babacomic · 7 months
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meeting #1
I almost added a joke about how "yelly" sounds like "yellow", but I decided not to risk the potential Pac Man references
transcript below
Keke: Friend, meet Yelly. Yelly, meet my friend. Yelly: Hello. How do you do? Friend: Hello! "Yelly" is a nice name. It reminds me of "jellyfish". (Yelly is zapped by a jellyfish.) Yelly: Well, I got that name for a different reason. Friend: And what would that be? Yelly: AAAAAAAAAAAAA
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quibbs126 · 2 years
OK OK OK SO.i have way too many ships but could i request fig×yelly serpent [its my no.1 fav rare pair]
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Here you go, this is Fig Jam Cookie
I definitely had trouble coming up with their name, since I wasn’t really sure how to combine figs with gummy worms. I was at one point thinking of naming them after figgy pudding, but figgy pudding isn’t really what we think of pudding, and it doesn’t actually have figs in it. Eventually I just went with Fig Jam. I was also considering Fig Jelly, but I thought it sounded too lazy, since that’s just mashing the names together
Fig jam:
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I’ll be honest, while I haven’t said it, both Fig and Jelly Serpent are two personal favorites of mine, so in concept I was excited, but let me tell you, this this was really difficult when it came to trying to figure out the concept for this guy, because like, how do I combine a centaur and a gorgon? I asked my friend for advice, and she told me “dragon”, since they can be literally anything (I’m not sure she knows about the dragon cookies). I ended up again just sort of flubbing it and just combining the two, with Fig Jam having a snake like lower half, but with some legs as well. I feel like I’ve seen a creature with a lower half like this, but I don’t remember what
If I’m being honest, I’m a little disappointed with their design. I think one of the things is that I had planned them to have a lot more green in their design (my sketch line color was green), only to incorporate basically no green other than the eyes. But I did that because fig jam is red and orange. I also feel like they don’t look enough like Jelly Serpent, which makes me sad. Also I gave them this face that to me makes them look like a jerk I want to punch
So as for Fig Jam themselves, while I didn’t make them a dragon, I did incorporate some of that idea into their character, with people mistaking them for some sort of dragon, when they aren’t. The reason they’re making that face is because someone’s doing it again, and they’re exasperated by it.
They also work at the Temple in the Sky, both as a custodian, and as one of the musicians. I don’t know what exactly they play (in the sketch, I just picked some instrument I saw there), but they definitely play a brass horn. They probably also have a weapon, likely a spear, I just didn’t draw it
But yeah, that’s Fig Jam
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raccoon-the-third · 1 year
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magdasabs · 2 years
Written as jelly but pronounced yelly
I don't think people will remember that 😅 jelena is only one more letter
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I didn't realize how scared I was of becoming isolated from my friends till the episodes with Martin and the lonely. It's the only time I've had to take a break from listening. Oh and spiders in my mouth
the casual “oh and spiders in my mouth” like i don’t die every time i see the word spider, but yes. the lonely was more tragic than like terrifying because the lonely is actually real (compared to the pig and the spiral and shit) so many people actually isolate themselves from their friends and family and now i know how sad it must be
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imsoglitter · 4 years
I really like Martin cause he keeps wanting to help people and see them happy even when its difficult :)
It’s hard work being a protector when no one takes you seriously.
Martin isn’t the strongest, or the most vicious, or even the most cunning in the office, but when it comes down to it, who else will drop everything to make you a cup of tea and listen to your problems? Analyze them, sure. Take meticulous notes, investigate, and record them, absolutely. But actually listen? Sometimes he wonders how such smart people can be so ignorant of their needs.
Knowledge doesn’t necessarily mean common sense, that much has become glaringly obvious. But Martin is happy to fill the gap.
Send me a TMA character and I’ll write you a drabble
Throw me a bone on AO3!
