you were right now, you had to be very careful what you let slip, just in case of any prying eyes and ears. And you also knew that Bogard knew he had no right to be jealous - regardless of the truth. Still, this was one thing you wouldn’t tease him about. Reassurance was the only way forward. "Rumours fly.” You dismissed. “That was never a thing." Which was true, after all, you still only had eyes for the man in front of you. Despite the fact that there had never been a conversation about it between you. You could date someone else. You just weren’t sure if Bogard believed you, especially as you didn't know how long he had been holding onto that knowledge for. You knew how much he valued the truth though, so lying would have been unwise at best. “I’d never do that.” you continued. To you, you thought. But you left that part off. You were met with the same steady look he'd been regarding you with throughout this whole conversation so far. You sighed, glancing behind you back down the ward - all seemed calm right now. They knew how to reach you if they needed your help. Turning back to him, you offered a gentle smile. "Care to take a walk with me?" He pushed himself away from the wall with a smile. Turning across, he offered you his arm - ever the gentleman. You smiled back sweetly, wrapping yourself around him, and allowing yourself a moment to admit in your mind just how much you'd missed him.
For a while there was silence, but it was comfortable and more relaxed. You both knew you wouldn’t be able to stray very far. It'd be more like a walk around the block, but it was still away from unwanted attention. He watched you closely. You carried yourself and your rank well. You coped with the pressure of it all. You could handle yourself. You just wouldn't answer the call to open ocean. It seemed strange to him, but he admired how sure of yourself, and your convictions you were. He would not change your mind, no matter how much he wanted to. Still, there was something about the rumour that was bothering him. It wasn't that Bogard thought you were lying - of course you wouldn't. You knew how much he disapproved of it. It was the subject of the rumour that hurt Bogard most. Of all the people that rumours could fly about with you, not him, but someone else? Someone who must have seen you far less than Bogard did… at least he would hope so. People were aware you had been something once. Was it so hard to believe that you might be making it work again? Bogard put in the work even when he was so far away. There were more than enough reasons to conclude that he was still with you. In many ways, he wanted to be asked. Even if he went against his principles and denied it. Though, given you weren't technically a couple, it wasn’t technically lying. He hated how much it caused him to wonder if you had ever been with anyone else ever since you broke up. If Bogard couldn't even get a rumour going, but someone else could? It bothered him that he could get wrapped up in such a way. You weren’t his. But the exclusivity was an unwritten rule. It was expected that you would always be able to return to each other like this. That didn't mean if either of you fell in love with someone else… Surely you had both expected the other to have moved on by now. You both should have moved on by now! It hadn’t been months after all; it hadn’t even been a few years. It was closer to decades, and here you both were. Bogard just didn't want to hear it being discussed. He wasn't sure what heartbreak would feel like; but he didn't want to know either way. And he hated even more that, after all this time, if he lost you for good, he knew his heart would break.
The silence from him wasn't something that you thought was particularly unusual - Bogard was notoriously a man of very few words.  Though you often wondered what ran through that head of his; but someone had to keep Garp in check, so you knew his mind was sharp at least. They seemed like complete opposites - which, you thought, made them perfect for each other. Walking with him this close around the medical centre was enough for you right now. It was nice getting used to his presence again. Even if you knew you'd have to let him go soon. And too soon at that. Glancing over to him, you recognised Bogard’s look was a little further away than you had expected. Realising that you wanted those gorgeous brown eyes back on you, you broke the silence. If he was in his head about this stupid rumour - which you wouldn't be surprised if the Marine Captain had started and stoked himself - then you knew what he needed to hear. And if he felt the truth was so important, he was about to get some. "I have to say, I'm not entirely sure why you're so worried about that rumour. It's me who should be thinking about things like that. Why, I bet you have a girl in every port!" It was clearly a joke, but his look was a little too sharp - Bogard clearly took offence to the idea he was worried. Even if he was. Luckily, his expression quickly softened. "Guy on every ship." He quipped back. You gasped, ready to take full offence to that. "That's way worse than the rumour! Stop it! What do you take me for!? At least mine could happen!" You weren’t stupid - he was a good-looking man. Loyal, dedicated; an old-fashioned romantic. Work-driven sure, but you'd seen other women fall for him. All it would take was for him to find one who he could fall for too, who would share in his dream and actually want to travel the world on a ship with him as a Marine. It scared you a little how easy it was for you to imagine that he could be in a very happy relationship right now. Bogard raised an eyebrow. Surely you didn't believe that, he thought. And if you did, how wrong you were. Surely the ridiculousness of his own statement only highlighted the ludicrousness of your own? How untrue it was? For you though, it was clear you had a point. Besides, what did he have to be worried about? Who would you date anyway? It wasn't like you were about to pick up a guy at a bar or something. "Nearly all the men I see around here are either sick or injured." You protested. He shrugged, and when he doubled down, you were glad you could hear the jokey tone to his voice. "All the more time to get to know them then." "Please." You scoffed, pushing his arm a little. "Besides, you're the only one writing to me, and making me origami, so..." He stopped so abruptly, but you were ready for that. Halting to measure his reaction. He looked across to you curiously. You never wrote him back; he didn't expect you to. Bogard smiled - for once a little wider than usual. Possibly more of a smirk. "Like those, do you?" He teased. You allowed yourself to blush under the weight of his look. The bolstered confidence in him at your words, and then your admittance. "Maybe a little too much."
Despite the jokes you made, it was barely covering up what you really meant - bringing to light exactly what you were both most worried about. And the ego-boosting rush of hearing that it wasn't true. The real truth was no matter how nonchalantly either of you said goodbye - see you later - neither of you wanted to see the other with someone else. Neither of you would like it very much. The difference was you were quite prepared for the possibility of that eventuality. Bogard was not.
Once you had made the full circle and wandered back to your office, you resumed much the same positions as you had before. Although closer and more comfortable this time. Once the ice had thawed a little, you were now acting more as friends. (As if that was all you were.) Where you could get him to smile a little, and if you were very, very, very lucky, you might even get a huffed laugh out of him. Although he did have one last piece of official business to pass by you. He pulled some rolled-up papers out of his Marine coat. "You asked about the East Blue before." He started. "I did." You straightened your relaxed posture a little. Assuming you wouldn't have to do any work to get a candid answer this time. "We were there chasing around a new upstart young group of Pirates." He continued. "Another group?!" You very nearly rolled your eyes; you’d lost count of the crews popping up all over the place over the years. HQ 3 seemed a little overkill, though. "You guys? Really?!" Bogard shook his head. "Understandable reaction. But this crew has potential." He held the roll out to you. "May I request you put these up around the wards?" You looked from the roll to him and back and took it gently. "These upstarts already have bounties?" You asked. "Their captain does." He replied. You continued to stare at him questioningly, but when all he did was stare back, you knew the answer was on the paper itself. You unravelled them and almost let out a laugh.
'Monkey D. Luffy' - the name explained everything. You looked back at Bogard with an amused expression and raised eyebrow. Bogard merely shook his head, expression in understanding of your reaction. 'Let's not go there!' "Sure. I'll put these ones up! That's quite the bounty for the East Blue though! Who'd he piss off!?" You walked back into your office to put it with your unfinished pile of admission checks. This time Bogard followed you, standing in the doorway. "Nezumi.” He replied. “Oh, that weirdo? With the rat face?” You circled your head with your finger. “Rat would certainly be one way to put it.” You couldn’t help your perhaps overly loud reaction. “Oooh! Ooooh. Ooh! Would you like me to tell him that next time I see him?” Bogard placed his hands either side of your door frame, leaning in a little.  ‘Oh yeah you would badmouth me like that!,’ he thought - instant reaction - mouth opening before he changed his mind. Returning to a more relaxed lean, and crossing his arms. “I wouldn’t waste my breath.” You whistled. “Damn! You got a mouth on you.” Sharp as the blade he carried - when he wanted to be. But perhaps also a sign of how close you were, that he would speak as freely as this. Instead of responding, he opted to watch you with his eyes narrowed. You chuckled. “No, I know you. I know that you don’t waste your words.” Pausing for thought, you placed the papers down slowly. Raising your eyes to the window, you mused. “I guess I feel honoured that you share so many of them with me.” “Writing letters is completely different.” He replied. You looked across to him; voice sweet, and smile gentle. “That’s not what I meant.” Bogard bit his lips together, unsure of a comeback. Instead he wound the conversation back, nodding to the poster you just placed down. “Highest bounty on the East Blue now, actually. Doubt he'll stay there though." He said. "Ah. Grand Line bound!" You replied inquisitively. For a while the whimsy of it all had you smiling, until your smile dropped in realisation. If HQ 3 had been chasing them around the East Blue? You looked back to him slowly. Was Bogard going to follow them around the Grand Line? How long would that take? How long would it be until you saw him again? Even he knew he didn't have the answer to that. As he'd stated - where Garp went, he did. No questions asked. Still, Bogard couldn't leave it like that. He felt compelled to reassure you. "Of course, we might not follow them. We had investigations going on before they arrived on the scene." You remembered. "What now then? You really think you'll be back to 'Baroque Works'?" "We were heading that way anyway. I don't see why that would change now." He shrugged. "Doubtless you'll find out when I write to you!" You chuckled, running your fingertips over the picture in the wanted poster. A new kid on the block in a straw hat? Generations had seen this before.
Silence fell for a moment, which allowed him time to look around your office. Then he really couldn't help but smile. Lined up along the window frame, and just about every spare space on your shelves were collections of intricate origami. Bogard had sent you every single one of them. His preference was birds of different shapes, sizes, and colours. But they were all there. Every letter he had sent you came with one, and he'd sent you a letter every time he felt he had something worth saying. Writing back wasn't the point of it. He could guarantee that no one else knew where these came from. Whether you made them or they just appeared. But they weren't there for anyone else to know about - they were there for you. And every time Bogard saw them he wondered how the hell he could ever let himself get worried about any feelings you might have for anyone else. He looked back to you - having finished studying the picture of Luffy, you were now watching him - and Bogard knew he'd been caught with a rare smile on his face. He let it bleed into his words. "You kept them all." It wasn't a question, and his heart swelled. You giggled, pulling a box draw out from the top of your desk. "Honey, you have no idea!" From within it spilled forth letters upon letters, all wrapped up in Marine paper and blue ribbon. You had kept every single one of them too.
