#yeet that’s probably enough tags to hide this
danse--macabre · 6 months
20 questions for writers
thank you for @jiubilant for the tag! :)
tagging anyone who'd like to do this.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Across all accounts, 33 works.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
203,958. damn!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
currently, just BG3. in the past I've written pieces relating to elder scrolls (mostly Morrowind), star wars, and avatar: the last airbender though.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
The Eyeliner Incident
seeds of darkness planted within you
To pull a heart apart strand by strand
Flowers for Zuko
Considering the Weekend
I've bolded and linked the ones here worth reading; the other two are ancient star wars ficlets that I'm not particularly fussed by.
5. Do you respond to comments?
Where possible I do! If people leave comments on older works or fandoms I've moved on from, I sometimes don't always get around to it.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably Considering the Weekend. Which makes sense given it's a Disco Elysium fic about mostly-closeted gay/bi cops in love, who will not be able to break their chains until they realise the police is a violent force of capital.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
A lot of my ATLA pieces have lighter endings given the source material is a lot lighter. The Eyeliner Incident and Follow the Rhinestones are both fics which I think could have had worse endings - but didn't. I wanted to be optimistic in both circumstances.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Luckily, no.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Not really?
I wrote exactly one piece of smut for Elder Scrolls (The Sword that Lies Between Them), which was a fairly chaste piece of lesbian smut all about two rival queens/political leaders in the 1st era circling around each other while one is about to be married off, politically, to a man she has complex, not entirely romantic feelings for. It was my first attempt at it and I think it shows.
Since then, I've tried to write smut for BG3, but it hasn't really ever materialised.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I don't write these, but I do frequently think about the Elder Scrolls/BG3 crossover where my weird dwarven Elder Scrolls OC Bthemetz gets yeeted out of her universe by the nautiloid -- which, tbh, doesn't feel that out there, Mindflayers are Aberrations that originate from Far Away in at least one iteration of D&D lore.
She'd get on with them swimmingly. She's a highly traumatised 3,000 year old ex-priest + ex-revolutionary who got turned into an automaton after dying in a revolution who is 1. technically undead, 2. had her heart literally stolen for lore/plot reasons, so she is shaking hands very firmly with astarion and karlach for various reasons. She'd have the funniest rivalry with gale given she hides much of her bullshit under the appearance of being an eccentric professor, but also she hates wizards on principle.
It would be a hoot. Nobody would read it. I am not writing something no one would read <3
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No, luckily enough.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I've had a request for this once on a popular ATLA oneshot I made - but I don't think this was ever realised. I also had one ATLA oneshot turned into a podfic for charity.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
I've attempted this, but it never materialised into anything.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
f!Kagrenac/Bthemetz from my Morrowind dwemer fanfiction. First loves whose codependent 500 year old lesbian relationship turns toxic after the discovery of a deity's remains. Breaks down with an academic feud, treason, attempts at apotheosis, and the revelation they killed each other in a past life. Despite the fact that one sends assassins after the other to kill them, they're still utterly obsessed with each other. Literally nobody else is doing it like them.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
The Tragedy of Lady Noriko. This was an Ursa-centric ATLA fic that explored her familial relationships & relationship with the Avatar, and wanted to provide an 'alternate universe' Ursa who would not abandon her children - for better or worse. A Covid-19 project that ran out of steam once work picked up.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I have a few! My current favourite thing about my writing is that I think I have a very strong sense of narrative voice. I'm able to capture how different characters sound very well. I have historically (though less nowadays) been very good at poetic prose too.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Plots! Particularly mysteries, or plots that require lots of pieces. My writing is mostly embellished character pieces and I would like to tackle something where more happens one of these days. I also think I have issues pacing and knowing when to start/finish scenes.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language?
I think it depends on the audience, the language, the length of dialogue, and the intent. It can sometimes be very meaningful, especially if one is trying to make a point about the importance of languages, languages as a means of bridging divides, and lack of language as something alienating, potentially, or isolating.
However I will say in a large number of circumstances I find it deeply pretentious. I was reading... a well-loved literary fiction classic by a well-loved London novellist recently, and the fact that the French dialogue was not translated drove me up the fucking wall. There is no reason not to provide translation unless you want to show off how clever you are.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
When I was nine years old I wrote a diary from the perspective of Jack Spicer from Xiaolin Showdown. I definitely didn't know what fanfiction was at that age, I just had an urge to create things using fictional characters. I didn't even use the internet back then, I remember this was back on 'the family computer' in 2003 or whatever.
If we're talking about published pieces, I put some (sigh) Eragon fanfiction up on ff.net back in 2010. I was a teenager, obviously.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
it's the Eyeliner Incident. It's a combination of interesting worldbuilding + fun characterisation + formally interesting without being overly wanky. I also wrote it in about five days, in time for my birthday (<3), and because I wrote it in such a short time, I didn't have time to resent it.
A Thesis: On Twelve Tones is close to my heart as well but I have a MUCH more mixed relationship with that in terms of pure writing quality even if I think it's one of the most significant pieces I've written in terms of developing as a writer.
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czarojay · 2 years
Limited life au where. its an actual playground (yeah jay we've heard that already-) BUT HEAR ME OUT!
So it all started with Grian, obviously, the most charismatic kid in the neighborhood, a troublemaker, but also a really gentle kid. Combine everything you have the most popular kid in the area. Parents trust him enough to let their kids play with him and he's fun enough that all the kids want to join in on the fun. And because its G, he decided best way to solve the "everyone wants to be here when we roleplay" problem is to actually plan things (How mature for a kid huh, adults are delighted)
SO NOW! Limited life. Gonna start with the Rock Cleo is an 8th grade girl whose parents asked her to watch Bdubs and Scar - Bdubs because he moved here recently from another area - and scar because. He's scar. following her grabbing scar's arm right before he ate dirt on concrete had her being called Mum much to her chagrin. Bdubs used to live on another street with the TIES, but moved recently closer to Cleo and Scar, but still wanted to take part in the game and his parents REALLY don't want him to get lost. Their base would be a fun rock formation  that all kids love to climb and sit on. You know what im talking about, every place has to have The rock. So thats theirs :D
Next up, the TIES! The kind of group who's lived on the same street their whole life and probably all go to the same school and class.  When limited life was announced they immediately did their overly complicated handshake, went to nearest dollar store, bought weirdest ties found, most colourful ones and called themselves the TIES. They wear a different tie to each session and their dad's shelves grow ever lighter
Mean boys stay pretty much the same as canon /hj Joel and G go to the same class and Jimmy and G are brothers. Instead of jackets they wear vests/black tshirts :D
Pearl and BigB are neighbours who live the closest to the playground. Pearl was first invited into the games since she's Grian's cousin and BigB used to be his classmate. Pearl has a habit of taking her pets to the games and they often spend their time by the bottom of the rock, where it's most mossy and wet, admiring the frogs that hide there. The rock people obv noticed and started calling them nosy neighbors.
And this leaves mean gills whose base is the area of a nearby pond, which is definitely not meant to be used the way they do, but it's not like there is any adult supervision. Cleo, for one, is looking away. Before G was the popular kid, Scott was one, the one initiating all the games, so obviously he's happy to join, even if he's not 10 anymore. He and Martyn go to the same Middle School, so once Martyn crawls back to him, he happily takes him in.
The boogie is basically a goose goose duck game, but to solve the issue of "oh no- grian would know who's the boogie" they just make pearl's dog choose or ask random old ladies in the park and The kills are pretty much wrestling/a game of tag or! If you use the "tnt" that would be like. A ball they have. So most recent bread bridge kill would be Joel yeeting a softball at cleo and scar LMAO Swords are sticks obv everything is typical playground rules
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jimmyandthegiraffes · 4 years
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Angie Headcannons (cuz we don’t have enough for our chaos gremlin child)
- She’s not exactly an entire different persona of Donna- she has her own consciousness and personality and thoughts but just has places that Donna needs to “fill in”.
- She and Donna have a very strong mental link so they can communicate telepathically, to the point they can cause physical damage if taken too far (it never happens though).
- Angie does have a limit to her energy, although it’s very hard to reach. Even Daniela has a hard time keeping up- when Angie reaches the limit she’ll sleep soundly... for once.
- Other times she sleeps as if she’s running from Alcina- the doll moves A LOT in her sleep and will kick and punch. She sometimes sleep talks, but never sleep walks.
- Angie cares deeply for Donna. No matter the extent of feral, the doll will always make sure Donna is okay with it. She can even tell when Donna is lying.
- Smug as shit and teases Donna often.
- Curses very often in English, but rarely in Italian. When she does, you better run. Probably knows all the curse words in different languages too although very bad at pronouncing then.
- Favourite games include tag, dodge-vase, climbing Alcina, and pissing off Karl.
- Bullies Moreau pretty mildly compared to how she’ll bully others. She’ll call Alcina “bitch” but the farthest she’ll go with fish man is “ugly”.
- Doesn’t like Mother Miranda because she tries to shut her up all the time.
- Best friends with Daniela! She can hang with Cassandra too depending on the sister’s mood/the day. Sometimes she’ll try and coax Bela to be chaotic (and she wins but not without a scolding from the sister later about how her mother would be disappointed and how it’s all the dolls fault and-).
- Only Donna can control Angie, but not forcefully. Angie just loves and respects Donna that much.
- Her biggest fear is being alone and/or losing Donna.
- She has retractable claws and fangs- has bitten countless amount of ankles.
- Craaaaaaaaaves attention.
- Must have a daily morning tea party. It’s a must.
- Although the most sentient of all of the doll’s, Angie has some control over her friends. Not as much as Donna, but it’s enough to order a game of hide and seek.
- Some dolls have so little Cadou that even Angie can bend them to her will.
- Can consume light amounts of food- the parasite inside her use it as bonus sustenance. She has taste too! But it’s very weak compared to humans- you gotta dump gallons of sugar into a cookie for her to taste it as sweet as we do.
- Pretty water resistant! Has dunked into the waterfall multiple times without visible damage.
- But Donna has to repair her often anyways.
- Has massive respect for nature ironically. She will set fire to a building but never to a forest.
- Wall-e esk- will show Donna random things she’s discovered; coins, branches, dead animals- you name it.
- A hoarder. She’ll stash endless amounts of “junk” in the manor.
- Master at comebacks, must have the last word in everything, has no problem insulting you while complimenting you too.
- Love language is screaming. Have a screaming contest with her and it’s the ultimate display of affection.
- Can be calm and wholesome for Donna, she is her only family after all.
- Although she often wears her wedding dress, has endless amounts of clothes that Donna makes her. Likes to play dress up too, whether with Donna or her other dolls.
- She’s actually quite self conscious about her opening face and the Cadou inside.
- Has a nickname for everyone.
- Although she’ll carry out Donna’s forceful demands without question, Donna taking over her entirely for clarification, she actually has no memory of them occurring afterwards.
- Has a surprisingly good memory otherwise.
- Actually knows how to read and write, and her writing is actually legible, barely legible but still legible.
- Looooooooves praise. She’ll actively search for it- even go as far as to make tea for Donna to drink when she wakes up/comes out of the workshop.
- Donna has yeeted Angie to claw at a Lycan’s face growling like a feral raccoon before.
- Loves colouring but hates drawing, Donna will do lineart for her sometimes.
- Knows how to sew! Will patch up her friends if a game rips apart their outfit.
- Although feral beyond belief, Angie does have a softer side... she just is a bit tsun and kuu about it.
- Totally a yandere
- She and Donna have matching outfits cuz Angie will ask for a replica of Donna’s clothes for herself
Feel free to add on!<3
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crab-instruments · 3 years
Dust in the Wind Part 8 (tbb)
Master <Part 7 Part 9>
Pairing: Hunter x Secret Jedi! Reader (GN)
Rating and warning: General audience, panic/stress (minimal)
Words: 1.5k
a/n: haha well we don't have time to unpack all that finale, so here's an update of this instead. Fresh off the press and yeeted to tumblr. I'm thinking the next update will have some cool stuff. I hope.
Tumblr media
Image credit in the notes
When your eyes opened, you laid there for a bit, taking in the events of yesterday and what some sleep had done to clear the mind. You must have slept well, not even remembering the dreams you had or stirring when others got up, as only Hunter and you were left in the bunks. This was based on assumption by reaching out using the Force, at least, as you hadn’t moved an inch yet.
Being with the Batch had made it easy to settle back into your ‘old life’ or maybe just who you really were, a force user. You were becoming more comfortable, but if you were being honest with yourself, that was a scary thought. It would make leaving so much harder.
You slowly started to move, careful to keep quiet, putting your feet on the cold metal floor. The ship buzzed and hummed through your feet, accentuating the dull pain in your muscles, but the pain had an odd nostalgic feel, something you would be used to after a mission.
Echo, Crosshair, and Wrecker were all out in the main cabin as you approached, all still sleepy, though the sniper was better at hiding it.
Echo handed you a cup and you presumed he said something along the lines of ‘mornin’ but your brain was still fuzzy, not used to the amount of sleep you got. You looked at the contents of the cup; caf that had a stale smell to it and enough water to have your reflection look back at you. Still, you drank it all in one go and then turned to back to the Clone who gave it to you. “Thank you, that was the worst caf I’ve ever had, and I’ve never been more grateful for it.”
Echo chuckled; a small smirk spread across his face. “I see you slept well. Surprised to see Sarg still in bed.” You cocked your head, not sure what he was getting at.
“He is usually up first, not able to sleep when people start waking up,” Wrecker filled in.
“It might have something to do with having more people sleeping comfortably,” Tech had walked from the cockpit. “He has said that when there’s more resting heartbeats around him, he is calmer. He was worried about Maxis so possibly having them closer helped him relax.” Tech had kept his voice even when speaking, but it still felt like there was a hint of something.
“What are you—”
“I came back here to let you know we will be landing soon, and someone should wake Hunter.” He turned around before you could address what you wanted.
Echo had grabbed another cup of caf and handed it out for you to take. “Maxis, would you mind? I have a few other things to do and you’re closer.” You squinted your eyes in skepticism at the Clone for a moment, before taking the cup and walking back to the bunks, making a mental note to corner those two and figure out what they were scheming.
Once you crossed the threshold of the room, you slowed down in front of where Hunter was laying. He had fallen asleep on his stomach, his arms under his pillow, and his face turned away from the wall. No bandana in his hair, you could see how thick his locks are, almost a little envious. Really, it suited him, and he knew it. You lowered yourself to the floor, taking a moment to just study his sleeping face. So calm and handsome, in this state you couldn’t see how much the war had taken its toll on him. It was something you could get used to—
“Mesh’la, staring is impolite.” You would never… ever… admit what his sleepy morning voice did to you in that moment. His voice startled you, sloshing some caf onto the floor. He hadn’t yet opened his eyes when he addressed you, but they stared straight through you now.
Say something! “Um… sorry, I didn’t mean… We just… We’re going to be landing soon.” Smooth, about as smooth as this caf.
Hunter chuckled, amused at the effect he had on you in that moment. Slowly he sat up, swinging his legs carefully over the side of the bunk. You had stood up and took a step back to give him space but were still more or less frozen.
“Is… one of those cups for me? Or do you just really enjoy the dirt caf…”
“Oh, right.” You held out the cup, certainly not loving every second he touched your hand. Holy kriff, you needed to get a grip on your life, or you were going to lose your mind. “Uhm, I’ll just…” you looked back to the doorway but then back at him. “Wait, mesh’la?”
A look of surprise took over Hunter’s face for a hot second before a smile took its place. He shook his head, and responded, “It’s Mando’a, I’ll have to teach you some day.” He stood up and walked past you to the main cabin, obviously still avoiding giving a real answer.
“But that doesn’t… what does it mean?” Hunter had already weaved his way through the ship, leaving you wondering. Maybe I’ll ask Tech about the best way to learn a new language.
