#yep i still didn't learn english how i wanted
charlesf1leclerc · 1 year
I have no ideas but i love to support writers so here we are
Charles with reader that speaks italian and french fluently, but they're not her first languages. and he didn't know that. So he's Very pleasantly surprised when he hears her talking with the ferrari people in italian. And then with his mom in french and he's all heart eyes for her😌
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Summary- you learn French in order to make a great first impression on Charles family and Charles is over the moon about it 
Warnings- poorly edited , badly translated French, mention of marriage 
Authors note- I hope that this is ok and to your liking 
It was a sunny evening in Monaco you and Charles where on your way over to his mums house for a family dinner. You were quite nervous was you had never met his mum before, you had met his brothers around the paddock and at races but you had yet to meet his mum and your really wanted to make a good impression. You ha doit your nicest dress on and tried to look as classy as possible not wanting to look tacky around the mother of the love of your life. You also had another little trick up your sleeve you had been learning a little bit of French so you could interact with the family in their native language, Charles hadn’t known you had been learning the language and you couldn’t wait to see his face when he found out , you just hoped tou wouldn’t miss pronounce anything cause that would ruin your prefect first impression.
“ here we are “ Charles spoke up
“ it’s really nice, this where you grew up” you inquired
“ yep this is where little Charles lived” 
“ aww it’s so cute”
Charles came around and grabbed your hand as you walked up to the door. He could obviously feel your sweaty palms and he turned to face you before ringing the bell.
“ it’s gonna be ok Cherie, she’s gonna love you, how could she not”
“ yeah it’s just meeting your mum is a big deal I just want to make a good impression”
“ and you will “ he says pulling you into him kissing your temple before ringing the doorbell.
After a few minutes the door finally opened. “Bonjour”
“ bonjour mama” Charles spoke leaning in to kiss his mum on both of her cheeks.
“ et vous devez être o/n” ( and you must be y/n) she spoke turning to you
“Oh mum y/n dosent speak French “ Charles spoke this was your moment 
“ c'est un plaisir de vous rencontrer Mme Leclerc”  ( it’s so nice to meet you Mrs Leclerc ) 
Charles turned to you stunned at the fact you had just spoken such fluent French, he didn’t know you knew how to speak any other language other then English and he wasn’t gonna lie this made him fall in love with you even more. 
“ oh tu parles français “ ( oh you do speak French ) she looked humorously at Charles.
“ juste quelques petites choses alors peut-être ne comptez pas sur mon français pour toute la nuit” ( just a few things so maybe don’t rely on my French for the whole night ) you laughed
“ well anyone nice to meet you dear, come in come let’s go settle inside and get to know each-other.
you and Charles followed her inside. Charles stopped you by grabbing your arm . You turned around to face him.
“ since when could speak French” he looked at you
“ since a couple weeks ago, I learnt some specially for today although I only know a few things I thought I might need to say “ you laughed rocking back on your heels
“ marry me “ he stared at you
You burst out laughing 
“ what”
“ I mean I’m just so in love with you right now , you went to all that just for my family”
“ I mena i love you and I will do whatever for your family to love me”
He pulled you in to kiss your lips
“ your perfect for me” he looked lovingly in your eyes still holding your cheek.
“ you guys ok” Pascale shouted 
“ coming mama” Charles linked his hand with yours as you walked further into the house. It’s safe to say the rest of your French knowledge paid of that night 
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Several Sentences Sunday
Fanonwriter2023 on AO3
Where CANON and FANON collide!
Season 7 FANON Speculation: Buddie Multi-Chapter Fanfic - Hiatus Reading: “I’m still in love with you but... I needed to learn how to love myself too!”
Chapter 19 will be posted soon; hopefully tomorrow.
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Currently 18 chapters completed: 673.4K Words Rated: Mature
One chapter will be posted at a time.
[Previous snippet from WIP Wednesday]
I'm excited to finish writing Chapter 19 because there are only 21 days left until Buck and Eddie get married.
For anyone who hasn't read Chapter 18, here's a brief overview: Since Eddie had to work a 4/10 from Monday through Thursday, Buck and Chris went to the Diaz family's Thanksgiving celebration without him. After Helena was rude to Buck the Sunday before the holiday, he was completely nervous about the way everyone else would treat him too and he hoped he wouldn't end up standing in the backyard alone but Eddie reassured him the Diazes would love him. Also, Eddie, Buck, Adriana, Antonio and Sophia had a meeting with Helena the day after Thanksgiving and the proverbial $hit hit the fan.
Buck and Eddie will tie the knot before Christmas 2023 but they are NOT getting married in the U.S. and they won't have a wedding ceremony until May 2024. They've revealed their relationship, their engagement and the fact that they're going to Europe to their found family during the 118's Thanksgiving dinner and now to Eddie's parents, his sisters, his abuela and Tia Pepa but they didn't tell them everything. No one knows they're getting married in three weeks, not even Chris because they haven't told him yet.
Have they revealed their relationship, engagement and European vacation to everyone or is there someone else who'll find out in Chapter 19? 👀
Here's another snippet from Chapter 19 of Buck and Eddie being romantically fluffy while they're lying in bed.
Eddie says, “You know I’m right here by your side and I’ll support whatever decision you make.”
“I know and you know I’ll do the same for you.”
“I do know.”  He emphatically admits. With their faces only millimeters apart, he asks, “Have I told you how much I love you?”
“You have but uh… I always love to hear you say it and I’ll never get tired of hearing those words come from your lips.”
“Ti amo cosi tanto.”  [“I love you so much.”]
“Ti amo con tutto il cuore! " [“I love you with all of my heart.”]  Buck replies then he leans in and French kisses his fiancé.
They get lost in it and as they gasp and moan into it, Eddie begins to roll his tongue and Buck feels like he’s entered a realm of pure unadulterated ecstasy. 
He rolls onto his back and gently maneuvers Eddie so that he’s on top of him.  Every part of him wants to feel Eddie and he longs for the next 19 days to pass quickly because they’re getting married and on the night of December 17th, their emotional, physical and romantic intimacies are going to collide and it’ll be spectacular.
He breaks the kiss, moves his head to the side so their cheeks are pressed together and whispers, “Fai l’amore con me!” into his ear.
Eddie leans back so he can meet Buck’s eyes, he furrows his eyebrows and says, “My love… I’m still waiting for you to tell me what…”  He trails off because the alarm sounds and it interrupts them.
He thinks the timing of the alarm sounding sucks since they are in the middle of making out and he’s trying to find out what the new Italian phrase Buck said means in English.
Instead of translating it, Buck kisses his neck then lays his head back onto the pillow and gazes into his eyes.  He lifts his hand and cups Eddie’s cheek then replies, “I promise I’ll tell you what it means after we get to Rome and we’re back at the villa”.
“I love you.”
“I love you too… so much.”
Since the alarm is still sounding, Eddie silences it but he leans in and kisses Buck one more time because he can.  After they break it, he says, “19 more days”.
“Yep, only 19 more days.”
Will Eddie find out what "Fai l’amore con me!” means in English before they leave for Rome? 🤷🏽‍♀️
Fic Summary: Months after Buck and Eddie were hit by the same lightning strike; they’re still struggling with the aftermath of it.  But before they make their love confessions, they’ll spend time getting to know themselves as individuals first. Eddie learns to enjoy the simple things in life as he participates in activities on his own and with new friends while Buck learns the rest of the 31-year-old deep dark family secret about his conception and birth. Their journey to forever is still a work in progress but once they finally admit they’re in love with each other, everything that follows their love confessions will be cataclysmic.
Chapter Summaries
Chapter 1 - Eddie makes a new friend while Buck receives devastating news regarding the sperm donation he made for Connor and Kameron.
Chapter 2 - Buck does a lot of research to learn more about the abnormalities found in his red blood cells and Eddie starts a new therapy journey that’s all about him and not the traumas he’s experienced.
Chapter 3 - After more than a month, Buck and Eddie finally spend time together outside of work but it doesn’t end well and they part with a lot of uncertainty regarding their places in each other’s lives.
Chapter 4 - Eddie has a few realizations about his life which causes him to consider moving back to El Paso, TX while Buck continues to be reminded of his past which causes him to take an impromptu road trip across America.
Chapter 5 - Both Buck and Eddie have difficult conversations with their parents and Buck finally learns the truth behind the reason why his mother despised him while Eddie finally tells his mother about the way she tries to control him.
Chapter 6 - More than two weeks after Buck pushed Eddie away after suggesting they needed a break; Eddie decides to try again. Eddie’s there for Buck when he’s at his worst just like Buck was there for him when he was at his worst and he won’t let Buck give up.
Chapter 7 - After Buck’s mental breakdown, Eddie has his back the same way Buck had his when he had his own breakdown more than a year ago.  They share several vulnerable and emotionally intimate moments with one another and they begin to realize their small, sweet and caring gestures matter just as much if not more than any grand gesture ever could because these are the foundations of a long-lasting love relationship.
Chapter 8 - Buck, Eddie and Chris all have their own therapists and during their sessions, they reflect on their pasts while they’re in the present so they can prepare for their future together as a family.
Chapter 9 - Buck and Eddie are there for each other when Buck has to testify as a witness during the trial.  But by the end of it, they’ll both realize their individual and shared traumas are going to keep resurfacing until they talk about them, deal with the fact that they’re in love with one another and face the fact that they can’t live without each other.
Chapter 10 - As Buck and Eddie finally begin to confront their past traumas, they realize how much they need each other to fill in the gaps of their memories.  Additionally, the universe screams at them for what appears to be the one hundredth time so Buck can realize he doesn’t have to ‘find it’ because he already ‘made it’ and Eddie’s reminded tomorrow isn’t promised and he doesn’t have to die alone if he doesn’t want to.
Chapter 11 - A “virga” or dry thunderstorm is in the forecast but once the rain starts, the thunderstorm happening outside won’t be able to match the storm brewing inside between Buck and Eddie.  It’s the universe’s final scream and when the tumultuous winds begin to blow, they’ll have one last chance to hold onto everything they’ve built over the last six years or they’ll lose it all forever.
Chapter 12 - Buck and Eddie have always shared a deep physical attraction and an emotional intimacy that’s unmatched but now that they’re in a relationship, they’re learning how to navigate the romantic intimacy they’ve been waiting for six years to explore. The love they have for each other is a once in a lifetime, soulmate, love of their lives type of love that transcends space and time.
Chapter 13 - While navigating the newness of their romantic relationship, Buck and Eddie take advantage of every moment they spend together. As their individual lives, people from their pasts, time constraints and the possibility of losing each other again make attempts to interrupt and interfere with their journey to forever, they love, care for, support and hold onto each other even tighter to withstand it all.
Chapter 14 - Buck and Eddie can see the lights at the end of the tunnels regarding the results of Buck’s Cancer Screening along with everything else they’re dealing with. But are the lights they see exits to the tunnels or are they headlights on different runaway trains that are speeding towards them in an effort to interrupt their forever?
Chapter 15 - Buck and Eddie have known they were exactly who the other one wanted in a partner since they met six years ago when they agreed to have each other’s backs. They’re in a romantic relationship, they’re both preparing to ask the other one to spend forever with them and by the end of the seventh week into their relationship, together they will plan their most important and greatest adventure for their future.
Chapter 16 - As Buck and Eddie begin to prepare for their marriage ceremony that will take place in Rome, Italy in December 2023, they start planning their first international adventure as a romantic couple. Even though Chris is still the only person they’ve told about their relationship, several people who know them have already witnessed the love they share and as the days continue, others will witness it too.
Chapter 17 - As Buck and Eddie get closer to departing Los Angeles for their international adventure, a moment in time will remind them; life is fragile, tomorrow isn’t promised and every second of everyday should be cherished because everything can change in an instant.  The result of that realization will cause them to hold onto each other even more.
