#yeah?? to help idiots with short attention spans hello hi its me
annwayne · 1 year
I just realized why last year in my intro to creative writing class I was sooooo against my professors insistence that physical writing is better than typing.
I'm a fucking artist, traditional and digital. I've had to fight the fight about digital art being real art, how there's still a requirement of skill, practice, and knowledge of the medium to produce anything good digitally!
So of course, when someone says writing on paper is better than writing on a computer I put on my boxing gloves. I've been fighting this for years already-just in a different stadium.
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rynhaswritersblock · 4 years
trust issues | p.p.
summary: it wasn't peter's fault that he had trust issues after his mentor's death and his most recent superhero friend's manipulation, but it also wasn't your fault that you just wanted to be his friend.
warnings: cussing, angst, fighting, minor fluff here and there. also tony is dead and mysterio is a lil bitch... but hey natasha is alive!
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+ + +
"y/n, this is peter. peter, this is y/n."
peter forces a smile, feeling like a ventriloquist outside his body controlling his movements. the politeness in his voice is strained. "nice to meet you."
"you too," you breathe, taking slight note of how dull the boy's expression and tone is. you figured you couldn't blame him, though; you payed attention to the news, and after a bit of poking at natasha, it'd become apparent the amount of trauma he'd been through within the span of a year.
an awkward silence fills the space before natasha sucks in a breath. "y/n, i'll show you to your new room?"
you hum and nod, glancing at peter before following the woman, sighing.
peter watches the two of you walk away, face blank. he didn't really resent you; hell, you just met. he just didn't trust you. better to keep a distance than get attached was his new mindset, and he wouldn't let a pretty girl get in the way of that.
even though you really were pretty.
a deep exhale leaves his lips and he treads off in the direction you and nat had left in, taking his time in walking up the stairs as to avoid encountering the two of you.
+ + +
everything was off.
peter stared at the wall in front of him, blinking hard.
"you don't have x-ray vision, idiot," he mutters, flopping back onto his bed, blowing a curl out of his eyes.
to be honest, peter found this whole "getting the band back together" thing kind of dumb. he and everyone else appreciated natasha's yearn for what the avengers used to be, but it would never be the same without tony or steve. hell, peter didn't even get to have the full experience with everyone, yet he still knew that just as well as the rest of them.
it's not like he didn't wish you were there, a new roommate just on the other side of the wall. it's just that he found it kind of pointless.
a knock on his door makes the boy turn his head. "yup?"
you cautiously turn the knob, peeking your head in. "hi."
"do you mind if i come in?"
there it is. the old peter begins seeping in, getting nervous over the idea of a girl being in his room, feeling excited about maybe becoming friends with her. he forgets his paranoid act and nods.
you smile nervously, walking in. "just thought i'd come talk, or... something."
"okay," peter nods. the hint of a crooked smile dares to pull at his lips. "what do you wanna talk about?"
"i don't know, uh, what do you guys usually do around here? when there's not a mission?" you ask, taking a seat at the edge of his bed, cautious.
you didn't know how to feel about the boy. you'd caught him interacting with the others with ease, still a little dull, but not nearly as emotionless as he was with you. if it weren't for that, you'd probably be totally smitten over him.
peter shrugs. "eat. watch movies. train. sometimes we'll have game nights-"
the sound of his breath hitching makes you tense. you watch as his eyes loose any hint of a spark in them and begin to dull as they fall to his feet. your frozen, unsure of what to do before you open your mouth.
"oh, i'm sorry if-"
"it's fine."
the iciness of his voice burns, the irony of it making it hurt even worse.
struck a cord.
his face is blank as you cautiously lift yourself off the bed, chewing on your lips nervously. "goodnight, peter."
the boy doesn't respond. he's stuck in his position, a piece of his old self yelling at him to just look up, apologize, and ask you to sit back down. he hears you sigh, your footsteps leaving his room with the door shutting behind you.
"come on, kid," tony mutters harshly, "give it to me."
"no!" peter yells, boyish laugh filling the air. "first place is MINE!"
him and the rest of the team let out a series of cheers as peter's character, yoshi, crosses the finish line just a split second before waluigi does.
"shit!" tony groans, throwing the controller, giving steve a look as the man mutters "language."
peter can't stop laughing, whooping and jumping on the table in victory. "that's what you get for picking waluigi as your character, mr. stark!"
the boy clears his throat, blinking. he'd kept his streak for too long, and he'd resent himself if he shed one more tear this week.
+ + +
"ah! lady y/n has awoken," thor smiles, shoving an entire pancake in his mouth.
"yes," you say tiredly, attempting to match his enthusiastic tone yet failing, stabbing a few pancakes and flopping them onto your plate.
"how'd you sleep?" rhodey asks. the man hands a fork to you and you almost smile.
this is much better than back home.
"great. whoever payed good money for that mattress has my heart."
clint nods. "tony."
you hear the sound of a fork clattering and stop pouring your syrup. when you look up, everyone's heads are turning in the direction of the stairs, where peter stands.
his hair's a complete mess, a heap of mangled curls paired with a white shirt and fuzzy pajama pants. you almost let yourself stare before you realize the situation and turn back to your pancakes, pursing your lips.
"morning," peter says quietly.
you quietly make your way to sit next to natasha, leaning over to ask and make sure that you weren't sitting in peter's seat. upon affirmation you quietly exhale, shoveling a bite into your mouth and ignoring the fact that peter just glanced over at you amidst the silent room. sam gives you a look that you barely catch and you swallow harshly.
the room is entirely silent as the boy sits across from you at the table, your determination strong as you veer away from looking at him. you didn't want to bring up what happened last night, and you were most definitely sure he felt the same.
"this is nice," bucky blurts. you bite back a laugh.
a few minutes pass as the adults manage to make conversation and you keep noticing peter's eyes flickering up at you. you knew it wasn't really his fault he was an asshole last night; you'd obviously brought up a subject that reminded him of when everything was normal. it wasn't his fault he had trust issues. it was everything that'd happened to him.
you take a deep breath as you feel his gaze. losing control, a frustrated yell erupts from your mouth. "is there something on my face?"
the table turns its attention to the two of you, your faces burning. the air catches in your throat and you cough awkwardly.
"i don't see anything," bucky says, shrugging. sam elbows him.
"excuse me," you mutter, picking up your plate and putting it in the dishwasher, hurriedly heading up the stairs and into your room.
you spin around, shutting the door and leaning against it, letting out a groan. a knock on the door makes you jump with a gasp. "who is it?"
"it's nat. let me in."
you open the door, letting the woman in before shutting it behind her and flopping onto your bed.
"what on earth was all that?"
"peter doesn't like me and things are awkward and he kept looking at me and i don't know i got annoyed!" you blurt, letting out a helpless sigh.
natasha copies your sigh.
"it's not that he doesn't like you, y/n. he has trust issues. how do you expect him to welcome you with open arms after he got his entire world flipped upside down the last time he did that? it took months to deal with the mess mysterio made, and combining that with the death of tony kid's been through a ton."
you sit up, giving nat a look before shrugging. "yeah. can't blame him."
+ + +
the following days were some of the best and worst.
you and the rest of the team got along like a family, all of them accepting you and treating you as if you'd been there from the beginning. you and bucky would often sing along to disney songs, thor would ruffle your hair at any given chance, and wanda and natasha would spend late nights with you watching rom-coms and old movies. scott even made a tiktok with you, ending it by booty-bumping you out of the camera with a mischievous smile.
but then there was peter.
he didn't come out of his room much, and when he did, he'd ignore you and only talk to the others. a boyish laugh would occasionally fly out of his mouth and you'd glance over at him, only to regret it when the two of you met eyes.
the whole situation was extremely fucked up, in your opinion.
you did feel bad for him. it's just that, if everyone else liked you, why didn't he? why did some pact of hatred have to be established within the first twenty-four hours?
"y/n," sam says, poking his head in the door. "you ready?"
you make a face and shrug, tightening your shoelaces before standing and walking over to the man. "as i'll ever be."
the two of you begin walking over to the training room.
