#yes Ironman and Batman is brother
bat-birdsandshadows · 2 years
Batsis? More like abandoned daughter
???? pov
I look around Fawceet city. I could see kids in here still have some innocent childhood life. Childhood life huh? I didn’t remember what my childhood life was like because when they rewind the time back again for 14th time I did become child but I'm focus more on saving everyone that I didn't act much like normal kid and then when universe start to fix back I didn't go back to be kid but teenager. Although this time I get into my siblings life quiet earlier maybe it worth missing all my childhood life memories. I do know that I start to live for their sake and they are actually what keep me sane and collected but..... I also know that I push my own desire since 'that bomb incident' For my people sake I push myself to depend on water alone. I rarely eat during that time except when we really get more foods. I usually give my portion of foods to those who needed more than me. I can survive few months without food since I'm not human so not much problem although Dar would bug me to eat sometime. He's nice guy. Sometimes uncle Harvey or uncle Oswald would also join Dar to bug me eating though.  I don't remember if I ever buy toys for myself after I was 5. Mom said I refuse to accept toys and only request books as present. I do have one doll from uncle Stark when I was 10. He kinda force me to take that because my room barely have any toys for 5 years. I treasure it a lot. Always bring it with me and sleep with it. It just small bear with simple bow. I thought he would be narcissistic by giving me Iron Man doll but he does have common sense to not do so.
I might do anything for my siblings. For my family. For you I didn't mind lost my voice to use that spell. For you I didn't mind lost sight when I reverse the time. For you I didn't mind share the same pain you feel. For you I didn't mind to kill if it will keep you safe. Maybe on our first meet i told you guys I hate you and honestly I do hate you guys on my first life. You guys have my father care, protection and attention. I didn't get those until on my 5th life and the start I slowly not hate you guys. I don't know when I start to love you unconditionally but doesn't mean it's not hurt. Maybe once all big threat gone I would slowly back away from you guys life. Putri say I should try build my own family to start a new life. I might take that suggestion if Billy agree to be my son.
"YOU'RE NOT MY SISTER! CAN YOU JUST STOP STICKING YOUR NOSE IN MY BUSINESS!" shout Dick when Alex tell him about his girlfriend only date him because he is Bruce son. Alex shock but regain her posture back "I'm sorry if what I'm doing right now is too much. I will stop sticking my nose in your business. You're right I'm not your sister and I'm not supposed to do all of this" said Alex then stand up and leave Dick apartments. True to her words Alex didn't interrupt any of his business. She didn't even appear in front of him anymore since that day. She really good at hiding her presence. Dick just realized how horrible he is after few days later. Dick already go through the envelope she left before she gone. He curse himself for being stupid and reckless. He didn't mean to say that. He like her being his sister but now...... not even her shadow could be seen. He only got news about her either from Tim or her workers.
Alex hear someone knock the door "princess, it's me. Can I come in?" said Tony "Sure" whisper Alex as FRIDAY unlock the door for Tony. He sit beside his niece. "What's wrong little fairy? I got report from FRIDAY about your unnatural action which kind of initiate 'Alex emotionally danger protocol' Something happen during your visit?" ask Tony. Alex look at her uncle with stained tears face "Am I bothering them too much? Did I do it wrong?" ask Alex "What happens?" ask Tony "Maybe I really shouldn't poke his life. I'm not his real sister. I shouldn't poke around about Richard girlfriend" said Alex "Princess look" Tony hold her face to made Alex look at her uncle "You trying to care about him. If he didn't want it then it's his lost. Yes, your not his sister but did that ever stop me from adopting Harley and Peter as my kid?" said Tony. Alex snort "I don't see anything about you adopt Harls and Pete with me not being Richard sister have any point. Besides legally you not adopt them yet" said Alex "But that's the things. So what? I legally not adopt them yet I see them as my kids. Don't care about what he thinks. It his lost for not have you as his sister" said Tony. Alex smile a bit before she hug Tony "Thanks uncle. You're the best" said Alex then look relax before fall asleep. Tony smile "Of course. Anything for my little fairy. Besides I'm sure you didn't sleep for 2 days before you decide come here" said Tony
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I have a HC/ request idea: MC and the boys watch the first Avengers film, and their reactions please!
Ah, the movie that kickstarted my Marvel phase… Okie dokie let’s go!
Lucifer: Why are we watching some explosion movie when we could be watching something with substance?
MC: Be quiet, every time we watch something “with substance” the main character ends up dead or dying.
Lucifer: That’s what makes it ✨ cinema ✨
Beel: What’s the glowy box?
MC: Oh, that’s the tesseract. It was in the first Thor movie.
Beel: More movies mean more popcorn, let’s watch that after this.
Asmo: *swoon*
MC: Who’re you swooning over..?
Asmo: Everyone… *swoon* when’s Andrew Garfield’s Spider-man going to show up~?
MC: Oh about that-
Mammon: So like, what’s that dude’s superpower?
MC: Who, Hawk-eye? Oh, he’s just really good at shooting a bow.
Mammon: And that lady?
MC: Black Widow’s good at beating people up.
Mammon: And Ironman’s power is just being rich?
MC: Yeah.
Mammon: Oooohhhh, like Batman!