It was a little later in the day, as you were finishing up another round of administering medication, when you returned to your office and found that another Marine had made himself comfortable there. And not the one you would have expected. "V-Vice Admiral!" You stood to attention as he rose from your chair, "Sir! How can I help you?" "At ease, please!" His smile was warm, "In fact it's me that I think can help you!" He held out the stack of papers you'd given Bogard earlier. "I trust my second in command’s judgement on these." You took them gratefully. "Of course. I'll make sure everyone is prepped and ready to cast off when you're ready to set sail, Sir." "Better make it sooner rather than later, Lieutenant.” Garp placed his hands in his pockets, expression serious. "I don't want to be hanging around for too long. We have much to get started on." "Oh- I see." You knew you was failing at hiding your look of disappointment. Letting go was never easy, but if you had to do it sooner than you expected? You'd only just got Bogard back - you weren’t ready to let him go again just yet. Garp could see it on your face. It wasn't as if he hadn't seen Bogard interact with you before. They'd stopped off here plenty of times. He'd just never pried into the private life of his second in command before. But something was clearly going on this time. If he hadn't thought so before. He indicated to the origami on your shelves. "I always wondered where these went. Clearly, Y/N, they all come to you!" Your eyes widened. You didn't even know anyone else knew Bogard made them. "Y-yes, when he writes he always sends..." You gestured to the shelves, wondering if you'd said too much. Did Garp know that he... wrote to you? "Would have thought writing was his preferred method of communication. I know he’s a man that’s concise at best.” he continued. “Though he never seems to have that problem around you. Which is something in itself." You knew you was blushing by now, and you couldn't quite meet the Vice Admiral’s eyes. What he was saying was by no means untrue. "He's not always been like that." You were lying and you knew it. But you had to say something. You had no idea what Garp did or didn't know, or what Bogard would even want his superior to know! "Mhm." You weren’t sure that response was convincing enough. "Can't help but wonder exactly what's going on between you two." he enquired. Dammit! You were definitely turning redder now. "He-" You paused. Then took a deep breath, locking eyes with Garp this time. "We were once a couple, yes. But, we went our separate ways due to our own work preferences." You gave a shrug, realising how sad you suddenly felt as you smiled. "He wouldn't stay. I wouldn't go." "...Shame." Garp nodded. "From what I’ve heard, you have enormous potential. Definitely something we could use out there." You bowed deeply. "Those are kind words, Sir. Thank you. But it was never what I wanted. The front line isn't for me, and I would be outright useless in a fight. I'm no field medic." "We could change that." He interjected. You laughed. "I hear you're training cadets?" You weren’t sure you wanted to go back to that, weren’t sure how you would act being trained by them, honestly. "With all due respect Sir, many have tried and at this point I think I'm fine being a competent medic, and a pathetic fighter. I barely scraped through weapons training, and I decided that I would never want to handle one again! At least not by choice." "Competent would not be the word I'd use." He took a few steps forward, causing you to stiffen your posture. "Brilliant, maybe." He tilted his head. "Funny you should say that and be going off with a swordsman." You gaped for a minute. "We-Well I--" You tried to compose yourself. "That was always Bogard's thing." Your laugh was nervous. "Though I admit I can't help but be fascinated. I notice that people are intimidated by him without him even having to draw. So, once he does?" It was hot. It made you feel a little something something, and you'd never really seen him in action in a real fight.
Though of course you were not about to mention this to Garp.
"Well, there's always room on my ship. If you want this to be something more.” He paused for a brief second. “Intimate again." Garp's stare was intense. "I do hope you'll consider it, Y/N." You swallowed hard. Intimate? As if you weren't still--- "A HQ ship would be an incredible honour, Sir. I…” you paused. “Surely will consider it." "Glad to hear it." he replied enthusiastically. Garp swept past you, but stopped at the door. "I have no doubt you'll have the Marine's prepped and ready for our departure. I do suggest if you want to spend any more time with my second, you get as much of it in as possible." Even if you couldn't see him, you could hear the amusement and smirk in his voice. "Should I send him back up to your office, Y/N?" You opened your mouth, but found you couldn't answer before he walked away laughing.
Next thing you knew you was back in the arms of your situationship - under the sheets.
Despite what Bogard and Garp had said, it was nice for them to stick around for a little while. It reminded you that you shouldn’t get your hopes up that it would be permanent. But it gave you a taste you couldn’t help but crave. He really was all yours here. And you could pretend you were somewhere in the past, thinking about this as your far-off future. One where neither of you had ever put anything above the other. Breaks were rare when you had work to do, but right now, you also couldn’t afford to spend any free time anywhere else.
Bogard was sitting on the steps to the medical wing when you found him. Hunched over what could only have been a lighter, given the small smoke trail.
You sighed gently, folding your arms and shaking your head. Taking the steps slowly towards him - it wasn’t like you were about to sneak up on the swordsman, he knew your footfall well enough by now - it still didn’t cause him to extinguish his smoke. You stopped on the step above the one he was sitting on. Two heavy steps down, to let him know you were less than impressed, hands moving to your pockets as you bent slightly over him - feeling all at once like a doctor scolding your patient. (Well, it wasn’t like you hadn’t already had the opportunity to check his full physical health at this point.) “You know those aren’t good for your health, right?” You started. As if to mock you, he took a long deliberate drag. “Trust me, if you were on my ship, you would need these to relax too.” He replied. You narrowed your eyes. “Oh no, Mister. No using your captain as an excuse!” “He’s a damn good one.” He protested. Another drag, before he removed it from his lips, but he didn’t put it out. You leaned yourself a little closer to him, lowering your voice – positively saccharine. “Don’t worry, you can order me around!” Bogard raised a hand to his mouth slowly, and coughed. You waited with a smirk on your face for him to take the bait. “Don’t tempt me.” Bogard gave his voice the appropriate stern edge. You had the cheekiest little grin on your face, and hummed like you were a little too happy with yourself for that one. He gave you enough time to bask in it, before looking back to his smoke. “You’re going to ask me to stop, right?” You folded your arms, sighing. “At the risk of sounding like a broken record. You know my spiel by now.” Bogard gave a single nod of agreement. “You’ve never quite got me to quit yet. I think by now you’d know it wasn’t going to happen.” His eyeline had remained level until that moment, but he looked up at you now. “How’s work?” He asked. “Nothing changes…” You shrugged. “But I do have five minutes.” You took the next step down and sank to sit with him. Bogard’s smile was gentle, no matter how obvious it was that you would choose to spend your precious free time with him when he was around, it didn’t make it any less significant of an act.  “Smoke?” He held it out to you. “Ha!” You liked that he smiled at your sarcasm though, his eyes back on whatever he was watching before. “What are you-?” Bogard nodded forward, then pointed, you followed his fingertip down to the beach. Upon it were Garp, and two marines whom he looked like he was giving a stern talking to. “Oh! Your cadets?” “Mhm.” “And you’re up here because?” He scoffed. “Please, you think they’re ready to take me on yet?” You almost rolled your eyes as he took another drag, making sure to blow the smoke away from you. “I can take on both of them using only my less dominant hand. It’d be hardly worth their time either. What does it teach them? Something they aren’t ready for?” You couldn’t help the smirk that toyed with your lips. “Do you have one of those?” “One of what?” He enquired. “A less dominant hand?” You teased. You couldn’t look at him, because you knew you’d crack - but you knew the kind of stare he was giving you, before he jogged your shoulder. “Stop.” You couldn’t help the quick burst of laughter you let escape.
You continued to watch the two young men train with Garp for a while. And eventually you let yourself unwind enough to lean up against his shoulder. It was funny how much more you felt his body sink into relaxation below yours after that. And he put his smoke out too. He was content to sit with you like this. Yes. This was exactly what you dreamed of. Even if you couldn’t say you missed Bogard often (you were far too busy working here to do much of anything!), at least you didn’t let yourself and your thoughts linger on that feeling for too long. This physical contact was exactly what you needed. His letters could cover almost everything else, letting you know he was okay and that you didn’t have to worry. It was exactly what made this work without it having to be a relationship. But they couldn’t hold you. They couldn’t replace his touch. Your eyes lowered to his hands. It was weird for you to think just what they were capable of. He could be so gentle, but his swordsmanship? Just how many lives had Bogard taken with the exact same hands that held you the way he did? You sank your teeth into your lip as you frowned. You could think these things all you liked. Right now you just wanted to hold them - that’s what you knew for sure.
Bogard regarded your body language. Even when you weren’t looking at him, he knew what you desired. It didn’t matter how damn long you had been away from each other. At this point, it was simply muscle memory. You could both say whatever you wanted. Sometimes he wondered if being “single” really was the easiest option for you. It sure sounded like it. But he knew how it complicated things. How it twisted your feelings. Maybe you couldn’t make it work together. But you couldn’t make it work without each other either. Bogard knew you were thinking about how this could be your life. How could you not be? He was thinking it too – and by now he knew you better than you knew yourself.
He moved his hand from his knee, extending it towards yours - palm up - still watching your reaction. You hesitated; too shy to look at him now. Bogard knew, of course he knew. At this point he might as well have been a mind reader. Your movements were slow and deliberate. You took his hand gingerly; lacing your fingers together. Before moving your other to fit his hand between yours. He watched you do this with a smile, before pulling your hands gently back into his lap. You made a small noise before burying your face in his shoulder; surely blushing now. He focused back on the beach, running his thumb over the back of your hand. Yes - this was worth coming back for. Even if accepting the way you otherwise lived meant he sacrificed this to miss you the rest of the time. And if neither of you would move to give that up, you always would.
*** Seeing him off came all too quick. His return seemed but a fleeting moment - a heartbeat, and you were having to let him go again. The thing that stopped you from letting this be anything more than it was. But you were kidding yourself. You were in a relationship. The code; the unwritten rule, the exclusivity of it. There'd never been anyone else. Neither of you were calling it that, though. Neither of you referred to each other as ‘Partners', or ever enquired if it would be like that again. Everything but in name. Yet you would continue to tell yourself this was for the best - and that you wouldn't hurt for a little while as he sailed off into the distance.
Everyone around you on the dock was moving fast, getting final-final preparations done before they set sail. For the two of you, time was virtually standing still. Your hands were in his, and right now all you wanted was for them to stay there as long as possible. As tradition stated, you both had one more try in you - one more line of persuasion before the same conclusion would be reached, and you went your separate ways once again. Bogard leaned into you. That small near smile on his lips that reflected so much more brilliantly in his eyes. And in that moment the light was hitting them just right; illuminating that brown colour in a million beautiful shades. His voice was soft and sweet - as if this time he was really pulling out all the stops. "You should come with us.” he said. “We could always use a doctor." You chuckled, shaking your head. But you were grinning. You couldn't help but smile brilliantly at the way he was making you feel. Of course he was still trying to get you to go with him, despite already knowing your answer. You had to admire that spirit – every single time. "My place is here." You said firmly. You bit your tongue between your teeth cheekily for a moment, before teasing back with. "You could always stay." It was Bogard's turn to chuckle. "You know I can't do that." Your head tilted. 'Exactly'.