"since this is your first session, we won't make it too bad. just introductory," sam explains.
"and you paired me with peter... for what?"
he looks over at you. "because."
a groan falls from your lips and he laughs, smirk on his face as he opens the door for you, giving you a gentle yet playful push into the room and shutting the door. you feel your heart rate quicken as you see peter in the corner, back to you as he wraps his hands.
the boy is donned in a tight white shirt with black shorts, curly hair untamed. you clear your throat and he jumps slightly, turning to look at you. the look on his face makes you freeze.
"hey," he says, just loud enough for you to hear.
"hi," you begin making your way over to him. "uh, what are we doing today?"
"just some combat stuff," he mutters, ripping the tape and setting it down.
you hum, pursing your lips as you grab the tape, glancing over at his hands to try and figure out if there was a certain way you were supposed to wrap it. peter looks up at you, breath hitching as he notices your dilemma. "need help?"
"yeah," you breathe. a sense of self-hatred begins to overwhelm you; you feel stupid. he grabs one of your hands gingerly and begins wrapping it, hyper-focused on his actions as to try and diffuse the awkward situation. "sorry, i've never done this before. i thought we might be using powers-"
"no, yeah, uh, it's fine. that's what i thought my first time, too," peter says, gentle smile taking over his face. your face begins to burn as you watch him carefully maneuver the tape around your fingers, ripping it and switching to the other hand.
the two of you put on your boxing gloves, heart racing as he lifts the ropes open for you to crawl into the ring.
as unsure as you felt about this, peter was a good instructor. he took things nice and slow with you, teaching you about how to properly punch and what uppercuts were. he'd laugh with you whenever you felt stupid and even came up with a safe word for whenever the two of started actually sparring.
"you're not bad at this, you know," the boy breathes, bouncing on his feet.
"thanks," you say, throwing a quick punch, which he narrowly dodged. "i'm betting you're only dodging my throws because of your senses, or whatever."
peter huffs, quirking a brow at you. "if you wanna bring powers into this, we can."
your eyes light up, a glowing, purple portal appearing between the two of you. "really?"
"shit, i forgot you could do that," he mutters, hint of a smirk pulling at his lips. he taps his wrists together, webshooters circling around his arms. "let's do it."
you nearly start laughing from how excited you were. it'd been far too long since you'd gotten to do this.
you raise an eyebrow at peter before leaping forward, through the portal. he jumps back with a small gasp before snapping his head over to the opposite side of the room, where you fall out of the portal and land swiftly. he lets out a laugh.
there it is again.
he raises his hand into the air, shooting a web and swinging to the wall, backflipping off the surface and landing in front of you. the two of you smile at each other before fully going at it, with you bouncing between portals and the boy trying to keep up as you play tricks on him.
"damn it!" peter yells, hand clutching thin air as the portal disappears, his attempt to grab your wrist failing. he slides down the web, landing on the ground and letting out a small yelp as you tap his shoulder from behind. "shit."
"gotcha," you smile.
he sighs tiredly, the two of you grinning mischievously as you catch your breath. with a rush of excitement, you try one of the moves peter taught you, grabbing his wrist and spinning him, pinning him down on the ground.
"hey!" he whines, voice muffled by the concrete beneath him. "not cool."
before you get the chance to laugh, he somehow manages to flip the two of you over, making you the one in defeat. you gape.
"you never taught me that one!"
"gotta have some sort of advantage over you," he shrugs.
a moment of silence fills the space and you notice the look in peter's eyes change from the playful, bright look to a dull nothingness, just as it was befo.
damn it.
the air catches in his throat and he clears in, loosening his grip and rolling off of you. you sit up, feeling incredibly awkward and stupid after acting so close to him despite your past experience. you watch him walk back to the table, head down as he disassembles his webshooters with a sigh.
you cautiously make your way in his direction, feeling just how you had before the session, only worse.
"sorry," you mutter, the sound of the tape ripping from your hands fills the air. he doesn't respond.
+ + +
"parker, y/l/n: you two stick together," natasha orders.
the team breaks, finishing gearing up before heading out of the quinjet. you quickly step up next to natasha, whispering.
"why did you-"
"y/n, just do it. your training went well, the two of you will get along eventually. might as well start now," she mutters, giving you a quick pat on the back and a nudge in peter's direction.
the two of you only give each other a look of acknowledgment before exiting the jet, following the rest of the team into the HYDRA base. your heart was already racing enough from this being your first mission, never mind the fact that you were now forced to rough it with peter.
you open a portal, letting the team step through before doing so yourself, following them into the closet you'd opened the portal to. after giving everyone separate portals for their respective locations, you and peter go to your own, right outside the mainframe. all the two of you had to do was clear the area of any agents so natasha and clint could get in and hack the system.
the two of you step out of the portal, immediately surrounded by agents.
"looks like we got them all distracted," you whisper.
"woah there, you guys! no need to get all defensive!" peter jokes, sticking out a hand and webbing all their guns together. "jeez, you guys need stronger grips."
a smile begins to creep on your face at the boy's ad libs before you snap back into the reality of the situation, using the moves peter taught you to combat and knock out some of the guys. peter catches a glimpse of you roundhouse kicking one of the agents, a smile creeping on his face before turning and webbing the unconscious agents' wrists together.
one last guard comes running at you and peter just about jumps forward to handle it, but stops when he sees you swiftly grab the man's wrist, flipping him over and pinning him down with ease.
you pant as you hold the agent's arms behind his back, knelt over him before flipping your head back and getting the hair out of your face, a final sigh falling from your lips as you make eye contact with peter.
"i taught you well."
you humph, giving him an innocent smile before standing, watching as peter webs the man's wrists together and the eyes of his mask widen and narrow playfully. you laugh.
"is that your under-the-mask version of wiggling your-"
"uh huh. yep."
the two of you stand there, hands on your hips as you look at the pile of guards. the sound of footsteps makes you jump. you turn, preparing to fight another mob but instead are met with natasha and clint running by, stopping just a few feet ahead of you.
"two of you gonna do something about that?" clint asks, amused look on his face as he points at the pile. natasha smirks and gives you a playful look to which you raise your eyebrows at.
"don't worry, we got it," peter nods, raising a hand in defense as the pair runs off, leaving you and peter alone once more. "maybe you can-"
"yeah," you breathe, opening a portal in front of the pile. you and peter get on your knees, awkwardly pushing them through the portal you'd opened into a porta-potty fifty miles from here, little laughs exerting from your mouths.
you'd never imagined yourself pushing a pile of unconscious HYDRA agents into a random porta-potty.
the two of you continue laughing even after you close the portal, laying on your backs and giggling at the situation.
"y/n, peter, we can see you through the security cams right now," natasha mutters through the comms, the two of you immediately stopping and standing up.
"it's funny," you say, letting out one last laugh.
"kiddos, just go back to the jet and wait for us to finish," sam orders. you can practically hear his smirk through the earpiece.
peter begins to walk towards the door and you quickly open a portal, the boy mindlessly walking through before stopping on the other side of the portal next to the quinjet, turning around and looking at you with a confused expression. he sighs, letting out a small laugh as he shakes his head.
"lazy," he says as you walk through.
"no, efficient!" you retort. he punches the code in and the two of you enter the jet, taking seats on opposite couches.
you slump on the couch, laying down and throwing your legs across the arm. a minute of silence passes between you before you decide to break the silence, hoping you'd finally gained peter's trust. "i can't believe you guys just like... do that all the time."
"yeah, it's pretty cool," peter shrugs, adjusting himself on the couch. he'd already taken off his mask, hair slightly matted, his curls fluffy.
"so," you drawl, trying not to seem to awkward or overbearing. "i'm, uh, sorry about... about everything that's happened to you."
you glance at the boy. he seems caught off guard, and, like every other time, not quite as happy as he was just a few seconds ago. he doesn't say anything.
"i mean, like, everything with tony and then mysterio... i can't imagine what type of trauma-"
"that's right," peter interrupts, "you can't."
you almost choke on air. had that coming, didn't i?