Chapter 18 - As Buck, Eddie and Chris prepare for family gatherings before and during the Thanksgiving holiday, the “Santa Ana Winds” start to blow and all sorts of expected and unexpected familial drama ensues.
Chapter 19 - Will be posted soon.
Read chapters 1-18 are available on AO3.
Continue reading on AO3
Chapter 19 will be posted soon. My goal is to post it tomorrow. I'm currently proofreading and editing it.
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Lee muichiro and Lers uzui + rengoku?
YES!! More lee!Muichiro!! I love him, of course!
Warning: This fanfic contains tickles. Also remind them that I don't speak English, so if they find any errors, let me know to correct it. I hope you like it!
Lee: Muichiro Tokito
Lers: Uzui Tengen and Kyojuro Rengoku
'You know what I'm glad for? Giyuu now doesn't behave as badly as before, now he is calmer and says a few more words' 'MHM! I agree with what you say! Tomioka is a more sociable boy now!', Rengoku and Tengen would have continued with that conversation, if not for a small boy who interrupted them.
'Where is Tomioka?' 'Oh, Muichiro! We haven't seen Tomioka yet! Kocho probably knows where he is! I know that the two of them had a mission together!', Muichiro only walked away from them without saying more.
'Hey, now what do I realize... Muichiro, he doesn't remove that expression from his face, he's still the same even though he and Giyuu are close, he's happy but he doesn't smile...' 'I understand what you're saying! And I know how we can help you! If you know what I mean!', yep, poor Muichiro would be pretty busy laughing over these 2
They were looking for Muichiro for almost 15 minutes and they were already giving up, until they heard footsteps close to them. Muichiro was walking hugging Tomioka again, it didn't seem strange to them, as they said, now they were very close
'Oh! muichiro! There you are! We wanted to ask you something!' 'What do you want?', Muichiro didn't move away from Giyuu, although he told him to come closer and try to be kinder, only after a few seconds he approached them, crossing his arms.
'What's happening?' 'Muichiro, we wanted to tell you that you should learn from Tomioka! Now he is happier! But, you now look like his old self, come on! A little smile', with their fingers, they both formed a smile on their lips, giving or trying to give an example, Muichiro looked at them confused and for him, he was wasting time with which he could be with Giyuu
'No? So! Group hug!' 'Hey...? Oh no! Mui!', Muichiro heard Tomioka very late, as he was lifted up by Uzui and thrown into the skies, as if he were a small child. Tomioka felt sorry for Muichiro, he did not know what awaited him
'Hey? Why did your fingers dig into my sides?', Tengen and Rengoku looked at each other, wasn't it ticklish? Maybe he wasn't there, or he was trying to hold on.
'Mmm I see! It's true! We must go on until we make you laugh!' 'I agree Kyo! Come on Muichiro, give us a smile!', for almost 3 minutes they tried to make him laugh, but Muichiro seemed to feel nothing, Tengen and Rengoku saw each other again, it was not giving any results
Rengoku thought for a moment, until he saw Giyuu make a strange movement with his hands, it was as if he was pretending that his touch was soft, then he pointed at Muichiro and crossed his arms. Rengoku whispered to Tengen, they already knew what to do
'Ehehehe? Rehehengoku-sahahan! Whahahat are you dohohoing?' 'Ooh!! It worked!! Check it out! Quiet Mui! You are in good hands!' Of course very good hands...
'Nihihi-chahahan! Hehehelp! It's fehehehell weheheird!' 'I don't think Tomioka wants to be in your situation, right?', Giyuu placed both hands on his ribs as he laughed nervously and blushed little by little.
'I think that as a child, his belly is probably his worst place!' 'There's only one way to find out~', 3 hands placed on his belly, Muichiro yelled and hit Tengen's chest with his head when he jerked it back, trying to break free, it didn't budge an inch.
'NAHAHAT THEHEHEHERE!! HOW?! WAHAHAIT! UZUI-SAN! RENGOKU-SAN! STAHHAHHAHAP!! EHEHEHEHE!!' 'Good! We are advancing! I hope you remember this Mui or else we'll be forced to remind you daily and I don't think you want that~', just by seeing Giyuu they'll know they keep their word to keep people happy.
'OKAHAHAY!! I WIHIHILL!! I SWEHEHEHEAR!! PLEHEHEHAHAHAHAHHAHSE STAHHAHHAHAP!! I'M... HAHAHHAHAHA!' 'OHHH I think he forgot the term~ it means you're ticklish, right? Are you a ticklish baby? Does the baby like to be tickled in his belly? How about in your bellybutton? Would you like that? I know yes, I know yes~', poor Muichiro
Just by placing a finger near his navel, Tengen again earned another headbutt from Muichiro and Rengoku had to dodge Muichiro's powerful kicks, who was begging them to stop.
'Uzui, I want to play there too!' 'Forget it! I'll do it first, wait your turn!' 'STAHHAHHAHAP!! *squeals* NIHIHIHI - CHAAAN!! HEEEELP!!', as Uzui and Kyojuro discussed who would take Muichiro's belly button for, Giyuu slipped away, giving Rengoku a squeeze on his hips and Tengen on his armpits, releasing Muichiro.
'Come on Mui! And pray we don't get caught!' 'Well well, you love to laugh, don't you? Come here!', Giyuu picked up Muichiro and ran off as fast as he could, with Tengen and Kyojuro hot on his heels and making him hinder with their taunts, in the end they escaped, or so Uzui and Rengoku said...
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xxdumbblondexx · 2 years
---Additional Learning Support---
2 - Do I really have to go?
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Master list --- Next --- Previous
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You entered the library, the scent of old books assaulting your senses. Inside was dead silent and empty. Barely any students came here and almost none stayed after school. With that in mind, it wasn’t hard to find the table. There were already three people there chatting quietly as they set out their things. “Is this ALS?” You asked once you’d reached the table, tiredly rubbing at your eyes. The first one to greet you was a blonde with longish hair that almost met his shoulders. “It is. I’m Albedo, the tutor. Guessing you’re [name]?” “Great guess.” You answered, overly sarcastic, “Where do I sit?” Your eyes turned to the table and the two others that sat there, rolling your bag off your shoulder. “Wherever you want.” His voice was plain, boring as he scribbled something down on a notebook. You threw your bag on one of the open chairs before taking the one next to it. You felt the two others gaze as you unpacked your bag, taking a notebook and some of the loose pens out. You took your phone out for a second, seeing the slightly encouraging messages from your friend and instantly getting a headache. The next person joined the table, a dude with dark black hair, who said little more than his name- Xiao -before taking a seat. “When does this thing end?” You asked, typing away to Childe. He was usually on time so that meant you didn't need to spend another second in this hell hole. “Five. It runs for two hours.” You could feel the nerves of annoyance pinch into your forehead. “Greaaaat.”
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By the time you lifted your head from your phone, the one other had arrived. Albedo scribbled a few more things down on his notepad before taking a seat of his own. “Right. I think it’s time to start.” He frowned at the notebook before him before shaking his head and looking up at the group. “As you all know, I'm Albedo, your student tutor. Can you all please take it in turns to stand up, introduce yourself and say what lessons you're taking.” A communal sigh left the group's lips before the first stood up from his seat. “I’m Aether. I’m taking maths, english language and applied science.” before he sat down again. Shit. He was in your class. How had you never noticed him?! To be fair you never paid attention in that class anyway but still. You thought you knew everyone in the class. The next one stood up, unsteady on his feet as a grin met his lips. He giggled a little before saying. “Hi, I'm Kazuha. I take music, English lit and lang.” He was clearly on something. “I’m Heizou. I take Criminology and law, forensic science and Sociology.” He was in your class too! For god sake! How many more were there?! And how did you miss some of them? For guys, they were all pretty good looking. Haut, as some of your friends would class them. You felt eyes move to you, finding that they were waiting for you to introduce yourself. Part of you wanted to throw up at the thought and yet you still stood up. “I’m [name]. I take Sociology, History and Applied science.” You try to take your seat again before the guy from before- Heizou -asked, “You’re Childe’s sister, right?” The taste of blood met your tongue with how hard you had been biting the inside of your cheek. Yet all you did was nod your head and say, “Yep. Got an issue with that?” A smirk met his lips as he shook his head, allowing you to throw yourself down in your chair while the next person stood up. “Xiao. Maths, IT and Psy--” A door slamming interrupted his introduction, followed by an equally loud, “Fuck off!” Coming from a guy walking through the library door. “Aww, come on Kuni, I just want to make sure you don't try and run away again.” A second voice came from the crack in the door as he gave it an extra hard kick to keep it shut. “Piss off Yae!” Yet all the woman did was giggle as the boy dragged himself from the door. “Have fun.” Was her taunting last words. He marched his way to the table and to the only open chair that was currently being occupied by your bag. “Move your bag.” He hissed, his face red with anger. “Pull up a chair.” You answered, unbothered by his obvious rage. “More your bag!” This time he yelled, almost spitting the words. “Pull up a chair!” You yelled back, choosing not to back down from his scowl. “Take my chair.” Heizou said, getting up and dragging his stuff away. And the baby was satisfied. And so were you. That was until Heizou picked your bag up and dropped it right into your lap. “Twat.” You grumbled as he pulled his chair in. “Right, now that everyone is here, let's continue.”
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Hiyaaa <3
Second one, wooooooooo
I don't know how regular these will be but I have it mainly stocked up to around the 11th chapter. It's just a matter of sorting them out and organising everything but it should be on a 3-5 day basis. Fingers crossed.
Remember to have your say [HERE]
Thanks for reading x
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Lets talk about the Jimbocho book haul! This was a vacation, not a research trip or anything, so I didn't have set goals - instead I just explored and found things that looked interesting or were attached to my interests and seemed “cool” to own. And that strategy worked surprisingly well:
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I will as always highlight just a few of them - if you want me to deep dive one of them, shoot me a message. First up we have the "Erotic Newspaper '97 Highlights", a completely-out-of-nowhere find.
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Which right out the gate, really pushing my limits here on the "getting banned" front; I don't even know the rules anymore. Made by the circle 児童販売鬼/Juvenile Sales Demon (!), it is this style of “doujin omnibus” that was decently common in the earlier areas and is sometimes still made today; blending essays, personal rants, art, and full comics, often even on to the same page. And of course, this is about ero-doujin, so that blend gets pretty intense sometimes!
But as an “anime fandom “ researcher documents like these are absolute gold mines. The opening page discusses the late 90’s “bubble” in ero-doujin publications, possible legislative action against hentai being discussed that everyone is worried about, and even has that classic otaku identity tic of politicizing their own identity, mentioning a “Rights for Eromanga!” slogan going around (which it cautions against). It seems like a great biased-but-expansive view of the state-of-play in eromanga circles at the time, which few other documents can give you. Primary sources, baby.
Additionally, amoung its topics it has some sections about Evangelion:
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And even a section on Utena:
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Yeah that entire bottom corner's just... it just has got to go. I am unsure if this is something I will ever scan - its really niche, and being a porn archivist is not really my goal. But I hope to do a full read and post a summary someday.
Next up in a similar vein, I have a copy of Fanroad Magazine from 1996!
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Fanroad Magazine was similar to the Comic Box magazine I have discussed before, in that it collected art & essays from fans about the shows of the day and gave them a place for their voice to be heard. Before the internet this was the only real way to do that en masse; by the 2000’s these magazines would almost all die out as social media replaced them. Fanroad was one of the most popular, having highly structured sections, detailed questionnaires for submitters, in-jokes, the works. And of course this edition was a bit of a targeted buy, as the cover surely gives away - Fanroad released a few issues focused on Evangelion, and this is one of them:
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I might scan this one, but first I will give it a read and see how interesting the takes are - it had so much cute fan art though, valuable for that alone.
