unicornflowerssss · 1 year
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yenneskier best friendship is the crux on which i perch my personality
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The way they all just sigh and put their head in their hands and he says “Of course she has your full support” like it is the most obvious and unsurprising thing to them all.
They all really said “not again with this goddamn homosexual”
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ilikebigants · 11 months
This is a very Netflix specific headcannon, but I refuse to believe that Jaskier does the sandpiper work with sheer luck and charm. I don't. I think his 2 conflicting lives merged in a way he never expected, and yen inadvertently threw him off his game. He would have NEVER gotten into a fight with that random man ANY other day. It was just because she was there that he was acting so dramatic. He didn't want her to see him as a multifaceted person who could both be a peacock and competent in helping others. It scared him to be seen that way and tried to hide it by falling back onto silliness.
Anyways, stan frenemies Jaskier and Yen
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thedemonofcat · 1 year
One of the standout moments for me in The Witcher Season 3 is the subtle yet powerful detail involving Jaskier. It occurs when he strikes a deal, offering to bring Ciri to Redania if Radvoid eliminates Rience. In that fleeting moment, we witness Jaskier rubbing his fingers, the same fingers that were burned by Rience. This visual storytelling is incredibly impactful because it conveys Jaskier's profound fear of Rience without uttering a single word.
Personally, I enjoy delving into theories and crafting fanfiction centered around Jaskier retaining physical scars from his torture at the hands of Rience. Although the show does not explore this aspect, it does bring attention to Jaskier's psychological scars, which are just as compelling.
An alternative approach that works equally well is highlighting Jaskier's intelligence throughout the series, particularly in the third season. For example, there's a scene where Jaskier impresses Rience by discussing his ability to discern if someone is drunk or not. This skill suggests that Jaskier has honed his perception of people, seeing them for who they truly are rather than how they present themselves. One can easily imagine that Jaskier acquired this skill as a survival mechanism while performing in taverns, possibly with Geralt coming to his aid during instances of assault, be it physical or sexual. Despite Geralt not always being by his side and not being a formidable fighter, Jaskier's cleverness shines through.
Illustrating Jaskier's intense trauma in relation to Rience is effective because the show consistently demonstrates that his greatest strength lies in his ability to communicate. Not only does Jaskier excel in singing, but he also possesses the gift of persuasive speech. While he often finds himself talking his way into trouble, he also has a knack for talking himself out of it. An excellent example is when he assumes the persona of Sandpiper to secure passage to safety. Jaskier achieves this feat through his words rather than physical combat.
Thus, the scene where Jaskier remains silent about the horrors inflicted upon him by Rience perfectly aligns with his character. It exemplifies the depth of his fear, leaving him uncharacteristically wordless. This nuanced portrayal resonates strongly because it showcases the vulnerability of a character who usually wields words as his most potent weapon.
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usagiconx · 1 year
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♡┊yennefer of vengerberg moodboard.
like or reblog if you save/use.
don’t repost without credits, please.
psst, don’t forget: you’re amazing!!
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roseartsstuff · 1 year
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Yennefer of Vengerberg 🌙
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misslissssss · 1 year
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Oh God, this goddess.🛐
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brookesmartt · 1 year
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You flee my dreams come the morning 🖤
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After i drew Geralt i knew i had to do Yennefer too. She is so pretty.
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jessiexcorner · 1 year
‘Destiny is she.’
 Just a small town with not much going for it, though it was known for its alcohol and the pirates that used to raid the people there centuries ago. 'Not anymore.' Yennefer thought as she drank. After the red death, the once-powerful kingdom fell into shambles. At least they still had their beer going on for them.
"TOSS A COIN TO YOUR WITCHER!" Yennefer winced, hearing the familiar song buzzing in the back.
  "Ugh. If I have to hear that blasted song one more time, I'm going to kill myself." Yennefer turned to see the drunk bard who wrote it.
  "Jaskier?" He turned his head to look up to see the sorceress. He gasped.
  "You! Oh No! I've had enough of you! Y-you harlot witch!" Yennefer rolled her eyes. 