"peter, i didn't mean to-"
"we're not friends, y/n. we may both be avengers, we may live next to each other, but that's it, okay? we've literally known each other for a week, and you're already trying to be buddy-buddy with me. i don't see why every time things are going well, you have to bring up my past and ruin it."
and there goes your temper.
"i'm the one ruining it? god, peter, i ask what you guys do in your free time and you're the one making a big deal out of it. it was a simple fucking question. listen, i get you have trust issues, but don't you think that part of how i'm even on this team is because i went through multiple checks and a serious scan-through of my file? F.R.I.D.A.Y., mr. stark's AI, literally knows everything about me. i have no secrets. so i don't get why you don't wanna be my friend."
peter looks at you. he's leaning forward, forearms resting on his knees and hands clasped, tongue pressing in front of his bottom teeth as he stares. you huff.
"it's not my fault your mentor died and some psycho-maniac decided to manipulate you and ruin your life."
peter seizes up. you look over to the door, where the rest of the team stands, mouths agape and eyes wide.
holy shit.
"oh my god," you whisper. "peter, i'm so sorry, i really didn't mean it, i-"
he stands, ignoring your furious apologies and plopping down in one of the other seats, back facing you. you look back at the rest of the team, expression matching theirs as they begin to file in.
"i'm not even gonna ask," sam says, getting an elbow in the gut from bucky.
"peter, i-" you plead, stopping when bucky raises a hand, gesturing to stop as he sits down next to the boy, wrapping a supportive arm around him.
natasha sits next to you and you scrunch your eyes shut, falling back into the couch.
"what the hell was all that about?" she mutters.
"i don't know," you whine quietly, "every time peter and i are having fun, something happens- usually something i'd said- and peter gets all sour and cold and i hate it. i'm trying to be his friend, but i guess he just keeps randomly remembering that he's supposed to hate me for some dumb reason. and, i don't know, i just got really mad about it and kind of... exploded."
"yeah, kind of," she huffs, making your face burn. "listen, just, give it a night and i'll talk to him tomorrow, 'kay? you both need some time to calm down."
you chew on your lip. "okay."
+ + +
a groan falls from your mouth as you stare at the ceiling, flopping your arm on the bed aimlessly.
you'd spent the whole time since you'd gotten back trying to distract yourself. showering, eating dinner (which you both ate in your rooms, refusing to deal with the current situation), watching tv, opening random portals.
you just couldn't get him off your mind.
in the worst way possible.
you look over at the clock. 11:27. you wiggle your foot, anxious to just move or hit something or hit someone. another groan leaves your lips and you stand, walking out of your room and figuring you'd go bully the punching bag. you stop, though, at the sight of peter's door cracked.
the hallways were dark and empty; the adults were always asleep at this time (except for bucky and sometimes sam, of course). a burst of hopelessness makes you walk over, gently knocking.
followed by a sniffle.
you furrow your brows, slowly walking in and looking at peter, his red eyes meeting yours. you gasp before you can help yourself.
"peter, are you crying?"
he groans, wiping his face and burying it in his hands. "no."
that's when the nurturing part of you takes over. you walk over, sitting next to him and wrapping your arms around him, feeling his body ease into you as a light sob elicits from him. you hold him tighter, expression pained as his body shakes within your hold. his curls are wrapped around your fingers and you gently play with them in an attempt to calm him down.
"it's okay," you whisper.
peter sniffles, body easing as he wipes his face. "i'm sorry, i-"
"don't be sorry," you mutter, shaking your head. "do you.. maybe wanna talk about it?"
he pulls away from you, your arms flopping down to your sides as he clears his throat.
"i just, i don't know, get these panic attacks pretty often. i'll just be thinking about mr. stark or worrying about mysterio and it's all so stupid and irrational but i just get these intrusive thoughts and i just go into panic mode and the only way to stop is to just get over it and go to sleep," he sighs. "then everything's fine."
you feel horrible. "i never should have-"
"i shouldn't have either. i'm an asshole, and i'm sorry."
"you're not an asshole," you laugh lightly, "you just have your moments. and while it wasn't entirely fair of you to take it all out on me, i can see why you did."
he looks at up at you, small and crooked grin pulling at his lips. "i'll be better."
"i will too. hey! i can be like your therapist, or like, one of those boyfriend pillows, you know? but like girlfriend- well, not girlfriend- but-"
"thanks," peter laughs. "i might just have to take you up on that."
turns out peter was a big cuddle-bug.
+ + +
bonus: peter walks into your room and only your bottom half is there because the top half of you is in the kitchen making a bowl of cereal
lol this was 4.4k words wowee
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huronnade-moved · 5 years
     Look each other in the face.  Look away.  Pretend it never happened.      This had become their new routine.
      After returning to Huron properly, moving into the house that his mother and father had been keeping void for him for the duration of his isolation, Murr had crossed paths with the Sheriff a number of times.  Every time had been wildly charged, despite its brief span, alight with unspoken feelings and troubles and hatred.  Even though he’d done a lot to frustrate Kuro in the last century or so, the supposed ‘’burden’’ he was putting on his shoulders was nothing in comparison to what the man had done to him.
           Every time I look at you, I want to fucking die.  Do you even care about that?
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     It explained his hesitation to knock on the officer’s door, fist hovering uselessly before flopping back to his side.  You can do this.  Just knock.  It’s one quick request.  You can do this.  Before he could go through with it, a woman attempted to get his attention.  One look at her told him that she wasn’t of his race, his brow furrowing with confusion, then derision.  Her offer to get Kuro’s attention for him was sneered at.  It gave him the confidence necessary to grab the handle and push it open, striding inside without so much as a hello.
    ❝ I told y’already:  knock.  The damn.  Door. ❞   Kuro drawled, voice strung tight with annoyance.  His head was currently buried in a case file, grey eyes feverishly scanning information.  Whatever his latest case was, it clearly had him thinking hard.  When nothing was said for a while, the man slowly lifted his head, expression immediately flattening when he realised who was standing there.  With a heavy sigh:   ❝ Haaah.  What is it this time, Murphy?  The soil’s turned t’acid?  The sky’s fallin’ down?  The scarecrow on Route 9 has mysteriously moved? ❞
    ❝ That last one’s actually true-- ❞
    ❝ Aaand here it comes... ❞
     For a short while, Murr had to furiously hold his tongue.  He dug his teeth in so hard that he thought he tasted blood.  When he didn’t feel as if he was going to explode with rage, he forced himself to bow his head, hands clasped feebly in front of him.  Though the Sheriff said nothing, he could feel his eyes boring into the top of his head,  trying to burn a hole through his skull, trying to vaporise him completely--  but a spark just wouldn’t fizzle.
    ❝ I...  have come back ta Huron.  ‘n’ in doin’ so, I know I have a lot ta make up fer.  I came...  ta apologise, fer all the trouble I’ve caused.  I realise that I’ve been a nuisance.  An idiot, even.  I really just...   want ta leave this foolishness behind me, ‘n’ start over. ❞  He hated apologising.  He hated explaining himself even more, but no apology was complete without it.   ❝ I...  thought I could make ya notice me if I acted like a fool.  I thought that ya’d...  at least acknowledge me enough ta tell me ta go away.  ‘n’ I see now that all I did was make ya dislike me more.  I don’t expect ya ta accept me.  I can’t give you back the time I took from ya, but I hope that...  we can move past this--  f-from a civil standpoint.  L-Like adults. ❞
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     The silence that followed was heavy, filled with doubt so lugubrious that it served only as an uncomfortable blanket;  the kind that itched and smothered.  Why is my heart beating so fast?  Am I really that afraid of him?  After all this time, do I still fear what Kuro thinks of me...?  Before he could delve any deeper into his brain, he was granted a temporary reprieve in the form of a response.