MC: …oh shit-
Mammon and Levi when Loki isn’t on screen:
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Mammon and Levi when Loki IS on screen:
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“That’s my secret, I’m always angry.”
Satan: Ah, this guy gets it.
Belphie (waking up during the final battle): Snrk- what’s going on..? Who’s the dude with the horn-hat..?
MC: Well, you see the blond guy with the hammer? That’s his brother. Horn-hat guy is the you of their family.
Belphie: Oh okay.
*credits roll*
MC: Nobody move!
Lucifer: …why?
Levi: The end credits scene! Duh!
*five minutes later*
Lucifer: We avoided cleaning up, for this..? A tiny sneak peak?
Levi: Yep.
Lucifer: A sneak peak for a film that’s already out, and that you have seen, Leviathan.
Levi: Yes.
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leewritesstuff · 3 years
Keeping Up With The Hollands | 04
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Summary: You and Tom were offered to document your life since you are both famous in the entertainment industry. Now as you got older you left the entertainment industry and head for the medical field. How difficult can it be? Also, did I mention that you have kids?
Pervious | CHAPTER 04 | Next
Series Masterlist
WORDS: 1.6+k
Writting this made me laugh at some parts pfftt. Anyway let's pretend that Far Away From Home was shooting during the time the boys were of age (forgot their age ngl 2 or 3 somewhere there)
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Tom woke up first, sensing something on his face. He opened his eyes and catch a small foot in front of him. In confusion, he turned and notice all of his children on his king-size bed. Slowly but gently, he removed the feet that belonged to Edward.
He got up and head to the kitchen. Preparing breakfast for the family. His girlfriend Y/N was on a press conference for her charity.
"So today, we are going on the set of Spiderman Far From Home. Um, I'm not really sure how I'm going to do that and take care of four children. I know Harrison said he will be there but... I'm scared" he said to the camera as he tries to flip the pancake.
"I actually tried hiring a babysitter, they only lasted a few hours. I think I had forgotten to tell them that there would be more than one kids. Anyway, Ed and Chase gave them hell so they all left." After flipping the pancakes, Tom separated them, one for each boy and three for him, with some whipped cream on them.
Finish fixing up breakfast, he goes to wake up the boys, seeing as they are on a time limit. When he got there, he saw Jake up, trying to wake up his brothers.
Tom smile and ruffle the boy's hair, "Morning bud, you slept well?" Jake gave him a toothy grin and nodded. Jake got up and jumped into Chase's body making the boy yell, which woke up Max.
"Get up" Chase got up and pushed Jake down the bed, the two starting a fight. Jake's leg accidentally kicked Ed in his face, making the boy cry. Tom pulled away Chase from Jake and grabbed Ed, trying to soothe his nose.
"Alright, alright, it was an accident okay? You're okay" Once the boy calmed down, he picked up Maxton and carried him to the kitchen, as his two other ducklings followed.
Chase and Jake climbed into their highchair while Tom put Ed and Max in there's. He grabbed the prepared plates and gave them it.
Tom sat down in front of them, trying to feed each of the boys, "Chase is the only one who could fully feed himself, so I have to help the others."
Max took a piece of pancake and gave it to Tom, when Tom saw what he was doing, he opened his mouth and let Max feed him.
"Thank you Max for sharing." Max smiled and nodded and continued eating. After the boys were finished, Tom took their plates and washed them.
When he was done, he went to get the boys dressed including himself.
They made it to the studio safely. Tom took out each boy and placed name tags on them. He took Chase hand's who was holding Ed, then Jake's then Max and walked towards the entrance.
"Pa where we at?" Questioned Ed as he looked around the building.
"Well, we're at my work. You get to see Ironman, Thor-"
"Do we get to see Batman?" Tom looked at Max as if he just asked the weirdest question. As he was going to answer, Ed beat him to it.
"No stupid, they have Captin America"
"Aye! Don't call your brother stupid!" Ed pouted but kept quiet. After checking in with security and handing the children their passes they were allowed to enter.
As they were walking, Tom felt something heavy on his foot. He looked down and noticed Maxton was on it, he let out a sigh and tried to get the boy off of him.
"Max let go, I need to walk"
"Max, come on buddy, I need my foot"
Tom huffed and bent down, then he grabbed the boy making him scream. He tried shaking the boy off his foot but he wouldn't move. Giving up, he grabbed back Chase's hand and dragged his right foot.
"Stay then. Bloody hell"
On his way to his trailer, he showed the boys all the objects that were on the walls, the posters, the banners, the pictures of people etc etc.
Tom had left the boys in the lounge area with his stylist, Rachael since she asked too. He was grateful for that, but what he didn't mention was that they were slippery. Literally.
The poor woman's attention was more focused on Jake and  Maxton fighting to get the last box of juice, that she didn't notice that both Ed and Chase were missing. Somehow, both boys ended up by the set where Tom was shooting his scene for Far Away Home.
They watch as 'Spiderman' fought Mysterio. Wanting to go help his father, Chase quickly took off his clothes and ran onto the set and started hitting Mysterio.
(I'm sorry I had to laugh at this scene pffttt)
"Someone's Kid is on set!" someone shouted
"Whoa! Hey hey! Get me down!" Tom yelled when he notices what's going on. Jake who was playing as Mysterio, 'fell' onto the ground yelling, "Argh! You got me! Man down!" Giggles and laughter could be heard around the seat.