But he kept leaning, and you weren’t about to stop him. Now might have been the time to be professional. But it was also the exact time to be unprofessional. You pushed yourself up to meet him in a goodbye kiss. Both of you probably expected it to be short and sweet, but then again neither of you were pulling away - content to stay in it. You couldn't take it anymore, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him closer. He reciprocated, hands on your waist pulling you into his arms. At some point someone whistled. You felt him laugh, but he didn't pull back – Bogard just kept kissing you. Not even with the thought in his head that he was doing this in public. A little harder, edge a little more possessive of you. There was something in this kiss meant to completely destroy the idea that there was, or ever would be, anyone else, ever. Even when you were merely joking about it, even when he was too. You surrendered to it, and to him, completely.
Back on the ship, Helmeppo has spotted what was happening on the docks below. And if he was surprised by the kiss in the first place, the fact that it was going on - the stoic second in command swordsman that Bogard was? The guy who wore a perpetual frown most of the time! This wasn't happening - in fact it was beyond being seen to be believed! It was a ‘pinch me I must be dreaming’ moment. He smacked Coby - who was only oblivious because he was working - perhaps a little too hard. But he didn't care, and threw his other hand just to check that he wasn't the only one seeing this! The smaller cadet also couldn't help but stop and stare, almost gaping.
Garp watched the scene with a shake of his head, and a laugh. Sometimes it was good to be right!
Eventually you both had to pull back, if for nothing but a need to breathe. But you kept close. Your fingers gripped his Marine coat tight as you held him close to you. His head dipped to yours. Bogard kept his arms wrapped around you. You closed your eyes and tried your best to hold back your tears. "Stay safe." You whispered, emotion flooding your voice. "I don’t want to see you back here anything less than immaculate.” “Stay safe too." His voice was equally emotional, strained against the proper tone he was trying to emulate. "Don’t take any shit.” You pulled slightly back from him, laughing. “You come back to me.” "You know where we're going. I can't make any promises. But…" He relinquished your warmth none too fast, reassuring you. "I always do."
You stood for a moment like that, unsure where to go from here. You couldn't help it, pulling him back for one more kiss goodbye - and much shorter, to your own dismay. Before drawing your hands to the centre of his chest, fussing with his Marine coat for a second, and making certain to pull it straight, ensuring that the emblem presented itself dead centre. If you were going to tell him to be immaculate when he returned, you damn well weren’t sending him away if he was anything less! "You tell those other girls..." You laughed, unable to finish the joke. "Tell them what?" "They c- can't have—y-!” You kept laughing through it. “I can't even finish that thought." You grinned, putting it another way instead. "You're mine." He shook his head at you. "Always was." Before bowing low, "Until next time, Y/N." Bogard left you with a smile, and with that, began walking a few feet to the ship’s gangplank. You called after him, "I'm already looking forward to that letter!" He nearly laughed.
Upon boarding, Helmeppo and Coby still hadn't got over the scene. Staring at him almost in awe - definitely with a million questions for the man helping to train them. It took just one look, a single stare to swear both of them to eternal silence. Maybe they would get their answers one day. Maybe he would want to talk about it. Right now, Bogard wasn't sure. He did know he considered it private, no matter how passionate and public his goodbye was to you.
You stood back, listened to him shouting commands to get the ship running with a smile on your face. Just like that he was in his element again. He was working now. He was the second in command to a Vice Admiral. 'That's my man.' For a moment, you wondered if you should have asked. You’d still never had a concrete conversation around being officially together again. You supposed it was as unsaid as the exclusivity. The illusion that you would both still be single; until the time you met again. But what was more official than 'Always was.'?
Whatever you were, you were content.
As the ship pushed away from the dock, Bogard appeared at the starboard side railing, offering a hand up gesture as a wave goodbye. You waved back enthusiastically. Glad to see him one last time before he sailed into the sunset. And here you would be the next time he was able to visit you. Because you would wait for him. And maybe one day, you’d give in to him. Or he would settle down with you.
Whoever’s will won out in the end, right now you knew one thing for sure. You didn't care if it meant you were together.
Two swordsmen down one to go! 🖤💚💛
Other OPLA Fics: 'Late to the Party - Roronoa Zoro x Reader
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debbeh · 10 months
can u give me a guide to the six idiots :33 like maybe with a picture of them n their names n who they play in the Big Three shows :33 pwetty peesse :33
ok, you saw me earlier trying to format all the images so it's gonna be mostly my (ehhhh) descriptions of the characters and you gotta guess what they look like 😈
Ben Willbond
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Elder Vex (above): the one who says Deb-beh and has the coziest looking outfit I NEED IT RN PLZ and the Tom Cardy- esque hair and earring
Nick: the stick. Grumpy all the time cuz he's a stick >:(. Is also a portal between dimensions but whatevs
Horrible Histories
Mike Peabody :historical news reporter that wishes he were anywhere but here rn
King Henry, Alexander the Great: SkINy MaNdRiA, excellent hair, sniffed a guy
The captain: AKA James, makes a lotta noises, if you ever hear me going weeeahhhhhuuuueeeaaaaaahhhh, I'm referencing him, the gay one<3
Martha Howe-Douglas!
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Debbie's evil twin sister (bossy boobs)
I just googled it: Rita, the Negatus simp AKA us, the demon that looks like how female animals are protrayed in Barbie movies
Horrible Histories!!!
Boudica (look up the song, it's rlly good), Cleopatra, every female historical figure
Pirate lady....<33333
Lady Button (present day): Old disgruntled lady that pouts all the time and falls out of windows
Lady Button (flashback)
Mathew Baynton!!!
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Oracle: weird blue blob guy, Nigel, Darling
Nanny la roo: NUM NUMS!!!! - nanny that is also a kangaroo
Admiral Anous: Voldemort mf I hate him bc he hates Negatus>:(
Elder Choop: Croissant hair mf, says, "IDK WHY DON'T WE ASK UR MUM??"
Le Fox: French
THE BIRRDDDDD: AKA Thomas Payne, Batman but cooler
Oh yeah, and Elf: the elf shaped one, full name: Grintallin Gobscrew Crotell Fashanu F’naw Goplatz Holla-Holla, has multiple wives apparently and is in debt to the mob
Horible Histories (look all of them up, they are all hot)
Dick Turpin: play the song >:333, shot not one but two men dead!
D.I. Bones: the whakkus bonkkused
King Charles II: absolute party-er
Thomas Thorne, shot, dead! Absolute poetic simp for Allison, drowned himself in the lake ;( -cannot drown-
Jim Howik!!!
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Elder Pressley: looks like Elvis, eats christmas tree ornaments
Crone: A sLaPper *wink wink*, has apparently gotten with everyone, goes eeeerrrrrrrrrrr all the time- sounds like a doorhinge, she is amazing
Neil: lhe most normal of the demons probably
Horrible Histories
A SHOUTY MAN!!! :does all the infomercials, will try to sell you piss
King George VI (above) : "oh yesss, dad's dead, I'm king..."
King Richard III: a sweet little guy<3 -according to the song, get's attacked by whasp
Pat Butcher: Greatest DJ in the AAARRREEEEEUHHHHH, killed by a child, AKA Pete in the American version
Larry Rickard
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Detective Mounteback: very dumb detective with very large hat
Elder Ho Tan: trans Icon, doesn't like loud noises, absolute baby<3
Sue: above, the lady with the gun from the episode I showed you
Horrible Histories
Bob Hale: weather report, needs a hellicopter and a nice cup of tea, basically Bill Wurtz
Lol knight with shit on head, Aztec guy, George III friend who slays so hard; "ConGRatu-VerY-LaTiOns your... *MAgEsTy*"
Humphrey: keeps getting left on roofs and shelves, does NOT know French smh
Robin: 5,000 yo ghosts, once saw a cool butterfly, KNOWS FRENCH! Got stuck by lightning and now he can turn on lights
and finally... the moment you've been waiting for...
Simon Farnaby!!!
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Negatus<333: Silly guy try to take over Yonderland but is just a lil guy, has an evil lair, uses The Font of Orris (cauldron thing that lets you see everything) as a hot tub, get's bullied by all the other overlords, wears pjs with houses on them.
Elder Flowers!!!: Long hair and lack of shirt, vegetarian hippie of the group, wants his clothes to be veGONE, "all you need is love, brothers... oh, and food"
Horrible Histories
Emperor Caligula: the wakkus bonkkus guy
Marcus Licinius Crassus: Knockoff Bassline Junkie song
Jullian!!!: Died conducting an affair with his secretary!!!, is eternally sorta drunk, does the hand thing, only ghost that can interact with stuff, makes silly EEERREREEEEE noise when he's trying to move something, his name is Trevor in the American version, sad when there's no porn on da TV ;(, has no pants BTW
Thanks for coming to my TEDTALK!!!
Lemme know if I missed anything!
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The Last of Us HBO - Episode 2 thoughts
Warning: Pure yapping ahead! More thoughts and things I've noticed watching the show, it's not serious and I don't invite arguments (fellow yappers are more than welcome though)
(continuing with my episode by episode analysis of the tlou show, it's a long one folks! all chronologically written as i was watching the episode. spoilers under the cut)
Fantastic opening - love that we get to see the initial discovery in Jakarta and that they speak Indonesian only! It removes the show from a purely American pov and makes it international, which is something I personally missed a little from the game so it's a welcome addition
The little detail that the military men walk so fast, she has to jog a little to keep up
I like the fact that they didn't even try to cover the dead body at all - why would they?