    ❝ What prompted this change’a heart? ❞
     Though his mouth felt incredibly dry now, Murr forced himself to continue speaking.   ❝ Well.  I did a lotta self-reflection while I was away.  I came ta the conclusion that it’s in my best interest ta try ‘n’ live a normal life, like a normal person.  No more...  hidin’ away ‘n’ playin’ pretend like an idiot.  I’m ready ta face stuff now.  A-And...  that’s kinda why I’m here.  I-I mean, aside from--  t-ta apologise-- ❞   He could feel his face gaining colour, a flush of embarrassment staining normally unperturbed cheeks.  Murr never blushed.  It just wasn’t in his nature.   ❝ I want ta...  request permission ta have a facility built. ❞   For a moment, he fumbled with his hands before continuing on.   ❝ I know ya have all the reasons in the world ta say no at this point.  But I also know that it’s worth a shot.  No amount’a wealth or prestige puts me above the law.  New projects should be approved by the High Court.  ‘n’ so, I’m...  askin’ you ta file a request fer me.  As the Sheriff. ❞
     By now, he knew that he had Kuro’s attention.  The sound of the file being put down sounded like gunfire to him.
    ❝ What for...? ❞
    ❝ I want ta have a theatre built. ❞   There was a long pause before Murr continued.   ❝  It’ll be mine.  But it’ll also be a public facility.  I’ll open it ta the masses.  Huron doesn’t currently have a functionin’ theatre.  I checked.  I can easily cover the expenses.  You know that. ❞   He took a breath he didn’t know he needed, trembling hands curled tightly into fists in an effort to mask his apprehension.           ❝ I want ta try again.  Since failin’ college-- ❞   The quiet became deafening in that moment, a deep sense of discomfort echoing dimly in their ears.  Murr swallowed hard, rage rising much like vomit, and he pushed it back down with just as much perseverence.   ❝ ... I haven’t stepped on a stage since.  I want that ta change.  So please, f-file my request...! ❞
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     His head felt uncomfortably full in that moment, like a mason jar topped to the brim with unread confessions.  It’s your fault.  No matter how you slice it, you’re the reason I failed.  You stole my life away.  Now I’m stealing it back.  If you don’t try to help me, I’ll do it myself.  Yeah, myself.  Just like always since you left.  I’m no stranger to getting my hands dirty at this point.  I could kill you--
    ❝ Okay. ❞
     Murr blinked, snapping back to the present.     ❝ A-Ah...  okay? ❞
    ❝ Yeah.  I’ll file yer request. ❞   He watched, somewhat stupefied, as Kuro recollected his papers, eyes sharp despite their half-lidded state.  Dear Raku, how long has it been since you slept, Kuro?  Is it as long as me?   ❝ When y’leave-- ❞
    ❝ Close the door, ❞   Murr finished feebly.  There was a moment where they locked eyes  (  or at least, he thought they did, for he felt his soul quiver  )  before they both looked away again.  However the situation had turned out, it couldn’t be denied that Murr still knew most of him inside out.  It didn’t matter how many years had passed since they’d last shared proper time together.  A person was never gone for good.  In a pained but clear voice:    ❝ ... I know.  Ya hate it when it’s left ajar.  Ya always have. ❞   Do you even think about me anymore?  Or have you forgotten who I am?  Do you still know me like I know you, or am I just a ghost from your past?   ❝ ... thanks fer yer time, Kuro. ❞
     Before the Sheriff could utter another word, Murr pulled the door closed and left the station, all but running from the woman who was fervently trying to ask what he was there for.  Mind your own fucking business, bitch.  Are you riding Kuro’s dick or something?  I feel like vomiting.  Why am I breathing so hard?  Why is my face so hot?  Why’re my eyes filling up?  Why, why why?
     He stopped at the end of the road, wiping gently at his eyes.   ❝ Wh-What’s wrong with me...? ❞   His fingers shook against his reddened cheeks as he attempted to slap himself back into focus.
     It’s seeing him.  It’s seeing him that’s doing this.  He’s so unaware of what he’s done to me.
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alltheloveflowerh · 6 years
Record Shop
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Y/N’s been working at a record shop for the past two years on a not so busy street in London, but it’s yet crowded enough to have people come and go every hour to make the shop busy. Like every other shop, this one too had the one-time-buyers, as well as its regulars. From the first time he walked into the shop, he could have been sorted into the regulars, but the thing is, that it wasn’t like that. And Y/N didn’t particularly like him (or at least that’s what she kept telling herself). For some reason the tall boy - well, he was more like a man, but she still called him a boy in her head - was always cocky, wearing a smug smile on his face, radiating with confidence; almost as if he owned the world. On particular days it just annoyed her, and on some days she enjoyed his little game of flirtation, but (of course) she would never admit that.
Y/N didn’t mind the boy, whose name she was yet to learn, though she felt slight irritation whenever he walked into the shop. It wasn’t his charming self or his pine green eyes that always seemed to capture her mind, not paying attention to what he was speaking but rather to his eyes. It was the attitude which was seen in his walk; it was the way he would stand whenever he would speak, and it was the smile. His goddamn broad smile, showing his perfect teeth and his perfectly deep curved dimples. It was his stupid stupid smile.
The first time they met was on January the 9th, when Harry decided to listen to his best friend and go check the record shop out. He knew of the shop, because his best friend could never stop talking about it and its variety of records and CD’s and the diversity of biographies about a lot of different musicians, but has never come around to actually visiting it. And Harry liked music, some might even say he loved it. So that day he went there without much on his mind, not thinking that a certain girl would capture the short attention span of Harry Styles. 
As soon as he walked in, he started to observe the shop, gently closing the door behind him. He took in each aspect, every concert poster hanging on the wooden wall, bookshelves standing against the walls and the collection of records and CD’s on display.
‘‘Hello, how are you doing?’’ He asked to what looked like an empty shop, not noticing the girl kneeling down and organising boxes with extra records. 
‘‘Hi, I’m fine, thank you. Yourself?’’ Y/N answered looking for the source of the voice while standing up and going to the counter. 
‘‘I-I’m good, yeah.. Er. w-would you mind if I take a look around?’’ He didn’t know why he asked that or why he stuttered but he just said the first thing on his mind considering how dumbfounded he was by the girl.
‘‘I mean, I’m almost positive that that’s what people do? But sure, if you need permission go ahead.’’ She did know that her answer was a bit snarky, but it didn’t bother her that much since she’s known for snarky responses but also hard work. The boy just nodded. 
Y/N continued doing her work while Harry couldn’t help but glance at her every few minutes just to check where she was; as if she was going to disappear any second. 
‘‘So, is there an order or anything? An alphabetical order or genre, perhaps?’’, he asked searching for ways to start a conversation. 
‘‘Yeah, alphabetical order.’’
‘‘Any signs where’s from A to F is or any other letters?’’
‘‘Each record cabinet is an alphabetical order for itself. So all of them are ordered alphabetically, with all letters, just depends on which cabinet you’re in front of.’’
‘‘Ah, okay. Well, which one has Fleetwood Mac?’’
Y/N knew that it was clear, you could see each letter on the cabinets. She knew you could see them easily, she knew because she organised it all. Big wall-sized bookshelves on the north and south side of the room, a line of long bin styled vinyl cabinet storages on the east and the west side holding vinyls and CD’s, and long 6-drawer chest in between, with the extra records inside and on top a couple of record players going from vintage to modern. 
She went off to his side and put her hand over the stack of records that said Fleetwood Mac on their cover, ‘‘Right here’’, she muttered out, giving him one of her best fake smiles - because she knew what he was doing, considering how hard he was trying not to smirk - obviously failing.
As she got back to the counter, a couple of more people came in, doing their own search and not asking for help as opposed to what the boy was doing. Speaking of him, he was still roaming through the records while a lot of customers already bought stuff and left. Precisely 23 minutes had passed before he finally came up to the counter with a stack of his own. As she started scanning each one of them, reading the names, the boy decided to speak.
‘‘So, you’re not wearing a name tag...?’’ which to Y/N it sounded more like question and not a statements. 
‘‘Don’t need one.’’
‘‘Right.’’ He knew she was doing this on purpose - avoiding a conversation, ‘‘I like your shirt, do you have a favourite album of theirs?’’ He pointed at the black Red Hot Chili Peppers t-shirt she was wearing underneath an oversized denim jacket, which seemed to be Levi’s.