After they got Tom down, he quickly grabbed his son, and shield him, "Mate, I get you're trying to save me and all but you need to keep your clothes on"
Chase smiled at his father, dimples on display. Tom couldn't hold in his laugh and just started bursting out. Jake got up from the ground and head over to the duo. "I guess we have a new spiderman?"
The director yelled for everyone to take a break, Tom, Chase and Jake head over to where Ed and Jacob were enjoying themselves at the buffet table.
"Ed, I thought I left you at Rachel's? Why didn't you stop your brother?"
"He's older" "Yes he is, but you know sometimes he acts like a div and you're stronger than him, so why didn't you?" "I saw food" Both  Jake and Jacob laughed at that while Tom let out a sigh. He picked up the other boy and carried them to who knows where. They spent a good few minutes looking for the other two Hollands. After giving him, Tom carried the two to the lounge area. Tom got irritated when he saw both Jake and Max sitting next to Zendaya and Angourie who was entertaining the two.
"You're shitting me right?" The four turned towards the voice, Max with his bag on his back and  Jake running up to their father's leg and hugging him.
"Daddy said a bad word" "Pay the cookie jar!" Both girls laughed at their friend, watching as his children scold him for cursing. Tom squeezed into the girls and sat on the couch. Noticing that his brother was nude, Max goes up to Tom and turned around. The said man opened the bag and took out some clothes.
While he was putting on the clothes on his eldest son, he kept mumbling about how 'what's with you and clothes?' and 'I will glue them onto you' or 'You have some issues with clothes'
Both girls found the whole scene to be entertaining considering the eldest son was fidgeting and feeling squirmish. Zendaya who had Max on her lap, played with the boy's hair while Angourie tickled Jake. Ed kept on enjoying his juice box.
After finishing dressing the boy, Tom took out a juice box from the bag and handed it to Chase. "Now keep your clothes on okay?" The boy nodded his head in return.
"So what's his issue with pants? Is it too tight or something?" Questioned Zendaya.
"No. He just doesn't like clothes for whatever reason. We're trying to break him out of it but it's hard. The lad just likes to keep his bits cool" "Tom never say that again please" "I'm just saying"
As he was going to say something else Rachel burst into the room panting and sweating, gasping for air. Quickly Tom got up and handed her a bottle of water while Zendaya rubs her back.
"Are you okay?" questioned Angourie. After calming herself down, Rachel turned to Tom and quickly started spurting out apologizes, "I-I'm sorry,  I got distracted by Max and Jake? I think and then I lost the other two and then I told the two that were with me to stay put but when I came back they were gone!"
"Rachel, love, it's alright. I forgot to explain hay they tend to wonder about so that's my fault. I shouldn't have given you four kids. They are a lot to handle" After trying to reassure the woman, he turned to his troublemakers who all gave him a cheeky smile.
"You should apologise for worrying Mrs Rachel."
"We're sorry" The woman nodded her head and left the room, feeling tired after all of the stunts that were pulled on her today.
Since Chase interrupted the scene, the director decided to call it a day and sent everyone home. After Tom changes out of his suit, he heads back to the lounge to pick up his troublesome children.
Once they got home, Tom took them to the shower, after doing that he dressed the boys into their nightwear with the extra stress from Chase.
Once they were out cold, Tom grabbed his phone and called his wife.
"Hey love"
"Hey, you sound tired, how was today?" He took his hand and rubbed his forehead. A minute had passed.
"It was alright until Max and Jake gave Rachel the slipped, then while I was shooting Chase ran onto the scene and started hitting Jake" "He what?!" "Oh! Not our Jake, I mean Jake Gyllenhaal" "Almost got me rilled up"
"Yeah no, we were shooting a scene and Chase thought I was being attacked so he started hitting Jake, it was cute and funny but it did give me the day off. I got them ice cream, so we had a good day, yeah"
"Well I'm glad you guys enjoy yourself" "Yeah.. I miss you. I'm going to bed alright?" "Sure, night, love you" "Love you too"
Tom hangs up the phone and heads to bed, as soon as he laid down, he heard yelling in the other room.
"You got to be pissing me!" He complained but head into the other room to try and get his trouble makers back to sleep.
T A G L I S T @webmeupspiderdaddy @runawayolives @nerdy-collector-festival @hopelessromm@bi-lmg @speedyhandsbonkpalace (If you see this then I couldn't tag you) Want to be added? Then message me!
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ichigokeks · 4 years
Tag game:)
Tagged by @snowyshadow 💖
Did you go to college/university (if yes, what major)?
Yes, I majored in English and Social Studies/Politics
Do you believe in aliens?
yeah absolutely, but not as in green/gray figures.
Deserted island - 3 items you’ll bring (that’s not in a survival kit)?
lighter, medicine, writing stuff
When did you first start reading 19 days? Who is the character, that you’d want to be real the most?
Around 2015/2016? Around the time when the first real chapters came out (after the artwork). That's a hard one! Probably Brother Qiu (pls don't judge me)
Where is your dream home?
I can't really imagine living in one place forever because my family and friends are scattered over different countries. But generally speaking somewhere close to nature (ocean, forest). The house should be big enough for everyone to come and visit and for all the cats I'm going to adopt.