Next up is a very quick and personal one: Comic Cue Vol 4. Which…what even is this, I imagine you are thinking:
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Comic Cue was an off-beat one-shot manga anthology magazine that ran through the 90’s into the 2000's, often focusing, not on hentai, but that middle-ground “erotically charged” narrative stories or comedy shots. Its covers were often just insane - no clue why this cover is in English, none of the magazine is. This one is of interest to me, however, because amoung Volume 4’s submissions is:
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Yoshiyuki Sadamoto’s Dirty Work one-shot. Yep, thats right, from the random-deep dive essay I put together analyzing a single line of dialogue Sadamoto wrote for Mamimi in FLCL. Now I own the fucker. That's cool! I like that. I am really proud of that essay due to how much I learned from it, writing about a topic whose specificity seemed like it would be impossible to get that much out of; so owning the actual manga is it centered on feels special.
Speaking of niche Ash-writing references!
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We have “Girl’s Life on the Flat Battlefield”, the Kyoko Okazaki Artbook made for an exhibit done on her back in 2015, the cover of which I featured in my essay about the proper translation of “battlefield” from River’s Edge. This is an amazing book in its own right though - its content is so diverse. It has essays from her and from other writers about her work that I hope to read. It has beautiful art compositions and solo pieces:
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It has recreations of the actual drafts of her manga as she made them - showcasing things like how she would type up the dialogue and cut-and-paste the printed text into the bubbles, the normal way that was done in the pre-digital composition era:
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It has this one section by a contributing artist of photographs of “otaku edgy women” and stuff, amazing documentary work:
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I see you, Gunbuster figurine on the table! This is probably the best book-as-a-book I found; I highly recommend it to any Kyoko Okazaki fan for the depth of coverage it has on both her work and the context of her work.
You can see some others of course - I found a few copies of magazines like Newtype and Animage from when they covered FLCL! I would like the Catch Them All - these are all generally scanned & archived already of course, so its just for fun. You can see another book on Okazaki, a really cool academic book on the history of magazines and fanzines in Japanese subculture, and the Gothic & Lolita Bibles that Partner is quite excited about. I am very happy with what I found; there is a beauty in the serendipity of these things. Of course I could have searched Yahoo Auctions for a copy of the Okazaki book, I knew exactly what it was. But stumbling on it in a floor-level cubby while my hands were already stacked with magazines and nearly dropping them in surprise is the magic of the physical bookstore in its fullness. It has its own value that the book itself can’t possess.
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fantomette22 · 1 year
Can you make the top of all Byrgenwerth scholars from least to most smart, responsible student? I know your Laurence doubles as a teacher but I think he counts as a student too iirc. And maybe describe more about how they behave in the class
Oh following this post I'm guessing.
Well I'm really bad at choice and making top/choose an order. But I can try XD
Also being "smart" or intelligent is really subjectif and depend on way too many things. Plus you know some school system are really not well made for some people. Clearly I don't wanna do a huge 4h essay on that so I will just go with who have the worst to best grades x)
As for the responsible ones who do all their classes/homeworks + have a serious attitude in class. I might add outside class to difference them too XD
Grades : So I tried to make an order but it really depend sometimes it depends of the classes/ years really.
Rom : Poor girl got the lowest grade ;-; she's trying hard. In some subject she have good marks but in the general stuff it's just above the average if not really low. University is not super adapt to her. Also got you see 8km2 fanart (I love it) well I got inspired and that's what happen to her. Everyone train her but it didn't work in the end 😭 Also in high school my notes in maths were so bad because it's harder in scientific field. I pass my big 18y diploma with 7/20 in maths help. But hey in got like 11/20 at university and I think above 15 in my sandwich course so believe in your dreams!
Gehrman : So for me, while the other are students he's closer to a "free auditor" Idk how you call that in English : he can joined some really specific conferences and listen to those classes but don't have exam on it. But he was a students alongside Laurence, I guess he got a basic diploma perhaps (or none) but it would be useless. He didn't got the best of grades too but he try! he often asked Laurence for help about things or terms he didn't understood while in class. He had a decent education for a Yharnamite and always read tons of books as a child but he only get to Byrgenwerth after working a few years abroad as a young adult (when he got enough money to pay for a few classes after a few years). He really wanted to just learn things more than exceed really.
This 3 next are pretty average too and good. I am unsure for the order as well so not sure it mean too much :
Ludwig : Ludwig is stronger in sportive and outside class for exemple but still have decent results.
Damian : Damian is basically the normal average students possible but I think might be quite good too
Charles : (my dear cainhurst oc) he had great results too but you know he didn't push himself too much as well.
Maria /Laurence : Unsure which one to put above (Laurence perhaps? I mean he got a doctorate so if you look at it that way) they both had really great results and a good scholarship in general. Plus it also depends the years. What I mean by that is that Laurence first years were not great at all then excel later on. Maria had great results since the beginning but without wanting to reveal to much a semester was quite a mess for her... then it got better again.
Micolash : I guess Mico would be quite smart yeah? (maybe a bit above in the top idk) Like he could have a big ego but he would right lmao. So I'm unsure where he's placed but yep good grades for Mico.
Caryll is a gifted student of course they got the best grades most of the time.
Not counting Willem but I guess he had quite good results, Liam (gatekeeper) would be moderate like Patches if he make effort probably and poor Dores know lot of stuff and procedure but don"t ask her to write an essay she will probably eat the paper from anger XD
Responsible students : I'm really unsure how to class them soi'm doing my maximum here XD
Patches is probably the worst responsible person ever...but more like not responsible for his actions senses XD
Charles : You know the cool guy who don't pay attention all the time in class, go on many parties, show off attitude still got good results? yep it's him.
Laurence : basically the same as Charles as the beginning of his scholarship if not worse. But his grades were bad. He got his things together after a while thankfully. thank you Gehrman, again Still he still miss a few homeworks and didn't went to all his class and didn't pay attention everytime XD but hey he made it! (That's why he can't be too mad at students who don't listen he did worst XD)
Ludwig/Maria/Caryll : I guess when Caryll don't day dream and forgot a homework they're serious and on point XD same for Ludwig. Maria rarely miss a a thing too. But this 3 do get in troubles sometimes XD and it's generally big mess over their comprehension
Rom/Micolash : Well for Rom, daddy is literally the headmaster so um... (I know it's not an excuse, Laurence is like the adoptive son and miss class at first and all but still)... So yeah even if it's hard she try to do things as much as possible. The only times she missed classes (besides your typical appointment/being sick) is when she need to go save her friends's ass from weird bugs & spiders XD the excuses Mico, Damian & patches yes came up with so she could exit class are always gold! And I think Mico always almost did his things like a nice lil students.
Gehrman/ Damian : You know the parent/ big sibling of the group? XD they almost never missed a class and try to do every work.If Damian ever miss smt it's the other fault and probably Micolash's
And how they behave in class? Well I think I already talk about it earlier, a lot are calm, in group it's a mess XD or some get bored and do smt else. Sorry I will probably develop more an other day perhaps or if I wrote about it well it will be more detailed that day!
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fanficwriter284 · 2 years
This is when Carolus was brought back for 24 hours
"So Carolus and Chucky?"
"We, were wondering if you guys wanted to do like an interview or like a childhood recap and to see how well you know each other"
"Just out of curiosity"
Chucky squinted hi eyes, however he could deny his Slap, Carolus piped up.
"SURE! Sounds like fun!"
"Ok question one who is the older twin?"
"Yeah Charles is the oldest"
"Ok, when you two were growing up, what was the worst thing Chucky ever did in school? And say your answer on three"
The twin brother just sat thinking.
"What did I do.... I don't remember...uhhh"
"One Two Three"
"I remember at the time Charles, got into a fight with some kid, and he ended up breaking the guys arm"
"OOOHHHH Yeah now I remember, lucky my ass didn't get expelled"
"Well you were like the quiet and shy kid, nobody expected you to fight somebody...I still remember why you attacked that kid"
"Course I do, he was picking on me and you just snapped"
"...Oh yeah"
"What did Chucky want to be when he was younger and the same question to you Chucky for Carolus"
"Oh Charles wanted to be an engineer or a mathematician. Something like that"
"Really? Damn Chucky you really were a nerd"
"...Asshole....but anyways Carolus wanted to be a cop, or an electrician I think"
"Who learned English first?"
"Yep! Me. I still remember the plane ride to the US"
"Yeah I do to that shit was traumatic, one kid wouldn't shut up. And whatever those ladies are called that give you drinks? She scared the hell out of me"
"Why? She seemed nice. Probably you didn't understand what she was saying"
"Neither did you"
"I understood bits"
"Alright final question, ending on a wholesome note, what are the best qualities Chucky has in a brother Carolus and Chucky what are the best qualities Carolus has as a brother"
"Brace yourselves because this shit is about to get sappy. Well, Caro was always very sweet, and actually cared about me. He bothered listening, which was nice, and he always knew how to cheer me up..."
"Aw how sweet. Well for Chucky he was very protective, stood up for me, understanding, bold, kind, goofy, and always knew how to be there for me"
"Yeah yeah yeah, I was like his wing man, I got him to ask out a girl he like...what was her name?"
"Lily.....I wonder how she's doing now......it's been so long"
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Wow, I'm such a b****. Rereading that last post, and it's almost like I'm on the brink of emotional cheating? Slandering my ally, my best friend, mother of my daughter? And for what exactly? Because she was having a rough day and didn't give me enough attention on my birthday? I mean I know I'm just here trying to put my emotions into words and it's anonymous, but all that I wrote last time is out there on the internet. And it is disrespectful to my wife and the integrity of our relationship. No, I need to correct it. To anybody who reads my posts and happens to have read the last one, about me crying like a little b**** about how I'm "giving", and the good guy, and all needy and self-absorbed and craving attention on my birthday, you have to know the other side of the story. I need to put the next part of that story out, and own up to how wrong and petty I was last time! Obviously, this one is going to be about some self reflection I guess and making things right. So please bear with me!
A big part of being a good parent is to understand and accept when you are wrong, unlearn those things and try and learn a new better way of doing that thing. Like, one example, my therapist addresses her SO as "partner" . It was new to me, and I immediately assumed she maybe had a non-straight (hope that's PC) relationship/marriage and that's why addressed her SO as "partner". Then, she talked about her kids, I thought, maybe she is actually in a straight marriage with kids! Now, that's interesting to my curious mind! English is not my first language, so I usually tend to address my SO as "wife", that's not the only reason though, is it? I grew up in a traditional family with a culturally patriarchal social system. So, there was this system of hierarchy or authority at home, an unwritten corporate ladder in a way. The father/husband/man-of-the-house was number one, the guy on top who makes the final call, who has the power to veto any other decision. Then there's the mother/wife/equally-responsible-for-proper-functioning-of-house-but-still-for-some-reason-number-2. I suddenly started thinking that, the word wife represents this outdated idea and family structure ... like it has a certain tone? or paints a certain picture in your mind? And I haven't even started talking about same sex marriages - husband and wife? Felt wrong on many levels! But "partner"? Yep that sounds perfect and complete and inclusive if you ask me. My wife/partner has an equal/a huge role to play in the proper functioning of our house, my daughter sees that, I want her to see that I see that, we need to acknowledge and appreciate it. Yes, she's my partner. We are 50-50 in everything.
Now with that out of the way, about my birthday, Tumblr gave me a nice gift on that day! Or rather the person who commented on my previous post! I am new to Tumblr and I don't know if I can tag you or something, but the person who commented on my previous post? If you're reading this one and have had the patience to read until here (lol) THANK YOU! Just knowing that someone out there actually read my long posts? AND connected and related with it, commented positive responses on it? I swear you brought a tear to my eye! Looks like I'm not absolutely alone in these day to day struggles?