Same girl I'd have that exact same reaction too 💀💀 visceral as shit
The following visual of the cordyceps reaching out of the corpse's mouth.... Eugh
Ibu Ratna's reaction after hearing 14 workers are missing - her shaking so badly she has to put her cup of tea down, her face reads of pure undiluted horror 🙌👌 - worth mentioning that the casting of Christine Hakim is absolutely top tier (she's basically the Dame Judi Dench of Indonesia fr) and she really brings a gravitas to the role
I find it fascinating and refreshing that the first thing the military man does is to ask about a vaccine or medicine to fix this situation, but the scientist/professor, instead says with absolutely certainty that there is nothing, and then proceeds to say with an eerily calm and assertive tone and face that they must bomb the city. Terrifying yet wonderful that they've finally used a different format to this conversation
Ibu Ratna stifling her sobs and asking to go be with her family, because she knows there is no other solution - Brava
That soft, gentle opening shot of Ellie curled up in the sun on a lush bed of green, a single butterfly crossing over *chef's kiss*
Her turning to see Joel and Tess, sat in the shadows on chairs, Joel with his gun drawn lmaooooo that's comedy right there
Ellie's sass at the interrogation 🤌
"There's not gonna be anything bad in here?" "Just you." "Oh, funny." 💀😂
The fact that Joel broke his hand beating that guy to death - the way Tess looks at Joel, all knowing and vaguely soft
Tess defending Ellie indirectly by wanting to continue with bringing her to the state house - Joel wanting to return to the QZ and saying it would be better for FEDRA do shoot her than them 💀
"You need to stop talking about this kid like she's got some kind of life in front of her." Damn Joel, Tess' face says it all
Joel: struggling to break of a piece of EXTREMELY dry and chewy jerky, Ellie: sammich
Ellie in the warm light, Joel in the cold dark, and Tess in the middle of the two?? Gorg
It's so funny how terribly Joel and Ellie get on at this point, like, they basically hate each other my god
"If she so much as twitches.." *Ellie immediately starts twitching* and then Tess's "Don't." She is so done with these two already lmao
The iconic scenery 🙌 the two massive skyscrapers with one leaning on the other? Oooohhh yeah
The fact that Tess stops and answers Ellie's questions :')
I can't stop looking at Ellie's bag it's just so accurate I love it
"Well, I mean, you got some balls on you, sister." SLAY girls support girls ✨
The specific way Ellie says "no" at the boyfriend question 💅
It's interesting that Tess' reaction to hearing the description of what we know to be a bloater, is "shit, I hope not", insinuating perhaps that she and Joel haven't dealt with those before, but then the way that she looks at Joel after Ellie asks about clickers tells me they know exactly what she's talking about with that one
Immediately after we hear a loud ass creepy scream in the distance, okay!
The set designers got this shit so extremely right goddamn, the hotel gotta be one of my favourite locations fr - I love that they still included this location even if it's at a completely different place in the original story, it works so well here and with Tess added on, the humour is great and the way the characters interact is fun and interesting (Joel's little hop into the water especially gets me, he's such a shit lmao)
Ellie is genuinely so fucking funny I love this kid
Joel offering his hand, immediately snatching it back once she's mostly up cause it's his broken one (but you can see it's more than that)
"Fuck, holy shit." "Come on, it wasn't that bad." "You try climbing ten fuckin floors with our knees. See how you feel." 😭😭
Joel's face at being left alone with Ellie lmao
"Nice knife." great conversation starter Joel, but also, reference to his pocket knife Sarah held in the previous episode? He doesn't have it, when did he have time to grab it after all, but yeah. Maybe I'm overthinking this lmao
"Where'd you learn to do that?" "The circus." *Joel rolls his eyes with such exasperation taht I can feel it through my screen*
"How long do infected live?" "Oh, I thought you went to school." "It's a really shitty one."
Joel avoiding answering the question about the FEDRA dude he killed due to Tess returning is peak writing
I really enjoy how the infected are portrayed in the show - they're not just individuals, they're part of a hive mind in a way, the mycelium connects them all one way or another, and they act like it (the way they all react to sunlight and extra so because they all react to each others pain as well, wow)
Added onto that, this extra lore about the way the cordyceps works is fantastic, it makes it even scarier that, according to Tess, you can accidentally wake up and attract infected from somewhere totally different - this means you're never actually safe 💀
Really love how Tess is so damn nice to Ellie all things considered. Still answering her questions, telling her she has to be careful, that just because she's immune doesn't mean there's no danger
"I have a spare hand." "Congratulations." 😭
I do love how quick Joel is to run over to Ellie whenever something happens (her swearing, falling over, gasping loudly)
The look that Joel and Tess share - they think they know and they're probably right
Dad mode™ activated
That building is anxiety central for me
Joel is so jumpy and twitchy it's a little funny tbh, I like it
Ellie's "oh shit whoops" face
Joel helping Ellie up :')
The sound effects 😭💀😭 they got the same team that did the game clicker sounds to do the show ones and I can TELL
The anxiety is palpable!! My stomach is in knots!! The entrance of the first clicker is terrifying!!
Joel's silent, almost sign language like, explanation for Ellie 😌
The clicker actors are fucking amazing jesus christ. And the special effects and makeup? So GOOD wow absolutely grotesque <3
Not me gasping with Ellie
If I were there I'd probably just hide under a table and hold my breathe 😭
I find the clickers to be quite bird-like, in game and in show
The silence as Joel reloads his gun, the sudden much closer clicking, the flashlight shining directly in its face 🤌
Joel now being the one to step on something crunchy 😩 THE WAY THE CLICKER LAUNCHES ITSELF AT HIM AND ELLIE ACROSS THE DISPLAY
Ellie crying out with pure fear and Joel holding the clicker back more so it's on him not her - HIM PUSHING HER BEHIND HIM!
Impressed by how calm their reactions all are to seeing Ellie get bit (?) again (I thought it was more of a scratch at first but I assume it to be a bite due to their reactions to it)
"That was scary, this is wood." HA
The way Tess looks at Joel when he's busy wrapping her foot with diligence and care
I think this is the first sign that Tess had been bit, Joel seems to be looking at her like "what the hell is your problem" but listens and goes to watch Ellie anyway
The view line 😭🤌 love how we basically get this exactly from the game, including Joel looking at his watch :'(
The music 🙌
Second time you can really notice that Tess is differently - she handles Ellie harshly for basically the first time ever and totally ignores Joel
Joel moving Ellie away from the dead body
The squelching of the blood EUgH
Go makeup team go!
Oeiii screaming match :( mom and dad are fighting
The step back speaks volumes
"Oops, right?" just stab me it would hurt less, Anna's delivery of that line is heartbreaking
In fact little quick note of love to Anna Torv, she's such a fucking amazing actor and I love her portrayal of Tess so so much, she brought warmth, strength and balls of steel to the character fr!!
The fact that Tess basically confesses her feelings here, proclaims the knowledge that she feels something for Joel that he was never entirely able to reciprocate back, my god - her BEGGING him to take her because she knows nothing about the future but she believes that Ellie can change it in some capacity
Pedro's eye acting here is so potent, he says nothing but his eyes and face say it all
The mycelium!!!!!! Terrifying that in show canon, infected can basically call for backup!!! Brilliant addition and makes them so much more intimidating (also I HATED seeing the mycelium creep under that infected person's nails that really got a shudder out of me)
God bless the extras
Tess my beloved you make me cry so much you're amazing and you deserved better 😭 she's brave as fuck for this
Joel shaking, his lips quivering because fuck, she's going to die, and now he has to be fully responsible of this kid and he can't do this without her but he's gotta - the anxiety and fear in his eyes, his firm resolution after she says "save who you can save", the way he SNATCHES Ellie and walks away, Ellie fighting him tooth and nail but he knew she would, thats why he grabbed her like that.... I'm honestly just in so much awe and pain from this scene
The fear is Tess' face is so 😭😭
FUCK NO THAT ALMOST MADE ME THROW UP I WASN'T EXPECTING THAT JESUS FUCK. That was disgusting what the fuck 😭😭 don't know how to feel about watching the fucked up kiss of death like, eugh
The feeling when after failing to light the damn thing, she finally gets it, feels almost like a relief after all of that
Joel "big sad brown eyes" and Ellie "big traumatised brown eyes" will be the death of me
This is such a fucking sad ending to Tess' character but also, satisfying since she didn't die in vain
That final shot of Ellie alone with the burning state house in the background, sun beating down and a soft breeze in her hair, damn
If you make it to the end, thanks for reading! It's literally just my running thought process whilst watching!! Do you agree with some of my notes, was there anything you noticed that i didn't? Comments and reblogs welcome <3
Episode 1 thoughts:
Episode 3 thoughts:
11 notes · View notes
roadtogracelandx45 · 2 months
Courage Under Fire| Currahee Part 5 | Band of Brothers
part 4
@marycorleone, @prettyinpayne, @ohnoitsthebat
Betsy watched as Olivia turned the final sealed letter from her brother James over in her hands several times. She had been doing that since the night before and it was starting to worry her and the other nurses. 
"Liv? Why don't you open it?" She asked softly as she went over to the head nurse's bunk and sat down on the end of it. 
"I can't." Olivia admitted softly as she stopped turning the letter over and raised her eyes to look at her friend, "It will make the fact that we lost him real. Ever since we were little, James has been Bobby's and my protector. You think Bobby and Edward were bad when it comes to me, Jimmy was worse. He always wanted a baby sister and when I came along.' 
'His wish came true." Adele added as she sat down on the other side of Betsy, Alice had sat next to her friend and clasped her hand in hers to stop the fidgeting.
  The blonde nodded her head in agreement as Lipton opened the door and called them to formation. Olivia tapped her finger against the slanted handwriting before she leaned over and put the letter back in her journal. It just wasn't her brothers' death that was bothering me, it was the whole almost screwing Joe Liebgott in the latrines. She was almost scared of those feelings that he had stirred up. She didn't know if it was lust or if she had fallen in love with him as quickly as she had with Lewis.
"Liv? Are you okay?"  Lipton asked, seeing that she was lagging, normally she was the first one out of the barracks encouraging her girls to hurry it along. "Yeah, Lip, I am okay.' She returned as she stood up, smoothing her hands over the material of her jumpsuit. It was a new uniform for the girls and she wasn't quite used to it yet.  
The Sergeant frowned, he along with several others could tell she wasn't okay but she was acting like she was, 'You know you can talk to me if you want, Liv.' 
 Her bottom lip trembled and she steeled herself, "Thanks Lip. Did he say what we are doing?' 
 'Classroom instruction most of the day. " She offered him a crooked smile and nodded her head, at least he wasn't going to make them be out in the rain, that was the last thing they needed. More colds were going through the platoons and making their way towards the nurses. If one got sick, they all got sick. 
Instead of joining Liebgott and Talbert at their table like she normally would, Olivia opted to sit with Lewis and Dick near the front of the classroom.
 "Wanna talk about it?" Lewis asked, lowering his voice to where only Dick and Olivia could hear. She didn't answer right away, instead, she chewed on the inside of her bottom lip looking at Strayer who had just come into the classroom. 
"We know Liebgott followed you into the latrines." Dick offered up, keeping his eyes on Strayer, he knew that Olivia was a lot like him and didn't like this kind of attention on her. Anything to do with relationships or sex, and they both just shut down. 