Preferred way of getting around town?
- Type of animal? CATS
- Holiday destination? seaside/beach, old little town with nice architecture
- Way to spend a Friday/Saturday night?
alone: writing, watching movies, reading
with friends/family: onsen, watching Netflix, playing games and talking
- Item of clothing? My collection of cardigans and my karate club jacket... so basically jackets ^^'
- Alcoholic drink? I don't drink
- Mythical creature? mermaids, kitsune
- Superhero? since it doesn't say from which franchise this is a little difficult... Ironman? Batman? Allmight and Deku?
I tag: @magureatari @shacklesburst (replace 19 days with any anime 😘) @lunamoon and anyone who wants to do this
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wwwafflewrites · 5 years
The Not-So-French Mistake
Chapter 10: Seize the Moment… Literally
Sydney’s eyes flickered open, having been shut as images channeled across her vision. The voices within the memory hindered any means of hearing her surroundings, so when it abruptly unmuted, she flinched fiercely at the new stimulation.
“―ney? You okay? Woah, Sydney? Syd!” 
She grunted irritably as two calloused hands patted her cheeks. Her head had settled onto the unforgiving tile, where she woozily sat up, leaning against the wall as a brace. A phantom cramp lingered in her skull, throbbing when she opened her eyes. She’d never had a migraine before, yet she was certain this was comparable.  
Stressed, viridescent pupils hovered above her owlishly as Dean supported her by the shoulders, and she realized that her knees had given out. She huffed a weak laugh.
He blinked, utterly bewildered,  “What?”
“That’s… that’s the first time you’ve said my name. You always use nicknames.”
“No, I don’t,” he grunted, concentrating on her debilitated state. “Here.” He boosted her upward by the shoulders, straightening her spine and supporting the greater part of her weight as she regained her strength.
“Yes, you do,” she reasoned. “Like, pipsqueak, sweetcheeks, cupcake, sparky, tootsie, cheeseball, princess, sweetheart… even pug-face―”
“Okay, okay, Hot-shot. I get it.” He was too distracted to care.
“See!” she said, gesturing to express her triumph.
Dean countered it with a gentle nudge against her flailing hands, urging her to just relax. He was concerned, and she wanted to rave about the pet names he’d given her on the occasion. “Shut up,” he proposed, so she did, allowing him to fuss. He finally demanded, “Now what did I just watch?”
“I panicked when I saw the room, okay? That’s it.” It wasn’t a total lie, but she wasn’t going to yap about her problems. Not to Dean Winchester, even though he’d proven to be a very skilled psychiatrist during difficult cases. Some people just needed to work through their crap. However, she did not.
“Panicked?” he said, “You seized for a whole three minutes! I was the one panicking!”
She sobered her easygoing behavior at the chilling news. Crap, she reflected, I had a seizure? She knew it wasn’t her fault, but guilt pooled in her gut nonetheless. Dean must have went berserk.
Dean ran his fingers through his dark-blond hair, a slight tremble in the motion. “Let’s just get out of here, okay? I have the note. Let’s go. We don’t want this thing to crumble while we’re in it.” 
The dingy hotel room now beared two equally horrible memories. He was itching to burn the hotel until the basement was brimming with ashes, but the town had suffered enough heat, so just leaving altogether would be enough
There was a cumberous silence that weighed on her like a blanket woven into bulky, lead chains. Her tongue was anchored to her teeth, the words having died on her lips. Why was silence often linked with peace? Peace was hardly the word for the deafening chains that even darting thoughts could not break.
Her mind wandered, and after mentally pondering several scenarios, she built up the courage to ask what dug at her mind. She assumed this was a safe question. “What’s with the nicknames, anyway?” Her tone was delicate and hesitant as she spoke, afraid of a harsh yell in retort.
Dean sighed, realizing this wouldn’t drop until he addressed her. “It’s you. You… you and Sammy are like the exact same person, I swear. It’s why the nicknames just… roll into my conversations with you. And, when you get hurt… I just… Sammy calls it ‘big-brother-mode’, but that’s my form of a panic attack, I guess. I ain’t sniveling, but I get so…” A shiver forced its way to the surface, carrying a shudder with it, goosebumps rising along his forearms. He grew increasingly self-conscious over his response to her seizure. “Sorry, I know it’s weird. We literally met yesterday.”
“No… it’s…” she began, searching for the right word, “sweet.”
“Sweet?” he asked, skeptical, eyebrows climbing.
“Yeah, it’s… it’s sweet.” She nodded thoughtfully. “A hardened hunter panicking when family is hurt is… sweet, in your own way.” She blushed, moved by her own words. It was one thing watching a character on the screen and admitting his weakness was his strength, but doing so face to face was absolutely nerve wracking. “You know, the show depicts you as a bad-boy who uses sarcasm to avoid talking about his emotions, but I’m starting to see your soft side, too. You’re actually a teddy bear, aren’t you?”
A mischievous glimmer shone in his eyes at her comment. He gave an encouraging waggle of his eyebrows, successfully lightening the mood.
Sydney rolled her eyes. “It also implied you were immature, as well. Guess they were right about that.” 
He shrugged childishly, “Who would I be without it?” However, his genuine behavior drained away as he pondered his rhetorical question, and a solid, weighty truth settled on his shoulders as an answer: without his humor, Dean would be a broken man. A very, very broken man.