Anyway back to the story, I slept after making that post, the next morning, I literally opened my eyes to my partner standing there with a big smile on her face wishing me "happy birthday". Yep, I was so happy, delighted even - but I just said thanks with a small smile and walked away, why? Obviously, the man-child in me had to throw a tantrum, and my bipolar a** had to escalate and drag the situation more than it was supposed to, right? Inevitable, no?
She went downstairs without a word, I went in for my regular read-stuff-on-phone-on-the-pot-for-40-minutes routine, and read the comments on my post. I took away quite a few things from just those few simple words, kind stranger.
you are right, about the giving and reciprocating thing being a personality trait, 100% agreed. I just made that woman joke to try and keep things light, I guess? I have been watching Bill Burr lately, maybe that influenced my humor a little, lol? Jokes aside, I agree with you, because I myself am not a very emotionally expressive person. Maybe my untreated illnesses or just being busy in the grind for making a better life and career, I guess I never properly paid attention to learning emotional regulation, healthy coping mechanisms, etc. I'm not that giving myself either - it takes me a lot to trust someone and be vulnerable with them. One week I'm all giving and all touchy and the next I'll not utter a word. But all that is changing - a combination of getting a proper diagnosis to understand my own behavior patterns, good medication, a good therapist and generally just a new perspective to life after becoming a parent, has grounded me and I'm trying to become more emotionally stable, cope better, manage expectations. With all that being said, I think I have to emphasize how kind of a person my partner is, how giving she is and how receptive she is. Yes, I was down and sad that she was distant, but it's the circumstances and not the person. There are a lot of factors for her to behave the way she did. Don't forget, she's the mother of a really hyperactive 2 year old who has serious strangers anxiety right now and is clingy to her mother all the time, until she sleeps! And over that, household chores, a high stress job, a man-child husband acting like a fool. Moreover, it's not my information to share, so to put it vaguely, her family has suffered a major trauma this year, so she still had some knowing bag days from that incident. And that kind of justifies her trying to be there for her sister. And it's not like she completely ignored my thing either. So, I guess it's ok for her to be checked out sometimes? This is on me - I knew all these facts and circumstances, but I was not consciously aware of them. That or/and me being a little self absorbed and excited in my own head about my birthday.
And yes, capitalism+job is a factor! But guess who she is working hard for? Our family. I know for a fact, that she wasn't sitting there working at 9PM after putting a 2 year old to sleep, regular household chores, because she wanted to. I wouldn't want her to quit or lose her job, I mean if she wanted to willingly quit, yes. Her income is important for us to provide the best possible future for our child. Hell I'm not even ashamed to admit, that her job, and in turn a consequence of capitalism and wealth is giving me a good life! We have both lived with literally bare necessities when we first moved to this country. We worked hard and have been tremendously lucky to be living with relative financial privilege now. She has worked really hard and deserves to be in this position, this career and she has every right to put in as much effort as she wanted and I should be supporting her, and I will! And again, selfishly admitting, her job is helping us live a better quality of life, and I like it and appreciate it.
Wow drifted away again, coming back to my birthday. After all the potty introspection and enlightenment I headed downstairs, and found her sitting on the sofa silently crying and trying to sort herself out as soon as she realized I was going to walk in. But I saw her. It broke my heart, always does. I walked over to her, and tried to console her. Over she was calm, I tried to express what I was feeling, again thanks to my therapist, I was able to have a really civil and calm conversation, express what affected me, listen, like really listen to what she had to say, her feelings and emotions, and we resolved our differences. Before therapy and medication, this was one of those situations which could easily blow up into a full blown argument or fight and me getting angry, oof! Toxic.. Untreated mental illnesses are hell, but with the right help and support and understanding people around (who love you unconditionally and support your, even though they are directly or indirectly constantly affected by the illness), everybody has a chance to live the ideal life they want to.
I asked her, if we should still go out? I mean should we just stay in and relax or something? Cool down? She said she had been planning for this day for weeks, so we got ready to leave. She asked me if she could get a hug, and I just felt like we should hold off until the end of the day - please don't misunderstand me. I wasn't being petty or mean or anything, I wanted that hug so badly. But all my instincts told me we should wait. She understood. Then we went out on this amazing drive, with beautiful scenes and sunlight and ocean breeze.. Then this hidden gem of a restaurant in the middle of nowhere, with beautiful waterfront views, just special. On our way back the moment arrived which just called for a hug, and that's it felt well earned, valuable and precious. Trying to put that feeling into words is impossible so I'm just going to leave it at that.
Obviously, paapu missed out on this, even though it was our date, lovers private time, we still felt guilty. So we took her out for dinner as well, and I just had such an amazing day. Nothing flashy or fancy, no parties, no surprises, no expensive gifts. Just valuable time with my girls. Especially the big one, we needed that, we both needed that.
So what is this post really about? Am I too emotionally fragile? Am I too immature for a 33 year old father of a 2 year old? Am I bad SO? Do I trip too much about unnecessary stuff? Am I a bad person for bad mouthing my soul mate? The only person in the world who knows me? My confidante? Or is all this just bipolar disorder? Or is all just normal? We have struggled a lot to be together, struggled a lot to stay together, because of both internal and external factors. We had to pass through so many storms, we have stuck with each other, out of choice - no matter what. To the point that our interdependence has become scary even, and then without any regard for all of that, I made an angry post about some silly birthday of mine. We are still going to have disagreements, and fights even, but try not to make her cry and cut down a little on narcissism? Anyway, to anybody who's reading this, what's your takeaway? Do you feel like punching me, or sympathizing or disappointed or just feel like "this guy is just having another normal day"?
What else? Obviously, I have to talk about the other girl - that little lump of joy? It's becoming a mean little girl. She's mean, dude! Toddlers are so mean. She has started to revolt now, freaking small person! How the hell are they so emotionally intelligent yet so utterly helpless? In case it's not already clear from my last few posts, I'm the parent who says no much more, so nowadays, whenever I say a stern no, she literally looks in my eyes and does that action - like wtaf! Like, she was taking out tissues from a box, I said take out just one please? She took out one. Then she reached in to get another one out, I called out and politely said "no! Didn't we agree that we will take only one?". The little meanie, looked right in my eye, and while continuously staring into my eyes, blank expression on her face, she reached into the box and pulled out as many papers as would come out. TWICE! Everybody says parenting is hard, talk about sleepless nights, physical exhaustion, moral dilemmas. But nobody prepares you for the simple fact, that kids are proper a-holes to their parents. I sincerely apologize for saying it, but it's true. They just want to see your breaking point for every small thing. Terrible twos? Ya, just started for me, and the signs don't look encouraging, but onwards we go, learning as the challenges come. Managed it till here, we'll see whatever comes next! Until next time!
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flowerbatscanon · 1 year
!! First post !! it's just a short fanfic thing also erm English isn't my first language so yeah l Ain't good at writing
Part one of something ldek
so uhm t-tw trans fem miles morales and..o-oc x canon ☹️
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Very silly goobers
(⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) !!
Ahh , yes just the nice and quiet night just nothing there to destroy this ever lasting silence that was laid upon the city at this hour surely nothing bad w-
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— “a random girl..from a portal?! What is this harry potter!“ Gabby thought to herself as she put on her mask and tried to investigate, she was standing on top of a building pretty high up so she had a good view of her visitor
Miles got up and groaned in pain there was no need for that stupid portal machine to throw her hard like calm down jesus! She cleaned herself up just a little bit , she started to tremble as this universe was wayyy too cold for her liking l mean she really wishes she had went with a suit design that had fur for sure!
—"ugh it's cold! And my suit is all damaged.." she just muttered for herself only to hear about looked around Gabby wasn't noticed by miles.. yet
and she thought why not just spook the visitor l mean she didn't even bring a jacket pfftt 'what a loser' she thought little does she know tho.
She quickly jumped down from the building behind miles, yep she was sufficiently taller she politely first tapped miles on the shoulder making her to turn around and look at gabby, Gabby didn't even give her a second to blink and yelled
—"WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE." Obviously this startled miles but gabby never really learned how to control the volume of her voice
—"uh? Im m-" she didn't even finish
—"state your purpose right now!" Gabby yelled but the "now" at the end sounded more like a "meow" cuz her mask was making her words come out muffled as such
Miles looked at gabby for a split second
—"state my purpose meow?"
She asked confused
—"are you mocking me right now!?" Still the same thing the "now" at the end being heard as "meow" by miles
—“What!? No no- lm not mocking you just-" miles exclaimed trying to prove that no she wasn't mocking gabby obviously!
Gabby took off her mask looked
—“ugh do you hear me better now." she asked quite angrily obviously trying to hide her embarrassment
—“yeah!“ miles claimed and slightly chuckled
—“anyways.. who ARE you." She asked miles looking at her quite judgmentally.. unnecessary..
—"lm uhm miles morales from earth 1610! Im t-"
—“Yeah yeah, you where bitten by a radioactive spider blah blah..but my real question is what are you doing here ...
She paused
did you come to see me? :3“ she looked at miles with now a soft and actually not so delicate smile she was fidgeting with her hands while asking this question in practical
I mean she knew the girl didn't know her but hey worth a shot
—“l mean.. well " Miles started to get nervous quite a bit
—“nah lm just.. joking with you l know you have no idea who am." she chuckled and gave miles a little rub on the back
The wind started to pick up
—"ugh it's cold" miles hugged herself trying to keep herself warm , as she shivered she looked down not really sure where to go on from here
—"want my jacket?"
Gabby asked miles with a small smile on her lips
—"l- well..l mean sure" she gladly accepted the offer and put on the jacket, yeah it was way to big..
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Ler Muichiro Lee Yuichiro? pliss
Ahhh!! The Tokito brothers!! When I saw the episode, I cried, but I know how much Yuichiro loved Muichiro. But of course Yuichiro also had to learn to apologize to Muichiro, I'll do it!
Warning: This fanfic contains tickles. Also remind them that I don't speak English, so if they find any errors, let me know to correct it. I hope you like it!
Ler: Muichiro Tokito
Lee: Yuichiro Tokito
'Why are you so cruel Nii-San?', Muichiro felt sad, these last few days, Yuichiro had treated him badly, he didn't understand what had bothered him now, he knew what anger was, but not that much. 'What's wrong Muichiro?', Muichiro felt his father's sad look, he was worried, Muichiro didn't behave like that
'Mmm... You're worried about Yuichiro, aren't you? Your brother has almost always been stubborn, maybe he's been a little stressed? Why do not you talk to him? I'll bring the firewood, don't worry about it', Muichiro thought about it long before he left, to help his brother or his father, but his father's insistence convinced him to go home.
'Nii-san!' 'What are you doing here? You shouldn't help dad with the firewood, go help him, stop wasting time', yep, Yuichiro continued with that behavior, Muichiro thought, what to do to take someone's bad mood away? Hmm.. got it!
'Boop!' 'Ha!', it worked! He sighed in relief, but he should continue if he didn't want Yuichiro to do the same to him or yell.
'Whahahat are you dohohoing?!' 'Well, tickling you! You make me when I'm sad or distracted! So I'll use it to get you out of your temper!' Muichiro smiled, squeezing and prodding his brother's sides and hips.
'Quit it! Muhuhui! Stahhahahahahp! You're sohoho chihihildihihish!' 'Says who also tickles! Know? I'm sorry you were acting grumpy because you wanted to be tickled too!'
Yuichiro in an attempt to push his brother away, decided to run, being chased until they both fell on their futons. 'Why were you trying to escape? That will not free you! We live in the same house!' 'GAH! Muhuhuichiroooo! Stohohop! I'm gonna gehehehet you! Juhuhust- WAHAHAHAHAIT!'
Muichiro was his brother and well, it gave him a clear advantage in meeting his 'rival', Muichiro knew how sensitive his brother's toes were.