‘‘By The Way, do you?’’ Y/N said nodding towards his very young looking Britney Spears t-shit, trying not to sneer, ‘’Have a favourite album of the person on your shirt?’’
‘‘Oh yes, definitely. Oops!..I Did It Again, has to be.’’ Harry was smiling to himself, knowing she indeed was making fun of him, but glad she was even talking. 
‘‘A classic.’’
Y/N scanned the vinyl and two CD’s (Fleetwood Mac, The Rolling Stones and The Beatles), putting them all in a brown paper bag along with his receipt.
‘‘That will be £37. Your receipt is in the bag.’’ She held the bag in front of her, handing it to him. 
‘‘Thank you, here you go,’’ he gave her £40, ‘‘keep the change.’’ he added grinning wildly at the not so interested girl in front of him.
‘‘Thanks, Pop Princess.’’ The nickname slipped from her lips faster than she could comprehend. Not that there was anything wrong with Britney because she definitely had lot of hits Y/N liked to jam out to; she carefully took the money and put it into the register when she heard a genuine laugh escape his lips.
‘‘It sure does fit me, eh, with the long hair, brown curls.’’ He said, referring to the nickname with a low chuckle, ‘‘Well, thank you for being so kind, and see you soon.’’ He offered her a one more of his famous smiles, before turning around and leaving Y/N in the shop with what seemed to be a hundred thoughts in her head. 
What Y/N didn’t know was that every time he said soon, he meant the next day. So he came to this shop almost every day (except on weekends) for the next two weeks at the same time, which was usually around one in the afternoon. Whenever he came, he had a black washed-out backpack that matched his worn out converse shoes (they were occasionally replaced by red ones, in almost the same state). Sometimes he wore vintage looking band t-shirts with skinny jeans, and sometimes it was hoodies with slightly looser jeans, but he did have a good sense of style. As soon as he would walk into the shop, he would have a smile one his face, whether it was a smirk or a smug one, or just a simple smile, it was plastered all over his face. He didn’t purchase something every time he went there, so those times when he didn’t, he would linger around the shop, making sure to speak to her. And Harry was in no way embarrassed of anything, therefore he openly flirted with Y/N every time he got the chance; he made small talk, he would also compliment her which Y/N responded either with an eye-roll (trying really hard not to blush) or a look which said ‘You’re an idiot’. Y/N never flirted back, well not openly as Harry did, but in some ways she tried to appear just as much of a tease as Harry with comebacks and sarcastic comments. So the usual feeling of irritation that lingered in her body whenever Harry walked into the shop had disappeared after a few days of him showing up, and maybe.. Just maybe replaced by some kind of joy and excitement. But both of them were dealing with a slight problem, which was not knowing each others names. 
On January the 23rd, exactly two weeks after they’ve met for the first time, Harry was casually walking into the shop the same way and around the same time he always did. But he didn’t know that today, was Y/N’s day off, which meant that she wouldn’t be in the shop but her co-worker whom Harry only knows as ‘the guy from the afternoon shift’, so when he saw him instead of Y/N at the counter confusion took over his face.
‘‘Hi, er, is the girl not working today?’’ He debated whether to ask or not, but he was curious. 
‘‘Oh, Y/N? No, my dad gave her a day off today, and as a punishment, for what it seems like to the both of us, I’m taking over her shift.’’ The nameless boy explained.
‘‘Your dad?’’ he wondered, ignoring the fact that he just found out her name.
‘‘Yup, my dad owns this place, so Y/N and I work here. She doesn’t work over the weekend though, that’s when my dad comes in.’’
Harry was still confused; first because the guy that works here looks around the same age as he does and if him and Y/N have been- his thoughts were interrupted- her name was Y/N. A small smile grew on his face, saying the name in his head over and over, but was soon replaced with a frown when he remembered the previous though. If they’ve been working together for quite a long time, did they ever...? Has anything ever happened? As he was thinking he realised a few minutes flew passed since he last spoke and he was still standing in front of the guy.
‘‘Right, well, um, thanks for the explanation.’' He tried not to sound too awkward.
‘‘S’fine, no problem. But she will be back tomorrow in her usual shift.’’ The guy replied giving him a tight smile as if apologising that she’s not here now. 
‘‘Hey Ian, do we have any spare chargers here? Because this one only fucking works when you bloody angle it properly.’’
Both Y/N’s co-worker Ian and Harry turned their attention to the person who just hurriedly walked into the shop with annoyance on their face and frustration in their voice. Since it took them by surprise, - both her appearance and her loud entry - they looked at her as if she was a ghost. She looks beautiful, Harry thought. She was wearing black knee-ripped mum jeans, a yellow knitted jumper that reached just above her mid-thighs and a denim jacket she always wore. She also had a backpack on, filled with some things Y/N never leaves the house without; such as her wallet, a couple of books, sunglasses, a camera and a Polaroid camera she got for her 20th birthday.
As Ian stopped responding, only then lifting her head did Y/N realise that the boy was there as well. After what seemed hours of silence, one of them spoke.
‘‘Well hello, Y/N’’, Harry said putting the emphasis on her name while a smirk was forming on his face. 
‘‘Ian? Please tell me there is a spare one?’’ Y/N asked, without showing any acknowledgement of Harry. 
‘‘Could it be in the back? I can get it for you. You stay here, the guy asked for you anyways.’’ Ian turned around and went to the back room to look for Y/N’s charger. 
With that being said, Y/N felt some kind of a feeling in the pit her stomach, because Harry actually dared to ask about her or rather - her absence. 
‘‘Asking about me when I’m not here, eh?’’, she was the one smirking now.
‘‘No,’’ he tried to deny, ‘‘I was just wondering, you know..’’
‘‘Sure thing, Pop Princess.’’ Harry rolled his eyes.
‘‘Y/N! I’ve found one!’’ Ian yelled as he walked back to join them, ‘‘It was in one of the drawers.’’ he added, putting the charger onto the counter. 
‘‘Oh thank God. I would have gone nuts if I had to buy another one of these,’’ she walked towards them and took the charger off the counter, ‘‘Thanks, love.’’ She quickly added turning away and getting ready to leave. She plugged her phone into her power bank since it was on 6% of battery and zipped it in her backpack. Harry huffed, annoyed by Ian’s nickname. She thanked Ian for his help again and walked towards the door. As she left and started walking away from the shop someone grabbed her wrist and turned her around.
‘‘Have breakfast with me. Or lunch? Or brunch, just anything.’’ he pleaded.
‘‘I mean, I don’t even know your name. I can’t just grab breakfast, lunch, brunch or whatever with a stranger.’’ she replied smiling cheekily at him. 
‘‘We have been talking for two weeks, I’m no stranger to you. But if you will, I’m Harry.’’
‘‘What if I already have plans?’’
‘‘Then I will wait until you’re free. But do you really?’’ He narrowed his eyes at her trying to figure out if she really did have plans. 
‘‘Hi Harry, I’m Y/N, and no I don’t have any plans.’’ She stretched out her hand for him to shake. 
‘‘Really? A handshake?’’ Harry shook his head in disbelief with a grin on his face, yet still took her hand in his and gently shook it. It was rather small compared to his, he thought, but felt very soft and warm against his cold ones. 
‘‘You look very pretty, by the way.’’ He added.
‘‘Err, t-thank you.’’ She ducked her head down, hiding the blush creeping onto her face. Harry smiled at her response, because that’s the first time she didn’t roll her eyes at him or dismiss him. And he could definitely notice some redness on her cheek.
‘‘Is there anywhere you’d like to go to? Or should I choose the place?’’
‘‘If you know any good ones then lead the way, Princess.’’ she replied as they started walking to wherever Harry was taking her. 
‘‘You’re really not gonna stop calling me that, are you?’’
‘‘No, probably not.’’ Y/N smiled up at him and slightly bumped him with her shoulder. He wanted to wrap his arms around her and pull her more into him so badly, but he just pinched her side making her squirm away from him. 