"Did you?'  Olivia had expected Lewis to be angry instead he was curious and a little jealous, like he had been when he found out she had been sleeping with Bill after he left for New Year at his parents' house before going to Fort Dix. 
"No, Mary walked in before things could get too far. I think that they have slept together too." 
She answered, the familiar heat of embarrassment crept into her cheeks, and she quickly lowered her eyes to the desk to avoid Strayer's gaze when he looked over at the trio. 
Lewis made a move like he was stretching so he could look over her shoulder at Liebgott who was staring steadily at Olivia's back, willing her to look at him. '
'That may be sweetheart but I think he wants you more.'  
Olivia gave him a look that clearly said she didn't believe a word he said before Strayer called their attention to the front. Lewis dropped his hand onto her thigh and squeezed it, she slipped her hand off the desk and covered his hand with hers squeezing it.
"What did you do to Liv?" Tab asked quietly, he had shifted into the empty seat next to him once they realized that she wasn't sitting with them. She had been oddly distant from them since Sobel's raid and Joe following her into the latrines.
 "Nothing." He returned, shifting his gaze from Olivia's back to his friend. 
"Tell him the truth." Mary hissed, she had been upset with him since he had shown clear favoritism to Olivia and had resorted to one or two-worded answers. She had frozen everyone out and had to restrain herself from going up to Liv and causing problems with her. 
"Tell me what truth?" He perked up, he liked hearing how people messed up, and knowing that Joe somehow messed up with Olivia before they even got anything started made him almost happy.
 "That he followed her into the latrines and if I would have walked in, they would have had sex." Floyd's eyes went from his friend to where the Southern Belle was sitting, surprised. Some of the girls were more open to doing stuff while Olivia and Lily were more shy about it. Though he had heard stories about how Olivia and Lewis had been together and the rumors about OCS and how she was in the same barracks as Nixon and Winters. So he wasn't sure what to believe. As if she felt his eyes on her, she glanced back at him and offered him a smile before turning back to the front before Strayer realized he had lost their attention. From the stories they heard, Strayer could be more strict than Sobel and they didn't want to set him off.
Adele bounced her knee as she sat next to Bobby at the table behind Talbert, Liebgott, Mary, and Grant, this whole thing made her nervous, she didn't care much about the knowledge stuff, it was the practical stuff that they needed to know. How was this knowledge going to save men's lives? Or even theirs? 
"Addie, relax." Bobby muttered, placing his hand on her knee to keep it from bouncing, "We are almost done and then we will have lunch."
 She glanced at the hand on her knee and then at his face, "I am just going stir crazy. This isn't going to help us at all." 
He knew she was right that the nurses needed to have more practical training whereas the men needed it all. He also knew that the other girls hadn't had any sort of military training like his twin did. 
As soon as their grandfather found out that she was watching, they pulled her into what they were doing. She and Marla both knew how to clean and put together a rifle and fire it. Their great-grandmother Belle once she had heard that Olivia was going into an active war zone, sent her the small pistol that she herself had used during the Civil War shooting the Yankee that tried to sexually assault her and she shot him.
As far as he knew, Olivia had been working on showing the girls how to defend themselves with what they had in their medical bags and if she could teach them how to use handguns or rifles she would. As much as she worried about him, Lewis, and Bill, she would about the girls. And from the looks of it, she was starting to worry about the other boys. 
"You going to sit with us Liv?" Tab asked once they broke for lunch and the head nurse was gathering her notebook and pencils to put back in her medical bag. "Yeah, Princess, we missed you," Joe added, causing a pink tinge to cover her cheeks. 
"I don't think Mary will appreciate me being with y'all."  Her green eyes found Mary who was giving her an open hostel look. Like she could take Olivia’s eyes out for being close to Liebgott and Talbert. 
The Sergeant shrugged his shoulders and held his hand out to her, he couldn't care less what Mary thought about Olivia. He enjoyed having her around, she brought a lot of softness to everything and after being surrounded by men for so long, he enjoyed it. 
Fighting a smile, she took his hand in hers and let him pull her to her feet. 
"Why did you hide up front with Nixon and Winters?" He asked settling his arm around her shoulders as they walked towards the mess hall, she shrugged her shoulders, "I needed to as much I love y'all it was for the best."
Talbert stopped them from walking with the others and waved them on, "Why was it for the best? Because you were embarrassed that you got caught almost fucking Joe in the bathroom?" 
Her cheeks flushed angrily and she turned her head away and went to move away from him causing him to click his tongue and move to stand in front of her, his fingers catching her chin to make her look at him while his free arm went around her waist. 
"Or is it because of Mary stopping it?'
She released a breath she didn't know she was holding, "It's just not that Floyd. I am homesick, I miss James and Nick."
He squeezed her hip, Bobby had told them about their two older brothers that they had lost first at Pearl Harbor and then in Midway. He pressed his lips against her forehead and hugged her waist tighter, she didn't need to hear it was going to be okay, she just needed to be comforted.
"I can't open the letter from James, it was the last one that he finished before they took off for the mission. Dick Best sent a letter with it and mentioned that it was and how proud Jimmy was of me." 
"Did Mary try to say anything with that?" Floyd questioned, his dark eyes searching hers, his anger flooding him. 
"No, but Amber did, she said that Jimmy and Nick were both disappointed in me because I slept with Bill and Lewis."
 The anger turned to surprise as he arched his eyebrow, "Ain't nothing with exploring your needs baby. As much as you take care of us, you need to take care of yourself and your needs."
 "Hey, Bean!" Bobby's voice came from the doorway, "Get yer ass in here! They have spaghetti!" 
Olivia laughed and pulled away from Floyd, since living next door to the Guarnere's, they got spoiled almost every Sunday with homemade pasta and sauce. In fact, Augusta started teaching Olivia and Marla how to make it. 
"Comin’, Bobby." She returned, before grasping Floyd's hand in hers and pulling him into the mess hall behind her. 
“Bean?" Floyd laughed, causing her to shrug her shoulders. 
"No idea. My great-great PawPaw started calling me that when I was little. If you call me that." She paused and  turned to point her finger in his face, "Floyd, I will never talk to you again." 
He laughed and held his free hand up, making a mental note to ask Bobby about it, he knew that he would be more likely to tell him compared to Liv. Especially if it came to their great-great-grandfather, the older twin was more likely to open up about it. That and he didn't want to lose her friendship just quite yet, especially with the way she was finding herself standing up to Sobel. Only time would tell how much the girl was going to change.
Joe offered Olivia a smile and nudged her with his elbow once she joined him at the table, Talbert steps behind her, giving him a look over her head. Silent telling him not to do anything to mess this up. The two of them were a package deal with Chuck Grant and Mary. He knew the next step of this was going to get Olivia and Mary to get along. That was going to be a feat on its own. 
Bobby, who had sat down across from them, reached out to grab the piece of white bread off of his sister's tray only to get his fingers slapped by her,  "Robert, don't touch."
 "My own sister." He huffed annoyed.
"Don't touch my food."  She pointed her noddle-filled fork at him, "You know better. And Frank.' Through the din of chatter and scraping forks, she heard Frank Preconte, saying it wasn't spaghetti, it was army noodles with ketchup with a mouth full. "Please swallow before speaking."
"And there's the prim and proper southern belle." Bill teased, twisting to look at Olivia who was glared at him.
"You know better too, William. Swallow." His eyes danced mischievously, he wanted to say that they both knew she swallowed but that wasn't the time or place. 
"Ey! Get out of here!' Bill scolded as Hoobler twisted to grab Frank's plate.
 "Boys." Olivia huffed as a whistle blew and Sobel, Amber, and Evans came in, "Orders changed! Easy is running Currahee!" 
'Mother F." The head nurse muttered as she pushed herself away from the table.
 Joe grabbed a hold of her waist and put her in front of him, so he didn't lose her in the crowd. Silently she dropped her hand down and covered his hand with hers. Joe fought off the need to go switch his hand around and twine their fingers together like they had in the bathroom before Mary interrupted them but it was because of her and the fact that Sobel was still in the room, giving Winters a smug look and Olivia's anger flared, she hated that he thought he could get away with this, and he was waiting for one of them to mess up so he could revoke the pass.
They finally had a weekend's pass and they didn't want it revoked at the last second not with Frank and Johnny's brides being in town and not with Joe's date with Olivia on the line. They all needed the time away from Sobel and Amber even if it was for a couple of hours. The girls who had been there for a month had been told about their first pass and how Sobel saw one of the boys dancing without his jacket on and reamed him for it.
"Liv, I swear to god if Amber isn't running Currahee, I am going to be so pissed," Alice complained as she squished into the line in front of her and Joe, her eyes going to their hands and back to her friend's face that clearly said she didn't want to talk about it.
"I know, I am going to be pissed too but there's not much I can do about it."
"That's a load of bullshit, Liv." Johnny Martin said from her side, "You are in charge of the nurses, not Sobel and honestly you letting them two walk all over you is kind of ridiculous."
"What do you want me to do Johnny?" She returned twisting her head to look at him, "Last time I ended up repeating marches and we got passes revoked." "You are a smart girl, you will figure it out and you won't let our passes get revoked." By this time they all knew that Joe was taking Olivia on a date and they all wanted to see if anything would come from it. Most of them were betting that something would.
Olivia knew that Johnny was right and she should take control of her merry band of nurses, she just had to use the newfound confidence to do so.
"Sargent Scott, you need to dress out to do the run with us," Olivia ordered once they were outside and she caught sight of Amber standing there.
"You heard me, Sargent. You need to dress out and run it with us. If I run it, you run it." 
 "I don't care if you are sucking Captain Sobel's dick, I am the one in charge of the nurses, not him, and you have to do what I say. And if Captain Sobel doesn't like it he can take it up with General Sink and General Forbes." She answered, "Now fall out."
Amber glared at her and then turned to Sobel who was openly gaping at her.
"Do as she says." He muttered, already trying to find a loophole but he wasn't finding one, Olivia was right, she was in charge of the nurses and even Sink and Strayer when they had found out what he had done to the nurses' belongings told him that yes, they were under his command for most things, but they followed the rules of the Nursing Corp more and Olivia was the CO not him, so he couldn't punish them like he did the men and in turn for what he did to them, he got a mark on his record and was told if he did it again, he would be stripped of his rank and Winters would become CO and him the XO and he didn't want to give that control up to Winters.
"I am going to be sick.'  Betsy complained as they started up the hill, the girls for the first time were sticking together instead of being spread out through the group. Mostly because of the tell signs of the men being sick. For a lot of the girls, including Olivia who could handle blood and guts, if she heard or saw someone being sick like that, they would get sick too. 