'GEHEHET OHOHOFF!! MUI!! NOHOHO!! EAHAHAHAHA!' 'Oh~ Nii-San, you look just like me when I get tickled, oh right... We're twins! So, is this how I look? Wow~'
Yuichiro tried to hit him with his free foot, but to no avail, he was losing strength and hitting the ground desperately, while rolling on his spot with his hands on his stomach.
'GYAH! PLEHEHEASE!! MUHUHUI!! IT'S TOO MUHUHUCH!! TO BREHEHEAK!! SPAHAHARE MEHEHEHE!!' 'I'll stop, only if you promise not to be more grumpy!', Muichiro lowered his intensity a bit, it wasn't much, but he still wanted his brother to speak calmly.
'I prohohomise... Muhuhui... I won't be grumpy anymore' 'I hope so! Or else I'll tickle you again!' Muichiro smiled and hugged his brother, a mistake.
'Hey! Nohoho! Yuichihihiro!' 'I promised not to be an angry person again, but I didn't say when! Get ready little brother!'
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vole-mon-amour · 2 years
The Newsreader, 1x06. The impression improves as the episode goes, so don't mind the first ones.
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She's an idiot. I mean, yeah, she's probably addicted, but she's also an idiot.
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I... missed the exact moment when Dale moved in with her? Huh? I mean, yeah, he's still at home and got some space for his stuff at her house, but umm?
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What a look. I like his sweater.
"Hi! Is Dale sick?" "Yep!"
The passive aggressive interaction. heh.
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Oh, another cool sweater and soft look. <3
"Was I the first?" "No, there was someone else in the high school. A friend. Didn't work out very well."
You know what, I actually wouldn't mind an exploration of his sexuality on screen. To see how it all went with Adam, and how it affected Dale so he's so shy and confused and afraid of this side of himself.
"His dad caught us after school one day. He [Adam] said I forced myself on him. The called the police. I was taken to the station in front of everyone. They called me a pervert."
Not a single lgbtqia person deserves that.
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And the transcription is very much correct! Dale is a sweetheart sometimes. Helen obviously didn't hear on how to read that. Honestly, how impatient she is with that.
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How very conveniently that her cousin is in Kyiv & she speaks English that well. Nevertheless, they chose an actress that can actually speak Russian. It's probably the first time I heart Chernobyl being pronounced correctly, with a soft 'l' at the end. I'm grateful for that.
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A meltdown indeed. Lmao.
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I want to love Dale and say that he did nothing wrong, ever, but he did. And I'm not... I feel sorry for him at times, but I can't say that he's the babiest boy ever and ignore all the other things. Not in this show.
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My policeman, part 2? "I'm afraid of this, I don't want this to exist, but I can't change myself, so I suffer." LET HIM LIVE.
If s2 isn't exploring Dale's sexuality and personality and continues with all this Dale/Helen nonsense, I don't want it. We saw how he is with Helen. Now give me his trauma and let him come to terms with it.
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Oh Dale. The sooner you embrace that part of you, the better. I know how it's like, being bisexual and confused, pushing this away. It gets better, though.
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Dale's eyes are all red and puffy from crying. :') I love me some poor mew meows. Sam is phenomenal. And both of their hairstyles is a mess. That's a good ending. The episode gets way better as it progresses.
Noelene and Rob are cute together. Rob learns fast, though I'm very bothered that they both seem to be homophobic (uneducated?). Fix it pls.
Overall, I think there's only one GOOD episode: the first one. The fifth one and the sixth ones are decent. The last ten-fifteen minutes of 1x06 were really good. I'm glad Helen understood it (hopefully). However, there's still so many things to uncover. Her mental state, her alcoholism, addictions. Dale's trauma. They seriously should admit it in s2 & show it.
And while I enjoy some part of the show, no, it's not The Newsroom (that one is way better if you give it some time, the writing is precious there). The vibe is very different. They kind of need more development? Improvement? And as much as I like Sam's acting, I can't say that I love Dale. I can't say that I love anyone in here. Everyone has their flaws & I'm not vibing with any of it (when I usually connect with both the flaws and the characters' personalities).
I like the visuals in this & something IWTV won't ever deliver, but I also think I should mostly stick with Lestat. And see if there's any other roles in Sam's filmography that I might like better than this one. We'll see what they do in S2.
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noodleodoodleo · 2 years
Popping in my heart
Chapter 1 Sho-chan... also, it's funny seeing the live 2dmodels in suits and stuff but the dialogue says he just woke up. So now it seems like Shosuke sleeps in a full suit.
Emu gets invited to the discussion awwwww
the otoris are happy and optimistic again. THIS is why I don't agree with the "the Otoris are a bad family" idea. same with Kanade's father. He suffered immensely and despite how he may have felt, he still tried his best for his daughter, even if it didn't work out that well.
Emu is just a neverending well of ideas... yep Emu seems very undiagnosed adhd
Keisuke is so sweet. He is open to her ideas and has a proper discussion with her but also understands that she is 16 and wouldn't necessarily always think of the actual resources needed. She provides ideas and inspiration and the older brothers adapt/take them into account to improve the theme park. Keisuke did say that he needed Emu for a different perspective on things, which she is providing. Also, he's so gentle with Emu.
Emu it's ok not to know everything about the company your family runs, you are 16 years old.
I wonder where is their father? He is one of the owners but does he not do anything for the park or is he just the guy with the money or smth else? How do companies work? I'm not rich enough to know this stuff... T-T
Emu it's fine not to know, I reiterate you are 16 years old and have no experience yet, emphasis on yet. This knowledge and intuition comes with time actually working in the management of the park. They JUST allowed you to know about these things. It's fine.
Shosuke just teach her. You can never know too much and having someone with many skills and specialities is really helpful even if they don't directly work in that field. Stop being an idiot.
NO EMU SHUT UP!! THAT IS NOT WHAT HE MEANT... i hope. But no don't think like that please...
YES THAT'S IT!! While it is ok to rely on others, yes learn about business and all that stuff.
Immediately forgot about her troubles.
Chapter 2 wait... wondashow are idiots, how many of them know english?
Mr Riley is a child at heart.
Rui... what do you want to do in the us? should I be concerned...? I'll be concerned either way but still... rui... answers?
Oh no... I guess you can call turbulence... exciting... I feel you Nene I think robo-nene would count as a weapon... Tsukasa randomly running off to strike poses is gonna stick in my mind forever I feel you Nene (x2)
imagine you're at the airport and this Japanese dude is just standing in the sunlight posing and monologuing
keep Tsukasa on a leash still thinking of Saki even when being overdramatic Miku jumpscare Still never explained why they need to hide the existence of the virtual singers. The virtual singers seem pretty nonchalant about this so... They're in disneyland A performer can know about the business
Chapter 3 This Kaito is such a malewife Oh wow this background is just straight up phoenix stage, not even recoloured. ah of course rui immediately knows how the stunts and effects work ... I started reading wondashow stories so I could read the newest one from jp server and well...
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That feels familar...
Emu you don't need to pay that much attention to the numbers...
Yes Tsukasa listen to Kaito you have time, take it one step at a time Not just wondashow all the characters in prsk need to chill out. IT'S FINE, YOU GUYS ARE IN HIGH SCHOOL , YOU DON'T NEED TO BE AT A PROFESSIONAL LEVEL YET.
Tsukasa... of course he knows your struggles, he was literally made from your feelings and your feeling alone mind you.
The brightest stars burn out the fastest...
The virtual singers sensed a crying child. Parent mode activated. Superhuman emu? that's an idea for an au or wild animal emu that works too
Chapter 4 True a young american child would most likely not know who hatsune miku is
Tsukasa you imbecile I THOUGHT YOU WERE GOOD WITH CHILDREN?! is this why he learned how to make children happy so that he can do his job in the white day story I feel you Nene (x3)
Emu materialized flames and sparkles this is why she's the best
You think, Tsukasa? Rui sounds like a tts
Ah so Tsukasa doesn't know english, Nene knows a little bit of and Rui is really good at it.
Chapter 5 how did they do this? money lots and lots money, you know the stuff your park doesn't have.
I wish robo-nene were here so they could tell us exactly how loudly tsukasa screamed
Chapter 6 try things out get experience with these sort of things and get help from others, yes that is how you do things knowing a few things outside of your specialty area is still good. It can widen your horizon and provide you with more ideas and different perspectives, so mixing knowledge is never a bad thing.
Bad timing dude...
Chapter 7 why are they talking japanese in the flashback... Oh my god... emu's grandfather is so Emu (also has a weirdly Tsukasa-like vibe)
I still don't think it's a bad idea for Emu to learn how a business works in her off time. Like yes focus on what you can do right now but don't just stay in that nieche forever, expand your horizons little by little.
Emu crams the night before an exam... I feel like no one in this game actually knows how to learn things... then again in real life and in japan especially school is just memorization and not actual learning so... :/ I hate school...
Raunosuke was a jack of all trades. This is what I mean when I say you can never learn too much. No your grandfather is like Tsukasa because he is way too loud and has zero situational awareness, well nvm Emu's grandfather was aware of the situation he just didn't give a shit and honestly, that's such a mood.
btw Rui calls Emu, Emu-kun and I vaguely remember him calling Saki Saki-kun but I'm not 100% sure. So I need to check my hypothesis of Ruil calling everyone (minus Nene and Mizuki) "kun". He doesn't use any honorifics for Nene or Mizuki. Nene cause they are close friends, Mizuki also close friends but hear me out my headcanon is that Rui stopped using honorifics for Mizuki when they told him about well themselves and in that moment rui had the choice of changing honorifics or dropping them entirely (or well, rejecting mizuki's identity but yeah no) so he thought about it and decided they were close enough that he can just not use any honorifics for them. BUT if my hypothesis of rui using "kun" for everyone regardless of gender is true then that adds another layer to the headcanon of rui fully respecting Mizuki's identity and changing his habits for their sake.
Anyway cute story, I am starting to fall in love with these clowns.
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coffeeshopdrawings · 2 days
a really long and pointless ramble on one of the most boring books i've ever read, and how a danmie (TGCF) is deeper than it: The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian
God. I fucking hate this book. For context, I was recently assigned this book in my English class. I was assuming it would share a lot of themes with To Kill a Mockingbird but with a different perspective. And let me tell you, I appreciate that book WAY more after this
True Diary is about a Native American teenager who lives on a reservation and struggles with poverty. After having a talk with his teacher after throwing a book at him (I'll touch on that later), he decides to move to a school in a farm town mostly populated by white kids.
This Book is Extremely Oversexualized for NO Reason
There are multiple points throughout the novel that just- really shouldn't be there. Here are some quotes:
"Naked women + right hand = happy happy joy joy. Yep, that's right, I admit that I masturbate. I'm proud of it. I'm good at it. I'm ambidextrous. If there was a Professional Masterbators League, I'd get drafted number one and make millions of dollars. And maybe you're thinking, "Well, you really shouldn't be talking about masturbation in public." Well, tough, I'm going to talk about it because EVERYBODY does it and EVERYBODY likes it."
"Have you ever watched a beautiful woman play volleyball? Yesterday, during a game, Penelope was serving and I watched her like she was a work of art. She was wearing a white shirt and white shorts, and I could see the outlines of her white bra and white panties. Her skin was pale white. Milky white. Cloud white. She she was all white on white on white, like the most perfect kind of vanilla dessert cake you've ever seen. I wanted to be her chocolate topping."
"The score was like 12-0. But I didn't care. I just wanted to watch the sweaty Penelope sweat her perfect swear on that perfectly sweaty day."
Gross right? There are more scenes like this, but I don't have the quotes on hand. At one point a kid said he got a "metaphorical boner" from reading, and the main character almost kissed a book once (more on that later!!)