"What? Your girlfriend dumped or something? Also, I'm a sorceress, not a witch."
"No, you ruined my friendship with my only friend! Just cause you had problems in your relationship with him didn't mean you had to ruin mine!"
"We didn't have a relationship."
"It doesn't matter now! I don't need him; I have plenty of friends. And women who want me!" Yennefer turned to order another drink. She didn't want to deal with this right now. A few gulps later, a young girl with blonde hair walked straight toward them.
"Hey! I know you!"
"You do? Oh no. Did I sleep with you?" The girl ignored Jaskier and continued talking to Yennefer.
"You're Yennefer of Vengeberg, aren't you?" Yennefer sighed.
"Look, kid, I don't sell magic anymore. Find someone else."
"Actual, I have a proposition for you."
"Not interested."
"I think you will be-"
"Get lost, kid, before I put a curse on you."
"Weren't you the one looking for a way to conceive?" Yennefer froze. Yes, it's true; that is what she wanted a way to be able to have a child again. But it's not as if she announced it to the world.
"Who told you that?" The girl shrugged with a smug smile.
"Call her destiny." Yennefer scoffed.
"Destiny?" The young girl nodded.
"Everyone knows about her. There's a legend on her. They say that if you ever want to change all the bad that has been done to you; change the fate you've been given, then follow the river upstream to the cottage in the woods. There be a woman, full of grace and beauty, but be careful what is said to her for destiny is she."
"First of all," the drunk bard who had been listening in began, "that doesn't rhyme."
"It's not supposed-" the blonde tried to argue.
"Second of all, who's 'they'?"
"What? No- Look, that doesn't matter, I'm not even talking to you!"
"You know he has a point," Yennefer said.
"Who is this 'they'?" She said with a cheeky smile. The blonde girl turned redder than the drunken bard and stomped in anger.
"You know what! I don't care! I did what She told me to do and delivered the message! I'm leaving!" She marched out of the bar.
"Say, did you catch her name? I think she fancies me." Jaskier mumbled. Yennefer took a deep breath and finished her drink. 'let's find out who this destiny person is.' She thought, heading out.
                                                       . . .
'Well, what do you know there is a house.' Yennefer thought. She noticed there was a protection spell around the house covering it like a thick fog. She walked towards the house, trying to create a pathway for herself. 'Damn,' This was harder than she thought it would be. 'Why would anyone need such a potent protection spell?' As she tried to move through, it became harder to breathe. Yennefer could feel a headache coming on, it felt as if something was pushing her to fall asleep. She falls and gets knocked out by the gas. Before she falls completely unconscious she notices the end of a flowy robe walking towards her.
Yennefer wakes up feeling as if she has the worst hangover of her life, she notices a blanket covering her and a bed. "What the fuck?" she mutters noticing her surroundings for the first time. A bedroom with a fireplace, cozy and warm but what stuck out the most was the fact she didn't remember how she got here. The door to the bedroom opens before Yennefer can investigate her surroundings more thoroughly.
"Ah, you're not dead. Good." a woman with (h/c) hair wearing a simple white flowy gown exclaims. Yennefer startled immediately turns defensive shooting a gust of magic toward the woman who waves it off as if it were nothing, almost as if, annoyed by Yennefer's reaction.
"Now, is this any way to repay hospitality Yennefer?" The woman says practically scolding Yennefer like a misbehaving child.
"You knocked me out!"
"No, you knocked yourself out." She sat next to the violet-eyed woman, raising her hand near her making Yennefer flinch from the unexpected movement. 
"Relax, I'm only helping your body get rid of the poison from the mist." She sighs moving away after she is done, Yennefer does feel a bit better, less like she had a massive hangover. The woman stands and walks near the fireplace, lighting it with a flick of her fingers, sitting down on a couch with a tea set on a table. "Well? come sit," She points at the other chair meant for Yennefer. Yennefer gets up and slowly walks to the woman sitting on the chair. "Cream?" She offers the raven-haired woman.