Under the ship, you checked and cleaned the landing gear. It had seen better days and probably hadn’t even been washed since the Republic. You worked meticulously, finally able to show more of what you could do now that you didn’t have the possibility of needing a quick escape. The soreness that swam through your muscles sang loudly while you focused, it was clear you needed a break.
Two shadows, one much larger than the other, closed in on the area. Omega didn’t need to crouch all that much as she approached, Wrecker waiting by the side of the ship. “Hey Maxis, you should take a break. Wrecker and I were about to go get our Mantell Mix. It’s a tradition, we get some after every mission.”
You stopped working for a moment. “I didn’t really… I wasn’t a part of the mission. But—”
“You protected the ship from four troopers, I’d say that’s enough to get some Mix.” Wrecker said, with a bit of pride.
“Ah yeah, I guess. Let me put this piece back on and we can go.”
Crawling out from the ship, you wiped the dirt of your pants. Something about Ord Mantell always stuck to you though, but that was a part of its charm. Or that’s what you say to convince yourself. You had explored the market a bit, to pick up supplies and replacements for maintenance, but never really experienced it.
As Omega led the way, you asked, “what exactly is Mantell Mix?”
“Only the best treat in the entire galaxy,” Omega looked back at you, very excited.
“Well, when you mostly have rations, anything would be a treat. Very low bar. I think I’m more concerned about the name, Mantell Mix. A mix of what? Grime and overpriced goods?”
“I think adventure and a hint of sweetness is more like it.”
You chuckled. “Always good at the positive spin, Omega. That’s a good quality.” She beamed.
Once the food was acquired, you could only eat so much of it before deciding that Omega had lied about the ‘hint of sweetness’. But you did your best to show gratitude in being included.
The three of you decided to wander around the open-air shops. You ended up looking at some unrefined gems on display. Not something you would usually stop to look at, but something about the display caught your attention. A crystal, somewhat clear but had a red hue, stuck out.
“See something you like?”
“What… is this?” You pointed to the crystal. “And where did you get it?”
“Ahh, I’m not sure. I travel and trade quite a bit, unfortunately, and don’t remember much about every piece. But if it is to your liking, you should have a closer look.” The owner had a creepy facial expression, you were unsure if they were trying to just sell the item or if they had other motives. But what other motives could they have?
You reached for the crystal but could only hold it for a second due to the extreme pain and pressure you felt from it. Another force echo. Luckily, you pushed yourself out of it quick, only getting a brief glimpse of the horrible feeling, but it stuck to you, sitting heavy on your shoulders. A reminder of the past.
It was a kyber crystal, a synthetic one specifically. This one had been used by a Sith or an apprentice of one, having such a dark and evil aura around the force echo. It made you sick and scared. Suddenly, it felt like all eyes were on you, walls closing in. Fear crept into your mind.
“I’m s-sorry, I have to-… to go.” You swiftly made your way back to the Marauder, leaving Omega and Wrecker behind. The corner you hid in after your fight with the troopers felt like the perfect fit for you at that moment. You curled up in a ball as tightly as you could and hummed to yourself.
It took a while, but everyone made their way back and Hunter was discussing about their next mission that would take place in a few rotations.
Part 9
Mando'a: I assume if you're reading this, you know, but here's a link anyway.
Synthetic Lightsaber/Kyber crystal: One of my favorite things I learned about lightsabers is that the Sith used synthetic crystals and synthetic crystals are normally red, leading to the Sith having mostly red lightsabers. I don't know if that's still considered canon anymore, but for me it is. Image credit
Tag List: @rintheemolion @xxspqcebunsxx @salamidraws @lokigirlszendaya
If you want to be added to the tag list, just ask in the most convenient way for you or by faxing me a picture of a crab
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justasimplesinner · 3 years
Can be silly or serious, up to you. How would the big Bois respond with an S/O who in the middle of a surprise shoot out just yeets a car at the attackers? Like they were on a date n then some rivals drive up. After the smoke settles S/I just looks to the boy with tears streaming down their face, " I'm sorry" they say thought their sobs " I just didn't know how to tell you about me being a freak".
Thank you soooo much
ay darl im sorry if this sucks but i really didnt know what to do with this request in all honesty. i dont even know how to name those hcs. no thoughts head empty
Bane hcs:
he really didn't expect that shit would hit the fan like that. it was supposed to be simple. he was just picking up a weapons drop at the docks with some of his crew. you weren't even supposed to be there but he made the grave mistake of letting you tag along for once, he usually never let you go anywhere near his shady deals because of his concern for your safety. but oh well, you're here now. and so is the police. not an ideal situation at all
his top priority is protecting you. he's gonna fucking shield you with his body if he must, but he won't let you get hurt. nobody was ready for the police forces to round up on y'all and now he has to improvise to get you out of there but that's easier said than done. until you just fucking snap and before he even comprehends that you escaped from behind him, there are cars flying and flames blazing
he's taken aback. anyone would be. it's not every day you see your "Certified Small Bean" partner just up and yeet a car at the police. the second the opportunity arises, he takes you the hell away from the whole scene, but he has some questions. he will, of course, try to somehow comfort you, but why did you keep that hidden from him? were you ashamed? is there anything else you're hiding? he doesn't have anything against your powers, but he's starting to wonder if you've been really truthful with him. he really values honesty, and you know he wouldn't ever disrespect or hate you for who you are. look at him, he's literally taking drugs to make him as strong as you naturally are, he's in no place to talk shit. you're still the apple of his eye, but now he just doesn't see you as all that helpless and in need of protection
Croc hcs:
Waylon doesn't usually get involved in shoot-outs. he keeps to the sidelines, lives in the sewer, doesn't really have a crew. he's just sometimes "employed" by other rogues, and he's cool with that. this time, he was supposed to supervise Penguin's weapons deal in Otisburg, but someone snitched and there was another gang trying to take over the deal. jobs for Penguin were always smooth and went according to plan, and his payment for the job was a free dinner at the Lounge, so he just took you with him and intended to take you out for a nice date for once. and this one time you're there, shit goes down and guns start blazing
his mind goes blank and it's like he jumps to you on instinct. he doesn't care about the deal, he doesn't care about anything, his only thought is to keep you safe. he feels like a fucking idiot for taking you there, he should've known. he should've known shit will hit the fan the second he thinks things are going good for him. he's starting to panic, because if it was just a shoot-out, he'd probably be fine, but you're there and you can die and it's gonna be his fault. and then this whole thing turns into you saving his sorry ass
he has a momentary mind-fuck. was that a car you just flipped at the attackers? for a moment, he can't even comprehend what's going on and then suddenly, you're crying and apologizing and he doesn't understand shit. like, why didn't you tell him? that's kind of a big thing, y'know? worst part is, his brain twists the whole thing into thinking you didn't trust him nearly as much as he trusted you and that maybe you didn't think he was good enough. why wouldn't you tell him if that wasn't the case? why would he, out of all people, call you a freak? you've seen him? he fucking knows how it is. do you really think so lowly of him? it's gonna take some serious explaining to get rid of his new-found insecurities, but the damage is done
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milfbenkenobi · 3 years
Star Wars Fic Rec List Part 3
All of these are complete, some may be part of an incomplete series.
Face the Music by CrystalShard
Word count: 3933 Chapter count: 1
Thanks to a slight mishap while communing with kyber crystals, Anakin can hear music that he's never noticed before. And his personal orchestra has Very Definite Opinions on some of his choices. Especially when it comes to Chancellor Palpatine.
Anakin gains a soundtrack for his life and has an crisis
Better as a Team by Ontologicialmoki
Word count: 1203 Chapter count: 1
Jedi Masters Obi-wan Kenobi and Aayla Secura run into trouble on a joint mission, and Obi-wan cares more about his sister than the bureaucrats he's supposed to be negotiating with. Not enough to abandon the mission, but they can certainly handle a little delay. Especially when they go and put Master Secura in jail.
It occurred to me that the Jedi are probably legally siblings under the Republic, and this probably comes in handy sometimes.
A short little fic about Obi-Wan bailing Aayla out of jail using a legal loophole. Super funny, plus a bonus confused/affectionate Mace
what hides behind dusty windows by freelancestargazing
Word count: 32724 Chapter count: 4
“Do you have any stories, Captain?”
“I do.” Rex settles his hands on the table, fingers entwined and holding a fist. “I’d like to tell you the story of Echo and Fives, two of ours who went missing earlier today while on mission, CT numbers Twenty-One-Zero-Four-Zero-Eight and Twenty-Seven-Fifty-Five-Fifty-Five.”
The cadets frown, a synchronous motion that might’ve made Rex laugh under other circumstances.
“Sir?” One of them asks hesitantly. “I- I don’t understand, how- how could they be Twenty-One-Zero-Four-Zero-Eight and Twenty-Seven-Fifty-Five-Fifty-Five? That’s—” he gestures at his vod, “that’s us.”
Or: as the newest additions to the 501st, Echo and Fives are desperate to prove themselves worthy, but being Forced back to their cadet selves is not quite what they had in mind.
Echo and Fives are deaged and the 501st accidentally uncovers a kaminoan plot
Shenanigans by MissTeaVee
Word count: 2417 Chapter count: 1
You'd THINK that clones can tell each other apart. But apparently all it takes to fool even your best buddy is to dye your hair to the regular brown and wear shiny armor.
Rex has a laugh, Ponds can't believe these dummies.
Rex pulls a prank on the CC clones
Rainfall by kckenobi
Word count: 1408 Chapter count: 1
The first time Anakin sees rain, and the first time Obi-Wan dances in it.
Baby Anakin and Obi-Wan have some bonding time
A walk on part in the war by Victoria_p(musesfool)
2 work series. Word count: 10394
Vader presents Ahsoka with an ultimatum.
Luke considers this family reunion far more successful than the one in Cloud City. At least this time, no one loses a hand.
Ahsoka is taken prisoner a few years before A New Hope, Luke breaks her out, family drama ensues.
The Honey Between Our Shadows by amphrite
Word count: 13721 Chapter count: 1
A decade after the dawn of the Empire, Purge Trooper CC-2224 discovers a former Jedi general hiding on Tatooine. But the traitor isn’t what he expected: wisecracking and magnanimous—and heartbroken. And then there’s the unnerving way he looks at CC-2224, like he’s seen his nightmares and been acquainted with every blaster scar on his body.
Or: a roundabout justification for why Darth Vader never finds Obi-Wan and Luke on Tatooine.
Oooooooh boy this is an angsty one fellas. Super good, Purge Trooper!Cody stumbles across obi-wan on Tattooine and Does Not Shoot Him
I thought I spent this war alone by stonefreek
Word count: 3783 Chapter count: 1
Obi-Wan is thirteen years old, just about to start learning Ataru from his Master.
Obi-Wan is sixty-one years old, dead and one with the Force since four years back.
Obi-Wan is both, and neither.
Time traveling Ben Kenobi finds himself back in his padawan body, with the memories of both and the confusion of twelve.
Shades in the Desert by loosingletters
Word count: 10806 Chapter count: 1
Not even from a certain point of view did Darth Vader kill Anakin Skywalker. He wished he did, but the specter of the Jedi’s light escaped before he could finalize his fall to the dark. Meanwhile, Anakin is raising his son on Tatooine.
It would be easier if:
1) he weren’t a Force ghost nobody but his toddler could see and 2) Obi-Wan would stick around so somebody could teach Luke about the Force.
When Anakin falls, his soul is yote (yeeted?) from his body and he proceeds to haunt his son on Tattooine. Luke has no idea that a magic invisible dad isn’t normal, by the way.
A Tale of Two Ahsokas by ilenya_sith and merfilly
Word count: 11270 Chapter count: 1
All Ahsoka (either of them) wanted in life was to make it all better. Sometimes, especially when a Force Avatar can bend the rules, wishes can be pushed through. Maybe.
Rebels-era Ahsoka swaps places with Clone Wars-era Ahsoka. Amazing fic, lots of “oh dear lord you’re tall” and “Jesus Christ you’re short from the two sides”
I would link parts one and two, but tumblr’s tagging system decided none of my posts exist anymore. Sorry about that.
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toukenramblings · 3 years
How To Lose Your Tantous: Gokotai, Shinano Toushirou, Taikogane Sadamune
No collage/artsy thingy this time. This time, you are getting a meme. Warnings: None. I’m funny I swear
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The three tantous known as Gokotai, Shinano, and Taikogane have been with you since the beginning. Kiwame or not, these three have stuck by your side since forever and you wanted to thank them for their work. So why not take them to the mall to relax????
The minute you announce that to the trio however, their eyes light up. Sada-chan is already half way out the door and trying to drag you along with him. “Let’s go! What are we waiting for????”
Shinano is a bit more calm but he’s also tugging on your arm, not as hard as Taikogane but enough to be like, “Let’s go! Let’s go! I want to see what’s out there!!!”
Poor Gokotai on the other hand is worried you’ll be torn apart and tries to get them to calm down. Sadly he can’t bring his tiger(s) with him on the day trip but he makes a shy request to hold your hand during the trip. Of course you comply because who the fuck wouldn’t want to hold Gokotai’s hand???????? My baby boi
Of course just as you lot are about to leave, you get accosted by KIkkou, Yagen, Ichigo, Micchan, and Ookurikara.
“If anything happens to my little brother master...well,” Kikkou would say with a smirk, a familiar red rope in his hands. It’s not that he doesn’t trust you or anything. But he turns to Taikogane and begins to lecture him, telling him not to give you a lot of trouble.
“You lot be careful. Do keep an eye on my brothers, general.” Yagen would say with a smile. You know he wouldn’t try to threaten you or anything.
“Come back safely!” Micchan would say, having packed snacks for all of you. “Most of all, enjoy yourselves!”
Ookurikara is the one holding back the tiger(s) from following Gokotai outside of the citadel. It hurts Gokotai to be away from them but if Ookurikara is going to take care of them they are in good hands. He won’t say much, he trusts that the four of you will be alright.
And then you lose Sada-chan the minute you arrive at the mall. Taikogane didn’t mean to disappear on you like that! He saw something shiny in the distance and had to follow it! Shinano was hot on his heels though, so at least you know those two are together.
Gokotai refuses to leave your side, still very much holding on to your hand. He swings your arms a little, flushing and stopping when you notice, then asking if it’s okay. If Taikogane and Shinano are back from their shenanigans, you and the other will hold both hands of Gokotai and gently yeet him forward like you do with lil kids!
At this rate you might as well get kiddie leashes for Taikogane and Shinano since they will immediately run off to do whatever the hell they want.
Taikogane will always be on the look out for clothing, trying to look cool and impressive. “What do you think?! Do you like this on me??? I think Micchan will like this too! Oooh maybe I should bring back some clothing for the rest of them! We all can match!”
Shinano loves it when you spoil him, giving you puppy eyes as he points at something, “Can you buy this for me, pleaseeeee? I’ll be good I promise! And I’ll help you carry your bags too!” and then you cave.
Say goodbye to your bank account.
Gokotai on the other hand is much more subdued, when he sees something that he’s interested in he will lightly tug on your sleeve or arm and shyly question, “M-May I go see what that is?” and point at the thingy, then of course he will run off. He won’t go too far, oh no, he will always look over his shoulder to see if you are watching him/if he can still see you.
If you, the saniwa, are short as hell like the rest of them, be prepared for heart attack o’clock, all day every day. It’s hard to see them within a crowd so you will have to shout for them all the time. Shinano is easy to see due to his red hair, Gokotai is smol as fuck so it causes some issues and Taikogane is...somewhat easy to see? Just find him at the most flashy and cool things in the mall, or whatever the hell catches his eye.
Bless everything if you are tall as fuck though. You can see them over everyone and they can see you! They will never get lost if they can see you over everyone! They’ll immediately run back to you and tackle you into a hug (Gokotai is slightly sobbing at this point but it’s okay, just hug him and don’t you dare let him out of your sight every again)
What kind of stores do these boys like? Well, Taikogane will zoom in on anything that catches his eye. Clothing, trinkets, books, games, shiny things, whatever the hell! You’ll have to follow him everywhere though. He gets distracted by everything and you need to keep him on track. Is that one kid who is suddenly found carrying 60 plushies because you turned your back on him ONCE.