"Bets, I love you but," Olivia paused to fight off the rising wave of nausea, "please shut up." 
She didn't know any better she was sure that Sobel did this to them on purpose, he wanted to see if he could weed out any of the weaklings who hadn't already dropped out due to the stress of trying to keep up with the stress of the training and the stress of being under Sobel. But those who were remaining seemed to be stubborn and stupid enough to stay and keep going on with the torture that was the paratrooper training.
They had just gotten to a curve where the nausea got to be too bad causing Olivia to veer to the side and empty her stomach out into the bushes. 
"Liv? You good?" Alice asked pausing to leave the ranks but Liv held out her hand to stop her, "I am fine, keep going, I will be right behind you."
 Alice hesitated, unsure if she wanted to leave her behind but she knew better than to not take an order from her so she turned and started up the hill again.
Olivia coughed several times to make sure she didn’t throw up again, her mind racing a million miles a minute. She knew that they couldn’t keep going like, if they went into combat with Sobel a lot of them would be killed and there was nothing really they could do about it. 
Slowly an idea started forming in her head, it would take a lot of work but if she did it right it would work. Smirking, she hustled over to the girls again. 
Just in time to hear Sobel taunt Bull, 'Private Randleman, you look tired, there's an ambulance waiting for you at the bottom of the hill." 
"Ali,' Olivia warned seeing her hand curl into a fist, "Bull won't react, and neither should you." 
"But is it okay for you to react?" She returned as Sobel's voice rose, "No pain, No more Currahee. No more Captain Sobel."
 "Liv? What's with that look?" Betsy asked from her other side as she used the sleeve of her PT shirt to clean off the remaining sickness off of her mouth, "I don't like that look."
 "Don't worry about it Bets." She returned as George Luz started singing, "We pull upon the risers, we fall upon the grass." 
It started out slowly just within the row where George was with Bull and several others then it started working its way back through the other platoons back to the nurses who between coughs and pants started singing. 
"Liv, seriously, I don't like that look," Betsy complained, she was worried that her friend was going to get into trouble.
"I wouldn't worry about Liv,' Alice panted, "She always knows what she is doing. And now is no different."
Bobby wasn't necessarily thrilled when he heard that his sister was going on their weekend pass with Liebgott, but at the same time, he knew that he couldn't tell her no. She would just do it all behind his and Edward's back like she had with their parents when she and Bill started dating and deep down he knew that he and their other brothers wanted Olivia to be happy, she had spent so much of their childhood and all of their teenage years putting others in front of her.
Himself included.
 "Hey Liebgott, got a second?" He asked as he finished tucking his tie into his shirt.
"What's up, Bobby?" Joe returned, his dark eyes going from the open door where they could hear the laughter coming from the nurses who were slowly gathering at the end of the barracks to him.
"I know you are going with my sister tonight, just do me a favor and don't hurt her."
"I would never." Joe was actually being honest about that, if it had been any other nurse or even Mary, he would never promise such a thing, he would fuck them and then leave them,  but because it was Olivia and he wanted her more than anything in the world, he was willing to promise it. 
"Good, because if you hurt her, I will kill you, and Edward and Lee will help me hide your body." Bobby returned with a smirk. Lee was their third oldest brother and was in the Marines along with their brother Daniel and was fiercely overprotective of Olivia, Marla, and Katie. Even more so than Bobby and Edward. 
"And I will help.' Talbert added the night before he had guard duty with Olivia and learned a lot about her and about the Stewart family and felt oddly protective of her. Not in the  I want to date you way but in this girl is my friend and I want to make sure she is okay type of way. 
"I won't," Joe assured them before stepping out of the barracks and heading over to the nurses, his breath catching in his throat when his eyes landed on Oliva who for the first time he had known her, she wasn't in her uniform, she was dressed in civilian clothing, her hair was down was hanging down in loose curls compared the victory curls that the other girls had. He cleared his throat and took a step forward.
"Liv," Betsy commented, inclining her head towards Joe, the head nurse turned around and offered him a bright smile.
"Ladies," He greeted before holding his hand out to Olivia, "You ready Princess?"
  Warmth spread through him when her eyes twinkled and the dimple in her cheek deepened at the pet name and she stepped forward taking his hand. 
"Don't do anything I wouldn't do." Daisy teased from where she was standing with Evie, Adele, Ruthie, and some of the boys from Dog Company. 
"Oh, honey," Olivia returned teasingly as Joe twined their fingers together, not caring that Mary was staring hostilely at them. "I am planning on doing everything you would do and more."
Since she had taken control over the girls again and brought Amber back in line, her confidence soared and it felt good. The confidence made her feel like she could go do anything and everything. 
"That's my girl." The blonde teased, causing her to wink and blow a kiss. 
Laughing, Joe steered her away from her nurses, "What exactly do we miss when you lot are together?"  
“A lot of girls talk.” She returned, “A lot of which is centered around you boys. Who would date who if fraternization was okay.”
  The interest he was willing to fake turned into real, he had been expecting it to be like pulling teeth to get her to talk about anything other than training, “Oh, and who would you date?” 
She was quiet for a moment as he pulled her through the crowd of men from Dog and Fox company towards the long winding road that led to town, “You were at the top of my list, Nix and Tab right behind you.” 
“Really?” He smirked; it was surprising that he was at the top of her list given the rumors surrounding her and Lewis, “What about Winters? You two seemed awfully cozy.” 
“Dick?” She laughed, “We are just friends, I was moved into the barracks with him and Lew in OCS after my fight with Amber, he helped me through James’ death. Besides, the man is shy. He walked in on Lew and me once and he went red. Like redder than his and Malarkey’s hair.”  
“Walked in on you and doing what?”  He paused and moved to where he was standing in front of her, their clasped hands resting against her lower back, causing butterflies to fill her belly like they had two days prior. 
“Same thing we were doing before Mary walked in but I was mostly clothed.” 
“My sweet Liv isn't as sweet as she seems.” He teased enjoying the pink tinge that covered her cheeks. 
“Oh? So I am yours?” She returned, causing him to pull her to him, chest to chest, his dark eyes searching hers. 
“You say the word princess, I would make it happen.” The teasing was gone and the serious, almost angry Joe that she had come to know in the last month and half was in front of her. “Well?” 
“I, um,” She stammered, not sure how to react to this. He was so different from Lewis, who she could always tell when he was teasing her. Joe not so much. Maybe that’s what made her so interested in him. 
Smirking, Joe brushed his lips against her, first soft almost feather like then again, firmer and full of want. 
She whined when she felt his hardening cock pressing against her, her free hand making a desperate path up his arm and shoulder to fist in his dark hair.
A low groan met her ears as he pulled her tighter against him, wishing suddenly that they were alone and he could make love to her. 
“Get a room Liebgott.’ Skinny Sisk commented as he and Amelia, the nurse who replaced Louise who had to leave due to a family emergency, walked past them.  
“Shut up Sisk.” He returned pulling away from Olivia’s mouth, his dark eyes studying her face, her cheeks were flushed pink, and her eyelids were fluttering, her chest was heaving against his from trying to catch her breath. 
“Remember Livvy, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” Daisy teased as she followed the rest of the group before turning to Ruthie and France telling them to pay up. 
“Were they really taking bets on if we wouldn’t make it to  town before this happened?” She asked, causing Joe to nod his head and press his lips against her forehead. He had to rally to get those without pulling her into an alleyway. 
“Figures, my brothers did the same thing with me and Lew.”
 “What is the deal with you two?” He asked pulling away from her to lead her into town, “He’s more of a shadow to you than Bobby is.” 
“Let’s not talk about that tonight. There’s a lot to it and it’s really heavy, and we have enough heavy right now.”  
He nodded his head, he wasn’t going to press it not now not when he was so close, that was something for them to discuss down the line. 
“Mary, come on.’ Chuck Grant called seeing the brown-haired girl staring after the couple who disappeared into the diner.  She wanted to go after them and spy or try and get involved in it or both. She knew that she and the other girls were easily replaceable and that Sobel would do anything and everything he could to get rid of them and she had worked too hard to leave now. 
“Don’t worry too much about that.” Bobby commented as he joined them, his jacket already undone and tie loosened, “My sister isn’t ready to settle yet, after everything that our mother put her through and having to uproot our lives to take care of Fredrick,” The older twin shook his head as if to rid himself of the bad memories. 
“Not to mention the stuff with Bill.” Talbert commented, “Sides isn’t there something going on with her and Nixon?’ 
“You could say that.” He started pulling out the flask that had been gifted to him by the Nixon family when he graduated high school and a promise to go to Ireland to stay in the family castle when the war was with.  
His sister on the other hand got the diamond earrings she was wearing that night and an offer to pay for her nursing school again, after the war. 
Stanhope and Doris had been informed of the lie that Lewis told Katherine to stop any sort of crazy plans that she had for Olivia and Marla and decided that if Olivia was their pretend daughter-in-law, then they had every right to spoil her.  
“What aren’t you telling us?” Mary prodded, they had all known him well enough to know that there was more to the story than what he was saying. 
“Our mother hates Olivia and our younger sister Marla. She never wanted daughters, to her sons were more valuable. When Liv and I were born, Katherine thought she took the spotlight off of her.” The man may have been standing there with them but his expression looked hundreds of miles away, “And in a way she did, she was the first granddaughter. “ He paused again, “Before we moved back to South Philly after Fredrick got to be too much for her to take care of on her own.”  She almost broke down when Fredrick threw things at her, cursing her, telling her she wasn’t Lydia, it broke his heart. All Liv wanted was to help him out, and she got treated like that, “Katherine came to visit with this man that was old enough to be our grandfather and wanted to have Liv marry him for his money.” 
Talbert, who had been silently flirting with Ruthie, one of the nurses from Dog Company turned to look at him surprised, “Seriously?” 
Bobby nodded his head again, “Olivia refused, said that she would join the convent that Aunt Cissy was at then marry someone that she didn’t love. She is a hopeless romantic that girl.” He rolled his eyes, “I think that’s why she was so enamored by Lewis. And him with her. He came swooping down the same week that this happened and was Liv’s escort to that goddamn debutante ball.” 
“Liv? A deb?” Talbert was floored and he couldn’t wait to see the couple and give Olivia a hard time for it. As much as Olivia was a lady, he couldn’t see her being a deb and doing all of that. 
“There are pictures, pretty sure if you ask Liv, she has them with her.’ Bobby shuddered, he had to be involved with it and hated every moment of it, even after Lewis started passing around the flask. 
“But what does that have to do with them now?” Mary asked, “Nixon is like her shadow.” 