"..No," Yennefer declines not wanting any other foreign substances in her body.
"Suit yourself." The woman shrugs, pouring some cream for herself, and lifts her cup taking a sip.
"Why did you want me here?"
"Oh, did my little birdy not tell you?"
"No, well, yes but- that's not- look do you really have a way for me to conceive or are you playing games with me? Because i should warn you i am not in the mood." Yennefer huffs.
"Of course!" The (h/c) haired woman claps her hands making the tea set disappear, with a small vial and a contract replacing it. "This little bottle of magic can bring back anything that was lost. It'll fix you right up, grow back your uterus, and let you keep your good looks," She winks with a smile at Yennefer, who looks at the paper carefully.  
"And I’m guessing this contract I am supposed to sign ensures I do your bidding?" The stranger's grin widens.
"Clever girl. it is fair, after all, i am only asking very little in return for a high reward." Yennefer scoffed but then again she was desperate she wanted this, badly.
"And what would that small favor be?" She questions the woman. "Am i to find you someone and bring them to you?" she rolls her eyes sarcastically commenting.
"Well, yes, that is exactly what I want you to do."
"Right. Sounds simple enough."
"Hm, simple." she hums in agreement, "I just need you to bring me Geralt of Rivia."
...What? "No, no! Absolutely not! What could you possibly need him for?" Yennefer protests, making the other woman rolled her eyes.
"I'm not going to eat him, or kill your lover boy,"
"He's not-"
"Come on Yen! All you have to do is bring one witcher here, and I'll give you the ability to conceive again, don't you want that choice back?" The woman circles Yennefer, "They took everything from you, yen. They took your right, your decision. Not only am i offering you your freedom, but i am also giving you an option that doesn't require sacrificing your beauty or power." She twirls a lock of Yennefer's hair around her fingers. "and all you have to do is bring me one measly man." Yennefer hesitates. This can't be real, this had to be a trick, but what could she do? the dragon plan didn't work, Geralt was an arse and she had nothing and no one left. "Tell you what, since you have so many issues with me," The woman picks up the vial and hands it to Yennefer. "You can try the potion of mine, and once it works, and it will believe me you will know if it does. You will bring me Geralt." Yennefer's face reads of worry. "Come on you, poor girl, what do you have to lose? You already tried everything. What, you're worried about your man? What do you think I will do to the witcher? Think I will kill him? He's more likely to end me before I can touch him." Yennefer lets the words of this woman influence her, but she couldn't understand what she wanted with Geralt.
"..Fine, deal, if this works...I'll bring you your witcher."
"Lovely!" The woman smiles waving her hand making a feather appear and floats into Yennefer's hand. Yennefer pauses, feeling the softness of the feather. 
"...Before I sign this, I want to know your name, your real name. I have a feeling it isn't 'destiny'" The woman chuckles once again walking behind Yennefer, placing her soft hands onto her shoulders.
"(Y/n), a pleasure to meet you, Yennefer."
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geraltgwynbleidd · 1 year
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Can I hold on
Can I hold on
to you?...
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unicornflowerssss · 1 year
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she’s my everythign
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redanianstupidity · 1 year
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there is no conjuring something from nothing. there is a give and a take.
opinions may differ on this one but im personally glad they kept her death in the show. in the books tissaia is more of a mysterious figure of power and wisdom - her suicide metaphorically represents mages killing themselves my their own hands.
now, in the show the same metaphor stays, but also we saw a much more humane side of her. we saw a woman who gave and fought for her goal and that's aretuza. when yennefer wanted to give up tiss told her how she has so much more to give. The thing is, tissaia did not. but it's done wonderfully. yes, it heartbreaking but when she took her own life she wasn't losing control, she was ending things on her terms. because she knew she gave all she had, in that moment i believe she was content and knew she's leaving the world of magic in the good hands. but her time in it was up. she lived a long life, full of blood and heartbreak, but in the end she made something good, even if almost all of it was destroyed.
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bardcore-jaskier · 2 years
♡ Challenge for Netflix: stop treating Jaskier as comedic relief ♡
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(I made this post piggyback riding off of my last one, like a part two if you will.)