Shinano is slightly more controlled than Taikogane but he will also go find things that catch his eye. He’s more into the clothing stories though, finding little jackets and sweaters his brothers could wear! He will want to spoil the younger ones (you and Shinano have to hide any gift for Gokotai though, he’s right there after all, and you want it be a surprise!) and Shinano loves seeing their eyes light up when they get their gift. Of course he might gave and give his present to Gokotai early. Other than clothing stories, I would say Shinano is into little figures. Animals, historical figures, worldly places, who knows? He likes collecting things a lot.
Gokotai will adore bookstores and pet shops. He’ll find new toys and stuff for his tiger(s) and will love to get them a little collar with a bell on it. He likes bells, he honestly thinks that they are nice. As for bookstores, Gokotai would immediately look for fairy tales and books about animals with happy endings. He adores books and even more so when you or someone else offers to read to him! Hell, he even comes into your office with a book of his choice just for you to read to him!
Lord help you if they have an arcade/gaming corner in the mall. Gokotai doesn’t like all of the loud stuff but is enamored by the plushies. He’ll stick close to you while Taikogane and Shinano are trying to kill each other in lazer tag - wait where did they go? Why are those two suddenly bowling? Get back here!
If you have a cellphone with you, be prepared to take pictures of the little ones every 14 seconds. They’re just...so fucking cute. It makes your heart melt and almost sob.
Someone probably mistakes you as their parent or elder sibling. Just to play around, Taikogane and Shinano will call you by a parental term and maybe you’ll start crying right then and there. Just maybe.
Snacks? Snacks. These boys burn through energy so fucking fast so the snacks that Shokudaikiri gave you guys are gone by the second hour of spending time in the mall. Off to the food court you go! They’re willing to try anything new really!
If you happen to have someone you are romantically interested in (especially if one of Shinano’s elder bros or Sada-chan’s bros/other Dategumi) expect these two will casually slip in (not too) subtle hints. “Oh he’ll love this, I swear! Especially if it’s coming from you!” “Oooo, maybe you should give this to him! You know...for no reason.” Gokotai is at least polite about it. “I-I think that this...would make a great gift for someone!”
Lord help anyone who makes one of the tantous cry. Gokotai tripped over air once back at the citadel and you were ready to fistfight God themself. If someone trips over one of your boys or like sneers at them, you will immediately roll up your sleeves and go to town. All three of them have to hold you back but even then it’s a struggle.
By the time you four get home, the car is full of package to the point Gokotai has to sit on Shinano’s lap and all three of them are dead asleep. You need half of the citadel to help you get these damn gifts out of the car and carry the boys back to their room.
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alovesongshewrote · 4 years
Almost A Thousand Years - Trollhunters/3Below | Hisirdoux Casperan
Plot:  You’ve known Hisirdoux Casperan for almost a thousand years.  You’ve hated him for almost a thousand years.  And for almost a thousand years, you’ve been cursed to feel each others pain.  But somewhere in that time, things changed.  [Hisirdoux Casperan x Mostly Gender Neutral but Probably Female Presenting Based on How Historical Men Treat Them!Reader]
Word Count:  1,445
Warnings: swearing i think?
A/N:  Last chapter before we’re back to wizards
Tags: @furblrwurblr​ @rainningdoom​ @fluffydmonkey @blondie0458​ @sitherin-mxschief
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Jim Lake Jr.’s mom was really familiar.
Fortunately, she didn’t recognize you, even as you studied under her at the hospital and watched out for her son in your free time.
Protecting the Trollhunter was something you had stumbled into.
After your return from a place you’d rather not think about ever again, you found Arcadia.  A safe little town in California where you could hide for the time being.
Then the trolls found you.
It wasn’t your fault that you’d nearly killed Blinky.  He snuck up on you, and you were very jumpy.  Fortunately, you’d figured out that you weren’t under attack before you could do any real damage.  It wasn’t too long after that when you found out your new mentor’s son was the Trollhunter, protector of trollkind and slayer of Gumm-Gumms, wielder of the amulet created by your first mentor, Merlin.
This kid was in way over his head.  
You had to protect him.
So, you helped to teach him how to use a sword, how to fight and how to survive.  You helped his friend, Toby, to throw a decent punch and knock out a human opponent with pressure points.  You were a cool older sibling who they could talk to about the stress of the job.  And girls.  
When Claire joined the party, you helped her practice magic.  You helped her learn to control it. 
You were quite the gang.  One immortal, who everyone believed to be a college student, and three high schoolers in charge of kicking the darkness back to whence it came.  
You protected those kids and their troll dads.  You made excuses, forged notes, fought off Mr. Strickler, the whole nine yards.  Somehow, you’d avoided sharing your past with the prying teens.  They didn’t know you’d once been a Gumm-Gumm spy.  You were just a cool mage who hung around for fun.
That all came crashing down when Bular crawled out of the woodwork, revealed your identity, almost killed your friends, and got you in a chokehold for a solid two minutes.
Centuries of work were finally paying off, he would, at last, have his revenge!  He would regain his honour after being so shamefully defeated the last time he fought you.
Then Jim killed him.  Rip.  
You got your old sword back though.  That was nice.
The trollhunter may have saved your life and given you your sword back, but the damage was done.  You all avoided each other after that.
That was a lie, you were still looking out for these damn kids.  You owed it to Barbara, who had grown up to be a fantastic doctor and who still had a few plastic bones in a box in the attic.  She had been so kind and welcoming to you, you had to make sure her son came home every day.  It was a difficult task when said son was all too willing to yeet himself into the Darklands, but you managed for the most part.
And when you heard a voice that followed you for centuries talking to your kids, it was the Darklands all over again.  There was nothing you could do but watch.
You could have laughed at how much Jim hated Douxie.  The kid had no idea he was telling a centuries-old wizard to go back to where he came from.  You kept your eye on the conversation, waiting until it ended.  Then, with no other choice available to you, you followed after the wizard.
How Douxie had built himself a life in Arcadia without you knowing was incredible and you respected the hell out of him for it.  But you didn’t know if you loved it.  
You followed behind him, silent as the night.  And then you realised just what was happening.  You stopped and went home after that.
And when you got there you screamed.
You screamed, and threw a sword at the wall, and broke several plates because this wasn’t supposed to happen.  You weren’t supposed to see him again.  Now he was in danger, and it was your fault.
You didn’t leave your house for a few days.
Then the teachers at Jim’s school went nuts, and you figured you should get back in the field.  
You’d been monitoring Claire’s sudden illness from afar when he showed up again, this time a waiter at whatever restaurant this was.  At some point, Claire left, and came back, and was acting... weird.  Something was very wrong.
But that didn’t matter because there he was again.  It was like you couldn’t escape him.
It was an active struggle to keep yourself away.  Literally, an active struggle.
You’d tried to put it out of your mind, but the more you saw him, the more you remembered.  The things that took you hadn’t only tortured you, trying to turn you into their full-time servant, but they’d also put some kind of spell or curse on you.
It was after the third one left if you remembered correctly.  The remaining duo had been so angry, specifically at Merlin for some reason, so they put some kind of curse on you, forcing you to make attempts on Douxie’s life whenever he was in your general vicinity.  
Why they went after Douxie instead of Merlin himself you’d never know.  The wizard was an easier target while he slept, but nope.  They went for Douxie.
You were confused, angry, and hurt.  At both parties.  You had been tortured for ten years.  Had he not felt any of it?  Had he not cared enough to help you?  Or even stop your pain which he must’ve been feeling?  It felt like a betrayal of sorts.  He kissed you and then didn’t come for you when you were in danger.  Was that all he wanted?  
Even though you were upset by your apparent abandonment, you didn’t want Douxie dead.  This wasn’t the twelfth century anymore, and you had to admit to yourself, you were still in love with him.  You weren’t going to kill him.
So you clung to the roof, even after Douxie had left for the night.  You stayed in place until the sun rose, struggling not to go after him.  Eventually, you let go, moving on with your day, avoiding Hisirdoux Casperan to the best of your ability.
You actually did a decent job until the Eternal Night.
It was a pretty nasty battle, but you were handling it pretty well.
Or you were until you got yourself backed into a corner by yet another Gumm-Gumm calling you a traitor, probably facing certain death when someone struck the thing with a guitar.
“(Y/N)!?  What are you doing here?”
“It doesn’t matter,” you said, crawling to your feet, trying to keep yourself from throwing the sword in your hand at Douxie’s head.
“I- you’re right.  Are you okay?”
“No, I-” your voice broke and you backed away further, “I’m not.  Get away from me,”
You ran before you could see the pain leak into Douxie’s eyes before you could see the heartbreak on his face.
Ten minutes later the fight was finished.
A little after that, Jim and Claire were off to New Jersey.
You stayed behind.
Why did you do that?  You asked yourself the same question.  Staying in Arcadia put Douxie in danger and forced you into close proximity with the man who’d left you for dead.  
But still, you stayed.
Maybe it was to protect Toby and Arrrgh, maybe it was because you liked your small apartment, maybe it was because you knew there was more trouble on the horizon.  Or maybe it was because you were still in love with that stupid wizard.
You lost a lot of sleep over it.  You saw his face in your sleep, thought of him when you practiced medicine.  Every time you woke up from a war-related nightmare, you remembered how comforting his presence was.  You remembered every hug he’d ever given you, the jokes he made, and that kiss.  You remembered that kiss.
All you had was memories because if you even looked at his face, you’d kill him.
You did your best to distract yourself.  You teamed up with Toby, Arrrgh, Steve, Eli and the Akiridions to stop an alien threat.  It still wasn’t enough.
And when the alien threat was gone, you felt pain all over your body.  It didn’t belong to you.  You weren’t too alarmed, usually, torture was worse than this, but it kinda felt like Douxie had been dragged down the street by something for six(teen) blocks.
You were about to mention it when your posse ran into a familiar familiar.
“Beware!  You, you!  Are in grave danger!”
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juminly · 4 years
Chasing The Sun
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Summary: The story of how you fell in love with the Devil King’s right hand, Hideyoshi Toyotomi. Tags: Canon-Divergent, Fluff.  *Matchup written for the lovely @kamesama​ , I hope you enjoy your love story with your suitor. 
How on Earth were you able to just sit like that in front of the Devil King? What in the name of the seven heavens and eight hells were you thinking, sitting with your arms crossed and a nonchalant look on your face before the man who was on the quest of ruling all of Japan?
Not only did you suddenly appear in Azuchi, creating a ruckus in the gardens of Lord Nobunaga’s castle, looking for what you called “a cellphone” and “a police station” but you were also giving these grown men a piece of your mind while they looked at you incredulously. 
You obviously thought that you were in some sort of play or the universe was pulling some prank on you. Was there something even called time travel?
After taking in your surroundings, everyone was speaking in Japanese and you were somehow able to understand them and speak the language too. Not perfectly, but enough to get by and find yourself before the man that all of Japan feared the most.
Was this a curse or blessing? You looked around you to find the most heartachingly handsome men that were apparently warlords and they were sitting around you in what they called the Council Room. They were:
Bewildered by what you had to say. So… after much explanation from your end and getting some clarity from the panicked Hideyoshi who had been rambling to his Lord (and dropping lots of hints that helped you get to the conclusion of where and when you were), you claim to be from the future?
Either utterly amused or baffled by your behaviour and demeanour before their Lord.
Nobu’s crimson eyes were locked on you with a faint smirk drawn on his lips, Hideyoshi was obviously mortified and had been silenced by a simple “enough” from his Lord, Mitsuhide was snickering joined by Masamune who was trying to muffle his chuckles and Ieyasu rolling his eyes at them for acting like young boys. Mitsunari though? The angel was looking at you like a cat with big wide curious eyes that just wanted to know (play) with you.
The most impressive thing about the whole situation: you were so composed when facing someone with a commanding presence, not even flinching under his studious and heavy gaze. Nobu couldn’t help but be impressed and thought that you would be entertaining to keep by his side.Same shit, different day when it comes to the Devil King. If something entertained him, he would keep it around until he deemed it of no use to him (or that’s what you would think).
Seeing how unfazed you are and how you met him with a passive gaze that challenged something within him. Nobunaga decided to make a bet with you: become a Sengoku woman within less than a month and he will help you find a way home and back to your time. If you didn’t, then you would have to stay in the Sengoku Era and wed him.
First thought: What the actual….
Second thought: This man did have the power to do something like that. Thinking over your non-existing options, you would just have to agree.
Who would even want to marry a man like him? Nothing about him but his appearance was alluring to you in that moment, even though something inside did tell you that he would be more than able to show you a good time but you just pushed that thought to the back of your mind.
The golden-haired annoying beauty, Hideyoshi dared to open his mouth to protest… and being the mischievous Devil King that he was, Nobu put Hide in charge of you and you were officially under his patronage, tutelage or whatever you wanted to call it but from what you’ve seen, you definitely thought that the Sengoku Era was not for you… and most probably, a big nightmare that you were just waiting to wake up from.
While Hideyoshi and even you wanted to protest (yet again), the man called an end to the meeting and winked at you, wishing you good luck.
You weren’t going to be able to become a Sengoku woman, nor were you interested in becoming one, to be completely honest, but you needed a guide. But... Why… Why did it have to be him?
Living in a mansion with a man as fussy as him was going to be a huge headache. By the way he acted, he seemed to possibly be a clean-freak and the super organized micromanager type about everything in his life. But when you arrived at his mansion, you were surprised to be greeted by a swarm of smiles and simply… so much feel-good vibes.
It was hard to pinpoint it but there was this aura that surrounded the warlord, or more like, the ambience would change when he was around. You noticed it even when you followed him through the streets of Azuchi while on the way to his mansion. However, it was still your first day in Azuchi, you would have more time to figure things out later after you’ve had some much needed sleep.  
He had the maids prepare the second largest room in his castle, with a hot bath and almost a dozen of kimonos, yukatas of all colours for you to choose from. You didn’t need all of this, anything would do but someone was going over and above… For someone who was so reluctant to have you stay with him and was awfully disgruntled about the prospect of you marrying his Lord, you did not expect to have such a warm welcome into what would become your new home.
In order to get things on track and yeet you out of the Sengoku Era as soon as possible, you woke up to the soft knock on your door and the sound of a man clearing his throat. Not only were you greeted by the sight of the gorgeous man entering your room with the rays of sunlight shining through your window making his hair look like actual tresses of gold and his bright smile, making you feel a weird fuzzy feeling in your chest as he set your breakfast tray before you. What did you deserve to be spoiled like this? It honestly felt like you had woken up in a reverse-harem maid cafe that was actually a bed and breakfast hotel?
Your thoughts completely mislead you. Hideyoshi was taking you through a schedule that he had prepared for you in order to get you accustomed to the current times and its needs. It was a rotation where you spent a day with one warlord every day, acquiring whatever knowledge you could from all of them. Medicine with Ieyasu, History with Mitsunari, Culinary Arts with Masamune, Japanese Language and Art of Dance with Mitsuhide, Horse-back riding with Nobunaga. Etiquette with Hideyoshi.
Cue: your first fight. You butted heads and made his life a living hell. As peaceful and respectful as he tried to be during your discussion with him, you argued with him until he lost his breath and his face turned a bright shade of red (that was surprisingly adorable but you didn’t really care for that in that moment) because you wouldn’t let him dictate things for you. It was YOUR way or no way at all. Nobody else had the right to manage your time for you. That was up to you and you alone and you wouldn’t let some beautiful man change that. He had to concede… not for you, but for his own sanity and for Nobu’s sake. That’s what he told himself at least, but you had the first win. The first to many more to come.
After sorting that out, Hideyoshi took it upon himself to take you on a tour around Azuchi, showing you all the best places to get whatever you needed, even introducing you to every single merchant and townsperson wherever you want. How did he even remember the name of all of these people?