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podcastwizard · 6 years
I don't know if this is against your morals but does anyone have any torrent links for fantasy high? I'm not in a position to pay a subscription (but anons talking about it made me curious)
i know there might be......someone out there......potentially willing to help
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busket · 6 years
Do you think you could tag posts about terfs?
sure thing
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This is a bit weird but I had a dream with Ghost in it! He kept doing flips and told me that he had lost his ship and needed to get back to it
Is it for real ?? That’s so nice !! He IS built for flips, he weighs like 37 kilos and has a 15 dexterity score... This is so cool ! I’m very glad you told me !! :D
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ernmark · 7 years
Hi I love all your penumbra metas. In the latest episode I'm still confused by what actually went wrong with the dome, was it the society or the dome that didn't work?
Is this gonna be a thing I do?
I am totally cool with this.
Again, major detailed spoilers for Promised Land under the cut.
And an anon asked:
Thanks for explaining the end of the episode! I’m a little confused about what happened with the dome in the first place. I mean, I know the free dome wasn’t real. And Erin tried to get her son(?) to get it to work and he was a giant dick trying to torture people looking for it. Did Erin set up the dome stuff prematurely? Did it ever exist? Marshall’s son felt really bad and wanted to warn everyone. Where did the hallucination gas fit in? Did Erin and company think they had it but didn’t?
One thing to keep in mind is that we’re deliberately not given the full story, so all we’re left with is bits and pieces that we can glue together to kind of get a vague impression of what happened, but the way I put them together won’t necessarily be the way you put them together. 
So let’s get to it, shall we?
Why was the Free Dome important?
Real estate on Mars is expensive, outside of super low-income neighborhoods like Oldtown, The Boiler, etc. 
This is because 90% of Mars’s surface is uninhabitable. If you want to live somewhere, you better be willing to fork over a ton of cash for a tiny place, or else you’re going to be buddying up with your immediate family/seven of your closest friends/etc. 
JUNO: Mars only has a couple cities and a few desertoutposts cuz the radiation will bake you like a potato if you stay out theremore than a few hours, and Domes can’t be built just anywhere. So if you want anew city, you’ve got to figure out how to build a place to build it. You haveto invent a better Dome.
Life cannot exist underground, because the ambient radiation is just too strong:
PILOT: A lot of space in this subway. I wonder why I neverbuilt anything down here. Some housing or something.
PIRANHA: People lose their marbles if they live under Martianground too long. Radiation burns, Brainswell…
STRONG: You know whatbeing under all this radioactive sand too long does to you? Drives you crazy.Makes you see things.
This is likely why the subway has been closed off everywhere except Oldtown– most likely it wasn’t safe for the people working there, or for the people using it for transit.
Oldtown was the only part of Hyperion City that still had a connection to the Old Subway, behind a boarded-up door in a nondescript office building. (Stolen City)
This is probably also why the only thing that lives in the sewer are giant mutant rabbits. 
Notably, though, both the subway and the sewer system are in fairly good repair because they’re both under Hyperion City and its protective dome. The same doesn’t hold true for structures built outside of that protection:
People hadbuilt things down here, signs and lights and tracks, but the radiation hadclearly done damage even this deep below the surface. Fixtures corroded. Trackslike time had taken a blowtorch to them.
Even the existing domes are fragile. We know that Hyperion City’s has some places that are protected better than others.
RITA: Well… sounds like a pretty bad sandstorm is gonna hit this afternoon. You’ll probably want to be out of Oldtown by then; the shield over there’s about as strong as used tissues. They went into lockdown three times just last month. (Day That Wouldn’t Die)
Our Man-Who-Wasn’t picked a good neighborhood to set up shop in: the Old Industrial District, a place blasted by sandstorms and cosmic rays so hard that not even the roaches would live there anymore. The shields protecting the rest of Hyperion didn’t reach this far, and so neither would most of its citizens. It was the perfect place to do bad business – so long as you didn’t mind a tumor or two. (Prince of Mars)
That’s important: You can’t build domes just anywhere, and the domes that do exist have to be heavily shielded from sandstorms and cosmic rays. 
If you can solve those two problems, then you can build a dome wherever you want, you can build as many of them as you want, and all the unclaimed land on Mars is effectively yours for the taking– and that means that you now have the power to decide who gets to live there and who doesn’t. Do you give affordable housing to anyone who wants it, like Erin Marshall D’Arc? Or do you do like Pilot wanted, and make the hyper-wealthy pay top dollar so they can have their own personal golf course? Either way, that’s an incredible amount of power.