Y/N didn’t know how to feel. They have been talking for two weeks, but it was small talks; where you learn about their favourite movies, musicians, books, animals and sometimes they would get into more deeper discussions about a certain musician; like that time they spent two hours talking about Freddie Mercury before Harry had to leave as he was running late to meet up with his sister. But usually, their chats wouldn’t last too long, and now they’re going out for lunch where they will probably spend a lot of time talking. What if they don’t have any topics left to discuss? What if at the end he found her boring? And for some reason while her head was thinking hundred steps ahead, she had this feeling in her tummy; as if the whole zoo is going wild inside it, and they’re just walking next to each other. 
‘‘So how come you weren’t working today?’’ He asked even if he already knew the answer, but Y/N smiled at his question before explaining.
‘‘Well, Boss said I could use an extended weekend, plus he said Ian’s fucked something up so he’s making him work all day.’’
‘‘Well then, have you been enjoying your extended weekend so far?’’
‘‘Oh I certainly am, slept the whole time. How about you, how was your weekend?’’ She looked up at him and noticed the height difference between them, she literally had to lift her head all the way up to meet his eyes. Looking up at him, she also noticed his sharp lower jaw bones that were sticking out as well as the short stubble on his chin. His curly brown hair falling down to his shoulders. There were so many small details about him she was yet to learn. He also didn’t have earlobes. She snapped back out of her thoughts once she heard him speak.
‘‘I would say it was good. I did sleep a lot of the time, listened to some records, stud-’’ He looked in her direction catching her stare, ‘‘Take a picture, love. It will last longer.’’
‘‘You’re annoying.’‘ she huffed as a small child, to which he laughed loudly.
‘‘You look cute when you’re annoyed.’‘ 
‘‘Oh for God’s sake, stop it!’‘ 
Y/N put her hands on his bicep in attempt to push him into the opposite direction away from her, but Harry only responded by quickly taking her hands and pulling her towards him; one hand sliding down her shoulders and the other on her waist, going over her stomach, trying to squish and tickle her. As much as Y/N pretended to want to wiggle out of his grip, she couldn’t lie and say she didn’t enjoy it. After tickling her, Harry pulled one arm to his side and put it into his pocket, while the other stayed still over her shoulders.
‘‘Since the weather is quite nice for a change, do you want to sit outside?’‘
‘‘Yes please. Are we there yet?’‘ Y/N asks, lifting her head and looking at the pretty boy holding her close. 
‘‘We only have to cross that street and we’re there.’‘ He replied, pointing to a cafe in the distance with one hand, squeezing her shoulder gently with the other. They had been walking down the street, neither of them saying anything, but just smiling to themselves for the rest of the short walk they had. 
Once they arrived at a cafe with a sign in the colour pink that said Cliffs just above the door, Y/N noticed that there was no outside area in front of the shop, but as Harry opened the door leading her inside, she was surprised by the vintage looking cafe with a big glass door at the end of the room, leading to what seemed like backyard garden. It looked gorgeous, Y/N thought, especially the outside area with wooden tables and stools, each with a small red cushion. Every table had a small plants on them, flowers hanging from the walls and colourful trees in big pots in each corner.  
‘‘Oh wow...’‘ Y/N was in awe with the place, ‘‘This place is beautiful, Harry.’‘
‘‘So you like it?’‘ Harry asked nervously, even thought she just said it was beautiful he still felt a bit on edge trying to impress her and show her that he perhaps had a crush on her. 
‘‘I do, it’s really pretty. Thank you..’‘ Her voice was soft and almost like a whisper, as she still looked around the garden area still not believing how beautiful it was. Harry couldn’t restrain himself from smiling widely. He just felt happy.
‘‘Let’s sit in that corner, yeah?’‘ He exclaimed while slowly removing his hands from around her shoulders and taking her hand in his leading her to the small table in the corner next to a tree called Cercis canadensis or the eastern redbud, an average height tree with branches of the colour purple, but since it was January it wasn’t in its full blossom. Y/N knew that because ever since she was little she loved the nature and loved spending her time outside. Harry pulled the chair for her to sit down and then took a seat to her left but still close to each other since the tables weren’t too big. 
‘‘I’ve never been to this cafe before, and I mean you’re just taking me for lunch, but I’m just...’‘ she waited a few seconds, ‘‘in awe.’‘ 
‘‘Jesus, who knew something as small as a cafe would make you all nice, wow, I didn’t know you had it in you.’‘ He teased her. 
‘‘Oh sod off.’‘ she fliped him off, putting her backpack on her lap trying to find something.
‘‘Ah yeah, now I know you.’‘ As Harry said that, the waitress came over taking their order quickly and leaving them all alone again. After they’ve placed their order, Y/N was still shuffling through her bag looking for her camera, taking it out when she finally found it.
‘‘You gonna take a picture of me now, love?’‘ he smirks at her, crossing his arms and leaning his elbows against the table, feeling all too cocky knowing that he caught her staring at him a couple of times. 
‘‘You know what? I actually am. Smile, love.’’ She raised her camera up to her face and pulled herself back a little so she could take the perfect shot. Wanting to have a nice background as well, Y/N zoomed out a bit and captured the photo of Harry. He was leaning against the table with that stupid smile on his face, the light perfectly hitting his face, his green irises not looking in the lens but at her and with a mix of a brick wall and the purple tree in the background. She took a few of them in a row, just in case. 
‘‘Aren’t you just gorgeous’‘ She said, quickly looking at the picture before turning the camera off and putting it down on the table. Harry only shakes his head chuckling and muttering to himself, ‘‘Unbelievable.’‘ 
The waitress brought them their drinks and apologised for the meals still not being ready since the cafe is almost full, to which Harry and Y/N say that it’s okay because neither of them are in a rush. Harry ordered a black coffee and a glass of juice while Y/N ordered an ice coffee, something she always drank. 
‘‘How can you dri-’‘ before he can even ask, Y/N fiercely interrupts him
‘‘I swear to God, if you ask me how am I drinking a cold coffee on a cold day, I will hurt you’‘ Harry’s eyes widened because that was exactly his question, and well because she’s glaring at him. ‘‘I’m not even joking.’‘ she quickly adds taking a sip from her cup. 
‘‘Okay then, well..’’ He snickered, amused. ‘’Can I ask you something? But I’m not trying to be an ass or anything’‘ Harry asked her, to which she only responds by nodding her head with a confused expression, ‘‘So you and that guy you work with... are you two, you know? Or have you ever..’‘ why was he asking that, he thought to himself, that’s none of his business! 
‘‘Oh really? That’s what you wanna know, is it now?’‘ Y/N leaned herself against the table, just like he did only few minutes ago, moving a few inches closer to him.
‘‘What no, I was just thinking, wondering actually since you two have been working together for a while, and you know..’’ he huffed, annoyed at himself for even thinking to ask that, his cheeks getting more red with each passing second. 
‘‘Of course, just wondering, right? But no, we didn’t. We never hooked up if that’s what your asking.’’ Y/N liked looking into his eyes, especially since he tried avoiding eye contact with her because of his questions. Also because she has a little crush on him, but not that she would admit. 
‘‘Interesting how I don’t even know your full name or you birthday, or even your age. But you know if I’ve hooked up with someone or not..’‘ she said while raising her coffee cup and hiding a smile behind it. She noticed Harry shifting in his seat and taking a long sip of his coffee as well. They knew quite a lot about each other from those small chats they had, but still not the basic stuff. 
‘‘I’m Harry Edward Styles and I will be twenty-two years old in a couple of days.’‘ He said with a serious face as if he was presenting himself on national television.
‘‘Harry Edward Styles, sounds nice’‘ she repeated his name, testing it for herself, ‘‘Wait, how many days is that before your birthday?’‘
‘‘Nine days to be exact, why? Gonna plan something special for me?’‘ He gave her a dimpled smile, leaning even closer so that their faces were only a few inches apart. 