The new thought brought daylight onto the reality of the conversation, and the manipulation Sydney was actually driving here. Dean had begun the discussion straightforwardly centered upon Sydney’s spontaneous seizure, and she had still managed to punch his figurative, magic buttons into talking about himself.
“Kiddo?” he asked lightly, “You know, it’s alright to talk about yourself, here. You’re safe with me.”
Sydney paused, taken off-guard by the sudden granted permission. He’d bypassed her subtle guidance of a topic change and twisted it right back around―right where they had started. A situation such as this had never occured in… in her lifetime, really. She was lost with what to say.
For Sydney’s entire life, she saw self-reflection to be undesirable, so she deflected and redirected the theme of a conversation from herself and back onto the spectator neglectfully. For most, it was mindlessly accepted, a simple bait reliably taken. 
However, Dean was not of the vast majority. He consistently saw through her veil like it was translucent.. He saw because it’s all he could see. Dean recognized her act because he wore the mask himself daily. 
She frowned. “Dean, um… admittedly, my friend forced me to watch this show, but, uh… you’re like, one of my childhood heroes.” To describe this was like assembling a fresh puzzle; she wasn’t sure where to start. “Let me give you an example, let’s say there’s this really loyal Marvel fan that ends up meeting the real Batman. The real deal. While they would prefer meeting Ironman or Captain America, meeting Batman is still like meeting a celebrity, no matter how you see it. You’re Dean Winchester, and it doesn’t help that you’re wearing the celebrity actor’s face from my world. It’s like, double the famous.” She inhaled at the gravity of her life right now: having met Dean Winchester, the exact doppelganger of Jensen Ackles. “I don’t just go admitting my weaknesses to celebrities. It’s terrifying… so, just give me a moment to compose myself.”
Dean paused, dubious. “I’m comparable to Batman? C'mon, nuh uh.” He paused, considering it, “Seriously?”
She snorted. “Believe me, you’ve got a whole fandom in my world willing to sell their souls for you. You’re lucky my world doesn’t have the supernatural. Fourteen seasons and all- well, I’m technically in like, the eighth right here, I guess. I’m basing it roughly off of Sam’s haircut.”
Even though Dean was slightly amused that Sam’s hair could tell a fan what year it was, one comment especially jolted him. “Fourteen seasons? You mean we’re only about halfway there?” He sucked in a breath. “It gets worse doesn’t it?”
She hesitated. “Uh, yeah. Supernatural loves to build the suspense. So, yeah, let’s just say things get a lot crazier. I may not have obsessed over you, but I pay attention to my shows. You… you had it easy during the apocalypse.”
“Jesus,” he breathed.
She winced. “Not quite.”
Dean frowned, monitoring her expression. Suddenly his frown turned grave. “Don’t tell me. It’s God, isn’t it?” He said it bitterly.
“Actually, God’s sister… and then… yeah, uh, God does come into play.” She began to clam up, realizing she’d let a major plot slip. “Yeah… uh… just forget what I said,” she stammered, realizing the massive impact this could deal out. She doesn’t want his future doomed because she told him a chunk of his future.
A worryingly blank look washed over Dean’s face and then he’s chuckling proudly to himself. “Can’t believe I’m comparable to Batman. Oh, man, wait til’ I tell Sam.”
Sydney giggled, though a bit miffed by the sudden change of topic. “Yeah, add that to your ‘I killed Hitler’ list.”
“I kill Hitler?!” Dean lit up. “Sweet!” He paused contemplating over something, “Fandom, huh? You much of a Dean-girl?” He smirked devilishly.
Sydney considered it. “I guess I was more of a Castiel or Gabriel kind of girl. Definitely more of a Dean-girl than a Sam-girl, but…” She reddened, crimson dusting her ears. “Ew, wait. You guys are like, forty. Why am I even saying this?” Embarrassment fluttered in her chest like a cage of startled bats.
“No harm done, honey,” he drawled. He nodded, judging her preferences. His lips quirked. “…Gabriel?”
Her stance grew defensive, crossing her arms. “What can I say? He becomes an interesting character. I like to review my choices,” she said. “But… no. They’d be more like… family. Brother-sister relationship. I don’t know why. Just feels right.“
Silence threatened to swallow the light mood, signalling the end of the topic. Dean decided to transition back to the other tickle in his forethoughts. “So, tell me, what’s crazier than the apocalypse?” 
“You… what? We just…” said that… she trailed off, leaving the sentence unfinished. She froze, tilting her head.
“I just what?” He did that concerned eyebrow thing, his face scrunching up like some kind of protective bear.
She stared at him in horrified awe and stumbled back, legs trembling upon the crushing realization. She had done something to him. “I just… you…” she stammered. “I just told you to forget something and you did!” Fear, disgust, and absolute terror bubbled and threatened to overflow within her abdominal region. What was she? A freak?
 “Last time I wanted to be normal. This time I know I’m a freak.” ~Sam Winchester
A garbled cry left her lips as her head catapulted another hammering blow at the frail wall barricading locked memories. These weren’t her memories, though! She recognized them enough, but the perspective was in the eyes of a man. These spontaneous not-flashbacks were becoming alarming. What do these mean?! She cried within the barriers of her mind. What do you want from me?!