The Family D’Arc
So we have three main characters in this story: Erin, the scientist; Marshall, her son; and his kid, Domer 3 (they’re never given a name, but that’s what the script calls them).
We started in a reception hall that didn’t lookprepared to receive anybody. There were portrait frames on the walls, but mostof them were empty, and the ones that weren’t just showed family photos. A momand her son –- the D’Arcs, probably. The kid all grown up, moody, wild-eyed.The only full portrait in the room had the face scratched out – and theydidn’t look like Erin or Marshall. 
Erin was a military scientist who thought she had a solid technology on her hands, and believed in it enough to run away with a group of other believers. Erin was an optimist who seemed to genuinely believe in her Utopian dream.
After her death, her son Marshall took over leadership of the dome.
MARSHALL: Cuz Ma might’ve had allthat crap about everyone being her neighbor or whatever, but guess what? She’sdead.
The character descriptions in the script talk about how Marshall was a believer who wanted desperately to be good enough, but neither he nor the Free Dome ever lived up to expectations, and that broke him.
But all of that is background information. From what we see in the episode itself, Marshall was… not a nice person. His tests were murderous, sadistic, and full of gaslighting and victim-blaming, and the way he addressed his prospective “neighbors” was nothing short of abusive. 
So you’reprobably wondering why I stopped you out in these irradiated badlands, with allthe oogidies and the boogidies waiting to getcha. I’ve got three answers forthat. Answer one: it’s none of your business. Two: my testing materials havegot to last a long time, forever probably, and it’ll help wear-and-tear if lessof you make it to them. Three: it’s still none of your goddamn business.
“Anyone whowishes to enter the Free Dome must be generous, and give more of themselvesthan they can afford. So sit upon this Chair of Charity and give to us… fromyour blood.”
Congratulations.You’re a very generous idiot. Here’s the Dome… and here’s your blood back,weirdo. Just do me afavor: if you feel like you’re gonna bite the big one, show yourself out,alright? We’re already behind schedule without cleaning up your carcass.Marshall out.
That’s it!Easy, right? Just hold the Dome and walk straight. No matter what. You hear me?No matter what. (AN UNDERCURRENTOF DARK, DARK ANGER) And if youknow what’s good for you, you’ll listen.
That’s way beyond unreasonable. But it wasn’t just toward the test-takers. His kid flat out tells us that this was regular behavior for him.
Dad was a good guy, too. I mean… well, no hewasn’t. 
I never met her, but Dad… Dad wasn’t good beforethe radiation either.
(Notably, this is the same kind of language that Juno uses to describe his own mother.)
We don’t know Domer 3′s name, but we know that they lived outside of the dome with Marshall long enough to know him (and his abuse) before the radiation made him worse; we also know that Erin didn’t live to meet her grandchild. 
After Marshall presumably died, Domer 3 seems to be the last person here. They recorded warning messages to keep everybody away, and encoded a kill switch into the final recording so that once it was activated, nobody could enter the Free Dome again.
There is a fourth character here, but we only know them incidentally. I don’t know whether they were Marshall’s ex-partner or his co-leader, but Marshall really did not like this person:
MARSHALL: … a test tosee how generous you are. You want in you gotta have a sense of charity. Notlike that weasel Malvin, I swear ifyou’re listening to this, Mal, I’m gonna tear your—
Alright, fine.Test of Faith. You’ve got to do whatever I say exactly, right? That’s how youprove you can be faithful. That you’re going to listen when I tell you to dosomething. That you’re not just going to run out. Malvin.
I suspect Malvin is not Domer 3, because otherwise Domer 3 would have been given a name in the script. Also because Malvin clearly left on their own terms, whereas Domer 3 was clearly the last one there.
So what went wrong?
As near as I can put it together, there were two main problems, one structural and one societal.
Structurally, the dome tech just didn’t work.
I’m sure it did in the short term– after all, the dome sample that Pilot received was powerful enough to protect them from most of the dangers of the third trial, and it was stated to be a much less powerful version of the real thing. 