He was… the town’s busybody? No. You could not even find the best word to describe how he was because there were way too many words that you could use, but not one of them would be enough. Anyway, let’s get your thoughts back on track. Not only do all the women, young and old, fawn over him but he was so well-loved because of his good deeds.
His objective was only to show you around before conducting your first lesson with him for the day but you were saved by an old lady that owned a cute little teashop who happened to ask him for help. That was weird. How could someone ask something so menial of a warlord?
Upon pulling both you and him by the hand inside her shop, she went on and on about how she loved his company as he reminded her of her son that she had lost in a war. There was this look in the warlord’s eye that didn’t go unnoticed but you just put a mental note on it. It seemed like Hideyoshi felt indebted to her somehow? And you! Well, you were so warm and nice to the teahouse owner that she took a liking to you and began spoiling you with every type of dango and sweet that her teahouse and Azuchi had to offer.
Four words: Sugar overload + sugar rush.
While you were chatting with the teahouse owner, Hideyoshi had been gently giving you instructions on how to sit, how to eat, how to hold different utensils and what gestures to use when people say certain things. He included all these comments so smoothly in the discussion that by the time you were done eating, your lesson had ended. As Hideyoshi announced that, telling you that “you did very well, all the treats you ate were well-deserved”, he gave you a bright smile and winked at you, which totally, totally did nothing to your heart.
He suggested to the teahouse owner if you could fill in, in his place, since you got along pretty well together and the old lady was almost ecstatic, taking you in her arms out of impulse and thanking you for agreeing to help her. Looks like you had no choice.
For a brief moment, Hideyoshi just stared at you before bursting into jolly laughter. You looked like a child so high on sugar, you were basically radiating energy and there was a spring in your step that you didn’t even have before. He took you by the hand and began running, looking back at you and shouting “Faster!! Time is of the essence. We’re going to chase the sun!” What he was saying made absolutely no sense but you found yourself giggling under your breath, running beside him until you reached the stables, he jumped on his steed and pulled you behind him. “Hold me as tight as you can. Don’t worry, I’m not fragile.” he joked as he clicked his tongue and you flew with the wind, beyond the bounds of Azuchi. 
You smiled and looked up at the sky, letting the breeze tickle your skin and your hair flying around you. As you inhaled deeply, you couldn’t help but rejoice in the smell of fresh air and sandalwood… Hideyoshi. So rich and sweet, it made you dreamily sigh without even realizing. When you suddenly came to a stop, Hideyoshi’s warm voice reached your ears and pulled you out of your daydream. He was showing you the sunset as it fell behind Azuchi castle, the colours of dusk blending with the fading flames of the sun that shines over the town that would become your home. 
As you were slowly coming down from your high and before you fell asleep on the warlord’s shoulder, you made him promise you to show you the sunrise and he gladly agreed to do so.
The next few days were quite busy for you. Following the schedule that you had set for yourself, you visited the teahouse of the old lady before your classes with “the warlord of the day”, as you called it. you went to help around the old lady, as Hideyoshi had promised on your behalf and began to understand him more, know even more about him without even having to ask any questions. You were also able to reach your own conclusions, after heaps of townspeople swarmed the old lady’s humble teahouse, talking about their different encounters with the Devil King’s right-hand man. 
The old lady loved him so much, saw so much in him and was so willing to gush about him as if he were her own son. He was charming…. Incredibly and unbelievably so. Just a simple glance at him and people were beaming at him. He came from the lower class, but you had no idea. He had this humility in his smile even though the way he held himself was graceful and his tone, the words that so eloquently spilled out of those lips of his would never indicate that he grew up as anything other than a nobleman (which made you like him even more).
By the end of the week, the teahouse owner no longer was in need of your services since her daughter, who had been sick, was feeling all better and ready to help around. (Hideyoshi didn’t even tell you but your experience in the teahouse was part of your on-ground training and he didn’t even need to give you more lessons, yet he chose to so he could spend more time with you)
After your first round of so-called lessons with all the warlords, Nobunaga held a banquet in your honour, his own questionable way of formalizing the bet and challenge between you. You weren’t entirely sure whether he was mocking you, testing you or just playing mind games with you but that didn’t stop you from having your own fun. As everyone drank themselves into oblivion and upon discovering that you did not indulge in any type of liquid courage, Masamune had dedicated his night to stuffing your mouth with all the delicacies imaginable, sweet, sour, savoury and even bittersweet. The man was a masterchef genius (that Gordon Ramsay would definitely envy and admire but that’s a discussion for another time/day) and didn’t even mind.
In the corner of the room, your eyes reluctantly yet instinctively crawled to cast a quick look on Hideyoshi. A quick glance wouldn’t be enough to appreciate the sight before your eyes. The Adonis of Azuchi was seated languidly like a beautiful courtesan, intoxicated as she nursed her sake while prattling to others in a banquet. His emerald kimono slid down one shoulder, along with his white haori, slowly and teasingly exposing more of his bare skin,  his chest was almost fully on display, his lips glistening with remnants of sake as the inebriant seeped and coursed in his veins. This was an image that you would have trouble getting out of your head, not that you wanted to. He was utterly breathtaking, the way his lashes fluttered over his cheeks, his eyes slowly falling shut then opening lazily as he fought to stay awake.
Whenever one of his retainers came to take him back to his castle, he moaned and refused to let anyone touch him except for you. All the warlords began chuckling as Hideyoshi gladly let you embrace him in your arms, holding him up with the help of his retainers as he mumbled about sweet nothings that made your heart flutter. “Your hair looks so silky and beautiful, Kame… Would you ever let me touch it or maybe even brush it for you? You smell exquisite, not even the cherry blossoms of Kyoto could rival how sweet your scent is…” His face was dusted in pink from the sake but yours turned red for different reasons. You couldn’t wait to plop him down in his room and get away from him. You could no longer feel your face with him being around you.
As the days went by, you found yourself growing more accustomed to your routine and starting to actually like your life in Azuchi. Yeah, there probably wasn’t any technology around but you still managed to occupy yourself most of the time. Thanks to the fussy warlord who spouted so much nonsense when he was drunk.
One night, he was out drinking with the other warlords after a Council Meeting. You had absolutely no idea what it was about but it seemed like things were stirring up in a nearby area and action would have to be taken soon. That was none of your business so you spent the writing while staring up at the moon, the silver light invading your room as you wallowed in the dark pits of your mind.
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As he came back from his night out, he tried to sneak, not too sneakily into your room. As he stood before your sliding door, he could hear your muffled sniffles and cries. Acting completely on impulse, Hideyoshi slid the door open, rushing to you, the fear of anything bad befalling you crushing his heart. As he kneeled before you, your cheeks were tinted in a deep shade of red, your eyes puffy as you sobbed helpless. In his drunken state, his eyes darted everywhere to check if you could possibly be injured, but there was no sign of anything.
Even as you protested meekly, Hideyoshi pulled you into his arms, holding your waist tightly and one of his arms around your shoulder, keeping you safe and secure in his embrace, letting your tears dampen his kimono while he caressed your hair softly with one hand, and the other rubbing soothing circles on the small of your back.
“It’s okay if you do not want to tell me what is on your mind. But do you mind if I say a few things myself? Yes? Okay, good. Well… I wanted to let you know that I’m happy that it was you that came from the future and not another young man or woman. I am pleased that a bright woman such as yourself made her way back through time to be with me… I mean with us, in Azuchi. You’re talented and you learn things quickly… only when you put your mind to it, obviously.” That earns a small laugh from both of you. “But I want you to promise me something. Please. If you ever feel like this again, and you wouldn’t mind me being around you… Call for me. Light a candle and place it in front of your door and I’ll be here with you in a heartbeat.”
Whenever you did light a candle, he came through with his promise. He only spoke if you wanted him to, he listened to your rambling, wiping the tears trickling down your cheeks and kissing your temples whenever he felt the need to say something but held himself back. He didn’t like to see you say such self-depreciative things but he wanted to let you know, through his actions, that he was prepared to shoulder all your burdens with you and wash away all those insecurities, if you would let him, showering with words of comfort that were only based on true facts and hints of how he truly felt about you.
After that night, he never lets himself drink and be around you when he does. Especially after sneaking into your room, he wasn’t sure what he was capable of or what he would do in an intoxicated state. He made it a rule and let all the warlords know that if he’s drinking, he’s staying with one of them.
He would scold you for staying up so late at night but he secretly liked to see you actually enjoying yourself. He would sometimes invite himself in your room and ask you about the things that you drew and what you enjoyed writing, his eyes narrowing with avid interest and curiosity to learn more about your time. He knew the right questions to ask you in order to unlock the “rambling” button in you and the warlord would be so pleased to be able to get you to speak to him so openly, looking so animated with excitement brimming from your voice. At that point, he no longer exuded this air of distrust, especially after seeing that you truly knew nothing about the Sengoku Era.
He often ended up falling asleep while hanging with you. It was easy to find yourself admiring his masculine beauty. His expression was so soft and vulnerable, without the usual crease between his brows caused by his constant micromanaging. His schedule was crazy busy but he still managed to find the time to hangout with you, pick you up and drop you off from each lesson of the day. It only made sense that he would be so exhausted. If he didn’t take good care of himself, you would at least try to do so, repay him for his kindness but also, try to make his life easier. Somehow.
During one of your late-night chats, you both got pretty hungry and decided to treat yourself to something. What exactly? Well… messing around the kitchen with Hideyoshi was so much fun but neither of you were good enough cooks to make anything that could be more than just… edible. Masamune would have a heart-attack if he saw what you were doing but thanking the heavens, he wasn’t around. Hideyoshi got intimately acquainted with your peculiar taste in food on that fateful night, blinking through tears as he tried to eat the odd creation that you had both made. At first, he thought he would be appalled but after a few bites taken out of courtesy to you,  he actually started to like it. Thus, the beginning of “Kame and Yoshi” late-night cook-offs to come.
The more you got used to each other, the more you teased one another. You weren’t entirely sure if you should call him “Hide” or “Yoshi” but you noticed how he would get boyishly flustered when you called him “Yoshi”, it just stuck and became your thing. It wasn’t necessarily a nickname given out of affection (or that was what you told yourself) but more of an expression of a blooming friendship. On another hand, he absolutely loved trying to find ways to make you blush, your cheeks reminding him of apples and, truth be told: he wanted to playfully bite them so much.
One day, you completely lost your shit on Hideyoshi for asking the maids to arrange your room since it was a complete mess. Little did you know, Hideyoshi had informed them maids to clean the entire castle spotless, but admittedly forgot to tell them to stay away from yours, fully knowing how you did not like anyone touching your things. He didn’t say anything to defend himself, standing completely silent and absorbing the frustration that radiated from you with the grace that he was known for. You refused to talk to him after that or even look at him. It was an invasion of your privacy and Hideyoshi believed that you had all the right to feel the way you did.
Wanting to be as far away from his castle as possible, you hiked your way up a hill to find some peace in the loneliness that nature had to offer. You spent a few hours just drawing/writing, letting off some of the pent up steam. It was much needed since you were able to clear your thoughts while breathing some fresh air. Looking at the broad horizons before you, you couldn’t help but think of the light brunet who made you feel so frustrated yet did everything possible to make you happy. Something in the back of your mind told you that it was all because he wanted you out of Azuchi and this era. But you were gravely mistaken.
Relying on your non-Sengoku era street-smart ability was not the wisest move. You had no idea where you were even though your surroundings were very familiar. After going in circles for what seemed like hours (40 minutes), you did manage to find your way back to Azuchi just in the nick of time! Being true to yourself, you know you had a lesson with the Devil King for some horse-back riding, still wondering why he even bothered spending time with you.
Who was the one waiting for you at the stables? None other than the handsome man that you were avoiding. His head was lowered in apology and he begged you to let him make it up to you. And he did, big time! You rode to a nearby village that was around 45 minutes away and they were holding a festival! There were fireworks, food stands and game booths and you ate almost everything that caught your eye, competitively played against Yoshi in most games before you saw the light of dawn appear. Have you been out for so long? Your pleasant outing ended yet again, with another chase of the sun.
You didn’t necessarily apologize for your behaviour the next day but he heard the maids whispering about you spending all night trying to make food, stuff that they didn’t even understand and his heart did melt at the thought. You were fussy about it and not having the same materials of the future, making the process much harder for you. Your go-to place to relax was on the top of that same hill where you had been sulking. He obviously tried to look for you and found you there, just watching the sunset. He smiled softly at you and you raised a brow at him with an unspoken “what’s up with you? what do you want?” But he said nothing, just sitting by your side, enjoying just being near. And you did the same. 
The more time, you go out to the city where he is supposed to be spending time with you, you get a bit flustered as to how every single person in town is trying to steal his attention from you. Various scenarios would occur but you would mainly stop even following him and go your separate way. Why did you even do that when the voice in your head told you that you wanted to be near him? (smh) Being the gentleman that he is, he’ll come find you and hold your hand, frowning at you. “What do you think you’re doing? If you’re planning on running away from me, then I guess I’ll have to find a way to keep you by my side.” He squeezed your hand, the top of his cheekbones blushing slightly as he pulled you closer to him, whisking your way through the alleys to wherever the sun would take you.
Being so close to him... felt natural.
One night before Hideyoshi had to travel, under Nobu’s orders, you and the warlord rode your steeds to a nearby river where you had a small picnic and spent the night stargazing. As you rambled on and on about what you knew of the stars and constellations, he gently pressed a finger to your lips. “I’m going to Kyoto at dawn. Things might get bad but I’m going to make sure that everything will be under control. I don’t want you to worry. Just wait for me and… as long as you are, I’ll be okay. Now.. Please... no word of this. Tell me more…”
His voice sounded as empty and lonely as you felt when he was away. Only 2 days had passed and you felt like something was missing. You went on with your day as if nothing was different yet the stinging feeling in your heart told you otherwise. Who were you lying to?
6 days later: He was finally coming home!!
You didn’t even realize that you laughed as a few tears fell the moment you saw Hideyoshi when he came back from whatever skirmish he was dealing with. Cuts, bruises and bandages everywhere. He even needed a few soldiers to carry him since he could barely move on his own! The words escaped your mouth without even knowing before you turned your back on him and rushed to the castle to prepare his room for him. 
You said something along the lines of (it was all so blurry so you weren’t even sure anymore): “Are you dense? I literally just had to hear about what you’ve done and that’s absolutely not acceptable. You’re always keeping your eyes on me and you don’t think you owe me just a small heads-up about your own buffoonery?”
You glared at Nobunaga and basically hissed at him. “This is all your fault. I was going to lose him because of you!”(little did you know, your small outburst made Nobunaga happy, especially after seeing the look on his right hand’s face.)
When he finally settled in and was laying on his futon, you kneeled beside him and brushed his hair away from his face, locking your eyes with his golden ones, a serious and intense look painted over your features.
You: You look like shit, Yoshi. I knew you were going to do some reckless shit. I was hoping you’d prove me wrong but here you are.
Hideyoshi: Watch that mouth, young lady.
You: You think you’re in a position to chastise me, Yoshi? You stopped giving me lessons days ago.
Hideyoshi: That doesn’t mean that you’ve learned your lesson, Kame.
You: Those are big words for a man that can barely lift himself off his futon. So much for promising to go chase the sun when you got back.
Hideyoshi: Hngh… I feel bad enough about that. I’ll make it up to you but please, do not tease me.
You: Mhm… what are you going to do if I don’t, Yoshi?
Hideyoshi: I did have something in mind… Come here.
Gently cradling the side of your face with one hand, his thumb softly rubbed over your rosy cheek as he groaned while lifting himself from the futon, a soft smile gracing his lips as you met him halfway in a tender kiss, filled with so much love and reverence. As you broke the kiss and tried to look away, he snaked his hand to your nape, threading his fingers through your hair and pulling you back to him as his back hit the floor, joyful sighs filling the silence of his room as you both finally allowed the love between you to flow freely.