The Unnecessary Derogatory Language
In the prologue, the r-word is prominently used, and the word Indian is used to replace Native American to describe the main character (from the main character's perspective). That is excusable, as the author based the main character off himself. He is a Native American and has excess spinal fluid. However, there are two examples of this book using genuine slurs. Of course, the main character hadn't said it, but my point still stands. The thing is? Take these out and NOTHING changes. Removing this language in a book like To Kill a Mockingbird actually has an excuse for this language since, ya know, it was made in the 1920s. This book? No reason. Just kinda throws in the f-slur and the n-word in there once.
The Plot is BORING
When it says "diary" IT MEANS A DAIRY. Take Diary of a Whimpy kid and strip it of the plot, add some horniness, and there. That's the book. The very inciting incident doesn't even make sense. Basically, our MC is about to make out with his textbook, until he realizes it has his mom's name on it. He's mad that the textbook is old. That's it. So he throws it at his teacher! This breaks his teacher's nose, but you know what happens? The teacher says that the kid got mad cuz. . . poverty??? It read like our MC was just mad they had an old book. But apparently, that means that they have a fighting spirit or something. SO THAT'S HOW HE ENDS UP GOING TO THE OTHER SCHOOL. His parents don't disagree, there's no argument, nothing. The only thing that comes from it is that his best friend (who is low-key a dick) is mad that he's leaving the reservation school for an all-white person school.
Okay. The title. How does Tian Guan Ci Fu act better as a book than this?
You see, here's the thing. In True Diary, there is ZERO takeaway. There really is nothing to learn from it. There's no lesson to learn, no challenge to overcome, nothing to think about. It's DEVOID OF LIFE! Yet, look at TGCF. so many people have taken away meaningful messaging from it. I've personally taken a liking to Hua Cheng, and especially the idea that he doesn't care about all the extravagant things he owns, but instead just his beloved. I relate to that a lot, and it speaks to me. And then look at True Diary? What does this serve? What can I learn? What can I think about?
okay that's it bye bye this was really long and dumb :)
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theheartlandsblog · 7 months
How did you come up with Adrik? He seems very interesting and stoic
hullo, anon! =)
this is gonna sound SO nerdy, i'm 100% aware of how nerdy it sounds, y'all can go ahead and mention how nerdy it is, i get it. but honestly? adrik started as literally just me wanting to learn to read and speak russian. ('T᷄⌑T᷅) from there, i wanted sincerely to create an outlet for that learning desire, in a way that A. was historically plausible, and B. was as nuanced and NOT stereotypical as possible!
more detail on all that below the cut, if you're interested, and willing to read a lot! thank you for asking about my darling boy! <3
i think i have always enjoyed just learning on my own terms, anyway. i had atrocious grades in high school and was abysmal in my japanese classes, but as soon as i got out of formal schooling, i started getting VORACIOUS about learning. yes. yep. i know it's nerdy. i'd always wanted to speak another language besides english, and i still do, which is why i study both russian and spanish, just cause i want to. so that's where it started - wanting to learn the language.
as all good writing projects begin, it started getting serious one day in the shower, i think it was shortly after or shortly before i had published my first complete RDR fanfic (the name is DUST, it's a little out there, but i am dearly fond of it), i was thinking about writing in general while i was in there, and thought to myself well, wouldn't it be interesting to write in a different language?
then i started reading the works of cormac mccarthy, an american author whose works are thoroughly bilingual in spanish/english, and it FASCINATED me. i'd published 2 RDR fics at that point, i think? and i started committing to language learning. i started with spanish in my fic called SAND (also pretty out there, again, just a warning) but i quickly remembered how i wanted to learn russian too. so i started researching on if russian immigrants came to the united states in the 1800s, to see if i could theoretically include the language into an RDR fic in a realistic manner/presence; to my utmost joy i absolutely could, and the thought-project took off. ;)
he stuck around as a stored-away project until i got the idea for HOMEWARD, i think that was late 2022, and THAT idea came to me while i was replaying the mission where you fetch john from the mountains in the beginning of RDR2. i'd never made an OC so detailed before and i wanted to ensure that whatever home of thought and writing he'd be born into would be properly big enough to house him when he got older. i didn't want to just throw an OC in willy-nilly! in the meantime (fair warning, i'm about to get a little preachy) i'd been inspired character-development-wise by creating someone who was an antithesis to the usual stereotype over in the united states about a russian person, or just kinda russia in general. you know, kind of a drunkard, loud, unintelligent, cruel. i wanted someone who felt like a real person, who was a victim of circumstance, who had an unlikely friend and a vast soul, someone who, like you said, was interesting! i'd decided on creating a russian character before the whole terrible war escalation broke out, but when it did, i think it made me even more determined. i mentioned it in my last ask but i'm ukrainian from my dad's side, so it's a matter close to home.
so, anon, that's his IRL backstory! it's how him and i met. <3 as for him, as a character, his story? i actually have a chapter in HOMEWARD planned for just that! now, though? the time has not yet come... (。•̀ᴗ-)✧ but i can tell you a little. <3 he's forty-two years old in 1899/during the current events of HOMEWARD, and he was born on january 6th, in 1857. i call him "old" all the time only because with the life expectancy of the way he's lived, he's ancient. he's five-feet-eleven-inches tall, and he met annushka in the old country. he's stoic now, like you said, and standoffish as a general rule, but there is so, soooo much more personality in him that i pinky-promise will come out as my story progresses and as he settles in. he's had a brush with scurvy, a run-in with the law, and once upon a time lived upon the longest river in russia. him and i are very eager to tell stories. Вот он! Спасибо <3
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isaacapatow · 8 months
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with @adrixnadelgxdo | the daybreakers : adriana talks about ermano
ike apatow Have you ever done farm work before? -Ike's circling a structure made of sheets of galvanized roofing panels hammered together into a square enclosure, about six feet wide and tall on each side with a lower opening on one of the sides- This is sort of specialized, but also it's pretty easy if you've never done it.
Adriana Delgado Souza Can't say I've ever had the pleasure to do this. -Adriana glances around the structure, taking it in as she tries to work out what it is they're doing- What is it, anyway?
ike apatow We're setting aside fodder for the animals, for when there's nothing fresh for them to graze on. -he gestures at the enormous heap of various green weeds and stubble, the last of it all cut down from the forested places and wild hedges of the town- I'm gonna toss this stuff in the box, and you're gonna be in there stomping. Like how Italians do with grapes.
Adriana Delgado Souza You're right, the work does sound easy enough. -she shrugged off her jacket, figuring that the amount of stomping would keep her nice and warm once she got started- You know, I could have brought some of the kids along. I bet they would have fun stomping on some grass and hay.
ike apatow Next time. It's an experiment this year since we didn't have all these animals before, and I only made silage back when I was a teenager so -- in prehistoric times. -Ike snickers, lifting his chin towards the box- There's a layer in there so you can get started and I'll start loading as you stomp. Should go like gangbusters.
Adriana Delgado Souza Silage? Gangbusters? -Adriana was quite lost with both of those terms but it didn't stop her from jumping into the box and starting to stomp down on the stuff already loaded up while Ike got to work- What are gangbusters?
ike apatow Hoshit. Right, you're ... Brazilian? None of my usual vivacious circus tent vocabulary's gonna make much sense to you. -he snickers, then continues pitchforking greens into the box- When something's going along quick without obstacles, you say it's going 'like gangbusters'. I dunno where the saying came from, probably Prohibition when there were a buncha gangs in the States. Silage is what we're doing here, with this grass! The packed-down stuff at the end is what's called silage.
Adriana Delgado Souza I am. English is technically my third language. -the vibrant, descriptive words, while they made sense to her, were a bit confusing as to how they all linked together but she was slowly catching his drift- You learned that from the circus? I didn't know you were in one of those.
ike apatow I wasn't in a real circus. I just seem like a whole circus contained in one person. -he lets her tromp down the greens for a minute before adding more- Is that where you and Ermano met, in Brazil?
Adriana Delgado Souza Ahh, okay, I can see that. -she stops when he throws in more before continuing her crushing task- No, we met in Texas. Just a little bar outside the military town he was stationed at.
ike apatow And he danced. Did he dance? I feel like that's what you said.
Adriana Delgado Souza Yep, he did. He's quite the dancer. I should see about making it part of his rehab once he's cleared to move around without crutches.
ike apatow Is he back home now? I haven't been keeping up with the progress. -Ike leans into the box, pushing some stuff around, mostly to do it and not because it's really necessary
Adriana Delgado Souza Well, my home, yes. -she's mindful of his hands as she stomps around more- Renee didn't want him in his trailer and honestly, I agree. Someone needs to keep an eye on him so he doesn't go making himself worse. The man doesn't sit still.
ike apatow Him and David were making big noise about how scary you get. You scaring him into sitting still, Adriana?
Adriana Delgado Souza I'm not that scary. They just think I am. -she laughs a bit as she shakes her head- Oh no, I'm not scaring him into that. More like guilting him by reminding him of the stupid choices he made that put him in this position.
ike apatow -Ike squawks in triumph, leaning back out of the box- I knew it! Some men just don't know how to react to a woman standing her ground. You seem like the velvet glove sort. -Ike works for a minute before realizing that colloquialism might be lost on Adriana, so he pokes his head around the opening to look at her- Like, an iron hand in a velvet glove. Guilt and sweet talk seem like your weapons of choice.
Adriana Delgado Souza -At first Adriana was confused and she was sure it showed on her face as she glanced at him while trying to work out what a velvet glove could mean. But it seemed he realized it after a pause of silence and he explains, although it's still a bit confusing- I had to learn to stand my ground. My brothers made sure I knew how to. Especially Paulo. But yes, I find that a few well-placed words are more successful than yelling.
ike apatow -he nods, looking distinctly smug, and goes back to his task- He should move in with you.
Adriana Delgado Souza -Adriana stumbles a bit but catches herself. It's not from his words - she just misstepped on a pile- You and me both. But he does love his airstream. It's his own little castle of solitude.
ike apatow That's idiotic. He's not an island anymore and it's clear he wants to pick things up with you again, so what's stopping him?
Adriana Delgado Souza Honestly? -she looks over his shoulder, not that she thinks Ermano would waddle his way to find them because he knows she would drag him back to her place and chain him to the bed if he did- I think he's still punishing himself.
ike apatow -Ike snorts, shaking his head- The way people in this town do exactly the shit they're always accusing me of. -that was mostly to himself; to Adriana, he says- Didn't he get enough of that being in a fuckin coma? Can't him and David, I dunno, timeshare the pointless guilt?
Adriana Delgado Souza -she doesn't hear the first thing he says and she guesses he meant to say it quietly so she doesn't ask. But she laughs as she pauses her stomping to fix her ponytail- Of all the years I was married to Ermano and known David, there is one thing I learned - they have such huge hearts. There is no telling them not to feel guilty about something because they're going to. Especially Ermie. He will carry the weight of the world on his shoulders and never ask for help. It's just who he is.
ike apatow Ohhh-kay, well -- no offense to your two enlarged heart boys, but that's a whole heaping steaming pile of bullcrap, miss missy. -Ike digs his pitchfork in, flinging the load of grass with more enthusiasm than strictly necessary- Who does that help, if he carries the world on his shoulders and falls down and breaks his ankle doing it and then rolls around never asking for help? People who never ask for help are only like that because they think everyone else sucks too hard to ever give them help. It's narcissism, not nobility.
Adriana Delgado Souza -Adriana stands back and leans against the walls of the box so he could throw in more of the grass. It flies and she ducks, trying to avoid getting any of it in her hair, although his enthusiasm definitely covers her in stray stands- He thinks he's alleviating the burden off of others. But you and are in agreement - He's no good to anyone if he keeps pushing himself until he kills himself.
ike apatow That's only part of what I'm saying. The other part is that he doesn't trust anybody to be as capable as he is, which is a shitty way to look at it.