I genuinely believe that Erin set up her city on the other side of those doors in the end. But what worked in a lab setting just couldn’t hold up to the brute force of sandstorms and constant cosmic radiation. As soon as the dome failed, everybody had to rush back into the relative safety of the underground areas on the other side of the door. The ruins of the city were likely warped by radiation and ground up by sandstorms until they were reduced to nothing at all.
Underground, Erin kept trying to fix the dome tech, and then brought in her son to give it a go. Both of them failed.
I wish they made it. I wish it was possible. Erin, I think she really thought, even if she couldn’t do it… maybe Dad could. She believed in him so much. And when he realized he couldn’t make it work, he just… (BIG SIGH) It was bad. He was… bad.
They were underground in the facility long enough that they started to hallucinate death millipedes, undercrows, and from the sound of it, the functioning dome itself:
I don’t know how it happened. The undergroundradiation, maybe, making them see things, or… maybe they just wanted to see it. 
What exactly happened to them isn’t elaborated upon, but the implication is that they assumed that the tech worked and walked into the desert unprotected, which killed them within a few hours.
(Just to clarify: there was never any hallucinatory gas; the hallucinations were a result of the brainswell, which was in turn a result of the underground radiation.)
But there were some societal issues at play, too.
I’m gonna step back for a second into the real world: historically, there have been a handful of experimental Utopian colonies over the years, with varying degrees of success. A common thread, though, is that a lot of them tend to fall apart when people stop dividing things evenly and start hoarding and hiding an unfair share of the goods for themselves (among other things). The test of charity suggests that this is one of the things that went down here. Once again:
MARSHALL: … a test to see how generous you are. You want in you gotta have a sense of charity. Not like that weasel Malvin, I swear if you’re listening to this, Mal, I’m gonna tear your—
But it’s not the only thing that went wrong. 
Erin’s answer to a galaxy-ending conflict wasn’t to address any of the existing problems that broke the world, but to just pack up and move somewhere else.  Which is not that great of a strategy.
Your wholething is that the world’s a train wreck, so you open up a new city and just letanybody who wants walk in? That’s not anew world. That’s not a utopia. That’s the old one all over again. Justsmaller.
Erin’s strategy was apparently to please everybody, which is also not a great leadership strategy, especially in a small place with limited resources. Marshall had a lot of things to say about that, but he wasn’t much better. Apart from being seriously abusive, Marshall wasn’t the kind of leader that could command respect, which he clearly resented. 
… what isthis, second? Uh, Test of Faith, how about that? Listen to whatever I say.Somebody’s got to. Somebody should.
Hey, you listened. Nice work. If you’re alive. Which you probably aren’t. Because you probably didn’t listen. Nobody does. Why would you? Why would anybody? 
On a societal level, the Free Dome was doomed to fail even before the brainswell started making people hallucinate and taking away their ability to think rationally.
From the sound of it, people stopped listening to the D’Arcs, they started hoarding things, and then they started leaving or dying, until the only ones left were Marshall and his kid. And then it was just Domer 3, who shut down the whole thing and walked away.
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pldubrahs · 7 years
@yelly-the-jelly replied to your post: HI! MY! NAME! IS! LYDIA! AND! I! WOULD! DIE! FOR!...
Sammmeeee (but it’s travis, justin voices taako)
i definitely know that i have No idea how it slipped my mind in those tags i was just Too Emotional i guess lol
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incaseyouart · 8 years
Hello! First of all just want to say you are such an inspiration to me and I want to say a big thank you for that. Anyway, so I'm fairly new to tumblr and I really don't know anything about what I'm "meant" to do. I really like drawing and I recently (a couple of months ago) got a graphics tablet, but I'm not really sure which of my art to post. If I want to make a good blog should I only post fan art? Should I only post art I think is "good"? Thanks.
Hello! It’s really up to you what you want to post. Make sure to organize your posts with tags like “my art” - you can also sub-tag them with “traditional” or “digital” etc. I usually post only finished pieces, but recently I’ve been posting school things, or works in progress, just to show people the process behind some of my art. The content you post might change over time based on your own taste and the feedback you might get. Your blog can be more for YOU, or more for other people - it’s up to you :)
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dandy-badger · 7 years
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I love making these things lord. THEY'RE SO MUCH FUN TO MAKE! $10-$15 depending on the complexity of the character! Complex designs will be simplified to fit the style! I will turn your character in their respective animal! If it's a human/human esque character and they don't have any animal traits you can pick one, or I can as well! There's no limit to slots for these right now! They get worked on to destress basically! If interested please message me with: Reference: Yell expression: (Happy yell, angry, neutral, etc) Paypal email: Paypal only, no e-checks or anything similar! Payment within 24 hours please!