Calm yourself, kiddo, her mind supplied gently.
In her delirium, she was unsure if she was responding to her own thoughts, or if she was actually receiving answers. She began sobbing into the heels of her hands as a pain akin to having a nail jammed into the base of her skull splintered across the base of her forehead.
Dean was quick to react to her unplanned breakdown. Their conversation had went from lighthearted to massively distressing. “Hey, hey, hey! Kid? What’s up? Sydney?” Dean urged her to answer as she literally bawled into his shoulders, fists grabbing at his jacket in misery.
The pain dispersed, drawing back as if it’d been spooked by her reaction to its presence. The drilling agony blended into a distant ache, like the itch of an old scar. Suddenly, she could breathe again.
“What was with the waterworks, kid? What’s up with you?” Dean didn’t mean to be accusatory, but he was becoming antsy. His eyes were dark as he watched her, and he rubbed at his ears like there was water in them. Why would there be water in his ears?
She wheezed, “They're… I’ve been getting these… they’re memories.” She grimaced. “But they aren’t mine.”
He squinted at her, judgement clearly displayed along his face, though his eyes were hooded. “And you didn’t think to tell me?”
She sucked a breath in, prying herself from Dean as if her joints were wooden. “I hoped it would stop.”
Dean sent her a pensive frown.
“Dean, when I was… experiencing that… I asked a question. Uh… in my head.” 
A wary eyebrow sprung toward his hairline, and Dean watched her suspiciously. “A question?”
She admitted, “Yeah… I… I asked what it wanted because it felt like someone. And I didn’t want just anyone inviting themselves into my mind like it’s a public bathroom or something. And it was like… not like I was possessed, but like…” she strained for the right word. “Like telepathy, Dean.”
He watched her patiently, searching for hidden expressions, but she was open and trusting.
She licked her lips, preparing to share her last bit of news. “And I… when I asked…”
“It answered.”
@queen-bubble​ , @rosaren2498
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xertasadventures · 7 years
Orlando Weekend Trip
I know I haven’t posted in a while. It’s been very busy for me as of late and I haven’t had a chance to finish the blogs for my Cebu trip. I will hopefully get back to that vacation soon, but while I have this moment at the Orlando Airport I figured I’d take the time to write out my trip here since it’s probably one of the best, yet short, vacations I’ve ever taken.
Before I detail out what happened, let me first explain how this trip came about. Initially, I wasn’t supposed to go to Orlando at all at this time. Having done a trip in the Philippines for two and a half weeks and also wanting to save up for other “planned” trips throughout the year I figured I’d wait until I’d have a “major” trip (major implying it would cost me more than the usual). Jaymie on the other hand was planning to come down to Orlando with her family with their primary purpose for coming at this time was for the Star Wars Celebration, which is concluding as I write this post. Her brother and parents were going to spend the Saturday (aka yesterday) at the convention while she was going to go spend the day by herself at a theme park.
Not wanting her to go around a theme park by herself (#paranoidboyfriend) and also getting a decent bonus this year, I figured I would go fly down to Orlando to spend that day with her, especially since some of our previous plans had to be pushed back due to her pursuing her master’s degree.
So here I am... or rather, here I was flying down to Orlando. I used some of my IHG rewards points to help keep the costs of the room down at the Holiday Inn in Disney Springs, ten minutes away walking distance from the Disney Springs area. I booked a flight with delta since I have skymiles with them and to also help earn miles for any future trips (especially trips to the Philippines since they are partnered with Korean Air). Initially I was just going to use uber and take mass transit while here in Orlando, but at the last minute my Dad convinced me to rent a car, especially since I turned 25 so rates for me shouldn’t be that bad. I booked a car with Alamo and was ready for my trip to Orlando.
On Friday I woke up a little late seeing as the night before was a raid night (which, sidenote, was a piece of crap because I didn’t get squat from the two bosses I really needed items from > . >). But i managed to get ready and get all that I needed for my trip. I didn’t want to check in any bags considering that I’d have to pay for any checked bags (don’t have the credit card to bypass that, yet...) so I had to keep it to mostly clothes - I figured I could buy the travel sized toiletries at a Walgreens here anyway.
Once I was ready to go, I met my Dad downstairs and drove him and myself to the airport. Since I wasn’t going to drive Xerah (yes, that’s the name of my civic, don’t judge me = 3 =) this weekend I figured I’d take her to the airport and just have my Dad drive her back home. Traffic to JFK wasn’t terrible. It was actually better than I anticipated, so I got there at a reasonable time. After saying goodbye to my Dad I headed to the kiosk to reprint my boarding pass just in case and then headed through security with no issues. Once I found my gate I pretty much just chilled there until my flight was ready to board, catching up on 13 Reasons Why (a good series, would highly recommend btw).
The flight itself was full. I was kinda worried I’d be forced to volunteer my seat but lo and behold, this wasn’t United, so I was pretty safe. Weather was spectacular at both NYC and Orlando so no delays due to weather either. I had an aisle seat and sat next to a woman who kept to herself. While on the airplane, I continued watching 13 Reasons Why and before I knew it, I landed in Orlando!