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Hideyoshi can get so uptight about things, nobody even bothers to question him because he’s a stubborn mother hen and once he puts his mind to something there is no changing his mind. Except when it came to you, so the other warlords would often try to get their way with things by attempting to use you against your lover. Unfortunately for them, you were a mischievous minx and instead of helping them, you made things worse by making it known to Hideyoshi, in one way or another what their true intentions were. Masamune loved you for your playful nature and Mitsuhide thought that your skills could be put to better use (don’t tell Hideyoshi or he’ll literally lose his mind).
He will say “I love you” as many times as he needs to for you to believe him. He’s the type of man that would say it in the morning and before going to sleep, even if you were having an argument, he always wanted you to remember that he did. Considering that he could die in the battlefield any day, he wanted to make sure that he had absolutely no regrets when it came to you. He would express his love to you in his gestures, with his actions and wait patiently for you to say the same to him, only when you want. He feels it in the way you tease him, the way you touch him.
His kisses are usually tender and soft like a light summer breeze eliciting the faintest shivers in your body. He usually would cradle your face and trace your cheeks or the column of your neck, a pleasant tingling sensation tickling your skin as he poured all his devotion for you in the soft whispers of his lips against yours. When things tend to get a bit more heated between you, he lets his hands roam to hold the small of your back and press your against him, his tongue licking between your lips, coaxing you to open up for him (always the gentleman, he needs to get some sort of permission from you before doing anything, out of fear of overstepping or upsetting you). 
He would often pray to the heavens that you’re tall enough so that he doesn’t have to lean too much to meet your lips. His other hand would either be at your nape or the back of your head, fingers through your hair, the heat of passion taking over him and the taste of you is so irresistible, he doesn’t want to give you the chance to break the kiss. 
He didn’t even blink an eye when you both sat before the Devil King to tell him that your challenge was off. Whether you won or lost, it didn’t really matter. Hideyoshi was the only man you could ever be with and the prospect of even possibly marrying another was not acceptable. Not for you or for Hideyoshi. Nobunaga simply stared at the both of you, seeing how Yoshi sat there, unwavering before his Lord, unaffected by the possible severity of the situation if things were to go south. 
He respects your time and your own space, fully trusting you now that you were knowledgeable enough to know the do and don'ts of the Sengoku Era. He just urges you,.. no, begs you not to stay out late at night unless he, the warlords or any of his retainers are with you. Azuchi was a safe city but there were still ruffians lurking in the night. He didn’t want to take a chance when it came to you.
He gets way too flustered at any public display of affection but he’s a man that gets easily jealous so he likes to make sure that everyone knows that you’re taken. He would usually just walk around while holding your hand, linking your fingers together or with an arm around your shoulders, kissing your temple or your crown. 
He loves sporting the love bites you’ve marked on his skin and doesn’t even try to hide them, even if you both get teased about them, your lover just beaming with happiness and pride. Whenever he feels like your hands are too cold, he would pull you into a bear hug and let you wrap your arm around his waist, under his kimono, so that his body heat and the fabric could help you warm up a bit better.
If you ever thought of pressing a kiss to his neck (which you’ve obviously done before), your lover would chew on his lip out of embarrassment while his cheeks turned into cherry tomatoes. He would obviously try to mask his shyness with a mock angry tone as he calls your name in admonishment. Looking into your eyes, he saw that glint of mirth in you and that beautiful smirk that he would very gladly wipe off once you returned to the castle.
Little gestures he does to express his affection for you and things he loves: he loves brushing your hair and smelling it, he loves biting your cheek playfully whenever you blush. Whenever you’re chilling with him and he starts teasing you, you bite him and he chuckles. He actually loves it when you do.
He absolutely loves sleeping next to you. Period. But especially having you koala-cuddle him because he’s your human heater. Knowing how cold you are by nature, he asked you to light a candle to place it in front of your door (just like when you are feeling down), so that you can both cuddle and sleep together. He doesn’t like to be intrusive and invite himself into your bed, although he does, on occasion because a relationship goes both ways and it would be wrong just to rely on you to initiate things. The most important thing was consent. As long as he had that, nothing else mattered.
Oh boy, if he wakes up with morning wood, Yoshi gets flustered as hell, especially if you’re awake. He’d excuse himself with the most boyish and embarrassed chuckle and rush out of your room or to his bathroom (depending on where you were both sleeping). If you were lucky enough to be in his room, you would hear a symphony of unadulterated moans and muffled grunts that only made you wonder what the future held for you when you became even more intimate with one another.
Sometimes, when you’re lying beneath him, and let him shower you with kisses and love bites, he worships you as he is completely devoted to you, whispers against your skin, over and over again.
“I want to make you mine, I want you to be mine, I want to claim you and let everyone know that you have chosen me to be your lover, to be your partner, to be the one you share everything with. As much as I would’ve hated to admit it before, I don’t feel an ounce of remorse for what I have discovered in you. I love you… You are my everything and nobody could ever change that. Whether you decide to stay in Azuchi or return to your time…  I’ll always be with you. Take me with you.”
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zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years
What if kid angel goes to a trip for a week and Kai starts to worry when she said she’s going away and thinks it’s forever he tells pops to drive him to the air port and Chrono tags along and right where she’s about to board he runs to her telling her he’s in love with her and kisses her on the lips and angel tells him she’s gone only for a week
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Was the only thing he could mutter after hearing your words. Even Kurono had stopped midway to take a bite out of his apple after what you had just said.
"Yeah!" You said in enthusiasm, jumping from the bench you were sitting on to talk with the boys you made friendship with "Isn't it nice? Go to America?! I always wondered how New york was anyway, my dad said we are going tommorow!"
"Tommorow?!" He couldn't help but to get up and accidentally shout, making your eyes grow wide as well as Kurono's. He immediately coughed to mask his... shock "Apoligies."
"Not a problem?" You said in uncertain before you saw your mom caming to pick you up "Gotta go now! Sorry Kurono and Chisaki-kun, see you soon!" You waved at then while Kai sat back in the bench, trying to process the new information.
"Send letters from New York!" Hari managed to scream as you gave him a smile while nodding. The boy with white hair looked to his side to found Kai with wide eyes, looking at the ground as if he just had esperience death of someone... that he actually likes.
"Oi?" He waved his hand in front of the boy's face with a worried look "Kai? Hello? You're okay pal?"
He only snapped back to reality when Pops came by to grab the two boys and brung them home...
He couldn't stop thinking about that... You were going away from Japan. Probably forever, and yet you didn't even cared about it? Your expression was one of joy for God's sake! It was as if you didn't cared about the changes, didn't care about the inumerous illness that you could contract on this trip.
... didn't care about him.
He shaked his head at the thought while making his way to his bedroom, dragging his feet on the halls to put his back on the place and change for his nightly routine.
He layed on bed and kept tossing around... The thoughts just wouldn't leave him alone.
Maybe you didn't showed because he himself never showed that he cared enough for you? Maybe it was that... he could only stare at the ceiling, tormenting and even scolding himself to pray that the airpot stopped working or that you and your family missed your airplane...
Could he really let go of the person he loved..? Even knowing that most probably he wouldn't see that smile of yours again so soon...?
Exaustion started to consume him before he give in...
Wakening up at the buzz of his phone he took it with a grumble and opened just to widen his eyes at one message of yours. That you were heading to the airplane now.
... that's it. He can't let you go without at least telling you, what if you met some filth and enaged to them? No. Oh HELL no.
He jumped from his bed and for the first time on his life just threw the first clothes he found near his way as he burst the door open, running in the hallways... even making a subbordinate fall on their butt on the floor.
Pausing at the entrance of the kitchen he breathed in and out, not caring about the estate he was in or the looks he was receiving from Kurono and Pops. The elder just in the middle of flipping a pancake fron the fry while Hari just about to drink some orange juice.
"... first time seeing you in a hoodie, you sick?" Kurono qsked more in shock than anything as Pops turn off the stove.
"Fuck off." Kai said immediately, Pops about to question his behaviour went to the elder with a desperate look on those usually bored amber eyes "Pops, I need to go to the airport. This instant."
"What the- What do you want to do on a airport boy?"
"(Y/n) is going away. Please Pops I really need to see her before she leaves for real."
The elder furrowed his eyebrows at the look and how his Chisaki was almost on his knees, pleading him to go to the airport.
"Can i at least change-"
"There's not time!" He exclaimed in annotance as the elder lifted his hands up in false defence as he muttered inumerous 'okay's' while getting out of the kitchen and calling a driver of his with a very anxious Kai on the front.
"You coming Kurono?" The elder asked as Kurono furrowed his eyebrows at his breakfast before witg a dramatic sigh leaving his seat and stuffing his hands on his own white hoodie and tagging along.
"CHISAKI WHAT ARE YOU-?!" The elder exclaimed when suddenly Kai opened the door to run towards the entrance of the airport, dodgjng all the people and cars on his way.
When he got in he looked frankly around, huffing and puffing still as he scanned the area for any signs of any girls with (h/c) hair.
When he spotted you far away his body moved before his own mind, running towards you and even cursing a guard when he tried to stop him, jumping and slidding through the ground to prevent to getting caught.
He was close, so he shouted your name... Relieved to see your confused then joy at seing him there before frowing your eyebrows at his state.
"Chisaki-kun?" You spoke in surprise as he stopped in front of you to catch his breath... sweat creeping his forehead making his hives apear... yet he didn't care about that right now "What are you doing in here?"
Just before he could answer, the guard almost catched him if it wasn't for his good reflexes.
"Little brat! You know the rules of thsi place to even get running and shouting like that huh?!"
"For crying out loud do your job instead of giving me a headache." He mumbled before the guard tried to grab him, Pops grabbed his wrist painfully from behind and spoke on a treatening tone of voice.
"Lets talk for a bit will we?"
"Chisaki what's going on-?" Your eyes widened when Kai, the so called mysophobic on the school, grabbed on your shoulders and made you look at him.
"I... I couldn't let you leave forever without telling you that.. That I.." dammit! Where were his words when he needed the most?!
Mentally saying screw it, he brought you close to place a kiss, a very slow but passionate kiss, on your lips. You yelped a biy before slowly melting on his touch.
He parted away with eyes half open as he stared at you before looking at the ground with a frow.
"Just don't... forget about me. You belong to the yakusa now so no american can take you. Got that?... I know im not the most clear with emotions... but I love you. Always had and always will."
Your eyes blinked as your cheeks, already flushed, reddened even more as you coyld only mutter a confused, embarrassed and high pitched 'huh?' in return.
"(Y/n) sweetie. We have to go." Your mom called as your dad cheered on the background.
"Vacations baby! We're going to even taste those hotdogs you saw on the movjes once my little flower!"
"Wait, vacations?" Kai suddenly deadpanned as he looked at you, hands still on your shoulders and even hearing Kurono snicker from behind him.
"W-What do you think it was?" You asked, still surprised with what happened.
"Oh I get it." Pops laughed as he yeeted the guard out of his way to pat Kai's head "He thought you were moving, so that's why he was sm desperate to get in here." He messed the boy's hair before he snactched his hand away with a scoff.
"I wasn't." He growled... but his pink cheeks betrayes him completely.
"Dude you put a hoodie and whatever pant you could find. You were almost eben crying to Pops to get us-"
"Shut up before I cut you to pieces with your fucked air Kurono." He growled animalistic at his childhood friend while you muffled your giggles behind your hand.
"Is only for a week. Didn't I mention that?"
"No, you didn't." He glared back at you before chocking at the kiss you gave him before pecking the tip of his nose.
"I am coming back by the ende of this week!" You started to walk away before looking back at a very flustered Kai "Ah! I will keep in touch Kai! I love you too!"
He could die and he would be happy now.
Kurono snickering and Pops laughing behind him didn't helped for his embarrassment as he only grabbed the hem of his hoodie and yanked up to hide his face as he made his way out of the airport.
"Where are you going my boy?" Pops laughed from behind him as he guided the boys to the car "How about tell me more about your girlffriend eh?"
"Quite a miracle since (Y/n) is the opossite of Kai and-"
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wlwdarlingcharming · 4 years
Note to self, make a copy so if woe decides to yeet your anon, you got it saved again. Just please don’t leave me for days ;-; it’s not word for word but I hope it’s sufficient, I’m taking some rewriting liberties, putting warning tags here just in case and to make it easier!: Mention of ED, mention of drugs, needles and overdose.
Dexterous Charming, unnoteworthy middle child of the Blueblood Charming family of Ever After, never seemed to get into much trouble. With his parents seemingly more out of the picture, having children out of necessity and social duty more than being family people, and even when they were around they caused more issue than worth. Daring and his appearance was their mother’s priority, and Darling’s feminine social appearance and note of her in Wonderland (only a rumor) was their father’s priority since it was clear she didn’t listen to her mother. Even with their parents toxic ways, he was still ignored, and often mistaken as a cousin of sorts. So what did it matter what he do? His parents and siblings didn’t care, so when he heard about a young Sparrow’s trouble affording tickets at a concert, he offered to pay if that meant he could catch a ride, which fitted in Sparrow’s narrative since he was too loud to pick off of somebody just yet (he could but, he’s 13, that bitch loud) and glad that SOMEBODY agreed with his music taste. Sparrow and the 3 other boys made their way in, where they got a bunch of stuff, thanks to Dexter ofc. Surely enough, somebody caught eye of the young Blueblood, and, thanks to their detest of our dear Dashing, decided to cause the worst trouble, and started chatting with the young and impressionable prince, and managed to talk him into pills of “candy” (insert pun here) with the promise of feeling alive and happy, which I mean, sounds pretty good ngl. So he agreed, and when the kids gathered back to Robin Hood and was dropped off, Dexter decided to say fuck it, what do I got to lose. That’s what started it, making his way through the pill bottle in under a month period. Escaping in the night with and without The Robbers, (sparrow and gang), finding ways and social talk on finding exactly what he wanted. New pills, new pills, pills. Soon enough, that was not enough. No buzz, no good mood. He was scared of trying anything new but, what else did he have? He didn’t want to be empty again. That was a fate worse than hell. Different pills? Not enough, of course not. What’s next? Powder, now this worked. He didn’t even bat a eye at the needles when they finally came like he thought he would. Wow he really was far, wasn’t he? Wake up with pills, and lunch would be hiding in the bathroom, powder and needles in pockets. How nobody caught before, he didn’t know, but it worked for him. Sparrow came sometimes, not a lot, he didnt really seem to get into it, but he had fulfillment elsewhere. Lucky bastard. When Briar eventually invited Dexter to a party when he told her he had ways of getting what she couldn’t get, she took it, like how Sparrow did with his money. He decided fuck it, these people don’t know who I am, it’s free stuff anyway. So he went, and brought all his favorites, and a new try out, Fairy Dust. Pretty and pink, how cute. Lines were sorted, and soon enough, they were gone. Snorted. Oh my Grimm what a high, so ecstatic, he felt like he could run track, this. This was so worth the price. He doesn’t remember much of that night. He disappeared for the weekend following that Friday, he thinks with Sparrow? No no, eh fuck it who cares. He felt sick, and warm, and nauseous and light but didn’t know why. Low fuel? Probably yeah, next period, disappear for pick me up, definitely yes. Sat next to Hunter, Daring and Darling a like, 2 rows behind, waiting for him to show up, which he showed up a bit late for, but he couldn’t tell with as bad as he felt. Really really sick, but in a light feeling kind of way, and as soon as he sat down he just, sat, knees to his chest, resting his head on his knees. Maybe he’d feel better soon, he’s a tough boy right? He closed his eyes to rest, such a weird sick feeling. When the project began, Hunter waited for Dexter to respond on his own, not wanting to bother him. But a few minutes passed and he couldn’t fight the feeling something was wrong, and tapped his shoulder. No response. Shook his shoulder lightly, no response. HOLD ON ILL SEND PART 2 I PROMISE IT WONTBELONG
sparrow knows he only keeps dexter around because he’s really easy to get money out of. “you don’t wanna break your best friend’s heart, do you? it’s only a couple hundred. you’ve had more money spent on your clothes.”
dexter knows that he’s being used by sparrow, but the high just feels so good and he doesn’t even care at this point. i mean, his own parents and siblings don’t care about him, why should he care what sparrow thinks?
dexter knows that daring is dealing with his own problems, and darling is god knows where doing whatever, so he starts to distance himself from them. daring doesn’t come to breakfast anymore like they used to, darling isn’t even home, so what’s the point in even coming home?
daring, even though he’s not as attentive to his siblings as he used to be, starts to notice that every time he sees dexter he’s very glassy eyed and looks practically dead. he finally manages to track down darling, and she doesn’t know anything.
darling doesn’t talk to dexter as much as she used to, and she feels really bad, but she can’t bring herself to ask him about anything.
a few days go by, and daring gets a text from briar asking if he’s going to her next rager. he says yes, and darling is back in town so she goes with him.
daring and darling go to the party, and see dexter snorting something. they ask him what it is but he’s too high to hear them. they start to get concerned.
next day in class, daring and darling are waiting for dexter and he shows up 10 minutes late. he looks like shit but dare and dar just think it’s him being hungover.
dexter feels like shit and starts to rest at his desk. hunter is starting to get concerned that he isn’t answering his question and starts to get really nervous. daring and darling start to notice that he’s not doing well, and rumplestilskin yelling at him isn’t helping.
