#yen'fay fire emblem
I was never able to get the spotpass characters in Awakening bc I didn't know they were a thing when I played it but I looked up the paralogues and supports for them and holy fuck? Walhart not having a heartbeat but remaining functional and being able to control an army of risen? Gangrel being implied suicidal and being kinda guilty for his actions? And not surviving very long after the war? Yen'fay actually being from an alternate timeline where Say'ri was killed instead? Emmeryn having been irreversibly changed and permanently disabled due to her sacrifice? There's so much cool stuff there
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novakaiserart · 2 months
FE Awakening AU; Verdant Pegasi House
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I finished these like 2 weeks ago but I've just been procrastinating lmao Last house‼️ Last three houses can be found here, here and here To the west lies the continent of Valm, home to the ancient gods Mila and Duma. Long ago, King Albein Alm Rudolph II and Queen Anthiese von Lima united the kingdoms to form Valentia. Union wouldn't last after their reign and as such, the continent was divided once again. Small countries throughout the land popped up, each with their unique cultures. 15 years ago, King Walhart Alm Rudolph I sought out to reunite the continent of Valm under one empire, thus crowning him Emperor. Though Valm pledged allegiance to no Gods, Tiki became a symbol of divinity and was embraced. As such, she allowed them one house in her Academy. The Verdant Pegasi gain their names from their vast and beautiful green plains and the abundance of wild Pegasi in many of their regions. They value honor, hardship, determination and kindness. Walhart II: Eldest son of the Emperor, he's determined to continue his father's rule over the continent and keep the empire afloat. Stern and headstrong, he's not afraid of a challenge. He enrolled in the Academy to strengthen his skills and hopefully make new allies. Yuu'ya: Only son of Say'ri, he embodies the image of a warrior of Chon'sin. Opposed to the united Valm, he's secretly amassing a rebel army to go against the foreign occupation of his land. Usually quiet and reserved, he rarely lets his presence be known. Kazu'sa: Oldest son of Yen'fay, he openly rejects his father's submission to Valm. He's growing to detest his father and his actions and strives to free his country. Despite having the same goals as his cousin, he's the polar opposite. Loud, brash and vulgar; he doesn't care for tradition and prefers to express himself freely. Nah: Nowi and Donnel's youngest daughter, she's pretty composed and reserved for her age. Growing up amongst so many other manaketes in the Church has allowed her to understand her culture and come to terms with her human half. Naga's descendants never usually take up any last names, but Nah insisted in taking her father's as a way to combine her two backgrounds. Aurelia: General Pheros's only daughter, she's hopes to become a Knight of Naga after graduation. She dedicates her life to her faith and holds Tiki in extremely high esteem. While she should usually inherit her house, she has stepped away from her noble lineage to pursue her dreams. Benedict: Youngest son of The Great Ignatius of Valm, his father's war prowess inspired him to follow in his footsteps. With great honor, he's taught himself all ways of magic to assist Walhart II in his future endeavors. Rumor has it, though, that he's terrified of boats. Hildegard: Daughter of Commander Farber, she's delicate as a flower. Shy, reserved and unassuming; she enrolled in the Academy to become a great healer to save lives. She fully expects to be married off for political gain, since she's a noble; but her only hope is to help those in need. Gerome: Heir to the Head of House Rosanne, Gerome focuses on his strength above all else. His father surrendering his homeland so easily to Valm has left him estranged from him over the years. He enrolled in the Academy for 2 reasons; to learn from his Mother, who's an instructor and to reunite with Lucina and the others in hopes of gaining their strength to drive back Valm. Crest of Duma: May half damage of an attack. Crest of Mila: Heals 20% of HP at the start of every turn. Crest of Chon'sin: Increases Crit chance by 20% Crest of Naga: Allows wielder to transform into a Manakete. Crest of Rosanne: May nullify effective damage
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fore-seer · 1 year
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kplays · 4 months
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It's what works for them. You have to find what works for you
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dvrtrblhr · 1 year
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(12) chon'sin siblings
say'ri and yen'fay were requested on instagram, but honestly... it's like i came up with the request myself. i like them a lot. they were both robin's partners at one save or another.
i'm not receiving new requests! i mean, you can try, but you'll probably be ignored by this point (not to be mean, but i already received A LOT of suggestions! thanks for your support! it means the world to me!)
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lynarc · 1 year
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fire-emblem-birthdays · 3 months
July 2024
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saiyef · 2 years
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I'm guessing Chrom is talking about Lon'qu here (or possibly Yen'fay)
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fe-fictions · 1 year
Ok then Can I request headcanons for female Robin comforting Yen'fay after a nightmare?