Pretty sure this is the first time I’ve been in the Orlando airport. If I have been here earlier, I was probably a wee little chlid because I don’t remember being here at all. The airport looks and feels a little smaller than JFK and also looks a little less... modern I guess? Still, at least they had the AC going. After leaving the secure area I made my way to the rental car area and waited on line before getting my car. Initially they told me I was going to drive a Chevy Cruze, which would be cool since that was one of the other cars I was considering instead of the civic. But I ended up renting out a Ford Focus, which was still cool because that car was also another one I was considering XD. It was a hatchback model (eh) but it was still pretty cool, though up til I left it here I still don’t know what half of the buttons on that car did LOL.
After getting my car I used Google maps on my phone to drive to the Holiday Inn in Disney Springs. There was a lot of traffic on the way so it took me about 45 minutes to reach my hotel, but once I arrived, check in was a breeze - they even offered to “upgrade” my room since I was early, giving me the same setup but with a -view of the fireworks... which would’ve been cool if I wasn’t going to be out during the fireworks XD Still, it was nice of them to do this for me, and the room itself wasn’t bad. Pretty spacious non-smoking king bed room with a couch and a nice bathroom. The locking latch was a little weird but other than that no complaints.
Not wanting to waste time just staying in the room and anxious to explore, I changed out of my jeans and into some shorts and walked to Disney Springs. It really was only a ten minute walk and once I got there I wanted to see if I could find a place that sold a lobster roll or a crab roll. The sandwich, not the sushi = 3 = It was Good Friday after all, so no meat. However, after walking the length of Disney Springs and not finding anything like that, I ended up just eating a pizza at Wolfgang Puck’s Express. Yes, I am/was carb backloading, but it was also a vacation - LET ME LIVE = 3 =.
After eating my late lunch (ate around 3pm) I decided to look around to see if there was anything else I wanted. I found a gelato shop and got a scoop of pistachio gelato and a scoop of cookie gelato and finished that up while walking around Disney Springs. It was in that moment that I realized that I really liked Orlando and already started making retirement plans in my heard for this place, but we’ll see how that turns out lol
However, my time at Disney Springs would be cut short as I really had to use the bathroom. So I rushed back to my hotel room and after relieving myself I chilled in my room waiting for Jaymie and her family to arrive. I also had to go to get my toiletries so I took the car to a nearby walgreens to get said toiletries and also ended up getting three cases of purified water for Jaymie’s family, since they said it was cheaper to get that and they would just pay me back later. They then offered to let me go to their resort and eat a “pre-dinner” with them, so I drove to Disney’s Pop Century Resort and chilled with Jaymie and her family in the resort’s cafeteria. It’s a pretty cool place because they had a lot of selections and you could buy this cup that’s free refills for the duration of your stay.
After having a pre-dinner, we brought up the water bottles to their room and then I drove us to Disney Springs where we would eat dinner at Paddlefish. It was pretty packed and since Jaymie’s brother, Michael, has an allergy to fish and shellfish, we had to eat outside so that he wouldn’t be choking on the smells. I ordered scallops, which is kinda funny because it came with brussel sprouts and I actually enjoyed eating the brussel sprouts more than the scallops because the scallops were so freaking salty! But it was a good dinner regardless and after we ate we walked around Disney Springs before I drove them back to their resort to drop them off then headed back to my hotel to rest up for the following day.
Oh boy. Saturday. Saturday was busy AF but at least it didn’t start as early/bad as it did for Jaymie’s family. I woke up, got ready, then went to meet Jaymie at her resort to eat breakfast. After eating breakfast, she and I headed to epcot and because she was staying in a resort she had free parking so I parked in the Epcot lot which was awesome - no relying on shitty bus schedules or shady uber drivers :D We then headed to Epcot but we were running late for our first activity - the Test Track. So we fast walked to that and once we got to the gate in time we took our sweet-ass time walking down the line.
Test Track is probably one of my favorite attractions in all of Disney World. The idea is that you design a car and then you ride a “simulation” of it. No, it’s not a vr thing, though that would be cool. It’s a pre determined track with a bunch of pre-determined events before getting to the main part, which is the power test. For this part, the ride goes as fast as it cans on a pseudo track, reaching a speed above 60 miles per hour (I have a theory that the speed is the average of all the cars created by the people in the actual car). I ended up designing the fastest car so when the scores were tallied up, I had the highest power of all the cars :D
After the Test Track, we decided to go to get some pictures with Baymax. When we got to the Baymax photo spot, we also saw they had one for Joy and Sadness from Inside Out, which we would go to later. After waiting for about thirty minutes and then getting our pics with Baymax, we went to Spaceship Earth since that was our next fast pass. For the uninformed, it’s a slow ride that takes you through a brief history of humanity on Earth. The theme of Epcot is human innovation so that was also a part of this ride.
We still had some time before our lunch reservation at the Coral Reef Restaurant so we figured we’d wait in line to take pictures with Joy and Sadness. They were more interactive than Baymax, but all three of them reacted to the shirt Jaymie was wearing - it was a Teeturtle shirt that showed Batman, Ironman, and Thor jealous of Baymax because Baymax was a bigger hero than the three of them XD. It was cool that they were pointing out Jaymie’s shirt, and it made me wish I wore something more exciting than a plain old blue Uniqlo shirt = 3 =.