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rosethornewrites · 5 years
Fic: Catch a Falling Star
Relationship: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug
Characters: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug
Tags: Mentioned Alya Césaire and Nino Lahiffe, Mentioned Lila Rossi, Crushes, loss of friendship, Balcony Trope, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, ml salt, Mentioned Juleka Couffaine, Naive Adrien Agreste, Lila Rossi salt, Crying, Revelations, Marinette Dupain-Cheng Needs a Hug, Hugs
Summary: Adrien has been worried about Marinette, as she slowly walls herself off at school. He decides to pay her a visit as Chat to find out what's wrong, and learns more than he's bargained for. Set the night before the events of the s3 episode Ladybug. Spoilers for that and Kwamibuster.
Notes: This was my first Miraculous Ladybug fic, written back in October. Might be a bit derivative but I couldn’t get it out of my head. The song “Catch a Falling Star” was stuck in my head while writing and had an impact on the fic. I don't normally write in third person present tense, but I kept lapsing into it and gave up.
AO3 link
Part of the Catch a Falling Star series
Chat is always a bit torn on how he feels on nights he patrols alone. On the one hand, he is bereft of Ladybug. On the other, it gives him time to visit a certain bakers’ daughter for talking and treats—which he desperately needs given he is burning off far more calories than he is taking in; model diets are awful. He likes their discussions, how open she is with him as Chat rather than Adrien.
Tonight, though, he’s a little worried, which is another reason he's stopping by. Adrien has noticed Marinette isn’t her bubbly self lately. She seems to go through the day almost slouched, too subdued. The warmth she usually shares with the world is just… gone. It had slowly leeched away.
She’s curled on a lawn chaise, wrapped in a blanket with her head against her knees when he lands. And when she looks up at the sound, he realizes she’s crying. Not just a little, either, her face red, eyes puffy, their light dull.
Chat is too shocked to move. He’s never seen her like this, or anywhere close to this. She has always been so strong, someone who carries everyone around her when they need a hand. He hadn’t thought she could break like this.
Marinette wipes at her eyes with a sleeve and attempts a smile that’s barely a shade of her usual brightness. Even that fades too quickly.
“I’m s-sorry, Chat… I…” She’s silent for a moment, her lower lip quivering. “I’m not g-good company tonight.”
The despair in her voice unfreezes him, and he quickly settles beside her.
“What’s wrong, Princess?” He settles an arm around her, pulling her close.
She lets out a hiccuping sob, hiding her face against her knees again. “I c-can’t do it anymore. I can’t k-keep being strong.”
Chat rubs her back in slow circles, hoping to soothe her. “What happened?”
Marinette shakes her head. “I d-don’t want to b-bother you with stupid collège drama, kitty.”
Collège drama, meaning something at school. What has Adrien missed? He tries to think of how he might get her to share, then remembers her genius as the adorable Mouse Miraculous holder.
“It’s hurting Multimouse. Superhero business.”
She peers up at him, not looking too impressed. “Former. Remember? I messed that up, too.”
“But you were amazing, and you deserve better than what’s making you cry.” Chat’s brain takes a moment to catch up with her sentence. “What do you mean, ‘too’? Don’t people call you their everyday Ladybug?”
“Not anymore.” It’s barely a whisper. “I’m jealous, petty, and a bully.”
Chat cups her cheek gently, careful with his claws, tilting her face until she’s looking at him. “You? Never.”
She avoids his gaze.
“Princess, if I hadn’t seen you as Multimouse, I’d be convinced you were my Lady!”
Marinette actually huffs at that. “Not likely. I’m just boring old Marinette.”
“You are anything but boring.”
She just shrugs, despondent. It’s as though all the fight has gone out of her. She’s gone from Marinette to a marionette, and he has to find out why.
“Who made you feel this way?” Chat wants to yeet whoever it was into the next decade.
A ghost of determination crosses her face, and she leans away. “It’s not important, kitty. It’s not like it’s an Akuma.”
Chat leans with her. “But you could be Akumatized. And honestly, Princess, that’s terrifying. I think you could beat Ladybug and me--you’re creative and smart enough to. And I don’t want to fight you.”
“I’ve fought them off,” she murmurs.
His jaw drops. “You’ve… They’ve come for you?”
Aside from himself, Marinette is the only one in their class who hadn’t been Akumatized. He expected her to laugh at the idea, but… he’s absolutely serious about the idea being terrifying.
She pulls her limbs around her tighter, making herself smaller. “A few times.”
Few meant more than once, more than twice. He draws in a sharp breath, horrified. “Princess…”
“They go away if you remember you’re not helpless.” She looks up at him suddenly, her eyes wide. “Ladybug told me.”
“I don’t want them coming for you at all,” Chat tells her firmly.
Marinette looks away again. “I’m sorry. I’m not as good as you think I am, Chat.”
He pulls her closer as she starts crying again. “You are, but you’re also human. M’Lady is also human, and I’m sure she’s had the same thing.”
Chat immediately hopes she won’t ask if he’s faced it, but what she does say is worse.
“It’s… getting harder to remember I’m not alone. That there are options. I d-don’t know if I can keep—” She breaks off with a sob. “It’s t-too much.”
It might not be the best move, pulling her in his lap and letting her sob against his chest. It might be inappropriate. But if he was as upset as her, he would want the contact, so he risks it, murmuring soft nonsense to her until her sobs turn to soft tears again. It reminds him of holding Ladybug, the few times she’s ever been upset, and he doesn’t want to think about that—he so wished Marinette was her.
“Tell me?” he asks softly. “Letting it out to a friendly ear can help sometimes.”
Chat can feel in her body language when she relents, and he waits for her to gather her thoughts.
“I’m really not a good person,” she starts, and he has to stop himself from interrupting. “A while back, a new girl came to school, and was getting really friendly with someone… someone I liked. I followed them, because I really was jealous.”
Marinette is too kind to give him Lila’s name, but of course he knows it anyway. She sniffles, leaning her head against Chat’s chest, and he winds up learning how his father’s book disappeared—Lila had stolen it and thrown it in the trash—and Marinette had fished it out and even taken the blame when returning it to his father. She had even seen Ladybug confront the liar.
He hadn’t known she had done that for him, or that she had seen Ladybug yell at Lila for lying. Chat rubs her shoulder. “Why didn’t you tell him the truth?”
Marinette snorts. “That convoluted mess? He probably wouldn’t’ve believed me, and then A— that boy would be stuck at home instead of in school. He’s stuck like that enough already.” She shakes her head. “I just wanted him to be happy.”
He learns she knows about Lila’s Volpina Akumazation—and that she heard it happened again on Heroes Day. And her relief at the girl’s disappearance, even if it meant occasionally she Skyped and lied about where she was.
When Marinette falls silent, Chat pulls away slightly. “Princess?”
She curls in on herself again. “When she came back, she pretended to have disabilities. So Nino—another friend—gave her his seat at the front. But then he took my seat, and so everyone changed seats. But I guess no one wanted to sit next to me, no one cared where I’d want to sit. I wound up in the back. Away from my friends. Like I wasn’t important.”
Her voice is steadily getting softer, and Chat’s glad for his enhanced hearing. She tells him of the class turning on her when she asked why she was in the back, like she doubted Lila’s disability, her best friend accusing her of jealousy over a boy. He had the uncomfortable feeling it was over him—his civilian self, at least—regardless of what she had said at the wax museum.
Adrien doesn’t know what to do with that information. He adores Marinette; if not for Ladybug, he knows he would return her crush.
And then she tells him about being threatened in the bathroom. Chat stiffens—she didn’t tell him that before. He recalls his words to her at school, and knows now how wrong they were.
“That’s when I saw the Akuma, and I fought it off, and she became Chameleon.”
She falls silent again, and Chat feels he needs to say something. “So this is that Lila Rossi girl who keeps getting Akumatized.”
Marinette nods. “I don’t know why the Akuma would go after her—she wasn’t upset. She had me where she wanted me. But A— that boy I liked… he said I shouldn’t say anything about her lies anymore. That I should just let her lies reveal her eventually. Otherwise she might get Akumatized.”
“But what about you?” slips from his mouth before he can stop himself. He feels like a heel for giving her that advice without knowing the whole story.
Her lips twist in the sort of bitter smile that he’s used to seeing on Chloé. Not on her. It’s wrong on her.
“That’s what I wondered. I stopped saying anything, though. Because I’m an idiot and I liked him and I thought he had my back. But I wasn’t going to pretend to be friends with her or to believe her. I wind up lying enough—I’m not going to be an accessory to her lies.”
Chat blinks. Is that what he’s been doing? Being Lila’s accessory. “Are you angry with him?”
Marinette seems startled by the question and frowns. He can tell she’s weighing how she feels, considering carefully before she answers.
“I want to be,” she whispers. “It’d be easy. But he’s… naïve about how to deal with bullies. They don’t go away if you ignore them. They just get worse. But how would he know? He’s been homeschooled most his life and his only friend was Chloé Bourgeois, and she’s Queen Bully. And it took me years to stand up to her, so he… I guess he’s kind of the doormat I used to be.”
She falls silent again, and Chat waits for her to continue, considering her words as he does. She’s not wrong—he doesn’t know how to stand up to bullies. He’s only just learned to stand up to Chloé. A little, anyway. The “doormat” comment hurts, though, more than he expected.
“I can tell Lila makes him uncomfortable, touching and hanging on him like she does. Like he’s a possession. His smile is fake when that happens, but he doesn’t stop her.”
“He’s a boy, though. Aren’t guys supposed to like girls touching them?” Chat asks.
Marinette frowns up at him. “Kitty, it’s sexual harassment, any gender. Unwanted touching is actually sexual assault, too, even if it’s a girl doing it to a boy.”
She’s worried about him, he realizes. More than that, he’s never thought he has other options beyond grin and bear it with Lila and other girls. He’s never been told that’s not normal or acceptable behavior. He really is naïve.
Chat is also well aware that he pulled Marinette in his lap without asking. He shifts away from her a bit. “Is this okay, Princess? I didn’t ask, and—”
“Oh, kitty!” Marinette flushes and interrupts him. “You— I mean, you’re not— This isn’t—” She takes a deep breath. “You’re trying to comfort me, as a friend. Not trying to possess me. It’s not… not, um, sexual.”
Chat can feel his face heating, and knows he’s blushing himself.
“There’s a difference. I don’t think he knows that he can say no. He’s so sheltered, Chat. And I can barely talk to him so it’s not like I can help.” She sighs. “And Lila would make it a big thing if I did and I’d look like the bad guy again. I can’t help him when I can’t even help myself.”
Chat winces. He’s been completely unaware of her isolation, and he has no excuse for that. “Does he know that’s happening?”
Marinette shrugs. “I thought he had my back, that all that mattered was that we knew. But Lila started telling lies about me, making me look petty and heartless and cruel, and he hasn’t said anything. My best friend thinks I’m unreasonable and mean because I don’t want to be around Lila. I barely see my friends outside of school anymore.”
Chat is unprepared when her tears start again.
“So I guess she followed through on her threat. Maybe they weren’t really friends in the first place. Maybe they were just using me. Or they only want me when they need me. And only if I’m doing what they want. Only when I’m positive.”
He hugs her close, not sure what to say. He can’t understand why the class would treat her like this; Marinette has bent over backwards for them, always working to help. All Lila’s done is give them pretty stories.
“I wonder if he was ever a friend, or if he was just being polite.”
Chat goes still, horrified that he’s given her that impression as Adrien. But he’s never realized how much self-doubt she has; she hides it from everyone, and no wonder given what’s been happening. And he hasn’t stood up for her. He’s failed her.
“Maybe he thinks I’m annoying and mean and p-petty, too.” A sob breaks through, but she forces herself to keep going. “Maybe I never really saw him at all, just thought his smiles at me were real because I was infatuated with him. M-maybe he thinks I deserve this. Maybe I do.”
“You don’t deserve any of it.” Chat can’t stop the growl in his voice, and he takes a few breaths to calm himself. He’s made her feel this way, and he hates that. “Princess, you deserve so much better.”
She hugs him tightly, sobbing, and he holds her, resolving to change. To work to protect her. To be the friend she deserves but apparently doesn’t have. He let everyone abandon his everyday Ladybug, and now she’s full of self-doubt, a fallen star, because Adrien is inept.
Chat runs his clawed fingers through her hair, something he himself loves, something that comforts him, gently pulling loose the bands that keep it in pigtails, brushing through it. It takes a while, but she slowly calms. The way she’s relaxed against him, she’s close to sleep, but there’s more he wants to ask.
“Have you told your parents all this, Princess?” He’s limited in power, but he imagines her mom on the warpath could get things done.
Marinette shakes her head. “If things get worse, I might ask about… changing schools. Starting fresh.”
The idea chills him—school without Marinette, the very first friend he’d made on his own. He’d already felt the loss with her pulling away and into herself, staying distant and losing her shine. It’s what led to him coming here as Chat.
“You shouldn’t have to do that, Princess.” He realizes his hands have stopped, and he moves them closer to her scalp, brushing the skin.
“I know. But… it’s an option. Something that means I’m not helpless.” Her voice is a sleepy murmur. “Helps me against Akuma, maybe.”
He doesn’t like it, not at all, but it’s better than her being helpless to Hawkmoth. He never imagined she would be at risk of being Akumatized, but maybe he’d placed her on the same pedestal as he had Ladybug.
“What if you talked to that boy you like? Maybe he can help.”
She shakes her head, sinking more deeply against him. It occurs to him that their position together is almost… intimate. But he’s her friend, comforting her. Nothing more.
“I can’t… If he doesn’t believe me, I don’t think I could handle it.”
He wishes he could reassure her, but it runs the risk of revealing his identity. “I could talk to him? Make him see sense? Help him see you?”
“Kitty, don’t worry about it. It’s not worth it.” She sighs again as his hand grazes her ear and moves to the nape of her neck. “I don’t think I feel that way about him anymore. I wasn’t really healthy about it, anyway. I obsessed, I guess. I needed to stop. Maybe this was a wake up call. I’ve had a lot of time to think these past few weeks.”
She’s given up, he realizes. On him—or his civilian self, anyway. He doesn’t expect the tightness in his chest, the sense of loss that creeps through his body like the remnants of waves on a beach. Chat knows he should feel guilty that he’s cheated on his feelings for Ladybug, but he doesn’t. Rather, he’s amazed at the revelation that it’s possible to love more than one person like that at once.
Marinette is nearly asleep in his arms, and though he wants to keep holding her, she’s moved on. It isn’t fair to her for him to cling now just because he’s had a revelation.
“Let’s get you to bed, Princess. Wouldn’t want you to catch cold.”