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smutsonian · 5 years
can i request a fluffy ransom fic?
Drabble about having a family with Ransom
Warning/s:  curses?, nOT pRooFrEad, spoiler-free
A/N: I may or may not have sent that request myself... This is like our first fluff... kind of... 
Jelly Beans by Valerie Danoff
“I think I’ll be late for uh- later.” You pressed the phone on your ear with your shoulder as your fingers type rapidly on the keyboard, trying to finish the document that’s been keeping you from leaving. 
Your daughter, Ava, will be having a recital… Her first recital and you sure don’t want to miss it. “Ransom, do you understand me?” You hear him hum.  
“I said get the tutu dress in her closet and put it on Ava. Make sure to put her hair in a ponytail.” after explaining it to Ransom a thousand times, he finally got it.
You drive expeditiously and got into the preparatory school in no time. Quickly rushing to the bathroom to change in a more of a ‘mommy’ outfit than your boring office clothes. The beige long sleeve dress which ended just before your knees hugged your figure and it sure is really fetching.
“Mommy!” You hear a scream from your little daughter which causes everyone to look at you. You saw Ransom carrying Ava as they approach you. Ava’s wearing her little colorful tutu dress which looked very adorable and the ponytail that matches her look.
“How’s my baby?” You planted lots of kisses on Ava’s face as you take her from Ransom’s arm. “Oh, you smell like daddy!” you sniffed her dress and looked at your husband. 
“I thought daddy smelled good so I-” Her tiny was interrupted by her own sweet giggles. 
“I told her no but she insisted.” Ransom shrugged as he squeezed Ava’s cheeks.
Thankfully, you weren’t late and you were assigned to your designated seats. The teacher took Ava for the final rehearsal as you and your husband settled. “You look very hot” Ransom whispered in your ear as he placed a large hand on your thigh and squeezing it. You fixed your posture as you put your hand above his, coughing awkwardly that earns a smirk from him.
“Good day parents! I’m teacher Elisa and I’m very sorry for the delay in the program. Just happy to announce that we're finally starting in 15 minutes.”
Ransom once again squeezes your thigh causing you to look at him. “We still have 15 minutes.” He grinned as he winks at you. 
You curiously looked at him before you understand what he meant. “OH GOSH RANSOM!” You shooed away his hand.
Jelly Beans
Jelly, jelly, jelly beans.
Belly, belly, belly beans.
Orange, white, black, green
Red, blue, yelly bean.
Many, many can be seen.
All the colors in between.
From one to many beans.
Guess how many beans?
“Thank you.” Ava ended her poem as she bowed adorably with her little body. Everyone could see you crying but right now, you don’t give a single fuck. Ava is on the stage, doing her first recital and reciting the poem she wrote about jelly beans because it’s her and her father’s favorite.
“THAT’S MY DAUGHTER! SUMMER AVA DRYSDALE! Y’ALL HEAR ME? THAT’S MY DAUGHTER” Ransom yelled as he stands up with deafening claps turning around to let people at the back see him. You laughed as you wipe your tears to calm him down.
“Fuck, Y/N. That’s our daughter.” Ransom turned to you and kissed you with so much passion. “I love you.” He pressed his forehead on yours.
“I love you too!”
General: @readermia @unlikelygalaxygiver @xoxabs88xox @anncutamarica
Anything Chris: @patzammit @princess-evans-addict @shadowcatsworld
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Definitely the eye. I remember when I was a kid I imagined everyone on earth as like a huge library with each book being someones life story and I really badly wanted the power to pick people at random and read their book. I still vibe with that tbh
the eye is great because i’m the nosiest person ever and it allows me to get into someone’s business? like yes?
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monkey-network · 4 years
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cute yelly jelly beebies
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