(Absolutely you can!! We stan Yen'fay in this house ;; ___ ;; )
His demeanor is stoic and calm, at any given moment. He works extremely hard to make sure that his emotions are in check and under control. 
It is a trait admired and respected by many, but as his wife, it's difficult to deal with.
After being married for a little while, and since you returned from your sacrifice, you’ve found it easier to recognize the signs. He opened up more once you came back to the world of the living; as though he resolved to do so upon your reunion.
On nights like this, though, he struggled to be vulnerable. He'd wake from his nightmare with a jolt. When he startled awake, you were roused shortly after.
“Yen’fay…?” You would be groggy and half asleep, but seeing him sitting stock straight in bed, and seeing how his chest rose and fell quickly, it was clear another nightmare had hit.
You would rise beside him, resting your hand on his bak.  You wouldn’t ask him what it was about, or if he wanted to talk about it. He would always refuse to answer either question.
What he needed was your touch. The reassurance that you were there. Especially since, nine times out of ten, the nightmares were about your sacrifice.
Of the possibility that you would not have come back. That he would be damned to be alone forever, just as he had when Say’ri died in his timeline.
And if it wasn’t a nightmare about losing you, it was a nightmare about losing his sister. His clan. His world falling to pieces, and being incapable of stopping it.
It would be another nightmare about your loss. This was determined when he turned, silently, and cupped your face with trembling fingers, eyes open and staring hard at your face in the dark.
Determined to make sure you were here, and that he had every detail of your body committed to memory.
That you were warm, and breathing, and very much so beside him.
You’d hold his wrists, wrapping your hands around them and squeezing softly. 
“I’m here, Yen. It was just a dream.” 
His breathing relaxed some when you spoke; hearing your voice was always an excellent second step.
He would eventually release your fcae, apologizing quietly. 
Instead of indulging the shame he clearly felt at having lost control, you touch his shoulder and gently pull him down guiding his head to your lap.
Your fingers ran through his hair, combing through the long, silky strands and carefully detangling the knots garnered by his tossing and turning.
His hand would touch your thigh, feeling your warmth as you soothed him with tender touches.
“Everything’s all right now, my love. We’re both home.” You whispered, listening to the rhythmicslowing of his heartbeat, and tfeeling the ension ease in his body.
The room would fall silent in the darkness, and moonlight would reflect delicately on his body.
And it’s in that stillness, that his hand relaxes, and a soft, relieved sigh escapes him. You settle back into your pillow, your husband quietly shifting so that his head rests on your chest. You don’t stop stroking his hair.
“I love you.”
The breath of a confession always made your heart skip a beat. You gave a breathy laugh, the alluring call of sleep retaking you both.
“I love you, too.”
His forehead kissed, you would both drift off to sleep, the nightmares fended off. 
And every time he struggled with a hard night like that, you would awaken the next morning to a lingering kiss, an affirmation of love and hot breakfast waiting for you in the garden.
And Yen’fay was naturally there to eat with you, holding your hand as you gazed out at the beautiful gardens, luxuriating in each othe’rs company.
Sometimes, though you would never admit it to your husband, you enjoyed those hard nights. They did give way to the sweetest of mornings.. 
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frickingnerd · 1 year
Awakening Men Masterlist
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watching the sunset with chrom - drabble
yandere robin - headcanons
the new member of the shepherds - oneshot
virion trying to impress you - drabble
dating stahl - headcanons
vaike with a competitive s/o - headcanons
lon'qu crushing on you - headcanons
stolen glances - drabble
yandere henry - headcanons
childhood friends to lovers with henry - headcanons
henry with a sensitive s/o - headcanons
kellam with a chaotic s/o - headcanons
ricken crushing on a taken reader - headcanons
donnel with an insecure s/o - headcanons
gregor confessing to you - headcanons
keep your eyes on me - drabble
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anne0png · 1 year
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yanfei and,,, yen' fay
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ultimafangirl · 5 months
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...I miss my husband...
I don't have a save where I'm married to him anymore and with spotpass gone...
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Spotpass Update
After a lot of thought, I've rationalized half of the spotpass characters being able to S rank the mothers in the game. Here are my conclusions:
Priam - Not story relevant, so he's safe and can't cause any paradoxes
Aversa - We have no idea what happened to Aversa in Lucina's timeline. It's easy to say she was always destined to be defeated and retreat to the Wellspring of Truth and defect to Chrom's side, and it's possible this could have happened before Chrom dies because Aversa is follower and not a leader- she does what she's told, but she isn't the person calling the orders. Validar could easily replace her after she defects, given the time.