He picks her up like the princess he sees her as, smiling as she loops her arms around his neck. He’s careful descending into her room, but once he’s fully in, he can’t move.
The pictures that once covered her walls are gone. All the ones of their friends, all the ones of him. The only two remaining are one picture of him in the pigeon hat, and another of him and Juleka modeling her designs. Replacing the rest are sketches of future designs. There’s nothing of Alya or Nino anymore.
“Just noticed you redecorated.”
He walks the few feet to her platform bed, gently easing her into it and pulling her sheets and blankets over her.
She manages a sleepy smile. “Treats on the desk under me. Take them.”
“I will.”
“Chat… Thank you. Talking did help.”
He reaches forward, burying his fingers in her hair again. She looks so different with it down.
“I’m glad,” he says finally. “Sweet dreams, Princess.”
He takes the plate of treats up with him, shutting the trapdoor behind him. Even after the treats are eaten, he finds himself still on her roof, engrossed in his thoughts. Only the distant chime of church bells indicating the late hour rouses him from his reverie, the tolls chasing him home.
Plagg is unusually quiet when he detransforms, letting him think uninterrupted.
He’ll change his behavior, starting tomorrow. Adrien will become the ally and friend she deserves. Not because it might rekindle anything—he doesn’t deserve it—but because he should have been one the whole time.
He doesn’t know it’s too late, that Lila’s plans will culminate in the morning with Marinette’s expulsion. That all he’ll be able to do is damage control after letting the liar’s claws dig into the school unchallenged for so long.
All he can do is try to help Marinette shine again, and never let her fade away.
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And His Name Is Spencer
Characters: Spencer Reid x Reader, minor characters
Word Count: 1,426
Warnings: being overlooked, not feeling good enough, mostly fluff
request: Would you be willing to write a request where the reader is disrespected/devalued by someone important to her (maybe a family member or just someone she looks up to) who clearly doesn't really care about her and Spencer does that thing where he goes into hardcore protective/sarcastic/savage mode?
Summary: Your idol comes to work with the BAU. However, it’s not everything you hoped it would be.
Author’s Note: If you have any requests, please send them in! this is unbeta’d and every mistake is all on me.
Feedback the glue that holds my writing together
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Everything must go according to plan. It has to go the way you’ve imagined it going your entire adult career. It wasn’t enough that this had to go perfect, but you were going to meet the agent you’ve looked up to since getting accepted into the BAU--Agent Morris. He was one of the top dogs with such an impressive record. He’s caught more people than anyone else, and he has a knack for finding the missing piece of the puzzle. Sure, your team could do so if they worked together, but this guy could do it alone.
Morris was coming in to help with a case he was on a few years ago. He caught the guy when he worked it, but since he got out of prison, he was back to killing the same exact way. He got caught the first time, so he was probably going to make sure he doesn’t get caught again. It was amazing to work with him, and even your boyfriend was happy that you’re getting this opportunity.
Spencer loved seeing a smile on your face, but he worried you were going too far to make sure this man was happy. Sure, he had his fair share of role models, but he wouldn’t obsess over them.
“Don’t you think you’re worrying a bit too much?” he asked when you placed the perfect stack of files by the door. You had everything organized in there so that Morris wouldn’t get confused or lost about the case even though he previously worked it.
“Don’t you think you are?”
“Nothing. No, I don’t think I am. You know how long I’ve waited to meet this guy, Spence.”
“Sure, but it shouldn’t matter what he thinks. You’re a great agent.”
“You’re my boyfriend, you’re supposed to say that,” you grinned, kissing him on his waiting lips.
“I say it because I want to, not because I have to,” he chuckled.
“Still. We better get going if we want to be there before he does.”
“Right behind you,” he called out.
The ride was short considering you were the one who was driving. He didn’t comment this time since he knew you had a lot going on in your mind. When you arrived, you rushed in to see some of your teammates standing around the bullpen.
“Is he here?” you asked eagerly.
“He’s in the briefing room.”
“Shit,” you muttered as you took the stairs two at a time to greet him.
“Is she okay?” Derek asked his best friend.
“She’s just excited to meet him, is all.”
“Yeah, it looks like that,” he chuckled.
The rest of the team walked into the briefing room to see you laying out the files you prepared for the newcomer. He was staring at the screen with pictures of the case he worked with focus and determination.
“Hi, I’m SSA Y/N Y/L/N. I organized the files according to the date of the crimes and cross referenced them with the locations and the weapons used,” you said proudly.
“Yeah, okay,” the older agent muttered.
Your confidence was knocked off a few pegs, but you chalked it up to him being distracted. Spencer watched as you took a seat along with everyone else, and he couldn’t help but notice how the older agent treated you off the bat. He could tell this was either going to go straight to worse or straight to good, and he didn’t think it was the latter.
The meeting got started, and agent Morris presented the case since he was the one who was most familiar with it. As he began talking, you gathered what you did before since he hadn’t had a chance to look at them. When he opened it for discussion, you were the first to speak, and Spencer had to hold back the wide grin that threatened to break through.
“According to the previous case, the last three known locations George Gallant killed were all located three miles around his home which means he is most likely comfortable there. Since getting out of prison, he’ll likely strike out of his comfort zone to throw off the investigation.”
“Unlikely. He’s been in prison this whole time. Don’t you think he wants some kind of comfort? He’s killed two women since being released, and they’ve all been dumped close by the original locations.”
“You’re right, I’m sorry,” you shook your head dismissively. “I should have been more thorough.”
Spencer watched as Morris went back to talking about the case, and he looked at you to see you shuffling through the case frantically. He didn’t like this new guy at all because he can see what he’s doing to you…
And it’s not even nine am.
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“We really need to think about how to play this one. If we lose him, we may lose him forever,” Hotch announced. The unsub was right under your nose, but the team had to play it safe if you wanted to catch him.
“He’s been taking women that look like JJ. I bet if we put some makeup on her to accentuate her cheekbones, we can have her be bait. She jogs through the park with us close by in the bushes until he strikes. Of course, if you’re okay with that,” you addressed JJ.
“Yeah, I’m fine with that.”
“Me, not so much. He’s been known to hide out in his apartment which is where we need to be. We’ll catch him there. I need everyone on this in case he tries to run,” Morris dismissed your idea once more.
You’re beginning to think he doesn’t really care what you’re trying to say. He seems locked in his own mind without any thought about what others might say. The only reason you haven’t said anything to anyone is because he is the lead agent on the case. If it was Derek or Emily treating you this way, you would have definitely not let them get away with it.
However, you have to endure this from Morris. You couldn’t even look at Spencer as you passed by him. He must think you’re an idiot for looking up to this man in the first place.
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It turns out your plan would have gotten him before he had a chance to hurt another woman. She was fine but would need to be in the hospital while in recovery. Once Morris realized he wasn’t at his home, he turned it around and made it seem like it was his idea that the unsub was in the park. The woman was alive, but she wouldn’t have been hurt in the first place if he’d just listen to you.
Whatever, you just want to go home. You’re back at the office, getting ready to go home, when Morris came walking out of Hotch’s office. You wanted to say goodbye since that was the polite thing to do. Spencer watched as you walked over to the other agent.
“It was nice to meet you, agent Morris. Thank you for coming out and assisting,” you nodded.
“It was my pleasure Rhonda.”
Spencer had enough of this. Your face just dropped when he called you by the wrong name, and he thought it was time someone slapped some sense into him.
“It’s Y/N,” Spencer glared. “You’ve been a dick to her all day.”
Everyone’s heads turned to the younger agent in shock. Spencer doesn’t normally speak like this, and when he does, it’s serious. Morris looked at him and was ready to say something, but your boyfriend wasn’t done.
“Did you know she stayed up all last night to put together the file just for you? She went nuts trying to impress you this entire case, and you’ve been nothing but rude to her. She’s one of the best agents on this team, and it’s your loss for not seeing that. How self-centered do you need to be to not see that?”
Hotch watched with a smile since he felt it was wrong that Morris was treating you this way as well. It’s what he was talking to him about before you went up to him. Morris just stared at Spencer with wide eyes. He didn’t know what to say to that, but there was no need. Spencer wrapped an arm around your shoulder and escorted you out of the office. You were sad that he treated you this way, but you had a new person to look up to. The love of your life. There was no one better than he.
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~hello~ !! For the meta asks!: 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, and 25 :))
Hello!! Thank you for sending these; I was really excited to see that ask game and I was hoping somebody would send some in. It still took me a while to actually answer them though, and for that I apologise. But without further ado! Some meta answers (under the cut because they ended up being fairly long, whoops):
3. What is that one scene that you’ve always wanted to write but can’t be arsed to write all of the set-up and context it would need? (Consider this permission to write it and/or share it anyway.)
I thought of a few examples, but they could basically be grouped together under a common theme: whumpy/angsty scenes that were self-indulgent as all heck. The whole self-indulgent aspect often required the characters to be just the teeniest, tiniest bit OOC and/or necessitated rather unrealistic plot circumstances. So it was simply easier to keep such scenes as maladaptive daydreams, rather than trying to think of explanations for the character/plot issues…or exposing myself to judgement for them LOL.
Receiving permission to write/share one such scene anyway is an opportunity I can’t let slip by though. It might be because I’m writing this while running on zero (0) hours of sleep—let’s hear it for insomnia, y’all!—but I suddenly couldn’t remember any of my newer ideas under this category. However, I did recall a one-shot I had started writing a couple of months ago that sort of counts? “Sort of” because I could actually be arsed to write it since I was, ya know, writing it. Only got about six hundred words down though.
…should I share those six hundred words…?
………nahhh. I don’t think I’m quite ready for that yet.
But here’s the gist of it: Coulson and May (because of course it’s Philinda) were married for quite some time before the Attack on New York. But then Coulson DiedTM and then got ResurrectedTM. But gasp of horror, he had to lose his memories of his romantic relationship with May because reasons. (I actually did have some ideas for those reasons but sshhhh this is about me yeeting context and setup.)
The first half of S1 still happens as normal (except MayWard doesn’t happen because??? Vows) and it’s now post-E20 “Nothing Personal”. The morning after (or a morning soon after, whatever) the T.A.H.I.T.I. reveal! May’s mom—who doesn’t know about GH.325 and whom May fed a cover story about Coulson divorcing her or something equally as oof, IDK—shows up at the hotel and starts ripping into Coulson for breaking her daughter’s heart, then dragging her back into the field with her ex-husband (him), then accusing her of terrible things and forcing her away again.
Poor guy’s confused as heck, and so is the team, and soon enough so is Lian. The only one who understands what’s going on is May, and she’s freaking dying off to the side like why is this happening to me and eventually everybody’s like! Explain??? (Was thinking about including something from Coulson like, “Are you still keeping things from me?” Just for that extra smidge of angst, yay!)
So yeah then May gives a, like, two-sentence debriefing that elicits more questions than answers. Coulson decides to take May aside and they have a heart-to-heart. Lots of feelings and angst and hurt/comfort and at some point plenty of kissing too. Just! May hiding her feelings for Coulson’s sake but really magnified, plus some actual apologies and consideration of the grief May’s been through on Coulson’s part.
And uhh yeah that’s basically it I dunno hdsjncjshd. I warned y’all it’s OOC, plot-bendy, and very self-indulgent!
6. What character do you have the most fun writing?
I don’t think I could name a single character for this. I get different things out of taking on different voices, you know? I guess recently I’ve found myself gravitating towards more taciturn and introspective points of view, like JQ from my original novel Rosewood or M. Yisbon from my…other original novel Temple.
Generally, however, I like tackling stories from an outsider’s perspective. That’s why I so rarely write my more “substantial” (serious? demanding? for lack of better words?) projects from the PoV of my “preferred” character. This usually means writing from their love interest’s perspective, but not always. With shorter fanfic, using a more removed/unconventional/niche PoV can be really fun. Like, I once wrote a canon compliant ficlet purely(-ish) about Philinda from Tony Stark’s perspective. That isn’t always sustainable with stories that demand more character development or closer character studies, however, which is why it’s a good thing I like writing drabbles!
9. Are you more of a drabble or a longfic kind of writer? Pantser or plotter? Do you wish you were the other?
My word counts tend to run long, but I usually only write one-shots for fanfic. If I’m even inspired with a novella- or novel-length story idea for a fandom, you already know I’m in deep with them. And if I actually find the motivation to plan and execute that idea? Dangg. That’s only ever happened…twice, maybe thrice, and I’m in a lot of fandoms.
At times, I wish I could go for more of a middle ground ’cause, like, you know what I love to see? An AO3 dashboard with several completed novellas for my ship/character of choice. I mean yes, I hecking love >90k fics, but sometimes I’m in the mood for quick reads…and what am I supposed to do when I burn through all the drabbles and 2k one-shots? (Besides despair and/or reread my faves desperately.) Novellas are basically always safe for me LOL, and I’d hope to be able to give as much as I take.
Ultimately though, I think I’m okay with where I am with regards to that. I wish I could write more in general, but I’d be okay with “writing more” just meaning “writing more one-shots”, ya know? More than okay, really. I have mad respect for fic writers who have, like, a hundred or more one-shots under their belt for this one ship. The fandom ecosystem would be incomplete without them (as well as every other type of writer, but sshhh that’s the type of writer I’m closest to being right now).
I’m definitely a plotter, and I definitely prefer it that way. It’s cool having such a detailed record of my process. I like feeling like a frazzled genius on the brink of a major discovery with all of my different outlines and colour coding and many drafts and various websites.
12. Do you want your writing to be famous?
Not exactly. It might be cool if my original works were recognisable in the world, but I don’t think I’d want to be recognisable. As for fanfic, I’d low-key enjoy gaining a place in that fandom’s community as a fic writer. Like someone who gave and got fic gifts from fic writer friends, who participated in challenges and GCs, who received writing prompts on Tumblr, whose name was known for doing a certain trope/genre a bunch of times… Ya know what I mean?
Unlikely to happen when I’m so hecking hesitant to publicly (i.e., outside of AO3) claim credit for my writing, but fjnskfsjhfjs. A writer can dream, right?
15. Which is harder: titles or summaries (or tags)?
Of those three, tags are the easiest for me, for I have a reliable system for figuring out those.
Next easiest would probably be titles. For fanfiction, I like to use titles that are a quote from the source material. You should have seen all of my old Hamilton fanfic… I was really proud of some of those titles. And I don’t mean, like, whole lines—usually only two to five words. It’s a unique type of wordplay that I just love dabbling in.
And lastly, summaries. Sometimes inspiration strikes me and a snappy and intriguing synopsis just jumps out—one that I’m quietly pleased with—but most of the time I’ll spend way too long trying to think of such a synopsis and eventually just go with whatever I’d come up with so far. And live with my quiet dissatisfaction for the rest of time.
18. Do any of your stories have alternative versions? (Plotlines that you abandoned, AUs of your own work, different characterisations...?) Tell us about them!
Typically, no. If I have deleted scenes, I save and publish them separately, but that’s about it. I sometimes think of AUs for my own work and might talk about them in my author’s notes—might even talk about writing them—but I never really do anything with them.
It’s not uncommon for me to decide a plotline isn’t working for a certain story or to think of an interesting but undoable arc for a certain character, but what I’ll do is make a whole new story for those ideas. Once I’m done developing the original idea and the branched-off one, you probably wouldn’t be able to tell they grew from the same roots. Does that count?
21. What other medium do you think your story would work well as (film, webcomic, animated series, etc.)?
That depends on the story. I’ve actually written stories in other mediums—movie screenplay, musical stageplay, poetry, TV show scripts, play scripts, roleplay—but the novel does tend to be my comfort zone. Sometimes, if I have an idea that I think could work, or would even work better, as another medium, I’ll label it as such in my folder of ideas and decide not to write it as a novel.
Most of the time, my non-book projects are collaborations. I’m working with five different people on six different story ideas: two webcomics, one stage musical, one anime, and two animated TV shows. Little concrete progress has been made in any of those, mind you, but they’re still fun to discuss!