After the photo op we headed to the Coral Reef Restaurant where we had lunch. It’s situated next to Epcot’s big aquarium, and I remember Jaymie telling me that she reserved this place because of it. It was pretty cool, I just wish There were dolphins or mamals in general in the aquarium, but I’m not gonna complain lol I ended up having some lobster bisque and a NY strip steak which was pretty good - and pretty filling.
After lunch, we decided to walk around the world showcase area of Epcot. It’s basically a big circle where each segment of the circle is supposed to represent a country. I have no clue how they chose the countries that they had, but it was pretty cool and each country had a restaurant and a few shops with stuff from their respective culture.We decided to go through the countries in clockwise order. I’m not going to outline every single place we went to but I will mention a few highlights. Norway had a new ride based on Frozen, but there weren’t any fast passes available and we didn’t want to wait for 105 minutes to ride it, so we passed by (next time we’ll go hopefully). In China we ended up resting because we were both so tired considering our busy schedules and all the walking and standing on line that we already did. It was cool because they had a few previews of the Disneyland theme park in Shanghai, which is one of the places we wanted to visit at a later time. I was a little disappointed with Italy because they didn’t have a gelato shop. They did have a small stand selling spumoni gelato but I passed since I had that the last time I was in Epcot. When we got to Japan, I had a rainbow shaved ice which was perfect since I was craving something cold and sweet but not creamy. It was strawberry, tangerine, and watermelon flavored and it was really good. Just thinking about it makes me want to eat some shaved ice in Parkchester when I get back home. In France, Jaymie got a chocolate gelato macaroon and a chocolate eclair while I got a “Croosiant Jambon Fromage” or in lay man’s terms, a ham and cheese croissant sandwich = 3 =. Was I overeating? Yes, and I’ll explain that later on, but at the time it was soo good x.x
When we were done with the showcase, I went to a shop to grab a gift for my cousin’s twins since their birthday was last week. I got the boy, my Godson Alex a Mickey Tsumtsum while I got his sister, Isa, a Minnie Tsumtsum. At this point, we pretty much did all that we wanted to do at Epcot, so we headed back to the car, taking a picture at the front of Epcot first, then drove to Magic Kingdom.
I’m pretty sure the last time I went to Magic Kingdom was with my Dad in my trip after I graduated from college. Getting to Magic Kingdom was coomplex AF since we wanted to park in the parking complex in Disney Springs to spare our car from the heat. We ended up walking from Disney Springs to a nearby resort where we took a ferry to another resort to a bus that would take us to the park. This time around? Still a little complex, but instead of parking at Disney Springs, we parked at Magic Kingdom’s parking lot... This time we took a tram to take a ferry that would take us to Magic Kingdom = 3 =
Originally, we were just going to spend the whole day at Epcot, but Jaymie found out about this event they were testing out where you could take a picture with a Tangled theme lantern. So Jaymie ended up buying the parkhopper for us just so we could take part in that event. When we got to Magic Kingdom, I wanted to see if I could get some of the pistachio creme brulee from Tony Roma’s but they don’t do take out so I was a little sad. We then scouted out the place where the tangled event happened, but it was too early so we decided to get some snacks at the Starlight cafe. We got fries and I ended up getting a strawberry lemonade slushy because they had a BB-8 souvenir cup that I wanted to get = 3 =
After chilling at the cafe for a bit, we went to the tangled area again, and waited until it got dark. Then we saw that they were setting up and realized we weren’t on the line so we got on the line, waited about an hour, then got our pictures of the tangled lantern, which turned out pretty great. Mission accomplished! :D
Achieving our goal at Magic Kingdom, we headed back to the car, this time taking the monorail instead of the ferry to get to the parking lot and drove back to Disney Springs where we met up with Jaymie’s family for dinner at Morimoto, an Asian cuisine place. Michael and their parents and family friend told stories of their adventures at the Star Wars celebration while Jaymie and I told them about our trip to Epcot and Magic Kingdom. After dinner, we were all so tired so I took them back to their resort, said my good byes since I was leaving the following day, and went back to my hotel, where I passed out, woke up in the middle of the night to throw up, then went back to sleep = 3 =.
Today, I really didn’t do much. I just went to church at Mary Queen of the Universe to celebrate Easter, then chilled with my cousin Rachel and her twins for a bit, giving them their belated birthday gifts. After that I went to eat lunch at Wendy’s then headed to the airport so I would not be late in bringing the rental car back, made it past security and sitting where I am write now writing this blog post.
Overall, this was probably one of the best trips I’ve ever done recently. One of the things I really liked about it was the amount of independence and responsibility I had for this trip. In the past, I didn’t really pay for anything. Not the plane trip, not the rental car, not the hotel room, not even gas or food! But this time around was different. And though my wallet is crying a little, it does feel a little cool to be able to get these things on my own.
But the best thing about this trip was the time I spent with Jaymie. Just being in disney world together was enough for me to be happy and I can’t wait for our future trips not only to here in Orlando but all throughout the world. Jaymie, if you’re reading this, thank you so much for making this trip so memorable ^_^
I don’t really have much else planned today, just plan on eating dinner with my folks when I get back home, then maybe catch up on WoW since I didn’t even log on since Thursday night. You know a trip is good if it gets you to stop playing WoW, let me just say that haha. I’m probably going to catch up on 13 Reasons Why now so there’s that too.
Until next time!
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