Yen'fay - We never learn what became of the Yen'fay from Lucina's timeline, so it's very possible that Chrom was able to recruit him instead of killing him at Demon's Ingle. There's no proof that Spotpass Yen'fay is the one from Lucina's timeline (he just says it's an alternate timeline where Say'ri dies but this could mean a different timeline entirely), but in this situation he can't be, because he would have memories of marrying his spouse and having a kid. We are also shown several times throughout the story that fate always wants to make the outcomes of the original timeline happen- this force could be what causes Yen'fay to wander through the Outrealms and into the game's timeline in the first place. It's a big lengthy explanation, but it's reasonable that Yen'fay could have fathered any of the children in the original timeline!
So these three will have S supports completely open, with no convincing or further explanation required. The other three, however...
Walhart, Gangrel, and Emmeryn are all supposed to be dead. While you could argue that they survived like Aversa did, it's much harder to do so and their role in the story throws a wrench into things. Emmeryn's death is so central to the story that it quite frankly makes no sense that her Spotpass iteration exists. In the original timeline, because the way she died was via assassination and not a noble sacrifice, the first war with Plegia against Gangrel stretched on for much longer, and ended with much more bloodshed. I cannot see Gangrel surviving that after everything is said and done. Lucina also makes no mention of Walhart or Gangrel ever defecting and joining Chrom's army, so it's safe to assume this didn't happen in her timeline and there's no way for them to father any of the gen 2 kids.
While I'm not completely banning S supports between them and the mothers, I will keep them restricted until a reasonable explanation for the kid's existence within what we know of Lucina's timeline is provided.
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July 23: Happy Birthday Yen'fay (Fire Emblem)!!!!
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sotiredmostnights · 1 year
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randoimago · 1 year
If I may, can I request general relationship headcanons for the Fire Emblem boys - Kellam (seriously, this boy is so precious, he needs love), Yen'fay, Yukimura and Gunter? Thanks!
General Relationship Headcanons
Fandom: Fire Emblem
Character(s): Kellam, Yen'fay, Yukimura and Gunter
Type of Request: Headcanons
Note(s): Here you go!!
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Always unintentionally sneaks up on you. He doesn't mean to startle you. He even announces his presence some times but you still don't always notice. Eventually you get used to it though, which causes him some comfort.
Even if you don't notice his presence, if you remember the things he said that he likes then it makes him super happy. Kellam does do his best to remember your likes too so he can surprise you (unintentionally and intentionally) with them.
Enjoys spending quiet moments together away from everyone. Just leaning against each other or talking softly makes his heart happy.
If you need something of him then you just need to ask and he'll do his best to provide. He's in love with you and so he wants to be able to make you happy with acts of service.
There are times when he shuts down a bit, keeping you from getting close. Yes, he loves you, but he still ends up thinking back to moments of his life that cause him grief and when that happens, he doesn't want you to see his vulnerability.
Has definitely tried meditating before and it gets interrupted by thoughts of you. He wants to be prepared for battle with imagining the battle field and how he'd win. Instead, his thoughts drift to a kiss you gave him, or your smile when he made you laugh.
He's a bit awkward at times with his feelings. He deeply cares for you, but sometimes he finds it hard to express it. And he doesn't want to just randomly kiss you all the time, that'd get in the way of things. So please forgive him if he looks hesitant with what to say/do for you.
You do get quite a few gifts from him. He does buy the typical flowers, but he is also working on creating you some presents that he hopes you'd enjoy too. Those take a bit of time, but he promises you'll like it.
Enjoys having intelligent conversations with you. Talking about battle strategy or history with you is rather fun for him. If you aren't the most intelligent of people, then no worries either. He'll do his best to explain things to you, feeling some satisfaction that he can teach you new stuff.
Despite being an older man, he does his best to still make sure you're happy. If you'd like to go on walks then he will, if you want to relax in the sun then he does his best. There are times when others outside the relationship might view him as a father figure to you, but you both know the truth.
Enjoys to talk with you, hearing about your day or just anything interesting that has happened. It might not seem like a whole lot, but having that quality time means a lot to him.
Not really one to say his affections too often. Instead he does things for you or gives you little gifts that he thinks you'd enjoy. You know he cares deeply for you, but he'd just prefer to show you that love by other means than just saying it.
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