‘‘Wouldn’t you like to know.’’ Y/N’s original thought was actually to get him something, but she obviously wouldn’t tell him that. ‘’Anyways-’‘ she wanted to know more about him but was interrupted by the waitress bringing their meals, so both of them quickly pulled themselves back into the chairs. The waitress put their plates down one by one and placed the receipt under one of the glasses so it doesn’t get lost.
‘‘Is there anything else I can help you with?’‘ the waitress asked kindly looking at both of them.
‘‘No, thank you so much.’‘ Y/N smiled at her and thanked her politely; the waitress gave them one more smile before turning away and continuing with her work.
Both of them were blushing, so they just smiled at each other shyly before eating. The lunch went well, they kept chatting the whole time; sometimes making silly jokes and sometimes shamelessly flirting. It was obvious how into each other they were, yet no one said anything. As the got up to leave, Harry pulled out his walled going straight to the front of the cafe to pay.
‘‘Heyyyy!’‘ Y/N quickly followed after him. ‘‘You can’t do that!’‘ She added, pulling 20 quid out of her wallet and nudging it towards Harry.
‘‘Can’t do what? Pay for my date?’‘ He turned his head to look at Y/N, who was standing right next to him. There was a smile on his face, his green irises focusing only on the girl next to him. 
‘‘A date, huh?’‘ She found it amusing, how he always blushed whenever she teased him. But she can not say she didn’t feel any butterflies in her stomach after calling that a date. 
‘‘Shut up...’‘ Harry said before turning his attention to the cashier and giving him the money. 
Y/N giggled at him, slowly slipping her hand in his, intertwining their fingers. Her other hand went around his bicep, leaning against him. After the cashier gave the change back, Harry put it into a little jar that was on the counter. 
‘‘Thank you.’‘ Harry kindly thanked them for their service, before heading towards the exit. His mind was blank but his feelings were all over the places. He felt so happy. Neither of them spoke until they arrived at the closest bus stop, because Y/N was taking the bus home. 
‘‘Well, thank you for the date, Princess.’‘ Y/N said, facing him with a grin on her face, tracing her thumb over Harry’s hand. 
‘‘The pleasure was all mine, believe me.’‘ He chuckled, his head hanging lowly with a cheeky smile on his face. He wanted to kiss her so badly. 
‘‘This is me, then.’‘ She nodded towards the bus that was about to stop in front of them. She started separating their fingers apart when Harry surprised her, making her stumble backwards. 
Harry didn’t want her to leave, so he squeezed her hand  pulling her towards him but at the same time leaning into her. He couldn’t help but crash his lips against her. But being his clumsy self, he had leaned a bit too much into her causing Y/N to hit her head against a street lamp. 
‘‘Ouch.’‘ Y/N mumbled, giggling against his soft lips, before detaching them and running her palm over the stop she hit her head.  
‘‘Oh my God, I’m so sorry.’‘ He quickly pulled her into a hug and started kissing her head over and over. ‘‘I’m so clumsy.. I’m sorry, baby.’‘ He whispered, redness in his cheeks, embarrassed of himself. 
‘‘It’s okay, I’m fine.’‘ She looked up at him, before adding, ‘‘But now I missed my bus.’‘ She liked the feeling of his lips against her, even though it was short, she could taste the bitter taste of his black coffee. She loved it. 
‘‘I’m sure there will be another one.’‘ Maintaining eye contact, he leaned his forehead against hers. Y/N was quite small, but to him it was cute how he had to duck his head to reach her forehead. His hands moved to her waist, bringing her even closer. ‘‘You’re so beautiful.’‘ He whispered again, closing his eyes. 
‘‘Thank you.’‘ Y/N pushed herself a little on her tiptoes to reach his lips, connecting them. Her hands going up his chest, to his neck hold him gently while their lips moved against one another. One of his hand going over her lower back to hold her, while his other hand rested just below her ear and his thumb caressing her cheek softly. It was slow and soft, comforting, like nothing she ever felt before. Both of their hearts were beating so fast. 
‘‘I’m pretty sure I’ll miss the next bus as well, huh?’‘ She teased as they pulled away, but still in the same position. Their cheeks were as red as a tomato, but neither of them minded it. 
‘‘Go out on a date with me.’‘ Harry blurted out, desperate, for her, her touch, her kiss. ‘‘A proper one.’‘ He gently started placing kisses all over her face. ‘‘Please.’‘ 
‘‘You know my answer is gonna be yes. You didn’t have to ask.’‘ Her whole body felt so warm, her stomach was going wild, but she loved every second of it. She placed a small kiss on the corner of his lips. ‘‘Do you have a pen, maybe?’’ She added.
‘‘A pen? No..’‘ Confusion in his voice.
‘‘Wait.’‘ Y/N took her backpack off, searching for a pen inside it. After finding it, she took it out and started writing against his hand. ‘‘There you go.’‘ She smiled at him. She wrote her number down, a little heart and her name in it, with other small doodles.  
‘‘I’ll make sure to text you.’‘ Harry laughed heartily at her small gesture. God, she’s so adorable, it was all he could think of. 
‘‘But sadly, I have to go now...’‘ She really did. Harry kissed her one more time before letting go of her. ‘‘Bye, Harry. I’ll see you soon.’‘ 
Y/N turned away, walking towards the bus with a huge smile on her face. Before she hopped in, she waved at Harry, smiling. Harry waved back at her, blowing her a kiss as he chuckled at himself. He’s never felt so happy. The bus took off but shortly after Y/N’s phone buzzed. She quickly took it out of her backpack seeing that Harry had texted her and she immediately saved his contact. If it was possible, her smile grew bigger at his text. 
Harry: ❤ H.x
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foxjasminnie · 6 years
Fated Blood Chapter 4
Fated Blood Chapter 4
Gif credit to it's creator
A/N Thank you to all of you who are still interested in this story! It's nice to see comments occasionally ^^ I’m trying my hardest to find its direction....It’s been too long since i’ve written stories. 
Pairing: Reader x Yanjun
Themes: Fantasy , Love, Maybe smut later on
“Hey, i’m sorry but i really gotta go now. I have some business at home.” She placed her phone back into her pocket and stood up.
“But the fun was just getting started princess...” Yanjun Pouted. He didn’t want Xukun stealing her from him again. That pissed him off more than anything, that it was him. 
“Better luck next time.” Y/N  winked.
“So you admit there is going to be a next time.” He smirked. “Guess you will be tired until then, because you will be running through my head everyday.”
Y/N rolled her eyes and helped Yanjun pack up. He then took a hold of her hand once more and quickly lead them back to her house. She wasn’t sure what  shook her brain more, the fast pace at which vampires move. Or the fact he knew where she lived. Just as she started to proceed to her door, Yanjun grabbed her hand and pulled y/n back into his embrace and left a gentle kiss upon her pink lips and then her forehead.
“Thanks for the treats princess. Your the sweetest thing i will ever taste.” Yanjun laughed as she pushed him away.
“Have fun keeping yourself entertained for the next million years.” she laughed.
“I have a feeling we will be seeing each other sooner than expected.”  He smirked
“Whatever stalker”
“Bye Princess” He winked.
Xukun had opened the door just as Yanjun kissed her and he couldn’t of been happier that he saw the display.  Xukun hissed towards him before watching Y/n leave his arms.  Yanjun smirked at his reaction, until he saw Y/n’s face light up at seeing Xukun as she turned around and headed to the door. He watched her happily skip up the pathway and into his arms as Xukun held her close to him. Yanjun’s stomach began to boil with anger again. Why can’t he have that smile. Why does she not act like that for him. Not wanting to start a fight yet he turned around and left the two there. 
“So Yanjun is more important than waiting for me to finish practice?” He laughed to cover up his pain.
“Hey! i ditched him the minute you texted me! He was my student today, that’s all.” She smiled pushing past him and into the entrance way.
“So... where’s my gift?” Y/n eyes lit up.
“Not so fast, you have a promise to uphold first.” He laughed.