Adriana Delgado Souza I don't think it is that he doesn't trust other people to be as capable as him. Unless there's something I don't know that's happened in the past couple of years.
ike apatow Well, that's how I see it. But Ermano and me don't agree on plenty of things, so we can add this one to the pile. -Ike laughs, scraping the pitchfork around- Maybe he has some even MORE noble reason to never ask for help! Couldn't be me. But then I'm not a big ol' hero like he is.
Adriana Delgado Souza -Adriana hums a laugh as she gets back to stomping- You know him and I still argue about the song we danced to at our wedding?
ike apatow Why would that be an argument? You guys are weird.
Adriana Delgado Souza Because if he had his way, we would have been dancing to Gasolina.
ike apatow I don't know it but I'm gathering you wouldn't have been too happy with that, huh?
Adriana Delgado Souza ANsolutely not. It's more of a club dance than it is a romantic song to share your first dance as husband and wife.
ike apatow Coulda been worse. Coulda been the macarena.
Adriana Delgado Souza -Adriana laughed- You say that, but he did try to "serenade" me with that towards the end of the night.
ike apatow -snorts- You guys are cute. Hit all the romcom standards, huh?
Adriana Delgado Souza If that means we had fun together, than yes. You've only seen the broody Ermie. I'm gonna work on getting him to relax a bit. Hopefully having Bruno and now Allison around will help him relax.
ike apatow Sure, why not. You guys deserve a break.
Adriana Delgado Souza What about you, Ike? You seem to working extra hard lately.
ike apatow That's what happens when the two town bigshots fall down a cliff. All their responsibilities and hard work fall down the ladder on schmoos like me. -he scrapes caked grass off the pitchfork, then resumes tossing greens into the box-
Adriana Delgado Souza -Adriana glances at him, waiting for the greens to hit the ground before she stomped down on it- Well, after all of this, I guess you need your vacation. Although I wouldn't recommend going and flinging yourself off a cliff.
ike apatow Hah! No worries there. When I'm injured and supposed to be resting, that's what I do. Last thing I want is to run off and make things worse and be out of commission even longer. -he leans the pitchfork up against the side of the bin, picking up a bucket- Okay, I gotta pour this stuff on it before we get the next layer on. It's a mix of molasses and some other things. I had to fight Sol's nephew to get it. -he shakes his head, pouring the liquid over the stomped-down greens- Did you meet Cole, when he was breathing air?
Adriana Delgado Souza -Adriana quickly climbed out, albeit not gracefully in the slightest. She tripped but caught herself before finally getting out of the box. She dusted off her sleeves before shaking her head- I did not. He was Fleet's father, right?
ike apatow He certainly was. Not much else except an occasional nuisance. -since Adriana didn't know Cole, there's not much point talking about him, so Ike focuses on pouring the molasses mixture- How many people have you seen turn?
Adriana Delgado Souza -Adriana hums in thought as she recalled the past couple of years- No one, really. That's not to say that I didn't see anything before I got here. I saw people get eaten and I saw people killed but I never saw someone actually turn. You?
ike apatow Oh, yeah. Plenty. -he tamps down an area with the heel of his boot, then stoops to grab a handful of grass to wipe out the inside of the bucket- Killed a shit ton of em, too. But then that goes with the job. You and Ermano forgiven each other for all the things you did to fuck up your marriage?
Adriana Delgado Souza -Adriana stood back to keep from getting any of the molasses on her but her eyes were watching Ike instead and listening to him- Did it ever bother you? Killing them, I mean.
ike apatow Why? -Ike hops out of the bin, leaning against it to look at her- What does it mean if it bothers me? What does it mean if I like it? Does it make me something weird if I say I fuckin' love crushing in their rotted little cabezas?
Adriana Delgado Souza No, I'm just curious. -she was being honest- Just with everything I don't know if there's gonna come a time when I might have to be more aggressive and I want to be prepared, I guess.
ike apatow There probably will be. Your hubs can steer you on what would be the best way to prepare, or David, maybe. They like training people. -but after a moment he relents and answers her question- It's not pleasant, especially if they're fresh and they still look like people. But once you remind yourself there's nothing human in there, and they're anti-life, they're only disease in a shell, it gets easier.
Adriana Delgado Souza -Adriana was getting the hint so she prepares to jump back in and get to stomping but he went on. Whether Ike knew it or not, his answer was helpful- That's actually really insightful.
ike apatow Even us schmoos get one in every now and again. -he snickers, waiting for her to find her footing again before he keeps loading-
Adriana Delgado Souza -she carefully steps into the silo and finds her balance before starting to stomp once again- What is that? Schmoos?
ike apatow -he considers for a moment, jabbing the greenage with his pitchfork before settling on- People who don't have big huge noble hearts and carry everyone's burdens without asking for help. I love asking for help. And my heart's about the size of a three walnuts crammed in a sock. -he grins and nods, pleased with this definition-
Adriana Delgado Souza -Adriana cocks her head to the side a bit as she tries to put the dots together- Wait, so then you're not a schmoo?
ike apatow I'm absolutely a schmoo, Adriana! I just said I love asking for help!
Adriana Delgado Souza -Adriana laughed- Desculpe, Ike. Did I mention English is my 3rd language?
ike apatow You did, and I am about twenty percent certain you understand English waaaaay better than you let on. -he squints at her, tapping the side of his nose and pointing- I'm onto you, missy.
Adriana Delgado Souza Eu não tenho idéia do que você quer dizer, Ike. -she smirks with a shrug-
ike apatow Supercalifragilistic back atcha.
Adriana Delgado Souza That's not even a word. -she laughs-
ike apatow What? You've never seen Mary Poppins? You'd love it. The husband and wife in it are just like you and Ermie. -Ike snickers to himself using the nickname that Adriana had, injecting it with syrupy sweetness- Anyhow, you were saying stuff you know I don't understand, so I was returning the favour.
Adriana Delgado Souza Oh, that's the movie with the cup of sugar thing, right? I think I remember it being played at the school one day I used to work at. -she stomps on the grass and quickly catches herself before she falls over- It's just a bit of Portugeuse. I'm sure you could pick it up in no time.
ike apatow I got no ear for languages. It sounded to me like you maybe said you don't know what I'm ever saying, but that could be way off. And yeah, a spoonful of sugar to help the medicine go down! Sounds like your marriage.
Adriana Delgado Souza Not far off. I said I have no idea what you're talking about. See? You're learning already. -she angles her head a bit- How so?
ike apatow -Adriana is unruffled by his pretty rude comment, and Ike gives a sidelong smile, more affectionate- You're the spoonful of sugar, he's the medicine. You're the one who smooths over bitter situations that might very well be good for you in the long run, but could use some sweet.
Adriana Delgado Souza -she casts him a look as she registers the comment- Are you saying Ermie isn't sweet?
ike apatow Are you kidding me? -Ike looks over at her- Adriana, even if he's sweet to you, you gotta see how he is with everyone else.
Adriana Delgado Souza Which is?
ike apatow Uhhh ... decidedly not sweet?
Adriana Delgado Souza -she waves her hands towards him- Do you have an example?
ike apatow -he snorts, redirecting his attention to his work- Listen, I doubt you two sit around and discuss my finer personality points, so I'm not about to do that for Ermie.
Adriana Delgado Souza -she holds her hands up- Alright, fine. I won't ask for your point of view so I can discuss things with him.
ike apatow Jesus christ! -Ike stops, staring at her with his mouth agape- SHIT no, don't do that! If he wants to know what people think of him -- and I guarantee you he gives less than a sliver of a fuck about that -- then he can ask us himself!
Adriana Delgado Souza And you have not been married to him for years and know how he thinks or works. You know how many boneheaded mistakes he's made and been completely oblivious about until I pointed them out?
ike apatow That's your job, sugarplum, not mine.
Adriana Delgado Souza You're right - your job is to stop trying to cover me in strands of grass when you throw it in here. I'm gonna be picking sticks of it out of my hair for weeks.
ike apatow Getting lightly decorated with grass comes with the territory, princesa! Maybe Ermie can pluck them out. See, I'm creating fun date night opportunities for you!
Adriana Delgado Souza Mmhmm. Hopefully the cows don't try to eat me on the way out.
ike apatow Being licked by cows is very fun. That's how I do my hair in the morning.
Adriana Delgado Souza Oh, is that why it's called a cow lick?
ike apatow That's exactly it. -he pauses to slap at the hair sticking up all over the back of his head, in demonstration- You should give it a try.
Adriana Delgado Souza And rob you of that beautiful look on you? I think I'll give it a pass.
ike apatow Take Ermie to the cow pasture and let em see if they can get through that mop of his, heh heh.
Adriana Delgado Souza They might eat his hair before they lick it.
ike apatow Live dangerously, Adriana! Get him a new haircut via moo cow!
Adriana Delgado Souza That is to say I can get him to sit still for a haircut.
ike apatow That's the beauty of letting a cow do it.
Adriana Delgado Souza By watching him run away from cows in a cow field?
ike apatow -pauses, asking very seriously- Is Ermie afraid of cows?
Adriana Delgado Souza I don't think so....?
ike apatow Then why would he run away from them?
Adriana Delgado Souza To avoid getting his hair eaten by them.
ike apatow Jesus shit, this is more than I ever wanted to talk about Ermano and for absolutely no purpose. -Ike goes back to his work, flinging the greens with even less precision now-
Adriana Delgado Souza -Adriana hums softly as she ducks to avoid the grass being flung her way- And yet you were there when he woke up.
ike apatow I happened to be there! And he still pretended to be in a coma cuz he wanted to hear me talking about him. The guy's a narcissist. You're probably gonna scamper back to him and relay all of everything I said, sitting at his knee hoping for him to actually notice something about you.
Adriana Delgado Souza He notices plenty of things about me, Ike, but I appreciate your concern.
ike apatow No arguing with the rose-colored glasses of love, huh?
Adriana Delgado Souza Well, I'm curious what you think he doesn't see because he's wrapped up in his narcissism.
ike apatow I already said I'm not gonna give some speech about him. The truth is I don't know shit about who Ermie is or isn't, because he doesn't care to let anyone know him. And talking to you equals talking about him, so I don't know shit about you either.
Adriana Delgado Souza Alright, no more talking about Ermano. I will avoid mentioning him. -she eyes him as she holds onto the edge to stabilize herself as her ankle twisted from the unbalance of the ground she was standing on- Honestly, I'm used to people wanting to talk about him and it's easier talking about him.
ike apatow Is that what married life is about? Everyone wanting to know about your husband and it being your job to pump him up to them? -Ike pauses to go over and watch as Adriana restabilizes, just in case she needs a hand-
Adriana Delgado Souza Not all the time. -she holds out her hand to balance herself before looking over at Ike- Most military wives liked to sit around and gossip and talk about their husbands and stuff like that. The special moments behind the scenes and memories built together.
ike apatow -he holds back a shudder, but can't hold back the grimace as he reaches in to grab Adriana around the middle and dance her feet against the silage until she finds better footing- Sounds wonderful. That's how you define yourself, huh? A military wife.
Adriana Delgado Souza -Adriana is grateful for the help- Obrigado. -she finds her footing before stamping down on some of the silage- Well, not anymore. But before it was nice to be like that. Surrounded by people who know what you're going through instead of being the weird outsider.
ike apatow Hunh. -Ike looks at her for a moment, then shakes his head and picks up his pitchfork again- All right. We can talk about something else. I shouldn't have pushed
Adriana Delgado Souza -Adriana shrugged- I don't mind. As you mentioned, you don't know anything about me. You can ask whatever you want. Unless you're uncomfortable.
ike apatow A little bit. I didn't expect your driving way of identifying yourself to be your husband's job.