Bobby shrugged his shoulders as he took another swig off of the flask, “Your guess is as good as mine. All I know is that she stopped the wedding when he was going to marry Kathy.”
Mary, who had been quiet throughout the whole thing, paused, “Are they together?” The older twin who was raising the flask to his mouth froze, his sister would kill him for bringing this up, "Not necessarily, they made a deal that if she is still single at 21 they would actually get married."
"What do you mean actually?" Talbert asked. 
"Lewis told this huge white lie about how they got married after Liv stopped the wedding so she didn't have to marry Davis down the line." While Mary looked at this like a victory, Talbert and Grant understood why Lewis did this; he wanted to save her from a loveless marriage and get her heart broken over and over again. If they had the choice they would've done the same thing.
"Mare, don't." Bobby started as if he could read what was going through her head, "She already has enough on her plate without you fucking things up for her."
“Who’s your friend Joe?” The waitress asked as she came up to the table with a flirty smile on her face. She made sure that every time that one of the men from Easy Company came in she was the one that waited on them. And Joe, Talbert, Bobby, and Grant in the few weekend passes that they had quickly became her favorites. 
“This is Liv.” Joe returned as he pulled Liv into the booth next to him, his hand going to her knee stubble hint that he wasn’t there to flirt or do anything else. Liv was his date. “She is the head nurse and is Bobby’s twin sister.” 
“This is the waitress that my brother was talking about?”  Olivia asked,  the familiar Charleston dialect met Hannah's ears as she tapped her pencil against the notepad, her smile fading, wondering what was exactly said when they all left town.
"Mhmm," Joe agreed, causing her to squint her eyes and study the girl before nodding her head.  "Makes sense, Bobby always goes for the pretty girls." 
Hannah brightened  at the girl's statement, "We heard Bobby had a sister, we just didn't know that she was going to be here with us."
"He wasn't expecting me to be here either."
"But we are damn glad that you are here." Joe threw in, his eyes fully on Olivia who offered him a bright dimpled smile. The warmth spread through him again and he slid his hand closer to the hem of her skirt but her hand grasped his wrist stopping it. 
"Stop.' She mouthed causing him to grin and capture her mouth with his. She laughed against his mouth and pushed his shoulder to push him away from her, "You are trouble."
"I know.' He returned, pressing another kiss to her mouth, if they could have gotten away with staying at camp away from all the prying eyes and Sobel, he would have opted to stay there with her instead of being with the crowd. She had been the only girl that he had ever met that made him want to do that. Not even Mary, the woman that held his attention for two weeks before the nurses arrived or any of his previous ex's made him want to do that.
Hannah huffed annoyed before jotting down their drink order and going back to the kitchen area to get them.
"I don't think she is necessarily a fan of me being with you." Olivia started as she released his wrist. "Oh well," He shrugged as he trailed his hand under her skirt touching her bare skin. "Joe.' She warned, but made no moves to stop him, "Behave."
"Babe, I hate to tell you, but I never behave." He went to press his lips against hers again and was stopped by a tiny voice yelling, "Auntie Bean!" She pulled away quickly, and smiled, "Eddie!" She slipped out of the booth and scooped her nephew into her arms, and rained kisses on his face causing him to giggle and try and push away from her.
"Where's your daddy and mama?" The little boy pointed a chubby finger behind him toward the door, sure enough, Olivia's oldest brother and his wife were standing by the hostess stand waiting to be seated.
 Samantha had caught sight of the man in uniform waiting for her and raised a questioning eyebrow, Edward had said something about Olivia going out with one of the boys in her platoon but she didn't think she was actually serious about it, her eyes searched out the man who had slid out of the booth as well to talk to her son who was staring at him, wide-eyed.
"I really hope she knows what she is doing." Edward sighed, "Joe is a known womanizer, he hooked up with the girl in his platoon and a couple of the waitresses here."
"I think your sister will surprise  you.' His wife returned as Olivia sat their son back on his feet and set him running back to them, "If she can get Lewis to want to change his ways, why not with Joe?" 
The older Stewart shrugged his shoulders watching as his sister slid back into the booth with Joe, he didn't want to admit his worry that his sister was going to get her heart broken by Joe and she would have to be constantly around him and have that reminder that he just wanted her for sex.
Joe caught Olivia's fingers in his hand as they settled at the table with Floyd, Grant, Skinny and several others had been at, and studied the rings that she had on her ring finger; he had noticed them before but never thought to ask about them. "The top one is from Lewis, it was a birthday present." She started using her free hand to point at the band with the dark red stones, "It caused a lot of problems between him and Kathy and me and her. She found it in his bag and assumed it was for her like she did with the earrings and necklace."
"God damn, Princess, what did you do to deserve this kind of stuff?" He questioned after a low whistle causing her to drop her hand onto his crotch and caressed his hardening dick.
"Fuck."He hissed lowly, "Careful.'
She turned her head and pressed a kiss to his cheek as her fingers caught his zipper.
"The other one is from Bill.'
 She carried on like they were having a normal conversation, "A promise more or less that he was going to do better and try and win me back." Her fingers pulled down the zipper and slipped inside grasping his length.
Growling lowly, Joe fisted his hand into her wavy hair and brought their mouths together kissing her, as she worked her hand up and down his length. 
A clearing throat broke Joe away from Olivia's mouth with a groan, he had been so close to cumming  and the fact that they had been interrupted pissed him off.
Floyd's laughter caused his anger to soar and Olivia to blush and bury her beet-red face into his neck. 
"Not funny Talbert. At all." Joe huffed as he pressed his lips against the top of Olivia's head.
"Sorry, but Liv's brothers are coming and I am sure she doesn't want them to see how wild she can be." Floyd returned, dropping into the seat next to her.
 Still blushing wildly, Olivia pulled away from Joe's neck and looked at their friend, "Thanks Floyd."
He nodded his head and pointed a finger to his cheek causing her to roll her eyes and lean over and kiss it. 
"Staying out of trouble?" 
 The lazy smirk pulled on the corner of his mouth, "Never.' 
"Why do all the men in my life say that?" She questioned, her eyes searching out first her twin brother who was with Adele sitting cozily together in the corner booth to where Lewis was at with Peacock and Khein and then to Bill who was with Evie fighting.
 "I swear, I spent half of high school pulling Bobby out of trouble and then in OCS pulling Lewis out of it." 
"Well, that's what wives should do for husbands." Mary's voice came as she joined them at the table.  
Floyd straightened when he felt Olivia tense, her fingers curling around the handle of the mug of beer tightly, "We aren't married." 
"That's not what your brother told us." She returned, flipping her brown hair over her shoulder smugly. 
'Did he also tell you that Lewis made it up to save me and our younger sister Marla from marrying someone old enough to be our grandfather? That our mother is so money and power-hungry that she doesn't care about her daughters well being and happiness? That was she okay with us possibly dying?" 
Joe had straightened as well looking between the two girls, he was surprised that Olivia was going to keep this from him after everything that they had shared with each other only an hour earlier. If he was a better man, he would have felt guilty about being with another man's wife, legal or not but he wasn't. He wanted her so much that he was willing to overlook this fib. But there was part of him that was furious that she didn't tell him earlier. 
Why was that too heavy to discuss? 
Mary almost looked stunned, she hadn't expected Olivia to stand up for herself like this, she had expected to be able to steamroll her into leaving Joe alone. This Olivia was different from the one she had grown accustomed to.  She didn't know if it was a good difference or a bad one. 
"Did he tell you that Kathy was a total bitch and that's why I stopped it?" Olivia's voice raised to where it alerted Lewis of what was going on and he came over to the table. 
"Liv? You good?" His hand went to touch her shoulder but she flinched away, for the first time, ever. 
"What in the hell happened?" He ordered. 
'Apparently, you two are married." Joe returned, his own anger that had been simmering from being interrupted and the fact that Mary had to bring this up. 
"So?" The 2nd Lieutenant questioned, a part of him wanted to back Olivia up and confirm what she was saying and the other part of him wanted to cause chaos and with the Vat .69 going through him he decided that it was the best option. "She may be my 'wife' but I am not going to stop her from doing whatever or whoever she wants. Even if it's you."
"Lewis!' Olivia exclaimed surprised, she couldn't believe that he was acting like this. 
"What? Liv, it's the truth, you know and I know it." 
"What's wrong with me?" Joe asked standing up, his hand wrenching free from Olivia's.
"Joe." She started standing up as well, putting herself between the two as if by their own free will, Joe's hands went to her hips and rested there pulling her back towards him, covering the fact that his fly was still undone. Thankfully, he had tucked himself back in when Olivia removed her hand, so they wouldn't really have a clue about what was actually going on other than making out, "Nothing is wrong with you. Lewis is just drunk.' 
"Am not." 
"Lewis, I know you as well as I know myself." Olivia started, 'You are drunk and you need to sober up.' 
"If I wanted someone bossy, I would have married Kathy. Not someone who is okay with being a slut." 
Joe's fingers tightened on her hips almost painfully and Bobby, who had just joined the group after putting it off, inhaled sharply. "Lew, that's enough." 
"If you wanted someone who would treat you badly and use you just for your money, then you should have married Kathy. You could have stayed at the church but you followed me, you were the one that thought up the whole oh, let's pretend we are married to piss off Katherine. Not me. You could have said no and left at any time." Olivia's voice trembled with hurt and unshed tears before she extracted herself from Joe's embrace, "But you didn't.  You agreed to wait until I was 21 if I didn't meet anyone else."
 The emotions that she had been holding onto for so long started bubbling up and she was afraid that she wasn't going to be able to push them back down.  
"I am um going to go back to base."  Her voice trembled as she turned to press her quivering lips to Joe's cheek, "I am sorry, I will make it up to you."  
"I will go back with you, Lieutenant." Ruthie, who had been sitting next to Floyd offered. "No honey, you stay and have fun. I will be okay."
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kerubimcrepin · 9 months
Episode 9: The Legendary Unikron
The post where I finally make the naming format of this blog more sane
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This is the same place as the one, where in the episode "Heads for no Tails" it will be revealed that Kerubim obtained the legendary, life-draining Heads for no Tails restraint while pissdrunk. Y'know. The one meant for an Ondine created by Djaul to trick the dragon Aguabrial into creating a Dofus.
Yeah, I will not think too much about the fact that it is flipped. To me, they're The Same Place. I guess he's been drinking here for decades. Kind of cute.
And yeah I guess it means the Ondine named Ondine, from the episode Like a Snapper in the Water is literally just named "Siren the Siren". I guess her mermaid parents weren't very creative. I'll mention this when I liveblog that episode too, but I would feel bad, if I didn't mention this here too.