Ok, so you know how Jaskier always seems to get into trouble? And either Geralt and as of season 2, now Yennefer as well, always seem be rescuing him? Even Jaskier himself made a joke about it to our beloved witch.
- "You don't get to play damsel in distress. That's my job."
Sadly, it paints a little bit of an unflattering picture of him to the audience, making many of us wonder (well, not on this side of Tumblr, we know he is a badass motherfucker) about how he survives whenever he is not by a strong witcher's/sorceress's side.
Have you considered though....
That the entire series is written and shot from the POV of ridiculously powerful individuals and Geralt in particular, being the main character of both the books, games & the series, has an extreme savior complex, more so bordering on a martyr complex.
In the Netflix Witcher series and unlike the books: Geralt's friendship with Jaskier started off rocky until he begrudgingly accepted that he can not get rid of the bard, eventually becoming a little fond of him, appreciating Jaskier's loyalty above every other quality Jaskier has, which makes Jaskier easy to trust. (However it is still apparent that their friendship is a little, if not a lot, one-sided)
Obviously Geralt doesn't want Jaskier's death or severe injury on his conscience, which is why he jumps in every time he senses danger, to save him before anything bad happens.
We as the audience only see Netflix's or rather Lauren's version of the story about a scorned hero who has a fragile, trouble magnet, human friend he feels responsible for. When in reality, the only few instances Jaskier wouldn't have survived without outside help were a) the Djinn, b) Rience, c) the opening scenes of Blood Origin.
Other than that, Jaskier is actually a VERY competent person! Alas, not much of that competence was shown on screen, we got mere crumbs of it to be honest. Like how despite being a flowery pacifist, he is braver than most + apparently he is a beefcake too. At 18/19 years old, he wasn't scared of approaching a witcher who at the time, was rumored to be a murderer. He always finds a way to stay lighthearted during the most dire of situations, always getting right back up with a smile or a snide comment after every traumatic experience, as if it never happened. (Is he like immune to PTSD or something? Nothing brings him down.) He even managed to start an elf smuggling operation for fuck's sake!
During the finale episode of season 2, many seasoned witchers died in battle at the hands of Voleth Mier, his chances of surviving were beyond slim. Any other normal human being would have dropped that damn jasper and ran for their life, but not Jaskier! No sir! He crawled his way towards Geralt under a wooden table, as monsters and witchers alike dropped to their deaths around him, all to help his friend!
In the books, Dandelion is presented to us as a smooth talker, able to get himself in and out of almost any kind of trouble with words + charisma alone. He is an Oxenfurt professor, has worked for the Redanian intelligence, he has connections all over the continent.
And I really hope that we will get to see all of that in future seasons, I hope that Geralt's attitude towards him changes, I hope that Jaskier gets the respect he deserves! Because after season 2, I am going to keep watching the series only for Jaskier alone. Also Yennefer. I do not much like Geralt and Ciri in the live adaptation at the moment.
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thedemonofcat · 1 year
Whenever Radovid pays a visit to collect Jaskier, they embark on a delightful date. Radovid has experienced firsthand the fierce protectiveness of Jaskier's unconventional family.
As soon as Radovid knocks on the door, Ciri bombards him with inquiries about his intentions towards Jaskier. Her curiosity is relentless, ensuring that Radovid is fully aware of the consequences of any ill will towards their beloved bard.
Yennefer, not one to mince words, issues a stern warning, threatening to transform Radovid into a helpless rat and crush him under her foot should he dare to harm their cherished troubadour.
Meanwhile, Geralt quietly occupies a corner, meticulously sharpening an imposingly large knife while emitting low growls that send shivers down Radovid's spine. His menacing presence is undeniably terrifying, emphasizing the gravity of the situation.
To say that Radovid is petrified of the formidable Jaskier family would be a colossal understatement. Nevertheless, Jaskier remains blissfully unaware of the underlying tension, thoroughly enjoying their delightful date without a care in the world.
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tribricies · 1 year
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