Adriana Delgado Souza -she looked over her shoulder at him with a smirk- Then I won't mention anything more about it.
ike apatow We've only got a little ways to go, anyhow, so it's okay there's nothing to talk about if it's not about Ermano! -he smirks back at her, tapping the end of the pitchfork handle against his forehead, and gets to work finishing up putting everything in the silage bin-
Adriana Delgado Souza And here I was gonna ask about the next time I can get you to the daycare and read another book to the kids. -she laughs a bit as she steps on the last bit- But honestly, I'm glad this is just about done. Nothing against the work but it's gonna be a pain in the head to clean the molasses off these boots.
ike apatow Ahhh, I don't have time for that anymore -- now that my head's healed up it's back to my own work and picking up after the two men with huge hearts who went out and fell down a cliff. -Ike does the last forkful of greenery and gives a whoop, wiping his forehead with the back of his wrist- Sweaty work. Give those boots to the cows and horses to lick and you won't have to lift a finger -- grass and molasses is like candy for em.
Adriana Delgado Souza Awww, that's a shame. -she climbs out of the silo and stumbles a bit but catches herself before trying to pick some of the grass out of her coat- The kids loved your visits. But I understand. Hopefully after this is all sorted you'll get the time again. You're good at it.
ike apatow It was fun! Some day. When things settle down. -the possibilities of that are slim, but Ike leaves it at that-
Adriana Delgado Souza I will hold you to that. -she steps up and gives his cheek a kiss- Adeus, Ike. Don't work yourself too hard.
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pesterloglog · 9 months
John Egbert, Jake English, Karkat Vantas, Tavrosprite, Jaspersprite
Act 6, page 7513-7514
JOHN: hey!
JOHN: mr. jake harley i presume?
JAKE: No...?
JAKE: Its english actually.
JAKE: Twas my grandmas surname.
JOHN: oh. my mistake!
JOHN: so then, is it just a coincidence that she had the same name as an invincible super villain?
JOHN: are coincidences even real??
JAKE: I dunno.
JAKE: The history is a little murky to me.
JAKE: I heard she took the name from a nasty fellow to spite a wicked baroness.
JOHN: ok.
JOHN: good to know!
JOHN: it's been interesting to learn how even though we are all pretty similar, we all had a lot of really different life details.
JAKE: I guess so.
JOHN: like, there are all these things i take for granted about jade's childhood, which in theory is similar to yours.
JOHN: but not really... she had a super powerful dog you didn't have. and also a grandpa you couldn't have had, because... that was grown up you!
JOHN: i'd be really curious to hear about all the differences in your life some time, if you don't mind.
JAKE: Sure.
JOHN: hell, i'd be REALLY curious to hear about the differences in my alt-life, so to speak.
JOHN: but jane is asleep!
JOHN: i'm guessing she grew up in a similar situation i did, but with... a bunch of differences???
JOHN: guess i'll just have to wait!
JAKE: Well...
JAKE: She was a good friend.
JAKE: I know lots of stuff about her life.
JAKE: What do you want to know?
JOHN: oh! hmm.
JOHN: let's see.
JOHN: so i was her grandpa, instead of her being my nanna?
JOHN: i'm not sure if that statement made sense, but you know what i mean.
JAKE: Yeah she had a poppop.
JAKE: He was a really funny and beloved old time comedian so i guess that is the guy you grew up to be.
JOHN: cool!
JOHN: i never knew my nanna growing up, except as an urn of ashes above the fireplace.
JOHN: i only met her as a sprite.
JOHN: was i dead? or... was he?
JAKE: Yep but he wasnt ashes they had a different way of preserving him which i think was arguably more dignified.
JOHN: how?
JAKE: Have you seen weekend at bernies?
JOHN: no.
JOHN: i've heard of it though!
JAKE: Oh man you HAVE to see it!
JAKE: Its about a couple of knuckleheads who parade around with a funny corpse trying to pass him off as a living friend and good time charlie over a series of escapades.
JOHN: sounds incredible.
JAKE: I still have it if you want to see it some time.
JOHN: definitely!
JOHN: so you like movies?
JAKE: DO i?????
JOHN: haha, i love movies too.
JOHN: there are a whole bunch i'd want to show you, assuming you haven't seen them already.
JOHN: i love talking about them with people! i think my friends usually just humored me about the movies i liked, but i have a feeling you'd really dig them!
JAKE: Oh i GUARANTEE you i would.
JOHN: awesome, i can't wait to show you some.
JOHN: so... that means jane had an old man corpse version of me around somewhere? like in her house?
JAKE: Yes.
JOHN: ok, that sounds pretty preposterous to me...
JOHN: but i guess she must have grown up thinking it was normal.
JAKE: Not... really. She was always pretty put off by it to be honest.
JOHN: heheh. poor jane.
JOHN: i'll have to apologize to her for freaking her out from beyond the grave.
JOHN: what was her life like otherwise?
JAKE: Pretty typical id say.
JAKE: She always characterized it as boring.
JAKE: But i never agreed really she got to live on the main land with access to all kinds of things i didnt have.
JAKE: Plus she lived with a cool and manly father who cared about her a lot and seemed like a standup gent.
JOHN: oh, she lived with her dad too?
JOHN: do you know anything about him?
JAKE: Not much other than what i just said and a few things she told me.
JAKE: I think he was stern and fatherly and dressed well if memory serves he was a private detective at one point.
JOHN: a private detective???
JOHN: wow.
JOHN: it sounds like he must have been a completely different kind of dad from the one i had.
JOHN: all these differences are so interesting... some are subtle, but some are drastic, like this one apparently is.
JOHN: it would be neat to meet him.
JOHN: i mean, not that it would be much of a substitute for getting to see my dad again, since they're totally different people, but...
JOHN: you know what i mean.
JOHN: do you know what happened to him?
JAKE: Im not sure i kinda lost track of him for a while...
JAKE: I think he might be in jail?
JOHN: jail??
JAKE: Yeah on derse.
JAKE: I THINK. I could be wrong though.
JOHN: i'll make a mental note to check on him some time soon.
JOHN: i bet jane would want to too, when she wakes up. i'll ask her about it.
JAKE: Good idea!
JOHN: you know jake, at first you seemed pretty shy...
JOHN: but you don't really seem that way at all now?
JOHN: you just strike me as a nice regular dude who likes movies and stuff.
JOHN: i'm glad we are getting a chance to talk!
JAKE: Yeah me too!
JAKE: Ive been feeling way out of sorts since i got sprung from the big house and dragged along to this here frog stage to suddenly bump gums with WAY too many people...
JAKE: But you are really good company john and you know how to make a guy feel at ease.
JOHN: heh, yeah, it is a lot of people.
JOHN: i'm having trouble keeping track of everyone myself!
JAKE: They all seem like decent folk and all but...
JAKE: I guess everyones catching me at a bad time.
JAKE: This wasnt how i pictured things going at all.
JOHN: how were you picturing it?
JAKE: Naively i suppose.
JAKE: Its not that i was expecting differently of anyone else...
JAKE: More that i had spurious visions of my own conduct.
JAKE: Remember the letter i sent you?
JOHN: yes.
JAKE: All the excitement and swagger you heard from me in those words...
JAKE: Thats the man i thought id be when you met me.
JAKE: A man of action and gumption... hell when i wrote that i thought by now maybe people would even have come to see me as a leader!
JAKE: What a laugh.
JAKE: I turned out to be such a disappointment to myself and everyone else.
JAKE: The bravado in that letter was fake ive realized lately.
JAKE: Ive realized a lot of things.
JAKE: That i could never be a leader or a people person or probably ever have a quality relationship with someone.
JAKE: So its hard to get up a lot of moxie for a big moment like this even though im as excited about it as everyone else.
JAKE: Tavrosprite already tried cheering me up and hes nice but i dont think it worked.
JAKE: Like by saying maybe all that stuff ISNT true and maybe im actually really great in all the ways i dont think i am?
JAKE: Its a nice thought but also it weirdly just doesnt make me feel any better.
JAKE: John you seem like the kind of guy who likes trying to cheer up a pal so i guess...
JAKE: I guess just so you know someone already tried telling me i was wrong and it didnt work.
JOHN: i don't think you're wrong though!
JOHN: well, i don't know.
JOHN: we just met! what could i know about you other than what you tell me?
JOHN: i believe you about all that.
JOHN: really, it just sounds to me like you are going through a lot of changes.
JOHN: changes are good!
JOHN: especially if you understand that's what's happening to you.
JOHN: i think that's how we grow and stuff.
JOHN: i think i've changed in a lot of ways.
JOHN: some ways that weren't easy.
JAKE: Yeah?
JOHN: sure!
JOHN: so you're realizing you like being by yourself, it sounds like.
JOHN: big deal!
JOHN: i like being alone a lot of times too. it helps me think.
JOHN: if that's who you are, there's nothing wrong with that.
JOHN: jade's grandpa liked being by himself too.
JOHN: so much so, that he moved to an island as far away from civilization as possible.
JOHN: but he still did adventurous stuff and was super successful and also raised a cool grand daughter, who was actually his daughter, and i guess also yours.
JAKE: Huh.
JAKE: Yes i guess youre right.
JOHN: and if nothing else...
JOHN: at least you have a cool costume.
JAKE: You...
JAKE: You really like it?
JOHN: hell yes!
JAKE: Wow thanks.
JAKE: Sometimes i worry that i might look a little silly.
JAKE: And feel kind of... exposed maybe?
JAKE: Like im on sexy display or such and people dont see me as a person.
JOHN: i wouldn't worry about that.
JOHN: i love the god tier pajamas, and yours are badass.
JOHN: you look like a super hero!
JAKE: Really???
JOHN: yes.
JOHN: well...
JOHN: maybe a plucky side kick, at LEAST.
JAKE: Heheheheh.
JOHN: side kicks are really under rated anyway.
JOHN: i think in some cases they might be the real stars.
JOHN: like, you know bat man?
JOHN: truth be told, i think he might just be some kind of gallivanting idiot.
JOHN: he's got all the money and skills in the world, and what does he do?
JOHN: he buys a fancy car to drive around in, then jumps out and starts punching crooks with his bare hands.
JOHN: then, when he gets horn swoggled by a wily clown with NO powers, and a LOT less money, who has to bail him out?
JOHN: his side kick of course.
JAKE: Yeah youre right!
JOHN: what is bat man even trying to prove? being all serious and "cool" looking.
JOHN: his side kick looks like he has a lot more fun, and smacks of confidence and self assurance, trotting around in his underpants.
JOHN: bat man probably doesn't even care much about stopping crime, it's more about walloping thugs and getting to feel cool.
JOHN: if he really cared about stopping bad guys, he'd probably use his fancy money to buy guns, and at LEAST show the criminals he's packing, to make them scared, if not surrender outright.
JOHN: i bet his side kick probably just has to wait for bat man to bungle things up with his stupid karate, and when he gets in trouble, the side kick just guns down all the crooks from a safe distance like a sensible person.
JAKE: Well i do love guns!!!
JAKE: ALSO fisticuffs.
JOHN: see? there you go.
JOHN: you're better than bat man already.
JOHN: hold on...
JOHN: shh, listen.
JAKE: ...
JOHN: (ha ha.)
JOHN: (he's talking to the mayor again.)
JAKE: (so it seems.)
JAKE: (they really appear to have quite the rapport.)
JOHN: (i just love how he talks to the mayor.)
JOHN: (it's like he made up this whole language.)
JOHN: (of like minimal talking and hand gestures.)
JOHN: (it's so cute!)
JOHN: no!
JOHN: i wasn't eavesdropping...
JOHN: you just happened to be like... right there.
JOHN: and you're a really loud whisperer!
JOHN: sorry!
JOHN: go back to your cute mayor conference.
JOHN: we'll mind our own business.
JOHN: oh man.
JOHN: what's going on now?
JOHN: jaspers??
JOHN: what are you...
JOHN: wait a minute.
JOHN: rose, is that you?!
JOHN: oh my god.
JOHN: i turn my back for two seconds, and something stupid happens.
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