24. Would you say your writing has changed over time?
Absolutely. But I’ve been writing stories since I was five years old, so we would hope so, huh?
I wouldn’t say my writing’s changed completely, though maybe that’s just my insider’s perspective.
25. What part of writing is the most fun?
Oh gosh, I can’t believe you’d make me choose. Writing is just such a wonderful experience for me; I love just about everything to do with it. Admittedly, not all the time, but. Since that barely qualifies as an answer, however, I’ll give you this—
The endings. Not only that intense feeling of rightness when you wrap up that last sentence, but also the moments before. The adrenaline of knowing you’re almost there but you gotta push just a bit more to actually get there. And also the part right after—the real wrap-up, honestly: the revision and the editing. Heavens, I love revising and editing my work.
Which is not to say I don’t like writing it out for the first time, too—there’s nothing quite like seeing your cursor scroll to the next page, like going from a blank expanse to a Oh man, how many more lines are even going to fit on this page?, like watching that page counter tick up another number. However, there’s something cathartic about finally ironing out those problems I had to force myself to stop worrying about earlier because “just finish the first draft dangit”.
I guess that’s not really the end of the writing process, but whatever. Close enough (as fic writers are wont to say).
Another thank-you for these asks, and feel free to come back with more at any time! ;P
Send in fun meta asks for your friendly neighbourhood writer!
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cozycryptidcorner · 5 years
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Shark Merfolk Boyfriend
Hey guys- here’s the first place winner of the raffle! Sorry I’ve been MIA for a little while, school and family stuff has had be busy af this month. Hope you enjoy this story about a smartass shark merfolk with a gender neutral reader.
The train from the coastline to the Center takes well over an hour, the lights of the cars dim enough so the passengers can look out windows and into the depths. The glass that protects the track network is thick and military-grade, strong enough not to crack underneath the pressure of the ocean. You don’t mind the time it takes to get there, it gives you a moment to breathe, or finish up any last-minute projects. The paperwork at the Center can be a bitch, and it seems like everyone is running behind on it, even you. So while the wheels on the tracks whirl and moan, you have your laptop out, fingers flying across the keys as you electronically sign off a thing or two.
The shriek of the breaks is dulled significantly by the padding of the train’s walls, but you still hear the barest echo of the slowing wheels. There, out the window, you can see the lights shimmering through the currents, shadows of creatures swimming to and fro dancing on the edge of your vision. Carefully, you start placing your work things back into your bag, placing the strap on your shoulder as the cars come to a final stop. The intercom buzzes as someone’s recorded voice announces this as the Center, reminding tourists to calmly file towards the main lobby for the tours and special bundle deals for the whole family.
You watch your step as you get off, helping a mother carry a rather bulky stroller down the steep stairs while her toddler coos at the bright lights hanging overhead. Instead of following the crowd, most of them just curious passersby here to spend a long day, you scan an employee’s pass on a nearby elevator, stepping in and pressing your floor when the doors close. The labs are a lower level down, far from the loud shrieking of children and the aghast staring of couples as they look into the many different aquatic exhibits. You are similar to them in that you are here to be a spectator, though the reasons are vastly different.
The wetsuit waiting for you in the locker room is cold and wet, as it hadn’t managed to dry from when you left it the night before. You don’t think you’ve put that thing on while it was dry since you first got it, but it doesn’t matter so much once you get it on. It traps the heat from your body, keeping you warm despite the obvious chill deep seawater brings. You step into the main hall, barefoot and with your water shoes in hand, looking over at the adjoining waterway the merfolk use to get around. Someone waits for you, skin a dark shade of blue-gray, teeth sharp and layered in rows in his mouth.
“Hey,” you say, holding your bookbag slightly away from your body, so it doesn’t soak through. “How’d your night go?”
“Oh, you know,” Kanoa says, baring his razor-sharp teeth in a greeting smile, “the same. I watched a- what was it called... RIP Vine compilation for the Chaotic Good. I also learned a new human word: yeet.”
“Hm, interesting.” You bite your bottom lip, looking over the day’s agenda. “You are aware of the proper use of that word, right?”
“Of course, doctor. I would demonstrate, but I have nothing to throw besides an expensive, government-issued tablet.”
“Please don’t,” you are tempted to laugh, but hold everything together for the sake of a professional persona. “Management will not be particularly pleased about that. Our mysterious benefactor’s money can only go so far.”
When you walk, Kanoa follows alongside in the waterway, tail flicking for movement. You know that he could easily outpace you is he wanted, there have been some foot races up and down the halls just for the sake of fun. The merfolk are typically the ones who come out winning, their slick, long bodies perfect examples of speed and agility. Still, there isn’t any use in outrunning your partner when they can barely keep up, so Kanoa matches your rate of steps, looking over his tablet with a furrowed brow.
“How did our patient do during the night?” You ask, bringing up the file of a dolphin.
“I heard from our night crew that she had no issues, though she seemed lonely.”
“Once her wounds are healed up enough, she can join the communal tank.” You push open a set of double doors, entering a large, domed room, an artificial glow shining from the many lights against the ceiling. The simulation of daytime is remarkable, you would readily admit, for anyone less aware of the small biome’s existence, they might be readily fooled for some time, though the painted horizon on one side would be an easy giveaway. The sand feels warm against your bare toes, as the heated plates just a couple of feet below work to keep the internal temperatures like that of a paradise.
There, in the shallows of the water, a baby dolphin swims around in circles, though her movements are rather weak. Still, she’s significantly healed from when she first arrived, bloody and bruised from struggling to escape a stray plastic net she caught herself in. A little rest and some TLC and she’ll be back with her pod in no time, though her family went ahead and migrated without her, most likely under the assumption that their poor baby was dead. The GPS tags have them out in the northern waters already, so you’ll probably have her kept in rehabilitation until they come back.
Kanoa pops out from his own entrance underneath the water, shaking his head back and forth to get the water from his eyes. The dolphin clicks with joy when she sees him, swimming weak circles around his large, gray frame in an invitation to play. He picks her up, and she wriggles in his arms with joy, making loud, squeaky cries of excitement as he dives backward in the water, popping back up only a yard away from the artificial shore. She squeals when she notices you, too, beckoning you closer so she could swim excited circles around your waist.
“She missed us,” Kanoa laughs, picking her up again and placing a kiss on her forehead. “Awww, little baby, look at you! Getting better already.”
The dolphin’s excitement is ridiculously infectious, so you find yourself giggling along to her chirps of happiness. Your fingers run over her back as she wriggles back and forth between you and Kanoa, unable to decide who gets to get the honor of playing the first game of the day with her. Physical therapy, actually, it’s just disguised as something fun for her to do, but every little thing the both of you do has the express purpose of helping her recover. Still, dressing it up to be fun and engaging certainly hurts no one, least of all the patient in question.
“We need to come up with a name for you,” Kanoa coos, cradling her in his arms.
“Don’t look at me,” you say, “you can’t put me on the spot like that.”
“I’m sure I’ll think of something,” Kanoa says, more to the dolphin than you, “yes I will, baby girl, yes I will…”
You hide your smile behind the tablet, tapping briefly just to make it seem like you’re working. Kanoa is more than happy to take the first game, something designed to strengthen her muscles, while you sit on the sandy edge, monitoring her progress from a distance in case he misses something vital in her movement. She’s a wily one, even while injured, so she runs to risk of straining herself far too early, something that might permanently damage what has already been harmed. Then it’s your turn to give her some attention, swimming laps around the pool in the guise of tag.
“You take lunch with the other scientists, don’t you?” Kanoa asks, after a few hours of working with the dolphin.
“Usually. I don’t have the energy to pack my own food, so I eat from the cafeteria.”
“You should eat it with me. If you don’t mind.” Kanoa fiddles with his tablet, the corner of his mouth twitching. “It would give us some extra time to discuss our little patient here.”
It only takes a moment of hesitation for you to agree. “Sure, but you’ll have to let me grab something to-go from the main caf.”
“Of course,” Kanoa says, perhaps a little too quickly. “I usually eat here with little miss sunshine, so-”
“I’ll get something to eat and come back down,” you finish, nodding, “sounds good.”
It doesn’t take much longer for lunchtime to arrive, but it does take you a hot minute to go up to the cafeteria, lines all up the wazoo. You through on a simple cover dress, one thin layer to hide your skin-tight wetsuit from prying, curious eyes. Thanks to the ridiculous amount of tourism that takes up a good portion of the Center, there are many chain restaurants present to feed them all, so you always have a decent selection of menu. There’s an authentic Japanese restaurant, carved out in their own little corner, one that many a night you’ve spent with your land-dwelling coworkers.
The sushi there is top-notch, or at least you’ve been told so by your coworkers with more experience in the cuisine. While a tad bit pricey, it is one of the few things that both humans and merfolk can consume, so you’re drawn to it all the same. Just on a whim, you order one or two more than you think you can eat... in case someone wants to share. After a couple of minutes of waiting after your order was taken, the chef finishes up the lunch, placing everything in a sturdy paper box, one that biodegrades after a couple of days once it’s been used. Plastics are strictly prohibited; after all, styrofoam included, so everything that gets put in the trash rots after a couple of days. Keeps the risk of pollution at a minimum.
You walk back to the elevators, careful to dodge a group of shrieking children running out of the gift shop, little trinkets that couldn’t have cost more than five dollars in hand. It doesn’t take you as long to navigate the tunneling corridors back down to the rehab domes, the chill of the hallways biting at your fingers. The warmth of the artificial sun is a relief the moment you push your way through the doors, and you’re quick to kick off your sandals and bury your toes beneath the sand.
Kanoa waits for you, tail curled up, ceramic bowl in hand with spiced fish inside. It’s rather hard to cook food beneath the sea when a fire isn’t exactly an option, and going to any heat source like a lava flow would end up with you roasting alongside whatever you have, so it’s not really a surprise that merfolk eat their food raw. You sit next to him, placing a metal water bottle in the sand and wriggling it, so it stays upright, and look over to where the dolphin is swimming around in circles, playing her own little game with a large, inflated ball.
“How’s she doing?”
“In the few minutes that you’ve been gone?” Kanoa pops another slice of fish into his mouth. “Not very different. She’s extremely chipper today, wonder what the night crew did to put her in such a good mood.”
“Maybe she’s just stoked to see us.”
Kanoa looks over at you, brow furrowed.
“Stoked, uh, means,”
“Just playing,” he flicks your shoulder, “I know what it means: very excited.”
You snort, snapping a pair of disposable chopsticks in half. “You got me there, dude. I almost went on a whole tangent explaining what it means and how it’s used. Can’t have a repeat of the lmao incident from last year.”
Kanoa lets out a huffy laugh, looking over your meal with an interested gaze. “Sushi? You like that?”
You shrug, picking up one of the more fishy bites and offered it to him. “Mostly. You want some?”
He leans over and takes the sushi in his mouth, not taking too much time to chew before swallowing, eyes narrowing ever so slightly as he takes a moment to decide whether or not he likes it. “It’s good.”
“Yeah?” You aren’t sure if you’re feeling relief or not.
“Cool.” You quickly pick up another and eat it, mouth savoring the natural saltiness of the fish and the soft crunch of an accompanying radish.
“I have a question,” Kanoa says in a casual-not-casual voice, “just something I’ve been wondering about.”
“Yes?” You take the bait, not sure where to look. Definitely not on his chiseled abs, that’s not a great place to stare at right now. Maybe not at your sushi, either, because that might seem rude. Ugh, eye contact it is, then.
“I’ve seen acts of affection on the Tube. Kissing, right?”
“First, never call YouTube ‘the tube’ again,” you take a breath, steeling yourself for where you know he’s trying to steer the conversation towards. You know what? You’re okay with this. “Second, yes, I’m aware of kissing.”
“I’d like to try it, if you don’t mind, with someone with experience in the action. Most humans do, yeah? You do?”
You clear the air away from your throat. “Yeah.”
“Would you mind?”
You let the question mull over in your head for all but two seconds while you bring forth the pros and cons of doing allowing a shark merfolk press his mouth against yours- or, you suppose, you’ll have to be the one to initiate, coaching him through the process. Pros; you look down at his abs, then back up to the shapely outline of his jaw. Cons; uhm, letting the softer parts of your face get up and cozy with that gauntlet of ridiculously sharp teeth.
“Sure,” you say, swallowing thickly, eyeing his pecs, “for science.”
Carefully, you set the box of sushi onto the sand. Then, slowly, you place both hands on either side of his shoulders, getting up onto your knees, and go in for the kill before you hesitate any longer. His mouth isn’t soft as a human’s; rather, it’s a tad bit rubbery, nor is it at all warm. It’s almost like kissing one of those dreaded dodgeballs that’s been hanging out in the cold night air for a good couple of hours, though his mouth is decidedly far more shapely than a sphere.
Kanoa doesn’t move an inch, frozen in place, almost like he hadn’t expected you to take his offer, or at least do so as quickly as you ended up doing so. When you pull away, though, his hand unexpectedly falls on your arm, his dark eyes almost glazed over from whatever emotions are running through his body. After a moment, he presses his forehead against yours, then tries his best to mimic the way your lips had gently pressed up against his. He’s clumsy at first, but that doesn’t stop him from making a second attempt, one that’s much more improved in the way of technique.
You’re quickly breathless, and you can’t remember how you ended up underneath him, only that his kissing abilities are improving very rapidly with every single intimate moment that passes. It takes you a minute to be able to think properly because you want to ask him something, but the heat the two of you share makes it awfully hard to create a single, coherent sentence in your mind. Oh, the coolness of his mouth was only offputting in the beginning, now it’s grown on you. “Ho-” you let out a little gasp when his face tilts, and he offers a teasing kiss on your earlobe, “how to your people do this?”
“They don’t.” He’s as breathless as you, unable to process any of his thoughts or your words correctly.
“Not this, but- but ways they show love?” You tangling your fingers through his drying hair, your nails pressing into his scalp.
Kanoa mulls it over for a moment, eyes darting across your face, your eyes, nose, mouth, then falls down to a sliver of skin that the wetsuit doesn’t cover on your neck. He leans over, his hair tickling your chin, then bites, not hard, not enough to draw blood, but enough to send a little spark through your nerves. Instead of immediately letting go, he stays that way for a bit longer, then slowly opens his mouth enough to release your skin. His teeth graze against your neck as he does so, the warmth of his breath sending delicious shivers down your spine.
“Like that.” He says, sounding satisfied with how disheveled you look beneath him.
“Oh,” you say, your voice small. “Do it again.”
He obeys, switching over to the other side of your neck, his teeth pulling at your skin. The way he bites is careful, full of cautious movement, clearly aware that any sort of wrong twitch might leave your skin torn and bloody. It’s a careful dance between too much and not enough, the line between pain and pleasure as thin as a silk thread, but he somehow manages to walk it with a sort of ease that you’re not confident you can come close to emulate, should the tables turn. When he lets go, the sharpness ceases, and you are left breathless and heated.
“We should stop,” he says, his voice quiet and muted, as though there’s suddenly a wall dividing the two of you.
“Wha- why?” You ask, suddenly aware that the zipper of your wetsuit had somehow managed to make it down past your collarbone. Did he do that? Did you? It’s a blur.
“I’m afraid I won’t want to stop if we continue- and I don’t think you would, either.” He looks over to where the dolphin is swimming around in circles, eagerly awaiting your return to playtime. “We’re still at work.”
“Right.” Your stomach stops its drop, relieved that he hadn’t suddenly decided that this was all too much, too fast, because the pace seemed to be just right in your eyes.
“There’s a utility closet that I can get into upstairs,” he says, “no one ever enters because it’s tucked in a far off corner.”
You smile wide enough that it hurts. “Oh? And what would be doing in there?”
“Going as far as we’d like without worrying about an audience.”
“I’ll give it some thought,” you say, playing the hard to get card. “Weigh the benefits of any feasible outcomes.”
“Well, please write out your final thesis on the topic and bring it by my desk by evening.”
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