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We will talk about my feelings on Kerubim leaving the legendary demon-killing life-draining shackles somewhere Joris, in his shelf-climbing corridor-running wisdom, could reach, later.
We'll get there when we get there.
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Glad to know there's a reason Kerubim and Joris live in a bad neighborhood. And that reason is that Kerubim wouldn't be tolerated anywhere else.
Love his scary and off-putting behaviours.
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Okay, rant incoming:
Firstly, this is a customary french drink bowl, to stop any wondering from the non-french aware readers. It's normal for French people to drink coffee, milk, and tea from a bowl, soup-style, in the morning and in the evening. So this part is normal.
Now onto more sillywhacky part of this: What the fuck is Joris doing here, exactly?
As we can see, his Bowl of Liquid is steaming even before he starts pouring the chocolate milk into it. Is he adding chocolate milk to hot milk? Is he adding chocolate milk to cocoa or hot chocolate? (I will fight people who don't differentiate between them, they're two different things, you heathens.)
Is he, mayhaps, adding it... to tea?
We will never know, yet the question is haunting.
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Interestingly, it seems that one of Simone's jobs around the house is polishing swords. Also, her being here so late means that, quite predictably, she is a live-in maid.
(You can see that like, 50% of this blog is me paying to random details that could only be useful in like, extremely faithful fanfiction, and 50% getting whacky with this show's storytelling.)
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I love Simone so, so much. Truly, she is Joris's cooler aunt.
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No comment besides this image.
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Joking. I do have a comment, actually. Imagine me putting on a tinfoil hat here, btw.
I think it's kinda telling that Joris's main fear, the one that re-occurs a multiple times during the show, and always, without fail, makes him break down in tears, is Kerubim dying.
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The facts that are important to keep in mind are: They've been living together alone for Joris's entire life, Joris knows he's adopted, and Kerubim himself is an orphan, which he doesn't really hide.
Which leads to multiple conclusions, which all coexist:
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1. Joris is a kid who's very aware of the mortality of parents/guardians, and that, above everything else, that he is lucky to have a home and a semblance of family. That if Kerubim wasn't there, he may not have had that.
Which is uh... a pretty stressful thing for a kid his age to know, I suppose!
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Especially considering the fact that Kerubim is an old man riddled with back pains, and for 7 years had such a level of post-lou-divorce post-battle-with-julith depression that he could not figure out how to get them into a clean, non-shitty non-hazardous home.
And now that their home IS clean, still can't make it non-hazardous.
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2. Joris and Kerubim are much closer than most parents and children, because they literally have no other relatives, and Kerubim has pushed away most people who would consider him a friend in the past. Only relying on one another isn't the best or healthiest idea, but what choice do they have?
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You can't just show up at home, be like "i would be dead, if it wasn't for you giving me water, my jojo <3" and not expect to inflict some eldritch horror levels of psychic damage onto your son.
Especially considering the fact, that he KNOWS, from your own shitty stories, that when you're gone, and it IS a when, because you're an old man who's constantly complaining about his health, he's going to be fending for himself all alone.
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It's pretty obvious, then, why Joris would put Kerubim on a very high pedestal and, as will be shown later, prioritize the man's feelings over his own. Kerubim is his best friend, his role model, provider, guardian, AND the only one family member he has.
Besides depending on him, Joris knows papycha is a very, very lonely and sad person, — and who is he, not to try and make the life of the one person, who's most important to him, better?
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If Kerubim isn't always happy, both in general and with Joris, then that's the worst thing ever, and if Kerubim isn't amazing, all-capable, and Not Going To Die Within The Next Couple Of Years Due To Being Old As Fuck, then their life is Over.
So Joris has to put in a lot of work.
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This analysis isn't even picking apart the nitty-gritty of Kerubim being an orphan and having abandonment issues, or the way those things make him latch onto Joris the same way Joris latches onto him — as if this child is his Only Hope and Savior, Who Won't Leave Him Like All The Others.
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And how that might lead to him REALLY liking Joris idealizing and putting him on a pedestal, despite the guilt he might feel knowing that that's kind of a... not-good parenting tactic.
...Man this post isn't even a rewatch liveblog anymore, it's just an analysis post, innit? 💀
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seonne · 2 months
Hiii!! Idk if your still doing the songfic thing but if so could I request Hanta Sero with the song GUY.exe by Superfruit
Thank you and have a great day!!
So sorry for the huge gap, there's a whole lot going on but here we finally are with another part to this series! Thank you to everyone for your patience and I hope you like this!
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Song Fics Pt.2
Song of choice: GUY.exe
Pairing: Hanta Sero x Reader
Author's note: Every part of this series will not be written the same way or in the same format. If there's a specific way you'd like for me to write your request, please let me know!
Disclaimer: Friends who are overly involved in your love life, but yeah that's it really. Not proofread, I'll come back to edit this later T-T
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"Well, this was fun. How about a second date, what do you say?"
You winced internally as you pulled a polite smile onto your face.
"I'll think about it and text you! I really need to go right now but thank you for today! I'll see you... later I guess!"
You hurried out of the restaurant, leaving your date stammering at the door.
You sighed for the umpteenth time as you got into a cab and sat back as the driver took off onto the highway. This has been your weekly routine ever since that one day a few weeks ago; that wretched day.
You had whined to your friends for an hour or so about how you don't have a boyfriend and how your hero work keeps you away from romantic interests and dates. You had only intended to complain to them, but your friends took it upon themselves to shut you up. Hence they set you up on dates every. Single. Week.
Sure, it got annoying, but you can't really blame your friends because you know they mean well... and it was your fault that they decided to interfere in your (nonexistent) love life.
Getting home, you slipped off your dress, sighing as you changed into something more comfortable as you fixed yourself a cup of tea. As you sipped your tea, your attention drew to the notification you got on your phone from your secretary.
Ice-pack: The Hero Commission has scheduled a meeting for you regarding next week's joint mission. Tomorrow, 9 AM sharp. Don't be late for God's sake.
You groaned as you put away your phone. Your plans to sleep in on your one day off has officially flown out the window. Your thoughts soon drift to the email your secretary had sent you concerning the joint mission.
You pulled up the email and scurried through it before you found the profile of the hero you were paired with.
Name: Hanta Sero
Hero Name: Cellophane
Age: 24
Rank: Top 8
Quirk: He has tape dispenser-like organs in his elbows, from which he can shoot long cellophane tape-like strips; he can also retract them. He can use his tape to wrap people, swing long distances, and create traps, among other applications.
Fighting Style: Long-ranged + support combat
Qualifications: UA high school graduate
Achievements: Best Rescue Award in the Hero Awards 2024
The photo attached in the file showed him; a handsome face with black hair, black eyes and a wide grin.
Not gonna lie, he does look kinda-
'Stop it', you thought to yourself as you put away your phone. 'He's a coworker, don't get weird about it. You're being desperate'
You sighed again before retiring to your bed, already exhausted thinking about getting up in the morning the next day.
The next day, you woke up and dragged yourself out of your house, despite wanting to stay in so badly. I mean, the sooner you get it over with, the sooner you get home, right?
The Hero Commission apparently had loads of meetings lined up for the day and it felt like ages until you were finally called in for your turn. You groaned as you walked into the meeting room along with a few others.
Your eyes took in the people gathered in the room; Pro Hero Deku who took centre stage, Pro Hero Creati, Pro Hero Mindjack, a few board members and some others you were unaware of. However, your scheduled mission partner was nowhere to be found.
As Deku started the meeting, the door swung open as a tall figure barged into the room.
"Yo Midoriya! Sorry for being late, ran into a thief on the way here."
Him. It's him. The guy in the email that your secretary sent you, your mission partner.
You let your eyes analyse him as he made his way over to the empty seat beside you, shooting a wide grin to Deku the whole way. He seated himself as Deku resumed the meeting, his eyes glancing your way before turning to look at you and he paused. His gaze lingered on your face before he gave you a tight-lipped smile and turned back to Deku.
'Weird. He seems like the extrovert type. Why did he not do or say anything?'
You shrugged and zoned into the meeting as you shooed away the self-conscious thoughts tugging at your brain.
The meeting lasted quite a while, explaining the mission in full detail and pinpointing everyone's roles in it. You jotted down a few key points from the meeting for future reference and couldn't help yourself as your eyes glanced at your new partner. He's tall, dark hair and dark eyes, quite the impressive build, casual clothes that look... okay, no kidding, he looked amazing in the clothes he wore. He kept talking to the people sat beside him with a huge grin and added important queries to the meeting, so you figured he must generally be a friendly type.
'But why isn't he talking to me...?'
After the meeting was done, Deku dispersed everyone and most of the heroes assigned partners in the mission gathered with their partners and teammates to introduce themselves and get along. As you stood up, a hand darted towards you, making you jolt.
A light chuckle followed.
"Hey, sorry about that. Didn't mean to scare you. I'm Sero Hanta, but you can call me Cellophane!"
You looked up to see your new mission partner with a lopsided smile with an extended hand towards you. You look at him and down at his hand before you stand up straight and take his hand, giving it a firm shake.
"Hi, yeah, no worries. I'm (y/n) but you can call me (h/n)!"
He nods before raising an eyebrow.
"You recently broke past Top 10 in Hero Ranks, didn't you? Impressive, great job!"
You chuckle as you two retreat your hands, your hands awkwardly resting at your hips as his delve into his pockets.
"Yeah, took a lot of work but, got there eventually."
Sero nodded, chuckling.
An awkward silence fell over you two as you shifted on your feet, avoiding eye contact. He cleared his throat just as you took in a breath and you both turned to each other at the same time:
"Wanna get coffee?"
The both of you paused and stared at each other before laughing.
Time flew by as the both of you spent the evening together, going to a place, sitting there to talk for a while before moving to another place and repeat. You'd been to these places before with your other dates but with him it felt... so different. You hadn't even realised it had gotten late and that you had planned to have a lazy day today. You two awkwardly said your goodbyes with lingering eyes and hesitant steps away until you were far out of sight from each other, still turning back one last time to catch a glimpse.
You get home and open your phone, giddy from the "unexpected sorta-kinda date" and watch as your groupchat is bombarded by your friends setting up your next date. You type in a text, hit send and put your phone away, not a care in the world for your friends who are freaking out at it:
"No need. Found my picture perfect guy."
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Alright, FINALLY! Again, sorry about the extremely late post, but I'll try to answer every request I've gotten. I hope you liked this one, please show support through reblogs and comments more! (Kudos if your reactions are funny, I love reading those) Thanks for the request again!
Lots of love <3
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