She looked confused at Xukun; as the sudden appearance of two young males came into view and it all clicked together. One of them, dressed in a bundle of hip hop swag was her brother Justin. The latter she didn’t recognize. Y/n assumed it must of been Justin’ friend who was permanently glued to his side. He was a tall boy, with a dark red short haircut,which complimented his doe brown eyes. He was decked in blacked skinny jeans and a over sized red tarten shirt with a  white beater underneath. He was extremely eye pleasing. Justin ran to hug his sister as his friend stood nervously beside him. She was confused as to why he seemed so nervous, she wouldn’t bite; and hes a vampire where was all his confidence? Any other male that good looking would of been exaulting confidence. She noticed him swinging a white carrier bag behind his back as he stared down at the floor. 
“Jie Jie, this is the friend i told you about!” Justin’s smile was beaming at her mischievously.
“Hello, I’m Y/n. Thanks for hanging out with this idiot over here.” She smiled sweetly.
The young male seemed flustered at her greeting. HE took a deep breath before taking a hold of y/n’s hand and placing a kiss on top of it. He then opened his mouth to speak but it came out more in a stutter that she had to put together,
“H...H.ello.. I’m ..F..F..Fang Cheng Cheng.”
He had such a innocent smile on his face that she couldn’t help but find him adorable. Xukun laughed and rubbed both Justin’s and Cheng Cheng’s heads, due to him unable to resist the cuteness in front of him. Cheng Cheng pulled the carrier bag out from behind his back and smiled again.
“I brought some snacks, i thought we could share them.”  he avoided her gaze. 
“You should feel lucky Y/n. Cheng never shares his snacks.” Xukun laughed,
“Yeah he loves snacks more than you, he nearly bit me once for trying to take a crisp.” 
Justin laughed causing Cheng Cheng to hide his face in his hands. 
“Impossible.” she smirked
“Wanna bet?” 
He raised his eyes to hers and smirked. She could of sworn her heart just skipped a beat. Justin looked back and forth between the two of them proud of himself.
“Your on!”
Y/N and Cheng Cheng raced to the front room to begin tackling the snacks and play a video game tournament; with Justin following slowly behind. Xukun sighed as he pulled two  small jewelry boxes out from his jean pockets and twirled them in his fingers.He then stood there thinking about what he should do, unsure whether or not the time was right. He couldn’t shake the thoughts of Yanjun’s lips upon hers. Those lips belonged to him alone. He hadn’t loved anyone else apart from her since they met.  He started to imagine just what they got up to in that dance class. Xukun could picture Yanjun running his hands up and down her slender body as they danced.  He could picture Yanjun getting close to her trying to put his venomous fangs into her porcelain skin, trying to corrupt her more. He thought about how hurt she was when Ziyang broke her heart and he vowed he would never see that happen again. No vampire would corrupt his precious flower. Especially Lin Yanjun. He quickly dismissed the thought from his mind and went to follow the others. 
He found them all crowded around the playstation. 3 bags of crisps already demolished with the gummy snakes soon to follow.  Y/n and Cheng Cheng were having an intense mortal kombat battle. Justin was cheering for both sides wary that if he didn’t support his sister she would beat him up. But secretly he would jump up and down on the sofa whenever Cheng Cheng was winning. Justin and Xukun had never seen this side to Y/n before. Justin thought she had never played a game in her life with how often she scolded him for spending his time attached to the screen. 
After 20 fierce rounds Y’n admitted defeat and Cheng Cheng stood up hugging Justin as they span round in a circle.  Y/n smiled and looked up to the young boys face.
“Fine you win, what’s your wish.”
“You’ll really grant it?” Cheng Chengs eyes popped wide open.
“I don’t go back on my word Cheng Cheng.”
“Can..Can  i have 2 kisses?” He hid his face in the palms of his hands again. If he could blush he would.
Conveniently at this time Justin and Xukun had gone to get more snacks as the two of them demanded there be more. So Y/n didn’t have any prying eyes watching her.  Cheng Cheng’s eyes darted all around the place as Y/n Walked towards him. She stepped on her tip toes to reach the young boys face and planted one kiss gently on his cheek. Cheng Cheng’s smile grew and he started to shake his head in joy. Y/n found his reaction charming and decided to see what would happen when it was off guard. Before he had a chance to gather his thoughts Y/n kissed him quickly on his lips. She had to admit he had soft lips with a hint of cherry. 
At this exact moment of her lips leaving his Justin and Xukun returned to see Cheng Cheng fainting falling backwards; in which Justin raced to catch him. However he was too late and he had just crashed to the floor. Justin stared in shock as Y/n shrugged her shoulders. Xukun then wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her back into his body and resting his head upon her shoulder. He didn’t want to admit he was jealous that even Cheng Cheng had gotten to try her lips before he did.  Justin opened a packet of flaming hot cheetos and waved it around in front of Cheng Chengs nose. Instantly the young male sat up and started placing them into his mouth.
“That was amazing.” His eyes had glazed over in a dream like state.
“Jie Jie, what did you do to him?” Justin waved his hands frantically over the boys face.
“Only what he asked for.” She smirked.
Xukun started to hug y/n tighter unconsciously as she smirked. Unaware of the strength he was putting on her.
“Kun.....Kun...can’t...breathe.” Y/N arms were flailing around.
Snapping back into reality, he instantly let go embarrassed and turned around. Justin and Cheng Cheng stared at them both confused. They could sense some sort of tension between the two.
“Sorry darling, got carried away.” He chuckled. “ I think you boys should go clean up this mess before your parents tell us off for letting you eat so much.” 
The two younger boys nodded and started heading to the kitchen busying themselves as Xukun grabbed y/n’s hand and lead out of the room.
“Why did you scare them away, they were harmless Kun Kun.” She laughed
“Because i have waited long enough for my time alone with you y/n.”
Y/n blushed as she punched Xukun lightly. 
“Aww is someone jealous of Cheng Cheng?”
“I think i’m more jealous of you, you got to kiss Cheng Cheng.” he laughed
How little did she know that he was indeed jealous. Today alone he had to watch as two different mens lips met hers.  Had so much changed within the time he was gone that she happily enjoyed the attention of other men again. Eventhough Cheng Cheng was young, he was still old enough as a vampire to have his cravings and desires too. Anyone could be a threat to steal her away. He’s always been there as her friend but the love he felt for her was much deeper. He loved how she never got mad at him for drinking her blood although he knew how much she hated the idea. How she would send him messages of new music she had found and cuddle up to him as they watched chinese dramas. How peaceful her sleeping face was as he’d stroke her hair. She often said that she was like lilou from Ice fantasy and that Xukun was her Kasuo. Mainly because they were blonde with blue eyes, but Xukun took it as more that they are soul mates. When they were in the dance room alone together making choreography, their bodies would just connect so fluidly. There was nothing awkward about their skinship. But most of all he loved just how innocent and loving she was. She was the type to believe in fairytales and that there is more magic in the world hidden somewhere, that if she weeds out the vampiric morons she will find a prince. If anyone messed with her brother for being only half she would confront them and beat them up and then cry to him about how scared she was.  He didn’t want to lose her but he knew he was going to have to leave again soon for another recording and who knows what would happen in this time. He had to make the right timing come sooner.
“Lets go to the dance studio, I want you to hear my new song.”
“What is it about?”
“It’s a surprise!”
“If its about some human girl you met whilst you was gone i’m going to be angry” Y/n Pouted.
Xukun laughed and went to the fridge to grab some drinks and food for them to take with them, knowing how long they usually end up staying in the dance room. Sometimes even sleeping there. Whilst Y/n went upstairs to change into a fresh black addidas tracksuit. As she was changing her phone was pinging non stop. She leant over to check who it was that was so impatient only to see one name. Sexy Yanjun, She rolled her eyes. He must of slipped his contact information into her phone when she wasn’t looking earlier. She began to peruse through the messages.
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Xukun was wondering why she still hadn’t come downstairs. He headed to her room where he saw y/n sitting on her bed giggling with a slight blush across her cheeks.  Who was it this time he thought. Yanjun? wouldn’t surprise him. He crossed his arms leaning against the door frame scowling.
“Are we leaving or what?”
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